#Na’vi jake sully
fireandfighter · 2 years
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“have you seen jake leaked art concept—”
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kayrakhan · 2 years
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field training
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beensbaee · 2 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
summary; neteyam didn’t know how head over heels he truly was for you - until he saw Ao’nung and his friends bullying you.
word count; 3.2k (really proud of this one! let me know what you think 🥹🩵💙)
Neteyam knew he was going to have a difficult time adjusting to The Way Of Water. From the moment he landed his Ikran, the defensive stares he'd received from the clan had him bowing his head in shame.
He knew how bad his family looked - running away from a war and seeking uturu in a place with peace that wished to stay undisturbed.
He never talked badly about the treatment he and his family received, because he knew how big of a sacrifice they were making by letting them stay. And he was thankful.
But there was a certain part of him - a secretive, tucked away piece that desperately wished he could be treated the way he always wanted to be. Equally.
Not questioned in any way - or seen as something to avoid. That was how he wanted the clan to react. Not be put on a pedestal - like back at home, where the pressure to be perfect was crushing. And not stomped on - like some sort of a threat, something to be questioned and investigated when he had first arrived. A burden.
Oh how he hated the treatment. The glares he'd first received. The backhanded compliments from Ao'nung and his friends - boy's his own age. Even the Tsahik's comments had him up at night - tossing and turning as he wished - dreamt for things to go back the way they were. When it was just him and his family - peaceful and alone in their home.
He was walking on the sand when he first saw you. On a stroll during the night whilst his family slept - trying to clear his mind. A small movement in the water had caught his eye - and it was only natural for him to go and see what it was. He approached the water with careful steps, the bioluminescence of the underwater plants shining through as he peered down - looking for what had made movement underwater with furrowed brows. His eyes searched the water carefully - but he saw nothing.
Unbeknownst to him however, you had seen someone approach the water and swam behind one of the reefs easily. You gently lifted your head above the water, watching the boy search the sea with a curiosity you simply found adorable.
The way his brows were knitted together with confusion had you smiling - how his tail wagged expectedly behind him as your mind came up with the clever idea to play a harmless trick on your clan's guest.
Of course you had seen him around - but you had been watching from afar. Not letting him see you so you could take in the guests who'd come to your island without them noticing.
Your arms moved forward, pushing downward as you swam deep into the water - a simple maneuver to avoid any water at the surface moving and giving away your presence underneath.
He was leaning over the vines now, still positive he'd seen something as you finally made yourself visible - curls with the most colorful shells braided into them was one of the first things he saw as you met his eyes -
What an extraordinary shade they were.
You smirked, whispering a playful boo as those stunning eyes widened.
He was startled, stumbling backwards from pure surprise - you had caught him off guard, and the fact made you laugh.
He watched as you came out of the water - the act reminding him of a flower blooming with the way your beauty appeared when he'd least expected it.
The way you approached him was mesmerizing- your curls moving like waves when you walked. And the manner in which you moved your hands to do the gesture I see you had his clenched fists opening with a tender feeling too overwhelming.
He knew Eywa had heard him - knew she had given him something so special when he'd first seen your precious smile.
You were exceptionally good at making him nervous.
It was a feeling he'd been feeling a lot recently. 
Like when the Tsahik would visit his family's Marui and ask how they were doing, her piercing eyes unwavering as Neteyam quieted instantly - his palms sweaty as he waited for the news. War had come. They had to leave - any of those seemed possible with the way her eyes seemed to ice over when she looked at them.
Mastering the Ilu was another thing he'd grown nervous of - watching even Lo'ak - his baby bro - whom he'd always needed to help, master it and already bond with the fellow clan members had him saddened. The disappointment was something suffocating as he struggled every single day.
But with you, his nervousness was something different
It was like a bird - fluttering and caged in his chest, wanting to break through and fly freely.
You became the one he would seek out every morning and night, his mind beginning to recognize the familiar path from his Marui to yours. He liked how your stare wasn't something accusing - but something curious. Your gentle questions soothed him - they were calm and kind and so sweet that his face would warm due to the thrilling sensation of your eyes staring into his.
There was something different about you from the rest of the clan - something he loved so much.
Your eyes were the darkest color he'd ever seen was what he'd quickly realized. They were not the same striking turquoise as the rest of the clan, but a deep hue of blue that reminded him of home. A shade so comforting to him, one that reminded him of the sky before eclipse. Of the plants back at home - of himself and everything he loved.
Maybe they should have been alarming - it would have been to anyone else who'd never seen such a color. But for him, it was different. He could never put it into words - but your eyes never made him uneasy.
Unexplainable, was what you'd told him when he'd asked you about them, it was a trait you were simply born with.
He wondered if you had yet realized that your eyes were the exact color of his skin.
You loved exploring the island too - you'd take him with you, showing Neteyam your favorite sights and your favorite treats to eat.
When you asked him about his life before - he didn't speak with the sadness he expected to come when talking about his home, but a feeling similar to bliss came as he imagined showing you the forest. Oh how you would adore the plants - the animals - and how well you would fit into his clan. Your heart would be something they would treasure. He imagined showing you everything he loved the same way you showed him the reef.
It did not take long for him to realize that you did not have friends.
He'd see you at dinner, sitting alone but seemingly pleased as you ate by yourself.
You were in your own little world was what he'd quickly realized - you'd watch the sky a lot and close your eyes, a content smile on your face was how he'd catch you many times. He wished to be with you - in whatever world you were in.
You were like his sister, Kiri - your connection to Eywa so deeply rooted, just like hers.
He worried he was interrupting your solitude at times- but he did not want to leave you alone.
When he asked if he was in fact distrusting your peace, you laughed - a sound that had him releasing a breath he didn't even know he was holding in.
No - he was not, in any form, disturbing your peace. You told him he was someone you looked forward to - and the fondness in your voice had him moving closer to you - where the two of you sat on rocks nearby the ongoing clan having dinner
"You look forward to meeting me?"
The hesitation in his voice when he spoke was heartbreaking. He was looking at the water - avoiding your eyes. But they glistened in the moonlight, and you felt your heart break at the sight. You promised yourself to never see him so unsure of himself, to always show him how special he was. How special he was to you.
"Neteyam." You whispered
He turned, swallowing the lump in his throat as you smiled at him, unable to contain your affection for the Sully boy
"You are special. So special. I am beyond lucky Eywa has allowed our paths to cross. To me, you are my secret treasure." You teased as his familiar smile appeared - his sharp fangs peaking through as he looked at you.
"Funny. I thought the same way about you."
He did not know when he had fallen for you, but he knew he was too caught up and entangled in your little word to even realize.
Maybe it was when he saw you interacting with Tuk the first time. He'd been looking for you all morning - worried and sad by the fact that he simply could not find you for the life of him, only to hear your bubbly laugh - followed by his little sister’s as he found both of you swimming together
"Neteyam! I made a new friend!" Was what Tuk squealed
"Neteyam, how could you hide this adorable little girl from me for this long?" Was what you'd asked teasingly, Tuk's eyes round with love as she looked up at you with nothing but pure adoration from your kindness
Or maybe he realized his love for you when you gifted him his favorite accessory - a simple bracelet with a beautiful blue shell intertwined expertly between the thin vines - your cheeks pink and your laughter nervous as you handed him the gift. His cheeks were just as red as he stumbled over his words - thanking you over and over again as you looked at him with the same eyes he loved so much
He never took it off - never would.
Sometimes he thought it was when you'd first met - but he knows that even if it was, he only grew to love you more as the months went by.
But when did he grow so protective?
He knows what day that was.
Ao'nung had been persistent, annoying you to the point where you had simply stopped replying
"I mean, I knew you were a freak from the start - but betraying your own clan, hanging out with that Sully boy? I mean - that is just low." He laughed, his goons right behind them as they only encouraged his insults with their own rising laughter
Your head was down as you continued weaving the basket in front of you, not even raising your head to look at the crowd of boys around you
"Yea, why do you even hang out with him? Found someone as out of place as you? Didn't know you'd be so friendly with those half bloods - "
The way he'd spit his words out was what angered you the most
"Do not call them that." You finally snapped, Ao'nung was unable to stop himself from taking a step back from the look in your eyes
"You are wrong - I hope you know that Ao'nung." You seethed, eyes alight as the boy bared his teeth
" I can't believe you. You should just leave with them - I doubt anyone would miss you." He spat, hands clenched by his sides as you heard a voice
It was a distant sound, but your brows furrowed with alarm as you watched Lo'ak approach - immediately standing in front of you with crossed arms
"Don't talk to her like that." He said firmly as you tried blinking away your surprise - of course he'd seen you and Neteyam together at times, but you'd only spoken to him on a few occasions. Your interactions were short - but sweet. You knew he'd taken a liking to you, but you never believed he was willing to stand up for you like this. You smiled, standing up to match his height as you hissed at Ao'nung's little crowd - the boys immediately moving back and mumbling something as Lo'ak laughed - turning back to you with a proud gleam in his eyes as you merely smiled back
Of course they felt threatened by you - some thought your silence and solitude was something dangerous, but you never felt the need to explain that this was just how you were. Talkative - but not with everyone.
"Familiarizing yourself with the whole family I see." Ao'nung barked as you merely shook your head, a frown on your face as you gently grabbed hold of Lo'ak's shoulder
"Come on, it is ok. We'll leave." You insisted gently
Normally, Lo'ak would've ignored a command like that and barged head first into the argument - but Lo'ak knew his brother - he'd never spend so much of his time with someone who wasn't worth listening to. And he knew you - though very little, you were someone he trusted.
Slowly, he nodded his head, shielding your body from the group with his own as he led you away from the crowd. Unfortunately, Ao'nung's hand found your arm as he tugged you back the second Lo'ak turned his head.
You stumbled back as Ao'nung practically growled at Lo'ak
"Think you can just take every person from this clan to mix with your dirty family?" He snapped, eyes alight as he stared at Lo'ak with nothing but hate - you were trying desperately to pull your arm out of his grasp as he tightened his grip.
"Ao'nung - let go." You pleaded as Lo'ak clenched his jaw, looking towards you and where Ao'nung's hands forcefully held you before shaking his head.
"Sorry, Y/n." Was all Lo'ak said as he moved forward to attack Ao'nung with a fury she believed no one could waver - all until she heard him.
No - no she did not hear him, she simply felt his presence. And his rage was not something to be reckoned with as he split the group apart with a menacing shove - knocking some boys over as they tripped from the force of his push - their yells of surprise were silenced as Neteyam stood in front of Ao'nung.
His lips were pulled back - fangs bared threateningly as Ao'nung's face fell
"Back. Off. Now." Neteyam hissed, standing in front of Y/n and Lo'ak - the younger Sully boy almost cowering behind Neteyam - never had they seen him so... enraged.
Ao'nung scoffed - but remained silent. Looking back and forth between the three in front of him before scowling - turning away, and walking off. His little friends were following the boy's footsteps only moments later - their yells of outrage ignored as Ao'nung merely walked away.
Neteyam turned around, his eyes concerned as he immediately reached for Y/n - his hands holding her shoulders as he looked into her eyes - looking for any sign of hurt or pain -
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He questioned - and Lo'ak watched you nod your head, whispering I'm fine repeatedly as Neteyam wrapped his arms around you the momet you confirmed you were ok
"It is fine. We are all fine." She reassured as Neteyam finally looked towards Lo'ak - who only stared back with wide eyes
He'd never seen Neteyam so upset before. And he'd never seen Neteyam so... protective. He'd covered Lo'ak's ass multiple times - but the way he'd approached Ao'nung had Lo'ak's own teeth clattering, feared for Ao'nung's safety - but sickeningly pleased by his brother's reaction.
"Thanks bro." He managed, giving Lo'ak a gentle smack on the back of his neck as the boy merely swatted his hands away with a laugh
"Don't touch me bro!" He said, a grin on his face which faltered as he turned towards Y/n with a gentleness in his eyes that Neteyam had not seen before.
"You ok?" He asked as Y/n smiled - moving forward and enveloping Lo'ak in her and Neteyam's hug - the trio now standing with arms all around each other as she laughed
"Fine! More than fine. Thank you, Lo'ak." She cooed, gently pinching the boy's cheek. He looked away, his blush evident and bright as he shrugged his shoulders, suddenly shy as he mumbled a quick no worries that had Neteyam laughing - this time, Y/n being the one to gently swat the back of Neteyam's neck for teasing the younger Sully boy.
You were laying on the sand - the moonlight shining on you and outlining your figure.
He stood only a few meters away - his hands clutching the necklace in his hands as he watched you with the same nervousness fluttering in his chest.
Your head was tipped towards the sky - lips pulled into a content and peaceful smile - something he wished to never disturb.
And he wouldn't - but his favorite eyes peaked open, immediately catching him.
You never failed to feel his presence.
He laid down next to you, and you shifted your body to lay closer to him. His gift was tucked underneath the palm of his hand as the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled the quiet.
He rested his head against yours, and you leaned your body into his as he gently grabbed your hand, moving your fingers and pointing them towards the sky.
"You know, my dad came from a star."
You listened quietly, your hand squeezing his and giving him the reassurance he needed to continue.
"That one - right there." He whispered, pointing towards the gleaming light as you followed where he’d moved your hand - staring at the faraway star he pointed to with a faint smile
"I have a feeling you are about to tell me something important." You whispered, and he looked back at you - stared right into those beautiful eyes as he grinned
"You know everything about me - but this, this is something I have not told you yet." He whispered back, sitting up as you followed his movements
"My dad tells me all the time about his love for my mother - I was talking to him yesterday about how he knew he loved her." He started, eyes gentle as his hands held the necklace behind his back - fingers running over the engravings he'd spent hours carving as you looked at him with the same curious glint in your eyes that he loved to see
"He said he did not know - he was spending too much time with her to notice how badly he had fallen in love. But - when he did realize, he said it was like her filling a hole in his heart he didn't even know he had." He breathed out - and you could feel your own heartbeat quicken as he moved his hands from behind his back to reveal the most beautiful necklace you would ever see.
"Y/n - you and I, we are made for each other. I know this. I feel it everyday - " He spoke - his voice breaking as he looked at you, tears brimming as you tried to calm yourself by taking a few breaths
"Be my mate, yawne." He whispered, his smile so bright and beautiful as you finally sobbed
"Neteyam - yes. Yes yes yes!"
He put the necklace around your neck - a courting gift - his finger tracing over your stripes as he clasped it - securing it before moving his hands to cradle your face.
He kissed you - sweet lips meeting yours.
"My sweet girl."
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
na’vi language i would love to see being used in fics:
yawntutsyìp - darling, little loved one
yawne - beloved
tìyawn - love
‘awsiteng- together
yawnetu / yawntu - loved one, lover, beloved person
atan - light, source of illumination
syulang - flower
muntxate - wife, female spouse
muntxatan - husband, male spouse
txe’lan - heart
tsamsiyu - warrior
oeyä - my (possessive)
sevin - pretty (mainly for female)
sayrìp - handsome, good looking
lor - beautiful, pleasant to the senses
yuey - beautiful (inner beauty)
narlor - beautiful visually
tsawke - sun
oare - moon
letsranten - important
tanhì - star, bioluminescent freckle
hì'i - small, little
flrr - gentle, mild, tender
tìmuntxa - mating, marriage
kalin - sweet to the taste
paskalin - honey (term of endearment)
tstew - brave
mowan - pleasing, enjoyable (physically, sexually)
manga - hey, hey you
nga - you
ngatsyìp - little you, you little
fahew - smell
onlor - good smelling
lu - be, am, is, are
vonvä’ - butthole, asshole, dickhead (requested)
nìwotx - all (of)
mei - wet
fìtxan - so
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sunofpandora · 1 month
This just in guys, last night on D23, avatar 3 has an official title “fire and ash”
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We are so back guys 🤭💙🩵
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nqify · 2 years
ok, then here we go!
how about jake sully during heat? and maybe he not only can't keep his hands off of you, but when he's not touching you he can't help but jerk off right in front of you.
maybe he's just so unbearably horny that he starts to hump his pillows, the grass, your leg, his hands, or even touch himself during important meeting and has to be excused.
like he's just a needy soft!dom who is feverishly grinding on everything or tugging his thick cock in thoughts of you; poor bby can't even stop it 🥺🤭
had to make my first Jake sully fic with ur request ofc!!! AHHH!! this is so good!!!
heat. — jake sully ☆
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Jake sully is the definition of needy!soft dom!! especially during heat!! this MF will find any excuse just to fuck you, like omg!! it’s a full moon we must fuck, or he made food without burning himself we must fuck!! he’s just so needy!!
so when his heat rolls around, omg get ready to be fucked and touch every single day. oh this fucker can not keep his hands off you.
lets just say, Jake starts to feel his heat coming on in an important meeting. during this meeting the only thing he could focus on was you, he’d be eye fucking you from across the room!!
his gaze was dark and lustful, his eyes were hooded and covered with little strings of hair. girl u are fucked!! you’d noticed, his posture straighten up, his arms all big and strong and his cock aching for you!! he will try everything and anything to get out of there. “baby, i need you now”
and now ur back is arched, pillow underneath you while jakes hands were gripping ur hips!! “f-fuck, pretty, this pussy f-feels so good!!”
this man would 100% get pussy drunk while he’s on heat. he’d be eating your pussy, tongue swirling around your clit while his fingers were spreading you out, “gimme more baby, want more of ur pussy, fuck so pretty for me” he loves u omg!! “such a pretty pussy baby, just for me right?? only me?? for daddy mm??” you’d be nodding, “wanna hear u say it, say this pretty pussy is mine, cmon, needa hear it” pussy is aching!!!
sometimes you’d be away from him, hunting for food or travelling with friends. you’d come home to this fucker humping the pillow, he’d be grinding, head thrown back while whines escaped his throat. “j-Jake??” this MF does not stop, he just looks at you and smirks, “aaahh, baby, daddy needs some help, you can help him right?? cmon be a good girl for me”
or whenever your away too long and you guys finally get into it, this fucker is so needy!! he’d be jerking off on top of you, “f-fuck needa cum, needa cum shit” but omg he was so hot. stroking his cock up and down to the sight of you?? pussy WET!!! “look at you baby, u want my cum?? u want daddy’s cum to make a mess of ur pussy?? yeah??”
now when he’s in heat bf will only do doggy style and missionary. he needs to have control over you when he’s in heat, or he’ll explode. this dude will have ur back arched and ur legs spread wide, gripping into ur tail for deeper thrusts.
“mmm, fuck pretty, look at this pussy, u need my cock don’t you?? u want daddy’s big cock to fill u up huh?” ur whining like PLS HELLO?? in doggy style this fucker is going deep!! like reaching every inch of u. bro is def hitting ur cervix. “yeah baby?? that feel good?? u like when daddy touches ur little special spot huh?”
now for missionary, oh boy. his veiny hand would be gripping your neck while the other was holding your waist. he’s pounding into you with everything that he’s got, “mmmm, my pretty girl likes this right?? fuck ur such a dirty slut for liking this” oh BOY!! “j-Jake!! need ur cum!!, pls fill me up daddy”
HELLO!! Breeding kink while on heat?? YEPYEP!! “yeah baby?? u want daddy’s cum? u want him to make u all full and stuffed right? yeah I can do that baby, just keep being a good girl for me” and oh my god HIS LOAD is THICK AND HEAVY!!! you could feel it in you and lord DO U LOVE IT!! and when he would see it pour out, “oh no baby, i gotta keep it in so u can have my babies!!” he’d just fuck it into you.
this dude has to be messy, spit and cum everywhere!!! you want a kiss? messy asf. he’s eating you out? messy asf. fucking ur pussy, MESSY ASF!! DEF has a spit kink!!!!!!
“cmon baby, open ur mouth for me, yeah that’s it, good girl” and BOOM SPIT!! cuz he’s on heat he feels some kind of control making you a mess
your drooling EVERYWHERE!!! and he’d make fun of u!!! “awe look at you, such a fucking whore and can’t keep herself clean can she?? she likes when daddy makes her all messy and dumb doesn’t she mm??” ur nodding bc DUH?? “uh uh babygirl, say it, say ur my dumb little slut” GIRL!!!!! “I-I’m ur dumb little s-slut!!” HSHFNJS
and ofc!!! when u guys are done he’d still keep his cock in you!! he loves having you so close, cock warming is def his fav thing to do. “baby, u still feel so warm” and omg “I love this pussy so so much”
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tears-of-moonlight · 2 years
Quaritch coming back from the hell to throw hands with a dad, his wife and their four kids
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sinematically · 2 years
watched avatar 2 with my mom yesterday and her review was “not enough violence, Jake should have listened to his wife” and yeah I agree mom.
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wingo5 · 2 months
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Sorry abt being a bit MIA I’ve been on vacation lol ANYWAYS- here is my newest avatar oc Lunala! She was born a year after kiri :3
A little about her:
-was a biter when she was little (still is)
-an eccentric girl who loves colorful accessories
-a great artist and warrior
-has a bit of a staring problem…
-loves food
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justlillythinking · 2 years
idk where to put requests bc i barely ask for stuff on here but basically my idea was this. neteyam x human reader that is hella funny. friends to lovers type thing where he feels his responsibilities and stress slip away when hes with them. kiss kiss love confession type thing. gn or fem would be cool mookie
neteyam x human!reader imagine
1.7k words
warnings- sfw, mutual pinning, soft fluff, a little angst ? love confessions
also while writing this it was inspired by in love with you by erykah badu and boogie nights/all night by erykah badu
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hanging out with the sullys is always interesting, from going on ikran rides to sneaking on missions. when lo'ak says that you should all go on a ride right before eclipse, neteyam is fast to object.
"come on bro, you know dad is going to slaughter us if we are out at eclipse, lets just go tomorrow."
spider huffs before jumping on lo'aks ikran. god, my brother is such an ass, sometimes i just want to slap him so hard he can't feel his face for a week. i give neteyam a look, us both understanding that the only way to keep our stupid brothers in line is to follow them and keep them safe. he helps me up onto his ikran and we take off after spider and lo'ak, soaring in the calm sunset.
after flying for 10 minutes, spider and lo'ak land somewhere in the floating mountains, neteyam and i follow after them. when we touch down, neteyam picks me up and sets me down; something he loves to do to remind me he’s 3 feet taller than i am.
“fucking skxawng”, i mutter under my breath. before i can even turn around to shoot him a dirty look, he picks me up by my waist with one hand, laughing at me kicking him.
“what was that you just said?” he asks, still laughing at me.
i shoot him the dirtiest glare possible, “ i called you a fucking skxawng, skxawng. now put me down before i rip your braid out.”
neteyam laughs and sets me down, walking away like i huff. we both eventually walk over to spider and lo’ak, sitting beside them and admiring the forrest. we all talk and joke around, laughing about stupid jokes and talking about rumors. we eventually get on the topic of crushes, me teasing spider about his growing crush on kiri, neteyam rolling his eyes like lo’ak complains.
“cuz, come on, that’s my sister i don’t need to know that you want to bang her bro. how would that even work anyways, a human and a na’vi??”
i sigh to myself, knowing what lo’ak says about a human being with a na’vi is true and that neteyam and i will probably never grow to something more than just being friends.
little do i know, neteyam is having the same thoughts, wanting and wishing we could be more than friends, when in reality he knows that kissing me is probably off the table because of my exopack.
the conversation between all of us dissipates as we quiet down, all thinking about different things. i stand up and brush my legs off before saying we should head back so we can be home before eclipse. neteyam agrees while our brothers sigh with “do we have too” and “just like 5 more minutes i swear.”
we eventually all start walking back to the ikrans, lo’ak and spider racing each other. neteyam and i trail behind, talking and shoving each other and laughing. i look at him, the sunset shining on his beautiful blue skin and as it gets darker outside his freckles start shining. i realize that my feelings are futile, but it’s hard to be around the most kind, loyal, protective, beautiful man and not get attached.
i sigh, realizing i have gotten caught up in my own head again. when i look back up at him i see him with a sad smile.
“what’s wrong?” i ask.
“it’s nothing.”
“well it’s got to be something, you’re not usually sad for no reason.”
he sighs and says, “really, it’s nothing. we should try to walk faster so we get back before eclipse.”
he starts walking faster towards the ikrans, making me jog to catch up. i grab his hand and stop walking.
“neteyam, please, don’t keep stuff from me. we are best friends, and when we first became friends you promised to always tell me what’s bothering you.”
“stop digging y/n, i don’t want to talk about it right now. i just want us to laugh and talk like usual right now.”
“just tell me so that i can help you and we can go back to normal.”
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“nete please-“
“fucking stop y/n, i’m not going going to talk about this with you.”
i stand there shocked, not used to him getting angry. he walks off and i follow after him, confused as to why he’s so mad. i know i shouldn’t have pushed but it’s not like him to be so sad.
when we get back to the ikrans lo’ak and spider immediately notice that something’s off, seeing the look on neteyam’s face. when spider and lo’ak look to me i shrug and shake my head. it’s awkwardly silent before neteyam clears his throat and says, “ y/n, how about you ride with lo’ak and spider rides with me tonight.”
lo’ak and spider both whip around and look to me, about to complain about how it’s never been this way when i just shake my head. spider raises an eyebrow at me but walks over to neteyams ikran anyways. i walk to lo’aks, waiting for his to grab me by the waist to help me but he doesn’t. i climb up, and go to hold onto his waist, but i stop and hold his shoulders.
neteyam and spider take off first, lo’ak and i soon after. we sit in science for a little before he asks, “so what happened?”
i sigh, “he just seemed off. he’s been more distant and sad lately, but i guess that’s just a journey of him becoming a man.”
“yeah well he has been stressed out about the whole ‘becoming a man and choosing a mate’ thing. it’s not like there’s not 20 girls that would die for him to stick it in them,” he snickers.
“ew come on lo’ak that’s disgusting.”
“i mean, i know who im choosing when i become a man.”
“the hottest girl who wants me, duh cuz. i mean that’s skxawng has always been picky, but now it seems like he’s trying to always want what he can’t have.”
“what do you mean?”
“come on cuz, you can’t be that blind. did you notice when he started getting all whiny earlier?”
“no? i mean after we talked i guess?”
“and we talked about what...”
i pause, trying to remember.
“ummmmm we talked about how you wanted to bang that girl we saw that was healing you and neteyam’s dumb asses, we talked about how spider is never going to find a na’vi that wants his tiny ass but let’s be honest, him and kiri totally have something going-“
“no you fucking skxawng we talked about humans and na’vi, then neteyam got all whiny and shit.”
i pause, “so?”
“so who is the human that neteyam spends all his time with?”
i stop.
“you’re saying that neteyam likes me?”
i blush and laugh, “ lo’ak, there’s no way he likes me. you said it yourself, he was like 30 hot girls lined up for him.”
“he totally does like you-“
“he totally doesn’t-“
“but you like him anyways. that’s the point, it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not because we all know that you two like each other.”
we ride back home in silence, i think about what he has said. could it neteyam actually like me too? is that why he didn’t want to talk about it with me? i wonder what would even happen if he did, it’s not like we could mate.
when we land at home, i get of lo’aks ikran and thank him for telling me. i walk to my tent and lay down, thinking about how this could change everything. i should probably talk to neteyam about it instead of just mulling it over by myself.
i decide to get up and go talk to him, even though i’m scared that lo’ak could be wrong. i mean, what if i talk to him about it and tell him i like him when he doesn’t even like me back? i stand by his family’s tent, not sure if i should go it on not.
while i’m standing there thinking, i don’t notice that neteyam walked up behind me. he taps me on the shoulder and when i turn around i see that it’s him.
“hey?” he says, nervously scratching his neck.
“i think we need to talk, i was about to go in and ask for you.”
“i told you i don’t want to talk about it-“
“lo’ak told me you have a crush on me.”
he stares down at me with wide eyes. i can see his cheeks turn purple as he blushes and he opens and closes his mouth, trying to say something. i grab his hand, my small one grabbing on to 3 of his fingers. i walk us over to my tent, thankfully lo’ak must have gotten spider to stay away for a little.
when we go inside my tent, neteyam looks so nervous that you would think i’m trying to shoot him. he starts rambling, “ listen i don’t know why lo’ak would tell you that because i don’t have a crush on you i mean, you’re my bestfriend that would be kind of weird right? i mean not to say that you’re not funny or pretty, because you definitely are but even if i did like you, i mean how would that even work, i’m na’vi and you’re human and we probably would even be able to kiss because of your exopack and-“
i cut him off, “neteyam, i like you.”
“you do?”
“yeah, i do.”
“but why me, why not lo’ak? or anyone else?”
i look at the floor, “because i don’t want lo’ak. i want you. i want your smile and how funny you are. i want to talk to you and go on your ikran with you. you understand me like no one else. i see you nete.”
i feel a his hand on my chin, guiding me to look up at him. he hugs me, my forehead on his chest.
“i see you y/n,” he says, kissing the top of my head.
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fanfiction-blep · 2 years
Could I request a Jake and Na'vi reader smut drabble! if you could include face riding and Jake being a soft dom/brat tamer? only if you you have time!
Also I've been on you're page for a bit and you give off such mommy energy <3
Hi bby! So sweet of you to say! Of course I’m happy to write short images while working on the ghost series! Hope you enjoy I did my best!
Jake Sully Smutty Drabble
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Edit: (I wrote this at like 1am forgive me) Warnings: Oral f/receiveing, sex, light bondage, overstimulation and daddy kink.
• okay so have we just accepted as a community this man LOVES eating pussy? Because at this point it’s basically cannon. Like any position? All fours, on your back but especially riding his face. He’s gets so lost in how you taste he can’t even think straight anymore. Arms wrapped tightly against the back of your tights holding you place as best he can. Once he’s got you in the perfect position, one where he can suck on your clit and run his tongue through your folds he’ll hold you there. There is no way your moving, good luck trying honey!
• The first time you asked him to eat you out he couldn’t even describe how happy he was. He was sat around your living space cleaning up his weapons, when you walked in fingers fiddling with your cloths. Your eyes low to the ground. “What’s going on baby? You okay?” You wouldn’t be able to look at him, he couldn’t even hear what you had said at first. “Need your mouth daddy, please?” The whine that left that man’s lips was sinful “come here baby, come sit on daddy’s face” and I can promise you he didn’t let you go. In fact you were so fucked out from his tongue he had to let you sleep in the next day. It was a legs shaking pussy squirting kind of night.
• Jake strikes me as a pleasure dom, alongside being a brat tamer the two go hand in hand with this man.
• He will have you on top of him, a mixture of your juices and his saliva covering his mouth and cheeks, slowly just dripping down his chin. He will be strict while eating you out, mumbling threats through your moans. “If ya don’t quit squirmin’ I won’t let ya cum” “stay still for daddy okay? “Mmm such a good girl for daddy”
• This man has a 3x rule, you have to cum three times on his face or from his mouth before he does anything else. He’s very strict about it. He can’t help it, they way you whimper and whine as he thrusts his tongue into you slowly, pushing his fingers against your skin. He can’t help but keep going even when your begging him to stop.
• He will use his fangs to his advantage at some point. Tracing his teeth against the skin of your thigh. Lightly nipping at your folds.
• He really can’t help it! He gets drunk on your pussy. It’s like his brain shuts off and he just wants to hear all the different noises he can make you produce. If you make a noise he has never been able to pull out of you before he will not stop no matter how many times you cum. “Is this the spot? Hmm?” “Common Princess make those pretty noises for daddy” “this the spot?” “Oooooo there it is, there ya go baby girl. Get noisy for daddy” even with you sat on his face he is a dirty talker!
• If you miss behave, act out or just plain brat him? He will use over stimulation as a punishment or the reverse on occasion.
• “You want my attention? Here I am baby girl now take what you get” he will have you crying from the overstimulation and this is where the Brat tamer takes over and the Pleasure dom steps down. “Awe, you look so pretty when you cry baby. I ain’t stoppin’ tho. You gotta take your punishment like a good girl okay” as this point his hands would be running up and down your thighs.
• In general His brat tamer side only comes out when you push it. “Did you eat today Princess?” If you shake your head he’ll hand you some water, now we all know that you’ll refuse and he’ll lean in real close. “If ya don’t drink your water, I’ll make ya. And then I’ll put something else in your mouth, huh?” “Behave, fuckin’ brat”
• Oh if he is pushed? He’ll have you tied up unable to move (he really likes being completely in control) or he will have you on his lap rutting into you harshly, gripping onto the flesh of your hips. Pushing and pulling you on his cock.
• Jake is a sweet lover, he enjoys talking to you. Knowing that he’s making you feel good. I imagine him kissing up and down your body. “Your so pretty baby, all mine”
• I think he is also big on teasing you. He’ll stand behind you tail wrapping around your leg. He’ll lean in close and whisper in your ear “you look so pretty today princess” sometimes he’ll even trace the markings of your skin, fingers dancing against you.
• Most of the time he is just a wholesome soft dom. He just wants to take care of you, and he wants you to listen. And when you do he is the KING of praise.
• “Oh that’s right baby” “your taking my cock so well” “your so beautiful Princess”
• “gonna make you feel so good, you’ve been so good today baby” “common just a little more, you can take it” Oh yeah man is HUNG. So sometimes it takes a while for you to adjust to his size and though he wouldn’t admit it out loud he enjoys when you complain of pain a little, it boots his ego. “You gotta work me baby, let daddy make you feel good. Wanna make you feel sooo good”
• He is amazing at aftercare. It’s his favourite part of sex, or even simply intimate moments with you. (As any dom should) He’ll hold you close, kissing your eyes wiping away any extra tears or juices covering your skin. He uses his tongue to clean you up a lot. If your in pain he’ll dig his fingers into your muscles trying to ease them and reduce any aching. If he caused any kind of marking he’ll not shop apologising. “Fuck I’m so sorry sweetheart, ya not hurt right?” You both learned to keep a snack basket near your sleeping area. So that he could feed you and hydrate you (both of you!)
Keep sending me requests my loves I always appreciate them!
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aeralithiel · 2 months
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Exploring Pandora 🌌🦋 Immersed in the magic of the Na'vi world.
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beensbaee · 3 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
summary; neteyam visits his favorite healer after a hard battle
word count; 2.2k
Neteyam staggered into the healers tent, gritting his teeth together as an attempt to keep himself from hissing due to the pain that was coursing through his entire body 
Y/n was speaking to one of her fellow healers, oblivious to Neteyam standing behind her in dire need of her tender hands
He waited patiently, leaning against the entrance of the tent as he took slow breaths to keep himself from passing out as Y/n let out a laugh at whatever the woman she was speaking with said
Finally - she turned around. Her face content until she saw Neteyam - her cry of surprise had him wincing as she rushed over to him, grabbing his arms immediately and leading him to a cot he could lay down on
"Neteyam - you skxawng! Why didn't you try getting my attention earlier! Oh Eywa look at these wounds!" She said mortified, eyes quickly assessing Neteyam's injuries as he managed a smile
"Hello to you too, Y/n. I like your hair today." He said, barely having the strength to lower himself onto the cot in front of him as Y/n sighed
"Thank you." She said angrily, eyes stressed as she quickly reached for her disinfecting ointments with urgent need
He grunted as he laid down in front of her - the injuries over his body were burning and painful - but the familiar smell of the soothing medicines surrounding him and Y/n's scent allowed his body to relax as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes against the cushion laid for patients to rest their head against when being healed
"Teyam, what happened?" She said quietly, looking over his injuries one last time with a sad frown before dipping her hands into the ointment in front of her as her hands lathered it gently into his skin
He sighed, eyes opening as he watched her work with knitted brows. She was looking at him expectedly as she continued applying the green paste onto his skin
"Bad day for the war party." Was what he finally settled on as he let a wince of pain slip through - Y/n's hands quickly stopping at his rare show of suffering as she looked towards him with a knowing look
"Neteyam. I hate seeing you so hurt." She finally whispered, her voice pained as he finally met her gaze - his eyes crinkled with an ache she wished to sooth.
He stayed silent for a few moments, letting her words settle as he slowly moved his hand towards hers. Seeing he was trying to hold her hand, she quickly moved forward and clasped his hands herself so he wouldn't try to move anymore and risk aggravating his wounds any further
"I know. I am sorry." He said quietly as Y/n let out a huff
"How dare you apologize to me! Take it back! You are hurt, Neteyam. Don't you ever try to say sorry to me again when you are the one to deserve it so much more." She said, her tone truly hurt by his words as both of her hands cupped his gently. He ran his fingers over her knuckles as he let out a breathless laugh
"Ok, ok. Sorry -" He started, but was cut off with her letting out a hiss at his use of the word sorry once again
Finally, he let out a laugh that bubbled all the way from his tummy at her reaction as she let a small smile find its way onto her face
"Now, let your body relax. Think of something peaceful to help you. Deep breaths, Neteyam. Understand?" She asked as he nodded his head, closing his eyes as his mind trailed to a certain someone
It was not hard to have her be the sole thing on his mind as she worked diligently - her scent consuming his senses along with her occasional humming as she worked easily eased the tension from his muscles.
He didn't know when he'd fallen asleep - but her gentle hands cradled his face as she whispered his name
"Neteyam, come on yawne."
He didn't open his eyes when he first heard the words - believing he was just dreaming until he felt her soft fingers trace over his eyelids and nose
With lashes fluttering open, he was met with her concerned eyes as she helped him sit up
He let out a groan as he adjusted, but relaxed quickly as he felt the previous pain from his injuries almost gone. Looking down, his abdomen and arms were wrapped lovingly with her signature style - the cloth warm against his skin as he sighed.
"Thank you. I am sorry - was I sleeping for too long?" He asked sleepily, eyes taking in the now empty healers tent and dark sky that loomed outside
"Yes. I did not want to wake you. Did you sleep well?" She asked gently, helping him stand as he held onto her arm for support - eyes blinking away his tiredness as he slowly nodded his head
"I think that was the best sleep I have had in a very long time." He answered, his hands moving from her arms and around her as he enveloped Y/n in a hug, resting his head against hers as she smiled against his skin
"Well, thank Eywa I didn't let anyone wake you." She laughed quietly as he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her head
"Thank you." He said quieter now as Y/n's cheeks quickly tinted with surprise while she blinked, stunned and trying to process what he had just done
Seeing her surprise, he displayed a lazy smile as her ears perked up
"You're welcome. You know, I'd do anything for you." She said softly as he nodded his head
"And I'd do anything for you, Y/n. But you already knew this." He said as she finally rolled her eyes, her sweet smile peeking through as Neteyam grinned at the sight of it
"Tonight, I walk you home." She said, her voice gentle but firm as Neteyam shook his head
"But-" He started, but she gave him a look that had him quieting in a instant as she smiled
"Come on, now. You are in no condition to walk to even your own quarters, let alone mine. Let's go." She reasoned, her hand moving to his palm as she led him out of the tent and towards the familiar path of his families sleeping area
They walked through the resting na'vi silently, Neteyam's hand never leaving hers as the sounds of Pandora's distant night animals filled the silence
She stopped a few meters away from his families quarters, respecting the fact that they were sleeping inside and not wanting to intrude any further as she turned to Neteyam
He looked beautiful in the moonlight. His freckles glowed in the dim light, and she could see the tenderness in his eyes as he looked at her.
"Now, you are going to go inside, and go back to sleep. No doing anything else, your injuries need rest." She instructed, his eyes never leaving hers as he listened - nodding his head along to whatever she said
"You see, the wounds you acquired from today were all over your body. To be able to make a full recovery - Neteyam! Are you even listening to a word that I am - " 
But she was cut off by him leaning towards her and pressing his soft lips against hers, his head tilting downwards as she was pressed flush against him - his palms holding her face so lovingly as any sound of surprised that left her lips was silenced by his mouth
Blinking away her shock, she leaned in to him as his arms came up and around her - holding her against him so lovingly that she couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes and deepening the passionate kiss
Finally, she broke away from him - lips pink and cheeks alight as she blinked rapidly - her mouth was parted as she struggled to even form a single word. He laughed - a real laugh that had a slow smile creeping onto her face as she tried to look away from him and hide the growing blush she could feel creeping up her neck
But his hands grabbed her face and turned her towards him - his eyes so happy that she couldn't even make herself look away as he began speaking
"How are you going to leave after this? And you know I will not sleep soundly if I do not know you returned back to your bed safely." He whispered as she looked at him silently - eyes round with love as he smiled
"You said it yourself. I am in no condition to walk you to your quarters and back - and I cannot sleep without knowing you are safe - which is something I need to do, according to you, so my wounds heal." He added, a playful glint in his magnificent eyes
"Are you suggesting I stay with you tonight?" She questioned, and his grin broadened as he nodded
"It is nothing shameful. I am making sure my dearest friend is safe with me." He added, his fangs peaking through that same incomparable smile she was so infatuated with as she shook her head, trying to contain her giggles as he reached for her hand
"Come on. You can lay in my hammock, and I can sleep on the ground." He said, mumbling the last words quietly and hoping she wouldn't hear - but unfortunately, the gasp she let out as her eyes snapped towards his let him know she'd heard him perfectly fine
"You sleep on the ground? That better not have been what you said." She exclaimed, brows pulled together and concerned as he rolled his eyes and laughed whilst leading her into his families sleeping quarters
She entered hesitantly, Neteyam turning back to look at her with an encouraging nod of his head as she observed the peacefully sleeping Sully's. They moved quietly to ensure no one was awakened.
He moved to lay in his hammock - which was thankfully large enough for both of them to comfortably lay on as he moved over and outstretched his arm towards her
She laid down, tucking her hands under her face as she laid on her side to look at him. He whispered how pretty she looked and she smiled - swatting his hand away and telling him once again how important sleep was for him as he sighed contently - arms wrapping around her as Y/n rested her head against his chest gently
They'd never been this intimate before - but she loved how natural it felt as their friendship had always been one consisting of them being close to each other. 
She said she'd wake up before the sun was up to walk back to her tent, and Neteyam said he'd walk her there in the early hours of the nearing morning.
Normally she would've awakened in time - but she'd spent the night whispering and giggling with the boy who laid beside her. He was no better, laughing so much that the girl would have to press her palm against his mouth to quiet him. They must have fallen asleep hours later - enveloped in each other's warmth.
Jake stumbled as Lo'ak tugged him along, bouncing like a maniac with one of the widest smiles ever plastered on his face. Neytiri trailed behind the two, fuming at Lo'ak for waking them up - the boy had even been pulling on their hair to get them out of bed and insisting they had to come and see what he had to show them that second
"Lo'ak, boy this better be good or else you are in big tr-" Jake grumbled, but his own voice trailed off as Lo'ak stopped in front of his big brothers hammock 
"Look, guys." He snickers, poking Neteyam's cheek, who laid sleeping - a young girl tucked under his arm as the two slept soundly.
Jake's mouth only hung open as Neytiri stepped forward, carefully examining the two before letting out a pleased gasp once she recognized the girl
"What is Y/n doing here?" Neytiri asked, a smile on her face as she watched her son hold the girl close to him
Jake blinked, shaking his head before answering
"I came to the healer tent to get Neteyam - she shooed me away, said he was sleeping. She was gonna bring him to bed too, I guess she fell asleep here." He said, brows furrowed - confused but happy as he saw how peaceful Neteyam looked as he slept.
Lo'ak looked from his mother to his father, back in forth in disbelief as his mouth hung open
"Are you telling me he is not in trouble?!" He practically shreiked as Neytiri yelped, slapping the back of his neck and telling him to hush
But the two teens stirred, eyes peeking open as Y/n quickly sat up - her eyes adjusting to who stood in front of her before they widened - completely horrified
Neteyam lazily sat up beside her, a sleepy smile on his face as Y/n covered her mouth - shaking her head and muttering someone kill me as Neteyam looked towards his parents and brother
"Good morning." Were the words he'd said, stretching his arms as Y/n bowed her head and covered her face, mortified. Jake and Neytiri's laughter filled the air only moments later.
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jakexneytiri · 8 months
Same anon asking for more dad!neteyam x reader + babies - can we have them learning about their mom being pregnant again and learning about having a new sibling. Or maybe hunting lessons with grandma and grandpa. Whichever one inspires you!
how about both! well, sorta. i’m gonna post what i have written for this so far, and if you are all interested in the fishing scene, i’ll post that too :) thank you for all of your support!! 🥰
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morning sickness wasn’t something you were fond of. it had you up in the early hours of the morning, doubled over with a carved wooden bowl in your hands. the remnants of some bladder polyps you had neteyam fetch in the middle of the night had made their way up your throat and into the bowl. “i’m never eating another one of those again.” you thought to yourself, trying to focus on anything besides the slimy, green goop in the bowl in front of you.
neteyam was sound asleep for a couple hours, but the sound of your heaving woke him up instantly.
“my love?” he questions, sitting up beside you as his large hand runs down the length of your spine. “why did you not wake me sooner?” as he rises to his feet, he grabs the bowl from you, heading outside your marui to discard its current contents.
“oh, i’m sorry, i was a little busy ridding my body of my late night snack. i don’t think our little one likes bladder polyps very much.” you reply in a snarky tone, laying back down to curl up on your sleeping mat in a fetal position.
neteyam sighs, as he grabs a bowl of fresh water for you to sip on. he carefully hands it to you, settling next to you.
“no more bladder polyps, then.” he nods, gently rubbing your back again. a few moments of silence pass, before his ears perk up at the sounds of your sniffling. he sits up immediately, tugging at your shoulder to examine your face.
“why are you crying?” confusion is plastered all over neteyam’s face, searching for the reason you’re so upset.
“i don’t want the children to see me like this. i have no appetite, and they wanted me to take them hunting today, and i-” you cry out, throwing your arms around your mate as you sob into his bare chest.
“shhh, shhhhh. it is all right, my love. do not worry. i will page for my mother and father to take them hunting. they’ll love to spend time with them today. do you want me to call for them now?” neteyam glances outside through the open flap of your marui, knowing it’s a bit early, even for village life to start.
you nod into his chest, sniffling hard as you cling to him. “yes….please. before the children wake.”
“shhh.” his large hand brushes over your hair, smoothing it gently. “i’ll send for them now.”
neteyam raises his other hand to his throat comm, and with a click of a button, you can hear your father in law’s voice through your mate’s earpiece.
“son, clearly someone must be sick, injured, or dying for you to be paging me this early in the goddamn morning. which is it?” jake snaps, though his voice has a tinge of grogginess to it. he was never a morning person as a human, and it certainly didn’t change when he became na’vi.
you hated to interrupt your in laws, especially when he was your olo’eyktan, with his own duties to tend to. your ears pin back against your skull as you bow your head, ashamed.
“dad, it’s y/n. she’s not feeling well. this….pregnancy is taking a toll on her.”
“ah, shit.” jake grumbles on the other line, and you can envision him rubbing his hand over his face, as he does when he’s stressed. “she okay now? want me to send your mother over to help?” jake’s voice has a tinge of worry to it as you hear your mother in law’s voice speaking to jake, mumbling something you can’t make out.
“actually, i was hoping you and mom would be able to watch the children for a bit. they wanted y/n to take them hunting today, but i think that’s out of the question for her. at least until she’s better.” neteyam continues to run his hand along your hair, trying his best to calm you as he speaks with his father.
“give us fifteen and we’ll be over soon.” the line clicks, and you’re left with the guilty conscience of your in-laws covering for you. again.
“they will be here soon. do you want to try drinking more water?” neteyam asks gently, still cradling you in his arms.
you sigh, sitting up to shake your head. “it’s not right, nete. i cannot ask this of them. they have their own duties to tend to, it’s wrong of me to-”
neteyam cuts you off right then and there. “-yawne, you do know they are their own person, capable of making their own decisions. my mother and father adore you, and they are more than happy to help. our family is more important to them than their daily village tasks. you know they’ll take any excuse to see the children. they love them. now please, don’t fret. they’ll be over soo-”
neteyam’s voice is drowned out by a shriek from your youngest daughter.
“GWANDPA!!!” nima squeals, running over to the front of your marui where jake and neytiri now stand.
“shhhh, shhhh babygirl! you’re gonna wake the whole village.” jake chuckles lightly, taking a knee to open his arms wide for her.
nima runs straight into them, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck and kissing the tip of his nose. “why hewe, gwandpa?” she asks, confused as to why her grandparents were here so early in the morning.
“no way! grandpa and gramma are here!!” txonuk says happily, nudging se’ayl and tsantu awake.
“we’re takin’ you guys on a little huntin’ trip today.” jake explains, as neytiri kneels down to hug se’ayl, txonuk, and tsantu.
“but, i thought momma was taking us?” txonuk says, confused as he glances over to the drape that closes off the space where you and neteyam sleep during the night.
“your sa’nu [mommy] needs to rest. she is not feeling well.” neytiri gently explains to them, as neteyam slips through the drape.
“thank you for coming.” he says quietly, walking over to give his mother a hug, and his father a handshake.
“dad? is momma okay?” txonuk asks, tugging on neteyam’s loincloth.
“mama will be fine, don’t you worry about her, okay? come, let’s get your bows.” neteyam suggests, as jake and neytiri walk with him to where the bows are stored.
“which one’s yours, nima baby? is it……this one?” jake asks, holding up your bow.
nima bursts in a fit of giggles, thinking grandpa’s the funniest na’vi she’s ever met. “noooooooooo, gwandpa! that’s mama’s! you siwwy.”
jake chuckles and sets your bow back in its place. “is ittt…..this one?” jake holds up txonuk’s bow now.
“nooooooo! that ‘nuk’s bow!” nima giggles a bit more, shaking her head no multiple times.
“hey! that’s my bow, grandpa!” txonuk says, pointing to nima’s mini bow hanging up toward the end of the wall. “this one’s nimas!”
jake chuckles again as he hands txonuk his bow, rustling his curls before grabbing nima’s bow. “this one’s yours?”
“yea, yea!” nima says happily, taking the bow and holding it to her chest tightly, hugging the object.
“come, children. we must head out now, this is when payoang [fish] are most active.” neytiri urges, gently guiding them to the front of the marui.
“here nima, go to daddy for a sec. i’m gonna check on your mama, okay?” jake says, handing her off to neteyam.
“daddyyy!” nima says happily, playing with the beads on his necklace.
neteyam chuckles at this, kissing the top of her forehead gently. “good morning, nima baby.”
inside, jake makes his way over to your closed off bedroom sheet, stopping just outside of it. “babygirl? you decent in there?”
your eyes flutter open, glancing at the shadow cast on your bedroom sheet. “dad?….come in.” you croak softly, clearing your throat.
jake pulls the sheet back, slipping inside as he kneels beside you. he takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb gently over the top of your hand. his eyebrows push together in concern as he sees the current state you’re in. “jesus, kid. you look terrible.”
you let out a soft laugh, looking down at his hands as you shake your head. “gee, thanks, dad.”
“i’m not sayin’ it to be funny, sweetheart. we need to get you some help. d’you want me to call for mo’at?” he asks, concern laced in his voice as his thumb still strokes the top of your hand gently.
your eyes water at this, unable to control your hormones. tears stream down your cheeks as you look up at your father in law, defeated. “it’s been so hard. i don’t know why this pregnancy has been so difficult, but it is. i don’t want to worry neteyam, but….i’m worried.”
“shhh, shhhh. there’s no need for that. worryin’ doesn’t do anyone any good.” jake starts to say, as neytiri pulls back the sheet now.
“oh, my sweet child…” she says gently, kneeling on the other side of your sleeping mat. “how are you feeling?”
you can only answer with a sob, turning into your pillow as you cry. “it hasn’t been easy.” you cry out, as neytiri holds your other hand.
jake and neytiri both exchange a worried glance, before looking back down at you.
“i will call for mother. she will bring the right ‘umtsa [medicine] for you.” neytiri reassures you, wiping your tears away with her other hand.
“thank you…both of you, truly…..i feel terrible for waking you up so early-” jake shakes his head and cuts your sentence short.
“don’t you dare apologize, babygirl. you’re sick. we need you to get better, and that’s our top priority, okay? nothing else is more important.”
neytiri nods in agreement, squeezing your hand gently. “ma ‘ite [my daughter], please, rest. we will take care of the children, do not worry.”
jake leans in to place a gentle kiss to your forehead, as neytiri follows suit. neytiri even fluffs your pillow for you, squeezing your hand one last time before they both rise to their feet, giving you one last look.
“promise me you’ll rest up, kid? you need it.” jake asks, squeezing neytiri’s hand gently as they look over your sleeping mat.
your lower lip trembles as you nod. “i promise, dad.”
jake and neytiri head out of your marui, as jake scoops nima up in his arms. “ready to go hunt, babygirl?”
“wes, wes!!” nima says excitedly, plucking the string of her bow.
neytiri squeezes neteyam’s arm gently, halting him from heading back inside. “neteyam. i called for my mother, she will bring ‘umtsa. make sure y/n takes it. it will help.”
“thank you, mother.” neteyam nods, before giving his children one last look. “have fun with grandma and grandpa, my little ones.”
all four of his children wave back to him, as neteyam slips through the marui opening, lacing it shut before making his way back to you. his strong arms wrap around you, gently rubbing your arm as he holds you.
sleep comes to you eventually, after what seems like hours of dozing off. you’re grateful that jake and neytiri are able to take your children hunting, plus it gives them a chance to spend time with their grandchildren. you can only hope that they’re behaving for them.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆
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quaritching · 2 years
I was wondering why Quaritch’s ears seemed smaller… turns out they’re actually cropped!
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Jake and Neytiri’s ears for reference
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It doesn’t seem like the other recoms have cropped ears, which is a really interesting detail… just thought I’d share :]
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