#NPG good! EX good! NPG and EX being friends good!!
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Did you expect Rescuing Rusty in 2023??? (RR is @zeejax‘s ♥) (Patreon)
Trick question! Even I wasn’t expecting Rescuing Rusty, but since it was up next on my fics to vet for construction, I had to give it a reread!
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Didn’t it turn out lovely 💕 There’s not a lot of sky-related imagery in RR, but I couldn’t not go with this colour - it’s an even richer rust colour IRL :D
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The spine ended up being big enough that I was able to sneak in two bookmarks! One for Zoom (the black) and one for Rusty (the red)
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Even though they sit separately, Rusty’s still crosses over Zoom’s hehe ♥
#My art#Rescuing Rusty#Rusty#Zoom#They get a digital doodle since I was rereading while in the digital warmup mindset haha#They just barely snuck in! Good for them ♥ They are still good lads :)#Nowadays the miasma of positive feelings has gotten very fuzzy and indistinct but boy do I still remember how Big those feelings were lol#NPG good! EX good! NPG and EX being friends good!!#Rescuing Rusty is charming as always :) It's a snuggle-up kind of fic I just feel cozy thinking about and reading it ♪#It's funny as well since I started rereading before picking out the cover - looking for which one would be the most thematic lol#And I ended up just reading a few chapters all at once 'cause I was having a good time with it! Oops reading lol#It was also an experiment >:3c Since out home printer is kinda ehhhh currently - the poor old thing haha - I took a trip to the library#Our local library allows up to 10 free greyscale prints a day so ♪ Slowly but surely I'd walk to the library and come back 10 pages richer#I've figured out how to take books out of the library and not have to return them! Libraries hate this one weird trick!#Lol ♪#So yeah :D Other than the cover and the first page (since I hadn't figured if the library could use the Minecraft font yet - they can!)#This is a ''free'' printed book :D I mean - other than walking to and from the library and construction and ribbons lol#The guts of the book were paid with taxes lol ♫#It was well worth it :) It's good to walk!#And I am happy to have it physically :D
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hmshermitcraft · 3 years ago
You would think that Mumbo and Hels wouldn't be anything like each other if you saw them for like, half a second. In reality, they are a lot like each other, even sharing the same stim toys! They both have autism and SPD, and they met when Hels made a club for him and Ex
Mumbo found the club on accident, (after just getting rejected by a few certain avians who thought he was too weird even for them) and after a while Mumbo became the new co-head of the club, after venting about what happened Hels vowed to kill them
Ex and Wormman are the same way, but with just enough smarts to realize that they were in love when they were. Hels has to ask Ex if chewing the same chewlery counted as an indirect kiss. {in Ex's experience, it does.}
Hels and Ex are beyond stunned when they find out that it was not either of them, but Mumbo and Wormman who killed Grian, Zedaph, And False. False did respawn {even though she was supposed to permadie and stuff}, but only because of being remorseful and stuff. So she died, came back to life, and promptly apologized.
This was because they mistook her species, she was an angel bound to certain accustoms (angels are known to be quite cruel, it was just an instinct they have whenever they saw something bad happening, she had to join as well)
They forgave her, and she became a fallen angel, and had to learn what was actually things that a good person would do by the other hermitgals, Cleo and Stress
NPG and Robot Grian are adopted children of both couples, and the other hermits are supportive and stuff, only Zed, False, and Grian were jerks {I hc Zed to be kind of a jerk toward Wormman, and Grian was a jerkwad sent out by the watchers to do... jerk things, but accidentally created good robots from a mishap, and fool others into thinking they were evil. False is just misunderstood :) }
Angels are typically jerks but they are also really powerful especially Fallen angels, so people who are mean to hers [romantically and not] (Mumbo, Hels, Ex, Wormman, Stress, Cleo, NPC and Robogri) she’ll get rid of them permanently, though the possessiveness does make it difficult to be nicer to those she finds unworthy. She just wants what’s best for her friends and partners.
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years ago
One thing I always wondered is how Badtimes gets along with the other Helsmits like EX, Hels and Boogeydubs
Being on good terms with Scar and all
I feel like BadTimes is more often on better terms with their Hermits themselves than the evil hermits XD
EX and BadTimes are generally pretty much friends as far as having similarities in relationships with their counterparts go. It’s something to bond ever and EX tends to borrow BadTimes for a bit of magical assistance if he wants to prank Xisuma which BadTimes is usually very enthusiastic about. On the other hand, EX a tried to get BadTimes to do some pranks on Scar but unfortunately BadTimes is adamant about not doing that because of some potential….consequences.
Hels and BadTimes are just acquaintances. They pass on the server once every couple weeks when Hels is getting supplies for his dastardly schemes. Just a ‘tip of the hat and move on’ kinda thing. He doesn’t care enough to get involved. Should any issues arise, he can just vex Hels and get on with his life.
Boogeydubs and BadTimes? Similar entities I suppose so they’d likely bond over that. But, I think Boogeydubs is just too chaotic, loud, and arrogant for BadTimes to really want to stay around him. BadTimes is also not much of a fan of the not sleeping and nightmares thing but Boogey’s illusions are something he’s been interested in learning about for himself.
And as a little bonus I’ll throw an NPC Grian in there too :)
NPC Grian is just vibin with BadTimes and vice versa. The little guy’s a little strange but doesn’t bother BadTimes at all, really. He just floats around, conjures specific blocks here and there to assist him and overall is just like some kinda stray cat that just follows him around. BadTimes doesn’t mind at all. If he’s not with Scar then NPG is strangely good company. Also, he doesn’t mind doing a few rustic houses anyways so it’s a win on both sides.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 years ago
I dunno if this has been mentioned before but I’ve started writing about the evil hermits recently and this came to mind as I was planning stuff:
Beetlejhost likes to hang out with the evil hermits, despite not being “evil” himself. They have no idea where he came from but they can’t get rid of him so they just tolerate his presence.
Turns out he’s actually a really good friend. He patiently listens to NPG info-dumping about rustic houses and asks an appropriate amount of interested questions. He listens to Helsknight’s latest diss track on Wels and gives feedback appropriately. He watches True train and gives advice on how she might implement certain moves into her fighting style. He even helps BadTimes improve his building so he doesn’t feel so inferior next to Scar.
But most importantly, he’s the only person (being?) who takes the time to truly understand how EX feels and how his negative emotions affect his behaviour.
The evils pretend to dislike Beetlejhost’s presence. They complain when he quotes fine literature at them. But secretly, they wouldn’t be able to do without him.
When the one with the most sense in the entire dimension is a spectral guy in a Beetlejuice cosplay, you know you're nowhere good. Still...that doesn't change the fact that he's hands down the best one to come to for advice.
- Mod Shade
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
Alright, another chapter for my fic with Jrum. Just so you know, we’ve got a hels hermit and uh... his personality is Horny(TM). nothing to get it out of a teen rating, but there is some non consensual touching at one point so i’m giving a warning.
Rustic House Club
Jrum was set down on a counter before NPG left again, saving there was something to grab. The younger bot waited there for a little bit before getting bored and jumping down from the counter to explore the place. Jrum was pretty sure this was NPG’s base. It seemed to be a giant rustic house or mansion or something. The wood and stone were unfamiliar, but that being said, the world outside was also strange, covered with mint green grass and dirt that was a grayish blue. The sky looked mostly normal, though it was littered with multicolored clouds. 
Back inside, in the center of the room was a giant campfire surrounded by some reddish brown stone. There was also an enchanting table setup with bookshelves around it, but some of the shelves were made with a dull colored wood, and some were made with the stone like what made up the walls.
A sound just behind Jrum made him jump and whirl around, only to see what looked like a very fluffy bunny hopping around. It was a nice powder blue color, and whenever it jumped, what looked like a small puff of smoke was left behind before fading. 
“H-Hi. You’re n-not a bad bunny, a-are you?” Jrum nervously asked the hopping creature. “B-Because my dad d-doesn’t like bad b-bunnies.” The bunny responded by hopping and landing on top of Jrum’s head and flopping down there to rest. “H-Hey! That tickles!”
Jrum carefully grabbed the animal to put it back on the ground. He smiled as he felt that it was indeed extremely fluff as well as feeling rather soft. Once the bunny was back on the ground, it went hopping about the room again, letting Jrum explore the house more. There were a number of shulker boxes strewn about which seemed to be filled with items, but for the most part the items weren’t ones that Jrum recognized. Like what was a moa? Or an ambrosium shard?
Jrum shook his head as he stopped looking in the boxes before turning his head to some armor stands nearby. One had an elytra resting on it, while the other didn’t have an elytra or chestplate. Other than that, the first stand had some sort of purple armor while the other was a pinkish color.
The last thing Jrum really noticed was a ladder going up to the next floor, but he didn’t get the chance to go upstairs before NPG returned, carrying what sort of resembled his charger. “I’m back!”
Jrum scrambled his way back to the counter and sat on it, hoping NPG hadn’t seen he wasn’t there. “Sorry for the wait. This thing is just hard to carry and Sense wouldn’t come here to build it because he thinks it’s crazy to live in a dangerous place like the aether.”
The bunny from before hopped over and onto NPG’s head. “Oh! Hi Rusty! Did you meet our guest? He’s my brother.”
“Your bunny’s name is Rusty?”
“Yup!” NPG set the charger down near where Jrum was sitting. “Hmm, I’m sure you’ll want somewhere to sleep, so I’ll have to make you a bed later. Because trying to get that thing up a ladder would be no fun.”
Jrum looked at the pinkish armor that NPG was wearing. “What’s that?”
“Hmm?” NPG looked where Jrum was pointing. “Oh! This is some aetherite armor. It’s like netherite, but for here!”
Jrum nodded, then just sat quietly, swinging his legs. NPG was also quiet, just sort of smiling and swinging his arms about before there was a buzz. The older robot reached for his pocket and pulled out what looked like a communicator, though it was a different style, and read a message on it.
“Oh good! Prof says we can meet with him!”
Jrum tilted his head. “Who’s that?”
“That’s right! I haven’t explained things yet!” NPG exclaimed before putting his comm away again. “Okay, so we’re in Helscraft! It’s like where you’re from, but opposite. Our overworld is more like the nether, but not entirely. More like… hmm… if instead of dirt, mycelium and nylium were normal, and then instead of normal trees we get those giant mushroom things that still can be used for wood. The aether is like an opposite nether in that it’s cold here and there’s no bedrock at either edge of the world. And then finally the end in our world is probably the closest to being normal, but there’s no ender dragon. Instead there’s this thing called the warden and it’s really dangerous.”
“Oh… but who’s Proff?”
“Oh right! So here instead of hermits there are helsmits! And just about everyone in Hermitcraft has a sort of… not really opposite, but at the very least alternative version of themselves down here! Prof is one of them. He’s our version of Doc.”
“Who was the person that looked like daddy?” Jrum asked. He knew NPG had said something, but he hadn’t fully been paying attention.
“Oh! That was Perfect Sense. Most people just call him Sense.”
“Who else is there?”
NPG’s eyes lit up, happy to explain for his brother. “Okay, so there’s Xannes who’s our admin. Most people don’t use his name though, which is rude. Instead they say stuff like Evil Xisuma, Evil X or just EX. There’s True Symmetry who’s the current emperor, or I guess empress, of the server. Her running mate was Waltzware, who everyone calls Whiskey. Fun story about that, I can tell you it another time. Uh, he’s in a rivalry with DelayVS and Phedaz. There’s BadtimeswithScar, or just Badtimes. He has a place on the overworld with a big magic crystal in it which is where I go to hang out with you. It’s a little hard to get to sometimes with Peanut guarding the place. Helsknight has been around the longest and-”
“Um, so are you the opposite of my dad?” Jrum asked, cutting his brother off.
“Nope! Not really! That’s Grifter. See, I showed up sort of near the end of season three and he appeared when we moved to season four. I’m pretty sure he was a Listener or something, but anyway he didn’t like me since he thought I was taking his place. When Prof made Base Iridium, it was so he could lock up Grifter because he was like... the worst person. And so he’s been stuck there ever since and I get to stay because they all like me better!”
Jrum nodded. “Okay, and then do Grum and I have copies here?”
NPG stopped smiling at the question. “Well… no. Glodhet made Sense run for emperor, but Since Glodhet was LaxSprite’s running mate, Sense didn’t have anyone as his running mate. I tried, but he said no. Because of that, we never built any versions of you.”
Jrum looked down at the floor sadly. Sure NPG was a great friend, but he and his brother were really the only kids on the server, so it was pretty lonely a lot of the time.
“Um, well, do you want to go and see Prof?”
Jrum nodded and NPG picked him up before going to the portal he had outside. Jrum shivered when they walked outside, the air extremely cold. That definitely was opposite to the nether. It also didn’t help that it seemed to be night out, which made it even colder. “Isn’t the neth- uh, aether faster?”
“Yeah, but with its day and night cycles, it’s really dangerous at night and you don’t really have any gear I don’t think. Besides, Prof isn’t that far away from the other side of my portal.”
Grian and Mumbo spawned in Helscraft right next to each other. They spawned on a small island that was half made of mycelium, half on fire. Grian was a little worried about the fact that Xisuma didn’t seem to be with them, but that was probably fine? Maybe he had been there before and when spawning in, he appeared there instead.
There seemed to be some sort of water around the island, but it didn’t quite look right as it was a bright red color. Grian carefully plucked a wing and dipped it into the water. It didn’t get burnt or damaged or anything, so that was a good sign.
Mumbo looked in a chest on the island and found it filled with boats. The wood seemed to be slightly pink, like a slightly more colorful jungle boat. He placed it into the water and got in, Grian climbing in behind him. “Well, while everything looks different in color, that island seems to be like the spawn island back home, and that out there looks like the shopping district.”
Grian looked into the distance. “Yeah, though it doesn’t look quite as populated as the one on Hermitcraft. I-Is that a giant blackstone castle?”
Mumbo squinted his eyes, looking back towards the larger island. It was a little hard to tell because it was against a black sky with few stars in sight, but Mumbo could make out what seemed to be the outline of a castle. “I’m guessing they have the same sort of starting seed, but they build whatever they want and it doesn’t match what we do.”
Grian agreed, and then Mumbo paddled them to the island. When they reached the shore, Mumbo got out first and then held a hand out to help Grian. 
“Since I can fly, I’ll look at this place from above. You check on foot. Does that sound good?” Grian asked, getting a nod from Mumbo. “Great, let’s go.”
True groaned as the sunlight was blocked for a moment. Even with her sunglasses on and her eyes closed, she could tell when the light didn’t reach her closed eyes for a moment. Her best guess was someone decided to try and annoy her again by building something to fly in just the right place to annoy her, something that had happened more than once before. She moved her glasses to her forehead and set down the glass of wine she had been sipping from before walking to the edge of her sunbathing balcony and looking below to see who exactly was messing with her.
She groaned when she was Sense walking in the paths below. Of course it would be the resident evil genius causing trouble. And then as the light was blocked again, she turned her gaze skyward to see what exactly he had made this time. True expected some sort of redstone machine to be moving around up there, Sense trying to control it from below and put it in the right place. What she didn’t expect was for the thing in the air to be a person, specifically one with wings, not elytra, on their back.
Immediately True was rushing back into the castle. This was not happening. “WHISKEY!” She shouted at the top of her lungs. “STOP WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU’RE DOING AND CALL PROF! SENSE FINALLY FUCKING DID IT!” She heard some sort of response but didn’t really pay attention as she grabbed the armor and weapons she left inside. As soon as it was all re-equipped, she went back onto the balcony and scoured the skies.
It was easy to spot the avian in the sky, having gotten closer if anything. True drew her bow and aimed at the moving target, trying to follow his path. Then when she was sure her aim was right, she fired the arrow, watching it sail in the air.
Mumbo had been looking in every building he had come across, which had been harder than it sounded since the land of the island was damaged beyond belief. Rubble was everywhere and creeper holes littered the terrain. He kept looking up at Grian, hoping he would find something so that he wouldn’t need to bother with the buildings.
The redstoner was just climbing out of another building through the mostly blocked up door when he looked up in the sky. Grian was still flying, but he watched as one moment an arrow hit the avian and the next he was covered in fire and falling to the ground. Immediately Mumbo started running in Grian’s direction. 
A few minutes before, Grian had finished looking at yet another section of the island from overhead and turned around to view the next one. He was so focused on the ground below, he wasn’t paying attention to the airspace around him until suddenly an arrow struck his wing. Fire from the arrow spread to his wings and the rest of his body, making it feel even worse. 
Grian tried to flap his wings and move towards the water. He wasn’t sure what that stuff was, but he hoped it would put him out. The problem was that the arrow had hit his wing in just the right place that even twitching it slightly felt like agony. And since he only had use of one of his wings, the avian started plummeting to the ground. He at the very least managed to twist his body so that way his wings were below him so that the feathers helped soften his fall.
“Don’t worry. I got you Gri.” Grian heard Mumbo say and a moment later he could hear a bucket of water get spilled out, dousing the fire that was covering his body.
“Th-Thanks. Ow that hurt.” Grian thanked Mumbo and stood up to brush himself off. “I didn’t even notice that- mmph!” Grian was cut off as suddenly Mumbo’s lips met his in a kiss. His eyes widened in shock, especially as Mumbo tried to deepen the kiss. At that point Grian pushed him away. “Wh-What?!”
“Sorry. Just been a while. And with that just happened…” Mumbo gave a half smile. Grian sort of knew where he was coming from, but this hardly seemed like something to warrant a kiss like that. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Uh, yeah. Thanks for the water. Won’t be able to fly for a bit though. I got shot right in the wing and even potions are going to have trouble with that.”
“Well I can help you with that later. That arrow came from the castle, so we should be careful about any more from there.”
Grian nodded, but then paused. If anyone was going to be shooting at him, it might be because they didn’t want him getting to Jrum. And if that were the case, then Jrum was in the castle. “Well then we should be going to the castle, right?”
Mumbo smiled. “Of course. Lead the way.” Mumbo gestured towards the castle and Grian rushed off, not hearing the words that were added on at the end. “My dear.”
Mumbo followed along behind Grian, heading towards the castle. He didn’t bother picking up the water that had been placed down. Who would care about that? In fact, he even threw the bucket behind him, not watching where it landed.
The bucket sailed through the air before finally landing with a thunk. Mumbo rubbed his head, glad that the item had been empty. “Who would throw an empty bucket?” He asked no one in particular before finally getting to the top of the hill. Sitting there was a water source,  likely from the bucket. This should have been where Grian landed, but the avian was nowhere in sight. “I didn’t realize he had a bucket of water on him.” He then realized it was red instead. “Wait, this is water from here… Who placed this?”
Mumbo continued to look at the surrounding terrain and noticed the water had made the surrounding mycelium a bit muddy. There seemed to be two sets of footprints, and in one print, a feather had been stepped on. Said feather was a bright red, which could only belong to one person. Mumbo’s eyes followed the prints, watching as they went towards the castle. If Grian was anywhere, he would be there, so he started walking in that direction.
Grian raised an eyebrow as Mumbo held his hand, but he supposed it made sense with what just happened and them going into a dangerous area. They carefully walked through the halls of the castle, checking every room. So far there was no sign of Jrum, but there weren’t even signs of anyone. But then they were turning down one hallway and ran into someone who looked like Tango, except his skin was a lavender color, his hair even darker than Mumbo’s and his eyes glowing purple rather than red.
“It was easier to find you two than I thought.” The not Tango spoke, pulling out an axe of some sort of pink colored metal. He ran towards Grian and Mumbo, ready to attack, but then Mumbo pulled out a piece of TNT. Immediately not Tango stopped in his tracks, and then Mumbo was pulling Grian another direction, placing the TNT down and causing not Tango to scream.
“How’d you know that would work?” Grian asked as they ran.
“Didn’t, just had a slight hunch.” Mumbo replied. “Let’s go up those stairs.” And Grian looked over where Mumbo pointed, the two of them then turning to go that way.
Behind them, the not Tango tried to find another path. He didn’t get far though before running into Mumbo. In an instant the axe was out in front of him, ready to attack. “Gah! Don’t take a step closer or-” Not Tango looked around, surprised to not see Grian. “Where’d the bird go?”
“You saw him? Which way did he go?”
“You two already got separated? That’s so unlike you.” Not Tango answered. Mumbo looked away from the helsmit, who took the opportunity to attack. The redstoner noticed just in time and was able to dodge the attack, running to dive behind the block of TNT nearby. It obviously wasn’t the safest place, but it was still cover. One that happened to repel the not Tango, who freaked out at the block.
When Grian reached the top of the stairs with Mumbo, the redstoner pulled the two of them into a nearby room. It was thankfully empty, and Grian watched as Mumbo locked the door behind them. “Well, they know we’re here now. It would probably be good to deal with your wing, hmm?”
Grian nodded. “Yeah, it would be good to do that so I’m not hindered at all. We’ll probably need all the help we can get with this.”
Mumbo came over to Grian as he was busy climbing onto the table in the room so that Mumbo had a better platform to treat him on. Just as he was settling down, ready to shift his wings back into existence, Mumbo grabbed him from behind, the redstoner’s mouth suddenly on his neck. Grian gasped, not sure how to react, and before he could do anything, Mumbo was off him again, leaving a purplish-red mark on Grian’s neck.
Grian turned to face Mumbo, only to be kissed again. Grian wanted to complain, but Mumbo’s hand found the sweet spot on his back, right between his shoulder blades, and Grian couldn’t help but melt into the redstoner’s arms.
Mumbo panted as he reached the top of the stairs, having been chased by someone that almost looked like Zedaph. He had been cornered and nearly killed, but then the not Tango showed up and the two of them started fighting each other instead. Mumbo used the opening to run, getting up to the next floor. At the top of the steps, he thought about just standing there a bit longer to catch his breath, but then he heard what sounded like Grian behind a nearby door. 
It sounded like he might have been hurt, so the redstoner rushed to the door and tried to open it, only to find it locked. Another noise from inside worried Mumbo, and he immediately had a pickaxe in his hand and broke down the metal door. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t this. In front of him was himself and Grian. The avian was sitting on a table as he kissed him, hands working on pulling the red sweater off. “What in the world?!”
Grian opened his eyes when Mumbo spoke, looking to see what the problem was. They then widened to the point they were practically bulging out of his skull as he saw Mumbo in the doorway as Mumbo was also currently kissing him.
Grian pushed Mumbo, the one kissing him, away so he could say something. “Mumbo?!”
The Mumbo who had been kissing Grian turned around to see the second version of him in the doorway before looking back at Grian. “Wait. You’re not Grifter.”
“Uh, no. I’m Grian? W-Which one of you is Mumbo?”
“I am!” Mumbo spoke up, attempting to go to Grian’s side, but his hels counterpart stopped him.
“And I’m Sense. Are you sure you’re Grian though? Because your body is just the same as I remember Grifter having~. The same soft lips and strong muscles. And I’m sure you have the same-”
Grian felt Sense’s hand start to move down his back as he spoke, so the avian shoved him away. “Nope! We are not doing this! Absolutely not!”
Sense pouted and gave a huff. “Fine, then what are you doing here?”
“We’re here looking for our son.” Mumbo replied. “I’m guessing since you didn’t realize this was Grian, you haven’t seen him.”
“What would that have to do with it?” Sense replied. “Though didn’t realize he was your son too. Anyway, of course I’ve seen him.” When Grian opened his mouth, Sense stopped him by continuing. “Oh, but I won’t be telling you anything just like that. I need something out of it.”
“Oh ew no!” Grian replied, moving behind Mumbo.
“Oh please, I wouldn’t want that. Okay maybe if you were offering… but no, if you can get here from your little Hermitcraft world, you might be able to get to the last season of Helscraft.”
“And why would you want that?” Mumbo asked.
“Grifter got left behind, and none of us can go back there ourselves. I mean, there are a few here who can, but no one who’s willing to actually free Grifter.”
“I’m afraid we can’t either. Xisuma’s the one who brought Grian and I here. And I doubt he would want to send us anywhere else.”
Sense scoffed in irritation. “Fine, then I have one other option, but you’ll need to help me out Grian.”
Grian winced, clinging tighter to Mumbo. “Wh-What do you want?”
“I’m really a fan at how True is running this place. I would have loved to be emperor, but without Grifter, I didn’t have a chance. However, if you’re with me, I can make a bluff for the throne.”
Grian hesitated, weighing his options. Finally, he sighed. “Okay. Fine.”
“Grian, you don’t have to say yes.”
“If it’ll help us find him, I’m going to do it.” Grian stopped hiding behind Mumbo. “I’m in. Just as long as any contact from you stays above the waist!”
Sense frowned at that. “Really? Because-”
“Touch anything below that, and you won’t have hands to try again with.”
“Alright, alright. I won’t!” Sense replied, actually smiling slightly. “In fact and attitude like that should help sell it. Now let’s go find True. I’d stay in here if I were you Mumbo. Wouldn’t want you ruining things and not be able to get that information.”
Mumbo wanted to argue, but Sense was already out of the room dragging Grian behind, leaving the hermit to find a place to sit and wait.
“There you go. Th-Those wings should work fine for you.” A pig hybrid spoke, putting down a clipboard.
NPG helped Jrum down from the examination table he had been sitting on. “Thanks Prof! Let’s go test them out Jrum!”
“O-Oh, by the way, you two should be careful out there.” Prof stopped the brothers before they could leave. “I g-got a message from True. A-Apparently she saw Grifter. I would th-think she mistook you for him again… e-except you’ve obviously here.”
“Oh! Then I suppose we will need to be very careful as we attempt to fly.” NPG replied, starting to leave again, but this time Jrum stopped him.
“Um, NPG? How long have I been here exactly?”
“Hmmm… Maybe half a day? Not too long.”
“But I was out for a while trying to get to that place in the nether… So I’ve been gone longer than that. Maybe that’s not the Grifter person, but maybe that’s my dad looking for me?”
“Oh! That’s probably it! Even more of a reason to try flying! So we can go over to the castle and see if that’s him!”
“Well i-if you’re going to do that, stay safe.” Prof smiled and waved goodbye to the two robots before going back to his other work. “Hmm… l-looks like Xannes is trying some new scheme. G-Guess I’ll have to go over there now to stop him.”
Xisuma woke up with a literal jolt as something shocked his arm. He tried to move to see what it was, only to find himself unable to move anything, being tied down to a chair. “Mind telling me why you brought Grifter here?” A deep voice spoke, one X was very familiar with.
“Evil X? Where am I?” Xisuma tried to turn his head around even a little to see where his brother was.
“You happen to be in my base. I coded in something so that you would be brought here if you ever came to Helscraft. I never expected it would actually be used. But right now I’m very grateful for it.” Now Evil X walked into Xisuma’s line of sight. He was surprised to see that his brother wasn’t wearing a helmet, then noticing that he himself wasn’t wearing one either. “Where’s my helmet?”
“Oh you don’t need that. I know it helps you access all your fun little admin powers like mine gives me my hacks. The air here is breathable so you don’t need to worry about that and we can have a nice little chat. Now. Why did you bring Grifter here?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Evil X smacked Xisuma with a shovel. “Wrong answer, try again.”
“No, I’m serious. I don’t know what you mean. I came here with two of my Hermits, that’s all!”
“You? Bringing hermits with you? Why?”
“Someone from here kidnapped one of their sons.”
Evil X cursed. “You brought Grian and Mumbo. That’s not going to end well. NPG’s got the kid so I have a clue of where he might be. The question is how fast we can find them.”
“Who’s NPG? And you still haven’t explained about ‘Grifter’.”
“NPG is the closest thing we have to Grian here. Technically, that title would go to Grifter, but none of us can deal with him. We locked him up and left him behind in our old world. Look me in the eyes brother.” Evil X stared at Xisuma, waiting until the hermit was looking back. “I want to destroy your server. I want it to burn to the ground. I wouldn’t mind if all your hermits died and couldn’t… well okay, maybe just had trouble respawning. We grief and steal and have actual wars here. But I would never, not in a million years, ever want you to deal with Grifter. That’s how bad he is. And right now, it seems like the others here think Grian is.”
Xisuma immediately tried to stand up, only finding himself struggling in his bindings. “Then we need to stop that.”
“No, we don’t need to do anything. This is my server, I’m dealing with it.” Evil X started to walk away, but Xisuma heard him stop walking for a moment. “Plus, I wouldn’t mind having you own me in the long run.”
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walksinlatewithcoffee · 4 years ago
Headcanons: Hermits and their “Evil” counterparts +best boy NPG who gets adopted by the counterparts because he deserves it
(Oh he’s unstable and dangerous??? Well have you considered: I love him)
Grian has ugly sneezes, NPG sneezes like a kitten
Mumbo is insecure about his skills as a builder despite being really good, and the as-yet unnamed counterpart Mumbo is insecure about his Redstone skills despite being really good. They’re both good at both of those things and their friends are tearing out their hair trying to make them realize it.
Evil X’s name is Exander which is why his nickname is Ex. I just like it. It’s different enough from Xisuma without feeling disjointed.
There was a previous Evil!Grian who wore blue (which is why Grian hates it) who lead the Counterparts before mysteriously disappearing right before Grian came to the server. He was known for being practical and serious and that sort of too-sweet that borders on creepy. He hated the Hermits cause he felt they were impractical and wasteful and didn’t take anything seriously. His name wasn’t Grian but only a couple people know what it actually was. They just called him Leader. To this day no one talks about him or what happened to him, but he and Ex were incredibly close and Ex still misses him a lot.
In one last attempt to find his old friend Ex hacks into one of Grian’s private servers and finds NPG stuck in a magic coma in a shed. He takes him back to their world and they nurse him back to health hoping that he’s their long lost Leader, but when he turns out to be NPG they still accept him and take care of him. In fact that all took one look at him and were like “I’d die for you.”
I keep putting “evil” in quotations cause they’re really more like opposites. Like Grian’s counterpart was serious and frugal and valued small, practical builds and the like, Mumbo’s is a builder with talent for redstone but no confidence in himself, Badtimes focuses on being able to stop or prevent magic rather than create it, Stress’s counterpart is gonna be goth, etc. it just so happens that most of the hermits are so kind that they’re counterparts are all little shitheads, and the one Voice of Reason disappeared like two years ago which is why they’re acting like kids whose teacher just left the room.
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waterfall-ambience · 5 years ago
Void Fog (Cosmic Horror AU), Part 1
A summary of everything we have so far.
All the information here is already available, but I haven’t updated the AU storyline since April, so I’m making this post for completeness’ sake.
- The eldritch abomination is an entity that has existed for millennia. It resides in the space between worlds- the Infinite dimension.
- It's only true desire is to consume.
- It’ll consume anything, but it’s particularly drawn to worlds that have been, or are currently inhabited by players. Considering the practically infinite amount of worlds (seeds), these are difficult to come by.
- The Hermit’s pattern of moving between different worlds has allowed them to unintentionally evade the Entity.
- It’s able to enter minds and control people to some extent, usually with the goal of finding other worlds and entering them.
    - EX was exiled to a blank void world within the infinite dimension. Though he couldn’t travel beyond the void world, he could sometimes access the rest of the infinite dimension through his dreams. The Entity established a psychic link between them by preying on his insecurities (which, all things considered, is a huge can of worms).
    - When EX managed to escape using his unstable admin powers, the Entity was able to locate the Hermitcraft server and bring forth the apocalypse.
Meta plot stuff:
- From a meta standpoint, it’s kind of difficult to pinpoint when the story takes place, and write a lot of it beyond what’s happening to EX. He was banned from the server in March 2019, and stayed in the void world for an extended period of time. By the time EX manages to get back onto the server, it could be any time during S7, but likely in the future, when the world has been developed a bit more.
- Some elements of the story will change as the season goes on so that it can fit into the context of S7
- The story mostly focuses on EX, so unless a canon story arc has elements of alternate dimensions (eg Area 77) or the supernatural (eg Demise), then the ‘Hermit’ side of the story is unlikely to have a major impact on the story as a whole. If EX comes back in canon, then the circumstances of how he does so will be incorporated into the AU.
World notes:
- X and EX have admin powers. EX barely knows how to use his and as such, lacks control. For example, he might try to summon a few stacks of a particular block, and end up summoning too much or too little. 

- EX’s powers can be influenced by his emotions. When upset, he has a tendency to teleport all over the place and cause lighting glitches, lag, and other errors. His ability to teleport and travel between dimensions is also unstable.
- The Entity would’ve found the Hermitcraft server sooner or later. If the Hermits extended Season 6 into Sixfinity, they would’ve attracted its attention. If Doc had kept using the infinity portal to access other servers, then it’s likely that he would’ve run into the Entity at some point, and this whole apocalypse mess would’ve happened anyway. 


- When he was banned, EX was sent to a creative superflat dimension outside of normal worlds. No structures generated there, and the floor was made up entirely of blue glass. He spent most of his time trying not to think too hard about the isolation, and instead turned to building nonstop.  

- His main ‘base’ was an ever expanding rustic house. He spent some time with NPG before getting banned and was taught how to build in a rustic style, which is what he’s most comfortable with. The house has gotten exceptionally large, and is near impossible to navigate due to its erratic floor plan. 

- EX also spent a lot of time sleeping, because the less time he spent conscious and aware of the usual passage of time, the better. However due to the nature of the void world he was exiled to, he could enter other dimensions in the Infinite (infinite dimension) through his dreamscape, as could the Entity.
- Isolation did not help EX deal with his fears and insecurities in the slightest. Often he’d find himself thinking about the circumstances of his exile, no matter how hard he tried not to. The fear that everyone hated him, that he had pushed everyone away with his evil schemes and rash decisions, that even if the Hermits were nice to him, they would never truly consider him to be their friend- it consumed him.
    It was only natural that they would never trust him- he lied and stole from them, after all. He deserved it, but realising that was a permanent blow to their faith in him stung far more than he anticipated.
    Often he found himself questioning every relationship and interaction he’s had with other people. Was he too aggressive with the tag game? Did he forget to say goodbye to Pixl and Zloy that one time? Did he bore NPG with his rambling about Worm Man?
    How long ago did X consider banishing him? Was it when he fell into old habits and reached out to press the button that would supposedly destroy the server? Was it then and there that X decided that he’d never be ‘good’, or was the decision the result of smaller mishaps? Was it when he over steeped their tea that one time? Was it when he caught himself slipping into a ranty, dramatic monologue? He recounted every stupid, impulsive decision he’d ever made, replayed it in his head hundreds of times, wracking his brain for answers he knew he’d never get.
- Over time, EX’s dreams became increasingly vivid. Most of them devolved into nightmares of phasing through fog, smoke, and crowds of vaguely recognisable people and ruined cities. Occasionally he dreamt of the dimensions in the Infinite- with its fleets of ships, endless libraries, and whispered orders.
- As he began to remember more of the dreams, EX noticed the near-constant shadowy presence that encompassed everything and nothing at the same time. He made a conscious effort to ignore it, but like all his other decisions to *not* think about something, it never truly worked. Most of the time, he was able to somewhat focus on his surroundings, but it’s when he dreamt of the Hermitcraft server that the presence was impossible to ignore.
- The presence never named itself, but disturbing as it was, EX felt compelled to trust it.
EX’s return to the Server
- EX was found at the base of an unfamiliar Nether portal. X and Joe theorised that he collapsed from the transition between game modes and exhaustion from forcing himself onto the Season 7 server.
- From the moment EX returned to the server, some of the Hermits reported incidences of objects disappearing and chunk errors. Some claimed that the layouts of their bases shifted as they walked through them.
- Joe asked around different villages to see if these incidents were constant across the server. Most of the reports tied back to folklore of an entity seen by those who travelled between dimensions.
More World Notes:
- Some of the Hermits have made contact or communicated with Higher Beings (e.g. Cub and Scar with the Vex, or EX with the ‘evil voice in his head’), but they are less powerful than the Entity.
- The Hermits are a group of interdimensional travellers. Each Season takes place on a different planet or in a similar alternate dimension
Infodump Continuation: Season Seven
Story note: Particular locations and events aren’t specific for the sake of flexibility, as the story takes place further into S7.
- Some of the Hermits reported incidents of chunk errors and missing entities. A few hours later, EX was found unconscious in front of an unfamiliar Nether portal.
    - The portal was removed for the sake of clarity within the nether hub.
- EX was brought to Xisuma’s base and his reappearance was discussed during a server meeting.
- Xisuma and Joe began to investigate the cause of the reported errors. X spent hours poring over the server’s code, and Joe started asking around some villages to see if the errors were consistent across the server.
- EX didn’t wake up for a long time. Some theorised that he was exhausted from the transition between game modes and forcing himself back onto the server. Keralis and Stress mainly watched over him, and would occasionally pop in to see if he was okay. Sometimes they found him tossing and turning, but he only somewhat responded to outside stimulus.
- Joe returned, and EX woke up a few hours later. After a well needed shower and hot meal, Joe took him in and asked him to explain what happened. EX gave his ‘statement’, and began to help Joe with the investigation.
    - EX talked a lot about consistent nightmares and how the dark presence didn’t go away, even if he was on the server. In fact, it seemed to whisper to him now.
- EX spent the next week or so trying to adjust to living in the Overworld. Everything was too bright and dark at the same time and called attention to itself. Sometimes he felt that the air was too full of particles. Sounds were louder than they had the right to be.
- While EX was recovering from his time in exile, the investigation was mostly reading written tomes of folklore and reports of errors in libraries.
- EX continued to suffer from frequent nightmares, and it got to the point where he was hesitant to sleep, and tried to stay awake for as long as possible. It didn’t help. Joe found him sleepwalking and muttering about searching for something, but couldn’t make out what he was searching for.
- EX grew increasingly worried about the dark presence and voices he heard in his dreams, and freaked out a bit when Joe told him about the sleepwalking. Joe offered to lock the door to EX’s room from the outside- it might not have directly helped with the problem, but it helped him feel more at ease.
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ihavenoconsistentname · 5 years ago
I'm bored, random Ex headcanons and stuff;
I have one where his actual name is Xizara I've mentioned that it just popped into my head during class one day
Picked this one up from someone else but he collects items that fall into the void
He has that little flower barette that he got from NPC Grian who has like 3
Also, he's best friends with NPC Grian I don't make the rules
And Worm Man
He likes foxes
Be Trans Do Crimes (aka I hc him as trans because I can and it's such a common HC anyway)
For a voice headcanon I just imagine it as Xisuma's voice but its actually kinda higher pitched and his voice just sounds deeper when he has his helmet on
People often HC that Ex and Xisuma need their helmets to like filter out the air and stuff but I dont I just HC that they can breathe without them but if they change realms the air is different so the helmet's air filter just helps with that sometimes
Ex shares scars with Xisuma like they both get their own scars from fighting they just show up on each other's bodies sometimes though so not all of their scars are fully theirs
He barely ever wears his armor stuff anymore because his normal clothes are more comfy
In the summer instead of a black turtleneck/long sleeved shirt underneath his jacket he wears a fitted tank top but it still has the neck thing
He has a nice singing voice he just doesn't sing in front of other people usually
He's super cuddly,, cause he needs love,, give him affection,,
The "evil" in him is a demon that possessed him but over time he's gained control over it
He doesn't like being evil like,, at all
Super protective over Xisuma and sometimes he accidentally shows concern as anger but he doesnt mean to he's just worried
During the hermitcraft civil war he was forced to stay out of fighting after a certain point and was only allowed to stand by watching and being "neutral" with ConCorp during the final fighting because he went a little apeshit after Xisuma was hurt by the other team (he may or may not have spawned an ender dragon in the G-Team base)
Lightning doesn't follow him absolutely everywhere but he can summon it whenever he wants it just takes energy
He's immune to fire and lava
Hates water, he hisses like a cat if you try to put him in water
^^^That being said Grian pushed him into the water once and let's just say it didn't end well so Xisuma says Grian and Ex aren't allowed near each other anymore
In his room in Xisuma's base, Ex has Worm Man posters/banners in his room along with a ConCorp poster, a trans flag, a little drawing NPC Grian made for him (it's the two of them in front of a rustic house), and a turtle plushie on his bed
^^^He has one room in Xisuma's base and another room in a rustic house he and NPG built so he has two places to live basically
In his rustic house room he has a blanket nest in the corner along with a few flowers in tiny pots in a windowsill, a few other little drawings hanging on his walls (they're sketches of flowers + a drawing of NPC Grian and a drawing of Xisuma), and a fox plushie on his bed
He's good at baking but not at cooking which is weird and he can't figure out why it's like that but he just rolls with it and he'll bake things for the other hermits
Oh yeah hes actually really nice to the other hermits to make up for the evil shit he did before
That's it I think or that's all I can think of
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dork-a-doodle · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
So apparently the New Thing™ is NPC Grian and Evil Xisuma being friends?
And honestly? I’m here for it.
btw if you want some more ex&npg content read this fic it’s so good
also I lowkey have no idea how to draw ex im sorry
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maryqueenofmurder · 5 years ago
This... got a lot longer than intended.  I’m cutting it off, and I’ll hopefully continue it later.  NPG x Ex right now, endgame NPG x Ex x Wormman.  Just gonna put that there.  No, there is no romantic or sexual tension between Wormman and poultry man, they just dance for plot convenience.
Tw:  depression, skipping eating, mentions of divorce, toxic masculinity, mentions of slurs, self hate and guilt,
@ihavenoconsistentname and @kool-aidd​
The dance was a flop.
On Friday I had been blissfully unaware of Ex’s crazy plan.  I got up, got ready, and left for school.  It wasn’t that easy.  My alarm got me up at seven thirty.  Not much of a surprise, it wakes me up at seven thirty every weekday.  I take a shower and got dressed.  I had apparently left a black shirt out yesterday in a fit of self-care.  I, of course, threw on my well-loved pink hoodie on top of that.
It was never too hot for hoodies.  I got a some yellow shorts that were on the top of my clean clothes in my drawer.  I was puzzled for a second.  Why did I have so many pairs of yellow shorts again?  Eh.  Not important.
I put on my glasses.  I didn’t have the energy for contacts today.  They had a pink plastic rim.  Pink’s my favorite color.  Obviously.  I make a half-hearted attempt as brushing my blond hair.  It looked just as messy as always.
I put on my pink sneakers.  I reflected on the fact that so much of what I owned was pink.  It’s awesome.  It’s one of those things you just get used to, you know?  And then you’re like, wow this is pink, and then you notice all the pink stuff you own.
I didn’t feel up to eating breakfast today.  Perks of being depressed!  “Pffft.” I laughed at my own joke.  If Ex was here he’d probably rag on my dark humor.  Or try to cheer me up.  Actually, probably both.  But he’s not here, and I won’t see him till after school.  And he’s my only friend, so no-one is around to cheer me up.
And there I go.  Making everything depressing, ranting about how much of a friendless loser I am, despite having Ex.  I should just be glad he doesn’t ditch me for his boyfriend.  What am I thinking, Ex would never just break off our friendship like that.
Ugh.  CRUD I’M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!  I book it out the door, barely remembering to lock it after me.  I’ flat out running, racing along the sidewalk, cursing the fact that the bus didn’t stop anywhere near my house.  You think I wouldn’t have any more close calls, now that it’s near the middle of the school term.  That’s like halfway through, I think?...
I get to school early, and head into my first class.  Everyone is just milling around and chatting.  Ex is texting me about how the school approved his idea.  What idea?  Did I space out again?  I’m terrible friend, this clearly means a lot to him!  I think?  Seeing as I don’t know what it is, I just have to guess.
The teacher arrives.  I power off my phone, and put it in my pocket.  I resolve to talk to Ex later.  I’ll be more supportive.  Maybe he has some advice for my school woes as well.
Some people yell slurs at me, mostly jocks.  It’s a pretty big deal.  At least it is to me.  They even make fun of my nickname.  Ok, I’ll admit it, Worm is a pretty bad nickname, but Ex gave it to me.  And I’ve always loved anything he does.
My obvious crush on Ex aside, I’ve been hoping to spend some more time with him.  Maybe not aside, just not as tangential as it was.  I haven’t seen all that much of him since I switched schools.
My parents got divorced.  My mom got custody of me, and my dad got custody of my older sister and younger brother.  I still see my dad regularly, and my sibilings still see my mom regularly.  Me and Mom moved to an apartment in a different school district, and that was why I had to switch schools.
Sometimes I feel guilty about Mom picking me.  Dad, because he’s guy, had a better chance at getting custody.  Anyway, it was my two sibilings or me because I’m transgender.  She picked me because dad didn’t approve of most of the things I did as a guy, even if he didn’t have a problem with me being transgender.
Even if he did see me as a “real man”, if wimpy, like he claimed, he still didn’t approve of some of my more feminine traits.  I work out, so I’m strong, and I walk, or run depending on how late I am, to school each day, so I’m pretty good with endurance.  Still.  “Wimpy”.
He doesn’t like that pink’s my favorite color, or that sometimes I wear “girly” clothes like crop tops or skirts or dresses, even though I almost always wear my hoodie over it.  I don’t do that anymore, don’t want to fuel the rumors at school.
He doesn’t like all the pink clothes I wear, or that my nickname’s Worm.  He doesn’t like that I paint my nails.  Or used to, I don’t really do it since I switched schools.  He doesn’t approve of a lot of things I do.  Toxic masculinity, huh?
My mother, as a single mom, has to work a lot.  I try not to bother her with too much, though I know she wouldn’t like that I’m hiding things from her.  That’s why she doesn’t know about the slurs.  There’s probably not much she can do about it anyway, the principal hates me.
She’s not transphobic or homophobic or anything, there was just a well meaning incident others like to refer too as “The Day Our School Got Put On Lockdown Because Of Pasta.”  Sometimes it’s referred to as “The Time The Police Got Called Because Of Pasta.”  which I think is unfair, as was not the only time police got called because of pasta, but that’s too much to unpack right now, so lets just set that aside.
And then the bell rings.  I have absolutely no idea what happened in class today.  If this wasn’t my first class of the day, then I probably wouldn’t have remembered what class I was in either.  I didn’t even take my books out of my backpack!  At least the teacher didn’t notice.  I swing my backpack onto my shoulder and slip out before something can make this day worse.
Looks like I spoke too soon.
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
Alright, I got the second part of my vaccine, also got tested for the virus by my school (randomly chosen and it just so happened to be the same day as my vaccine appointment), safely met with my family, and then I’m like 50ish% sure I threw my back out? but it’s my upper back and not lower which is why I’m not sure.
So yeah, chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to get one out today.
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel​
Mumbo tried to ignore everyone talking as he worked with Grumbot. He was using the handkerchief he normally kept on him to clean the redstone from his hands to clean up the robot. He had gotten a bit of the water that had been left in Tommy’s inventory to make the cloth damp and started carefully washing everything off Grumbot’s body, though some redstone was left behind. He frowned at how much was coming off onto the cloth and the fact that he needed to clean that off too. 
Slowly but surely, all the grime was washing off and being replaced with shiny metal. There were still dents and cracks, but just cleaning the robot up helped as an improvement. Mumbo dried any spots that were still wet to make sure no water got into Grumbot’s circuits before standing up and stretching, having been in an awkward pose to clean everything up with Grumbot refusing to do anything but stay curled up in a ball.
“How’s he doing?” Phil asked as Mumbo walked over.
“”Well, he’s clean at the very least. I don’t have anything to work on physical repairs and I’m terrified about what I’ll see when checking on the circuitry.” Mumbo looked around at the group. “Techno’s still not here?”
Phil shook his head. “I haven’t heard anything. It’s getting to the point I’m starting to worry. But trying to find him with everything going on won’t be the easiest thing. So we just hope he sends something back on where he is or wait until we can’t wait anymore.”
Mumbo nodded, and then the two of them were surprised as they got messages sent to their communicators.
[Eyes] X-T, Y-T, Z-T
“Do you think that’s-” Mumbo started.
“Techno’s coordinates? Possibly. So far whatever this is has been sending us help.”
“Take EX with you? I of course should be staying back here for Jrum.”
“I’ll probably be fine on my own.”
“He’ll make the trip faster. And if something is wrong, better to save time.”
The avian ended up relenting and walked over to talk to the helsmit. In a matter of seconds the two of them were gone and Mumbo went back over to Grumbot. He winced at the sparks that flew from the holes in Grumbot’s torso. Obviously he needed to at least get a look at what was going on in there. His hand moved to turn Grumbot off, but just before he could press the power button, he was stopped. “Please don’t.”
“Grum?” Mumbo asked quietly, not completely sure he heard Grumbot speak with how quiet the words were.
“C-can’t turn off. Th-that would b-be bad. N-No admin.”
Mumbo immediately pulled his hand away. That was right. Theseus had disappeared with Dream, so for now Grumbot being the console was likely the one thing keeping this world stable. Mumbo also quickly plugged Grumbot in to make sure it didn’t run out of power.
“Do you need anything?”
“I don’t know h-how to answer th-that.”
“Why not?”
“I-It’s confusing. And I-I’m tired.”
“Do you want to go into sleep mode?”
“I… I shouldn’t n-need s-sleep. O-only need b-battery.”
Mumbo hugged Grumbot. “It’s okay if you go to sleep. No one will get upset at you.”
Grumbot shook it’s head. “Need to f-fix first. T-Tommy not a-awake. Sh-should be. A-And f-fix t-time. C-can’t without-”
Mumbo held Grumbot closer. “You don’t need to do anything except rest. You’ve been through a lot, both you and your brother.”
“H-had to h-hurt him to h-help him. K-keep him a-away. D-didn’t know what w-was happening. Didn’t know wh-what else to do.”
“Well…” Mumbo wasn’t sure what to say. Jrum obviously hadn’t had the best experience while stuck here, but it wasn’t as bad as what happened to Grumbot. And for all the redstoner knew, Jrum could have ended up in the same situation as his brother if nothing had been done. “While  I don’t… fully approve with the methods… at the very least your brother is not… the worst he could be.”
Grumbot gave a slight nod before speaking again. “Is th-there anything you w-want Console to do?”
“What do you mean?” Mumbo asked, curious by the phrasing.
“What th-things need to b-be done?”
Mumbo frowned. “Grum, you don’t need to do anything. Please just go to sleep.”
There was a pause from Grumbot as it processed what was said, then went into sleep mode. Mumbo sighed in relief as he could feel Grumbot relax in his arms. He put the robot back down on the bed and tucked it in before checking on Grian and Jrum. After making sure they were all asleep, he collapsed in a chair.
“Are you doing okay?” Mumbo looked up to see someone who, because he was so tired, he thought was himself for a split second. 
“Tired. But to be completely honest, I’ve been more exhausted dealing with those three. I’m the one with impulse control. Not to be confused with The Impulse Control that Zed has. Hmm… maybe I’m more tired than I think. Have you ever tried a mustache?”
“I… don’t think I can grow one.”
Mumbo nodded. “Alright. What’s your name?”
“The one Tubbo was worrying about, right?” Mumbo asked, but then didn’t give Ranboo a chance to answer. “And what does Tommy think of you?”
“I’m pretty sure we’re friends. Maybe. I tried what I could to keep him company. Even though I couldn’t be there.”
“Sounds good enough to me. Still unsure about him.” Mumbo gestured to Bad. “And what about him?”
“Uhh, I’m not sure to be honest. And I don’t think I would have it written down.”
Mumbo tilted his head slightly, trying to ignore the fact that just doing that made him feel a little dizzy. “Why would you need to write it down?”
“I don’t really have the best memory of things, so I write everything important to make sure I can’t lose it.”
“Well maybe you can visit and can get checked out in Hermitcraft. See if someone there can help you.”
Ranboo nodded, then was distracted as Michael came over and reached for his hand before pulling him away. Mumbo watched as the two left, Michael excited about seeing Techno, who had just arrived with Xannes. Philza didn’t seem to be back, which was mildly concerning, but at this point, the redstoner was a bit too tired to care and fell asleep.
Grian woke up with a start. He hadn’t quite had a nightmare, more just something in the dream startled him awake. He shifted slightly and realized that he was still holding Jrum in his arms, who was also asleep.
Carefully, the avian pulled away and got out of bed, making sure Jrum didn’t wake up. He looked over at the other beds and was glad to see it seemed Tommy had moved. The other bed was empty however, which worried Grian. He looked around more and found Mumbo asleep in a chair, but also without Grumbot.
There were voices from an adjacent room, and Grian was hoping his other son would be there. He tiptoed to not wake the others up, then peeked into the next room. Everyone was gathered around and talking. Well, Xannes was off to the side reluctantly playing with a Ziglin, but that was the only exception. The avian looked around a second time. He didn’t see Grumbot anywhere, and it looked like Phil was gone but Techno was in his place.
Techno. Grian didn’t care if they were related or not. He had been the one to cause this whole mess by killing his kids. And now one of them was missing again and here he was. For the second time that week, Grian had a sword to the piglin’s neck. He had moved fast enough that everyone jumped back in surprise at his sudden appearance.
“What is it this time?” He said in a bored tone which made Grian even angrier. Instead of saying anything, he just swung the sword, cutting into Techno’s arm. He attempted a second swing, but he was pulled back from behind by Xannes, leaving the avian flailing for escape, wings hitting just about anything they could.
“Calm down or I’ll break one of your arms.” The helsmit threatened as he managed to get Grian pinned on the ground. He then looked up at Techno. “Any clue why he’s acting like this?”
“He kidnapped Phil who said he was a Watcher. I went after Phil and made a few withers to get his attention. People started attacking, I attacked back. They were collateral. Didn’t realize they wouldn’t respawn right.”
“More like you didn’t care.” Grian growled from the ground. “First both the boys, then you were threatening NPG, and now you’re here and Grum isn’t!”
“What do you mean he isn’t here?” Bad asked, cutting into the conversation. “No one’s gone in or out of that room since we all came out here. Well, until you of course.”
“Then you weren’t paying attention.” Grian accused, but Tubbo stopped him.
“No, we’ve all been watching in case someone woke up, especially with what Techno found.”
“Found a way to kill my kids again?” Xannes sighed and twisted Grian’s arm a bit. The avian yelped at the sudden pain, and for a moment the helsmit was glad it seemed to have shut him up, before Grian managed to swipe his leg to make Xannes fall to the ground and pin him instead.
“Can you at least first hear what we found out? We think it’s related to Tommy’s condition.” Tubbo tried to offer, knowing that Grian seemed to like Tommy almost as much as the bots.
Grian hesitated, but then nodded. “Okay fine, but make it quick. I already saw you got him to move.”
“Wait, what do you mean he moved?” Tubbo asked, quickly moving to the extension room.
“Well he’s on his side now.” Grian explained, following behind, flaring his wings out when he felt crowded from behind as the others rushed to follow as well.
“Well we didn’t do that.” Tubbo said, going over to Tommy. “Oh, and looks like it might not have been Tommy either.” He looked back over to the avian. “Well it looks like you don’t have to panic about Grum anymore. He’s right here.”
Grian closed his wings back up so he could get over to Tubbo and Tommy. Once he got closer, he was able to see Grumbot curled up in the teen’s arms. The moment he saw the robot, Grian sighed, glad that nothing else bad had happened. He also then glanced back to Jrum to make sure he was still there, glad to see he was.
“See, everything’s alright.” Tubbo said, even though Grian could tell that wasn’t entirely true.
“What did you find out about Tommy then?”
Everyone left the sleeping area again to talk. “I went to check on my place when we got back.” Techno started to explain. “Not many people knew about it, so went to see if anyone was hiding there. It’s far off, so it could have been used as a hideout. Turns out I was right, and someone was there. But not willingly.”
“And that would be?” Grian asked, looking at the others to see if their expressions would tell him anything.
“After Wilbur died, he came back as a ghost, though it didn’t quite act like him. Preferred the name Ghostbur over Wilbur too. Well, he was there, but alive. And he wasn’t Wilbur. He was just an alive version of Ghostbur. Somehow he got revived and was in my house when it happened. Since then, he hasn’t been able to get out, no matter what he tries. He says it’s like an invisible wall.”
“And what’s that got to do with Tommy?”
“Obviously Ghostbur didn’t show up at his body, or else he wouldn’t be in my house. Tommy lost his last life before being revived, so there’s a good chance he’s in the same situation and we just have his body.”
“Then where is Tommy?”
“I can’t hit the button! It’s gonna crush me!” Tommy yelled out, unable to stop the flying machine he was currently in.
“Mine out the back!” Zedaph yelled, making Tommy realize that, yes, he could do that. He pulled out a pickaxe and broke through the pistons, slime blocks and observers, escaping just before the machine would have crushed him between itself and whatever was keeping him stuck. 
“Okay, your drill didn’t work.”
“Hmm, really thought that one would do it.” Zed replied, looking down at a napkin he had written a list on and crossed out one of the items. “Well! Next up we’re going to need some cows.”
“I do not want death by cow.”
“But they’re the perfect size for it.” Zedaph pouted, but crossed another thing off the list.
“Just give me the next idea!”
“Okay, so we’re just going to need you to use some minor telekinetic powers-”
There was an interruption as Scar arrived in tow with Cub. “Okay, I picked up all the magic crystals I think might be able to help. If that doesn’t work, Cub and I are fully prepared to try some vex magical shenanigans.”
“I’m not a fan of the word shenanigans, but whatever, let’s fucking try it!”
From there, the various hermits tried a number of ideas to get Tommy out, but none of them seemed to work. At the very least they learned that he could go into the minecart tunnel and all the way to Mumbo’s hobbit hole without trouble as well as the fact that Tommy seemed to be the only one affected, but it still wasn’t ideal. 
A few hermits stayed around to keep Tommy company, which he was very glad for. A few small minigames were built to help pass the time. Since the situation with the bots meant Tommy had missed out on HHH, Ren started using some unused questions from the day as well as getting Tommy’s answers for what he had asked. From there it just dissolved into a bit of storytelling.
For the most part, Tommy just listened to the stories, but when he was offered to tell one of his own, he passed up on the offer, asking for some time to think of a good one. While the others started talking, he tried thinking of something to share when he realized something. “Guys… I… I don’t have a fucking clue when I got here.”
They asked for clarification and Tommy explained that thinking back, he couldn’t remember anything from his exile or the first few weeks he was in Hermitcraft. Except for a few short bits of memory, he had nothing. He tried to calm the other hermits down by mentioning Ghostbur had the same thing happen, but that only seemed to make them more worried.
Just about everyone stayed over that night no matter how much Tommy wanted them to not stay just for pity, but he ended up enjoying the impromptu sleepover. Though it was still in the back of his mind, just having the hermits there for him made things feel a bit more normal.
Grumbot stared at [:)]. He should be awake but he wasn’t. The revival didn’t seem to have worked and it wasn’t sure why. So it asked for more help, but then was upset when none was given. Well, the staying near [:)] suggestion was repeated, but it could very clearly see that just being in proximity to [:)] was not doing anything.
It glanced up briefly as [:)] came near. It couldn’t quite see them, but the listed coordinates for them matched their current position. [:)] came near afterwards, Grumbot able to see the edges of his red feathers for a moment. They talked about it and [:)] for a moment before leaving again, and then it could hear them discussing Ghostbur. It sounded like that revival mostly worked, though there seemed to be an issue with it. Grumbot frowned at that, wishing it had known about this sooner. It would need to find Ghostbur to fix the situation and then proceed to fix [:)].
Grumbot tried to move, but was stopped. It needed to stay near [:)]. It argued that this was not helping [:)]. The answer was that it wasn’t supposed to be helping [:)], it was supposed to be helping Grum. But Grumbot didn’t care. Grum was not in charge. He was just supposed to work his programs. It, on the other hand, was meant to run this world and keep everything in order. And that included fixing the revivals.
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 years ago
To Hell and Back
Chapter 8
Summary: The evils hermits take their chance to dethrone Hels a bit earlier than expected. NPC Grian gets a little stabby stabby with Hels and it lands him injured in the overworld. Hugs and cuddles ensue.
Characters: Helsknight, BadtimesWithScar, NPC Grian, Evil Xisuma, Xisuma, and Welsknight
TW: Blood mention, unconsciousness, mentions of dying, it’s a bit angsty this time lol
Long chapter incoming! (I’m on mobile so I can’t to the read more thing ;v;)
Steadily, as the days went by, more minor attempts at taking the throne were made by other people. Some caught the main hall on fire, others exploded the stables, and some even sent hit men to take out Hels altogether. Still, he stood his ground and each day inevitably brought more and more death threats.
He wondered why they wanted to kill him in general. Technically, if he read the rules correctly, there was no need to kill the Champion in order to take the throne. They mostly just had to be scared enough to step off of it and admit some kind of defeat. Which he could certainly do but Hels wasn’t exactly a fan of being seen as a coward for retreating rather than fighting.
Around Thursday, one of the other evil hermits came to dethrone him themselves. It was BadTimesWithScar, dressed head to toe in netherite armor. He appeared near the doors of the throne room where Hels was sat.
“Didn’t take you much for the fighting type, BadTimes,” Hels commented. The other alter merely glared at him.
“I wouldn’t be so cocky. Step off or we’re doing this the hard way.”
“We haven’t already been doing it the hard way? Half the castle is blown to pieces.” Hels rolled his eyes. “Also I’m not stepping down, I’m no coward. I have guards lining the sides of the room, you’re awfully outnumbered.”
BadTimes surveyed the room and Hels was right. Each guard stared him down like prey. He chuckled. “Oh, I’m not.”
Hels raised a brow. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” He stood from his throne. “Are you dense? There’s a hundred times the amount of people here than you.”
BadTimes grinned. “I don’t need to do anything, I’m afraid. You might want to look behind you.”
Hels turned quickly and there stood another of the alters- NPC Grian. Guards aimed crossbows immediately but were too late to react when the NPC pulled out a dagger and before he could react, the blade was already through his stomach. The knight met the blank gaze of NPG, sending him a sour expression through the now searing pain.
Ah, I see what he meant, he thought.
Suddenly, everything began going silent. Hels could see the guards charging at the NPC and he assumed they did the same to BadTimes. Arrows were sent flying and people were presumably yelling.
Wordlessly, he looked down at the wound and brought a hand to it slowly. Deep red liquid oozed out of the gaps of his fingers. He stared at it, expressionless. Maybe a hint of surprise crossed his features but he hadn’t noticed when a few guards were calling his name and asking if he was alright.
Was this what shock felt like?
He knew he probably was fine. Maybe. Maybe he wasn’t and that was just his ego telling him that he could simply survive through anything. He stumbled a bit and looked around. His vision was slowly becoming darker around the edges and only then did he begin panicking.
The panic wasn’t hardly external. His breaths left in shallow exhales through his nose and his hand tightened around the dagger still stuck in his upper stomach. However, internally, he was asking around for help. You can’t really expect such a stoic and hateful person to really keep up their facade in the midst of dying. He didn’t want to die.
Without thinking, a portal opened in front of him and he shakily stepped through it. More of his vision became blotchy and a wave of dizziness and nausea passed over him. Hels fell to the ground on his knees and flashes lined everything in his field of sight. He grew tired. Maybe he could sleep off the final effects of this and start again as a cloud of black fog.
While he thought, a figure was soon in front of him and another figure at his side. By now he couldn’t really keep his eyes open and even if he could see past the red and pink blobs in his vision, he wouldn’t recognize them anyways. He felt more hands join him on the dagger and just before everything finally went to darkness, he was standing again, yet leaning on something else.
It only felt like a few seconds, maybe a minute at most. He assumed by now he’d see that weird light that everyone talked about during death. But there was nothing, just an endless void and his thoughts.
The Hermits had the luxury of respawning after they died. That was simply because they were from the overworld. Clones and entities from other dimensions didn’t respawn like ghasts and pigmen, for example. Hels was among these kinds of creatures.
Additionally, Ex was too, he assumed. The man said he was an entity strung together loosely in the lowest levels of the Void.
Faintly, he could hear voices in the distance of the darkness.
“Is....Cloning machine?”
“Look, I know he......Ex…...friend….” Slowly, the words began becoming more muddled. He tried to catch onto what was happening around him. He looked around for any signs of waking up and a small glowing orb appeared in front of him, startling him.
“Is this….” he stared at it quite sadly. At least nobody was there to mock him for it. He sighed. “Well, if it must happen.” He reached out and touched the orb, everything falling dark again.
What he didn’t expect was opening his eyes to a blank white ceiling and sounds of machinery. He inhaled and raised a hand to his throat.
Still alive, he assumed.
He then looked at his hand, a small clamp around his finger. He made a confused expression and took more time to adjust his eyes to the room he was in. Around him were pale beige walls and a singular painting on the wall opposite of him of a cat. He looked to his left where a couple different devices were sat. They didn’t hardly look familiar to him so he didn’t know what they were. All he knew was that they were connected to him via various tubes and needles.
He exhaled and leaned back farther into the pillows behind him. This must be some kind of clinic. It looked a bit similar to the one they used in Hels. A rarity, but they had them.
He scanned around a bit more, looking to his right. Windows were set up on this wall and a wooden door indicated at least some kind of exit. With a closer look, he saw Wels outside talking to a man who looked eerily like Ex. If he knew his mobs correctly, the suit resembled that of a Strider. Perhaps that was Xisuma from what Ex had told him about the admin.
The door was slightly ajar and he could make out more of their conversation.
“He’s special to Ex. They’re finally getting along and you want to get rid of him?”
The voice sounded so odd compared to Evil Xisuma. The accent he usually heard through a deep and robotic filter sounded too high pitched for what he was used to listening to.
“All I said was that he should stay in Hels.”
“Hels is why he looks like this!”
“He’s their champion or whatever! I’m sure he can just come back and kill whoever did it. He likes to brag about it, you know.”
“Wels, he was near death. He couldn’t have come back even if he planned to. He doesn’t respawn like we do.”
Of course Wels wanted to throw him back to the hounds. He wasn’t surprised by that. He did threaten to destroy the server and threw him in a hole with their last encounter. Though what he didn’t expect was Xisuma’s defense. He wanted Hels to stay in the overworld to avoid what had happened prior to now. Hels also wondered if this had to do with Ex’s odd need for their friendship.
Wels finally gave in reluctantly. “Well if he stays, he stays away from me and my cows. Poor things were terrified of him,” he grumbled.
Xisuma could help but to snort at the request. “Can do, I believe he should be conscious now. I’ll be off.” With that, Wels walked off and Xisuma huffed.
“I know you heard what he said, Hels.” Hels perked up a bit at the comment while Xisuma entered the room. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit. You’re Xisuma, I presume?”
“I’ll take it.” He clapped his hands together. “And the one and only. So! What happened? If you’d like to talk about it of course.” Despite his statement, Xisuma seemed to wait patiently for an answer. Hels looked away from him as if he were ashamed to admit defeat.
“They wanted to dethrone me.”
Hels looked back at Xisuma who tilted his head to the side curiously. “Uh, yeah. I’m not exactly well liked around there. We’re competitive.”
Xisuma nodded. “From what Wels and Ex tell me, I assumed so.”
Hels sat up a bit. “Ex talks about me?”
Xisuma chuckled at how the knight hardly questioned what his clone may have said. “All the time! He keeps asking me about ways to become your friend. How’s that working out, anyways? He can be a bit pushy.”
Hels thought for a second, a small blush spreading over his cheeks. “It’s…going well. He’s covered my room in flowers because I um...I kept a few previous ones.” He scratched at his neck sheepishly.
Xisuma lit up. “How sweet! He likes getting others into his fixations. I’ve heard you two have a meet up in the garden tomorrow.” Through the helmet screen, Hels could faintly see Xisuma’s eyebrows raising repeatedly and eyes that Hels knew were paired often with a smug smirk.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we do I suppose. I thought the weekend would’ve already passed. I don’t know if I’m in good shape to do a lot of work though.”
Xisuma nodded. “Well, the damage was fairly minimal. Just a flesh wound, nothing some regeneration and health potions can’t fix. I think it just comes down to how well you can handle pain. You’ll be sore for a while.”
Hels snorted. “I’m used to it.”
“Good, good. Well, if you’d like, I can go retrieve Ex. He’s been dying to see if you were….well, dying. But I think he’ll be quite excited for the news!”
“Sure,” Hels replied with a lopsided grin.
Then Xisuma left the room. Before Hels could completely nestle back into the pillows, Ex ran in with excitement. He bounced happily at the sight of Hels.
“You’re alive! Xisuma said not to hug you because you might be uncomfortable with that and I might damage something but at least you’re here!”
Hels rolled his eyes for the second time and sat up, putting his arms out to ask for a hug. “Bring it in, nerd.”
Almost too excitedly, Ex pulled him into a spine crushing hug which Hels happily reciprocated. He thought for a second they were hugging a little longer than he expected but he paid no mind to it. When Ex pulled away, Hels winced at the aching sensation in his abdomen.
“Oops, sorry about that.”
Hels waved a hand dismissively. “It’s fine, I’ve had worse. Also a little strider told me that you like to talk about me. I hope you’re not talking shit,” he replied jokingly. He didn’t notice how Ex flushed a little bit.
Ex rubbed at his neck. “Oh yeah, I do. And flowers, I talk about flowers a lot. Oh! Will you be alright to do the gardening tomorrow?”
Hels flopped back onto the pillows. “Yeah, I think I will be. I mean I’ve got nowhere else to be for the next thousand years.”
Ex raised a brow. “You can’t go back to Hels?”
“No, if I do, I’ll be killed. That’s kinda why I’m here like this now.”
Ex seemed genuinely surprised at the information. “Huh...Well, at least you’re with me! I can show you around!”
Hels’s gaze softened just a smidge. “Yeah, at least I’m with you.” He yawned. “Jeez, didn’t think I’d be so tired already. What was that? A few minutes of being awake?”
“Yeah, Xisuma said you probably will be asleep again soon so I had to be quick with the conversation. Something about some kinda medication he gave you. I’ll leave you to nap then?”
Hels chuckled tiredly, another yawn rolling past his lips. “I mean...you can stay, I’ll just be asleep for a little while. Shit, you can lay with me. I don’t care.” He yawned again. “Just...don’t kick me…” Slowly, his half lidded eyes closed and he drifted off to a sound sleep.
Ex couldn’t help but to stare. While this was the second time he’d seen Hels sleeping, the first time was in the dark so he couldn’t see the normally sharp features soften so much. He smiled faintly and looked around out in the halls. Nobody was there so he could take the opportunity to lay with Hels. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity, he thought.
He also wondered if Hels even knew what he said before he fell asleep either, but that thought was quickly shoved to the back of his mind with new excitement.
He removed his outer armor and his boots, detaching his helmet from the main device over his nose and mouth and discarded it onto one of the chairs in the corner. Happily, he got into the bed with Hels, being careful not to tug any cords, and couldn’t help but to awe when the hellish knight nudged his own body into him peacefully.
This was normal right? Xisuma may not do this with his friends though, Ex wondered. Maybe it’s a private thing, he’ll have to ask X about it later.
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waterfall-ambience · 5 years ago
I would love for an info dump about you cosmic horror au
Hi, thanks for being patient! I’ve talked a little about the AU’s lore in a previous ask, so this will be a bit more plot-related.
It got quite lengthy, so it’s under the cut:
Meta plot stuff:
It’s kind of difficult to pinpoint when the story takes place, and write a lot of it beyond what’s happening to EX. He was banned from the server in March 2019, and stayed in the void world for an extended period of time. By the time EX manages to get back onto the server, it could be any time during S7, but likely in the future, when the world has been developed a bit more.
 Some elements of the story will change as the season goes on so that it can fit into the context of S7- The story mostly focuses on EX, so unless a canon story arc has elements of alternate dimensions (eg Area 77) or the supernatural (eg Demise), then the ‘Hermit’ side of the story is unlikely to have a major impact on the story as a whole. If EX comes back in canon, then the circumstances of how he does so will be incorporated into the AU.
This info dump focuses more on what happened when EX was banned.
Notes on Powers and the World:
 X and EX have admin powers. EX barely knows how to use his and as such, lacks control. For example, he might try to summon a few stacks of a particular block, and end up summoning too much or too little.
EX’s powers can be influenced by his emotions. When upset, he has a tendency to teleport all over the place and cause lighting glitches, lag, and other errors. His ability to teleport and travel between dimensions is also unstable.
Some of the Hermits have what could be described as ‘magic’. For example, Stress has nature powers that seem to change with each Season, and Grian has permanent wings and was (or maybe still is) a Watcher. Scar himself doesn’t really have magic, but a few of his crystals are.
The Entity would’ve found the Hermitcraft server sooner or later. If the Hermits extended Season 6 into Sixfinity, they would’ve attracted its attention. If Doc had kept using the infinity portal to access other servers, then it’s likely that he would’ve run into the Entity at some point, and this whole apocalypse mess would’ve happened anyway. 


EX was banished to a creative superflat dimension outside of normal worlds. No structures generated there, and the floor was made up entirely of blue glass. He spent most of his time trying not to think too hard about the isolation, and instead turned to building nonstop.
His main ‘base’ was an ever expanding rustic house. He spent some time with NPG before getting banned and was taught how to build in a rustic style, which is what he’s most comfortable with. The house has gotten exceptionally large, and is near impossible to navigate due to its erratic floor plan.
EX also spent a lot of time sleeping, because the less time he spent conscious and aware of the usual passage of time, the better. However due to the nature of the void world he was exiled to, he could enter other dimensions in the Infinite (infinite dimension) through his dreamscape, as could the Entity.
Isolation did not help EX deal with his fears and insecurities in the slightest. Often he’d find himself thinking about the circumstances of his exile, no matter how hard he tried not to. The fear that everyone hated him, that he had pushed everyone away with his evil schemes and rash decisions, that even if the Hermits were nice to him, they would never truly consider him to be their friend- it consumed him.
 It was only natural that they would never trust him- he lied and stole from them, after all. He deserved it, but realising that was permanent blow to their faith in him stung far more than he anticipated.
Often he found himself questioning every relationship and interaction he’s had with other people. Was he too aggressive with the tag game? Did he forget to say goodbye to Pixl and Zloy that one time? Did he bore NPG with his rambling about Worm Man?
How long ago did X consider banishing him? Was it when he fell into old habits and reached out to press the button that would supposedly destroy the server? Was it then and there that X decided that he’d never be ‘good’, or was the decision the result of smaller mishaps? Was it when he over steeped their tea that one time? Was it when he slipped into ranty, dramatic monologue? EX recounted every stupid, impulsive decision he’d ever made, replayed it in his head hundreds of times, wracking his brain for answers he knew he’d never get.
Over time, EX’s dreams became increasingly vivid. Most of them devolved into nightmares of phasing through fog, smoke, and crowds of vaguely recognisable people and ruined cities. Occasionally he dreamt of the dimensions in the Infinite- with its fleets of ships, endless libraries, and whispered orders.
As he began to remember more of the dreams, EX noticed the near-constant shadowy presence that encompassed everything and nothing at the same time. He made a conscious effort to ignore it, but like all his other decisions to *not* think about something, it never truly worked. Most of the time, he was able to somewhat focus on his surroundings, but it’s when he dreamt of the Hermitcraft server that the presence was impossible to ignore.
The presence never named itself, but disturbing as it was, EX felt compelled to trust it.
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