#NPC ideas
offbeatworlds · 1 year
Portrait Packs for TTRPGs!
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Other portrait packs also available but not pictured
11 - Equine Kin
12 - Celestial Children
13 - Dwarves
14 - Changelings
And two more packs are in progress now (Dragonfolk and Vampire Bitten)
Each pack comes with 6-8 high quality character portraits, plus ready-to-go tokens and icons and a limited license for using the portraits in your streamed games!
Find them all here
Also you can get a discount on all packs by joining my Patreon!
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gyrrakavian · 1 year
DM/GM idea
A pair of lawyers who are an Aasimar and a Tiefling; Psalm and Somn Attorneys at Law.
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unnerd · 2 years
Are you tired of your players always taking too long to solve a mystery? Or have they never touched a book and don't even know how to do it in a fantasy setting?
Well, your problems are over! I present to you the DMing asset that I like to call "Someone call the university students!"
Based off a popular idiom in my country, all you need for this asset is to introduce an experienced NPC before your playes go on a little treasure hunt. Ranging from a detective to an archmage, they can be anyone!
Mainly they are just there so your players don't get extremely stuck and eventually get bored! So, put that quirky librarian that just knows a little too much about dragons because they decided to major in Draconic Ages in University and just so happens to be nice enough to help the party!
And you wanna know the best part?
They don't need to tell them everything or be entirely correct (C'mon, they are undergraduates, they don't know their own class schedule). So, use it as your heart desires!
As a bonus I will present to you my top 3:
Wizard student that is paid minimun wage at the local library and absolutely loves to read the monster section, fictional and factual, and occasionally mixes up the two (Use it when you are mad at your players)
Old fella that lives close to the crime scene, and has seen some shit, but doesn't like cops so they only talk to the party about it (Use it when they are about to incriminate the wrong person and you don't want them to wreck the game by accidently sending the Grand Minister to prison)
Shop worker that has literally nothing else to do other than listen to tales from travelers, as a hobby she keeps tabs of all the ruins on the area and, for the right price, might help the party (Use it in any circumstance).
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ideasinthedark · 1 year
this isn’t really a post about an npc, but I’ve been thinking about repurposing a character I made for a campaign into an npc.
The idea around this character was that he was a con-artist (his class was slide) who got excised from the red sashes, and is just trying to make enough money to survive. One of the things I gave him as a con was something called Ghost Coin where he would hand off a bottled spirit to someone for coin, this is quite obviously a scam, and if all goes well he doesn’t have to worry about them coming back.
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A Fey Patron covered in these that speaks through them and collects voices, words, and phrases in exchange for favors and pacts
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Village/town full of people all named variations of Benedict Cumberbatch
E.g. Bendybumble Cumbledump, Bunsen Burner Crundlebitch
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viscerasteel · 1 year
Halfling blacksmith adopts a Half Orc and raises them in Metalworking so they could inherit the shop when they are old enough, only for the Half-Orc to be extremely gifted at making cool sculptures.
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eldritchwaffless · 2 years
Alright, (potentially horrible) Idea for a campaign. The Video Game Main Character Campaign! The campaign takes place in a world where recently a world ending catastrophe was stopped by a legendary hero, a "chosen one" if you will. The party is then hired by said hero for some random quest. What follow is a classic case of a small dungeon quest with an annoying OP DMPC who seems to strangely know everything about that previously undiscovered dungeon. At the end of the dungeon the OP DMPC will do something that causes a conflict with the party and will then TPK them.
After this time turns back to moments before they first met the DMPC, which again, tries to hire them. The party will be confused, if they refuse the offer, they'll go on about their life, doing quest and stuff but every now and then they'll be back at a previous place and time. They'll realize that the OP DMPC as basically "save and load" powers, which they've used to become an hero and also to do evil things with no consequences. But they've abused of it so much that reality is beginning to break down so the party as to defeat them.
I haven't thought of a reason why the party can also remember the saves, maybe they touched something (like if the powers of the BBEG come from an artefact and the party had direct contact with it or something similar in the first dungeon) or maybe the gods gave the BBEG their powers and their like "Naah that ain't gonna do anymore" and so decided to give the party a chance at defeating them.
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cleverartcollection · 2 years
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Lady Morwenna
Lit version of this post, ended up liking this version too.
Click for details
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Welcome to the continent of Rilinhe !
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A beautiful continent of mountains, clean rivers and lush forest. Consisting of the following towns :
Girrit- A decently sized agricultural town mainly focused on the growth and trade of their famous grains. Legend has it the heroes who tasted the bread made from their town would always come back successful in their ventures.
Lilethrius- A small wooded town focused on animal goods. Primarily populated by wood elves. The town is almost shrouded in mystery. As the residents are quiet and reclusive people the only thing known about the town from outsiders of the continent is their bovine meet is the fattiest and juiciest around. When approached by outsiders residents will answer any prying questions curtly and vaguely. Travelers not of the elf race will have a hard time spotting it, even on maps.
E’shil- The largest town of the continent. Illuminated by beautiful magic. Extremely we’ll known for its casinos. Legend has it, E’shil was founded by a dragon, who created the casinos as a way of gathering an immemse hoard. With its plan seemingly working, it occasionally chooses random patrons to receive portions of it hoard, in the form of jackpots. Many of the continents richest people live in the town. However entering the town will cost a heavy fee as an offering to the legends dragon.
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Orosed- The second largest of the towns. A mining town built on the side of a mountain. Lush green fields sprawl out to the distance. It’s most famous exports is obsidian. A large cave sits atop the highest peak of the mountain. The supposedly the dragon of E’shil lives in there and keeps watch over the continent from afar. Brave adventurers are not suggested to venture in there as the dragon of legend is a gold dragon. Sleeping under his hoard he camouflages himself to attack adventurers who wrongly take his treasure.
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Possible npcs:
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Alaion Yesvalur - Wood elf , true neutral. Tends to the bovines in the far off pastures of Lilethrius. Suggested to have them drop subtle lore hints or foreshadowing.
Houkkig Opaltank- Mountain Dwarf, lawful neutral. Guides the party through the mines. While on the venture he warns the party of the dragon, if questioned about it have him shrug it off and mislead the party by saying the dragon may not be real. “If ya ask me the dragons just a myth to keep the money flowing to the elites. Frankly disgusts me.” He will then nervously look to the side.
Idat- Human guard of the largest casino of E’shil, lawful good. Collects the entrance fee at the city gate. He will be curt and abrasive but means well. Will turn the other eye if he catches a party member stealing. But will say to them quietly. “ The dragon knows what belongs to him.”
Art: Dream AI art app
Story and town ideas: Me and ~TechSSheep
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thehomebakery · 2 years
Rosaline Hart. An aasimar whose celestial heritage is marked by their unicorn horn and silvery hair, tail and hooves.
They are often admired for their appearance, and as such have become vain and self-important.
If they are a levelled npc, at 3rd level they take up the fallen aasimar trait and their looks take on that of a nightmare. A streak of orange running through their hair now.
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offbeatworlds · 2 years
✨️ Character Portrait Packs! ✨️
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I haven't really posted a lot about these packs on here but I have portrait packs available! These are perfect for both PCs and NPCs.
Each pack comes with 6* high quality character portraits of various races from Dungeons & Dragons, along with ready-to-go tokens and icons for DnDBeyond and Roll20, and a limited license so you can use the artwork in your streamed games even if their monetized
Oh and Patreon supporters are eligible for a 30% discount on all packs!
There are ten packs in total now, including the newest pack, Eladrin, which just dropped this week.
And more packs are on the way!
*the Genasi and Eladrin packs contain 8 portraits
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trematosaurus · 1 year
I had a goblin crime boss npc that never ended up appearing in the game. He was your classic mob boss, black suit, fake Italian accent and all. But you may ask where’d he get his aesthetic from if he’s in your classic fantasy world? He got it from an event experienced while he was still a mere child. He was subject to a 1 in a billion cosmic mishap which caused him to slip through dimensions for a couple hours. This space time slip landed this small goblin in a movie theatre showing a gangster movie marathon, viewing these permanently changed this small child into the feared crime overload Gob Boss.
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Mandalorian Sith
I'm not elaborating.
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marsupion · 2 years
Npc named "Joe King"
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val-athenar · 2 years
Your players provide the main characters to the story, but everyone else and their mothers are played by you. A player looks you in the eyes when their character is speaking to the blacksmith, wandering merchant or guard#2, and it’s only to be expected that some of your mannerisms can be found in multiple, if not all, NPCs.
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