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I fucking screamed
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sekai-no-reita · 3 months
Does anyone else get these sudden moments of reality followed by utter despair when you truly realize he is not here anymore and all you can do is cry your eyes out?
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
In Germany opticians sell migraine glasses by a maker called Eschenbach. The line is called Acunis and comes in three shades of pink, depending on how strong you want the filter to be, they have prescription glasses and clip ons. According to their website they are also available in the US and Canada but you have to enter your address and they tell you what the closest place you can get them is, so idk how expensive they would be
Nice! Thank you that's good to know!
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
Eleanor update! She's been living with my mom for a while but is really, really shy. Not Vice-shy, which is the feline equivalent of crippling social anxiety and manifests in him being terrified of any person other than myself, but "I have been abducted by aliens" shy, where she's suddenly moved to an unfamiliar environment, and while she does like people and want to be petted, she also does not want to leave the safety of Under the Furniture.
She's been making big progress lately! New Eleanor locations include: basket in the living room, top of the side table, and the master bathroom! Fine work from the First Lady.
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leebrontide · 2 months
Having to watch my step with this month's newsletter. Gotta remember that neurology 101 is not standard education everybody got.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 months
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in the haze of the posting frenzy i forgot that this isn't standard reaction behaviour outside of very specific places 💀
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stick-by-me · 5 months
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A charming little menace...
(From this shop here!)
New follower sticker for: @hypoel!
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afterartist · 8 months
A few people have actually asked how I drew mouths so I thought I would share a tip that’s helped me
(REMINDER!! This helped me and my style, it may not translate well for your style, don’t be afraid to keep searching for and combining art advice to best suit your style and methods)
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Basically I draw a rough sketch of actual teeth (this is super rough and not anatomically correct)
It helps if you colour code the teeth, drawing them top down can also help a lot
Then I line the teeth up with a basic shape of mouth I want, and sketch over where the underlying sketch is, adjusting placement if needed
This basically does what I like to call windowing
You can break up your process into parts and make it easier to get a finished product
Instead of focusing on how they both work together you can draw the teeth and set them aside out of the way and not worry about them
Then you can focus on the mouth without worrying what shape you have to draw the teeth to fit
Then you join /them together, because you already have the base of both it’s easier to look at them in separate parts,
Like flipping the canvas, it gets your brain to go “oh that looks wrong’
‘None of this makes sense I’m so sorry
I haven’t been to a dentist in like 5 years
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new-berry · 3 months
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Rodrigo de Paul posted this on his own Instagram and is there a more blatant “my ex dumped me?”
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ireallydohateyou2 · 4 months
Say Less
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nicmares404 · 1 year
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camille-lachenille · 9 months
I took a deliciously decadent bath, with herbal salts and candles and music and all and it’s one of the best ways to start the year.
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ashevzkyi · 3 months
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Shitty Tsuribari drawing I made earlier
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valiant-if · 9 months
To the anon that reported the isn't/aren't mistake: I accidentally deleted the ask, but thank you for the report! The mistake in question is related to pronoun plurization, so I either forgot to code it in or coded it incorrectly. I will take a look and fix it for the next update. Thanks again!
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agbpaints · 10 months
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mudwerks · 7 months
(via How It's Made: Pre-Packaged Sandwiches)
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