#NOOOOO ship wars here
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
Will Bruce end up with anyone in your au?
oh that's a loaded question... because i really like a lot of bruce's ships.... i hadn't considered that he would end up with someone but i guess it does make sense to at least mention it as a background or something? but they all have some good merits to them....
tell y'all what: you tell me your favorite bruce ships and we might make a poll together so i can get a feel for what we're thinking. right off the bat i have to say.... as much as i love superbat, it won't be a LoF ship. maybe they had a fling a while back but in this universe they aren't endgame </3
also i WILL consider leaving it open ended on purpose so y'all can either insert your own version of what happened there or we can assume that he's in one big open/poly relationship who knows
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evilminji · 4 months ago
You know, i just had the mental image of a sith in star wars finding a ritual or something to summon a ghost and end up summoning danny, while in space. The sith is struggling to try and convince this otherworldly being to help them do evil and their just staring out the nearest viewport in awe about the amount of new space things to discover.
How does it feel? To have such a big and wrinkly brain? So full of smartness?? :O
That? Is Brilliant~☆
It could be a Krell situation. Stress of the war got to be too much. Or a Dooku situation, discontent fed and fed until it burst. Like a silently festering wound, left unseen and untreated.
Regardless of HOW it happened?
The lil shit steals from Madame Nu. Like a CRAZY PERSON.
Rightfully terrified that she will Kick Their Ass into the stratosphere for touching HER archives, they head straight for the "Sith Stuff". What does it DO? What RESEARCH did they do? HA! You ask too much of them! There is no PLAN here!
Their brain has gone to SOUP with the Dark Side. It's all wild mood swings and impulse decisions! Research and careful precautions takes PATIENCE. Planning. The calm and rationality they just THREW OUT AN AIR LOCK.
They are high on the initial high of the Dark Side that few, if any, Dark Siders ever SURVIVE. That TEST of their character and control, as they stand in the storm they have unleashed upon themselves.
You want POWER?
Like trying to swallow a waterfall. Drink the ocean, one cup at a time. Endless, yes, but equally so? It is BRINE. Not the life giving waters of the Light. The more you drink... the deeper your thirst. The faster you die. Can you control yourself? Suffer it? For that's all that's left... suffering. Thirst. Endless, Endless Thirst.
Water water everywhere, and it shall grind your bones to DUST when next you drink.
Welcome to the Dark Side! Was it WORTH it?
But, ah, our Fallen's brain is muddled soup. They think so. They are not themselves. May never be again. That's why it's a tragedy. Because it both IS and ISN'T their hands that takes that Sith artifact. Because who they WERE would be appalled.
They don't even know what they are grabbing, do they? No one does. Seized from the ruins of a laboratory. Long dead horrors, painted upon the walls. A Sith's obsession with the afterlife of his people. Ghosts. Beings that were, supposedly, DIFFERENT then Force Ghosts.
The notes speak of "green". A vision or experience in his youth. Brief. The world tearing open. A gate to somewhere "green". The Sith believed it was the afterlife. Felt death inside the gate. Described as "peaceful, joyful, driven, and eternal", he was ultimately unable to full articulate the full scope of what he believed he saw.
Now his last device is in the hands of a fallen jedi.
Who is going to USE it.
Obviously, the Temple gaurds chase the crazy mofo as hard as they can. Without a DOUBT, every master on hand and available, is roped in by Madame Nu to FOLLOW that psychopath, before he unleashs FORCE KNOWS WHAT, directly over CORUSCANT AIRSPACE!!! The SENATE. THE TEMPLE?! HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF LIVES!?
Fallen McFuckface? Clearly did not think this through (nooooo, REALLY? Everyone is SHOCKED! Shocked, they tell you!), panics. Which is, unfortunately, the LAST thing they wanted them to do. FUCK™.
Masters and Knights are LITERALLY cutting through the hull, kicking down the door, they can survive limited Space exposure and honestly? We're not THAT high yet! Let's see you jump to hyperspace with HOLES in your ship! (Fucking, DONT GIVE THEM IDEAS! They're insane, remember?!) (Shit. You're right.)
Hilariously? The Sith can plan all they want. But you can NEVER plan for stupid. Make a plan idiot proof, as they say, and the Universe will just build a better idiot. All that carefully curated misery, hatred, and suffering? That DISPAIR. The webs upon webs of Darkness carefully spread across the Senate district? Choking the Temple?
Mmmmm, tasty kindling. Good fuel! Sith Artifact LIKEY~!
It RIPS and TEARS. A screaming MAW IN THE SKY. A black hole for Dark Side energy that takes and takes and TAKES. Dropping people all across the district below. KILLING the particularly irredeemably monstrous. After all~!
The Force? Is in all things.
You DON'T have to be Force Sensitive, to Fall. Just a BASTARD. Just cruel and selfish, hateful and needlessly petty. All the things that would sour and turn a Jedi? Can sour and turn YOU too. Just slower, quiter, and with less explosions. But! It still wraps the Dark around your bones. Feeds it into your blood.
Kills you, when it all gets ripped away.
One must wonder.... how many Senators die instantly? And how many die in the days to come? Slowly, painfully, bed-bound as they reflect on who they had become? The fall out will be SPECTACULAR.
The Jedi's fault? How? How is their being stretched so thin they could not mount a proper response THEIR fault? How is YOUR corruption, THEIR fault? Please note all the individuals who were FINE! Baffled, but FINE!
But perhaps you are correct.
Perhaps, for the safety of ALL, we should MOVE our main Temple.
We've done it before. We can do it again. Or do you not want to HAVE that conversation? Hmmm? No, no, we wouldn't want to be a THREAT to you FINE people! You HONORABLE senators! Please, continue to yell and make demands! SEE HOW FAR IT GETS YOU!
Would they normally send someone more diplomatic? Yes. But STRANGELY all of THEM had weird SITH Darkness on them that got violently ripped off! They are in the halls of healing. Unconscious. Because getting Sith shit, that was hooked into your brain, violently ripped out? Not GREAT! 0 out of 10 healers recommend!
Fuuuuck you! Yes, I bite! And be warned, my Race is VENOMOUS! *aggravated Jedi Senior Padawan noises, hissing*
Danny? Got pulled out in FULL regalia. Just FULL on Ice and Stars. Full "I am the Cosmos beholding itself, I am the dead child you could not save.", beyond vanta-black armor and cape like a window to ever shifting stars, crown of aurora borealis playing off the eternal ice, all upon a youngling that seems forever floating... frozen in time. By death.
Was it sacrifice? Natural? Is it just a shape the spirit takes? IS he a youngling?
They both can and can not feel him.
Both can and can not SEE him.
He is so young....
A child king, hsmiles with such shared grief, when they look upon that too large crown, upon a head that should never have been forced to wear it. Like a child, forced to wear his father's mantle too soon. Is that what happened? Was it something worse? They can not bring themselves to ask.
Not when he is so... so DELIGHTED?
Playing with the younglings. In AWE of each and everyone of them. The things they learned each day. "Who wants to go flying?" "Try to float me!" "I believe in you." Oh, he BASKS in their Light like a desperate thing. Showers them with praise and attention, gentle corrections and undivided attention.
He is empathic. Alive and dead. Fascinated by the stars.
And of course... King™.
No, no, he's not interested in your Senate. Doesn't like um, Doesn't trust um. The vibes are RANCID. But I mean... if you REALLY need an army so bad? Since it seems you guys are pushing yourself WAY outside of your normal duties? Like, he doesn't know, uhhh farmers burning crops to prevent starvation? Something like that.
Just? Since you hate it? But are worried people will die? Or those Clone guys (Sweet! Clones! Ellie is gonna be HYPED.) Are gonna die? He could, you know... fix that for you?
JUST you.
We're gonna have to get it in writing. And they won't do anything BUT stop the robots and help people. They don't actually answer to you. Soooo.....?
.......are you offering us an army? (Yeah. An endless skeleton army. Lead by the greatest Generals to have ever died.).....(they get bored.)
And SUDDENLY? Oh look! The Galactic suffering levels? Just fucking DROPPED. All those SENTIENT Clone soldiers! Dying in vain, in agony, ALONE? Not happening! Skeletons can get blasted apart, fade, reassemble, and march RIGHT BACK OUT! This is GREAT fun!
And even better? Unlike with Pariah? THIS time they march? King PHANTOM is sending them to HELP people! Woooooo! Destroy metal crunchy things! Help clean up rubble! Build a house! Rescue trapped people from rubble! Tireless effort! Honor and service! Thanks for the FREE METAL! *rips apart your robots*
There are no anti-ecto technologies here! The BEST they have is Force users! Which? Ha ha ha! GOOD LUCK. That's what? One? TWO? Of you?? To HOW MANY of us??? *cackles in bone army*
And! If they happen upon OTHER things they don't like? Whoop! Should'a thought of that! Before being a DICK! King Phantom says slavery is ILLEGAL. And we, the FORMER slave army of King Pariah, have Millennium Long ISSUES with that! (Easy to remove that chip, when you can reach THROUGH a person. Here you Slaver FUCK. YOU have it! In fact! Have ALL of them. From each and every slave.)
Anikin LOVES his new Bone friends. They are WONDERFUL. Him n them? Bonded. He's made them all speech boards. They're plotting the gruesome end of the Hutt cartel together. He's showing them the holo of his wedding. They're making Super Advanced Chip scan-.....
W....Why is his scanner going off? There should be nothing near by for it to recognize. The only thing HERE is him, his Bone Buddies, and Rex for supervision.... *mounting horror as he slowly waves the device around* *beep*
The Clones? De-chipped in like... two days. There are too many skeletons to NOT have them be able to just? *reach in, feel for the Non-Clone bit, grab it, pull out* didn't even need surgery! But boy, oh, boy! Is Anikin upset. That sure is a Slave chip! Hey, Kamino! Have a Chosen One and his Bones Bros! Some Clones in orbit with Real Big Guns.
And Palatine? Is? PISSED.
His whole ass Empire is dissolving in his hands. The Sith Master Plan! Going up in smoke! Walls are closing in! All because of ONE(1) glowing BRAT.
Wanna bet he goes after him... with LIGHTNING? In human form, of course. Danny. Who DIED to electricity. Who has, throughout ALL of this? Been chilling in the Jedi temple, finally... FINALLY! Unwinding. Putting down the stress on his shoulders. Healing from his childhood. Cuddling cute babies and laying on the grass to nap, listen to the waterfall. Be at PEACE, surrounded by the Light of the Jedi.
Danny, who has been making friends. Enjoying the archives. For once in his stressful, STRESSFUL life? Letting OTHER PEOPLE deal with it. Playing with alien puppies and weird not-cats. Trying new foods! Seeing about adopting some droids that Tucker might get on with. Sorry "buying" some droids. (As though those Restraining Bolts aren't coming off the SECOND they droids are in his hands.)
It's been cool. Relaxing. Great for his mental health.
They have folks LITERALLY called Mind Healers here! Jazz would love it!
So obviously Sith face ruins it. Hurts his friends and blasts him with LIGHTNING. The kids are crying and terrified. This was supposed to be some sort of "learn about how the Republic works" day trip to the Senate! He was helping chaperone. They are being so, SO brave. Staying together. Trying to get their teacher out of harms ways.
How DARE you. How FUCKING DARE YOU?! A fight between adults? Not his Reality, not his business. Clockwork drilled that into his head. He CAN'T keep the Multiverse together. Fight every fight for everyone, save everything. People have free will. Have to decide for THEMSELVES. Choose to do the right thing.
It doesn't mean SHIT if they don't save themselves. Wont last, in the end, because they won't have LEARNED a damn thing. He GETS that! But KIDS?! Ooooh ho ho! He DRAWS THE LINE AT KIDS! At shocking the SHIT out of him with LIGHTNING!
You want to poke the sleeping titan 'til it wakes up?
Well congrats!
Palpatine goes through the HOLE where about fifteen walls USED to be. Half of Coruscant physically hears it and EVERYONE with even a TOUCH of Force sensitivity FEELS it. Across the entire planet and up into orbit.
Dying screams and the crackle of electricity. Regret. Fear. The desperate need to protect, in your final moment. Pain and pressure, the cool slide of Death come to take it all away. You were just fourteen. You were just fourteen! You died screaming, you came back screaming, in the place between... will you ever stop screaming?
You are the Galaxy, the Cosmos, the INFINITE. You are just a child.
How many souls died screaming?
Can't you hear ALL OF THEM?
Pissed or not, kids come first. Fuuuuuck that guy. Danny picks up the teacher, the kids, and back to the Temple they go. Teacher survives. Kids cling. Senate gets itself into a snit over the "unprovoked attack". But the thing is? A whole CLASS of Baby Jedi say the Chancellor is the Sith Lord. Look too spooked to be lying. Their teacher, too WOUNDED for this to be a prank.
The Jedi close rank.
Palpatine tries to use the Clones.
You know... the De-chipped by their Bone Bros Clones.
Commander Fox? Gets to finally, FINALLY(!!!) live out his long time fantasy... of shooting the fucker. Slug thrower. Tragically, fails to kill him. But the attempt WAS enthusiastic! We applaud his attempt. Commander Fox gets to join Danny in the Gardens, under a Crechelings pile, staring at the stain glass ceiling and Not Thinking Or Having Responsibilities.
Huh.... kid's right. This IS nice.
Fox enjoys being a climb-able lump for the Crechelings. Welcome to the club, my dude.
The other Jedi? THEY can figure it out. The Temple is literally unassailable. If needs be, his army can PICK IT UP AND MOVE IT. Danny is Vibin. Have a fruit. You hear about Skywalker? Making pretty good ground on his whole "one man and massive bone army campaign against Slavery" thing. Missed the whole.... his buddy was an asshole reveal. Apparently reception is spotty. *shrugs*
His wife's nice though! *various married Jedi agree, Obi-Wan continues to sulk because: "REALLY?! You didn't even INVITE ME!? My own Padawan! To his WEDDING! Anikin how COULD YO-!?"*
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thatonefatgumsimp · 4 months ago
alr ykw
liveblogging my reaction to tadc episode 3, let's
So ready to get autistic over my blorbos /sillyyyy
under the cut for ease of scrolling past :p
"What do you, the viewers, think it is?" You scrunch into a tiny bunny ball and get short. Final answer.
✨z o o b l e g o e s t o t h e r a p y✨ /sillyyyyyy
That's a cool bee, you're doing great sweetie (probably still listen to Zoob tho)
Pomni really said let me innnn LET ME INNNNNN!! /sillyyyyy
"I love that it's locked ):<" me-core
"Do not let the head out of your sight" OH SHI-
"Any torment I inflict is 100% accidental!! Just like any good war criminal." LMAOOOOOOO, CAINE- I'M- YOU'RE KILLIBG ME HERE, BUDDY- literally iconic line frrr, he acknowledges his warcrimes. We love a self-aware king /sillyyy
"I'm trying my best to remember what you and my brain won't tell me!!" He's so real for that tho...ADHD gang rISE UP! /sillyyyyyy
"What…what you're saying is that…I could be bad at the only thing I'm good at…and…that'd be…" It's OK to have a mental breakdown, bud, let it all out. There there...
Caine existential crisis arc while Kinger and Pomni are going through the horrors™ smh…/sillyyy
"How's about we take his gun?" KINGER GUN ARC POG?????
"Looks like we've got two shots…let's make it count" What if Kinger with a gun kinda scares me a bit /lhsilly ...like, he sounds so calm and composed, it's...unnatural for him...kinda unsettling...fits with the spooky vibes of the ep tho
"Which is what I would be saying if it wasn't one of God's angels" WHAT. WHAT. WHAT???!! BI- WHAT?!????? THE FREAKING PLOT TWIST- I'M- My brain is melting
"And your bodies will be my only means of doing so" HOLD UP. WAIT A MINUTE! SOMETHIN AIN'T RIGHT-
"I HATE THIS STUPID ADVENTURE!!" real…✊😔 Honestly a fair reaction given the current situation...although mine woulda been worse I think-
Awehhhhh 🥺 girl's tea party ✨, so real for that actually
"You know how men are…always having the silliest priorities" "don't I know it" *turns to Jax tied up* I WOULD say 'free my boy, he's done nothing wrong', but we all know that's a lie, he's a war criminal just like his dad Caine /SILLYYYYYYYY
"I wonder how long that'll be" probably a while, Gangle…
"How could I not be in literal hell right now???!?" First digital hell, now this smh…/sillyyyyyy
O.O wait...the breath holding from the beginning of the ep…QUICK, POMNI, BECOME RGB KEYBOARD!! KINGER, BECOME FLASHLIGHT!
"Why have you been acting so different lately?" NO, CUZ THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYINGGGGGG /lh
NOOOOOO- CHECKMATES (idk their ship name, shhhhhhh edit: it previously said chessboard, changed BC of the socks iykyk) ANGST NOOOOOOO- GOOSE. GOOSE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME- I'M- 😭
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"I used to hate bugs, but…she somehow got me to like them" AWEHHHHHHH-! 🥺 GOOSE. GOOSE WHAT THE HECK, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY- /pos Chat, I'm melting into a puddle, help-
"But it's not. Not if you have people who care about you." I'M- GOOSE STOP 😭 SOBBING- I WAS PROMISED PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR, NOT THERAPY /sillyyyyyyyy
"In this world, the worst thing you can do is make people feel like they're not wanted or loved" OMG REAL!! 🗣️🔥🔥 ...and on that note, ily, moots and followers 🫶💖
"Maybe we can get through if we don't breathe!" CHAT. CHAT THEY FIGURED IT OUT!! KINGER, MY BOY!!!! YOU'RE SO SMART!!!!!!
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"Hey, Ragatha…I just wanna say…thanks for always being concerned about me" EXPLODING RN, CHAT- CERTIFIED BUTTONBLOSSOM MOMENT????? /SILLYYYY
"Did you remember to get my comedy mask?" "…F**K-!" KINGER SWORE??????? OMG???? REAL, LET HIM COOK- LET HIM COOOOOOOK!!
"quick, pretend we weren't having a therapy session!" LMAOOOO?? CAINE IS SO SILLAYY-
"Wwwwwelcome back, my meowing milkmaids!!" "…don't ever call us that again." Lmaooooo Jax-
Clawing at my cage
That was so good- I'm-
Hold on, chat, I'm going feral rn /sillyy
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months ago
Arcane S2E4
Curious as to how Jinx has become a darling of the underground when she worked for the oppressive drug lord for years. They're that taken with her nuking the city council I guess? Even though she has no ideals and did not do it for them. The fact that topside hates her is enough. Still do you think anyone's like. not to harsh everyone's cosplay buzz but that teenager blew up my family member.
Caitlin's hooking up with the other cop? She looks like 15.
Your jailbait gf has a point
Also what are the HR implications of this
Jinx: It's hard being a single mother when you're a teenager with no children
Actually not that hard, it seems to have made her weirdly calm and domestic
This kills the crab goat
"How could I not secure the scientists?" Well maybe instead of starting a fucking war you could've just offered them grant funding. Scientists love grant funding
They've got checkpoints now…
Lmao AMBESSA is bringing up the HR implications
Councilor guy experiences ableism… will he learn anything from this. Probably not.
I thought Sevika came around on Jinx way too quickly but I see… she's genuinely consistently focused on Zaunite liberation and gritting her teeth going 'every day I coalition build with the most annoying fucks in the undercity'. Babe maybe you should try being the charismatic leader yourself instead of tying yourself to multiple sinking ships
When she was talking to the chair I really was hoping she'd gone the full Jade Harley and was arguing with Silco's stuffed corpse. Guess she dumped him in the river though
Nooooo Ekko is still missing?
Could people PLEASE stop destroying Sevika's arm. What is this Fullmetal Alchemist
Sevika does all the goddamn work around here and this white girl with a clown aesthetic gets all the congratulations. Ok I think Ekko's number 2 at least respects what she's working with
Isha is not making it through this season is she
everyone in this science fantasy universe a la the conveyer belt meme: guess we're doing werewolves now
Are those dead enforcers or did Warwick kill all the prisoners Jinx and Sevika just freed?
Trying to avert my eyes from Jinx's sideboob bc she looks barely pubescent
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magicalberserk · 12 days ago
New version of my old and dumb Microwave Society quotes roleplay meme, now including more quotes from this video! Please check out the actual Microwave Society channel here!
"Lion King is just a Shakespeare play, but for furries."
"Engineering; creating solutions for problems that don't exist."
"I am not going to Ohio! In fact, I'm going the opposite direction!"
"You know what I wish I had in my hands right now? A gun! So I could shoot whoever made this!"
"Call him 'Arby's', 'cause he's got the meats!"
"I'm gonna murder two children tonight."
"You have problems with cream filled chocolate cake?"
"Someone's halls are getting decked!"
"This isn't just a movie, [name]. This is the movie."
"I have no friends, and I'm not gonna start now!"
"The only problem with that is the fact that I don't care."
"We're in a sports competition! Why did you bring grenades!?"
"It's Santa Clause!"
"Oh dear, it seems I've missed my turn..."
"Nothing personal, but you are the worst being I've ever encountered."
"We're not gonna feed [name] unless you buy a tee shirt."
"I'm gonna put my head in a guillotine."
"Nobody that works here is sad, 'cause if they are sad they're dead!"
"I will light you on fire."
"Snip snap, your opinion is crap!"
"If we barrel to our deaths, at least we'll be singing a really cool song!"
"Your parents didn't love you, and no one else will either."
"You're boiling my vibe! You're heating my vibe to 212°F, bro!"
"I will forever remember the sound of a dodge ball hitting you in the face. That's a sound that stays with you for life."
"Kill me, so I can stop watching this."
"Oh god, I forgot this was a musical! NOOOOO!"
"This is the beginning of my villain arc."
"You know I hate to break it to you, uh, but you're wrong..."
"Check out my new invention: gun!"
"Um... I have a civil war to reenact..."
"Why are we in Texas?"
"This is a call for help, I haven't eaten in days."
"As a pianist, you make me wanna tear my hair out."
"Merry Christmas!" *Explosion*
"Picture this: it's 7 AM. You just woke up. You eat your hypothetical eggs and bacon. You walk out to the bus and two minutes later, you're experiencing 15 Gs."
"Technically, pirate ships are just really big sailboats."
"Joke's on you, there was a landmine right there."
"Everyone clapped, Obama was there."
"With all due respect, sir... no."
"What's the return policy on human beings?"
"I will literally kill us all."
"I'm gonna lock myself in my room and not come out for another twenty years!"
"It's school, you're probably just staring at a wall thinking about something else entirely."
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
"Nothing is illegal in Britain."
"You are a danger to society!"
"Is your bed made out of cardboard and sticks?"
"We've all been to an execution, right?"
"Oh no, the taxes! They're coming for me!"
"I don't wanna go to England! I don't wanna be British!"
"I really wanna plug a straightener into a random outlet in your house."
"I hate my wife so much that I don't communicate with her."
"[Name], I'm going to actually kill you."
"I wish movies were real."
"Musicians are the most pure people, I dunno what you're talking about."
"What bathroom door? I've never seen a bathroom in this house!"
"Are you on drugs right now?"
"It's standard procedure! We're gonna throw a kid off the train, and they're gonna get sucked under the wheel and die!"
"I'm so mature and everything, I objectify all women! Not just hot women!"
"Guys, I'm from Awesome Town, so I'm like, super awesome."
"If you didn't have curly hair, George Bush would come into your house and shoot you."
"You know how you feel bad? Well, I'm gonna make you feel worse."
"Don't fall into another dimension in middleschool, you'll be fine."
"Being thrown into a wall doesn't hurt, apparently."
"I want a house made of gummy bears..."
"Only the United States would make jaywalking a thing."
"Brains are so gross, I'm glad I don't have one."
"What ever, major loser."
"Aircraft carriers are just floaty airports."
"Let's walk out into the dark, shadowy part of the forest where no one can see you."
"I... haven't read any of them. Because I just... hate reading..."
"I just want a restaurant to make me a cheeseburger that doesn't look like they slapped it face down."
"Back in my day, we went out back and watched someone get hanged."
"None of these people are ugly enough to be musicians. If you think a musician's attractive, someone else wrote their songs."
"My frontal lobe does not associate dopamine to anything, Ever."
"If you spend time with your family, you're fired! Because capitalism!"
"Can we stop having cinematic universes?"
"End my life right now."
"God, not England! Gross! Ew!"
"Let's put lighter fluid inside the turkey."
"He should be dead. I want him to be dead. I want to execute him. He doesn't have a punchable face, he has a shootable face. Let's kill him."
"It's a good time, no alcohol required!"
"Haha, I'm trespassing!"
"You have the mental capacity of a toe!"
"I hope everyone here dies of disease."
"I would fly like that if I was a superhero, just T-pose the entire way."
"I don't think labor laws existed in Bible days..."
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lightwise · 10 months ago
TBB S3 E11 Reaction
I’ve watched this episode multiple times already but honestly it doesn’t get any easier. Here we go I guess 😩
- This droid guy looks like the one from episode 4. They’re kinda cute
- The return of Mel! (And Phee 😁)
- Both of them are in a mood 😆. What trip did they just get back from to make them so cranky? Love the throwback to Skara Nall too.
- Noooo not CX-2 😭
- He’s a sneaky boi
- I knew that Phee would inadvertently be how the coordinates to Pabu would be found 🥺🥺
- I’m just now noticing that the back office is playing music and that’s probably why Phee can’t hear the alarm go off. That is hilarious and also very frustrating 😅
- Of course the droid thinks it caused the alarm somehow
- There’s no way downloading someone’s flight log goes that quickly but okay
- Ooooh my girl knows something is up! Her spidey pirate senses are going off. Aghhhh if only she had been a second sooner!!
- If CX-2 ISN’T Tech there is zero reason why he would have stayed behind to watch Phee leave before he snuck off. Also how is he so incredible at hacking into and decoding things 👀
- Ugh I just want a show of Phee and Mel adventures around the galaxy!
- Why is his ship so freaking cool. These maps are incredible.
- Reallyyyy wanna get CX-2’s helmet off 😭
- Aw Pabu is so beautiful in the sunset
- Ha! I knew the boys would try to leave after Ventress warned them it was too dangerous to stay on Pabu. Hunter might be slow sometimes but he’s not completely stupid guys
- Aw poor Wrecker just wants an ice cream
- Crosshair shakes his head at him 🤣
- The little clone cadets outfits are so cool!!!
- Not going to lie, the first time I watched this was the closest I had cried all season. Tech’s goggles and Lula being placed in the Archium is so heartbreakingly fitting 💔
- Wrecker and Gonky banter 🤩🤩🤩 Gonk is such a part of the family I love it soooo much
- Okay seriously how is CX-2 able to both know he’s tripped a proximity sensor AND turn it off?? Come on
- I just realized how he knows where the cave is too. If he tracked Phee’s flight log it must have shown exactly where she normally landed
- Ugh that gold and purple is just too beautiful. Can Pabu be a real place that I can go to?
- Hunter’s spidey senses are also on alert. And I love how close he and Crosshair are again, their pre-Order 66 bond has been restored and is even deeper. Crosshair is attuned to when Hunter’s senses go off. And their helmets sitting together on the cart is so cute 🥹
- No NO no NOOO Nooooo. This moment was ruined by the Star Wars marketing team so it honestly didn’t hit as hard as it would have otherwise, but 😭😭😭. RIP Marauder. You will live on in our imagination
- I still can’t believe that they somehow heard our outcry about what would happen to Gonky, Lula, and Tech’s goggles if they blew up the Marauder, and decided to save EXACTLY those three things 🤣 (and Wrecker. So glad Wrecker is “relatively” okay, poor boy)
- Hunter’s slooow helmet turn until we see the starship above the island. Phew. And the Imperial March coming in.
- Omega comforting Batcher 😭😭😭
- Having LAATs swoop down into a town like that would be terrifying
- Man, where’s Maarva when you need her. Fuck the Empire
- “Search every domicile until you find her” is going to go down in Star Wars quote history
- I was genuinely afraid they were going to burn the whole island
- I’m sorry but I just can’t take the backpack clips on CX-2 seriously
- Batcher baby no! (Also genuinely thought we were going to lose her for a second)
- Damn Hunter. Nothing makes him shine like hand to hand combat and other things 🥵
- He’s never been hotter honestly
- Alright how in the world is CX-2 so good at *everything*. I’m honestly getting a little annoyed at it.
- Crosshair’s face 😭💔😭 he’s never looked more scared and pleading than when he says his baby sister’s name
- I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t just burn down the town anyway. Either CX-2 is just trying to be super efficient/he doesn’t care past accomplishing his mission, or the Empire gets much more petty and cruel by Kenobi and Rebels
- It’s so interesting to me how touchy CX-2 is with Omega. Why all the shoulder pushes? Shoulder touches are very much a form of affection and communication among clones. Has that impulse in him just been turned to violence?
- Sooo…we basically will never get wet hair Hunter 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take this much dripping and cute Batcher scratches compensation though
- Okay. I’m just going to say it. The way they chose to have Crosshair miss the tracking device was so disappointing to me. Not the fact that he missed, but how he missed. Having him be distracted and fend for his life and be late for the shot was great. But I wish they had brought his hand tremble into play here as the main mechanism behind why he missed. They’ve been building that up all season and it would have made perfect sense. Instead he rushes and like trips and just shoots too early? So out of character. I didn’t like it and still don’t :(
- Welp, Omega seems to be less worried than we are. We’re in the end game now folks 😳 this music is awesome too
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 2 months ago
s5 episode 13 thoughts
reading this episode’s description… i sense a two parter. ahaha! yes, if you look to the episode slightly to the right, it seems to indicate that this is, in fact, going to end on a cliff hanger.
well! best to be prepared. 
we haven’t dealt with aliens in a while now… or at least it feels that way to me, even though it’s really only been 7 or so episodes since the whole emily situation (which was pretty promptly forgotten about, narrative-wise). but i’m prepared for some intense and action-packed sequences that raise more questions than they answer. 
and most importantly, i know in my heart and soul: CSM is NOT dead!!
let us begin!
post-episode thoughts: justice for my boy dmitri. and also give scully ANOTHER vacation with no creepy dolls. and MANDATORY weekly therapy sessions for both of our agents. and let them cuddle. also: wtf, krycek?
ohhh, i know exactly what kind of episode this is going to be, as we open with mulder narrating over an image of a galaxy. yes. i see how this is going to go down.
(trying to imagine the actors in the booth narrating these little speeches on the nature of the universe in a solemn monotone and it does make me laugh)
we see two teenagers speaking in what i think is russian? they see a UFO and are running to tell “the others”. ah, they are in kazakhstan. i knew a guy from kazakhstan. 
they smell something in the woods… fire! they are running toward it. and they find a car in flames. seems to be many cars in flames!!! 
they are calling for their family!!!! were they in the cars?!? no one is yelling back!! but a man emerges engulfed in flames, and they run back into the woods. 
WHAT THE FUCK someone grabs the boy with glasses and his face (or lack thereof) is scary. the blond boy (later revealed to be named dmitri) listens as he screams!!!
damn. hell of an opening there.
OH HOLD UP. I SEE “also starring nicholas lea” as these white trucks move towards the charred cars. now, usually i am not very observant when it comes to the text at the beginning, but i know what this means: RETURN OF THE WORSTIE KRYCEK 🔥🔥🔥
this has great implications. 
these men in camo are opening up the cars and using fire extinguishers on them. for what purposes??
NO! the blond teenager is in the woods still and KRYCEK FINDS HIM!!!! THEY’RE GONNA KILL HIM NOOOOO
the poor boy in glasses has been burnt to a crisp :(
krycek is trying to KICK marita out of this war zone looking place despite her having permission under the UN
(it was at this point i began to wonder if contemporary fans shipped those two, in the sort of "two pretty people who have never met but have no one else to be paired off with" kind of way that is so popular in fandom. this question was later answered)
krycek says he knows who she is and who she works for… ooooo, is he telling the truth?!? he says to tell "them" it’s all going to hell. and then they take that poor boy away!!
“you tell them to kiss my american ass” (krycek spits at marita) damn!!! i mean i hate the guy, but i also don’t trust marita at ALL, so i'm not sure if there’s anyone i should be rooting here between them.
jump to a woman, who is talking about her last abductions, during which she felt no fear, and this allowed her to communicate with “them”. she claims she is an apostle of a new age of enlightenment. an audience claps at this.
is this like a film screening or something??? or??
ohhh, it’s at MIT? this guy gestures to the screen, referring to the woman as “patient X”. hence the episode title. i see what they did there.
why is mulder at this panel…. and why does he look so stressed out…?
this other guy says that we aren't "breeding cows" for the aliens, but instead are subjects to them, in the way we picture our relationship with god. don’t care for that one bit.
OHHH MULDER IS SPEAKING NOW… he doesn’t believe this woman, nor her feel-good message, but he doesn’t think she’s lying either! “i think… that if you prepare people well enough to believe a lie, they will believe it as if it were true” very philosophical
why is he out here in public doing all this… i thought the whole alien business was top secret!! but then again, they mentioned him on the jerry springer show, so maybe not???
WAIT!! i thought he was going to come in with the “she’s lying; the aliens have bigger and more evil plans” take, but it sounds like he’s just straight up denying aliens.
“what i‘ve seen, i’ve seen because i wanted to believe” <- ohhhh what. is he lying?? or does he really no longer believe in aliens?? is this FBI-ordered damage control??
the crowd is pissed at his suggestion that there are no aliens involved here, just a government developing biological warfare. okay, so this is NOT FBI-ordered damage control, then. because that is actually worse for the government's image.
the others on the panel look stressed tf out by what he has to say and he leaves… but he recognizes dr. werber in the audience. he says it’s been 5 years! OHHH it’s the guy who did hypnotherapy with him to help him remember his sister… now why is he here?!? was he just in the area??
mulder explains that he has come to distrust those memories. even the memory of his sister being taken???
“i don’t think you understand. there’s just too much evidence that it’s all been a lie. the conspiracy is not to hide the existence of extraterrestrials, it’s to make people believe in it so completely that they question nothing” <- huh. very interesting take.
dr. werber reveals that HE is patient x’s doctor!! and he thinks that mulder should meet her. damn. that's a twist.
now we're back at the tunguska gulag with krycek and some other guy. krycek is very sweaty from beating this poor boy dmitri up!!! 
oh no… the other guy is the doctor that does the experiments with the black oil, and he protests because they are only supposed to do the experiments on the criminal. krycek decides to change that, i guess. why is the screen so dark? he’s far less sweaty in the next shot. then he pays some other guy to say he was never there. 
krycek pockets some of the doctor’s serum. now what is that all about…?
krycek locks the door on the doctor and dmitri?! what is he doing??
meanwhile, mulder is meeting patient X, who is really named cassandra. she seems very very very happy. she says he is a hero of hers. 
duane barry... (takes a drag of a cigarette) haven't heard that name in years...
“you may not like me as much as you like that story” “that story saved my life” <- ohhh, this is not going to end well, huh….
she says she has been a multiple abductee for over 30 years!!! (then how is she not dead?!) and no one would believe her until she read that story. 
he tells her that she should check herself out of this hospital and live her life :(
but now is not a good time, because she is going to be called again soon. “now is a time of war and stress among the alien nations” ohhh okay. yeah, for sure. /s
“there was a time when i would have believed what you’re saying, without a doubt” “there is no doubt, mr. mulder. i know what i’ve experienced. i have been through the terror and the tests more times than i can count” <- ohhh they took her FETUS?? i applaud her conviction and her standing her ground, knowing that what she experienced is real, but damn, sounds kind of hard to think of "them" positively.
she insists they’re here to deliver a message, but there are other forces at work. 
girl, if they took your fetus, i’m not so sure they’re here for good…
and she insists that he ought to know, because he is the one person that can do something about it. no pressure!!
“i’m not”, he says, then walks away. this is a great turn in character. refusal of the call, if you will. after many years of responding to the call.
poor dmitri is strapped down and undergoing the evil oil, which is slurping itself down his throat. 
someone else in the gulag is pissed to hear about what went down with krycek and the boy. and the doctor who did the experiment on him is dead!! is this the end of the oil experiments?
you know, mulder has the oil in him too... don't think i've forgotten
krycek is on a boat leaving russia. he has brought someone water. who?
oh my god, it looks like it’s the boy from before?? but he was just trapped under all that wire!!!! did krycek somehow hide, kill the doctor, free dmitri, and then escape without the others noticing?
back at the FBI, agent spender is approaching scully (NEW CHARACTER ALERT). he says he hasn’t been able to reach mulder. hmm… spender says he would prefer if mulder wasn’t talking to this alien abductee. oh! it’s his mother??
he says she is a very disturbed woman, and he wants to build a reputation here, not be given one… hmm. is he really her son?? or just some guy trying to throw her off the case?
in new york, marita is debriefing the syndicate on the whole situation she witnessed. there were 41 bodies!!! all burned beyond recognition!! by a technology none of the UN medics had ever seen!!
ohhh, it looks like the victims had the little microchips in them… so they must have all been abductees!! well-groomed man says he thinks it was for a group abduction???
“in the final stages before it begins, there will most likely be assemblies” <- so is "it" going down??? like, now??
is that what the movie will be about?!?
this other guy thinks the aliens are lying about their time table… marita thinks this isn’t part of the plan; this is an act of war. and she tells them about krycek! and she thinks that he knows what went down because he captured dmitri, who saw what happened!!
the phone rings…… well-groomed man picks it up. yes, it is krycek. he says he’s in town!!
he says he will take all of their research on the black oil in exchange for the boy… hmm…. hmm…. and he’ll starve the kid until then!!!
can poor dmitri even talk?? it looked like his whole face was burned and then sewn up!!
down in his office, mulder is drawing a spiral, when scully emerges to toss a newspaper at him. “shouldn’t that be my picture next to the headline?” LMAOOO it’s an article with his quote about how the conjecture around aliens is “false, dangerous, delusional”
she asks if this has anything to do with cassandra, and he says that “cassandra spender is living proof that that the truth i’ve so boldly been seeking for the last 5 years is the truth of a madman” oh! so he really must be in his doubting era, huh? also, he seems to be doodling or perhaps completing a crossword puzzle while saying this, which is so funny 
“one more anal-probing, gyro-pyro, levitating-ecoplasm alien antimatter story, and i’m going to take out my gun and shoot somebody” “well! i guess i’m done here” <- LMAO SCULLY
SHE TELLS HIM TO HAVE A NICE LIFE LMAO as if they could ever part after their work was completed. these bitches are tied at the soul.
OHHHH scully reads cassandra's file and finds out that cassandra was ALSO taken at skyland mountain (!!) and that she had an implant at the base of her neck (!!)
scully looks horrified as mulder puts his coat on and leaves... is he going to the mountain?
well, skyland mountain is hopping tonight, regardless of if he is in attendance or not.
now we see cassandra, pressing her fingers into the window. and scully is here too?!?? she says she is sure she knows scully. from the abductions?!?
scully wants to ask some questions!!!
scully asks to sit down…. and she says that she learned about her from her son. 
ohhhh no… “you’re feeling it too, aren’t you?” (she reaches out to touch the base of scully’s neck) “you wake up at night knowing you need to be somewhere, but you don’t know where it is. like you forgot an appointment you didn’t know you had”
scully wavers for a bit, then says “that’s not why i’m here” <- SO IS IT TRUE?? SHE REALLY FEELS THOSE THINGS EVEN AFTER THE IMPLANT WAS REMOVED??
oh my god, she’s warning cassandra not to take the neck implant out because she will get very sick :( oh poor sweet scully, breaking her own promise to that agent to make sure his mom doesn’t get sick… 
cassandra says she would never remove it because she wants to go; the aliens have so much to teach us, and they’re great healers. maybe that’s why scully was chosen. damn. i think she meant that to be comforting, but it was really messed up :(
that's like saying "i know you were tortured and all of your autonomy stripped and you nearly died, but the wise and merciful aliens chose YOU, aren't you so special?" ouch!!! like a worse version of someone saying "it's all part of god's plan" when you suffer
OH NO… so many people are arriving at the mountain… and now i am putting together what is going on… the guy who thought he was supposed to go to a mountain but wasn’t sure of any details… all of the cars arriving… they’re going to get blown up!!! 
someone comes sprinting at this red headed guy as the same man with the burned face from the beginning of the episode lights this dude on FIRE!!!!
mulder saunters up the mountain the next morning in the mixture of fog and smoke, where there are dozens of bodies in bags. scully reports no survivors. they can’t ID the bodies, so no relation can be confirmed
“mulder, why are you tiptoeing around the obvious fact here?” <- OHHH! now she has to talk conspiracy into him!!!
he shoots down her theory with a quickness, saying that he can give her an explanation. 
mulder, please be careful, okay? this is a very SENSITIVE subject with her, and your bluntness may need some adjusting. she is talking about the most traumatic experience of her life, so maybe invalidating that is NOT the move. do not make her sound crazy for seeing a connection. no matter how emo you are over the fact that you no longer believe. thank you very much. peace and love.
another jump. marita points out that this incident at skyland mountain is the same thing she saw in kazakhstan! “this is no good, i don’t like being kept in the dark on this” says one of the dudes from the syndicate. which, like, yeah. it’s not good at all. astute observation. 
“someone’s going to great lengths to sabotage our work” is it... CSM???? or intergalactic alien warfare?
cassandra is crying, watching the news, while scully and mulder arrive. she called them!! and she says that this isn’t supposed to be happening; she knew those people who died- they were friends from a long time ago. 
she tells mulder and scully that they have to do something about it (again, no pressure). but in walks her son!!
ohhh, agent spender he says that all of the people who died were in a cult together with his mother? one where the aliens will come and taken them to heaven. mulder says they won’t be bothering her anymore. while scully gazes at cassandra’s finger prints on the window…
hmm. how the tables have turned. scully is the one thinking of believing the alien lady.
scully is clearly bothered, and this dude in a mustache and hat is watching her. DID HE JUST ENTER CASSANDRA’S ROOM???? STAY AWAY FROM HER!!
back to dmitri!!!! krycek is dropping him water!!! OH SHIT, MARITA IS THERE!!! she somehow got on the ship??
“you think you can pull this off, don’t you?” GET HIM‼️
“they give me what i want… then i’m gonna rule the world”, mutters krycek between forceful kissing
hold on. i have to rewind that against my own will. because i cannot tell what is going on
that is more moaning than i cared for.
“we’ve got them on their knees, alex” <- SO THEY KNOW EACH OTHER???? oh my GAWD, that was a lot of tongue action. 
okay. so it seems that was consensual. and they left the ship to go escalate matters. with poor dmitri on the floor. 
gonna need a moment to process that one.
WHY WERE THEY BEEFING BACK IN KAZAKHSTAN.... was it part of some elaborate performance if they really did know each other already?? is that what they do before they make out? roleplay being on opposite sides of the cold war?
are they going to end the cold war (which i know in theory already ended, but c'mon, let's call a spade a spade) by letting the aliens take over and trusting them to put krycek in a position of power?
uh. okay.
scully is sleeping…. she sees something out her window?? and feels the back of her neck…. there is a ringing sound… what is going on!!! is she feeling the vague call?? how?!
krycek comes back to the ship, but dmitri is gone!! and here instead is well-groomed man!!! with a gun!! asking where the boy is!!!
krycek, you utter fool. was marita sent to distract you...? or did you truly get lost in the sauce and leave your prisoner unattended to go hook up...? the levels of backstabbing here are countless
scully arrives in mulder’s office the next morning, looking scared, but he’s already launching into the fact that there were metal implants in the necks of some of the skyland mountain victims. and that a few of them were involved with local UFO organizations!! and their medical records show they had been experiencing distress from believing they will be contacted by aliens!!
he is convinced that the government put those implants in them and then made them go to the mountain… but she says it doesn’t make sense. they weren’t abducted this time, they were led to their deaths- and why?
OH MY GOD??? “you know mulder… maybe you shouldn’t be so quick… to rule out what cassandra spender has to say”
she said that so slowly, like it was a confession she was scared to voice aloud, and i want to hold her tightly. but!!! the phone is ringing!! the voice on the other side is going to say cassandra’s dead, isn’t it?
they’re locking eyes and he nods, seeming to take her words to heart. please listen to her, mr. mulder.
IT’S MARITA??? she’s telling him about the incident in kazakhstan… and says she has someone who knows about it. dmitri is in her car… but again, i ask: can he talk?? and isn't there a language barrier anyway??
what sort of trickery is afoot…? she tells mulder to come here and wait for her call… but dmitri has gotten up, and the black oil is SEEPING from his eye and nose wounds!!! he reaches out and she gasps!!!
and scully is out the door by then, looking panicked. she gets a drink of water, and i fully thought she was going to be sick for a second which i was not ready for. oh, scully :(
okay, so mulder is off to meet marita at this random ass payphone… but no one is there…. just some smudges on the window??
he picks up the phone and calls agent spender. he’s looking for scully… but she isn’t with him!! and his mother is gone, too!!
cut to the sky… then a bridge… was scully summoned to this bridge??? does the implant’s influence linger?? the man who went into cassandra’s room is pushing her wheelchair, and dmitri is here with opened eyes. and so is scully!!!! 
everyone is looking up. pointing at something!!! run away, scully!! you know what happens next!!! either aliens or burning!!!
it looks like a UFO is right over their heads. scully is watching carefully. and she sees cassandra, who reaches out to hold her hand. but then someone is on fire!!!!!
the men without the faces are here with their fire sticks!!!
i have a lot of questions!!!
so can scully still feel the call to alien things despite the implant no longer being there?? is dmitri going to become one of those guys with no faces?? or is he healing?? because his eyes were opened!! and are the guys with no faces a rogue alien species, or are they working for the gulag that krycek is running?? what is krycek planning?? how does he know marita?? and where IS marita?? are they really working together, or double-crossing each other at the highest level of professionalism?
what about the black oil that is in him and mulder? is it ever going to come out of them the way it came out of dmitri? or make them all glowy like what happened in that one episode a while back? or does krycek not have to worry about it because he got his arm cut off? what was the whole arm cutting off thing even about, again?
how is scully going to escape this mass burning site? why did she go?? can the call not be resisted?? is it in her bloodstream?? if someone IS plotting to interrupt the colonization plan, who is it?? and why?? who would benefit from inciting alien warfare that could destroy many worlds?? how much of this is the government to blame for, and how much of it are the aliens responsible for?? why did the government agree to all this colonization stuff? did they have no say in the matter? and where is CSM? 
i predict that 15% of these questions will ever be answered. and that is if chris carter is feeling generous.
i get that mulder is having his crisis of faith, but i wish he was gentler with scully in this episode :/ please use kindness, my king. she has undergone the indescribable. she has every right to be suspicious. how quickly he falls into the ways of the rigid skeptic, believing there must be an answer that isn’t what is being shown to him! of course, he just shifts the blame from the aliens to the government, but still!
poor sweet scully, just wanting cassandra to be okay, warning her against removing the implant, and then being told that maybe she was chosen by the aliens for a reason. whether cassandra meant it to hurt or not (and i truly do not believe she meant it to hurt), being told that those terrible things happened to scully because they chose her must have felt horrible. 
and mulder is going to feel SO guilty for dismissing her when he learns where she ended up…
ARGH damn you, cliffhangers!!! i always fall for your tricks!!
with these alien-heavy episodes, i feel we sometimes lose the emotional weight of the series in favor of rapid plot development. i did not feel this way about today's episode, though. i thought we had plenty of emotional content between mulder doubting the aliens (which he had expressed earlier in the season, but i had not fully believed- and i assume that by the next episode he will have fully rejoined the alien train, especially since we, the viewers, know the alien stuff to be real thanks to the syndicate) and in general regretting all of his life choices. and scully had the terrible ordeal of reliving her own horrific experiences, yet still finding compassion for cassandra, and having to talk sense into mulder even if that meant having to think about what she has worked so hard to put behind her. AND we learn she still feels alien subliminal messaging!! what a terrible burden!!
well, what can happen next? stay tuned, i suppose!
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scortchedtoast · 11 months ago
No, fr I had to block the korra tag too the way ppl are constantly so loud and WRONG. The sad part is its not even like opinions I don't agree with, its like factually wrong. This is why whenever something I love has a resurgence in popularity, I get pissed off. Same thing happened with song birds and snakes, I blame tiktok for dumbing down the masses!
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I blocked the avatar tag. Some of y'all are very dense, and I can't see your stupid takes anymore!
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vicmillen · 1 year ago
Nooooo... I want my wip done dammit. But anyway my mind got hijacked by a sci-fi au, so. Here we go again I guess, have some sci-fi settings for the LU boys🫠🫠
Feel free to use any or all of this setting for yourself, if anyone is interested. Credits appreciated tho not needed.
General background
The Links came from different time period due to the unavoidable time delay and time wrap in intergalactic travel (think Ender's Game and how all the ships arrived at the same time despite spanning decades in departure). Up to recent times where instant wrap becomes a thing, at least.
The Links, and maybe the Zeldas too, may or may not have came from a common clone source (think Dances On The Snow style cloning, gee I love that novel)
There's a war involving a certain holder of the force of power, at some point.
I actually have no idea what the Links gathered for, something something evil shadows, I guess?
Is time travel a thing? I don't know. Depends on if they fucked with the spacetime continuum hard enough (they have). Though I refuse to melt my brain again for any inevitable paradox situations so for now let's pretend they haven't.
The Links
Sky was a well decorated pilot for the Hylian air force, back when air force is still it's own division. He is the furthest back in terms of time period, being one of the test pilot on board project Skyloft, the very first large scale long distance warp jump in Hylian history. Very skilled pilot, despite the outdated training. Fi is helping a lot with his retraining. His jet is simply named Crimson.
Four is a engineer from the Picori system. At one point got himself into a freak accident involving a cloning station and a lunatic scientist. Extremely quick learner and good at solve technical problems (it's like working fourth times the normal speed, you know:)
Time is humble ranch hand, or so he claims. He's not entirely wrong, but before he become said ranch hand, he has a complicated history with the Hylian council and the intelligence community. Specialized in mech suits, heavy hitter.
Twilight is the actual rancher, being Time's adopted son. However he got himself involved in a series of abduction and trafficking cases, and somehow ended up in some human experiment. Straight up not having a good time tbh. Though he broke himself out and took down the rig before Time got invited to the carnage, which is good because there's at least something left of the offenders. Good at mech suits and piloting jets, but specialized in hand to hand. Hand to claw? Hand to fang?
Warriors was an army captain on board of Artemis' flagship. Though he specialized more on the strategic planning than the daily management, hence why Wind is the unofficial captain of the ship now. Comes across as snobby at first because damn non of this gang have any training or discipline? Mech fighter, heavy hitter. Good with jet piloting too, just don't comes with his own jet. Copilot with Sky if needed.
Wind ran with Tetra's crew before whatever leads to him joining the chain, so a privateer. Though he prefers pirate, just sounds that much cooler. He comes with his own jet, the Red Lion. Talented pilot, very good at scouting. Surprisingly the most experienced in managing the staff on board since it's similar scale as Tetra's.
Legend is, well he'll say he's a merchant. Hauling and selling perfectly legal merchandise. The Federals disagree, but they're mistaken. His private jet, Sir Raven, is not technically armed, but the 'merchandise' on board is varied and certainly useful in hostile situations. Very skilled at navigating and bullshitting the feds and fighting with his custom weaponry. Kind of a weapons expert too.
Hyrule may or may not have been one of the perfectly legal merchandise that required Legend's shipping service at some point. And may or may not have led to Legend gaining yet another wanted poster somewhere, somehow. Works miracles with the med unit, and like Legend is great with the unusual weapons that they rig up.
Wild is a cyborg, multi talented but especially appreciated for working miracles with the food assembly thingie. Despite being the only one on board that don't need edible material to survive. Technically the owner of the ship, and technically is part of the ship too. Take care of the daily management with Wind.
The ships
The ship they're currently aboard is the Master Ship Zero very original I know, Fi is the ship's Ai. Though the three jets in the hull each have their own system. The master ship is not really meant for a crew of only 9, but between the Fours and some creative problem solving, they managed pretty well. (Or maybe the Links didn't came alone, so there are more crew, like Malon Ravio and idk, somebody else.)
Wind's Red Lion is the smallest and lightest jet. Single pilot, speedy and stealthy, but very little fire power.
Sky's Crimson is a antique very traditional fighter jet, though it's is under heavy modification to suit the need of the current situation. For a fighter is on the small side, but comes with heavy fire power.
Legend's Sir Raven is a modified commercial jet, packs a surprising punch. But overall focused on camouflage shielding and speed. The largest jet among the three, actually. At least the largest hull. Can fit the whole chain inside if need must, but cannot provide sustainable life support for more than three people.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year ago
Maybe I'll regret sending you this ask but it's like a thorn in my side and I need to get it out because I can't stop thinking about this so here I go 🙇‍♀️
If I don't see the romantic subtext in Gojo and Geto's dynamic, does that mean I'm not really understanding what Gege is telling? I like their dynamic, they're complex characters and so is their dynamic, but not because there is romance there. Of course, if I read and look to see romance there I find it... but I'm looking to interpret it that way. So when I see "the subtext is there", "the dynamic is ambiguous", I start to question my interpretation... I don't know if it's because my reading comprehension has already been attacked when I said their relationship isn't canon. I really tried to see that ambiguity since I started reading the manga but in the end I felt like I was reading too much... that I was actively searching for something that was supposed to be in plain sight.
P.S: I have seen ships with ambiguous dynamics in SNK, HQ, Naruto (NARUSASU, I don't even ship them but I understand 😅) and I never saw this war between shippers and non-shippers...
Nooooo anon 😭. Please, I promise I don't bite too hard.
So, first of all, thanks for sending this. I'm ngl, it makes me sad to think that I might have contributed to someone feeling like I would make you regret asking about something you don't see.
Second, I'm going to make this answer about perception because the purpose of my blog is psych.
Third, as a lead up to the psych stuff, it goes without saying that one of the reasons I don't talk about shipping in jjk is precisely because shipping is highly personal, and a lot of people in this fandom take their interpretations about the story as absolute truths, to the point that they gaslight anyone who doesn't agree with them.
It's like we're all just deploying domain expansions and the one person with the strongest sense of self wins. Right?
But this is a HUGE irony because Gege has gone on record in an interview saying that one of the themes at the core of jjk is that there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong.
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And to me this gets at a much larger issue that I taco'bout under the cut.
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So this is the thing, right?
If you don't see the subtext in stsg, there are a lot of factors affecting your perception. Gender, sexuality, background, etc etc...
The thing to keep in mind is that you don't see the world as it is...
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So I love that second angry anon brought up the idea that someone who is straight would very likely see gjhm as a romantic pairing, because it's true!
This is really complicated because, yes, heteronormativity is at play here, AND that doesn't mean a straight person is being homophobic for not seeing the stsg subtext without putting on pink-colored fujo glasses.
That said, I have seen the jjk dudebros be total dicks because they think that, because they are straight and the target demographic, the only way the story should be perceived is as if most all characters are straight and you are delusional to think otherwise.
And I'll be honest here, I'm a bi/pan woman. I am also a fujoshi. I've read quite a bit of bl/yaoi, and I think that has influenced why I don't see the romantic subtext without looking for it.
Basically, I've read really long threads by stsg fans that were meant to provide evidence for why they are canon that I was just like "this is all a subjective perception" and that is not to say they are wrong.
More like, YES. I couldn't agree more with you. It's there if you look for it. I am not sure if you saw this, but someone else came through sharing the same sentiment as you.
For me, little details like the battle taking place on December 24th, and Gege recommending bl before, point at a certain ambiguity that Gege might want to create without confirming anything.
It's funny that baity anon said stuff like "Gege is throwing irrelevant breadcrumbs at these shippers" when the same could be said about stsg according to many, many, MANY people.
Who is right? Who is wrong? If a group of people can see it and another can't, who owns the ultimate truth?
If Gege doesn't explicitly say "stsg is the other dynamic that is canonical along with mechamiwa", then who gets to have the authority on how to interpret the story? And who gave them that authority? And why are they ignoring subtext that doesn't suit their agenda?
I'm asking both sides for the sake of being a devil's advocate btw lol.
The thing is, it's all subjective, and there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong--what there is is people arriving at conclusions based on their own logic according to who they are.
In the end, we're all looking at jjk through our own subjective lens, which is inevitably made up of many different factors.
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That ramble aside, I hate that your reading comprehension was attacked because you can't see what someone else can see. That's just lame af because it tells me this is someone arrogant enough to take their opinion as absolute truth, and insecure enough to make someone else feel bad for questioning their interpretation.
As someone who has been internet-mean and who has wrongfully thought she owned the truth about something in the past, I apologize that someone has made you feel this way.
The reason this is a bigger issue than just shipping is because this issue is prevalent across fandom.
jjk dudebros will have you believe that if someone reads jjk for anything that is not battles is wrong.
Others will gaslight people and call them dumb for being open about how they don't understand how Gege explains certain things.
By the way, Maki is better than Toji according to some, but not to others.
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I'm telling you, for jjk being a story about how there is no absolute truth, we sure are attached to our interpretations as being the ultimate truth.
All I know is that I don't want to be part of the problem and that starts with me making space for understanding why someone would disagree with me or think differently than I do.
Here's the last thing I'll say, anon.
If you don't see the stsg subtext as romantic, then you are indeed missing out on a romantic interpretation. If that's not something you're interested in... that's no one's "problem" but yours.
As long as you aren't seeking to minimize someone else's perception, then it's your interpretation and yours alone.
For me, I see this:
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And I fucking love this spread because I see deep and intense longing. I get the sense Gojo is looking really hard for any semblance of Geto in this body.
Do you see something romantic? Yes? No?
It doesn't really change anything, does it? It just means someone reads into something you don't see.
The fact that you are questioning whether you are "really understanding" the text "right" tells me you have the humility to look to adjust your perception and be open to other ideas.
There's a difference between saying "I don't see it" and "I don't see it and neither should you because I don't see it, and if you do, you are delusional!"
Which one are you?
Which one will you be moving forward?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk looool.
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I went on a raaaaant bahaha.
I just... man... this is the kind of problem that shipping in this fandom creates. As you said... imagine just wanting to mind your own business and someone who ships a certain pairing comes and tells you you are an idiot for not reading the same way as they do. OR viceversa, you're shipping along, minding your own business and someone tells you you are delusional for enjoying a ship.
Come on....
It really is a matter of perception and we're quite literally spamming domain expansions on each other as a way to impose our personal truth on others as absolute. It's really ironic and funny ngl.
This reminds me...
Idk if you've seen any Gundam shows, but at least the ones I've seen, usually the plot revolves around how war and conflict is the result of two sides of the same coin being unwilling to accept a different point of view.
So anyways. As I said in that baity ask... I'm at a point in my life where I'd rather focus on holding the tension of opposites. It's just where I'm at.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts anon!
Don't let others define your perception! If you do, you've already turned your back on the only person whose perception matters most--you.
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almalvo · 2 years ago
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E10 "Despite Yourself"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
wow first time the android dint have a bass sfx XD saru's tendrils - oml when he covers them is kinda cute i like owosekun's hairrr vulcans with weapons powered? bruh r we in mirrorverse we're in mirrorverse. 100%. yup. it was obvious from the end of last episode esp with 2 DISCOs showing mhmm. yeah these cuts need improvement still but alright bring it DISCOs turn for mirrorverse antics. lets go. haha this ep writen by someone named "sean cochran". zefram? jkjk tribble backk so cute give me one i wonder what its name is
ok this spinning scene of lorca and burnham and saru talking is spinning way to fast for too long how long are we going to keep spinning. its actually making me busy and hte cuts are not consistent in momentum so it didnt feel seamless it sholdve been takien in one shot and the camera needed to stop WAY sooner. thats how you wouldve actually shot a scene of that type. but "idk" ig, im just a mortal 😭 OK STAMETS. NOT ME SENDING PEOPLE 10 METRES AWAY FROM A TAP OF A FINGER sylvia saying "oh my god" then resuming like nothing happened was such a fast tone change i see those piercing marks on doc's ears. i always get this thoght of, whenever i see that on someone, im like BRUH PUT THEM BACK IN some of these camera ratios, rule of thirds, etc., are like. not done great? idk the eye is not reading the shot how it should a lot cuz the entity is not in an advantageous spot onscreen. tyler is going THROUGH it. damn. i think tyler's actor does well with representing traumatic fear oh interesting. i love these tactile sounds like the sound of the device tyler is wearing on his hand to control the ship's arm i like lorca's rbf XD
shit. poor tyler. thats never ok. her violating u like that. ugh. this makes me uncomfortable oh interesting. oo his klingon inflections are so good oh shit this is a weird scene its such a MIX of implications i like the acting i it actually it felt actually kind of complex, though the idea is simple nice this was actually decently shot. i like the way tyler's hair sits on his head haha looks nice nice swoops man these inconsistent camera transitions (one pose in the last cut, but a diff pose in the other) tylers acting doing p well actually his emotional expression is p decent yeah good ash x burnham is still an f no for me feels so empty it prob always will to me oo the gore effects of the cuts on hishand from the broken glass look relaly good faceless emperor. im so curious who.
"mirror disco". yess. ooo what do their mirrorverse selves look like SYLVIA. oml oh my god oml this is coo,ll oml SYLVIA LETS GO BEAT HER ASS. NOOOOO WHAT THE HECK HECK HELL HOLD YOUR HORSES?? WHAT THE CRINGEEEE oml please sylvia pull through lorca coaching her lmao WHAT THE FUCKGKKHKH O9H NMY GODDDDDD CHIEF ENGINNEERRRRR AND LORCA DOES A PASSASBLE SCOTTS ACCENRTTTTT????@?!??! YOURE FUKCING KIDDDIDNGGGG GET THE FUCK OUT OH MY GODDDDDDD/???? LORCA I MIGHT LIKE YOU MORE OML H GHGJAIHO THIS PREMONITION FUC KKKKKKKK lorca has a type of voice that sounds nicer when its quieter if that makes sense? it almost sounds strange when he yells? idk maybe its just me or maybe thats the way audio was edited oml the way saru was saying "well thats not very clever" was so emotive its beautiful oml their uniforms are oml so cool man the mirror badge man ill say not to be a shit but i love to always see this TOS/star trek root-type episodes where they reminisce on such a classic trope from og trek - but at the same time, i wihsh trek didn tdo it so much to just solely rely on TOS to make its relevance stronger, no matter how sensible that seems? while star wars feels preety big and expansive and busy with a lot of overlapping lore star trek is literally just "TOS, the expanded version" it feels so small. in that, nigh everyhing will forever and always just be/because of TOS. and i love tos. dont get me wrong, its my all time favourite forever. but trek i feel like never can develop significantly newer stuff? OH MY GOD USS DEFIANTTTT LOOK AT HERRR god i cant wait to see this ship design.. but yeah idk if people understand what i mean. that something so ideologically massive as trek is so small as a creative work in its "relevant lore". sure tng has its things, so does ds9, voy, ent - but it all comes back to tos. which is a double edge sword. a good thing. but also a bad thing. for if it were without tos, then much of trek doesnt really hit like that. yes be great hubby hugh love your mans ?? oh for a second i was like his eyes oh wow seeing sylvia with sstraight hair oh wow it compliments her head and face shape ngl she looks great in the armour. they all do ooh lorca in a leather jacket and black t shirt? okok works on him oooo sylvia lets GO GET IT YES KILL IT BRUH DO IT DO IT oo this dark lipstick works great on burnham oo i wonder when we will see sylvia really a captain
wtf. lorca for real? yo ujust did that to yourself? for blood? bruh we couldve done make up also yes of course, big runny red line down side of face. oooooooooooooooo MEAN BURNHAM lorca is an oddly good prisoner. hmMmmMM damn yall sass. ugh i really really really want more trek games. is he not human. is tyler not humnan. is tyler not originaly human. SO TYLERS A FUCKING KLINGON? i love his look of dejection hes relaly good at it. dude. hes a fucking klingon UH UHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHH??????????? DID YOU JUST FUCKING KILL HUGHHH??????? WHAT THE FUCK????? WAIT GAY COUPLE IS GONE DEAD NOW ITS OVER??/ WHAT I THOUGHT I THOUGHT STAMETS AND HUGH LAST LONGER? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? IM SO CONFUSED?? WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID HUGH HAVE TO DIE ESP LIKE THAT? WHAT THE FUCK. what the actual fuck. its always the poc who dies. fuck you. idk. if he rly died or what. but fuck you. and trek still in the closet fuck this internalised homophobia. its been 6 FUCKING DECADES. GET OVER YOURSELF. KIRK AND SPOCK FUCKING EXIST. JUST COME OUTTA YOUR RAINBOW DOORS & BE DONE WITH IT. FUCK. (and no im not condoning invasion of privacy of one's sexual/gender orientation at all. i just mean if you said your gay. then own it. cuz trek has said it. its called seasons 1-3 of TOS, TAS, ST I-VI, AOS I-III. so own it. fuck.)
burnham does this role relaly well in a way she fits THIS mirror burnham more than her default. also damn lorca hahaha what i say, he gets kicked around a lot but its intersting that hes cap in this kind of role damn burnham you angery. i like this gold foil look on their armour. oo get him burnham get him get him decent choreo ooo ok ok yeah decent choreo oh yeah oooo nice i love this blade design oh shit burnham sonequa did well in her reaction to stabbing him. u can read the shock aand regret in her eyes forget klingons mirorverse starfleet is literally death. bat'leth? more like batshit. also this bridge oo whoa her bridge is on the bottom of her ship ooooo her warping oooo captain burnham but not how i thoughbt itd happen i feel like sonequa is better in this its crazy i feel like her as mirror self is better?
yes those HIGH boots sharp black and gold ugh. i love love LOVE the art department behind DISCO. hmm i feel like i see definite glimpses and glimmers of really quality stuff and quality delivery in this show but htey are very sporadic. spaced apart y inconsistencies and discrepancies. i think this sho wcouldve been much better ash and burnham - im sorry but who actaully, ACTUALY cares about them together. snoreeee s n o r e e e e e e um. lorca. is actually getting tortured. dude whta did i TELL yall. hes literally the one who gets pissed on fr fr 😭 damn. seeing lorca screaming. damn. id be surprised. but then again. he gets bashed all the time so. eh. ngl i feel like lorca gon die. but i wonder how.
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anyathefandom · 1 year ago
❄️The liason diaries❄️: 8/31/00 to 10/9/00
Note: So I'm picking up where I left off last time on the liason diaries because current GH sucks so I need to watch some quality soap entertainment.
Liz: I bet you've seen the wind in a lot of different places. Jason: no I've only seen it with you.
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Aww I think it's nice but a bit sad that Liz feels like she can only be her true authentic self is when she's around him.🥺
Like I knew JR Jacob young played lucky at this point but it's still a whole jump scare.😂 I was like sir what the hell are you doing here?!!
Sonny is giving Jason (and me because I'm clueless) the rundown on why lucky was being weird with Jason so Carly now believes Liz wants sonny for herself so she told lucky that liason was more than platonic. Oooh she's a messy bitch.😂
Jason basically: Waaaait you speak Carly now??? Sonny: What?😳Nooooo Jason: Omg you're starting to understand her. Sonny: Hey listen it ain't like that. No but the way I cackled because sonny clearly has more of an understanding of how Carly operates and is now in denial about it.😂
Hearing sonny talk about Carly is the funniest shit ever because mans got nervous that Jason was catching on to the fact that he has feelings for her and instantly started to complain about Carly. Like sir we see you.😏
Carly really came into Liz's workplace to gloat that Jason is back and hasn't come to see her but ended up looking like a clown the minute Liz told her he came to see her last night. The way Carly instantly got triggered and proceeded to act like Liz was stalking Jason had me dead. Like miss girl can't accept the fact that she isn't the only woman in Jason's life.🙈
These Carly and Liz scenes slap though. The rivalry chemistry hits.🤷 Also Sarah and Rebecca face card's will NEVER decline.
Okay so I feel like I'm missing something about lucky because right now Liz is telling Jason about how apparently lucky told her to be with Nikolas but his eyes were saying something different. Sounds like this man was brainwashed or blackmailed.🤔
It wouldn't be Liz if she wasn't trying to get on that bike.🤭
Okay so I'm really loving Liz asking Jason how he was able to let go of robin because she wants to be able to move on from lucky because lucky is pushing her away and Jason is explaining to her how it hurt more than anything for a while after Robin was out of his life but with time it fades and you start to remember that you have things to live for such as people or goals to accomplish and eventually you'll realize the pain is gone one day.
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Ship aside I really do love their friendship above all else. They've been each other's rock and it really reminds me of CaTrina.🥰
Jason: What do you like? Liz: I don't understand- Jason: Painting? Ice cream? Going fast- Liz with no hesitation: Going fast! Me: Okay GH writers where is Liz's motorcycle?!!!
Jason: I used to fight. Liz: With whom? Jason: Anyone I don't know. *Liz laughs* you don't strike me as the fight picking type. Jason: oh no I'm not really but there must be something about me that irritates people or they knew it was something that I wanted because I would go to Jakes and I wouldn't even be paying attention and then some guy would insult one of the waitresses and I would try an stop him and then all hell would break loose.
It's still blowing me how this Jason has me like:
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Sidenote: Like perhaps I understand now the dicks wars liason and Jasam was having back then over Jason🤭
Boxing lessons! Their cuties fr fr.
Jason: How hard can you hit? Liz: *laughs* I don't know I don't go around hitting people everyday. This whole bar fighting thing is gonna be kind of new for me.
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Jason: See now you gotta move otherwise your too easy to catch.
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Me: it's all going according to plan 😈
Okay but I need Liz to apply some of those jabs to Finn's face as of right now.🙃
A Robin in Paris mention!
Not them bantering about her driving his bike. Like I'm legit giggling and kicking my feet.🤭
Lucky while there bantering:
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Liason be minding their business and having an innocent conversation and someone will just be lurking on them.😂
*Lucky creeping out of the shadows* lucky: You don't belong with him. Liz: Lucky- lucky to jason: Stay the hell away from Elizabeth.
Jason internally: *Plays Beyonce- Deja Vu* No because I'm sure Jason is going "First Nikolas now his brother 😩"
Wait wasn't lucky and Jason cool before he died like bro why does lucky sound like he got genuine beef with him now? Like you can tell this isn't just about Liz.
Lucky: Why don't you admit that you are trying to go for Elizabeth. Jason: She's my friend and I thought you were too. Me: Oh so it's not just me going "???" On why lucky is being an asshole to Jason.
Y'all the ugliest laugh just came out of me because Lucky really tried to swing on him and instantly got pushed back by Jason. Like nah that was embarrassing for him.🙈
Oh now lucky is saying Liz belongs with him.👀Yeah I knew something was going on with him because ain't no way he doesn't still love Liz.
Jason: This guy this dealer Zander. Me: Waaaait is that how Zander got on the show 😳
Now Zander is taking emily hostage and the fact that I know they fall in love has me like "okay how is that about to happen?🙈"
The way I still trust Jason way more to get shit done rather than the pcpd.🤷
Liz basically: Wait so Carly and sonny got married??? Where does that leave you? Jason: Me?😕 Mans really was like "What exactly do I have to with this?😂
Listen to this day I still can't believe this writing regime did a jarly wedding and tried to convince us Jason was developing feelings for her again.🙈
Carly just got here and already starting a fight with Elizabeth 🙈 like girl do you rest?😂
Why did I laugh so hard seeing Jason searching for Emily and then the scene cuts to her and Zander chilling in the jaguar and her getting excited to hear the song her and juan wrote on the radio.😂 Like Zander ain't she supposed to be a terrified hostage???
Lucky is being so difficult about this Emily rescue plan and refusing to go back home with Liz like Jason told him to do and I'm sitting here like "Yo your going to get someone fucked up because you think you know it all😩"
Seeee now Liz is at gun point and he's spilling the details about the plan. This is what I was talking about!!
Now Jason got to save Liz and I already know lucky gonna cry about it in the car later.🤭
Emily to Jason and LnL2: Liiiiisten y'all don't know Zander like I do.
Like girl was defending him hard😂
Liz: why did you cover for Zander? Jason: Because Emily asked me too, why did you? Liz: Because you did. Me: AND THAT'S ON WHAT??!!! BEST FRIENDSHIP! yeah y'all thought I was going to say ✨Soulmatism✨ 😂 I'm not there with them yet but perhaps down the line i will be🤷
Liz: Why do you think she cares about him after what he did? Jason: I don't know people aren't all one thing or another. You know for everything that Zander has done wrong he did something good and Emily saw that. Liz: Yeah sometimes that happens. A person can appear one way to everyone else... harder and dangerous but you know they can be different. Me: *squints* Oh....i'm about to be in their chokehold...
No you guys because one thing about Liz girlie is forever going "Fuck with the haters say Jason Morgan is him"😌
Sidenote: I want to say I love that Jason trusts Emily's judgement so much that he immediately went along with letting Zander go. That's family right there!
My end thoughts: Liason kinda iconic because everybody is always lurking on them😂 but in all seriousness their friendship remains🤌 for me because I love the way they can be themselves around each other and are so comfortable with each other they can have deep talks and they have this implicit trust is one another that will always make me go "And that's a superior friendship baby!!" Oh and Liz always wanting to get on that bike will never fail to take me out. Like please GH should've given Liz a bike of her own.🤭 Part 3 is definitely a go because this was too much FUN!
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400legends · 2 years ago
Malaka Moon Studio (Day 186)
Five words that I almost regretted saying: "I can make that happen."
While Cosmic Peanut was busy working on repairing the hull, I thought I would take another chance to forge a better friendship with Requiem. I went to her bunk armed with information about battle songs of Hanadar, figuring that we could talk about the song she sang during our narrow escape from the Veerux ship.
I found her in a welcoming mood, and we chatted about the skirmish, about folks songs, about music. Twenty minutes passed, and I was fast running out of material. I blurted out, "You should record that song. The universe is at war - no one disputes that now - and Nacora needs your inspiration."
Requiem smiled wistfully. "That is a great idea, Quinn, but I need a place to record." She glanced around her room. "That really would be great. I'm not sure when I can perform live again, and that would keep my name out there. Maybe after we deal with the prison ship, we--"
"I can make it happen. I can make it happen now; I'm sure if it." I took 7 seconds to review what I had about sound engineering in my memory bank. "We just need a booth about so big." I made a vague gesture with my arms. "That clothes trunk could be the basic shell. I'll set it up here, of course, so you can record any time inspiration strikes." I was on a roll and not about to stop. "Think about it: your own studio. You can produce your own work, release it when you want, control the process start to finish. We'll call the label, uh Malaka Moon Studio." I smiled weakly. "That's negotiable, of course. It's yours, not mine."
"This is a great idea, Quinn. Let me--"
"You go to the galley or hangar or something, and I'll get started right now. We have 2 hours and 24 minute before we reach the hacker moon."
On my way to the hangar for more material, I passed Esmae and Hex watching TV. He was perched on the arm of the couch and chuckling at something on the screen.
Making the trunk into a step-in booth was the easy part, and as I ripped up a gown I'd found in the bottom of the trunk to use as baffling, I tried to figure out how to create the software we'd need. I had no access to the larger world right now, no way to acquire recording and mixing software. Sure I could wait a few hours until we reached the hacker moon, but I wanted to wow Requiem; I needed to wow Requiem.
"EDI," I opened a private channel to the AI; "do you have any recording software in your array?"
"Hello Dr. Quinn. One moment while I check. Our comms software has a playback feature. Is that what you need?"
"That won't cut it, I'm afraid." I shook my head. My confident words sounded in my head: I can make that happen. "No, I can't."
Leaning back against the soft cloth that lined the booth, I tried to think of a solution. This is just a proof of concept, I told myself. She doesn't expect it to be perfect. Perfection can come later.
"No. Unacceptable," I said aloud. "I am making this recording booth. I'm making it now. I just need some inspiration. I should listen to some music and--" Then the inspiration struck. "EDI! Meet me in the Bypass area. I have an idea."
I had music files left from when Trak had this body. And I could play that music. So I had the means to store music and playback any input. Surely that software - my software - had a recording feature, at least the bones of a recording feature in the code. I connected to the Bypass console, and said, "EDI, let's take a look inside."
Not two hours later I was showing Requiem the completed booth. I gestured at the sign above the booth. "Malaka Moon Studio is just a working title. I just thought it needed a finishing touch. Here's the inside." I whisked back the curtain. "It's quite rudimentary," I said as I flipped the Record toggle. "The mixing is not all that I want it to be." I paused and sang, "The mixing is not alllll that it could be, oh no-no-nooooo." I hit the toggle again. "But I have some ideas. Once we get to--"
"Captain, we are approaching moon designate 133780085."
"Quinn," Requiem laid a hand on my arm. "This is fantastic. I can't thank you enough for this gift."
"It was my pleasure. I have a foundational understanding of--" I stopped speaking because I realized that Requiem wasn't listening to me. She'd already donned the headset and was singing softly. Later I'd tell her what I'd gleaned about sound engineering.
The captain's voice rang through the ship. "EDI open a channel to the moon. This is Malaka requesting permission to refuel, get some grub, and reprovision."
A robotic voice responded. "We have no commercial refueling here but follow the beacon to the docking area to resupply."
I headed toward the cockpit as I heard Cosmic Peanut yawn and say, "Make it so, EDI."
"Yes, Captain. Complying with your directive. Accessing beacon coordinates now."
"Captain," I said, but before I could finish my thought, EDI started laughing. All the video screens in the cockpit blinked and a jester appeared on the screens. I felt the ship bank right in a tight turn. "You got hacked!" said the jester. "You got hacked. You got hacked."
0 notes
mathmusic8 · 2 years ago
The Bad Batch S2 E5 Entombed reaction
Yeee for Star Wars Wednesday!
(spoilers under the cut)
"I love a good junk yard!" <3
Ahh, it's the pirate lady. Tech's not impressed XD
Droid friend Mel!
"She says a lot of things." Pffft I like that response
Omega's got such puppy-golden-retriever energy <3
Hunter checks with Echo before making the final decision--he knows where the brain cell lives in this outfit XD
Well there's actually a planet there, so that's a plus :D
Considering the devesation... is this a weird creepy Sith planet? I'll laugh if it is
...does Phee have a sword?? Nice XD
Huh, so Echo's the one carrying the compass. I wonder if they decided he'd be the least likely to lose it, or if he took it from someone who was throwing it around or something XD
It is a sword! Some kinda long vibrobalde
Ooooh, reaching the hand in and feeling creepy vibes, are we?
Oooooooh, big creepy crawly be stalking them now
Skara Nal - place associated with but older than the Jedi
Aligning symbols--reminds me of Lothal. Booby traps here we come :D
Okay, maybe Phee is a decent person after all--that's the second time she's warned/saved Wrecker from falling debris
Omega to the rescue <3
Droid friend Mel, I hope you're a droid friend and not a droid traitor :D
Hunter senses something...
Ohhh, that is big and UGLY
"It's drooling on me!" Yes, Wrecker, it's also trying to bite your face off XD
Aaaaaand now we're actually trapped
"They'll be fiiiiine!" said in a tone that suggests she's said this phrase many, many times in her life XD
Hunter's a little jumpy now XD
Ope, there goes Hunter! Oh good, he's okay
"We've almost died three times already." Hunter is seriously so done XD
So. Done. XDDD
"Sometime's a door's just a door" love these one-liners XD
Pretty rock! So what kind of booby trap is gonna spring the second they try to pick it up?
...yeah, thought so.
Ooooh this is fancy--oh. Oh my. Maybe fancy is the wrong word.
Run droid friend Mel! (or, y'know, waddle)
Ooohhhhh this machine thing is actually super cool-looking though!
But... what is it? Why is it programmed to destroy everything?
Yeee Hunter! Nice save
Droid friend Mel, RUN!
Nooooo! Bye droid friend Mel :(
Seriously tho, who just leaves this massive instrument of destruction just laying around and configures it to start up on kill mode when the key's removed? Like, why? It seems drawn to other electronics--it targets Mel and the ship pretty quickly--but why? Where'd it come from? Who designed it? Who left it here?
Oh good, droid friend Mel's memory is backed up :)
....so was that a filler episode or plot? Hard to tell, but it was fun XD
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perelka-l · 2 years ago
I know you want us to ask you for Danzo for the character thing, so there, I'm asking you for Danzo u.u
Nooooo I may be having intense Danzo brainrot these days but I have plenty of favs I promiiiisss ;;A;;
Anyway, meme time:
favorite thing about them:
Ok so for starters I didn't care much about him I gotta admit but I started to really like him when I got hit in face by DanShisu bc I am, as we know, a complete masochist in terms of ships of choice. But these days I would say that I greatly enjoy his ruthlessness as a character and gold eyes hehe. I still can't believe that guy cut off his own most likely perfectly healthy arm and removed his own also nice eye for more power. I like a lot of things.
least favorite thing about them:
man is he a dumbass sometimes but i blame his age lol but honestly, I feel like sometimes Danzo's behavior here and there was really weird and stupid and done only for sake of making him seem both darker and dumber. As I said, I can blame his old age or the fact this is a shounen series so we gotta deal with it.
favorite line
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sixth hokage of my heart uwu
I greatly enjoy him and Hiruzen and Kagami being broskies. Yes.
But also I deeply enjoy my fujo brainrot so yeah, he and Hiruzen. They are 100% absolutely divorced couple that still cannot get over each other. In one HiruDan fic I read a while ago (ah I found it!!!) they were described as being too familiar with each other, which both simplified and complicated things between them, as they know too much about each other in worst and best ways.
Him and Kagami, weirdly enough, I mostly don't see as romantic in canon but I think they maybe were fucking so there is that... But I enjoy scenarios in which their bond runs deeper *eyes ruler!Danzo AUs*. I also like to think some of Danzo's complexes stemmed from Kagami, which may or may not be related to...
Tobirama, but entirely onesided. I like to think Danzo worshipper Tobirama but kept his distance, both physical and mental sense. Crush was here, but Danzo constantly denied himself even dreaming about. He's a loser like this. Maybe Tobirama's heart was somewhere else too.
And Shisui. Oh, Shisui. I like to think Shisui unknowingly awakened some of Danzo's impulses he thought to have choked down decades ago. Maybe it was because of Kagami, maybe something else. It's pretty complicated and I feel like I wrote too much already jdshfsd point is Shisui isn't in on a fun ride.
nothing comes to mind atm maybe Homura and Koharu but mostly because he himself disses the shit out of them in novels and I adore it
random headcanon:
Eyeliner. Nonbinary bc I say so. Also, him and Hiruzen both actually going along when Minato became Hokage. Hiruzen wanted to retire, Danzo wanted an easy puppet to control. That didn't last lol
Was he related to destruction of Uzushio? Possible.
unpopular opinion:
I... greatly hate the general mischaracterisation Danzo has going on in fandom bc everybody need to villanize an antagonist further for shits and giggles.
No, he didn't "punish" people just bc he felt like it. He puts great faith and trust in his people/tools, and if they fail, he chooses to believe that a) they did their best and b) as such, it was his fault as he misjudged their capabilities. It's greatly expanded in Kinoe's backstory (oh the FOOD!!! though he still did some silly shit rip) where he becomes furious only when he realizes that Kinoe was doing things of his own choosing, going against Danzo's wishes. Siiigh. Dadzo was so nice too... I think a lot about him and Tenzo *happy sigh*
song i associate with them
A select few from my Danzo playlist are: Greetings from Califournia and Wires by the Neighbourhood, Vile World by PERTURBATOR, Happiness by Hurts, Animal Impulses by IAMX, We Want War by These New Puritans, Was Ich Liebe by Rammstein,
favorite picture of them
I did a powerpoint about this leave me alone
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bellewintersroe · 2 years ago
I finally found the right thing to click! Give me a gold star. Here's the info for a 'ship' with an Easy Company guy:
I'm 5'4", curly brown hair, green eyes, 36C. Sarcasm is my second language. I play the piano and sing. My background is in journalism. I can be hot headed. When I'm irate, I swear like a sailor.
Cooking is something I enjoy, especially Italian food. I'm a typical passionate Scorpio. My sense of humor ranges from goofy to acerbic. Family is very important to me. I'm an only child who wanted brothers and sisters.
I just ventured into writing fiction and largely based my OC on myself. A journalism prof said, "Write about what you know." I know myself, and my OC was created.
Kind of a lightweight with alcohol. Bailey's Irish Cream is my favorite alcoholic beverage. Unlike my OC, I'm extremely nearsighted and wear contact lenses. Everything is a blur without my lenses. I once thought I was attempting to pat my cat after I took my lenses out. When my hand touched the leather of my black purse that was on the floor, I realized my mistake.
I'm also feisty and sometimes stubborn.
ahhh sorry this took so long, this has been in my drafts forever !!
But thank you for your request (I also saw your other message about the platonic ship, dw I wouldnt ship you with you know who hehehe) and I was gonna ship you Joe Liebgott but I found somebody more fitting- feel free to request for a specific guy at any time though! <3
I ship you with… Bill Guarnere!
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There’s so many similarities between the two of you that I couldn’t deny. First we can start with the fact you’re so feisty.
bill needs a hot headed girl, he finds your attitude so, so sexy, there’s a real sexual tension between the two of you from the minute you first meet. He likes the fact you swear so much- would probs encourage you to use it in the bedroom.
but no seriously, you two would hit it off straight away, Bill is confident and very self aware, he knows he gotta swipe you up before Liebgott or Tab - or any of those other rats in his mind interfere.
I think even if the two of you had been sleeping together a couple of times- he would still have the respect to just limit his loyalties to you and only you. Finds it silly when other girls try to hit on him- and this is when he starts to piece together his feelings.
kinda panics and won’t admit that he’s falling for you lmao; has some kind of weird raven Simone dream and freaks tf out.
unlike him, you do get drunk, he handles his drinks a little better so surprisingly can he the responsible one when you want to let loose.
somebody tries to mess with you whilst you’re blindly drunk, he doesn’t tolerate it, nooooo way.
he’s walking you home, tucking you into bed and I feel like you’re the one to admit your feelings first.
he has to go back to his own bed, questioning himself if it was real or not?! The next day he’d deffo come up to you and spill out all these feelings and oh my god you’re so shocked and happy- but also so hungover pls keep a bucket on hand.
You threw up cos you’re so hungover and Bill thinks it’s because of him????
the more the war goes on and the more serious it gets I feel like Bill would start to open up about his family, as do you. He really respects the fact you talk of your family so highly.
tells you not to worry about having no siblings as he’s got a whole bunch of them to share with you.
Accidentally admits things by slipping it into conversation, like ‘oh white is such your colour, ur gonna look so sexy in a wedding dress’. Or ‘don’t worry our kid ain’t never gonna be without siblings cos we’re at it that much’.
laughs around you, feels like he can be super genuine- sometimes if you’re busy working he can kinda follow you around like a lost puppy.
laughs at you for being so nearsighted. If you didn’t have your contact lenses he’d be on the floor laughing before he could help you with anything.
Directing jokes at each other but nothing too mean.
deffo more of a serious lover, especially in bed, so if you’re feeling goofy is balanced hun out perfectly. You can make him crack up so easily depending on what mood you’re in.
your love would be so intense, you’d laugh so much, but I feel like you’d definitely butt heads. The arguments could last quite a while and get heated, but he’d deffo get turned on by the fact you’re angry and then get annoyed at himself for getting distracted in an argument Lmao.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ship you platonically with… Skip and Muck!
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As soon as you said you wanted brothers and sisters growing up I immediately thought of how lovable these two would be as your best friends.
Your dynamic definitely would be close to siblings, especially cos you spend so much time around you.
they’d try to wind you up to make you swear just so they could laugh lmao immature.
but they’d truly be impressed with your sarcasm and sense of humour, they find you hilarious and you’d be like an iconic trio.
I don’t know when the friendship would become more of a gradual thing, it would develop throughout the war, maybe around D-day plus 7 when the war is becoming more frightening and the adrenaline from fighting and dropping into Europe fades.
the seriousness would sneak into the conversations, they’d ask you if you were ok, silently checking up on you by looking for where you were, and put you off going into dangerous situations.
Would try to ask you what Bill is like in bed and how big his pee pee is.
you don’t crack.
You all annoy bill, probably try to play pranks on him and you all think it’s the funniest thing in the world.
bill doesn’t agree.
Maybe you three would take things too far sometimes because you’re so good at having fun and distracting each other from the realities of war? In the end you’re all harmless and your friendship really is based around the most positive vibes.
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