crimsonchili · 2 months
Cybird has my LIFE, if they make more Nokto moments like this one
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
A Series of Firsts - Content Creator Challenge
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This idea has been living rent-free in my head for too long, and as the holiday season and end of the year approaches, I felt it was time to throw this into the void - a content creator challenge focusing only on the lesser popular suitors.
This a suitor-specific event - please read rules below.
This challenge begins on December 1 and ends on December 31. Sometime in January, I will create a master list of everything that was submitted for the event.
Entries may be SFW or NSFW (must be 18+ to submit NSFW content) and be either fluff/angst/crack/smut or anything in between - it is at the discretion of the creator which direction they go in, but please tag your works accordingly with any applicable triggers.
This challenge is open to all types of fan work, including fanart and fanfic.
This challenge is open to all Ikemen Series games - Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Genjiden, Ikemen Prince and Ikemen Villains.
This challenge is limited to certain suitors - see below for a complete list of suitors. When creating this list, I based it on a general vibe and who had the least amount of content on Tumblr.
Below is a list of prompts for use in this event. Feel free to combine them, go out of order, write for one of them or all of them - create as you wish.
When posting your content for this event, please tag me (@aquagirl1978) as well as include the tag "#series of firsts ccc" for ease of finding your works.
You are free to use the banner posted at the top of this post when submitting your content or you can create any banner of your choosing, if you wish to have one.
Any questions, please send me an ask or DM me.
Elligible Suitors:
Ikemen Sengoku: Yoshimoto, Ranmaru, Sasuke, Kennyo, Mitsunari, Keiji, Kicho, Hideyoshi
Ikemen Revolution: all
Ikemen Vampire: Sebastian, Shakespeare, Jean, Vincent, Dazai, Faust, Charles, Drake, Galileo
Ikemen Genjiden: all
Ikemen Prince: Jin, Sariel, Luke, Leon, Nokto, Rio, Yves, Kagari, Azel, Matthias
Ikemen Villains: all
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Below is a typed list of prompts as well as some ideas and suggestions for the prompts.
First Look
First Kiss
First Date
First Time
First Fight
First Celebration
First Child
First Look - the first time you saw one another, the first time you realized you had feelings for the other. This can also include the first time you met one another and first impressions.
First Kiss - can take place on a First Date or happen accidentally. It can be planned or an awkward event that leads to more.
First Date - can include fake dating (that maybe leads to more), planned date, surprise date, or dates that lead to more.
First Time - the first time you were intimate with one another in the bedroom (can include touching, oral, intercourse, etc). Can also include a first time doing something together non-sexually.
First Fight - can include the fight itself, the lead up to it, and/or the eventual kiss and make up portion.
First Celebration - first time celebrating together a birthday, anniversary, holiday.
First Child - finding out you are expecting, the arrival of the child, getting used to new life as parents.
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sky-drgn · 1 year
Wanting To Forget
Genre: Angst with a happy ending Pronouns: you/your; implied fem reader, use of she once Warnings: Character Death(s), small spoilers for romantic ending and engagement event, please let me know if I missed any Words: 3,339 Notes: I apologize for making you look at my absolutely terrible attempt to make a banner. Please send me asks about the ending. There was only so much that could fit in with out it being out of place. Edited to the best of my ability, there still might be mistakes, lemme know and I'll fix them ^-^ Completely inspired by this poll!
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King Chevalier didn't know how it came to this. No, he knows. Chevalier can not forget, after all. He can't forget anything. Never so much did he want to. He wanted to forget that day, that week. Oh, how he wanted to forget. 
He wanted to forget the bone-chilling news that you had successfully been assassinated. That he wasn't there to save you, to protect you, as he promised himself he would be. 
It was a quiet afternoon; with Chevalier and his brothers away at war, the castle seemed empty. The usual bustling atmosphere the king and the princes had around them was gone. Despite the war going on beyond the borders, it was peaceful within the kingdom, the castle. Your day went on as usual. Work with Sarial in the morning, lessons on how to be the Queen with the same man in the afternoon, and early evening you put those lessons to use by organizing your fiance's paperwork. Late evening, after dinner and retiring to your room, you’d often find yourself doing your own studies on how to be Queen. During this time, the maids or Rio would bring a cup of tea to help you relax. The days were long and felt even longer without Chevalier by your side, not knowing if he was safe. You knew he would be; he didn’t earn the nickname the Brutal Beast for nothing. But an enemy that got not only Jade but Obsidian to ally with Rholidate and Benitoite scared you. The enemy had to be a great one if it brought all four kingdoms together. 
“Here you are, My Lady.” Your most trusted maid said as she put down your evening tea. “Rio has gone out to greet the messenger. He should be back with news of his Majesty and his brothers before you retire for the night.” 
“Thank you so much.” You said, gladly accepting the claiming tea. “I’m not sure I’d be able to sleep without knowing what the messenger had to say, no matter what.” 
Rio knocked on your door just under an hour later, but it was too late. You were already gone.
King Chevalier, his brothers, allies, and troops were returning to their kingdoms, but the trip home was long. It could not be made in one day. They set up camp for the night and would be home by mid to late afternoon the next day. While no one wanted to be out an extra day, they knew it would be best for them, their troops, and their horses. What no one expected - or wanted - was to see an exhausted Rio riding up to the camp by the time breakfast was over the next morning. 
It had been Nokto who greeted Rio and Leon who sent Clavis to get Chevalier. He had just finished packing his own belongings. He had heard the commotion outside the tent but thought nothing of it. The serious look on Clavis's face, however, did bring an unsettling feeling. Clavis always wore a smile of some kind; seeing him without one was rare, to say the least. 
“King Chevalier…” Rio said, while uncharacteristically kneeling before him, “Y/N’s been poisoned. She was gone before we knew what happened.” 
Everyone knew that the news was not going to be good news when Rio showed up, but the news of your death shocked everyone. They were expecting bad news if Rio came all the way out here, but this was far worse than they imagined. And then all eyes were on Chevalier. While it was Clavis that had held onto the last bits of his humanity, it was you that helped him unlock the rest, you who helped him become the man he was today. It was never a secret that you were the light of his life. You, who was now gone. 
“The plan stays the same. We return to the castle.” Chevalier said as if he didn’t just hear the love of his life was taken far too soon. But everyone knew that wasn't the case. He moved a little faster as he turned with a flip of his cape, returning to his tent to finish collecting his belongings.
Rio and his horse were allowed a moment to rest and were given some food and water. No one knew what Chevalier was doing in his tent, but no one dared question, especially with the princes staying close just in case.
Upon the return to the castle, King Chevalier was debriefed on everything that happened. The assassin that slipped the poison in your tea was in and out castle quickly and easily. However, they were caught. They had to stay behind to make sure it worked after all. Sariel had them in custody within the hour of finding out you were gone.
Alone in his room, Chevalier silently cried for the first time since he was a baby. You weren’t going to come back to him this time.
Oh, how Chevalier wished he could forget how he failed to protect you.
King Chevalier knew you'd disagree with this. You'd reassure him that he was protecting you, and the kingdom, by being out on the battlefield with his brothers and allied nations. Even Obsidian sided with Rhodolite in this war. You'd tell him he did everything he could. Leaving behind his most trusted to watch over you. Telling him that no one could have predicted the enemy would be able to hire such a skilled assassin to get through all the castle security, the security Chevalier always had for you. Even your own self-defense skill you’d just started learning. All that means nothing in the face of foreign poison. One that wasn’t as obvious as others. One that was given to you by a trusted maid. Said maid was even unaware of the poison hidden in your tea. 
The one rest-assured thing about the news was that you hadn’t suffered. It was quick. And from what the doctors could tell, painless. 
Despite being only two and half months away from being Queen, you’d been given the treatment of one. However, Chevalier knew better than anyone that you’d want things to remain humble. The funeral, while fitting for a Queen, was reserved for family and close friends. No nobilities that would've attended a royal's wedding out of respect and formalities, and no foreign royals that might do the same. It was just Chevalier, all his brothers, Rio, Sariel, the bookstore owner - the man might as well have been your adopted father after all -, and even Chevalier’s grandfather. The older man was surprised to get an invitation. He hated that it was your funeral he was attending and not the other way around, but he was there and did the best he knew how to support his grandson. Meanwhile, the citizens left flowers at the front gates, the bookstore, and some at your house in town. 
It was a heartbreaking sight. 
Following the funeral, Clavis and the rest of the others more or less force Chevalier to take some time to properly grieve. All of his work was picked up by all his seven brothers. Something all had no problem doing. And when it was time for the king to return to his work, the first thing he did was make it so his future nieces and nephews would be ones the future Belle would have to get to know for the crown. Chevalier would not and could not love anyone that wasn’t you, children that weren't yours. He knew that one day his brothers would have children, children that would have every right to the crown. No one was against this. After all, no one wanted a repeat of the event that led to the eight brothers. 
And so the years passed on. To everyone's surprise, it was Luke that was the first to marry and go on to have two kids of his own. While Luke’s oldest was still young, Yves got married and would go on to have three kids. Clavis would marry when Yves’ middle child and Luke’s youngest were learning to walk; he’d have five children with his wife. However, before Clavis could have his third child, Jin would succumb to the same illness that took his mother. Clavis worked tirelessly to try and find a cure, Chevalier giving him some help with both the research and his regular work. Chevalier would also remind his younger brother to spend time with his wife and two kids. Jin passed without having kids, and not long after, Licht joined his eldest brother after receiving a fatal injury on the battlefield. Leon was grateful that the oldest twin was able to attend his wedding only months prior. The head of the domestic faction would go on to honor his late younger brother when his only child was born a year later. Before that, however, Nokto would formally take a few mistresses, in which he’d at least one child with each. He would find a way to honor his late twin in his own way. 
Chevalier watched his nieces and nephews grow and mature. He watched as some of them decided the throne wasn’t for them; they wanted to be able to support their cousins in their journey for the throne. Others left the castle to find their own path in helping their kingdom outside the stuffy castle walls. Chevalier, as the king, gave them permission to do so and was proud of them as their uncle. He knew that that was what you would want. To support the family he has left, to keep his heart and not lock it away. 
The king would watch when Luke fell ill with the same illness their father had. While he had more years, Jin did when they realized he was sick; after his youngest got engaged, he too would pass on. Leon would be able to see his grandchild be born, but not their first steps; a new strong poison - much like what took you - would take him as well. That was a shock to everyone; Leon had built resistance to poisons in his lifetime. Unfortunately, recovering from a bad cold and advanced age did not help him in fighting off the poison. Yves would live until all his grandchildren were born, the youngest just barely young enough to remember him; his cause of death is unknown to everyone. 
Nokto was not fortunate enough to have a good relationship with his children; their family dynamic was unique compared to that of his brothers. Despite their mothers knowing - and explaining to their children - full well what they were agreeing to when they agreed to be Nokto's mistresses. The few women had the situation explained to them several times with plenty of time to back out, but they all agreed. Still, their children didn't understand, and so it strained their relationship with their father. Still, Nokto was there for them, and they knew he would always be. That was until negotiations went wrong, and a miss-fired gun would take Nokto from them. Clavis would comfort them and tell them their father was with his twin and the rest of his brothers. That it was alright to miss him even if they never spent as much time with him in life as they could have. Clavis explained that Nokto always understood where his children were coming from and that he was never upset or angry or anything bad; he was glad that everyone got along - at least better than he and his half brothers. This did bring Nokto's children comfort.
And then it was just Chevalier and Clavis. Most would say they had the most stereotypical brother relationship, equally hate each other while equally caring - in secret. Though, it was less of a secret after your passing and with the years going by. Clavis would occasionally have no choice but twist the knife, asking his brother what you would think of his actions, what you would do. Chevalier would scowl at him; how dare he say your name, but Clavis was right, of course. You would be disappointed in some of his actions, the lack of heart in his actions, and the remainder from Clavis helped him keep his heart, even if hurt. 
It hurt remembering your smiling face. Remembering your first kiss, your first time. Remembering when you came back to him after a year of separation, the warmth of your skin when you hugged him tight with the separation over. How gorgeous you look in your engagement dress, the kiss on his cheek after your engagement ceremony. Remembering how gorgeous you looked when you tried on your wedding dress for the first time. The wedding never got to happen. 
Chevalier wasn't one to visit graves, he saw no purpose, but yours he found himself several times over the years. As per usual, it was Clavis's suggestion. It had been your first birthday since you'd been taken from him. Clavis took off early to make you a “cake” to leave at your grave. Slight jealousy flared up within him, and he ended up going sometime later. There at the grave was a misshapen cake. Chevalier wasn’t sure if it was edible, but he left it knowing that Clavis worked hard on it, knowing that someone else would come to clean it or an animal would come to eat it. Still, though, he wasn’t sure what to do here. He never visited a grave just to visit. Remembering something once told to him, he spoke to your grave about the major things that happened since his last visit, about the books he’s read and which you would have enjoyed.
Visiting your grave site became more and more often as he allowed his nieces and nephews to take over some work. Once he stepped down as king, it was a weekly, then an almost daily thing. The brothers that he had left found this very uncharacteristic of him. However, what else would he do with his time? When he was younger, it was studies and reading, then it was work and reading, then it was work, reading, and spending time with you, but then it was back to work and reading. Without work, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself. Sure, there was handling the Michel manor work, but that didn’t take up nearly as much time, nor was it a daily thing. Clavis found it sweet and incredibly sad. 
The daily trips turned back into weekly trips as he aged, and his health slowly declined. Before he knew it, he was bedridden, much like his late grandfather. Chevalier was able to get out of bed to do some activities, but making the trip down to the graveyard wasn’t one of them. He didn’t feel bad about this. Despite all the years that had passed, he still didn’t see the significance in going. There were bits and pieces of you all over the castle. His private library, your old room, the gardens, his room, and much more. All of them had your touch. Much of the things you’d left in his room have remained exactly where they were, and he only added books to your shelf in his private library, only the books he knew you’d enjoy. Even without going to the cemetery, you were with him. Even bedridden, you were with him. In the same room he always had, in the room the two of you were supposed to share - did share on many nights.
However, he did make one last trip to the graveyard on the anniversary of your death with the last brother he has left. The one that’s always been by his side. Clavis.
Clavis would see him back to his room and sit next to him. His wife, kids, nieces, and nephews are nearby in the castle. He’d make idol chatter with his older brother. Honestly, he wasn’t entirely sure what he was talking about. 
“Thank you, Clavis,” Chevalier said, interrupting Clavis’s random talking. “For everything over the years.” 
Clavis was stunned, speechless, to say the least. Never has Chevalier thanked him.
Despite all pain and heartache remembering you brought Chevalier, he was glad he never forgot you. 
A few days later, a funeral was held for former King Chevalier. He had peacefully passed in his sleep with Clavis by his side.
The ringing of the bell alerted the black-haired bookstore worker to a new customer. Looking up, he saw one of the usuals approaching. They went to the local university and often studied in a quiet area upstairs, often with the owner's third “son,” as they went to the same university. The black-haired male wasn’t sure how they studied together, having two different majors, but it kept the hellcat out of his hair, so he didn’t care. 
“I believe Clavis is still in class if you’re looking for him.” The male told the customer. They were dressed in fine clothes, with their rather high-quality backpack resting on their shoulders. Being from the upper class had its perks. “He should be back in an hour if you want to wait upstairs.” 
“Actually, I’m here to meet Chevalier. Do you know if he’s here yet?” 
“He’s in the back. Boss made him his own little library back there. It’s around the corner.”
“Thanks, Sariel!” 
Sariel watched you go around to Chevalier’s private area, wondering when the two of you had met. Chevalier is two years ahead of you and Clavis and doesn’t come to the bookstore too often anymore. 
“Rholidate’s Fallen Rose.” You said, approaching the blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty. “That’s one of my favorites.” 
“I didn’t expect a simpleton to enjoy such a tragic book.” 
“The tragedy added to the beauty of the story. I’m surprised to see you reading it, though. It’s not actually a romance story.” 
“Am I only allowed to read romances now?” 
“I’ve never seen you read anything else before, with the expectation of things for your job, but that’s different.” Putting your bookbag down, you picked a book off the shelf and sat down next to Chevalier. Having taken a romance book yourself.
“Could say the same about you,” Chevalier said with a short chuckle. “I thought you were going to work on your paper that’s due in two weeks.” 
“You’ll help with it later, won’t you? We don’t get to relax like this often. I want to be able to take the time while we have it.” 
Chevalier said nothing, just smirked as he wrapped his arm around you. You two had been dating for just under a year. Between his work and your university work, it had been hard to find time for dates or just being together. So much so that not many people knew the two of you were dating. Chevalier’s mothers and younger brother know. Your adoptive father and the important people in your lives know as well. There was no need for grand declarations or for the entire country to know. It was just the two of you, happy and in love.
That love would be shown to the rest of your families and friends two years later. After a quiet and heartfelt proposal came a beautiful wedding. Chevalier looked as handsome as he always does with a white tuxedo with yellow accents and a tie. Your own outfit fit for royalty highly based on what was supposed to be Belle’s wedding dress from Rholidate’s Fallen Rose. Really the entire wedding felt like it should have taken place within the book. Although it was scalded down from what would have been that neither you nor Chevalier was royalty. It felt perfect. Like all the puzzle pieces finally came together. Like coming home after a long, drawn-out battle. It felt like everything was going exactly how it was supposed to. 
In the warm embrace of your lover, as the day of your wedding ended, the two of you knew that you would love each other in all of your lifetimes.
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IkePri Mastelist
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
Ikemen Prince: Breaking Point
Description: A chance encounter with a young boy forces Leon to confront his past. Spoilers from Leon’s route. Quotes from Leon’s route are in bold text.  
Ikemen Prince: Leon
Other Characters: Nokto; Yves; Sariel; Jin (briefly)
Word Count: ~2,700. 
Tags: Angst and comfort; mentions of slavery, abuse, trauma, and parental loss
*Lion picture generated using Art AI App Gencraft
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“He’s replaceable.” 
The voice was dismissive, petulant. The Duke gestured irritably at a young boy hastily picking up a pile of silverware that had scattered across the floor. The boy was no older than six, the youngest servant at the Duke’s gala. The boy’s amber eyes flickered at the Duke’s outstretched hand; he flinched reflexively, his body prepared for the blow that was sure to follow. 
Leon’s eyes opened in shock. The servant boy was a virtual replica of him as a child, down to the sunken hallows beneath his eyes and the mop of dark hair that refused to be tamed. Leon winced internally as he saw what appeared to be bruises on the boy’s wrists beneath his jacket. But it was more than that—though the boy’s body’s flinched as an automatic response, his arms hung listlessly at his sides. The boy’s eyes were dull and flat. Leon knew what that feeling of resignation was like, perhaps more than anyone. 
Instinctively, Leon stepped in front of the boy. “Every life has meaning, Your Grace.” A growl emanated from Leon even as he plastered a smile on his face. “He’s not replaceable.”
“And he has a name. Charles.” Emma crouched beside the boy, helping him pick up forks and spoons. Her eyes flared at the Duke. The Duke laughed dismissively. “He’s here upon my charity. The urchin’s mother was one of my maids; she died several months ago. He has a roof over his head as long as his does his job competently. He has failed to do that so—“
“So let us remedy that for you.” Leon’s eyes narrowed. “We will take Charles back to the Castle.” Leon gestured gently for the boy to get up. With some quiet encouragement from Emma, Charles scampered behind Leon, clinging to his cloak like a lifeline. Leon grab Charles’ hand and began to turn around. The Duke’s voice brought Leon back to the conversation.
“I believe you’ve forgotten something.” The Duke held out a hand. “Compensation for the clothing the boy wears. A coin would do.” The Duke’s attempt at a power play was painfully transparent. Leon barely heard the Duke’s sneer—it faded into a blur as Leon was pulled back into his childhood past. The sound of feet trudging through mud, whips lashing and breaking against his skin when work was not done fast enough, his life bought with a single coin. Jin, who had seen the verbal exchange between Leon and the Duke, stepped in. “Of course, Your Grace.” Jin dropped a small bag of coins in the Duke’s hand before Leon could respond. The Duke had powerful friends and trade connections. The princes could not afford to make him an enemy. Jin guided the Duke away, handing him a glass of wine. As Jin walked past Emma, he mouthed to her, “Go with Leon. Please.” 
Emma quickly picked up the remaining pieces of silverware, placing them on a nearby table. Leon and Charles had already left. As she began to leave the gala, Emma felt a tug on her elbow as an arm encircled her waist. 
“That was quite the performance just now.” Nokto’s breath tickled against Emma’s neck. His red eyes sparkled in mischief. 
“You could have intervened any time,” Emma glared. Nokto shrugged, “Jin beat me to it. But, on to more important matters.” Nokto lifted his eyebrows and whispered in Emma’s ear. To anyone watching, it would look like no more than a man flirting with a pretty girl. “Do you recall the conversation you and I had while you were Belle? About Leon’s kindness?” Emma’s cheeks flushed. Nokto chuckled, “Play along, my dear. You’re doing well.” 
Emma huffed and stepped back a pace. “Yes,” she hissed. “But this kindness is not cruel. Kind people want to help everyone. Leon wants to protect Charles, like he does with all the people in Rhodolite.” 
“But at what cost?” Nokto studied Emma, a smirk on his face. “Leon can’t hide a thing, especially now that’s he’s with you,” Nokto murmured. “His eyes give him away. Leon will break tonight. Too many memories brought back to the surface.” Nokto stroked his chin and added; “his kindness is the ultimate cruelty to himself. When you care for everyone, there’s nothing left for yourself.” Nokto adjusted his white and gold jacket and sauntered towards Jin and the Duke, leaving Emma with her thoughts. 
Damn Nokto’s perceptiveness. He could read people as easily as she read books. Leon had always been cheerful with everyone, friendly, charming. He was the smiling stranger with a ready laugh, the charismatic but distant hero, the man surrounded by others but somehow just out of reach. It was a kindness removed from emotional intensity; to be future king, it had to be so. Leon’s love for Emma had changed that perspective; he had become more approachable, more honest with his feelings, his heart lighter. But it left him vulnerable—to love was to risk suffering, and he loved Emma, Rhodolite, and its citizens more than anything. When they suffered, Leon suffered. And now, he did not have the emotional distance to preserve himself.    
Emma sprinted out of the Duke’s villa. She found Charles and Leon on the side of a road, Charles staring at the prince in disbelief. Emma hid behind the villa’s gate, watching the scene before her. Charles lifted his hands towards the sky, gesturing at the fourth prince. It was as if the boy was pleading to Leon, daring to ask more of him. “You’re so big.” 
Oh no. 
For an instant, Leon’s eyes widened and trembled. Dark memories of him reaching out towards the sky as a slave boy, bleakness and resignation his only companions, enveloped him. Leon blinked a few times, willing himself back to the present. “You’ll be big like me one day.” Leon ruffled Charles’ hair. “And you’re not alone. Not anymore.” The prince picked the boy up and perched him on his shoulders. “Race you to the Castle Charles!” Leon ran at breakneck speed, a determined smile on his face. Normally, Leon’s smile shown brighter than the sun, providing warmth and strength on even the chillest of days. But now, Emma saw this smile for what it was—a shield protecting fragile feelings.  
Emma walked as quickly as the cobblestone road would allow—she wondered if the heroines in her stories were capable of sprinting in heels. Thankfully, the Duke’s residence was a manageable distance to the Castle by foot—the carriage that brought Emma to the gala would not be back for several hours. After nearly getting lost, she arrived at the Castle, Sariel greeting her inside. 
“Prince Leon and the boy are with the palace mutt in the kitchen.” Sariel looked unsurprised to see Emma back so early. He peered at Emma’s feet—she had unceremoniously kicked her heels off, rubbing blistered toes. Sariel lifted the corner of his lips in amusement. “Given your and Prince Leon’s escapades in town, I would have thought you’d wear more practical shoes.” His eyes shown wickedly. “Perhaps there is a sadistic side to you after all, Emma.”    
Emma inclined her head and left, not wanting to acknowledge Sariel’s comment. As she approached the kitchen, Emma popped her head through a crack in the door. Emma was startled to see only Yves, slicing apples to place in a nearby pie-tin.
Yves howled in surprise, nicking himself with the knife. He jumped back so quickly he nearly hit his head on a series of pots and pans hanging nearby. 
“Yves! I didn’t mean to startle you!” 
“I wasn’t startled!” Emma and Yves barreled over one another with repeated apologies and Yves’ insistence on not being agitated. Yves calmed down enough to allow Emma to wrap a strip of cloth on his bleeding finger. Emma took a peek at the pie-tin. Next to it was a picture of several stick figures gathered around a pie.
“Charles likes apple pies. His mother used to make them.” Yves looked sadly at the photo. The black marks on top of two of the stick figures identified them as Leon and Charles—the figures held hands and were smiling. The other two figures—Yves and Rio—had yellow marks on their heads and held apples. Yves’ eyes flickered back to Emma’s, his haughty glare returning. “I’m sure his mother was a good baker—but my pie will surely be better.”
“Charles is with Rio. Rio is setting up an extra bed in his room so Charles doesn’t sleep alone. Leon said he had something he needed to take care of.” Yves’ voice trailed at the mention of Leon. “Leon was smiling but…he wasn’t here with us somehow. It was like he was away, deep in his own loneliness.” 
Yves and many others had worked together seamlessly to save a little boy tonight—and watch over Leon. It was the nobler side to the princes’ beastly natures. Emma placed a hand on top of Yves’ shoulder. “Yves, don’t worry, I’ll make sure he’s OK.” As Emma walked away she heard Yves call back. “Emma?”
“I…I have a soldier in my ranks with a brother who has been wanting to adopt. Charles would be very happy with him and his wife. N-not that I care, of course!”
“Of course not, Yves.” Emma shook her head and closed the door.           
Leon was not in any of his usual haunts within the Castle—the rose garden, training grounds, the Domestic faction’s room. Now more worried, she ran to his room and jiggled the door knob. Locked. A clear signal he wanted to be alone. No. He’s so used to helping others he doesn’t know how to ask for help. Emma reached inside her dress pocket for a bobby-pin to pick the lock. She knew Clavis’ breakfast parties would pay off. After a few moments, Emma heard a click and opened the door. 
The windows to Leon’s room were cracked open, gossamer curtains fluttering in the breeze. Leon was laying in bed, on top of the covers, his back facing Emma. His body was curled inward, one hand clinched to his chest, the other reaching out towards the window. His breath was loud and ragged, his shoulders shaking. 
My God, thought Emma. He’s crying.   
Her eyes shimmered with tears—he looked more alone in this moment than any other she could recall. He was not standing regally, staring at the sky, like she had found him numerous times before, lost in thought. These thoughts devoured him, debilitated him, the enormity of them so strong he could not stand, or even sit. He was broken and had locked himself in his room until he could fix himself again. 
Emma closed the door quietly. She glided to the bed, laying behind him. Emma nuzzled her head against the back of Leon’s shoulders, hiding the wave of emotions hitting her at once. Leon gasped, tensing. 
“Don’t be alone like this. Please…let me stay with you.” Emma hoped she wasn’t pushing him too hard. After a moment, she heard a reply. 
“You’ll stay with me…like this?”
With one hand, Emma grazed the back of Leon’s head, scratching lightly. She draped an arm around Leon’s torso, finding his clinched hand, laying her fingers on top of his. Slowly, Leon’s body unfurled at Emma’s touch. His sighs became a series of baritone purrs, a rhythmic buzz releasing stress and nerves. 
Emma sensed a need for Leon to collect himself. She pressed her forehead against the back of his neck and hugged him from behind. The duo breathed in sync with one another, finding mutual peace in the stillness of the room. Eventually, Leon turned to face Emma, burying his head in the crook of her neck. 
“You always find me. The real me.” 
Emma sighed, threading her fingers in Leon’s hair. “Seeing Charles like that must have triggered memories for you.” A silence hung in the room as Emma continued to stroke the back of Leon’s head. Finally, Leon murmured, “Yeah, it did. But…I’m fine now. How was the rest of the gala?”
It was a classic Leon move—pivoting the conversation from himself. Emma moved slightly away; Leon leaned towards Emma, missing her warmth. Emma put a hand up between them. 
“Don’t try to distract me, love.” Emma stared intently at Leon, taking his wandering hand away from her waist. “You’re not fine. You pretend you are, but those days still affect you. How could they not?” Emma brushed away locks of unruly hair covering Leon’s eyes. “You always wake up before dawn. An instinct learned through hard labor I suppose.” Emma stopped briefly as Leon’s eyes widened. “Every time Silvo comes to the palace, you flinch at the sound of his jangling jewelry. Does the sound remind you of the chains you wore?” She heard Leon catch his breath, his body still with shock. “Whenever Sariel talks with a group of children, you always stand in front of him. Is it so they won’t be scared by seeing the whip he carries?” 
“I...I do that?” Leon’s voice shook slightly. Emma closed the distance between them, caressing a cheek with the pad of her thumb. “You do. You’re also the only prince that rides a horse without a riding crop.” 
“Physical pain doesn’t motivate. It teaches fear, nothing more.” Leon’s voice was harsh. Emma unconsciously rubbed Leon’s ribs, which bore subtle signs of unhealed whip marks. “Charles knows that truth.” 
“And now Charles is away from that fear.” Emma pulled Leon close, arms encircling him.   
“Charles was all but a slave. Here, in Rhodolite.” Leon’s voice shook with frustration. “For every boy like Charles, there are countless others. I can’t…I can’t protect them all.”
“It’s not just you protecting people. You have a pack of brothers and friends wanting to help. Men who did help tonight—Charles was saved by you, but he has a warm bed tonight thanks to Rio, a full belly and a potential family thanks to Yves, and he is no longer under the thumb of that Duke thanks to Jin and Nokto.” Emma cradled Leon’s face between her hands. “And you may not want to hear this, but I bet Chevalier has a plan for stopping elites like the Duke from taking advantage of people like Charles.” Wanting to lighten the mood, Emma added. “If not, Clavis’ traps will finally be put to good use for those elites.”
Leon’s booming laugh echoed in Emma’s ears. “Yves will appreciate that.” 
How Emma missed Leon’s laughter. But, Emma felt the need to press her point. “Yves would also appreciate you talking to him more. Jin too. It’s not good to keep things bottled up inside.” Emma’s voice was gentle. “And I’ll always be here if you want to talk.”
Leon absently rubbed Emma’s lower arm. After a while, he quietly uttered. “I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry—“
“I should have gotten you that bracelet.” Leon’s fingers caressed the inside of Emma’s wrist.
“What are you talking about?” 
“The merchant had a matching bracelet for your ring.” Leon gestured to the silver ring on Emma’s hand. “It had a silver plate you could engrave an inscription onto. The plate was held by a chain. I…couldn’t bear the look of it.” Leon held Emma’s hand tightly. “It reminded me of the insignia bands slaves wore on their wrists.”
Emma gasped. This was the first time since her time as Belle Leon volunteered information about his childhood. “I told you I never knew my actual name before assuming Prince Leon’s identity. I had a number though. Fourteen. Marked on that insignia on my wrist.” 
“Leon…” Emma held Leon tightly, the warmth of her touch telling him she was there for him. And with that, Leon found himself speaking. A trickle of words at first, then a flood. Memory after memory of his early childhood tumbled out, like the rocks he rolled out of the quarries. Leon spoke until exhaustion overtook him and Emma both. 
Emma woke the next day to the sounds of birds chirping. Light poured through the windows, the sun well above the horizon. Emma turned to see Leon asleep, an arm wrapped tightly around her. 
Emma smiled. For the first time, Leon slept past dawn. The healing had begun.  
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
SFW Writing Masterlist
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Category key: Fluff- ☁ Angst- 💔 Spice- 🌶
Ikemen Prince
Leon Dompteur:
Spur of the Moment ☁ The Sweetest Treat ☁ A Change of Plans ☁
Licht Klein:
One too many ☁ A Little Help ☁
Silvio Ricci:
My World  ☁ Reassurance 💔☁ No Pets ☁ Random Fluffy Silvio ☁
Keith Howell:
Harvest  ☁ Whatever It Takes 💔☁ Your Journey ☁
Rio Ortiz:
Cruel Summer 💔
Clavis Lelouch:
Please Wait for Me 💔 A Little Surprise ☁ The Fairy Tale's End 💔 Just a Harmless Prank ☁ In Sickness ☁
Nokto Klein:
Finally Home ☁
Yves Kloss:
To My Dearest Love💔 My Love for You ☁ 💔
Jin Grandet:
Footprints ☁
Sariel Noir:
Caught in the Rain  ☁
Chevalier Michel:
Gilbert Von Obsidian:
Too Sweet ☁
Luke Randolph:
Multiple Suitors:
Ikemen Villains
Ellis Twilight:
Summer Stroll  ☁ Make the Pain Stop 💔☁ 🌶 Not Enough 💔 Sharing Warmth ☁ 🌶
Harrison Gray:
Starlit Desperation 💔 At Fault 💔☁ None Other 💔☁ Play Acting ☁🌶
William Rex:
I'll Keep You Warm ☁ 🌶 Precious Little Robin 💔☁ Do You Understand? ☁
Jude Jazza:
Pinned ☁🌶 Soft Jude Ramblings ☁ The Night is Far Too Long Without You 💔☁ Bound Together ☁
Elbert Greetia:
If it Pleases You ☁
Alfons Sylvatica:
Never Again 💔☁
Liam Evans:
Roger Barel:
Ode to Lovely Hair ☁ Your Life in His Hands ☁ 🌶
Multiple Suitors:
Hurtful Words: Harrison, Jude, Victor, William 💔 Comforting Words: Harrison, Jude, Victor, William ☁ Young MC Headcanon (all the boys) ☁
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Revolution
Edgar Bright:
The Devilish Jack of Hearts ☁
Ikemen Sengoku
Ranmaru Mori:
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
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So. I've been on tumblr dot com for a long time. LONG time. And yes, my overall follower count is like 700 something, but I'm most proud of the one's I've gained in the past year or so. I had been on Tumblr very sparingly between the end of 2018 (mostly fanblogging for My Hero Academia) and then... I re-found the Ikémen games (And Hypnosis Microphone and now TWST) and then the fandom thanks to one of my dear irl friends. We indulged in the games. I dove head-first into fanfiction of my new loves. We cosplayed Seth Hyde and Alice the Second. I've written fanfic, I've cried over routes (NOKTO. LICHT. LUKE. HOW DARE). I've met absolutely incredible friends that inspire me every day. Knowing there are 101 people out there that have followed me for my fandom shenanigans and writing absolutely blows my mind. I love my creative outlets and I love being able to share them with you. Knowing y'all put up with me and how I have so SO many wips is even more inspiring. In honor of my lovelies, I've made this lovely lists of asks/hcs for you to ask about! My faves, your faves, it doesn't matter. I will be completely transparent in the fact that my faves will honestly get a little more attention because. Well. They're my faves. Without further ado:
Their unconventional pet peeves | Masamune | Chevalier |
Coffee shop AU hcs | Mozart |
Tattoo/Florist hcs | Clavis |
"Cake is definitely a form of self-care" | Napoleon | Luke |
Homecoming | Jin | Shakespeare |
Remembering | Nokto |
Telepathy | Nokto |
So. The way this will go: All req's will be SFW. Request one suitor and one prompt. I have a couple ideas in particular for some prompts, but add whether you'd like fluff, angst, or hurt/comfort. An example: "Hello! I'd like to request Sariel + Telepathy + Fluff." See here for fandoms I write for and characters that I do not write for. I will be taking two or three suitors for each prompt, and no more than 2 drabbles/hcs for any one character. Multiple asks are allowed. I will be taking 3 per person. I was going to do 2 but in the instance something is taken, I want to make sure my followers do get what they want. Please try and put them in separate asks.
Thank you, all, for making my time here so far a joy. You all mean the world to me.
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scorchieart · 2 years
Hello, friends ❤️ I hope you are all having a good week!
As I mentioned in my latest update, I am opening requests for a mini Ikemen Prince writing event: my Grab-bag Prompt List! Below the cut line you will find a list of genres & dialogue prompts I've recycled from abandoned WIPs. Help me give these scribbles a second chance to tell a story!
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Each piece will be a short ficlet between 500 - 1000 words set in the middle of the story (no intro, and no ending). Please read the following guidelines before making a request. And remember this is all for fun, so mix and match and make it a challenge if you'd like!
❓ How to make a request❓
Submit your request as an ask in the following format: Character(s) / Prompt # / Genre / POV
You may list up to 2 characters in your request, not including a reader if you choose 2nd POV.
Only 1 dialogue prompt and 1 genre and 1 POV allowed per request. (Please note that 2nd POV will be written as a female reader)
You're free to keep your ask as plainly as above: Leon / 5 / Comedy / 2nd OR add some more detail for me: Licht, Nokto / 7 / Adventure / 1st Licht's POV. They're about to go to battle.
❓ Rules❓
I will only be accepting the first 6 requests that follow the above guidelines.
One request per person please!
All requests and writings will be SFW. Any triggering content will be listed in the header and tags once the fic is posted.
I reserve the right to refuse any prompts that I cannot fulfill. I will also be crossing off characters, prompts, and genres as they arrive so we don't get duplicates.
**Please understand that I set these restrictions to give as even a chance for anyone to request their favorites and myself the time to give each story the attention it deserves. Thank you all in advance for your interest and your understanding, now on to the prompts!
✔️ Characters✔️
All 13 Ikemen Prince suitors
✔️ Dialogue Prompts✔️
"What are you waiting for?" "That, I cannot say."
"When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the garden, not the flower."
"That's harsh. I prefer to call it 'returning the favor.'"
"I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be liars."
"Do you want to talk about it, or do you want a distraction from it?"
"I'd rather die with memories, not dreams."
"Don't worry about winning. Worry about coming home."
"Just once, I want to hear you say it."
"Why would I be worried? I'm with you."
"That's the thing about betrayal. It never comes from an enemy."
✔️ Genres✔️
✔️ Points of View✔️
1st: I, me, my
2nd: You, your
3rd: He, she, they
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
Mini-Event for Ikemen Prince
I’ve got a lot of barely-written pieces and a whole bunch of story ideas in my notes app, so I thought it’d be fun to compile a list of dialogue I’ve written that I just didn’t want to delete (but probably wouldn’t have finished/started their respective pieces) plus the general direction I would have taken the story in.
Ranging from fluff, angst, anything in between—please, take a look at the prompts below and request a suitor! I will only write a prompt once and will update the list as requests come in.
If I receive multiple requests for the same prompt, I’ll accept the first and message the second that they’ll have to select another prompt if they wish to do so. For this reason, please leave Anon off!!!
I’m doing this event in hopes of getting my juices flowing again as I haven’t written in a few months and I’ve only recently started posting again. I can’t guarantee a quick turnout so please bear with me. I want to write these requests as much as you want me to!!
Writing for: Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Licht, Yves
Dialogue Prompts
“I could look at you forever. Sketch and paint your face a million different angles and never tire of it.” Artist!MC, fluff
 “You can’t do this to me.” Hurt/comfort
“Breathe, Belle. You’ll feel all the much better.” Smut
“I don’t know who I am anymore… I’m wearing a wedding dress that I didn’t even get to pick.” Post-Belle duties, unrequited love, hurt/comfort
“Ignore my brother. He’s an occupational hazard.” Crack?
“You’re running away from the thing you’re chasing. Why don’t you see that?” Angst
“I get attached too easily.” Angst
“You say you can’t live without me? …I can…but I won’t. I don’t want to.” Hurt/comfort?
“I’ve spent too much of my life with people who treat me like I’m nothing. I can’t—won’t do that—I deserve more.” Angst, hurt/comfort
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articdelilah · 2 years
❀ Requests: Closed ❀
Asks: Open!
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Welcome Dove to my blog!! My name is Delilah and I’m so happy to see you here. I write fanfics and overall here for a good time 🕊️ Don’t be shy to request anything!!
If you like my work and want to become a frequent child on my blog (and also to help me keep track of who is who), at the end of your request ask to have your very own emoji!! Putting this at the end of every request you give me afterwards, I’ll remember you!!
If perhaps you want to be tagged in my posts, DM me or comment your user and which character posts you’d like to be tagged in!!
❀ Blog rules:
Please be kind + patient
Reblogging my work is 100% okey! Just please don’t post it on other platforms without my knowledge/credit!
If I don’t get to your request, I apologise in advance!! Life is busy sometimes.
Even if you do submit, Its not 100% I’ll write it. Characters such as Leon, Jin etc are harder for me to write since I haven’t interacted with them a lot in my play throughs therefore I may not write them often.
I haven’t yet played all the routes in Ikemen Prince and therefore will write about what I already know about the characters.
While I won’t write full smut (yettttt), some of my work may be a little spicy or suggestive. Whoever reads my work is fully responsible of their action to read it!
I’m not able to write more than 4 characters in one post so please be specific who you want to write about! (Unless you don’t mind that is)
I may not always stay fully on topic. Thats just a me problem tho :)
Not a rule but I may not stick to a consistent layout because I forget it :,(
I will only write for Ikèmen Prince!
(I know it’s inconvenient I’m sorry!!)
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❀ What I will do:
1. X readers
2. Child!readers (highly encouraged!)
3. Fluff
4. Angst (highly encouraged!)
5. Romantic relationships
6. Platonic relationships
8. Headcanons and scenarios
9. Light smut
10.Obsessive/Yandere themes
11.Male/non-binary/female readers
❀ What I will not do:
1. Smut (sorry!)
2. Hardcore Nsfw
3. Ocs
4. Incest, stepcest etc
5. Poly relationships
6. Any ships between two canon characters (mainly because most of them are brothers anyways)
7. A lot of gore and violence
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The doves who make this blog a true home! Thank you so much to you and your requests!🕊️
Emojis claimed: 🐻
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violettduchess · 2 years
Please please please continue the Gilbert fic. I need to see what happens next. I'll wait as long as I have to. It was insane!!
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Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian / Reader.
A/N: This is a continuation of events in THIS fic so if you haven't, check that out first! Gilbert is nudging me to make this a series. Who am I to deny the Prince of Obsidian?
Keywords: I can't really categorize this one. There's kissing and a moonlit garden and Gilbert and angst and spice!
Word count: 1983
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Outside a black velvet sky is scattered with diamond stars, but even their shine can’t compete with what is happening inside the palace ballroom. Silks and velvets and satins and jewels. Hair ornaments, golden filigree, glasses filled with pale, bubbling liquids. You smell perfume and sweat in equal measure as you make your way along the periphery of the glittering crowd. You spy several of the Rhodolite princes. Leon deep in conversation with several nobles, his smile warm and open. Nokto handing a full glass of champagne to a tittering woman swathed in pink silk and pearls. Jin and his hungry eyes scanning the crowd, lips curved upwards in amusement, tossing a comment to Luke every now then as the red-headed prince nods, honey wine in hand. 
It’s beautiful and it’s bright and it is positively stifling. The discord of people’s voices blending with the music of the stringed orchestra hurts your ears. Your lungs breathe in air warm with other people’s exhalations. Sariel told you to be present, play your role as some distant noblewoman. But you can’t. You’ve never responded well to cages, even gilded ones like this one.
You slip away, one hand bunching up the dark red silk of your clothing, trembling with nervousness at escape and the anticipation of slipping into the dark. Your shoes click-clack as you flee down marble steps and then, as you step onto the dirt path that leads into the gardens, they make no sound at all.
Finally, peace.
Here there are no bright lights, no flashing of teeth and cacophonous laughter. No strangers approaching you for a dance or a drink or a whispered invitation to slip away.
Here there are only roses, so dark they look black in the argent moonlight, and tall, verdant bushes, and dirt paths to lead you further away from the ball and into blissful quiet.
After wandering a short while, you stop by a wrought-iron trellis wound through with roses, lush with fragrance, stems covered in thorns. Look but don’t touch, they seem to say, I am beautiful but I am dangerous.
“Not many people run from the light into the darkness, Häschen.”
That voice. It strikes your ears louder than a thousand screams, sends your heart into a swan dive that leaves you dizzy. How…..
You turn slowly until what you thought might be a dream materializes into the man standing on the path in front of you.
Several days have passed since your kiss in the library, that moment of surrender encircled by a raging storm. It has haunted every moment of your days and invaded your nights, setting up camp in your dreams and replaying itself over and over and over. You tried to avoid him, to remove yourself so far from his orbit that he couldn’t pull you in again. Not when to be around him was to dance on a blade’s edge. Not when Gilbert himself was the blade.
“You followed me.” It’s not a question. You know he did. And part of you, the deepest corner of your heart, the one that has relived that kiss with a desire so acute it burns, is glad he did.
“The garden at night is dark.” He moves closer, feline, his eye focused on you with an intensity that wraps itself around your spine, sparks singeing their way through your veins. He is a man made for moonlight and shadow. The silvery light touches his hair, shines the gold of his uniform, tenderly caresses his pale skin. “And dangerous.”
You have nowhere to go. Behind you is the trellis of thorns, beyond that inscrutable darkness. He is almost within reach now. Your skin is alight with anticipation. Currents of it flood you. Just a few more steps. You close your eyes.
He stops walking. “Open your eyes.” His voice is steel wrapped in velvet.
You do as he asks, a flurry of confusion erupting inside you. He’s watching you, head tilted slightly to one side. His breath is steady, even. He is controlling it. He wants you. There is no doubt about it. It is carved into every line of his body. But he is still.
“Say it.” 
Understanding comes in a flash. You were the one who broke the kiss in the library, who fled despite his calling for you. You pulled away from the grasping of his fingers and then spent your days and nights avoiding him, tormenting yourself with the memory of what happened and the fantasy of what could have been. Now, he won’t touch you, won’t come one step closer to you until you say, out loud, that you want this. That you want him. 
There is only one thing to say. The only words your body with its wild heartbeat and bloodfire can produce.
“Gilbert…..please….kiss me.”
His name from your lips would have been enough, but the plea and the command, tapered to points by want and need, break any control he has. He crashes into you, a dark wave slamming into the shore and you welcome the breaking. 
Your fingers curl around the metal of the trellis, thorns sinking their teeth into your skin. But it doesn't matter. Nothing matters when Gilbert von Obsidian has his mouth on yours, taking and taking and taking. 
Air isn't necessary. You could live forever on the exchange of his breath and yours, on the warmth and heat of him. Never again will any taste be as good as him on your tongue. You will forever be starving for it.
The cultivated palace garden, so structured and tended to, is the moonlit backdrop to the force between you and Gilbert, something wild and uncivilized, running rampant and unchecked. His black-gloved fingers dig into your back, pulling you against him. You release your grip on the trellis to grab onto his shoulders, the stinging in your palms a mere grace note in the face of the roaring symphony filling your body. 
He lowers his head, tearing his mouth away from yours to move down your face, jaw, and neck, a starving man allowed access to a banquet, a man dying of thirst led to a river. One hand moves upwards, your hand in his hair, holding his head in place. The softness of it startles you. It is darkness and moonlight spun together, silken. And strong. Your grip on it tightens as he moves lower still, teeth biting at the neckline of your gown, his breath branding your skin.
You breathe his name, unable to force any more out than that. Words are impossible now. There is only Gilbert and his hands, gripping you tightly, holding you together because your muscles can’t. His mouth burning a trail across skin flush with desire. You are lambent in his arms, brighter than the moonlight or the stars, a celestial being burning even as you are consumed by a black hole with one crimson eye.
His fingers flex impatiently against you, gripping you harder as his mouth roams the skin available to him. You feel teeth bite into the sensitive slope between your neck and shoulder, unapologetic and hungry. He moves upwards again to your mouth, the low growl in the back of his throat signaling his frustration. 
There are entirely too many layers, too many laces and buttons and folds of fabric denying him access to more. He jerks his head back down, groaning, leaving your crushed lips behind as he goes back to grazing on the thin, sensitive skin of your collarbone, his hands raking at the lacing on the back of your clothing. 
He is not alone in his need. You find fistfuls of his jacket wherever your hands travel, desperate for more than just handfuls of cloth. Why is so much of him wrapped up, barred from your touch? Even his hands are still gloved. Desire and moonlight and need make you bold as you use his hair to tug him away from you. His lips curl upward, baring his teeth, his eye wide in shock and frustration. You hold his gaze a moment- the world holds its breath. And then you are in control, pulling him toward you, leaning upward and pressing your mouth to the skin just under his ear. 
In the space between breaths, he is shocked to stillness, frozen in place, a beautiful statue chiseled with longing. And then your teeth catch his earlobe; your breath forms his name. As Pygmalion’s desire turned marble into flesh and blood, Gilbert is brought back to life by your touch, the purr of your voice, softer than the night’s breeze. 
You cannot see it but his eye closes as you taste his skin, as your mouth runs the length of his throat, his heartbeat pulsing against your tongue. You hold him still, fingers gripping the nape of his neck as you pull sounds from his lips that sink into you, embedding themselves in your mind like stars in the sky, fixed constellations to bring you back to this moment, to him. 
And then you hear it. Your name, shouted from afar, crossing the darkness, leaping over foliage, slinking past roses to reach you. Sariel is calling you. That voice slices through the darkness, shocking both of you back to the reality of where you are and what was just happening. 
You break apart, both taking in air by the lungful. Gilbert’s eye is on you and what you see there stuns you. He isn’t concerned by the voice calling for you, the knowledge that you have been missed. He is staring at you with his garnet-colored eye, a flare burning with the starkness of need.
“Meet me here. The night after tomorrow. Midnight.” His voice is hushed yet commanding. 
You hear your name, the voice closer now. Fear coils itself around your stomach, inching slowly upward. You can’t get caught in the dark with Gilbert von Obsidian.
“I….I don’t know if I can.” Your gazes are locked together as tightly as your bodies were just a few moments ago.
He runs his tongue over his lips. You clench your teeth together to hold the craving for it at bay.
“I thought as Belle, you could do whatever you liked.” 
Your name is called again, closer still. But that isn’t what has drowned out the fire in your blood or stopped your heart's frantic drumming. It's fear that plunges you through the ice into black frigid water. Fear that sinks its fangs into your heart, poison seeping out like a bloodstain. 
He called you Belle. He knows. He knows. He knows.
Foliage rustles as Sariel approaches. Gilbert turns, one look over his shoulder, before capturing your gaze one last time.
“Be here.”
Before your lips can even part to reply, he is claimed by the shadows of the garden, the moon shielding its favorite son from prying eyes. A moment later, Sariel appears, his steps quick and concerned, breath escaping in a sigh when he spots you.
“There you are!” His violet eyes look you over clinically, taking measure. “What are you doing way out there?”
Somehow you find a smile, fix it carefully onto your face when you turn to face him.
“I came out for a breath of fresh air. I must have gotten turned around.”
His eyes narrow, disapproval hardening his features.
“The gardens are beautiful, but they can be dangerous. Especially at night. It’s easy to lose yourself out here.” He runs a hand over the golden knot buttons of his jacket. “We must go back.” He turns, motioning for you to follow.
Left with no other choice, you do, but not without one glance back at the iron trellis, dripping with roses, studded with thorns. Beautiful. Dangerous.
As you follow Sariel back toward the candlelight of the ball, you know one thing in all this is certain.
There is no going back.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelier-maroron @somekidnamedkai @alexxavicry @redheadkittys @queengiuliettafirstlady @gilbertvonobsidian
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ikehoe · 3 years
Navigation & Masterlist
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my writing blog.
I'm a 27-year old who works full-time as a project manager and uses writing as her creative outlet at night.
I play a lot of Otome Games. I (mainly) write for: Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Sengoku (depending on the character), and Obey Me.
I always welcome asks from people. Chat with me!
(Under the cut)
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Obey Me
🍬 - Fluff
☔ - Angst
🥵 - Smut
Making Valentine’s Day Sweets with Obey Me Brothers 🍬
My Kitten 🥵
A Mess in the Kitchen 🥵
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Ikemen Prince
🍬 - Fluff
☔ - Angst
🥵 - Smut
Suitors’ Reaction to You Having a Naughty Dream about them p. 1
🥵 Characters: Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, and Yves
Suitors’ Reaction to You Having a Naughty Dream About Them p. 2
🥵 Characters: Licht, Nokto, Luke, Sariel, and Rio
Naughty Dreams [Suitor POV]
🥵 Characters: Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, and Yves
Naughty Dreams part 2 [Suitor POV]
🥵 Characters: Licht, Nokto, Luke, Rio, and Sariel
Naughty Dreams part 3 [Suitor POV]
🥵 Characters: Gilbert, Keith, and Silvio
Arguing and Making Up with the Ikeprince Suitors
🍬 Characters: Jin, Chevalier, and Clavis
Arguing and Making Up with the Ikeprince Suitors p2
🍬 Characters: Leon, Yves, Licht, and Nokto
Suitors Comforting You During a Panic Attack
🍬 Characters: Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, and Nokto
Naughty Dreams [Suitor POV]
🥵 Characters: Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, and Yves
Naughty Dreams part 2 [Suitor POV]
🥵 Characters: Licht, Nokto, Luke, Rio, and Sariel
Naughty Dreams part 3 [Suitor POV]
Jin Grandet
Comfort 🥵
How to Miss your Lover 🥵🍬
Against the Odds 🥵☔
Chevalier Michel
Victory Part 2 🥵
Victory Part 3 - Chevalier x Reader x Clavis 🥵🥵
Clavis Lelouch
Victory Part 1 🥵
Victory Part 3 - Chevalier x Reader x Clavis 🥵🥵
The Switch 🥵
Secrets 🥵
Seduction 🥵
Silly Little Prank 🥵
Leon Dompteur
Selfish 🍬
Love Bug 🍬
Yves Kloss
Chocolate-Flavoured Valentine 🍬
Licht Klein
Adoration 🥵
Deserving [Licht’s POV] 🥵
Just a Regular Saturday Morning 🍬
Collared 🥵
Like Usual 🥵
Messy 🥵
Whole 🍬
Nokto Klein
Birthday Surprises 🥵
Luke Randolph
I Promise 🥵🍬
Luke in a Relationship Headcanons 🥵
Silvio Ricci
Insidious ☔
You Belong to Me [Mafia AU] 🥵
Three's a Crowd [Rio x Reader x Silvio] 🥵🥵
Gilbert von Obsidian
Captive 🥵
Cuffed 🥵
Sariel Noir
Temptation 🥵
Temptation Part 2🥵
Forgive Me 🍬
Rio Ortiz
Three's a Crowd [Silvio x Reader x Rio] 🥵
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Ikemen Sengoku
🍬 - Fluff
☔ - Angst
🥵 - Smut
The Willing Prisoner - Motonari Mouri x Reader 🥵
My Forever - Masamune Date x Reader 🥵
Patience - Kenshin Uesugi x Reader 🥵
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Ikemen Vampire
🍬 - Fluff
☔ - Angst
🥵 - Smut
The Purpose of a Journal - Jean d'Arc x Reader 🥵🍬
Sharing - Leonardo da Vinci x Gender Neutral Reader x Comte de Saint Germain 🥵🥵
Good Girl - Theodorus van Gogh x Reader 🥵
My Promise to You - Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader [Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange] 🍬
Lingerie - Isaac Newton x Reader 🥵
Angel - Vincent van Gogh x Reader 🍬
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If you're interested in being tagged in any future fics, please feel free to direct message me, comment, or fill out this form.
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Masterlist Different Universe Same Love content creation challenge
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This is a masterlist for Different Universe, Same Love - a content creation challenge featuring Alternative Universe -themed prompts, originally held from June 13th till June 19th, 2022. All additional information can be found in the event post. 😊
Thank you so much to everyone who joined with amazing creation, we both are so glad to see it was so well received. 🥰
Please if you do not see your work listed do not hesitate to contact me or my cohoster @xxsycamore Have a nice time scrolling though these talented works we wish you a wonderful day. 😉
Smut  🔞 SFW 💝 Art 🎨 Angst 💔
Day 1 -June 13th- Modern AU|Historical AU
Ikemen Vampire
Promise of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ambition of Love - Napoleon x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Overtime - Ray Blackwell x Female Reader 🔞 @xxsycamore
Do not disturb - Ray Blackwell x Female Reader x Fenrir Godspeed 🔞 @xxsycamore
Another Round - Fenrir Godspeed x Female Reader 🔞 @chaosangel767
Sweeten the Deal - Lancelot Kingsley x Femal Reader x Ray Blackwell 🔞 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Prince
Cerise - Gilbert von Obsidian x OC 💔 @gilbertvonobsidian
Live Laugh Love - Gilbert von Obsidian x OC 🔞 @aquagirl1978
Things that go bump in the night - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
Tears of Themis
The King and His Knight - Marius von Hagen & Luke Pearce 🎨 @leafyturtle
Ikemen Sengoku
Day 1 - Mitsunari x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Cause Everything You Heard Is True - Nobunaga x OC 💝 @arsnovacadenza
Day 2 -June 14th-Celebrity AU|Person of the arts AU
Ikemen Vampire
Creations of Love - Dazai x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Prince
Day 2 - Nokto x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Pas de deux - Chevalier Michel x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
Day 3 -June 15th- Enemies AU|Soulmates AU
Ikemen Vampire
Beauty of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Yellow Lights - Leonardo x MC 💝 @kisara-16
Ikemen Prince
Destiny of Love - Luke x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Shades of Grey - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
A villain's love - Silvio Ricci x OC 💔 @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
What happens on earth, stays on earth - Nokto x OC 💔 @naresnani
THE STARCROSSED LOVER - Licht x MC 💔 @themysticalbeing
Tears of Themis
To touch a soulmate - Luke Pearce x MC 💝 @moonstruck-writing
Ikemen Revolution
Day 3 - MC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Blades and Blood - Luka x Edgar 🔞 @chaosangel767
Lover's Reprise - Luka Clemence x MC 💝 @chaosangel767
Day 4 -June 16th- Mythology AU|Fantasy AU
Ikemen Vampire
Wish of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
The first time I saw you - Dazai x OC 🎨 @klutzyroses
My Beautiful Secret - Dazai x OC 🔞 @klutzyroses
High Noon Persephone - Comte x MC 💔 @lorei-writes
Ikemen Prince
A vampire's favor - Gilbert von Obsidian x Female Reader 💔 @violettduchess
Magical malady - Leon Dompteur & Clavis Lelouch 💝 @scorchieart
Obey me
Day 4 - Lucifer x MC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Day 5 -June 17th- Academia AU|Small shop AU
Ikemen Vampire
Confession - Leonardo x Female Reader 💝 @violettduchess
C means Coffee | What coffee shop rinks can be associated with IkeVamp suitors - Various suitors 💝 @iphigeniainaulis
Ikemen Prince
Straight Eights - Leon Dompteur, Rio Ortiz & MC 💝 @scorchieart
A distracted lesson - Jin Grandet x Female Reader 🔞 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Poisoned - Lancelot Kingsley x OC 💝 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Sengoku
Day 5 - Kennyo x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Day 6 -June 18th- Domestic/Family life AU|Role Reversal AU
Ikemen Vampire
Snowed in Love - Jean x OC 🔞 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Under the stars - Comte x Female Reader 💝 @violettduchess
Day 6 - Theo x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
An Everlasting Love - Leon Dompteur x MC 💝 @voltage-vixen
Day 7 - June 19th - FREE DAY (an AU of your choice)
Ikemen Vampire
Day 7 - Vincent x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
Cyclone - Chevalier Michel x MC 💝 @violettduchess
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nightkarmaqueen · 2 years
It Was Love
----- It Was Love || Nokto Klein x M. Adam (OC) (ft. Licht Klein)
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Summary : His war with destiny finally see the end, but at the same time, his love story must reach its end as well. Being cautious when making physical contact. And recognizing the person you love in a glance. They will be reunited, at the promised land where they can love each other to no end.
WC : 2314 words.
Warning : Grammar errors, pure angst w/o comfort, major character spoiler, major death, mention of cigarettes, using form of Original Character, Honkai Impact references, Genshin Impact references, Your Throne references, etc.
A/N : How shameless am I, dissapearing then came back with something. Nah, I missed this couple so much, really. I wrote this in the middle of my chaotic college schedule. I wrote this as my THR for @devonares​. I wrote this before I read your post a couple days ago, so I’m sorry. But please ENJOY~!
     TWINS. A symbol of bad luck. They say it was the sign of devil and an evil omen itself. A symbol of the first and final phase of human; life and death.
     If that was indeed the case, then Nokto Klein would happily take himself on as the symbol of the last phase of human; death. And he wasn't joking about his choice.
     “Message from the front-lines. Lord Kain made it! The enemy troops retreated from the southwest border!”
     Sariel nodded as he took the report paper from the messanger. “Lord Kain just sent us the report. He will be returning to the capital in 8 hours after he settle everything down at the border and his tribe. He—”
     Seven pairs of eyes stared at the Sixth Prince of Rhodolite who suddenly stood up from his seat. "Licht, what's wrong?" Yves asked.
     Licht glanced at the empty seat beside him. “I need to go. I need—”
     "Licht, you need to calm down." Leon reminded his brother. “You must want to tell him about this news yourself.”
     Licht was silent for a moment. But without holding him back, they let him go to see his brother. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the hall, making the his ears ring painfully.
     “Nokto!” Licht almost slammed the door of his twin room. “Adam made it! You'll get to see him again once he gets back to the capital!”
     Nokto Klein sat weakly on his bed. The color and light in his crimson eyes began to fade. His breath was shaking and sounded so heavy.
     "Good. He kept himself alive … But I'm afraid, Licht, mother seems to have missed me a lot.” Nokto stared at Licht blankly. He chuckled in a hoarse voice. "Well, I think mother will get what she wanted now."
     Nokto's hand rose, searching for Licht who was kneeling beside his bed. Licht automatically grabbed his brother's hand. Nokto whispered, weak smile on his face, "I'm afraid I won't be here to see him again."
     Licht’s blood-colored eyes widened, not expecting what Nokto had just said. He frowned, actually trying to shook his fear away. "What are you saying?! Let me get the court phy—”
     But before Licht could stand up, Nokto grabbed his hand, holding the sixth prince back. "You don't have to. That won't work to me anymore."
     “Nokto… The illness…” Now Licht realized why Nokto's gaze wasn't straight on him. He also realized why Nokto's hand seemed to be searching for him earlier.
     “Licht, I'm… dying.” Still with a weak smile, Nokto tried to reach Licht's face and rub it gently. “My eyes are already failing me. I can't even see your face…”
     They found a chronic illness in Nokto's body which was most likely passed down from his mother. Unlike Licht, the epigenome in Nokto's DNA has very low tolerance for an illness like this. This makes Nokto have to suffer from the deadly pain.
     Licht's grip on Nokto's hand grew tighter. Nokto noticed how Licht was clenched his jaw as if he was holding something back. "Don't blame yourself, Licht. Although, I should also say that to Adam. He will smoke more cigarettes and destroy his lungs faster.”
     “I left three letters along with my will in Sariel's hands. One for you, one for Adam, and the other one is for King Highness," Nokto continued.
     “Why did you write to Chevalier too?” Licht asked, his hand still stroking Nokto's hand.
     And Nokto whispered with a weak smile, “I had to make sure Cainhorus remained a part of Rhodolite. I wanted to make sure Rhodolite could become a home for Adam and his family, and his tribe.”
     “At the letter I sent him these past few days, I told him that I was getting better, but I lied. He will now be all alone, Licht. I wanted to be reunited with him in the place he always believed in after someone died,” he continued.
     Tears fell from Nokto's beautiful eyes. The seventh prince took a deep breath. “Promise me this, Licht. You must always make sure he doesn't regret a single thing about my death. He still has a lot of people to take care of before he can destroy himself.”
     Realizing Nokto's hand were getting stiff and heavy, Licht immediately strengthened his grip. "You don't have to worry about that. Adam is a friend of mine as well. I promise to always look out for him.”
     Hearing that, a pained smile touched Nokto’s lips. “Thank you, Licht, for being a brother of mine, for everything.” Nokto took a deep breath and closed his ruby-colored eyes, hiding those beautiful gems eyes from the rest of the world. The world didn’t know that those crimson eyes will never be found again.
     “For Rhodolite, secure Cainhorus, and… Adam.”
     Nokto’s hand fell from Licht’s face. For a moment Licht felt his breath stop, so do his heart’s beating. His telepathy and intuition as Nokto's twin are very strong. Instantly his chest felt so tight, Licht was having a hard time breathing.
     Noticing the silence that answered him, Licht stood up from his kneeling position. He laid Nokto down on his bed. His hands trembled and tears silently trickled down his face. But in a calm and steady voice, Licht announced, “Spread the words, that His Highness the Seventh Prince of Rhodolite, Nokto Klein, has passed away.”
∘◦ ✂ ————–✂ ◦∘
Cainhorus, Southwest Border of Rhodolite…
     Adam sat cross-legged in front of an elder of Yasph. After stopping the conflict at the border, Adam had to make sure his tribe was okay. An old woman served Adam a cup of tea. The Marquis of Cainhorus thanked the woman.
     Just as Adam about to lift the cup, a cracking sound was heard. The voice was small, but to his ears, it sounded very clear and deafening. Cracks appeared to damage the beautiful marble glass.
     "Truly, we belong to the God," said the elder as he took a sip of his tea. "You have to repent more, young lad."
     Adam's heart was already filled with a bad feeling. He became so restless for no reason. “God, I ask for Your forgiveness,” Adam whispered as he clenched the front of his clothes.
     Adam turned towards the door, to find the youngest Lord of Kain standing at the door. Adam couldn't read his brother's expression, but the frown on his face made Adam even more worried. Adam noticed how his youngest brother had a hard time getting what he wanted to say—something very important it seemed.
     "Elijah, What's wrong?" Adam took the initiative to ask.
     Elijah narrowed at Adam straight in the eye. “Words from palace.”
     Realizing what the elder meant before, Adam's eyes opened wide. Without a second thought, Adam immediately stood up and rushed out, shouldering Elijah who was stand still at the door.
     “Truly, we belong to the God,” Elijah sighed, knowing exactly what will happen to his brother after that.
∘◦ ✂ ————–✂ ◦∘
     If he had more time, Adam would have told him everything that even if Nokto had changed bodies and souls, he was still the only one Adam would sacrifice his life to protect. Adam thought he was away for a little while. Now he regrets it that he didn’t keep his eyes on Nokto during his painful days.
     All white. Everything he saw before him was all white. White roses, pale white skin, and suddenly everything around Adam was an infinite white. Everything was colorless, as if it was the reflection of his heart. Empty.
     "Oh." Adam noticed a child with his back to him. The boy wore an all-white outfit and his hands seemed to be playing with the roses in Nokto's casket.
     Once again Adam stopped. He felt there was something familiar about the young lad. The boy just had to turn around and Adam would have all the answers he needed.
     "It can't be him. He's far too short and young to be Prince Nokto." The boy seemed very close, but Adam had difficulty reaching him. “Even if that child's hair matches Prince Nokto's…”
     Seeing the boy pulling a rose from the coffin, Adam tried to stop him. "Wait, you can't—"
     But before Adam could reach the boy, a woman stopped him. The woman seemed to be protecting the boy who was still playing with roses around Nokto's body.
     The woman was clad in pure white cloth. Her skin was very pale compared to other women Adam had met. Her dusty-blond hair looked very distinctive and her ruby-colored eyes shone like gems.
     "You are..." Adam widened his eyes when he realized who the woman in front of him was. “Lady Anita…” As if struck by a déja vu, Adam's gaze immediately turned to the boy behind Lady Anita's back. “Then, that young lad must be… Prince Nokto…?”
     The boy finally turned around, showing his face to Adam. The curiosity that kept swirling in Adam's mind was finally answered. However, Adam was even more confused with himself. What kind of situation is he in right now?
     “Being cautious when making physical contact. And recognizing the person you love in a glance.” Lady Anita murmured softly. “Do you love Prince Nokto, Lord Kain?”
     Seeing little Nokto playing with the white rose he pulled from the casket, Adam sighed. A painful smile appeared on his face. "Strange, is it?" he murmured. “I don't even know what kind of feelings I had for His Highness all this time.”
     Adam never thought he would feel such a warm and disgusting feeling. All just because a prince he met, suddenly came to test his loyalty, then disappeared when he had got all the loyalty he wanted. Not only for Rhodolite, Adam set aside a place in his heart for that man.
     “What you asked me, Lady Anita, was indeed a vague question.” Adam looked away. "I don't even know what this feeling is all about."
     Because of that, Adam didn't notice the movements of the boy who had previously played with the rose in Nokto's coffin. The boy put down the rose he was playing with and walked over to Adam.
     The boy's steps seemed to float above the void until he leveled his height with Adam's gaze. The boy smiled. "It was love."
     Hearing that, Adam snapped and turned his eyes to the young lad. Adam found the boy smiling very familiarly. Once again he muttered in a surprisingly soft tone, "It was love, Adam."
     It was then that Adam noticed the warmth on his forehead. The boy kissed Adam's forehead, causing him to freeze on the spot. “It was… love?” Adam questioned himself.
     The boy pulled himself up and cupped Adam's cheeks with his tiny hands. His crimson eyes looked at Adam with tenderness. He nodded, confirming the answer Adam had just found from him.
     Not long after, the boy released his contact with Adam and returned to his feet on the colorless ground. The boy grabbed Lady Anita's hand with his tiny ones. He smiled at her as if he was asking her to go somewhere.
     But before that, the boy stopped like he had just remembered something. He looked back at Adam and smiled. "Let us meet again in the promised land, Adam."
     Before Adam knew it, his hand was trying to reach the boy again. “Please, wait a second! I—”
     Adam flinched. He was thrown back to reality. The entire white room around him faded, bringing back the sadness atmosphere around. Adam stared at the man lying in the casket quietly, as if he were asleep.
     “Brother, what’s wrong with you?!”
     Adam turned his head to find his youngest sister with a worried expression. Behind his sister, the Sixth Prince of Rhodolite stood in clothes that were quite darker than the outfit he usually wore. Licht looked at the youngest Lady of Kain with an equally worried look. “What are you thinking? Your sister has repeatedly called you."
     Adam's dark eyes stared at the young woman before him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, fixing the black brocade veil that covered his sister’s head. “It seems I was too absorbed into my own world.”
     After finishing the business with his sister, Adam and Licht found themselves standing in front of Nokto's casket again. In his hands, Adam held several pieces of paper along with the envelope. A comfortable silence enveloped the two of them.
     “You were there with him when he uttered his last words. What did he say to you?” Adam took the initiative to break the silence.
     For a moment Licht was silent, not trying to remember what Nokto said at the end of his life, but trying to get rid of all the pain he felt at that time. If Licht had to admit it, all the horrors from that day still haunted him.
     Licht looked up at the stained glass panels rising high above. "He said something about securing Cainhorus for Rhodolite's sake, and you." Once again Licht was silent before he continued, “I asked your sister about this earlier, and I was met with an understanding. He wants to be reunited with you in the afterlife or something.”
     Adam could only chuckle weakly and painfully. "How persistent," he muttered. The marquis turned on his heels and walked away. “One day, I think I can make those words come true.”
     “Where do you think you’re going?” Licht asked the man.
     Adam reached into his pocket and lifted the cigarette case and lighter, showing those items to Licht without turning to him. “I need to smoke away my pain. Don't bother yourself by searching for me.”
     Licht stared at the man until he disappeared around the corner of the hall. The seventh prince sighed before he looked back at Nokto. "Look at that lover of yours, Nokto. How could that even possibly to stop him?”
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See you at the next works! Have a nice day/night!
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nightghoul381 · 4 months
Ikemen Prince SFW Fic Masterlist
Category key: Fluff- ☁ Angst- 💔 Spice- 🌶
Leon Dompteur:
Spur of the Moment ☁ The Sweetest Treat ☁ A Change of Plans ☁
Licht Klein:
One too many ☁ A Little Help ☁
Silvio Ricci:
My World  ☁ Reassurance 💔☁ No Pets ☁ Random Fluffy Silvio ☁
Keith Howell:
Harvest  ☁ Whatever It Takes 💔☁ Your Journey ☁
Rio Ortiz:
Cruel Summer 💔
Clavis Lelouch:
Please Wait for Me 💔 A Little Surprise ☁ The Fairy Tale's End 💔 Just a Harmless Prank ☁ In Sickness ☁
Nokto Klein:
Finally Home ☁
Yves Kloss:
To My Dearest Love💔 My Love for You ☁ 💔
Jin Grandet:
Footprints ☁
Sariel Noir:
Caught in the Rain  ☁
Chevalier Michel:
Gilbert Von Obsidian:
Too Sweet ☁
Luke Randolph:
Multiple Suitors:
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scorchieart · 2 years
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Change for the Better | AO3
Characters: Keith Howell, Yves Kloss, Licht Klein
Summary: A gentlemen's tea party with gentlemen's banter.
Word Count: 777 (we hit the jackpot with these 3!)
A/N: Part of @aquagirl1978 & @violettduchess's Fall Fluff Autumn Angst CCC. Thanks for setting this challenge up, you two! This one is going to fall under Fall Friendship Fluff.
Prompt: Changing seasons
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Life changes too fast. First you’re waking up on the wrong side of the bed, then you’re tripping over breakfast to catch a breadcrumb of lunch before rushing back to work, and next thing you know it’s 1-in-the-morning and you’re still on your first cup of tea. It’s almost as if the only constant in life is that nothing was constant. That was how things seemed to be shaping up for Keith, anyway.
Though as much as life tried to throw alterations into Keith’s path, he persisted along with his head held high and a hand over his heart. Such was expected of him as a prince, after all. And it wouldn’t do for a prince to complain when there were those who had far more legitimate reasons to be upset. Like the farmer whose bull had grown old over the summer and can no longer help him in the upcoming harvest. Or the widowed noblewoman whose only son married for love despite objections to the girl’s commoner background. Or the red-faced young prince before him, whose once magnificent 3-tiered buttercream cake now only sat on the garden table with 2 levels.
“I swear, one day that man will eat himself into a coma. Mark my words.”
Yves muttered under his breath as he carefully ran a knife over the top of the remaining layers, smoothing out lumps of uneven frosting and disturbed autumn-themed sugar decorations. Between the sighs of despair and the huffs of wrath, it was hard to believe Yves still had air in his lungs to pick at his brother.
“It is only a testament to your unparalleled skill that Prince Jin targets your desserts alone,” Keith offered, craning his neck from his seat on the settee to get Yves’s attention. The canopy of red and orange leaves surrounding them limited his view, but he could still make out the agitated veins protruding on the side of his face. “Please, you need not make such a fuss over it. I think the cake still looks remarkable.”
“It looked ten-times more remarkable before he got his grubby hands all over it! But not to worry, Prince Keith, I am nearly finished repairing the most egregious damages.”
Keith wanted to say more, but Yves was locked in that mode he once heard Nokto describe as Ultimate Baker Beast. Yves would still listen and respond to those around him, but all his thoughts and actions were 100% focused on his hands, and he won’t snap out of it until he’s completely satisfied with his work. It was a talent Keith admired every time he saw it put to use, if not feared.
Instead, he reached past Yves, careful not to interrupt the complicated culinary surgery, for the plate of mini sandwiches and nibbled on one quietly in between sips of white tea. He smiled at the light taste of spreadable cheese mixed with herbs atop the bed of freshly sliced squash and wondered how the farmer was faring back in Jade. Certainly a lot more would get done if Keith was there to help, but he tried not to linger on that thought for long.
“How is it?”
Licht inquisitively poked his head around Yves’s figure from the other end of the table, a half-eaten dariole in one hand.
“Very good. I heard you prepared these sandwiches, Prince Licht? Excellently done,” said Keith.
“I was just following Yves’s instructions. The first batch had too much cheese, but I thought they tasted alright.”
“We’re trying to highlight the flavors of the season so you can’t hide the vegetables no matter how much you dislike them. And stop hoarding the darioles!” Yves piped in. Licht shut his eyes and popped the rest of the dariole into his mouth, as though that constituted his response.
Keith let out a chuckle. “I think it’s wonderful that you keep each other in check in the kitchen. Why, when left to my own devices I—” he paused, cleared his throat, and looked at his lap. “Well, let’s just say I never hear the end of it from the cooks.”
Licht opened his eyes and Yves finally looked up from the cake, both resting quizzical looks on Keith. Keith cupped his giant hands around his tiny teacup, feeling utterly undersized under their gaze, and took a long sip.
When he lowered the cup from his mouth, he found the plate of darioles placed in front of him and Licht walking back to his seat. 
“Well, nobody is perfect,” Yves said, cutting a piece of still-spotty frosted cake with a smile. “But that doesn’t stop us from trying our best to change for the better.”
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Next I wanna do an autumn angst, but pretty cool that Keith got his route announced, amiright?
Tagging:@atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
Congrats on your follower milestone! May I request Nokto + remembering please. Thank you so much! 😊
Hi dear! I'm so happy you requested this. I may make hearts hurt. This is fine. I didn't make myself tear up writing this NOPE
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Like I Do
A Nokto Klein x MC fic
Rating: T
Tags: Angst, hurt/comfort, memory loss, spoilers for Nokto and Licht's routes, dreams
She walked along in the garden, arranging the settee area for tea. He'd seen this dream so many times before. He knew her. Of course he knew her; this was the love of his life. But her physical form was hidden. Her voice was nothing more than a feeling in his heart. Every embrace was everything and nothing at once. She is his everything but she's not there. Why can't he see her? He just knows that once he sees her, he'll feel complete. No one knows him like she does. He'll feel whole again. Suddenly Licht is there in his dream. And their mother. Licht prostrates himself between them as their mother's arm comes up and suddenly the figure he knows and doesn't know is there. Her hands are delicate, dainty, but firm and sure on his and Licht's arms. Their mother's figure dissolves away. Then Licht. Then his love. Nokto woke slowly, his body tired. It wasn't as if he'd been entertaining anyone, but the carriage accident a month ago had left his body bruised, a little broken, and he was on the mend still. He sighed heavily, pushing himself up in bed as he pondered his plight. This wasn't the first time he had the dream and knew it wouldn't be the last. He never remembered the dream but the unease and frustration he felt at something unresolved lingered, chafing his confidence. Shaking off sleep, he went to the window and parted the curtain to look out at the garden. The sun had just risen but he saw her out there, tending to the settee and table for the tea time she would have later with Yves and his twin. His brow furrowed as he tried to place why, every time he looked at her, that same frustration was there. The same damn feeling. He always saw something in her eyes that he couldn't place and he prided himself on knowing everything, taking particular delight in riling her up. It was a something that he saw in everyone's eyes when they looked at him but her's was... sadder. No one could ask him why but he wanted to get rid of whatever was causing that sadness. The sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach told his subconscious it was because of him. The notion alone made the sinking worse so he closed the curtains, allowing the dark to take over his senses again. He held onto the curtain and closed his eyes, the sensation of fabric between his fingers setting off something in him. His mind drifted, a memory of deft fingers unlacing a black bodice just enough to get it off her body. The luxurious feel of the deep, red skirt. The softness of the ruffles that teased his chin as he nipped at her collarbone. 'Nokto.' He was alone but it sounded and felt so real. He knew that voice. It was her voice. The piece he was missing... was her.
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