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muses-with-afp · 5 months ago
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Among the cobwebs tangled about in the ole noggin is: Byakuya really is just out there living a whole 'nother life inside his head, isn't he?
We see this get clocked by Toshiro in Chapter 674 (above) and, hopefully, Rukia and Renji (i.e., the "they" to whom Toshiro is referring). You could surmise that Toshiro is very perceptive and that's how he discerned what Byakuya was doing. And, sure, Toshiro is plenty perceptive. But... also... like... how often does Byakuya do this? How often does he put on some weird "performance" that he's fairly certain others "see through"? Or, at least, he intends for others to see through?
My guess is: The whole damn time.
I like to think the below Q&A from KlubOutside isn't just some continuity error that Kubo is fixing in post, but, rather, a suggestion that Byakuya is really out there living a life completely untethered from reality.
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KlubOutside Q&A, as translated by reikorun
Like... we know from the SS Arc that Rukia does not view her relationship with Byakuya as warm and fuzzy. She says as much with her words and actions throughout that arc.
But... umm... the above seems to suggest that she and Byakuya likely discussed Renji at some point during their 40/50-year relationship. And, from that/those discussion(s), Byakuya left feeling intimately acquainted with not only Rukia, but Renji as well. Enough so that the man married to formality thought he could totally dispense with it when he met Renji.
Rukia, on the other hand? Girly, didn't blink an eye at her crazy "brother's" crazy antics during the SS Arc. She was like "he'd kill me himself and not give a damn" (paraphrasing). And like... understandable since it did seem to be going that way, but for Ichigo et al.
However, what subtle "hints" had Byakuya dropped that he just assumed she understood during the SS arc? Probably a million. Maybe he thought they were totally aligned then. Maybe he thought she knew the extent of his troubled heart along with the whys and hows and whatfores.
Maybe he was really out there living his best headcanon life.
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dulacdat · 5 months ago
loustat were apart for about 80 years. that's a whole human lifetime. they're symbolically meeting each other again as NEW people almost* literally. it is not absolving any abuse**. It's a whole different premise, and any analysis misses the point if they don't take their unending life into account.
*almost because it is still them at core, but they had a lifetime to learn, unlearn, grow, and forgive.
**the abuse is still very much abuse. nothing changes that. but you can not deny louis his autonomy and choice in the end. they're each other's X.
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atlasdoe · 5 months ago
it will always be Slytherin Skittles > Python/Emeralds/Snakes
Purely because i know that the only reason you're calling them that is because the name Slytherin Skittles is lame. What you haven't taken into consideration is that every other name is lame too and the fact that you're using them to make them seem more cool makes them even more lame
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nothing-but-paisley · 4 months ago
As someone who was heavily involved in antiwar activism in the Bush era, his reelection in 2004 is still the biggest kick in the teeth I've ever experienced, election-wise. I was too young to vote, but I knocked on doors for the kerry campaign. I attended the big march on washington. It was very much an uphill battle, but watching all that work go up in flames was still incredibly painful in the moment.
But it taught me a valuable lesson, which is that nobody's ever gonna go broke pandering to the american electorate's jingoism and ignorance.
HOWEVER, the overton window has also shifted to the left in ways baby me never would have dreamed of twenty years ago.
I don't know where we go from here. But we'll just have to keep fighting.
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blackbeardsheartbreak · 6 months ago
Part of the reason I hate Izzy so much because Con O’Neill is a fucking phenomenal actor. I remember being so excited when I found out Con was going to was going to be in the Taika/Rhys pirate show.
If not for the canyon, I think I would really love to hate Izzy.
He’s toxic white masculinity and he’s also my mother. It’s really fucking cathartic to see him get what he deserves.
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dragonofdarkness666 · 1 year ago
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This is what sleeping be like.. when you can't find the timeline you belong in and sleep is restless.
You wake up to the same nightmare you fell asleep too only to realize your dreams aren't any better..
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fencesandfrogs · 1 year ago
i think it's funny that like. #spock biology quest exists, but also in my head vulcan years are human years and days are 24 hours long.
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lunasberry · 1 month ago
I'm so embarrassed for my mental health and my current condition.
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faithisland · 1 year ago
fucking crazy that we almost have had as many nuwho doctors as we've had classic who doctors
really puts things into perspective
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coolsane · 8 months ago
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howifeltabouthim · 6 months ago
The problem with this clever insight was that it brought with it a terrible paralysis. He couldn't move, because there was no longer any reason to move.
Lev Grossman, from The Bright Sword
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mxmc13 · 1 year ago
ok so I was OBSESSED with Taco II when I was younger (I didn’t watch season 1 btw, only season 2) and I had this tiny tiny little taco that went with a my little pony toy I had and I carried it around everywhere.
and now my step-dad’s favorite is Taco (Season 1, he hasn’t seen the finale yet) so I’m convinced that Adam put some wizard magic on Taco that makes my family drawn to her or something
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dotpray · 6 months ago
i broke my camera never felt like pain like this
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cowbot-lumberjane · 7 months ago
I should leave ever server and kill my online presence I feel.
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lunasberry · 10 months ago
I'm such a failure.
I'm failing at everything.
literally EVERYTHING.
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