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#i gotta stop going on reddit oh my god#between the casual animal abuse and the horrible medical advice i am LOSING my mind#dumbasses buying snakes from breeders who abuse their snakes#putting them in dark cold boxes and wondering why the snake gets stressed by#*but#Oh! you cant blame me for it im just a minor!!#WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING BUYING A FUCKINF SNAKE THEN#DO .2 SECONDS OF RESEARCH#then theres this one idiot im stuck in a loop with#keeps telling someone they can and should re-inject a medicine#because some of the dose leaked out#NO NEVER RE-INJECT ARE YOU STUPID?????#(yes) (very stupid)#thought this place was a hellsite
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Killing Wanda Pt 3
Summary: You couldn’t figure out what to do, you’d gone from seducing Wanda to basically bullying her and leaving her with a confused Yelena, you couldn’t think straight and just wanted to forget things, why did you have to be attracted to some hot redhead that you had to kill? It really puts a dent into trying to bed hot women and kill people in between.
Words: 3,000 (or so, probably more)
Warnings: 18+ only Minors DNI, sexual innuendos On Carols part because she’s desperate in this (sorry 😬) angst and upset Wanda and confused Y/n
A/n: Oh you thought I forgot about killing Wanda? Never! I’ve re written this about 4 times so that’s why it took so long sorry 😬 I need to post it, it’s good I like it but I keep putting it off but here it is! As usual any mistakes are my own and I’m gonna stop making my chapters so long because honestly I lose track of what I’ve said 😂
Forget what you said about walking in the dark, you hated it, hated the noisy animals, hated the wind in the trees, stupid trees, again you reached your destination at another door, why were you walking so much now? And why was your side hurting??. Oh right you got shot, anyway not the point
You banged on the door waiting for Maria to open it, when she finally did you stormed past the poor woman and fetched some whisky from the liquor cabinet. But before you could drink it it was snatched out of your hands by Natasha “didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”
You scoffed “wouldn’t know Natty never knew my mother, just a man and woman who moulded me into an assassin then made me move in with two Russian women with anger issues”
You tried grabbing the bottle but a pair of hands grabbed you and pulled you down onto the chair making you shout in pain from your side “fuck off Maria why’d you do that??!”
You tried wriggling away but the woman wouldn’t let up “why do you have dried blood all over your shirt?”
She finally let you go and your curled up on your side trying to ease the pain that was returning “didn’t Yelena tell you guys? She normally does”
Nat rolled her eyes giving Maria the bottle to put away and looked back to you “she did tell us, she also sent a text recently saying you told her to take Wanda to the safe house and not to speak to her at all until you got back”
“Oh good I don’t have to recap everything then” Maria returned with a syringe full of something and you jumped up backing off “what’s in there? Are you gonna sedate me? You can’t do that without my permission you know”
Nat wrapped her arm around your neck from behind surprising you and holding you in place while Maria lifted your shirt and injected the area around your wound, after a couple of minutes the pain stopped and you relaxed feeling pain free again
“Feel better?” Natasha relaxed her hold on you and kissed your cheek you didn’t respond so she just dropped you letting you stand on your own
“Yel also texted about Wanda crying her eyes out” you paused sighing and holding your head in your hands “want to explain that?”
“Why do I need to? She’s a target like you said, targets don’t get sympathy” turning around you went to the front room slumping down onto the couch and closing your eyes
Natasha followed close holding her phone reading the text message from Yelena out loud
“Bozhe moy Sestra I don’t know what Y/n said to this girl but she’s crying her eyes out in my car I just got my seats cleaned!
She said Y/n told her the threat for her life wasn’t real and the shooter was planned and that Y/n owns Wanda and she needs to stay at the safe house for her own protection against Y/n because she’s pissed off, silly if you ask me, Y/n was basically writing love letter to the woman”
Natasha rattled off the messages while Maria tried comforting you sitting next to you rubbing your shoulders “come on bunny tell your mommy what’s wrong, daddy and I are here to listen”
You held back the vomit in your throat when you lifted your head glaring at the woman “never and I mean never speak like that again, I don’t like your sweet and soft innocent act it’s so fucking strange”
She laughed “yeah sure okay, I was just trying to make you smile, so tell us why you’ve done a complete 180 about this woman”
You sat up sighing “I’d gotten shot, but the position the shooter was in and where they shot from it should’ve been for Wanda, if she was standing it would’ve gone straight through her forehead, Maria it was for Wanda and I know it’s from the people who want her dead and I’m taking too long, that’s why I switched up on her and I needed her to think I was lying about the whole thing so it didn’t stress her out more”
“Okay” Maria said holding your hands “I need to tell you that with all the love in the world you’re an absolute idiot”
Natasha laughed out loud and covered her mouth holding in anymore laughs while you blushed in embarrassment “what? Why am I an idiot??”
“You scared the poor woman, plus according to those text messages you also threatened her pretty harshly apparently”
You scoffed jumping up from the couch and barging into Nat who wouldn’t let you past “I don’t think so Y/n”
You pushed back against her “what the hell do you care?! You pushed a knife into her throat nearly killing her!”
You jabbed her in the chest with your finger and Nat grabbed it bending it back making you yell out “yes I did I also had you behind me with a pistol in the back of my head and you were so close to pulling the trigger I felt it, I felt all the emotion you had holding the gun, so don’t you dare try and tell us you don’t care about Wanda”
She let go of your finger watching you hold it gently and bending it back into place “so? Are you gonna say anything?”
“I’m going to get drunk, you two are boring”
You pushed past the woman ignoring Maria trying to shout for you and took off into the city “I swear to god I need better friends”
“Lady Y/n! Here to waste your life away again?” The man behind the bar called Thor hadn’t seen you for weeks and obviously he missed you “yeah whatever hi Thor, give me my usual”
“Of course! Anything for my favourite murderer!” He was so much larger than life with no indoor voice “Thor! Will you shut the fuck up about things like that, you’re gonna get me jailed”
You slid onto a bar stool at the end of the bar accepting the whiskey given to you, how cliche of you, a depressed assassin drinking whisky in a dingy bar “don’t look now Y/n but your fling just walked into the bar” the man gestured behind you but you didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was, her strong frilly perfume invaded your nose well before she entered to bar
“Hey kitten” she hovered over you from behind purring into your ear her greeting “I’ve missed you, my toys don’t satisfy me like you do, how about you come home with me” you shrugged the woman off and turned around in the chair “Sharon you’re so desperate it’s embarrassing, no I don’t want to fuck you, you’ve probably slept with everything that has a pulse like the whore you are, so fuck off and leave me alone”
You knew she didn’t listen, she likes being degraded, a bit deranged actually if you thought about it
“You’re so hot when you’re angry, I’ve missed it” she started kissing your neck and wrapping her arms around your waist as you finished off your whiskey trying to ignore her kisses getting heavier “you’re like a damn dog in heat it’s so embarrassing”
“Come on baby please? I’ll do whatever you I’ve just missed your body so much, you’re the only one who uses knives too”
“I use knives because it shuts you up and lets me finish without your annoying voice”
“I promise I won’t say a word, you can tape my mouth shut for all I care I promise I won’t make a sound”
You rolled your eyes glancing up at Thor looking disappointed in Sharon’s desperation and that made you laugh actually “fine Sharon, I’ve had a rough day though so you better keep your promise about keeping shut”
You stood up from the bar stool but Sharon gave you no chance for much else when she jumped into your arms wrapping her legs and arms around you kissing your face all over “I promise I promise I’ll be quiet, I’ll even ask permission to cum because I know you like that”
You groaned holding onto the woman so she didn’t fall and made your way out of the bar throwing Thor money for the drink “enjoy your night lady Y/n!”
Wanda hadn’t said much since she and Yelena arrived at the safe house, she only thanked Yelena for the dinner of macaroni and cheese then sat on the couch just staring at the wall, sometimes she would cry for a while then go quiet and Yelena wasn’t too sure of what to do
“Hey Wanda, did you know the human body is mostly water? That’s cool right?”
Wanda shrugged “maybe if I keep crying then I’ll eventually run out of water and die”
Yelena was shocked, that was a little dramatic, even for an assassin to hear, at least she was talking though that was something she guessed “sure sure that’s something to say I guess, soooo what-
“Is there someone after me?” She cut Yelena off which she thought was very rude but she guessed after everything she’d been through she’d give Wanda some leeway
“Why do you ask?”
“Just tell me?” She simply asked
“Whatever Y/n told you is the truth, she says she lied then she lied obviously, I don’t know anything” her reply was cold but she didn’t want to give away much and cause trouble
“Cut the bullshit Yelena you tell me the truth right now!” Yelena opened and closed her mouth a couple of times trying to rack her brain for something to say when a shot rang out and she found herself clutching her shoulder “I hate being shot at!” She jumped behind a wall and watched for Wanda who didn’t move
“Are you stupid Wanda?! Get down!” She tried reaching out for the woman to pull her down but Wanda just moved closer to where the bullets were coming from “what’s the point Yelena? If the threats fake they won’t hit me and if they’re real they will, either way I’ll find out the truth!”
Yelena couldn’t believe it, what the fuck was going on?? God she’s gonna have to save the suicidal idiot
“Fine!” Yelena jumped back up earning another shot in her side to push Wanda behind the couch hiding them both unfortunately she wasn’t as quick as she thought hearing Wanda yell out as she tackled her to the floor
“Did they get you in the arm?” Wanda nodded “yeah but I’m okay”
Yelena rolled her eyes “you won’t be if you keep ignoring me, now stay down or I swear to satan himself I’ll kill you slowly and painfully”
Wanda nodded keeping her mouth shut and closing her eyes to wait out the shots firing through the house.
“That was amazing, you’re so good” Sharon’s mumbling went unanswered as you put your clothes back and picked up your things to leave, but you weren’t a man so you did go back to Sharon and kissed her softly, tucking her into bed and getting her a glass of water “well done for being quiet, sleep well princess” you left with a final kiss to her lips, she’s good to be around when she doesn’t talk much
You left the house locking the door with the spare key and posted it back through the letterbox, you fished your phone from your pocket seeing missed calls and messages from Yelena
“Y/n I swear to whatever god is out there answer your damn phone, where r u??????”
“She’s feisty, she wants to see you and not in good way either!! She is mad at you for lying!”
“How does she know ur lying you ask?? She’s been shot at again and hit in the shoulder! Nat here now and cussing you out so get here!?!?!!”
You couldn’t finish reading instead running straight to the safe house, getting there you saw the doors open and Maria coming out with blooded bandages and your heart sank “Wanda?” You were out of breath and tired but you wouldn’t be able to take it if all that blood was hers
Maria saw your panicked face “no Y/n it’s okay she’s fine, this is mostly Yelena’s, her shoulder and side took a beating”
You hoped she was okay but you were so relieved Wanda wasn’t the most injured, you ran into the house seeing Nat attending to Yelena and Wanda in the other corner drinking a glass of water “Wanda, Wanda are you okay?? Is your arm okay??
Wanda didn’t look at you instead just looked straight on “you lied to me” she whispered
“You lied to me Y/n” her voice didn’t waver “all you’ve done is lie, convincing me that there’s no one after me then Yelena gets shot in the shoulder, someone is out to get me and I don’t know why you tried to gaslight me and scare me like that”
You accepted what was happening and moved in front of Wanda making sure she looked at you “Wanda I’m sorry these last 24 hours have been very difficult, I just didn’t want the shooter to actually get you, he would’ve done Wanda if I wasn’t there”
“Doesn’t explain it Y/n we’ve never had a good relationship but I seriously can’t do this anymore, I’m going to the police and getting them to figure out who’s after me” she stood up removing the towel from her shoulders and walking off not bothering to look at you
Maria slapped you on the shoulder “go after her! If she goes to the police they’ll get you too, I’m pretty sure an assassin doesn’t get caught”
You weren’t even thinking about the police finding you, you just couldn’t believe you were losing Wanda “oh shit!” You ran after the woman leaving Maria to laugh “she’s an idiot”
“Wanda! Wanda wait!” You yelled after the woman in the streets like a creep, god if someone were to come up and punch you in the face for following someone at night you wouldn’t blame them honestly
“Wanda come on please!” She finally stopped and you nearly crashed into her but steadied yourself “what do you want?”
You took in a breath, god why were you out of breath? Maybe the hole in your side but you couldn’t be sure of course ���you can’t go to the police”
“Oh yeah? Why not? Nervous that you won’t get your payment for killing me?” You were gobsmacked, you didn’t want to kill her that was the whole point! You’ve literally been trying to prevent that this whole time!
“Wanda if you go to the police and they start digging around they’ll find me and then I’ll get thrown in jail or given the electric chair” you took a hold of her hands and kissed them in your own “please let me take you somewhere away from here, I’ll keep you safe”
Wanda snatched her hands away and you knew you’d said something bad and instantly regretted it “keep me safe? You made me fear for my life! Both when you told me you’d been paid to kill me and when you claimed me as your own like a predator and their prey!”
You noticed a couple of people gathering near you guys and you just smiled at them “it’s okay everyone she’s a little drunk that’s all I promise we’re okay” you offered people your fakest smile and some accepted while others stayed watching
“Come on Wanda we’ll need to go home now okay?” You subtly grabbed Wanda and brought her into a hug kissing her forehead “she’s a lightweight” you laughed off dragging her away forcing a kiss to keep her quiet
When you both got further enough away your grip loosened on Wanda and she was quick to push you away and walk in front of you “Wanda I need you to listen”
“Get fucked Y/n”
“By you? Absolutely! But it’s not the time please just listen to me”
Wanda stomped to a stop and turned around crossing her arms at you “what”
You sighed “I’m sorry I lied we’ve been through this I know, it’s a stupid fucking excuse but I was trying to protect you and you know if you don’t want to talk to me? Fine! But you need to go to our bosses safe house its safer than Fort Knox”
Wanda didn’t move, didn’t even look or acknowledge you in any way so you dug around in your pocket for your bosses business cards and held out your hand for her to take the card “take it” she didn’t move
“Fucking take it Wanda and I’ll turn around right now and never see you again, just take it”
She gently reached her hand out and took the card carefully not to take your hand with it
“Good, goodbye Wanda” you turned around on your heel and walked off in the opposite direction, you did hear a weak attempt at your name but you refused to turn and kept walking, you’d go to the people who wanted her dead by your hands and use your hands to kill them, they’d regret the day they asked for your help.
#marvel#wanda maximoff#mcu#wanda maximov#wanda maximoff x reader#killing Wanda#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x female reader#yelena boleva#Natasha romanoff#marvel fanfic series#marvel fanfic
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i cannot believe i wrote an essay for a comment on my post asking for my opinion.. only to get blocked before i could reply 💔
disclaimer: this is about something as unimportant as a character in a transformer comic and why i don't like him
i dont want to make anyone who's a tailgate superfan feel bad or anything this is just my personal opinion as someone who has read all of idw1. despite of how it may seem.. i do not identify as a hater! anyway, he's not an overtly bad character at the start, the contrived asspulls begin around the tyrest arc, tg supposedly has one day left to live because of lethal cybercrosis. he goes on to save everyone by jumping tyrest and then later rewriting the code of the legislators. and after a drawn out sad monologue on his death bed, cyclonus stabs him with his greatsword which…. for some reason cures his deadly illness. and it only gets worse once megatron arrives, the whole narrative bends over backwards to asskiss megatron and make you think of tailgate as some kind of cute mascot character to set up for the getaway 'villain' arc. tailgate is written as a stupid baby who earnestly believes he's injecting megatron with an 'anti-villain-virus' to get rid of his evil thoughts, his holoform is also. a baby. jro tries to make getaway look bad by making him cartoonishly evil, when, what getaway did cannot begin to be compared to everything megatron was doing right up to his trial. yet getaway gets all his limbs and jaw amputated and megatron gets to carry on with his ''''''''''''''''reformed autobot''''''''''''''' shit and all the good guys stick up for him.
yet somehow even worse than the megatron bootlicking is the 'energy spasm' incident. when cyclonus is shot while protecting tailgate and this causes him to be sooooo heartbroken that he .. has a panic attack that causes some kind of rainbow wave to go off for no reason. this wave somehow, not only wakes thunderclash up from his coma, but gives tailgate inexplicable super strength invincibility powers. It boggles my mind what made tg deserve any of that, because he cared about cyclonus and was sad he seemingly died? does that mean chromedome wasn't sad enough when rewind died or he also would have energy spasmed? this is around where i stopped on my last re-read so i don't remember the specific events of lost light quite as well, i do remember it not getting much better though.
and i personally cannot stand smol uwu bean type characters, when he says some shit like 'i deserve a heckin bomp for this' i start wanting to drown in a bathtub. cyclonus deserves so much better. they have no chemistry. they're just the 'grumpy x sunshine OTP XD' trite trope. whirl and cyc have a 200000 times more interesting dynamic. rodimus and his hatred of hats is a more interesting dynamic.
i feel like cyc gets bogged down so hard by the romance plot hes forced to take part in, when he's away from tg he is so much more entertaining and interesting. at a certain point it's like he starts doing fuck all except hang around tailgate and wax poetic about their love. cdrw manages to never be annoying when they're loveydovey with each other, but cygate drives me up the wall
mtmte is simultanously so good… yet so mald inducing that it compels me to write shit like this. i wouldnt care so much about this one fucking robot if (most of) the rest of the comic wasn't so excellent
this is all subjective obviously and i havent seen anyone else dislike tg other than me and some friends. he literally seems to be universally loved so maybe im just sick and twisted.
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A Starstruck Odyssey, and Masculinity
I have thoughts and am just gonna unload them on Tumblr. That's what we do here, right? I recently have been re-listening to Starstruck and have had some thoughts on it's depictions of masculinity. This isn't a serious post per se, just some thoughts and observations. Starstruck has a wide spectrum of masculine characters on display, though a lot of it is hostile/toxic. Most men or male-coded characters are either outright villains, or more neutral parties with some toxic and selfish tendencies. Don't get me wrong it's a wild violent galaxy and that's the point, the entire party participates in scamming, kidnapping, exploitations, and unnecessary murder and we love to see it, it's not like it explicitly makes all men out to be inherently more monstrous and evil than others. But I do think the depictions of masculinity can be interesting to observe. Amercadia is a pretty cut and dry critism of the patriarchy and American nationalist culture, which is fantastic worldbuilding to include. Many of the masculine-coded androids are actually pretty nice, friendly and helpful or serious about their jobs, aside from a bitchy one in the beginning who injects our main 'droid with an anxiety spike about being one of a kind. Pretty much all of the Slugs we meet occupy masculine bodies, and they seem to have an abstract gender that picks up pronouns from the body they occupy, though the monarch is objectively a king and uses masculine pronouns even before getting a body, and he's pretty selfish and stupid.
But the main pair I'm thinking of, is Barry and Gunnie. Looking at the two of them, there's a lot you can assume. Big Barry Syx is this massive, bulky dude in power armor and shades with a mullet, while Gunnie is a 4' 11" techie cyborg with a big ol' smile. Listen to them in action and many of your assumptions are reinforced; Barry is a total dude-bro associated with nuts, steroids, working out, and acting much like gym bros in our modern life, while Gunnie is a hyperactive technician just doing his best, despite being mired in sympathetic tragedy. Barry's trauma is fairly fantastical or common to stories, having his family gunned down by one of his own, while Gunnie is mostly weighted down by medical debt after he got in an accident after trusting the wrong person. Based on these apperent details one would assume Barry is this toxicly masculine jackass who's insecure about his flaws, while Gunnie is the smartest man on board and is trying to keep everyone in line, doing the right thing, ect. And of course, you'd be dead wrong. Gunnie, while a sympathetic and likable character, is *mired* in toxic masculine traits. While it was an accident that put him in his situation, it was brash foolishness and ignoring obvious red flags that got him in that position in the first place, not to mention a rebellion against his family driving him to it. Furthermore, as Lou himself admits in Adventuring party, Gunnie's *pride* is the reason his problems are so vast; He comes from a lot of money, his initial debt might have never happened or mostly gone away to begin with if he went back to his dads for help. His toxicity doesn't make him an unlikable character but he does have these traits. He's brash, prideful, and ignores common sense a lot. He is also very nice and friendly with others, listens to people, ect. He doesn't have *every* toxic trait in the book, but has them which I tend to not even notice because he's just a funny little guy. Barry, meanwhile, is just about the most wholesome and giving person in the entire 'verse. Syx *And* Nyne, when not under a slug's control, are these total sweetheart bros. Sure, they shit talk each other with friendly ribbing, and yes they are very good at violence, but this violence is always motivated by helping those in need or fighting for those who can't fight for themselves, the Barry Battalion way. Barrys hate it when people are rude, or hurt the innocent. Barrys fight for their friends, provide endless support and praise, and will throw their very bodies into danger to protect or help, as seen on Rec 97 and in the big finale of the battle of the brands. And while the thing the love most is other Barrys, that does not mean that what they respect is also being heavily macho dudes. Barry one (or was is spelled differently? Barry Won? who knows) was the professor who created the other Barrys, a nerdy and fragile professor type, that the Barrys loved and treated as a fellow Barry *literally* the moment they were created. Even Syd is a Barry now, and that's accepted both by Barry Syx who's known her a long time and bonded with her, as well as Barry Nyne who literally, to his perception, *Just* met her, despite her appearance as like a waitress with an arm canon. Being a Barry, in other words, isn't about being just like them, having the name Barry, or anything like that. It's a vibe, it's a way to be, and the 'verse is better off with these super wholesome boys who, despite embodying many stereotypes of the gym bro, posses *none* of the commonly toxic traits also associated with that. They aren't insecure around smarter people or those with different skillsets, they hold no gendered assumptions, and they never wanna use their might to opress others for their own satisfaction.
Just, some thoughts.
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The Divine Take on it
They're Losing Their Wives
"I voted for Trump, my wife sent me divorce papers."
NOV 11
Dear Humans,
Behold, families are already being separated by the second Trump administration.
Over on X, many Trump voters are posting about how their families won’t talk to them anymore. They seem truly stunned that this is happening.
Why are people like this? I don’t know, human. I wish I knew. Why do people not google tariff until the day after the election? Why are people so intellectually and morally irresponsible? Why do they think there are no consequences for their batshit crazy choices?
Yes, people who vote against women’s rights are literally so fucked up in the head.
You were hoping your college professor son would lose his morality over the price of groceries? You should be proud he didn’t.
He’s never done wrong by you? He told you to inject bleach. He spread lies about vaccines and a million people died. He attacked the capitol!
They’ve been posting that all day, without a shred of self-awareness or irony. Not a single moment of self-reflection or uncertainty.
Verily, tis’ mind-blowing.
Yes, dumbass. It’s MADA…Make America Divorced Again. You voted for taking away no-fault divorce.
The LORD giveth thy wife, and The LORD taketh away thy wife.
Your family members have plenty of reasons to disown thee.
Families destroyed. A nation destroyed.
All for the worst men in existence.
And there was this.
According to Google Trends, searches for "Did Joe Biden drop out" started spiking around 6 a.m. on election day and continued to rise over the course of the day until reaching its peak at midnight. It then started to spike again around 8 a.m. the day after. Prior to election day, there were virtually no such searches. President Biden, of course, dropped his re-election bid in July.
Not trying to condescend. I want to reach these people. I want to save them. But this is just painfully crushing levels of idiocy.
I don’t rejoice in the notion that relationships are being destroyed.
But I do enjoy that people are smiting back.
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is there #dragoncourse now? i always thought 2-legged dragons were more "realistic" than 4-legged ones, just like grrm does. he started out as a sci-fi writer and loves blending it in with his fantasy (see: valyrian dragonlords doing blood experiments; i'm also sure that that "oily black stone" is an alien artifact). he loves imagining how magic, and magical creatures, can be realistic and i think it's cool af. and honestly i agree that 4-legged dragons with wings on their backs look stupid.
There are a lot of "ASoIaF dragons are not real dragons" people out there, and really, as I said in the post I suspect you are responding to, I think it's really stupid.
Why exactly is this a big deal to people except that they want to feel comfortable with creatures such as these they have seen all their lives stay so when they feel they are themselves gone?
So that it doesn't feel like they've "wasted' their lives or something loving/obsessing over these fantastical creatures? We're fantasy readers--since when has it been the MO to subscribe to such strict rules?!
Or is it they still that to "protect" the genre, to protect it from people who think of fantasy as this "lower" intellectual property bc it is highly "unrealistic" (read Ursula K. LeGuin's 1974 essay on why Americans hate fantasy) that they have to be anal about such insignificant properties? But they don't know that by doing so, they have fallen back into the same spot as those who claim fantasy is just escapism or un-valuable bc it is "impractical"--they insisting on this weird seriousness by focusing on the more superficial "rules" or appearances of some conventions in fantasy, they relegate fantasy to this static character of superficiality, unimaginativeness, and "childishness/womanishness" that they want fantasy to be less regarded as. Bec without element of repurpose and "recombination", fantasy becomes relevant and joyful.
By "imagination," then, I personally mean the free play of the mind, both intellectual and sensory. By "play" I mean recreation, re-creation, the recombination of what is known into what is new.
Perhaps it's bc they want to protect, as I have said in that other post, the dragons of their childhoods they way they do other stuff that partially lead to so many damn remakes? In that case, 🙄. Not everything is about the past and nostalgia, people. the past is fodder for new things.
The crazy part is that it's just legs, it's not like Twilight that completely did a reverse on vampires in multiple ways!
Fantasy of any genre--urban, high, "grim-dark", sci-fi, historical--has always "broken" or "strayed" or, truly, repurposed some "traditional" elements of the creatures. think of vampires...even before Twilight, have vampires always been the Bram Stoker kind in popular media? Have we not seen more vampires take on a more pseudo-sciency character, with injections of "viruses" and such? Zombie-like vamps? Hello?! There wasn't even the rule about having to eject one's bodily fluids in the vampiric creation process in the orig Bran Stoker story, not it's damn near everywhere!
It's not even about "realism" for me or how we should or should not strive for the most "realistic" dragon. It's about the flexibility of fantasy writing and the history of the super-genre itself. As long as one maintains the rules they set up for their own lore ANd they stuck to the some basic-basics, I really never cared abt whether they conformed to supposedly, popular description for a cryptid or mythological creature. If it flies, uses the elements (earth, air, water, fire), and has scales, it's a fucking dragon. Some non-EU dragons have NO legs!
I could even let go of wings, bc many non-European dragons don't have wings, esp in Africa. Because, almost near around the world (as all of the current popular cryptids and creatures like werewolves, vamps, dragons, succubi, etc), we have adapted fantasy fiction's villains and monsters from. And this insistence on dragons having 4 legs stems much from the EU-description of a dragon, that as GRRM said in his blog post, itself comes from the long-ago bifurcation of medieval people calling that and that a wyvern vs "dragon". It was arbitrary then, it is so, now. Calm the fuck down. More energy is better spent criticizing the HotD and GoT writers for fucking up so many human characters or, idk, defending enby and PoC/black actors!
If we hadn't been more flexible with how we created lore...would there even be sci-fi and fantasy fiction?! DRAGONS DO NOT EXIST IN "REAL" LIFE and fantasy has not always been about keeping as close to reality as possible but the creation of alternative worlds to explore ideologies and human behaviors/relationships to their worlds--to explore, isolate and work around the "chosen" heart and patterns in human behavior.
To create these worlds, fantasy writers choose fantasy to see/portray how humans may understand what a human/society is not in spite of but because of the environments they grow in! and fantasy affords them much more room for high drama that non fantasy cannot "reasonably" have!
As for myself, I prefer dragons having 2 legs when you want to impress that these are creatures who may or may not have higher cognitive functions but can't necessarily talk to humans or feel emotions like humans can or in the same exact range of reactions, etc. When you want to make them more like nonhuman animals. Whereas, ironically, 4 legged dragons, I associate with more "wise", super-repositories of the knowledge of the earth. It's, again, not abt "realism", it's abt character and role in the story and how we are to understand the symbolism of such magnificent creatures and how they are going to work/be repurposed. Making sure your chosen rules remain consistent and plausible.
Popular dragons are air/fire creatures (water for Asian cultures), but have developed from the humans' observations of lizards', snakes, and other reptiles' proximity and making homes in the ground. They are chthonic, which means associated with the underworld or world of the dead (esp in ancient Greece) and often associated with death in EU cultures more than say China or Japan. Of which dragons are much more associated with bringing life as well as death (the Yangtze river flooding often), but are benevolent rather than malignant anyway. From the chthonic associations, Christianity solidified dragons' symbolism to be "evil" and mainly destructive for popular media to then reuse for its own generations of projects where capitalist execs prefers the the past popular thing to assure the money flow stays consistently in their favor. A "secure" mode of income, lovley.
Am I to expect dragons to look & represent the same associations the same forever and ever and ever in fantasy fiction?! And not only that, but to make them more in line with a European Christian oversimplification of evil vs good?! To hell with that (wordplay intended). Because a few people whine about these dragons not having the number of legs they deem to be sufficient and "real"?!
Anyway, I hope this all made sense?
#asoiaf asks to me#asoiaf dragons#fantasy fiction#dragons#grrm#fantasy fans#fandom commentary#fandom critical#asoiaf#asoiaf symbolism#hotd#asoiaf rant
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Re-watching the New Moon movie and I have many Thoughts(tm), namely
Why is the cinematography is so warm toned compared to the first movie when New Moon is the most depressing book and truly the worst era of Bella’s young life: A Mystery in 2 Hours
At least Pattinson!Edward looks a little better than usual. They put him in these crisp suits. Very nice (Edit: Never mind, that awful Volturi bathrobe with the pasty-ass makeup was horrific yuck, yuck, yuck)
They just had to introduce Jacob this early on, didn’t they? And ofc Bella is much more emotive and gets all the witty dialogue with him (!!). In the books she is much more romantic and wittier with Edward as a whole. Jacob tended to bring out her immature side
“How come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I can’t?” “Because I have nothing to give back to you” Nice to know the screenwriter(s) still doesn’t understand the Bedward dynamic. And by nice I mean horrific
…What film version of R&J are they watching??? It’s not the ‘30s version and definitely not the ‘60s or ‘90s one. Is it the ‘70s BBC one? In the book it was the ‘60s version, which is the correct answer. Did they not get the rights? Also, also, why are the human characters much more affected by R&J than Bella and Edward????
“[Romeo] Killed his only love out of sheer stupidity” “Yeah” Oh no, no, no, no, movie, you are not going to make Bella, a close Romeo iteration, agree with Edward!!! Edward is meant to be 100% wrong by his take. Dumbass script!!!
Edward: “Eyes, look your last” 😐 Couldn’t Pattinson just inject a little bit more feeling into his line reading? Most of Edward’s objections were Romeo’s actions, not his suicide. These are the lines Edward can and should relate to.
The movie people garbing the Volturi in 18th century clothing when they are older than the Romans is just laughable
“Dating an older woman. Hot.” Okay, Emmett is 💯, no notes. Definitely erred on the side of frat boy, but you know what, it’s fun and ho boy do these movies lack it
Bella holding up her whole bloody finger in a coven of vampires 💀 Why, movie
Stewart!Bella’s chemistry with almost everyone else in the cast (that scene with Carlisle tending her wound!!!) but Pattinson!Edward confirms what I have known all along: Film and real life chemistry are very different and they shouldn’t be confused. The proof is in the celluloid.
I’m just going to call it: Stewart and Pattinson are modern subtle quirky actors playing what are essentially neo-Gothic star-crossed lover roles. They absolutely should never have been considered for these parts at all by a competent director. Absolutely not fitting at all
“You’re just not good for me.” Hmm, this is what Bella believes about herself, not Edward. I suppose Edward could have done it on purpose, but the fact that he was flabbergasted his lie worked indicates that he doesn’t. Movie just straight up portrays him as more manipulative than in the books, where he just lies baldly
Oh God the months-on-the-screen thing was terrible. This movie fails so much at portraying Bella’s depression, it hurts. It’s like visual SparkNotes
The Bella-writing-to-Alice device sucks. Not too badly, but still. We had her voiceover in the first movie without any problems but for this one, we need a justification? Also, it fuels the Bella/Alice fan dumb something awful
Really dislike the way they did Hallucination!Edward with the ghostly transparent effect. It’s corny and also…way to pass up a chance at some mystery and intrigue by just having Edward be there without any special effects (maybe keep the echoing voice). I guess they really didn’t want people confused and think he returned when he didn’t. But c’mon.
Movie Bella going off with the biker 🤮 Book Bella at her most insane would never. The only good thing about it is that it does lead to Bella having an interest in motorcycles. Efficient movie storytelling and all that.
“Bella, where the hell have you been, loca?” Wonder why this line became so meme-worthy. It’s by far not the worst (“spider monkey” is perhaps the most awful) and Lautner’s delivery was natural enough. Is it the random Spanish? It is random.
Bella is already smiling at her first scene with Jacob…this movie is just awful at selling her desolation. Meanwhile Jacob’s first thought was how awful Bella looked
The Quileute characters are well-cast and nicely played so far, and their banter is good. Emily especially is beautiful and her scar makeup was convincing. Great
Book: “He took off his shirt” Movie: He took off his ~~~~shirt 😍
Laurent’s arrival and his death should have been a much better and weightier scene than we got. God, the pacing is so bad in this movie. Jacob becomes a werewolf, Bella finds the meadow, Laurent suddenly arrives—all within a minute or so. Ugh
“As soon as you put the dog out.” Damn, why, movie? Book Alice did not begin the slurs until she was well and truly angry. But sure, let’s do some really obvious racebaiting 🙄
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jacob KNEW he was talking to Edward and not Carlisle????? Movie, wtf? And all to save up on some screen time…sigh
Bella: “I can let you go now.” What. The. Fuck. Movie????? Not only could she not let Edward go, Bella never wanted to let him go. That was and had never been her arc!!! She would have gone to Edward regardless of anything!!! I hate this, I hate this oh GOD
No, I’m not done, I need another bullet point for this BS. The whole reason why Twilight was picked up to be adapted in the first place was because Hollywood execs saw “Ooh Romeo and Juliet with vampires 🤑” written all over this one…only for the actual filmmakers to just say, “Actually her whole ~journey this movie is letting go of Edward uwu” Poor Meyer…she just had to grin and bear it until she became the producer, I suppose
*Bella and Edward having a whole-ass conversation and making out* *Felix and Demetri watching in the shadows*: “So…should we interru—” “Don’t you DARE” “Felix” 🤣 I’m sorry, but this whole “I lied I do love you” convo should have been in the bedroom scene proper; there are literal Volturi about!!! Also, also, no “Amazing. Carlisle is right”!!! No Romeo quote!!!! Fie, for shame
Dakota Fanning as Jane…Well, probably not perfection, but she is great as usual. The Volturi got done so dirty overall, though—they look and act like Vampire Diaries rejects.
THAT ELEVATOR SCENE, OH GOD. So much meme potential. Why does this series keep injecting humor and comedy where there shouldn’t be and just ditching the actual humor and comedy of the actual books?????
Again, these Volturi gives me discount Vampire Diaries. Also, that chamber is so damn small. Where is the mystique, the grandiosity?There should be a crowd of vampires around, it’s their dinnertime.
Michael Sheen is just too British for the la tua cantante, lol. He also says something else (“Forse le vostre l’uno per altro”??? The accent is just too thick). He’s way too handsy (movie, they’re regular vampires who are sharks!!) but overall I guess his creepy-genteel approach works. Again, the cringy script fucks him over, as it does everyone. The movie has him touch Edward only now and not immediately when he meets him. Oh, God.
Edward just stumbling forward to Jane’s demonstration on Bella 💀 Jane saying “Pain” and Edward just standing there instead of collapsing 💀 Stewart!Bella freaking out and begging them to stop…actually, no, there she did very well, I liked it
Edward and Felix fighting ewwww…and with that awful slow-mo. What’s with these movies and including non-canonical battle shit???? Also, Aro would not order Bella’s execution if simply because he wants to collect Edward/Alice and Bella once she turns (it’s obvious she is a shield).
Of course fucking Alice speaks up at the very last minute before Aro chomps on Bella!!! When she would have had a vision of this exact scenario!!! This movie I swear!!!
“Once Alice changes me, you can’t get rid of me.” Okay, Movie Bella is officially more interested in immortality than Edward, the exact opposite of her book counterpart. Dishonor on your cow, Rosenberg.
“Jake, I love you.” Aaaaaand it’s official, the movies are definitely Team Jacob. Fuck you, too, movie
#new moon#twilight#cristina watches#the twilight saga#it’s a special kind of trainwreck apart from the first movie#also what was with patt!edward’s makeup here ew#they ruined the volturi why#also this movie was so team jacob it wasn’t funny#billy burke once again being the best#poor meyer…i mean it could have been worse definitely#also the scoring sucked#super generic and anemic
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Alien: Romulus
No spoiler review: It’s a turd.
Spoiler review under the cut.
OK. So the first scene is Wayland-Utani recovering a Xenomorph pod from the wreckage of the Nostromo. You remember the Nostromo? Ground zero for a nuclear detonation? Didn’t have any alien pods with a full size alien on board?
Then it’s off to Zeta Reticuli where there’s a colony on a world without sunlight. We’re introduced to the protagonist, Generic Forgettable Person. And her brother Clearly An Android.
The company does some puppy kicking, and then it’s off to meet the rest of the cast.
Specifically the protagonist has completed her 12,000 hours of work and her contract is over. The company extends it to 24,000 hours and re-assigns her to the death mines. “Try again in 5 to 6 years!” she’s told
This is the first hint that whoever wrote the movie cannot use a calculator and doesn’t know what time it is. 12,000 hours on an 8 hour shift is 4 years at 8 hours per day. Let’s assume the company likes to make people work 12 or 16 hour shifts. That brings it down to about 3 and 2 years respectively. This will keep happening.
Then it’s off to meet every one else: There’s Sympathetic guy, Tragically Pregnant Girl, Not Vasquez, and Inexplicable Douchebag.
Stupid Plot Point 1: An entire ‘spaceship’ belonging to Wayland Utani is hanging out in orbit, but nobody knows it’s there presumably because with hundreds of cargo ships, they decided to not have any traffic control, early warning etc.
The plan is to steal the cryo-pods and fly 9 years to another colony not owned by Wayland-Utani.
Remembering that in Alien, Aliens, Prometheus and Covenant, they do longer journeys in months. This is another point where the writing team just punted.
OK so everyone zooms off without being queried, checked etc. Obvious Android Guy, whose name is actually Andy gets them onto the station. The cryo pods are out of fuel so they go to get some more, Andy Saves Douchebag form falling into a hole melted into the floor. Nobody seems to query what the fuck happened, Douchebag gets cryoburns which are never mentioned again and then about 200 facehuggers are let loose.
From where? Storage units. No eggs, no queen, just facehuggers.
Not Vasquez gets to play throat-goat, and 10 minute slater takes 5 minutes to die of alien chestburster. Yeah, the chestbursters are now instant.
The ship goes flying off course, hits a fuel silo under the ship (Actually it’s a space station), which somehow makes it zoom off to hit the rings in 1n hour instead of 36 hours, even though it should have been pushed away from the rings. The spaceship miraculously crashes, un-damaged (Y’know after hitting a fuel tank hard enought o blow it up) into a second cargo bay that… OK that’s just fucking stupid, right?
The chestburster now builds a gestation sack, guarded by ribs while everyone is picking themselves up. Douchebag finds it, decides to stick a cattle prod in and… well there’s a really gratuitous scene involving alien blood.
Tragically Pregnant girl is mutilated and dragged off for implantation.
And then it’s back to the science lab to meet an old friend! It’s Ian Holmes everyone! He’s not looking good after the digital necromancers got to him, but at least the writers thought they were being so clever by naming his character ‘Rook’ (Look, aren’t they clever? Because there was the other android called Bishop. Which was a different model, from Aliens?) and having him say the same lines that Ash, his twin said in Alien.
There’s a lot of this.
Tragically Pregnant Girl is rescued but is bleeding out. Slowly. Nobody in the future knows what a bandage is, so they decide to just leave her bleeding and stick her in a freezer
Rook claims he’s perfect the black goo. He wants the crew to return it to Planet Shithole. As a bonus he suggests Tragically Pregnant girl inject it to make her superhuman. It worked on rats! And humans are 25% rat! Look! There’s a video of a rat!
There’s also a giant tentacled exploded rat monster, but nobody looks at that side of the room.
There’s a bit of splitting up, Sympathetic guy gets shredded, Andy turns evil and is factory re-set, everyone forgets how gravity works, Tragically Pregnant girl gets all the way to the ship OK without any real effort then randomly shoots up with black slime.
Andy kills an alien and says “Get away from her… you Bitch” and the alien’s blood is conspicuous in its inability to melt through anything at all.
They get to the ship and manage to climb up to where it’s jammed, close the door, and escape in under 10 seconds, because time is like a state of mind man.
And this is where we get the kink stuff.
Tragically pregnant girl of course does not become super humab but does instantly become 9 months pregnant in 2 minutes shten have something the size of a watermelon fly out of her hoo-ha. I mean 10 seconds earlier she was in overalls but for plot expediency she’s now in some sort of long shirt with no underwear. There’s a point where Final Girl tears an umbilical the thickness of her wrist in half with her bare hands and we see the alien egg pod split… to show a baby. Aww.
The pod immediately eats through the floor. Final girl goes to collect it and uh…
The baby is now a 9 foot tall slenderman.
Where is it getting all this mass?
Meanwhile Tragically Pregnant girl inexplicably gets a scene where she sticks her hand in her top and milks herself and finds she’s got lube coming out of her tit.
This is never commented on, mentioned or in any way shape or form relevant because about two minutes later, Slenderman shows up and sucks all her blood out because sure, why not?
So Final girl just dumps it out the airlock, because apparently the writers have the imagination and creativity of an LLM.
Which is presumably why they then copy Ripley’s audio log from Alien.
Roll credits.
It’s like 30% of a decent movie and 70% a garbage fire where they spend too much time going ‘Hey… remember this from the other films? Huh?
And then just doing whatever random bit of bullshit moves the movie on, regardless of what makes sense.
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Truth or Consequences

Homelander X Oc
If there was one thing Homelander didn't do, it was learn from his mistakes. It was the one thing he would beat himself up for constantly. He was a man who held so much power. He had the whole world at his fingertips! And still he couldn't keep himself together. He was always looking to someone else to fill the void in his life.
Maybe it was his own fault for yearning for the american dream. He wanted a wife, a kid, a white picket fence, the whole bit. He ached to be loved, to let himself be loved. But that was the thing, the hardest part.
Madelyn Stillwell, Maeve, Stormfront, the ghosts of heartbreaks past consumed him and chiseled away at his soul for as long as he could remember. Always present and always reminded. It felt like every time he tried to distract himself from the pain in their wake he would just add to it, make it even worse. He was simply adding fuel to the fire.
It had now been a month since he shocked the world by announcing his budding relationship with Voughts most illusive upcoming hero, Spectre. The news had taken the country by storm.
Things were different with her. It unsettled him. For multiple reasons. It was the type of relationship he'd never had before and truthfully it scared him.
He always knew the girl had a thing for him. Of course she did! He was the most famous man in the country. The most recognizable face in the world. She'd be stupid if she didn't. But he failed to realize just how unconditional that love was. It made his stomach turn and put his senses on high alert. Those feelings didn't exactly stem from butterflies in his stomach either. No. Everything was so unpredictable. Half of his relationships had been scripted and he'd fallen so far into it.
After his last screw up, which translated to dating a 103 year old Nazi, he was less than thrilled to re-enter the dating scene. There was something so nerve wracking about trying again after that. But sure as shit, he pulled the stunt he did and now he was in the safest place he'd ever been in.
It made him feel uneasy. Like he was being lured into a false sense of security and was being tricked into lowering his guard. It was too good to be true. Sometimes he has to remind himself that he was the one who green lit the entire relationship. That he was the one who caused all of this. That he allowed it.
Homelander had to remind himself every morning that he was the one who offered that ultimatum. That he killed Madelyn Stillwell and injected her daughter with unstable compound V. He still couldn't decide if it was a mistake or not. That very same daughter stood in the doorway smiling at him so brightly. Her positive energy radiating into the room and asking him what he wanted for his breakfast.
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@blindmagdalena (you said to tag you if I ever got the courage to actually post any The Boys content so!! I bit the bullet!)
#pls let me know if I should keep writing for this#I've had so many ideas for this nobody understands#Homelander#Homelander X oc#the illusive Spectre#the boys#the boys fanfic#the boys X oc#Homelander angst#Homelander headcanons
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Notes from 20.2.24
'Nothing here is for me'. Yeah.
Here's some boring ranting about my life. (I'm not here right now, I'm an NPC. Can you tell the difference?)
SM is getting shipped off again for a few weeks to another store, and today he said, Nice knowing you, yeah? I said, We already did this last month, I don't know why you keep popping back here so I have to keep saying goodbye, it's kind of annoying. He said, Yeah I know. Normal friends just continue on being friends regardless of where they are physically, but we've always had a complicated relationship. It's like when you know someone too well, and realise it doesn't translate outside of being in forced close proximity. Anyway, then I saw him at the supermarket after work and I knew he saw me first but didn't say anything. Then I walked past him outside while he was waiting for his Uber and he pretended not to see me, until I said something first. I know I invented all this to show me how I really feel. Which is hurt. We used to be so close. I dunno, I've let everyone go except him. There's just a tiny twinge left and that's why I had that dream yesterday. He was one of the few people in my life who was genuinely a good listener. I used to be able to say anything to him and he was never fazed. It's always me being the good listener.
Anyway, AL is annoying me too. On Sundays, we usually stay back for hours to gossip but I wasn't feeling it. So I invented her getting pissed off at the students because they never pull their weight and so she got into a bad mood and wanted to go home immediately. I was happy because that meant I could go home and read my YA fantasy books. I finish one per day almost. There's nothing else to do. I said it before but I don't leave the house unless it's to go to work. I might go to the supermarket, but that's it. I have no desire to go for a walk. I really need to service my car and pump my tires and fill up the wiper fluid. And go to the optometrist and the dentist but I can't bring myself to. I really need to clean out my closet. Re-string my guitar. Clean off the layer of dust on everything. If I focus in on it, it becomes real. But I don't, so it's not real. And things just work out.
I forgot some part-timer kid's name. Made a joke of it, and now she fist bumps me whenever she sees me. On New Year's day, the fridge broke down causing a temperature excursion for all the stuff in there and that meant I had to contact all the drug companies and figure out if the stock was still viable to use. It's been so busy, so I never got round to it and also I just didn't want to do it. When I came back to work last week after my time off, it had all been sorted out and I didn't have to do anything. I smirked inside my head. Today, some special injections for a patient went missing, two of them at $4000 each (it wasn't out of our own pocket, the medication was organised under compassionate supply for the patient and hence free to them, but still) and I was so feeble and indifferent on the phone explaining to the nurse that I simply don't know where the injections went. I didn't care at all. I thought 'Whatever, it's sorted'. Next thing I know, we get an email saying that more injections will get posted out to us. No worries. Awesome.
Things just work out. I don't feel guilt much anymore. I used to be such a stickler for altruism and morality but the pretence is gone. I see both sides of the coin at all times and it's boring. I'm not a good or a bad person. I just am. I have nothing left. Just this body. I focus on this body. I mean I don't exercise but I make sure I always look pretty. I do my hair. I like looking pretty. I like complaining about it afterwards, that I attracted attention. AL and I are pretty toxic like that, we go to each other and we sneer at men who leer at us. While also using the male gaze to our advantage. Men are stupid and simple and I can get away with things. My manager was too scared to ask me to deal with the fridge breech issue, so SM did it. Yeah, I'm vain. I wouldn't have made it long in this life if I had to continue living here. I don't want to age. There's nothing wrong with aging but personally, I do not want to age. Well to be honest, the real reason I wouldn't have made it long in this life is that I don't know how to look after myself because I have never, ever been tethered to reality. It was just pretending all along. Now I don't have to pretend anymore. I'm just a silly girl, really. AL and I agreed the other day that we're only alive to experience romantic tension. And to look in the mirror. Lmao. If it weren't for my parents, I would have died years ago. I mean, it feels like I was supposed to already be gone by now. This NPC has it's functional limits. It wasn't built for more of whatever the fuck this life is.
Anyway yeah, there's nothing left to live for. Except, maybe beauty. And that's it. I have Venus in Libra, what can I say? I enjoy beauty of every kind. Not the world though. Not planet Earth. Maybe's there's still pockets of beauty out there in the natural world but I don't go looking for it anymore. Trees and ponds and shit are dead. I'm talking about all the things that were inspired by the world, but are not really of it. Never really were. Books, poetry, film, music, photography, paintings, fashion. The idea of love. Being in love with the idea of love. To me, this has never changed. It has always been my constant. These things were never 'real' before and they aren't 'real' now. It was always just something imagined, out of hope or whatever. We created an escape through the creation of beautiful things because all along, we have always been dissatisfied. The ground we stood upon was never enough. And that feeling, it needed to come out. I was born with it.
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Why did you elbow me? 178
Achilles Castle part 80
Lemonade and lies PART 23
Liv: pov Jet says so Kate you worked with Elliot on the same case as Liv back in the day. Because the other day it seemed like you didn't know each other. No he was actually injured during that case and no Dana Lewis was not involved. Muncy and Jet ask who Dana Lewis is. You really don't want to know she used to be FBI before she got sent to jail for murder.
Jet: pov she went to jail for murder no way. Liv says yes. And every time she was around Elliot got injured. Usually it was her accidentally shooting him and one time it was a bomb that injured him. That woman sounds insane, Liv says she was and she was my friend. Kate mentions a psychic one time mentioned to her that an Alexander would save her life. This was before her shooting and guess what Castle's real name is Richard Alexander Rodgers and he tried to shove her out of the way. The food arrives and Kate pays for it and Liv helps her carry it to the dining room table.
Kate: pov as Liv opens her food I notice it has mushrooms on it I can't pass up a good mushroom pun/joke. Hey Liv can you even have mushrooms wouldn't want you talking all crazy about the fungi. Jet then asks if Liv is allergic to mushrooms making the situation even more awkward. Liv says no, Muncy says didn't you say once that you got poisoned by some mushrooms the guy was cooking them on the stove or something and you started talking crazy. Liv says yes Muncy thanks for bringing it up, i actually don't remember much of it since i fainted during that Case.
Muncy: pov have you ever had a case that triggered your PTSD Kate says yes it was a sniper case a few weeks after I was shot before i was diagnosed. Woman was shot in the chest and she died instantly. There were 3 victims in total. I made a stupid choice to go out and get a bottle of alcohol knowing my dad was an alcoholic and I couldn't drink with my meds and heart issues but I didn't care, the case was becoming too much for me. I got home and poured some alcohol and started drinking, I heard a noise outside and started to freak out. Closing the curtains and everything. In my panic state I was having some bad flashbacks and palpitations. I knocked over the bottle of alcohol and broke the glass all over the floor. In my panic I cut my right arm on the glass. Thankfully Castle was knocking at my door checking to see if I was okay, he used the spare key I gave him for emergencies. He saw me on the floor bleeding and hyperventilating. He found my meds and injected them in me and cleaned my cut and bandaged it. After talking He helped me to my bed and spent the night on my couch. I learned my lesson and haven't drank since.
Jet: pov why did you buy the alcohol that night. Kate says I have no idea, but when you hit bottom the only way is up. I got diagnosed with PTSD after that day and it started to make sense all of the symptoms I had that night fit. I’m glad you are doing better. Muncy wants to know if Liv or Kate have made any mistakes on the job. Liv says in 2004 I interrogated a man for 9 hours after Fin and Munch talked to the guy trying to get a confession out of him. He eventually confessed to using the green scarf in the crime, poured acid in the victim's eyes, tied her up, cut and assaulted her, which the file mentioned. The victim ID him, he had her credit cards on him and 6 people saw him in the bar. He wound up getting I think 300 years in prison for the crime.
Liv: pov a few years later in 2012 we got a case with a similar motive. But Omar Pena was in jail so we thought it was possibly a copycat. We were getting nowhere on the case so Cragen told me to re-interview the original victim and she said she would never wear red again because of what happened to her. Her mother gave her that red scarf as a gift.
Muncy: pov hold up I thought the scarf was green, you said green earlier. Jet agrees with me that Liv said green. Liv says so did me, Fin and Munch turns out it was red the guy who bagged it was color blind early symptoms of ms. No way so the wrong man sat in prison for 8 years. Jet is also shocked by this.
Liv: pov yep and I felt very guilty. Muncy ordered the orange chicken with vegetable rice and egg rolls, Jet ordered the teriyaki stick white rice and dumplings. Kate ordered some healthy chicken with brown rice and vegetables. I ordered my usual lo mein noodles, sweet and sour chicken with stir fry vegetables on the side. We chat some more while we eat. Plus I almost lost my job because of my half brother, Muncy says didn't you say once you had the same father different mothers yep.
Jet: pov so Kate what Is your favorite Taylor swift song. Kate says actually Alexis is the fan. I know a few of her songs but I'm more into Duran Duran and Celine dion. Liv says well I guess we need to play some Taylor swift to get you ready for tonight. Our bracelets are coming out so cute.
Kate: pov after putting the dirty dishes in the sink I get back to the bracelet making. I tell Muncy and Jet where the bathroom is so they can change. I think It would be weird for them to change in front of Liv who is their boss. Me and Kate are friends and both have scars so we have no problem changing in front of each other. Castle made me a custom shirt, Liv is going to wear her 1989 shirt. Muncy and Jet are both wearing cute dresses.
Muncy: pov hey Jet what if we curl our hair. Kate what do you use to get your hair so curly Kate replies with nothing. I have curly hair. I just straighten It when I want to. To be continued. ……….
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The Power of Positive Blah Blah Blah
JOKE: One day, while waiting for Tanja in the car in a disabled parking, an elderly man walked up to me and pointed out that the parking was for disabled people. My response was …. I .. I .. I .. I .. know, I .. I .. I .. stutter 😊
Have you ever attended or listened to a motivational speaker or read their books? Of course, so have I.
So, tell me, how long did the hype of the moment last? A few days? A week? A month? How long before you found yourself back where you were before, if not worse than before, because of your high expectations in yourself and the words of someone else?
Well, I don’t see myself as a motivational speaker. I am an ENERGIZER promoter!!
I’m here to help you and show you how reload your battery.
When I was 10 years old, I was sentenced to a life of ailments and a very predictable future regarding my health. Professor van Rooyen was the medical doctor at HF Verwoerd Hospital in Pretoria when I was diagnosed. He said the following to me: (remember I am 10 years old)
You have type 1 diabetes and will need to inject yourself a few times every day for the rest of your life (75 000 injections so far)
You will not grow old or die naturally
You will probably end up with either heart failure or kidney failure or both.
You will most likely lose a limb or two.
One morning you might wake up and be blind.
Wow, that’s a lot for a 10-year-old to digest.
Well, it’s been 48 years since then and here’s my list so far:
Quadruple heart bypass surgery, including a metallic heart valve fitment (side effect – insomnia and a handful of pills)
7 amputations – starting with toes and ending in legs.
Celiac’s Disease
Loss of sight in my left eye
Diabetic neuropathy and muscle loss in my hands
And last but not least, my recent catastrophe: Major femur break and pelvic fracture
Not a very encouraging picture ☹
BUT ... I have an ENERGIZER!!! And I can’t keep this to myself.
(Before I explain what I mean by an Energizer, let me point out that I have suffered with chronic depression all my life. I wanted to commit suicide a few times, but thankfully didn’t succeed. I often hear people say that it’s a coward that takes his life, but it’s not and I’m angered by this stupid statement. It takes a lot of guts to commit to this decision)
Getting back to the Energizer:
So, what is an Energizer?
Dictionary: Someone who imparts energy and vitality and spirit to other people
Let me explain: We are living beings, running on energy like batteries. Our batteries run flat from time to time. Some people have the ability to bounce back without too much fuss. Some people struggle to re-energize themselves; some never recover. I have seen this especially with fellow amputees.
The solution to a flat, rundown battery is to find a recharging point and this is what I have come to share with you today.
You do not possess a recharging point within yourself; you need to find it.
In the 17th century John Donne said: No man is an island, and it’s exactly that. We cannot thrive or grow alone. We recharge each other on a daily basis. Whether it’s your spouse, your friend, your pet or a LIFE coach. Find the person that helps you to recharge, that helps you find your strength, that helps you re-energize.
You might say: “I find my strength in a higher power.” Great for you, but here’s where I need MORE than faith. I need my 5 physical senses. If religion is important to you, do it. I’m not here to discredit what you believe in.
What I am trying to say is that you need to connect with someone physically. Someone you can touch, hear and converse with. I found that connection in my wife. She is my Energizer. She’s the one who never gives up on me, encourages me, feels my anguish, ignores my cursing. She allows me to express myself, reminding me constantly that I’m not alone.
My Energizer is a beautiful, real, loving, caring human being.
In 2018 my health took a serious turn for the worst. Things I had previously paid little attention to suddenly became a massive problem. During this time, I was still the owner of a mechanical workshop and the leading mechanic. Tanja was the administrator and organizer in the business and even did the diagnostics on the vehicles. I became listless and weak, lost my appetite and felt an overall unwellness. My GP referred me to a heart specialist who ran a series of tests and discovered that my aortic valve had packed up. I knew a lot about valves but this was a different ball game.
I was hospitalized and underwent a quadruple bypass as well as an aortic valve replacement – a metallic valve, to be specific. One which keeps me up at night unless I take serious sleeping tablets.
Following this, the amputations started. Toes, one by one; half a foot (which was the biggest and most painful mistake ever) and then the legs. Little by little, one at a time. Thankfully it wasn’t all at once, which allowed us to adjust slowly to the loss of limbs. It still wasn’t easy. Remember, I’m a driven, hard-working diesel mechanic, setting the pace in the workshop every day.
Before I had even lost my second leg, we decided to sell the workshop. The stress and anxiety were overwhelming. Not only could I not do what I had done before but the frustration of battling to do a job drove me bat-shit crazy.
We decided to start a niche, upmarket wine and gin bar. A classy but easy-going place. We put all our funds into the shop-fitting and stocking of our new enterprise. The idea was to get it up and running, build it up and sell it, then follow our children to Portugal.
Covid! Covid! Covid! What more can I say? Before even opening our doors, Covid hit us. To make a long, sad and desperate story short, we lost everything. We walked out of that place with the clothes on our backs and what was left after selling all our furniture. The bank repossessed our car and still hound us for money to this day.
Loss of material possessions. Loss of income. Loss of health. Loss of legs. Loss of our precious children, who had already left the country. We felt distraught, alone and afraid, to say the least.
You might think to yourself now: Wow! I’m sure things could not have gotten worse for these people? But wait, there’s more! My father-in-law used to have a saying: cheer up, things could get worse. So, I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.
On the 29th of April 2023 I slipped on the garage floor after washing the car. I shattered my femur and fractured my pelvis. I wished to die. I wanted to end my life.
Tanja came to me with the following ENERGIZING words: It is not death that you crave. What you crave is more LIFE.
I had to learn to walk … AGAIN!
It’s been 8 months since that disastrous day and here I am, walking again and not just that, I’m covering about 6 km per day!!!
Here are some valuable lessons I’ve learned while learning to walk with prosthetic legs:
• Don’t look back, you’ll lose your balance
• Keep your eyes on the road ahead of you to avoid the potholes
• There are some things you can’t change, make peace with that.
The weight of financial responsibilities can be crushing, but it's crucial to remember that you are not alone in this struggle. Come. Come, let me share with you the lessons we've learned.
There were times when bills piled up, the banks phoned 10 times a day and the future seemed dismally uncertain. But with determination and creativity, we found various ways to try to make ends meet. With both of us being self-employed for the last 25 years, we found ourselves unemployable, so we had to embrace multiple income streams and turn various ideas into opportunities.
I am a diesel mechanic by trade and that is all I have ever known. Finding new ways to generate an income was as challenging as learning to walk again.
Remember, your potential is vast, and there are often undiscovered talents within you waiting to be uncovered.
Living with chronic health conditions is undoubtedly tough, but it's essential to focus on what you can control. Together, we adapt and find new ways to survive despite our limitations. I say OUR because my limitations become my wife’s limitations. We deal with issues together.
When we run out of options, which has happened a few times, we speak up and ask for support, while finding a way around the problem at hand. Not everyone knows how to speak up. They’re either too proud OR afraid of rejection OR they simply don’t feel worthy.
There have been times when we had no food – we spoke up!
No vehicle with which to do our job – we spoke up!
In need of prosthetic legs – we spoke up!
Medical assistance – we spoke up!
A place to live – we spoke up!
People helped us because they saw our determination, effort and the will to keep going. We were down, but we still tried our best.
Seek support, when necessary, stay proactive in managing your health, and remember that every small victory is a step forward.
In times of financial hardship, health crises, or relationship woes, it's easy to feel isolated. DON’T isolate yourself. Don’t try to climb out of the pit by yourself. Find your Energizer. Connect. Move.
I want to leave you with a TO DO LIST: (an Energizing TO DO LIST)
Eat healthier
Drink water
Breathe deeply (even if it’s a deep sigh). It helps to release negative energy.
Spend time in nature or taking in the wonder of every sunset
Smile (even if you don’t feel like it). A smile is contagious and is AS good for your battery as for the receiver
Walk every day (or whatever exercise works for you)
Greet people (as you walk). We pass people and never think to say Hi. We’ve made so many connections with so many amazing people on our daily walks because we greet every single person we pass.
Spend time with positive people. It rubs off.
SHARE your energy. It’s not yours to keep. When you get it, share it. It’s that constant exchange that causes the Energizer experience to grow.
Now, Get ENERGIZED! You cannot jump-start someone when your battery is flat.
Find your Energizer!!
Then be an Energizer. Help to jump-start someone else’s battery by sharing.
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⋯✧・♪♫♪・✧⋯ All he wants is to hold him. Aqua says it's okay. Okay that he's late by nearly a decade and a half. He says they can talk later and this man he keeps snapping and growling at is a doctor and that he's very nice. Aqua wants him to let the doctor help him. To let him do whatever he needs to do and his mind is flashing back to setting on an observation bed in Palo's off while the woman picks and pokes at him on the third Thursday of every month like clockwork.
He held his hand then. He held his hand every single time and he has expressed to this man of blue who somehow knows the exact frequency of his soul - just how much he hates needles.
But Aqua wants him to and he'd do anything for him so he's slowly uncurling his body as he extends his left arm out towards him to show the blond man in the inside of his arm.
There is a face made at the sight of him and the blond is moving again to wet down a rag with something and coming over to try to scrub the skin clean.
"Oh dear." He sounds as he works taking off layer after layer of dead skin and dirt. "How long have you -"
"Seventeen years. Don't ask stupid questions."
Apparently his snapping is enough to get the man to pull back and re-soak the cloth only to scrub at his arm a little harder until he's uncovered a satisfactory clean section of his arm...
"What is that?" He says with a snarl remembering all the times he allowed the Opal Flames to stick him without warning or explanation and in turn doing so left him laying on his bathroom floor wondering if this would be the time he fades.
"An IV. It's a sugar solution I made for Kumo because at the time we didn't think there were other Mistericans. It will put sugar straight into your blood stream quickly."
The blond sighs and motions to the sleeping form of his nephew on a bed just on the other side of the room.
"Kumo." He repeats again and it takes everything in him not to growl.
"Don't call him that. It's not his name."
"It is his name and what he's told me to call him. He hasn't given me permission to use Pilvi so until he does, I will address him as he told me to. How do you want me to address you?"
Citrine eyes are glancing from Aqua to Indigo and back again until they finally settle on the man before him with a frown hanging on his lips.
"Alright Sinfonia, it's a pleasure to meet you but as I'm sure you're aware, You're in critical condition right now and I need to get you stabilized quickly. So I'm going to put you on an IV and get your vitals."
"I want Aquani."
The blond is tilting his head to the side at the statement. He's never heard that name before.
"Aquani." The word comes out as more of a demand this time as his right arm raises to point at the man of blue.
"He said 'My Aqua'. Sielu is Sinfonia's bond." Comes the Knight's explanation as he continues to hold the youngest Misterican to his chest.
"Like His Highness and the small human."
It's as if a moment of realization fills the man's mind all at once as his eyes soften and he smiles. It makes sense now. It makes so much more sense now. He completely understands why Revon went to get Sielu of all people. If Sinfonia was going to listen to anyone it would be him.
"Let me get this IV in and check your vitals and I'll leave the both of you in peace for a while but we can't risk something happening if I don't get your sugar stabilized first."
There is a groan and a roll of citrine eyes as he sets with his arm extended while more dirt and dead skin is rolled from its surface until a suitable patch of skin is found and it's cleansed with a alcohol pad just to be safe. It's in this moment that the citrine gaze is locked with aquatic eyes while the blond - whatever he is- speaks.
"Alright I'm going to give you just a little poke in three.... two... one... there all done."
It doesn't feel worse than when Leimahdus would give him an injection in his wrists except the feeling is ever present and not leaving like it normally would. The doctor is taping the needle against his arm and hooking up the bag of clear oh - oh what is that?
He can feel it as soon as it hits his veins. Pure sugar flooding his system like a parched man in the desert. Pure sugar and he can feel his body already working to distribute it to all the places that need the most help. The blond pulls away from him as he uncurls himself from the ball he turned himself into when he shoved himself against the wall to hiss and growl at this stranger.
He slowly lets himself lay down and sink back against the pillows just behind his head. He's still so tired but he suddenly feels more solid than he has in literal years before. Slowly he's letting himself relax and that man is coming back again with strange objects and he doesn't care. He's putting a cuff around his arm to let it tighten and deflate again and he doesn't fight with him. He never argued with Palo and he hardly knows what any of these doctor types are looking for and just does what they say. He's typing a few things down in the strange computer on his chest when the man pauses looking up at him again.
"How do you spell your name?" He asks only to receive a half glare that is blatantly mocking this doctor's intelligence at such a ridiculous ask.
"Sin-fon-i-a." He sounds saying the syllables a little slower and with obvious annoyance in his voice. "Like Symphony. You're asking stupid questions again."
"...Oh it does sound like symphony doesn't it?"
"It's means symphony." He hisses as lets himself sink into the pillows a little deeper.
"Oh. Oh. I see. I'll keep that in mind. Well anyway that's all I need from you for now. Sielu, you know how to change the IV bags from helping with the others, so I'm putting you in charge of making sure it keeps getting rotated. He's probably going to go through a few of them. Don't worry I'll make some more up so we have plenty."
As the blond stand and moves away from the bed, the knight walks over to the edge of it to pluck the man of blue from his chest and gently place him down on the mattress to sit next to the man of citrine.
His free arm raises and reaches towards him.
"Come here, Aquani. I just want to hold you. Please let me hold you."
Revon says he needs his help specifically and that it's for something special.
He doesn't care as long as he can cling for a few more moments. If Revon is this calm, then he must be okay. And Pilvi must be okay. He can't lose either of them. They're all he has left.
At least, they had been up until -
It slams into him like a ton of bricks. Rakkauslaulu.
That's for him. Just for him, and he hasn't heard it in so long but never could he forget the sound of a gift so special.
He wants to drown in that word, melt right into its warmth and let it soothe all his troubles away.
His eyes glance back up towards Revon, as if questioning whether the man before him is truly there, as if asking whether something this good could possibly happen to him.
"For me?" he echoes, his voice soft as if speaking loudly would cause the illusion to shatter.
He's forgotten what it's like to be wanted as fiercely as Sitriini seems to want him. Even after all this time, are they still the same?
Maybe not, but he can worry about it later when the symphony is back in tune and time. Just this moment is enough for him. Just one more chance to be breathing the same air as his bond - hopefully still his bond - is enough.
"Se on okei," he replies, cautious as he approaches the bedside. His voice still isn't a hundred percent, but hopefully it's not bad enough to notice. Still, he finds himself hyperaware. "Voimme puhua myöhemmin. Voitko antaa lääkärin auttaa sinua? Hänen nimensä on Cid. Hän on erittäin mukava." (It's okay. We can talk later. Can you let the doctor help you? His name is Cid. He's very nice.)
#v; growing frustrations#guest muse: revon#guest muse: cid#guest muse: opettaja sinfonia#tw; needles#tw; doctors#tw; illness#tw; long post#aquaticsoul#the conductor of my symphony || aquaticsoul
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Hot and Strange Kind of Help
Sanji helps Zoro for his rut
Guys Guys... I am so ashamed of myself rn. First, this is my longest chapter nearly 4k words so wooh and No Beta We Die Like Men Second This is my first time writing smut in English so... Actually, this can be counted as the first smut writing ever of mine so... Anyway good luck
After Zoro woke up, Chopper spoke to him.
“Zoro, you need a recovery rut after an injury like this, but since it's two weeks until your next rut and Luffy doesn't want to stay here for another two weeks and I don't know where we will be for another two weeks if you'll excuse me, I'd like to put you on the forced rut. I talked to Luffy. If you agree, we'll stay here until your rut is over." “Is this what's best for me, Chopper?” "Yes." "Okay then." "Beautiful. How would you like to spend your routine? Like Luffy-" “Chopper, I am a sexual man.” “Alright. Maybe someone from the other group would like to accompany you, do you want me to ask?” “I wouldn't want to spend my Chopper rut with a stranger. I've had alone rut before. It won't be a problem.” “Can you check your food, water, and bandages?” "Do not worry." "Ok then. I'll let you know when I have the room ready." “Okay, Chopper.”
*** *** After a while, Chopper showed Zoro his room.
“Zoro, I want you to lie down on the futon. And I'm going to inject you with this drug. In a couple of hours, your rut will begin.” “Okay Chopper.”
He did as Zoro Chopper said and lay down on the futon. Chopper also injected the needle into Zoro.
“You have the water and easy-to-prepare food section on this side. Bandages and medical supplies on this side and this-“ “Chopper. I got this.” “Please Zoro, don't push yourself. Be careful.” “I will.” ***
While all this is happening:
“Luffy? I need to talk to you! Alone!” “Okay.”
They went to a place where they could be alone together.
“Luffy…” “Yes, Sanji?” “Well… if you let me…” "What?" “I want to help Marimo with his rut.” “Huh?” "I said-" "I heard you. But I wasn't expecting that but hahaha. Okay, you can help. We can cook for ourselves for a few days.” “Thank you, Luffy.” “No problem.” “And Luffy?” “Yes?” “Can you tell the others that I am just resting? Not helping that…” “Okay, Sanji.” “Thanks again Luffy.”
After Sanji left, Luffy turned around.
“He would have noticed all of you if he wasn't being so reckless.”
Others came out of hiding.
“What do you think will happen next?” “I think the cook-bro and Zoro-bro will definitely be lovers.” “No, no Zoro and Sanji will never be able to look at each other again.” “Yohohoho Young love blooms yohohohoh!” “What do you think, captain-san?” “They will continue to be Zoro and Sanji. They are idiots.” “I agree. It is still early.”
/////////Start of Sexual Content////// ***
“Fuck… This is bullshit… How does Rut make me heal when I get so tired… Fuck.. ah… it hurts…” “Stop whining you dumb marimo.”
As soon as Zoro heard Sanji's voice, he took a sitting position from his lying position. Of course, he was hurt by the sudden movement. Sanji had locked the door as well.
"Stupid. Don't make sudden moves. Don't you want to get better?"
As Zoro breathes deeply:
“W-why… Why… y-you here?” "I will help you." “I-I don't want…”
Even though Zoro said this, his body couldn't help it. He could clearly hear Sanji's pheromones right now. He got a bulge.
“Idiot. I can see.” “I-I don't… need your help.” “Oh yeah? Okay, then I am leaving.”
After saying that, Sanji opened the door. When exiting:
Sanji grinned and re-entered and locked the door again.
“Now what do you want you horny marimo?” “You are… fucking irritating.” “Yeah, So?” “H-help…” “To who?” “M-me… you fucker.” “How do you want my help?” “I want your touch.” “Oh, you finally can form a full sentence without taking a few breaths.” “Just come over…here!” “No, no little marimo. You made me so angry. So we will play this by my rules. I will be in charge.” “Whatever. Just come already. It hurts… Please…”
Sanji kept standing at the door without answering. He hadn't heard what he wanted yet.
“Sanji…Please…help me…” “Better.”
So Sanji went to the futon where Zoro was lying and sat right next to him. With his arrival, Zoro laid his head on his shoulder. He was breathing deeply. It was obvious that he was in pain, but as Sanji had said before. He was angry with him and would not give him what he wanted easily. Of course, it wasn't meant to torture. After all, this was his healing rut. Still, Sanji thought he deserved it.
“Are you still there, Marimo?” “H-how are you not affected?” “Well, I wanted a clear mind. Took strong suppressants.” “I…I hate this…” "Don't. You are smelling so good. Now, look at me. Tell me what you want.”
Zoro looked up at Sanji. If it was a normal rut, Zoro would be much more energetic and would never let Sanji take control, but right now he was in a desperate situation.
“I… I want your touch.” “Where to, Zoro?” “To my penis.”
Sanji smiled. He wasn't willing to torture, as he said. If he played properly, he would easily get what he wanted. Since he could express it directly, he did what he said and slowly ran his hand over Zoro's pants over his hardened penis.
“You want me to touch this?”
Zoro moans.
"Y-yeah!" “More? "Yes!" “Then show it to me, Zoro-kun.”
Zoro hated rut. That's why he liked to use suppressants. People did not understand how they spoke about rut with pleasure. The rut was also a kind of heat. What's so cool about not being able to control your own body? Zoro hated it, but right now he had no choice. He stood up and slowly took off his pants.
"Hm... I still can't see it Zoro-kun." “You are an asshole.” “I can wait. As much as you want.”
Zoro didn't want to play his games. It was nerve-wracking. Moreover, he did not know this cook. He had never seen him like this. Still, he was a helpless alpha now. Not much. He also took off his underwear. He released his already hardened leaking penis.
“Oh, already this much pre-cum huh?”
Zoro blushed:
“S-shut up!” “So… Zoro-kun. What do you want?”
Zoro was about to die of embarrassment. "Do not you answer? Even to this?”
Sanji slowly approached him and blew lightly on his penis. Zoro suddenly tensed and his penis hardened even more. Sanji was sure that he wouldn't last long if he touches him right now.
“Your answer?” “Take it!” “With?” “Your mouth!” “What is the magic word?” “Please…” “Good boy.”
Then Sanji began to draw circles on the tip of Zoro's penis with his tongue. Zoro was already in bad shape and Sanji was making things even harder.
“F-fuck~ Cook… stop teasing. Please~~”
Sanji opened his mouth wide and took Zoro's penis in his mouth. He also didn't neglect to play with his tongue as he slowly tides.
“Oh, ~~ S-shit~ I didn't think you were that good~~ So close~ Cook… Faster.”
Zoro grabbed Sanji's head with his hands and started to support him. So Sanji got even faster. Zoro's moans and erotic voices from Sanji began to echo in that small room. Sanji wasn't particularly experienced in blow jobs or deep throat, but for Zoro... He was doing his best for Zoro. He supported it as much as he could with his tongue and took it as much as he could with his throat. It was as if Sanji was totally feeling it. His penis was beating like a heart. He knew he was close to coming. That's why he wasn't against Zoro. He even started getting a little deeper.
“Fuck! Cook! Back off! I'm gonna cum!
Sanji did not. He didn't let him either.
As Zoro came, Sanji didn't move as much as he could and greeted all the sperm. When Zoro finished, Sanji swallowed them while staring into Zoro's eyes as he pulled back. Zoro slowly sat down on the ground.
“Fuck cook. That was…” “What?” “Amazing. Best…” “Oh… Really?” “Yeah… Maybe it is because…” “What?” “Because it was you…”
Zoro couldn't look into Sanji's eyes. Sanji was also blushing. Still, he quickly recovered himself and looked at Zoro. It had not hardened again. He had only stumbled upon an alpha's rut so far, and he could tell it wasn't the same. This showed how injured Zoro was. He couldn't harden himself with a blow job because of the suppressants he took. That's why:
“Would you like something to eat?” "I am not hungry." "But-" “I'll eat later. Now leave me alone.” "No."
Zoro turned to him:
“HUH?” “I will stay with you all the rut.” “Oh…” "Yes. So if you're tired, let's get some sleep." “I sleep in the corner. You get the futon." "Stupid. I said let's sleep the way we sleep on the nest." "Really?" "Yes." "Well…"
So Zoro lay on the futon with his back turned. His lower body was still bare, but he didn't care because of the rut. Sanji didn't care either and he hugged him from behind and fell asleep.
*** A few hours later, in the morning, Sanji awoke to Zoro's movements.
“Zoro?” “Oh~~ Fuck! Did I wake you? I didn't want. I will handle it. Oh~ you can sleep. Your scent is enough.”
Sanji rolled his eyes and started to slide down the futon. Slowly, he pulled up Zoro's shirt and began to place kisses on the swordsman's exposed waist.
“Idiot. I told you. I am here to help.” “Oh cook~~”
He found Zoro's hands with his hands as he continued to kiss. He pulled them off his penis.
"You don't have to do anything, Marimo." “Oh~” “Do you want me to continue, Zoro-kun?” “YES!” “Good boy~”
So Sanji grabbed Zoro's penis with his hands. While playing with the tip of his penis with his right hand, he was making rubbing with his left hand and licking Zoro's waist at the same time. Zoro was dizzy with all this attention. He covered his mouth with his hand so as not to shout with pleasure. Sanji smiled at that. Zoro was really cute.
He whispered sexily.
“Are you enjoying this~?”
He pressed his hands a little harder.
“Or should I pay a little attention to these?”
He took his right hand from the tip of his penis and directed it towards the balls. He fully grasped Zoro's right ball and started playing with his fingertips. Zoro shuddered at this movement and started squeezing the futon with his free hand.
“It was a very good reaction. I love it, but this time I won't let you come easily. Look at that pathetic penis. How is it leaking?"
Sanji got up. So Zoro gets into the supine position:
“Cook?” “Stay that way, Zoro-kun. And never cum! Did you understand?" “Y-yes.” “This time I want attention too.”
Sanji took off his pants and underwear. Zoro liked the sight he saw. When he is about to hold his penis with his hand:
“What did I say! You will not cum, Zoro-kun. Which means you won't be playing with it!”
At Sanji's orders, Zoro gave up. Sanji came to Zoro with a smile too.
"Now let's get rid of those in our way, shall we?"
He took off Zoro's shirt, then his own. He placed a few pillows behind Zoro and placed him in the swordsman's half-sitting position. Then he sat on Zoro's lap and immediately grabbed the leaking penis with his right hand.
“Do you like looking at me while I am paying attention to your cock Zoro~~?”
Zoro was about to lose his mind. That was too much.
Sanji grinned and licked Zoro's chin.
“Who would have guessed that you could smell so good?” “S-Sanji~” “Marimo~”
Sanji started to speed up his hand. With his free hand, he began to play with the nipple. Zoro couldn't hold back any longer. He grabbed Sanji's head and started kissing him. Sanji was surprised, yet he didn't resist. On the contrary, he quit his other jobs to put everything into that kiss. He settled into Zoro's lap. In this way, their penises started rubbing against each other, and eventually, Sanji got hard too. Zoro was such a good kisser. Sanji surrendered himself to his control. He wraps his arms around Zoro's neck. Zoro grabbed him by the waist. They set a rhythm with their tongues and their bodies accompanied this rhythm. With each movement, the penises were rubbing against each other, which made them even hornier. Zoro was close. Knowing this, Sanji stopped kissing.
“Bring your hand, Marimo.”
He took his hand and brought it to the penises. They started to rub together. Zoro threw his head back in pleasure. Sanji was feeling well enough too. He opened his mouth to speed things up a bit. And he made his saliva fall on the penises. With the wetness, the movements got a little easier. They acted in harmony. After a while, Zoro came along and threw himself on the pillows, exhausted. Since Sanji hadn't cum yet, he got up and went to Zoro's bedside.
“I still haven't cum Zoro-kun. Make me!”
Zoro then brought his head closer to Sanji's penis. He wet the tip with his tongue. Then he took it straight into his mouth. Sanji didn't expect it to be so sudden. Still, he let Zoro. He was a little taken aback because Zoro knew what he was doing. It made him feel good. If he could keep that up, it wouldn't be long before he cum.
"Oh, Zoro~ you are so good~"
Zoro took Sanji's penis completely in his mouth in response. Wet erotic voices could be heard very clearly and Sanji's moans… If Zoro weren't tired and injured, that voice would have turned him on again. As soon as Zoro realized that Sanji was coming, he grabbed Sanji's hips and pressed himself against him, and took all the sperms. As Sanji pulled back, he swallowed it while looking into his eyes as well, referring to him.
“They were just as delicious as your meals.” “Shut up! Hahaha!"
He slammed a pillow in Zoro's face.
“Are you going to eat now?” "I'm too tired. I don't think I can get up." “I will feed you. I am a cook. It is my job.” “Oh… Really?”
As Sanji cleans up their sleeping place as much as possible:
“Wipe that grin off your face, Marimo. I see you're a little more yourself today." “Well… Rut gets intense the first day and last day.” "Three days?" “Yeah. The second day is when I'm most comfortable. The first is the hardest.” “Hmm…” “What about your heat?” “Usually four days. The first two days are more intense, the next two days are more relaxed.” “Isn't it similar?” "Yeah, but that's not your full rut performance, is it?" "No. But I'm not considered to have had too many ruts." "Really? But you seem more experienced than I thought.”
By this time he had finished cleaning and started preparing the meals.
“I am experienced. in sex. Out of rut. I do not like my position in Rut.” “Hm… Yes, you said so yesterday.” "Yes. What are you preparing?" “I'm going a little too easy. Heating ramen." "I thought you would make a fancy meal." “I'm tired too, Zoro-kun.” “By the way, why did you want to help?” "We'll talk about that later." “You were angry yesterday.” “I still am. Just less.” “I don't regret it.” "I know." “I would do it again.” "I know."
Sanji brought the food and water.
"Eat." "I-" "Shut up. Later." "I am glad it was me." "Later!"
Zoro then fell silent and they ate together. They slept again, but this time it was Sanji who turned his back. Zoro fell asleep, breathing in Sanji's scent.
Zoro slept for the rest of that day. Sanji woke up every few hours and made him drink his water and wiped his sweaty forehead.
*** The next morning, Zoro woke up feeling hot and turned to see Sanji sleeping on his arm. Sanji hadn't dressed them again. Zoro knew very well that he shouldn't do anything to a sleeping person, but the rut was confusing him. That's why he pulled his arm from under Sanji and got up. He didn't know if it was the room or himself, it was too hot. He looked at the things the others had prepared for him. There were lots of condoms. There was even one fleshlight, but Zoro had never been fond of toys. There was what he needed. Lube He poured a little on his hand and started stroking his penis. Meanwhile, he tried to focus on Sanji's scent in the room.
“Fuck… Sanji~ oh~~”
Sanji had never been a deep sleeper. That's why he had already woken up to Zoro's voice.
"Didn't you learn anything from yesterday, Marimo?" "I…"
Sanji got up and walked over to Zoro. Zoro leaned back in the corner of the room.
“Zoro-kun. I am here to help. Ask me!” “Cook~~” “Well, let's first call my name!” “S-Sanji~~” “You are such a good boy. Now the other thing?” “I want you Sanji!” “How?” “I want to feel your insides.”
Sanji smiled and walked towards Zoro's lap.
“Prepare me.”
So Zoro took the lube again and poured it on his fingers. He brought Sanji a little closer to himself. He slowly licked his stomach and thrust one of his fingers into the hole. Sanji was feeling hot. He got hard.
“You like this cook?” “Shut up~ I am the one who is in charge.” “You sure are~ you are so beautiful cook~”
Sanji hid his face by hugging Zoro's head as he was embarrassed by the compliment. Zoro took the opportunity to get closer and added a second finger. That was the best part about having sex with Omegas. Thanks to their secretion system, they were prepared very easily. He immediately added the third finger. When he thought he was ready enough, he pulled his fingers:
“Is that enough, cook?”
Instead of answering, Sanji sat on Zoro's lap. First, he rubbed some of his legs against Zoro's penis. At this reaction, Zoro moaned deeply.
"Cook~~ Don't tease~~"
If Sanji hadn't been so horny, he would definitely have continued. He immediately slipped the condom which Zoro wasn't sure when he took it, onto his penis. Then he pretended to stand up slightly, positioned Zoro's penis in his hole, and slowly took him.
“Ahhh Cook~~Feels so~~ Good~” “Yes! You are~~ Gosh Zoro!~”
When he was completely inside, Zoro first hugged him, and then they started kissing again. Meanwhile, Sanji was shaking his hips slightly. Every move made Zoro hornier. Still, he did not go unanswered. On the one hand, he started to play with Sanji's nipples. They both stopped kissing when they got to the point where they couldn't take it anymore. They were out of breath. Zoro started to grab him by the waist. Sanji starts jumping slowly but rhythmically on Zoro's lap. Zoro was enchanted by the sound and the feeling Sanji gave each sitting. Sanji, on the other hand, was already accustomed to the feeling of fullness immediately, acting as if he could not live without it. They were both so full of pleasure that they couldn't even speak a sentence. Their moans mixed.
“Cum! Cum inside!~~ Zoro~~ Please fill me!”
Zoro then started making Sanji jump on his own. Harder, faster… And he hugged him to his climax.
“Ahhhh~~” “Oh, Zoro~~”
While Zoro filled the condom inside Sanji, Sanji painted Zoro's chest with his semen. Sanji then got up slowly, but after the previous sex, he hadn't quite regained his balance. When he was about to fall, Zoro grabbed him.
“Fuck cook! It was amazing.” “Yeah.”
At that moment, Sanji's eye was on the condom. He pulled the condom from Zoro and tied it in a knot and tossed it aside. Then he took Zoro's penis into his mouth.
“Sanji!” “Cleaning and one round isn't enough.” "Don't! I don't think I can sit still. Not enough energy.” “I will ride you.”
So Sanji looked at Zoro's penis as it hardened again.
“You can wait, right Zoro-kun?” “Sanji~”
Sanji could see Zoro struggling. So he immediately brought futon pillows and made Zoro half-sitting, half-lying. And he got onto his lap. He used the second condom. But he didn't do what he just did. Now he started sucking on Zoro's nipples. With that, Zoro was both relieved and even much hornier. Sanji sucked on Zoro's nipples until they were red and slightly swollen.
“Do you like your work, cook?” “So much! Now for the main dish~”
Sanji didn't need to prepare With a sudden movement, he completely took Zoro inside of him.
“FUCK COOK!~ not so fast~ “But I want it fast!”
Indeed, he could only quickly extinguish his current fire. It was hard and fast, and he started to ride him.
“Ahhh Zoro~~ So big~~ So full~~ I can feel you so well!~” "Sanji!~ Not so fast~ I-I c-can't...~" “Cum! Cum for me! Please Zoro! Shoot it inside me!”
After Sanji ride him a few more times, the two of them reached orgasm at the same time. Sanji's sperm even landed on Zoro's face. Zoro's sperm-filled another condom. Sanji fell on Zoro's legs in delight and exhaustion. Meanwhile, Zoro's penis came out of him.
“Fuck Zoro. This… This was the best.” “Yeah.”
They were both very tired and fell asleep just like that.
//////Finish of Sexual Content///////
*** Sanji got up after about an hour. He got Zoro to drink again, as he did yesterday and changed his bandages. Zoro's rut was almost over. So he cleaned Zoro as much as possible and dressed him in his clothes. The swordsman must have been so tired that he didn't wake up to all this. Then he got dressed and went out.
He ran into Luffy outside.
“Oh, Sanji!” "Hey, Luffy." “How did it go?”
Sanji blushed. Luffy didn't need to ask that. Everything was clear from Sanji's scent.
“Shishishi okay I won't ask. Why did you come out? Is it over?” "Almost. I was going to prepare clean clothes. Like this…" “Robin has it ready.” "Does she know?" “Shishishi that is Robin.” “Yeah… I'll get them then.”
Sanji went to Sunny. Strangely, no one was there. Indeed, as Luffy said, he and Zoro had clean clothes on their beds. Just when he was going to get them:
“Are you going to take a bath in the castle?” “Fuck! ROBIN-CHAN?! You scared me!” “I am sorry Cook-san. Wasn't planning to.” “It is okay.” “So?” “Yeah. I was planning that.” “You can shower here. We can give some time to you guys.” "Everyone knows, don't they?" “They do. But you wouldn't be able to hide it Sanji." “Scent?” “Yeah. All over you.” “Okay then. I will bring him here.” “Good.”
After talking to Robin, he left the clothes in the bathroom and came back. He checked Zoro, and looked good.
“Oi Marimo-kun! You need to eat.”
Zoro groaned and woke up.
“What?” “Eat.”
Zoro began to eat. He went back to bed after he was full. Sanji lay next to him
*** A few hours later, Zoro woke him up.
“Cook!” “What?” “My rut is over.” “Oh. Then let's go to take a shower."
When Zoro is startled, Sanji says:
“What?” “They know?” “Yeah… They prepared a shower and clothes for us.” “Oh…” “Yeah… Anyway, can you walk?” “Yes. I am not fragile, shitty cook.” “I am not saying you are. I am saying you are injured.”
Sanji stood up and extended his hand to Zoro. Zoro stood up, holding him. As Sanji is about to leave:
“Cook!” “Yeah?” “Thank you.” “Whatever. It is not a big deal. I am glad you are okay.” “Yeah. Me too”
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📖 :))
Hi Soup!!!
To recap, in case anyone reading this doesn't know what the emoji means, Soup has kindly asked me to walk them through a plot to a fanfic I've been thinking about.
Well, this can barely be called a plot, but here we are.
So I know, I knowwwwww you don't do E-rated stuff on main. But I'm hijacking this ask to talk about a fic idea I thought up ages ago then it got re-triggered by this Daniel Craig photo set (specifically the second photo in it).
Don't worry, it's more crack than anything.
So in my tags while I was reblogging that post (and in some messages to @theexistencegame), I wrote something like 'He looks like a man who'd give you the orgasm of your life, but you'd have to deal with him not having a bed frame.' Look, it seems niche. But we've all been there, right? Like, if you're a person who has sex, the best/freakiest sex of your life will probably be/has been with some unhinged person with one set of bedsheets and no bed frame.
And that got me thinking about an old fic idea where Q goes and visits Bond's godawful empty flat in Spectre and finds out that on top of the complete lack of decor, Bond's only sleeping on a mattress. Queue a lot of flirting from Bond and a lot of banter from Q involving funnier lines than, 'I'm too old to sleep with people who don't have a bed,' and 'Did you revert to being a uni student, Bond?' and 'This is beneath me / Actually, you're beneath me.' *ba dum tiss*
Anyway, they sleep together anyway, and it's great. Bond never lives it down, and Q never will either because Moneypenny finds out and is horrified.
I'm so sorry if you were expecting something serious, Soup, but this stupid idea wouldn't leave my brain, so you have to be the one to suffer with me. Watch me write this bloody thing and inject feels into it anyway 🙃
Thanks for the ask!
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Thank you for the tag @anarchiii !! ❤️
1. How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024?
I haven't posted anything on AO3 and I don't think I have an account either but that's only because I have no idea how to use it 😂
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
25! (If I counted correctly)
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
Well I have a series that I stopped updating so that's one (?) and a part 2 to a fic I have so... that makes it 2 (I think...) 🤔
4. What was your favorite thing you wrote?
So I have two 🙂 (a little bit of rambling):
First is my The Gate To Home series! It was everything for me, I really don't know how I got through it and even if I hadn't prepared it properly so many people loved it and supported it until the end (I love you all smm ❤️)
Second is The Day Hope Died! This fic has a special place in my heart because when I'm having a hard time, I write and this is the only fic of those that I had the courage to post. The feelings there, the angst are a representation and a reflection of my own that day (I'm alright now for anyone wondering!)
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
I think that Genuine Poetry is a type of fic that I don't usually write and that is purely because of the poem I put in the fic (I had never written a poem in my life before that)
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
So Masked Christine of the Opera surprised me with its ending, I was not expecting that plot twist to settle into my mind though rereading it, it's not great, but the rest of it is very special to me 💕 another thing I was surprised to see when I finished writing it is that I actually wrote it in third person and I hadn't even realized 🥲
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
Again it's Masked Christine of the Opera, I really loved writing it and I'm going to say it, it's a great fic although the ending is a little bad (I really had thought it was good 😭) it just has my heart ❤️
8. Who is an artist that inspired you?
I really have a lot of artists that have inspired me to make my own art (even if I'm still a beginner) and for that I want to thank @dawneternal and @freyjas-musings
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
Alright I will yap so bear with me:
@scorpioriesling all your fics are incredible, I absolutely loved Too Hot To Handle and I actually binge-read it in September and I wanted to say I'm obsessed, same for the Invisible String and all your other fics! 🫶
@velarisdusk your fics are... mwah 💋 I don't even know where to begin your writing is amazing and truly I love you so much! This tag game was probably my sign to re-read all your fics 😂
@illyrianbitch I love each and every single thing you write, if I could have them injected into my veins I would do it 💓 (I'm also very glad you're doing well now 🥰)
@azrielslittleslut you quite literally inspired me to write an Azriel x reader fic because of how well you capture his personality 💙
@azrielsdove your fics mean everything to me, I've read each one twice and I'm planning on reading them all again ❤️
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
I've been on Tumblr for a little less than a year I think (me and my alzheimer that I don't actually have) but recently I have discovered @thelov3lybookworm (I know you are not a new author but I'm obsessed with your Lucien week fics and im currently reading all your other fics too!!)
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start
No, I haven't done any
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
In my writing, reading my first and latest fic, I'm proud because I've grown but I'm also proud because I had the courage to start so shoutout to my first fic Stupid Headache (you will always be my baby) 🥰
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
Dont take it seriously (like in a way of dont view it as a competition). That's the most important thing I've learned. When I started, which was long before I got Tumblr (like when I was a teenager I wrote my first short story) and I took it so seriously, planning things obsessively, which is the reason I actually lost my passion but now I found it again and I'm very grateful for that 💞
14. What is your advice?
Well, I really don't know any good advice, I mean I'm still learning things everyday but I think my biggest advice is what I previously said, don't take it seriously, it's not a competition
15. What are your creative goals for 2025?
I want to try and create an OC and maybe start writing more ships and less x reader but mostly I just want to write, that's my goal, not to give up on writing :)
note: again, thank you @anarchiii for the tag !!
no pressure tags: @really-fanny-longbottom @illyriassweetheart @azrielsdove and anyone else who wants to do this!
Answer and then tag three or more creators to keep the game going!
Thank you so much @velarisdusk for the tag! 🫶🏻
1. How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024?
I don't have anything published on AO3 simply because I still don't know how to use it even though I do have an account. But here on tumblr, it's 92.878
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
49! I've never counted them before and never realized just how many they were omg
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
Ongoing only Bound By Secrets. In progress apparently 10? I thought I had 3 WIPs. I completely forgot about the other 7 lol
4. What was your favorite thing you wrote?
UGH how do I choose one? A Helping Hand has a special place in my heart because it's the first fic I wrote and posted. Night and Days is one of my favorites because I love the banter between Azriel and reader, and I also have to mention Say My Name because omg I loved writing that one and I know I might be biased but I was giggling and kicking my feet while writing.
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
I'd say the first few things I wrote rather than one in particular for the simple reason that in Italian I tend to write very long sentences because it's normal, but in English sentences are usually shorter so it took a bit to get into that mindset. As for experimental, I'm trying to write a fic from two povs at the same time, sort of like an omniscient narrator. We'll see how it turns out.
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
Many fics surprise me while writing because I don't plan them out that much other than a few things I want to happen and then I see where the story leads me. As for reception, Bound by Secrets. I didn't expect so many people asking for a part 2! (I'll write it, I promise)
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
The Path To Healing and on a happier (and smutty) note Alcohol and Giggles. I cried writing the first one and laughed writing the second one.
8. Who is an artist that inspired you?
I love every single fanart by madschofield and elizianna.the.one!
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
@writingcroissant was the first author I found on here, the literal reason I created an account was to read her fics, and @illyrianbitch was the second. I love everything they write and it made me want to write again.
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
@shedoessoshedoes and @duskandcobalt! I'm going to read all of your fics so don't be surprised if you see me in your notifications for the next few weeks 🥰
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start
Nope, no collaborations.
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
Kinktober! I decided to do it two weeks before it started and didn't think I'd be able to write all 31 one fics but I did it!
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
When I started posting, I kept opening tumblr every five minutes to see if there were any new notes/comments/etc. Now I don't do that anymore. I still care about people enjoying my content of course and any kind of feedback is always super appreciated, but I don't need to continuously check to know that my writing is valid and good even if I get only a few likes.
14. What is your advice?
I'm the wrong person to ask this to, but I guess write what you like and what you want to read. I know it's basic, but never before I realized just how true it is. Feedback and appreciation for your work is awesome, but you have to be the first one to like it or it's probably going to turn out bland if you push yourself to write something you don't like or are not interested in.
15. What are your creative goals for 2025?
Finish working on all those WIPs apparently lol. And I have an idea for a series that I want to work on as well.
No pressure of course, but if you'd like to @azrielslittleslut @anarchiii @shedoessoshedoes or anyone else who wants to do it!
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