chaenniz · 1 year
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o-thello · 2 years
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mizuena2010 · 6 days
What’s your opinion on cannibalism? (I’m only asking because I want to write about it for my ap capstone but idk if it’s too weird)
Cannibalism in wild animals is kinda creepy, but it’s like, I guess it’s ‘natural’ because sometimes maybe there isn’t enough food in the wild..so animals just like…eat their own kind ig or for hierarchy reasons
but in humans, it’s a little chilling, because we do have access to food(even in places with extreme poverty, eating other ppl are like some of the last things on their mind) and we have more consciousness than animals do, meaning we feel for people and have empathy (I hope 😭)
Cannibalistic murders will always be so scary to me. Like you did WHAT when u have FOOD? 😨
I think reasearching on it is interesting tho. And hearing stories about it is alarming, but kinda interesting since you’re trying to wrap ur head around what the cannibal was thinking to do smth like this
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eliteprepsat · 26 days
Completing the AP Capstone Diploma Helps High School Students Stand Out On Their College Applications
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The AP Capstone Diploma is an innovative diploma program offered by the College Board, the same organization that administers Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams. The program is designed to enhance students' critical thinking, research, collaboration, and presentation skills, providing them with a rigorous academic experience that prepares them for college and beyond.
To pursue the AP Capstone Diploma program, students begin by taking the foundational course, AP Seminar, which is typically offered in the 10th or 11th grade. This course focuses on developing students' abilities to explore complex issues from multiple perspectives, evaluate and analyze information, and present persuasive arguments. Students engage in collaborative team projects and deliver individual presentations.
After completing AP Seminar, students can continue their AP Capstone Diploma journey by taking AP Research, the second course in the program. AP Research allows students to delve into an academic research project of their choice, under the guidance of a mentor. Students learn research methodology, gather and analyze data, and ultimately produce a research paper or create a project showcasing their findings.
To earn the AP Capstone Diploma, students must complete 
both AP Seminar and AP Research (with scores of 3 or higher)
four additional AP courses and exams of their choosing (also with scores of 3 or higher). 
Alternatively, students can earn the AP Seminar and Research Certificate by completing only those two courses (with scores of 3 or higher), even if they do not complete the additional four AP courses and exams.
Only 14,108 of the more than 15 million high school students in the United States earned the AP Capstone Diploma in 2022. Thus, completing the AP Capstone Diploma is a mark of distinction achieved by a very small percentage of high school students in the country.
High School Students Benefit by Completing the AP Capstone Diploma
College Readiness – The program offers a college-level academic experience that prepares students for the demands of higher education. They develop skills such as critical thinking, research, analysis, and effective communication, which are highly valued in college.
Interdisciplinary Approach – The AP Capstone program encourages students to approach topics from multiple disciplinary perspectives. This fosters a well-rounded understanding of complex issues and helps students develop a broader worldview.
Research Skills – AP Research provides students with invaluable research skills that are essential in college and beyond. Students learn how to formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, draw conclusions, and communicate their findings effectively.
Collaboration and Presentation Skills – Through collaborative projects and presentations, students enhance their teamwork and communication skills. They learn how to work effectively in groups, share responsibilities, and present their ideas in a clear and compelling manner.
Stand out in College Admissions – Pursuing the AP Capstone program demonstrates a commitment to academic rigor and intellectual growth. It can differentiate students in the college admissions process, showing their willingness to take on challenging coursework and go above and beyond the standard curriculum.
College Credit and Placement – Depending on the college or university, successful completion of AP Capstone courses and exams can lead to college credit or advanced placement. This can save students time and money by allowing them to skip introductory-level courses in college. 
The following is a partial list of colleges that offer credit for AP Seminar and/or AP Research: 
Bucknell University
Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo
Davidson College
Haverford College (AP Seminar only)
Occidental College
Penn State
Purdue University
Rutgers University
State University of New York
Texas A&M University
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
University of Southern California (USC) (AP Seminar only)
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Virginia Commonwealth University
View a complete list of colleges that offer credit for AP Seminar and AP Research.
In the United States, only approximately 2,000 of the more than 20,000 high schools in the country offer the AP Capstone Diploma. 
High school students who attend schools that do not offer AP Seminar and AP Research can take these courses and complete the  AP Capstone Diploma at Elite Open School, a WASC-accredited private school. 
Registration for AP Seminar and AP Research at Elite Open School ends on Friday, September 6. Contact your local Elite Prep branch office for more information.
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Contact Elite Prep to discuss how we can help you succeed on the road to college!
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Fontaines D.C. — Romance (XL)
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Until now, being a fan of Fontaines D.C. was pretty easy. The exhilarating way in which they burst to life with 2019’s Dogrel helped galvanize a renewed broader cultural interest in post-punk, exacting as it was in its marriage of youthful observation and acrimony alike. Their turn to the significantly moodier A Hero’s Death was timely in both fortunate and unfortunate ways, musical growth as a mile marker for the darkness that was 2020. The powerfully dense Skinty Fia was another signpost indicating they were on a steady but stable path despite the Glastonbury and Fallon and CNN appearances, despite the Grammy nominations, despite the skyrocketing success. You didn’t have to squint to see the band of “Nabokov” was still the band of “Big.”
The “constant process” of songwriting the group lives by has continued apace right from the off; they’ve been doing a career speed run from beautifully wayward Rob Doyle characters on Dogrel to probing the depths of the Irish soul and expatriatism on A Hero’s Death and Skinty Fia (to say nothing of frontman Grian Chatten’s solo full-length as more than just a personal aside). The through-line of their homeland was always there regardless of whether they lived in Dublin or London or on the road or anyplace else — just as James Joyce left only to spend his whole life writing about Ireland, so, too, did his apostles a century removed leave only to end up singing of the very Dublin City their name wouldn’t let them forget.
Romance is a conscious divorce from that, an attempt to think and write from a less Irish perspective. There’s nary an “In ár gCroíthe go deo” to be found; the closest you’ll get is “Horseness Is the Whatness” lifted from (where else) Ulysses. In the run up to Romance’s release, the band made a point of saying they took inspiration this time around from Italian cinema like The Great Beauty and Japanese manga like Akira. There was American nü-metal and English trip-hop afoot. The “Starburster” video offered a visual makeover straight out of a prime-era Prodigy performance. The influences are far-reaching, the ambitions greater (or at least more diverse) than ever.
The craic here is that the results are Fontaines’ Achtung Baby (or, later, Absolution and Holy Fire) moment, a star turn or a shark jump so divisive and egregious, it couldn’t be ignored by longtime fans. Call it a clean, empty room worthy of mere morbid curiosity and little more; call the “spiritual form” Chatten has espoused a gleaming, gormless, soul-sapped skyscraper that uncouples the quintet from its past; call the songwriting dumb and deprived of the depths The Lotts allowed for; call it a misstep; call it a failure.
… Or call it the band’s capstone on its ascendancy of capital-R Rock. It’s true, you’ll have to squint a lot harder to see the studied studio effort of “Starburster” in the raw live band of “Big,” but if you’re gonna be big, you gotta shoot for the rafters. Say what you will about the emotional reaches of A Hero’s Death and Skinty Fia, but neither possessed the immediacy of Dogrel and its singles, though strong, belied a more texture-forward approach. Less individual tracks were capable of standing out.
No such problems exist with Romance. The Metallica-aping opening riff and punching electronics-assisted kick of the title-track tell of new territory setting you up for something much larger-sounding than any of the previous three records, but that’s aided by a refined, popcentric approach. Some of this is down to Fontaines’ desire to do more in the studio that may not necessarily have translated live, but switching to producer James Ford (originally half of Simian Mobile Disco but now probably best known for his work with Arctic Monkeys, Blur, Florence and the Machine, Haim and others) is more indicative of the expectations — the band is leaning all the way into Wembley-size grandiosity here. It’s called Romance, for God’s sake.
How you feel about that, and about this record, will be directly attributable to your tolerance for bold moves and grand gestures. Whether it’s the short, muscular radio rock of “Here’s the Thing” or the soaring, string-assisted “Desire” or the amniotic Mellotron of “Sundowner,” the album has something for everyone in a relatively tight timespan. There’s something to be said for pacing here, too: What could have been a messy tracklist ends up flowing naturally from crashing to composed and back again, which does much to further the record’s cause despite Chatten’s admittedly more anonymous, universal lyrical efforts.
Perhaps nothing epitomizes this more than the instant classic “Favourite.” Frankly, it struck me as an idiotic decision to release the closer as a second single, especially one like this that's destined to become a setlist staple; who does that, and why the fuck would you spoil the ending before we’ve had a chance to take the full ride? But hearing Romance in full, the decision now comes across as a calculated power move, a nod of supreme confidence as the record spends its duration turning from dark to light: Yes, we know exactly what we’re doing and where we’re headed, and though you may be reluctant, you really should come with us. To drive it home amid a Smithsian strum and the most gorgeously open-hearted love song they’ve yet written, right at the end of the album’s final bridge, an auld turn of phrase slips in worthy of Grian’s best: But if there was lightning in me / you’d know who it was for. Color me a romantic, but I know who he means — and if you’ve ever loved this band, you do, too.
Patrick Masterson
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Why do people not know the scale of things?
Many scientists have observed that your laymaa'm doesn't understand the scale of certain things; how much a cup of sugar is in your favorite soda pop for example. Or the size of the galaxy in comparison to the earth, or a country to the size of a state.
They always fall on a very poor explanation; "The human mind *just* can't comprehend it!"
Chemistry is an AP level high school class in many schools. Especially when I went to school, and things may have changed since then--I doubt it.
In my day; Chemistry was a one week stint on a generic "science class".
Why is this important?
Many students aren't taught to visualize measures and balances. That is; one pile of powders or objects against another pile of powders or objects.
This is clearer when you understand why dentists showcase the amount of sugar in a sugary drink in their offices.
Many children, and adults; have a much more clearer understanding of the underlying composition of a glazed beverage after having seeing these comparisons.
This would even be applicable on a class about cooking, which isn't in the standard curriculum for absolutely no reason. Despite it being able to convey science, chemistry, measures, AND life skills.
And it's a way to keep students actively engaged AND *work* for their free subsidized school lunch programs that conservatives want to take away from students.
Imagine it; a world where students become their own lunch ladies. Guaranteed job right of the starting mark.
Plus; literally everyone in the country would have an actual understanding of food safety. Which is another benefit to the chemistry field and other science fields when it comes to handling dangerous substances...
And yet we don't think about how we teach students in application.
For one cooking class; you could teach students fractions, chemical structure, work ethic, timing, even history!
Think about that in the context we teach students today; completely devoid of application. So much so that teaching a graduate to combine the ideas together is a whole class in itself! We call it a "Capstone Class" or a "Mixed Studies" class, and even then employers are upset about having to teach them simple concepts on the job.
Well; if you're worried about teaching yourself or your children here's a place to start.
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pelahnar · 2 years
Panic Mode
I remember in high school, I relied on what I now call “Panic Mode.” I had the mindset that “the deadline is far away, I don’t have to work on it” up until “the deadline is basically here, I have to work on it now” which is when Panic Mode would set in. I am now aware that this is a common experience among people with ADHD, but I didn’t know that at the time.
I somehow had the ability to perfectly predict how much time it would take me to finish something while in Panic Mode, so it would kick in at exactly the right time for my to dash out a product just as it was due.
So...I was good at high school. My products were high quality, regardless of how little time I spent on them. So, I never had the threat of a bad grade hanging over me to fix my procrastination issue (well, I had the threat of a bad grade, just never the reality; I graduated high school with an above 4.0 GPA, because - even with my procrastination - I got A’s even in AP classes).
But the thing is: Panic Mode was awful.
I spent the whole time crying and freaking out that I wasn’t going to finish in time, even though I always did. I think I was worried that if I stopped freaking out, if I believed that it would work out just like it always had...that it would stop working out.
I was probably right. It was only the panic that allowed me to finish in time.
In college, the trend definitely continued, even if my ability to predict how long I’d need to spend in Panic Mode now told me I’d need to start panicking sooner. And it happened for more assignments.
In high school, daily homework was fine; the teacher said “finish this by tomorrow” and I said “I will finish this by tomorrow” no panic needed. It was was the assignment was “finish this in a month” and I said “I can actually do this in a single 14 hour session the night before it’s due.” And such projects only happened once or twice a semester.
In college, it was common to have relatively difficult assignments given once every week or two. For every class. Suddenly Panic Mode inducing projects were happening 2 or 3 times a week, every single week, rather than a couple times over the course of several months.
It was very bad.
I did okay in master’s classes, up until I started trying to teach in classroom and suddenly deadlines were burying me alive - lessons that needed to be planned by the time that class started, but really should be planned a couple days before that, assignments that, out of respect for the students, should be graded immediately, but didn’t need to be graded by any specific time.
The sheer amount of little things I needed to be doing, but none were enough to induce Panic Mode eventually overwhelmed me and I dropped out of student teaching.
So now I’m trying to finish my degree. I have all the classes done, I just have a final capstone project to do. And I’m putting everything into finishing this with plenty of time to spare and no need for panicking.
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novelprep1 · 2 months
What is AP Capstone?
AP Capstone is an advanced program designed by the College Board to develop students’ research, analytical, and presentation skills. It extends the Advanced Placement (AP) experience beyond traditional subjects, focusing on inquiry-based learning and real-world applications. The program consists of two courses: AP Seminar and AP Research.
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Benefits of AP Capstone
Enhanced Research Skills: Students gain proficiency in designing and conducting research projects, crucial for academic and professional success.
Critical Thinking: The program emphasizes evaluating information from diverse sources, fostering analytical thinking.
College Readiness: AP Capstone provides experience in college-level research and writing, preparing students for higher education challenges.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are the prerequisites for AP Capstone?
There are no specific prerequisites, but AP Seminar is typically taken in the junior year, and AP Research in the senior year. Strong reading and writing skills are beneficial.
2. Can AP Capstone courses be taken online?
Yes, some schools offer AP Capstone courses online, allowing students to complete the program remotely.
3. How is AP Capstone scored?
Both AP Seminar and AP Research are assessed through a combination of performance tasks and written exams. Scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 5.
4. Does AP Capstone count towards college credit?
While AP Capstone itself does not grant college credit, the skills and knowledge gained are valuable for college success. Some colleges may offer credit or advanced placement for AP Seminar and AP Research scores.
5. How does AP Capstone impact college applications?
AP Capstone is highly regarded by colleges and universities. It demonstrates a student’s ability to engage in rigorous academic work, which can enhance college applications and provide a competitive edge.
For more information on AP Capstone, visit the College Board’s official website or consult with your school’s guidance counselor.
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byisza · 5 months
‘My dad, he needed help': Woman says her dead father deserved more from Nevada police
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Some years in the making, but here we are with my grad school capstone project. This was a wild ride and definitely marked by sobering and painful moments, but always with the hope that these stories do good. Here's my Associated Press story with fellow talented and courageous reporters.
A glimpse at the lede:
LAS VEGAS (AP) — On a chilly morning in 2019, just after 3 a.m., Roy Anthony Scott called 911 to report that a group of people — one armed with a saw — was trying to break into his apartment.
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lexicled · 3 years
hi people!! ive been uber busy but hello!! im here now :D
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markets · 3 years
I LOVEEE MY APWH CLASS SO MUCH🌟🌟🌟🌟like we did a practice leq today And i wrote like 3 pages i realized like damn i truly love this stuff. my world teacher is the best also sshe teaches a studies in social activism class that a bunch of my friends r in they say its really interesting BUT I COULDNT TAKE IT CUZ IM FORCED TO TAKE CAPSTONE...Like i wanted to take that or maybe compsci or gov and i fucking couldnt. Fuck capstone bro ive learend like 1000 times more about ap writing from world than that lame class
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sizablelad · 3 years
2022 goals:
write my research paper and graduate AP capstone
finally get my license
finish college apps/get into college
find a new creative hobby i can stick with long term
develop a stronger sense of style
progress with top surgery (there’s been a lot of unforeseen delays :/—first appt was supposed to be a month ago, but alas)
switch to a PCP i’m more comfortable with
find a program or something to do this summer
rediscover my love of reading (already happening :D)
go to cons!!!!
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eliteprepsat · 1 month
Elite Open School Achieves Outstanding Niche.com Rankings and Earns A+ Overall Grade
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Elite Open School (EOS), a pioneer in personalized education, is proud to announce its remarkable rankings and exceptional "A+" Overall Niche Grade in Niche.com's latest assessment of the Best Private K-12 and High Schools in America and California.
Elite Open School National Rankings:
#55 of 3,142 – Best Private K-12 Schools in America (Top 2%)
#116 of 4,990 – Best Private High Schools in America (Top 3%)
Elite Open School has also climbed the ranks significantly in the past year, securing the #8 spot in the list of the 214 Best Private K-12 Schools in California, up from #36 the previous year. This remarkable jump underscores EOS's ongoing commitment to improvement and innovation in the field of education.
Elite Open School California Rankings:
#8 of 214 – Best Private K-12 Schools in California (Top 4%)
#26 of 454 – Best Private High Schools in California (Top 6%)
In addition to being named one of the Best Private K-12 and High Schools in America and California, EOS has garnered outstanding individual Niche Grades across various categories:
Elite Open School Niche Grades:
Overall Niche Grade: A+
Academics: A+
Teachers: A+
Clubs and Activities: A+
Diversity: A
College Prep: A+
These exceptional grades reflect EOS's unwavering commitment to academic excellence, a dedicated faculty, and a comprehensive college preparatory program that equips students for success.
Elite Education Group Founder and CEO Jonghwan Patrick Park expressed pride in Elite Open School's accomplishments, stating, "Earning an 'A+' Overall Niche Grade and excelling in various categories is a testament to our dedication to providing a world-class educational experience. We are honored to have been ranked in the top 2% of Private K-12 Schools in America, and we remain committed to raising the bar for educational excellence."
Elite Open School continues to make waves in the education landscape by delivering personalized learning experiences that empower students to excel academically while pursuing their passions and interests outside the classroom.  With more than 95 Advanced Placement, Dual-Credit, and Honors courses in Computer Science & Technology, Esports, Business, Art and many more subject areas, EOS gives students the opportunity to take a range of fully accredited courses far beyond those offered at most high schools. Additionally, Elite Open School has been newly certified by the College Board to offer the AP Capstone Diploma™ program and AP with WE Service program.
For more information about Elite Open School and its innovative personalized learning programs, please visit eliteopenschool.org.
About Elite Open School:
Elite Open School (EOS) is an accredited private school specializing in blended learning for students in grades 5-12. EOS offers a certified American education with cutting-edge, adaptive curriculum, empowering students to excel academically while pursuing their passions and opportunities beyond the classroom. With a commitment to personalized learning, EOS offers full-time and part-time enrollment, providing a superior educational experience for families worldwide. Elite Open School's Learning Resource Centers include the 45 physical campuses of Elite Prep, where students are able to take advantage of not only the space and mentorship, but also Elite Prep's 35 years of experience in academic planning, college admissions counseling, and test preparation.
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lunari162 · 3 years
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This is also on Twitter, but Tumblr is better for archiving this sort of stuff.
If you watched the PV and didn’t understand any of it, here’s the plot I was working with! I’m expecting people to be confused, but not because of anything you missed. I’m just bad at creating stories. “took philosophy and AP Capstone to avoid English” gang, where you at
And I’m serious about the last sentence. I’d love to geek out about the parts I put more thought into, but I don’t want to be annoying :/
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 4
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
4 - Back to December 
Jay jumped out of the truck and ran towards the house, Hailey racing after him. He spotted his mom standing on the porch and pushed through the crowd of neighbors to get to her. Hailey stayed on his tail, not wanting to get lost in the commotion. 
He immediately wrapped his mom in a hug, checking her for any signs of injury. “Are you okay? What happened?” He asked frantically. 
Jane looked past her son at the girl standing behind him. “I’m fine. Your father…” She trailed off, she knew how secretive Jay was about his problems, especially when it came to Pat Halstead. 
Hailey sensed the awkwardness and smiled softly. “I’ll just wait at the truck, or I can call my aunt?” 
Jay sighed, he had completely forgotten that Hailey was there. “No, I’ll drive you home, just, uh, give me a few minutes.” Hailey nodded, wanting to remove herself from the situation as fast as possible. Jay turned back to his mother. “What happened?”
“I got home a little while ago and I found your father passed out on the floor, I couldn’t get him to wake up so, so I panicked and called 911.” Jay hugged his mother once more, letting out a breath of relief. Thankful that this particular incident wasn’t connected to Erin. “Go, take your friend home. I’m fine really, I think your dad is convincing them to let him stay here.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone.” Jay searched her face for any inconsistency, but she was solid.
Jane smiled, “I promise. I’ll see you later.” 
Hailey watched Jay walk toward her, he was obviously upset. His jaw was clenched and there was an unnatural intensity to his walk. “Everything okay?” She asked as he neared her. 
“Yeah,” He snapped. “Let’s go.” Hailey tried not to be hurt by his harsh words, everything wasn’t okay and she wasn’t about to push him on the subject. 
The drive back to her house was quiet and tense. Neither of them spoke ,Jay kept his eyes trained on the road and Hailey scrolled through instagram. She wasted no time jumping out when he pulled in her driveway. “Thanks.” She squeaked before shutting the door behind her.
Jay rolled down the passenger side window. “Hailey.” He called after her.”Are you going to be okay?” She nodded and disappeared through the front door.
Jay felt like shit as he drove away, he didn’t want to leave her there alone, but he wasn’t close to good company right now and the last thing he needed was Hailey asking a bunch of questions. He chose to ignore his issues with his father the same way that his father chose to ignore him. However, his mom was a different story. He wasn’t sure what was affected more by Pat’s drinking problem, his dad’s liver or Jane. Will used to share the burden with him, but he was off at college now. Jay had to face the music alone. 
A few hours later, Hailey stood in the middle of the school supplies section in Target with Adam and Kim. Unfortunately the world doesn’t stop turning when you’re dealing with a stalker/psycho/murderer situation, which meant school was still starting next week. 
Adam groaned, glancing down at the list in his hand. “Why did I decide to take AP Chem?” 
“To impress me.” Kim throws back, Hailey smirks while Adam throws her a bored look. 
“Haha, very funny.” He grumbles and pulls a composition notebook off the shelf. “Do you think Griffin will like me better if I get the one covered with scientific formulas?” He asked, holding up a notebook with slope intercept form and the quadratic formula written all over.
Kim pulls it out of his hands, “Um, I don’t think so.” Adam gives her a look. “Adam these are beginner math formulas, Algebra 2 stuff.” 
Adam throws his head against the shelving. “I’m so screwed.” 
“Oh, one hundred percent.” Hailey says, earning a laugh from Kim. “Kim I don’t know why you’re taking 5 APs.” 
“I’m getting my capstone.” She says, sorting through her different color organized 5-Star notebooks. 
Hailey laughed, “You are like one class away from it. But, I’m glad you are because now our schedules are almost identical.” 
Adam houghed, “I have 3 classes with Jay’s moody ass.” 
Hailey was about to say something, the events of that morning playing in her head, but Kim beat him to it. “Imagine if it was me, if I was the one missing and you had to watch him and Erin be happy.”
Adam sighed, realizing he sounded like a complete dick before, “I know. It’s just, Jay and I have played on the same team since little league. We’ve been friends for years, since way before Erin. I know it’s selfish but I thought losing her meant I got Jay back.” Hailey felt for Adam, he wasn’t one to express himself so openly, at least to her. 
Kim took his hand in hers, “We’ll get him back, he needs closure.” She looked to Hailey, “We all do.” 
Hailey wasn’t sure if it was really closure that they all needed, they needed to figure out who was threatening them. As far as they knew, no texts had come through since breakfast, but Hailey couldn’t shake the constant feeling of being watched. It felt strange, wrong even, to be back to school shopping in the middle of all this. But clinging to any sense of normalcy seemed to be a theme throughout the group. 
They wandered through the rest of the isles, Kim convincing Adam that they didn’t need 3 cases of double stuff oreos for movie night. They rounded the corner and Kim gasped, yanking them both back behind the wall. “Ohmigod, Adam. I think that’s Nadia.”
“What? There’s no way.” He said.
Kim nudged him, “See for yourself.” 
Adam poked his head out and quickly turned back to face them, eyes wide. “Holy shit, that’s Nadia.”
“I told you!”
Hailey looked between the two of them, who looked like they were about to pee their pants. “Who the hell is Nadia?”
Later that night, continuing the never ending day, the whole scooby gang sat around a firepit on Kim’s porch. Kim insisted that Hailey call Kevin and Adam call Jay as soon as they snuck out of Target and tell them to meet at her house. Hailey still didn’t know what was going on, she didn’t know who this Nadia girl was, but she was sure she had something to do with Erin.
“Okay,” Hailey said, interrupting the nervous chatter. “Is anyone going to tell me who this girl is?” 
“Well, not to be weird but, you kinda took her place.” Kim explained. 
Jay spoke up, “She and Erin grew up together, where most of the rest of us met the first week of freshman year.”
“She was the third girl, a little closed off, only really trusted Erin.” Kim said. 
“And she had a huge crush on Jay.” Adam butted in. 
“Yeah.” Jay spat, “Anyway, Erin was always the jealous type, we started dating around Thanksgiving and by Christmas, Erin had enough dirt on Nadia to get her expelled.”
“Are you serious?” Hailey questioned.
Kim nodded, “Erin blackmailed her out of town, none of us have heard from her since New Years, freshman year. And none of us know what actually happened. Erin told us that she was “a little skank who couldn’t be trusted” and that she had planned to ruin us all. She was protecting us, but now that all seems so stupid.” 
“Yeah,” Kevin joined in, “We were horrible to that girl.” 
Hailey’s gears were turning over, her mind was running wild. Nadia had to be connected to all of this. Suddenly, Erin’s phone, which was always with Jay, buzzed on the ground. 
Blocked ID: I see the whole gang is there. Time to turn up the heat. I know who you all hold dear, the golden boy is also a momma’s boy, the athlete is in the running for fake father of the year, the mystery’s love for her brothers isn’t as much of a secret, the princess isn’t the only one in line for the throne and the heartbreaker, well now there’s someone who could break his. Follow my rules and your loved ones stay safe, don’t, and there will be many funerals in your future. Let the games begin. 
Everyone was silent after Jay read the text aloud. It wasn’t just them, everyone they loved were in danger too. Hailey spoke up, airing out her theory. “Think about it. Who in the world hates Erin the most? Who shows back up right after Erin is supposedly gone for good? Who would know all of your secrets? Nadia, guys.” She looks to the rest of her friends, all of them thinking the same thing. “Nadia took Erin.”
A/N: For the purposes of this story, Jay’s mother’s name is Jane and Will is older. I know that it differs from the show, but I think for this Will being older works better. Also, I don’t think I had ever mentioned before how long Erin and Jay had been dating, but now it’s a year and a halfish. 
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March 22, 2021
Back to the grind! I did really good today, but TBH, it could’ve been a little bit better.
AP Capstone presentation for sophomores
Read through Chapter 15 of The Awakening
Finished second 1/2 of APES packet
Submitted 3 scholarships (2 essays, 1 was just an application)
Copied Drops Breakfast Foods vocab
Duolingo Spanish
Drops Spanish
I’m pretty proud of this amount of work, especially after a lazy weekend. The rest of the week is gonna be crazy busy, so I HAVE TO DO MORE THIS WEEK!
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