In case I haven’t already talked about the subject enough the biggest argument I’ve seen with people defending JJ in The Fight™️ is that Spencer brought up his addiction and his sobriety is not her problem.
this is the one and ONLY time he has EVER brought up his addiction, in fact he went through lengths to keep it hidden. When he goes to the meeting he tells the team he was “seeing a movie” he is a complete bitch to Emily and never says “sorry I was a bitch I’m going through withdrawals.” She probably just chalks it up to Spencer having a bad day and she ends up being his emotional support person. Which is another reason why her “death” hits him so hard, I don’t think anyone knows how important Emily is to him. Sure she picks on him “he’s so lifelike” but he’s like a little brother to her they probably have conversations in forgiven languages and go see foreign films together, she’s the only one that supports his interests and doesn’t shut him down in the form of a “joke.”
Back to Spencers addiction, which he went through all on his own only for him to bring it up ONCE means it must have been serious. I think he’s doing a good job of being sober himself so this sentence needs to be taken more seriously then it does. No Spencer’s sobriety needs to be taken more seriously and the whole dilaudid storyline needs to be taken seriously. Especially when JJ just casually talks about it to Tara and Luke IMMEDIATELY AFTER Penelope SPECIFICALLY said she doesn’t want to talk about it, and as we all know PENELOPE CANT KEEP A SECRET FOR SHIT. Spencer telling JJ that he was thinking about taking dilaudid wasn’t anything less then expressing how much pain losing Emily was all for it to be a lie. A lie told by his “best friend” that he went to to help him grieve.
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Smol Call for Venturiantale RPers willing to do AU
https://discord.gg/fAc4D92 *waves!!* PIA's world is an AU. more or less. So all the characters are sort of different, depending on what happened in their version of the timeline, such as: Johnny Ghost and Gregory do not share a body, only him and Casket. Johnny Toast never cured from being a werewolf, but can now control when he turns, besides full moons. also not a vampire. etc. etc. But you see, theres a small problem I cant write half of the Venturian groups characters. and i try to keep them IC, but tend to have different things for them as well, unless they are in a flashback or flashforward. and the timeline Cassie exsists in, takes place only a year after the Puppet arc. and Cassie exsists in the main timeline of the AU. But the AU automatically ages all the characters down as well..So in order to help with you understanding everything going on, lets figure out whats going on there with current takes on personality and crap. Though they can be changed in any way you'd like. Acachallas Billy Acachalla has left his family, and currently stays off the grid with Maddie Friend, while occasionally visited by Sally and Jennifer. He faked his permanent death in order to escape, and keeps trying to convince Sally to do it, and get Sue to do it. Hes alot smarter then in the videos, and tends to act more like an adult then a five year old, unless around Sally, then he just drops it and goes to his video act. (currently has 15 lives left to give and to use.) [17] Sally Acachallas demon side comes out more then just when she doesnt get waffles, and shes broken up with Slenderman. Sally stays peaceful, but isnt as jumpy as normal, her obsession for waffles has also faded quite a bit, due to an incident at the waffle dimension. (currently has 3 lives left) [15] Gertrude Acachalla doesnt care about her children as much, more paying attention to things outside. She stopped caring about the children when they accidentally killed Papa and Spencer, she had a incident where she got mad and made them both lose one life, before locking them in their room. Which resulted in Billy faking his death to escape. Shes more rude and aggresive towards people, and refuses to talk to anyone who tries to help her or bring her back to sanity for her remaining children, often killing them repeatedly until they are out of lives. (Currently has 2 lives left.) [24] Sue Acachalla is a trans female with the mask sewed onto her face due to previous parents. Shes calm and sticks up for her sister, and tends to be able to calm down demon Sally, though sometimes she might get killed by her. Sue spends alot of her time braiding barbie's hairs and sleeping, or talking to Sally. As shes not allowed to leave the house because she looks like a murderer or Burglar. She gets bored alot more often and will go into fits of rage when shes extremely bored, this has resulted in the closet being bombed, twice. (Currently has 2 lives left) [17] Extra Maddie Friend is a crazy and hyperactive girl. She chases people she doesnt like or has been hired to kill around, and currently works at a hospital, and for Jennifer Ghost + Billy Acachalla, as Billy signs her shirts and Jennifer gives her extra pay so she'll keep their secret, and do stuff for them if something needs to be done. Shes kind and outgoing, but carries around a crowbar and/or a bucket of popcorn occasionally, making her seem a little unapproachable (currently has 5 lives left left) [17] PIE Johnny Ghost is a little bit more depressed then usual, and shows off his highly emotional side more, especially when its his family or his best friend in danger, he argues with people alot more and tends to hide in his room afterwards. Hes still extremely arrogant and sassy mind you, but he tries not to let it show as much. //He also has freckles but whatever// (Currently has 1 life left) [26] Johnny Toast is the most loyal fido you'll ever see. Hes calm and collected, but will do anything for his boyfriend boss. Hes a werewolf that has a bit of control over his power, though is still helpless to the full moon. Hes kind and tends to act smart, or talk for Ghost when hes upset or whatever. Hes still shy and stuttery whenever Ghost isnt around though. Hes very protective of everyone in his team, one one of the most supportive people you'd meet. probably has to stop Ghost from murdering Spooker and Colon (currently has 1 life left) [28] Fred "Spooker" Soup is a pure and happy and perfectly chubby boy. Hes kind and bouncy, tending to ignore anything bad going on around him, unless hes screaming and running from a powerful ghost. Hes welcoming to most people, even people that are held captive, making him a good candidate to be a guard if the captives dont know whats going on. He tends to be very protective towards Colon and the girls, as he sees Colon as a amateur, and is assigned to protect the girls with his life. Though he fails at it alot. (Currently has 1 life left) [22] Chris "Colon" Ghostie is a precious politic hating bean. He tends to yell about random stuff, and doesnt talk to people very often. sometimes he wont even be at work because hes doing his side job as an uber driver. Hes completely pure, and is the only one in the team who has not yet commited Man slaughter. So hes the most innocent one he did nothing wrong. (currently has 3 lives left) [24] Jennifer Ghost {One of my characters } Jennifer is an arrogant, bossy, and protective girl, as like her brother. She tends to boss her friends around, and if in a panic, wont hesitate to go boss-mode on the boys.  Shes rude and sassy, and isnt afraid to slap someone if shes not getting what she wants. Shes really only kind to Jenna Toast and Billy Acachalla. Occasionally her brother if he needs someone to comfort him and Johnathon isnt around. oh yea she cant read and is extremely terrified of water. (Currently has 1 life left) [15] Jenna Toast {One of my characters } Jennas the gay cousin/friend everyone haves, but no one wants. Shes flirty, and smooth with her words when she wants to convince someone to do something. Shes never afraid to shoot someone, even someone she cares about. She tries to make friends with anyone she meets, but if they're close to one of her best friends? Consider them dead. She will kill anyone who gets in the way of her and her trio of girls. Jennifer knows this, so never lets Jenna meet anyone she cares about..though Cassie has issues. She will happily put a bullet in anything or anyone she finds paranormal, excluding the caskets and her brother. (Currently has 1 life left.) [17] Cassie Anderson {One of EvilsNightmare 's characters } im going off what i know about her pls help me frien Cassie is a character the 'Jennys' picked up, pretty much off of the side of the road. She knows quite a bit about ghosts, to the girl's surprises. Shes one of the 'female trio' of PIE, and sticks with Jenna and Jennifer most of, if not all of the time. Shes fun to be around, besides the fact she can be brutally honest. She currently has a ghost named 'Zayne' haunting her. (Currently has 1 life left) [19???] ~~~~ Ye ye, so theres that, beauty/monstrosity. now, I can do all the characters. but,,,, tend not to??? because it goes like a script in my head and gets boring, i like twists that RPs can bring,,, If anyone wants to RP this with me you can,,, ask,,, lol- and you're welcome to twist the characters any way you like, im just laying base facts down lol. List of Characters: Billy Acachalla Sally Acachalla Gertrude Acachalla Sue Acachalla Maddie Friend Johnny Ghost - Currently played by The-gaming-knight Johnny Toast Fred "Spooker" Soup Chris "Colon" Ghostie (ill catch u up on whats going on dont worry) Reminder: You might have to be okay with Toasted Ghost and/or Spoon, as it depends on whos playing the four characters on ships. List of Ships that can happen that im okay with (because of age range and relations and crap, but you're welcome to ask me about it if you and the person playing the other character have talked about it.): Billy x Jennifer, Billy x Jenna, Billy x Maddie, Sally x Jenna, Sally x Jennifer, Sally x Maddie (they,,, arent related dont worry,,,), Gertrude is forever alone unless someone brings a ship up to me, Sue Acachalla x Jenna, Sue x Jennifer, Maddie x Billy, Maddie x Jenna, Maddie x Sue, Toasted Ghost/Johnny Ghost x Johnny Toast (I cant,,, see another character they'd be shipped with???lol), Spoon/Spooker x Colon Ships that are in progress, sort of: Jenna x Cassie, Ghost x Toast (we've all seen the vids its at least platonic but everyone thinks thye're dating lets be honest) Everyone is really welcoming so you dont really have to be scared of meeting us tbh
https://discord.gg/fAc4D92 https://discord.gg/fAc4D92 https://discord.gg/fAc4D92 https://discord.gg/fAc4D92
Just come on into the Discord and go into the ‘test_room’ to talk to me about what character you want to play as and any questions you have
Theres also an OFF chat, an Undertale chat, and extra RP rooms for non VT fans. though im mainly going for VT.
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