clowneepup · 3 months
i'll toss more f/o tags into the ring cuz I just finished the s/i sheet that smooches them :3
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Smg4 ; 💙 cotton candy lovers
Smg3 : 💜 devious duo
[I chose 4's cuz our colors are pink & blue :3]
[I chose 3's cuz we're both devious little losers]
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funfettikatz · 2 years
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New mangle kinsona! The last one didn't hit as hard as I wanted it to. Wooo!
Don't use/repost/tag as kin,me,ID,f/o (Reblogs appreciated!)
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all of the hc asks for anyone!! (kittyandco)
OH!! HI THERE THANKS, i'll do g/ad0s since i'm so fixated on her lol! (i do NOT want in the search lol)
1) what does your f/o love about themselves? a lot! her smarts (she's objectively the smartest ever after all!), her humor, her cleverness. she's super confident about basically everything regarding herself!
2) how does your f/o feel about their name? probably doesn't really think too much of it? like "that sure is my name huh" sort of stuff. doesn't hate it!! but ya
3) does your f/o identify with different orientations/genders/other identities (other than cishet, etc.)? she's lesbian for sure. but as for gender, she calls herself a woman but ultimately i don't really think she cares much about her own gender label :o she's a giant robot that loves science! no time to worry about gender.
4) what’s your f/o’s favorite flower? honestly couldn't tell you! i don't know much about flowers myself so i never thought of this. i do have a couple favorite flowers though and i like to think that she would maybe like my favs perhaps... (lilly of the valley and snowdrops are my fav..)
5) if your f/o’s source has no canon info about their family, how do you imagine it? has your f/o disclosed anything about them? honestly wouldn't be surprised if she didn't remember anything given how she first reacted to [spoiler]. she has not told me anything, and i honestly don't want to pry. i don't think she'd like talking about it. of course if the time ever did come i would 100% lend her an ear
6) can your f/o sing? YES SHE CAN AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL I LOVE HER VOICE SO MUCH,,, (spoiler warnings for these btw. fun fact the last song i did a cringe moment and recontextualized it so that it's about me rather than che//... sorry bestie sfdhgjdfs)
7) what does your f/o like to read? scientific papers and stuff like that i know for sure. maybe she'd like sci-fi?
8) what would be your f/o’s favorite tv/movie genre? same as above! and also science documentaries aha
9) what’s your f/o’s favorite color combination? uhhh,, uhg ..,., uhhh.,.. blue and orange.... honestly i wonder what color looks like to her. her eye is yellow, and if that's where her optical lense. camera. whatever. is, then wouldnt the world have a yellow tint to it? unless there's some computer stuff happening to color correct everything? hm.
10) what’s your f/o’s favorite music genre? whatever the first 3 songs i linked that she sings are (im Really avoiding the game's search lol)
11) what’s something that your f/o is very skilled in? science!!!!
12) what’s your f/o’s dream home? an ap/ert/ure science facility that isn't destroyed sfdjgh
13) what did your f/o want to do with their life? is it different from what they’re actually doing? testing experiments! she's still doing that. though not with humans. they're kinda all. dead. lol! she has a/t/l/a/s and p/b/o/d/y... and me, tbh. she would rather not have me participate in the tests, at least not anymore since we got together, but they're fun as long as i'm careful, hehe
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crowleyaj · 6 years
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so it was literally a month ago, but i reached 4k! wooo! 4.1k now, actually. that’s so amazing, like, wow. i had no idea what to do, but i did tumblr awards when i hit 1k and 3k so i thought, why not! i love discovering new blogs. forgive me for the basic banner, i had limited resources. but now, let me just thank you for being amazing and sticking around. i love you guys. even if we don’t talk, which, again, is mostly my fault because i forget to reply to messages and rarely start conversations myself. that’s what you get when you mix an introvert with two cups of anxiety and a bottle of laziness potion.
r u l e s
     must be following moi      reblog this post [likes don’t count]      [optional] check out my colour sideblog and my creations      you can enter until 09/12      there will be one winner and two runners-up for each category
c a t e g o r i e s
     yasmin khan award ✢ best url
     jon snow award ✢ best icon
     sara lance award ✢ best theme
     newt scamander award ✢ best mobile theme
     eleanor shellstrop award ✢ best creations*
     tony stark award ✢ best rising star**
     rosa diaz award ✢ best overall
     dean winchester award ✢ personal favourites***
p r i z e s
     winners ✢ +f if not already | a spot on my updates tab | two promos upon request | two edits upon request****
     runners-up ✢ +f if not already | a spot on my updates tab | a promo upon request | an edit upon request
* please write your creation tag in the tags  ** please submit a screenshot of your follower count [must be under 500] *** there are only winners, no runners-up **** gifs/moodboards/posters/graphics
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yiqiie · 6 years
abc tag ♡
tagged by: @eriines thank you lovely! 
rules: answer the questions in a new post + tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better
(a)ge: 17 (turning 18 in 11 days i’m gonna be legal soon wooo)
(b)irthplace: australia! 
c)urrent time: 9:12 pm
(d)rink you last had: tea
(e)asiest person to talk to: my mum, followed by my best friend 
(f)av song: it changes all the time but right now, Power Up by Red Velvet (side note: GO SUPPORT MY QUEENS AND CHECKOUT THE MV) 
(g)rossest memory: i can’t remember anything in particular lmao 
(h)ogwarts house: slytherin and proud 
(i)n love: with cai xukun
(j)ealous of people: not usually 
(k)illed someone: no but i’ve thought of chucking my textbook at whoever invented uni level maths as a finals subject 
(l)ove at first sight or walk by again: walk by again
(m)iddle name: don’t have one 
(n)umber of siblings: none, but wish i had an elder sibling 
(o)ne wish: happiness 
(p)erson you last called: my friend asking her for some advice 
(q)uestion you ask most: is there food? / do you have any food? 
r)eason to smile: i saw a magnificent video of a corgi today 
(s)ong you last sang: sang ‘Eyes of You’, 10 Things I Hate About You style with my whole year level because someone started singing and we all joined in 
(t)ime you woke up: 6 am
(u)nderwear colour: that is for me to know and for you to never know
(v)acation destination: japan, europe, korea, new york 
(w)orst habit: i twist my ring around my finger and fiddle a lot whenever i’m nervous 
(x)-rays: teeth, hand, wrist
(y)our fav food: hot pot, chips from a fish and chips shop, kimchi ramen, cheese toastie 
(z)odiac sign: leo
tagging: @caixukunkun, @zhengtjngs, @zhuzhengting, @yanchen-enthusiast, @itsfanchengcheng, @itszeren, @caixukun, @evanismyking, @tolwenjun, @ziyistory
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little tag thingy!
Tagged by: @mycatsarebabes thank you so much for the tag!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better
a-age: 16 (almost 17 though!)
b-birthplace: Australia
c-current time: 8:34am
d-drink you had last: lemon and orange infused water 
e-easiest person to talk to: my boyfriend will!
f-favorite song: I have far too many!!! At the moment, probably Everything Now by Arcade Fire
g-grossest memory: hmm, I’m not too sure!
h-horror yes or horror no: I like classic horror films, but that’s about all
i-in love: I think I’m falling in love 
j-jealous of people: not really, with some things yeah!
l-love at first sight or should I walk by again: walk by again, I believe in attraction at first sight but love develops 
m-middle name: Don’t have one!
n-number of siblings: 1
o-one wish: Happiness for all those in my life
p-person you called last: i think my dad
q-question you are always asked: Why are you vegan?
r-reason to smile: it’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re listening to your favourite music
s-song you sang last: I’m always singing, so who knows!
t-time you woke up: 6:57am (sleep in wooo)
u-underwear color- black
v-vacation destination: london or new york!
w-worst habit: biting my nails and stressing over stupid little things
x-rays: once when i was younger!
y-your favorite food: probably sweet potato 10/10
z-zodiac sign: Leo
I’m tagging: @ellastudiesblog @cacti-studi @gottasleepgottastudy @astudyblrcalledeye @combeestudies @chocolateandlanguages @trucy-wright-studies @jeanette-studies @lilysplantaddiction @theastudiess
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5 things
Thanks for the tag @myawesomeblog99 - I'm not gonna’ tag anyone because I suck but I think you’ll let me off ;) 
5 things you’ll find in my bag 1. Sunglasses 2. A random pen 3. Lipstick 4. Sanitary products (wooo for being a period having person!!)  5. Phone
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom 1. Me (im always there when im home) - Keeping your answer, Oula! 2. A painting of Joel that I’m pretty proud of and am unashamed to share with whoever enters 3. A huge framed piece of artwork which I can’t explain 4. Lots of shoes 5. My artwork covering my desk
5 things that make me happy 1. My family 2. My cat 3. JOEL 4. Community 5. @zacscottysnl :’) (and you too, @myawesomeblog99 )
5 things that i’m currently into 1. The song Chapel of Dreams (it was used in AF&SG and I love it) 2. Embroidery 3. GIPHY (My GIFs reached 21.4 million views, l m f a o) 4. Eating less meat (we’re having veggie meals right now and it’s going well tbf) 5. JOEL HAVING A NEW SHOW COMING SOON
5 things on my to-do list 1. Get out of bed 2. Finish my research for my current design project 3. Book in a tattoo consultation (in case I get one on my birthday - I don’t know what I’ll be doing yet) 4. Write a new blog post 5. Reply to some emails
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theodora14pines · 7 years
Facts from A to Z
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, then tag up to 10 people plus the person who tagged you.
I’ve been tagged by @minthia-ren so... WOOO!!!
a- age: 15 and on June the 30th je will turn 16!! I don’t know how to feel about this
b - biggest fear: Spiders
c - current time: 17:18 (5:18 PM)
d - drink you last had: Pepsi! 
e - every day starts with: waking up and wondering if I should go back to sleep or do something until I eventually wake up for reals
f - favorite song: I have more than one but Me myself and I by G-Eazy and Bebe Rexha is my asthetic but I like Treasured Soul by Michael Calfan and Outside by Calvin Harris and there are more but I’ll stop here
g - ghosts: eh
h - hometown: Bucharest yo!
i - in love with: Stanford Pines
j - jealous of: couples 
k - killed someone: Nope
l - last time you cried: I am too happy to really remeber
m - middle name: Beatrice!
n - number of siblings: 0! Am the one and only peeps!
o - one wish: more so I can: Meet Stanford Pines, Meet my online friends and fly!
p - person you last called/texted: @cid331 and @minthia-ren and also @nerdymetalhead
q - questions you’re always asked: Can you shut up? Are you carzy? Can you calm down
r - reasons to smile: good jokes, the greatest friends, Ford fictions, catoons, conversations with amazing people
s - song last sang: Shawn Mends- There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back
t - time you woke up: 7:15 AM then 12:45 PM then 2:45 PM
u - underwear color: the heck?! ... black...
v - vacation destination: Gherla
w - worst habit: panicking and acting more weird than usual
x - x-rays you’ve had: 1 or 3 I think
y - your favorite food: sweets
z - zodiac sign: Cancer
I’m going to tag: @hntrgurl13 @raspberry-smash @scipunk63 @nerdymetalhead @artsymeeshee @dotoyersvsky    Remember: if you have already done/ don’t want to do/ don’t have time to do, it’s totally okay!!! It’s just a funny meme ;) ENJOY PEEPS!! 
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jenny-dreadful · 7 years
R U L E S: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun! I was tagged by @incomprehensiblelentils ! A) Age: 24 B) Biggest fear: I mean not to be such a millennial about it but, never attaining a better life situation. also: fast spiders C) Current time: 12:09 am D) Drink you last had: couple sips of DIET CAFFEINE FREE MTN DEW which you can probably only get in utah E) Every day starts with: talking myself out of bed before 11 am. brush teeth before my own breath starts me gagging. whatever 1-2 makeup items the mirror tells me i need most, half-assed F) Favorite song atm: i mean the last couple days i've been hitting the Love The Way You Lie juice p hard, for writing reasons G) Ghosts, are they real?: nah i think if someone's wooo~ing around your house or whatever, them shit's some kind of demon H) Hometown?: Ketchikan, Alaska originally I) In love with?: no one, hopefully J) Jealous of?: if ur even remotely financially stable and independent, i'm green K) Killed Someone?: no but the night is young L) Last time you cried: i teared up thinking about something in the last few hours but i can't remember what? M) Middle name: Anne N) Number of siblings: three and i am the middlest O) One wish: i generally consider winning the publishers' clearinghouse lifetime prize thing to be a reeeeeasonably decent wish as far as effectiveness and avoiding monkey's paw type shit P) Person you last called/texted: my memory is BAD rn? my last text is from my younger sister Q) Questions you are always being asked: do i want to try to eat lunch R) Reasons to smile: i'm working on the books again. thrifting clothes. something funny on ya dash S) Song last sung: ooooof. i dunno m8. Mercy? T) Time you woke up: whenever my sister n the baby got up and started making noise U) Underwear colour: >_> man listen my body is a really weird shape for the last while, and as long as we're sharing i guess you may as well know that i almost never wear underwear because i can't, it's very chafey and painful. i have a couple pairs of like silk shorts to wear with skirts when i gotta W) Worst habits: yikes, X) X-rays you’ve had: dentals and some i think for stomach stuff Y) Your favourite food: i eat a lot of v plain lemon chicken broth Z) Zodiac sign: taurus if your favorite color is the same as when you were a kid, i tag u
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junkobears · 7 years
Was tagged to do this meme by @jinjojess wooo. Please understand if my answers are vague and/or don’t exist, haha.
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!

A - Age: 23 
B - Biggest fear: Closest friends and family rejecting me 
C - Current time: 2:26pm as of editing this post cuz i forgot to answer this one WOOPS 
D - Drink you last had: Water! Gotta be healthy in some manner, god knows my diet otherwise is disgusting haha. 
E - Every day starts with: Waking up in a daze and having to fix my face like its a melting wax sculpture (never works I’m forever a panda) 
F - Favorite song: This really freaks people out but I don’t have one, I’m not super into music as a hobby and don’t really think about specific artists? I kind of just listen to a huge mix of genres/artists, its pretty whatever to me. 
G - Ghosts, are they real: No, but also I’d love to come back as a vengeful ghost after I die, so hopefully I’m wrong. 
H - Hometown: Stirling, Scotland. I’m still here. 
I - In love with: Generic ‘People who aren’t available’ answer. Shitty games. Every form of dessert in the world. All my favourite fictional characters. Having money to actually buy things/travel. 
J - Jealous of: People who actually know what they want to do with their life. Or have passion for anything, career and leisure-wise. I float aimlessly around in a void instead. 
K - Killed someone: Not literally. In my mind and in games? Hundreds n’ hundreds. 
L - Last time you cried: A month ago, I think? Probably when drunk and mad for no reason, as is usually the case. 
M - Middle name: Don’t got one 
N - Number of siblings: One, older sister! 
O - One wish: Infinite source of money. Preferably that I didn’t have to work for. Money would solve literally all my problems in life atm lol. I sure hope a genie is reading this post............

P - Person you last called/texted: my maw 
Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Are you a boy or girl?” “Have you applied for any new jobs?” “Why do you have [a subjective opinion thats different from mine]!?” Fun times. 
S - Song last s[u]ng: Sneep snoop I was takin’ a poop. Cuz my brain just loves repeating stupid nonsensical in-jokes ad infinitum haha @tailsy 
T - Time you woke up: Around 9:30am 
U- Underwear color: Purple 
V - Vacation destination: Chicago, Tokyo, Hawaii 
W - Worst habit: Not actually DOING things, I spend too much time worrying or being depressed at how things could go WRONG that I just... dont do them. 
X - X-rays you’ve had: Ones for when I had a broken arm, collarbone and rib as a kid, but otherwise I can’t think of any. I don’t go to the doctor’s a lot. 
Y - Your favorite food: THIS IS SO DIFFICULT TO CHOOSE UGH... cheesecake, yoghurt smoothies, prawn crackers, fried chicken (KFC in particular) pretzels, any form of macaroni cheese... there’s way more I’m leaving out but I can’t list everything, I love food so much haha. It’s always been there for me! 
Z - Zodiac sign: Capricorn, the weird boring goat that’s always somewhere on the evil side of the Alignment spectrum. Proud of it!
Anyone who sees this post and wants to do this tag meme themselves, feel free too! Say I tagged you for it even, I don’t mind. I don’t feel like tagging all the usual people I tag for these memes anyways, you know you who are...
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lunetic-pinecone · 7 years
tagged by @sun-moon-starboy who's a cool dude!! thanks so much rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs a. age: 16 b. birthplace: singapore wooo c. current time: 2137 hell yeah d. drink you last had: 100 plus. i bought a bottle at value dollar aka the cheapskate mart e. easiest person to talk to: my closest friends, because they dont judge f. favourite song: this keeps changing tbh but i guess a solid answer is End Credits by Eden g. grossest memory: (emetophobia tw) once threw up and undigested mushrooms and other shit were in my vomit h. horror, yes or no?: HELL YEAH LETS GET SPOOKED i. in love?: im secretly in love with all my friends j. jealous of people?: a lot. i try to deal with it maturely but the feeling still stings so badly k. killed someone: sobbing because what even is this question. is it meant to trick murderers into admitting their crimes. is this meme secretly an investigation l. love at first sight or should I walk past again?: nah man im the kind of person who only finds someone physically attractive after being with them for a while m: middle name: dont have a middle name (but i have a chinese name) n. number of siblings: 2 o. one wish: that i can become a successful author. roll in the money and fame and help my other writer friends p. person i called last: a school friend, who always calls me and then asks me to end the call, then call him back again, because he has a prepaid card and doesnt want to waste money on outgoing calls :') q. question you’re always asked: "are you free after school" r. reason to smile: my friends. cute animals. precious kids idk i cant choose s. song you last sang: Colouring Book by Oh My Girl (or at least i attempted to sing it) t. time you woke up: 7am because school ayy u. underwear: same old v. vacation: i... really wanna go to canada/korea/japan/australia in that order of preference w. worst habit: my entire life is a bad habit (okay but i pick at myself when i get nervous?? yeesh) x. x-rays: i got my lungs x-rayed for tuberculosis testing y. your favorite food: um this is probably the hardest question in my life uhh i just ate some ebi ramen and i love that so there z. zodiac sign: libra i tag @symphonysoldierr @ayla-kurone aaaaand i forgot everyone else because its too damn long since i used tumblr, anyone who sees this post gogogo do it!!!
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shadoouge · 8 years
Tagged by my dear friend @vaporion79 eyyyy
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
Tagging: no one, git pranked. If you wanna do it tho go ahead whose stopping you
a - age: 19 ( 20 on June 13 ) b - biggest fear: death and heights. c - current time: 11:14 am d - drink you last had: Green tea e - every day starts with: Looking through twitter and hoping I could sleep more f - favorite song: I don’t really have a favourite but recently in love with Lúcio’s Sonhos Ômnicos. g - ghosts, are they real: shrugs h - hometown: The capital of Lithuania dabs i - in love with: sleep j - jealous of: younger artists and older artists that have insanely good talent, And also of pretty people with flawless skin k - killed someone: what the heck sort of question is this even. Killed my brain cells if anything. l - last time you cried: two, three days ago? m - middle name: Felicia n - number of siblings: a younger sister, that’s all o - one wish: To git gud at everything  p - person you last called/texted: my bff Cee! q - question(s) you’re always asked: ‘Why don’t you go to sleep at a reasonable time?’ ‘Can you draw me?’ ‘Why are you like this’ and many others can’t forget the ever famous ‘Why are you depressed’ r - reasons to smile: dogs and my cute friends. CAN’T FORGET ABOUT NALUS WOOO B O I s - song last sang: i really don’t remember t - time you woke up: 8am cause of my alarm, then i went back to sleep to wake up at 10am. Still better than waking up at 4pm yesterday u - underwear color: white with pink stripes v - vacation destination: huh, Japan?  w - worst habit: sleeping too much instead of dealing with anything and playing overwatch til i die. x - x-rays you’ve had: my spine, my lungs, my knee, my hands, my teeth, don’t think there were more y - your favorite food: I like a lot cries. Noodles with chicken? z - zodiac sign: Gemini
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rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better ✨ a - age: 14 wooo b - birthplace: South Carolina c- current time: 1:10 PM d - drink you last had: tea e - easiest person to talk to: ? f - favourite song: something from Heathers The Musical probably g- grossest memory: idk h - horror yes or horror no: Y e s i - in love?: yep j - jealous of people?: sometimes? k - killed someone?: not irl l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: I don’t believe in love at first sight sorry. m - middle name: Lynn n - number of siblings: 1 o - one wish: I really want some strawberries rn p - person you called last: my mom q - question you’re always asked: “Are you upset? You look mad.” Or “ARE YOU THE ONE FROM THAT PLAY?” (I was in the last two high school plays.) r - reason to smile: Outlast 2 is coming out soon. s - song you sang last: Candy Store (Heathers) t - time you woke up: 9:15 u - underwear colour: uhM v - vacation destination: somewhere warm w - worst habit: procrastination x - x-rays: I’ve had 3?? y - your favourite food: strawberries or pizza z - zodiac sign: Gemini (I’m sOrry) tag 20 (3) blogs you wanna get to know better: sorry too shy
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deadpai · 8 years
Alphabet Tag
Was tagged by @randommindtime  ty <333
R U L E S; Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 30 b - biggest fear: heights?? talking to people?? c - current time:10:38pm d - drink you last had: water e - every day starts with: walking my dog f - favorite song: say it aint so - weezer g - ghosts, are they real: nah. would be cool tho h - hometown: dallas tx i - in love with: my ships j - jealous of: people my age & younger who have ALL of their shit together and then some. people who arent gonna die alone k - killed someone: has anyone said yes on this and meant it l - last time you cried: uh...probably seeing rogue one...lmao m - middle name: antonette n - number of siblings: 1 older brother o - one wish: cake p - person you last called/texted: My bff q - questions you’re always asked: does your band still play? do you still draw? r - reasons to smile: stars just won 6 to 3 wooo s - song last sang: last night iiiii dreamt that somebodyy loved meeee t - time you woke up: 9am u - underwear color: grey/pink/white companion cube panties w - worst habit(s): needlessly snacking x - x-rays you’ve had: just dental ones y - your favorite food: cheese z - zodiac sign: sagittarius
I’m tagging: @ryvchan @voldiebuns @sailorlaur @macccachino
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commander-jills · 8 years
tagged by - @amongthieves wooo! rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. When you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you.... most importantly, have fun! i tag @deadspacedame @francescat17 @spiritedxmakorrian @snorajamk a / age - 17 b / biggest fear - Probably regret... c / current time - 5:10pm d / drink you last had - lemonade e / everyday starts with - peeing lol f / favorite song - don't really have one g / ghosts are real? - um...yes. 100% yes. h / hometown - San Diego i / in love with - italian food ehehhehe j / jealous of - honesty im secretly jealous of everything. Not to an extreme extent but like a lil bit of everything ahah (idk) k / killed someone - why is this even a question? ...no... l / last time you cried - uhmmm my fam was stressed about a certain family member that is very rude and annoying like. One of "those" that every family has and i kinda just snapped i guess? Im not an emotional person. m / middle name - i have 2! Marie (so common) and Gee-Ming because I am half Chinese. n / number of siblings - 2 one is almost 9 and one is my twin (both brothers) o / one wish - i know this is really cheesy but world peace. Like lets start with the middle east....pls p / person you last called.texted - my grandma q / questions you're always asked - "what's it like being a twin?" "Do you have twin telepathy?" r / reasons to smile - me....bc im funny.... 😆 s / song last sang - something from my car radio but i cant remember. t / time you woke up - 10 lol u / underwear color - uhhh... black...... w / worst habit - legit stressing over possible but highly unlikely outcomes to every situation. x / xrays you have had - just my arms...i cant remember why though. Ive never broken anything. y / your favorite food - PASTAAAA z / zodiac sign - Gemini 😎
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musically-weights · 7 years
thanks @flamingmusicalroses for tagging me.. now i'm gonna tag @whitecascades only because i love youuuu A - AGE: 18
B - BIRTHPLACE: Coral Springs
E - EASIEST PERSON ( OR PEOPLE ) TO TALK TO: a few of my closest friends (surprising, even kris and a few of my college friends)
G - GROSSEST MEMORY: vomiting when i literally only coughed once
I - IN LOVE?: i have feelings for people, but it will never go past that
J - JEALOUS OF PEOPLE: depends on the situation
K - KILLED SOMEONE: nah dude, even tho i wanna kill people really bad
L - LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BACK BY AGAIN?: love at first sight is VERY MISLEADING. wouldn't recommend it
M - MIDDLE NAME: Lisette (it's my mom's name, aka the devil) (kris, i totally screenshotted your middle name, so the pic is on my phone and i'm ready to get punched. also, ur probably gonna mispronounce my middle name... everyone does)
O - ONE WISH: to play all the instruments (and travel) around the world before i die
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: from google hangouts: kris; from facetime: rachel; from phone call: my dad
Q - QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: "how do you lift THAT much weight?!"
R - REASON TO SMILE: to make other people smile and help them be happy
S - SONG YOU SANG LAST: Hollup by Mr Eazi
T - TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Hulk is my spirit animal, Jane from The Bold Type, and 
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: purple wooo
V - VACATION: the only ones so far are dominican republic, pennsylvania, new york, london, and south carolina
W - WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY: January 22nd
X - XRAYS: i've had several on my chest, but i also had a few on my foot (hairline fracture on L3)
Y - YOUR FAVORITE DISH: um, anything that my grandma cooks lol
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius (air sign, ftw)
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