praetorqueenreyna · 8 months
lovely and lonely, Tamlin/Lucien, Chapter 16
(Read on AO3) (Start from the beginning)
2 years after the curse
“I’m worried about him,” Andras said with a frown.
Lucien knew who he was talking about. “I know. I am too.”
They were the first two in the dining hall. Slowly, as the dinner hour approached, the other sentries and servants would trickle in. The table, which in the past would be filled to the point of bursting, would now seat a little over a dozen warriors. The meals that had once been boisterous and joyful were now somber. The empty chairs in between clusters of fae produced a silence so loud that they found themselves whispering. Tamlin could make the table smaller, but Lucien suspected that he didn’t to punish himself. To remind himself of what he had sacrificed, and how little they had accomplished.
After Veer’s death, many more followed, like wheat before a scythe. Once a week, the wolf sentires in the human lands were slain. Tamlin felt each and every death, and knew each one was in vain. Most of them were killed by men, others by their own bravery or foolishness. Zahra, one of the first sentries that Lucien had befriended, had gotten entangled in an abandoned tripwire and suffocated when the wire had wrapped around her neck. Lucien had hoped that the constant bad news would dull him to the pain. Instead, he felt each report of another friend lost as heartbreaking as the first.
If the sentries were dispirited, Tamlin was devastated. He barely spoke anymore, not even to Lucien. He spent all his time in his office, doing Cauldron knows what, because he refused to let anybody else in there. Lucien spent every night in Tamlin’s bed, alone, hoping that his High Lord would snap out of it and come back to him. The flowers around the manor were brown, the ivy that crossed over the walls wilted away to nothing. Spring Court was dying, along with its High Lord.
“Can’t you talk to him?”
“I’ve tried. He won’t listen. I barely see him.” Lucien folded his arms on the table and laid his head on them. Although their relationship was a secret from the rest of Prythian, all of the sentries knew about it. Andras was supportive, even if it meant that Lucien didn’t share his bed anymore. It was overwhelming, though, having all of them turn to him in Tamlin’s absence. As if his closeness to Tamlin meant he held the ability to counteract his martyr complex.
“Make him listen. When the rest of us are gone, he won’t have anyone looking out for him, aside from you.”
Lucien lifted his head with a frown. “Don’t talk like that.”
Andras shrugged. “It’s the truth.”
The other sentries began to trickle in, stalling any further conspiring. Tamlin entered the hall, gaunt and haggard. He sat at the head of the table, to the left of Lucien. He met Lucien’s gaze and smiled, and that hadn’t changed. Lucien smiled back. His hand reached out under the table, and Tamlin met it with his own. His grip was strong and sure, however much else about him had faded away.
Their evening meal began each night just after sunset, when the warrior serving as bait for the curse would leave the human realm and begin the journey home. If they survived. If not, Tamlin would inform the remaining guards, and they would bow their heads in mourning before the meal. That day’s sentry had lived, and was on his way back to the manor. He would arrive within the hour, greeted by the meager remains of the noble guard he had once served.
The meal appeared, just as decadent as ever. Alis and the others in the kitchen coped with the constant losses by continuing to make elaborate dishes that could have fed Tamlin’s full contingent. Both Tamlin and Lucien had spoken to them, gently reminding them that they didn’t need to make so much food. Nothing changed, and they figured it wasn’t hurting anybody, so they let it continue.
“A moment.” Tamlin laboriously rose to his feet. His movements were stiff, and Lucien could practically hear his joints creaking. The sentries froze, alarmed by the change in routine. Tamlin tried to give them a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace. Andras shot Lucien a questioning look, and Lucien shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea what this was about.
“The past few years have been hard on us,” Tamlin said. “We have lost many good warriors in a vain attempt to meet the terms of the curse. It’s hard not to blame myself, to see their deaths as futile. I’ve come to realize that we have been given an impossible task. The curse was never meant to be broken.” Tamlin closed his eyes, the admission a physical blow.
“Tamlin…” Lucien started. He didn’t even know what he could say to make things better, but he had to say something. He was silenced by a hand on his shoulder.
“With this in mind, I have made a decision,” Tamlin continued, his voice growing stronger. “I will no longer send you over the wall.”
Incredulous muttering broke out at the table. Lucien was too stunned to speak. Andras was the first to make his voice heard above the crowd.
“You can’t do this,” he demanded. “If we stop, Amarantha wins. Prythian will belong to her.” You will belong to her, was unsaid, but clear in Andras’s stricken expression.
“I’m not giving up. I’m just refusing to play by her rules.” An edge of authority, a reminder that Tamlin was their High Lord, silenced the murmurs. “We will continue to fight, and work to find a way to break the curse on our own. I have made my decision.” He sat down and began to eat, wordlessly declaring the matter closed.
“You could have talked to me about it.” Lucien tried hard not to sound accusatory. He was sure he had failed. He stood in Tamlin’s rooms, arms crossed over his midsection, feeling strangely fragile.
“You would have tried to talk me out of it.”
“Yeah, because it’s a terrible plan. It’s not even a plan. It’s the opposite of a plan.”
“So what now? We sit and wait for forty years until she takes you away? Takes all of us away?”
“There’s still a chance of breaking the curse. We still want to do it. Why—”
“Lucien, enough!” Tamlin snarled, loud enough that the paintings on the walls shook. He whirled around, eyes wide and claws out. Lucien flinched; Tamlin’s fury had never been turned on him like this. “It’s not going to work! It was never going to work! I can’t keep sending you out there to die for nothing!” With an animalistic roar he slashed at the wall, tearing the wallpaper to ribbons. His chest heaved as he grappled with the tidal wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.
“Tam, please,” Lucien spoke softly as he reached out and took one of Tamlin’s clawed hands in his own. The High Lord didn’t resist when Lucien pulled him in, cradling him in his arms and resting Tamlin’s head on his shoulder.
“I can’t keep doing this,” Tamlin sobbed, his voice muffled from his face being buried in Lucien’s neck. “They’re my family, and I’m sending them away to die. With them gone, I’ll have nothing. I might as well surrender to Amarantha now.”
Lucien ran one hand in calming circles on Tamlin’s back, desperately wishing there was a way to fix this. “It’s okay,” he lied. “We’ll figure something else out. We’ll break the curse another way.”
Nonsense words of comfort. Still, when Tamlin tilted his face up for Lucien to press gentle kisses against his nose and eyelids, he could almost believe it.
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
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come check it out if you haven't :D <3
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garugakiller262 · 5 months
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time-woods · 9 months
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all the storyboards/ thumbnails i did for the recent chapter ! really proud of the last 3- went a bit overboard with the bgs there . .
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
We all already know Mizu and Akemi are narrative foils. But you know what? Lemme just say it, here's what I think:
Taigen and Mikio are foils.
Not necessarily to each other as individuals in the way that Mizu and Akemi juxtapose each other, but mostly in the contrast between their relationships with Mizu.
I've covered specific parallels between Taigen and Mikio in other posts I wrote; but as the number of parallels I'm noticing between them keeps piling up, I'm compelled to just compile them all in one post. So! This is, thus, the post in question.
First of all, let's look at their similarities.
1. Their status in society is the same. They are both samurai who lost their honour and have dreams of reclaiming it.
2. They are also both diligent as they strive to achieve this goal, they both care deeply about their work, but here as they begin to contrast, as the work in question and way they go about their goals is different:
For Mikio, his work is in taming and rearing horses; in order to prove himself, he must tame Kai—a willful and strong horse—and present it to his lord. For Taigen, his work is in sword fighting and martial arts; in order to prove himself, he must kill Mizu—a willful and strong swordsman—and present her dead body to his lord.
In the parallel above, not only are Taigen and Mikio contrasting each other, but Mizu and Kai are placed in comparison as well. And of course, Kai is Mizu's horse, and represents her. Which is why, when later, Mikio sells Kai off, it represents the way he is tossing Mizu (and their relationship) aside.
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From there, the rest of the details of their character begin to contrast and juxtapose each other more clearly. So let's look at those differences, shall we?
Their backstory:
Mikio was a great samurai who was banished. A somebody to a nobody. Taigen was a fisherman’s son who rose to the top. A nobody to a somebody.
2. The first time we meet them on-screen:
Mikio is an adult. An older man. Mizu's superior in age. He is Mizu's to-be husband. A love interest. Taigen is a child. A young boy. Mizu's peer in age. He is Mizu's bully. An antagonist.
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3. Their maturity and growth:
Mikio is mature, but stuck in his ways. Taigen is immature, but capable of changing and learning.
4. Their overall attitude:
Mikio is generally relaxed, easy-going and unfussy. Taigen is uptight, irritable and severe.
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5. How they talk to and conduct themselves around Mizu:
Mikio is aloof, soft-spoken, and serious. Taigen is obnoxious, brash, and sarcastic. Mikio is quiet, speaking only when spoken to, even when Mizu turns to smile at him and shows openness to be near him. Taigen is loud, talking while others are silent, even when Mizu turns from him and shows no interest in conversing with him.
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Mikio doesn't show much of who he is to Mizu throughout their marriage, despite their growing affection. Taigen openly shares his traumas and life story to Mizu during their brief alliance, despite their mutual antagonism.
6. Their external vs internal selves:
Mikio is calm, gentle, and considerate on the outside. Taigen is hot-headed, rude, and selfish on the outside. Mikio is cowardly and deceitful on the inside. Taigen is brave and loyal to a fault on the inside. Mikio tells Mizu that he wants to know and see all of her. But he scorns and betrays her, the woman he loves. Taigen tells Mizu that he wants to duel and kill him. But he endures torture to not betray him, the man he hates.
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9. Their hair, a symbol of their honour:
Mikio's topknot is untied by Mizu during their spar. This humiliation occurs in private, the two of them alone in a rural location where no one can see them. Taigen's topknot is cut off by Mizu during their duel. This humiliation occurs in public, the two of them being watched by many others in the Shindo Dojo.
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10. Their power dynamic with Mizu:
Mikio believes he is Mizu's mentor. He teaches her to throw knives, how to ride and care for horses, and about the tactical benefits of using a naginata. Taigen believes he is Mizu's equal. He views Mizu as a samurai like himself who received all the same teachings he did, and who possesses the same values.
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11. Their perceptions of Mizu:
Mikio sees Mizu's feminine side first. He sees her as sweet and gentle, but also clumsy and incompetent. Taigen sees Mizu's masculine side first. He sees her as terrifying and deadly, but also strong and skilled.
12. The way they approach sparring with Mizu:
Mikio only spars with Mizu once. As the fight progresses and she is beating him, he tries to put a stop to it. When she teases/provokes him, he starts taking the fight personally and seriously, finding no enjoyment in it. Taigen spars and brawls with Mizu all the time. No matter how many times Mizu beats him, he doesn't back down. When Mizu challenges him with a chopstick, he is eager to compete with her and gladly rises up to the challenge.
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Mikio and Mizu's one and only spar is a friendly match; Mizu is smiling and having fun while he grows increasingly frustrated. Taigen and Mizu's last-seen spar is a playful wrestling match; both him and Mizu are having fun and laughing.
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Mikio cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, so he scorns her and walks off, avoiding her thereafter. When Taigen cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, he follows her to observe her moves and continues training in hopes to eventually beat her. After being bested by Mizu once, Mikio leaves her and sells the horse he'd previously gifted to her. After many times losing to Mizu and fighting alongside her, Taigen commends her and admits she is better than him.
13. When Mizu pins them down in a friendly spar:
Mikio sees Mizu's whole face objectively. Taigen stares at Mizu's mouth and eyes.
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Mikio gets angry when she kisses him, throwing her off of him and snapping at her, calling her a monster. Taigen gets aroused, apologising, so she pulls herself off of him.
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14. Mizu's blue meteorite sword is a reflection of her soul. She believes most are undeserving to face it, let alone hold it. And on that note:
Mikio is the first person (chronologically) that Mizu fights against using her sword. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) that Mizu fights against with her sword. Mikio is the first person (chronologically) to ever hold her sword, as she passes it to him, letting him wield it. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) to ever hold her sword, as she passes out, and he picks it up and carries it for her.
15. Then, last but not least, in Fowler's fortress, when she is drugged and in pain, she hears Ringo's voice in the dungeon. She then follows it to an open cell:
Mizu first sees Mikio as a hallucination, the sight of him haunting her and causing her to lose her grip on reality. Her eyes glow a surreal blue to represent this. Her Mama appears then and says Mizu's name accusingly.
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Mizu then sees Taigen, but he is real, the sight of him a relief and grounding her back to reality. Her eyes return to their normal blue colour to represent this. Taigen looks at Mizu weakly and says her name softly.
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Then, later, when facing Fowler, her revenge awaiting her, she instead chooses to follow her conscience (represented by Ringo's voice in her mind), putting aside her vengeance for a time, in order to save Taigen.
So that's basically all the ones I've noticed so far, but even then, I feel there's already so much that forms a contrast between these two.
What makes it especially incredible about these juxtapositions is that Mikio was Mizu's husband, the man she had fallen in love with, the one person she had ever been intimate with, the man who made her begin to accept herself, to put down her desire for vengeance and instead live a life of peace and happiness.
So for Taigen to have so many parallels with him... Do you see what I'm saying here!
Not to mention that Mizu clearly already has some burgeoning attraction to him, as indicated by how she thinks of him when asked about her desires. And Taigen clearly has shown interest as well (see: him getting a boner after their spar, him holding her hand and telling her, "We're not done yet.").
And on the topic of speculating future possibilities of this relationship, this post by @stromblessed has pointed out yet another parallel between Taigen and Mikio:
Mizu promises Taigen to meet him for their duel in autumn. Mizu fell in love with Mikio and duelled him during autumn.
With all that said, I do believe Mizu and Taigen's relationship is definitely hurtling towards something. But whether they will actually end up together in a sustainable relationship and have a happily ever after? Well, that is a whole other story; we'll just have to wait and see.
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people compare damianya and twiyor and battle out which one has more development but people need to realize that damian and anya had a long way to go to establish a proper friendship with one another while loid and yor were already married SINCE DAY 1.
chapter 96 was necessary for damian and anya's friendship because it literally shows that anya has now a better understanding of damian's point of view and is now actually SEEING HIM FOR WHO HE IS. chapter 96 may definitely be the literal foundation of their friendship (and blossoming romance perhaps). i did notice that she started understanding more about the desmond family's situation during the meeting of donovan arc and the other chapters where she comes face-to-face with his family members, but this chapter just highlights on how much she's ACTUALLY OBSERVED damian and his family and how this actually affects him. she sees his loneliness and sympathizes with that.
besides that, loid and yor had their own moment to shine throughout the arc where they "fought" over having gripes, and chapter 86 was one of the most prominent chapters to show how much they've developed in their marriage. this chapter imo was definitely a changing point in the relationship of loid and yor because without even realizing it, loid is COMFORTABLE WITH HIS FAMILY. he is comfortable WITH YOR. and as much as he tries to fight this feeling, his body reacts differently, and who can really deny how their body actually feels? surely loid can't. also, this also helps yor with actually opening up to loid about how she wants loid to rely on her more, and i think it was so comforting that yor willingly offers herself to be a supporting pillar to him because she acc observes that he works so hard for them.
i could go on for hours about chapter 86 and 96 honestly 😭
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Among The Sun
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Description: The Conqueror, the Ravager of Lands, He who deals in blood and war. Emperor Miguel and his armies have scoured the land, and now they have set their sights on your kingdom. Will you fall to the Demonborn's blade, or will a strange connection between you and Miguel turn the tides of fate? Ch 2
The castle is abuzz with gossip and fear, words passed along in secret, gates closed, doors bolted. You press your back to the wall, the heavy curtain hiding you from the servants passing by. No one will tell you anything, simply bid you to dress and make yourself presentable as if there was to be a banquet, or a ball, not a potential siege.
“I’ve heard he’s coming from the West, that he set fire to the River Atraites, that his men—his armies of demons marched upon the flames.” One says, her voice hushed and filled with fear.
“No, he is coming from the East, the mountains bowed to him and allowed him passage through.” Another whispers, stronger but still afraid.
The Conqueror, the Ravager of Lands, He who deals in blood and war. He would be arriving soon if the rumors were to be believed, and you are no fool, you believe them.
You don’t know much about the Conqueror, your only information comes from rumors or war reports, neither of which are helpful. The rumors come from pleasurehouses, fanciful tales of the emperor storming in, scouring the establishment and searching for a woman with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. If one cannot be found, he is said to destroy the place, leaving terrifying claw marks and scorched bodies in his wake. If one can be found, the rumors say her cries of pleasure can be heard throughout the town and that she emerges from the encounter with only faint pleasant memories.
The war reports tell a different tale. They speak of him as merciless, tearing through men as if they are parchment, his armies moving as a perfect unit, no breaks, no faults, only skilled, relentless ruin. He is said to have claws and fangs, some say he has horns like a ram, and his eyes glow crimson. He is a terrifying sight to behold, half monster, half man, an abomination that has set half the continent ablaze.
You wait until their footsteps pass then slip from behind the curtain, hurrying down the hall to the throne room where your father, mother, and three brothers are set to gather. Instead, you stumble upon a horrid scene. Your father and brothers lie on the marble floor, bloodied and unmoving, your mother is draped over your eldest brother’s body, wailing wretchedly.
“Traitors to the crown, they have done this.” She shrieks, clinging to his body.
You’re frozen, staring at the carnage before you. True, you had no real fondness for your eldest brother, the gap between your ages was too far to bridge, but the others at least made an effort.
“What—what are we to do? Mother, you are queen, the Conqueror will be here, he will offer you what he offers every other window, you must be prepared.” You tell her, rushing to her side and attempting to pull her from your brother’s body.
She refuses to budge, shrugging you off. “I will not, he will not come here, we have nothing to offer.”
Your kingdom is not small, in fact it’s quite large, a port town, but your mother is right, it holds nothing that the Conqueror doesn’t already have. He has already captured the agricultural kingdoms, the larger trade kingdoms, and those who boast their stores of wealth and gems. His own lands that far-flung empire that declared him ruler after a bloody and horrid event, is rich in resources, the soil, and cities still boasting the remnants of Arcana. It is a wealthy and powerful force, wielded like an obsidian sword by the Conqueror.
“You do not know that, please, either we stay, and you take up your crown, or we flee to the ships.” You’re tugging on her arm, already formulating an escape route. But would you make it in time?
Your mother says nothing, only continues to weep and holds out her hand for her fallen crown. She has made her choice; she will doom you both to die here.
Your kingdom has fallen, the gates forced open, the crowns of your father and brothers thrown to the ground, their bodies lying beside them. There is no time to clean the throne room, you’ve received the reports, the Conqueror is mere minutes away.
The emperor is cruel, monstrous, a vile, wicked man who care only for conquest. You have heard the rumors, the whispers as his armies march across the lands, leaving death and destruction in their wake. And now he would be coming here, to give your mother the very same choice he gave to each former queen. Bend the knee, pay tribute, or watch your kingdom burn. Dozens of kingdoms have refused and burned, but your mother is not a warrior, she weeps over your father and brothers, laments their loss as your kingdom crumbles around you.
When the Conqueror comes, you fear the choice she will make, fear the rumors of the horrors that await those kingdoms gifted to the murderous emperor. You do not wish for your land to become a territory of the ravager, a sacrifice to the blood-soaked demon, Miguel the Conqueror, the Relentless, the Merciless, but you fear your mother will have no choice.
Miguel is bored, his fingers tangled in the hair of another whore as she moans, her face shoved into the pillows as she helplessly tries to fuck back on him. He has her bent over the bed, thrusting mindlessly as he starts out the window at this kingdom’s castle.
She is skilled, he will not deny it, but Miguel doesn’t simply desire skill, he desires the woman from his memories and dreams.
He lets out a long sigh and closes his eyes trying to picture you, his soulmate, his horizon, with your soft skin and stunning smile, the lilt of your voice, your tantalizing smell. He groans as the image forms, crystalline fractured fantasies, flashes of you, snatches of memories.
“Fuck, mi vida, you feel so good, wonderful, you are wonderful, my empress.” He sighs, his free hand settling on your—the whore’s hip, steadying himself before he pounds into her, picturing how pretty you’d look, grasping at the silken sheets he’s procured for you, whining as he smooths a hand down your spine.
You’d be so sweet for him, clinging to him as he fucks you, your pretty eyes fluttering closed, your lips parted so perfectly. He misses when he would see you in his dreams, when he would hold you for a moment before you disappeared like sand slipping through his fingers. Now all he sees when he sleeps is darkness, exhaustion hitting him like a horse.
“Please, Your Majesty, harder.” She begs, lifting her head from the mattress.
Her voice rips him from his fantasy, and he pulls out, tucking himself back into his breeches. “I asked you not to speak.”
She looks back at him, and he regrets not compelling her. She looks so much like you, the closest he’s found, but he shouldn’t have taken the chance.
He grabs her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “You will remember none of this, only that you did your job and was paid handsomely for it.”
She nods, her shoulders drooping, eyes glazing over as his spell takes hold.
Miguel sighs and arranges her comfortably on the bed before leaving more than enough gold for her rudimentary services.
As he trudges down the stairs of the brothel, he’s met by his advisor, Lyla. She’s still in full armor except for those oddly shaped glasses that cover her eyes.
“It’s time.” She says, nodding towards the door.
Another kingdom to burn or capture, another fruitless search. Have the gods not dammed him enough? Have they not stricken him with this unholy visage, with these demonic powers, with a life of misery and death? You, you are the one he searches for, in your arms he will finally find rest, and if not, he will ensure it is so. There will be no kingdom for you to run to, no lands untouched by him, no bounty great enough to pull you from him, no powers beyond the divine will separate you, and even then, he has always desired to fight the gods.
He will offer this kingdom’s queen the choice he offers all others, waiting as they cower in fear, his eyes searching their court for you. But you are never there, and his anger only grows.
Perhaps this time will be different? Gabi would be fond of this land, would enjoy the flowers and streams. He prays that is a good sign.
TL: @not-aya, @belos-simp69, @deputy-videogamer, @sxnasbitch, @maxi-ride, @minimari415, @syndrlla97, @gejo333, @lady-necromancer
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youkaigakkou-tl · 11 days
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Random assortment of Yohaji news
Episode 1 preview images and synopsis have been released!
Synopsis: "Cowardly teacher Abe Haruaki is assigned to Hyakki Academy, a school full of youkai. He takes his first steps as a teacher, surrounded by monstrous teachers and students of all kinds! In order to take a class photo with all the students, he looks for the shut-in zashiki warashi, Beniko, but…?!"
Also, Amaaki and Ebisu VAs announced!
Abe Amaaki: Gakuto Kajiwara
Ebisu Isaburou: Ryōhei Kimura
Also, a clearer image of the bonus coasters for this month's G-Fantasy!
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celestisnothere · 2 months
Did one for ch251 I NEED TO DO ONE FOR CHAPTER 252
Like knowing the power Apocryphos has and how that's how Past!Allen became our Allen w/o remembering. It could very much be that it was Our!Lavi and just shared that same fate bc he got hit in the aftermath when trying to save Past!Allen as this chapter just showed us
But also since "Lavi" is just a name Bookman gave to their successor for the mission, it could be they aren't the same Lavi.
BUT it's too much of a coincidence both "Lavi"s had the same name when meeting their respective Allen's so....... The Bookman knew what he was doing when he gave Our!Lavi the "Lavi" name for the Black Order mission, that Old Man.
ALSO if it turns out to be Our!Lavi and just got hit (which would explain why the Bookman spent years finding the "new" successor).
Bc we saw that other!Lavi (to call him something) didn't wear a eyepatch and had a huge scar over the eye that Our!Lavi covers with an eyepatch.
Bc we know form the previous chapter that the Bookman took Our!Lavi as successor when he saw his eye (the eyepatch covered one) bc it had some sort of marking (almost literal words) that marked him as the Bookman Successor.
So the years the Bookman spent looking for his new successor, he was actually looking for the same successor and when he saw Our!Lavi as a kid, he actually saw the scar and *realized* that the kid was the successor that deflected all those years ago (since the other!Lavi deflected after meeting nea and wanted to offer himself as his new host).
Because the whome de-aging only took moments (minutes at most) or so it seemed.
Unless that's what seemed to us and it actually took several years just in stasis for some sort of Innocence wacky explanation.
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silvyavan · 2 months
The "take Asta to the therapist" post
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Asta "I am constantly thrown at odds with my desires and beliefs and upbringing against both my enemies as well as my allies. I am thrown into major catastrophic events that actively challenge my desire to be good and kind and protect the people I love. I have been in a state of self destructive positivity in an attempt of keeping up the facade of my beliefs and in denial. Current events have made my weakness so apparent I almost died. I am afraid of both becoming so weak that I cannot protect my loved ones and so dangerous that I am an active danger to them. My idols and role models are all murderers. If I hear that i was born to be a demonic force of nature that kills all, I will actually kill myself." Of Hage.
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I wonder what ViVi’s plan is…
Prev (ch:2::7) / Next (ch:2:9)
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nethhiri · 6 months
Marooned: Chapter 23
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Murder, violence, torture, gore, sex
Blood & (Rearranging) Guts
There was a giddy atmosphere on the Victoria Punk. The crew was bustling around, pushing canons, loading guns, sharpening blades. Your weapon, of course, was already sharp and loaded, but you wanted something else, which is why you were rummaging around in the kitchen. You hoped Killer wouldn't mind if you borrowed some things. It wouldn't take long to catch up to the Marine ship, especially at the pace you were moving. Kid ordered the Punk to sail at full speed once they were sure they were pursuing the right ship.
Back on deck, Minerva found you and followed you to where Killer and Kid were standing. Whatever their conversation was, it stopped when you walked over.
"Don't stop on my account." You leaned against the railing, looking towards the bow, which would be approaching the other ship any minute. 
"Well, princess, we were just sayin how ya shouldn't expect any of us to watch yer back," Kid started. "Since ya like to remind us that yer not a part of this crew so much."
Your eyes rolled at the pet name. You were the precise opposite of a princess. "Don't expect me to watch yours either, Captain," You mocked. "Try to stay out of my way, would you?" You patted his back condescendingly as you walked past him, headed towards the bow. You wanted to have the first opportunity to board. 
Killer caught your shoulder, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "Those better not be from my kitchen, darlin." His low voice vibrated against your ear.
"Nothing gets by you, huh?" You motioned for him to bend down again so you could whisper back, "I'm sure I can make it up to you somehow." You winked at him and continued to the bow.
You sat on Mini's back, waiting for your chance to board. The ships were close enough to exchange canon fire. It seemed like Eustass was having fun flinging their cannonballs back at them. You made a mental map of the path you needed to take to get to Giemsa the fastest. You figured Kid would be distracted by killing the marine grunts, but you didn't trust him not to kill your prey if he found him first. 
Finally, the marine ship was close enough. Your fingers tightened in Mini's fur as she barreled towards them, using the railing as a kicking off point for an extra boost. To say the men on board were shocked to see an enormous hog land on the ship was an understatement. Using their moment of shock, you tore through them to get to the stairwell. You didn't even have to ask Mini to cover you. That was a given.
Everything else was tuned out the moment you put your hand on the handle of your gunblade. It was slower getting up the stairs, since you had the low ground. Normally, a captain should be fighting with their men, but you knew Giemsa was a coward at heart, only fighting people he could overpower. You were saving your bullets, however, the task of getting up the stairs was slower than you liked, and you were an impatient woman. Luckily, the stairs were narrow, which lended itself to lining the men up nicely for you. You plunged your knife into the belly of the man in front of you until the barrels of the gun portion of your weapon were flush against him. The line of men in front of you fell to their knees as you pulled the trigger. Infusing your weapon with haki let you shoot through the lot of them. Now, it was a semi-clear path, you just had to climb over some bodies or push some over the railing. You heard the wails of them behind you as Mini also stepped over them, a few hundred pounds heavier than yourself. You really didn't care if you killed them or not. They would die eventually and they would die suffering. Maybe they didn't even know about what their captain was up to. That didn't matter to you either. Guilt by association. Your moral compass had broken along with your spirit back then.
The closer you got to Giemsa's office, the more your heart raced. Not with anxiety or fear, but excitement. Just thinking about your plans for him brought a smile to your face. That smile was incredibly unsettling to the marines that encountered you. The ones who fought you were unnerved and some were frightened away altogether by what they saw. You let them go. The Kid Pirates were behind you after all. You wondered which enemy was more terrifying to them. 
Mini had a blast barreling through the throngs of marines that were trying to defend their captain. Her coarse fur and thick skin prevented their blades from doing much harm, even more so because the wielders were pathetically weak. The boar would spear through her adversaries with her tusks and shake her head back and forth to fling them off. And if she didn't kill them like that, she trampled them. Clearly, she had a lot of pent up energy from being stuck on a boat, unable to run around. 
Walking through the now-clear hall, you stood in front of the door you knew led to Giemsa. Instead of kicking it open, you knocked in code. It was something marines did sometimes to identify each other if they didn't know who was on the other side of the door. Thinking you were another marine, you were told to enter. He was facing away from you, hurriedly explaining the situation on a Den Den Mushi. "M-mayday! T-there's Kid Pirates everywhere. They-" He was cut off as you shot the snail from his hand. Good. He thinks it's only Kid Pirates. He did until he turned around. Then, whatever state of despair he was in was multiplied tenfold as his eyes went wide.
"Didn't I tell you I would come back?" You sat on his desk, across from him, gun pointed at his head. "Lose your weapons, pretty please." He did as he was told, pulling his sword from its scabbard and throwing it down. "Good boy, now strip." He gave you a pathetic look. "I don't trust you to actually disarm yourself, so strip." You used your gun to point to where you wanted him to stand. "And bring your chair over here."
He slowly started to disrobe. "Y-you know there's other marines on their way. A-admirals maybe even."
You put a warning shot through the wall next to his head. "Shut up and strip. No one is coming for your bitch ass." Where the fuck are you, Kid? I'm not waiting. You bit your lip. Maybe you could just do a tiny bit of torture and then heal him before Kid comes so he's a fresh canvas. You tied him to the chair with his own clothes, save for the jacket, which you were now cutting your trophy from. As you shoved it in your pocket for later, there was a loud commotion from outside. There he is. Giemsa's eyes shifted between you and Kid as the red-headed captain entered. As much as you didn't want to share this moment, you delighted in seeing Giemsa's hope of surviving this evaporate before your eyes. 
"Took you long enough."
"I was cleaning up yer mess! Ya left a bunch of them alive!" 
"They were gonna die eventually."
"Don't ya like to watch em die though?"
"You guys are psychopaths!" Giemsa couldn't stop himself from blubbering out loud. It wasn't the smartest move, drawing the attention of both of you.
You took a small paring knife out of your belt. Kid laughed behind you. "So THAT's why Killer was in a huff this morning."
"I'm borrowing it." 
Kid's curiosity was thoroughly piqued. Usually he went for the big knives if he wanted to torture someone. "Show me what ya got, Sea Snake."
You lifted Giemsa's chin in your hand. "Since you enjoyed so much what was done to my face, I'll grant you the honor of matching." 
Before you started, you tore a few strips of fabric from his discarded clothes. With some, you gagged him, and with the others, you wrapped them around your left hand. With the small knife, you started to trace a rough outline of your scars, replicated on his face. He whimpered. "Oh hush. I haven't even started. Just wait until I get to your eye." You took the little knife, starting from his head, and went over the small lines you had made, cutting until you could see the silvery sheen of fascia. Gripping the flap of skin with your fabric-wrapped hand, you started puling and cutting at the same time, no easy task when your materials were struggling beneath your hands. The fabric in your hand helped you keep your grip on the otherwise slick with blood flesh.
A hand came from the side of you and tightly gripped Giemsa by the hair so that he couldn't move his head. You gave a questioning look to Kid. "What?! The faster yer done, the faster I get a turn." Kid watched intently as you skinned half the man's head. No question you had practice with it. There was a finesse to your work. Even after blood was dripping down your elbows, you never lost your grip. Kid almost forgot to revel in the man's torment because he was so lost in the way your hands worked, and how good they looked glistening in red-brown hues.
It was satisfying to watch the skin peel away. Yes, you were aware that it was pretty fucked up to be enjoying this. No, you didn't care. He had it coming. Briefly, as you held up the skin you had cut away, you wondered if you could mail it to Marine Headquarters, similar to what the Warlord, Trafalgar Law, had done. You smirked at your handiwork. Just as your face had been marred, so too, was his. Flinging the skin towards where Mini was waiting, you went back to the task at hand.
Your hand squeezed over Kid's, making sure his grasp was firm. "Hold him tight. This is the best part."
Kid felt his skin heat up where you had left a bloody handprint. The way you bit your lip with concentration and how your voice was practically a purr when you gave him instruction made his heart race. 
You grabbed the side of Giemsa's head that was missing skin, causing an intense stinging pain to him, though you barely heard his shrieking through your intense focus. Sliding your thumb up, you dipped it towards his eye. "I really wish you could live and learn what it feels like to have your vision taken from you, but sadly, you do have to die." Pushing your thumb under his eye, it was warm and wet. You maneuvered your hand to loosen the muscles holding the eye in place. During this, Giemsa screamed so hard you thought he passed out for a minute. Finally, his eye popped out, hanging on by the nerve. Wrapping it around your finger, you yanked on it. You held it up in front of his other eye so he could see it, IF he could see it, given that blood and tears were running down his face. "Mini." The boar had been patiently waiting in the background, Killer had been, too, you noticed. She opened her mouth for you to toss your prize into. 
Wiping your hands on your clothes, you let out a sigh. Even though it should have been the opposite, for a normal person, you felt a weight lift from you. This was a catharsis. "Your turn, Captain." You walked past him towards Killer. "Try to impress me." Kid growled at your remark and immediately went to work on Giemsa, choosing blunt force as his tool.
It was hard to understand the flayed man, though you could make out him asking why Kid was now his torturer.
"Cuz ya fucked with me and my crew." Kid had the man encased in various metal pieces, crushing different parts of him as he pleased. "And based on what I've heard of ya, I can only guess what yer plans were with my girls." You could hear bones break from across the room. 
Killer had his arms folded, watching the little show in front of him. "Nice technique." 
You were sharpening the paring knife with a small whet stone, also borrowed from the kitchen. "Thanks," you grinned.
The blonde was definitely displeased with your use of kitchen tools. "You could have asked if we had any knives specifically for this."
"Oh yeah, Killer. Let me just ask for your finest torturing instruments." As if that was the weirdest thing that you could have done at this point. "You barely let me have my own weapon. AND I know the kitchen knives are way sharper."
"Not anymore." His voice was softer.
"Oh my god. Are you pouting?" It was in his tone. Cute.
"Don't push it. I didn't have to let you take them." Killer tilted his head. "I was curious about what you were gonna do."
"I told you I would make it up to you." 
"You will." 
His deep voice sent a shiver up your spine and you weren't mad at his threat. A particularly loud scream drew your attention back to Kid. "Don't kill him! That honor is mine, remember?" You got closer to see what he was doing. You could tell he overdid it. There were shards of metal sticking out of Giemsa everywhere and he was nearly unrecognizable with swelling and bruising. "Come on, Kid!" You pushed him exasperatedly. "He's practically dead!" 
"But he's not!" Kid wiped his brow, getting rid of sweat, yet smearing deep red across it. "I held my end of the deal up."
"So-rry I don't have fancy knife skills like ya." He feigned an apology and snickered. 
"Okay." You said, nodding irritatedly. "Then you're gonna learn." You handed him the kitchen knife, handle first.
Kid's eyebrows knit together. "Hah??"
You thrust the knife at him again. "Take it." He took it, an unsure look in his eyes. "Okay, now take the other half of his face off. You were watching how I did it." You folded your arms. Kid looked at you again and started to emulate what you had done. Killer had walked up, too, out of curiosity, to see how Kid would fare. 
Kid cursed as the knife created a buttonhole in the skin he had tried to peel off. After a few more times, he threw his hands up. The man had little patience. "Are you happy? I tried." 
"Uh-uh," you tutted. "You didn't want to stop before and you're not stopping now."A wry smile crept onto your face. "If I can't finish torturing him how I want, then you'll do." Before Kid was able to protest, you put your hand over his that was still gripping the knife, comically small in his huge hand. His arm was a lot longer than yours, putting you in a somewhat awkward position, pressed against his side. It was hard to ignore the smell of iron and sweat that radiated from him, not unpleasantly so. You tilted his hand slightly, "Your angle is wrong." The knife glided more smoothly, but it still snagged and punctured through the skin. Your usual admonishing tone was replaced with an encouraging one, "Too much force. Lighten up." You could feel Kid was tense under you. Your hand slid to his wrist and shook it until he relaxed. "That's better." You let his hand go, resting it on his shoulder next to your other hand. Once you saw he had the hang of it, you let him finish the job. Somewhat regretfully, you let go off his shoulder and stood back. 
Kid was annoyed at first, you bossing him around. He only tried it initially to stop you from bitching at him. So what if he almost killed the guy, you wanted him dead anyway, and Kid wasn't used to sharing. When you put your hand over his, though, his thoughts were instantly clouded. Even more so, when he felt the rest of your body pressed up against his. He didn't even hear what you were saying, more focused on how your words tickled his neck than anything else. Kid was only shaken back to reality when you grabbed his wrist to get him to relax. He felt you lean on his shoulder, resting your chin on it while you were watching his progress. It was either the adrenaline or the testosterone pumping through his veins, maybe it was just you, covered in blood, with your sweet lips so close to his ear and your nails digging into his skin with every stroke of the knife, like you were enjoying it; either way he wanted to sling you over his shoulder and throw you on the bed in his cabin. Now, he watched you. After he had finished, it was your turn again, even though the poor excuse of a man was hanging onto life by a thread. Kid's eyes followed your grinning face as you took out your stupid gun/knife out and pressed it to the man's throat. A part of him wished he was the one under your burning gaze, maybe with a knife, maybe sitting on top of him. Slowly, you dragged the blade over Giemsa's throat. Instead of the red spray that was typical, there was a sad, red dripping line. The look you gave to Kid was withering as you stood in front of him, yelling something about how the guy's blood pressure was so low it wasn't even satisfying. His usual instinct was to yell something back at you, yet all he wanted to do was tangle his hand in your hair and devour your blood-stained body. 
"Aw y'all look so precious torturing together," Killer was smirking under his mask, you could tell. 
You didn't have a chance to voice your rebuttal before Kid bounced a bolt off his first mate's mask. "SHUT UP, KILLER."
Killer couldn't resist. It was an easy taunt. And judging from the way both you and Kid went red, well, it was hard to tell since both of your faces were spattered in blood, Killer was sure he would do it again. Kid was so cute when he got flustered. Killer couldn't blame him though; you were something else. Killer tried not to indulge himself in thoughts of you too often. He knew you would be a fleeting thing aboard the Victoria and he preferred to take his time getting to know someone. Pretty much the opposite of Kid, who liked to get to know someone starting at whatever hole he could get to first.
It was dusk when the three of you emerged on the deck. You hadn't realized how long you had been in there for. There wasn't a soul in white remaining on the marine ship. The only living occupants were the Kid Pirates looting it for maps, gold, and food. I'm hungry. 
As if reading your mind, Killer asked his captain, "So are we going to feast tonight or what?" He was watching several crew carry kegs filled with some kind of alcohol, and crates of food fresh from the island you had just left. 
"Fuck yeah," Kid replied enthusiastically. 
As hungry as you were, you were not about to eat without washing the gore off. And you had some things you needed to get out of your mind, especially before drinking, namely Kid's scent and the way you could feel his muscles move under you. Both of those things were easier said than done. The first problem was every other girl had the same thinking as you, so all the showers were full. The second problem was that Kid was very hot and it was hard to banish certain thoughts you had about him, chiefly since you couldn't find a goddamn shower to quietly relieve that tension. 
You paced the hallway, waiting for someone to finish up. "Other people have to shower too, you know!" You banged on the door. 
"I know where there's a shower." You turned to see Kid smugly leaning against his doorframe.
You looked him up and down. "Not a chance." You couldn't take the bait that easily. You would never live it down.
He shrugged. "Suit yerself." Kid vanished into his cabin. He knew you would be back. After all, he had used his powers to turn on the showers and lock the door of the women's bathrooms. They had been long finished by now. 
You paced for another 20 minutes before giving up. Fuck it. Sighing, you knocked on Kid's door. It opened almost immediately, like he'd been expecting you. "Can I use your shower?" You mumbled.
He put his hand to his ear, like he was waiting for you to say something else.
"Can I use your shower please, Captain?"
"Only because I'm so nice," He held the door open for you. "Ya know where it is."
You expected to be jumped, but Kid was busy looking at something on his desk, maybe one of the maps they had stolen. Your brows furrowed. You shrugged your jacket to the floor, sneaking a peek over your shoulder. Nothing. You opened the door to the bathroom but didn't close it, undoing your belt and kicking your pants off, as you leaned over to turn the water on. You could see in the reflection of the metal faucet that Kid still wasn't looking. It was making you a little mad. You didn't necessarily want him to be all over you, though now you were a bit offended that he wasn't. What? I'm not hot anymore? Another thought occurred to you. Did I go too far? He's turned off by what he saw me do? 
Kid knew you were looking at him. He was pretending to look at a map, though he was actually trying to gauge your true interest in him. He was always the one that pursued you and sometimes under very dubious pretenses. But now he was genuinely curious. Did you want him? Of course he enjoyed when you struggled, because he knew you were into it, or you were eventually into it. After everything that transpired, he didn't want to accidentally overstep. It wasn't enjoyable if you weren't also enjoying yourself. 
Now, you were standing in the doorway, stark naked and still nothing. Your eyes narrowed. Okay. I'll get his attention. One well-aimed shot did the trick. 
Kid's head snapped up, finally looking at you. "WOMAN, ARE YA INSANE?" That was so close he could feel the heat from the bullet. 
"You didn't even peek at me!" 
Kid slammed his fist on the desk. "Gods, ya know I wanted to! I thought if I ignored ya, ya might put yer titties in my face or somethin! Not shoot at me!" 
You shrugged. Yeah that's probably what a normal woman would do. "I guess." You walked over and stood in front of his desk, hands clasped behind your back. 
"Don't ya fuckin act shy now! Ya shot at me and tried to seduce me."
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth. "I thought maybe..." You bit your lip. "I thought maybe I went a little... overboard earlier... and scared you off." 
Kid threw his head back and laughed. "Are ya fuckin kiddin me? I'm Captain fucking Kid! It was the hottest thing I've ever seen." Kid stood up and started to undo his belts.
"No. Stop." You walked around the side of his desk and gently pushed him to sit back down. "Let me." You slid down between his knees, a little too eager to get past the obstacles between you and his dick. He helped you tug his pants down far enough to let his cock spring free, sucking in a sharp breath when you spit on it and took it in your hand. You knew you would gag if you tried to take the entire thing so you focused on the tip and used your hand for the rest.
Killer chose that moment to pop his head in, since the door was wide open. All he could see was Kid at his desk. "Hey, are you gonna get in?" He said thumb over his shoulder pointing to the shower. "Water's been on for a while." 
Kid made some intelligible grunting noise.
Killer couldn't tell if that was a yes or no. "What?" He looked down at the floor, littered with your clothes, and back to Kid, who had his head tilted back. Killer was fairly familiar with that face. "You're gettin sucked off, aren't you?" He sighed. "Okay, well I'm gonna get in then." He started to close the door, mumbling about wasting hot water.
You heard Killer in the doorway ask Kid something, as you bobbed your head up and down. Remembering your promise to make it up to him for stealing his kitchen knives, you poked your head up. "You wanna join?" 
Killer faltered for a moment before slamming the door, making you snicker. 
Kid pushed your head back down. "Girlie, you're mine fer tonight. I ain't sharin," he growled, gripping your hair and making you go faster.
Your eyes were tearing up as his cock nearly made you choke every time he pushed your head down. Suddenly, he pulled you off him and up, pulling his legs closer together so you could comfortably sit on top of him. Kid was very obviously impatient as he grabbed your hips and pushed you down on his cock, filling you up in one swift motion. You buried your head into his head and moaned. His grip prevented you from grinding on him, which you desperately wanted to do, instead bouncing you up and down on him. With each downward motion, he was hitting your cervix. It was painful, but it was a good pain. You felt his tongue slide up the side of your neck, him moaning as he tasted the remaining blood and  biting at your ear. You yelped but returned the favor, alternating biting at his neck and licking at the blood that was dried on it, from his shoulder to behind his ear. "You're disgusting," you breathily whispered. "I like that about you." Kid laughed between panting and lifted you up, slamming your back against the desk, him hulking over you. As you cried out, he bent down and shoved his tongue in your mouth. Both of you sucking at each other's tongues and biting at each other's lips. Your hands found his hair and tugged him closer to you. He swallowed every moan you gave up for him. The way your thighs gripped him tighter and tighter gave away how close you were. 
"Hate me so much but yer little pussy can't get enough of me can it?" Kid teased. "Say it." Kid pressed his thumb into your clit.
"I h-hate you." You played dumb on purpose, defiantly smirking up at him. 
Kid growled and closed his metal and on your throat. "No, the other thing," he hissed through clenched teeth, clearly trying to hold out. 
"T-this..Nnnlittle," you couldn't think straight between his thumb rolling across your clit and the deep strokes he was pounding into you. "Fuck!" Your back involuntarily arched and heat filled your body, sending waves of shaking pleasure down to your curling toes. 
The rhythmic clenching of your sopping wet pussy drove Kid over the edge. He wanted to stay buried in it, but he pulled out and sent ropes of hot cum to splatter across your body that was so beautifully laid out for him on his desk. The only thing that would be better was if the blood was still wet so he could really make a mess of you and smear it together with his cum. You both stayed like that until you caught your breath. 
It sounded like Killer was done in the shower. He probably showered as fast as possible so he didn't have to hear Kid fucking you. Kid took off the rest of his clothes before slapping your tit and squeezing it. "Get yer ass in the shower. I'm tryna eat that pussy, too." 
He didn't have to tell you twice and soon your back was pressed against the cool side of the shower, both your legs over Kid's shoulders. His tongue and fingers were unrelenting as he ripped another orgasm from you. You doubled over, gripping so tightly at his hair that your fingers were cramping, toes curling so hard that they were cramping, too. "Ah! F-fuck! Fuck!" Partly crying out from pleasure and partly crying out from pain. Kid finally let you down, stabilizing you with his arm when your legs refused to stop shaking.
He taunted you, "Poor brat can't even stand on her own." 
"Shut up," you pushed his arm away. You started washing up, trying to get the dried blood out of your hair. Kid did the same. "Did I miss any spots?" 
Kid looked you over and used his thumb to rub away something from your temple. "What about me?" 
You looked at him with his wet, red hair plastered on his pale forehead. His appearance was so different without his lipstick and goggles. "Just your ugly-ass face." You flicked his crooked nose. 
"Rotten, yer so lucky I'm hungry or I would fuck ya until ya lost yer voice from screamin so loud." Kid squished your cheeks in his hand. "Then ya couldn't run that smart mouth of yers."
You giggled at his threat, turning your head to his thumb and resting your lips on it, playfully taking it in your mouth and coming off it with a 'pop'. "What are you doing after dinner?" Your lust-filled eyes slid up to meet his. 
When you both eventually emerged from below deck, everyone else was already deep into the festivities, and by festivities, you meant booze. Killer sipped through a straw and waved to Kid, leaning back in a chair. Everyone else was horsing around or stuffing their faces. You looked around and saw Heat beckoning you over. Next to him was Wire. 
"I see you're friendly with the captain again." Heat casually observed. He was doing something with a bunch of bottles half-full of liquid. 
You were surprised to see the marine ship still tethered to theirs. "Yeah, well, we were going over a map." You were certainly doing somethingover a map.
"Does that usually involve biting each other's necks?" Heat saw your glare and held his hands up. "Just askin. I don't know. I'm not a captain or anything."
Wire laughed at that.
"Fuck off, Heat." You laughed, touching your hand to your neck. You could heal them, but you really didn't care who saw or what they thought. Though you knew Quincy, Dive, and Emma would definitely give you a hard time. "Why is this thing still here?"
Heat was now stuffing rags into the tops of the bottles. "Every party needs a bonfire, Y/N." He handed you a few and lit the rags for you.
A grin split your face. "I see." You cocked your arm back and threw one bottle after the other towards the other ship. 
Wire and Heat did the same next to you and a few others joined as well. When the other ship was fully engulfed, the ropes tethering it were cut. You leaned against the railing and watched it burn. The heat from the fire rolled over your face. It felt good. One down. Two to go. You sighed. What would you do now? Leave at the next island? Stick around? No one had asked you to leave or stay. You were dragged out of your thoughts, no, literally dragged, you noticed. There was a purple glow and you felt some kind of metal around your center. Kid. He set you on a bench between himself and Killer. 
"Come sit with us, girlie," Kid slung his arm over your shoulders. "How does revenge feel?"
Killer set a mug down in front of you, complete with a straw like his. You took a long drink. "Feels even better with a lovely bonfire afterwards." The other ship was slowly drifting away. You turned back to Killer, who was taking things from his plate, like chicken bones, or other inedible scraps, and putting the under the table. You glanced under the table, already knowing what you would see, and looked back at him with a warmth in your eyes. Mini was happily munching on a pile of scraps that had been dumped at her feet, evidently placed there by not just Killer, but Heat and Wire, too, based on the cleanliness of their plates. 
Killer scratched behind his neck. "Seems better than tossing it in the garbage." Killer hated wasting food. 
You had wondered why Mini hadn't greeted you when you came on deck. Her heart had been swayed by chicken bones and apple cores. After eating your fill, you sat at the table and listened to Wire and Heat brag about who killed more marines. It was the most you heard Wire say so far. Kid joined the conversation, but instead of bragging about himself, he was telling them what you had done. 
"Ya should have seen it! Maybe the next one ya can show em." Kid elbowed you in the side.
Both Killer and you lent a sideways glance to Kid. Next one? 
Kid laughed. "She used Killer's good kitchen knives, too." He grabbed his friend's shoulder. "Probably only let her get away with it cuz she's got good-" It was your turn to elbow him. Hard.
"You talk too much when you're drunk." You got up from the table and went to find the girls. You wanted to hang out with them. If for no other reason than to avoid hear anything embarrassing come out of Kid's mouth. Just as you thought, they were unrelenting in their teasing when they saw the marks on your neck. "Whatever. At least I'm getting laid." You flipped them off. This started bickering between them when Emma was caught in a lie, claiming that she had, in fact, also gotten aid recently. Then Quincy started bitching about how there weren't many good options on board and she couldn't wait until they docked in another few days so they could hit the bar. You were in a fit of laughter as they started physically fighting, yanking each others' hair. You were all too distracted to notice Kid coming up and hoisting you over his shoulder. 
It was the best night of sleep you had had since the first time you had slept in this bed. You were tangled in sheets and covered in red lipstick. Black sheets were a wise choice when you went to bed in red lipstick all the time, you supposed. Kid was in a deep sleep, snoring the house down. How you slept through that, you would never know. You stretched out and finally noticed the reason you had woken up: Killer was staring at you from the foot of the bed. You sat up quickly. "Uh, a 'good morning' would be less creepy." 
He tossed a white piece of clothing at you. "Kitchen. 10 minutes." It was an apron.
You were still a little tired and sore from the night prior. But this intrigued you. You rushed out of bed, quickly washed up, and threw clothes on. Trying not to appear too eager, you went to the galley. "So am I making it up to you in this?"  You gestured to the white apron. 
Killer nodded. He walked up to you and adjusted the apron slightly. "Close your eyes." 
You did as he asked. Killer was a bit of a mystery to you, but you thought he was probably kinky. You felt his hands at your waist, lightly positioning you in front of the counter. He put something in your hand and curled your fingers around it. It wasn't what you thought it would be. You opened your eyes. In front of you was a cutting board and some vegetables. 
Killer was very amused by the confused expression on your face. "Get chopping, darlin." He started prepping some other things.
"What's this?"
"This is how you're making it up to me, line cook." 
You blinked at him. "Are you serious? I thought..." Your face flushed. The mood soured for you as you realized you would not be getting any morning action. 
Killer laughed. "You thought I was gonna fuck you."
"No!" It was hard to be mad at him when his laugh was so disarming. 
"You did." 
You channeled your frustration into chopping. 
Next Chapter
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theboarsbride · 7 months
guess who's gonna be an assistant editor!!!!!!!!
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a-witch-in-endor · 6 months
i LOVED the autistic Representation in the form of Zuko in ur Funny Hat au!!! it didn’t feel forced, or like what a nt person thinks an autistic person is like (only making me think they’ve never even met one…)- it just was so refreshing to not have it feel like ‘Autistic character- who’s name is zuko’ but instead ‘Zuko- cool fire sage who’s super smart and funny and interesting and also autistic and-‘!!!
And i KNOW that one scene where Azula tells Zuko ‘something’s wrong with him’ and he says ‘what if there’s something wrong with you too but you’re just better at hiding it?’ was supposed to be super dramatic and everything- IT WAS!! it literally had me open mouthed gaping… AND all i could think when he said that was ‘Autism sees Autism’ LMAOO
Feel free to ignore this if it makes u uncomfortable tho!! i myself am not Autistic, just your regular neurodivergent, but a lot of people in my life and a lot of my loved ones are on the spectrum, so i really appreciate and love good representation (and good characterization in general!!!) like what i saw in this fic. just, thank you so much for writing this wonderful story, i can’t wait to check out your other fics!!!!!
I'm really happy you liked the representation! Thank you for your lovely note. :)
That Azula scene was a favourite of mine to write!
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Isat chatfic pt3
4:34 pm
*MIRABELLE PLUMS added Isabeau, Odile and Petronille*
MIRABELLE: I don’t know!
Odile: What do we do now?
MIRABELLE: well, first, we need to figure out where the crab he is
Petronille: He ran into the forest.
I think he went past our tents
MIRABELLE: phew, ok should I do it?
Odile: yes.
Petronille: Yeah
Isabeau: ok
MIRABELLE: her goes
*MIRABELLE PLUMS added Siffrin*
Siffrin: I'm sorry
MIRABELLE:We don't want an apology!!!!! How is that the first thing you think of?!
Siffrin: sorry 
Petronille: ok, that doesn't matter where the crab are you?
Siffrin: I don't know
Odile: surroundings?
Siffrin: trees
siffrin: sorry
MIRABELLE: anything else?
Siffrin: a brick ruin?
Odile: That's something…
Petronille: anything else?
Siffrin: a
Uhh no.
Isabeau: We'll try to find you.
Siffrin: ok…
Petronille: Don’t move around
Siffrin: Ok
MIRABELLE: We love you. Don’t! you! dare! forget! That!
Siffrin: Thanks ilyt
Isabeau: <3
8:31 pm
Star: We should name this gc its just all our names
Mira: Yeah
*Nille renamed the chat to The Bozos + Odile and Mira*
Nille: yeeaa
Star: yeeaa
Isa: Yeeaa
Mira: ?
Nille: Shhhhhhhh
Bonbon: OK
Odile: *adults
Bonbon: ADULTS
Star: I freaked out and ran away
Star: Ok.. It was because smth reminded me of the loops
Bonbon: so you got flashbacks to the endless school
Star: yeah
Mira: and so they ran off
Star: Sorry
Nille: Hold up
*Nille went offline*
*Nille came online*
Nille: You deserved that!
Mirabelle: :0
Isa: What
Mira: Theres. A rat
Inside my room
Bonbon: COOK IT
Star: Im coming
Nille: ???????????????
Star: Mira is it threatening you
Mira: A little? Im scared of rats so…
Mira: Thank you
Mira: Thats not really necessary
*Odile came online*
Odile: second drawer to the left in the bathroom, in the blue box.
*Odile went offline*
Isa: Did she just?
Nille: She just came on to tell us wher the Ibuprofen is wtc?
Isa: yeah…
Nille: thx ig?
8: 37 pm
Isa: Sif? Mira? How are you?
Mira: They started insulting it
Halfway through it started to sound like they were targeted at themself
Isa: Sif is your capslock stuck again
Star: YES
Isa: Ill be ther in a second
Nille: that sounds so pathetic
Like you can hear how he said the thank you
Because weve all heard that thank you from him
Mira: That was funnier than it shouldve been
Star: My capslock is offff
Im freeeeee
My cage has been openeddddddd
Isa: Sif ina birdcage….
Bonbon: Birdfrin
Isa: Birdfrin
Mira: Birdfrin
Nille: Birdfrin
*Mira changed Star’s name to Birdfrin*
Nille: Better idea
*Nille changed Birdfrin’s name to cats on the stars*
Cats on the stars: :)
Isa: Huh
Mira: Why?
Nille: Hey hes kinda like a cat ok?
Cat + Star obsession = our favourite little guy
Mira: … smart…
Bonbon: Get over here dinners ready losers (Spicy! spaghetti)
Isa: Changeeeeeeee whyyy
Cats on the stars: ill eat it if you dont want it
Isa: well see ok
Nille: Read: I will take two forkfuls and then give it to you silently while staring aggresivly at the table
Mira: hehhe
Nille: hehe (Theyre so)
Mira: Yeah 
Isa: Are you two done making fun of our very serious dilemma
Nille: Boy it is spaghetti get over it 
*Cats on the stars and four other went offline*
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cdelphiki · 4 months
Attie didn’t even pretend to try and sleep in her own bed that night. 
Jason felt kind of bad about that he invoked that, sort of…by not thinking that maybe the kids wouldn’t be cool with a surprise brother showing up unexpectedly… 
But it was fine. It was fine. It… would be fine. Attie said she did want to meet Dick, just as long as he didn’t try and take them to Bruce. 
“Is there anything else you’d kept from us,” Damian demanded at breakfast the next morning. 
“What?” Jason asked, looking up from where he was reading the news on his phone. Clark had said it was a good idea to pay attention to what the competition was publishing… 
Damian huffed. “You kept Father finding out about us a secret, is there anything else?” 
“Uh,” Jason stammered, “I don’t think so?” He was pretty open with the kids, right? Maybe a little too open, sometimes. Was there anything he hadn’t told them yet? “Oh. You guys have to get shots.” 
“Shots?” Attie asked skeptically, “What’s that?”
“Vaccinations?” Damian said, tapping his fork against his plate, “Why? The doctors kept us up to date.” 
“Yeah, but I don’t have those records and you can’t go to school without them, so, we have to redo them,” Jason said with a shrug. He took a sip of his orange juice, then turned back to his phone. 
He didn’t get to read a single more line, though, because Mara spoke up. 
“Is that safe, getting them again?” she asked. 
“Yeah I think so,” Jason said with another shrug, “I googled it and the CDC says it’s fine to get shots again.” Though maybe he could ask a doctor, just in case. 
Leslie maybe? If Bruce knew about them, maybe it would be okay to contact Leslie? To ask her? And maybe get her to be their doctor…?
He didn’t want to go to Gotham. 
…Maybe he could still call her, though? She was the only doctor he’d ever trusted… 
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