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hellish-acts · 1 month ago
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Hi! Please welcome my whb MC, Host!(yes that’s his name. He has a real name but he doesn’t use it)
And yes, he’s asexual, won’t have sex unless necessary!! He’s just a silly guy who love magic heh
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And his thoughts and relationship with each king(will draw em together soon)!
He personally hates Leviathan alot(his neck says a lot),one-sided because Leviathan is trying his best to fix his mistake(in his own way ERLP)
And I think you can see who he favors the most
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year ago
Thoughts on topic of this post
Here is my thoughts on this:
Male focus games or "Male gaze" game didn't need to add male characters in their games cause there is a genre for that. BL game. So why added a female character in the game when people came for the male characters.
There was already big discussion on the option for male MC, Which you already know that it was dialog change but nothing more.
WHB is a Otome game. Targeting Female players.
Plus, people came to the game for male demons, Paimon and others will be label as Femboys, which is a very popular archetype in female games.
So Players, who are their target audiences "Female" players came to the game for male characters.
Imagine that BL added a female in the game, it would not end well.
Plus this is a game that is 18+, where you have the male characters gag and bound. Hell, you step on their dicks, spit on them, and with the angels.... Non/Dub-con elements, you honest think that people would be okay doing that to the female devils?
Most culture with people (Yes, there are shitty people, but they ain't playing an otome game with demons) don't like hurting women.
If they did add women, then this game will be label as the same as male gaze games too. Cause it would put female characters in the same position as their male characters.
Azure Lane is one example.
I agree with the OG poster, that this would just invite Controversy.
There is a reason why there is different genre in games.
Added note, it's no secret that the BL/Yaoi are popular with more of the female players, while GL/Yuri content are popular with male anime fans.
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Yuri Vs Yaoi: Which Genre Is The MOST Popular?
If they'll argue that Yuri can sale, I'm sad to say it isn't as unprofitable. Thus, it's hard to find GL/Yuri content.
Oh they're out there, but you really have to find them. Not to mention, when they do make Yuri/GL it isn't as raw and brutal as Yaoi/BL.
Also, there will be people who would call out Yuri/GL that treats their characters as their Yaoi/BL counterpart. Labeling it as sexist, male gaze and violent against women.
*Turning off reblogs cause I don't want people taking me out of context and label be as sexist or misandrist for pointing the reasoning that this would be a bad idea.*
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rimeiii · 8 months ago
Came back on WHB Tumblr to see the entire fandom up in flames and atp I can't say I'm surprised. The choices PB made always seemed to me as money-hungry. The fact that there wasn't any form of soft pity on launch, then the introduction of Solomon's Seals, paywalling L-grade units under a battlepass that is insanely expensive, now this...
One thing I will ask is how big is the size of WHB now? It was ~ 1.8 GB on launch iirc and that seemed fairly reasonable to me. Arknights on launch was around that size (if not more) and the gameplay is similar and, dare I say, much more nuanced and engaging. Tower defense with chibis, 2D art, a large variety of maps and stage mechanics, some L2D animations (and even then on launch it was just Closure, the shopkeep), longer and more varied voicelines, and a complex story detailed in VN cutscene segments that rival novels in length.
(More below cut because dear god I rambled way too much, sorry OP-)
No, seriously. This is Arknights's gameplay within the roguelike modes alone.
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And while the story segments are unvoiced, they're in a visual novel style, complete with the occasional CG and animated cutscenes (though usually in celebration events and the climax of a main story arc).
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The current size of Arknights on a fresh account is ~5 GB (if only downloading JP voices; many Operators also have voice dubbing in EN, KR, CN, and/or traditional CN - which bumps up total size to ~6 GB), and if you don't reinstall to clear unused event data the storage does get more bloated (my Global acc is ~9 GB with all language dubbing for context, and Arknights has been in my current phone for ~2 years). Keep in mind Arknights is 4 years old in EN/JP/KR, 5 in CN.
Back to the main topic, however...
I keep on saying this but it bears repetition: PB's decisions are growing to be very anti-consumer, and unfortunately this is a trend among a lot of KR devs. Devsisters, the people behind Cookie Run Kingdom, have also come under fire recently for basically adding a new rarity. There is only one (1) gacha from KR devs in recent memory that is F2P-friendly, that being Limbus Company - and even then Project Moon initially didn't plan for Limbus Company to be a gacha. And let's face it, the main reason why people WANT to spend on CN games is because the CN games you're likely thinking about are well-crafted experiences, and to be frank, WHB just can't compare. To note:
Love and Deepspace? A genuinely interesting concept as an otome that has action gameplay, paired with really great graphics.
Arknights? Probably one of, if not the best tower defense gacha game in the market atm, with solid gameplay and a complex overarching plot.
Genshin Impact? A stunning open world RPG, with simple yet very polished gameplay - one that serves as many people's first gacha.
Wuthering Waves? Take open world RPG and elements of Punishing: Gray Raven's stylish, fast-paced, dodge-based combat, and you have this gem.
Tears of Themis? An otome with four well-written male leads, an equally compelling MC in Rosa, and an interesting plot.
And please don't confuse "the existence of limited banners" with "being paywalled". There's a key distinction in that you can STILL grab characters in the limited banners of most gachas for free as long as you saved up for them, because you can use your free premium currency to pull on them. I'm an F2P who managed to hard pity Jiyan in Wuthering Waves, but as an F2P I stand no chance in getting the paywalled units in WHB.
If anything, any game that focuses more on gameplay and has playable units locked behind a paywall WILL earn the ire of people. I can't imagine how many people would riot if a strong character like Skadi the Corrupting Heart, Ling, or Ch'en the Holungday is paywalled...
TO BE CLEAR: I don't mind some content being locked behind paywalls like paid battle pass, so long as they don't directly have a large impact in gameplay. These devs need money after all. Reverse 1999 had character skins, Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis had home screen wallpapers, Love and Deepspace had 4* Lunar Memories that you're likely not going to use because you built Lunar Memories from gacha, Pokémon Unite had Trainer customization items as well as Holowear (skins)...
But having playable characters be stuck behind paywalls is where I draw the line. I already wasn't a fan of the Solomon's Seals gacha - and they're not showing any signs of stopping with that, plus the paywalled units. The Pancake shop changes might just be the hay that breaks the camel's back now.
I really love the angels more on this game just because which I didnt get since I deleted the game before christmas and I dont really have solomon seals to get them lmfao, and gabriel is behind paywall.
I came from obey me, my bias if of course mammon so I need to get mammon in whb too but this game, unlike obey me actually made me love the other characters because of how much personality is there in each of them. (sorry to other obey me fans I don't really like Belphie and asmo but its not like I hate them)
I redownload whb after the chrismas event hoping to get gabriel since I didnt know I had to pay for him but after finding out I gave up on his limited event lol
Actually I got bored in this game. Theres so much farming and leveling to do and the energy thing is just not enough for me.
I love the characters of the game so I stayed in the fandom. The reason for my tumblr was to follow fanfic writers about whb but with their new update they're losing players. Listen, I have artist I follow that draw whb on twitter(example was the michael artist I follow) If this update continues then I Probably completely lose interest in game if those artist stops posting or deleted their account about whb.
I deleted the game yesterday before I find out about this update. (glad I deleted it because wtf)Those pancakes are my life. MF I got gamigin, satan, levi and mammon out of those and it was taken away.
To be honest if this was a chinese game then It might survive the gacha being paywall since chinese players most of the time dont care about money for some reason. But no. From what I see the game is mostly active in global, idk what they're doing but usually global is mostly f2p or doesn't spend as much.
The gacha being paywall could work of this is a openworld game like genshin or wuwa but its not, its a dating nsfw game that acts like a visual novel with gacha. Additionally, the game is like quite a lot in terms of storage?? Like??? Bud have NO REASON being that big.
It might because of the voicelines but like most of data also came with the events they do. Can we add deleting finished events data in game?? Cuz I will not be clearing data and reinstalling the game again.
From perspective of anyone with logic, spending A LOT of money for a gacha game that does not reward the player as much is not worth it.
Blud lets be honest here, the characters is only 2D animated art with voiceline. The battle is annoying and repetitive. The farming for tears is annoying for me. The 18+ room doesn't really express me much.
Spending those money in action figure or merch is much more worth it ngl
To those who's gonna email prettybusy, do talk to them nice and polite. I hope that they could see what's wrong and how is it bad for the game but as long as prettybusy don't listen then.. This game might as well bury itself.
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