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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
I walk radio ep.2
Why are the subs so low in quality? We've waited for so many years for JaeDo content, SM!!
Doyoung had his arms crossed at the beginning, which he seldom does (a gesture of shielding oneself, usually means nervousness), but he relaxed as time went by.
Notice how Jaehyun talked at the same time as Doyoung, when they comment on the catchiness of "Walk". It's characteristic of them to speak at the same time (agree-I get you-it is so).
Even during his usual "Ah, I'm scared of what you are going to say next (about me)" Doyoung managed to show that distinctive glint in the eye and lifted corners of the lips.
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Is that the new necklace? Jaehyun likes to wear certain items to important to him occasions.
7:30 - Do said noone ever told him his colour is hip-hop, but Jae contradicted it with "but you liked it when I said it before". As usual, Do agreed quickly to smooth the correction of a lie and moved on.
8:27 - Now watch Doyoung transition to normal body language (not controlled, relaxed). He used arms and hands as additional non-verbal language to be more expressive.
10:00-10:08 - "Whatever you say, honey". Not an ounce of desire to argue.
It's funny how there are two members, but it's like Doyoung is the one being interviewed, Jaehyun reflects all questions on him quickly. Also, there is this palpable rare "we are just talking" vibe (like 2Dongs can have in their vlives). Without jabs, nudges to participate, awkward pauses, stuff said for variety, etc.
12:00 - Lol, Doyoung was sensing it was coming, but still asked "are you bullshitting or for real?". (Jae used to recommend a lot of songs to fans). Jaehyun finds new ways to both tease and advertise, heh.
12:12 - Jae crossed his arms to "protect himself from an attack". These gestures are like echoes of thoughts. Jae teased, so he was prepared for a rebuttal. And Do indeed "attacked" him at 12:20 (the raised voice, Dongyoung showed himself).
14:39 - Jae had enough of the stiff posture, so he also moved to more relaxed way of sitting, started to play with the table.
14:58 - Jae was sitting in a very open, inviting pose (no crossed limbs, limp hands, the body turned to Doyoung) which made Do mirror it and break his "proper" pose as well at 15:13.
15:35 - Do cameback to a protective pose and started to shake his legs. Can he relax already, lol.
15:51 - Now Jae started to involve his hands. He likes to use them during talking for self-expression a lot, normally.
16:23 - Jaehyunie appeared with his small voice. The question wasn't for the camera (for the interview's sake, to move the dialogue forward), Jae got qurious and asked to elaborate.
17:34 - Do knew what Jae meant right away.
23:00 - It's a cute reaction but not from this exact moment in the conversation. Maybe some of Jae's words were cut and this gigle was before "I can't believe we think so differently" bit.
24:04 - When Do started saying this intro, I knew Jaehyun opens the song, heh.
24:35 - Jaehyun had me here o the floor, lol. Where is this sassiness coming from...
I feel like they filmed this content late at night. Jaehyun was energetically deflated despite the occasion. However, it made it even more obvious that he kept being attentive to whatever Do was blabbering about and never spaced out. You can also tell he wasn't confortabel with the distance between the armchairs.
Doyoung did his best to advertise the album in his usual "we tried our best, the album is full of love, 127 is 127".
30:45 - They didn't even try, they just fell into step naturally, lol.
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dojae-huh · 7 months ago
127 on Mok2U
5:20 - You literally can see how light switches on in Jae's eyes when he figures out how to tease Doyoung. And that hand propping up his cheek, all attention on hearing the rebuttal.
7:50 - Jaehyun quickly swallowing his mouthful to answer Do's question directed at noone in particular. What eagerness...
11:15 - Jae spacing out. Haven't seen him bend his feet sideways for some time, it's nostalgic, lol.
17:43 - Knowing Johnny and looking at how others reacted (including Hyuk), this jab wasn't about 2Dongs being MCs of their show.
18:08 - Taeil's favourate romcom
18:16 - Heh, that was funny. JaeDo are bickering for the show (Doyoung starts eating instead of paying all his attention to the confrontation), meanwhile Jae's question prompts him to answer with "because your eyes hurt". The argument didn't require the answer (you don't give points to your opponent) but the habit of paying Jae attention in the form of answering his questions (even if rethorical, they both know the answer) kicked in.
Lol. No Jaehyun on this season. I was too optimistic, lulled into believing JaeDo are promoted now, heh. Lesson learnt.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
Walk: Movement
Ingenious. You know how they can capitalise on this idea? Let 127 loose into cities and locations. Shoot different versions during concert stops or come to weddings/schools/museums. They can start with Neo centre.
The outfits fit the concept and the choreo perfectly. Haven't seen such excellensy since Boss, maybe. Like all the tricks with the camerawork and the skewed SM logo at the end. The editor cared.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
To clarify about my view on Doyoung on Walk.
Yes, he is playing a second violin again. There are many a moment, when a thought "Do could have sung this line here" or "Why is he interrupted here, give him the full line" pops up. He is not one of the members who is pushed on this album. Subjectively, it is frustraiting (other members' voices are not as liked by me, either for their tone or level of singing, and I agree that there is a hunger for Do's flexing his techniques in 127 songs). Objectively, it is a 9 member group, other fans who pay for albums also want to hear their biases (who progressed in singing and were recorded well). And the songs are so rich in instruments, that Do's voice is not paramount to give life to the songs (like "Little light"). I don't need lots of Do's voice to compensate for anything (like with many OSTs which have simple melodies).
All songs are made in a way that there are no big highlights. No big notes, no bridges, almost no separated from the instruments vocals. Taeil is on the same position as Doyoung. Noone truly stands out casting shadow on others, not even the main rappers TaeMark despite having more lines. Because there are no big gaps, there is no feeling of "Do was slighted". (I'd be furious in case of Jungwoo getting 90% and Doil 10% of lines, lol)
We got Tende back! In a few places. And JaeDo sprinkled here and there.
Doyoung didn't have big moments (that easily stick to memory), but he got several very pleasant ones, where he could demonstrate his tone. As he pops up in his parts, there is no aftertaste of "missing" him. He had lesser lines, but he was definetely present on the record. Yes, he was mostly delegated to high notes and airy notes again. Well, he did it to himself...
I count ad libs. I don't need Do to sing lines alone to enjoy his voice, I don't understand what he is saying anyway, haha.
Lastly, the album has a lot of Jaehyun, and it has Taeyong, and Taeil has some great parts, heh. I'm not a solo-stan. I have other faves.
In short. I can understand the feeling of being let down from solo-stans. Where it comes from. However, it is their problem that they have no interest in other members. When Doyoung is in the group, he is just another instrument. He didn't sit and complain about his fate (like his fans do), he got himself YT covers, duets, OSTs, DJJ, a full solo album, a festival, and the front sit in most U songs.
Solo-stans don't understand the benefits Do got as a singer by virtue of being in a group. How it helped him to develop. But that's a story for another post (that I won't write).
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dojae-huh · 5 months ago
We don't talk enough about JaeDo getting genuinely good couple parts in many a choreo. When the choreographers are your friends...
The OP wrote the post to celebrate the choreo video achieving 13mln views. I've checked the channel, it's the 9th most viewed video out of 3,1k of clips. And the most viewed video with a boyband. (GGs always get more views in general when it comes to MVs and dance videos, even middle-tire ones like Everglow)
I think it explains why the Walk video from this channel also got a lot of views (4,5mln). It gets offered by the algorythm.
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dojae-huh · 6 months ago
"Walk" recording.
Jaehyun: Doyoung doesn't like "Walk", so let's choose "No clue".
Doyoung: Baby, if you are really certain about "Walk", I'm down.
Johnny: I like it!
Me: Johnny, it wasn't about you... 4:34 (and 5:43)
4:36 - Lol. Everyone gave their vote and opinion, and now it's time for Doyoung to continue pushing his plan.
Yuta was for "No clue", however Mark (we will develop the song), Haechan and Johnny tried to persuade Doyoung more. Jae also chose "Walk", but wasn't really pushing for it. Tae gave up with "Gas" pretty soon (or him arguing was cut).
Yuta sings "Ghel out my way", and noone corrects him?
15:56 - Native speaker Johnny improved a phrase. Maybe it was because Johnny was so into the song, or he changed his mentality, it's the first time I see him so proactive and attentive to nuances.
34:04 -34:24 - Creative process, heh. They really developed the song on the go, changing many pieces along the way.
34:42 - 34:58 - Once Do understood how to sing, where to put accent, he immediately moved to the emotional delivery. The producer was doubtful at first but quickly got on board.
35:08 - Change the lyrics to something Doyoung finds nice, and you can change his mind about a song, heh.
35:18 - A computer generated adlib on the demo, lol. Doyoung the sound-making machine. Honestly, very impressive.
40:58 - Bubble duties.
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dojae-huh · 7 months ago
I think fans are also diasppointed at the lack of variety contents. We got two types of variety group contents last full album, the detective one and the deity one, but this time we only have the musical and a handful shorts? Myself also wants some long contents just for the fans. :(
I saw a rumour 127 shot/will shoot a new season of NCT Life.
There were 3 episodes of the group in an amusement park and playing other games. It wasn't tied to the comeback, but it is a recent content with the whole group. No, wait. The 3d ep of "127 vibe" actually came out after the album release.
"The Timewalk" was scripted. It was variety content for the comeback. It just wasn't very fun. Scriptwriters' fault. However, it is still something made specially for the promotion? I mean, we can say not all the ideas this time were spectacular, but to say nothing was done (there was no care) would not be right. "Fact checkmate" was based on checking facts. "The Timewalk" was based on going to the past, remembering things. In both cases neos were given a loose plot and asked to improvise.
Deities thing... 127 just played games? Isn't it the same as the amusement park/bowling content?
Mokchu and the merch making 45min video is not long enough? Bts vlogs used to be 15-20 minutes in the past, the latest video is 40 minutes?
This comeback was also close to the anniversary. Agents theme. Both days were filmed. Yes, for pay, but it is "something only for the fans".
Well. Everyone will have their own experience of a comeback. It depends not only on the content, but also on the circumstances/mood a fan was at the time, personal preferences. As I said before, I enjoyed the comeback. And the amount of content I have to catch up with grows exponently... heh, I wish sometimes they produced less of it, lmao.
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dojae-huh · 7 months ago
US doesn't have enough Walk albums, many stores of Target and Walmart are not stocked at all. Naturally, fans think SM wants to gaslight 127 into thinking they are losers, appealing to shareholders with increasing net revenue and a strong foothold in NA, looking pretty in the business reports and helping shares to sell for a higher price be damned, I guess. Who cares about losing the 3d largest musical market, right? After all the effort in 2019?
It is an existing problem though. 127 is predicted to fall out of Billboard Top 20 first time in 6th years.
Not producing enough albums in time for the comeback would usually be the root of the cause I'd blame, SM always does everything last minute. However, I wonder if Houthis and ships avoiding going through the Red Sea (they go all the way down around Africa) is playing any part in the current predicament?
As I understand, cargo ships make a lot of steps along the way (loading and unloading goods, more profitable), so shipping via Pacific is not common. SeaLead launched a new route, but it's going to be weekly.
Maybe it's not SM wanting to sabotage 127, maybe it's SM logistical department not figuring out in time how to ship quickly? With the everexisting problem of albums being printed late? Just saying. I can be mistaken. The problem with the Red Sea is not that new, there was time to find a way around. Still, the new shipment detour around Africa adds 10 days of journey. To have a better clue one needs to compare the situation with other groups like aespa and Red velvet. Or wait and see if the albums hit the shops with a delay of few weeks or not.
P.S. NCT Dream debuted the same year and the members renew their contracts around the same time as 127. Are they being gaslighted as well? With the tour? Heh.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
I'd recommend fans to stream "Walk Movement" (to infiltrate YT recommendations) because it has a higher chance to appeal to non-fans, in my opinion. The title MV is cute and heartwarming for existing fans, however, the performance MV has more striking visuals and captivating memorable moments, It has that "walked into my life" potential, it stands out among k-pop MVs due to a different feel to it. Yes, it doesn't have Taeil, but the goal is to hook. Other content will teach the faces and names of the members.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
Jaehyun catching Doyoung's bandana, haha. Close up.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
A Korean chorepgrapher/hip-hop dancer (?) opinion on Walk choreo. There are no subs, but switch on forced translation, the key points could be understood. He noticed a reference to Seo Taiji and Boys (the first k-pop group), a movement they populirised.
(He listed his videos on other songs from NCT in the description for those who are interested).
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
MarkHyuk are always professional on stage, but others are giving it this comeback as well.
We've talked at length how members had tough times, low spirits, burn outs, cracks in friendships, etc. It was already visible with Fact check, but it is even more solid this time - everyone has found their place, sorted out their personal and interpersonal issues, and are doing well and having fun. MarkDo and JohnDo friendships repaired, Jaehyun liking to dance again and returning to his softer side, Yuta not feeling lacking and not being jealous of anyone, Taeil not trying to be who he is not under pressure and expectations, Jungwoo growing up as a pro and leaving his mental break downs in the past, Haechan getting creative outlets with MokChu and Sun&Moon, etc.
8 years is a lot for a k-pop act, but not that much for a global star. Raye found her fame after 10 years, Shakira went truly international after 20 years (English version of "Whenever, Wherever"). One can reach stardom and extinguish quickly (One Direction) or last and have more chances along the way.
I think the future mostly depends on neos' fighting mood and ambition from now on. As SM artists get more and more say in decision making and get more promotional abilities as individuals (how Dream chose the title-track and the 2nd song to promote, how Do managed to get himself a full album and see his vision to the end, how MokChu introduces NCT to fans of other artists).
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
Fans: SM hates 127.
A passerby: 127 is SM's favourite child.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
Wanted to comment on the horse reference.
During the first (Apple) fanmeet Doyoung said that this comeback is similar to the meme with a drawing of a horse. The great music compensates the beginning (promotion).
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Ifans, naturally, interpreted it like him dissing SM, however, I suspect it is a reaction to a lot of kfans not liking the concept of IG promos (saw this sentiment on Pann and YT), they found it boring. In addition, this comeback will be short (sidenote: 3weeks->2weeks->1week reduction of music shows promotions in normal for older artists. Rookies need every chance at exposure, meanwhile established acts already have fanbase, while music show ratings are very low, few people watch them (usually just the performances of groups they like on YT, not the whole programmes. time to accept the passage of time and 127 becoming seniors). Do always monitors the fandom (Korean part of it, at least) and often reacts.
There is a problem of using words in a wrong way, devalueing their meaning. Walk comeback is not grand, it is on a small scale, but it is in no way "poor" (the word many ifans used in their twits). Using such terms is belittling the work of the creative team and disregarding the improvements in Neo centre. Fans spoil the aftertaste themselves with their attitude.
The IG promo was goofy, endearing and well-executed (all reels were prepared and shot in a few days when MarkHyuk were available, good time-management). It reflected well the motto of "I don't care what others say, I walk at my own pace". It vibed with NCT's lore and image.
The track-videos were all well-made, creative, beautiful. 2 track videos are better than none. People get used to good things quickly and don't value what they have. The comebacks before Neozone didn't have track videos.
"Deities of seoul" is breathtaking, however, the momentum gained by the short promos wasn't carried into the title-track and fell flat (the fandom was so exited with the gods concept, and we got nothing out of it, we still don't know who is supposed to be who). The way this comeback and the promotion unfolds is a smooth ride. It's an improvement in my book.
The physical albums aren't extraordinary, but are OK (with the exeption of the seam eating up faces issue, I'm dedacting points for it, rest assured). And the print quality is good. Physical albums is a weak side of many companies, not just SM. Didn't make me excited, but I'd still buy them for my collection (Jaehyunie is cute there). (at least we didn't get WayV's insect concept version of an album, *cough*, *cough*, count your blessings)
"The timewalk" series was boring, won't lie, but it had a couple of highlights (like the dance battle), and it is Korean type of idol variety shows. They are never interesting, heh. "I walk radio", on the other hand, was a good idea. It is always nice to hear about bts, what members think about the music.
Neos did their own merch. Always a good move.
SM invents new ways to shoot performance videos. DJJ got great ones. "Movement" was directed by the same person who did "Who is Sticker?" and "Meaning of love". SM allocated a bigger budget for it. It took 16h to shoot it. SM discovered Wasabimayo, established a good relationship, and now has another great creative head in their roster (the comments for NCT are always "I was happy to work with them").
In short, the promotion isn't big, but it is a nice one, I'm entertained and left with a good feeling overall. 127 won't go on a tour right after this comeback, therefore, there is no incentive to spend a lot of money on promotion. It is not cost-effective. (I'm hinting at aespa's full album comeback which was grand).
Comebacks is not the only time when a group finds new fans (which is the goal of an extra promotion). This Fact check performance has 12mln views. This mirrored dance practice on an unofficial account has 1,6mln.
Quality music or good choreo that will make people do tiktok dance challenges is hundred times more valuable than appearing on Weekly Idol. After Neozone 127 had 2 luckluster albums - Sticker and 2 Baddies (they had some great songs on them, I'm talking about all songs combined). NCT's Golden Age was a letdown as well. Finally, Fact Check turned the tide. And Walk might be the best 127's album. As Do said, it does feel like a new beginning.
As for the tour. I'd preder for MarkHyuk to have time to rest, SM have time to prepare lightshow, VCRs and special effects on par with aespa's concert, to all legs planned way ahead, including Americas and Europe, than have another subpar quality Link. If 127 will have some spectacular end of the year performances to make the town talk, they can get attention and an influx of concert-goers, as well.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
SM really can't work properly
Link, Link2, Link3, Link4
It's unfortunate, but I don't side with the complaint this time. Lin should know better, Doyoung fans look up to her.
Noone wanted to slight Doyoung intentionally. It was toughtless from the layout designer/the team responsible for the albums, but it's a very very common mistake. It probably arose from the designer not knowing the kind of binding that would be used for that particular album version. A spread (2 page illustration/photo) is perfectly fully visible in magazine type of binding, for example.
I think there was a similar case with Taeyong's face on a group picture in the past.
Yes, in a perfect world the binding would be taken into consideration, a test copy printed for a final check of colour and mistakes, the group photo sized down for Do's face to not fall onto the seam or excluded altogether. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and the communication between an editorial team and a printing company is always bad.
You imagine SM as one being with one head. In reality it is a complex of hundreds of chains of command and projects ran simultaneously. People are overworked and become unattentive, deadlines press into making shortcuts, subcontractors delay delegated to them jobs, things fall apart here and there. Those albums are probably printed in China, then they need to be completed with pocas and CDs, which, perhaps, happens in Korea. Afterwards those albums need to be sent to the shops. And maybe the copyright team prepares the info about songs and authors with a delay, and thus the layout is completed last minute, and then there is no time for a test copy. Or the machines that print one binding versions are occupied with a big order, and the printhouse offers an alternative, and SM's side has to change all the plans, which results in 2-page illustrations becoming an issue.
I do not like that SM can't sort out their album problem. They get better, than they fail again. And they will probably continue to fail again and again, because they are not a publishing company, they have young layout designers that are still gaining experience (we saw those girls in tours of Kwangya), and the company always finishes everything last minute due to fast-paced factory production. However, I also don't have it in me to hate the company for that.
Fans should point out the issue to SM in a calm customer review manner. It might be corrected with additional print. Not oh and ah among themselves, persuading each other how SM hates Doyoung a 100th time.
It's just one picture out of hundreds. Relax.
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