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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
Doyoung and Johnny visiting Jaehyun backstage after his 2nd day fanconcert.
Ever attentive Doyoung greeted the dancers.
Jae not sparing more than a second to look at Johnny in greeting is normal, what is worth pointing out is that Johnny also wasn't looking at Jaehyun during the mutual patting. Doyoung glanced back at Jaehyun before finishing his bowing, and moved to close the distance before JohnJae finished their greeting. The urgency for JaeDo to hug was there, and Johnny also acknowledged it with his actions.
Why the cut? What was there even to cut in such a short interaction?
27:03 - That's a huge cut, lol. Jae even finished drinking from the can he was opening the moment before.
The way Do "jumped" at Johnny's words, heh. Notice a tiny rueful smile.
Editors really cut to the max. "The bros were there", lol. Well, I'm not even complaining. Let neos have their private talk, they meet seldom.
Random things: the white packet with black stripes was a present from Do. So he indeed carried it for Jae afterwards despite Jae taking it originally and placing on the table with other things.
The white board with letters was just a decoration in Jae's waiting room, as I thought.
Johnny had bottled water. JaeDo, seemingly, got identical sodas (on the table).
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dojae-huh · 5 months ago
Doyoung: "I'm a grown up soloist, nor a 10k venue nor a 30k venue can scare me, I'll tell those people to chant my name".
*Jaehyun enters the room with non-neos present to be witnesses*
Doyoung: *gay panic!*
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dojae-huh · 1 month ago
DJJ: 127 Vibe
0:41 - Clueless Woo, flirting (by trying to be funny) Jae, and smirking Do.
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A smartypants Ravenclaw humouring his Slytherin crush by bullying a naive Hufflepuff.
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So Woo has a driving license? News to me.
2:29 - Mom-Doyoung won't relax unless he sees the kids do everything right, lols.
3:01 - Ever attentive to whatever Do says Jae, driving an expensive car or not.
3:43 - Why cut out a couple of seconds? Let us in their jokes or comments.
4:43 - Woo's look of an ignored person, lol. (Did he sing "If I were a boy" by Beyonce?).
Jaehyun and Alicia Keys connection. Cyword old, cyword new. Singing. About watching Keys live.
So yeah, you get the point that Do's comment wasn't random.
That jam they got into looks pretty long, huh? Jae lost patience, heh.
6:41 - And who will cook those home-cooked meals? In theory? Heh. He didn't say "mom's cooking". And he can cook himself, for that matter. But I guess the person in Jae's mind got the hint.
10:13 - The old habit of explaining something together at the same time.
10:54 - Jae telling Do to get to the bathroom while he is parking. The editors cut off the bit when Do said he needs to go, so we don't know how long ago he complained. Still, attentive to other's needs Jaehyunie. And he was biting on his nail when he spoke up. So "go" was very matter of factly, routinely, heh.
12:20 - This content was shot somewhere in October 2024, later half. And in January 2025, during 127 Day live, Do said it's Jae habit to introduce Woo as the longest Music Core MC. So was he copying Jae here?
16:10 - Sleepy, but chatty Jaehyunie.
By the way. They remember they are being filmed for the vlog, and on the way to the market both DoWoo tried to create content by asking questions, putting on neo songs. However, we don't see Jae behaving like he did during the drive to the next destination in content normally, we are used to him being silent. Yet, noone indicated his behaviour being unusual (for the camera, or as if he was in an especially chirpy mood), zero side eyes from DoWoo. It's natural wild JaeDo rapport. 16:30 - Restrained but not forced.
18:30 - Not knowing Korean I can't feel the nuances of the level of familiarity in speech, but Jae usually knows when Do addresses him. Some regular words or the tone of voice Do normally uses addressing him are the indicators, probably.
18:30 - A cow because Jae was born in the year of Ox?
18:58 - Do not letting Woo choose a colour and taking control over the gift for him, heh.
24:30 - Another example of Jae reacting without being confused. Sure, Woo didn't have anything to eat. Still, no hesitation.
25:05 - Jae was waiting for an opportunity to upgrade his Do-enciclopedia, the page about the Uni musical.
27:45 - Do grabbing Jae's bag to make sure there are no money hidden, heh. The day was spent productively for Jaehyunie, he teased his hyun successfully.
28:26 - The moment Jae gave Do the photo of him Woo took earlier.
29:45 - Had to unveil that fond smile at Jae's antics (you can hear a quiet chuckle).
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32:13 - Of course everyone would look around to a singer's voice (with resonance), lol. Noone talks like this in rl.
32:34 - Do doesn't remember, Jaehyun does, heh.
Considering Jae was evidently sleepy and amidst his tight October schedule, he was very into the outing and enjoyed himself despite boring locations. It's the company that matters~
Seems like they filmed this content the day after 127 filmed for the concert VCR? (Do talked about Woo catching a cold due to getting wet under the water machine).
Illustrative how everyone dealt with the task of buying a gift. Both DoWoo picked the first thing they saw, basically (not caring to spend much time and thought on a gift bought for content purpose). Just Do also gravitated to what he likes (cute toys). Meanwhile Jaehyun thought about making his gift into something to laugh about (funny earrings or a customised puppy doll). That child in him that likes to play and tease.
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dojae-huh · 6 months ago
Now we're all happy since Jaehyun "confirmed" Dandelion is very much like Doyoung (My shipper heart went crazy) but I also feel like Completely is also Doyoung, especially at the bridge "Through good times, bad times, red lights, stop signs. The one thing you should know. Is my love will always ring true......" that made me think about the awkward time. 
Jaehyun confirmed about "Completely" as well.
Jae wrote "Dandelion" himself, so the words are about Doyoung specifically. "Completely" was sent to Jae in a ready state, however, it does describe "true love" in general (without individual details like "singing with me"). And JaeDo have already experienced many ups and downs, their feelings were tested many times, Jaehyun knows what he is truly feeling, he is not in the honeymoon period with pink glasses on, he is in "settled down" state.
"Completely" is also a song that matches others the least. It's sincere and melancholic instead of flirty/witty. It was chosen because it's too good a song to pass, and because it is a message ("Would there be a better way to say ‘I love you’ than that song?").
As we expected, all Jae's songs ended up to be love songs. There are no songs gifted to the fans even (Like's Do's first 3 songs on the album). The album is about Jaehyun (Jarcissus, heh), his taste in music, his interest in different subgenres or r'n'b, his want to experiment and try this and that. His belongings marked "J". "I want you to see the other sides of me" album.
Jaehyun has been in love with Do ever since he met him, for more than 10 years. Therefore, the feelings and acts of jealousy, pining, loneliness, wooing - all about Do as well (as the object of Jae's romantic feelings). Sound and style wise "Flamin' Hot Lemon" may suit Ten (a fan asked Jae during the 127 fanmeet in Bkk, he gave this answer), but "Giving me this look like I scuffed up her Nikes" is still about Doyoung (who very much likes white with black Nike sneakers, heh).
Jaehyun said that he wouldn't take songs that didn't sit right with him (i.e. just because it's a good song or a song with going viral potential), it applies to lyrics as well. The words in songs he got from others weren't written with Doyoung in mind, but they still should fit him. Jaehyun can't sing about an abstract love interest, when he has a husband. Maybe in the future he will be interested in impersonating someone else in songs (like he played a role in his MV), but this album was only about him as Yuno.
Giving me this look like I scuffed up her Nikes.
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dojae-huh · 1 month ago
It's been days, but I still comeback to this moment (16:28) from DJJ's trip. Do's weird-assed laugh and Jae's pleased green that he was heard and agreed with. If such moments don't prove to someone the two are close, I don't know what will (nothing PG13 that's certain).
Not to mention Do's "mmm"s. 6:11 and 16:22.
Also. Woo was brought home, JaeDo had enough time to finish their dinner alone. Meaning, they got the Maserati to themselves to drive home in the evening? The staff initially planned to film DJJ watching the sunset, so should have rented the car for the whole day.
Missed it last time. 32:32 - Jae remembers what prize Do got better than Doyoung himself. Jae asked the staff about the humidifier's whereabouts, so neos don't take the things they don't find useful and leave with the team.
36:02 - I need a library of Do's weird sounds, heh.
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dojae-huh · 1 month ago
On the topic of Do calling Jaehyun with a new nickname.
I don't think it's Jae (the name Jaehyun is usually shortened to Hyun, and neos also often use the second syllable (which is actually a second name, Korean names are two-part, not two syllable, as far as I remember, that's why it's "Lee Soo-man" in official spelling) like Doyoung calls Dong-hyuk ->Hyuk-ie or Tae-yong ->Yong-ie).
And I don't think it's Jay either (Jae's English name he got in his English-language school, I think). Korean has very similar sounds (like Je(no)/Jae(hyun)) and so Koreans are careful with pronounciation when it matters. Here is how Yuta says "Jay". He is the only neo who uses this nickname.
I think it's "J", as the letter. And it came from Jae's album titled "J" (and Jaehyun's habit of marking his belongings with "J").
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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
JaeDo moments in 2024, a thread.
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dojae-huh · 8 months ago
I walk radio ep.2
Why are the subs so low in quality? We've waited for so many years for JaeDo content, SM!!
Doyoung had his arms crossed at the beginning, which he seldom does (a gesture of shielding oneself, usually means nervousness), but he relaxed as time went by.
Notice how Jaehyun talked at the same time as Doyoung, when they comment on the catchiness of "Walk". It's characteristic of them to speak at the same time (agree-I get you-it is so).
Even during his usual "Ah, I'm scared of what you are going to say next (about me)" Doyoung managed to show that distinctive glint in the eye and lifted corners of the lips.
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Is that the new necklace? Jaehyun likes to wear certain items to important to him occasions.
7:30 - Do said noone ever told him his colour is hip-hop, but Jae contradicted it with "but you liked it when I said it before". As usual, Do agreed quickly to smooth the correction of a lie and moved on.
8:27 - Now watch Doyoung transition to normal body language (not controlled, relaxed). He used arms and hands as additional non-verbal language to be more expressive.
10:00-10:08 - "Whatever you say, honey". Not an ounce of desire to argue.
It's funny how there are two members, but it's like Doyoung is the one being interviewed, Jaehyun reflects all questions on him quickly. Also, there is this palpable rare "we are just talking" vibe (like 2Dongs can have in their vlives). Without jabs, nudges to participate, awkward pauses, stuff said for variety, etc.
12:00 - Lol, Doyoung was sensing it was coming, but still asked "are you bullshitting or for real?". (Jae used to recommend a lot of songs to fans). Jaehyun finds new ways to both tease and advertise, heh.
12:12 - Jae crossed his arms to "protect himself from an attack". These gestures are like echoes of thoughts. Jae teased, so he was prepared for a rebuttal. And Do indeed "attacked" him at 12:20 (the raised voice, Dongyoung showed himself).
14:39 - Jae had enough of the stiff posture, so he also moved to more relaxed way of sitting, started to play with the table.
14:58 - Jae was sitting in a very open, inviting pose (no crossed limbs, limp hands, the body turned to Doyoung) which made Do mirror it and break his "proper" pose as well at 15:13.
15:35 - Do cameback to a protective pose and started to shake his legs. Can he relax already, lol.
15:51 - Now Jae started to involve his hands. He likes to use them during talking for self-expression a lot, normally.
16:23 - Jaehyunie appeared with his small voice. The question wasn't for the camera (for the interview's sake, to move the dialogue forward), Jae got qurious and asked to elaborate.
17:34 - Do knew what Jae meant right away.
23:00 - It's a cute reaction but not from this exact moment in the conversation. Maybe some of Jae's words were cut and this gigle was before "I can't believe we think so differently" bit.
24:04 - When Do started saying this intro, I knew Jaehyun opens the song, heh.
24:35 - Jaehyun had me here o the floor, lol. Where is this sassiness coming from...
I feel like they filmed this content late at night. Jaehyun was energetically deflated despite the occasion. However, it made it even more obvious that he kept being attentive to whatever Do was blabbering about and never spaced out. You can also tell he wasn't confortabel with the distance between the armchairs.
Doyoung did his best to advertise the album in his usual "we tried our best, the album is full of love, 127 is 127".
30:45 - They didn't even try, they just fell into step naturally, lol.
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dojae-huh · 5 months ago
Inkigayo in Tokyo
(date of the event: 121024)
A long post. The best JaeDo moments happen in Saitama.
Part 1: Doyoung
It's a beautiful life...
Doyoung was one of the 3 MCs, he was introduced as a Crown Prince of k-pop. Kick It. Fanchant. He preformed with 127 and as a soloist.
And the star was born - the solo segment.
Truly, I'm glad Do didn't get his album several years ago. He used to be not confident in his own voice. And he needed that daesang for 127, and for neos to do well on their own to be mentally free.
Doyoung was focused and tense during this Inkigayo show, he was the leader on top of his MC duties. He felt the responsibility. And yet, look at how he carried his own solo-section. Alone with his band and a stadium full of not just his fans, and not even just NCTzens.
7:56 - Notice how Do changed from his normal voice to a ligher tone.
9:30 - Frankly, I didn't like Oh-ya-yo in DLF on the album (I generally don't like the use of children choirs), but I see Doyoung's genius plan now. He intended for the crowd to sing along during live shows. And it is a good chant for a concert (easy to follow). People feel united, a part of a whole, uplifted (the measured breathing), when they sing and chant together. It's the oldest type of music.
I will point out that not all NCTzens in the audience were Do-biased. Despite that, everyone waved their neobongs and most sang alone and did the chant. Believe your eyes and see how the core fandom actually receives him.
Sidenote: I'm angry at Do's Japanese teacher for not correcting his pronunciation. He developed a habit of butcherring a few consonants, which gives him a noticeable accent. It's cute in speech, but not during singing.
Jaehyun, I'm ready to ship Do with his piano-boy, be aware, heh.
The pianist was impressive during the Japanese song. I bet it was Do's idea to strip down the performance and leave only the keys and his voice. It was a very powerful move. He created a magical moment. Japanese in general are very grateful to anyone who talks/sings in Japanese, and Do even made a connection, explained how there is a Korean tv-series remake, that the drama and the OST song are loved in SK as well.
As I said earlier, Do was in his leader mode, so he didn't yeld to other neos. As such, you can observe the real power dynamic.
Stuttering Jungwoo and slightly teasing him Doyoung.
Do with MarkHyuk. Do catching Mark near the end of the stage. Do catching co-MC Yunah from ILLIT. Bringin water for 127.
This JohnDo moment during the ment was interesting (all members said nice words to each other). Jaehyun really went a long way and matured considerably. He is very secure as the number 1 now. Notice how both Johnny and Doyoung looked at him several times. How Jae pretended to shield his eyes from JohnDo and was the first to clap (to mark the end to the fanservice bit). How Do didn't let the joking go too far (usually he is more lenient).
Do gathering 127 for a bow, manhandling everyone he could get his hands on.
Do and confetti. Video.
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Part 2: Jaehyun
Despite going to the military soon and a busy schedule, Jaehyun lives every day happily. He is very open these days, very giving.
Fact Check Jae. Sunny road Jae. Giving five to fans. Jaehyun-hyung with Wish.
Jae and Yuta. Posting this to show that Jae doesn't have a habit of looking at someone's eyes non-stop.
Another classic from Jaehyunie: "Singers sing, and actors act". I like Hyuk's adlibs. Silly Jae and Mark his other half. Jae and Sakuya.
Jae's turn after Tae.
Part 3: JaeDo
That long-ass approach to the target.
Yes, Jaehyun didn't expect the hug. That smile with canines, that inhale.
I will add more fuel to your shipper fire and point out how both Doyoung and Jaehyun clung to each other despite Yuta trying to separate them (which I'm really questioning).
Do tapped Jae's butt. The booty is his. Woo and others should remember.
Jae was firmly keeping his hand for some time on Do's shoulder despite Yuta practically hanging off his arm. And at the end he tapped Do's arm with his fingers (after patting Yuta on the back). Reconnected with Do for a brief moment.
Here you can see how Do kept his hand on Jae's shoulder despite Yuta jumping on both and pushing with his weight. Also, a good view at the speed Jae grabbed Do's shoulder when Do hugged him. Aaand how instantly Doyoung put his hand on Jae's back when the bae approached him. We haven't seen such behaviour for years. It's a miracle.
Did you notice Do's small smile?
I guess home looks like this.
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Part 4: NCT 127
Walk and the whole half an hour performance segment with ments.
( Kick It+2 Baddies+Fact Check
Sunny Road )
The crowd chanting. 127 tribal dance.
Part 5: NCT Wish
(can't find the full performance)
A bit of Steady.
Sakuya is injured, so he sat again. Riku dancing. Jaehee dancing. Sion and Haechan-hyung. Ryo and Yushi. Chant.
Part 6: NCT
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Sion didn't learn yet that everyone should follow Taeyong or Doyoung's directions during big stages, and gather together as NCT. Do had to run after departing Wishies to add them to the NCT line up for the final bow. It was Jaehee who took Do's hand (no consideration for Ryo). Tap-tap-tap.
Bonus: Tongue lick.
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dojae-huh · 5 months ago
Season greetings 2025 bts.
Dusty pink for hair really suits Woo. Every Woo's fan should hunt that SG down to add to the collection, heh.
Taeil was 01 and Taeyong was meant to be 00 (as it's his Neozone number as well). SM lucked out with Taeil being the oldest in this case. Nothing needed to be corrected when it came to numbers on necks and shirts. Just Yuta's couple segment omitted in the vlog. Fans now assume Tae=Captain Rose is 01.
Busy Dog and Caracal have been paired in the past, and in the near future, with the golden trio in the military, it will make even more sense for them to appear together.
MarkHyuk do double shift with these photoshoots (127&Dream). Mark also does them for magazines (solo articles and brand ads). I always wonder to what level they are tired of this activity, or is it still interesting to some degree to them.
DoJae's bit starts at 23:07.
Doyoung-ah, you need to educate yourself about Fighting club.
This is the closest I've seen JaeDo to their ShowChamp counterparts since maybe May of 2018 (the interview). Totally the same vibe. Even small "hyung~" was there. How seemlessly they transition from one to another, not fighting over topics, continuing each other's jokes.
Doyoung instantly understantood what Jae meant with "Hyung, ...? (how old are you)", hehe.
And what's with that lopsided long-lasting smirk of yours at the thought of Doyoung being 30, younger man still in his 20s, eh? I'm not going to insinuate anything, and yet...
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So many kfans commenting under the video that JaeDo on the thumbnail is SM's desperation to earn money, heh.
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dojae-huh · 2 months ago
belated happy holidays, huh-nim! now that 2024’s coming to an end, i would like to ask, were there any jaedo moments that stood out to you? another question, was there any jaedo fic you liked from this year? thank you and happy new year!
You are not late as I don't celebrate (either) Christmas, New Year is the main holiday of the year for Russians. Thank you.
I liked this moment, of course, when Do forgot all about hiding and did the natural thing of adoring his adorable bf. It was the highlight of the year. However, this moment during the enlistment day was the "oh" one which stood out to me. In particular: Do's hand on Jae's head (laid with no hesitation), and the way Jaehyun reacted to it with instantly shifting and repositioning his arms.
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A reminder for you all who is the smoll one in this relationship, heh. it's moments like this that reveal characters. Jaehyun is in a "very manly role" of a little bit under 30 recruit (who actually likes physical exercises and sports, not a weeb and not a nerd) going to serve his country and do his duty, learn how to fire arms and crawl in dirt, and yet here he is, not knowing how to pose and how to stay calm when Do claims his head.
I like bashful Jaehyunee when he is overwhelmed.
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This one I also like a lot. For the suddenness of it. Bloomed out of nowhere like a flower.
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I can't recommend any fanfics. The situation is so bad, I'm on the verge of giving up completely on checking AO3.
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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
JaeDo are famous for bickering in the past, and they continue to do so just as a routine and play.
Look at this moment. Jaehyun makes a jab, Doyoung jumps to the challenge right away turning confrontational (listen to the tone of his voice), people around them are left to either smile at the exchange (Johnny) or fail to come inbetween (Mark is trying to say something but is ignored, Do is focused on Jae). Surely they would have been able to continue if not for the sake of filming (so Do quickly remembered and left the argument, while Jae followed suit and didn't try with another jab).
For Jaehyun teasing is entertaining and a form of affection, as well as a way to get attention all on himself. And Doyoung likes it because it helps him to spend some of his chaotic energy: get a small win, make his brain work (coming up with argumentation), busy himself verbally and socially (a form of communication with another human). That constant leak of energy that manifests in him cracking his knuckles or playing with hair or clothes of people around him finds a target, "a need to protect oneself" from accusations.
And Jaehyun's teasing works better than the attempts from others (which actually can aggravate Do, make him become defensive for real) because: a) Do is just very fond of him, b) Jae leaves room for Do to retaliate intentionally, supporting the direction Do takes in, and doesn't (really) address the room (he isn't using Do to be funny before others) or touch on currently very sensitive topics (like with the Simon Says pose, he didn't join neos in the beginning, but likes to use it years later).
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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
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dojae-huh · 4 months ago
Die with a smile
It's a pity the fancall is cut, I'd like to see Jae's reaction to Do's name and a switch to this macabre topic. I guess it's because of the movie ("You will die in 6 hours").
Why not die with a smile, when you are sharing the last moments with the love of your life~ Very soulmate-y, a picture from many apocaliptic movies.
Seems like Jae referenced this song.
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dojae-huh · 5 months ago
What is this JaeDobait on Season greetings?
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dojae-huh · 3 months ago
Wait a minute. Do's graduation musical where he played a main role was actually on 101224, the same day Jaehyun graduated from his military camp. Soulmates keep soulmating.
Jae returned to the base after a short leave at 5 p.m. and Do started to play ay 6 p.m. Meaning, while Jae was having a lunch with his relatives, Do was doing the final rehearsing, probably. Where did Do go to have a call? The rooftop, the garden, the empty classroom? Heh.
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Mark my words. High chances Jaehyun also is a student of this Uni and took a leave of absence. Hardly the musical theatre major though. More like acting and dance.
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