larsgoingtomars · 1 year
Me when I realise I kin Ricky potts: :0
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AITA for being more poetic and vulnerable about fictional ships than I am to my irl boyfriend?
It's basically a core trait of mine that I'm always fixated on *some* pair of fictional guys. I'm also a writer and a pathological content creator, so I'm always got some kind of project or sideblog or something. There's nothing that I care about more than gay romantic love especially *in* fiction because I also love a solid narrative and symbolism, etc - and due to those things, I've always vastly preferred living vicariously through fiction to real life. I tend to essentially kin one character really hard and, through them, be genuinely in love with the guy he's in love with. And my bf definitely knew this before starting to date me because we were friends for like 3 years first (and we've now been dating for 2). The thing is, he used to be like this too, but once he moved in with me and his real life got a lot happier, he basically grew out of fixating as hard as he used to on media bc he no longer needed to live vicariously through it.
He says he understands that it's not something that I'm gonna grow out of and that it's fine. But more and more he's getting upset and genuinely jealous about my current fixation. He all but refuses to watch the show I'm currently into even though it's been a singular obsession of mine for over a year now, though he does read some of the fic I write and look at my sideblog for that show. And sometimes it's fine but other times he brings up romantic headcanons I've posted, upset that I don't ever say/do that kind of stuff for him. Or he'll outright tell me to say "something sweet" to him and when I inevitably can't think of something on the spot, which I NEVER have bc I'm just not that kind of person, he'll be like "[character A] would have something to say for [character B] :((((("
I've tried reassuring him SO many times that it's not a matter of me not loving him, or of me loving fictional characters more, but that I simply am not vulnerable like that in real life and maybe I wish that I could be, but I'm not. I'm not a fictional character, I don't live in a narrative, and I'm way too self-aware, to my own detriment, to feel authentic saying the kind of things that I write about. I'm also in my 20s and I grew up on the internet, as opposed to the middle aged men that I write about. In any case fiction allows a certain veneer between the notion of those feelings and my instinct to cringe. But my bf basically never believes me, and he doesn't say this outright, but he's clearly upset that he isn't enough to make me want to "live in real life." Even though literally nothing and no one ever has been.
As for what could potentially make *him* the asshole: I'm kind of really fucking tired of having to explain this to him. And I hate being made to feel like I'm not allowed to do what makes me happy when it's literally all fiction. I'm literally so depressed any time I don't have a show to be obsessed with and he knows this. I really don't understand why he wants to look at my posts and keep bringing it up when it just causes the same argument every time.
Basically, is his jealousy justified? AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Unpopular opinions:
I think people who say that Sirius would pick or save Reg over James are crazy, I’m sorry 😭
Idk how unpopular this is but Remus would drive everyone else crazy by picking the longest, most pretentious prog rock ever for parties. Peter is the only one with good taste. James is tone deaf. Sirius is a complete poser who will pretend to be into bands he’s never heard.
I don’t think Reg has a big circle of close friends. I love the Skittles in AUs but they really don’t make sense to me in canon compliant stuff, especially if the writer is trying to push that none of them were into blood supremacy.
I really like Lily and Sirius in Jegulus fics: I feel like they’re given much more depth and complexity than they are in Jily/Wolfstar stuff.
People have a really hard time making Dorlene and Moonseeker interesting as actual dynamics I would like to read about and not aesthetic Twitter threads.
If James/Remus/Regulus ended up being a thing and I was Sirius, our friendship would be over. Especially if they kept it from me. Oh, wait… I’d get with Evan and Barty and then our friendship would be over. I am toxic and petty and a Sirius kin can you tell. Any fic where Sirius is cool with it is an unrealistic fic in my eyes. Jegulus and/or Moonseeker is already stretching it but both his best friends? Nah.
Actually leaping off from that, a lot of fics these days do a bad job establishing why James and/or Remus would care about Regulus and instantly be in love with him. Especially in universes where Sirius hates Reg and Reg/Reg’s friends hate Sirius. I feel like earlier Jegulus fics did a much better job before it became an assumed dynamic.
I don’t think you should be writing Regulus & Sirius dynamics in fics if you don’t have empathy for both and aren’t willing to show both of their POVs. A lot of times it comes across as victim blaming or really weird ideas about victims.
I will be back with more!
I disagree with that first one, mainly bc out of habit he'd jump to save him before thinking about the consequences and then realise after what he'd done
The second one is so true, I love Sirius so much but please the poser vibes are STRONG
I love lonely Reg 💀 I love the skittles as a big friend group but I sometimes miss the days where he was a lonely Emo boy or only friends with Pandora, those were the times.
Tbf I don't real jily or wolfstar so l just give a suppletive thumbs up 👍 I do love everything about Lily tho and Sirius is always good in Jegulus bc they can justify every single action he does and it feels more natural
Idk I think it depends if it's an au or not, in canon ABSOLUTELY NOT WE ARE NEVER SPEAKING AGAIN, but in some aus it makes more sense
I sort of get what you mean, I think it's become very accepted that James cares about Reg because of his large heart and he understands his abuse and manipulation but like...it's so accepted that it gets really rushed bc people just want to get to the fun bit (which like me too)
YES people who blame one of them, be it intentional or not, really annoy me bc it comes through in your writing, and I prefer Reg just as a character I write but THAT DOESN'T MEAN I BLAME SIRIUS FOR ALL THE SHIT THAT HAPPENED TO HIM it doesn't make for a cool plot point, it's just creepy. Honestly my whole page is on the treatment of the black family and dumbledore's ignorance towards it so I feel very strongly about this one, same goes for people who use Andy as a catalyst for Cissa to cry into Alice/Lucius/whoever's arms because they never treat her like an actual person
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
nah... bc like woozi would def be a hard dom, he would have like this size kink (??) when his s/o is taller than him n he would just feel like he has so much POWER when he's ontop of them and the taller s/o is a softie so HIS CORRUPTION KIN- I'm deceased heart heehee
i will stand by the fact that jihoon has a size kink whether his partner is taller or shorter and god honestly he's probably so strong that he could toss his partner around with ease and I love being thrown around-
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
CANON LOOKALIKESS?? Oh boy this is exactly what ive been waiting for. (I wasn’t exactly sure what the prompt meantt but this is just 2 of my kins who happen to look like my current self. If i misinterpreted uhhh idc)
So like the first time i was like “oh man he looks a lot like me.. oh he IS me” was with hugo. This wasnt a huge resemblance tho pretty much just the same hair color and style so that wasnt that interesting.
What WAS interesting though was when i watched drdt and got jumpscared by my mirror image. Literally only difference was a little bit of dyed pink tips on the bangs. It was kinda hard for me to figure out if i kin him bc of it. Like i was second guessing if i was just kinsidering bc he looks like me but nah he’s me.
- whit young/hugo vat7k (#🌧️🫶)
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locktobre · 3 years
TLB thoughts/liveblog condensed in one post bc I didn’t want to spam and more importantly I didn’t feel like typing out all my tags multiple times
how is this cruise for Margaret’s job and not George’s? doesn’t she literally work in an office?
so the cruise is not specifically for her birthday, it just happens to line up with her birthday... that mitigates some of my earlier complaints but also, again, how does this connect to Margaret’s job
literally any time George and Margaret try to parent the girls I just fucking laugh. if you cared that much about your kids you wouldn’t let them, idk, take cross-country trips without you. just a thought.
they changed Margaret’s eye color??? this far into the show? I’m gonna scream
“teens and tweens only, no single digit ages” so does that exclude Stacie too or nah? LITERALLY WHEN ARE WE GONNA LEARN HER AGE I’M DYING OVER HERE
Arrrlene I love you
how did this activities director even get fucking hired? who did that??? why would you hire that guy for THIS cruise? put him on something for adults or seniors only, don’t put him on a family ship! WHO the fuck does that?????
how did they cross the international date line so soon? it feels way too fucking soon, they’ve only been on the ship for like a day! and where is this cruise even heading? if they crossed the date line, they’re heading west, so... they’re going to Asia? I guess? without stopping? I don’t know much about cruises but a quick google shows at least one cruise going from LA to Japan which takes 22 days, 10 of which are before the dateline. and also there’s a stop in Hawaii before that. so literally what the fuck is happening... they can’t even have a montage showing the passage of time? oh right bc that wouldn’t facilitate these shenanigans and this stupid activities director who wants them off the boat, which again, he should not have been hired for. what is this worldbuilding
I know timezones are confusing as all hell but how is Barbie 17 years old and not knowing about the international date line? or like, idk, why wouldn’t George or Margaret explain it to them? how did NOBODY see this coming, apparently? in the real-life cruise itinerary I linked above, it’s literally laid the fuck out for you so you don’t even have to guess! they did it all for you! AND NO ONE GLANCED AT THAT BEFORE LEAVING?
I’m sad Arrrlene isn’t the captain but I also love the actual captain very much. unless she was the one who hired the fuck up guy in which case I will never forgive her.
it is so hard to get into this story when it feels like I have to accept so much bullshit to even get to the part where the story starts
the animation on this parrot is really good, I’ll give them that. it actually looks like a real animal not a stylized monstrosity. the seagulls look pretty good too.
so like... this island isn’t real, right? it’s a journey in her imagination or some kind of dream or something, right?
kinning that vampire dude on the beach
gonna be real and say those spider designs still creep me out, even with how much they toned it down. I just hate spiders so much I’m sorry
showing a scarlet macaw flying around what should by all logic be a pacific island? I have to laugh. less so if it turns out this island is all just some imagined bs but if that’s supposed to be a twist they’re failing at it. (not gonna mention the talking animals bc that’s pure fantasy.)
surprisingly, plumbago is a real genus. itchissorious is made up, tho, naturally. altho to be pedantic, plumbago don’t appear to look like those at all, it looks closer to a type of sunflower which I swear is what Chelsea called the talking one. anyway they should have used helianthus instead. (would be again misplaced wildlife, but literally they don’t care at all so that wouldn’t matter.)
why have Barbie carrying oatmeal and not calamine lotion? if it was about the visual, calamine is literally pink so the splotches would still stand out. stupid.
I already wasn’t vibing with the random tiki shit onboard the ship but “Tiki tyrant” just feels like a yikes.
oh so the oatmeal was for seagull shenanigans? cool. I hate it.
I wish you would eat them, tiger. then this movie would be over and also this continuity and I could live my life in peace again.
after Darbie and Lacie I was wondering what they were going to do with Skipper and... Snipper... sure is a name alright. good imagination, Chelsea.
also, I know this is a total fantasy scenario with a talking purple-striped tiger but having Snipper say she’s a vegetarian feels like it perpetuates the myth that cats can be vegetarians and I hate it. I hate it SO fucking much.
“you remind me of my family,” Chelsea says to her talking animal friends which represent herself and her sisters but weirdly not her parents at all. I guess they’re not her family? cool.
so the island... is fake... like, manufactured fake? excuse me? first the ecological disaster of the cruise itself and now an artificial island? Barbie Sure Loves The Environment
“she’s way too smart to wander off alone on a jungle island” no offense, we all know I love my girl Chelsea, but WHAT in her life makes you think that Skipper adskjsdnfkjdnfgfg
do you think the order in which Chelsea met her animal friends is like her internal ranking of her sisters? obviously she loves Barbie the most so she found Darbie first, but then it was Lacie and then Snipper. I probably could have guessed that Stacie outranked Skipper after the Halloween episode but it’s still funny to think about it that way lmao
the movie’s almost over but I’m still not over these animals’ winged eyeliner. that’s so much even for me.
“little kids can get big things done, if you let them” would be a great message delivered in another movie. in this one it’s nonsensical.
tourists (derogatory)
oh so NOW we get the parents showing up as animals, literally at the last part of this island thing. I see how it is.
George dancing was like the only part of this movie to make me laugh
as sweet as it is for Arrrlene to adjust the height requirement, those exist for safety reasons... unless that was something the former AD made up.
still no idea why this movie was called “Barbie & Chelsea” when they spent 90% of the movie apart
I’m surprised there’s no moral at the end of the credits? I was expecting it to be “little kids can get big things done, if you let them” (which I still maintain is stupid but anyway)
still confused as to how this cruise ship connects to Margaret’s job... I guess she did some design work on it? or something?
okay so... Chelsea’s adventure was a dream? or was it real (somehow? somewhat?) and she just wished to go home? riddle for the ages I guess
overall I was bored and too caught up in trying to make sense of literally any of the cruise logistics to care about much else. not as enraged as I thought I might be but also not really entertained. shame.
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doodle-doodie-doo · 4 years
Ranting about how Gaz, taster of pork is my fave iz ep bc >:(((
iI wanted to make this rant for a while now so why the hell not, I’ve also been wanting to rant about this ep and why its my all time favorite...because why the hell not... __________ This episode is way above the others for me, nothing can beat this. Ever sense I started watching Invader Zim I wanted an ep like this, and when I first watched it I knew it was going to be my fave and god I was so so exited, where do I start?  I hear some people don’t like this episode because how much Dib abuse is in it, for someone who kins Dib and whenever I see Dib get hurt in the show (which is like every single fucking ep) I feel horrible for him, but in this ep I did not, and I actually found it pretty funny, I laughed. From the start I knew Gaz and Dib where going to be my favorites and the more the show went on the more and more I loved these two and wanted to just see these two on screen, honestly I was starting to get tired of a lot of ep’s just being Dib vs Zim, I really wanted something else, not ONLY in this ep just about Dib and Gaz, how its done is done so so PERFECTLY.  _____________ I don’t want to point out every single part why I like it so much (probably will, anyways) starting off, Dib is fucking adorable in the start, thats perfect for me, LOVE THAT SHIT. That fucking....squeal he did?? yes. Ill take that shit. thank u..... And Gaz just walking in bitching about how Dib ate her food and hes just fucking too focused on his hard drives or whatever, its fucking perfect. Dib just being a fanboy in the start and Gaz bitching about whatever to him is perfect for me,   I think this was the first time we saw Gaz’s room and I love how it’s filled with stuffed animals, that is so perfect for her character you have NO IDEA. And I love what I’m assuming is dragon pajamas, what I love most of all is Gaz calling in her stuff animals to throw Dib out her room, the idea of Gaz having these creepy dolls that come to life is one of the best concepts for her character and I wish people would do more with that. I like how Dib just isn’t down right scared of Gaz all the time, like he is still willing to be selfish about himself, giving her the shadow hog curse and lying ABOUT IT LMAO WHAT AN ASSHOLE. Dib then starts to act fucking dumb af, like “OH NO I DIDNT DO CRAP GAZ 0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W0W00″ But Gaz b like: nah hoe Dib’s still being an ass, then the ep JUST GETS FUCKING BETTER.  One of my alltime favorite things about this ep is that you can slowly see Dib get more and more scared, and Gaz more and more upset, you can tell something really bad is going to happen to Dib at the end, but you don’t know what, and it’s even more scary because its Gaz...THAT IS JUST, SUCH ASMAZING WRITING, I REALLY ADORE SHIT LIKE THAT, GOD.  I love how Gaz dosen’t start getting angry too early, I like how you see her eat every single food and creepy music is just being played, she’s also not eating all the food too fast, you can just FELL SHIT BOUTTA HAPPEN SOON 4 REAL  one of my favorite fucking animation clips from this ep is just when Gaz is eating and just spitting it all in Dib’s face while he’s reading his book trying to fix this curse, you can start to feel Dib, and how much he is starting to panic, its amazing,.  _______  AND THEN THE FUCKING, MASHED PATATO PART HHABSJDGEK THAT PART HAD ME DYING, AND WHEN GAZ OPENED HER EYES WHILE DOING IT IT WAS SO FUCKING CURSED, AND THEN GAZ JUST GIVES UP AND THROWS THE FOOD AT SOME RANDOM ASS AND DIB IS LIKE “NOOO NOT ZITA” ITS SO FUCKING DUMB AND PERFECT I LOVE IT.  I forgot to add this but I love Gaz’s voice through out this and how she is acting, she’s not too too scary (at the start at least) like how shes acting and her voice tone and everything, which makes it even more scary for some reason, like its not overdone, u fucking SCARED LIKE U CAN TELL SOME SHIT BOUTTA GO DOWN.  side note I love how Gaz’s teacher is nothing like mrs. Bitters, its so funny.  ALSO??? ALSO???? I LOVE THE LITTLE MOMENT WHERE GAZ AND DIB IS HOLDING HANDS WHILE WALKING HOME, LOVE THAT, LOVE THAT SOOO MUCH, SO CUTE WTF. also I LOVE THE PIG GIRL THING. Just seeing art for that in that ep is so cool, AND WHEN GAZ IS IN THAT LITTLE PIGGY OUTFIT SO SO CUTE, I’m telling you, Gaz’s animal is Pigs, like Dib’s animal is moths. It fits too well. It’s so so cool to see something crazy and insane happening to Gaz for a change and not Dib and Zim. And its still just as funny, if not, even MORE FUNNY.  and i adore the PART WHERE DIB IS JUST TALKING TO A RANDOM HOBO LIKE ITS SO FUCKING RANDOM AND POINTLESS IM WATCHING THE EP RN AND I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT JUST EXISTS LMAOO  aND it is super super cute when Dib was talking to Zim, just, that part was so perfect, you can tell that Dib really does care. AND HERE COMES THE BEST PART AND THE IDEA FOR MY DEMON GAZ AU WHERE LIKE, GAZ SEEMS LIKE SHE HAS THESE EVIL POWERS, JHONEN CAN SAY “NO SHE DONT HOE” BUT IM LIKE “YEET TEET S I R” THAT, YES YES HELL YES THAT WAS SO SO PERFECT WHAT THE FUCK??  and___ _______ oh my god. oh. my. fucking. god. Like the most funny part of tHE EP IS THE PART WE WHERE WAITING FOR, DO YALL KNOW HOW FUCKING FUNNY IT WAS??? OK, OK.  A LISTEN.  WHEN GAZ FINALLY COMES OUT HER CAGE THINNG, U KNOW DIB BOUTTA GET BLASTED, AND GAZ JUST BEATS THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT HIM, but get this, HE SOUNDS LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY. YES, YES, YES, ALL MY YES, 100/10, 100/10. 100/10.  thtt SHITR....HAD ME DEAD, FUCKING DEAD.  AND THE PART WHERE THEY WHERE IN BEAVER COSTUMES WHERE SO SO ADORBALE, THEY ARE SO CUTE, I LOVE THEM, Dib and Gaz where so so on point in this ep. ________ the shadow hog place,,,,,OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOW, HOW CAN YOU GET MORE PERFECT??? THE PIGS AND EVERYTHING JUST, EVERYTHING LOOKS AND FEELS SO SPOTLESS, WHOEVER DESIGNED THAT  MMMEFNJEFHIE This is when Dib starts to get very protective and this is JUST. WHAT. I WANT. from Dib and Gaz.  PLUS i love the shadow Hog, hes nice.  ONE ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS EVER, LIKE, MAYBE IN THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN SHOW, IS JUST DIB FIGHTING THEM SHADOW HOG GUARDS, JUST, ITS NOT normal Dib abuse like in every ep, THEM HOGS ARE LEGIT BEATING THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT HIM, LIKE DAMN BRUH THEY FUCKING, DAMN, BUT THATS NOT GOING TO STOP DIB, EVERYTIME HE GETS HURT HE JUST GETS RIGHT BACK UP, HE DOSENT WANT GAZ TO GET HURT OR DIE, HE CARES THAT MUCH, HE JUST KEEPS FUCKING, GOING AND GOING AND GOING AND DAMN  WTJHWVWUTD, BRUUUHHH DID YALL SEE THE PART WHEN DIB GOT THROWN BACK AND THE BACKGROUND WAS RED?? BRUH I FELT THAT BRUH, DIB REALLY DID SAY:N BEKFHEJHFJOEFJKFJKLWEHLIFJGEIURGFURWEHGRK  LIKE MY MAN GOT THROWN LIKE THAT LIKE BRUIH KISSES TO THE ANIMATIORS THAT FUCKING, THAT MOVEMEANT WAS SO SO IMPRESSIVE AND SMOOTH HOW TF THEY DID THAT EVERYTIME I WATCH HIM GET THROWN BACK LIKE THAT WHEN THE SCREEN IS RED IM JUST ALWAYS LIKE ‘whoa”  aND gAZ and the shadow hog lord oh my god they are perfect, I love how they just, start dancing in tu tu’s and playing video games and Gaz is just ranting to him about how dumb her life is its all. so perfct. Keep in mind this is both going on at the same time which makes it 100 times better, this is what makes a cartoon so GOD DAMN PERFECT.  pOOR Dib when he comes in he just feels so so horrible, so sorry for Gaz, and the pig lord actua,lly dosent know what to do and gaz is like “yeah punish him lmfao”  AND THEN THE TOILET PART OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS JUST ALMOST AS FUNNY AS WHEN GAZ BEATS DIB AAND HES JUST A SQUEAKY TOY LMAO, it makes it 10000000000 times better because you dont see whats in the toilet and Dibs just freaking out, that is so perfect, that what makes good writing and a joke work, that was perfect.  AND THE ENDING, OH MY FUCKING GOD JUST dIB YELLING IN PAIN, perfect.  Theres jsut so much good shit in this ep that just makes it better than the others. I wanted more of shit like this from the show and etc, I also want more fanart of pig Gaz. Good shit man  
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pescado-diabolico · 6 years
Reiji for the character headcanons? :3c
My boy!!! My beautiful baby boy!!!
Send me the name of a character and I will tell you my:
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi!!! We stan a bi legend!!! Nah but besides the whole “none of the characters are straight” thing, headcanoning reiji as bi means a lot to me. Maybe because I see a lot of myself in him and I’m bi, but it just makes me really tender to think about. Of all the characters, i feel most firm in my headcanon of reiji’s sexuality.
2: otp 
I love RanRei, i’d go so far as to say it’s my fave ship in utapri. ReiNatsu isn’t far behind tho, i love it a lot too. And, after writing it, Ren and Reiji are a nice ship (which you should all read and reblog my new fic btw)
3: brotp 
Team ROT!!! Reiji is Otoya and Tokiya’s dad and they’re all good friends. Reiji and Cecil also have a very sweet friendship (the latest event story was so good)
4: notp 
ReiAi. Like. Hard no on that ship. I’m also not crazy abt shipping Reiji with otoya, tokiya, and cecil due to the fact that they have a more familial relationship
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He seems like the type to enjoy old films. Catch him up at 3 am with a carton of ice cream and fried chicken watching black and white films when he can’t sleep
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Oh god, so many. Hiding our dark side with humor, not getting enough sleep, liking junk food and eating late and being insecure abt our body, using outdated language/having a corny sense of humor, trying our best to keep it together, i could go on. I don’t kin characters but Reiji is v much a kin
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I love that he’s cheesy but his cheesiness can make me cringe. I can never have him set as my partner in Shining Live for extended periods of time bc his voice gets on my nerves
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll with a touch of sinfulness, mostly pure and good but def naughty at times ψ( ` ω ´ )
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chavlies-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
(tyler young - cis male, 20) — have you met CHARLIE BAUDO yet? word is that he isAPPROACHABLE & HONEST, though if you catch him on the wrong day, he can also beWEAK-WILLED & JEALOUS. i heard that he is a STUDENT & WAITER, but don’t take it from me. when he was moving into 1J, i thought i heard LUST FOR LIFE by LANA DEL REYplaying from his apartment. pretty appropriate, right? (ooc: chloe, 18, she.her, cst)
ayyooo ya girl chloe back @ it with another bean. i got some time over the next couple days before the world roasts my ass with college so lets fuck shit up ! also let me tell u about my favorite doughy boy.
nah but he was raised in a v big italian home like it’s a v big big home. round up the baudo children is there four or twelve of eight of them ? ma and paps sure can’t keep count.
there’s actually six of them total. charlie is the second youngest. otherwise it’s three older sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother.
guess he kinda got middle child syndrome tho ?? bby cakes got ignored a lot as a kid it wasn’t a fun time for him. which started for a lot of issues which he would only come to find out abt later.
so in summary, charlie was a quiet boy who read a lot of books and never really felt he fit in with his family (shocking twist he’s very gay and that probably was a part of it), and school was okay. like charlie just kinda coasted for a long time.
oh !! his parents own an italian restaurant so u bet ur little butt charlie and the rest of his kin was caught working hours and hours on end at that place. if u could walk u could be a bus boy.
but fast forward to high school, charlie rlly bloomed. and by bloomed i mean he fell in love, which is all that matters in high school, right??
his name was teddy and he was a basketball and football player. he was tall and lean and showed charlie love and attention that he never really got and they were sneaking around to have their blissful love n it was all great.
which lasted like eight months until teddy got tired of hiding and couldn’t face coming out so he just broken it off with charlie and that devastated him.
so much so that he had a v public outburst at school at teddy, outing the both of them while hysterically crying, and as all tragic cliche stories go, charlie backed himself up to fall down the stairs. he got a concussion and a broken arm but most importantly it brought attention to the fact that he needed Help.
he came out to his parents, which was underwhelming. charlie just wanted something from them but they just sort of passed it off like it didn’t matter. maybe to some that’s alright, but charlie wanted support and their undying love.
the solution? right at the end of freshman year he was flown out to california to live with his aunt, where he’d go to therapy and a much nicer school, surrounded by people who were similar to himself.
charlie thrived and california was the best, but big ole bummer, senior year his parents forced him to move home, saying that he had “had enough time to get better and it was time to be with his family” which char just took as them needing the handy work at the restaurant.
so senior year, he had made some friends, who occupied his time very well. and maybe, possibly, he was madly in love with one of them to proclaimed he was a sculptor and he usually fought everyone and was generally terrible and yet charlie liked him. it was bad news bears all around.
but friends alone, charlie had a hard time with his parents, and he didn’t exactly feel that being an adult was going to keep them out of his grasp (i mean his sister got stuck there for years. he didn’t want that)
so he went to school in san diego !!! which was great !!! until it wasn’t !!! listen guys this boy has moved a lot i don’t think he’s been in one place longer than two years since he was 14 it’s p yikes !!!!
so after he got over sd, he came to san fran to transfer his credits to a knew school !!! and look where he is !!! reading books on his breaks serving dinners and playing video games while loving sushi. so he’ll tell u he moved bc of school but i mean,,,, the clay boy is here and he’s missed him v much let’s not pretend school is the /only/ reason for leaving.
he’s a real treat i promise.
he’s also trying to become an elementary school teacher, so wow !!
just come plot w him he’s a mess but a sweet mess. he’s also kind of a bitch but we don’t need to get into that Now.
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