pieflavoredartz · 2 years
your art trademarks for me are the big lips, they have a very unique shape ! also, the colors you use, normally theyre always so warm that no matter what chracter it is, i know it was you who edited them or drew them! i found some of your edits on pinterest once bc of it and i was so happy ;))
NYEYEYEYEYE i love me sum lips, js for u LIP COMP‼️
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i draw pouts alot.. STILL 😳
N YES I OOVE LOVE WARM COLOURS they make me feel.. well warm!! tysm tysm oml 💗💗‼️‼️
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zwolfgames · 9 months
Yandere Platonic MHA x child!reader
Requested by: jocru046
Part two/sequel of this.
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(Warnings: kind of kidnapping, kicking a child, creepy overbearing behavior, yandere in general.)
(3rd person POV)
Life sucked.
No really, it did.
Atleast for you, that is. Y/N, not even a last name. Just a small kid, no parents or guardian. You can't even remember how thar happned. Did you have parents? Did you just spawn in one day? Only god knew. No wait, that didn't exsist. Trust me, you had begged that god for help and received nothing.
Never having gone to school or kindergarden you were far behind other kids. Now, as a illiterate 8 year old with no hopes or dreams you live on the streets. Luckily, your quirk kept you alive.
A simple concept. You cried pearls. Or well, thats all you knew of it. It would be sad if that was the only thing you could do but you didn't care at the moment. Survival was your top priority.
So, when you ran low on money, you cried and collected the little pearls. Selling them to who-ever you could. It worked... well enough. You were a kid, you definitly got scammed a lot.
So that brings us to this faithfull moolit night. One where you were drawing on an old newspaper. You couldn't read it anyways.
All was calm untill you began to hear footsteps. Loud frantic footsteps and heavy breaths. Like a group of humans running from a bear.
You held your breath and shrunk into your make-shift dumpster house as the footsteps came into your alley.
You expected them to just run past, like everyone always did. But no...
They stopped... Right in the middle of the alley.
It was quiet for a moment, just a moment. As if they were scanning the space.
"Oi! Kid. Come out, right now! We know you're here!" Some loud man screamed. A sudden crash of a thrashcan being thrown against a wall was heard. You gulped.
Surely they were thinking if some other kid, right? I mean, surely there was some other poor orphan child in this alley besides you?
Just as you finished the tought the lid of your dumpster home smashed open and before you could even gasp one of the men had a crushing grip on your upper arm. Ripping you out of the dumpster as if you were nothing but a twig.
"Got it." He huffed to his boss as this henchman, or whatever, held you beside him in the crushing grip.
"Who are you? Let go! You're hurting me!" You growl and bare your teeth, a trick you had seen the stray dogs use on weirdo's.
"Shut it. Hurt them." The boss man said harshly. He looked disgusting. Like some vile criminal. Whatever his quirk was wasnt helping his appearance. This man had the skin of a fish yet the appearance of a man...
The thug holding you complied and bashed your head against the rough brick wall. You let out a pained sounded and started slightly crying at the pain. Your head feeling heavy as you saw stars. If you guessed right you were even bleeding.
Two small pearls streamed down your cheeks and fell to the dirty alley ground with a small sound.
The fish man grinned, revealing scary, shark-like, teeth. "Thats them. The pearl seller. Take em away. We'll be rich by the end of the week!" He laughed and you were dragged along. Your head still spinning.
This was going too fast. What was happening?! Who were these people? Why did they hurt you?
You began realising the situation when their black van came into vieuw. They'd stuff you in there and you'd never be seen again! You knew it! You've seen it happen to kids before!
So in that moment you let out the most blood-curdling scream of despair. Shrill and loud, just like you wanted it.
The chance someone would come to rescue you was small, seeing how humans were.... But it was worth a shot.
The man holding you growled in anger and kicked in your stomach. You almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for his deadly harsh grip on your arm. The air knocked out of you.
The thug was about to throw you into the dammned van before you were suddendly back on the ground again.
No longer having your arm crushed. Now curling up into a pained ball on the ground as you cried. Shiny perfect pearls rolling down your face.
There, infront of you, stood some darkly dressed man. Somehow, his scarf somehow floating...
Just a moment ago all those bad men were ready to drive off.... and now they were either knocked out on the ground or too pained to move...
What was this... mosnter? How did he do this? The scary looking man came closer to you, taking light steps.
You could see his face now. Some ridiculous yellow goggles on his eyes. His long, messy black hair swayed with his steps. Overall, he didnt look too bad... maybe a bit sleep-deprived and dead inside but oh well... What made him scary was the fact that he just wiped out this gang of men that wanted to kidnap you.
The unknown man kneels down in front of you. Not too close, not too far.
He observes you. Just faintly, you can see his eyes stare into yours from behind his strange yellow goggles.
"Are you alright?" He asks after a long silnece. You had alreadt seized your crying... now just a pile of little pearls on the ground.
"Im... fine." You whispered. In a broken choked voice. Who could blame you? You just released the loudest scream you ever had in your short life.
"Sounds like a lie. You're bleeding kiddo." The mysterious man sigh and reaches his hand towards you, to wich you flinch and scamble to your feet to take a step back.
The man frowns and stand up aswell, way more intimidating at his full height.
"There's no need to be afraid. Im here to help." He said, keeping the distance as to not scare you further.
This man... He may be scary but he didn't feel the same way the thugs on the ground felt.... More... safe.
How could some-one so scary feel safe? You wondered.
The man seemed to notice your questioning look but said nothing, merely making sure you didn't run off. You were injured and he needed the whole story.
"Whats your name?" He suddendly said, his voice soft and caring, as if he was speaking to a small child- oh wait, you were a small child.
You hesitated for a moment but decided to just answer before he bashed your head in like he did with the thugs.
"Y/N..." You answer softly. Not looking him in the face anymore.
"Where are your parents, Y/N?" He asked calmly. That question stunned you for a moment, maybe you should have expected it but somehow... no-one had asked you that before.
"...Non-exsistent." You answered bluntly. Not a hint of care for the subject in your voice.
The man had expected that but not in... such a careless way.
"I see... Would you trust me to help you?" He asked. This man only asked questions, how annoying.
"...No." You answered after a moment of silence. The man seemed baffled, as if no-one he had rescued had ever said 'no'.
He opened his mouth to say something yet before he could a groan was heard from the fish man on the ground behind him.
He shot into action at the mere sound and before you knew it you were off the ground and in his arms.
The wind blew into your face before the man tucked your head into his chest. Now you had no clue what was happening.
But judging from the loud air sounds, you were going fast as fuck.
As the surprise faded and you came back to your senses you started struggeling, to wich the man simply tightend his hold on you.
"Don't struggle, im taking you somewhere safer." He said calmly, tough the wind made it hard to hear. Was this dude doing parkour or something? You were getting sick from these abrupt movements! But i guess that did make you struggle less.
You tried to speak but this mans clothes were smothering your face. That weird scarf fluttering against your head as the man jumped and ran.
After an agonizing whileof running and wind he set you down on a chair. No wait, this was a car...
"Mister, what do you think you're doing-" You quickly asked but he held a finger to your lips and buckled you in. You were utterly confused.
First, some thugs tried to nab you for unknown reasons. And now this random man shoved you into his car?!
You gulped in slight fear yet looked around the car curiously, never having been in one before.
The man seemed satisfied with your silence and got into the car, taking the wheel and driving off.
"I know this is going too fast for you, but you'll be alright. Im EraserHead. A pro-hero." He side-eyed you and you simply looked up ahead. He was right, this was going too fast. And a pro-hero? This slobby dude? Really?
You said nothing and simply stared ahead. This was too complex for a child. You felt as if you should be scared but he had infact saved you... untill he grabbed you himself but eh.
EraserHead eventually stopped the car and got out before walking over to your side and unbuckeling you. Taking your hand as he leads you into a huge building.
"See, this is U.A. You've heard of it, haven't you?" He smiles slightly down at you. Those stupid goggles off of his face now so you could actually see his eyes.
You wanted to say no... but decided just to nod to avoid any boring info.
EraserHead led you into the grand building and after an endless amount of twists and turns you arrived at some sort of hospital room.
There, at a desk, set a tiny old lady. She turned her head and greeted EraserHead before turning her attention to you. You didn't know what it was about her but she immeadiatly had your trust.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked softly and observed your still bleeding head and multiple scrape wounds. Wich now that the adrenaline had stopped working, hurt quite a lot.
"I-Im fine." You meekly uttered, shrinking into yourself slightly. Eraserhead was about to comment 'Lies.' Once again but he didn't have the chance as the old lady shot him a glare.
"Is it okay if I help you dear?" She smiles at you. It was quite comforting since she wasn't way taller then you. You nod hesistanly.
The lady somewhat kisses your forehead and you can littarly feel your wounds being healed. Wich was really really weird!
The lady nodded and pat your head before gesturing to EraserHead that you were now fixed.
He nodded back and took your hand again. Seeing as this man claimed he was a hero, you'd seize your struggeling..  for now.
After another long trip of twists and turns youre back outside. Now walking on a nice path with a bunch of tall buildings next to it.
Where the hell did you end up?
"Students... This is Y/N. They'll be staying here temporally, untill I figure out how to solve their living situation." EraserHead ordered a group of weird looking teens. Wait, stay here?! Your consent was not asked!
Your eyes widen and you instictivly hide behind EraserHead. An action he found just adorable, tough he would never admit that.
The students stared for a moment untill you were suddendly swarmed.
Some pink girl squished your cheeks and you felt observed by everyone.
"Y/N, you're such a cutie. How did you end up here hmm?" The pink lady asked, to wich you had no answer. Luckily, EraserHead still exsisted and shooed the teens away.
"Y/N almost got abducted by a gang. They got hurt so I took them here. They don't seem to have parents or a guardian so untill that is sorted they stay here. If I hear even a single complaint from the kid, you're all dead." He sneered and glared at some spikey haired blonde specifically.
You gulped at all the attention and took a step backwards only to bump into some green haired guy.
He smiled such a friendly smile down at you, it was impossible to feel scared. That was what you tought untill he hugged you.
"Whats your quirk, little Y/N?" He asked sickingly sweet as he held you. You bet he tought it was comforting but after today and the amount of grabbing you've lived trough it was not..
"I um... cry pearls..." You uttered weakly. Overwhelmed by all the states and attention.
He nodded and seemed fascinated. Patting your head. "Thats so cool! Do they stay forever or is it temporary? Is it real pearl or does it just look like it? Does it hurt? Are there drawbacks? Do you get tired? Does i-"
"Shut up you stupid nerb!" That spikey haired blonde dude yelled harshly and his hand suddendly exploded.
You yelped in surprise and clung onto the green haired boy for dear life.
Not a moment later the blonde get wacked in the head by EraserHead.
"Stop bothering them. Introduce yourselfs so I can show them their room, they must be tired." He instructs and they did indeed introduce themselves. Some more elaborate then others but hey.... Its not like you'd remember their names anytime soon...
Like he said, EraserHead, also known as Aizawa now, led you up the stairs and showed you a vacant room.
There was a bed, a coffee table, a desk and a chair.... Thats more then you've ever had! Oh my god?!
Aizawa noticed you absolute bafflement and had to surpress a chuckle.
"Will you be able to sleep kiddo?" He asked softly and looked down at you. You slowly nodded, still taking the room in.
He smiled and pat your head before leaving you in the room. Closing the door behind him. You were now alone. And very tired. So you slumped onto the bed and fell asleep.
"Y/N. Wake up. Satou made breakfast." Some sweet female voice called out to you in your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with... Momo.... And her last name was too long for you to remember, so Momo it was.
Her black hair was nicely tied up and she put some clothes at the end of your bed.
"Come down when youre ready." She smiled and left your room. You were still sleepy but complied. Wow, these people were nice.
You put on your clothes, you had no clue how they got your meassurements but whatever.
You came downstairs and followed the sound of loud teens.
It led you to the dining room in this weird dorm like building and the room went quiet when you stepped in.
You were almost scared you did something wrong untill the students began argueing on who you should sit next to.
You stood there awkwardly before you were grabbed of the ground by none other then Aizawa and he just plopped you into an empty chair.
Now the people argued over who got to sit next to you but you just shrunk into yourself and quietly ate your food. It was amazing!
The students finally stopped bickering by the time you were done with eating, so, it was all for nothing. You jumped of your seat and went back to your room, unsure of what you were supposed, and allowed, to do.
Like that, life went on for some weeks. Tough you had noticed the way the class had become way more clingy and affectionate. You almost felt like some baby-doll they were assigned to take care off and got too attached to.
Your room had slowly been filled up with gifts and toys you had never seen before. But as much as you wanted to ignore it.... you had noticed how your balcony window did not open...
"Kiri, put me down! I can stand, I have legs!" You huff and struggle. Thats another thing they liked to do. Just pick you up.
"Would you rather not have legs, hmm?" He smiled sickingly sweet. It shut you right up. Another one of those scary remarks.
Something was wrong with these people.
You were hoping and praying for Aizawa to finish finding where you would go. Maybe an orphanage? Perhaps directly to a family?
He would never tell you he stopped searching long ago.
As Kirishima carried you to the living room for a movie you noticed everyone had gathered there.
You were put right in the middle, nicely tucked into a blanket. The movie started and you tried your best to pay attention... but you felt more watched then the movie...
You wanted to go home... But there was no home. You used to live in a dumpster for gods sake! They really had you stuck here.
The evening commenced and you fell asleep on the couch. It was way past your bedtime afterall.
The next day, you just woke up back in your bed. Probably carried there by who knows who... Everyone of these kids was strong enough to carry ten of you!
It was a nice loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep. The same, every day.
You were so stuck in this routine. Figurativly and littarly.
You were used to it yes.... But they wouldn't ever let you leave either.
You hadnt tried yet... But each time you wandered outside you were quickly dragged back... It's like you were watched 24/7.
They didn't want you to play outside. It was dangerous. You could catch a cold, or scrape your knee.
All very normal things. You tried to reason. Back when you lived on the streets you got hurt and sick all the time. It made them even more protective.
Soon, you began noticing. The hushed whispers they tought you didn't hear. The hidden cameras. The damm baby monitor under you bed.
They were crazy! They had to be! What was all this? Why weren't you sent away yet?
What were you doing here?
Answers never came. You just had to stay in the loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep.
Thats what they wanted.
You didn't have to know how dear you were to them. An innocent child. Waiting for them at the end of a stressfull day. Smiling and laughing.
You were precious to them.
You didn't have to know. You just had to stay.
None of them had ever expected that they could agree on something this... unhealty. Yet they did.
These teens, with such diffrencess, agreed to keep you with them.
How absurd.
But it happned anyways.
All was fine untill these 'villains' attacked their school.
From what you've heard, it wasn't the first time. You had seen nothing of the fight.
Aizawa had handed you to Jirou and Asui right at the beginning. They had a simple task. Bring you to the safest possible place.
Wich to your displeasure was a basement.
It was dark and you could hear fighting, but you couldnt go see. Couldnt move.
They made sure of that.
You were like their sibling. Their dear younger sibling.
You had suffred enough.
If they couldnt keep you safe now, how would they ever be great hero's?
So thats how security became even stronger after the attack.
No longer were you even allowed to step a foot outside. Not even look at the door if they could help it.
There was always someone with you.
Some nicer then other.... Surprisingly, Bakugo had more chill then Midoriya.
The angry blonde tought you how too cook omelets while the green nerd didn't even let you lift a finger.
Life was dull, repetitive and utterly.... boring.
What was fun if there were no risks? You couldn't go down a slide without someone holding you the whole way.
Couldnt build a pillow fort without Uraraka standing by for if anything fell.... Not even a pillow could graze your skin or panic would break loose!
You could argue as much as you wanted. In the end it didn't matter. You were the child. You were helpless. You needed them.
They made that clear.
And you would never, ever leave.
Where could you go?
It was them.... or nothing.
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Have a nice day/night!
Words: 3543
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strawberrieeies · 6 months
an original form sukuna (conforms to canon) fic where yuji is not his vessle, the sibuya incident never happned, yuji never mmet any of the character in the original plot.so basically none of the plot in jujustu kaisen never happened and yuji ends up with yuko ozawa (not really important, just info im really proud of )
but thats not what the story focusses on the story focuses on the relationship of our two main characters; you(y/n) and ryomen sukuna
hes absoloutly obsessed with you he wants you he needs you and hes determined to have you. but how did this come to be, how did he know you, youve never met him before, hes a complete stranger so how… and why you?
why would the king of curses, Ryomen Sukuna be absoloutly smitted by a 22 year old collage student (ik hes over 1000 years old but i wanted her to be a collage student since thats kinda how she finds the finger and it really doesnt work if shes not in school.and thats the age of a senior in collage. if you dont like that im sorry, im contemplating if i should change up the story and make her a bit more grown (27-30s) im not too sure yet. im new so bear with me pls)
first ao3 fanfic. are you interested
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man11c · 2 years
Xavier x reader - Maybe a few more lessons.
Plot - During second term, you join Nevermore academy. One of the first things you do is join the archery club, and from there you get to know Xavier Thorpe. At first he seems head over heels for Wednesday, but maybe at some point he'll see something in you? In school, you go through many dilemmas which you need to solve.
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Part one - introduction
The air changed when you walked through the gates of Nevermore Academy. It was the place said to take in people who didn't fit in with others. In simple words - Freaks. You never got along with other kids, you were seen as rash, scary, manipulative. You were a mind wander, you should invade a person's mind, feed them lies, see what they thought of you and even put images into their minds that they wouldn't be able to get rid of. You were used to hearing everyone else's thoughts apart from yours.
"I hope you have a good semester (y/n) we'll contact you." Your mother said holding your fathers hand. They looked at you with smiles carved onto their lips as they watched you delve deeper into the school. You simply waved back before their voices grew weaker in your ears. Now you heard rumbling of all the other students that gathered outside. They spoke to eachother and interacted. Being singled out, you stood clueless not knowing what course of action you should approach first. You felt a presence next to you. "You must be (y/n) we share a dorm, my name is Bianca." Turning to see the person talking to you, she had captivating eyes. Moments passed before you could respond. "Oh. Nice to meet you Bianca, and you are right on the dot. I'm (y/n)" A smile hinted at your lips as you looked at the woman that stood confidently in front of you. "Come, it's best if I show you around. You're new right?" You nodded in response as you began to follow Bianca closely. "Over these is Enid and Wednesday. They two done a fair bit last semester. And there, Thats Xavier with Ajax." You noticed how her voice was bitter when she said the name of the first male. With a quick glance his way, you could get s glimpse of his face. But you looked back to Bianca before you could look better. "I know Wednesday. Our family is rather close. So I've heard what happned last semester." You explained as you walked holding you own hand infront of you.
Bianca showed you around marjorty of the school before she took you to the shared dorm you had with her. "Make yourself at home, I'll be gone for a bit." The girl rushed to say before leaving the room, the door closing behind her. Now you were alone again. Taking a quick look around, you noticed her side of the room was decorated nicely. It was sophisticated. Your side of the room was bland and empty. With a huff you got to work ; unpacking your things and neatly putting them away. Hours passed before you were finally done. Finally, you thought to yourself as you slumped into your bed. The smell of home among you sheets. 'I shouldn't stay slumped for too long' you thought to yourself before pushing yourself up. Time for a bit exploring on your own.
You left your dorm room before you walked through the halls to find yourself outside back in the mian local area. A few people mingled around, talking and sitting with eachother. Only one thing caught your eye, a male that stood alone with a bow in his arms as he aimed. That seemed to peak you interest. Walking in his direction, you stood directly behind him silently. After a few attemps he finally got a bullseye. "Well done." You finally spoke up. It made the male jump as he dropped his bow, he turned defensively as his brows knotted. "What the hell! God. You can't do that." He said in a huff as he looked down on you. Xavier, the guy Bianca mentioned. You stared at him. "Hello?" He clicked his fingers in your face making you brake from your trance. "My apologies." Was all you said. In return you received a scoff from the Xavier. "So... what brings you here new girl?" He asked you dismissively as he reached down to grab his bow from the damp ground. Your eyes followed him as his stature got smaller. "Well, If it isn't obvious I want to join the archery club." You told him directly as you folded your arms over your chest. Xavier looked at you with his brow raised as a smug look came across his face. "Yeah?" He asked, again you just nodded. "Well what's your name then...I'm Xav-" before you could finish you beat him too it. "Xavier Thorpe. Nice to meet you I'm (y/n) Binaca told me about you." Being taken back he just laughed it off. "Uhuh..Bianca. Well nice to meet you too. I guess welcome to archery."
You didn't need to hear anymore, so you took your leave turning around and walking away. Xavier watched as you abandoned him coldy. A small chuckle left his mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He called out to you as he walked off, but you left him hanging with no reply. You reminded him of a special someone he already knew.
First day of classes, herbology was first on your timetable. You sat with Bianca, you and her got along good so far. Observing your surroundings, you saw Xavier and Wednesday. His body turned to her as he talked to her. He so obviously liked her, but seeing Wednesday having no interest made you laugh. "Is he always like that?" You turned to ask Bianca. Again she has a bitter look on her face, you wondered what could make her like this. "Yes, since the start of the last Semester. He's been obsessed with her." She answered tapping her pen on her desk. Bianca was annoyed, it was clear. Best to change subject.
Class went by swiftly, and now you were packing up. You held a notebook in your hands as you left the room. Being halted at the door with a familiar man standing between you and the exit. "Hey, I'll see you later at archery?" Xavier spoke with a grin on his face. You raised your gaze to look at him, slightly annoyed be stood infront of you. "Yeah." You said pushing past him to get to your next class, but he caught up with you. "Is it true you know Wednesday?" He fired the question at you. Well now you knew why he was so egar to talk to you. "Yes, but don't think I'll answer all your questions about her." You sped up as he tried to get away from him, but you couldn't lose the guy. "I was just asking..." His voice curled in on himself. "Well keep your questions for when we aren't walking to class." You told him lastly before taking a sharp corner. Maybe he liked Wednesday a lot more than you thought. Funny.
Like you told him, you were there right on time. But xavier was nowhere to be seen. Well you didn't need him to start you off anyway. You grabbed a bow and a few arrows and placed them down by your side. Fast approaching footsteps from behind came your way. "Hey hey, sorry I'm a bit late." Xavier said slightly out of breath. But you didn't even bother replying. Raising the bow up infront of you with the arrow aimed at the big red dot in your field of vision. Xavier stood behind you as his arm slithered across yours to position it properly. His hand placed ontop of yours as while she shifted your arm slightly. "A little warning would be nice before you decide to get so close." You spoke up softly under your breath, but all he did was slightly chuckle. "Your stance isn't right." Xavier said as he pulled away from him, his arm hand dropping from yours. Taking a deep breath in, you let go of the string as the brow cut through the air. It hit outside the bullseye. Instead it hit one of the outside targets. You sighed, slightly annoyed. "You messed me up." You blamed your failur on Xavier. "My fault? Wow." He rolled his eyes as he reached for another bow and arrow. "I think, you just aren't good as me." As he said it, his arrow hit the bullseye. And he looked at you with a smirk a bit too proud of himself.
"Shut up." You grabbed another arrow from next to you and positioned it. "I mean, I wouldn't mind giving you a few lessons if you need them." Xaviers bow lowered as he proposed the idea to you. You looked at him with narrow eyes trying to see if he was serious or not. "Fine. Only a few lessons. See if you teaching is any good." You gave in, but you had to learn one way or another. Xavier looked pleased with himself as he put his hair up in a bun.
"Dont underestime me (y/n)"
Psa, this is a multiple part series thing yeah.
Part 2 out now❗️
Word count : 1477
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hunting-songs · 4 months
👨‍👩‍👦 Kurapika will be listening very carefully
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Send 👨‍👩‍👦 for my muse to talk about their family!
"Now would you look at that.", Senritsu had tilted her head to the side, listening attentive with a smile curling around her stark fronteeth. She was not listening to the streetmusicians who had started to set up their instruments on the cobbled stones of the marketplaces floor. She was not smiling sweetly over the warmth of her teacup in her small hands, not over the comfortableness of the late autumn sunlight falling on them sitting at the Cafés to the marketplace open frontyard, not over Kurapika sitting with her, but the smile was sharp and uncomfortably playful like from a cat ready to hunt.
"Have you ever been pickpocketed, Kurapika? If you want to avoid that, take your wallet in your hand and don´t let it go." The sunlight was very warm, yet the air outside was cool and crisp like an autumnapple. The small little conversations of teh cafés other guests sitting outside had died out, swallowed by the streetmusicians music. She showed him how to hold the wallet in one hand; the short fingers of her other hand thoughtfully tapping a melody against her chin, Senritsu just hummed: "Mhmmmm, now, not too bad of a set-up. Its a trap." the Music hunters voice was calm and with a certaine almost happy singsang in her voice that could almost sound like a laughter. In fact Senritsu seemed almost delighted as if she was watching an old childhood-favorite-movie. Playfully she leand her elbow at the back of her chair, pointing tot he street musicians with her finger dancing through the air in the tact of their song: "The Musicians playing music are standing in a half circle and are suppose to act as a distraction." then her finger wandered around, pointing at Kurapik or more accurately, pointing past him to what was happening in his back: "Noone would look in the back now, who would anyone, there is music to listen to and musicians doing their craft to look at."
"That means behind us is now another half-circle made of shorter adults or children." Her dancing finger pointed barely noticeable to a child who happned to walk between the tables looking around innocently, almost as if looking after where their parents had sat down, almost even convincing: " At the climax of the song they will start to go systematically between the tables and affrettando snatch wallets, bags, wristwatches, jewelery..." Nimbly Senritsu touched her own earlobe, looking at Kurapika and than cupped her ear with her small hand and nonchalantly leaned on her elbow to hide this gesture behind a normal movement as if she was just leaning her chin on her elbow as one would do on such a normal day, with such a nice weather, with such nice company, over such nice tea, sitting at such a nice romanti place. And doing just that she showed Kurapika to subtly do the same so his earring would not be taken:" And when the song ends and people applaude, the thiefs presto go away before anyone could notice them and if I am right-" She turned her head, her dark eyes flittering over the marketplace before stopping by a small alleyway that looked like a thin streak of black cole against the grey of the old buildings around it. The alleyway was dark and narrow, barely enough for two people to walk side by side between them. Chuckling in all good humor as if laughing to a joke only she could hear, Senritsus dancing finger pointed into the alleyways direction: "Ah yes, look at that, you see that small alley at the other side of the marketplace? Thats where they will run to to get away. The alley is small enough that the adults of the thiefs could block any angry followers path in the case the children are noticd stealing, so the little ones could get away without beeing followed, caught or hurt." SHe heard the question. The song continued, the people around them cheered for the streetmuscians, caught and swept away by the song without even noticing. She heard it even if it was not asked. The Café was small, romantically nestled by the old buildings surrounding the cobbled marketplace and fit perfectly to the streetmusicians romantic song.
"I know that because its my own personal expierence, to answer the question you are too polite to ask.", the Musician took a sip of her tea- black tea, just as her father had brewed for her very morning before she was set down for online classs along with her siblings, black tea just as she would brew herself every morning for waking up in the Music Consortiums dorm, black tea just as Ask had always carried around a package in his luggage in case she would run out of her own supply, Black tea as she was brewing herself every morning in a Hotels Kitchen to drink alone and share with Kurapika whenever he wanted: "Before I unintentionally designed my Hatsu and took on the Musician part as distraction, I was one of those little thiefs. And my younger siblings,too and before that my older siblings and before that my mother did the same when she was assai little." She tilted her head to the side from one side to another like a thoughtful bird: "Mhmmmm, my first Nen-Master once said its probably because of this why my prototype Hatsu was a stunning ability. It was born from the amoroso wish to make sure my siblings are never caught stealing." She turned her teaspoon nimbly between her short fingers like a conman would turn a coin betwn their fingers, making the steel shimmer just as precious silver. There was a worried frown drawing a deep line between her big eys- she was thinking about the Scarlet eyes beeing stolen, she was thinking about Kurapikas disdain for dishonesty and crime he held to with an iron fist even if he himself was part of the mafia, she was thinking about how very similar they both had grown up as children of minority-groups and yet how different this groups had been- his hiding from others to survive, hers seeking out others and stealing, murdering and violating to survive.
There was a rueful smile curling around the young womans dark lips and she looked up to the other with her head tilted to the side like a attentive bird as she listened, listened, listened. Not to the music, not to the footsteps of the thiefs, not to the sound of rustling cloth when wallets were snatched away unseen and unnoticed, but to him: "....mhmmmmmmm, Does it makes you uncomfortable knowing that I come from a line of criminals?" [ @skarletchains ]
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her-canine-teeth · 6 months
cornflower blue by flower face - notes
-interpretations r all mine and completely baseless as im prone to overinterpreting. but its my edit so idc (just a heads up. not like theres that much symbolism here either (yet))-
pov jackie is blue, pov shauna is red
I wanna lay on the kitchen floor with you
theyre. laying on the floor
I wanna do all the things that lovers do
idk but her lookkk in the beginning. to me, the neclace is symbolic of their support; a promise that theyll always have each other. something that held value to jackie (always held it when she was nervous/excited/idk) and now its shaunas. 'its a good luck charm' - im giving you my luck, im giving you what carried me through this; id give u anything. the meaning is like the one of a a ring to me. Also its a heart
Bruised on your face like a watercolour bloom
'bruised' reffering to the emotional bruises she shows now. 'watercolour' bc i think it fit sorta and 'bloom' bc. plant
Moonlight paints your skin
it does
Cornflower blue
honsetly just searched for blue stuff
You love me 'til you wear me out
Then you love me more
technically she doesnt. but jackie doesnt know that
I'm blue to the middle, just like you
=sad. shaunas sad bc she like. lost her friend
Freezing to the core
i thought that was funny. still do
The days, they fly like trains go by
the closest thing i found to a train
I'm on my way home to you
YES bc she is on the way home to her best friend, to her shauna (i think i alr said this in the tags) BCEAUSE the shauna in the death hallucination did never actually exist. Shes what jackie thinks she is, which is different from who she actually is. Jackie is on the way home; here, home simultainiously meaning 'shauna' and 'the place where hallucination-shauna came from' whcih is. non-existance. ignore the random man in the corner
And I think about if they ran me down
obvious i think?? even though theyre more running shauna down though
Baby, what would you do?
I wanna lay on the train tracks with you
can i just say. i LOVE the like transition of sound. idkkk anyways yeah theyre like together n happy
I wanna tie you down the way that lovers do
shes giving back the necklace that was hers, therefore binding them together (made more sense in my head ill be honest) maan idk how to explain but also it was the closetst thing to tying i could think of. also the eay jackie looks at shauna omg and i think her head idk shake? is sorta on beat. and its a HEART what more could u want
In the morning, I'll love the mangled bits of you
R U KIDDING THATS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPNED OMG cannibalism is a form of love.
I'll love you when your lips turn cornflower blue
makes sense also this was the first time i used a transition slay
I love you 'til I wear you out
Then I love you more
cannibalism is a form of love. this has been established.
Now all the things that we don't talk about
Are waiting at the door
guys look shes literally pointing to the door. amazing
I won't let you out of my sight
greatest tragedy is that she did
Even when you're sleeping
So baby, take your medicine
think that is obvious too like. medicine
And promise me you're eating
Who will I say goodnight to when you're gone?
love this part tbh
you can find the edit here!
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calamityblog · 1 year
Marcy what do you know about this entity?
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ig u got this from the library? i knew they had hidden cameras. perverts...,,,
wow cra-z book huh surly nothing bad could happn bcz of that book HAHAHA
n e way thats a funny lookin guy
heard from anne there was some weird place in amphibia that ig had illuminati ass shit like that but i didn't go dere
sounded funke
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chrliekclly · 6 years
y don't u like th gang hits the slopes lolll u seem to feel strongly about it and now I'm curious
tbh its mainly that watchn charlie bang sm1 fr like 2 mins str8 makes me uncomfy LMFAO
bt n general, tho i Do thnk it has a lot of rly funny small moments, it jst doesnt hold my attention as an ntire episode. like th main storyline i cdnt care less abt
i lov dee nd mac hangin out bt drisko nd his crew rnt that funny to me, charlie’s all ovr th place nd ends up xactly wher i dnt want him to b, den doesnt evn register n my head @ all ntil he breaks his ankles, nd jst like…idk idc. frack th mountain whatevr
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“readers boyfreind bakugou cheats on her and she  
  had enough so she lets everything out finally 
summary: bakugou and y/n been dating for a while but bakugou isnt the brightset boyfriend infact he is very orrgant and very pretty hothead and just particular day y/n finds out that he is cheating on her   warings: toxic realtoinship, cheating
You and bakugou were dating for a year now and when you guys stared to date everyone was shocked i mean They couldnt belive bakugou katsuki has a girlfriend now who would have thought that someone like hım could get a girlfriend like you dispate the shocking your friends and your loved ones supported you but bakugou himself wasnt really the brigthest he was allways so pridefull and pretty competive tawords others  everyone told you and him werent fitting but you allways brush them away cus you belived that deep down katsuki bakugou had a soft spot  and he loved you even tho you had countlees fights with him and even all of them ended up  you crying  over his  harsh words  your friends know how bakugou is so they tried to warn you about his anger but you allways said  “it cant be that bad right?”  but you were worng its was bad like theres that time when you were going gorccery shooping with him and he just blow up cus you picked a rotten apple after his blowing up everyone at the shop was looking at you guys with concered and shamefull eyes  specailly to bakugou but he just garrbed you and all the gorcceries and when you arrived home you wanted to tallk to hm but its was no use he didnt listened and just go to his room saying”whatever nerd” and buy the time passed your universey with him came and you bought him a cake supresingly he eate it  and when it came to you he gave you nothing and when you asked  why  he responed with  “cus i forget it “ which made you sigh at that time  and  now all of his actoins getting to you , you were staring to open your eyes
And a one partculer day you wanted to go shoping to buy some chicken And rice so you told him that you were going to shop and as always he didnt care just like that bakugou was the only one who left in the house and with a smirk he take his phone out of his pocket and dailed a unknown number and he had a big smirk the whole time and after a short while a girl came and bakugou guide to her to the living room and They started to make out in the Couch "ohh baby,you are so Much Better than my shitty girlfriend" he said as he keep kissing her deeply And getting to touchy with her that he didnt heared his phone ringing and his 4 missed calls from you  he fainlly got up to fith one and when he take his phone on his hand he saw your  4 missed calls and your messges about you coming home “shit” he said as he get nervous and the girl asked him whats was wrong  and he brush it away  saying its was nothing  but then he heared the door knock and thats when he was losing his cool so he garbed some  covers to hide the girl but its was to late you were already  in the room with wide teary eyes and  a angry look mixed with dispointment  “how could you !? do this!?” you said as the tears fell down your cheeks  “i dont know how i fell for you!?”you said as you yelled at him “i can expelien ba-” 
Before even he finisheses his sentence you slapped him on his face and his cheek become red "dont babe me! İ had engeuh of your crap! You are just a toxic guy who only thinks thier selfs! And am not buying that crap what You done today has crossed the kime oh and You know what im done with you! " Bakugou looked at you with shocked eyes then the girl looked at him with with careless eyes "i guess its over ha well too bad for You annyways i will be leaving" she said as she put the covers on and take her bağ and leave after the girl leaved you told hım to pack up his things and go away which he responsed with" tch" and went to upstairs to pack up his things and as you proccesed everything That happned you shouldtn be so superised the man was toxic so what could you have been exptected right? But still it broke your hearht to see your ex boyfriend cheated on you like this as you sighed and watch bakugou leaving with his sauit cases you close the door behind hım and just went to kitchen to make your self a tea to Realx but it didnt worked so you ended up crying but thankfully you were able to clam yourself down and as you were about to go to Your room your phone ringed its was deku who was calling you "hi y/n how are you?" He said with his usual sweet voice "not Really fine deku-kun, bakugou cheated on me today and we broke up"you finished your sentence with a cracked voice "oh no, am so sorry! What he done was disguasthing! Am sorry you have to deal With him like this want me to come over?"
His voice sounded so caring which made your lips crawled a smile
"sure, please come" you said with a happier tone
"ok then" he said as he close the phone and within minutes he was there knocking on Your door
"hı deku" you said with a sad smile
"am here so please dont be sad anymore,the guy didnt desvere you" deku said as he warped his arms around you and give you warm hug
"thanks midoriya" you said as you hugged hım back and for the night deku comforted you and you guys even watched some movies and take some pics he Really changed your mood for the Better and at the end of the movie you guys falled a sleep on the Couch cuddling eacother when you both wake up his cute little face was bulshing cherry red
"its ok deku ,i Didnt mind it "
you said as you gave him a Kiss on his cheeks which returned him smiling after that you and deku stared tallking more often and eventualy became a couple he treated you way Better than bakugou and he also wasnt toxic like bakugou. And as for bakugou he was miserable watching you and deku falling in love with eacother but theres was nothing he can do now whats done was done and now he  was watching you  with sarrow and with a huge Regeret for what he did
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quackisinnit · 4 years
irl!Quackity falling in love with you
Request: AHHHH I LOVE YOUR QUACKITY WRITING gahhh you’re so good😭😭 I wanted to ask for some hc’s or something of how Alex would realize he was falling in love with you/how’d he act
Notes: AHH TY!!<3
Genre: fluff, romantic, irl, gender neutral, they/them
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alex wasn't sure how it all started
if it was from the first time he spoke to you or when you became friends, he wasn't sure
all he could do was keep it to himself since he thought he was just sick or something
soon, he asked karl and his other friends about it
"i always feel weird around y/n, almost excited and nervous at the same time. which is weird since they're my friend, right?"
karl would be like his therapist or something LMAO
he would be sayong 'mhm' and 'uh huh' and making comments here and there
"maybe you like y/n. i mean thats the only plausible answer"
alex would be so confused
he started to think about it more but he still couldn't accept the fact
he would deny it
"me? liking y/n? that's impossible"
"never in a million years"
he wouldn't believe it until he was thinking about it more with karl
"dude, are you sure you don't like y/n?"
"uhm. i'm not really sure"
"let's go over this again..."
questions like "how do you feel when you're around them?"
and many more
and so after that call, alex knew what he felt
he was in love
when he realized this, he was nervous and stuttered way more when he was around you
your presence could make him melt
you thought you did something wrong
so you confronted him about it
but he said he was fine and that you didn't do anything wrong
"alex did i do something wrong?"
"what? no- you didn't do anything wrong! you're fine- i'm fine!"
you left that call confused if you did something wrong or not
but since he said there was nothing, then there was nothing
as soon as the call ended, alex called karl right away
"karlkarlkarlkatly/nthinkihatethem" he said quickly
"woah woah slow down, i didn't understand anythi-"
"y/n thinks i hate them."
"... WHAT."
so alex explains to karl what happned
and karl helps him sorta
"hmmm. why dont you just confess?"
"i mean, we talked about this-"
alex isn't ready🧍
but in the end he didnt do anything and he just let it be
so after that you both didn't interact as much
which made everyone confused and alex terrified
"what if they hate me? what if i destroyed our friendship?"
but after what felt like centuries, he finally confessed
alex called you one day after you streamed
"hey y/n."
"hey alex"
it was kinda awkward at first but soon it became more chill like it used to be
you were both joking around and laughing
at one point, silence filled the call as you catched your breaths from laughter
"i love you."
you just sat there like 'what.'
its not like you didnt like him back, you were just surprised
but since you were silent, alex took that as a rejection
"it's okay if you don't feel the same way-"
"i love you too."
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ogeeitsme · 4 years
What's your experience with dormancy?
TW: Sui// mentions / comparisons / death comprsns- this is both positive n negtve b aaa
This is a long post so I’m srry <:^/
Theres 2 ways 2 answr this: how we second hand experience it, n then how we experience it in our systm:
How we secondhand experience it
Turns out, more than once, apprntly, drmncy has actlly been used as a, threat?? DKDJDKN we got som rlly old memories abt Jamie meeting a “System” (idk if they’re a sys, it’s such a long story) n He used drmncy 2 guilt trip her (n she ddnt even kno what systm was @ the time dkhdbddb)
Anywy besides that HUGE outlier, it’s kinda,, rough, bc ur askin 4 our experiences, not our views, so when it comes 2 secondhand drmncy, as in like other systms not us- it’s alwys hard
N it’s RLLY funny ur askin this rn anon bc coincidntlly we just came out of a WHOLE frickin sitch that involved secndhnd drmncy experiencs (again, I mean watching ppl in other systms go dormant)
Like, Jamie’s prev ex had, ppl go dormant, like a lot of em, bc they broke up, n 2 of their mmbrs bsclly sent me wht can be equivlnt 2 a sui note- n I got that note frm bsclly som1 equivlnt 2 my brthr, @ the time, n Sal’s brthr [@ the time] bc they shared the blog
We r rlly close 2 anthr sys whose host wnt drmnt 4 som big rsns (they also have trauma abt ppl using drmncy as an escape route frm their actions, man life b wild huh?) n jst came back so that was rlly wild n hard bc she was (n is) like a mom figure 4 us, esp 2 Peter, n their whole sys, bc they’re median, kinda crashed in on itself tmprrly n it was rlly hard 2 watch KDH it makes u kind of mad @ those ppl who cause othr ppl 2 go thru sm pain thta they jst go drmnt u kno?
But rounding back 2 Jamie’s ex (n I g the 1st exmple 2 b vaguely), that was rlly hard, n bc of that, drmncy is smth we can’t unsee as death anymr
Hey so disclaimer that won’t b in the tags (Bc som ppl dnt read them) n I will pit here just in case: yes we kno dormancy is NOT equal 2 death, dormancy always has the chance of them coming back, b w how we spcfclly exprncd these, it felt that way, esp w the goodbyes, n the crying, n how they litrlly treated it as sui//. Not 2 mention the Older trauma Jamie had/has where His “systm” litrlly said “do u miss him? Well he’s dead now”
It’s hard 2 uncorrel8 them- bc it dpnds on how u go thru it- and anthr disclaimer is that if it’s a drmncy in ur own systm, the brain may b able 2 visualize it as a death, heck som systms we kno have a “graveyard” where all the drmnt systm mmbrs end up in; and of som jst “disappear” n I heard anthr sys in their headspace it’s seen as like pods? Where u can c them sleepin?
Anywy back 2 us- KDNDKNDKN yea, our experiences w it so far has been rel8d 2,,, sui or death :^( not counting the ppl we pass by in random srvrs who talk abt it, this is jst our prsnl ones esp tied 2 systms we were (or r) RLLY close 2
IDK we’re still grieving over Larry n Asriel frm Her systm. Pls don’t send asks saying “they mite come back” btw KJSKHS they mite b even if they do we can’t Talk, their sys is an ex 4 a rsn
Inner-system exprnces
HM so there’s a lot 2 write here b we dnt- uslly have ppl who r nice, go drmnt
It used 2 b only all the very bad persecutors who wld rlly harm every1 who wld go drmnt, our psychiatrist even said, 2 calm Jamie dwn a long time ago when she was given anti psychotics, that the “good ppl wnt go away, only the bad ppl”
b they (those old persecuted) all went drmnt thru,,,,, d//ath, n I dnt wnna talk abt that or how, this is not how we wrk anymr
Then we have Deanne, she was a persecutor who was chngng 4 the bttr, b it’s like,,,, when she realized she didn’t have 2 b bad anymr? She went drmnt?? Like I rmmbr (I wsnt there but u kno shared memory) every1 feeling she slowly faded away until we realized she wsnt arnd
Aftr that, we stoppd having drmncies, b we do label ppl who mite b close 2 drmncy msbmdb (edit: nvm, I rmmbrd Alven n Peyton who went drmnt :^( we miss them, Alven was Matt’s dad n Oeyton was a rlly good ISH )
Bc they’re “not needed” N LISTN anthr disclaimer, by THAT I mean natural dormancies? Not 2 say u go drmnt randomly, I mean that sometimes som1 isn’t active enough or their role isn’t needed as mch,, it’s scary I kno, b it can hppn n it’s no1’s fault, it’s not even their fault,i t jst happns, n that my good anon is a bite sized expln8ion on y u mite have ppl come out of drmncy mhsbkdbdkb
Uhh, we have som ppl who r afraid of going drmnt tho ofc,, n they r trying 2 b as active as they can in sys inspace so they dnt fade
Bc if u dnt wnna b dormnt, trying 2 b more active can hlp!
So,,, we a,so have ppl who came frm drmncy,,,
N that’s Jade, Beia, n Chompy
Apprntly Jade n Beia were frm arnd the same time? Actlly it’s fnny bc we thought Jade was a split of Noelle b we were bamboozled bc it wasnt the case
N then u have chompy,,, which is rlly sad,, bc she cnt rmmbr the year b we found out it was frm arnd 3 yrs old,,, that rlly sucks- she’s a fictive of Chain Chomp n came out of drmncy in a new form (Chompette) smdbndb according 2 Jade n Beia they dnt rmmbr wht hppnd, b it’s like they fell asleep n woke up again
N w Chompy, she explains it as like, , she was a chain chomp, n was chained 2 the back of the headspace, n bc she accepted she cldnt do anyth, faded in2 drmncy bc she gave up? B now she’s back n wants 2 fite,dkbdmdb until, stuff I wnt get in2
I’m not done KDH
Lastly I wanna talk abt,,,, how we feel abt it
I dnt think drmncy shld b smth 2 b afraid of— BUT @ the same time it’s OK 2 b afraid of it, or 2 h8 it, or 2 feel ANYTH abt it bc, almost all the time it’s not ur own choice 2 do so (half the time, based on what we’ve seen, etc)
Sometimes, ppl will c it as a mmbr fnlly resting, sometimes it’s sudden n @ least in the mmnt (or mayb ull never kno), ther dsnt seem 2 b a strong rsn on y it hopnd
Som will c it as death, som will say it’s scary, n som accept it’s a part of being a sys,,, that this happens, n that it will b ok
Bc,,, they can come back, mayb, n that’s sys life
4 us we feel ALL of those @ once
I wnt lie <:^) 4 som oldr mmbrs, we hope they dnt come back, b then 4 som we hope they do com back, n it’s this balance of trying not 2 b toxic-positive n trying not 2 erase the hope if we do wnt them 2 com back
IDK it’s so— mssy Bc u shld allow urself 2 grieve- bc dormancy CAN feel like death (frm an obsrvr?), n o man the syscourse that exists @ the mere mention of treating drmncy like death? Scares me, n I jst wnna put it out ther that it involves a lot of grieving somtimes,,,m yes, it can b traumatic depending on how said dormancy was brought 2 ur attention or knwldge
4 us we’e still grieving over that last mssg frm them, we’re angry 4 those who went drmnt n also @ Them who went drmnt? Idk man
TLDR don’t- I repeat- do NOT,,,,, treat drmncy as the answr
If ur in a systm out ther, I kno it hard, n frick, drmncy is such a complic8d topic in systems period, b drmncy is not the answ
Bc yes drmncy is not prmnnt 4 som systms, (n by prmnnt I mean that sys mite jst not have awakenings as common @ all; every sys is diff) b drmncy is,,, most of the time a scary thought 4 systms
It’s- it’s not sui litrlly, b,,, it;s,, is almost similar IF- n I repeat- if it’s used as an escape, esp in a bad way
N like w sui// we wnt entirely blame you if @ all, b it’s sad- n it’s hard
Bc like ”irl” ppl arnd u who care r affctd- n knowing it’s by ur own hand is hard 2 accept
Bro, anon my dude, I’m so srry this is such a messy post KDNKDND our exprnces w it is so recent n it’s SUCH a complic8d topic 2 discuss w/o fear of ppl yelling @ u abt spreading misinfo
We’re a rlly big outlier 2 the usual sys exp w dormancies bc we’ve had SO many exprncs of it being rel8d 2 sui/ of death from othr systms Onesides our own), n it’s not jst random systems, it systems who we were close 2 n we got hurt by
I dnt wnna talk abt whether or not what we experiencs was real b yea thats our experiences n not the resources,, since that’s the question KNS
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sims-psycho · 5 years
I’m pretty sure I already asked you the hella cute questions for Billie 🤔 So odds for Luna and evens for Kit! 💕
ok, so, this took me so. fucking. long. but I love you for it cuz I’m shit at char development so thANK YOU FOR ASKING ANGEL!!! ♡ ♡  
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1. Who was the last person you held hands with? ~ Kane of course
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? ~ I know this probably isn’t what you mean, but I have a meeting with the drama teacher at college today to see if I can help with the costume design for the musical and I’m pretty excited *smiles*
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? ~ I know he would because he may or may not have had to in the past *blushes*
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ~ Yes, me and Kane are really good
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? ~ Depends on who it’s with
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ~ ‘Yeah sure, do you need anything else?’ to my mum, she wants me to grab some stuff from the shop on my way home
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? ~ My hair gets really tangled so not really
15. What good thing happened this summer? ~ summers not over yet! *giggles*
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? ~ Absolutely, even if it’s just a shred of bacteria, the universe is to extensive for use to the be the only ones
19. Do you like bubble baths? ~ Ooo, yes, a lot *laughs*
21. What are you bad habits? ~ I’m a bit of a workaholic, so I guess that’s sort of a bad habit
23. Do you have trust issues? ~ I don’t think so, thankfully
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? ~ My nose is really wide and, yeah i know it’s silly but everyone has their insecurities i guess
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? ~ Not at all, I love my skin tone and my heritage
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? ~ I’ve only really been with Kane
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail? ~ I guess, but it’s not really ‘long’ more just big
33. Spell your name with your chin. ~ ,ljna *giggles* I tried
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? ~ As much as I love a good Netflix binge I’d have to say TV, music is just so good in so many different situations
37. What do you say during awkward silences? ~ Depends on the situation, but I normally try and say something positive, if not that I just stay quiet
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? ~ I only really buy second hand clothes, or I make them so I don’t really know
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ~ Yes, the core of someone never changes, but how they view the world does
43. Do you smile at strangers? ~ Sometimes *smiles*
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ~ I guess I just always have stuff to do
47. Have you ever been high? ~ Maybe….*looks sus*
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? ~ Yes *looks uncomfortable*
51. Ever wished you were someone else? ~ When I was a young teen, but I don’t think that’s that unusual
53. Favourite makeup brand? ~ Milk makeup
55. Favourite blog? ~ n/a
57. Favourite food? ~ Any kind of caribbean food my mum makes
59. First thing you ate this morning? ~ Crumpets *cute smile*
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? ~ Omg never, that would be the end of my life right now
63. Ever been in love? ~ I am right now *blushes*
65. Are you hungry right now? ~ Not really
67. Facebook or Twitter? ~ Facebook
69. Are you watching tv right now? ~ How did you know!? *looks shocked* I’m halfway through sex education and it’s hilarious *giggles*
71. Craving something? What? ~ I could always eat dark chocolate, it’s my favourite
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? ~ Yeah…..my little bunny *blushes*
75. Favourite animal? ~ I like deers,  just think they’re really elegant
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? ~ Vanilla
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? ~ It’s like a pinky red sort of colour
81. Favourite tv show? ~ I really love Killing Eve
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? ~ Who even likes mean girls 2!? *scoffs and laughs*
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? ~ Gretchen *giggles*
87. First person you talked to today? ~ My mum
89. Name a person you hate? ~ I don’t think I really hate anyone
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? ~ No!!
93. How many sweatpants do you have? ~ Only a couple pairs, and I only wear them in the house
95. Last movie you watched? ~ Me and the gang watched birdbox last weekend, it was really creepy
97. Favourite actor? ~ I don’t think I have one
99. Have any pets? ~ We have a cat called Beanie, technically she’s my mums cat but she’s also kinda the family cat *smiles*
101. Do you type fast? ~ Oh yeah, it’s like fire comes off my fingers *laughs*
103. Can you spell well? ~ Uhh, yeah *smirks*
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? ~ I’ve been to a bbq party with family, but I don’t think thats the same *giggles*
107. Have you ever been on a horse? ~ Yeah, me and my sisters used to go to a horse riding club when we were little *smiles*
109. Is something irritating you right now? ~ Nope
111. Do you have trust issues? ~ No, I don’t have any reason to distrust anyone I know
113. What was your childhood nickname? ~ Little moon, or sometimes just lune
115. Do you play the Wii? ~ Me and my sisters used to play the super mario wii all the time when we were kids *smiles*
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? ~ Yeah, it’s alright
119. Favourite book? ~ The Art of Faminisim
121. Are you mean? ~ I….I don’t think so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? ~ Can anyone? *laughs*
125. Do you believe in true love? ~ Yeah, I think I do
127. What makes you happy? ~ Luckily, a lot. Off the top of my head, my family and friends, Kane, fashion and art and music and good food and a lot of other things *smiles sweetly*
129. What your zodiac sign? ~ Cancer
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ~ Be incredibly confused because Eli’s gay *laughs*
133. Favourite lyrics right now? ~ “You and I, wide awake / With the sky falling down / As we wait for the morning / Is there a place in the stars / Where the sky goes to sleep? / We got no way of knowing” Feel by Jacob Collier and Lianne La Havas
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? ~ Oh I can’t remember, I’ve probably told some dumb ones to my parents when I was younger though
137. How tall are you? ~ 5′7
139. Brunette or Blonde? ~ My hair is brown
141. Night or Day? ~ Day
143. Are you a vegetarian? ~ No, but I wouldn’t say I’m a huge meat eater either
145. Tea or Coffee? ~ Tea, I have lots of herbal teas that I drink depending on my mood *smiles*
147. Mars or Snickers? ~ Ooo, snickers
149. Do you believe in ghosts? ~ Yes, sadly it happens to unrested spirits *lowers head*
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2. Are you outgoing or shy? ~ I’m super outgoing dude *laughs*
4. Are you easy to get along with? ~ I’m so chill, what are you sayin, of course *winks*
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? ~ Oh man, anyone who’s fit straight off, but people who are just ‘out there’ y’know
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ~ I saw a spunk on the beach last night, she disappeared before I could introduce myself
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper, he lectures me all the time
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? ~ Ooh, that’s a toughie, uhhh, Cake by the Ocean, Funky Duck, Feels Like Summer, Andromeda aaanddd…..Wonderwall *laughs*
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? ~ Sure, why not *chuckles* a lot of crazy shit happens everyday man
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ~ No joke, don’t know the last person I kissed, oops *laughs, embarrassed*
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? ~ Nah
20. Do you like your neighbors? ~ They’re a’ight. They don’t really leave there place though
22. Where would you like to travel? ~ I dunno, I’ve been to a lot of places, don’t really know where I want to go next
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? ~ I normally skate to the cafe Billie works at most mornings and grab a smoothie
26. What do you do when you wake up? ~ Jerk off *smirks*
28. Who are you most comfortable around? ~ Andie for sure, she sucks a lot sometimes, but she’s my sister and no one really gets me like she does
30. Do you ever want to get married? ~ Meh, maybe someday, but not for a loooooonggg time *chuckles*
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ~ you have no idea how happy I am i got this question *laughs cheekily* Chris Hemsworth and Cara Delevingne, I wouldn’t need to get any for like a year if that happned *laughs*
34. Do you play sports? What sports? ~ I surf and skate a lot, it’s kind of all I do tbh, me and Kas box together sometimes too
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ~ Yup *smirks*
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ~ Someone adventurous and confident who can put me in my place *winks*
40. What do you want to do after high school? ~ Man, no one has asked me about school in like, 40 years *laughs*
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? ~ I’m never quiet *smirks*
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ~ Defo bottom of the ocean, I bet theres a lot of my shit down there *laughs*
46. What are you paranoid about? ~ I dunno, sometimes I freak out because the government is fucking up our planet and shit but Maya always tells me one day we’ll be the ones pulling the strings and it makes me feel alright
48. Have you ever been drunk? ~ *laughs* oh yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? ~ Pink i think *chuckles*
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? ~ I’m perfect, what are you saying *smiles cheekily*
54. Favourite store? ~ Theres this tiny sakte shop across town that sell all sorts of cool shit
56. Favourite colour? ~ Like a greeny-blue kinda colour
58. Last thing you ate? ~ I think like an apple or something
60. Ever won a competition? For what? ~ I’ve won a fair few surf competitions in my time *smirks*
62. Been arrested? For what? ~ I know have, but I can’t remember what for, hasn’t happened in a while, I’m obviously not trying hard enough *winks*
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? ~ pashed my p.e teacher in the kit room, that shit was hot *smirks cheekily*
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? ~ n/a
68. Twitter or Tumblr? ~ Twitter
70. Names of your bestfriends? ~ Andie, Kapser, Teegs, Erik, Maya and Max. I’ve got some friends back in Oz but I haven’t seen them in forever
72. What colour are your towels? ~ Black, cuz we emo in my house *laughs*
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? ~ None, i got this scraggly monkey thing that hangs from my rear view mirror in my car though *chuckles*
76. What colour is your underwear? ~ You wanna take a look yourself darlin’? *winks and smiles cheekily*
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? ~ All of them, I fucking dig ice cream so much, especially ben n jerry
80. What colour pants? ~ You really into my clothes aren’t you *smirks* I got green trunks on
82. Favourite movie? ~ The original Alien is fun
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? ~ 21 jump street defo, although I did like mean girls waay more than I thought I would when I saw it
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? ~ Shiiiit, I fucking loved that film, haven’t seen it in years though, whats the turtle called again? You know the really stoned one? *laughs* yeah him, or the shark
88. Last person you talked to today? ~ Kasper, I think
90. Name a person you love? ~ Getting all sappy now are we *smirks* want me to say you? I can if you want babe *winks*
92. In a fight with someone? ~ Nah, don’t take a lot to get me there though *smirks*
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? ~ A fucking lot *laughs*
96. Favourite actress? ~ Margot Robbie is hot as fuck *smirks*
98. Do you tan a lot? ~ I’m tan 24/7 bby *chuckles*
100. How are you feeling? ~ High as fuck *laughs*
102. Do you regret anything from your past? ~ Yeah, but I try not to think about it, live in the moment and shit
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? ~ Sometimes, but I normally forget about it within a couple of mins
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? ~ Ahhh probably, have you seen me, how could I not *winks*
108. What should you be doing? ~ Fuck all *laughs*
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? ~ Fuuuck, yeaaaaah
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? ~ I don’t cry around people….I don’t really cry at all tbh
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? ~ I’ve been all over the world darlin’ *smirks* I’m a cultured guy *chuckles*
116. Are you listening to music right now? ~ I’m in a cafe and theres music playing so yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? ~ I like all food
120. Are you afraid of the dark? ~ Haha, I do most of my wirk in the dark so I fucking hope not *laughs*
122. Is cheating ever okay? ~ No, unless your girl or guy cheated first, then it’s just payback
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? ~ Yeah, I’ve seen it happen
126. Are you currently bored? ~ Nah, you’re very entertaining *smiles cheekily*
128. Would you change your name? ~ Nah, my name’s alright
130. Do you like subway? ~ Not really, I don’t eat a lot of fast food
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Kasper I think
134. Can you count to one million? ~ I Have to to count the reasons why you and me would make a cute couple *winks and then laughs*
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? ~ Closed, who the fuck leaves it open!?
138. Curly or Straight hair? ~ My hair is kinda wavey, and on other people i like all types, I don’t descriminate *smirks*
140. Summer or Winter? ~ Summer!
142. Favourite month? ~ June duh, it’s my birthday month
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? ~ yes *laughs*
146. Was today a good day? ~ It was a’ight
148. What’s your favourite quote? ~ Maya and Erik spurt some educational shit at me all the time but fuck do I have a ‘favourite quote’ *laughs*
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? ~ the closest book to me right now is in the library across town so no way mate *chuckles
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zwolfgames · 9 months
Yandere!various!That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x gn!cat!reader
Requested: JosephCruz118
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(Warnings: Forced marrige, neko reader, reincarnation.)
(3rd person POV)
Welp, there it went. The end of your life.
Just like that.
A strange way to begin, but thats what happens in the tragidy that is your life.
You were graduating, finally, after years of being a student, you could walk out of this building and live.
Well... Your classmates would. But you just so happned to get the short end of the stick.
You were simply walking down a hall, when some... pshycothic man pushed you out of the open window.
Sending you pummeling down three stories.
The last things you heard were some disgusting cracks and screams... just screams.
Embracing the sudden coldness of the world, you felt life leaving you.
'Wish I'd have landed on my feet for once in my damm life... Maybe feel loved for once...' Your last toughts echo trough your head, a thumping pain in your cracked skull.
And then it all just fades. 
Thats it, the end of Y/N L/N.
Missed by many, but never got far in life.
A fresh breath of air enters your lungs.
You shock awake, laying on a warm grassy field. The green blades carresing your skin as the wind moves them. 
The sun shines brilliantly above you, almost blinding you as you flutter your (e/c) eyes open.
'What in the fuck-knuckles is this bright nonsense?' You squeeze your eyes shut once more and groan in displeasure. This was not what you wanted to see in death.
You once again open your eyes, feeling a bit light sensetive at the moment. But you hold your hand to your forehead, blocking out the suns harsh rays.
After a moment of adjusting to the new lighting, you take your hand away and look around.
Big grass field... Surrounded by forest. Huh, what a strange afterlife.
You take another breath of fresh air, crisp... crisp air. No pollution noticable.
'Yea... Now hold up a minute.' You talk to yourself in your head, standing up and looking at your hands. No blood, no rocks or dirt.
Yea, somethings wrong here.
Especially that elongated feeling in your tailbone. Weird.... thats new-
Oh my god its a tail!?
You screech in confusion and grab the fuzzy thing. Slender but long, standing to make sure you keep balance. No no no! The afterlife turned you into a cat(girl/boy/YN)! A damm furry!
Some birds hiding in the grass fly away at your noise, some almost touching the top of your head.
If you had a tail then... oh no..
Your hands quickly reach for your head. And yep, two cat ears. Actually, biologically, on your head. You even felt them twitch in your hands.
After cringing for a good two minutes you calmed down and just accepted fate. It could have been worse, you could have been a worm.
So... what to do now? You couldn't just stay on this random grass field for the rest of your afterlife...
Or maybe thats what you've been sentenced to, grassfield duty.
Were they expecting you to chomp grass like a cow? Who knows... Where are the instructions? You would like to read them.
But no instructions came... reminds you of school projects...
You sigh and begin walking... towards... well, forwards. Where does this go? Into that forest? Yes.
But what else were you supposed to do. Wait around like a dumbass. No thanks.
So there you went, walking trough the thick grass towards the even thicker forest.
Birds greeted you with chirps as you entered the foliage. Forest greens filled your vision as you stepped trough a bush. Getting little unnoticable cuts on your exposed legs.
But.. It was peacefull. Birds, insects. The noises of nature really made this place feel real. was this even the afterlife?
A vision maybe?
Or... were you reborn?
How silly would that be-
"Watch out!" Some loud shrill voice alerts you of a quickly incoming troll or something on a.. on a wolf.
You jump aside and the wolf rider passes you.
He brings the wolf to a stop and hops off, walking back towards you. Ah, not a troll, this looks like a goblin, if you can trust those movies you've seen.
"Hey?" You wave awkardly. The shorter goblin smiles brightly with his two tusk like teeth.
"Hey! I haven't seen you before! Are you an adventurer?" The goblin asks exitdely. 
"Not.. really. i'm a bit lost. Where is this?" You ask, it feels as if your voice has barely seen use. As if its all new. As if this body is new.
Maybe it is.
"You don't know where you are? Well, you're in the Jura forest right now. I'm from Rimuru City, I can take you there, maybe you'll be able to orient from there?" The little goblin offers you with a friendly smile.
You nod, not that cautious as you should have been were this your old life. YOLO, am i right?
The goblin helps you onto his giant wolf and you hold on, like asked. The big canine speeds off trough the forest and you feel alive for once, wind in your face, cutting against your face like sharp yet harmless blades.
After a bit of running around on the wolf, you reach a nice looking medival village, lots of fantasy looking monsters running around, building things and working.
Well damm... This looks better managed then soceity.
The goblin that lead you here looks behind him to check up on you, to see if youre still on the wolf before enetering the crowd and bringing you somewhere.
He brings you all the way to what seems to be the towns centre. Gesturing for you to hop off here.
You hesitantly nod, awkardly smiling at the goblin as a form of thanks.
Welp, now you were in a random city, full of magical looking monsters and whatnot.
You hear the magical residents go about their day, smells of foods, contruction and just random things fill your weirdly sensetive nose.
Just as you were about to enter the building in front of you, as it looked like a town hall, you felt a squishy thing bump against your leg.
You look down, eyes widening at this small, light blue slime. Tapping your leg for attention.
"Uh... Can I help you?" You ask it in confusion, not reallu expecting it to react.
"Yes! You're new, aren't you? I'm Rimuru! Welcome to my city!" The blue slime speaks. It speaks!
"I.. yes? My name's Y/N." You awkardly repsond to the talking slime- Rimuru. What wonders does this world have in store for you?
"Great! I'll show you around!" Rimuru speaks in an exited manner... but he doesn't have a mouth... Telepathy, maybe?
Whatever. That day, Rimuru showed you around his city full of fantasy folk. Introducing you to all kinds of people, some of his trusted compagnions and whatnot.
But thats... how you ended up like this...
"Y/N. You can't go. Whats wrong with the village? We can give you everything!" Benimaru protests as he catches the arm holding your bag. The tall kijin holds onto you desparatly.
After three months of living in this village, you got to know pretty much everyone. And let's just say, they really like 'the cute demi-cat'.
Wich is why, when you planned to finally go explore some more of this weird world. You got met with a lot of complaints.
They've already set up guards by the city exits, you've been monitored for the past two days and now Benimaru was here to personally stop you.
"Let go, I just want to explore." You sigh, done with this weird protection you're receiving.
"No can do orders from the boss... that I absoluty agree with. You aren't ready for the rest of this world." The kijin repeats those lame words. He's grinning like always, just happy to be able to hold you.
Your ears flatten on your head and he 'awws'. How agitating.
"Come on, just stay and let me pet you!" The red kijin coees and sets you back down in your house. A babyproofed house.
Wich was annoying as hell! You didn't even get a knife sharp enough to cut the crust off your bread!
Benimaru takes the liberty of ruffling your hair. He's what you'd call... a big brother. Only diffrence, is that this one doesn't let you do stupid things.
But he wasn't the worst.... You'd say Rimuru was the most peacefull.. But Shuna was determined to get you to marry her.... And Gabiru had the idea that you were his bestest friend ever.
Wich is a reason to why you weren't allowed to leave. The people in the city got too attached to you. Maybe they found you friendly? 
But whatever the reason, you wanted out. They didn't let you do anything dangerous! Wich sounds stupid but you wnated to go explore too!
As if sensing your toughts, Benimaru grabbed yoy into a bear hug, his form engulfs you, you're barely visible. He loves it like this.
"Let go." You demand, voice muffled by his sleeves.
"No." He smiles down at you, nuzzeling his head into your hair.
You huff in annoyance. All this attention was nice... for a week. But it's as if they never, ever got bored of you.
It seemed impossible in your head. No-one takes intrest in you for this long.
Yet these fantasy people did. And it was weird. Like they had it all planned out.
Wich they did, but you didn't know of the plan. Wich Rimuru vowed to keep that way. He knew of the dangers of the world, and you weren't ready.
Better off with him and his friends.
You get snapped out of your toughts by the door of your house opening, speak of the devil. Rimuru. In his human form, today.
"Y/N! I see you've changed your mind yes?" He smiles at you, the... well... you still didn't figure out his gender... but since he said he used to be a man.. in his past life.. you just rolled with that because They/them takes longer to write.
"No, I'm just.... being blocked, at the moment." You speak from between Benimaru's arms as he doens't plan to let go any time soon.
"Well thats a shame. Don't you like it here?" Rimuru asks with a pout. Golden eyes looking straight at you.
"I do, i just want to see more." You asnwer what you always do. But ofcourse he just shakes his head.
"You're not going to." Rimuru answers back, a dark tone to his voice for the first time since you met him.
You try to protest but Benimaru clasps a hand over your mouth to stop it.
You lick his hand but he doesnt relent. Rimuru chuckles at your annoyed expression.
"Don't try. Y/N, if you don't stay willingly... You'd make a lot of my friends sad." Rimuru speaks in a belitteling tone. walking up to you and petting your head dismissivly.
You let out muffled sounds of protests, squirming against Benimarus limbs as hes holding you down.
"Fine then, we'll lock your house down from now on. Is this what you wanted?" Rimuru snarkily tilted his head. You didn't recognise him like this. He's always been so friendly. But now, with those scary dulled eyes on the cutesy face... he's just offputting.
You made your protests known by a harsh glare. But he just smiled. You were really getting pissed off! You were an adult for god sake! No matter these cat features! This was dehumanizing!
Rimuru left, taking Benimaru with him. You heard the lock click into place. The windows had never been able to open... so..
But what they didn't know, was that you were a great lockpicker. Being bored in middle school was bound to pay off at some point!
So when it got dark out, and all these annoyances went to bed. You took that little metal hairclip and got to work. These fantasy people didn't know how to make complicated locks. So it wasn't that hard.
And bam, door open, Y/N free!
So you just sneak out of your house, taking some food with you, along with the non cutesy clothes they've provided you with.
Atleast being half cat gave you great stealth. No-one would hear you.
So you left Rimuru city. Into Jura forest and just... Wherever you wanted to go.
Ofcourse, you had been thankfull for their hospitality for a while, You mean, modern soceity would have let you rot on the streets. But still, locking someone in a house? Crazy.
The leaves crunched under your feet and you were getting paranoid that you'd leave a trail for them to find.
You sped up your pace, hoping to find somewhere else to hide. A cave maybe? A difrent city?
But no, you ended up meeting monsters. Lots of them. They chased you down, tired you out. You felt like real prey for once.
You hid in a tree and stared at these savage beasts as they kept patrolling under the tree. You couldn't get out. Trapped once again. But not as comfrotable.
But not for long. As morning broke out, the warm rays hitting your cold face after a night out in the tree, you heard sniffing.
And it wasn't from the monsters.
Before you knew it, they were all torn to shred by Ranga, Rimuru's wolf compagnion. Shit! He tracked you down!
Rimuru was on his back, in slime form. He devoured the tree you were in and turned human just to catch you in a ridiculously tight grip.
He seemed mad, stressed. Not a word was exchanged as he set you on Ranga and rode back to the city. Harsh grip around your waist.
"Y/N. You. Don't. Get. To. Leave." Rimuru whispered to you as you arrived back at the village.
You expected him to throw you back into your house but he too kyou to his living quarters instead. 
Tugging you along to one of the many rooms. Opening a wooden door, the overpowered slime set you on the soft bed and clicked some magic restraints to your wrists.
"This is your own fault. Ok?" Rimuru spoke darkly.
"You'll marry Shuna and Souei. You'll stay put and let us ake care of you. You hear me? This world is dangerous, and you weren't granted powers like I was." Rimuru explains with a serious face. He wanted you to marry two kijins!? Two?! Whatn to tie you to this place?
"I'm not getting married-" You started but he shut your mouth.
"You are. They keep whining about it and why not? You deserve some love, don't you think so?" He grins. You were genuinly scared of the slime at this point. This sounded way too creepy.
"You wouldn't want Gabiru to miss his best friend, would you? Or Benimaru to miss his adorable little sibling? Don't you get how dear yo uare to everyone?" Rimuru carresses you cheek softly. What kind of manipulation is this bitch pulling on you?
But you were afraid of talking back. This boy could pulvorize you ten times over.
So you reluctantly nod. Maybe... Maybe you could get used to living here? Its not like they hurt you...
Rimuru immeadiatly turned bubbly and cute again as you nod. Smiling brightly and patting your head before he leaves again.
The door clicks to a locked state and you slowly pann your gaze over to your cuffed wrists. They glow in the sunlight coming from the thick looking window.
'What the hell just happned?' You deadpann at the floor, needing a moment to register what just got decided for you.
You'd be stuck with these crazy sicko's forever!
A nightmare, really, being taken care off and loved. ew, who would like that-
Wait a minute.
Now hold up.
Well it may have been nice if you liked being stuck in a room. But nu uh. You were an adventurous cat!
The universe granted you a second life and you weren't going to waste it in the position of a docile house husband/wife!
But... You never got your adventure. Married off to two Kijin. 
Intertwined with all these people you had grown to know.
If only they had liked you... a normal amount.
Then you could have lived a seconds life.
This could barely be called that.
This was.... The life of a doll. It had to be. Put on display and loved by all, owned by all.
Thats what you'd always be.
A cute cat, to be cuddled and coddled.
Nothing else...
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I think I went braindead while writing this twice.
Sorry for the late-ness! School has been killing me, last year isn't a damm joke.
I hope this was readable!
Have a nice day/night!
Words: 2712
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yoonminist · 7 years
crush stories p3 (💕tell me about your crush 💕) 
 my crush is another girl, she's short and athletic w/ real pretty green blue eyes, tanned and asks silly questions. we're kinda friends, i talk to her once or twice a week, but she's kinda probably really straight woops 
aww she sounds cute :’( having a crush on a straight girl is,,,, not the Worst thing ever but it rlly is unfair
 My crush is a year older than jm, sje has dark brown hair and eyes and she'sfar taller than me. She's a walking talking meme (like me) and a cosplayer and whenever I message her Ialways use a very Bad pick up line. She is a sucker for it. Ah! She also plays the piano and she's very good at it! And her voice is like the best baritone voice that I've ever heard (for a girl at least)! MUSIC COUPLE FOREVA WHEEEEE~ 
PLEASE tell me you’re dating lmao in any case if she likes your bad pickup lines then she’s so into you i love this
Omg I just remembered how I got my best friend into kpop! I just send her a pic of yoongi AND SHE WAS GONE!!!! She talked non stop about him like the cute little baby she is (honestly i know NO ONE who's cuter than her I know her since she's born she's the cutest and softest and prettiest baby ever i swear) she even named her fishes yoongi and jimin BUT JIMIN ATE YOONGI LMAO I'm honestly so proud of myself for showing bts to her she adores them so much
JIMIN ATE YOONGI IS THIS A SIGN jdnkjnefjknd im jk “she's the cutest and softest and prettiest baby ever i swear” bye that’s adorable
i once had this crush on my roommate, i thought she was straight but then she came out to me and said that she has a gf and thats ok w me, the problem was shes always naked when she comes back to our room after taking a bath(this culd be ff material)
omg if you want her to stop then tell her it makes you uncomfortable but,,,,, if you don’t want her to stop then LMAO 
my crush is basically jimin. he reminds me of jimin so much- short, looks similar (even the eye smile and laugh), energetic and caring to everyone. and um. not to b conceited but one of the reasons i love ym so much is i relate to yg a Lot so it freaked me out when i realised ym interactions are so similar to ours. when we were in high school he sat in front of me in class and he wld turn to glance like 20 times in 1 hr (yea i counted) but everytime i make eye contact he’d whip his head back and act like nth happened. he’d just… like hover? Around but when i look at him he dashes off. once he happned to sit next to me while i was drawing and it seemed like he was sleeping so i didn’t look, but after abt an hour i looked up to check the time. he almost slammed his head on the table i.. he was staring at me the whole time.. anw the thing was tht everytime he talked to me i end up being blunt and kinda.. ignoring him cos feelings scare me + when i try to talk to him he suddenly seems in a hurry to get away.. were in the same college now. we saw each other a few times but didnt approach. ystd i happened to walk the same way as him. i decided to say hi,,he asked me what im studying then ran off after i answered. it’s still the same. sry if this got long ive never gotten a chance to rly talk abt my crush .///. 
ooooh god i don’t know anything about stuff like this but it sounds like your being blunt kinda scared him off ?? from this alone he seems like the type you need to be gentle with so idk if you want to be close to him but if you do i’d suggest you keep making the first move and don’t ignore him like before so that he isn’t this shy around you anymore ,,, or maybe you just wanted to vent lmao w/e happens with this guy i wish you both the best !!
My crush amazing blue eyes and black hair. When she plays with her dog it brings out the prettiest smile. She liked me back (i didnt know she was bi too) at some point we started dating. She had complete control over my emotions i thought i was starting to fall in love until she broke up with me. It was awful. after months I still can't get over her. She started talking to me again but we're not together.We're just not meant to be I think :) I'd just like to meet her one day that would be enough
no!!!! don’t talk to her !!! take this from experience, i think the best way to get over someone is to get rid of them until you’re 100% ready to bring them back into your life again, as friends,,, even if it takes months she should understand but if you can’t do that then i just hope you get over her asap so that you can go back to being friends :’)
I actually denied that I kind of have a crush on this one guy that I met through another friend and I still do deny it because he's only into Asian girls and I'm Islander so it could never happen but honestly he's really funny and I don't feel all that awkward around him but there's no way he'd go for me. My friends, including the one I met him through, kinda ship us but I could never tell him because I'm the farthest from his type there could ever be tbh lmao
ohh hopefully he isn’t that shallow not to disregard a potential r/s just because you aren't asian but i GUESS it’s understandable if he’s asian too n it’s a family/cultural thing ?? i get the ‘denying your crush’ thing though askjdnjsjgkj hang in there hun it won’t last forever :’(
my crush has red hair and she's tall and gorgeous, we match so well, i know she likes girls too but im scared to try something. i was at hers today, and we ate brigadeiro and watched sense8 ahhh
THIS IS CUTE i'm not gonna force you to go for it but i hope one day It happens and you start dating ♡
I made out with my crush once while super high and then he helped me pee and that's about how romantic my story with my crush is 👋🏻
Who Said Chivalry is Dead 
Are we still talking about this crush thing? Because lemme tell you a story. I once had this crush (years ago). He is now my best friend's boyfriend. Lol tbh I'm not bothered but I keep laughing at how freaking cliche this is, it just seems like it came out of a fiction on wattpad. Most recent crush tho, well, he nearly accidentally killed me and my friend. Let's just say I no longer have a crush lmao. But compare my stories about my crush to others make me laugh. THE CONTRAST.
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nyat-okay · 6 years
We can kiss
We can hug
We can hold each other
Just as long as you say “You’re such a good friend”
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zwolfgames · 9 months
Yandere Alhaitham x reader
Requested: / (Havent even done the Sumeru quest but when you have motivation, you have to write.)
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(Warnings: manipulation, i guess, plus kind of kidnapping.)
(3rd person POV)
'The late blossoms bloom when the sun stands at the top. Water evaporates when she shines. May the goddes strike as it falls again.' You repeat in your head as you read over the text.
"So is this an official document or some random dude's poetry?" You ask the scribe in front of you with a deadpann. This thing made no sense.
"What? It used to be on a stone tablet but I translated it for you." Alhaitham pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he sighs.
You make an 'oh' face and nod. You may be smart when it came to your academia major but not to things like this.
"So what do you think it means?" He asks you with a serious face.
Curse who-ever put you two together for this project. You had hoped you got one of your more familiar colleagues. But the one you'd be grave exploring with was none other then Alhaitham.
He was stoic, practically never listened to anything you said either with those stupid headphones of his.
"I'm not sure... but perhaps it's a riddle. Meaning that this 'goddes' will appear as the water falls again. Probably as in rain... after this 'sun at the top' so a summer." You think out loud and Alhaitham tilts his head just a bit. The only indication that he's listening.
Alhaitham nods, as if telling you to go on.
With what? You've read this text once. There was no more.
He sure was expecting more though. You sigh and read the translated text over again.
As you turned your gaze to the paper you failed to notice the subtle smile on a certain scribe's face as he looked at you.
Do you know why you were partnered up with him for this project?
Because he wanted that. Alhaitham has high influences in the Akedemia.
You wouldn't work with some other random colleague. And especially not that one you looked at with such adoring eyes.
He couldn't understand how you saw none of his signs. I mean, he translates the stone tablets for you. He brings you a coffee when he goes to get one.
How did you not see his overflowing love for you?
But that wasn't relevant at the moment. You were before him now. He had to be on his best behavior to impress you.
"So? Any more toughts?" He leaned his head in the palm of his hand, propped up on the table by his elbow.
He looked you in the eyes and you couldn't help but feel nervous.
He had a scary and intimidating gaze. Like It's piercing into your soul.
"Yea... I think, if my theories are correct, that this is a riddle. Meaning that the tomb we're researching might 'open' when the first rain falls after the summer." You explain in the most professional tone you can manage. Not wanting to piss this serious guy off.
"I see. Thats very good, Y/N." Alhaitham speaks quietly and looks at the paper himself. His hand brushes yours.
You think it's a normal accident.
It's not.
"So that means we have about a month of space to relax. The first rainfall doesn't happen untill then." Alhaitham informs with what you tought was a stoic face. It was a smile. Tough he was so bad at smiling, you'd never tell.
You nod and neaten your notes up a bit to occupy the silence that had befallen on you two.
That is untill something unexpected happned.
He took your left hand in his. Not strongly. Almost like he didn't want you to notice.
Like a ghost of a touch. But you weren't numb, you felt that.
"What are you doing?" You say in confusion as you look up at him and then back at your held hand.
"Nothing." He says stoically. His hand no longer holding yours. It's like it never happned. Thats how faint it felt.
Did it happen? Were you going crazy?
You blink and shrug it off, tough you can't help the hairs on your neck standing up.
Alhaitham just... creeped you out somehow. You didn't know if it was because of his eyes or simply because of how smart and powerfull he was. Perhaps both.
An awkward silence commenced between you and the scribe. Honestly, you wanted to get eaten by the floor right now.
It seems your awkwardness wasn't shared by Alhaitham as he simply watched you. Like a predator would it's prey.
Thats how it appeared to you at the very least. Alhaitham was actually just looking at you with loving eyes.
His face just couldnt portray that.
So, as the seconds ticked on agonizingly long you waited for any sort of words to come from him.
There were no words. He reached over and oh so gently brushed a stray strand of hair back into your usual hairstyle.
And guess what. He denied that too when you asked him what he was doing.
Were you... dreaming, perhaps?
Because this was too eerie to comprehend.
Just silently being stared at.
Luckily for you, your working hours came to an end and you could bid Alhaitham farewell. In... an awkard manner but it was polite.
You walked back to your little house outside of Sumeru's main city. Just casually cooking dinner.
If you had to guess, you'd need to meet with Alhaitham twice or thrice more to discus the plans for the actual thomb diving mission.
But for now, you could let that slip out of your worries.
A nice plate of spicy food later and you're in your bedroom. Observing various clues about the thomb.
Just some notes of old explorers and travelers, nothing out of the ordinairy.
No one's ever been inside. Thats the only thing salvageble about this project. You may have to work with Alhaitham, but you got to explore the unknown!
As such, days pass. You've discussed the plans with Alhaitham now. There was no need to see the man untill the first rainfall of the season.
So now, you could enjoy your daily activities.
Like talking to your crush- colleague.
A nice student at the Akedemia, like you.
You've known him since before you two enrolled here, and honestly, you've caught quite the crush.
But someone wasn't pleased with that.
You didn't notice, he knew you wouldn't, that he was watching from the sidelines.
Alhaitham had to watch how you fawned over some simpleton.
He almost felt bad for what he was about to do. Untill remembering that for once in his life, he was allowed to be selfish.
He had done his duties, helped the Akedemia. And look at that. You were one of the people in it. So shouldn't he get a reward of choice for being so helpfull and amazing?
He would, in due time. He only had to be patient for a couple more weeks.
"Y/N. Stop pacing like that." Alhaitham sneered in annoyance.
You've been pacing in front of the thombs entrance for half an hour now. The rain was slowly stopping. Only a few droplets falling on your soaked form.
Yes, Alhaitham had an umbrella, he even offered for you to cole stand under it with him but you declined.
Not wanting to stand that close to him or wait in one place.
He watched you pace. Your hair dripping rain water, he saw you shiver. But he couldn't act on his smothering insticts... yet.
You nod and stop pacing, now biting your lip and bouncing your foot as you wait.
Alhaitham sighed at your nervous behavior.
You tought he absolutly hated your guts... wich made the waiting all the more agonizing.
Eventually, the drizzle comes to a spot and the entrance opens.
You squeel and observe each and every detail in the newly opened door.
Alhaitham approached and put a firm and strong hand on your shoulder. Keeping you grounded.
He nudges you inside, tough he subtly makes you walk behind him, as if protecting you from... uh.. dust?
That analogy was very wrong since after you two descended the stairs, deeper into the thomb, there stand a robotic creature. Its face eroded.
It looked eerie and old. You were guessing this was the 'goddes'.
It surely was big enough for the title but you had a feeling that it's god-like beauty had long faded.
It creaks as it moves, the gears scraping against eachother harshly. It's old.
Alhaitham notices its movement and pushes you to the side of the room.
"Don't dare move, stay there." He orders in the harshest manner you've heard of him yet.
He unsheats his two swords and circles around the mechanic goddes in an intimidating way.
Even with its impressing size, you could already tell who would win.
The scribe waits for the bot to make it's first move as he circles it.
The mechanic goddes moves its arm for a swing. Its slow and creaky.
You bet ut was an unstopable killing machience back in its glory days.
As the bit has attacked first, Alhaitham takes the chance to strike it. First, a simple blow to put it off balance.
And then, a swift strike to the core.
He twists the blade and the bot twists and stutters untill it's few lights fade and it slumps to the ground with a loud thud.
It's mechanical body limp on the floor, sprawled out like a true goddes.
You almost feel sad for it. It had to protect this thomb and it tried... wich had led to its 'death'.
Alhaitham doesn't even spare a glance at it's body and turns back to you.
"Come on, we can move on." He says like that bot was nothing. Gesturing for you to come to him with his hand.
You shake your head to break out of your shock and step closer to him.
I mean, if he wanted you dead he would have let the robot do it...
He leads the way, further into the thomb.
Its beautifull.
The sunlight shines in from certain hole's in the roof and somehow the decorative fountains and ponds have remained clear over the centuries.
You look in awe at all the vines and flowers that grew here.
Its like a small paradise.
You got exited and ran around to see everything.
Taking photo's for the Akademia with your kamera. Surprisingly, Alhaitham didn't stop you from exploring. Wich was strange.
You had tought he'd be that cautious guy who would tell you to watch out for traps.
Maybe he was just as enamoured by the thomb as you!
You find multiple rooms. Its almost like it's a cool house.
A dining room made of the same stone as the thomb. Nicely decorated with plants and flowers.
Likewise were the other rooms.
A bathing room,  bedroom, multiple lounging rooms.
Yea, who-ever died here had a nice place to lounge in the afterlife.
So you continue trough the thomb, trying to find the actual room where the potential dead person was.
Perhaps a royal, or someone of high status?
You just had to know who this beautifull thomb was for!
You eventually cirkled back to the hall that lead to the room with the robot in.
Only to find the door...
Well whatever it was, it was now just a dead end. And that freaked you out.
You opened your mouth to shout for Alhaitham in a panicked manner, thinking he was still in the room with the bot, or perhaps in the thomb.
But you didn't get the chance to scream as he appeared behind you and put a hand on your mouth, silencing you siwftly as his other hand snaked around your waist in a firm grip.
"Don't scream. They won't hear you. Do you like my surprise darling?" He murmured as his breath hit your ear. He was close, uncomfrotably so.
He let his hand fall off your mouth so he could hug you closer.
"What do you mean?" You ask, voice shaky. Nothing was making sense.
"So smart, yet so clueless." Alhaitham chuckled and caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. Still standing behind you.
You felt offended, not to mention uncomfrotable.
You were left stunned as he kissed the top of your head.
So loving. What was happening.
"Y/N... you're mine now... do you realise that?" He whispers and turns you around softly, facing back to the thomb.
You were so confused, he found it adorable.
It was so easy to get you intrested in this thomb he had forged.
Create fake files. Make a bad robot. Some riddles...
And you were hooked! Enough to work with him. Something you never did, even avoided.
And now, you'd live here, where no one but him could admire you.
You liked this place no? The pretty water, the nature, the sunlight trough the ceiling.
You'd be stuck in paradise. Isn't that amazing?
Just you and him. You wouldn't be able to stare at that crush of yours, so he wouldn't have to get jealous.
It was a perfect plan. This way, you could have the whole thomb to walk around and live in, and he could keep you to himself.
"What is that even supposed to mean?" You practically growl and begin to squirm in his grip.
He laughs and lets go. He knew it wouldn't be easy to get you to love him back.
It didn't need to be easy. As long as he had you where he wanted. They had all the time in the world.
Oh how saddned the Akedemia would be to find out a student had gone missing.
Good thing he would take care for you.
"Relax, Y/N. Welcome to your new house. With me, your new husband." Alhaitham laughed, a genuine show of emotions but it only looked deranged to you. It just felt too out of character for the stoic scribe.
"You can't just decide that." You back away but he doesn't mind.
You'd realise his love for you in due time.
And he'd make that realization start with a passionate kiss.
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______☆______ Okay Shows over, you can go home.
Lol, this was originally only slightly yandere and mostly angst, but i changed my mind ehe.
So now i hope you enjoyed this monstrosity, i dont even like Alhaitham either.
Have a nice day/night!
_____☆_____ Words: 2424
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