#Myth About Term Insurance
term-insurance · 9 months
Why Term Insurance is NOT a Scam? Explained in 1 minute
Many people rant on social media about their insurance companies denying to settle claims. Some even don’t hesitate to claim that the concept of insurance itself is a scam and is meant to rob innocent people in the name of providing protection.
But is that true? Of course not.
If you look at the claims data or claims settlement ratio of various insurance companies, you will see a different picture.
Insurance is a fast growing and well regulated industry in India. Insurance companies are supposed to settle all genuine claims as and when they arise. And if any insurance company denies to settle a claim, there is a grievance redressal mechanism which the consumer can resort to.
And no insurance company would want to spoil its brand or image by getting into unnecessary problems.
Does that mean that these people who rant about their insurance companies or provide negative reviews are lying? Most likely, no.
People who do not face any issues or are happy with the products they purchased are less likely to leave a review than people who are not happy. These unhappy customers go all out to put up negative reviews to release their anger or frustration.
What goes wrong here is that many people buy insurance products which do not suit their needs. They are not aware of the terms and conditions governing their policy. They do not bother to go through the fine print and find out what their insurance policy actually covers.
Insurance is a legal contract which can have many terms and conditions. And all these terms and conditions governing your policy are mentioned in your policy document.
Read the policy document carefully once you receive it. If you do not like any clause or if you are not happy with any condition, you can always return your policy within the free look period and get your money back.
Topics covered in this video 👇 Myth about Term Insurance Term Insurance is NOT a scam Mistakes while buying term insurance Claim settlement Rejection in Term Insurance
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haniyashah007 · 1 year
Term Insurance Myths Debunked: Making an Informed Purchase
When it comes to securing your family's financial future, term insurance is often hailed as a practical and cost-effective solution. However, misconceptions and myths about term insurance can cloud your judgment and deter you from making an informed purchase. In this article, we will debunk common term insurance myths and shed light on the benefits you get when you buy Term Insurance.
Myth 1: Term Insurance is Costly
One of the most prevalent myths about term insurance is that it is expensive. In reality, term insurance is one of the most affordable types of life insurance. Unlike other policies, term insurance provides pure life coverage without any investment component, making it a cost-effective way to secure your family's financial future.
Myth 2: I Don't Need Term Insurance Because I'm Young and Healthy
You might think that since you're young and healthy, you don't need term insurance. However, life is uncertain and unexpected events can happen at any age. Term insurance is a safety net that ensures your family's financial security even if the unexpected occurs.
Myth 3: Term Insurance Lapses if I Don't Die During the Term
Some people fear that if they outlive the policy term, their term insurance would be a waste of money. However, this isn't true. While term insurance is designed to provide a death benefit, some policies offer a return of premium option. With this feature, if you survive the policy term, you receive the premiums you paid, making it a win-win situation.
Benefit of Term Insurance
Now that we've debunked these myths, let's explore the benefits of term insurance:
1. Affordability: Term insurance offers significant coverage at an affordable premium, ensuring that you can protect your family's financial future without straining your budget.
2. Customization: You have the flexibility to choose the coverage amount and policy term that align with your financial goals and responsibilities.
3. Comprehensive Coverage: Term insurance provides pure life coverage, offering a substantial death benefit to your beneficiaries in the event of your untimely demise.
4. Additional Riders: Another benefit of Term Insurance is that many term insurance plans offer riders that provide coverage for critical illnesses, accidental death and disability, enhancing the overall utility of your policy.
5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your loved ones will be financially secure even in your absence brings peace of mind and helps you sleep better at night. Term insurance is a valuable financial tool that dispels the myths associated with it. It offers affordable, customizable and comprehensive coverage, ensuring that your family's financial future remains secure. When considering term insurance, it's essential to choose a trusted provider like PNB MetLife. So, don't let myths deter you; make an informed purchase decision and safeguard your family's well-being with term insurance.
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intheholler · 1 year
On Appalachian and Southern Stereotypes
After seeing some people leap at the opportunity to insult and further harm us under my posts, even by obviously leftist accounts, I wanted to address some of the most popular stereotypes of our region.
Not as an excuse. There are many negative, violent and otherwise harmful features of the American South. We have a horrific history especially in terms of the violence we inflicted and continue to inflict upon the Black community that cannot be forgotten, and, as a culture, we do need to pay our dues.
But maybe this will help y’all apply some nuance to the situation and understand that we aren’t all your enemy.
Stereotype 1: Everyone is a Republican Racist
Absolute horse shit, my friends. There are people like me all over the south and in the hollers. We just get drowned out by the fascists, and it is all by design. 
In my home state of North Carolina alone, they are working tirelessly to make it impossible for young, often liberal (if not outright leftist) voices to be heard. They specifically target regions with heavy POC populations.
As recently as May of this year, the North Carolina Supreme Court overturned their own previous ruling which once made gerrymandering illegal. This allows Republicans free range to draw their congressional lines wherever benefits them most. 
Meanwhile, Roy Cooper, our Democratic governor, has been in office since 2017.
Gerrymandering is a real problem, and it reflects the worst of us. But it does not reflect all of us.
We are a working class, pro-union people.
We are coal miners and mill workers and farmers.
We took up arms against the government and fought for our labor rights during the Coal Wars as recently as the 1920s.
We bled for labor rights at the Battle of Blair Mountain.
It’s a myth that you keep perpetuating that we are all closed minded, bigoted regressionists. It diminishes the efforts of everyone from the coal miners to people like me while we try to make the region a better place.
It actually only worsens what you say that you wish you could “saw off into the ocean.” 
That's my home you're talking about.
Stereotype 2: Everyone is Obese
36.3% of the overall population of the Southeast is obese. This is true.
Have you considered why that may be? For starters, Southerners are more likely to be uninsured compared to individuals living in the rest of the country.
"Among the total nonelderly population, 15% of individuals in the South are uninsured compared to 10% of individuals in the rest of the country."
Partially because they didn't even expand the same Medicaid benefits to us. and partially because we are just so fucking poor. 
17% of the American South is below the poverty line, compared to 13% in the Midwest, 13% in the West, and 13% in the Northeast.
Percentages under 5% may not seem like much, but when you consider 1% of the total United States population is around 3,140,000 people, yeah, that adds up real quick.
How does this relate? Well...
Mississippi has 19.58% of its residents below the poverty line, and a 39.1% obesity rate.
West Virginia has 17.10% of its residents below the poverty line, and a 40.6 % obesity rate.
Kentucky has 16.61% of its residents below the poverty line, and a 40.4% obesity rate.
Are you seeing the trend?
We, generally speaking, are more likely to be unable to afford to feed ourselves wholesome foods, and we are less likely to be able to afford medical insurance--two things that are obviously important to maintaing good health and a "healthy" weight.
By the same token... 
Stereotype #3: We're All Uneducated 
The South and Appalachia are some of the lowest ranked in terms of educational funding and spending per pupil in the entire country. We don't even break the top 30 on the list, y'all.
49. Tennessee at $8,324 per pupil 47. Mississippi at $8,919 per pupil 45. Alabama at $9,636 per pupil 42. Kentucky at $10,010 per pupil 36. North Carolina at $10,613 per pupil 35. South Carolina at  $10,719 per pupil 33. Georgia at $10,893 per pupil 32. West Virginia at $10,984 per pupil
The top three best-funded states, by comparison, receive between $18k and $20k per pupil.
In terms of higher education, student loans are a death sentence for everyone but especially impoverished kids just looking for a way out. It just isn't feasible for most of us. And that's if we even tested well after going to shitty schools our whole lives. If we had better education, we'd have better literacy in all things, including critical thinking, allowing us to better see through the bullshit we are taught. But we don't. And you aren't helping the ones who are trying in spite of that.
Stereotype 4: Bad Teeth
Quickly going to touch on this one--when we consider a lack of access to affordable, healthy food, shitty medical insurance in general and our poverty rate, this one is kind of obvious. Even so:
“Dental coverage was significantly lower than the national average in the South Atlantic (45.6%), East South Central (45.6%), West South Central (45.9%), and Pacific (48.0%) regions.”
Every time you make a toothless hillbilly joke, ask if poverty is really the butt of the joke you want to be making.
These are just the most pervasive of them, imo. And they can all be underlined by extreme poverty which is absolutely by design.
It also contributes to why it isn’t so easy to “just leave” as we are so often dismissively told to do. Moving is expensive.
And why should we have to, anyway? Why should we have to flee our homes?
Why, for those who feel safe enough and/or have no other choice, should we not stay and fight to better the region?
And why can’t you other leftists get behind us and help us in our fight instead of perpetuating harmful stereotypes? We're your people, too.
Just some food for thought. And I hope some of y’all take a big ol bite.
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Alanna Vagianos at HuffPost:
Many Republicans want you to believe that women are getting abortions in the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy simply because they can. The right-wing rhetoric has been used to criticize abortion rights supporters and Democrats for years. Even Donald Trump — who up until recently consistently dodged the topic of abortion — has started repeating the myth.
Democrats “support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month,” the GOP presidential nominee said last month. Democrats can “have [an abortion] in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, and they can kill the baby,” he said in another interview, adding that in some states “they can kill the baby after the baby is born.” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said this week that “there are late-term abortions and every single Democrat supported it.” (“Late-term abortion” is a popular right-wing talking point, but HuffPost is not using it because it’s medically inaccurate.) The belief that pregnant people use abortion like birth control is a well-worn boogeyman that the anti-choice movement has peddled for decades. Though rife with misinformation, the political strategy has been extremely successful, creating cultural stigma so deep around abortions later in pregnancy that many Democrats, including President Joe Biden, and even some pro-choice advocates, are uncomfortable discussing it.
But people do get abortions later in pregnancy — a phrase that generally reflects abortions at or after 21 weeks. Some are women with wanted pregnancies who get a fatal fetal diagnosis. Others are young people who don’t realize they’re pregnant or don’t have a safe way to get an abortion right away. Still, others experience something catastrophic and life-changing later in pregnancy — a partner becoming violent, their home burning down, a job loss — that will make it nearly impossible to safely raise a child. There’s also an increasing number of people pushed further into pregnancy because they experience barriers to care early on: their home state banned abortion forcing them to travel, or their immigration status makes it dangerous for them to seek health care, or they need to save up for the procedure because it’s not covered by insurance.
No one is getting an abortion in the second or third trimester because they woke up one day, months into being pregnant, and decided they didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. But the politically manufactured shame around later abortion care runs so deep that many Democrats believe it too, in part because of the power of these lies. Biden has centered his reelection campaign around restoring Roe v. Wade, and advocates are building policy around it too, protecting abortion care until viability or around 24 weeks — effectively ignoring those who will need care later in pregnancy.
“One of the mistakes we’ve made as a movement is to not talk about later care,” said Dr. Diane Horvath, an OB-GYN and abortion provider at Partners In Abortion Care, an abortion clinic in Maryland where 90% of her patients receive care in the second and third trimesters. “I think we thought we were protecting ourselves by being quiet about it,” she said. “But when you leave gaps in the narrative … anti-abortion folks have always been very happy to fill them in with things that are scary and incorrect, and really debase people who have abortions and debase people who provide them.” Most abortions do happen in the first trimester: Almost 93% of abortions reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2020 were done before the 13th week. Nearly 99% took place by the end of the 20th week. Somewhere around 1% of abortions occur at 21 weeks or later, and the subset of abortions in the third trimester (around 26 weeks) is even smaller.
Even under the best of circumstances, with a lot of privilege and resources, getting an abortion in the third trimester when Roe was still intact was extremely difficult. “The whole time we’re asking ourselves, ‘What would we have done if any of these pieces were not in place? What if we couldn’t have accessed that money quickly? What if we didn’t have IDs that allowed us to get on a plane? What if we didn’t read and speak English?’” recalled Christensen, who along with her husband founded the abortion strategy and advocacy group Patient Forward.
In 2020, 9% of people who accessed abortions had to travel out of their home state to receive care, according to The Guttmacher Institute. Three years later, after the Dobbs decision that repealed Roe, that number has doubled with around 20% of patients seeking care across state lines. (That number does not account for the increase in medication abortion by mail, a common access point for pregnant people in the first trimester post-Roe.) Horvath and Morgan Nuzzo, a certified nurse midwife, opened Partners in Abortion Care shortly after the Supreme Court repealed Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022. The two met working at a Planned Parenthood clinic, but didn’t become close until Nuzzo was pregnant with her first child, and Horvath offered some hand-me-down baby clothes from her kids. Partners in Abortion Care in College Park, Maryland, is one of a small handful in the country that offer all-trimester abortion care. During the first year the clinic was opened, they saw patients from 40 different states and three countries.
Their clinic sees about 10 to 15 patients a week ― nearly all of whom are getting abortions after 20 weeks. The clinic caps the number of patients they see weekly because later care takes more time. Unlike early care, which can often be done using abortion pills, abortions in the second and third trimester are more complex. An abortion between 20 and 26 weeks is typically a two-day procedure, and past 26 weeks is a three-day procedure.
HuffPost explores the stigma of those who get an abortion post-fetal viability and how anti-abortion propaganda (such as falsely calling post-fetal viability abortions "late term abortions") plays a role in creating such stigmas.
Those who choose abortion in the later half of the 2nd or the 3rd trimester do so because of extenuating circumstances.
Post-fetal viability = anywhere after 21-25 weeks in gestational age.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
trying to work out some thoughts on anorexia/restrictive eating disorders as inherently “mental illnesses” so forgive me for doing that in your inbox lol. but as someone who starved myself for a while as a teenager in order to fit into the ideal of thinness i reallyyyy hate when people call anorexia/bulimia a mental illness. what i was doing was very reasonable — i was trying to get thin, fast, so people would think of me as pretty/desirable, and starving myself was a way to do that. i feel like terming restrictive eating disorders as mental illnesses in & of themselves makes them seem like, unreasonable? or like you’re biologically predisposed to starve yrself? i guess i just want to know if you have any thoughts on the terming of “anorexia” or “bulimia” as mental illnesses (sorry for the vagueness of this question)
i have thoughts lol
in general i don't actually get a lot of mileage out of the concept of 'mental illness', tbh. there are lots of different things going on here—sometimes these labels are used to pathologise behaviours and experiences that are simply normal variations in human populations (& are often experienced as impairments due to the context of a social and economic environment designed to exclude them). sometimes they're just pathologising certain portions of the population, and are a tool for how marginalisation occurs, like 'drapetomania' or 'hysteria' or indeed the racialised nature of 'schizophrenia' diagnoses. sometimes what we call 'mental illness' is what i would argue is a very reasonable response to fucked up circumstances, like what you're talking about or indeed the inherently stressful and traumatising experience of, like, surviving capitalism. you also have to keep in mind that the way the pharmaceutical industry and the psychiatric establishment work in tandem means that some diagnostic labels come into existence after a drug is discovered/manufactured, and needs an insurance billing code in order to start making money.
on top of all this, as a philosophical point, 'illness' or 'disease' in medicine has some specific meanings (contested & varied over time/place, obviously) and i'm not actually convinced that affective distress is best explained or ameliorated by this framework. the argument that affective distress is a disease state has mostly been very useful for people who are invested in claiming medico-scientific authority and prestige for clinical and academic psychiatry. interestingly ofc, they have never fully succeeded in doing this because there are no biomarkers for psychiatric diagnoses, that's not how these diagnoses are made, and it's certainly not how they're treated (despite outright lies like the 'chemical imbalance' myth still being pushed on many patients).
when it comes to 'eating disorders' specifically, one thing to keep in mind up front is that although all eating disorders are restrictive in origin, both the responses to and causes of that restriction vary widely. the 'classic' story here since about the mid-20th century has been a (white, upper-class) girl who wants to be thin and starves herself in pursuit of beauty / social acceptance; depending on how she responds to this attempted restriction, you might see further restriction, binge-type behaviour, binge-purge behaviour, &c. but this is really only one eating disorder 'story'. as i've said before, food / energy restriction can start for a million different reasons, including lack of access to sufficient food, sensory aversions, other illnesses, over-exercise, &c. and people's mental and physical responses also vary a lot. i've probably never met a disordered eater who had NO thoughts on thinness as the beauty standard and beauty as currency—because of the social context we live in, these ideas will usually at some point become wrapped up in the food restriction, and are often major drivers of the sort of guilt response that tends to perpetuate eg a binge-restrict cycle. but this isn't to say that the desire for thinness is every disordered eater's sole or even primary psychological experience.
since my own experience has always been very similar to yours, though, i can speak to that a little. i agree with you fully in how i narrativise my own self-starvation, lmao. i don't think it's ever been some kind of biological predisposition with me, or a weird or aberrant or even pathological response to my circumstances. i actually think, given the social and familial context i grew up in, starving myself is one of the more logical and normal things i've ever engaged in. it's socially rewarded (both the resultant weight loss and the hypervigilant food / body behaviours in themselves) and emotionally numbing in a way that makes literally everything else 1 billion times easier to manage.
again, there's complexity here when talking about 'eating disorders' more broadly; people receive many different messages about food and body size, and respond to them differently as well. (this is a tricky thing with any diagnosis that's given on the basis of behaviours / symptoms—ie all psychiatric diagnoses—the label is ontologically incapable of differentiating between different causes for, and experiences of, what may be externally the same behaviours.) and it's also true that eating disorders involve a biological element in the sense that restrictive food intake (or the threat of restrictive food intake, like guilting yourself for eating something you perceive as unhealthy / fattening / &c) triggers a whole complicated physical response because, yknow, humans need to eat lol. but my point stands, i think: the psychiatric discourse of 'eating disorders' is still very wilfully decontextualising them, because otherwise it would have to become a broader social justice conversation about things like poverty and weight stigma. that's not something that psychiatry is disciplinarily equipped to do!
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kotamagic · 10 months
Lore Olympus this week is whole lot of OOOOHHHH FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!!!
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No sooner has Apollo taken over than he starts cleaning out the dissenters, starting with Eros and Psyche. You know, like a real-world dictator!
Medical gods so corrupt? Why does the American Healthcare system come to mind? Oh yeah.... insurance.
Thank you, Eros, for pointing out the blatant repeat of history.
Oh, and just in case E&P won't be silenced...
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...Apollo's got his Mom as his backup with his bullshit.
What pisses me off more is that Leto actually believes her son's bullshit. Like, I get that Zeus & Hera both shafted her when she was pregnant with Apollo and Artemis, but I'd like to believe that SOMETHING had to come off as odd to her about her son. However, given that I don't think she knows Apollo SA'd Persephone, there might be a lot more that Leto doesn't know (and should) about her son's deeds.
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And Apollo doesn't stop at just Eros & Psyche. He signed the note as Hebe intentionally to get her out of the way without having to jail her. Ugh!
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While Apollo is cleaning out the palace, Persephone is having a serious crisis --- Everything is turning to winter.
From some of her thoughts, snow and winter were a legend of the past, but that it hasn't happened in who knows how long. I wonder if autumn was just an extra long season until Persephone ate the pomegranate.
Needless to say, Demeter is furious that her daughter's very purpose is just flat-out gone. Naturally, she blames Hades, and for once, she's probably not wrong.
Could we blame Apollo's machinations for this? Possibly. It could be something related to the prophesy, but I don't think this is the case. In terms of Rachel's method of storytelling, there could be a deeper connection to the prophesy of Apollo's takeover.
I think Persephone causing winter instead of spring here was more a part of what she gave up when she ate the pomegranate. If my theory of there being an extra-long autumn is the case, then the pomegranate deal meant that winter happened instead. Persephone had to spend a whole half of the year in the Underworld instead of just 3/4 of it. That would likely put things more in line with not only the real world, but with the original myth as well.
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I was going to put this bit in my own words, but Rachel just came right out and said it, so I don't have to.
I know that I and other LO fans have made guesses and speculations that turned out to be incorrect before. It happens. I know I've guessed wrong before. I think in this instance, Rachel didn't want an incorrect assumption to be made right out of the gate and nipped it in the bud immediately.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post!
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shrservices · 5 months
Debunking Common Myths About Third-Party Employment in Noida
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In the dynamic panorama of Noida’s employment sector, third-celebration employment has emerged as a tremendous participant, but it stays shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Let’s resolve the reality behind some of these commonplace fallacies.
Myth 1: Third Party Employment is Unreliable
Contrary to popular belief, third party employment in Noida isn't always synonymous with instability. Many respectable staffing businesses carefully vet candidates, ensuring that the most effective qualified professionals are matched with suitable positions. Moreover, those corporations regularly offer contractual agreements with installed companies, supplying a degree of job protection similar to traditional employment.
Myth 2: Third Party Employment Lacks Benefits
Another false impression is that 0.33-birthday celebration personnel are with out benefits loved with the aid of permanent staff. However, many staffing agencies provide complete benefit packages, together with medical insurance, retirement plans, and paid break day. By leveraging their partnerships with various organizations, these companies make bigger valuable perks to their brief workforce.
Myth 3: Third Party Employment is Short-Term
While some 0.33-party roles can be temporary or task-primarily based, there are ample opportunities for lengthy-term engagements. Skilled specialists regularly locate themselves transitioning from transient assignments to permanent positions inside patron businesses. Third-celebration employment serves as a strategic access factor into Noida’s thriving job marketplace, providing avenues for profession increase and advancement.
All in All, debunking these myths sheds light on the viability and blessings of third party employment in Noida. By embracing this flexible employment version, each employer and job seekers can capitalize on numerous opportunities and foster a collectively profitable professional panorama.
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radical-hr · 2 years
Resign or Be Fired: Which is Better?
If your employer intends to fire you, they may offer you the choice to voluntarily resign instead. There are some benefits to this, namely that it will never be on your "permanent record" that you were fired.
But if the company is firing you (esp with cause), how does it benefit them to let you resign? Simple! In most circumstances, they won't have to pay you unemployment.
Unemployment is a complicated system, but basically employers pay Unemployment Insurance to the state and possibly the feds. If someone is laid off, fired, etc. and eligible to collect unemployment, they then go to the state to get it. A number of factors go into deciding how much an employer pays, and one of those factors is how many employees filed for unemployment the previous year. So the more employees file, the more an employer has to pay. (I used to work for my state UI.)
If you voluntarily resign, you likely won't be eligible for unemployment.
Whether that matters or not really depends on your individual circumstance. If you work in a very high demand field, you'll be able to find a new job pretty quickly, especially with a positive reference from an employer. You will come out ahead financially by getting a positive reference, rather than filing for unemployment. Some employers will also offer some perks for doing this, like a small severence agreement.
It can be tricky if you are in a highly competitive field. It may take you longer to find a job, meaning you would likely need the unemployment income. However, if the field is competitive, it may hurt your prospects for a potential employer to learn that you were fired. You need to weigh the pros and cons.
If you're in a low demand, less competitive field, it is almost always necessary to get unemployment. It would depend on why you're being fired. If you're being fired with cause, you may be ineligible, depending on the eligibility criteria of your state. But also, if the employer is giving you the option to resign, then the cause might not be enough to render you ineligible. You need to know the specifics of your circumstances.
In certain fields, it can definitely be a huge mark against you. In HR, being fired with cause can completely derail your career. You're supposed to know better. For teachers, it can also be an issue because there is such a shortage that it causes suspicion.
Contrary to popular internet myth, it is not illegal for a former employer to tell a prospective employer THAT you were fired.
In some states, it is illegal to tell another employer WHY you were fired. That's a big difference. It also only applies in some states. It isn't HR best practice (I personally would only do it in very specific circumstances) so most HR workers will only answer "term type" (resigned, fired, laid off, etc) and "eligible for rehire". If it is company policy to not rehire a former employee (which it sometimes is) an ethical HR person will disclose that.
Finally, remember that being fired isn't necessarily the career ender we all think it is. When I recruited, I would only exclude a fired applicant if their firing had something to do with a license violation. I was staffing medical, so it could potentially endanger a patient. That was all I really cared about.
Give all factors due consideration and let me know if you need any advice.
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thoughtfulfoxllama · 1 year
So, appearantly I can't be screened for Autism because I'm an adult, and only kids can recieve a diagnosis. At least that's what my psychiatrist told me
Like, why? Autism isn't a Childhood Disability, it's lifelong. So, am I supposed to go without the accommodations I need because no one cared enough to get me tested as a kid
Actually, I'm curious about that. I had an IEP from Elementry onward, for "Emotional Disturbance," but not once did anyone ask me what was wrong. People who knew me when I was young are either ableist ("you don't look autistic," from my Bio mom), or say I should've been tested, because it's obvious (one sister in my ward asked my grandmother, and she said I was, but my Bio mom says I never was, and I think she would've known, because that's when she was still around). So, that begs the question, why did none of my teachers say anything. I've had bad teachers (my Sped Teacher in Middle School straight up told us that "students didn't deserve rights," and that she'd send us to the principal for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance), but I had legit awesome teachers who cared for me so much, and did everything to help me (even going beyond what the IEP said & just asking me what I needed). Were they just powerless, or did they assume I was diagnosed, or did they just never notice
Actually, that's one of the reason I loved the Church. I'm weird about it now (I can explain later, but let's simmer it down to Sensory & Social Issues). Sure, no one said "hey, maybe you should get tested" (except the RS President who's son would later adopt me, and my Best Friend's Mom), but I was noticed & accepted (which is all I really wanted). My friends were almost all Neurodivergent, and I just had a place where I belonged. Ironically, everyone says the Church pushes you into a box, but it helped me come to terms with myself. I am Autistic, I am Bisexual, I enjoy myths, have tarot cards & runestones, I am untraditional in basically every way, but the Church gave me the courage to say "I'm following my own path," taught me how to listen to the Spirit which says "I will guide you safely & comfort you when people don't understand," the ability to see myself as a God in Embryo & realize I am valid, as an Autistic Bisexual Mormon Witch who has questioned my Gender Identity on a number of occasions (it's weird, but I don't really feel any gender (what's gender even feel like anyway). I use he/him because it's easier, as I am a Bio male, but I don't care, and think I look slay in either genders clothes (although, I do prefer Androgynous Style, but T-Shirt & Jeans works as well))
I'm actually reminded of Elementry School. I did awesome in classes, straight As until 4rd grade. But my 4th Grade Teacher noticed something odd. When I was away from the board, I would play with my eyes. I was Nearsighted, and for 4 years, no one noticed (for a number of reasons, including because I did the eye thing, asked questions, read the book, and always sat at the front of class). Now, that teacher was Awesome (she even inspired me to get my first pet, a Guinea Pig named "Fluffy"), and she saw a problem no one else did. I am going into education, and I wanna be that teacher. I want to be the teacher who not only cares, but notices things other people don't. I want to do everything in my power to make sure no one goes without what they need: be it new glasses, a diagnosis, or just a few minutes alone with an apple (because school's hard, and sometimes you just need quiet time & a snack)
TL;DR- I can't get screened on my insurance, someone should've noticed when I was a kid, my 4th Grade Teacher & Mormonism both rock & helped me realize my validity (so has my awesome wife, but I didn't mention her in there, even though I met her at church, and she's most likely also ND), and I wanna be better when I'm a teacher so no one goes without
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
I am almost 63 and I’m pleased to say that my grown-up, adult friends are very comfortable talking to me about almost anything, even in public! The myth is that women don’t fart but, if you’ve ever lived with a woman, you know that’s not true. The comments that followed Too Much Information Tuesday clearly demonstrate that my words cause a lot of flatulence! My status literally caused women to pass wind! I like to stimulate; I like to encourage. It’s rather like my radio show on Saturday. I can’t even begin to tell you what people do while they listen to the show! Yesterday, a woman described me as “saucy” and I think I inspire and allow people to be saucy.
I have a number of nurses that read this status and they all know the importance of good intestinal health. Don’t you remember that all-musical episode of ‘Scrubs’ where they actually sang a song about poo? As we all know, a stool sample tells doctors all they need to know about your body. The mysteries of your universe are revealed within your doo-doo. And, we’re all grown folk, so we can talk about stuff like this. In fact, as we’re all grown-ups now, when I talk about long-term relationships and marriage, you all have some experience of these subjects.
To me, living with someone is an endlessly fascinating subject. Isn’t it mind-blowing how different ‘dating’ and ‘living together’ are? Two people, sexually attracted to one another, living in different abodes: what happens? They bonk wherever and whenever they can! Bonkity bonkity bonk! Two people, sexually attracted to one another, living in the SAME abode: what happens? One is on the computer, while the other watches telly. They only talk to decide what to eat for dinner. The bonking is replaced by the school run, holiday plans, checking on the parents, family functions, ill-health, career problems, steel band rehearsals, the mid-life crisis, the occasional argument and a lot of farting.
As a music junkie, it hasn’t escaped my attention that a lot of good songs use the word ‘gone’ or describe a love affair that has run aground. ‘After The Love Is Gone’, BB King’s ‘The Thrill Is Gone’, ‘N Sync’s ‘Gone’, Ashford & Simpson’s ‘Is It Still Good To Ya’, Atlantic Starr’s ‘Your Love Finally Ran Out’, Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Go Your Own Way’, not to mention Joy Division’s ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’. Couples growing tired of one another and/or falling out of love is good song writing material, probably because so many people can relate to it. The bottom line is marriage and monogamy are hopeless, ill-founded concepts. Why do they exist? The Church. Naturally. There is even a song entitled ‘It’s Cheaper To Keep Her’ by Johnnie Taylor. A million relationships stay in place because the finances of separation are too grim to contemplate, especially when there are kids involved. Don’t worry. Me and The Trouble aren’t going anywhere. We’re too old and tired to care anymore.
Will Fishi Ballsack make any difference to my life at all? No. None at all. Tax and national insurance are killing my pay packet, the energy bill is up, the fuel bill is up, the food bill is up. Will the billionaire make my life better? Highly unlikely. Can I help him? No. He will only help those that can help him.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my status. Many people don’t like reading. It’s too much hard work. So, I thank you for giving me five minutes of your day.
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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Common Misconceptions About Auto Glass Repair
The repair of auto glass forms part of your vehicle's maintenance, but it is also one area that has many myths. This may keep you from rushing into repair and prevent you from some damages that may be irrelevant to your safety and more costly in the long run. This article will show you some of the common misconceptions concerning auto glass repair so that you have the right information when searching for "auto glass repair near me" or reliable auto glass repair services.
Myth 1: Small chips and cracks don't need immediate attention.
The reality is that:
The truth is that most people who own a car have the perception that small chips and cracks are innocent and can just be left. Many times, temperature changes, road vibrations, and loads of other factors allow even minor damage to spread at an incredibly fast rate. Attention early on to those small chips and cracks is, therefore, going to save you from having to replace your entire windshield. It will save you headaches and keep you safe on the roads.
Why Repairs Need to Be Done on Time
Restoring a windshield's structural integrity—part of the vehicle's overall safety—is what on-time repairs can do. This is why, in case you get involved in an accident, a cracked windshield is not going to help you that much; hence, timely repairs are very important.
Myth 2: DIY repair kits are fully effective, just like professional repairs.
While DIY repair kits are very common and seem to be cost-effective in nature, they turn out to be pretty poor in terms of quality and durability. Most of the time, this will provide temporary solutions that might not put up with daily driving conditions.
Benefits of Professional Repairs
Professional repair of automobile glass, such as one practiced by Mander Collision & Glass, resorts to far improved materials and methodologies to ensure a permanent fix. Any individual trained in this field will correctly analyze the extent of the damage and apply the right repair techniques to ensure lasting results. 
Myth 3: You Always Need Windshield Replacement
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Most people think that any damage to a windshield requires replacement; however, modern techniques of repair are most of the time capable of returning a windshield to its original condition. Most of these instances avoid replacements in case the damage is minor.
When Replacement Is Necessary
Replacement is usually called for when there is extreme damage, like huge cracks or chips directly in the line of vision of the driver. In other instances, professional repair most often suffices to save the windshield and saves you time and money.
Myth 4: The insurance won't cover auto glass repairs
Another extremely common myth is that car insurance won't cover glass repairs or replacements. In most instances, however, the real truth is that most auto insurance policies do cover auto glass repairs and replacements—many times with very little or no out-of-pocket cost at all.
Understanding Your Coverage
It's always good to go through your insurance policy and know what's covered and what's not. Most insurance companies would rather repair glass rather than replace since the former is cheap. Call your insurance company to verify your coverage and know what that might cost you.
Myth 5: All Auto Glass Repair Shops Are the Same
The Reality
That doesn't mean, however, that all auto glass shops are equal, as far as service or even knowledge goes. Some shops might use inferior materials or may not have the experience to do a job properly. Indeed, the choice of a reputable shop becomes very important if you want a safe and effective repair.
How to Pick a Reputable Repair Shop
When searching for "auto glass repair near me, look for those with good reviews and certifications besides the years of operation record. An example on how a good reputation repair shop should be is Mander Collision & Glass: great, high-end services backed by years of experience and very satisfied customers.
Myth 6. Repairing auto glass takes such a long time.
Most people today procrastinate when it comes to fixing their vehicles because most of them believe that the process might take quite a while. However, most auto glass repairs are relatively quick, sometimes done within an hour. This is especially true with modern techniques and equipment available for the workers to complete their tasks without compromising the quality of their work.
Quick and Convenient Services
Reputable shops realize that your time is a busy one and work hard to provide fast, convenient service. When you bring your vehicle to a professional shop, you know that they will get right to your repair and get you on your way immediately.
Myth 7: Windshield Damage Is Just a Cosmetic Issue
Windshield damage is, at worst, usually considered to be a cosmetic problem that does not affect the performance of a vehicle. The fact of the matter, however, is that the windshield does contribute a lot toward the structural integrity of the vehicle and the occupant safety.
Safety Implications
A cracked windshield might lower airbag performance and the integrity of your roof in a rollover. That's why you want to maintain your windshield in good condition for the safety features to perform well in your vehicle.
Myth 8: Only Windshields Need Repair
While windshields are the most common auto glass to get damaged, that doesn't mean other windows of your vehicle cannot break. Side and rear windows, and sunroofs are equally prone to chips, cracks, or any other kind of damage.
Comprehensive Auto Glass Services
Any full-service auto glass repair shop, like Mander Collision & Glass, offers complete repairs on any variety of auto glass. Windshield, side window, and rear window producers are in a position to handle the repair or replacement efficiently.
Choosing the Right Auto Glass Repair Shop
These common misconceptions can help you in making proper decisions when faced with the need for auto glass repair. Now more than ever, shops with quality technicians to match the quality materials make for a great experience for customers seeking "auto glass repair near me." This also makes sure that your vehicle is safe to drive and secure for you and all of your passengers. Top service in Waukesha and Milwaukee is here for you with Mander Collision & Glass.
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amarisbella21 · 10 days
Common Misconceptions About CHIP Health Insurance
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The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides essential health coverage for children from low- to moderate-income families. Despite its importance, several misconceptions about CHIP health insurance can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for families in need. Here’s a look at some common misconceptions and the facts you need to know, including details about CHIP guidelines.
CHIP Is Just for Low-Income Families
One of the most common misconceptions is that CHIP is only available to families with very low incomes. While CHIP does primarily serve low- to moderate-income households, its income guidelines vary by state. Each state sets its income thresholds based on the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), typically covering families with incomes up to 200% to 300% of the FPL. This means that many families with moderate incomes may also qualify for CHIP coverage, not just those in extreme financial need.
CHIP Coverage Is Limited
Another misconception is that CHIP provides minimal coverage compared to private insurance or Medicaid. In reality, CHIP offers comprehensive health coverage for children, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, emergency services, hospitalization, prescription drugs, mental health services, and sometimes dental and vision care. The scope of coverage is designed to ensure that children receive essential health services and preventive care.
CHIP Has a Complicated Application Process
Many families believe that applying for CHIP is overly complicated and time-consuming. However, the application process is generally straightforward. Families can apply online, by mail, or in person, and many states provide user-friendly application portals. The process involves providing information about household income, family size, and other relevant details. Assistance is available from state CHIP offices and various community organizations to help with the application process.
CHIP Coverage Is Only for Younger Children
A common myth is that CHIP only covers younger children. CHIP provides health insurance for children up to age 19. This extended coverage helps ensure that older children and teenagers also have access to necessary health services, including preventive care, treatment for illnesses, and mental health support.
CHIP Coverage Is Temporary
Some people think that CHIP coverage is short-term or only available for a limited period. CHIP, however, is designed to provide continuous coverage as long as eligibility requirements are met. Families need to renew coverage annually, but as long as they remain eligible according to CHIP guidelines, their children can maintain their health insurance.
CHIP Has No Out-of-Pocket Costs
While CHIP is designed to be affordable, it is not entirely free. Some states may require small premiums or co-payments for certain services, although these costs are generally lower than those associated with private insurance. Understanding the specific cost-sharing requirements in your state can help you budget for any potential out-of-pocket expenses.
Eligibility Requirements Are the Same in All States
CHIP guidelines vary significantly from state to state. Each state administers its own CHIP program, setting different income limits, coverage options, and eligibility criteria. This means that the CHIP program in one state might offer different benefits or have different income thresholds compared to another. Families need to check their state’s specific CHIP guidelines to understand eligibility and coverage details accurately.
CHIP Is the Same as Medicaid
Although both CHIP and Medicaid provide health coverage for children from low-income families, they are distinct programs. Medicaid typically serves lower-income families and may have different eligibility criteria and benefits compared to CHIP. Some states combine CHIP and Medicaid into a single program, but they are separate entities with their own rules and funding structures.
Understanding the facts about CHIP health insurance can help dispel common misconceptions and ensure that families make the most of the program's benefits. CHIP offers comprehensive coverage for children from low- to moderate-income families, with varying income guidelines and coverage options by state. By clarifying these misconceptions, families can better navigate the CHIP program and access the essential health services their children need. For accurate and up-to-date information, always refer to your state’s CHIP guidelines or consult with local health advisors.
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🚨 Unlock the Secret to Securing Your Family’s Future with Life Insurance in 2024! 🚨
🚨 Unlock the Secret to Securing Your Family’s Future with Life Insurance in 2024! 🚨
Are you confused about life insurance and how to choose the right policy? You're not alone. Life insurance is a crucial financial tool, yet many people don’t fully understand its importance. With "Understanding Life Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners," we're breaking it down for you, making life insurance decisions easier than ever.
💡 Why should you care?
Peace of mind: Ensure your loved ones are financially protected.
Save more: Learn about cost-effective term life insurance options.
Stay secure: Discover how life insurance can cover funeral expenses, replace lost income, and more!
✨ What’s inside the article?
A detailed breakdown of Term Life, Whole Life, and Universal Life Insurance.
Tips on how to assess your financial needs and budget.
Expert advice on how to choose the right policy, plus myth-busting facts that could save you money!
🚀 Ready to secure your family’s future? Don't miss out on the ultimate life insurance guide that's designed to help you make informed decisions! 🔗 Click the link now and unlock a wealth of knowledge that could change your life forever. 💪
Your family deserves protection, and this guide will show you how to get it right.
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📲 Click the link to read more now! You won’t regret it!
Link: https://exploreinfinitehorizons.blogspot.com/2024/09/understanding-life-insurance.html
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Impact Windows and Doors: Your Home's Best Defense
If you live in a hurricane-prone area or are simply looking for an upgrade that combines safety, energy efficiency, and style, impact windows and doors might be the solution you’ve been searching for. These specially designed windows and doors do more than just protect your home from extreme weather—they also offer a host of additional benefits that make them a worthwhile investment.
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Understanding Impact Windows and Doors
What Are Impact Windows and Doors? Impact windows and doors are specially engineered to resist the impact of flying debris and high winds. Unlike standard windows, which may shatter under pressure, impact windows are designed with multiple layers of glass and a durable interlayer, allowing them to withstand extreme conditions without breaking apart.
How Do They Work? At the core of impact windows is a shatter-resistant film sandwiched between layers of glass. This film holds the glass together even when it’s cracked, preventing dangerous shards from flying into your home. This construction is what makes impact windows so effective at withstanding the forces of nature, as well as deterring potential break-ins.
Key Benefits
Safety and Durability First and foremost, impact windows are your front line of defense against hurricanes and severe storms. They are rigorously tested to meet or exceed stringent safety standards, ensuring that they can resist not only high winds but also the impact of debris. This makes them an essential addition to homes in coastal regions or areas susceptible to severe weather.
Energy Efficiency Impact windows do more than just protect—they also help you save on energy costs. By reducing heat transfer, these windows help maintain a stable indoor temperature, meaning your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work as hard. Over time, this can lead to significant savings on your energy bills, making impact windows a smart choice for any homeowner.
Soundproofing If you live in a noisy neighborhood or near a busy road, you’ll appreciate the sound-dampening qualities of impact windows. The same construction that makes these windows resistant to impact also helps to reduce outside noise, creating a quieter, more peaceful environment inside your home.
UV Protection The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause significant damage to your home’s interior, fading your furniture, flooring, and even artwork. Impact windows block a large percentage of UV rays, helping to preserve the integrity of your home’s interior while also reducing glare.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Initial Costs vs. Long-Term Savings Yes, impact windows come with a higher upfront cost compared to standard windows, but when you factor in the long-term savings—from lower energy bills to potential insurance discounts—the investment often pays for itself. Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who install impact windows because they reduce the risk of damage during storms.
Maintenance and Longevity Impact windows are built to last. With proper care, they can last for decades, offering continued protection and savings. The initial investment is offset by the reduced need for repairs and replacements over time, not to mention the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is secure.
Design and Customization Options
Styles and Materials One of the biggest myths about impact windows is that they are limited in design. In reality, these windows come in a wide range of styles and materials, from classic to modern, ensuring that you don’t have to sacrifice aesthetics for safety. Whether you prefer the look of wood, aluminum, or vinyl, there’s an impact window to suit your taste.
Aesthetic Considerations Impact windows are not only functional but also stylish. They can enhance the curb appeal of your home, adding value while keeping you protected. You can choose from various colors, finishes, and designs to match your home’s architecture, making them a versatile addition to any property.
Comparing Brands and Products
Top Brands When it comes to impact windows, not all brands are created equal. Leading manufacturers like Simonton, Florida Window and Door, and CGI offer a variety of options tailored to different needs and budgets. Each brand has its own strengths, from superior soundproofing to enhanced energy efficiency, so it’s important to compare products based on your specific requirements.
Performance Comparisons Look for windows that meet or exceed industry standards, such as those set by ASTM and Miami-Dade County. These certifications ensure that the windows you choose are up to the task, providing the level of protection you need. Real-world performance reviews can also offer valuable insights, helping you make a more informed decision.
Installation Considerations
Choosing a Professional Installer Proper installation is crucial to the effectiveness of impact windows and doors. Even the best products won’t perform as intended if they’re not installed correctly. That’s why it’s essential to choose a hurricane impact windows and doors company with experience in installing impact windows. Look for companies that are licensed, insured, and have positive customer reviews.
DIY vs. Professional Installation While DIY installation might seem like a cost-saving option, it’s generally not recommended for impact windows. The specialized nature of these products requires expert handling to ensure they provide maximum protection. Professional installation may come at a higher cost, but it guarantees that your windows will function as designed.
Potential Drawbacks
Higher Initial Costs As mentioned earlier, impact windows are more expensive upfront than standard windows. However, when you consider the long-term benefits—such as energy savings, increased property value, and lower insurance premiums—the higher initial cost becomes a worthwhile investment.
Limited Design Options Although impact windows come in a variety of styles, some homeowners may find the range of options more limited compared to standard windows. However, manufacturers are continually expanding their offerings, so it’s worth exploring the latest designs to find something that suits your aesthetic preferences.
Real-World Applications
Case Studies Consider the experiences of homeowners who have installed impact windows. Many report not only feeling safer but also enjoying the added benefits of lower energy bills and reduced noise. These case studies provide real-world examples of how impact windows can transform a home, offering both protection and comfort.
Regional Considerations If you live in a hurricane-prone area like Florida, impact windows are more than just a luxury—they’re a necessity. These windows are specifically designed to withstand the conditions common in such regions, making them a crucial component of any home improvement plan.
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friscodamagerepair · 29 days
Water Damage Restoration Myths: Debunking Common Misconceptions
Water damage can be a distressing experience for homeowners, and the process of restoring a property can be surrounded by confusion and misinformation. Misconceptions about water damage restoration can lead to inadequate repairs, increased damage, and unnecessary stress. This article aims to debunk common myths about water damage restoration and provide accurate information to help homeowners navigate the restoration process effectively.
Myth 1: “You Can Dry Water Damage with Household Fans Alone”
One common myth is that household fans are sufficient for drying out water damage. While fans can help circulate air and speed up the drying process, they are not a complete solution for water damage restoration.
The Truth: Proper water damage restoration requires a comprehensive approach that includes specialized equipment like industrial dehumidifiers and air movers. These tools are designed to remove moisture from materials and the air more effectively than household fans. Dehumidifiers help to lower the humidity level in affected areas, preventing the growth of mold and mildew, while air movers enhance evaporation to expedite the drying process.
Myth 2: “It’s Safe to Handle Water Damage Without Professional Help”
Many people believe that water damage is something they can handle on their own, especially for minor issues. However, this approach can lead to incomplete restoration and potential health hazards.
The Truth: Water damage restoration professionals have the expertise, equipment, and training to address all aspects of water damage. They can accurately assess the extent of the damage, ensure that all areas are thoroughly dried, and identify hidden moisture that could lead to future problems. Professionals also have the knowledge to handle contaminated water safely and prevent mold growth, which can pose significant health risks.
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Myth 3: “You Only Need to Worry About Water Damage When It’s Visible”
It’s a common misconception that if you can’t see water damage, there’s no need to worry. However, water can seep into hidden areas, causing damage that may not be immediately visible.
The Truth: Water can infiltrate walls, floors, and ceilings, leading to structural damage and mold growth that might not be apparent right away. Using advanced moisture detection tools, professionals can identify and address hidden moisture problems to prevent long-term damage. It’s essential to inspect and address both visible and hidden water damage to ensure a complete restoration.
Myth 4: “Once the Water is Gone, the Damage is Completely Repaired”
Some homeowners assume that once the visible water has been removed, the restoration process is complete. However, water damage restoration involves more than just removing standing water.
The Truth: After removing standing water, it’s crucial to thoroughly dry and sanitize affected areas. Water damage can lead to mold growth and deterioration of materials if not addressed properly. A complete restoration process includes drying all affected areas, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and repairing or replacing damaged materials to ensure the property is fully restored to its pre-damage condition. Also find more info here about this service.
Myth 5: “Mold Will Not Grow if the Area is Dried Quickly”
There is a belief that mold will not grow if water-damaged areas are dried quickly. While prompt drying is important, it does not guarantee that mold will not develop.
The Truth: Mold can begin to grow within 24 to 48 hours of water exposure, especially in environments with high humidity. Even if an area is dried quickly, if there is residual moisture or if the area is not properly cleaned and treated, mold can still develop. Professional restoration services use moisture meters and antimicrobial treatments to ensure that mold is prevented and properly managed.
Myth 6: “Insurance Will Cover All Water Damage Costs”
Many homeowners believe that their insurance will cover all costs associated with water damage restoration. However, this is not always the case.
The Truth: Insurance coverage for water damage can vary depending on the policy and the cause of the damage. Some policies may not cover certain types of water damage, such as damage from neglected maintenance or floods. It’s important to review your insurance policy and understand what is covered. Working with professional restoration services can also help ensure that you have the necessary documentation to support your claim.
Myth 7: “DIY Restoration is Cheaper and Just as Effective”
A common misconception is that DIY restoration is more cost-effective than hiring professionals and that it can achieve the same results.
The Truth: While DIY restoration may seem cheaper initially, it can lead to greater long-term costs if not done properly. Incomplete drying, improper cleaning, and inadequate repair can result in additional damage and higher repair costs down the line. Professional restoration services have the tools, knowledge, and experience to handle water damage effectively and prevent future problems, potentially saving you money in the long run.
Understanding the truth behind common water damage restoration myths is essential for effectively addressing and preventing water damage in your home. Relying on professional services, using proper equipment, and addressing both visible and hidden damage are crucial steps in ensuring a thorough and successful restoration process. By debunking these myths, homeowners can make informed decisions and protect their property from the potential pitfalls of water damage. Also read this post https://friscodamagerepair.tumblr.com/post/759588243500138496/understanding-the-different-categories-of-water
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guiderichess · 1 month
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