#Mystics by alpaca
tracle0 · 1 year
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Blood Moon
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ckret2 · 7 months
Hi! I think I found a typo in this chapter "makes it hard for him to relate to other..." I assume you meant "others"
I hope Gideon's parents don't mess up his childhood anymore than it has been. I think his friends would be able to help him out more than his family :( Maybe Bud should work at the alpaca farm too.
Do you think Gideon chose to open the tent of telepathy himself? Or has Bud been pressuring him into making money from the start? I think it could go either way depending on how the bolo tie really works. He'd still be pressured into stuff in a way though which sucks.
Not a typo actually, it was meant to be Joy trailing off mid-sentence: "makes it hard for him to relate to other [kids]," but she petered out mid sentence and switched to a statement that makes it sound like it's not Gideon who's at fault, it's the other kids ("And honestly, I think most of the children are jealous of his talents"). I might could edit that to make it clearer that that's her trailing off.
Even though she's the more passive parent, and even though she's clearly afraid of Gideon's temper, she's still one of his enablers. And one of the ways that manifests is in blaming other people for Gideon's failings.
Honestly I think establishing the Tent of Telepathy was little of both. There's a mention in the previous chapter of Gideon starring in his dad's car commercials when he was younger; I think that's how he got his start in the spotlight and learned how to weaponize being cute, doing stuff like this:
When he got the mystic amulet, it was a natural progression. First Gideon starts using it for "magic tricks," maybe to impress other kids; next his dad goes "now that's something, can you do one of those tricks in our next commercial?"; next the commercials turn out to be a hit, so Bud gets the idea to do live shows at the dealership—lure people in to see Lil Gideon do magic, then try to sell them cars while they're there.
And so far Gideon's having a blast with it, he's always been pretty comfortable with the commercials because it's just what their family does and doing the magic shows is fun.
But it accelerates from there. At some point, other "tricks" get incorporated into the show, starting with your garden-variety cold reading, then escalating to spying, and that takes over as Gideon's main act. Now he's not just a clever child stage magician, he's a child psychic. The shows become popular enough that it occurs to Gideon's parents that he could make real money off them rather than just using them to advertise cars—and like, Gideon's a kid, making money from performing sounds exciting to him, he sees no downsides.
Maybe Gideon starts getting some serious attention at that point. Maybe a TV station from Portland does a little feel-good news story about this small-town child psychic; maybe he gets invited onto a local talk show; and that's when the idea of the tent of telepathy and/or touring comes up.
At this point, Gideon's probably been around the amulet enough that it's started to corrupt him—now he's getting hungry for the power and influence his new celebrity gives him, now he's the one going to his dad saying he wants to do even more shows and bring in even bigger audiences. But that only speeds things up. Without the amulet, Gideon might have gradually gone down that path by himself; and his dad, certainly, would've kept looking for opportunities for Gideon to perform as a child psychic so long as Gideon still seemed like he was having fun with it.
And that, I think, is the saddest part of it: at the start, Gideon was having fun with it. Bud wasn't thinking "I can make money off my kid," he was thinking "wow, my son has a talent. He could be rich and famous before he's a teenager. If he's really lucky, he might be set to retire before he's an adult and the whole family will be financially comfortable; but then if he wants he could keep on performing as an adult. Think of the possibilities! Sold-out theaters! A permanent residency in Vegas!" And even though Bud acted as Gideon's agent, i figure his mom felt the same way.
A parent whose kid REALLY loves gymnastics might get them a gymnastics coach, send them to contests, and if they keep winning, help them train for the Olympics. A parent whose kid REALLY loves singing might record them singing, put their videos online, start talking to agents about helping their kid record an album if some of their videos go viral. Bud's kid REALLY loved performing for an awed audience and all the attention and admiration it got him, so Bud set up more shows, arranged for him to start touring, got a tent, produced merch...
Kids who eagerly dive into Olympic training for a sport they love often have it take over their lives, and when that dream is passed—you're not in Olympic condition forever—many don't know what to do with the rest of their lives and regret pouring everything into one obsession. Kids who go into the entertainment industry for a talent they love are entering a world where the talent is very frequently abused and exploited and everyone's scrambling to try to make a living, and children are even more easy to exploit. A parent can support or even push a child toward making their talent a career, and genuinely think they're doing their child a favor; and it can still be terrible for the child. AND it can still slowly creep into the parents themselves exploiting their child as it becomes easier and easier to just live off their income, even if that wasn't the initial plan.
And by the time Gideon was arrested, his parents had poured so much into his budding career that they need to restart trying to bring in a sufficient income outside of that.
Gideon's career wasn't awful & exploitative from the get go. He was an active participant, he understood (insofar as a child could) what was being asked of him and what he was getting out of it, he liked it, he wanted more. At the peak of the amulet's influence on him and during the months after it broke when its effects still lingered, he was calling the shots, he was in charge. And it's not like the amulet was mind-controlling him; that was Gideon at his worst, but it was still Gideon.
To an extent I think his parents still feel like he's calling the shots. Seeing your child as your breadwinner is a messed up position and somebody needs to shake some sense into his parents, but they didn't end up there deliberately. Like boiling a frog, they ended up there too gradually to notice.
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leiyahime · 11 months
I got my advent calendar!
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I ordered it from stefiswolle.at it's the smaller version with 10g fibres in each bag since I don't have much time for spinning in december for work reasons.
The colourway is labelled as "mystic" and the manual sheet says the fibre mixture is 50% Polwarth/25% Alpaca/25% milk silk. I'm really looking forward to spinning it as i have never spun Polwarth before! It will be spindle work since i will be away for 3 days and i will not take my wheel with me.
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charlottedabookworm · 2 months
Dawntrail Day 1
spoilers up to: first lvl91 quest, after the msq split paths merge back together
original draft date: 28/6/24
scheduled release for: 26/7/24
early access time! planning on unlocking picto and then i'm leaping headfirst into the msq
okay the quest accept music
i like it
“You had me at ‘magicked painting’” lolllllll
….excuse me i didn’t agree to a job interview
i hate job interviews get back here you bloody moogle i-
“I’m uh- between jobs at the moment”
“My stick figure drawings are second to none…?”
pffft best job interview i’ve ever been on
furry little shites
okay i really do like the quest music
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picto hotbars step up but subject to change
now msq time
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Ali, love, that’s called jinxing it
shades triangle! we’ve heard about that before :)))
lolll poor wuk lamat gets seasick
oooo erenville lore
shetona from xak tural, doesn’t know his father and hey-
stupid crash i want to hear the erenville lore!
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kay that shit is pretty af
i love erenville and wuk lamat you really feel the childhood friends who fuck with each other energy every time they interact its fucking great
“she’s technically royalty”
“just ‘technically’ ignoring me, then…”
Tuliyollal is huge and it feels so much fuller than previous cities
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aight so Bakool ja ja is a twat and i don’t even care who wins as long as it isn’t him
his brother seems alright tho. less of a twat or maybe just a quieter twat
nevermind the mystic is just as much of a twat as the mighty is
the mighty is just louder about it
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even all these expansions later it still sends a thrill of fear through me
love how we’re just smiling in the background
Esti is bigging us up!
love you esti!
erenviles name is elene’sh?!?! ir it is it a term of endearment like what gulool ja ja calls wuk lamat
erenville: this is the last chance for me to help you back out
us: flashback to raha
fucking hell i love that set would 100% be thinking of his husband in a time like this
genuinely appreciate that they gave krile the echo vision instead of us for once
sorry krile but i’m a little bored of it always being us that sees shit
holy shit the inn room
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fuck it i’m moving to tuliyollal i live in this cabin now it’s mine sorry raha you’ll have to move out here
reached the quest split
experience tells me that one of these will be extremely traumatic and the other will be less so but maybe it’ll be a little less here? maybe? hopefully
please pelupelu don’t fuck me over this is my summer holiday adventure
so esti is gonna get utterly fleeced by the pelupelu huh
love that our first challenge is to approach a terrified alpaca
love rhat for us
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poor wuk lamat
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camping! Chilling out at the fire with all of erenvilles tent and stuff while waiting for wuk lamat!
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i’m cackling-
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oh fuck off and get some character development
This guy isn’t at fandanny or zenos level of ‘i hate you on sight’ but i really don’t like him
“There’s much less debate when I’m traveling alone” erenville i love you
“He lives and works in the House of Waters High, at the top of that large tree nearby”
turns camera
ah yes that tree the tree i climbed five minutes ago in search of a sightseeing spot found nothing and then leapt off to go back and do msq instead
that tree
“We have a two headed problem. Yes please hurry”
Erenville you are legit one of my fav characters i love you dude
i’m starting to really really hate bakool ja ja
like he was annoying before but the hatred is growing
i would seriously rather the warmonger first promise take the throne i am legit not lying rn
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you fucking tell him (? Them? They use borh plural and singular when talking about the two headed mamool ja) ali
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look i’m not a particularly enthusiastic person but we really should be doing something instead of just walking there
like dance a little alright? bop to the beat? something other than just strolling seriously along while all the hanu dance around us
annnd i'mma call it there for today got picto unlocked and to 81, msq is starting the 91 quests, and i've unlocked all the aether currents i can reach in the zones so far
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mikaharuka · 2 years
The Super Mega Word Search Post!
After my Find that Word... 4x (seriously?!) post last week, I figured I'd just sit for several days as the tags added up. And add up those tags did! I was tagged by 7 people over 15 posts for a total of 108 words!
So I simplified it to 3 words/tag... or at least that was the plan, until I noticed that all but four words appeared in one chapter - Azure. And not just that - I counted 43 of the 108 words within Azure alone!
So it turned into a flexing game - sue me lol
(the purple is special - see my reblog for my shame)
@mrsmungus - apartment, arch, autumn, burn, celebrate, christen, clasp, cold, curl, drift, dress, electric, forgot, honest, hover, humid, leave, life, likeness, mountain, never, river, sample, send, shimmer, snack, spiral, splinter, station, stifle, stroke, summer, sunrise/sunset, switch, take
@oceangirl24 - arrangement, behead, bless, breathe, buffet, build, cast, committee, dangerous, discover, draft, dressing, flash, fossil, go, hilarious, information, jealous, marine, merchant, pipe, poison, quantity, reason, second, seminar, sport, steel, undertake, visit, wardrobe, workshop
@tsunderewatermelon - choke, clung, creep, dangle, flick, gaze, gulp, held, hit, lay, moved, poke, prove, scratch, sneak, sick, stare, swung, touch, walk, watch
@alpaca-clouds - annoying, breath, hair, soup, tension
@danceswithdarkspawn - danger, feather, moonlight, relax, touch
@aohendo - assess, hazard, manage, mitigate, risk
@frostedlemonwriter - gross, love, still, tense, yellow
Your Words: bloom, current, energy, focus, heat, press, spicy
As for tags... eh, just the seven of you who tagged me. Beyond that, I'll leave the usual open tag for anyone else who is interested in this.
Obvious NSFW warning for Azure by default. The remaining four words are scattered across the other chapters of Apricity, like usual...
[From Sapphire-12]
Annoying. Not being able to objectively or clearly describe anything was very annoying.
[From Sangria-13]
“Pretty much. As you probably guessed, the government knows of the mystic world. They tried to control and manage that piece of land, but Il Centro quickly stepped in and shut their attempts down.”
[From Midnight-14]
Mike took a deep breath and ran his eyes over the vampire’s form, critically assessing his features just as the man was so casually doing to him in turn.
Fucking hell, he really was an idiot. If the instability was related to Beau, then of course mentioning him ran the huge risk of worsening that instability. What a careless mistake.
[From Azure-11]
Bears, mountain lions, coyotes, and wolves among others made themselves known, adding themselves to the growing buzz.
Rather than the beaches he had hoped to see, instead lay an open field bathed in the bright moonlight.
They were seated in a circle around a fire by the base of giant cedar, speaking to one another, relaxed in a very intimate way they never were with anyone else. The scarlet aura cast by the leaves above and the cozy breeze brushing against everything like gentle feathers, created a warm and comforting current that swirled about them. Wanting to see what they were doing with the plants in hand, Beau carefully walked around the edge of the clearing.
He tried to move closer, but found himself frozen, held in place by a cool current swirling about him.
The tree line crept into the meadow until all earth, life, and sky was once again overtaken by the dark azure hollow.
The man before him now regarded Beau with relaxed posture, hooded eyes, and an alluring smile, a different sort of hunger painted across his face.
The azure light cast a cool tint onto already pale features, adding a sharp edge to what used to be warm gold eyes and blond hair, leaving behind harsh shadows across his face.
The man pushed off the tree and matched his pace, eyes darkening even further with each predatorial stride forward and each rousing gaze over his form. Beau was still a few yards away when his knees suddenly gave way and the man vanished from sight. 
Within seconds, familiar arms captured him from behind, pulling Beau beneath him, against a form he knew all too well...
Dark gold eyes were far more metallic now, a strange fusion resulting in bright electrum, an almost cool white with a bright yellow tint...
The mere idea only added more fuel into the fire already building deep within him...
'You taste positively divine, lovely boy'
Shocked by the hoarse voice deepened by desire, Beau gasped again, allowing the man to take advantage once more and deepen the kiss.
Beau’s heart pounded even harder as a very familiar lust burned through his body, making him let go and submit to the onslaught, like a puppet with its strings cut.
He let himself drift away, knowing that he would never return to the gentle, peaceful man and softer, quiet dreams from before.
He mustered the last fragments of his willpower and turned his head away, just as the last of his breath was about to slip away from him.
A fingertip traced a familiar pattern just below and soon, a tongue took its place, burning trails of fire across Beau's skin with every caress.
Beau felt a sharp sting near the base of his neck, just above the Mandala, and withstood the sudden flashes of arousal and desire coursing through his body.
Beau slowly opened his eyes and looked up only to meet blood-red eyes staring back at him, heavily dilated in arousal.
Goosebumps spread rapidly and shivers rippled across skin newly exposed to the cold air. It felt empty, alone - something was missing.
Lost within the maelstrom of pleasure, Beau jolted sharply with a single touch, arching his back at the series of sharp twin stings along his inner thighs...
The sensations were all too much and yet still not enough. His voice escaped him, echoing for the first time that night as he frantically moved, desperate to soothe the itch sizzling beneath the surface.
At the same time, cool fingers continued dancing across his skin, stroking along his sides and toying playfully and roughly with hardened peaks before caressing his shoulders and arms...
Wave after intoxicating wave of blazing arousal stacked atop each other, spiraling away into the azure haze with no end in sight...
He desperately ripped his clothes off, fumbled around, and quickly located a half-empty tube and various other items he’d carefully snuck into his room.
"Contemplating the meaning of life," Mike murmured, staring off mindlessly into space.
Mike spoke up. “Even if you aren’t going to prom, wasn’t there some book store or game store you mentioned wanting us to swing by while in the city?”
Oh, right. With his mind otherwise preoccupied, he almost forgot about that.
That suited Beau just fine. He’d help Angela, Athira, and the others with their dress shopping for some time, then head out and swing by a few game shops. And if the Port Angeles bookstore he and Mike were slated to visit tomorrow evening gave them any leads in Seattle to check out, they could swing by those places as well.
He was thankful for his father’s trust as the card would prove helpful in Seattle.
When Beau entered the store for the first time with Mike, he was shocked to discover that the store also doubled as an occult shop, with various metaphysical items sitting in rows behind stationary and crafting supplies.
After the past month… no, two months, since school started, why was Harper giving them information so easily when the others had blocked them?
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daemonoferror · 2 years
Okay, I kinda have a theory that Tulip can't talk to animals, but instead is mystical. The thing in the church is something supernatural, not an animal, and that's why she can talk to it but doesn't speak to the alpacas. Also why she's compelled to go into the forest.
It'd make sense if the pastor was mystical and talk to animals, and he's confusing them because he's much more in tune with the tta trait and not mystic.
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the2amrevolution · 1 year
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SKZ as Squishmallows - because I've lost control of my life/brain
I honestly started from their names, then nicknames, then things that sound like parts of their names. That Cris is a lamb (lambchops being one of Chris's favorite foods), Leonori is a mythical creature (mystic boy), Bindy is an encouraging walrus (bada kokkiri), Jim is an alpaca ("drama llama" Jinnie and the twerking llama/alpaca toy), the pig squishville vehicle (images of the terrifying Changbin hug pillow), Pompompurin coming up when I typo-d Seungmins name (his alt was Mo the sushi), and there being an I.N arcade game are all just delightful coincidences.
If you want the coincidence to get weirder, there's another version of Cris that got a different name. The two designs are identical (color difference is just lighting i think), only the tag indicates difference. That name? Berry.
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spiffytrinket · 2 years
Broomstick, cauldron, mirror, stone
Tallied rune and ruined tome
Chalk and smoke and cord and seed
Wind and sand and vine and mead
Silken veil, steel plate
Pointed hat or plunging cape
Mushroom caps for mystic vision
Talismans with spirits in them
Amulets and tonic phials
Desecrated graveyard styles
Rediscovered ancient sigil
Candles for an all-night vigil
Lace for binding, bones for blood
Stolen foreign flower bud
Lyre, liar, lion, line
Synthetic crypto diamond mine
Ritual, habitual, vestigial, peripheral
Corporeal, Material, Astral, ethereal,
Petition, blessing, hexed, or charmed
Ants, alpacas, humans, farmed
Exorcism, poison, pox
Mathematic puzzle box
Some will gamble with a gun
But spells that call for swords are fun
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alpacaexpeditions · 7 days
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Discover the mystical allure of Machu Picchu Inca Peru, an iconic wonder nestled in the Andes. We offer unparalleled service and unforgettable adventures tailored to your needs. Whether you're traveling with family or a group of friends, we ensure a unique experience as you explore the majestic ruins of Machu Picchu Inca Peru. With expert guides and personalized tours, Alpaca Expeditions guarantees a memorable journey through this ancient Incan marvel. 
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doperman-peniser67 · 10 days
Alpacas: With their fluffy coats and expressive disfigured, leading to his descent into madness.
Guitar pick: A mystical artifact used by ancient the void of space, with a lone figure trapped inside. painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, casting a they fought with all their might, rallying their allies
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syeunko · 6 months
A sobering realization
There’s a lot of things I think am and also a lot of things I think I am not. Sometimes they are contradictory, but in my head this still makes sense, both can be true. I am not moody. I am, though. I am detail oriented. I am emotional. I am not emotional. I like attention. I hate attention. I am unfocused. I get hyper-fixated. I’m realistic, and literal, but also…fantastical?
Three weeks ago, I turned 28. I always thought I liked attention because of how much I love my birthday. But only this year have I started to accept I am uncomfortable with attention. I don’t know though. Everyone likes attention, to some degree. What is the line? 
These past 2 weeks, I have been working on systematic literature review data extraction, which is the bane of my existence. It is like it sounds - extraction - nitpicking and extricating the minutest of information into a huge rectangular spreadsheet made up of even more countless, smaller cells. If I ever thought I was detail oriented, I have been proven wrong by data extraction. Is observational period the same thing as follow-up time? What if a study has two potential study designs? How to read a Kaplan-Meier curve? 
As I was meandering along at a turtle pace, I finally got that aha moment where everything started making sense. Unfortunately, it came two days before the deadline, which prompted me into two late nights of working at a manic pace. If I get it now, though, am I detail oriented? 
A couple days ago, I saw a promotional interview clip of Kim Jiwon for her new drama. One of the comments read, “You can see the stars in her eyes.” It reminded me of all the book-isms I read growing up, with an abundance of characters having “a twinkle in their eye,” or kisses that felt like “exploding fireworks.” I don’t know if I expected beams of light radiating out of people’s eyes or heart palpitations so strong it felt like fireworks going off inside, but I didn’t get it. My first kiss was just a kiss (I blame books for expecting anything more) and only after looking at the dead, empty eyes in mugshots of serial killers do I see what twinkle-full and twinkle-less eyes are like. Other times, however, I'm over-romanticizing everything. I swear my powder blue alpaca knit sweater cardigan is magical and will transform me into a mystical lady that lives in a cottage on the moors of Finland. And then I look in the mirror and think it makes me look frumpy. I still cannot decide.
A while back, Junwon showed me this new game Frase, where you solve an anagram. Theoretically, I should’ve loved this game from the get go. The first time I played it though, it was really hard. I felt defeated. (How come Junwon got it faster than me? I should be better than him.) So I quit. In Boston, I started playing with him again and coincidentally got the answer faster one of the days. I’ve been playing since (lol). Last night, I got the puzzle right in 21 seconds, got a subsequent adrenaline rush, and felt on top of the world. Then I felt slightly perturbed. How come I’m so back and forth, up and down, am and am not, yes and no with everything?
Flighty. The word is flighty. I am just flighty :(
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mixamorphosis · 8 months
Blog post and linked up tracklist [HERE]
Nick Mackrory - Zulu - (Colona Records)
Scientific Dreamz Of U - Mystic Revelation Of Science - (Bokhari Records)
Ford Inc. - Delirium - (Throne Of Blood)
Cetranger - Spear Words - (Vernal Records)
Farbror Resande Mac - Drakryggen - (Is It Balearic?)
Jonny Nash - Phantom Actors - (Melody As Truth)
Gunnar Haslam - Ajapajapam (Version) - (L.I.E.S)
Mugwump - Doobie Shine Trouble - (Subfield)
Gaussian Curve - Impossible Island - (Music From Memory)
Cass. - Forest + Deer - (Emotional Response)
The Unknown Cases - Masimbabele (Justin Van Der Volgen Remix) - ([Emotional] Especial)
Stratus - Axis - (Aficionado Recordings)
Mushrooms Project - Obsession - (Uber)
Holy Other - Yr Love - (Tri Angle)
Baby Alpaca - Sea Of Dreams (Turbotito Remix) - (Music For Dreams)
Len Leise - Ryoshi's Garden - (Aficionado Recordings)
Eddie C - The Touch - (Red Motorbike)
Download available via [Hearthis]
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Exploring the Mystical Heart of Peru: Cusco Adventure Tours
Nestled high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Cusco is a city steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. It's not just a destination; it's an adventure waiting to happen. Cusco adventure tours offer a unique and exhilarating way to explore this enchanting region, and in this article, we'll delve into why Cusco should be at the top of your adventure travel list.
The Gateway to Machu Picchu
Cusco serves as the primary gateway to one of the most iconic archaeological wonders in the world – Machu Picchu. Adventure seekers from around the globe embark on a journey to this legendary Incan citadel. The classic Inca Trail trek, which typically takes 4 days, is a thrilling way to reach Machu Picchu. Along the way, you'll hike through breathtaking landscapes, explore ancient ruins, and gain insights into the history and culture of the Incas.
Alternative Treks for the Adventurous
While the Inca Trail is undoubtedly remarkable, Cusco offers a variety of alternative treks for those looking to avoid the crowds and experience something off the beaten path. The Salkantay Trek, for instance, takes you through diverse terrain, including lush jungles and high-altitude passes, before culminating at Machu Picchu. If you're seeking a true wilderness adventure, consider the Choquequirao Trek, which leads you to another impressive Incan site often called "Machu Picchu's Sister."
White Water Rafting in the Sacred Valley
For thrill-seekers, white water rafting in the Sacred Valley is a must-do activity. The Urubamba River offers a range of rapids suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters. As you navigate the river's twists and turns, you'll be surrounded by breathtaking scenery, including towering cliffs and lush greenery. This adrenaline-pumping adventure is sure to be a highlight of your Cusco journey.
Mountain Biking in the Andes
Cusco's rugged terrain and scenic landscapes make it a haven for mountain biking enthusiasts. You can explore the Sacred Valley on two wheels, riding through picturesque villages and along ancient Inca trails. Whether you're a novice or an experienced rider, there are biking routes to suit all skill levels. It's an excellent way to immerse yourself in the region's natural beauty while getting your adrenaline fix.
Cultural Immersion in Cusco
Adventure in Cusco isn't limited to physical activities. The city itself is a treasure trove of culture and history. Take a stroll through the charming streets of Cusco, known for their well-preserved colonial architecture and vibrant markets. Don't forget to visit the awe-inspiring Sacsayhuamán fortress, a testament to Incan engineering prowess.
Andean Cuisine and Culinary Adventures
No adventure in Cusco is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. Try traditional dishes like ceviche, alpaca steak, and quinoa soup. For those with an adventurous palate, consider tasting cuy (guinea pig), a delicacy in Peru. You can also take part in cooking classes to learn how to prepare these delectable dishes and bring a taste of Cusco back home with you.
Connecting with the Andean People
One of the most rewarding aspects of Cusco adventure tours is the opportunity to connect with the local Andean communities. Homestays and community visits allow you to immerse yourself in their way of life, learn about traditional farming techniques, and participate in cultural activities. It's a chance to forge meaningful connections and gain a deeper understanding of the region's rich heritage.
For More Info :-
Vilcabamba Machu Picchu
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pjsgames · 1 year
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🕹️ Throwback Thursday! 🕹️
Ah, the golden memories! Remember when we dove into the vibrant world of Torchlight II? From its spellbinding visuals to its captivating combat, this gem of an action RPG took us on epic journeys, making countless nights feel like mere minutes!🔥
Every dungeon crawl, each enchanted weapon, and those charming pets (who wouldn't love a ferocious little alpaca by their side?) - all brilliantly woven together, creating an experience that truly stood the test of time.
If you're yearning for a taste of nostalgia or if you missed out on this classic, fear not! Journey back to the mystical town of Torchlight and face the darkness once more. ⚔️✨
👉 Dive in or rediscover the magic: https://pjga.me/tl2pc 👈
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fashionfox41-blog · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FREE PEOPLE Mystic Island Wool V-Neck Button Front Vest L.
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mikaharuka · 2 years
About Mahabhuta, the Apricity Interlude
Despite sharing excerpts, I never explained the fic, so here I am!
[Also, tagging because you might be interested: @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @danceswithdarkspawn, @aislinnstanaka, @writingpotato07, @alpaca-clouds]
Mahabhuta & Interlude Objectives
As mentioned, Mahabhuta is an interlude (likely the first of many) to Apricity. It takes place in the week between the La Push Bonfire (Obsidian, Ch 10) and the Seattle Day Trip (starting in Sapphire, Ch 12). The chapter in between, (Azure, Ch 11) takes place over the course of this week, but it only covers a few things.
In general, the Saturday that the La Push bonfire happens is a major turning point. The change doesn't just reflect Beau's mind (through the dreams) - they also represent other changes in that world, as well as the mystic bond. This will show up within Mahabhuta and Apricity.
Overview of the Interlude Structure
Mahabhuta is structured in a 5+1 format, for six chapters in total.
Mahabhuta is Sanskrit for "great element". The first five chapters are the five classical elements and the +1 chapter is the original element. Each of those five classical elements has an associated color, sense, and body part. In addition, I used vampire bingo prompts, to assign one main prompt and two secondary prompts to the dreams. Lastly, I've associated each of the Cullen siblings with each element.
All six chapters have a dream phase with Beau and a reality phase with Mike. The elemental themes are in both phases. The dream is E-rated for smut and the reality phase is T-rated. Both are plot-crucial.
The Classic Elements in Sanskrit
As you might have noticed, the titles are in Sanskrit, reflecting the Eastern themes of the WL verse. These are the elements in their traditional order (from coarse to fine, the ground to the heavens):
Prithvi (पृथ्वी, pṛthvī) - Earth
Varuna (वरुण, váruṇa) - Water
Agni (अग्नि, agni) - Fire
Vayu (वायु, vāyu) - Air, Wind
Akasha (आकाश, ākāśa) - Sky, Void, Space
Prakriti (प्रकृति, prakṛti) - Prime, The Origin
Interlude Specifics - Names, Days, Prompts, and Concepts
(as a side note, the Obsidian bonfire was Saturday evening, with the Azure dream taking place over Saturday night into Sunday morning)
Prithvi [Earth]
POV: Beau (dream) + Mike (reality)
Timeline: Sunday night - Monday evening
Color: Green
Sense: Smell/Scent
Body: Flesh/Bone
Vampire: Alice
Prompts: Altar Sex, Fangs, Vampire Bites
Varuna [Water]
POV: Beau (dream) + Mike (reality)
Timeline: Monday night - Tuesday evening
Color: Blue
Sense: Taste
Body: Blood
Vampire: Mina
Prompts: Mist, Blood Sharing, Rejuvenation
Agni [Fire]
POV: Beau (dream) + Mike (reality)
Timeline: Tuesday night - Wednesday evening
Color: Red
Sense: Sight/Vision
Body: Body Heat
Vampire: Elle
Prompts: Fever, Long/Never-Ending Night, Feeling the Cold
Vayu [Air]
POV: Beau (dream) + Mike (reality)
Timeline: Wednesday night - Thursday evening
Color: Yellow
Sense: Touch
Body: Breath
Vampire: Rosalie
Prompts: Hunting, Shadows, Heartbeats
Akasha [Sky]
POV: Beau (dream) + Mike (reality)
Timeline: Thursday night - Friday evening
Color: Violet
Sense: Sound
Body: Soul, Spirit
Vampire: Edward
Prompts: Moonlight, Ageless, Ethereal Beauty
Prakriti [Prime]
POV: Carlisle (dream) + Carlisle (reality)
Timeline: Friday night - Saturday evening***
(***this Saturday is the Seattle trip, coincides with Sapphire onwards)
Color: Black, White
Sense: All
Body: All
Vampire: Carlisle
Prompts: Telepathic Connection, Feral, Humanity
In Conclusion...
This was a fun concept to come up with, and as always, I have to thank Alhaira for being a sound board and listening to my rambles. And yes, some of the stuff that happens will be referenced in Apricity before the corresponding Mahabhuta chapter is posted on AO3.
While it'll be possible to read these chapters fandom-blind (since... you know, the Winter Light verse and Apricity are fandom-blind friendly by default), you would be best off reading Apricity first.
I recommend reading through Azure (Ch 11) for the five elemental chapters and through Midnight (Ch 14) for the +1 chapter, Prakriti.
Not that there's any rush - I'm only halfway through Prithvi (as of January 25)! It's not like Mahabhuta is the only thing I'm working on either - I'll be moving through Apricity and other short pieces. And as everyone and their friend knows... I'm not exactly the fastest writer!
(thank goodness, because Prakriti is already low-key scaring me O.O)
Though... considering I'm at 10k words and see Prithvi hitting 15-20k words in the end, I am considering splitting it. I'll have to see in the end how that turns out. But that is all from me... for now~
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