#Myrtle Beach World Am
untilthenexttee · 2 years
Registration Open For the 40th Annual World Amateur Handicap Championship
Golf’s Largest Single-Site Tournament Expected to Attract 3,200+ Players MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – The 40th annual PlayGolfMyrtleBeach.com World Amateur Handicap Championship is currently accepting entries for the milestone event. A 72-hole, net stroke play tournament, the World Am will be played Aug. 28 – Sept. 1 and more than 3,200 players from across the world are again expected to…
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filthystill · 16 days
@thehollyverse //secondary location.
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Heat was on. They'd closed the bridges. He was trapped. Cornered animal. He had a moment to reflect on his situation, as he listened to empty dial-tone. He straightened up, ass left the trunk, and he looked at it, opened the trunk, beep beep.
Direct eye-contact. Five or six wraps of duct-tape over her mouth, all that noise, hard to think. He didn't say he was sorry this time. Didn't say much of nothing.
His eyes changed, looked away, someone had answered, garbled sound of a male voice on the other end of the phone, "I'm in Myrtle beach, scraping the rust off the frogs," Jimmy said, abruptly, "where the fuck do you think I am?"
Turned his back to her. Taking hostages was always a last ditch. It was their world, on the upside, and his world, on the underneath. He could do whatever he wanted in the night, but in the day? With all those eyes? He was already all over the news. Already a wanted man. The bridges were closed. No way out.
"Yeah. I still got her." Another pause. "I don't want to." Violent silent, "because I don't want to!" Growled, then barked, down the phone, "just a girl. Didn't mean to get her wrapped up in this." And he's listed his mistakes. Read the riot act. He turns to face her again. Crouched by the garage door, eyeing her, "I know." And again, "I know." Can't do nothing with the bridges fucked. "I know."
He hung up. He stood up. He approached her. "I'm going to take the tape off. You scream, I kill you. Nod if you understand." Doesn't really wait for confirmation, rips the tape off, and braced himself for what he might have to do, clenched fist, about ready to shut her up regardless. Boy was twitchy.
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Eleanor, when you posted your list of ideas, I was so excited to see that I'm not the only one who has an incredibly long list of ideas that may or may not ever see the light of day and I really wanted to share mine. I originally had no intention of posting mine, but as this is the 8th anniversary of me starting this little fantasy world and my 12th writing anniversary is coming up, I figured I might as well use this as a sort of anniversary post as well. Because I am absolutely obsessed with✨details✨ some things on this list have gone a bit overboard from their intended little snippets, but I'm not entirely sure you'd mind that lmao. Now, without further ado, here is my list!
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Story Concepts:
Now, some of these have a future as I plan to write the first two if I can find the time and, possibly, some others as I love the concepts. Most of these are AUs, but there are a few sequels I really want to work on that have made the list. There is one that is just a concept and won't go any further than what I have for reasons I'll explain further and it should be very easy to tell which one.
Idea 1: Life Is Strange AU
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This game has been on my radar for literal years now and I’m only just coming up with ideas for it, but since I know the series fairly well, things are piecing together fairly well. The games are, essentially, played episode by episode where each choice you make in the game, impacts the rest of the story. It’s like the butterfly effect - a butterfly flaps its wings in Hawaii and a hurricane starts halfway across the world. Every choice matters. I am only using the first and last of the main games and the prologue of the first game. In the first game, you control time as a high school student. In the prologue for that, you play as a pair of unlikely friends who discover that one of them doesn’t have as perfect of a life as the other assumed. Then, in the third, you play as a young woman who can see and manipulate emotions. Now that that’s established, I’ll give a bit of a summary of my ideas, all of which are set in modern times. 
In the first story, the Murphy family moves from Myrtle Beach to Sanbornton, New Hampshire so that Royce can attend the prestigious Oakwood Academy - a private high school specializing in Arts and Science. At this school, he befriends Riven, an upperclassman in his photography class who constantly encourages him to turn in a photograph for a national competition to earn himself a scholarship to the university of his choosing. One day, after school, he meets with his brothers at the diner downtown and all but collides with a familiar face he hadn’t seen in years - his former best friend, Vivien. After a rather awkward conversation, the pair takes a picture with Royce’s camera and part ways, only to be brought back together when Royce saves Vivien from one of the rich pricks from his school who decides to bring a gun into the alleyway behind the diner. The two decide to finally talk things over at Vivien’s typical haunt and he finds out that, since Vivien’s family moved to New Hampshire so she could attend Oakwood, things have only gone downhill for her. Her father was killed in a car accident, her mother remarried to some asshole who works as a security guard at Oakwood, and to make matters worse, the person she was closest to went missing and nobody has seen or heard from her in months. Now, on top of juggling schoolwork and normal life, Royce has to worry about potential kidnappings, strange weather occurrences, and, of yeah, the fact that he can now go back in time through the Polaroid pictures he takes so often.
While there is quite a bit more to go over for that one, I think I’ll move on to the second story, where we find that Royce isn’t the only person in town with abilities. In this one, we have Miles and Carrie, an unlikely pair who know they have at least one thing in common; they both want to get the hell out of Sanbornton. Miles only knows Carrie from the posters slapped on every telephone pole, advertising the next big musical in town while Carrie knows Miles as the guy she paid to fix up her convertible’s malfunctioning roof. In the few hours they spend talking while he works on her car, the two grow inexplicably close and bond over a fondness for a certain band he plays over the shop radio. On a whim one day, Carrie shows up at Miles’ shop and they decide to skip town the next day, hitching a ride on a freight train that takes them out of town to a lookout point a while north of Sanbornton. After a while of goofing off and enjoying each other's company, they decide to make up storylines about people they see with one of the viewfinders at the top of the hill. Some fun stories are concocted before Carrie, who becomes upset with what she sees through the lens, insists that she and Miles get out of there as she wants to get drunk. They steal a bottle of wine from a couple’s picnic basket while they’re away and follow the train tracks back to Sanbornton. Along the way, Miles confronts Carrie about her change in mood. After arguing about why Miles is so interested, the quarrel comes to a head when Carrie discloses that she witnessed her boyfriend cheating on her with the girl who is supposed to be her understudy in the upcoming play. She shows him a picture of the three of them and, as her emotions get the better of her, the photograph ignites in her hand, fluttering to the ground in burning embers as they both stare in shock at what happened. They find a secluded place to talk things over and, after realizing her newfound abilities must be related to her emotions, Carrie begins worrying about how she’s supposed to act on stage if she’ll only end up setting everything around her on fire. Eventually, Miles calms her down and they decide to meet up the next day to see if they can find a way for her to control it throughout her time on stage. I haven’t totally figured out an ending to this other than Miles getting roped into being in the show to replace the guy Carrie was dating as, once she breaks up with him, he gets physical and breaks a part of the set, getting himself fired. Anyway, that’s as far as I got with the second one.
The third is, perhaps, my least thought-through, but here we go. Kona is new to town, having moved in with her dad in his apartment above his arcade after years of moving around with her mom. Unlike the other stories, Kona was born with her abilities - getting used to seeing colorful emotions around people and hearing the thoughts that come along with them at a young age, but not being able to control how she processes the emotions that hit her like a brick wall. Bentley is a regular at the arcade, using whatever allowance he gets to buy as many tokens as he can. The two bond at the prize counter, but when a particularly unruly, older kid from their school comes in and tries to rough up Bentley over his purchase of the last, limited-edition comic book at the prize counter, Kona’s emotions “snap”, sending a wave of the boy’s own anger his way and sending the older boy slamming into one of the machines. Understandably, Kona and Bentley are confused by this revelation as Bentley didn’t know Kona had abilities and Kona didn’t know she was capable of something like that. After a fairly long discussion where she shows Bentley how her abilities work, she discovers that she can piece together why someone feels the way they do - if it’s a strong enough emotion - and can help them sort through their feelings for a better outcome. They begin to work together, helping people around town with their mental and emotional struggles, but will it become too much for Kona to bear as she takes on everyone else’s problems and ignores her own? I suppose you’ll just have to find out… if I ever get around to writing this out lol
Idea 2: Titanic AU
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Now, this one is definitely not surprising as I adore the RMS Titanic as much as (if not more than) Vivien and, as far as the story goes, it could go one of two ways. One is set back in April of 1912 and goes through everything almost like the movie combined with all of the historical accuracies I can add into the equation, and the other is set in modern times and will make sense when I write it out. The first version is the one-shot-turned-story I was going to write for Carrie's birthday before I realized just how long it would be and that it would, most likely, end up being more than one part (just like the ship... yeah, I'll see myself out lol).
Version 1 is easily explained as the roles of Jack and Rose are played by none other than Miles and Carrie, with a bit of a twist. After the death of her parents, Mrs. Murphy takes her three sons and, with a portion of what inheritance was left after her husband began wasting it away, books four tickets aboard the Titanic in the hopes of starting anew in America. The tickets are in third class, but they can’t bring themselves to care as they’re simply ready to start a new life. Carrie follows Rose’s story pretty closely in the beginning - a loveless engagement planned only for financial gain, overbearing parents keeping a tight reign on her, and the faint urge to throw herself overboard once the ship is far enough from land that nobody will be able to save her. Then, as she and her young maid, Vivien, are overlooking the ocean from a higher deck on the ship’s departing day, Carrie follows Vivien’s gaze to a group of three young men a deck lower than them; one of whom can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. One night, Carrie dismisses Vivien after dinner and takes off for the back of the ship to escape the overwhelming pressure that’s been piling atop her for ages now. Miles, ever the night owl, watches her from a bench, only approaching her once she steps onto the lowest rung of the ship’s railings, and, though Carrie claims she has no real desire to pitch herself from the back of the ship, he still treats her as though she might. Eventually, he offers her a drink and an unbiased opinion, and the pair talk late into the night. Miles walks her as far as he is allowed to go and the pair go their separate ways once Carrie invites Miles and his family to dinner the next night as thanks for lending an ear and talking with her, which he politely declines. Not one to be swayed, Carrie sends Vivien to the general room in third class, instructing her to find Miles and his family and bring them to her. Finding all eyes are on her upon her arrival, Vivien meekly squeaks out who she has come to see and is relieved to watch Miles step forward from a table where he and Bentley had been drawing. Despite Miles telling her to simply pass on a message of thanks, Vivien is persistent and, ultimately, Mrs. Murphy steps in, listens to what Viv has to say, and accepts the invitation. The family is given some proper attire for the night thanks to another traveling family whom Carrie’s family has close ties with - the Bandoni family - and they have dinner as upper-class citizens. Once the evening has died down, Miles invites Carrie - and, in turn, Vivien - to a party the third-class passengers are throwing in the general room. The story carries out mostly the same as the movie, but there are some, distinct differences in the end like who would survive and who would end up going down with the ship.
Version 2 is one that I had a dream about and ended up sort of intertwined with the Titanic-based Magic Tree House book that I read as a child. Basically, Vivien drags Royce to a traveling Titanic exhibit. Upon their arrival, they receive boarding passes that bear the names of the passenger they would be and are permitted to explore as they please. After a while of looking around, they stop at an exhibit of photographs taken aboard the ship. To their amazement, they find a photograph of a young newlywed couple who bear a striking resemblance to themselves, standing by the railing on the 10th of April - the day the Titanic left Southampton for the beginning of her maiden voyage. They flag down one of the managers and explain the situation before asking if they could maybe see the picture up close. The person takes them to a back room before bringing in the photograph and some gloves for them to hold it with. They set it down on the table as Royce and Vivien put their gloves on and go to turn on the air conditioning as the summer heat isn’t good for the old picture and the wind sends the picture flying. Royce and Vivien catch the picture and carefully examine it to make sure it looks alright before looking up, only to find that they’re staring at an old-timey camera perched on a stand near the railing of none other than the ship of dreams itself. That’s right, they’re now aboard the RMS Titanic as she sails her fated maiden voyage! Now they not only have to figure out how to get back home before the ship sinks, but they also have to play the role of a young, First-Class couple on their honeymoon trip to America. Can they keep up appearances and find a way home before the iceberg scrapes the ship or will they be caught in the fray of one of the world’s biggest maritime disasters? Honestly, even I don’t know the answer yet, so I suppose we’ll find out someday haha!
Idea 3: WandaVision AU
When my sister allowed me to borrow her Disney+ account a while ago, my first mission was WandaVision. Needless to say, I fell in love with the concept of a new decade every episode and felt as though it suited some of our characters in a way that needs a lot of explaining in order for any of it to make sense. I don’t know if you’ve seen this show yet, but the basic concept is that, in Avengers: Infinity War, Wanda (also known as Scarlet Witch) loses her long-term, android boyfriend, Vision, in battle. A while after the battle, she travels to a small town called Westview where the two of them planned to move, build a home together, and grow old. Consumed by grief and rage over the life she'd lost in her time as a hero, Wanda's mental state sort of breaks, and her chaos magic powers activate around her, creating a pocket reality that engulfs all of Westview. Though she didn't realize it at first, Wanda transformed Westview into a completely altered bubble that was formed by her love of sitcoms, which she'd always turned to in times of difficulty. With her chaos magic, she also created an entire alternate version of Vision completely from her memories of him, inadvertently casting him in the role of her sitcom husband. Comforted by the world she'd created, Wanda began living a sitcom life in Westview, still unaware of what she'd done, moving from decade to decade as though nothing were different.
You’ve probably pieced together who would be who here, but I have a few different versions to offer. 1 - Mick and Butchy, 2 - Royce and Vivien, 3 - Carrie and Miles, or 4 - Mrs. Murphy, Miles, Royce, and Bentley. For Mick and Butchy, think about how intense she was when he was in his accident ages ago. That rage could fuel magic any day. Carrie and Miles' story could be very similar to Butchy and Mick's as I feel like they have this connection that isn't easily explained and that their love goes a lot deeper than either of them might realize. If one of them were to die, what lengths would the other go to in order to bring them back? Royce and Vivien have a strong relationship as well despite being young and, while Royce is typically calm and collected, he worries quite a bit for Vivien’s safety as she ventures through abandoned buildings, explores places she probably shouldn’t, and gets into more trouble than he ever wants her to. If he were to lose her in some sort of freak accident, would that be enough to cause something in him to snap like that? Potentially, I think. Now, putting aside the romance and looking toward the family dynamic, we have the Murphy family. What hurts more than a mother losing her children? Imagine the normally easy-going, caring, Mrs. Murphy - the mom to everyone around her - absolutely losing her shit because all three of her sons died in the same battle. That would certainly be something emotional enough to fuel some serious chaos magic. Honestly, I just want to write more about her and I feel like a nice, sitcom-esque story would be a perfect opportunity to get a feel for her personality over the years.
Idea 4: Grease AU
While I’m sure this isn’t a total surprise as I’ve mentioned it before, I want to explain how I see it, especially after finishing Rise of the Pink Ladies and gleaning several ideas from there. 
This AU is a bit different as we find Mick and Vivien as the new girls in town - sisters with opposing interests. Mick, who spends every minute at school trying to break out of the shy mold she left at her old high school, and Vivien who just wants to blend into the background and survive junior high without making waves. Things don’t go quite as planned as both girls find themselves at the epicenter of rumors not even a week into the school year. According to the gossip, Mick was seen under the bleachers with the leader of the T-Birds, and Vivien was spotted kicking a boy in the family jewels. While neither girl can deny these claims as they are technically true, the statements were twisted. Although Vivien begins to like her reputation as a fearsome fighter and leans into the rumors, adding that she only did it to protect a kid in her class and that she would be more than willing to do it again to anyone who dared pick on the people around her, Mick tries to clear her name with the help of the T-Bird she’d been spotted with, hoping others would believe that she had, in fact, been under the bleachers with a T-Bird, but that she was trying to give him something he had left at her dad’s workshop and they had a conversation, end of discussion. Despite her pleas to rid herself of her nickname as the local floozy, Mick can’t shake the rumors, but once she inadvertently helps one of the girls who had been spreading the rumors, the word on the street begins to ebb. The two girls form an odd friendship despite the helpful T-Bird and most of his friends warning her to steer clear of the blonde and her penchant for ruining reputations with her good girl act. Despite the accusations against her new friend, Mick stays by her and, at a sleepover, the cheerleader confides in Mick that she is in a secret relationship with one of the T-Birds that started over the summer. Though her friend doesn’t divulge which one, Mick soon discovers exactly who it is as Vivien and her two friends get out of school early one Friday and head to the high school parking lot to wait for their rides, only to see the head cheerleader with the T-Birds’ second-in-command locking lips by the greaser’s Fleetmaster. So, yeah, a lot of drama would come with this one.
Idea 5: Percy Jackson AU
I’ve tried writing Percy Jackson stories before and, let’s just say, it didn’t go well. You will, however, see some nods to this in upcoming chapters of Camp Wanamaker. This AU is something I’ve thought of for literal years (think 2016-17), but have no true storyline other than who would be the child of which Greek god. I can’t simply follow one of the books without dissolving into the next and, where there are so many books, I don’t think this would ever actually happen. This is something that my niece, Lorali, and nephew, Erek, actually requested at different times as their classes were reading the books in school, and I tried to figure everything out, but nothing ever came of it. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever work on this as it would be too much to take on. For now, though, I’ll simply give you my list of who I think belongs where and, if the time ever comes for me to write this out, we’ll go from there.
Miles, Royce, and Bentley - Sons of Apollo (most specialize in various forms of art, poetry, archery, or music, almost all of them have the ability to heal others and can tell how bad the injury is just by looking at it, a rare few can control light and fire, even rarer is the ability to glow, and some can use music to win battles like a siren calling sailors to their deaths)
Mick - Daughter of Hephaestus (skillful engineers and craftsmen, they can instinctively detect, identify, and operate any piece of machinery, and some even have control of fire, lava, and volcanoes) 
Carrie, Tanner, and Juliet - Children of Aphrodite (possess intense love magic, have greater clarity and sharper focus than most, have the ability to change appearance at will, and can alter people’s thoughts/influence them by simply speaking - otherwise known as charm-speaking)
Vivien - Daughter of Athena (masters at invention, architecture, and strategy - especially in battle - their knowledge is unmatched, and some have great skills with weaponry even without prior mastery of the weapon of their choice)
Kona - Daughter of Poseidon (can create and control hurricanes, earthquakes, and water, can communicate telepathically with sea life, some are mildly able to control ice, wind, electricity, and cold, they heal quickly if they’re in any type of water, and a very rare few can manipulate blood as it contains water)
Butchy and Lela - Children of Zeus (natural leaders in every sense, are immensely brave and strong, most, if not all, can control electricity/lightning, and some can control air to be able to fly if they practice)
Xander - Son of Ares (combat specialists, masters of weapons, are typically stereotyped as being complete assholes, and can possess invincibility if they spent a lot of time in battle)
Idea 6: True Colors (Through The Valley sequel)
Now, I absolutely adored writing the first story, but ever since I was able to play the second game and watch the HBO show, I've fallen more in love with the story and its concepts. A sequel for this would be far bigger scale - throwing more characters into the fray and holding very little back as, if I learned anything from the show, it's sometimes okay to kill off favorite characters to show the gravity of their situation. Just a reminder, Riven never existed in this universe and, while I have a perfect place for him, I don't want to go into too much detail.
This sequel would have a bit of a time jump and we would see some of our favorite characters in a different light as rival groups come out of the woodwork with only one thing on their mind - revenge. While we would also see budding friendships and romance, we also see some of our favorite relationships torn apart. I do feel like this would be a good way to really throw caution to the wind and see some of our favorite people fight in ways we've never seen them. In this universe, it's not always the infected you have to worry about; other people are just as scary.
I would probably focus on the second game's plot here - a story of revenge fueled by love. We would witness our first death fairly early on as one character kills another as atonement for their previous sins. One of our favorite characters would barge in during the fight, only to be taken captive by the assailant's friends. Witnessing the death of a loved one is traumatic and, with every intention of killing the people who dared to hurt their loved one, the witness gathers themself and takes off on a hunt to get revenge on the person who wronged them. Finding themselves in an entirely new area with unknown threats around every corner, will they be able to make it out alive? Better yet, will they be able to make it out with their sanity?
Honestly, I'm not even sure. For the time being, I have a set of characters lined up and know who would be playing whom, but would have a lot further to go before I felt comfortable writing anything out. I am excited about it though and hope to someday feel ready enough to get something done for it. Until then, here is the actual trailer for the game as it holds quite a few hints at what's to come and who our set of characters could be. It is a bit gory which makes sense, given the universe we're in, but I wanted to warn you all the same. Anyway, the characters' appearances, the song choice, the subtle intensity, and the words they say to each other are very intentional and will make a bigger impact once I finally have this story ready to go. Every little detail matters. One word, in particular, may strike a certain chord in you and leave you guessing, but that's all I'll say for now.
Idea 7: In Comma Coriyama (Magicae Maxima sequel)
This was originally the name for Magicae Maxima, but, obviously, I chose differently. Now, I'm not sure if you could tell with the ending surrounding Serena, but I had every intention of making a sequel where she would continue being the possessed one like Mick had.
At first, Royce, Vivien, and Bentley would have no idea as she's always pretty bitchy at school and they're sort of busy helping at Mick's store and training their magic to see much of a difference. Having family around to help them grow as young mages is helping them become stronger and more capable of protecting themselves. In turn, Serena is growing more and more used to being possessed by the dark magic and, although she barely has control of her own body, she is still conscious and can see the effect the possession is having as it chips away at her relationships and targets the people she was closest to. When the possessed Serena, in a moment of freedom, begs Vivien for help after class, the brunette realizes something must be up and goes looking for answers.
Obviously, this isn't all I have, but I might be working on this for the spooky season, so I'm keeping things vague!
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I have a long list that is still looming both on my phone and in my notebooks, but it will take me time to get them all here, so for now, this is all I have lol.
This may or may not come as a little bit of a shock, but Mick and Vivien are distantly related. Mick’s family in New Hampshire is huge and, while they don’t know they’re related, they’re actually cousins. Mick’s great-aunt was married to Vivien’s great-uncle and they moved down to Texas long before the girls were even born, let alone before they met.
Growing up, Bentley was always upset with being compared to his brothers academically and, when Royce noticed this, his paintings stopped and his sketches practically disappeared. He wanted Bentley to feel special about something and, now that art is Bentley’s “thing” Royce refuses to so much as touch a crayon unless Bentley asks him to. He’d rather stick with photography.
Riven taught Vivien drums so she could join his band and she taught him Morse code so they could talk to each other in skating meetings without having to say a word.
Mick tried to lighten her hair when she was thirteen so that she could look more like her dad, but the bottle of Sun-In that she used only served to turn her orange until they could get it fixed at the salon.
Vivien got a perm once and was mad that she looked like a poodle, but then Carrie pointed out that she looked like one of the girls in an 80s movie and she was alright with it after that. When it faded, she had no intention of getting it back, but still curls her hair from time to time because she misses the bounciness of the curls.
Carrie, Mick, and Vivien have a game they play to see who can fluster their boys the fastest. Over time, Butchy became accustomed to it and flipped the situation back on Mick more often than not. Miles has his moments of clarity with Carrie and can occasionally fight fire with fire, but they’re few and far between. Royce, on the other hand, is almost always taken aback by Vivien’s advances as she switches things up on him all the time.
Kona taught herself how to swear in three different languages so that she could say things around her family without getting caught. Her languages of choice were German, Japanese, and French, which made things more than a bit awkward when she found out the Murphys could understand what she was saying.
Bentley has the weirdest tastes. He loves bananas, but hates banana bread. Can’t stand oranges or grapes, but likes them as flavors in soda or snow cones. One of the ones everyone gets a kick out of is that he doesn’t like strawberries, but enjoys strawberry ice cream.
Vivien found out she was claustrophobic while in a mirror maze at the town carnival. She was with Riven and his dad at the time and Riven practically carried her out of the maze. They both swore they would never speak of it again, but Riven still teases her about it now and then.
Kona is a completely unique form of chaos and molds perfectly with the Troublemaker Trio. While Royce is organized chaos, Vivien is adventurous chaos, and Bentley is creative chaos, Kona is a sort of unhinged chaos. This girl holds nothing back and will not hesitate to be absolutely insane. In my mind, they’re almost like the Penguins of Madagascar. Royce is Kowalski, Vivien is Skipper, Bentley is Private, and Kona is 100% Rico.
Mick and Bentley wander off a lot in crowded areas (the mall, carnivals, concerts) and have been told by some of the others that, if they keep things up, they’ll be forced to wear one of those toddler leashes. Bentley doesn't give a shit and dares them to try, so they do. It wasn't his proudest moment, but he didn't exactly care, either.
Miles doesn’t really care for cake. It’s just not his thing. He’ll eat it, sure, but he prefers ice cream or, even better, ice cream cake. The only time he willingly eats cake is when someone in the family, especially one of the kids, makes some as he doesn’t want them to feel bad about him not trying some. 
Vivien has a habit of getting people addicted to things she enjoys. One time, she unintentionally got Butchy and Miles hooked on a very specific brand of energy drink that she has to order online and get shipped to her house, so every time a shipment comes in, she goes to the cabin, bursts in like the Kool-Aid man, and yells, “I’ve got the drugs!” at the top of her lungs. The same thing happened when they went to the mall and she made Carrie try a Japanese soda (Ramune) that they now have to order in bulk because everyone keeps stealing them from the fridge. The one thing Viv is adamant she’s keeping to herself is her rootbeer-flavored popsicles because they’re incredibly hard to find and the only shop that has them, orders an entire box just for her at the start of every month.
Before the swear jar mysteriously disappeared, Bentley, Royce, and Vivien would find ways to cuss around the others without getting in trouble. At the mall, they would chant out the name of a certain sporting goods store (Dick’s) or when they went for walks and passed the local dam, they constantly made dam jokes. They found ways around things and even the ones who tried to get them to stop had to give them props for creativity.
I’ve kind of had this headcanon where, when Carrie or Mick get pregnant, Miles and Butchy get bizarre cravings for them. While all the girls want is chicken alfredo or cheddar broccoli soup, their men are craving peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, bananas slathered in maple syrup, and ice cream decorated with chocolate-covered pickles. Even though Carrie and Mick think all of Miles and Butchy’s random concoctions are absolutely disgusting, the guys can’t seem to get enough. For some reason, almost all of the cravings disappear once the babies are born, but some still stick around though the girls wonder if their interest in the foods is still genuine or if they’re just doing it for fun.
I had a headcanon for a while that I never really worked with as I found it sort of pointless as time went on, but I figured I should share it now that it’s developed into something different entirely. I had this idea that, after a while of thinking things over, Miles would talk with his Uncle Tommy about potentially adopting the boys. At first, it would have been Miles adopting them and then it became Tommy taking them in, but that didn’t really work in my head, so I scrapped it for a while. Now, my working headcanon is that Miles stays in close contact with Tommy and sends him things about himself and the boys like their big achievements, their grades, and their friends. If Tommy were to visit at some point, he wouldn’t be all that surprised to meet Carrie, Mick, Vivien, Kona, or the rest of the group and would be at ease going through town as though he’d been there before. I feel like Uncle Tommy would be their way of reconnecting with their mom’s side of the family and he’d be more than willing to travel the 7½ hours-long drive to see them.
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I had to shorten this list as I was running a bit short on time, but I'll add more later if it lets me.
Hello Dolly - I've already told you about this one, but the point still stands. I absolutely adore this musical. The thought of Miles as Cornelius and Carrie as Irene Molloy - a rich, self-made woman and a shopkeeper from a poorer background who fall in love despite everything around them - just makes me so happy.
Hadestown - I don't know if you've seen this one, but, to summarize, this is the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice - a story I absolutely adore. The story, the music, the ending, everything in this musical just screams of love and pain and there are so many ways this could go! Mostly, I could see Miles and Carrie playing a really good Orpheus and Eurydice while Butchy and Mick (or Xander and Juliet) take on Hades and Persephone, but the ideas are endless!
Chicago - This one is just for fun as I love the show, but just think of Carrie or Juliet as Roxie and Mick as Velma. The two of them vie for the top spot in the papers and fight for the publicity that their respective crimes give them, but both are unwilling to work together to gain popularity in the press. It’s just a fun little idea that I like playing with.
The Lightning Thief - This is only because I could see Bentley finding out this musical exists, listening to it all the time, and singing it as often as possible. With how much he liked the books, it feels only natural that he’d enjoy this just as much.
High School Musical on Stage! - This is simply because I feel like this would be absolutely epic. I mean, come on! How could it be any better than this? Carrie as Sharpay, Tanner as Ryan, Mick as Gabriella, Butchy as Troy, and Miles as Zeke - I could go on for ages about how insanely cool that would be! Honestly, I just love High School Musical and would love to see our characters in a show like that.
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Not all of these are on my summer writing or inspiration playlists, but the vibes are there and I want to write something for all of them at some point or another! I will be adding more later, but for today, this is all I have.
Killer Queen - Honestly, I listened to this around Halloween time last year and was soooo tempted to write a vampire-ish story with Vivien, Carrie, Kona, and Mick in this little coven of killers, but nothing ever came of it. I had a plan for it to be this sort of small-town, murder-mystery-type story with the girls working with the Murphy brothers and Butchy (the town police department’s newest officer) to solve some murders in the area, only for it to be discovered in the end that the murderers were the girls all along and they were just leaving a trail of bodies for the boys to discover, eventually leading them to their deaths. I still have a sort of plan to work on this sometime, but it's just not at the forefront just yet as I think it needs a bit more work.
Crash My Car - I stand by this song being a song Miles relates to as he falls in love with Carrie, but before they’re together. I’ve paid a lot of attention to the lyrics themselves and I feel like they sort of cover Miles’ thoughts as it shows the way he goes from feeling like he has no chance with Carrie and wanting nothing more than to disappear for even thinking he would, to wanting to make a move, but not being confident enough to, to resigning to his fate and wanting nothing more than for her to be happy, even if it breaks his heart in the process. I just feel like, despite the song being fun and energetic, the lyrics tell the story quite well. 
Lizzy McAlpine: I have a few songs that come to mind for different scenarios, but not all of them make the most sense, so I’ll put the ones that sort of do.
Pancakes for Dinner - This could be for a few different couples, honestly. My first instinct is either Royce and Vivien or Mick and Butchy. It’s essentially just an admission of things stuck in the person’s head, spilling out ideas that they’ve thought of before, but been too shy to say out loud, but I just really like the idea of one of them writing it out in the early stages of their relationships or even before they get together and are just friends, wanting more and the other finding it at some point later on in the relationship and either confronting them or singing it to them.
reckless driving - This is a song for Juliet and Xander which is ironic as I hardly ever write them anymore, but I feel like this could be the tragic end to their story if she let him take her on a drive after breaking up with him. I mean, the contrast between her side of the story and his, the steadily growing intensity, and the back and forth between the two before the eventual sudden end of the song - it feels like Xander and Juliet. His obsession could get them killed if they aren’t careful and, in this song, that’s exactly what it does.
ceilings - Now, this one is something I’ve been mostly picturing for my novel version of the story, but I’ll tell you how I see it anyway. Mick and Butchy (his name is different in the novel for copyright reasons 😣) have taken an interest in each other, but Mick holds back her feelings as she knows that the world Butchy is from is nothing more than a pocket of time still stuck in what was once a 1960s sitcom. As much as she loves him, she can’t admit her feelings for him as she knows they live completely different lives. More than once during her stay in the nearby town of St. Pete Beach, he drives her home and, with each drive, she grows more and more fond of him before, eventually, he kisses her. That night, she realizes that, although she couldn’t be happier, he isn’t real. He’s nothing more than pixels on a screen and, sooner or later, she’ll have to leave with her family to return to California.
Selena Gomez: I love Selena Gomez and some of her songs just bring me through different scenarios that just appear out of thin air lol
People You Know - This is another Juliet song, but instead of entirely revolving around her relationship with Xander, it also represents her friendships with the others in The Sparx group. When she broke things off with him, they all kept their distance from her so as to not anger Xander more. She lost all of the people she was closest to in a matter of moments - hence the song.
Bad Liar - Tell me this isn’t another Miles and Carrie song. I mean, come on! It could definitely be something from before they get together, but regardless of that, they definitely share this song. Miles has the first verse - “I was walking down the street the other day, trying to distract myself, but then I see your face” and “Call me an amenity even if it’s in my dreams” are all him! Carrie takes the second verse as it reads almost as though she’s watching him at first and allowing thoughts of being something more to come through - “I see how your attention build; it’s like looking in a mirror” and “Paint my kiss across your chest. If you’re the art, I’ll be the brush.” Honestly, this song just reads as the tense, in-between stage where they’re friends, but they both want something more than that, but won’t say it, let alone admit it.
Florence +The Machine:
The Dog Days Are Over - This one is one I can see for a few different places. I always use the chorus as motivation to run (for obvious reasons lmao) and I can see it working well during a relay race at the end of Camp Wanamaker where each cabin has to work together to make it from one end of camp to the flagpole at the main office. Some more chaotic versions of this song are in dangerous situations (like in Through the Valley where they're running from infected), but I think having it be a light, fun scene is more entertaining as of right now.
Swimming - This is probably one of the songs I most associate with a mermaid/siren story, but it can also work fairly well for other things. I guess it just screams mermaid to me as I spent most of my time watching H2O as a kid.
ABBA: Boy are there a lot of these, but I'll narrow it down a bit.
Voulez-Vous - As if I needed more motivation for a story I already wrote a sequel for, here's another song that makes me feel like writing a prequel to Glory and Gore/Scattered Screams. This is a song that drives me to want to write about how Mack and Brady won their Hunger Games as well as how they fell in love and, honestly, if I wasn't already knee-deep in other stories, I just might!
Waterloo - Originally the title for How History Repeats Itself, this song has been on my list for ages mostly for the line "The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself." I just really like the song and the lyrics could play a big part in a story at some point, if things go the way I hope they do!
Dancing Queen - This one just always makes me dance and I feel like this song is what Vivien would have blasted for her seventeenth birthday. Tell me Carrie wouldn't drag her up on stage or something and make her sing along with her and make sure that she has the time of her life!
Angeleyes - This one I can't go into too much detail as I might have plans for this song in Camp Wanamaker. I'm not sure about it yet, but I might. Just know that I love this song and have every intention of making this one hurt!
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I don't have a lot of TikToks to put here just yet as I usually scroll Pinterest when I get the chance, but I do have a few that I thought would be fun.
This is how Royce prom-poses to Viv, don't bother telling me otherwise as I just won't accept it. Obviously, there would be a few changes, but the premise remains the same as I think it's just too epic to pass up.
This fits two different scenarios, in my head. One is the Murphy brothers and the other is when Miles moves in with Butchy and Lela. They discover this and have fun for hours.
Tell me Vivien and Riven don't do tricks like this on the ice all the time when Royce is around just to give him a heart attack each time.
Vivien does covers of songs like this in her room all the time when she's not practicing with the band and, while they don't exactly go viral or anything, she just enjoys posting her having fun on the drums.
This is Vivien with Miles. Tell me otherwise.
If Bentley ever cat-sat for Royce while he was on a trip for school or something, this would be the video he would send him to show him that the cat owns the house now. Royce would, in turn, send this to Vivien, asking her if he should be concerned.
After hours upon hours of listening to ABBA in the car with both her mom and Aunt Vivien, they begin to hear a tiny voice in the backseat and, one day, they catch this on the way to the mall for a girl's day. A few years later, when Butchy's driving Maisie, Leilana, and Milo (his and Mick's kids) to the playground for the afternoon, he catches them singing along to the radio in the backseat sort of like this and realizes he might have fucked up.
Also, as a final little thing here, I get a lot of my baking ideas from B. Dylan Hollis. This one is actually a snack I get every summer at the carnival and in my hometown at a seasonal restaurant as they make the best deep-fried candy in the world! My personal favorite is deep-fried peanut butter cups, but it's the same concept.
Adding this in here as I forgot to before, but you can’t tell me this isn’t their family game night. I have seen this family a lot on my fyp and I can totally imagine the gang getting up to this kind of chaos. The whole gang would be there and, somehow, Riven convinces them to play Cards Against Humanity. Regardless of who has which card and who has to read all of the answer cards, Butchy would be the dad in every scenario, 100%! I feel like the goal of the game would be to consistently give the most uncomfortable answers to Butchy to see how long it would take for him to make them put the game away.
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Anyway, that's it for today! I am off to visit my great-aunt and grab something for dinner before getting back to work on Camp Wanamaker since I wanted to make sure I finished this post today lmao. I hope you have amazing rest of your day! All the love! 💕
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Cami Vorhees' solos over the years
2013/14 (Age 5)
"My Boyfriend's Back"
1st in 8 and Under, Nexstar Columbus
2nd in Mini Solos, StarSystems Pittsburgh
Miss Mini DanceXplosion, DanceXplosion Nationals
2014/15 (Age 6)
"The Way You Make Me Feel"
1st in Mini Solos, JUMP Pittsburgh
2nd in Mini Solos, JUMP Providence
2nd in Mini Solos, 24/7 Rochester
Mini Female Velocity Artist, Velocity Nationals
Didn't place for Best Dancer, TDA Las Vegas
"Sweet Child of Mine"
5th in Mini Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
3rd in Mini Solos, 24/7 Tysons Corner
2015/16 (Age 7)
"All that Jazz"
2nd in Mini Solos, Jump Syracuse
3rd in Mini Solos, Jump Pittsburgh
3rd in Mini Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Providence
"Nature Boy"
2nd in Mini Solos, Radix Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, Hollywood Vibe, Pittsburgh
5th in Mini Solos, 24/7 Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, NYCDA Pittsburgh
Regional Mini Female MVP, Velocity Pittsburgh
1st in Mini, 3rd Overall, VIP Dance, Pittsburgh
1st High Score Junior, Open Call Pittsburgh
Didn't Place for Best Dancer, TDA Orlando
2016/17 (Age 8)
"Dance like yo Daddy"
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Pittsburgh
Placed with other Solo, KAR Youngstown
1st in Mini Solos, 24/7 Rochester
2nd in Mini Solos, Radix Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Hollywood Vibe Pittsburgh
1st in Secondary 8 and Under, KAR Youngstown, Miss Petite
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Toronto
"Here I am"
2nd in Mini Solos, 24/7 Pittsburgh
"Who I am"
2nd in Mini Solos, Jump Buffalo
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Providence
2nd in Mini Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
2nd in Mini Solos, NYCDA Pittsburgh
"The Way"
1st in Mini Solos, NYCDA Pittsburgh
3rd Runner-up for Mini Female Best Dancer, TDA Orlando
2017/18 (Age 9)
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Providence
3rd in Mini Solos, TDA Orlando
"Painting Grey"
1st in Mini Solos, 24/7 Tysons Corner
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Albany
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Philadelphia
Mini Female Best Dancer, TDA Orlando
"Bad Dream"
1st in Mini Solos, Jump New York
1st in Mini Solos, Nuvo Buffalo
1st in Mini Solos, Nuvo National Harbor
1st in Mini Solos, 24/7 Rochester
"Look What I've Become"
1st in Mini Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Pittsburgh
1st in Mini Solos, 24/7 Meadowlands
1st in Mini Solos, Jump Toronto
2018/19 (Age 10)
"Painting Gray"
Closing Show, Jump Portland
Closing Show, Jump Pittsburgh
Closing Show, Nuvo Boston
Closing Show, Jump Buffalo
Closing Show, 24/7 Pittsburgh
"Into the night"
Closing Show, 24/7 Atlanta
Closing Show, Jump Washington
Closing Show, Nuvo Dallas
Closing Show, Jump Honolulu
Closing Show, 24/7 Meadowlands
1st in Mini Solos, Radix Pittsburgh
"All The World Will Know"
Closing Show, 24/7 Pittsburgh
Closing Show, 24/7 Chicago
2019/20 (Age 11)
1st in Junior Solos, JUMP Pittsburgh
3rd in Junior Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
"Into the Night"
1st in Junior Solos, 24/7 Pittsburgh
Top 15, TDA Live
1st in Junior Solos, 24/7 Rochester
2020/21 (Age 12)
1st in Junior Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Jump Baltimore
1st in Junior Solos, 24/7 Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Jump Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Radix Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Nuvo Meadowlands
1st in Junior Solos, TDA Orlando
"Knives Out"
Closing Show, 24/7 Pittsburgh
1st in Junior Solos, Radix Baltimore
1st in Junior Solos, Nuvo Atlantic City
Junior Female Best Dancer
"Belly Of The Beast"
1st in Junior Solos, Jump Philadelphia
2021/22 (Age 13)
Closing Show, Nuvo Cleveland
Closing Show, 24/7 Orlando
Closing Show, 24/7 Pittsburgh
Closing Show, 24/7 Myrtle Beach
Closing Show, Nuvo Miami
Closing Show, TDA Orlando
Closing Show, Jump Philadelphia
"Paper Planes"
Closing Show, Nuvo Pittsburgh
Closing Show, 24/7 Meadowlands
2022/23 (Age 14)
"Don't Worry, Darlin"
1st in Teen Solos, 24/7 Pittsburgh
2nd in Teen Solos, Radix Pittsburgh
2nd in Teen Solos, TDA Orlando
"Dance of the Dream Man"
Teen Female Best Dancer
1st in Teen Solos, Nuvo Pittsburgh
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demonstars · 1 year
BASICALLY ryden was like . my main bandom space and like. only in getting older am i appreciating the insanities of petekey and others but like. ryden was CRAZY they were BEST FRIENDS they hung out all the time they had this whole bit on stage where brendon would almost kiss ryan while monologuing about meeting your lover and leaning in 'for that perfect, passionate kiss' and the band and their touring band and some crew went to myrtle beach and ryan made this fucking livejournal poetry post that is so fucking famous and you have to look it up but it FAMOUSLY contains the line 'you don't have to love me. you already did. at least enough to keep me smiling from South Carolina to Virginia. it's for lovers (orjustfriends) this is why i do it' and their next album after that tour was going to be this concept love story that they eventually scrapped (cabin album my cabin album) and then they wrote pretty odd and that album was just. full of love. and love in the summer and NORTHERN DOWNPOUR. a song brendon famously Cannot sing live like. has choked up singing it live. after an INTERVIEW where ryan and brendon broke down the songs and ryan was like 'i told him to pay special attention to the line 'i know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches call it home'' and GUESS WHICH LINE? BRENDON STARTS CRYING ON? WHEN HE SANG IT LIVE AFTER THE BREAKUP anYWAY the album after the breakup is full of all this like . breakup music and ur like ok fine but it's like . messy i still love you but i'm spiteful but when i think of summer i think of us breakup songs and some of them fucking interpolate PETE'S LIVEJOURNAL POETRY about perceived summer of like stuff it's all just SO . and like. THEY WERE BEST FUCKING FRIENDS they did so much together and now they don't even acknowledge the other in literally any context. ALSO ??? there was a STALKER that got ryan's number and messaged him pretending to be brendon for a while and it was so sick and it was confirmed because ryan's MANAGER AT THE TIME made a statement about it but the stalker basically messaged ryan talking about like, wanting to reconnect and missing him and all this shit and ryan was fully reciprocating the sentiments and the stalker ALSO INVITED RYAN TO BRENDON'S WEDDING ???? and ryan was like 'yeah i'd love to be there please let me know' and the stalker fucking posted the conversations online w people to be like 'awe how cute look at ryan missing brendon' never mind brendon literally got married and hadn't invited ryan and ryan thought he had ? and then after it all came out that it was a stalker ryan posted all this really upsetting stuff and ppl were like . genuinely worried about his well being . anyway they haven't publicly interacted in YEARS except they randomly got invited to the same halloween party a couple years ago and brendon spoke about it in a radio interview. later on in that interview he talked about wanting to make out w ryan gosling. when he was in the airport some paparazzi approached him like 'hey have u reached out to ryan' and brendon thought they were tlaking about ryan ross so he started talking about ryan ross and then the paparazzi were like 'so how... how would the makeout go?' and brendon's entire face dropped he was like 'oH RYAN GOSLING OH LMAO' and had a very Not Normal reaction . anyway .
ryan had his 21st birthday in new york at a club w his girlfriend and all of their of age friends (brendon is a year younger) and tHAT NIGHT was spotted having dinner w brendon in seattle in the SAME FUCKING CLOTHES HE'D WORN TO HIS PARTY . only known because a fan captured a photo with them and was like 'omg i just met brendon and ryan in seattle' and everyone was like ??? what the fuck ? and then northern downpour has the lyrics 'i missed your skin when you were east, you clicked your heels and wished for me' . lots of weird seattle lore.
there's so much more. there's so much . bestie . oh myfucking go d. they were crazy . normal weird crazy insane boy best friends that don't talk anymore and someone on twitter once asked what ryan thought of brendon and he answered 'he's my boy. always will be.' and it literally makes me sick to my stomach ok i'm done this is wildly incoherent bye <3 oh my god i just scrolled back this is. horrible . this is a scattered fraction of what ryden was up to . i can't be coherent about them. they makey me crazy :(
no actually i have to add that they had a . pete patrick dynamic where ryan wrote lyrics and brendon did music like. ryan was main contributor for all lyric stuff and how fucking sick is it that brendon got famous off RYAN pouring his emo teenage heart out and brendon has taken HIS BAND and driven it into the fucking ground and killed it. TOOK HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND! SPENCER AND RYAN GREW UP TOGETHER ON THE SAME FUCKING STREET WHAT DO YOU MEAN BRENDON GOT HIM IN THE DIVORCE ? BRENDON WAS AT HIS WEDDING AND NOT RYAN ? i'm . i'm gonna send you the rolling stones interview moment . crazy shit
ok sorry bye <3
this is fucking crazy. I literally feel like this was getting hit after hit and you tell me this is something you guys walk around knowing and have to live with.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
30 Covers, 30 Days 2022: Day 15
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Day fifteen of 30 Covers, 30 Days is one full of excitement! Adventure novel In Midst of it All by Afiyah Kauthar introduces us to a journey fit for the big screen. This cover is designed by returning designer, Victoria Pickett.
In Midst Of It All
Tohrun believes he is done with bounty hunting, until he is compelled to take up one last job. Sthrumein just wants to get out of the life he was born into, and Mirai is escaping from a cruel captor who calls himself her husband. Three lives, all aiming for the same destination: The Port City. With clashing ideals, dangerous enemies and frenzied feelings, the journey isn't as easy as they hoped it would be.
About the Author
My name is Afiyah Kauthar. I am a M.A graduate student pursuing Media and Communications.  I've grown up devouring books of various genres. I’ve loved writing ever since I was in middle school.   I wrote my first book ‘All The World's A Stage' at age fifteen and published it at age sixteen. My second book is called 'Echo In The Wind'. My greatest inspirations as a writer are Enid Blyton and Rick Riordan.
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About the Designer
Victoria Pickett is an Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Coastal Carolina University. Originally from Cleveland, OH she currently lives in Myrtle Beach, SC. This is her 4th year participating in NaNoWriMo and looks forward to November every year. She's a type nerd and interested in how visual communication is informed by culture, ethnicity, language and society.
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maiaacchiato · 1 year
songs that remind me of a rollercoaster for no particular reason theres gonna be no like paragraphs for this one, just snippet of lyrics
another one of those days - cavetown "hoped maybe i'd see a familiar face on my way"
feb 14 - cavetown "i got your letter, hope you feel better than i do, i miss you"
dont say that - ricky montgomery "you know, its so, so scary when you see me for what i truly am"
myrtle ave. - mxmtoon "outside there's chaos and confusion can we stay right here?"
lessons - mxmtoon "do words lose weight if said too often? if not said enough are they forgotten"
used to you - mxmtoon "if i say i love you more im afraid that it'd mean less, but if i dont say it enough, will you still remember it?" (/p)
cold weather - glass beach "so i'll call in sick again just to spend my day with you"
talk to you - ricky montgomery "been a really long time since you saw me last, since i saw you last. wonder if we met today, would you turn and walk away?"
talk to me - cavetown "we can talk here on the floor, on the phone, if you prefer. i'll be here until you're okay"
the shade - rex orange county "i started painting all the walls just to see if you liked the shade"
struck by lightning - sara kays ft cavetown "maybe on a sunny day, you might have some things to say, but if you dont, thats okay"
overgrown garden - beetlebug "im never gonna leave you behind someday, in the daisies and the bluebells, weeping, by the way. because i love you and i would do anything, i would do anything, anything at all."
hug all ur friends - cavetown "and i dont care about my sleeping routine, i fucked it up as it is, but we've got so much time to kill"
meteor shower - cavetown "i'd sell my own soul for sapphire stones"
anarchy - egg "there's nowhere else i'd rather be when the world falls into anarchy"
okay yk what fuck it im just gonna drop a playlist
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praetorsreyna · 1 year
eve & the serpent (no time to die) - chapter 1
Pairing: Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger
Sixteen-year old Tom Riddle is tall, lithe, and disarmingly handsome. His face is a study in angles and bone structure; his hair, perfectly coiffed black waves. She decides that she much prefers the red eyes and the gaunt, bone-white face. Will have the portrait of evil as an enemy any day over this… teenaged Lucifer.
It is September 1, 1942.
In 9 months Myrtle Warren will become Lord Voldemort’s first victim, and the boy standing before her will tear off a portion of his soul and trap it within the confines of parchment and leather.
[In which Good loses and Evil wins, and Hermione Granger sets out on a one woman mission to uproot evil from the bedrock -- with a nifty little plot device called Time Travel]
“... and to Miss Hermione Granger, I bequeath a time turner. Use it wisely”
Hermione straightens from her position on the couch, wedged between Ron’s lanky frame and Harry’s slouching figure. Her knees knock against theirs with the sudden movement, and they all stare at the Minister with no small amount of surprise.
“But Minister,” she begins slowly, “I thought they were all destroyed during the Ministry break-in. I – we were all there.” She gestures at the three of them, trying not to flush with guilt.
Rufus Scrimgeour gives them a resigned and acrimonious smile. “I’m only the executor of his will, my dear, I don’t confess to knowing any of Dumbledore’s secrets. I’ve tried, but to this day, he remains every bit the enigma to the Ministry.” He sighs. “Rest assured, this turner is fully his to give and I am legally obligated to surrender it to your possession no matter my reservations against the fact.”
Beside her, Harry bristles.
Scrimgeour releases another exhausted exhale. “It was one of the Ministry’s a few decades ago. The first batch of time turners, in fact. But it was taken out of circulation and the remaining  inventory was permanently destroyed after the succeeding fiasco that ensued. And, of course, to prevent any from landing into the hands of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”
He shakes his head as if to clear away unpleasant memories.
“In all things, there must be a balance, and Time…” he drifts off at this, eyes glazing over as they wander over to the window, gazing at something only he can see. A few heartbeats later however, as if suddenly remembering where he was, his focus snaps back to the three objects of his visit. “Time,” he continues more firmly, clearing his throat, “is a dangerous, finicky thing. It is the most delicate spectrum of them all; even a single minute, a single element out of place, can disrupt the order of the world as we know it. Humans aren’t made to meddle with the infinite. ”
He stands up then, dusting invisible crumbs from his robes, and hands Hermione a silky black drawstring pouch.
She tugs hesitantly at its strings and upturns the contents onto her palm. With a dainty clink, a glimmering silver necklace slides out, along with a tiny slip of rolled-up parchment.
“Minister,” she calls out, looking up with a question already poised on her tongue.
Halfway through the door, Scrimgeour turns. “Yes, Miss Granger?”
“What was so special about that first batch of time turners? I was allowed access to one in third year you see, and –”
“What was dangerous about them, Miss Granger,” he interrupts, his tone curt,  “was that they could bring any witch or wizard as far back or as far forward as over half a century.”
Hermione blinks in stunned silence.
Once the Minister leaves, she resumes her perusal of her newly-acquired time turner. It’s curiously different from the one she had been entrusted with back in third year, made of silver instead of gold, the pendant itself bigger and heavier. Upon closer inspection, she notices runes peppered all over the hourglass, etched upon its surface so thinly, as if by a needle. The sand is less desert or beach sand than it is pulverized moonstone, luminous in the midday sun.
She slips the time turner back into its pouch and unfurls the slip of parchment. There, in Dumbledore’s neat handwriting, was the imperative:
Five and a half turns counterclockwise. Just in case.
Everything is going too fast and this was not supposed to happen, this was not supposed to happen; they were supposed to win; they did everything right —
But Draco was gone; Harry’s body had hit the ground, not stirring, and Ron had dashed forward, hand slipping from her hold. There was a triumphant roar and an electrifying green and it was all over, a chasm had opened up beneath her feet and had swallowed her whole; her throat was burning and her ears were ringing and Neville was shaking her shoulders, yelling at her to go, Hermione, go —
She bolts, stumbling over corpses and debris, vision obstructed with ash and tears. All around her, bodies were dropping like fleas, people she had known for years, people she had laughed with, and still she dared not stop, dared not think, dared not look.
She ducks behind a jagged shard of a wall blackened with soot, pulls out the silver chain concealed beneath her shirt, wills her hands to stop fucking shaking, and turns the hourglass counterclockwise to five and a half revolutions.
The world moves around her in dizzying, lightning-fast streaks of color and muted sound. It was nauseating, vastly different from her two hour jumps back and forth through time at thirteen.
She squeezes her eyes shut and lets herself sag to the ground, feeling her very cells vibrating, rearranging themselves in a futile effort to make sense of her body being hurtled through decade after decade.
Finally, just when she thought she was seconds away from being atomized, her body settles and her eyes fly open.
She gasps, wheezing, her bearings aflutter, senses assaulted by the violent clash of the birdsong and bright sunlight where she found herself amidst, against the screams and smoky horizon from where she had just departed.
She was home.
She was home in a time when the people who had made it so had not yet been born.
She wrangles her memories into submission, storing them into tidy little boxes and filing them into the immaculate shelves of her mind as only a natural Occlumens can.
She goes to Dumbledore and surprisingly, the logistics of it all fall neatly into place. However, she knows he is different here; she has read his correspondences with Grindelwald and is privy to their intricately complicated dynamic. She errs on the side of caution and decides on a partial disclosure.
Warm food and fresh robes and a handful of memory charms later, she is reintroduced to Hogwarts.
In the illusory safety of Armando Dippet’s office, the Sorting Hat falls onto her head and calls out Slytherin.
The pang of loss and betrayal is resounding but she refuses to linger, grounds herself to the reality that she will, in fact, have to use every ounce of cunning in her body from this point onwards. After all, she had asked to be put in Slytherin and had requested Dippet to put her in Tom Riddle’s class.
(In the evenings she will let herself grieve, will permit herself to die alongside those whose fates she seeks to prevent. But in the mornings, she will think of the living. She will think of the futures she must protect and will continue to play the long, solitary game.)
The next day, Dippet and Slughorn introduce her to their famed Slytherin prefect.
Hermione feels sick.
Sixteen-year old Tom Riddle is tall, lithe, and disarmingly handsome. His face is a study in angles and bone structure; his hair, perfectly coiffed black waves.
Her stomach churns with a deep sense of wrongness. It shouldn’t be possible that all that blood should spill from this boy who looked like an avenging angel made bone and sinew. Harry has told her about young Riddle of course, but she still finds herself incredibly unnerved.
She decides that she much prefers the red eyes and the gaunt, bone-white face. Will have the portrait of evil as an enemy any day over this… teenaged Lucifer.
“Tom,” he introduces himself, holding his hand out and giving her a courteous smile.
She steels her spine, fights the bile rising in her throat, and takes his outstretched hand. “Hermione,” she returns.
It is September 1, 1942.
In 9 months, Myrtle Warren will become Lord Voldemort’s first victim, and the boy standing before her will tear off a portion of his soul and trap it within the confines of parchment and leather.
Hermione gives him a reciprocal smile, baring a flash of her teeth as their hands clasp.
He won’t know what hit him.
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esoutherngolf · 1 year
2023 World Amateur Handicap Championship
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Christopher Rainey Captures Flight Winners Playoff At PlayGolfMyrtleBeach.com World Amateur Handicap Championship Christopher Rainey from Drums, Pa. shot a net 68 (gross 99) to win the Flight Winners’ Playoff at the 40th annual PlayGolfMyrtleBeach.com World Amateur Handicap Championship Friday at Grande Dunes Resort Course. There was a five-way tie for first place at -3 before Rainey made a net birdie on the par 4 18th to earn the win, finishing one shot ahead of Joe Day (Conway, S.C.), Samuel Bland (Surfside, S.C.), Tom Fahringer (Valrico, Fla.), Mike Zeeb (New Carlisle, Ind.). Christopher Schultz (La Porte Ind.) fired a three-round total of 209 to best David Hunt (Orlando, Fla.) by nine strokes to win the Men’s Gross Division title. Russell Burnham (Dallas, Texas) edged Daniel Constantino (Greer, S.C.) by two shots en route to victory in the Men’s Senior Gross Division crown. Mark Gardiner (North Salt Lake, Utah) finished seven strokes ahead of second place Michael Barclay (Cartersville, Ga.) to capture the Men’s Mid-Senior Gross Division championship. Heidi Rittenhouse (Smithfield, N.C.) cruised to victory in the Women’s Gross Division, finishing 14 strokes ahead of second-place finisher Beth Gutteridge (Rindge, N.H.). Mike Zeeb (New Carlisle, Ind.) and Brock Zeeb (New Carlisle, Ind.), a father-son duo, combined to win the Casa de Campo Pairs Competition. By virtue of winning, the pair received a 4-day, 3-night stay at the luxurious Casa de Campo and unlimited golf. Entry into the event, which included at least four rounds of golf, nightly admission to the World’s Largest 19th Hole and a gift bag, was $699. There were 3,200+ participants this year with over 40 players from the Villages. Hurricane Idalia shortened the competition on Thursday with players hunkering down for possible bad weather that never really developed. The World Am places players into 11 divisions – men 49 and under, senior men (50-59), mid-senior men (60-69), super senior men (70-79), seasoned seniors (80+), women (59 and under), senior women (60+), the gross division, senior (50+) gross division, mid-senior (60+) gross division, and women’s gross division. There is also a “Just For Fun” flight, created for players who want to enjoy the World Am experience without the pressure of competition. After four days of play, all flight winners and ties will advance to the World Championship Playoff at TPC Myrtle Beach, an 18-hole shootout that crowns the event’s winner. While the competition initially lures players to the tournament, it’s only part of what keeps them returning. At the heart of the World Am’s appeal is the camaraderie among its participants and much of that kinship is fostered at the World’s Largest 19th Hole. Each night of the event, the 19th Hole overtakes all 120,000 square feet of the Myrtle Beach Convention Center, providing participants with free food and drinks, live entertainment, celebrity guest appearances, a golf expo and more. Among the big names that have appeared at the 19th Hole in recent years are David Feherty, Brandel Chamblee, Charlie Rymer and John Daly. Players also received a gift bag that included a polo, a pullover, a golf towel, a logo hat, a PGA Tour Superstore gift card, and an assortment of other goodies valued cumulatively at $250. For more information, please visit MyrtleBeachWorldAmateur.com. Read the full article
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stayathomesurveys · 1 year
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? I was in bed, relaxing, watching House Hunters.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? Boy Meets World.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? I think they can act annoying, yeah. But I love them so much it’s worth the occasional annoying things they may do.
Did you know that pickles have no calories? Mhm.
Do you enjoy family get togethers? Yeah.
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? Yup.
What color are your pants? Blue.
Is there snow on the ground where you are? No. It’s June and I am in Myrtle Beach...
What is keeping you warm right now? I’m actually a little chilly.
Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yeah.
How far away is your next birthday? 6 months and 19 days away.
Do you have plans for that birthday yet? No.
When did you last take a shower? A couple hours ago.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? Yeah, I’ve pretty much only flown alone except once.
Are you more serious or funny? Depends.
Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? No.
When is garbage day in your area? We don’t have garbage day. We take our trash to the dump down the road.
Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? Something that someone said.
Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? Idk. 
Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? No.
What is something you’d rather be doing right now? Eating chicken fingers. Shopping. Sleeping.
Do you find that people are too hard on you? I think I’m hardest on myself.
Do you take surveys often? Every once in a while. Not so much anymore.
Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? Sometimes.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? Yeah.
Could you vote in this last election? Yeah.
Have you taken a shower today? Yes.
How much sleep did you get last night? LIke 6 hours or so? Idk.
Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? I have no friends.
What is your current mood? Sleepy. Hungry.
Is there anything on your mind at the moment? Yeah.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? Mhm!
Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? I have, a long time ago.
Have you ever hated yourself? I do hate myself.
Are you hungry? Yup.
Did your parents ever ground you? Yeah, never lasted long.
Where was the last place you went out to eat? McDonald’s lol.
Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? Oh, of course.
Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? I just use Spotify on my phone.
Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? No.
Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? Yes and yes.
When was the last time you cleaned something? Today.
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yup.
Do you like your smile? No, it’s one of my biggest insecurities.
Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Hmm, idk.
When was the last time you doubted yourself? I always doubt myself.
Is there anything currently bothering you? Yup.
Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? No.
Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? Nik.
Are you scared of what you do not know? Somewhat.
Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Yes! I am looking forward to CCMF this weekend, going to Orlando in a couple of weeks, going to Tidal Wave Fest in Atlantic City in August, and seeing the Jonas Brothers in DC in September!
Were you/are you popular in high school? I was known by everyone and liked by everyone I guess. But I wouldn’t consider myself to be popular. I wasn’t like, getting all of the attention or getting invited to every single party or whatever. I was very shy and self conscious.
Do you really care what people think about you? Yeah, unfortunately.
Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? I do my best!
Are you constantly envious of others? Mhmmm.
Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? Stressed.
What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? I’m really worried about my health lately, and finances, going back to school, etc.
Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? Yes.
Who was the last person to compliment you? Nik.
Anything interesting happen this past week? Yeah, I guess :)
When was the last time you felt scared? Today.
What’s on your mind this very second? I’m sleepy and hungry.
Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? Yes.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? No.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? No. I like it but I’m not obsessed with it lmao.
Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? Yes.
Do you like things Vampire related? No.
Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? No.
When was the last time you saw snow? Months ago.
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? All the time.
Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Yeah.
Are your nails currently long? No. They are so short and damaged from my gel extensions :(
Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? Yeah, kinda. Depends.
Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? Short and chunky :( No matter how much I weigh/how slim I get - I always have short and stubby fingers :( One of my many insecurities lol.
Do you think your foot size fits your body type? I guess.
Are you the competitive type? Yeah.
0 notes
I kid around a lot but I am serious about needing two things for certain: the mountains and the beach. There are several things I want to do in Boone while I'm there and the first is to stop by The Comeback Shack. . Then drive down a few memory lanes.. aka drive around the town - literally - around town- (because it's a circle..) ah I'm actually laughing about this because Iykyk.. but there is one particular street I must drive by. Simply for the fact that it is one of my favorite places in the world now. Its serenity on a sunny day captivated me and made quite an impression on me in my youth. So many years ago.. The trees cast these marvelous shadows against the window shield, and the road winds at a certain angle- and if you drive too fast, or are even remotely distracted- it'll take you straight downhill. I like to think about the value in that all or nothing sort of state.
I put this song here because in 2015 I reconsidered how I was living my life. I listened to RKS all summer. I attempted to reconstruct what my version of reality could look like, if I took other people out of the equation and only committed to myself. It was a profound time for me. I did quite a bit of soul work. Quite a bit of healing. Got invited to a mediation hosted by the very Swamji I dreamed of 6months prior! I did so many things for myself that summer. Just to kind of prove, not only was I capable of the discipline to navigate whatever trajectories the path before me throws me to, but that I was capable of making others see the value in what I would like to bring forth. My first dose of relaxation came in the form of receiving an offer to publish a transcript I submitted. Now, that in itself was an eye opening crash course in "Be in the world, but not of it." . And, "Nothing you do in life is important. . But it is very important that you do it." What I mean by that, I did not want to continue down the path I felt uncomfortable on. So after meditating I only had the same ideas come to me about how to make money while still being completely free and available 24/7. . Cue my anxiety and throw in a little runners high for the motivation to finally summon the courage to submit my work, and bam- I got exactly what I wanted. I got exactly what I wanted and it still did not feel right. Why was that?! It is because, it was what I wanted, but it was just a version of what I wanted. Meaning, I had other options. Many more publishers to shop this around to. Not in an egoic way, like, "I can have any publisher I want!" No. What I am speaking of, is the fact that the we all have choices to make sometimes that will change the entire trajectory of our lives. If something is a little off, it doesn't mean you are supposed to ignore it and expect it to go away. . (It never will) Instead of ignoring the feelings when you recognize something is off, it is much more helpful to ask, what is a better version of this outcome? So for me, I could see myself giving parts of myself away to a publisher that saw something in me. Something enough to give me a chance, right? Right.. but just because one or two or a few people see our value and would like to afford us recognition of our value, we must also be astute to our value. We must know our value well enough to place borders around our standards, but not our potential. I've held off on completely finishing what I think will be a great book. I know one thing; once I get this one going, maybe I can branch out to the collection of children's books. Anyways- I just kind of feel the need to bring the energy full circle and go back to the place that taught me so many things.
Deviating from expressing my gameplan. . the beach situation has me a little thrown atm. . On a whim I decided myrtle- but like- in that, "I need a beach desperately" kind of way.. that only a place like Myrtle Beach could deliver on.. The thing is, it will be Stella's very first time at the beach. I'd rather take her to like Sullivans Island or Kiawah. Idk.
60day update- after my phone was definitely stolen and then returned I decided I'm not going to get to enjoy my laundry mat day anymore. Although I had to go to Lowe's for a carpet cleaner, and reminded myself to get a belt for the dryer- guess what I did not do while I was there?! So that's great. I will do that tmrw and I will have at least one thing to be accomplished abt. So that and some spray paint for the mini-projects I need to finish- weather permitting. i think, so far, the biggest takeaway I think I've gotten with this challenge, is that things really can change in just a single moment. Not like, an actual single moment- but like, many moments - are are suddenly realized in a moment-
one moment today caused me to reconsider why I am suddenly ready to do things that apparently I have had time for in the past. I'm really spring cleaning right now- everything around me- including myself, my mind, my body- all of it, ya know? .. so I'm really digging here and I have been all year. So I keep having these run ins with the past. Some of it is pleasant. Like, opening a suitcase and seeing old clothes I haven't seen in a while.. that's pleasant. But some other things I run into, are not so pleasant. I like to think I refrain from suppressing much, and that is exactly what allows me to bring forth the proper balance into my life. But sometimes, some things, cause you to recognize something for what it is. Or, what it is not, and never could be. Something is really looking and I cannot make out what it is to save my life. It's so subtle- but something is on the way- and for several months now, I've only been made aware of this because it's energetic signature is so profound, I can't not feel it. Can't not expect it. . I also can not put my finger on it! Honestly I think it's going to be something good, but then when I meditate on what it will be, there is cause for concern. So I'm stranded. The only thing that I'm allowed to know, is that something is on its way. Whichever way it goes, preparing is pivotal in casting a strong foundation- within the mind and within emotions. Mastery of those never sits idle for too long.
I have got to stop being so afraid to make decisions. I say that, and go to employ my decision making skills, and something always goes awry.
I think what usually causes my discomfort is the expression of dismay in someones face when they do not like what I have to say.
this is a lot and I am a lot. There is a lot going on right now. I have a lot of projects in my mind and in reality and I just love that I get this quiet little space here to kind of just dump everything that I am trying to sort out.. or need to sort out .. but don't want to forget to sort out. What I should really be doing is putting my appointments here as a reminder so I don't miss anymore of them!
I guess before my birthday I will schedule that schtupid eye exam and get those schtupid glasses that I swear to God I will either lose or break by way of Stella stealing them, or me dropping them and then stepping on them in my haste to pick them up..
ugh and ah
that's right
I'm repulsed and excited
but mostly sleepy
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womensecretinfo · 1 year
Del Webb North Myrtle Beach
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Hello Friends, today I am gonna share an excellent article on ‘del webb north myrtle beach’. Let’s wander to the coast of South Carolina, where the sun shines bright and the ocean sings a gentle lullaby. Amidst the sea breeze and the sound of waves lies a haven of happiness, Del Webb Beach. A retirement community that offers a luxurious lifestyle with all the amenities one could dream of. So, let's dive deep and explore this paradise by the sea. The Beginning of Del Webb North Myrtle Beach The History of Del Webb Once upon a time, a dream was born, a vision of luxury and leisure by the sea. Del Webb, a name synonymous with innovation and excellence, set out to create a paradise for retirees, where they could bask in the sun's warm glow and feel the ocean's salt spray. And so, Del Beach became a haven of happiness that continues to enchant and delight all who come to its shores. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a premier retirement community, the history of Del Beach is one of passion, perseverance, and purpose, a tale that will inspire and uplift your soul. The Location of Del Webb North Myrtle Beach Behold the beauty of Del Beach, nestled in the heart of the South Carolina coast, where the waves caress the shore, and the sun kisses your skin. Surrounded by natural wonders, this beautiful retirement community is a gateway to a world of adventure and excitement. From strolling along the white sandy beaches to exploring the historic city of North Myrtle Beach, there's no shortage of things to do and see. So come, let the sea breeze carry you to this magical place, where the location is as perfect as the lifestyle. The Idea Behind Del Webb North Myrtle Beach Listen closely, and you'll hear the whisper of a dream that gave birth to Del Beach. It was a dream of creating a place where retirees could live life to the fullest and enjoy the finer things in life, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share their passion for living. Del Myrtle Beach, was built on the foundation of this dream, a vision of luxury, comfort, and community. A place where retirees could feel at home and savor the beauty of life and the blessings of nature. Let this dream become your reality at Myrtle Beach. The Amenities of Del Webb North Myrtle Beach Behold the splendour of North Myrtle Beach, where luxury and leisure come together to create a paradise unlike any other. A place where every amenity has been crafted with care and thought, designed to cater to your every need and desire. Enter the Grand Clubhouse, a place of warmth and welcome, where laughter and friendship fill the air. This magnificent facility is the heart of the community, where residents can come together and celebrate the joy of living. The Fitness and Wellness Center is the perfect destination for those seeking wellness and vitality. From yoga to Zumba, this state-of-the-art facility offers a range of fitness programs to cater to your every need. And when it's time to unwind and indulge, the Swimming Pools and Spa beckon, a place of tranquillity and relaxation. The cool waters will soothe your soul, and the expert spa treatments will refresh and rejuvenate you. Del Beach has a range of Sports and Game Courts for sports enthusiasts, perfect for those who love to stay active and competitive. And if you're looking to explore nature and enjoy some fresh air, the Community Garden and Trails are the perfect escape. But wait, there's more. The Beach Club is an exclusive oceanfront facility where the sun, sand, and sea combine to create an unforgettable experience. And for golfing enthusiasts, Del Beach offers top-rated courses that cater to players of all levels. So come, let the amenities of North Myrtle Beach enchant and delight you. A world of luxury, comfort, and community awaits. The Lifestyle of Del Webb North Myrtle Beach Clubs and Activities Unleash the power of community living at Del Beach, where clubs and activities abound. From fitness to arts, and everything in between, ignite your passions and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests. Let the magic of Myrtle Beach transform your life. Social Events and Gatherings At Myrtle Beach, life is a celebration, and social events and gatherings are the heart of it all. The community comes together from festive parties to intimate dinners to create lasting memories and build meaningful connections. Whether you're looking to meet new people or enjoy the company of old friends, the social events and gatherings at North Myrtle Beach are sure to leave you feeling happy, fulfilled, and part of a vibrant and loving community. Volunteer Opportunities Experience the joy of giving back at Del Webb Beach, where volunteer opportunities abound. From local charities to community initiatives, there are endless ways to make a difference and touch the lives of those around you. Discover the magic of selflessness and connect with a network of like-minded individuals who share your passion for making the world a better place. Let the Del Webb Beach volunteer opportunities enrich your soul and ignite your spirit. The Neighborhood Lifestyle Experience the magic of neighborhood living at Del Webb Beach, where the lifestyle is a seamless blend of comfort, convenience, and community. Explore the natural beauty of the surrounding area, take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque streets, or simply relax in the warm embrace of your beautiful home. Whatever your heart desires, the Del Beach neighborhood lifestyle will surely delight, enchant, and inspire you every day. The Surrounding Area of Del Webb North Myrtle Beach The City of North Myrtle Beach Experience the allure of coastal living in the charming city of North Myrtle Beach, where the warm sun, sandy beaches, and breathtaking ocean views are just the beginning. Indulge in a world of adventure, entertainment, and relaxation, with endless dining, shopping, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Let the city of North Myrtle Beach enchant and captivate your heart, and discover the perfect place to call home at Del Beach. The Beach and Water Activities Immerse yourself in the beauty of the ocean and the thrill of water activities at Del Beach. From lounging on the sandy shores to kayaking, boating, and more, there are endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Experience the magic of coastal living and let the beach and water activities at Del Beach fill your soul with joy and wonder. The Local Dining and Shopping Discover a world of culinary delights and shopping experiences in the vibrant city of North Myrtle Beach. Indulge in delectable dishes, from fresh seafood to international cuisine, and explore many boutique shops, galleries, and more. Let the local dining and shopping scene at Del Webb North Myrtle Beach inspire and enchant you and discover a world of endless possibilities. The Nearby Attractions and Entertainment Embark on a journey of exploration and excitement with the nearby attractions and entertainment options in North Myrtle Beach. From amusement parks and golf courses to live music and theater performances, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Let the nearby attractions and entertainment at Del Webb North Myrtle Beach ignite your spirit, inspire your soul, and discover the magic of coastal living. The Benefits of Living in Del Webb North Myrtle Beach The Sense of Community At Del Webb North Myrtle Beach, the community isn't just a word; it's a way of life. Experience the warmth, friendliness, and camaraderie of a tight-knit community where neighbors become friends and memories are made for a lifetime. Let the sense of community at Del Webb North Myrtle Beach fill your heart with joy and belonging, and discover the perfect place to call home. The Active and Healthy Lifestyle At Del Webb North Myrtle Beach, an active and healthy lifestyle is at the heart of everything we do. From fitness and wellness programs to sports and outdoor activities, we encourage and empower our residents to live their best lives. Let the active and healthy lifestyle at Del Webb North Myrtle Beach inspire and invigorate you, and discover a world of endless possibilities for your mind, body, and soul. The Peace of Mind At Del Webb North Myrtle Beach, peace of mind comes naturally. Their gated community and dedicated staff let you rest and enjoy life. Del Webb North Myrtle Beach offers worry-free living and peace of mind. The Luxury and Comfort Del Webb Beach is more than a home—it's a spectacular and comfortable sanctuary you'll never want to leave. Modern residences, luxury facilities, and top-notch services make every day a holiday. Discover refined living in this Beach's luxury and comfort. FAQs: Q1. Who can live in Del Webb North Myrtle Beach? This Beach, is designed for active adults aged 55 and over. Del Beach, welcomes all who are seeking a vibrant and active lifestyle in a resort-style community. Whether you're retired, semi-retired, or just looking for a change, our community is designed to cater to your needs and desires. Come join our friendly and welcoming community, and start living your dream life today. Q2. How many homes are in Del Myrtle Beach? Nestled in the heart of North Myrtle Beach, Del Webb offers a wide variety of beautiful homes to choose from. With over 500 stunning homes ranging from cozy cottages to spacious villas, there is a home to suit every lifestyle and taste. Immerse yourself in the comfort and luxury of this Beach, and make your dream home a reality. Q3. What are the fees associated with living in Del Webb North Myrtle Beach? Experience luxury living without worries; Del Beach has a monthly HOA fee that covers access to exclusive amenities and maintenance services. It's worth every penny for the priceless memories you'll make. Q4. Can visitors stay in Del Webb North Myrtle Beach? Visitors are always welcome to experience the Del Beach lifestyle. Yes, visitors can stay with homeowners for up to 30 days. However, the community adheres to specific guidelines for longer stays to ensure residents' privacy and security. Contact their friendly team to learn more about our visitor policy and explore the community's wonders. Q5. Are pets allowed in Del Webb North Myrtle Beach? Furry pets are cherished members of many households, and they are warmly welcomed at Del Webb North Myrtle Beach! Residents with a pet-friendly policy can share their homes and outdoor areas with their beloved pets while reaping the benefits of living in a vibrant and pet-friendly community.So pack your pet's bags and join at Del Beach, where every family member is valued and included! Conclusion In summary, Del Webb North Myrtle Beach is a true paradise for active adults seeking a vibrant community, luxurious amenities, and a healthy lifestyle. From the sparkling beaches to the thriving social scene, there's something for everyone in this idyllic neighborhood. Take your chance to join this Beach family and experience the ultimate in retirement living. Read the full article
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theswampartist · 2 years
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I took this photo years ago at Second Avenue Pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I was in tech school at the time, and wanted some sunrise/sunset shots for practice. This twig of a senior graciously allowed me to photograph him while he worked his line for flounder. It was early morning in winter, and my fingers froze trying to get this shot right. 
As I look back on my life, I see the simple things I grew up with and that I enjoyed, and I long to get back the uncomplicated elements that eased the tension of the world off my back. I miss fishing, gardening, reading (more than I do now), taking long walks in the woods, camping, swimming, and just laying on my back, gazing at clouds in a blue sky. 
I started crafting for Christmas, and although I thought I had decent marketing platforms, a website, decent creations, and the earnest to back it up; I found it lacking attention from potential clients. As I am sitting here, trying to pull back from the despair of not selling anything for the Holidays to help pay rent or make bills, I am struck with the pains that maybe my art isn’t getting noticed because it isn’t my normal style of art. It doesn’t have that extra “me” in each piece. 
So, I’ve scrapped my crafts that were for sale, and I’m working on two art pieces, one recent, one not, that I will show even as I look to re-enter the meat factory that is the “regular” workforce. My art will be displayed as I create them on my own time, with no regard to if they will sell or not. I want my art to reflect who and what I am, and have that same energy put into it as I put into waking up before sunrise in mid-winter, drove across the county and froze as I knelt to get that perfect photograph. 
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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W.10.12.2022 9.17pm
Just some of my shazam's from 10.9-12.2022.
My musical tastes are all over the board. 😂😎
Heck, I'd love to learn the 'Shag' dance style. Not sure it's even taught in Myrtle Beach, SC, its birthplace anymore!
[Figured a simple list is easier, & the whole thing!]
1- Girl Like You
Jason Aldean
2- Crazy Girl
Eli Young Band
3- Aw Naw
Chris Young
4- Runnin' outta Moonlight
Randy Houser
5- Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Glen Miller & His orchestra
6- They can't take that away from me
Frank Sinatra
7- All I really need is the girl
Frank Sinatra & Duke Ellington
8- Until I found you
Stephen Sanchez
9- what a wonderful world
Louis Armstrong
10- No Body
Blake Shelton
11- Somebody like you
Keith Urban
12- Thank God
Kane [& Katelynn] Brown
13- Born
Over The Rhine
14- Worth a Shot
Ellen King & Dierks Bentley
15- Hard to Love
Lee Brice
16- She Likes It
Russell Dickerson & Jake Scott
17- Steady Heart
Kameron Marlowe
18- Can't Have Mine
Dylan Scott
19- Remember When
Alan Jackson
20- You make my dreams
Darrell Hall & John Oates
21- Anywhere with you
Jake Owen
22- I can love you like that
John Michael Montgomery
23- Who I am with you
Chris Young
24- Four Boots
Hayley Jensen
[Clayton Bellamy & The Congregation]
25- Die from a broken heart
Maddie & Tae
26- Fly
Maddie & Tae
27- One of them girls
Lee Brice
28- Fancy Like
Walker Hayes
29- Remind Me
Carrie Underwood & Brad Paisley
30- Ridin' Roads
Dustin Lynch
Enjoy the tunes!
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God's Plans & Time.
As He gives me the gut instincts "t, hold onto your tater tots! Pull up your cheekies cause baby girl, you be goin' for a ride girlie!" 🙄🤨🤦‍♀���🤷‍♀️
Cause I have no freakin' idea but my instincts are screaming at me to hold on, do the work, & God will make it happen, the way He wants it to. Period.
So. I believe.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
I work & await.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
W.10.12.2022 10.28pm est.
Some neat "music" gifs out there!
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
Tyler’s stuff
@tragiclyhip​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @secretaryunpaid​
Down at the beach with the littles, and caught Brookie ‘in the moment’.  So beautiful, just like her mumma.  And it made me think about how damn lucky I am.  A guy with all my issues and all my baggage, somehow meeting the most incredible woman in the world and getting a second chance at life.  And what an amazing life it is.
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Shared with permission.  My brave and beautiful, Me. During our scare in NYC.  Came way too close to losing and my baby.  But she got through it and our little guy turned out to be as strong, resilient, and bad ass as his mumma.
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Nugget on our very first family trip.  Way back when we lived in Colorado.   Packed everyone up and headed to Myrtle Beach for the weeks. First time the boys had ever seen sand and the ocean.  And it must as well have been for Millie.  Last time she’d been to the beach in Australia, she was all of two months old.
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Well hellllooooo....
A little more cushion for the pushin’ am I right?
I mean, look how beautiful my wife is.  And look at my handiwork on display.
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“Dad, will you help me practice for baseball?”
Doesn’t matter what I’m doing.  I could have a hundred client meetings booked up and no time to even take a piss, but I’m shelving it all to be with my kids. Life is way too short and unpredictable to not put the most important things first.
On a more humorous, Gingerbread is the ‘odd man out’. Every time where out with all the kids, Me and I get asked if he’s adopted. And despite my joking that he actually belongs to the cable guy back in Telluride, he was one hundred percent ours. And is the spitting image of my mum.
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Throwback:  Fresh out of the hot tub after we took a little soak together.  Look at that little face...
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Wife and I took a little trip up to The Kimberley to check on the renos on the old cabin.  Spend three days camping out in the outback.  How’s that for a view?
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The wife sent me this.  Maybe I do see the resemblance lol
#MiniMe  #cantdenythatone
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Out for lunch with The OG Baby Rake.
Now if she could just stop growing up. She just told me mum said to take her for a training bra.
I think I just aged forty years.
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I told him that’s the perfect outfit for being the shark sacrifice for today
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One of my fave pics EVER. Taken by my good mate Andy.  How beautiful is she? How lucky am I?
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2021dreambody · 4 years
This probably won’t get much attention but the most triggering thing happened to me Sunday and it put back into a really dark place. So some background, i was diagnosed with an Ed when I was 17 and I am now 20 and I never considered myself recovered but I stopped going to therapy and for awhile I didn’t consider myself to have my ed anymore as I was eating healthy amounts of food and wasn’t starving myself anymore but I’d still count calories I just just wasn’t working out or in a binge/purge cycle. This lasted two years, at my starting weight I was 211 pounds and when I reached 140 I was comfortable with myself and slowly stopped taking fat burners and only drinking water and a bunch of other things that I did. I built up confidence in those 2 years, a lot of it. It took forever to get to where I was and yesterday this one situation ruined it all. I was out eating with my boyfriend, we were on a trip at Myrtle beach and I ordered a veggie burger and it was so so good. I was a little bloated though because I did drink heavily the night before so I unbuttoned my pants. When I go out to eat with my girlfriends they’re 120 pounds and they unbuttons their pants when they’re bloated at restaurants and no one says shit but I guess because I’m bigger I do get that freedom. My own waitress and the hostess of the restaurant went into a corner (made sure I could see them) and gawked at me and laughed at me and the hostess even said I wouldn’t have to unbutton my pants if I was skinnier. That broke me on the inside. I went out and got fat burners today and also got my gym membership back. I haven’t really ate much since Sunday. I honestly stopped eating my food after they laughed at me and got the manger but I just feel so defeated. And mad. Very very very mad. At myself for letting this happen. And I’m mad for thinking that too. I just wish the situation never happened. And I also wish the world wasn’t so judgmental because those girls had no clue they were pushing me back to the dark place that I worked so hard to get out of. Thanks if you read this far. Just had to let something out.
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