#My thoughts are always more toward to you
cherienymphe · 1 day
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
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Father Charlie Mayhew x Reader
Warnings: NON-CON, mentions of prostitution, mentions of infidelity
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies 
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summary: turning your life around is easier said than done when you tempt the very man meant to lead you to salvation.
“Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”
The familiar words tumbled from your lips, and your gaze remained on your lap, eyes following your finger as you traced patterns into the solid black skirt on your frame. It kissed your ankle as you shifted your feet, and the reminder of the long fabric had you swallowing down less than gentle thoughts. You slowly reached up to touch the collar of your shirt, eyes briefly falling closed as you cleared your throat.
You’d spent hours agonizing over how you’d leave the house…
“It has been seven days since my last confession. These are my sins.”
Like clockwork, you listed the time you cursed for some accident or another and the time you took the Lord’s name in vain and the brief impure thought about that attractive man you’d seen in the grocery store. Every week, it was the same. Sins that you yourself would never have considered as such months ago that you were now hyper aware of. They climbed out of your throat seamlessly, remembering every single one until only one was left.
The silence between you and the man just on the other side of that wall stretched—a familiar occurrence—and you took your lip between your teeth. You could taste blood as you worried it, swallowing it down before clearing your throat again. You smoothed your hand over your skirt, and you furiously blinked, struggling to blink away the tears that had started to collect. As you sat in silence, you wondered why you were trying so hard to impress people that had already written you off?
“I’ve had…some hateful thoughts as well.”
You struggled to get the words out, always struck by just how emotional this made you. You looked up towards the ceiling, eyes roaming, and you hadn’t even realized that your breathing had started to pick up until he spoke.
Father Mayhew.
“Take your time,” he gently encouraged. “Speak when you are ready.”
It wasn’t the first time you’d heard those words, recalling your first ever confessional and how you’d cried. It was as embarrassing now as it was then, but it was necessary. You were determined to live differently now—to be different, now.
“Although I have abandoned my former life and…occupation…” you thought you heard him shift. “...I feel as if I will never truly be forgiven for it.”
You swiped your tongue between your lips.
“...will never be accepted.”
You recalled the eyes that often found their way to you during mass—the judgment, the disdain, the way in which some stared at you as if they didn’t know how to place you. 
Every sunday it was the same. You’d wake up and agonize over how to present yourself in a place as holy as this. You’d fret that this skirt was too short and that dress was too tight. You’d fiddle with your hair for far too long and every lipstick you wiped off would stain your lips a little more than the last. You were constantly at a crossroad, torn between wanting to look nice for church and concerned about looking like…well…a whore.
You struggled to swallow.
“I see the way they look at me,” you eventually whispered, staring at nothing. “I can’t hear what they whisper, but I know it’s about me.”
You touched your throat, hating how tight it felt.
You didn’t want to use that word, but it was the only word that was appropriate. It made you sad, and you often wondered why you kept returning to a place that made you sad. Surely a church wasn’t necessary to ‘find God’...right? You didn’t think so, but you had wanted to start somewhere, and considering that none of your friends even owned a bible, they had been of no help. Stepping foot into a place that had only ever served to be ominous and oppressive in your eyes was the most terrifying thing you’d ever done.
…but then you had laid eyes on Father Mayhew.
He’d been the only one in the church at the time, and you would never forget the curious glint in his dark gaze. You’d had no doubt that he could see you were scared and unsure and in an environment you were wholly unused to. You’d appreciated the gentle way in which he talked to you, guiding you towards a pew in the front as you asked him questions that some people had answers to their entire lives. He hadn’t treated you like you were stupid, but more importantly, he hadn’t treated you like you didn’t belong.
You were willing to bet that he hadn’t even known about you then.
Although, months later, you were willing to bet that he did now…even though you’d never told him.
“Humans are flawed,” his smooth voice reached your ears through the wall. “We all fall short—even the most devout of us—and we find ourselves falling prey to the temptation of judgment…pride…lust…”
You intently listened. After all, he’d never said these words to you before, always giving you some speech about God’s love trumping all.
“I have no doubt that it is trying, but I am sure you will come to give them grace for their sins just as they will give you grace for yours. We are all God’s children striving to lead a life in his image��”
His voice lowered at that, and you frowned slightly, looking towards the wall and thinking to yourself that he almost seemed to be talking to himself now.
“He wants his children to love one another, a feat that is not without difficulty I’m sure you know…” that actually made you hold back a chuckle. “...but God’s love is powerful and he always grants forgiveness to those who genuinely yearn and ask for it.”
At that, you did smile.
You told him that you were truly sorry for your sins, and he told you to say ten Hail Mary’s, and you stepped out of the confessional feeling better than you did thirty minutes ago. You didn’t know how long the feeling would last though, and so you wanted to hold onto it for as long as you could, but you knew from experience that was easier said than done.
You touched the crucifix around your neck as you stepped out of your building.
It had once belonged to your mother, and despite how long she’d been gone and how down on your luck you’d been ever since, you could never quite find it in you to pawn it. It was real gold—probably the only real piece of jewelry you ever owned—but you just couldn’t do it, and you supposed that you were never meant to. Despite the many years you’d lived life as the complete opposite of a God fearing woman…it felt right sitting just below your collarbone.
Even if many would not agree.
You were no stranger to several men in this town—and the ones who often passed through on their truck routes—but that had not stopped you from seeking solace and guidance from a place you’d never stepped foot into in your life. You couldn’t lie and say it didn’t feel…strange to be in the same building as some of the men you’d serviced before, their wives and children at their side as they furiously avoided making eye contact with you. It felt even worse to watch the way the women would congregate together after church, excluding you all the while talking about you.
It felt somewhat pathetic for your only ally in the place to be the priest.
Although you sometimes wondered how true that was these days. You’d never once confessed that you used to be a prostitute—although the kids called it sex work these days—but you weren’t stupid. As godly and devout as they claimed to be, you knew that the church was filled with gossip and there was no telling who’d let it slip to the dark haired man. You knew when he knew though…
…because he looked at you different.
It wasn’t a bad different—thank God for that—but just…different, and while it wasn’t necessarily bad, you still didn’t think you liked it. Confession—being anonymous—never allowed for you to tell him your name, and considering you’d only ever spoken to him once outside of confession months ago, you didn’t know if he ever knew it was you he was talking to. You didn’t know if he knew that the woman he spoke so gently with each week and listened to cry on the other side of some window was the same woman who often shrunk under his heavy gaze as he looked down on his congregation.
You never felt like he was judging you, no, but you also never felt like he was looking at you as he did that first day, a gentle curiosity in his eyes. He wasn’t your friend—far from it in fact—but he felt like the closest thing you had to one in this church, and so you often forced yourself to find excuses for it. He watches you because he wants to make sure you’re settling in okay. He watches you to observe how other members of the church are treating you. He watches you because he’s wondering if you’ll ever come to confession, convincing yourself that he’s never recognized your voice all this time.
That is why he watches you, you told yourself.
No other reason. 
“You always come to pray at least three times a week…”
The familiar voice startled you as you stood, hand lowering as you’d just finished signing the cross. Your hand was still on your chest as you turned to face him, a small smile on your lips as he stood directly in the center of the aisle. You hadn’t even heard him make a single sound, and you wondered how long he’d been standing there.
He slowly returned your smile with one of his own, although it was smaller, and the silent way in which he stared at you reminded you that he’d said something to you. 
“Yes,” you finally said, moving away from the altar. “It helps with…um…really everything.”
He blinked at you, and you noticed that a strand of his hair was threatening to go rogue. He always looked so neat and perfect that it was hard to miss. Father Mayhew was handsome—if anyone had seen enough men to know it was you—but he was handsome in a way that you would categorize as flawless. Divine even. In a way that was untouchable and only meant to be admired in the most innocent of appreciation. 
He slowly nodded at your response, and you didn’t miss the way he studied you—dark eyes drinking you in and taking note of every stylistic choice you’d made today.
“You know, I think I might see your face far more than those who have been coming here for years,” he lightly told you, a slight laugh on his lips.
You laughed with him, only offering him a shrug.
“I’m still new. I’m sure it just seems that way because you aren’t used to seeing me.”
He started to shake his head before you could even finish talking, and you watched him move closer.
“No,” he murmured—so low you almost didn't hear him. “I think you are perhaps my most…devout congregant.”
He touched your crucifix as he said this, dark eyes tracing the shape of it, and he was so close that you could smell his cologne. You blinked at the scent, finding it strange to know that he wore cologne. It shouldn’t be strange, you supposed, but you realized then that you didn’t quite view priests—view him—as human. As normal…
His eyes lifted then to finally connect with yours, and a crooked smile danced along his pink lips.
“It’s admirable,” he whispered. “More of my congregation could stand to follow your lead.”
You couldn’t ignore the way your chest bloomed at those words, almost hating how much validation you wanted from this place. Validation that you were a good person…you weren’t who you used to be…that you were worthy of something more, you didn’t know. It just felt relieving to hear such a compliment from Father Mayhew when no one else in the church would even give you a chance.
“Thank you, Father,” you quietly replied to him. “That means a lot to me.”
You watched him slowly inhale as he dropped his hand, and he seemed even slower to step out of your way. When you walked past him, you could feel his gaze on you—always watching—and you smiled when he called out to you, telling you that he looked forward to seeing you on Sunday.
No one was more sad than you when you had to disappoint him.
An unexpected cold had you bedridden for days, and while you knew that an illness was a perfectly valid excuse to miss church, you couldn’t swallow down the disappointment. You hadn’t missed a single Sunday since you first started going, and you thought to yourself that the first thing you’d do when you returned was explain your absence to Father Mayhew.
You had never anticipated him showing up at your door to get it himself.
No one ever knocked on your door these days, so the sound had taken you by surprise. Your friends—while supportive of the direction your life had taken—didn’t quite understand it and so you didn’t see them as often, and as for anyone else… Well, there wasn’t anyone else who would come knocking on your door. You didn’t do that anymore so no customers were going to be greeting you on the other side with their money in their hand and an eager grin on their lips, and you doubted any of the women in town would want to sit down for a chat anytime soon.
Your shock at Father Mayhew’s presence was all over your face.
“Father,” you stated, the lilt in your voice hinting at your surprise.
He looked just as you were used to seeing him—clerical collar still on, not a hair out of place, and a hint of a smile on those pink lips. You stood there gaping at him for all of five seconds before it struck you how rude you were probably being.
“I…I’m so sorry. Um…come in,” you told him, stepping out of the way and widening the gap in the doorway.
He didn’t respond nor move right away, looking past you into your small house with a look in his gaze that you couldn’t name. If he were anyone else, you might worry that he was judging where you lived. You watched his jaw briefly tighten, a noticeable strain in his face, and it only just occurred to you that maybe this wasn’t appropriate? Although you were positive you’d heard of priests and pastors visiting the sick before, and while you certainly weren’t on your deathbed, you didn’t see why this would be different.
Before you could say another word though, his foot crossed the threshold, and you closed the door behind him.
“I do apologize for the unexpected visit,” he said to you, gazing around before his eyes landed on you again. “...but when I noticed that mass was absent of a face I’d grown to look forward to, I became concerned.”
You couldn’t stop your smile at his words
“Oh,” you softly said. “Well, there’s no need to be concerned. It’s just a small cold that will be gone in a day or two.”
You watched him exhale at that, nodding to himself, and you studied him, surprised to see that he looked genuinely relieved at that.
“I’m glad to hear that’s all it is…”
At that, your brows furrowed, and you watched him slowly walk about your living room.
“I had feared that some of your fellow church goers had scared you off.”
Your lips parted at his words, and he turned and looked at you.
“They often fall into the temptation of judgment, after all…”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you didn’t know how to react with the knowledge that he knew it was you who came to see him once a week. You’d only spoken to him face to face twice, and you swallowed, looking away.
“I thought it would be a shame if they scared you off,” he confessed, and you noted that he was closer now. “I wondered what I would have to do to convince you to come back. Drag you, perhaps.”
You gave a soft laugh at that, although he didn’t join you, and it awkwardly faded. He stared at you in silence for what felt like a long time, and just when you were considering asking him if he wanted anything to drink, he reached out to touch the crucifix around your neck again.
“So devout,” he quietly said to himself. “It almost makes me ashamed…”
At that, you gave a heavy laugh, wondering how you could ever shame a priest.
“...because I see why they flocked to your door…money in hand.”
His gaze lifted as he said that, and you were still as you both just stared at each other. His words made you blink, and you were suddenly very aware of his hand practically on you. You couldn’t stop the slight frown that fell over your face, and for the first time in months—since you first stepped foot into that church—you felt…wrong.
“I see why their eyes trace every inch of you when you’re not looking…as if to relive the memory of what you felt like—tasted like.”
You finally took a step back, hand coming up to cover your necklace as if protecting it from his touch.
“What memories they must have of you…”
You wrapped your other arm around yourself, mind whirling to reconcile the man before you with the same man who’d always been so welcoming and gentle. Not once did you ever think he judged you for your past, and you supposed that you were right, but not once did you ever think he also might…
You hadn’t done that in over a year, but had it really escaped you so quickly that a seemingly devout man was still…a man?
“Father, I think you should-.”
“I don’t say any of this to offend you,” he interrupted, tilting his head. “I say it because I fight the urge to touch you every time you’re in my presence.”
You moved by him to make your way to the door, but like an ever present shadow you only just noticed, he was close behind.
“You can cover up as much as you’d like—wear skirts down to your ankle and shirts up to your chin…” his hand on the door halted your movements. 
You felt his chest just barely grazing your back, and his lips followed suit, the softness of them brushing against your ear as he spoke. That familiar cologne invaded your senses.
“...but none of it can hide the temptation you pose by merely existing.”
You shrunk away from him at that, tears in your eyes as he verbalized the same fears you had every time you walked into the building. You flinched when his lips touched the back of your neck, heart dropping to your stomach, but you reached for the door handle anyway.
“Father, I’d like you to leave-.”
Your words were cut off by your own sharp scream, taken aback by the feel of his fingers harshly pressing into the skin of your throat. His hand rested on the back of your neck, and you pressed your hand to the door when his lips grazed your cheek.
“They’re all like rabid dogs…just waiting to pounce,” he mused against your skin, sliding between you and the door and forcing you further into your house with every step. “Just waiting for you to give up this charade and go back to taking their money for a quick fuck.”
You blinked, and a few tears escaped.
“...but they don’t know you like I know you.”
He grinned against your cheek, and you winced as he lightly nipped at the skin there.
“They don’t know that you come to church at least thrice a week to light candles and pray…”
You were full on sobbing now, and you could feel the cool metal of his ring against the back of your neck.
“They don’t know that you never miss your weekly confession, telling me every time you so much as say the Lord’s name in vain.”
His free hand was reaching for the buttons of your shirt, popping them open one by one, and you gasped when his fingers finally met skin. He dipped his head, mouth finding the skin of your shoulder and collarbone interesting before his hand searched for your wrist.
“They don’t know that you are the most pious woman to walk through those doors,” he purred, pressing gentle kisses to the inside of your wrist. “...and that I just want to ruin you for it.”
When his hand dipped between your legs, you were quick to try and stop him, still wincing at the tight grip on the back of your neck. Father Mayhew made a noise of disapproval, and your hand faltered when he harshly bit your shoulder.
“We are…and always will be…sinners…”
Once his fingers were inside of you, it was like the point of no return. You found it funny that he likened the men in church to that of rabid dogs when he himself was behaving like the very thing he used to insult them. When your knees buckled, he followed—one arm around you and holding you in place while the fingers on his other hand curved into you.
Every thrust of his fingers made you wetter—embarrassingly so—and when he pulled your head back, he forced a kiss onto your lips. He swallowed down your whimpers and noises of protest, a moan escaping him as he tasted the inside of your mouth. With him so close to you, you could feel the muscles and contours of his frame beneath his clothes, and you were forced to recognize your predicament and his strength and what that meant for you.
When you were face to face with him again, his hair was nowhere near as neat as it was when he first walked through your door. His pink lips were swollen and reddened from kissing you and dragging over your skin. Your pajama top had long been discarded, the bottoms long ripped and pulled off of you. Father Mayhew’s—Charlie—clerical collar was long gone, his shirt pulled open and hanging off of him.
You recalled the way your mouth had parted into an ‘O’ shape when the head of his cock finally dipped into you, stretching you with every inch and making your heart momentarily stop. His hand covered a breast, the feel of his ring cooling that singular part of your skin, the rest of you so overheated. His other hand was wrapped around your throat, and you clawed at his hand as he fucked you.
The sound of skin slapping against skin was loud in your tiny home, the only sound to rival it being his harsh grunts and your strained voice. Any fight that you’d put up had been quickly squashed down, shown in the harshest manner just how strong your priest was. You hated how good it felt, hated that you didn’t want this but was now forced to enjoy it. Nevermind the fact that you hadn’t enjoyed sex for the act itself in years…
…but of all people to find yourself in this predicament with.
Father Mayhew’s hands never stayed in one place for long. He seemed determined to touch every part of you he could get his hands on, lips tasting the saltiness of your skin. Sweat clung to your frame and his, his fingers sliding over you as he kneaded your thighs and your waist and your chest. Every time you reminded yourself how wrong this was, he’d push his cock into you to the hilt, and you’d involuntarily throw your head back.
You could feel your crucifix pressing into your skin, and your eyes watered.
“I must admit that I was—am—jealous,” he dragged out, voice hoarse and throaty and wholly unlike how you were used to hearing him. “Your devotion to God inspires an envy within me that I never knew existed.”
You took note of the scars on his back underneath your fingers.
“...a desire to have you completely devoted to me,” he bit out, covering your lips with his own. “You so desperately desire forgiveness and acceptance…and all the things you didn’t think you were worthy of having.”
He harshly thrust into you, making you gasp.
“...and I can give that to you,” he whispered into the kiss.
The power behind his thrusts had you scratching at both his back and the floor, eyes squeezing shut at the way his fingers dug into your skin. It was like he was both holding you to him and trying to prevent you from ever walking away. Your chest arched up into his as you gasped, choked whimpers climbing out of your throat with every push of his hips. He growled against your skin as his lips traveled to your neck, the sound almost demonic to your ears.
When you came around him—your first orgasm in over a year—you couldn’t swallow down the noise it forced out of you. You could feel blood beneath your nails and a slickness on the inside of your thighs, but all the while Father Mayhew didn’t stop.
With one hand pressed against the floor, he pushed himself up to look down at you. His free hand slid up your sweaty frame, coming up to wrap around the crucifix that rested against your skin. He tightened his hold around it, and he pulled on it, forcing you to lift your head and meet him halfway for a kiss.
“I want you just as eager to get on your knees for me…”
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in-class-daydreams · 3 days
Imagine ex-husband Geto makes it his mission to rile you up every time he sees you, but damn if he wasn't still stupid hot, even while antagonizing you.
This had to be the longest elevator ride ever.
You bet he's still using that ridiculous 14,000 yen maintenance shampoo. His hair is long and lush and it falls to frame his face just perfectly. His features were crafted by the heavens finer than the emperor's silk robes, but all that was ruined by, well, his entire personality.
"Daddy sent you on an errand again, huh?" Suguru asked mockingly. "What a sweet child you are, doing as he asks all the time."
"Bite me," you reply.
"I have. You seemed to enjoy it."
Fate dealt you a cruel hand when it forced you into the same tiny elevator as your ex-husband. What was he even doing at the courthouse, anyway?
"You know full well that I do have a day job, even if my father requires a good portion of my time," you reply tersely.
The nameplate outside your office door - arguably one of your most prized possessions - read your full name and in carefully etched letters underneath: "Prosecutor."
There were plenty of violent crimes that straddled a fine line between civilian and jujutsu jurisdiction. Your job was to ensure the due process of any such case in the gray while maintaining the barrier between the two societies.
This job was your life's dream, and having Suguru in the building brought back bittersweet memories.
"What are you even doing here?" you ask, facing the elevator doors and willing the machine to hurry up.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm testifying in court," he replies.
No jujutsu-related case reaches this court without you knowing, regardless of whether or not you're on the case yourself.
"You're not my witness," you say lightly.
"No, I'm not," he says with a sly smile.
So, the defense decided to bring in a special grade instructor as a witness. They're more desperate than you thought.
"Lucky me," Suguru says. "I do love watching you talk."
"Yeah, well, I love it when you shut the hell up," you snap.
Suguru takes a step into your personal space and you fight the urge to turn towards him. Of course he smells good. He always does - like incense and his favorite cologne with a smidge of that expensive shampoo.
"You want me to shut up?"
"Make me, then."
While you have half a mind to hit the emergency stop button on the elevator and make this long elevator ride even longer, you have a reputation to uphold - business to stand on, if you will. You cup Suguru’s face and run a thumb over his bottom lip.
“Aw,” you coo. “You think I’m that easy?”
The elevator dings and you pull away just as the doors slide open for a colleague of yours.
Higuruma takes one look at you two and shakes his head.
“Oh no, I’m not getting into this. I’ll take the stairs,” he says.
“Relax, Hiromi, we’re playing nice,” you reply without looking at Suguru.
Higuruma reluctantly steps into the elevator.
“Aren’t you off today?” you ask.
Higuruma sucks his teeth, “Technically, yes, but I have a file that I need to fix and if I want to relax at all today, I have to hurry up and take care of it.”
There’s no reason why you can’t be both helpful and evil at the same time, so you rest a hand on his upper arm.
“Text me the file number and I’ll fix it.” Before he can protest, you add, “Seriously. You need a break.”
You feel another set of eyes burning into your hand at the gesture, but you don’t turn towards them even after the elevator dings and the owner stalks out.
Higuruma tiredly watches him go.
“You’re really going to use me to antagonize your ex-husband?” he says more than he asks.
The two of you step out onto the floor after him.
“I can get two things done at once,” you reply. “I would’ve offered to help you regardless.”
Higuruma seems to believe you, but looks unimpressed overall. “Right. Well, if you want, I have a precedent case that you may want to use in court today. If the defense is bringing in your ex as a witness, I see no reason to go easy on them. Two birds, one stone and all that.”
A voice in the back of your mind wonders how stupid his ex-fiancée had to be to let someone like him - that is, a little bit evil (in the best way) - go.
“And,” he continues. “I’m making dinner tonight. It’ll be done around 7 if you want to stop by.”
Obviously you do this because you want to, but there’s the added benefit of a certain lingering gaze further down the hall.
You lift up on tiptoe and place a chaste kiss on Higuruma’s cheek. Maintaining your reputation prevents you from getting too cute with it, but the sentiment is the same.
“Thanks, Hiromi. I’ll be there,” you tell him.
He looks at you vaguely amused. “You’re a terror of an ex.”
“Want me to cut it out?”
“No.” He glances over his shoulder at the retreating figure. “I didn’t say that.”
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Suguru and his nepo baby were a match made in hell (affectionate)
[Masterlist] | Tag for this AU is #geto's nepo ex
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scarlethexelove · 3 days
All Hail The Queens
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕!𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒ℕ𝕒𝕥 𝕩 ℍ𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟚𝟞𝟞𝟞
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕!𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒ℕ𝕒𝕥 (𝕐𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕒 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘), 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨), 𝕊𝕞𝕦𝕥, 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕘𝕖, 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕚, 𝕊𝕦𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟, ℂ𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝔸 𝕓𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕩𝕙𝕚𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕕𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘), 𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕡, ℂ𝕦𝕞 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕡, 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪!𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕒, 𝔻𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪!ℕ𝕒𝕥, ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕖 (𝕀 𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕤), 𝔸 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕞, 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖.
𝔸/ℕ: ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗𝕗 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕤𝕤 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕. 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕡 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕤, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕔 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪. 𝕀'𝕞 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦.
The only sound that can be heard is your bare feet padding down the hall. The floor is unusually warm but that should be what you would expect while being in the underworld. You wander down the halls looking from room to room to find your Queens. 
You had made a deal with the Queens Wanda and Natasha. If you were unable to fulfill your end of the contract you would be brought down to the underworld. Obviously you did fail at holding up your end. You thought it would be easy but what you didn’t know was that the Queens had other plans. They made it impossible for you to come out successful on the other side. When they saw you they just knew they had to have you in any way possible. Normally fair Queens bent their own rules in order to keep you but you didn’t need to know that part. 
It was difficult at first to accept the women and your new life. But as time passed you began to crave any affection from the women. They would always be glad to give you anything that you wanted, well except for letting you go. The contract you signed bound you to them for eternity, you couldn’t leave even if you wanted to. You tried at first. But now your life seems amazing. You got everything. You have a life that you could never even dream of. 
You finally spot someone in the halls. A lower level demon that serves Wanda and Natasha. “Hi um have you seen Wanda and Natasha?” You ask the girl.. woman. You aren’t quite sure what she is. She looks down, not daring to make eye contact with you. “The Queens are in the meeting room.” She mumbles before rushing away from you. No demon dares to call them anything other than the Queens. It is found to be the utmost disrespect. But now that you know where they are you make haste.
A large black door with intricate carving stands before you. The door is slightly cracked and you can hear the voices of Wanda and Natasha talking in there. Something about an important meeting with higher level demons. You're slightly leaning against the door but you accidentally put too much of your weight on it, which has it swinging open and you falling flat on your face. You let out a groan hearing as two sets of heels click towards you. The heels come into your view and you look up at the women who are now staring down at you. Natasha gives you a pointed look while Wanda’s is a bit more soft. 
Nat crouches down in front of you. “What do you think you’re doing little one?” Her tone is questioning but not too harsh. “I um, I was looking for you both. M’sorry for intruding.” They both share a glance as Wanda crouches down and reaches both of her hands out for you to take. You do so and she helps you stand up. “What would you like sweet girl? We have a very busy meeting starting soon.” You look down out of embarrassment. “Mmm wanted you.” You mumble. Wanda hooks her finger under your chin and makes you look up at her. “What do you want from us?” You let out a whine. “None of that.” Nat tells you sternly. 
“Sweet girl, tell me what you want.” You let out a sigh at Wanda’s words. “I wanted attention.” You mumble. “What was that?” Nat questions you. You know she heard you but she is always going to make you speak up. “I wanted attention and to spend time with you both.” Nat smirks at your words. “Now was that so hard.” You let a grumble of yes, but the women let it slide.
“You can sit in on our meeting under one condition.” Wanda tells you. “Yes, yes, yes I’ll do anything.” Wanda’s lips curl into a smirk. “You’re going to strap warm me sweet girl.” You swallow hard. “I-In front of ev-everyone?” You stutter. “Yes everyone. You want our attention, you have it.” You nod in understanding. Natasha holds out her hand towards you. “Take off your shorts and panties.” You shudder but do as you’re told. Slipping both of them down your legs, wetness already pulling at your core. You place your panties in Nat’s hand knowing exactly what she wanted. Your shorts are discarded somewhere within the room. 
When you turn around Wanda is sitting comfortably in her large chair. Her dress pants already slid down far enough to reveal the scarlet strap attached to her hips. You clench around nothing as you stare at the thich strap. “If you don't want your cute little butt seen by everyone you’re going to want to sit down detka.” Nat pushes you towards Wanda making you stumble slightly but you catch yourself. When you’re close enough Wanda grabs your hips and turns you to face the table. You don’t have time to react as Wanda pulls you down onto her strap. Your walls stretch to accommodate her size. A whimper leaving your lips when you’re fully sheathed onto her cock. “You’re going to watch what Mommy and Daddy do.” Wanda whispers in your ear. You nod not really hearing her as your mind is only on the thought of how full you feel. 
It doesn’t take long before the room starts to fill up. You feel every movement of Wanda’s hips as she shifts in her seat. You bit your lip desperate to keep your noises at bay. You're thankful that they can’t see you from the waist down. You squirm in her lap the longer you sit, Wanda’s nails dig into your hips. “Keep still, little one.” She whispers in your ear again. You let out a whimper but do your best to stop. 
You can’t focus on the meeting as it progresses, your mind turning into a foggy haze. You want more comfort and to hide away from the eyes that keep looking towards you. Or are they looking at Wanda you really don’t know. You lean back a bit and with the shift it has a small moan slipping out. None of the demons dare to stop because they know what the Queens would do to them if they did. 
“Mo-Mommy?” You whimper softly. “Yes sweet girl?” Wanda questions. “Wanna turn around.” Wanda smirks. “Go ahead and do it sweetheart. Mommy isn’t going to stop you.” You let out a soft whine. “But Mommy they will see.” Wanda kisses the side of your head. Your fuzzy mind relishing in the affection. “If you want it you have to do it yourself, Mommy isn’t going to stop her meeting just to tell everyone to look away.” You let out a sigh.
It takes you a few minutes before you get the courage to finally stand up. You notice a prominent wet spot of your juices covering Wanda’s lap. She doesn’t seem to mind as she opens her arms for you. You can feel their eyes burning into your back as you shift to sit back down on her lap, this time facing her. You so easily slide back down onto her strap and bury your head in her neck. Her arms wrap around you as you feel the rumbling of her chest as she begins to speak. 
You nearly fall asleep as the time passes, you don’t even know that everyone is left until you feel Wanda nudging you. “Time to get up sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy have some more work to do.” You let out a whine and hold onto her tighter. “Y/n I said you need to get up.” You shake your head before mumbling out a no. Nat gives Wanda a pointed look. “You wanted our attention that badly? Fine. You can Have it.”
Before you even have time to react before your body is tied up and suspended above the large meeting table, all your clothes are gone. Your legs are bound to your hands that are now stretched behind your back. Soft ropes caress your body, wrapping you up tightly. The ropes that cover your chest, squeeze your breast just right accentuating them more. Nat’s eyes hyper focused on how beautiful you look tied up and hanging. You’re at the mercy of both women. 
“Natty do you think our dumb little baby deserves to cum or do you think we should edge her?” Wanda asks. You feel a finger gliding across the soft skin of your thighs, running up to your ass before Wanda slaps her hand down causing you to cry out. You don’t even know when she made her way onto the table but you don’t dare to question it. She smoothes her hand over your now burning ass. “Hmm.” Nat hums contemplating what you actually deserve. “Though defiant, I want to see her cum until she’s a brainless whore.” Nat smiles as you shudder. 
Wanda leans down and whispers in your ear. “Did you hear that dumb baby? Mommy and Daddy are going to make you cum so much that you won’t even be able to think.” You let out a whimper. Though you wanted attention this wasn’t exactly what you were thinking, but you aren’t mad about it either. 
Nat gracefully steps up on the table and stands in front of you. Her fingers squeeze your chin making you look up at her; your neck in an uncomfortable position. “Such a pretty little slut for us.” You whine as her piercing green eyes stare down at you. She caresses your cheek and you nuzzle her hand. She smiles at you. “I can’t wait to ruin you.” The thought sends a wave of arousal through you. 
Without a warning Wanda has thrust the whole length of her strap back inside your waiting hole. You moan loudly at the feeling of being full again. Wanda wastes no time as she pulls back plunging her strap back into your soaked hole. “Mm fuck!” She moans. “I forgot how good it feels to have your pussy wrapped around my cock.” The joys of being the Queens of the underworld with immense power. Wanda and Natasha know how to enchant their straps to feel everything like it was a piece of their own body. 
Your moans grow louder as Wanda mercilessly pounds into you. Your mouth is hanging open. Natasha is still staring down at you. She smirks with an idea. Your pretty mouth is hanging wide open for her. You watch her as she slowly lets spit drip down from her lips as it falls into your awaiting tongue. “Swallow.” She commands and you do so. “Good girl.” She finally lets go of face and circles around to watch as Wanda fucks you. 
Wanda grips onto the rope pulling you back onto her strap. Your body is being used to get her off. Her grunts and moans fill your ears. Your walls clenching around her the closer you grow to your orgasm and Wanda knows it. “Aww does my dumb little baby want to cum.” You moan and nod your head. “Say it. Tell Mommy how much a whore you are and how you want to cum all over her cock.” Nat’s voice cuts through. It takes you time as Wanda’s relentless thrust continues to fill you. Her hips stutter as she gets close to the edge. “Mmm.. Mmm pl-please Mommy wanna cum. Wan-Want Mommy to fill me. I-I’m Mo-Mommy’s dumb whore. Please! Please! Please!” It takes everything in you to get these words out. They spew out of you as you're so desperate, you don’t know how much longer you can hold it.
“Fuck good girl. Cum all over my cock and Mommy’s going to fill you up.” Wanda grunts. She stills releasing her load into you, painting your walls white with her cum. The feeling sends you over the edge. Your walls clamp down on her length as you cum hard. Your whole body trembles from the force of your orgasm. Wanda rolls her hips into yours prolonging both of your orgasms. When she finally pulls out you can feel as the mix of your cums trickle out of your abused hole. Wanda and Nat admire it, Wanda reaches out using her finger to push it all back in. You squirm in your restraints. Both women breathe out a fuck as they watch. 
You feel a finger tracing your open thighs as Nat moves between your legs. “It’s daddy’s turn now.” She thrust forward and starts a brutal pace. “Ahhh f-fuck!” You moan out. Her grip on your hips is rough as her fingers dig into the flesh sure to leave some marks behind. Nat’s grunts mix with your moans. Your already sensitive and full cunt makes it easy for her to slide in and out. “Fuck you feel so good around Daddy.” You whine as you nod.
Nat continues her fast and rough pace. Tears roll down your cheek at the overwhelming pleasure. Through blurred vision you see Wanda come into view. She cups your cheek in her hand. “Such a good girl for us.” You nuzzle her hand. You can see how her strap glistens with your juices. You wonder why she might still have it on, but that thought is interrupted when Nat gives a particularly hard thrust right into that sweet spot deep inside of you. Your eyes roll back into your head as your body shakes. You’re not able to hold back when Nat hits that spot again. “Daddy!” You cry out as you cum hard on her cock. 
“Fucking whore cumming all over Daddy’s cock. I’ve barely even fucked you yet.” Nat grunts as her pace doesn’t stop. She is getting close you can tell. You whine as you become sensitive from your last orgasm. “Da-Daddy.” You whine but she doesn’t stop. “Daddy’s going to use you detka, let me fill you up just like Mommy did.” You whimper but nod. The pleasure now laced with pain. 
It doesn’t take much longer just a few more thrust for Nat to follow and fill your already leaking cunt with her cum. Your walls are sucking her in for more despite the pain. She presses her finger against your clit which sends you over the edge again. “A-Ahh!” You cry out. Wanda wipes the tears that cascade down your cheeks as a powerful orgasm shoots through you. Your cum spraying out of you covering Nat in your juices. Wanda’s hand on your face and her sweet whispers help ground you as your mind feels like it’s floating. “Shhh Mommy’s got you sweet girl.” 
When Nat finally stops your body goes limp. She pulls out slowly trying not to hurt you but you hiss in pain. “Shh detka you did so good for Mommy and Daddy.” In a flash you’re in Nat’s arms and she is kissing your head. She carries you down the hall into the bedroom you share with them. You're nuzzled into her chest as you feel exhausted. You don’t miss how Wanda stops a servant and tells them they need to clean the meeting room table which has you blushing in embarrassment. Which only causes Nat to chuckle at your cuteness. 
The women get you all cleaned up in a bath that they join you with. Once they are done they help you get dressed and into bed. Nearly the whole time Nat is carrying you around due to your super shaky legs. The important things they needed to get done long forgotten about as they crawl into bed on either side of you. They are the Queens after all and can cancel whatever they please. So they take the rest of the day taking care of you. 
This is the best life you could have ever hoped for. One that will last an eternity with two very beautiful women bound until the end of time.
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cherrybr4t · 3 days
lawyer!wonwoo (+18, mdni)
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A/N: thank you to the anon who requested for lawyer wonwoo! i have anth lawyer!wonwoo sitting in my docs—it’s more of a series/a smut w plot (lol) so that may be out a lil later, in the mean time, i hope you enjoy this! 💋
WARNINGS: smut, bdsm (hands tied), slight spanking, neck grabbing, unprotected sex, creampie, lots of ‘fuck’, lots of nicknames from wonwoo (princess, good girl), public(?) sex, lowk a messy turn of povs here n thr..dom!wonwoo, sub(ish)fem!reader W/C: 2.1k
lawyer!wonwoo was a great mentor to you, always willing to go the extra mile to help you—guide you through the mechanics of the big law firm, saying he’s doing what he ought to.
lawyer!wonwoo who always looks so goddamn hot in that white shirt with black tie, glasses perched on that tall nose of his; if not, hooked onto his shirt— top buttons undone when he’s feeling tired. (honorary mention of him pulling his tie loose when he’s feeling particularly frustrated or fired up)
lawyer!wonwoo who admires how hardworking you are, noting your raw talent for this line of work. his first glance at you—he thought you were stunning. looked like his ideal type built up from scratch. but—everyone in the office knows how professional wonwoo is, being the top performing lawyer in the firm. he pushes those thoughts away, but seeing how good you are at your job, he can’t help but let the feeling of admiration for you take over him.
lawyer!wonwoo who stays up with you late in the office, working hard on cases. late nights develop into getting food in the wee hours together, indulging in personal conversations. and neither of you can deny the chemistry that was boiling in those shared moments.
lawyer!wonwoo who always keeps a respectable distance because you’re attached. but the minute you cry to him about leaving behind that cheater boyfriend of yours, he’s determined to swoop in and prove to you—you’re worthy of much better. in fact, you were worthy of the whole world in his eyes.
lawyer!wonwoo who—on one of those late nights, decides to take that leap of faith when he finds you leaning in closer to him.
like magnets, he feels a pull towards your lips and he can’t pull away. not even if there were a hundred opposite forces pulling him away. it’s like he was meant to find those lips.
he kisses with fervour, conveying those months of hidden desire towards you. grabbing hold of your face, he seeks dominance by playing with your tongue, exploring every inch of your mouth and biting on your bottom lip.
“come here,” he pulls you onto his lap, guiding you to straddle him, which in turn causes your skirt to ride up. he traces his hands softly up your leg, before losing control and roughly grabbing on the side of your thighs.
“so fuckin’ pretty, can’t believe i have you here on my lap right now, better than anything i’ve imagined.” wonwoo groans, before crashing his lips against yours once again. you pull away, catching your breath, “you-you’ve thought about this?”
“you have no idea, princess. now you’re here sitting so prettily for me— all for me to play with now right?” he strokes the back of his index finger down your warm and red cheek, before settling a finger in between your lips.
“suck.” he says with such command in his voice. together with that stare of his, you gush in your panties, immediately taking in his fingers, sucking and licking around it, showing him how well you play with that tongue of yours.
removing his glasses with his other hand, he tosses it on the table before running his hand over his luscious black locks, cracking his neck and groaning. “fuck, driving me crazy and here you are just sucking on my finger,” you moan around his finger, shuffling around his lap.
“are you as eager for me as i am for you princess?” he pops his finger out, before reaching underneath your top to tug on your nipples with his soaked fingers.
gasping, you arch your back and nodded ardently, “wonwoo—wanna feel you,”
“yeah? gonna let me do whatever i want with you? be my pretty little obedient princess?” he hums and probes, already knowing the answer to that.
“yes—yes wonwoo, i’m all yours to play with, wanna be your good girl,” you breathe out, anticipating and pooling in your panties at every word out of that man’s mouth. he’s sin incarnated—and you’re willing to be the world’s greatest sinner.
he unbuttons your top, soaking in the sight of you and your pretty tits, giving them a few slaps before leaving behind marks on your mounds, “fucking love these,” he grabs them and flushes his face between them, taking his time to give each one proper care— sucking and biting to his heart’s content.
you can’t control the moans slipping out of you, not like you wanted to anyways. it’s 2am, not a single soul left in this building, and you were going to let wonwoo know just how good he’s making you feel.
scooping you up in one go, he carries you onto the sofa perched against the huge glass window overlooking the city.
“on your knees for me baby, look towards the window,” you place your arms on the sofa’s channel back, knees settling on the sofa itself, while you faced the city lights.
“good girl, look—you can even see me through the reflection, it’s a dark night isn't it princess,” he chuckles lightly before pushing your skirt up, leaving him face to face with your soaked panties.
the strain it causes in his pants makes him curse under his breath, before undoing his perfect tie in a haste. he grabs your left arm, before you finally understood what he meant to do through the reflection.
“may i, princess?” he takes a moment to ask sweetly, before you lay your head onto the backrest, placing your hands behind for him.
“all yours,”
“my good girl, let me know if it hurts kay?” he ties your hand up in a hurry, before focusing on the main meal. pushing your panties to the side, he plays with your slit teasingly, dancing his fingers along your slit, occasionally brushing your clit.
he pushes a finger in, stretching out the soft walls. he curls his fingers, before going in at an inhumane speed, and you cry out. your mouth waters at how good his fingers feel fucking you incessantly. before you know it, he fits two fingers inside, and you swear you could cum on the spot at how full just his fingers make you feel.
“nnrggh, so..so good wonwoo, so good,” your mind fogs, all you can think about is the stretch of his fingers, how you want nothing more than to come undone on his pretty fingers.
“mmm, bet you could come right now can’t you, princess? hmm, but i only want you to come when i say so,” he smacks across your left butt cheek, causing you to twitch and cry out.
“ohh. look at this, you liked that didn’t you. tightening around my fingers, you’re holding onto them for dear life, princess,” a dark chuckle escapes him as he gives another strike across.
“my princess is a little slut too, isn’t she. likes it when i go rough on her,” he groans at how your cunt reacts immediately to every word he spits out.
before you could snap around his fingers, he pulls out, and you let out yet another cry—this one sounding of pain and betrayal though.
“wh-why? i’ve been a good girl wonwoo..” your voice cracks and wonwoo’s heart ached so bad he almost wanted to give in and give that clit a little suck.
“i know, i know princess, just wanted to make you cum around me, you want that don’t you? to cum around my cock? make it yours hm?” he caresses your cheek that has his hand print after two smacks.
you perked your head up, “fuck, yes..yes let me cum around you please. need it badly.”
“whatever my princess wants, she gets,” pants discarded on the floor, boxers next to it as he covers his cock with your slick, more than enough for him to be fully lubricated.
he pushes in inch by inch, and once he’s fully in, he pulls you up with a tight grip on your neck, before laying an arm across your shoulders to hold you in place.
he kisses behind your ear, “look at you princess, so fucking gorgeous aren’t you, so full of me, such a good girl for me,”
you moan at how big he is, how full he stretches you, your cunt hugs him so fucking tight, never wanting him to leave.
“fuck me hard, wanna be so full of you—of your cum wonwoo,” you croak out, leaving him with no choice but to of course— do as you wish.
he starts thrusting hard and slow, eliciting a cry out from you every time his tip hits that little gummy spot. “there! fuck, just right theree,” you drag out, filled with ecstasy at how close you already are; considering the orgasm denial you’ve just experienced.
he quickens, eager to feel you cum around him—he needs it, needs to feel you flutter your walls around him to feel complete.
“fuck thats it, taking my cock like a fucking champ. making this cock yours huh princess?” he says between breaths and moans, reaching his hand back to a tight grip around your neck.
his other hand making way from your hips to your clit, drawing out tight and fast circles, eager to bring you to your high.
looking at your reflection through the glass, you feel your knot tighten at how wonwoo looks. swear making his hair stick to his forehead, that determined and lustful look with his jaw out. he’s making you feel highs you’ve never experienced before.
“fuck wonwoo, gonna cum, fuck fuck fuck,” you ask for his permission to cum in desperate ‘fuck’s and high pitched moans that turn into cries halfway.
“you can cum for me now princess, let me see you fall apart around my cock, yeah, just like that,” he gives a final pinch on your nipples, slowing down his thrusts as he continues to flick at your clit.
“so fucking pretty when you cum for me, wanna see you cum for me again princess,” he gives you no break as he continues to ram into you, his cock now fully creamed and even more slippery as he goes maniacally.
“fuck, want you to cum with me this time,” he bites down on your shoulder, fingers back to drawing figures on your swollen clit. you feel so sensitive, every touch every thrust makes you cry out—until you feel actual tears of pleasure running down your cheeks.
“fuuuuck, baby you’re gonna make me cum so fucking hard, i’m almost there,”
“can’t wait anymore wonwoo,” you cry out in your pretty voice, which makes his balls grow even tighter as he feels the blood rush to his tip, and he knows he’s about to spill over.
“cum with me princess, gonna fill you up so fucking full as you-as you fuck cum around me—” his sentence ends in a long dragged out groan as he shoots his load inside of you, filling you full as he promised as you convulsed around him.
he kisses your cheek as you both catch your breaths; before he slowly—and gently unties your wrist and removes his cock as he watches the amount of cum spill out of your hole.
“you did so well for me, princess. my good girl. took so much of my cum, basically made me yours,” he smiles smugly before laying you down on the couch, giving you a gentle peck on your lips.
“gonna order in some ramen from that 24-hour store, and some lemon soda that you like. gonna grab a blanket too, we can lay here for a while—eat up before we head back to mine princess?” he suggests while looking at you so lovingly you swear hearts are coming out of his eyes.
lawyer!wonwoo insists that you both take off from work tomorrow too. you need the rest, he would say. and you find yourself giggling and agreeing to whatever he says.
lawyer!wonwoo who now; not only is your mentor, but your boyfriend who adores you so much. he believes in you so much, and you both push each other to be the best at work, while being back to your cuddly selves in the comfort of your homes.
a true power couple indeed 👀 i hope yall liked this ahdkkdkd !!!!!! i hope to get the original piece of lawyer!wonwoo i wanted out soon 🫦 but for now!! leave a like/comment/rb if you liked this <3 MUAH XOXO
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mbsneur · 22 hours
5 in a row
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: you give alexia what she wants after she wins the world championship
WC: 2,5
Warnings: Smut18+, Cunnilingus, multiple orgasmn , strap using- reader-receiving,rough sex,
My Masterlist
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Hello, lovely readers! I hope you enjoy this story, even if it's not my best work. I'm always open to feedback, wishes, or questions, so please don't hesitate to write me a request. For more information, you can check my masterlist. I'm truly grateful to everyone who reads my work.
I have a feeling that not many people are seeing my work or my fics, and that they're not getting much attention. I've noticed this with several other writers, too. Do you know why that is? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how I can improve! And please, have fun reading! 😊
and that's how it is. spain is world champion. your girlfriend is world champion.
You party all night, you walk the streets of Australia, you haven't seen Alexia this happy in a long time.
You're happy for the chicas, it's what they wanted the most, so all the promises came true, and so your promise was "if you become world champion, I'm all yours" were your words, of course you belong to Alexia, but you meant it in a different way.
She was kept from keeping her promise most of the time you were partying and now you are all having lunch together most of you are tired and forced to be there.
When you finally wanted to leave, Alexia was stopped again: "You have a meeting to attend, ale lo siento, I don't want to stress you any more today, but it will be quick," her manager tells her expressively, and Alexia sighs and rolls her eyes: "How long will it take?" she asks annoyed, "an hour at the most," her manager replies, "I'll go first, please be right there," she adds.
Alexia turns to you and comes closer. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless. Don't worry, neña. I'll hurry," she whispers into your ear. You feel her warm breath on your pulse point and sigh against her. She moves away from you and winks at you before she leaves.
Time has passed, you saw with the others in the hotel lobby.
Alexia came.
"the superstar is back aye" oihane shouts across the room and alexia blushes slightly she comes over to you she leans down and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek "do you want to go upstairs?" she whispers as you walk past and you nod gently at her alexia starts to light up "The superstar is leaving, I have to do some things," she says playfully to Oihane and everyone looks at her as she pulls you up by your hand, "Do what you couldn't do with y/n for 3 weeks because she had to be able to walk somehow," Jenni shouts playfully and laughs out loud, She gets a playful slap from Misa.
alexia rolls her eyes slightly as you walk towards the elevator
alexia presses you against the door her lips are all over your neck your hands are tangled in her hair the air is thick alexia kisses you with so much hunger and lust
Her strong hands press firmly into your ribs, and you let out a deep, gasp. She nibbles at your skin, making sure she marks what belongs to her. Her tongue extends and licks a long strip from the end of your neck to your ear and licks at the shell of your ear. You squirm, and she giggles. "Use me, do what you want with me, but please let me forget my own name," you moan breathlessly.
Alexia stops nibbling on your neck to look at you, her pupils get bigger and she looks at you with her head tilted, her eyes full of fire, her hands literally itch because they miss your pussy so much "do you want that amore" she asks, her voice getting rough "yes please" you answer.
"I need you. I've missed you so much," you say, your head leaning against the door. Your eyes are small and glassy, and you are so wet. You're sure your underwear is ruined. She grabs you by your hips again and leads you to the bed. She sits down and taps her lap to make you realize that you should sit down.
As you sit on her lap, you put your hands on her neck and pull her towards you for an intimate kiss. She sucks on your tongue, your kisses are messy and wet. Her hands, move up to your tits and take them in her hand. You moan softly into her mouth and start rubbing yourself on her. Your hips rock against her, and her hands knead your tits.
She can feel your hard nipples through your bra, and it makes her whimper. You have a hard time kissing her back, One of her hands reaches your ass and gives you a light slap, and you moan out loud. You reach for her hand and guide it to your waistband. "Don't waste time," you say. "Please, Ale, I beg you. I need you so much." You moan, and Alexia's hand slides into your pants.
She teases your hole and you rock your hips against her hand. She has stopped kissing you and puts her forehead against yours. "Please don't tease me," you say, whimpering. Alexia gives you what you need and lets her finger slide into your hole. "fuck, you are so tight," she says, moaning and swallowing hard.
You are trying to block out the sounds that you are making by burying yourself in Alexia's neck.
She grabs your hair and yanks you forward, saying, "Stop hiding your noises. I don't care if everyone hears you." She then inserts another finger into your hole, making you moan and lean back as you ride her fingers.
"I've missed this so much," you say, and Alexia smiles at you. She speeds up with her fingers and hits your G-spot exactly. You kiss her neck, which makes her put her head to the side. You suck and lick her skin. Her fingers curl, and her palm hits your clitoris perfectly with every thrust.
"babe i'm getting closer," you whisper moaning against her sensitive skin "come whenever you need to," her words burst like fireworks in your belly, your teeth biting into her neck as your walls tighten around her thick fingers, your legs pressing tightly against her side and with a muffled whimper the orgasm you've been waiting for so long comes.
She turns you around so that you land on your back on the bed. She climbs on top of you and spreads little kisses on your face. "Put your arms over your head," she says in a soft voice, and you do as you are told. She pushes up your shirt and her eyes widen. She teases your belly by spreading wet kisses on it. Your skin twitches with every touch of her lips.
"You wanna be good?," she says against your stomach before coming up and pulling your shirt over your head, practically drooling at the sight of your hard nipples "I want to be your good girl," you say embarrassed and Alexia gives you a familiar smile and caresses your cheek lovingly.
Her hands ran along the waistband of your pants before she finally took them off completely. You helped her by kicking your pants off with your feet. Despite the stress she's been under, Alexia is relaxed. You've never seen her so relaxed during sex.
She knelt in front of the bed and took your thighs in her hands, pulling you closer to her. You were so wet that Alexia moaned at your smell. She moved her mouth to your core, sucking on your clitoris. "God ale," you moaned, looking down at her. She alternated between licking and sucking on your clitoris.
your hand reaches for her hair to pull her closer to you, your head dropped into your shoulder. Alexia let go of you with a popp "i said keep your hands above your head venga lie back down" she snapped at you, her forehead furrowed, and her eyebrows knitted together. You dropped down annoyed that you couldn't watch her "stop bitching" she added and her head went back to your pussy she teased your entrance before shooting her tongue inside you
Your back arches in response to her touch, and you perceive her smile against your skin. As she engages in oral intercourse with you, her nose makes contact with your clitoris, and her tongue moves in a rapid, deliberate manner. You experience a sensation of thickened blood in your veins, and the inability to move your hands intensifies your arousal.
your eyes roll back into your head as you feel the knot in your stomach again your legs close around her head and shake "fuck ale you're driving me crazy" you whimper feeling your pulse quicken, her tongue still in your hole she feels you coming closer your walls twitch around her tongue "you can cum I want to feel you baby" she says letting go of you for a moment
Your legs are moving and your back is bending throughout your orgasm. She's overstimulating you. You're trying to squirm, "A short break, please," but Alexia doesn't listen. Your body slides backwards to get away from her, but she gets up, grabs your legs, and pulls you to the edge of the bed. Two fingers poke into your hole, and her tongue lands right on your clit again.
You let out a scream and a few tears as she continues to pump into you at a relentless pace. Your legs are still shaking, and your clit is pressed tightly between her lips. She sucks with the expertise of a world champion, and your body shakes, your hips wiggle, and you moan, "Cumming again." You add, "Fuck,fuck" and claw at the bed.
you cum with a deep cry, you see stars. You haven't even noticed alexia let go of you, her lips swollen and wet, her fingers soaked in your cum, she laughs dazed.
"Ready for my strap," she grins mischievously and winks at you, "do I have a choice," you say sarcastically, "not really," she laughs back and gets up to go to her suitcase, she has brought the longest one, "for special occasions," she points out.
she climbed on top of you, "please" you blink at her you have recovered a bit from your previous orgasms. "please what?" she asks stupidly "fuck me" you say with rolling eyes
You look into her hazel eyes as she guides her cock to the perfect spot to penetrate you with a muffled moan. She's inside you now. She kisses you, your tongues playing with each other. Your cunt clutches her cock. You take her in completely.
"your cock feels so good babe" you grunt as alexia looks down to see the toy sliding into you. Your hands scratching her clothed back you moan into her neck you love this closeness her warmth
she accelerated and the sound of skin slapping echoed through the room, her hips dug into yours. Your breath caught, your throat constricted you moaned her name over and over. Her energy is so boundless she could pound you into the mattress all day like this
her breath is hot on your neck "i'm so close" you moan, as alexia looks at you "yeah? cum for me show me how much you want it" she says moaning as she gets faster lifting your legs over her shoulder to get deeper inside you, your moans become breathless. You feel like you are being kicked off you cum breathlessly and without a sound
alexia grabs your hips to pull you onto your stomach, she pulls you onto all fours. Your legs are shaking you can barely hold on „I can't fuck..." you cry as she pushes further into you "don't cry you can take another one I know you can" alexia says moaning grabbing your hips to pump harder into you
"that's it look at you such a slut for me aren't you? close again" she says after she circles your clitoris tightly you literally see stars
your head presses deeper into the mattress with each bump, the bed hits the wall. You are sure the whole hotel can hear "do you want to cum? shall I give you what you want?" she asks whimpering "words baby" she adds "yes please am so fucking close" you sputter out
"good girl cum for me" alexia says and after a few thrusts you come again alexia pushes you away so that you land on your back your face is all fucked up you can't think straight your vision is blurred all you can see is the mattress giving way as alexia kisses your torso
"you were so good baby I love you" she says caringly "can I get you something?" she adds "just stay with me“
„i love you too“
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lidiasloca · 2 days
azriel knows when you need help
azriel x reader
“Enjoying yourself?”
You turn to the raspy voice that’s broken your dancing rhythm. Usually, you would cut them off just as they had your moment, but the male you find when you turn seems rather familiar.
“Markus!” You move to hug your Illyrian friend. It has been years since you last saw him, and he is… changed—far more handsome than the young boy you had met in the Illyrian camps.
“Hello, you,” he smiles, hugging you back. “You are…” he says, taking a step back to look you up and down. “Wow.”
You laugh, conscious of the blush creeping up your cheeks. “How long has it been?” you ask, eager to change the flustering topic.
“Too long,” he responds. “I’m so glad to see you again. I thought I would never get to see my childhood crush again.”
“Oh. Shut up!” you mumble nervously. Yes, you had known about it—it was a rather famous rumor around your group. But it all had been a long time ago. You were another girl, and he was a very different boy from the male you have in front of you. “Well—and what have you been up to these years?”
“Oh. No. Let’s skip those formalities,” he says, as he places a warm hand on your arm.
You don’t really know how to take it, so you try matching his smile with a forced one. “What do you mean? I want to know…” You start growing uncomfortable when he starts stroking your arm up and down and his stare grows sharper, more flirtatious.
“Let’s go somewhere else, y/n.”
Before you can deny him, a furious tug deep inside you calls you. It feels like a punch, or a warning, like a call for help. You take it as a sign to escape this embarrassing situation.
No matter how handsome, you had never liked him back, and definitely, you didn’t now. It was another male you had only had eyes for—Markus knew that, yet he always tried to ignore it.
“I’m really enjoying the party,” you try as an excuse. “Maybe another time we can go for lunch with the group…”
“Oh, y/n, don’t be like this.” He urges you to get closer, forcing your arm towards him. “It’s been so long, you—we’ve changed so much. I’ve changed so much.”
“I—Markus, let go, please,” you say softly, trying to calm him.
“Sorry,” he mutters, his strength faltering, but still not letting go of you. “Y/n,” he tries again. “You cannot be serious. Deny me again? After all these years?”
“You know why, Markus,” you explain gently.
“No.” The male suddenly barks. “Ten fucking years and you’re still after Azriel. For fuck’s sake, get a grip, y/n. He doesn't want you.”
Another tug in your heart, harder and more alarming. But you give no attention to it as your eyes start swelling with tears at his words.
“Let go,” you say again, this time loud and clear, with contained fury. “Let go, I won’t ask you again, Markus.”
“Unbelievable,” he laughs. “You are just as stupid as you were back then.”
Another tug. More intense, as if getting closer.
“Shut up, Markus! And let go! Now!”
“Is everything okay?” a boy at the bar comes to ask, his eyes on Markus' forcing grip.
“Yes. Everything is okay. Leave us alone,” Markus barks, making him storm away without a word.
“Markus. Calm down, you are not in your right mind,” you try saying calmly. “Let go, please.”
“Don’t try that with me. I’m not sixteen anymore, y/n.”
“Let go of her,” a voice behind Markus orders—a voice you could recognize anywhere.
“I told you to leave us,” Markus replies, not even caring to turn to him.
The male walks in front of Markus and orders again: “Let go, now.”
“Azriel,” he says in fear, instantly letting go of you. “I—”
“Get out.”
It takes Markus less than a second to turn and run to the door. The exact time it takes for Azriel to quickly turn to you and assess you. “Are you alright, y/n?”
You can only nod, feeling his hands softly tracing the marks Markus had left from his harsh grip.
“Can I get you to Majda? Just to check you. Please,” he asks, and it sounds like a plead. You have to look somewhere else at the intensity of his worried stare on you.
“Y/n. Please. Say something.”
He smiles softly as if thanking you. “Let me fly you there,” he tells you, offering his hand to accompany you outside the bar.
But you don’t take it. You just stare at him as a question rumbles soundly inside your head.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You—you were on a mission away from the court,” you explain, not really helping clear out his confusion. “Why are you here?”
He stays silent for a second, and you see the doubt in his eyes. “I came to help you,” he replies at last.
“But how did you know I was here? How did you know I needed help?”
“I just knew. I felt it.”
Before you can ask how, there it is again—that feeling.
A tug on your soul.
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
a/n: lovelies, i would love to talk about anything acotar (or other books) 💓 i would really love it if you sent something to my inbox—it makes tumblr so much more entertaining! 🎀
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roosterforme · 1 day
Aim for the Sky Part 23 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is hoping a new role with the Navy will give him the opportunity to spend more time at home with his family. You offer up the ultimate gift for his birthday. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, lactation kink, body image, oral sex, mentions anal, DILF Roo
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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"What should we do for Daddy's birthday?" you asked your daughter while she nursed. Bradley was working late again. If he didn't actually get this new position at Top Gun when the time arrived, you weren't sure how he was going to take it. He was working so hard right now to try to cut his deployments down by training younger recruits to fly missions instead of actually flying all of them himself. He wanted to be home more, and you wanted him to spend as much time with Rose as he could.
In the meantime, he always felt like a ticking time bomb. Like at any moment he would be taken away again. His most recent special mission ended months ago while you were still pregnant, and it felt surreal at times that he hadn't been called away again.
"We'll do something special," you whispered to Rose. "Daddy always makes my birthday special. He'll always make yours special, too."
Her eyes were bright and alert as she released herself from your breast to yawn while you ran the pad of your thumb gently along her cheek. She had the softest skin and most adorable features. She was going to look just like Bradley, you could already tell. And you had to agree with him when he said he thought she was whip-smart. She always looked around for Tramp and seemed to point to him when she wanted to be licked.
"You're absolutely perfect," you told her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Rose's yawns were coming more frequently as you changed her diaper and placed her in her crib. "I'll send Daddy in to say goodnight when he gets home," you promised. Once her sound machine was playing a lullaby, you crept out of the nursery and went to clean up the meager dinner you made for yourself.
Looking in the mirror was still currently your least favorite activity. You were tired, and it was reflected on your face. Your body still seemed to belong to Rose, and you felt a little helpless by the width of your hips and the size of your butt. Your belly was riddled with stretch marks, and every time Bradley saw you in any manner of undress, you couldn't understand how he could get turned on. When you and he had sex, it was almost like he tricked you into believing he was excited to be with you.
The front door shut and you jumped, spinning on the spot to see your husband heading your way. "What a fucking day," he groaned, boots squeaking on the floor. He was still in his flight suit, messy hair threaded with a bit of gray. "I didn't think I would be this late."
He didn't stop until you were wrapped up in his arms. "Why are you still in your boots and flight suit?"
"Wanted to get home faster," he murmured. "I missed you."
The way he ran his big hand down the middle of your back and gave your butt a little squeeze while he kissed you left you breathless. Then he knocked the air clean out of your lungs as he nibbled gently on your lips before whispering, "I'm late for my husband and daddy duties. Is the Nugget already asleep?"
"I think so," you told him, melting into his touch. He was already the best dad in the world for Rose, and his hands up the back of his ratty UVA shirt that you were wearing reminded you how good he was at those husband duties, too. "She seemed tired after I fed her."
Bradley's brown eyes flicked down toward your chest as his stomach growled.
"I can feed you, too," you said with a laugh. "All I had for dinner was some toast and jelly, but I can make you something else."
You didn't even mention the part where you were trying to cut calories so you could lose weight, because he was looking at you like he always did. And his hands were warm on your skin like they always were.
"Don't worry about me. I'll get something after I give Rose a good night kiss and we take a shower together."
You raised one eyebrow. "We're taking a shower together?"
He nodded slowly. "We are, Baby Girl. I'm so worn out, it's probably the only thing that's going to make me feel better." 
His right hand strayed to your breast, and your lips parted on a soft sound as his rough fingers found your nipple beneath the shirt. You forgot to feel self conscious as you let your hands slide up his chest until your arms were draped over his shoulders. Your lips were on his like a magnet, and you whimpered at the feel of his rough mustache. Then his tongue was in your mouth, and you were ready to climb him like a tree.
Somehow, you worked him up. It didn't make any sense. He was literally touching your stretch marks now as he rutted against you and grunted your name. "Oh, fuck," he said between kisses. You felt overstimulated, and your breasts were leaking onto your shirt, but it just made his cock harder. "Go get in the shower? I need to take a little peek at Rose, and then I'll be in to do absolutely anything you want. Anything." He started to pull your shirt over your head. "Just let me taste you."
"Jesus Christ, Roo," you moaned, pushing him away. "Hurry up. I'll be in the bathroom."
Bradley ducked his head inside the baby's nursery. Her music was playing softly, and she was clearly sound asleep in her crib with Tramp snoozing on the floor. He had to take a few deep breaths when he heard the shower turn on across the hallway, and he ran his hand over his face.
"Rosie, I'll be back in a little bit to check on you, okay?" he whispered. "I need Mommy for a few minutes."
He was already unzipping his flight suit and wrenching it down his arms as he walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom. It smelled like your body wash, and he could practically taste your breast milk as he watched you climb in the shower. He was tired, like actually exhausted. There was so much to learn from Maverick and the admirals. There was paperwork and guidelines and things to memorize. There was so much more going on behind the scenes than he realized, and it took all of his focus to keep up. But he wanted a job where he'd be home more and on a carrier less. That way he could see your silhouette through the foggy glass shower door every night.
"Sweetheart." His voice was deep and needy, and you turned to face him.
"What was fast." Your voice echoed beautifully in the enclosed space as he bent to undo his boot laces. 
"I'll sneak back in later to see Rose," he rasped, climbing in and closing the door behind him. "I can't wait another minute for you."
He was serious, but you looked a little hesitant and maybe unconvinced as you stood with your back against the tile wall, water hitting your legs and feet. You were rounder in places now, and your body felt like heaven in the palms of his hand. When he considered whether or not an obnoxiously long, hard day of work was worth it, all he had to do was look at your face or hear your voice, and he was convinced it was. But getting to have you like this? It didn't even seem fair.
"My god, you are absolutely fucking perfect."
Maybe you were going to say something to him as you parted your lips, but he leaned in to kiss you before you could. Your warmth and your fingers in his hair could fix any problem he had, he was certain. And he always wanted to be that way for you, too. He wanted to be the reason you knew you had something better to look forward to at the end of the day.
"Bradley," you whined when his cock pressed against your soft belly. Your fingers made their way down to his biceps, and your thumb traced his new tattoo as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
The level of intimacy he felt with you was unparalleled, whether it was sex or just being around you. But he couldn't help but want everything right now when your milk was beading up on your nipples and sliding down the undersides of your tits.
"Will you let me taste you?"
The feral noise you made had him bending slightly to get his mouth on you. None of this should be wasted right now. It was too sweet. You were too fucking warm. Even the steamy air and the water hitting his calves couldn't compete with your breasts. He got down on his knees for better access.
"I'm not going to lie, Roo," you whispered, pushing his hair back from his forehead, "watching you do that is so hot."
He looked up at you as he ran his tongue lazily back and forth. "Watching you do anything is hot, Sweetheart." You whimpered, and he could feel you squeeze your thighs together. "Just be patient. I'll take care of it. I just can't let this go to waste."
You grabbed at his hair and his shoulders as he licked and sucked you dry. Your nipples were furled tight, no longer dripping with that beautiful milk before he stopped. Every time you made a noise, you were rubbing your pussy against him, and Bradley knew he made you wait long enough. 
His cock was aching as he sat down and ran his nose along the length of your slit, coaxing your thighs apart with the softest touch. You didn't disappoint, letting him see and smell and taste you to his heart's content. He sucked on your clit before moving his lips to your rooster tattoo, smiling as you moaned impatiently while he kissed you there.
"Please, Bradley." Your voice took on a tone of overstimulation, nipples still tight peaks as you wiggled your hips. "I need it."
He let you have his mouth all over your pussy. Every soaking wet, silky inch if you. He worked his tongue in circles just how he knew you liked it, and he listened to every cue you gave him with your voice. The louder you got, the harder he sucked until your legs shook. Then he backed off and enjoyed the keening sound of your orgasm as you rode his face.
"Please," he begged softly, getting to his feet while you were still coming for him. But you nodded and turned to face the wall, letting him fuck you from behind with both of his hands planted on the tiles. "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, Sweetheart!"
Barely a dozen good thrusts, and he came as he watched you kiss his hand. He was out of breath and yet still over excited as he nuzzled your neck. "My wife is actually perfect," he whispered.
Even cleaning you up was fun. Every time he ran his hand between your legs, your eyes fluttered closed, and you bit your lip. Then you washed his hair which always turned him into an even bigger mess for you. By the time you turned off the water, he was so sated and still needy for your attention, he followed you everywhere.
Bradley watched you get changed into pajamas before pulling you into bed with him. "I still need to make you dinner," you whispered as he peppered your nose with kisses. 
"I can find something myself," he promised. "It's pretty late, and I want you to get enough sleep. I need to go check on the Nugget anyway." He paused when your stomach growled loudly. "What do you want? I'll make something for both of us."
"I already had dinner."
"You had toast. That's not dinner. What do you want?"
You looked up at him and whispered, "A sandwich."
"Done." He kissed your lips and climbed out of bed, pulling on clean boxer briefs. "Give me a five minute head start so I can kiss Rosie, and I'll meet you in the kitchen."
Bradley had to fight the urge to wake his daughter up just to watch her be adorable while he held her, because he felt like he missed the entire day with her. "Still better than being deployed," he whispered, making Tramp leave the nursery with him. 
He sent the dog out to the backyard as he tried not to worry about when his next mission might come. Then he made two identical sandwiches and opened a bag of potato chips and a can of beer. And then you were there with him again.
"What do you want to do for your birthday on Friday?" you asked, tucking yourself against his body as you reached for one of the sandwiches. "And don't you dare say you want to spend a day with just the three of us and try to bail to get another tattoo."
He kissed your temple and said, "Nothing else is important enough for me to want to get it tattooed besides you and Rosie, so what I'm about to say is the absolute truth. As soon as we get out of work on Friday, all I want to do is spend the evening with my girls."
"Well, I was thinking...." you started, nibbling at your sandwich. "You know how for my birthday, you reserved the lounge where we went to the silent disco? But then I fell at work and kind of killed that plan?"
"How could I forget?" he replied, downing the rest of his beer. "Reenacting our first date is never going to not be fun for me. Music and hot sauce and falling the fuck in love."
You smiled up at him. "What if I call the bar and see if they'll let us have a little silent disco with Rosie on Friday night? To make up for the one we missed?"
Bradley swore his heart skipped a beat. "I would love that, Baby Girl."
"Then I'll try to make it happen."
Bradley woke up on Friday morning with your hand wrapped around his cock and your giggling lips next to his ear. "Happy birthday, Roo," you whispered. Your breath was warm and tickled him as he opened his eyes and grunted.
"It's already pretty happy."
He pulled down the covers and watched you jerk him off while your bare breasts were mashed against him. There was a pretty droplet of your milk in his chest hair, and you were telling him all the things you wanted to do to him later. Even when you really gripped him, your fingers didn't quite reach all the way around his cock, and he tucked his arm behind his head to get a better view.
"I was thinking," you whispered, lips brushing his ear, "we could do what we did last year on your birthday. If you want."
Instantly he envisioned the way you let him fuck you in the ass, and he gasped. "Anal?" he asked softly, holding his breath for the answer as you dragged your hand up to the tip of his cock and squeezed.
He instantly came all over himself, white ribbons coating his abs as you kissed his neck. "Fuuuuck," he croaked, already excited for later tonight.
"Damn, Roo. You couldn't even wait until I got my mouth down there?"
He tucked his other arm behind his head as well and watched you kiss your way down his body. "You just promised me your ass, Sweetheart. I don't know what you expected." He went silent again as you ran your tongue around his belly button and started lapping up his cum. You had him on your lips, dragging your tongue through the mess when Rose started crying in her nursery. "Hang on, Nugget! Daddy's enjoying his birthday!"
You smiled up at him and kissed his hip before nudging him toward the edge of the bed. "Go get her ready, and I'll be in shortly."
He leaned down and kissed you before pulling on his underwear and heading to the nursery. He actually loved it when Rose started wailing like this, because he got to enjoy the way she immediately calmed down when he picked her up and gave her a little snuggle.
"You're loud today. Are you saying happy birthday?" he asked, tickling her tummy before changing her wet diaper. She was three months old and absolutely perfect. She could hold her head up on her own, and her eyes seemed to be a slightly different color every day. Bradley was fascinated by his daughter and would have gladly spent the entire day hanging out with her instead of going to work.
He was bouncing her gently in his arms, turning her hunger cries into little giggles when you joined them. "Is she ready for the silent disco tonight?" you asked, settling into the glider chair with your tits on display. He couldn't wait to get you in bed again later, but he was just as excited about going to Del Mar.
"I think so," he crooned, covering his daughter's face in kisses before handing her over so she could eat. "I love you both." Then he kissed her fuzzy hair and your lips before heading back down the hallway to get dressed for work.
Dropping Rose off at the daycare on base every day was still hard, but at least she was with Jeremiah. And Bradley was planning on skipping out early today to take her home and get ready to go out. Not only had you talked the rooftop bar into an hour-long private silent disco, you also made a reservation at the hot sauce restaurant. He was convinced Rose would love both places as much as he did.
As soon as he walked out onto the tarmac, he felt an arm around his shoulders. "Happy birthday, Soul Sister. I can't believe you're forty-eight."
"I'm thirty-eight, Nat."
"Whatever. Still old as fuck."
"I love you, too."
She smirked. "Are you enjoying your new job? All locked away with the admirals up in the tower like you're Rapunzel or something?"
Bradley stopped and swiped a hand along his back. "Did someone tape a sign on me that says It's my birthday, please pick on me?"
"Nah," she replied. "Doesn't need to be your birthday for that. Happy to do it any day of the year."
He followed along at her side again. "I don't actually have a new position yet," he muttered. "I'm just... I don't like being away from them now. It was bad enough before, but I think if someone gave me deployment papers today, I'd probably throw up."
"You're such a dad," his best friend replied, reaching for his hand and giving him a squeeze. "I completely understand why you want to turn into Rapunzel in the tower, Rooster. I probably would as well if I had a daughter. Speaking of, let me know when I can stop by with all the new toys and outfits I got for my goddaughter."
Bradley's imagination drifted to the bedroom activity he was looking forward to later this evening. "Uh, maybe tomorrow or Sunday? Not tonight."
"You got it."
The ride to Del Mar was familiar now. Bradley's Motown playlist filled the interior of the blue Bronco along with his voice while he drove and played with your wedding rings. The late June sunlight was bright and warm even as it approached 6:30, and you could tell by how relaxed your husband was that he was having a good day.
"I can't believe you're thirty-eight years old."
He gave you side eye. "Listen, Sweetheart, I've still got all the moves, okay? I was just excited this morning, that's all."
You burst into laughter. "That's not what I meant!"
With a playful glare, he parallel parked in front of the hot sauce restaurant. "I feel like you're contractually obligated to be nice to me today, especially after how much Nat picked on me."
You kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'm letting you have my ass. How much nicer could I possibly get."
"Great. Now I have to get my erection under control," he groaned, killing the engine and letting his head tip back. But he was smiling. "I actually think that makes you the nicest."
Honestly, you were a bit nervous. Last year, he barely thrusted before he came, and it still felt like you were being stretched to your limit. More than anything, you wanted him to still find pleasure in your body, but you didn't want him to hurt you.
As if you'd spoken your thoughts out loud, he whispered in your ear, "I'll make it feel good for you, too." Then he was out on the sidewalk, lifting Rose in her car carrier out of the backseat like the most attentive father in the world. She was wearing a little dress covered in flowers. You were also wearing a dress with your boat shoes. "Just look at my beautiful girls," he crooned, draping his right arm over your shoulders and carrying the car seat like it was nothing.
"I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy some hot sauce," you mused.
"Her first solid food can be a chili pepper."
You snorted. "Rose, I will not let that happen."
You spent dinner coating your food in a rainbow of different hot sauces while Bradley stole bites of your meal and offered up some of his own. Rose kept trying to reach for the bottles with all of the pretty labels, and you watched her cry until Bradley let her play with a plastic one that was brand new and still sealed up tight. 
"She's your fucking kid, alright. Won't leave the restaurant without some hot sauce," he told you, signaling for the waiter to add it onto the bill at the end of the meal.
"Stop swearing in front of the baby." You were unable to contain your laughter as you added, "She picked out a good one, too. Excellent taste."
Bradley reached for your hand. "Now to determine if she has good taste in music, too."
After stopping back at the Bronco so Bradley could strap Rose in her carrier against his chest, the three of you walked at a leisurely pace along the main street toward the beachfront lounge. When you approached the pier where you spent plenty of time getting to know each other on your first date, Bradley turned so Rose could look at the setting sun.
"You see that long fishing pier, Nugget?" he murmured, smiling at you. "I took Mommy on the best date of her life, and we made out on that pier until I was on the verge of embarrassing myself."
"Accurate," you added immediately. "It was the best date of my life, but there was nothing you could have done to embarrass yourself."
"I beg to differ. I could have told you I loved you. On our first date."
His eyes were sincere. You knew he fell in love with you fast. He'd already told you as much. But hearing him say the words while he had his big hand wrapped around yours and Rose cradled to his chest left you breathless. "When you tell me now that you were already in love with me on our first date, it's just romantic, Roo."
His smile grew, and you thought all about how much had changed in the past three years as you led him toward the lounge which was lit with string lights. You rode the elevator to the rooftop with your head resting on his shoulder, face to face with your sleepy daughter. She had her little fist up next to her face, rubbing her eye.
"She's going to fall asleep, Roo."
"Nah, she'll last for a few songs. I want a picture of her wearing the headphones."
You forgot how pretty the rooftop was with all the lights and the bar. This time, instead of two sets of headphones, you were handed three, and the woman who was working made a fuss over how cute Rose was.
"I swear she looks just like my wife," Bradley said, showing her off proudly.
The other woman smiled and said, "You have an hour before we open to the public for the night. The DJ will start playing as soon as you're ready."
"Perfect," you told her, and then she was gone, and your husband was giving the DJ a thumbs up. You slid your headphones into place and turned them on to the pink channel. Once Bradley had his on, you changed his channel to match yours and laughed when one of his Motown songs came on.
"Yes," he said with a grin, lowering the volume all the way on the third pair before putting them on Rose. They were of course huge, and he had to hold them in place with one hand, but she smiled when she heard the song. "She likes it!"
"Of course she does. She's your daughter," you said over the music.
Bradley's lips landed on yours, and his free hand gently wrapped around the back of your neck. You stayed like that with Rose between you, getting kiss after kiss from your husband as you danced, occasionally changing the channel on your headphones to blue or green.
The DJ seemed to know what Bradley was going to like best, his face lighting up for almost every song like he was delighted to get to hear it. Rose, on the other hand, was asleep after ten minutes with her cheek squished against him. At least you managed to take one selfie of the three of you before her eyes closed, but now she was napping while you danced and lip synced with Bradley until the music came to a stop. The hour was too short. You wanted it to last longer.
Carefully, you removed Rose's headphones and then your own, handing them over on your way back to the elevator. "Time to go home and get your cake and birthday presents," you whispered as you were taken back down to the first level.
His hand settled on your lower back before drifting down a few inches more. His expression was completely serious as he said, "Baby Girl, I thought this cake was my birthday present."
"If you play your cards right, you can have two kinds of cake tonight."
Bradley is so ridiculously spoiled. Sweet Rosie already likes hot sauce. BG is struggling so much and can't quite see herself the way her husband does. Stay tuned. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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alchemistc · 2 days
Tommy waffles over where they're going for drinks, halfway out the bay doors with space between them and the rest of the station, and Howie darts a strange look at him over his shoulder as Tommy wanders towards where their cars are parked.
They decide on Jenny's, even though Monty's is closer to both of their apartments, and it's not until Chim's shoved a third shot in Tommy's face that he darts a calculating glance at Howie.
"I fucked the bartender at Monty's and bounced while he was still in the shower," Tommy announces, to Howie, to the bar, to the world at large. No one except Howie is paying any attention, though.
Howie narrows his eyes. Picks at a coaster and knows he's going to piss off their server by turning into a pulpy mess. "That's how you wanna do it?"
It's -- there have been hints. More recently he'd stopped playing up the ladykiller act, and when he'd blinked at the guy flirting hard at a call three weeks ago, there'd been a distinct redness to his cheeks that he hadn't actually tried to downplay.
"Why me and not Hen?"
Tommy taps two thumbs against the sticky table. Eyes the neck of his bottle of fancy beer. "Why, because she's gay too and we all flock together?"
Howie purses his lips. Tilts his chin. Ends up quirking a brow just to watch Tommy get it. Tommy chuffs a laugh.
"Well shit."
"Kinda disappointed you're not taking this opportunity to confess to the devastating crush you have on me that you always thought was unattainable."
Tommy blinks, and Howie pictures him thinking of where the line between friendly and flirty really is. Howie wouldn't say no is the thing, except he's sort of seeing someone semi-seriously now? Tommy blinks again. "If it was gonna be anyone at the 118 it would have been Eli."
Not Sal? Howie wants to ask, but he bites down on it because that's his own fucked up thing.
"So the new cap must really do it for you," Howie surmises, and Tommy tilts his head back and forth like he's considering it, a little. So: Kind. Fiercely loyal. Little fucked up. Providers.
The rom-com loving quirk takes on a little more meaning in Howie's head.
Howie kicks his shin, and Tommy's smile lines graft across his cheeks. Good god he's gonna make some man so fucking happy, one day. "So, is this a secret I gotta keep? 'Cause I gotta tell you, my track record is not great but I will find a way to do it if you need me to."
"Kinda the reason I told you," Tommy says, and that's kinda that.
Chim watches Buck shake Tommy's hand. And then continue to shake his hand. And then... keep shaking his fucking hand.
Eddie gives him a bemused look, and Chim figures he'll let this play out without any interference.
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enhaven · 1 day
all night | pjs (m.)
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pairing ⇢ jay x reader
genre/au ⇢ fluff, smut, established relationship
wc & rating ⇢ 2k+ | 18+ (minors gtfo)
summary ⇢ all Jongseong wanted was to put you to sleep but you're more than awake to play along with his melodies.
warnings ⇢ cursing • unprotected sex • riding • handjob • fellatio • pet names • praise kink kinda? • aftercare
song ⇢ i love you 3000 - stephanie poetri
a/n: happy national boyfriend day to my main man! i didn't realize that i had an est. rel wip whipped last feb lmao. it's been sitting in my drafts for too long so might as well ^^
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the dim lights and the strums of guitar strings are lulling you to sleep.
that's what Jay's been hoping to accomplish anyway after noticing you getting fussy as soon as you arrived earlier. it happens when you’re very tired so he'd love for you to sleep right away after dinner.
now you're plastered on your shared bed, brows scrunching as you try to make yourself comfortable. you look so adorable, just like when you complain about how bright it is every time the lights are on due to your sensitive eyes. 
it's a good thing Jay knows just what you need. he turns off some lights but leaves a lamp on so he can still see around the room. walking towards his closet, he grabs his guitar from the inside which you didn't notice. then he sits beside your lying form before placing the body of the guitar on his propped leg. 
smiling at your sleepy state, Jay starts tuning the guitar, some random melody already emerging in his mind to play for you. he made it a goal to himself to help you sleep after finding out that it didn't come to you easily.
the sound of your boyfriend plucking the strings was making you sleepy until you looked up at him. the sight made you gasp inwardly, the sleepiness leaving your mind as you watched Jay playing his guitar.
he's always been gorgeous but the silhouette of his face looks so defined from your line of vision. the few loose strands of his hair provided some extra flair with his shadow that you'd love to sketch sometime.
but seriously, how the fuck is he this beautiful even with the lights are low?
"baby can you sing for me?" you ask him softly which brings his attention to you. the request made Jay pause in playing, his face now slightly confused which is so cute.
"sing? but i thought you were sleepy that's why i'm playing"
and this is why you fell in love with him. not because of his physical attributes but of his thoughtfulness and how sweet he is. your heart swells that he's trying to help you sleep this way. you’ve been more than grateful that he became a part in your life.
"i wanna hear your voice" you sluggishly reply, burying yourself further in the comforter while your legs nuzzle the huge pillow between your thighs.
since Jay loves you so much, he accepts your request. he chooses to sing an acoustic version of a song that you often play in the background when cuddling him sometimes.
he thought this was it, that you'll finally fall asleep but you’ve started humming along instead, adding harmonies to the song which he didn't really mind since he loves hearing you sing.
"baby" he paused his singing but not playing so it served as an instrumental to your melodies.
"hmmm?" you feigned ignorance with your eyes closed as your hand started to caress his thigh, syncing it with his strumming.
"what are you tryna do?" he queries though he knows what you're doing. if that small quirk in your lips should tell Jay otherwise. your eyes are back on his face when he nudges you, a wolfish smile forming on your lips as your hand creeps closer to his upper inner thigh.
it's out of nowhere but your man's too fucking fine and you're getting horny just by watching him playing his guitar. you can't be blamed for that though, anyone would be if they were in your place.
"can i actually suck you off?" you asked, looking at him sheepishly with those puppy eyes that he couldn't possibly say no to. even without those, he'd say yes, wanting to give you whatever you want.
"come 'ere" he beckons you with one hand after placing his precious guitar by his side. it's at a safe distance thanks to your boyfriend's spacious bed so you have nothing to worry about but still. it's one of his collections, an expensive one so you don't want your clumsiness to damage it. but even if that were to happen, he wouldn't mind really. he can always get it repaired or buy a new one instead.
carefully crawling closer to Jay's lap, you place an arm on the mattress to support your upper body. he's surprisingly hard when you start palming his clothed length, squeezing it briefly which earned a small groan from him.
"oh you are so cute" you giggle, doing it again to watch his reaction.
"don't tease" he huffs, a small pout on his lips.
you might not be able to see his face clearly this far but you know he's struggling to contain his moans. he's fisting the bedsheet so you pull down the hem of his sweats at once, happy to hear the sigh of relief escaping his lips.
his rigid cock slaps against his clothed tummy and you're salivating to have it in your mouth. pumping his dick for a bit, you eventually lowered your head to wrap your lips around its tip. you're thinking of teasing him like you always do but not tonight, it's you who wants his cock in every way possible.
you feel one of Jay's hands on your head once you take him all in, petting your hair and it prompts you to swallow him deeper until his tip hits the back of your throat.
"fuck i love your mouth" his deep groans are sending shivers through you, moaning around his dick which drives Jay insane. he gathers your hair while you continue to suck him off, bucking his hips up when you hollow your cheeks. he didn't mean to but he can't help it, you're just too good at this.
reaching the back of your nape, he pulls you closer as your hand pumps the rest of him that you couldn't fit in your mouth. the warmth of your mouth is pushing him closer to his orgasm but you release his dick all of a sudden, causing a small whimper that he didn't plan on making.
“shhh” you smile teasingly at Jay and he curses, moaning louder when your tongue starts licking the undersides of his cock down to the base.
although it was you who initially started this, he's the one desperate to fuck you right now. he’s been wanting to cum but he tries to hold it back, preferring to do so inside you.
“can you fuck me baby?” he rasps, his hand patting down your head as he closes his eyes. you look too hot sucking him off that he might burst his nut on your face, not like he didn't before but he's craving for your pussy this time.
“m’kay” another giggle escapes you after hearing Jay's request. you did plan on fucking him and you were excited as soon as he let you suck him but you didn’t think he’d beg first tonight.
lifting yourself up from the bed, you took the rest of your clothes off. nothing much since you were just wearing a loose shirt and matching thin sweats along with your underwear.
“these fucking tits” you hear Jay mumble quietly as he reaches for your bare breasts. one thing he loves secretly is how you’re always braless once you’re home. it's easier for him to play with them with his hands or mouth.
a needy moan escapes you when he pinches your nipples before you scramble to straddle him. he proceeds to rid his shirt as well, pulling off his sweats completely so now you’re both completely naked.
looking at each other fondly and you really couldn't stop your intrusive thoughts from coming out.
“you’re so fine what the hell how did i get so lucky”
you say softly as you start grinding against his slick cock, cupping his face with both your hands and you can feel his skin warming up at your words. he averts his eyes from yours once he sees that pretty smile on your face.
"i'm lucky to have you too baby" he responds before his hands hoist you up, grabbing his cock to align it in your soaking entrance.
“are you blushing? awe-ahh..”
yes, Jay is and he has no idea how you can even see it with this dim lighting and your uneven vision. he knew you were gonna tease him like you always and he usually doesn't mind. it's just that all he can think of right now is your pussy, fucking it a lot until you're all spent.
he hasn’t prepped you with his fingers but you love the stretch each time your pussy takes his cock. at first, he was hesitant since he’s always wanted to make sure you’re always ready before sex but you're determined and eventually, you managed to convince him.
“tight..fuck, i’ll never get used to this ugh” he hisses, spewing more praises at how good you feel around him and you’re leaving kisses around his handsome face in return.
“i think i can move now baby” you reassure him, circling your hips to test the waters.
his hands are on your waist, his grip tightening when you start bouncing on him.
"g-gorgeous.." he whispers. "you're so gorgeous my love" he adds quietly and you clenched around him as a result. watching your boyfriend struggle to hold himself because of you boosts your confidence.
the way he reacts to everything that you do encourages you to do it more, wanting to see how good you make him feel.
it's taking a toll on your legs but you can feel Jay so deep that it's overpowering it. he can feel it though, your waning energy so he sits up before laying you gently on your back without removing himself from you.
"fuck baby, i'm close" he speeds his thrusts once he feels your legs tighten around his waist.
"close, close, mhmm" you're slurring your words, dazedly looking at Jay that he falters in his pace. you're too pretty like this, sprawled under him while he's making you feel so good. there's nothing in this world that makes him happy aside from this.
it pushes him to reach his peak, filling you up like you always wanted.
"you good babe?" he prods, stroking your warm cheeks with the back of his fingers.
"yea..so good.." you're breathless when you respond but your boyfriend's looking at you lovingly. the subtle thrusts of his hips soothe your walls despite the sensitivity, always have been when you're both riding your high.
his deep chuckle reverberates in sync with your heavy breathing, whining when he pulls out of you. he urges you to stand up so you both can clean up at the bathroom, and comply reluctantly. being the caring person that he is, Jay solely cleans you up first even when you keep fighting him off.
you're clearly sleepy now so he helps you in putting on a fresh set of clothes. the entire time that he briefly left you, he was changing the sheets and put your clothes to the laundry so you'd be ready to sleep as soon as you're done.
lying down, you nuzzle the comforter while waiting for your boyfriend to join you in bed. you're dead tired though but he's still in the washroom so you're gonna close your eyes for a bit.
"i love you" you call out to him, the sleep waving over you but you're trying to stay conscious.
"i love you too baby" he responds as he finishes up, eager to join you since sleep's coming to him as well. however, when he came out of the door, he finds you already sleeping.
jay didn’t mean to fuck you to exhaustion but watching you sleep soundly tugs his heart a little. you finally look peaceful unlike the weariness in your face that you tried to hide earlier. all because of him and he's more than happy to do it again, anything for the person he loves the most.
e/n: it's been ages lmao and i realized i had this last min 💀. summer and september were so busy for me and i tried writing whenever i can. but now it's October and i'll be more busy? (i go out/party almost every day/week when i'm not working) so i'm gonna focus on my Halloween/scary fics since yk i can only post them this month.
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gatorbites-imagines · 13 hours
Kinktober day 4
Logan Howlett + Omegaverse
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Feral mutants? Feral mutants. Readers based on a coyote, because I like coyotes, and it feels funny. For once, the reader is on the scrawny short side. I had to look up coyote and wolf behaviours for this, and I still feel like I didn’t do well. My version of omegaverse amongst feral mutants, enjoy.
Kinktober 2024 masterlist
Logan had been living amongst the pack of wolves for who knew how long. When one lived in the woods, as far away from civilization as they could get, you had a tendency to lose track of time. You noticed the passing seasons, only based on the fact that the pack would migrate to better areas, and that pups would be born. What Logan did notice, was the other feral mutant who’d edge at the borders of his pack’s territory.
Everyone knew that the whole alpha beta omega hierarchy was bullshit when it came to wolves or other animals. But for mutants, it was very real, only feral mutants though. For the most part it didn’t mean anything, only a certain feral edge to the feral mutant, even when integrated into society. But putting two together, could cause problems along the way.
Logan had always prided himself on having a steady mind and having patience, at least when it came to living amongst his pack far away from human stresses. But that stupid feral, the one that reeked of coyote instead of wolf, was getting on his nerves. Especially with how they dragged their alpha scent up against the same trees Logan would mark, as if taunting him.
Logan may have been an omega, but that in no way made him weak, that much was clear with just how much of a heavy hitter he was. His usual patience amongst his pack was hanging on a thread though, and when he finally caught that stupid loner feral marking up the spot logan had just marked, then he saw red.
The other feral was younger than Logan, at least he appeared to be, or maybe that was just his mutation. He wasn’t as hairy, not as muscular, more on the lithe nimble side which made him fast. Which made you fast. The circles you ran around logan, nipping at his sides and thighs, jumping away quicker than he could snap back at you, it was all a game.
It was only when you two had travelled deeper into what Logan registered as your territory that he realized what you had done, or at least he thought so. Logan was used to most wanting to pick a fight, so that was what he got ready for, unsheathing his claws and barring his teeth with a feral snarl. The mutant was left confused though, as instead of charging at him with the intent to kill, you just jumped close, nipped at him some more, and jumped back.
Logan wasn’t really sure what to do with that. Maybe hed spent too much time around people, or maybe he was just too old, but having a young buck like you showing such clear interest was new. Logan had had many partners over the years, don’t get him wrong, but no one quite like you. No one as deeply intertwined in their own feral side as he was, at least nobody that wasn’t an enemy.
But Logan also wasn’t gonna act on what was stirring inside him, without knowing how present you were mentally. He knew from experience that some mutants just withdrew into their mind for their own safety, letting their bodies carry on without them being present. You did seem a little confused when Logan sat back on his haunches, staring you down.
“I’m Logan” he finally grunted out, at least wanting to confirm that you understood. You seemed uncomfortable with talking, having most likely been alone for a long time, but relief did fill his system when you replied back, giving your own name.
Getting down onto your stomach, you start dragging yourself towards him, like a more submissive gesture that you wanted to get closer, you wanted him. So, what if some didn’t like omegas that were bigger and stronger than them, you were a man of refined taste, and Logan was the most delicious omega you had ever seen. Plus, hed allowed all your games for so long, if he had really wanted you gone you would be.
Neither of you really liked talking much, instead just relying on the cloying scents hanging in the air, only growing thicker and headier with time as you finally got up between Logans thighs, your sharp canines digging into the strong muscle of it. It was more a request than anything, and had you had a tail you would have been wagging up a storm, as Logan finally huffed and gave a grumble, before rolling onto his front. There wasn’t much presenting in his position, but you really hadn’t expected that from a guy like Logan either, so you didn’t mind.
As you bit your way up Logans thighs, you finally put your jaws into it, lapping up the droplets of blood that escaped before the bites healed back up again. There wasn’t much need for talk in a situation like this, the only noises you cared about were the ways Logan groaned as you buried your face between his cheeks, lapping at whatever you could reach.
Unlike popular belief, omegas didn’t create slick. You guys were just people, with a little bit of extra. So, it wasn’t like Logan was gonna start slicking up and start popping out pups just because you fucked him. Hell, you didn’t even have a knot, if your dick started growing like that you’d start fearing for your health. So really, the whole secondary gender thing for feral mutants didn’t matter much, outside of some changes in pheromones, hormones, and different preferences. You could easily live normal lives without being an alpha or omega posing any problems.
It was most likely the fact that you two had been up here, far away from everything, that had driven you both into such an instinct fuzzy frenzy, your claws digging into the meat of Logans thighs to hold him still, as he snapped his teeth at the air and growled, grinding back against you.
Neither of you had the patience to work Logan open with your fingers, the pitch of Logans noises letting you know that the older mutant didn’t have all day. So, with a few extra wet swirls of your tongue, you finally pulled back, almost clambering up onto his back.
You were skinnier than him, and much less hairy, but it just made it feel extra good as you glued your chest against his spine, your own puffed growls against his ear as you ground against him. Logan gave another growl, one of his hands reaching back to grab onto your hair and wrenching your head to the side, a snapped “get on with it bub” leaving him, voice thick and dangerous.
And who were you to deny him his request. It took some fumbling with your hips to find where it needed to go, since you didn’t want to unwrap your arms from his torso, hands too busy fondling his hairy pecs. Logan groaned as you finally pushed inside, shoving his hips back against yours to make you hurry up, he wasn’t scared of a little pain.
As you bottom out, Logan could at least appreciate one thing about alphas. They may not have knots, or some kind of powerful alpha voice, but shit were they big, and by god did he like being full, something hed blame on his omega needs.
It may have been cold out, but neither of you could feel it, as your bodies moved in rough desperate ways. The forest floor was torn up by Logans claws as he huffed and groaned, the many clearly not one to just moan for no reason. You on the other hand was struggling, face buried against the back of his neck as you panted and keened. You truly were a greenhorn against a seasoned professional, your lesser experience clear in your quickly depleting stamina.
Had it been any other time Logan might have taunted you a little bit. Maybe a few jokes about you not being able to keep up, but right now he just found himself growling that you couldn’t give it to him as hard as he wanted it. Part of it could probably be blamed on his adamantium skeleton and healing factor, but there was also part of you that was trying to be careful. Both for him, but also to keep yourself from finishing to face.
It was damn near impossible, you almost wanted to cry. He was so tight and hot inside, his growls and scent driving you mad. You wanted nothing more than to bite into his neck and mark him as yours, even if you both knew it didn’t really matter in the long run as your healing factors to wipe away any mark or scars you left. It didn’t keep you from licking at your teeth though, your entire body shaking weakly, trying to keep yourself from tumbling over the edge.
You didn’t stand a chance, as Logan seemed to be able to sense or smell just how close you were. So, like the asshole he was, Logan put more energy into his hips, rolling them back against you until you were keening into his neck, hips stuttering and shaking as you mumble out warbled apologies.
Falling limp against his back, you felt not worth your salt. You had tried to entice him for so long, and here you were bursting not even five minutes in, he must be annoyed with you. Count you surprised when Logan makes you pull out, only to flip you onto your back and sit right back down on you, his grin cocky and dominant in ways you just couldn’t match. “don’t worry, pup, we will work on that” he growled, the noise coming from deep in his chest, as he started bouncing in your lap.
One of his rough hands wiped away your tears of overstimulation, looking almost like he was pitying you for picking a fight you just couldn’t win. Hed have you up to par in no time, don’t you worry.
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kianamaiart · 58 minutes
No offense to the magical girl story you're doing, but I'm not sure about it. It's looks good, and you've put effort into it, but I'm just not fond of magical girl stories, like, why do they always go for the teenage girls and not, you know, adults, particularly ones who already understand the concept of responsibility and sacrifice. But good luck.
That's fine. If you don't like the genre, you don't like it
I thought about playing with the idea of an adult magical girl (magical woman?), similarly over it, but it was giving like... bitter millennial vibes which isn't what I'm going for LMAO.
With an adult it felt like "ah this is her job and she hates it haha she's so relatable". But I wanted my story to feel more like "Oh this girl hates her job, which makes sense she's a baby she shouldn't even have a job or all these responsibilities actually". Since this series is somewhat of a parody of the genre, I feel like leaning into the tropes is important. Teenage girls having this burden of protecting the world is one of them.
It also falls into the themes of being a "gifted kid who people have a lot of expectations for" that I want to explore. Growing up too fast sucks, Aika's aware of that and trying to reclaim her childhood
That's why I'm doing it but in general, I think magical girls are usually teenagers because the genre is generally marketed toward tweenage/teenage girls. A lot of film and fiction is either made to sell a fantasy and/or to inspire. What I love about magical girl animes is that they aim to teach little girls that you can to be feminine and strong. Not that I don't think you can't do that with an adult character but we all know it's nice to see characters that are like you, whether it be race, gender, sexuality and in this case, age. A child doesn't know what it's like to be an adult so seeing a kid like them doing cool shit probably resonates more. Then on the flipside, an adult can remember what it was like for them to be a kid/teenager. So having a younger protagonist can still be relatable or even nostalgic for an adult. I think teenage characters just cast a wider net of appeal/relatability for audiences.
I would love to see more media tackle broader age ranges also, but also I get why high school is an, admittedly overused, but popular age range to write.
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seungfl0wer · 2 days
*𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕?*
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Paring: Chan x Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Unprotected sex, Creampie, (P in V), dirty talk, use of princess, Oral (F), sorry if I missed any, not proofread so sorry for any mistakes
This was requested from my prompt list 6: “you weren’t supposed to hear that”
A/N: I’m sorry if this is all over the place. I haven’t had time to even think *Sigh* so I’m sorry if it’s not my best.
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Working late today, you just felt so exhausted from the long shift. Feeling tired and stressed you were honestly ready to scream. You were gonna head home but your friend’s place was a lot closer, You stayed there often especially after late shifts. You didn’t think he’d mind, he was probably still awake anyways. You shot him a message about crashing there but he never responded. You figured he was just working on something. When you go to his place you knocked before reaching for the space key he had given you.
Opening the door it was pretty quiet surprisingly. Normally there was at least music playing but nothing. You stayed quiet thinking he was probably just asleep. Making your way to the spare bedroom you placed your stuff down heading to the bathroom. You started to wash your face when you heard a noise. You tilted your head thinking you heard Chan call for you. The silence was so loud though, thinking you were going crazy you wiped your face.
Making your way back to the room you heard your name again, this time you really heard it. It sounded soft and then again this time mixed with noises and then you heard it “fuck y/n you feel so good.” Hearing this made your stomach flip. A knot in it slowly building as you walked towards his room. The door was half way open, peering in you saw him. He was bent over a pillow fully naked as he was thrusting into the makeshift ‘body’ he had made. You knew you shouldn’t be watching, you’d be mortified if he’d see you but god- did he look good.
His toned body glistening with sweat as moans and groans left his mouth. His movements were everywhere as he pushed himself in and out of the pillow. He gripped it tightly head falling backwards “fuck y/n I wanna fill you- ah- ah fuck need you wrapped around me” his words pour out like a faucet. “Y/n fuck- y/n” he moaned. The scene in front of you was turning you on more than you’d like to admit. Chans been your friend for a while now but he was definitely hot no doubt about it.
That smile of his alone made you weak but hearing him like this just- made a pool in your panties. He started moving not wanting to be found out as a creeper you quickly moved to the side. Nothing could have prepared you for the sweet noise you were about to hear “y/n! Fuck! Ah- cu-cuming!” The low groan he left out followed by moans and whimpers as he came. You stood there almost drooling over how hot he sounded. So many thoughts were swirling in your head that you didn’t hear him walking towards the door.
As he walked out he looked over at you, doing a double take trying to figure if he was tripping. “How long have you been- here?” He said his voice a bit shaky. You couldn’t think straight not after hearing what you did. Not only that but he was now standing infront of you fully naked. His cock slightly still hard, his body red glistening with sweat. “I uhm-“ you stuttered out eyes glancing over him.
“Y/n- I- how much did you hear?” He said his eyes burning a hole into you. “Well I” your words just wouldn’t come out. Everything just getting stuck like a cat actually had your tongue. “Fuck- you weren’t supposed to hear any of that- I mean obviously.. I didn’t know you were coming- I’m sorry- I hope you don’t think I’m weird. It’s just-“ he sighed. “You’re so- pretty and you always pop in my mind when I’m doing this and- and I can’t help it” he continues to ramble.
As he’s talking about it you could see his cock twitching like, being caught or telling you about it was turning him on again. You subconsciously rubbed your legs together, feeling hornier than you ever have. “Why didn’t you just ask for my help?” Your words came out without you even thinking about it. His eyes widened “are- are you serious?” He asked. “I- uhm I yes I’m serious” you stuttered out, eyes meeting for the first time. Without a second of thought he pulled you to him lips crashing into yours. His tongue found its way into your mouth his hands came down wrapping around your waist. He picked you up wrapping your legs around him making you squeal. He chuckled before chasing after your lips once again.
As he laid you down his hands frantically wondered your body. Finding their way to your pants he quickly pulled them down, his hands came under your legs lifting them up. He pressed himself between you his cock pressing against your folds, The contact making you both moan. He moved his hips his cock head coming up to press against your clit. His lips were making their way down to your neck sucking harshly at the skin. Both of you were desperate “Chan- please” you begged breathily hands pulling him to you.
He didn’t even hesitate before letting himself slip into you. Hands gripping tightly to him desperate for more contact. He didn’t move right away the feeling too good for him already. He must have been still for to long though, because you started to whine “move” you said softly. He looked down at you with the most fucked out face as he started to move slowly. He was so lost in the feeling of you, so drunk off of you he bottomed out almost immediately. His cock head kissing your cervix ever so perfectly.
“God you feel even better than I expected” he moaned. His movement were all over the place. He leaned down to you kissing you sloppily his tongue lapping at yours teeth biting at your bottom lip. His hands griped onto your legs desperately trying to find something to anchor him. He felt like he was in a dream, just minutes before he was getting off to the thought of you. Now he’s getting off with you, with him deep inside you. Your body felt addicting, he craved it needed it or he possible might die. “Y/n fuck I’m-“ he started to say his head falling back.
“Cum for me Chris, fuck- please” you say but he shook his head “n-no i wanna savor this moment. Need it to last longer.” He said before pulling out before you could even protest at the loss of him he was going down your body. His lips attached to your wet cunt like some hungry animal. He was fucking you with his tongue his fingers playing with your clit. Your body arched at the feeling moaning his name as you gripped at his hair. “Fuck!” Is all you could get out as he switched. Fingers now pumping into as he sucked harshly at your clit. “Cum for me- please I wanna taste every bit of you.” He said his words coming out like a plea.
He sped his movements up biting softly at your sensitive nub, you uncontrollably started to move your hips. Bucking them grinding into his tongue as you chased your high. “That’s it baby cum for me, fuck cum for princess” he said feeling you clench around his fingers. You came hard, harder than you ever have before. Pulling his hair hard almost screaming his name as your body levitated from the mattress. He continued through your high before quickly coming up to you. He leaned his head against yours eyes looking into each others.
He guided himself into you once again cock moving in and out, he watched as your face contorted in pleasure. Becoming sensitive from just cumming you felt a bigger knot in your stomach. It was already building once again as each thrust hit your g-spot. “Fuck- you feel so good. I’ve never wanted someone as much as I’ve wanted you. Fuck y/n! Fuck! Fuck!” He groaned out sitting up gripping your hips as he pushed deeper into you. His hand came down to play with your clit, thrust becoming sloppier. As you looked up at him the view was magnificent, his eyes were glossed over, lips swollen and mouth half open.
“I’m so fucking close y/n” he breathed out “Chris- c- cum inside” you moaned. The look on his face was everything, a mixture of shock and pure ecstasy “Yeah? I can? Really?” He said in disbelief. You nod yes making him groan. He leaned his body down laying it against yours head in the crook of your neck. He started to thrust sloppier into you his hand on your clit moving frantically. “I’m gonna fill you full, gonna fill this pretty pussy so full it only wants me” he said against your ear. “Y/n you’re all mine ok? Please I need you to be all mine” he babbled on.
He leaned up looking into your eyes “tell me please- say it” he said eyes locked on you. “Chris- I’m all yours. Only yours.” And with those words it pushed him over the edge his body was stuttering inside you cuming deep as he let out moans and curses. As he came the feeling of it mixed with the feeling of him playing with your abused clit made you cum. Something you didn’t expect though as you came it felt different, until you heard him groan even more “princess- fuck squirting all over me?” He said his voice shaky.
No one has ever been able to make you squirt but here you were covered in your mess, it covering Chans body. “Y/n did you really mean it? Are you all mine?” He said moving to look at you again. “Yes, I’d love to be all yours.” He smiled widely kissing you lovingly. You two stayed cuddled into each other for a few before Chan broke the silence. “Let’s go shower yeah?” You nodded “if I can walk” your comment making you both burst out laughing.
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💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat @troublemaker02 @tr-mha-fan @lunearta @velvetmoonlght @minghaosimp
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gay-dorito-dust · 18 hours
could you do a lil drabble for each of the batboys with a ghost!reader who haunts the mansion? like the ghost is super nice and chill, and they help out in minor ways (help finding small items, cleaning up places, fixing someone’s clothes).
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All the boys at some point knew the mansion was haunted, but not by the ghosts of Thomas and Martha Wayne, no but instead of a different person entirely who had no ties what so ever to the manner but thankfully you’re rather helpful and chill in comparison to how movies tends to stereotype ghosts as…something you take full offence to…
Ironically he reacted the least to you when you showed up in front of him one day, his red helmet in hand.
‘You’ve got to stop dropping this dude, it can only take a couple more drops before you break the fucking thing completely.’ You tell him as you set the helmet aside on his bedside desk.
Jason only looks at you with intrigue. ‘How did you get in the manor?’ He asks. You crossed your arms over your chest. ‘I’m a ghost, there is no getting in when I’ve been here for a little over a couple months.’ You replied
‘How?’ He asks.
You shrugged. ‘Dunno, I died a few feet from this manor and yet I got stuck here regardless, it sounds like the start of a shitty horror movie.’ Jason chuckled as he sits back on his bed. ‘Yeah it really does but aren’t you ghosts meant to be, you know…vengeful towards the living?’ He teases and you shot him a look.
‘First of all those ghosts are old cunts who are have a thing for killing young people and kids for the sake of enforcing their hatred towards the newer generation. I on the other hand don’t fucking care because what purpose does it serve me to frighten people into paranoia? None and besides you lot are a messy bunch that don’t know the first thing of keeping your stuff in your own rooms, you and dick are the worst for that.’
Jason raised his hands in defence. ‘Guilty as charged but they always seem to come back to our rooms regardless, so I’m assuming that’s you?’
You hummed.
You shrugged again. ‘I’m bored and got too much time stuck here doing fuck all. So now I clean up after you lot to pass the infinite time I’m now cursed with.’
‘Must suck.’ Jason said as he looked at you. ‘Being dead and I should know but unlike you I was brought back against my will.’ You waved a hand at him as you sat next to him. ‘It’s not all bad being dead but I think coming back to live is an even worse fate to have.’ You then look at him with concern for his wellbeing. ‘How do you do it?’
Jason stayed silent as his steely gaze locked onto the wall in front of him. ‘I’m still trying.’ Was all he said and you decided they your time here was over as you walked over to his doorway but looked back at Jason before leaving. ‘Talk to your brothers, before you regret not doing so later…I know I regret not saying anything to my family before…you know.’ You tell him with a weak smile.
Jason was left mulling over your words that night.
He fainted the moment you handed him his weapons to him. This wasn’t the first time he did it either.
You weren’t amused as you sighed. ‘Okay big guy, let’s get you back to bed.’ You settled aside his weapons on the kitchen counter where you found him, before focusing all your effort and energy into lifting him up and carrying him back to bed, tucked in tight like a baby that he was when it came to horror movies.
You often left dick’s stuff in places he frequently visited or in his room rather then stay long for him to see you, all in the hope of not having to hear him scream and potentially faint on the spot, for in all honestly after the first few times it was beyond ridiculous, and you couldn’t be bothered to make an attempt to ease his anxiety about you if he wasn’t even conscious for you to do so.
He was the one you interacted the least but would keep an eye on from afar like you did with the rest of the boys.
So when he finds himself in his bed, he’s confused, he thought he was in the training room before but then he remembered that his encounter with you sent him into unconsciousness. He wasn’t the biggest fan of horror movies and ever since his first one, his fears and worries towards ghosts has grown since his siblings love horror movie nights, much to his dismay.
There was a ghost in the manor…but you didn’t seem hostile or as angry and violent as the ones he saw in movies, if anything you were the exact opposite but still his worries that this was all just a ruse was enough to have him on edge whenever he heard a creak in the floorboards or shutting of a random door.
‘Christ you’re hopeless boy wonder.’ You say out of instinct and dick, who had gotten out of bed at this point and wandered down the hallway, straightened up and looked over at you with wide eyes.
‘Me!’ You replied sarcastically. ‘Now before you faint on me, your weapons are in the training area where you fainted before I had to drag your ass back to bed, if not ask Tim as I left him the responsibility to tell you where they are.’ You add and within a matter of minutes, dick fainted and you sighed once more as you were forced to carry the man back to bed, more then ready to do this all over again should he cross your path once more.
Didn’t fully encounter you until he was on a hunt to find his missing computer charger, growing ever more annoyed when he couldn’t find it, only to hear someone from his doorway say;
‘Looking for this?’
Tim looks up to find your translucent hand hold out his charger, it almost looked as though it was floating in midair in front of him as though it was the carrot on the stick and he was the donkey, destined to be lured by the illusion of one day eating the carrot only to always be mere inches away from that reality but never getting any closer then those mere inches.
‘What the-‘ he begins but you raised your other hand.
‘Don’t freak out dude, I’m just a ghost who’s trying to help you find a charger, no need to reach for the phone and get a fake medium, nor call that John Constantine dude Christ.’ You said as you threw his computer charger onto his bed. Tim was still very much in a state of surprise at how you could intersect with objects, for as he was aware ghosts had to be able to muster the anger to do so, but here you were doing what other ghosts couldn’t so effortlessly and easily as breathing.
‘Thanks?’ He then says and you shrugged your shoulders.
‘No problem, also when dick comes and ask you where his combat sticks are, they’re in the kitchen…where he left them the night before, I would do it but I’m pretty sure he fainted when I held them t to him.’ You told Tim but before he could say anything else, you disappeared through the wall across his room and it left him with a cold sensation travelling through his body upon witnessing it.
He’s now going to sleep with one eye open in the instance you came back to watch over him like a sleep paralysis demon. That and he found out your death with a quick search.
Didn’t believe in ghosts until he caught you sorting out his art supplies in a neat and orderly manner.
‘Hey!’ He’d bark.
‘At least arrange your paint brushes from thickest to thinnest,’ you groaned, ignoring his bark, ‘it’s a pain in the ass to keep cleaning after you and keep the art desk clean also.’
Damian faltered and his anger subsided to confusion. ‘You’re the one who’s been doing that?’ He asks. You looked at his as though he grew another head. ‘Duh, of course I do. Also don’t wear anything that can get into acrylic paint, it doesn’t come out, like at all that shit ruins any good shirt you have forever see!’ You then showed him your paint covered sleeves with a smile.
‘How did you get in here without setting off the alarms?’ Damian questioned and you then sighed as you balled up a fist and threw a punch that went straight through the set desk, you leave it there for Damian to realise what your situation was before pulling it out. ‘You’re a ghost.’
‘In the flesh! Well flesh for you not me as I’m dead and all-‘
‘Yes I get that but-‘
‘Damian.’ Dick’s voice could heard through the door as the pair of you froze. ‘Who are you talking to?’ Damian was about to answer but when he looked over at where you stood, you were gone as though you had never existed and slowly Damian closed his mouth. ‘No one.’ He replied as he looked over at his art desk to see that you had cleaned his paintbrushes, organised them from height order and even brought a fresh canvas out for him too.
Something told him that this won’t be the last time that he saw you.
Congratulations you’ve gained his interest.
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TFONE Starscream x Femme Reader x Yandere-ish D-16/Megatron (Part 2)
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/Part Two/
"Anything to report switchsky?"
(Y/n) ask turning to face the group of scout seekers that had just arrived, switchsky shakes her head
"Nothing to report commander (Y/n)."
(Y/n) smiles and laughs
"Please (Y/n) will do, get some rest."
(Y/n) pats switchsky's shoulders, walking off towards the throne area. Where she indeed found Starscream sitting in all his glory.
"Greetings my lord."
Starscream smiles a bit shaking his head,
"Anything to report from our seekers? My dear."
(Y/n) sat on left side of the arm throne, pulling up a hologram of cleared area scouted.
"According to our seekers this sector has been cleared and to the west, but I think for my
Seekers safety I'll check up on the north side myself."
Starscream grabs ahold of (Y/n) servo placing soft kisses and looking up to her.
"Always thinking of our seekers. But you know I can't let u go alone."
(Y/n) sighs hopping off the arm throne
"Fine. Fine. I'll take Boomer and Rushtrap with me okay?"
Starscream stood up from his throne, giving (Y/n) a nod of approval.
"Report back immediately once the north sector is cleared."
"Yes sir."
(Y/n) was just about to turn to leave but felt Starscream servo gently holds up her chin to meet his optics
"Be safe my dear."
(Y/n) blushes chuckling, almost tripping over her pedes.
Transforming quickly to her jet form and calling Boomer and rushtrap.
"See anything mechs?"
"Nothing to report (Y/n)."
Rushtrap replies flying on her left while Boomer flew to her right side.
The three transform out of their alt mode landing on a cliff that had a great view of the landscape.
"Something the matter Bommer?"
Rushtrap ask making (Y/n) look back to the two seekers waiting for his response
"Something feels off..."
Boomers deep voice echos out till all their coms activated
"(Y/n) report back to base, some scout seekers found trespassers."
"We are a bit far but will arrive soon as possible. Let's go."
(Y/n) jumps off the cliff transforming and blasting off with a bit more speed, rushtrap and boomer transforming following behind (Y/n).
(Y/n) lands at the entrance of base, noticing all the high guards were gather at the throne area. She looks back to see Rushtrap and Boomer telling them to join the others while she joins Starscream.
(Y/n) made her way through the crowd, the seekers making way for her to get to the front. Once she was in the open area she stops and sees four bots on their knees. The yellow one turns to see (Y/n) and yells out in excitement his arms shaking around.
"Hey!! Look! Look! It's (Y/n)! She's here too!"
The three other bots turn to see (Y/n), she gave them a confused look before realizing that the gray and red bot were the miners she encountered on her mission.
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D-16 optics widen seeing (Y/n) again he felt his spark beating rapidly, he tries to stand but a few seekers aim their weapon to him shoving him down on his knees again.
(Y/n) gave D-16 an apologetic look while making her way up the stairs standing beside Starscream.
D-16 seems to noticed that you were of importance to this so called "wanna be king"
"Do you know these bots (Y/n)?"
(Y/n) looks back to D-16 than to Starscream replying
"Just the grey and red one, they were just simple miners I've encountered during my mission to the Iacon mines."
Orion pax was glad to see a familiar face and just as he stood to say that they should work together to unite cybertron was greeted with guns pointed to him.
Starscream didn't believe in working together uniting cybertron, stating that one bot with the strength should rule/lead.
Every bot cheered at Starscream words making
(Y/n) sigh looking away, truthfully she would follow Starscream without hesitation, but wanted justice for all bots on cybertron and for sentinel to pay for his crimes. Is this really the only way?
She was quickly pull out of her thoughts when Starscream stood from his throne.
"HEY!" What are you doing?"
(Y/n) sees D-16 waking away but was block by two seekers, D-16 turns to face Starscream explaining why he wasn't going to coward away, making pity moves and pretending to be a so called king.
"I found out that sentinel is rotten today! (Y/n) was the only one to warn me about him! but I was too blind to see/hear her! And I'm going to make him pay for it!
(Y/n) can feel his pain, his optics showing the pain and anger he has build up, waiting for it all to be released to the world. (Y/n) hesitantly steps forward seeing Starscream walking more and more closer to the angry miner.
"You think you could insult me?, And just walk away? No one leaves here unless I say so."
Now both Starscream and D-16 are face to face, D-16 looks down thinking to himself, making eye contact with Starscream
"Is that right?.....well how could say so? With my head in your teeth."
Without a second D-16 head bumps Starscream faceplate catching him by surprise. The whole crowd begins to cheer in excitement for the brawl.
Both Orion and (Y/n) scream out in fear, Starscream flies up to deliver a kick to D-16, blocking it with his arms but was greeted with a blast from Starscream heel rockets.
Starscream flies straight into D-16 grabbing him by the neck, lifting him up till his back hits a piece of the broken ship. Starscream repeatedly punches D-16 on his stomach, D-16 quickly transforms his leg  kicking Starscream off.
D-16 lands on Starscream, giving him punches back onto his faceplate, Starscream encourages him to hit him harder.
Both (Y/n) and Shockwave look to each other thinking the same thought, just as they both were to step in, Soundwave lifts both his arms as to say let them continue.
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(Y/n) gave Soundwave a worried look, seeing D-16 hurting her Starscream. The crowd cheers out D-16 name encouraging the bot more, grabbing Starscream by the neck cables.
Starscream voice glitches out more and more as D-16 added pressure to his hold, D-16 angry seems to have come out when he lifted his arm ready to finish Starscream off. Till a large cannon transforms out aiming at Starscream, surprising everyone.
(Y/n) optics widen feeling her spark turn cold in fear, D-16 surprised as well. Talking a good look at his creation heavy breaths steaming out of him, aims his cannon more direct to Starscream.
"No! Please don't!"
(Y/n) steps forward trying to get closer to Starscream, D-16 gave her a stern stare.
"Stop! D! He's not the enemy."
There was a long pause. The atmosphere growing thicker of suspense.
(Y/n) lets out a breath of relief when D-16 pulls away his cannon, (Y/n) quickly knees down to aid Starscream. Holding him tightly, looking up to D-16 shaking in fear.
D-16 felt his spark pulse in pain seeing (Y/n) in this state but seeing her cowering to this so called leader. He could offer you so much more. Together you and him can get back at sentinel from all the pain he has cause.
You can be his.
D-16 starts to claim that they should follow him to Iacon city and take their revenge on sentinel prime at this moment, aiming his cannon up shooting out a single charge. Everyone begins to cheer out his name.
"Are you okay?"
(Y/n) voice ask softly to Starscream, his voice glitches out when he tries to reassure her.
(Y/n) places her hand up to his lips, as in a way telling him not to speak.
"Please dear, I don't want you to damage your voice more."
(Y/n) looks around seeing everyone continue to cheer for their new champion, she felt her breath hitch in fear.
D-16 was looking at her direction, his optics seemed to have a more orange color to them. (Y/n) quickly looks away, her attention is back to Starscream. A loud bang can be heard from a distance, a flash of light.
The explosion happened so fast catching everybody by surprise, (Y/n) tightly holds onto Starscream who also holds back both sliding to the floor.
(Y/n) quickly pulls Starscream up pushing him away from the open area, just before Starscream was going to say something, (Y/n) transforms into her jet form. Attacking all the tracker bots down. She tackles one down, lifting up a fellow seeker telling them to take cover. (Y/n) aims up to the sky shooting down a few trackers before she felt someone tackling her down. (Y/n) grabs ahold onto their arms but felt a sting on her neck, looking up.
Just has (Y/n) was going to aim her weapon at Airachind, she felt a large pain on her side of her helm, everything going dark.
Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long, I really took my time on this one,my apologies. I really appreciate your patience
The next one will be the final part, and I'll tell u D-16 is going to yandere-ish to yandere for (Y/n)
Again thanks for all your feedback and support it really means a lot to me! 😊
Peace ✌️
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marcyvampire · 2 days
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pairings ⸺Yandere! Justice League! x Inmortal!Fem!reader.
couple of today! ⸺Yandere! Kal-El x Inmortal! Fem! Reader
This is a Headcanon!
sinopsis ⸺ You had seen it all. From the first whisper of life in the primordial oceans to the deafening buzz of the modern era. Every advancement, every innovation, a heavier burden on your shoulders. Nothing surprised you anymore; everything was predictable and monotonous, so you found refuge in a small apartment in the heart of Metropolis, away from the bustling human nonsense.
Until one day a flying bus crushed you.
warnings ⸺ Dark Themes, Dead, Religion, murdering, Disturbing Content, Unhealthy Obsession, Discrimination, War, Street Fights, Gaslight, Suicide, Violence, Blood, LGBT Content, Kidnapping, NSFW, Sexual Content, Mental Illness, Addiction, Torture, Corruption, Isolation, Trauma, Phobias, Paranoia, Manipulation.
A/N — Bah, just another story pulled from my imagination after dancing all afternoon to Pearl Jam songs while cleaning the house.
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This land is mine, this land is free
I'll do what I want but irresponsibly
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▪︎Your immortality is neither epic nor glorious. You were not born from the stars or from scientific labs. There was no cosmic ray, no magic potions, no caped heroes to save you. Your existence is simple, without ornamentation.
▪︎You are water.
▪︎Or, to be more precise, you were a microscopic being living in a drop of water attached to a wandering meteorite that roamed through the void, in the infinite silence of space, before arriving on Earth. In that tiny liquid bubble, you were happy, surrounded by other beings who knew neither pain nor time. Everything was calm.
▪︎Until one day, your home plummeted toward the planet you would come to know as Earth.
▪︎There your true evolution began.
▪︎Millions of years passed, and you witnessed it all. You observed the first spark of life in the primordial oceans, the giant reptiles crawling across the continents, and the hominids standing upright on two legs. With each evolutionary cycle, you adapted, but you always remained, indifferent to the passage of time. Nothing truly affected you… Until Martha appeared.
▪︎Martha was your youngest daughter, for now. At eighty years old, Martha was the only thing you had left in this world that no longer mattered to you. Time, that relentless enemy that did not touch you, was wreaking havoc on her. Wrinkles adorned her face, her hands trembled as she knitted. But she made you feel something you thought you had forgotten: humanity. Martha kept you anchored to a world that had become irrelevant to you.
▪︎You did not live in Metropolis with her because she had her own life, and you spent your time wandering to every corner of the earth. Aimless and without a home to sleep in.
▪︎But you decided to visit her when you learned from her husband that she was in the hospital. It wasn’t serious, but she was the most important thing you had, and even at eighty years old, she would still be your little sweet baby.
▪︎Your journey was calm; listening to rock bands and old songs relaxed you. Nothing could disturb your zen state.
▪︎But then came the bus. The fucking bus.
▪︎An empty bus flew out from a nearby building, a flash of blue and red, and chaos erupted in the streets. Superman, facing Lex Luthor, knocked a bus right onto you. One second of distraction and you were crushed, like a puppet torn to pieces.
▪︎Your blood spilled onto the pavement and the broken glass of your car, which was now nothing more than scrap metal.
▪︎Superman, the defender of justice, landed right next to your car, using his infrared vision to see your mangled body inside the vehicle.
▪︎His face filled with horror.
▪︎Why always an innocent person? A choked sob, his eyes full of remorse as he saw you, a pool of blood and broken bones.
▪︎It was not the first time he had a lapse, but it was the first time it cost a human and innocent life.
▪︎The worst part was that you were young, with a long life ahead of you, and his carelessness took that gift away. What would happen to your family when they found out? How would they feel knowing that Superman, the so-called greatest hero, couldn’t save you?
▪︎He was devastated.
▪︎Until, to his surprise, you got up. Your body began to regenerate, bones rejoining, skin closing over the wounds. Superman watched you in disbelief, his hands trembling.
▪︎“Can’t you really be more careful?” you said, your voice filled with exhaustion, brushing off the dust as if nothing had happened. The hero was left speechless. You were immortal.
▪︎That was where it all began.
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A/N - And well, this is just a little Headcanon that might turn into a series (hopefully not, because it would be way too long)
I’ll upload more soon, as well as another DC Yandere series. I’ll also post a few updates to explain some things—no need to read them, but it would be app
P.S.: If you’re a reader of the Silly Little Bat series, don’t worry. I’ll upload chapter three soon.
Don’t forget, if you want to request something, the shop is open
Take a bath!
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itneverendshere · 1 day
Bartender!reader reacting to rafes buzz cut for the first time.
made it extra fluffy and flirty bc i've been writing too much angst 😭thank you for the request, hope you like it💗
it's buzzcut season anyway - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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You were in the middle of counting your tips when the door creaked open again. You didn’t even look up this time. The lunch rush had finally slowed, and you were way too focused on making sure some old man’s cash hadn’t gotten stuck together. 
Your break started in two minutes. Your plan? Grab something to eat with Rafe and maybe—if you were lucky—convince him to give you one of those neck massages he was so good at. You’d earned it after dealing with the entitled club members all morning, and he always liked giving you a hard time about being stressed when he came to visit you at work.
If you could just survive until your break, you could—
“Hey, baby,” a voice drawled, warm and familiar.
Your heart did that stupid little thing it always did when you heard his voice, and you couldn’t help but smile even before you looked up.
“Hey, ba—” Your words caught in your throat the second you actually saw him.
Your hand stilled on the cash. He was standing in the doorway, all long toned limbs and that easy charm you’d fallen for over a year ago. But something was off. You squinted, your brain trying to catch up to what you were seeing. It wasn’t the way he was standing or the fact that he had on a backwards cap—he always did that. It was what wasn’t under the cap. Something was missing.
Your eyes went straight to the top of his head.
“Wait—what the—” You blinked, abandoning the tips on the counter as you stepped around it and walked toward him, your eyes locked on the top of his head, trying to figure out if you were seeing things. “Did you buzz your head?”
He just grinned, casually leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, totally unbothered. “Yeah. What d’ya think?”
You gawked at him. “You shaved your head. You literally shaved your head.”
You stared at him, eyes wide. His cap was covering most of it, but you could see enough—enough to know that his thick, messy hair, the hair you’d spent countless hours running your fingers through, was gone. 
“Oh my God. You buzzed it? For real?”
Rafe straightened up, lifting his cap and running a hand over the buzzed length, showing it off like he was some kind of model. “That’s the second time you’ve said that. You don’t like it?”
Your fingers itched to touch it, but you hesitated. You were trying so hard not to freak out. He’d just gone and buzzed his head without even telling you.
“Like it? I—” You sputtered, waving your hand in the air. “Baby, your hair! You just... did this? No warning? No ‘hey, baby, I’m thinking about going full buzzcut, what do you think?’”
His grin turned cocky as he reached out to pull you into him by the waist. “I thought I’d surprise you. Didn’t expect you to get all worked up over it.”
You gave him a playful shove, but he didn’t budge. “I’m not worked up! I’m just... shocked. I thought I was gonna get to lunch with my boyfriend and his hair, not—” You gestured to his head, still half in disbelief. “—this.”
He chuckled, leaning down so his forehead almost touched yours. “So... you hate it?”
You gave him a look, trying to stay mad or at least a little indignant about the whole thing, but it was impossible with him looking at you like that.
“You thought I’d like you going from ‘beach boy’ to ‘buzzcut’ overnight with no warning?”
“Pretty much.” He leaned in, “You gonna tell me you don’t like it?”
You bit your lip, pretending to think about it.
Truth was, you were already starting to like it. You liked that it was new, that it was him, and that it made him look a little rougher, more rugged. But you weren’t gonna tell him that right away. You hadn’t expected to be into it, not at all. Rafe’s hair had always been one of your favorite things about him—the way it’d curl up when he got all sweaty in the summer or how it’d fall into his eyes when he was being serious.
But... the buzzcut? You weren’t expecting it to be hot. But it was. So hot.
“I didn’t say I hate it...” you said, letting your voice trail off as you finally gave in and ran your fingers over the buzzed hair. It was soft, like velvet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning.
He chuckled, one hand coming up to cup your chin as he tilted your face up toward his. “Knew it.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“See? Told ya,” he teased, his hands still gripping your waist as he watched your reaction. “You can’t keep your hands off me now.”
“I never said I couldn’t,” you shot back, your cheeks heating up. “It’s just... I wasn’t expecting to like it this much.”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your cheek. “Admit it. You think I look hot. You’re lookin’ at me like you can’t wait to get me alone.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you playfully pushed at his chest, trying to cover up how much he was getting to you. “Shut up,” you laughed. “You’re so full of yourself.”
“I know you love it.”
You groaned, finally giving in to a full laugh. “Okay, okay. Fine. You look hot.”
Rafe grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Knew you couldn’t resist.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him in for a quick peck, unable to help yourself now. “You owe me lunch for this, though.”
“I brought you lunch,” he said, lifting the bag you hadn’t even noticed in his other hand.
“Oh, did you now?” You raised a brow. “You’re really tryin’ to get on my good side today, huh?”
“I’ll grow it back, don’t worry,” he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips against your neck. “But for now, you’re stuck with this.”
As you both sat down at one of the tables near the back of the bar, you couldn’t stop sneaking glances at his head.
It wasn’t just the look of it that was getting to you—it was the fact that he’d done something so out of the blue, just like that. He always kept you on your toes, never predictable, and surprisingly, you loved that.
He caught you looking for the millionth time and shot you a smug smile. “I can tell you wanna say somethin’. Spill.”
You reached over and ran your fingers through the nonexistent hair again, giggling. 
“I just can’t get over it, baby. You look like a whole new person. A sexy, buzzed-head guy.”
His smile softened, his hand finding yours on the table. “Yeah?”
You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. “I mean, I miss your old hair, but I’m into this. You look hot.” You bit your lip, your gaze dropping to his mouth.
His eyes darkened a little, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Careful or I’m not gonna let you finish your lunch before I drag you outta here.”
Your heart raced, “Rafe Cameron, if you ruin my lunch break, I swear—”
He cut you off with a low chuckle, leaning across the table to press his lips to yours again, not caring that you were still technically on the clock. You melted into him, all thoughts of food forgotten for a moment. When he pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, both of you breathless.
“I can’t believe you buzzed your head,” you whispered, still grinning.
“I can’t believe you’re this obsessed with it.”
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