#My temperance. My chemical dependence.
b1asho · 28 days
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Round one of the species introduction!!!!
Prectikar Master Post:
Here's some info on them, and if you want to see some other drawings I've done of them (albeit some occasionally older n crustier ones), check out my deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/blasho
Prectikar are a large sentient species, usually standing at around 8-9 feet tall when fully upright and weighing anywhere close to or upwards if 1000 pounds
They are covered in feather-like fur (or is it fur-like feathers? They're occasionally branched like feathers, and all have quills, but some are more hairlike) due to the cold climate they evolved in, though length and thickness of it now varies by region.
They are omnivorous, and while they have many traits to help them hunt and kill, most of their diet tends to be plants.
Originally rush-down predators, they use their considerable strength to move in quick bursts and their specialized tusks to either ram prey to death or gouge into it as they grapple it.
Their jaw strength is also insane,with their skull actually sacrificing brain space in favor of it, which helps them eat pretty much anything they come across. They pay a lot of attention to food and cooking because of their high calorie needs and very sensitive nose/tongue.
They have manganese as an oxygen carrier is a result of the scarcity of other metals in their environment and potentially because of its general affinity for oxygen.
This causes their blood to be an amber/orange brown and shades of pink depending on its exposure to oxygen.
Through a network of cooperative bonding and other adaptations (like better oxygen retention in muscles and the easily carried size and longevity of the molecule) they’ve managed to bring this manganese transport molecule close to hemoglobin in terms of effectiveness, though they can also make use of manganese’s catalyst properties to temporarily push it to bring lots more oxygen to their tissues at a time (used for short bursts of speed and strength that allow them to take down large prey and plants for food).
their large body size (selected by their colder environment) lets them use their own high body heat to keep the O2 fixation and liberation going in their highly effective lungs.
An extensive understanding of their internal chemistry is unknown (aka gatekept by their colonizers/"uplifters" who ill get to later) but it seems like they also have a network of bacteria in their body just to manage the more reactive and damaging oxides that form, and to remove/convert the spent manganese into connective tissue and aid in bone maintenance.
They have higher calorie needs from keeping up the body temp and recycling/removing all that stuff, alongside just being big in general. Alongside a lot of sleeping, they also basically just eat all the time (compared to other species) to compensate, though their mammal-like fat retention and other metabolic adaptations for scarcity mean that they can handle long periods without resources(though this causes increasingly compounded problems for them)
Some other downsides include low tolerance of changes in oxygen levels (particularly low) and temperature levels, and poor adaptation to environments outside of their biosphere/without all the microorganisms since these things upset their delicate balance.
(part of why so many tribes were nomadic was/is to chase temperate and ‘warm’ seasons, even though to us that’s still cold. Prectikar living in human dominated areas often just take a lot of supplements with beneficial bacteria in them to cope with thr lack of that in their environent, and any food printers need an 'ink' cartridge containing these things or else theyre basically useless.),
They also experience faster general wear and tear from having constant complex and intensive chemical reactions(sometimes with dangerous chemicals) going on in their bloodstream and tissues.
( I’m not a biochemist, so if there’s any glaring issues with this then just explain it away to yourself with ‘they have a gland for that’ or ‘just don’t think about it actually’ which is what I did. I just wanted the fun color with a metal that can reversibly bond with oxygen :). )
They have one nasal passageway for smell/air and a second, bigger cavity for just vocalization (which they can’t breathe in from as easily).
This second cavity is between their first set of eyes, and has a phonic lip structure inside to produce higher pitched sounds.
The upper nasal opening has muscled nostrils that act as lips to further help control sound. The noise coming from here sounds very high to them, but to us it sounds like a nasally human voice, broken uobhere and there with squeaks, buzzes, and clicks).
They can pitch this nose voice very high, closer to dolphin-like clicking noises but not quite echolocation level.
Their throat vocal cords by their air sac are very long and thick, used for making very deep noises that carry long distances.
However, the vocal control they have through their mouth is very poor due to this and the inarticulate lips and tongue they have, and due to the more limited air they can bring in and out of it, so when speaking only through their mouth they sound a lot like seals or dogs and can only really go in short bursts before having to refill the sac.
Most of their languages are spoken with the nose and mouth sounds in tandem, where the high and low mix to make a more even sounding voice.
It’s fairly easy to understand them, but nearly impossible for us to truly speak any of their native languages, and if they wanted to they could also just start making sounds we cant hear.
They see it as strange that humans and other species speak with a single tone without difficulty.
The red flaps pictured on the drawing of their mouth and nasal passages can be moved to seal off the passage and direct airflow elsewhere.
The big red one in their throat acts as a “diaphragm” to fill and empty the air sac (which is left over from when their digestive and respiratory tracts were more connected like ours, but time in the water heavily shifted it to a more ‘blowhole’ type outline to help them breathe and vocalize from the surface).
The other flap by the air sac and its vocal cords moves upwards to block off the digestive tract whenever the mouth or nose is opened to allow air to be drawn in by this diaphragm.
The two red flaps making a pinched shape can move independently or with the other red flap, but never at the same time with each other. The main airway is always separate from the digestive tract, though the flap to the middle, non vocal nasal passage can be moved so that it’s a part of either the vocal nasal passage to draw in air or the air sac part to act as another resonance chamber.
Air can be drawn in by the diaphragm via open mouth and through the nose via open top red flap at the same time, and can be released at the same time, resulting in their near continuous double speak sound they use for their own language.
Their characteristic large tusks are retractable and housed in a cone-shaped bony socket on the side of their jaw.
A muscle is attached to the bony root of the tooth, and pushes it out. As it slides towards the front of the mouth, the cone socket narrows and wedges a protrusion on the tooth into a hole in the socket, and then the muscle stiffens, locking it in there.
When the tusk retracts, the muscle quickly jimmies the tooth forward then draws it back to get it out of the hole, and then pulls it back into the wider part of the socket.
This is mainly because their tusks are ever growing (but very slowly) but not great at self sharpening, and are their main weapon in self defense and hunting,so it seems this just happened to keep them safe.
If a tusk is broken, as long as it was not cracked at the root, it can be regrown with extensive time in the socket, but otherwise they stay safely stowed in da socket where the majority of its sharp edge can stay protected from chewing and other mouth stuff. Tusks won't start growing in until their teenage years.
They are primarily bipedal/ quadrupedal and switch between the two occasionally.
Knuckle walking helps distribute their top-heavy weight and give them more balance for long and short distance, while walking upright gives them better visibility, less stress on their neck/upper back, and quicker but unsteadier movement.
Their gallop/sprint utilizes both arms and legs to propel them forward in a gait halfway between a bear and a gorilla (since their big mid arms are set like a bears) to overtake prey after an ambush or drive them into the rest of the pack waiting elsewhere. Quad walking also helps them get around in buildings meant for species half their size.
Their hands are some of their only places without hair, but as they age, they loose it on their arms and face too.
Prectikar have different uses for each of their pairs of limbs, and have for all stages of their evolution.
The front ones specialized for grappling prey and grabbing things, and so have a ‘sprawling’ shoulder position like humans and have hands with relatively nimble fingers, the outer two are angled inwards but can also move in a pamprodactyl ish fashion (which acts as their version of a thumb, and lets them switch from big to little grabbing motions) .
Their mid limbs used to be wings with hands, and still have a basically zygodactyl finger position that was helpful for holding onto branches (with the backwards facing finger), but over time they have been converted into terrestrial knuckle-walking limbs, with the one that swings back and forth being brought forwards to walk or swung back to adjust grip on big things they want to move or for balance on unstable terrain like ice . The fingers on this one are big and clumsy, pretty much only useful for digging, walking, or slashing.
Their back limbs also used to be for grasping but were mainly counterbalances, but have now turned into plantigrade walking limbs (and much like humans, that’s pretty much all they use them for). All have nonretractable claws.
Prectikar are viviparous and usually give birth to litters of up to 8.
They have a specific mating season, where their dimorphic traits will become more pronounced.
Males in rut will shed the feathers on their throat sac region and it will become a bright ambery yellow color, and they will also grow in longer feathers on their butt region (in a fan shape for display purposes. The dont have a true post anal tail like humans).
They will also develop some of that pinkish orange/yellow on their chest skin. Females go throguh estrus cycles and will also grow a more prominent butt feather crest, as well as some very long feathers around their neck, shoulders, and abdomen for babies to hold onto.
Their skin patches turn a much brighter shade of yellow to help direct newborns to where they can feed from. Once they give birth, they will start making an oily and thick secretion across the skin patch which is collected into a divot which the infant licks from. Part of why the babies hold onto them is so they can constantly lick the 'milk'so they can grow.
Newborns come out blind and hairless, but quickly grow in a thick down and open their eyes so they can climb on mom.
Once they're weaned, they'll drop off and use the muscles they gained hanging on and climbing to start moving with the adults. They grow very fast, and canes are a common sight in teens to help deal with the rapid bone and muscle growth.
Usually, it is only during this season where chest/skin related nudity standards change to be more conservative, since showing those colors means youre down to fuck and so doing that is usually restricted to in private with their partner or for bachelors.
They have very strict binaries for sex and gender based on this seasonal divide and religion.
Most tribes show gender identity through a piercing on their lower nose for male or chin for female (so dont worry, the main guy up there is showing some male presenting chest outside of the mating season, so hes fine).
Normally, only some cultures pierce their ears, which are like if owls had a little mobile flap of outer ear to swivel I stead of their whole head. Very little of it is actually flesh, and the sound is mainly captured by the feathers around it.
While they have a reputation otherwise, Prectikar are highly social within their tribal/family groups.
They regularly allogroom, greet each other with hugs, and usually travel in sibling groups. Households are multi generational.
They have a reputation as standoffish or irritable because they take things very differently and have other standards/specific body language truggers. also most other species treat them differently/with fear by default.
their upper pair of eyes is larger and focused on long distance vision while their lower pair is for close up vision, creatign a bifocal effect for them when using both at once.
Aaaaaand that oretty much everything, I think. I'll post some other arts related to them soon, but consider this the Master Post on the things you should know about them!!
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astroyongie · 4 months
Why Do I Behave This Way ? - Psychology Answers
Note: we are finally to start another topic, this time with why do I behave this way. for this section we will go through the following questions: “Why Can't I Focus?”, “I Am Getting Old, Why Do I Keep Wanting Things?” “Usually I Am Well Behaved.. So Why Did I Lost My Temper?” “Why Do I Lie To People When They Ask Me Something?” “I Have Phobias: wWhat Can I Do?” “Last Week I Did Something Dangerous.. Why?” “Why Do I Keep Watching The Same Shows’” “Why Do I Embarrass Myself In Front Of Important People?"
“Why Can't I Focus?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
Everyone knows what attention is but few really knows how it works
In psychology, attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information, whether considered subjective or objective, while ignoring other perceivable information.
There’s several types of attention such as: sustained, selective, divided and alternating. 
The information received from our senses passes through the brain's processing system, but is weakened so that it can pass through the system at an unconscious level
Which is the reason we are able to do things without fully paying attention to it or through mechanical actions. Yet our subconscious is still able to visualize the entire information, it just processes it to keep the most important information. 
For example in some cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder, their brain/subconscious is unable to filter the information which makes them sensitive to stimulus and more aware of their environment. 
To resume it all, our attention is a dynamic and competitive system. During the processing of information, our attention amplifies some information while inhibiting others. 
To the question, why can't I focus, can have several answers. Anxiety and other psychological disorders or symptoms can have an impact on the brain processing system,  but the most common known impact is screen time 
The problem with screen time, such as phones or laptops or tv, it's the fact that they put all the things that attract attention together in a practical package, and add some addictive brain chemicals for fun.
One can be more sensitive when looking through a phone. you are receiving a text and your brain’s attention focuses on that.  After the text, you will see other notifications and this process is proven to have the same effect than opiates drugs have. 
Of course the process of focusing can also have other origins and will depend on your health and your environmental factors around you. 
If you are interested in more of these topics you can check the works of Broadbent, Cherry, Skinner, Treisman and Helmholtz as they have the best insight on attention and perception theories in psychology and neurology.
So what can we do?
The first thing we can do is try to understand why it is causing us to lose focus. Is it the screen time? Is it an underlying medical condition? Is it your emotions? are there any other bio-environmental factors? by pointing out what is causing the trouble, we can start working on it
We humans, we possess a limited quantity of attention and thus it's important to try and care for it the best we can
Some solutions can be used to try and regain focus on your everyday tasks such as: limiting screen time, using a reward recompense system with your causes of losing focus, setting boundaries and limits to when and where to use screen time, helo through medication and/or therapy depending on each one case 
You can also re-learn to stay focus. For that you can start doing simple activities like: studying (without screen time), reading, practicing yoga or meditation, playing board games or doing cognitive exercises specialized in attention. 
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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nostalgic-woodwind · 5 months
☠️❤️ Regressor! Crymini Headcanons ❤️☠️
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Kid regressor 100%; regresses from 4-11. Will sometimes regress younger if she's tired or going through her time of the month
Loves punk, rock, emo, goth, and metal music (Has to be the clean version. No ifs, ands, or buts.). When Crymini's headspace is younger than her usual regressed age range, she loves to listen to Rockabye! Baby and Twinkle Twinkle Little Rockstar because of the lullaby renditions of her favorite songs
Has a knack for making kandi bracelets
She also decorates her paci collection
She also loves teethers and chewelry
Crymini's CG is Husk, and Angel is her big brother. Charlie or Cherri will babysit if Husk is busy
Angel helps with the babysitting when he's not regressed
Has skull and punk-themed little gear (idea inspired by @jester-b0mb)
Crymini has three favorite stuffies: two stuffed bunnies and a stuffed kitten (From left to right: Ace, Spade, and Ramona)
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Has trouble with swearing and had to be put in timeout or put money in the swear jar for it
Crymini struggles with her emotions and communicating her needs. She will throw tantrums
Luckily, her CG and babysitters are understanding and patient and will help her calm down. She doesn't have timeouts for tantrums. Instead, she has time-ins
Crymini is extremely pouty at times and will pout when she doesn't get her way
When Crymini's headspace is very tiny, she will play with Husk's ears and wings. He doesn't really mind as long as she's gentle
Crymini has been put in timeout for drawing on the walls multiple times
She is a biter and will bite anyone and anything (nothing dangerous or anything that will make her sick, don't worry. Just furniture, pillows, and blankets). She has been firmly, yet gently scolded for it and given a teether, chewelry, or paci (depending on how old she feels at the moment) every time
Hates naptime and bedtime. She acts like Bluey during the episode "Fruitbat" and will be adamant about staying up late. Her CG and babysitters are patient with her and will make her naptime and bedtime routines fun with games. Works like a charm every time 👍
Her favorite foods are grilled cheese and fruit
Husk and Charlie are adamant in making sure Crymini drinks water and eats healthy (she's also given milk and juice). Angel and Cherri are the same, but they are less strict and will sneak Crymini junk food and soda when Husk and Charlie aren't around. However, it leaves the little going through a sugar rush
Adores The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Coraline, ParaNorman, Monster House, Dan Vs., The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Sushi Pack, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Yellow Submarine, The Muppets Mayhem, Fraggle Rock, Nimona, Dead End: Paranormal Park, and Invader Zim! She'll watch Invader Zim with Angel a lot since they both love the show (see my Regressor! Angel headcanons)
She gets self-conscious because of her temper and wonders if her CG, big brother, and babysitters love her. She is reassured that she is loved no matter what every time ❤️
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kiskivmiske · 4 months
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One of four dragon species appearing in my JCA fan fiction, along with other cryptids.
Dragons of Whispering Grasses are the largest known species, but also one of the most docile.
Small round muzzles. Plantigrade, broad webbed paws and thick short claws. Scales are usually golden and green, but can range from chocolate brown to cream and gray. Darker color is speculated to be the result of crossbreeding with other species. Large antlers resemble tree branches.
Good runners and flyers. Okay-ish, but not very fast swimmers. They mostly float or paddle at the surface, waiting for fish or duck to swim nearby, or munching on weed and algae.
Omnivores with preference for plants. Adults can digest carrion.
Prefer humid, temperate to hot climates. Build colonies in wetlands, swamps, rainforests, woodlands, on river and lake shores. Make nests by planting trees in a specific way, shaping them into basket-like formations as they grow. Depending on soil, may add underground tunnels to the structure. Live in large family groups the oldest female is normally in charge. Unlike three other species (including Shendu's dragons), don't have an official ruler.
One female brings up to four eggs at the time. Eggs are approximately 17-20 inches in diameter, reddish or brown with black and white specks, resembling granite boulders.
Baby dragons are named after plants in the area where they hatched.
Their scales have porous structure. Young dragons bathe in mud and roll on the forest floor to let soil, seeds and spores attach to their scales. As dragons grow, plants, moss and fungi cover them in natural camouflage. They take care of each other's scales, putting new plants in and taking dead leaves out.
When a dragon dies, they stop producing chemicals preventing roots from penetrating skin. Dead dragons are covered in a layer of leaves and left in designated place so plants growing on them could reclaim their bodies.
Dragons of Whispering Grasses have reputation of gardeners and forest keepers. They make sure rivers don't run dry, digging channels with their powerful paws, and keep wildlife population under control, eating sick animals. Like other fire breathing dragons, they are resistant to fire. If they spot a wildfire, they work together to circle the source and shield fire from spreading with their wings, slowly moving towards the center, extinguishing it.
They absolutely despise Shendu and his siblings and were the first to rebel after being chased away from Africa by the earth demon.
Their closest allies are tropical sea dragons, who admire their relationship with nature and plants in particular.
Arctic sea dragons have rather strained relationship with them, deeming them unclean savages, unlike their germophobic, snow loving selves, and avoided like plague. Dragons of Whispering Grasses, despite their fungus covered scales, are susceptible to very few diseases and parasites, and less infectious than other species. Plants and fungi they form symbiosis with don't spread onto others because of different scale texture.
This species is known for parental instinct so strong, they would adopt neglected human children to raise as their own, usually girls. Being fairly harmless, they made a bad name for dragons as mean princess-stealing beasts for ages. In actuality, they wouldn't really mind if you moved into their nest uninvited, as long as you don't threaten their families, they are absolutely chill or even affectionate.
On the picture: Chestnut, young warrior of Pine's village. He was in relationship with a dragon of Freezing Depths, Princess Midnight. Her brother, Prince Hadal, who supported Shendu, punished her for treason, executing Midnight and her (and Chestnut's) daughters. Absolutely distraught, Chestnut fled, using time traveling portal. Concealing his dragon appearance, he settled in a small town to raise an abandoned human girl as his cub.
Chestnut is quick-witted and observant. With a natural talent for acting he becomes a good spy, following Hadal and interfering with his plans. He normally puts on facade of a happy-go-lucky guy, but on the inside he still lives through the moment of Midnight's execution. He is protective of his human daughter, and, later, of his bio offspring from second wife. Chestnut doesn't hesitate to fight anyone who harms his family, even if it's his daughter's bio mother.
He has four younger sisters, sixteen nieces and nephews, two daughters, two twin sons and one hybrid stepson. Became father figure to Hadal's disowned son, who couldn't breathe through his gills because of a cleft palate.
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succubratty · 2 years
Gassy character concept:
CW: fart kink/eproctophilia
A gassy super heroin.
Her super power is toxic gas.
She can control very well how to expel air, including farts and burps.
Her sweat is the most important.
She has a special suit that helps her gather all that and convert it into toxic fumes.
Her farts, pee and poop are literally a toxic waste and she has a special toilet/bathroom to treat those wastes.
She has IBS so she had a lot of troubles controlling her powers during childhood and she was bullied for being stinky.
She loves to fart directly into enemies she hates or make fun of her for being stinky.
Even tho she's quite an expert into hand to hand combat.
She makes them faint.
She only killed one enemy and it was kinda accidental (and traumatic for her).
She's very well tempered and she needs to have a deep control of her strong feelings because the amounts of toxicity depends on this.
She has a fart fetish/body odors fetish, her sense of smell is really desensitized because of her powers, so she likes smelly girls.
Her super hero name is Haydee, or H²S, for Hydrogen Sulfide, that's the chemical compound of every human farts (the rotten eggs smells comes from here) and it's the compound she makes in high levels. 🤭
That's it for now, with the moving my pen display is packed so I haven't had time to sit and draw iterations of her, so I'll just write things of her here. 🥰
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frogsandfries · 7 months
Am I numbing?
I ask myself this question a lot.
When I use marijuana, what am I really trying to do?
For one, I don't know how to shut off my anxiety. It's not even anxiety in the way one thinks of anxiety. It's not that I stress out about things like losing my job or my apartment or other negative things that could happen to my life. When they say racing thoughts, they never specify that all of one's thoughts race--I have to run to Target this weekend, I'm hungry, I sure could go for some McDonald's chicken nuggets, I can't wait to get off work and watch that movie that I've been waiting to come out, oh man it's so windy outside, I wonder if it's going to be cold out this weekend, and on and on spin my thoughts.
It's nice to have some kind of ruler against which to train my mind. When I was off my brain drugs, I remember realizing my thoughts were racing (which I never would have been able to recognize without chemical assistance) and I used the methods I've been working on to get my mind to focus on sleeping instead of keeping me vaguely awake. I'd kind of started to master mindfulness and it was a relief, knowing that if I'd done it with chemical assistance, I could do it without.
I think I've spoken long and fondly about the effects of marijuana that aren't necessarily unique to me--cotton mouth, encouraging me to hydrate when I might just not; the munchies, encouraging me to eat when, again, I might just not. I know not everyone gets drowsy when high, but again, that mellow helping me recognize when I'm tired and just give in.
I know a lot of people imbibe extra chemicals to numb and escape, but firstly, I can voluntarily go days, without needing to imbibe; second when I do imbibe, it's like coming back into my body.
So....am I numbing? What am I numbing? What am I hiding from? Am I immune, unlike my father, to chemical dependence? What if the marijuana.....wasn't the problem, but instead.....the pharmaceutical anti-depressants....? Without those in my system--not even in a withdrawal kind of way--I got.....temperamental, like the womb donor. I definitely did not like it, and I did not know how else to make it stop. I was touchier than normal, easily irritated and frustrated by things like my cat's constant whining and crying for over an hour while I'm trying to be at work; and people calling in pissed me off when normally they're just annoying.
But the marijuana was no match for that hair-trigger temper and irritability. And I have not missed that part of my brain. I never, ever want to be like that woman. I wish I could just easily snip out that part of me. However, is it really numbing? Is it hiding, trying to escape, that I continue to use less than prescribed of a prescription drug?
Maybe I'm just not yet able to be that open and honest with myself?
I dunno, I never would have realized that my thoughts race if not for the first time I ever smoked. I may have circumnavigated learning to calm my thoughts by just using marijuana, leading to a situation where I don't need to learn; I can just use chemicals to numb.
I think a little chemical intervention can definitely help you see yourself and your world in a different light. Maybe you like what you see; maybe you don't. I really do appreciate knowing that there is a reality in which I can go straight to sleep without my thoughts whirling on and on. I'm sure if I had the time and the energy, eventually I could teach myself to sleep without chemical intervention. But self-control takes effort and energy. I'd rather devote what I have of those to stuff that really matters and is really important. I lead an incredibly charmed life to be able to fit my marijuana consumption into my spending money. Not to mention, I live in a world where I can just run down the street (in any direction) and I'm not even limited to smoking the plant itself; it's quite fucking amazing.
Anyway, now I'm just exhaustedly rambling and not coming to any kind of conclusion. I will say, the words of one of my professors in college will never leave me: I don't need to make excuses for everything. I don't want to be on the constant defensive with an excuse for everything. I practice every day to take responsibility for my actions. If I'm being irresponsible with marijuana, I want to be open to that (except using it at work; look, some stressors are simply not worth the energy; I don't use it for every hour of every day, I only use it on the insanely busy days and not to a point where anyone would really notice; I just don't get paid enough for the level of stress my job causes me when it gets busy like that). If I'm actually using marijuana to plaster over something or numb it or whatever, I just want to be aware.
I need to be aware. Just because it isn't destroying my liver; just because I'm not getting blackout drunk; doesn't mean that that potential doesn't live in my veins. I'm more intelligent than my father, more keen, more aware and curious and able to ask questions. That doesn't exempt me from a genetic predisposition to chemical/substance dependence and abuse.
I wonder if I'm not just.....over-thinking, maybe verging on.....not quite hypochondria? I've been dependent since I was about eleven, and I fucking know it, and I've never needed chemicals because I have creative and productive things to draw my mind away from my body. It's easy to dismiss my creative endeavors because they're productive, but maybe that's what I'm really hiding and ignoring to acknowledge. I don't need chemicals when I could just grind myself to dust; to go to work and get off work and continue working on things that matter to me, but work nonetheless. I can't really slow down because then, what might I have to face full on in myself?
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thewul · 1 year
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So it’s an experiment?
There’s people who know that stuff behind it, mostly the economy and taxation questions
Corporations are evading taxes, or people are complaining from high sales taxes, or income taxes, it’s about finding a balance that works state by state
Where is NDI based?
In Washington D.C, it’s also a think tank to come up with solutions
It’s based on the new deal?
It’s inspired by the new deal, that worked, doing things that work for everyone, the government corporations and taxpayers
Fair wages are maybe a democrat agenda?
No it’s a republican agenda, higher wages mean people are going to spend more, that increases corporate profits, let’s not tiptoe around democrat or republican, NDI is about making business sense to everyone, by the way it’s also a book, well thought well articulated, possibly by several co authors
Trump wants to arm teachers?
Why not give them bazookas, that issue can be resolved with more security that the government probably does not provide for lack of funding
So pro gun control?
No because it is a divisive issue and it’s too much time spent arguing, but pro smart guns, doesn’t it strike anyone as odd that we have smartphones with fingerprint recognition that can’t kill anyone, but we have at the same time dumb guns where anyone can press the trigger and kill dozens
How smart can guns be?
As smart as their engineers, and dispose of a setting that forcefully disables them inside public places, via RFID probably except those owned by law enforcement
Dumb guns would become illegal to own?
If not to own than to carry around, plus the manufacturers would have to make plans to recall them, replace them with smart weapons through a moratorium
It’s a constitutional right to own a gun?
It’s a constitutional right to own your gun, how do we know it’s your gun? It is that range of questions which the think tank has to study
What would pro gun people say?
Where’s the issue? I guess the last thing anyone of them wants is their guns getting stolen or misappropriated to commit crimes, plus there can be a range of options that can be implemented and that can interest them, as in I activate the gun and release the safety because I am keeping that gun at home for security, now if I do these 2 actions consecutively a silent alert will be sent to the police via bluetooth and via the net after that through my ISP
Bluetooth is low energy coin cells will do to power it, my watch has one I only have to change it every 10 years, and it allows for a range of applications such as knowing your gun has been removed from your home or business
The magazines have a battery pack at the bottom at a higher voltage to engage the trigger mechanism, keep them charged same as you would with your walkie talkies, if you run out of magazines the gun is useless anyways
A question that will interest weapons specialists, can these smart guns be tempered with?
They can come with some components under vacuum, usually with the stuff you want to temper, that are triggered by chemical reaction when exposed to air, if it happens you can throw it after that, so it can only be taken apart by the manufacturer
The gun would still trigger?
It depends how its engineered, at any rate the finger recognition would become unworkable, and if police checks it they will take it away
It's quite detailed?
If you want to sell something to gun makers they are going to want to know what it is exactly, especially when it changes how they engineer and sell their products
It’s a tall order implementing this smart guns agenda?
It’ll take time and effort but it can be done, with the priority that when an obsolete gun falls within the hand of authorities it is scrapped never put back on the market with the exemption of collectibles, antiques, and that gun manufacturers and sellers play the game with buy back programs
A dumb gun has to become something very difficult to find not something you can buy at a street corner
So smart guns are a big component of NDI’s agenda?
Homelessness, drugs, and guns, that’s a very toxic mix
0 notes
note-crack-se · 1 year
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-j8 · 1 year
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-jo · 1 year
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-fa · 1 year
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-bc · 1 year
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-z3 · 1 year
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-7y · 1 year
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-7m · 1 year
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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note-crack-lu · 1 year
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 By the way, a "crack" is when you intend to play one note, but another note comes out instead. It's like when we try to sing the "Happy Birthday. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Samsung Note Crack. Post your classified ad for free in various categories like mobiles, tablets, cars. Recommended by feral · Status: Complete · Synopsis: Light Yagami decides to take on a superhero identity and becomes the spandex-wearing do-gooder, Captain Kira. Everyone's voice is different and you may sound and feel better singing with a certain mouth shape than another. Raise your eyebrows when you sing high notes. Not even 2 weeks ago I bought myself a Galaxy Note S20 Ultra 5g - as I pull my phone out of my pocket I come to find a crack on the right. I've had my Note 9 about a year and a half. I have had to replace the back cover 3 times, now. It will show grazing, and then will crack. Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win [Kornblut, Anne E.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Notes from the. Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack Android. A small cottage on a lake, 18 miles from Montreal, was the setting for his first experiment in flying. Some crack types allow penetration of aggressive chemical agents to the steel reinforcement, leading to corrosion of the steel and possible cracking and. Buy Tempered Glass for Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Full Size 3D Curved Hard Screen Guard Protector Crack Saver for Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Phone (SM-N Note crack running parallel to fillet weld in striker plate. from publication: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Fuel Ethanol: A Newly Recognized Phenomenon. \paper Unique solvability of crack problem with time-dependent friction condition in linearized elastodynamic body \jour Mathematical notes of NEFU \yr Our note taking app helps you capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so nothing falls through the cracks. Start your free trial today! Buy PRINTVEESTA Back Cover for Redmi Note 9 Crack Screen damage Glass Printed Back Cover only for Rs. from Only Genuine Products. Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK COVER Product Name: MP ARIES REDMI Note 11T 5G CRACK GLASS, GLASS, CRACK MIRROR BACK. Technical Note on. Critical Crack Size Evaluations for. Circumferential Cracks in Dissimilar Metal Welds. Wilkowski, D. Rudland, D.-J. We acknowledge the fact that the criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black. Have you experienced voice cracks when singing? When you're hitting a note you don't hit that often, your vocal cords are not used to moving that way to.
Death Note Crack Fic / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes
Franklin Planner Note Apk Crack ((BETTER)) Download
Samsung Note Crack in Pakistan, Free classifieds in Pakistan | [download]
Galaxy Note S20 Ultra sudden crack on screen (without fall)! - Samsung Community
Solved: Note 9 Back Cover Cracks - Samsung Community
A Note on Milk Bar Pie
Best Note Taking App - Organize Your Notes with Evernote
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