#My room is the coldest in winter and the hottest in summer
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unhingedlesbear · 7 months ago
slept for like 2 hours and now I doubt I can get back to that
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violentdevotion · 6 months ago
eventually it's gonna get so dire im gonna have to curl up and sleep in front of the radiator in the hallway
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willnotbcoming · 1 year ago
I seek warmth. Unlike the kind that my skin absorbs from a chair left soaking in a summer day’s sun. Nor the warmth spreading through my body after a long day of swimming; not that at the pit of my stomach after you had told me something I have been aching to hear. I seek warmth. The kind of warmth that stings my face upon entering a heated room after some time in the cold. The kind where I layer the covers until the discomfort of coldness fades. The kind that is adjustable, controlled. I seek warmth that remains consistent throughout a vacant winter. No matter how many times you seat yourself before a gas heater, you will always be met with the same warmth; you will go through cycles, the moon will shift in its phases; you will leave your first home, and fall in love with the wrong person at the wrong time. You will feel cold on the hottest day of summer. But the moment you return, it shall offer the same consistent heat. As long as the weather outside is cold, it will meet you with an everloving warmth. I seek this warmth, but I am trapped in a never-ending month of July; this warmth is not one that I seek, this warmth suffocates; it controls me with an unwelcoming shrug. I sit on this long solstice day, longing for a kind of warmth that only the coldest of winters can grant.
i seek warmth. excerpt from unpublished work: Letters to November 6.21.21
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thedevotionaltour · 8 months ago
i also do have the room in the house that has the WORST temp control situation it's the one that gets hottest in the summer coldest in the winter. unfortunately it is also Scary Messy so i cant put in an ac. torture nexus of my own design
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tsukasa · 9 months ago
our air conditioner went out and my room cant regulate temperature very well At All so its both the hottest in the summer and coldest in the winter when the air conditioner is working... not even doing anything but sitting here and i feel way too warm from just drinking a lukewarm drink
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365dailyaffirmations · 11 months ago
TGIWednesday: Stress up on the roof
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TGIWednesday News
I got a brand new roof about a year ago now on this 100 year old home of ours.  My mother used to say it was the hottest house in the summer and the coldest house in the winter, and if the termites stop holding hands, it would collapse!  Imagine my shock when every time it rained hard it looked like the Rainforest Cafe in what we call our Blue Room.  The stress of having multiple visits from different crews never helped.  It was a flat roof section and it defied logic that it should leak at all with everything so sealed up!  On the 6th visit, four gentlemen who did not speak a word of English, did their best to tell me it was the windows about 3 feet above the roof that were leaking. Talk about stress.  It made zero sense, which was what I told the main man when we spoke, but I took his advice anyway. Fast forward to Tropical Storm warnings and gale force winds this past week and voila - no leaks! Stress is like that in a way, it's always the last cause or origin that you're not seeing.  Do your best to become less stressed. Try Tai Chii, Qi Gong, yoga, pilates, gardening, pickleball, hug a tree, walk barefoot in the sand... whatever twirls your curl, but make the effort to find some peace and grounding any chance you get.  Join us this TUESDAY at 4pm EST for our Live Zoom clearing event with the theme of releasing and removing stress, tension and anxiety and submit YOUR top 3 wishes for you, someone you love and for the world!
Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ RELEASING APPREHENSION  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it's safe and comfortable to release stress and apprehension. I am ready, willing and able to try something new to relax my body, mind and spirit. I know when, where, how and why to allow to universe to show me a simple way to release anxiety, apprehension, stress and tension now. I'm asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is! Know that if you'll make a little daily progress, the rest of your life very well could be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
*DATE CHANGE* -- Tuesday April 23RD
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TUESDAY APRIL 23, 2024 4:00pm EDT  |  1:00pm PDT  | 10:00pm UK Pre-registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-stress-zoom 30 minutes live, includes replay download (Yes, we moved this to open up that time for Darius' new LIVE show)
THEME:  Clearing Anxiety, Stress and Tension Anxiety, Stress and Tension seem to haunt us now and again about everything.  Whether it is believe, think, know or feel, real or unreal​ - our perception of "what is" often holds us back but can be just a shadow.  When we peel back the layers it is always us.  We always allow 3 brief statementsto clear: for ourselves, for a loved one and then our world. Samples below are plug and play and straight forward - and need to be received by Noon on Tuesday! 1) For myself:
I would like to clear my apprehension, fear, sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about _______ (, overeating, overdrinking, binge watching TV...)
OR fill in:
I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to _______ (step into my purpose, ask for money/raise, open the mail, view my account balances and debt, stop listening to fear-mongering on the news & social media)
2) For a loved one
I would like to clear_____(first blank put their designation to you, son, daughter, grandchild, mom dad granny, grandpa etc) of ________(second blank - anxiety, stress and tension around: an illness, disease or disorder, school, work/job/career, lack of money, motivation, success)
3) For Mother Earth, Gaia, Goddess Energy 
Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around_______ (politics/elections, terrorism, wars, famine, racism, financial instability, national borders, cultural intolerance, environmental pollution, climate change, natural disasters...)
  Join us next week on TUESDAY as we clear the way and remove anxiety, stress and tension for YOU, someone you love, and for the World.  You may find that through clearing your challenge, ​Spirit lights the way for us to become more grounded/stable/confident and lean forward out of fight or flight and into follow through! 
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION SEASON 27 NEW LIVE Q&A CALL THURSDAY APRIL 25 4PM EDT  (Yes, we moved the Zoom because of this opportunity to return to the show) Free Registration link >>  
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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APRIL 17TH "Today I will enjoy my idiosynchratic traits. I will endeavor to find my enjoyment in the little people, places and things that please me. I will do that which is easy, graceful, and filled with simple pleasures of my life, that makes my life feel complete."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in Tampa Office
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I am offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa. The the next opportunity to book a session there is:
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
From the Fish Box
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 A few years ago, I asked you to pray for my grandson.  He is a sensitive child and cries often.  His parents were frustrated and my fear was he was going to be a bully magnet.  They signed him up for baseball/soccer and all he did was cry. Which caused him to get a lot of negative words and actions from others and my concern was his parents.  They saw him through the eyes of others….not good! He is 6 now and Jimmy, you should see him now!  Went to his first baseball game and he is doing GREAT!!  He is talented, loves practicing and playing and is HAPPY. It’s just baseball, but it’s his spirit and character that I see flourishing! Thank you for everything." - Anna/ New York
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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advancedthetapractitioner · 11 months ago
TGIWednesday: Stress up on the roof
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TGIWednesday News
I got a brand new roof about a year ago now on this 100 year old home of ours.  My mother used to say it was the hottest house in the summer and the coldest house in the winter, and if the termites stop holding hands, it would collapse!  Imagine my shock when every time it rained hard it looked like the Rainforest Cafe in what we call our Blue Room.  The stress of having multiple visits from different crews never helped.  It was a flat roof section and it defied logic that it should leak at all with everything so sealed up!  On the 6th visit, four gentlemen who did not speak a word of English, did their best to tell me it was the windows about 3 feet above the roof that were leaking. Talk about stress.  It made zero sense, which was what I told the main man when we spoke, but I took his advice anyway. Fast forward to Tropical Storm warnings and gale force winds this past week and voila - no leaks! Stress is like that in a way, it's always the last cause or origin that you're not seeing.  Do your best to become less stressed. Try Tai Chii, Qi Gong, yoga, pilates, gardening, pickleball, hug a tree, walk barefoot in the sand... whatever twirls your curl, but make the effort to find some peace and grounding any chance you get.  Join us this TUESDAY at 4pm EST for our Live Zoom clearing event with the theme of releasing and removing stress, tension and anxiety and submit YOUR top 3 wishes for you, someone you love and for the world!
Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ RELEASING APPREHENSION  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it's safe and comfortable to release stress and apprehension. I am ready, willing and able to try something new to relax my body, mind and spirit. I know when, where, how and why to allow to universe to show me a simple way to release anxiety, apprehension, stress and tension now. I'm asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is! Know that if you'll make a little daily progress, the rest of your life very well could be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
*DATE CHANGE* -- Tuesday April 23RD
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TUESDAY APRIL 23, 2024 4:00pm EDT  |  1:00pm PDT  | 10:00pm UK Pre-registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-stress-zoom 30 minutes live, includes replay download (Yes, we moved this to open up that time for Darius' new LIVE show)
THEME:  Clearing Anxiety, Stress and Tension Anxiety, Stress and Tension seem to haunt us now and again about everything.  Whether it is believe, think, know or feel, real or unreal​ - our perception of "what is" often holds us back but can be just a shadow.  When we peel back the layers it is always us.  We always allow 3 brief statementsto clear: for ourselves, for a loved one and then our world. Samples below are plug and play and straight forward - and need to be received by Noon on Tuesday! 1) For myself:
I would like to clear my apprehension, fear, sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about _______ (, overeating, overdrinking, binge watching TV...)
OR fill in:
I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to _______ (step into my purpose, ask for money/raise, open the mail, view my account balances and debt, stop listening to fear-mongering on the news & social media)
2) For a loved one
I would like to clear_____(first blank put their designation to you, son, daughter, grandchild, mom dad granny, grandpa etc) of ________(second blank - anxiety, stress and tension around: an illness, disease or disorder, school, work/job/career, lack of money, motivation, success)
3) For Mother Earth, Gaia, Goddess Energy 
Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around_______ (politics/elections, terrorism, wars, famine, racism, financial instability, national borders, cultural intolerance, environmental pollution, climate change, natural disasters...)
  Join us next week on TUESDAY as we clear the way and remove anxiety, stress and tension for YOU, someone you love, and for the World.  You may find that through clearing your challenge, ​Spirit lights the way for us to become more grounded/stable/confident and lean forward out of fight or flight and into follow through! 
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION SEASON 27 NEW LIVE Q&A CALL THURSDAY APRIL 25 4PM EDT  (Yes, we moved the Zoom because of this opportunity to return to the show) Free Registration link >>  
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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APRIL 17TH "Today I will enjoy my idiosynchratic traits. I will endeavor to find my enjoyment in the little people, places and things that please me. I will do that which is easy, graceful, and filled with simple pleasures of my life, that makes my life feel complete."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in Tampa Office
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I am offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa. The the next opportunity to book a session there is:
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
Tumblr media
  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
From the Fish Box
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 A few years ago, I asked you to pray for my grandson.  He is a sensitive child and cries often.  His parents were frustrated and my fear was he was going to be a bully magnet.  They signed him up for baseball/soccer and all he did was cry. Which caused him to get a lot of negative words and actions from others and my concern was his parents.  They saw him through the eyes of others….not good! He is 6 now and Jimmy, you should see him now!  Went to his first baseball game and he is doing GREAT!!  He is talented, loves practicing and playing and is HAPPY. It’s just baseball, but it’s his spirit and character that I see flourishing! Thank you for everything." - Anna/ New York
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
thedivinefish · 11 months ago
TGIWednesday: Stress up on the roof
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TGIWednesday News
I got a brand new roof about a year ago now on this 100 year old home of ours.  My mother used to say it was the hottest house in the summer and the coldest house in the winter, and if the termites stop holding hands, it would collapse!  Imagine my shock when every time it rained hard it looked like the Rainforest Cafe in what we call our Blue Room.  The stress of having multiple visits from different crews never helped.  It was a flat roof section and it defied logic that it should leak at all with everything so sealed up!  On the 6th visit, four gentlemen who did not speak a word of English, did their best to tell me it was the windows about 3 feet above the roof that were leaking. Talk about stress.  It made zero sense, which was what I told the main man when we spoke, but I took his advice anyway. Fast forward to Tropical Storm warnings and gale force winds this past week and voila - no leaks! Stress is like that in a way, it's always the last cause or origin that you're not seeing.  Do your best to become less stressed. Try Tai Chii, Qi Gong, yoga, pilates, gardening, pickleball, hug a tree, walk barefoot in the sand... whatever twirls your curl, but make the effort to find some peace and grounding any chance you get.  Join us this TUESDAY at 4pm EST for our Live Zoom clearing event with the theme of releasing and removing stress, tension and anxiety and submit YOUR top 3 wishes for you, someone you love and for the world!
Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ RELEASING APPREHENSION  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it's safe and comfortable to release stress and apprehension. I am ready, willing and able to try something new to relax my body, mind and spirit. I know when, where, how and why to allow to universe to show me a simple way to release anxiety, apprehension, stress and tension now. I'm asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is! Know that if you'll make a little daily progress, the rest of your life very well could be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
*DATE CHANGE* -- Tuesday April 23RD
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TUESDAY APRIL 23, 2024 4:00pm EDT  |  1:00pm PDT  | 10:00pm UK Pre-registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-stress-zoom 30 minutes live, includes replay download (Yes, we moved this to open up that time for Darius' new LIVE show)
THEME:  Clearing Anxiety, Stress and Tension Anxiety, Stress and Tension seem to haunt us now and again about everything.  Whether it is believe, think, know or feel, real or unreal​ - our perception of "what is" often holds us back but can be just a shadow.  When we peel back the layers it is always us.  We always allow 3 brief statementsto clear: for ourselves, for a loved one and then our world. Samples below are plug and play and straight forward - and need to be received by Noon on Tuesday! 1) For myself:
I would like to clear my apprehension, fear, sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about _______ (, overeating, overdrinking, binge watching TV...)
OR fill in:
I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to _______ (step into my purpose, ask for money/raise, open the mail, view my account balances and debt, stop listening to fear-mongering on the news & social media)
2) For a loved one
I would like to clear_____(first blank put their designation to you, son, daughter, grandchild, mom dad granny, grandpa etc) of ________(second blank - anxiety, stress and tension around: an illness, disease or disorder, school, work/job/career, lack of money, motivation, success)
3) For Mother Earth, Gaia, Goddess Energy 
Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around_______ (politics/elections, terrorism, wars, famine, racism, financial instability, national borders, cultural intolerance, environmental pollution, climate change, natural disasters...)
  Join us next week on TUESDAY as we clear the way and remove anxiety, stress and tension for YOU, someone you love, and for the World.  You may find that through clearing your challenge, ​Spirit lights the way for us to become more grounded/stable/confident and lean forward out of fight or flight and into follow through! 
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION SEASON 27 NEW LIVE Q&A CALL THURSDAY APRIL 25 4PM EDT  (Yes, we moved the Zoom because of this opportunity to return to the show) Free Registration link >>  
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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APRIL 17TH "Today I will enjoy my idiosynchratic traits. I will endeavor to find my enjoyment in the little people, places and things that please me. I will do that which is easy, graceful, and filled with simple pleasures of my life, that makes my life feel complete."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in Tampa Office
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I am offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa. The the next opportunity to book a session there is:
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
From the Fish Box
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 A few years ago, I asked you to pray for my grandson.  He is a sensitive child and cries often.  His parents were frustrated and my fear was he was going to be a bully magnet.  They signed him up for baseball/soccer and all he did was cry. Which caused him to get a lot of negative words and actions from others and my concern was his parents.  They saw him through the eyes of others….not good! He is 6 now and Jimmy, you should see him now!  Went to his first baseball game and he is doing GREAT!!  He is talented, loves practicing and playing and is HAPPY. It’s just baseball, but it’s his spirit and character that I see flourishing! Thank you for everything." - Anna/ New York
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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divinefishingtips · 11 months ago
TGIWednesday: Stress up on the roof
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TGIWednesday News
I got a brand new roof about a year ago now on this 100 year old home of ours.  My mother used to say it was the hottest house in the summer and the coldest house in the winter, and if the termites stop holding hands, it would collapse!  Imagine my shock when every time it rained hard it looked like the Rainforest Cafe in what we call our Blue Room.  The stress of having multiple visits from different crews never helped.  It was a flat roof section and it defied logic that it should leak at all with everything so sealed up!  On the 6th visit, four gentlemen who did not speak a word of English, did their best to tell me it was the windows about 3 feet above the roof that were leaking. Talk about stress.  It made zero sense, which was what I told the main man when we spoke, but I took his advice anyway. Fast forward to Tropical Storm warnings and gale force winds this past week and voila - no leaks! Stress is like that in a way, it's always the last cause or origin that you're not seeing.  Do your best to become less stressed. Try Tai Chii, Qi Gong, yoga, pilates, gardening, pickleball, hug a tree, walk barefoot in the sand... whatever twirls your curl, but make the effort to find some peace and grounding any chance you get.  Join us this TUESDAY at 4pm EST for our Live Zoom clearing event with the theme of releasing and removing stress, tension and anxiety and submit YOUR top 3 wishes for you, someone you love and for the world!
Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ RELEASING APPREHENSION  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that it's safe and comfortable to release stress and apprehension. I am ready, willing and able to try something new to relax my body, mind and spirit. I know when, where, how and why to allow to universe to show me a simple way to release anxiety, apprehension, stress and tension now. I'm asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is! Know that if you'll make a little daily progress, the rest of your life very well could be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
*DATE CHANGE* -- Tuesday April 23RD
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TUESDAY APRIL 23, 2024 4:00pm EDT  |  1:00pm PDT  | 10:00pm UK Pre-registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-stress-zoom 30 minutes live, includes replay download (Yes, we moved this to open up that time for Darius' new LIVE show)
THEME:  Clearing Anxiety, Stress and Tension Anxiety, Stress and Tension seem to haunt us now and again about everything.  Whether it is believe, think, know or feel, real or unreal​ - our perception of "what is" often holds us back but can be just a shadow.  When we peel back the layers it is always us.  We always allow 3 brief statementsto clear: for ourselves, for a loved one and then our world. Samples below are plug and play and straight forward - and need to be received by Noon on Tuesday! 1) For myself:
I would like to clear my apprehension, fear, sadness, guilt/shame, remorse/regret, about _______ (, overeating, overdrinking, binge watching TV...)
OR fill in:
I get anxious, stressed or tense whenever it comes to my inability to _______ (step into my purpose, ask for money/raise, open the mail, view my account balances and debt, stop listening to fear-mongering on the news & social media)
2) For a loved one
I would like to clear_____(first blank put their designation to you, son, daughter, grandchild, mom dad granny, grandpa etc) of ________(second blank - anxiety, stress and tension around: an illness, disease or disorder, school, work/job/career, lack of money, motivation, success)
3) For Mother Earth, Gaia, Goddess Energy 
Offering prayers to clear up the global anxiety, stress and tension around_______ (politics/elections, terrorism, wars, famine, racism, financial instability, national borders, cultural intolerance, environmental pollution, climate change, natural disasters...)
  Join us next week on TUESDAY as we clear the way and remove anxiety, stress and tension for YOU, someone you love, and for the World.  You may find that through clearing your challenge, ​Spirit lights the way for us to become more grounded/stable/confident and lean forward out of fight or flight and into follow through! 
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION SEASON 27 NEW LIVE Q&A CALL THURSDAY APRIL 25 4PM EDT  (Yes, we moved the Zoom because of this opportunity to return to the show) Free Registration link >>  
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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APRIL 17TH "Today I will enjoy my idiosynchratic traits. I will endeavor to find my enjoyment in the little people, places and things that please me. I will do that which is easy, graceful, and filled with simple pleasures of my life, that makes my life feel complete."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in Tampa Office
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I am offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa. The the next opportunity to book a session there is:
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
From the Fish Box
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 A few years ago, I asked you to pray for my grandson.  He is a sensitive child and cries often.  His parents were frustrated and my fear was he was going to be a bully magnet.  They signed him up for baseball/soccer and all he did was cry. Which caused him to get a lot of negative words and actions from others and my concern was his parents.  They saw him through the eyes of others….not good! He is 6 now and Jimmy, you should see him now!  Went to his first baseball game and he is doing GREAT!!  He is talented, loves practicing and playing and is HAPPY. It’s just baseball, but it’s his spirit and character that I see flourishing! Thank you for everything." - Anna/ New York
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year ago
I think growing up with little control over the temperature of the house has made me slow to realize that I do actually have control now.
Not bc my parents were sticklers abt it. The ac kept breaking in my childhood home and the 2019-2023 house had shit ventilation; heat and cold air literally didn't flow into my room from the vents, making it the hottest room in the summer and the coldest in the winter. And even so I was really tolerant when the 69⁰ F (~21⁰ C) we kept the house at wasn't quite enough. I'd put on a hoodie and/or long pj pants instead of a tank top and shorts and be fine.
So when I woke up really fucking cold this morning it took me a fat minute to realize... I can just.. close the windows. I'm home alone rn, I'm not bothering anyone else. And even if I wasn't alone I still have agency of the climate of the place.
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unhingedlesbear · 5 months ago
It’s actually bloody freezing
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i swear my room is the coldest in the winter and the hottest in the summer out of every room in my house they hate me so much
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crow-brains · 1 year ago
I think it's got something to do with the pressure buildup in my room or maybe the same reason my room is the hottest and coldest in the summer and winter respectively, but when it's really humid outside and therefore one of the few nights I shut my windows, I turn off the lights and lay down in bed- there is a pattering against the glass like fingers drumming, but only a few thumps at a time. It's almost sounds like a squirrel hailing nuts at the window or the sprinklers hitting it, definitely from outside and too hard and infrequent to be rain. But the sprinklers don't reach the wall of my room and the thumping only happens on the central window beside my head.
It stops eventually, but only after an incessant half hour or so. It's been happening for about a week. I'm not sure what in the woods can explain this.
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skvaderarts · 1 year ago
Petrichor chapter 66: Acquisition
Chapter 66: Acquisition
Note: Hi, everyone! I hope you're having a good week! Was it cold where you were this last week, too? Going from the hottest summer on record here to probably the coldest winter is very… yikes. *Cries* I like the cold better.
“Again, my apologies for not arriving sooner. I was tied up at the office.” Kayro said as he followed Aluta through the locked door and down the stairs into the very depths of the estate. She reached the second door at the base of the stairs and unlocked it before sliding the door open, the metal hinge creaking loudly in the echoey chamber. Just as before, the other cells were empty, but the one at the very end of the hall with the conspicuously transparent wall was still occupied. And its occupant almost seemed to be expecting them. He sat against the back wall on a bench in the very center of the room, staring directly down the hallway. Perhaps he'd heard their footsteps. It was echoey enough for that to be easily possible, after all.
“That's quite alright. We'll just be happy to not have to think about him anymore.” Willow said as they continued into the room. She'd come along to unlock the door for him, Aluta not having her keys on hand. Flora had opted to stay on the main floor and out of their way, not interested in interacting with their uninvited guest any longer than what was necessary. There was no fear of him and her heart, not by a long shot. But she didn't enjoy being in his presence any more than a lamb enjoyed being within the jaws of a wolf.
Moments later, the trio came to a stop in front of the cell, Kayro finally getting a better look at the individual he'd heard so much about. He wore ragged hooded robes and a mask that appeared to be slightly damaged, and he got the impression that his composure was either very genuine, or he was exceptionally good at acting and was waiting to explode If even slightly provoked. But if the report that Sirrus had drafted up and submitted was anything to go off of, then he was quite a bit more dangerous than he seemed. An accomplished summoner and someone who had somehow managed to survive being at least partially possessed by a Devil Prince. Even in his currently diminished state, he shouldn't be taken lightly. Something that was duly noted by the dark haired Adjudicator.
“So this is the culprit, then…” He said in a cool tone as he approached the door. Willow flanked him, inserting the key into the lock but not turning it just yet. She then tilted her head so that she could get a better look at him and waited for him to nod in agreement before moving to unlock the door. She wasn't just going to spring it open while he was unprepared, and this was an individual who needed to be handled with extreme prejudice and care. No one wanted a summoner loose on the grounds who wasn't supposed to be.
“This would be him, yes.” Aluta said with a small, polite nod. She stepped back, retaining direct and unwavering eye contact with him as he slowly stood and made his way closer to the doorway. Her message and intentions were clear. He was not going to be shown any leniency by them should he try anything funny. And his prior experience with her was enough to tell him that she was not someone he wanted to tangle with. She'd been more than formidable, and he'd been rather lucky that she hadn't been able to do more at the time, or else he might not be there.
Kayro stared at Agreus in utter silence as he stood there and looked at him, an undeniable chill trickling down his spine as he adjusted his shirt collar. He couldn't explain it, but there was something that was just off about this individual. Something that he genuinely didn't like. He had taken the time before arriving to leaf through Sirrus’s uncharacteristically detailed report, so he knew the details of what had occurred (Well, at least the details his partner was willing to share with their benefactors on an official basis) and knew that he had the potential to be quite dangerous, but he hadn't realized until just then how utterly creepy he was. It was almost as though he were a husk of a person, a shell masquerading as a living being. As though his very essence had been whisked away under the cover of darkness.It was genuinely disquieting.
“Leave it. Security can worry about it once we arrive." Kayro said, waving off Aluta’s silent offer to remove the mask for him. There was no need. Not for the moment, at least.
Frankly, he didn't want the image of this twisted man's visage etched into his brain. He didn't want to put a face to the evil that stood before him. Kayro didn't fear Agreus, but he certainly didn't wish to be around him any longer than he needed to be. This was a professional matter and he would see it finished in a professional capacity. Those were the minimum standards he required of himself. And then he would move on and do his level best to forget that he'd ever interacted with him just as he had any other time he was forced to do any form of fieldwork. If not for the circumstances, he wouldn't have come in person at all. But this was a request directly from Sirrus, so he wasn't going to assign it to anyone else. Especially after reading the details of the injuries that Sirrus had sustained during their lengthy battle. Injuries that were undoubtedly part of the reason he decided to take a leave of absence for the time being. Anyone capable of taking Sirrus in a fight was not someone He was interested in tangling with.
Standing firm and straight-backed, the adjudicator with the black hair gave the man he was to escort an unflinching look, keeping his composure but allowing his aura of authority to be slightly amplified. He wanted to make himself clear and establish from the get-go that he was not to be trifled with.
“Agreus. I've come to retrieve you on behalf of the Tribunal at the request of Adjudicator Sanguine. You will be summarily judged in accordance with our standard protocols and procedures and then my superiors will take charge from there on. But until such time you are in my care and custody and I expect you to behave yourself.” The look on his face was nothing short of humorless, any indication that he may be speaking facetiously dissipating the instant after those words exited his mouth. He would not tolerate anything short of a smooth and uneventful transfer. There was no question. “Your cooperation is required and expected to maintain orderly conduct along our route to your detainment facility. I have prior authorization to use lethal force if absolutely necessary. If you have any further questions as to your rights or privileges, they will be answered for you in greater detail once you arrive. Until such time, voluntary silence is preferable. I hope that is understood. Now let's proceed.”
With that, Kayro turned his attention back to Willow and Aluta, the two of them splitting their attention between him and their unwelcome guest, eager at the prospect of his imminent departure. It wasn't as though they needed the cell for anything else, but having a being as powerful and driven to do evil as he was residing within the confines of their manner wasn't exactly something either of them relished. They were glad that Sirrus had sent in an express request to have him transferred somewhere that was more equipped to handle him in the long term.
The adjudicator reached within his coat pocket and took out what appeared to be a strange set of cuffs, gesturing for Agreus to extend his hands outward so that he could place them upon him. The summoner seemed to hesitate for a moment, perhaps sensing that these were not ordinary cuffs, but moments later felt more or less compelled to put them on, seemingly realizing that there was little he could do in the way of rebellion in such a state. He was outnumbered and outclassed as things stood. This was not going to go well. So he relented and allowed himself to be bound. And Kayro couldn't shake the feeling as he placed the cuffs on him that he was gnashing his teeth in hatred under that mask, a notion that was as disturbing as it was morbidly amusing. 
He could feel the hatred radiate off of him. Oh yes, he could feel it. He was attuned to such things, after all. That was his field of expertise.
With the cuffs secured the four of them made their way down the hallway and back up the flight of steps, locking each of the doors behind them as they made their way back to the main lobby. At the door, they were greeted by two other individuals, guards of some sort who had accompanied the black hair adjudicator to their residence. It seemed that he'd brought them as a precaution in the event that there was a problem. And if the second car outside was anything to go off of, then they were not the only backup he'd opted to bring along. He’d certainly come prepared. The Hallmark of an individual who did his homework and did it very well. He was nothing if not thorough.
Kayro and both of his henchmen waited as the door was opened for them and they escorted their prisoner down the front steps and into the open back seat of the first car, the second car ready to flank them on their way back to the headquarters. There were six guards in total between the two cars, the most he'd been able to leverage on such short notice, but still more than standard for operations such as this. He was taking every precaution he could. 
Moments later, Agreus was secured in the backseat, his cuffs latched to a secure holding device attached to the backseat of the car, his ankles secured by another less advanced cuff. He wouldn't be kicking the seat on the way back.
Once he was certain that everything had been given the green light, he turned his attention back to both of the Ludwig sisters, pleased that they'd been able to help him on quite literally no notice. He'd been lucky that they had been home, frankly. He was immensely appreciative of their helpfulness. Should he need to return, it was probably best he call ahead next time. “I thank you once again for your assistance, mistresses. It has been a pleasure to see you, and I hope you continue to do well.”
Willow smiled and nodded politely, waving at him as she stepped back onto the porch before turning around and heading into the house, eager to locate Flora and find out what was going on. She knew that she'd missed something, and she was hopeful that the young witch would be able to fill her in. Aluta stayed behind, however, gazing at Agreus from within the car. There was just nothing good that she could say about him. She hoped that they brought the hammer down on him swiftly and with no mercy.
“Just be careful. Please. I trust those cuffs are enchanted?” Aluta said softly, her gentle demeanor softening Kayro’s stern and serious tone. He gave her a sympathetic look, touched by her concern for his safety. It was rare that someone besides Sirrus worried over him.
“Yes, that goes without saying. Don't worry, I wouldn't dare attempt to transfer someone who possesses the powers he does without taking the necessary precautions first. My team doesn't deserve that, and it's beneath my professional dignity.” Kayro smiled pleasantly, bowing politely to her for a second time as he prepared to bid the residence adieu. They had a long trip ahead of them. It was time to hit the road. “I hope you're able to sleep easy tonight knowing that he is gone.”
Aluta nodded. That was good to hear. It was not an uncommon thing for her to discover that someone wasn't exactly well versed regarding the potential dangers they faced when it came to sorcery. But thankfully, Kayro possessed virtually nothing in regards to ego, and was perhaps the best person currently present to handle this situation besides herself, and even then she wasn't sure that she could in her current state. But he was level-headed and hyper-focused on the task at hand, so he was the next best thing. “Oh, I certainly will. Let Sirrus know when you get back, would you? I'm sure he'd like to have one less thing to worry about.”
“With pleasure.” He said with a soft chuckle. Yes, he was absolutely willing to believe that Sirrus would like to hear that. If there was one thing he could do with less of it was things to worry about. “Take care and have a wonderful day.”
With a final wave, he turned away from her and headed back to the car, allowing one of the two guards to drive and opting to get in the front passenger seat so that the second guard who flanked him could sit in the back with Agreus. This was going to be a long drive. A VERY long drive. And he'd be very glad if he was able to get home at a reasonable hour today. Or that evening, at the very least. Ugh. 
He needed to renegotiate his pay when he came back from vacation.
Haha! Poor Kayro. He needs that vacation so badly. Man is married to his job but it's a toxic marriage and he needs a divorce! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll see you next Friday, January 26th, and in the comments both on here and Discord if you're over there! Bye bye!
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rdawnn · 4 years ago
who else’s bedroom is the hottest gd room in their house
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chrismcshell · 3 years ago
PRO GAMING TIP: in the colder months, a gaming pc can double as a very expensive space heater
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