#My mom's not a big fan of cat's but my step dad has a couple of them so there would be arrangements for him in some way.
selvepnea · 2 years
I've been think about moving back in with my mom recently and thinking about things
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mk-wizard · 3 years
So Long, Garfield: A fanscript on how Garfield could end well
Hello, fans and fat cats. Here I am with another Garfield essay, but this one is different. It is not exploration, fan theory or character analysis, but a fanscript on how the iconic comic strip cat could end on a high note. Keep in mind that this fanscript also tries to uphold all the things that made Garfield great and brings the original concept as well as many original ideas full circle. The premise of Garfield was that we saw life through his eyes namely how he saw his owner Jon’s life at how socially awkward, pathetic and bad with women he was. The audience was also subtly led to believe that if Jon ever did finally find a woman namely his most often go-to-gal Garfield’s vet Liz who found him revolting, it would mean the end of Garfield. Yet when that happened, it still went on. I think the story should end now and here is a fan script that I put together on how Garfield could end in my opinion on a high note while honouring its legacy. It is divided into four parts which symbolize the four stages of a very drastic change in one’s life. Specifically, how everything around Garfield changes in an almost domino effect kind of way because Jon and Liz finally became a couple. Note that that four stages serve as four story arcs which make up what would make for Garfield’s very last volume in the book series.
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1- Jon wants to marry Liz meaning she will move in and the household dynamic and lifestyle will change forever (resistance). - After becoming an official couple, Jon and Liz decide to move onto the next big step which is to get married. Before, when they were just dating, it made Garfield a bit jealous yet he could deal with it because at least everything else was the same in his life and he grew to like having Liz around as a visitor, but having her around full time means things will change the household dynamic forever. It turns out that adapting to having Liz live with them is going to take a lot changes and it means the way they act, live and do every day tasks will not be the same anymore. Initially, Garfield will react very bad to this because unlike Jon, he likes bachelorhood and isn’t ready to give it up, so he would probably do everything he could to foil Jon’s attempts to propose to Liz and even go as far as making Liz very uncomfortable in an effort to get her to dump Jon. However, Garfield’s stunts in fact backfire as Liz turns out to be very tolerant and patient with him as she is not only good with animals since she is a vet, but kind of see right through him so she sympathizes with him not wanting her to intrude. Also, despite all of Garfield’s efforts, Jon still somehow manages to propose to Liz and she says yes. When that happens, Garfield stops resisting and just resigns. Note that from here on end, the planning of Jon and Liz’s wedding is ongoing in the background.
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2- Lyman finally finds his own place and job meaning he will move out, but so will Odie (denial). - This leads us to phase two which also brings up the forgotten yet still present idea that Lyman is Jon’s roommate and Odie is not actually Jon’s dog. After so many years, Lyman finally lands a great job and is able to move out, BUT if he goes, so will Odie. Obvious, neither Garfield or Odie are happy about this because they’re actually good friends. I would imagine that there would be tons upon tons of gags of trying to stop the move out from happening like the pets emptying out the luggage to trying to sneak Odie away so that he secretly stays in Jon and Garfield’s house, but of course, all of these attempts to keep the status quo would not only fail, they would make both Jon and Lyman very angry. I imagine the punchline in the end would be that it turns out that Lyman is only moving away into his own house a few blocks away which is just walking distance. Also, the serious side that keeping Odie isn’t just unrealistic, it’s mean because he’s all Lyman’s got. Of course, Jon and his own friend still be cool. It is also here we finally find out what Lyman does for a living; he is a photographer and he will be taking pictures for Jon and Liz’s wedding. And bittersweetly, while it turns out Garfield and Odie won’t be split up that far apart, them not living together is still a huge change to get used to as their absence in each other’s lives is felt.
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3- Nermal comes to terms with leaving kittenhood and abandonment issues in his mind (depression). - At this phase, Garfield is sad and depressed, and things seem to get worse as Jon and Liz are going to the Arbuckle farm to celebrate their engagement. And fun long lost fact; Nermal is the kitten of Ma and Pa Arbuckle... but things have changed there too and so has Nermal. Mom and Dad have their own announcement which is that they are retiring and have decided to start traveling which means they are leaving the farm and the little guy in Doc Boy’s care. And while the parents are optimistic about this new phase in their lives, Doc Boy is facing some issues as Nermal is no longer a kitten. He is now a “teenager” meaning he is no longer cute and has taken up a rebellious as well as an unfriendly streak. He has become spiteful and does unkind things which as first annoys Garfield until he notices a familiar pattern and recalls he went through the same thing... when his previous owner, a pasta chef gave him to Jon. Despite all of his better judgement, Garfield gets Nermal to have a heart to heart talk, and Nermal admits that he is hurt that Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle are leaving him behind. He thinks that they are abandoning him because he’s not a cute little kitten anymore. Of course, it turns out that the real reason they are leaving him with Doc Boy is out of love. Nermal has needs and requires stability that the Arbuckles cannot give him at their age, so they are leaving him with Doc Boy so he’ll be in good hands and have a good life. Garfield then finally comes to terms with his own abandonment issues and discovers that the pasta chef did the same thing. He didn’t give him to Jon to get rid of him because he was eating the lasagna all the time. Garfield getting older and hungrier was a sign that he was growing up and needed a good home, so the chef helped Garfield find an owner who could be there for him full time. Through this, for the first time ever, Garfield and Nermal finally find common ground and get to like each other. It turns out that underneath it all, Nermal is a lot like Garfield in how he likes to eat and secretly enjoys mischief. So much so that like how Garfield loves lasagna, Nermal adores country style apple pie. At the end of the engagement party and trip, both Garfield and Nermal’s spirits are lifted, and while Nermal has eased up a little, it is hinted that he has become Doc Boy’s “Garfield” which makes Garfield for the first time ever, finds Nermal cute for it.
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4- Jon gets to know Liz’s parents and Garfield rethinks his own relationship with Arlene (acceptance). - Nearing the end of the wedding plans, Jon must now get to know Liz’s parents and become accepted by them. It turns out that Liz’s dad is an easy going guy who seems to have a lot in common with Jon while her mom is the stern one who seems to have a lot of Liz’s sarcastic and no nonsense demeanor. She is also a big time zoologist. Meanwhile, Garfield is taking in all of the changes that are going on around them and decides that maybe, change isn’t so bad after all. Namely, maybe it isn’t so bad to love someone other than yourself. This makes him think that instead of just being casual with Arlene yet keeping her at an arm’s length, he decides he wants to go steady with her and officially become boyfriend and girlfriend with her. In the midst of all of this, it turns out that despite how intimidating Liz’s mom has acted towards Jon, she actually always accepted him and thinks he is a good match for her daughter because they balance each other kind of like how her own quirky and socially awkward husband balances himself with her. More importantly, Jon makes Liz happier than any other man she has met before. Once that resolution is made and all of the wedding plans are made, Garfield at long last introduces Arlene to the family indicating that they are officially together. Of course, Jon and Liz being who they are, take an immediate liking to Arlene and agree to take her in meaning that she is also not part of the household too. At this point, the wedding plans are finally put into place which offers tons of hilarious antics namely the things that go wrong to the things that are over the top. Though at the end, the wedding finally happens and the final scene is of Jon and Liz becoming husband and wife while Garfield thanks the audience for coming this far with them and saying goodbye.
The End
Well, there you have it. This is my fanscript on how Garfield ought to end in the best way possible. What do you all think of it? I would love to hear what you all think. Do you think any of this will happen?
If you have a fan theory, character analysis or anything of a comic media you want me to make an essay for, let me know in my ask section. Also, please give this a like, give me a watch and support me either by Ko-fi or Patreon. Links are in my profile.
Thanks guys and as always, stay safe.
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mirismuffins-ovo · 3 years
Plant palace pt 7🌿
[background: the plant based girls John has age twice as fast as a human,John ran off to go raise them at an abnormal camp his mother leads. He’s been gone two years and working as part of the abnormal rebellion and rights activist.] [this is also where I’ve decided I’d rewrite some stuff in the future,but I’ll let you guys read the first part of this before I work through it again] [first part is kinda narrative]
John's heart hurt to leave the man he loved,he wanted to raise these small little babies with Eddie but things went sideways. John and Henry stopped by the house grabbing supplies and raising the babies there for a while,until they were tracked down by the government. Escaping to a hideaway,a camp where abnormals were safe and rebelled trying to fix the outrageous laws of America. As time went on the rights of Abnormals had gotten better,after riots and protests. John raises his little girls alongside his mom. She’d become an important person in his life more than ever,helping with the babies. The little ones blooming with gorgeous pink petals and hair,John letting his own flower like features grow too. John had freed and protected abnormals with his mother, learning more control over his abilities and discovering new things he never knew he could do. Abnormals had finally gained some rights in some more progressive states,no longer needing to hide in some states. The girls were (2) 4 years old now,he’d kept up with Eddie's online following and career, proud of him for taking off. John would listen to Eddie's album Greenhouse,he recognized the song Eddie sang when they first found out about the babies,it was the most popular one. John would always tell his little girls about their dad,showing them photos of him performing. He missed him and to the point it hurt. John's family could recognize that,and John discussed that he should finally go back. It was time for John to come back home.
Now Eddie.
2 years. It has been 2 years since John has left. In the beginning, he was questioned by the government but he gave half truth answers. Yes he was with John. No he didn’t know he was an Abnormal, thinking his boyfriend was able to have kids. No the kids weren’t his, John was already pregnant when they really got official. But because they weren’t giving him the answer, he was held for 6 months for harboring an Abnormal before being let go.
After that, he explained everything to his band and how this album was going to be it. He didn’t want to make music after. They supported his decision but helped him finish the album. He had songs named after the girls, after his time at Plant Palace, the short months he was with John. Be saved the best for last. The last song on the album, which he named “Greenhouse” was called “Eden.” It was an Ode to John, thinking that no one would even get to the end of the album.
But instead people found out and it reached #1 on the charts for a solid year. He was able to go to concerts which sparked his love for music again, but he couldn’t listen to the album himself. He refused to. He would play other music in his earbuds when he was in public in case Eden came on.
He ended up moving further into the city now that he made good money off his record sales and a couple of EPs. Bitty came along with him, the cat too sweet to part with and he had a feeling John would want him to watch her. The anger he first felt after discovering John ran had faded away and he accepted it. The younger man did talk about trying to find his people to help raise the girls, but Eddie wanted to do that. He wanted to be the cool dad.
Life moved on. Eddie moved on, but still held a special spot for John, if he ever got to see him again. He even picked up a new kitty who he named Leafy. Bitty was happy to get a cute little brother and it kept her occupied. Eddie was happy.
Eddie yawned as he started to make his way home from another band practice. He and his band got the idea to write themselves each a song that they could relate to in the future. They might not make sense now, but they should when they’re older and split apart. It was late and all he wanted to do was hop in the shower, order some take out and pass out with the kitties on his lap.
While on his way home, he felt a tingle down his spine. Although it was night time, and he was walking alone, it was odd that someone might jump him, or it was local paparazzi following him to see if he had a special someone since his female fans were dying to know. So he stopped and waited for the heavy footsteps to stop.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to turn around before I face you and deck you. I’m not in the mood for interviews or dealing with your shit.” He grumbled. He wasn’t the happy-go-lucky young band member anymore, he was a man with heartache.
There wasn’t a sound behind him, signaling the person to walk off or speak up. Eddie turned around, preparing for a recorder shoved into his face when his entire world stopped.
John stood there,he hadn’t heard Eddie's voice in a long time,at least when he wasn’t singing. His voice sounded tired and moody but it didn’t change how he felt when Eddie turned around. John had his hood up but he took it off when Eddie turned to face him. A shy half smile on the smaller man's face as he stood a few feet back from the singer. “Hey Eds…” John's hair was a little longer than before,not by much but it was longer;John looked pale,tired like an overworked parent but the energy about him was slightly different.He slowly approached Eddie hesitantly taking a step forward,he didn’t know what he should say. There was so much to apologize for,him running off with the babies not even a thing as a text and gone for two years. “It’s been a while...but since when did you cuss?” John tried to clear the air with teasing as he combed his fingers through his hair. His gaze flicking between staring at Eddie and at the ground attempting to hide the tears that glazed his eyes. Johns soft voice trembled the entire time.
Eddie felt like he died when he saw John.The anger he thought that went away was back. He clenched his fist and just looked at the younger man in front of him. He wanted to shout, scream, and yell, but instead he just turned around, continuing to walk to his house. He could hear the footsteps follow him as he got closer to his house only for him to stop again.
“I promised I’d be there…” He spoke, his voice getting ready to break. “But you went and broke that promise for me.” He turned to face John, tears falling, and screaming, letting his emotions loose. “You took my fucking kids! You ran from me instead of facing this together!”
John had expected something like this but it still made his insides shake. John couldn’t help but erupt with tears and watched the man in front of him go off.
“You think I wanted to leave you?...WATCH YOU FROM A DISTANCE?!?” His voice had turned into a yell,John never raised his voice.
“What do you think would’ve happened if I stayed there waiting, Eddie? The hospital called the government on me,they would’ve taken our girls! Would you rather me and the girls in a facility being experimented on?! Getting tortured?” He sighed frustrated still crying “I’ve counted the days..you don’t think I talk about you to them,do you think I haven’t listened to your album about our kids every day??”
He wiped his face shaking and turned to look away. “I get it..okay...I’m so sorry I left,but I warned you Eddie. I told you that it was dangerous and when I tried to contact you I found out you were detained for ‘harboring an abnormal’.” John took out a photo,it was a Polaroid. It showed the babies who’d begun to bloom their flowers.John was holding them in his lap,they were toddlers now and all dressed up,his mother was standing next to him holding one of the toddlers. He held it to Eddie “here..”
“I told you I would fight tooth and nail for them! I was so ready to take your place in a facility for your freedom.” Eddie was crying too.
Eddie wanted to argue more, but John silenced him by handing over the picture. It was a photo of John holding all three of the girls, and a larger woman behind them. He laughed quietly, so happy to see them and how big they had gotten.
“Why now? Why did you come back. When I saw that you left, I figured you’d be gone forever.”
John sighed staring at the cement “the governor passed a law here that abnormals living in human city’s are no longer illegal. That and...I missed you.” He glimpsed at Eddie,John's eyes looked tired. “They’d caught up to me last year and I was held in a facility for two months,my mom and Henry took care of the little ones... I broke out with the help of some other abnormals.” He crossed his arms and wiped away some more tears. John felt bad he’d not been there for Eddie. “I would’ve come back sooner if I could Eds,and I know you're mad but you have to know I didn’t leave willingly.The girls ask all the time when they can see they can see their-…you” John sighed fearing Eddie wouldn’t want to rekindle their relationship. He dreaded he wouldn’t want to see their daughters.
Eddie was surprised at all the new information, but also wasn’t. He heard about Abnormals allowed to live among humans, but there was still no law about living with them or loving them. He kind of rolled his eyes at that.
“So you’re a fugitive?”
John stayed silent.
Eddie sighed. “Look, as much as I would love to see our daughters, I can’t just easily accept you into my life again. You broke my heart and how will I know if you won’t do it again? Maybe the world was right that we, Abbies and Humans, aren’t meant to cohabitate with each other.” Eddie sniffled, taking his jacket and rubbing his eyes.
John looked like he was about to say something but Eddie held up a hand.
“Not tonight… I need time…” He turned to continue walking to his apartment.
Once inside, Bitty and Leafy greeted him with happy meows, but Bitty knew. She knew that her cat dad was near Eddie. He closed the door, set his guitar aside and leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. He held his head in his hands and let the tears fall.
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hoboal87 · 4 years
Elastic Heart Chapter Two
Title: Elastic Heart - Winchester
Characters: Y/N Y/L/N, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, OFCs
Pairing(s): Past Sam x Reader
Summary: Y/N worries about the past catching up with her.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: some cursing, fluff, small doses of angst
Notes: Series will be mostly canon compliant, taking place during season 8/9. Also, for purposes of this fic Sam was born in '84 instead of '83.
Please give a comment or reblog and let me know what you think!
Elastic Heart Masterlist
Read Chapter One
Chapter Two - Winchester
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“We are so proud of you, Y/N” mom smiles, pulling me into a hug.
“We all are.” I turn to face dad. “Me, your mother, and sister. Isn’t that right, Delia?”
My 10-year-old sister is standing in front of him, looking more like me than I would care to admit. She beams up at me, jumping into my arms, “I screamed for you when they called your name, Y/N! Did you hear me?”
“Of course I did, Cordy!” I squeeze her tightly, using my nickname for her.  
“I miss you, Y/N, it’s not the same when you’re not home, mom and dad…” she leans in to whisper in my ear, “they’re already talking about me going to college.”
I knew that it was something that they would want for her, but I hate that they are already starting to bring it up. They had pushed me into making those same decisions before I was ready, and it put me on a collision course that I might never have been on if they allowed me to be a regular teenager for a few more years.
“She’s a little young for college talk, don’t you think?”
“Y/N, you should know, it’s never too early,” mom defends. “We started looking at programs when you were about her age.”
“Had your entire future planned out,” dad interjects, “and look where you are now! Even with your setbacks .”
“I was about to start high school,” I say, trying to keep myself calm. I take a deep breath, putting Cordy down, “she needs time to be a kid… to have a little fun.”
“As I recall, Y/N,” dad’s mood changes quickly, “you had plenty of fun, so much fun, in fact, that it almost ruined everything we had worked for.”
“I was seventeen, not ten,” I assert, stepping closer to him, “and my ‘fun’ didn’t almost ruin anything. If you think Cordy will be in a similar situation anytime soon, then we’ve all got much bigger problems.” I take another deep breath, “maybe it’s time to tell her about my setback , and she will learn from my mistakes.”
“This is not the place, Y/N,” mom puts herself between us. “Your father and I just want what’s best for Cordelia; you know that. We can talk about that later,” she looks down at Cordy, who is watching all of us intently, “but not now. Let us take you out for dinner, please.”
I nodded reluctantly. Mom’s right; this isn’t the time or the place.
“Later?” I look between them.
“What about me?” Cordy chirps, looking up to me. “Don’t I get a say?”
“I got you, kid.” I wink and squeeze her hand. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Joe’s!” she yells, and I laugh, it has been years since I’d been to Joe’s. For the past two years, I practically never left campus, only visiting home during the breaks for a few days at a time, and even then, I spent most of my time studying. It was easier to stay focused on class, keep my priorities straight , as dad would say.
“Delia,” dad rejoins as we walk toward the parking lot, “let Y/N choose, this is her night. As a matter of fact, we were thinking about going to that new restaurant downtown. What do you say, Y/N?”
“I say… Joe’s!” Cordy squeals with delight. “How about Cordy and I take my car, and we’ll meet you guys there? I can take her to my apartment, I’ll change out of these robes, and we can meet there in about an hour?”
“Do you really think that’s the best idea?” Dad says, shooting a side glance to mom then back to me. “Being alone?”
“Yeah, I think I can handle a ten-year-old for an hour,” I laugh.
“Ten and a half!” she corrects.
“Excuse me, ten and a half,” I bring my attention back to my parents, “and if I remember correctly, I used to be the only person in the house who could calm her down when she had her infamous temper tantrums.”
“I didn’t have tantrums!” Cordy pouts, walking in front of me, “I was a good baby!”
“Hate to break it to you, kid. But you had the worst fits. You grew out of them, eventually,” I give her a playful wink. “Anyway, Cordy has been asking to see my apartment basically since I moved in, and this is my last chance to show her before I have to move off-campus.”
Dad nods, and he and mom walk toward their car.  Cordy and I head across campus to my apartment. Her sparkling eyes fill with curiosity and wonder as I explain the statues and buildings, even pointing out one of the many stray cats that I see every day.
It only takes about fifteen minutes to walk to my apartment. It’s nothing fancy, just a small one-bedroom, but Cordy takes her time, studying the place. She seems fascinated by the pictures on the walls, framed photos of her and me, mom and dad, the handful of friends I have, and some art.
“Are you moving back home?” Cordy asks excitedly. “It’s been so long, not since I was little!”
“You’re still little, kid,” I laugh.
“Really little! I never get to see you anymore Ellie,” she follows me into my room.
“That’s because I was working really hard at school, but now, I’ll make sure that I see you more often, even if I don’t move back home.”
“Promise?” Cordy holds her pinky out in front of me, and I grab it with my own.
She smiles widely. I notice a tooth missing and laugh to myself. I watch as she grabs one of the pictures off of my nightstand and sits down on my bed. It’s one of my favorite images of just the two of us. It was her first birthday; Cordy had just slammed her face into the cake, and I was laughing wildly.
“Why aren’t mom or dad in this one?” she asks, gesturing towards the picture.
“Oh…” I took the frame out of her hands, studying it, “You were so cute back then,” I tease. “You were so cranky that day, we’d given you all these presents, but nothing worked. Then, we put the cake in front of you, and you lit up. Mom and I were trying to help you blow out the candle, and you just threw your face into the cake. You covered your whole face, then tried to get me too. Mom was laughing so hard she had to step away. We didn’t even know that dad had taken the picture until later.”
“Who’s that?” she points at a figure in the background, I freeze for a moment, never realizing that he was in this photo. He’s slightly out of focus, but he still looks how I remember him. “He was in another picture, but when I asked mom about him, she wouldn’t say anything.”
“Oh, him?” I feign ignorance, knowing precisely who he is. “He’s some relative on dad’s side of the family, a twice-removed something or other; mom wasn’t exactly a fan of him.” I force a laugh. I know I can’t be completely honest with her about the man in the photo, but I won’t lie to her either. “He used to visit us a couple of times a year, whenever he was in town. He was crazy about you, and you were obsessed with him. Dad hated it so much,” I laugh, thinking back to all the times we had seen him. “Dad thought he was getting replaced as your favorite person.” 
“Why don’t I remember him?” she asks quietly.
“I think the last time we saw him you were only two, I remember he told dad he wanted to help pay for my college and even start a college fund for you, it caused a big fight. You were a little too small to remember him.”
“What happened to him?” she looks up at me.
“I don’t know, kid. We didn’t hear from him again after that last visit. I think he got in some trouble with the law or something. We tried tracking him down, but nothing ever came of it.”
She looks disappointed in my answer.
“I’ll tell you what, in a couple of years, if you want, we’ll see if we can’t track him down. And I bet that we can find another, clearer picture of him somewhere,” I half-lie again, knowing exactly where to find a picture of him, “Whaddya say, kid?”
“Okay.” Cordy takes the photo out of my hand, and I can see she still has questions. I’m always afraid of this happening, and I’m not ready to conquer it today.
“You know why I picked that one out of the hundreds dad took that day?” She shakes her head. “That’s just you and me, kid. There aren’t that many of only the two of us.”
She frowns and looks back down at the picture again. “What about before this one?” she asks, and I’m stunned by her question.
“Huh? What do you mean?” I’m afraid I know what she means, but I promised I wouldn’t lead her down that path until we decided it was the right time.
“We did a family tree this year. They wanted pictures from when we were babies, and when I asked mom for pictures, she gave me a bunch like these. I told her my teacher wanted ones from when I was younger, but mom said she didn’t know where they were. All my friends have pictures with their mommy’s still in the hospital. But I don’t.”
“They’re around the house,” I stretch the truth again. “We weren’t expecting you, and you took us so off-guard, our little surprise baby. It took mom and dad so long to get used to the fact they were gonna have a baby in the house again. I was gonna move out, but after you were born, I just wanted to be around you all the time. And we were all so frazzled the first few months after you were born, I don’t think they even thought about picking up a camera half the time. But after your first birthday, dad couldn’t put one down.” I walked to my closet to get a change of clothes. “There are hundreds of them.”
“Really?” she looks up at me, a smile growing. “What about you?”
“Well, good cameras were still pretty expensive when I was born, plus, you had to buy film, then get it developed, and sometimes the pictures would turn out to not even be good, or out of focus or something. Or you would have to go to a photo studio and have them professionally done, which was also expensive.”
“So, they didn’t take any pictures of you when you were a baby?”
“They did, I’m sure they’re also hiding around the house somewhere, there’s probably more than they have of you,” I tease her. “I was the firstborn, after all. I think they have more videos of you, though. How about this weekend we look for them together?” she perks up at the thought, I make a mental note to let mom know what we will be looking for. “What do you think?” I asked, stepping out in a dress, and she scrunches her face. “Too formal for Joe’s?”
She nods, laughing. I head back to my closet and pick a simple shirt and jeans to wear.
“Y/N, why are they so mean to you?” Cordy’s tone changes when I walk out. “Mom and dad, they act like you were a bad kid.”
“Cordy,” I gather my thoughts and choose my words carefully. “Mom and dad had only me for seventeen years before you came along. They want what’s best for me, and that means that sometimes they have to push me. It comes from a place of love, know that.” I sit next to her offering a smile. “It’s been like that since before you were born, they were always stricter with me than they’ve been with you. I may be a ‘grown-up’, but to them, I’m still their little girl, same goes for you, kid.” I pull her into a hug. “Now, can we go to Joe’s? I’m starving!”
I grab my keys and cell phone, messaging mom on our way to my car.
Me >> We’re leaving my apt. we should be @ Joes in 30 mins or so
Mom << Okay =)
Me >> One other thing… Cordy’s starting to ask questions.
Mom << About what?
Me >> Everything. I think it’s time we told her.
Mom << We’ll discuss it later. See you soon.
I put my phone in the cup holder, frustrated by being shut down already. I know what they will say, she’s too young, she won’t understand , and a part of me knows they’re right. I know they only want what’s best, and I do too, but this is one of those days where it almost seems like it’s too much.
“It’s not fair! I should have a phone too! Dad says I’m too young!” Cordy gripes, pulling me out of my thoughts, “I don’t need a fancy one—"
“Dad’s right, you are too young.” I laugh as she settles into her seat. “What do you need a phone for?”
“So my friends can call me,” she argues. “I hate that they have to call the house, dad won’t even let me get a phone for my room.”
“I definitely gotta agree with dad on that one.”
“Y/N! You’re supposed to be on my side, that’s what you said earlier! Big sisters are supposed to be on the little sister’s side!” She pouts in her seat and I have to suppress my laughter.
“C’mon Cordy, give me one good reason, and I’ll be on your side.” I wait as she struggles to come up with a reason. “You gotta boyfriend?” I drag the word out, making her blush and shake her head. “You don’t need a phone yet. Can I trust you to pick out some music for us?” 
She laughs and searches through the player, finally picking a song.
I’ve never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies And I’m not proud of my address, in the torn-up town No post code envy
“And we’ll never be Royals!” I chime in, looking at her with a wide smile.
“It don’t run in our blood!” she joins me, laughing.
We spend the better part of the 30-minute trip to Joe's singing very loudly and badly to songs from my playlists.
We pull into the parking lot, laughing as another song finishes playing.
I spot my parents’ car and pull in next to them. I can see that they are arguing. Mom’s cheeks and eyes teary, and dad, he just looks angry. A kind of angry that I hadn’t seen in a long time. Mom sees Cordy and me and quickly changes her expression. Dad does as well, softening his features.
“Y/N, what took you so long?” She says, as we both leave our cars, trying to hide the fact that something is wrong.
“I said 30 minutes, right?” I look at her with confusion, “I mean, maybe it’s been a little longer than that, but not much.” I offer.
“We just thought… Maybe you changed your mind about coming here?” Dad looked at me, still clearly angry about something.
“No, why would I do that? Cordy? Is there any other burger place better than Joe’s?” I laugh, trying to break the tension, which I could do better if I knew why they were so anxious.
“Heck, no!” she yells, “Joe’s is the best!”
“What your dad is trying to say, Y/N, is that we can go somewhere else.”
“Nah, Cordy’s right, and it’s been too long since I’ve been here. I wonder if there’ll be anyone here that I’ll recognize,” I question out loud, “Dan, Jana… some of the other staff?”
“Come on Y/N! I’m starving!” Cordy grabs my hand and starts dragging me towards the entrance.
“Cordelia! Slow down!” Dad says harshly, “The food will still be there.”
“Yeah, but the faster we get there, the faster I can eat!”
I laugh at her as she pulls me inside. The place still looks the same, mostly; there are new flat screens on the walls, a fresh coat of paint, and updated furniture, but it’s still Joe’s.
“No fucking way,” a voice yells from behind the register. Mom quickly covers Cordy’s ears, who begins to laugh hysterically. “Y/N? Y/N Y/L/N?”
I finally see who is calling me, “Jana? Oh, my God! It’s been so long!”
She pulls me for a hug. “What’s it been, 5, 6 years?”
Dad places our orders as mom takes Cordy to a booth by the window. Jana looks the same, only slightly more worn than when I had last seen her.
“Before I was in school full time, something like that, yeah,” I smile. “Just graduated, actually.”
“Wow! Y/N! That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you,” she offers a sad smile, “I know it didn’t look like it was gonna happen there for a while, but I’m glad you got what you wanted,” she says quietly.
“Thank you. It’s been tough, but it’ll be worth it. What about you?” I ask as she pulls away. “How have you been?” She pulls her left hand in front of her face, showing off the diamond ring on her finger. “Oh my God, congratulations! Who’s the lucky guy?”
She tells me all about her fiancé, a local boy who started working at Joe’s shortly after I stopped.
“And Y/N you’ll never guess who was in here the other day.”
“Who?” I ask, looking at her curiously. But before she has time to answer, a familiar voice fills the air.
My eyes go wide, and I start to pant. I step away from Jana, making my way towards the bathroom where I am unable to stop myself from vomiting. I’m panicking, I never expected to see him again. He had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. I do my best to compose myself, splashing water on my face. Why was he here after all these years? Once the color returns to my face, I return to the dining room, taking my seat next to Cordy, who has already made herself comfortable at the booth, coloring, not paying attention to anything. Mom gives me a look; we tried to warn you . I try to control my breathing as Jana delivers our food.
“So, who do we have here?” she says looking between Cordy and me.
“This is my sister, Cordy.” I laugh as she barely looks up from her page. “Cordy, this is Jana.”  
 “Of course!” Jana exclaims, “I can’t believe I didn’t put it together sooner! She’s practically your twin! Except for her eyes.” 
“Yeah,” I say nervously. “We get that a lot, I think it’s just cause of the age gap.”
“Odd,” she looked us all in the eye, “you all have dark eyes.”
“Um, yeah—well, if—both parents have the recessive trait, there’s a 1 in 4 chance of the child having it,” I spouted, hoping she would buy the not-technically a lie.
“I guess I should have paid more attention in Biology,” she laughs “anything else I can get for y’all?”
“No, thank you, Jana,” dad answers, looking relieved.
I stare down at my plate, appetite gone. I watch as Cordy scarfs her burger down and then tells an outlandish story that she insists is true. “It’s a monster! It sneaks into the rooms of kids, sucks out their souls and then they die!” she says seriously. “Three kids from my school are in the hospital!”
“So, a monster is making the kids at your school sick?” Dad raises an eyebrow. “Delia, you know there’s no such thing as monsters.”
“It’s true!” she says loudly. “It’s a soul-eater!” Cordy pouts, upset that no one believes her.
“She’s got a point.” A familiar pair of green eyes walks towards our table, trying to appease the upset child. “It’s not actually eating their souls. But the good thing is there are people like me and my brother—Y/N?”
“Dean.” I wanted to die. It had been years since I had seen him, either of them. I stand up from the table, giving him an awkward hug. “You’re here on business?” I ask, desperately trying to keep my cool.  
“Yeah, S-Sam and I got into town a few days ago. Wow, Y/N, we didn’t think we’d ever see you again, it’s good to see you.” He gives me a tight-lipped smile. “Sam?” he shouts. I don’t know if I can do this. “Sammy…c’ mere!”
I hear grumbling from a few feet away.
“Sam!” he yells. I’m gonna die of embarrassment . Cordy, none the wiser, laughs at the green-eyed man hollering. He looks down at her, “Hey princess, what’s your name?” he squats down to meet her eye level.
“Delia, that’s what everyone calls me, except Y/N, she calls me Cordy.” Her large expressive eyes look up at him.
“Well, can I call you Cordy as well?” Dean asks, and she nods. “Well Cordy, my name is Dean, and I know Y/N from a long time ago.” He leans in and lowers his voice, “Me and my brother, we take care of monsters. So I don’t want you to worry about that anymore, okay?” She happily nods as he turns away. “ SAM !”
“Dude, I was on the phone with the hosp—” Sam stops dead in his tracks 3 feet from our table. “Y/N/N,” he gasps. 
“Hey, Sam,” I somehow muster, “been a long time.”
“Y-yeah,” I can see the wheels turning in his head, “about 10 y-years?”
I turn to my parents, whose faces are showing an array of emotions. Some that don’t even make sense to me.
“About.” I glance down at Cordy, blissfully unaware of what was happening around her, and back up to him. “Right after graduation,” I mutter.
Somehow, he’s taller than I remember. I rarely thought about him, mostly because of the pain and anger it would bring.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He drags his hand through his hair. “I- I can’t believe you still live here. I thought for sure you were leaving.” There’s a bitterness in his tone that I can tell he’s trying to cover-up. “You’d always said…”
“I’m just visiting. We’re just here celebrating. Cordy insisted.”
“Cordy?” He notices the little girl at the table. “Who—?”
“Cordy,” I say, grabbing her attention. “I want you to meet someone.” My eyes fall onto my parents’ faces, which now have nothing but sheer panic written all over them. Cordy places her crayons down and gives a dramatic sigh. I move to the side, allowing her to stand in front of me but facing the brothers.
“Cordy, this is Sam, this is Dean’s brother, he helps him hunt monsters.” I look at Sam, who seems confused. “Sam, this is Cordelia.”
“Y/N!” she whines playfully, “don’t tell him my whole name! I don’t tell people your whole name!”
“I know how you feel.” He crouches down to meet her. “I don’t like when people use my whole name either. If you want, you can call me Sammy.”
“ Wow ,” Dean whispers from behind him. He always hated being called Sammy by anyone other than Dean. “ That is an honor, Cordy.”
“Your eyes look like mine,” she giggles. “Even the green specks!”
I watch as a variety of emotions play on Sam’s face. 
“Y-yeah,” his smile fades, and his eyes fill with confusion and panic, “they’re the same.”  
Next Chapter
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basaltbutch · 3 years
honest to god its been like. six years since i slept in a normal bed. wait here i'm gonna rank all the places ive slept so far from worst to best. please keep in mind that i have both chronic hip pain and sleep apnea so these are a bit biased;
17. no bed just roughing it on the floor of a best friend's shed/tent. honestly was worth it, but just couldn't sleep bc my hip hurt too bad. hobbled around like an old man for the next few days.
16. the blow-up mattress at my bio dad's house. fucking HATED these. had to pack them up every night. way too small. too close to the floor, was worried about being stepped on. had a fan blowing in my face 24/7 and the comforters were way too thick. no wonder i had chronic dry-eye for the first couple years of teenage-hood.
15. in front of the school waiting for my mom to pick me up. honestly just slept out of boredom. the sunshine was nice but it was bad during cooler months and/or rain.
14. hotel beds. i'm convinced these aren't made for actual sleeping.
13. normal bed. middle tier i guess. too close to the ground imo. cool for jumping on. sorta boring.
12. in a tree. SO VERY UNCOMFY but love being up high :) sprawl like a creachure. good for short naps.
11. sunning on rock. same problems as the lowest in the list (hip pain ouchie) but for short naps it's awesome so long as u don't mind bugs.
10. floatie in a pool. did get sunburn and dunked in the water but for the 15 minutes i napped it was awesome.
9. car rides. cool and sexy but a little too cramped and the upright position is a little meh. gets bumped up when ur taking a trip and a friend lets u fall asleep on them. school bus rides are also cool for the same reason but i hate randos looking at me while im asleep.
8. bunk bed. LOVE being up that high since i always pick the top bunk but also way too little privacy. nice for short trips but i never really sleep well in them.
7. friend's beanbag. honestly i love this one but we always fight over it so there's a big chance someone will just sit on you. like to curl up and feel like a cat.
6. friend's bed. give me 15 minutes in ur room and i *will* fall asleep on ur bed if u let me.
5. couch. bit too small in my opinion but it's nice to bury my face in the pillows. always feel unreal for a bit after waking up. best when there's a bunch of friends there and the lights are all on and you accidentally take a snooze on someone's lap and wake up all disoriented.
4. loft bed. YEA BABEY THIS IS MY GO-TO!!! love the ones with the straight-up walls around it so u have extra privacy. awesome to hide in & build nests in. feel like a creachure scrambling up and down the ladder. can hide things underneath the mattress easily, including a 5 year long prank to my future self.
3. curled up on a friend's lap. this list has just turned into touch-starved central. fr though sometimes i will just fake being asleep so that someone can just hold me for a moment.
2. hammock. im convinced these were the way humans were meant to sleep. sleep apnea isn't as bad in these. ur curled up like a little creachure. the wind gets to rock you to sleep. in the summer u get the nice breeze under the hammock which cools you down. i don't think i'll ever buy a new mattress again i'm just gonna go with a sleeping hammock.
1. the beds my friends make for me out of a bunch of random materials. honestly ok there's one friend in particular who does this and every time i feel like im gonna cry bc wow..... words cannot describe how it makes me feel
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 004
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hello all! Pushing out a baby chapter early so I can focus on my other fic! Thank you so much for the support on this fic. Billy goes to dinner and Tries It. That's the chapter. :D  Tag list open!!!
Chapter 4: No Day But Today
   “Claudia, do you have the keys?” Mona crossed the salon floor.
   “I do, we’re fine here, go on. Dusty is spending the night at the Wheeler’s place. Having some castle and dragons party.” She'd gushed.
   “Feel free to close up early if we’re dead the last hour. Thanks, sugar.” Mona patted her back as she followed Evie out the door.
   “Can I drive?”
   “I was hoping you’d ask.” Mona smiled.
   Evie was saving for a car. And college. And her future. 
   And it was a lot.
   Truthfully, she didn’t care for school. It was in the way. Wished her lyrics could carry her straight to the red carpet before all those flashing paparazzi.
   Wanting to unwind, Evie hid in her room when she got home. Shut the curtains and prodded at herself before the vanity. Sorted dangly earrings in a mesh metal display. Huffing to lean over when Bourbon swept into her legs. His little body shivered and she plucked him up.
   “Okay, BB, you’re my best guy. You can’t let me down.” She scratched under his chin, gave him a little boop on the nose. “You take one look at that walking Def Leppard poster and you hiss and run. Got it?”
   A purr.
   “Good boy. You’re my only hope here. We can’t lose. Not to Billy Hargrove.” Arms let him down. She'd feel this sentiment often about Billy. A sigh. Evie applied a fresh lip color and paused. “Ugh.” She pushed up and didn’t change. Did her school work to get it out of the way and wandered out, turning the TV on to some game show. The savory smell of dinner wafted. “Need help here, Mom?” One tug and the ceiling fan spun, cycling cooler air.
   “No, I have it. You can set the table for me.” Mona drained some noodles.
   “Got it.” Plates and cutlery clicked around. Evie slid everything into place, perked up when the doorbell rang. Mona turned and smiled as her daughter adjusted fabric and fixed curls into place all the way to the door.
   Evie half expected Billy to not even show. But, there he was. Sly smile and all. Billow of date night cologne. A vision in moonlight.
   “Hey.” Evie said slowly. The surprise evident.
   “Hey." He mirrored it.
   "You're here." An exhale out. He blinked, found himself again.
   "I was gonna steal flowers from the old lady’s garden across the way, but there’s a huge opossum in her trash guarding it.” He tilted his head, earring catching the porch light and she cracked a grin.
   "Big Ben? Yeah, he's the neighborhood menace. Chief Hopper's nemesis because they get so many calls about it. You'd be a hero if you took him on." Evie persuaded lighter. His face fell.
   "I'm not trying to die in Hawkins, Indiana. That thing was bigger than anyone on our football team."
   “Color me impressed. King Billy didn’t want to do battle for the first time?” She actually teased him. Her nose crinkled when she smiled. Cute. “Shock and awe.”
   Billy felt this tug pulse up his ribcage. Pulled a genuine chuckle from his lips. He had to look away to give it. Glowy in starlight.
   “Sometimes I surprise people. I know my weight class and the pests here look like they were grown and mutated in some lab.” He shrugged into the door frame with one fist lifted, clicking his lighter shut. Hooded eyes all over. Evie went still as he leaned forward to her face with his tone lowering. “Am I allowed inside? Pretty please?”
   “With cherries on top?" Bright, wet lips parted. His lashes fluttered, a baritone sinking. Bringing her with him.
   "With anything your heart desires on top." Smooth.
   "Huh. I guess. For now.” Evie stepped out of the way. “We go to school with plenty of those lab grown pests by the way.”
   “No kidding.” Billy shrugged his jacket off and she awkwardly reached to take it. Hung it up behind her.
   Evie turned to see him staring again and swallowed a hard lump down. Thought maybe he saw all the begonias blooming behind her eyes and up her throat.
   “Billy.” Mona came out of the kitchen, arms out. “So glad you’re here.”
   “You saved me from a sad date with a TV dinner.” Billy winked, charming Ms. Fenny to bits. She giggled and shook her hair out.
   “Dinner’s got about ten minutes. Why don’t you show him around, baby?” Mona hurried back off, leaving them alone again.
   “Tour? Great idea." He peered behind Evie. A mission at hand. "Where’s the cat?”
   “Hiding from you, clearly.” Evie beamed, gesturing. “Welcome to the living room. Mom's showroom is a better word.”
   “Your mom like tchotchkes or what?” He came to the full mantle. Scanning.
   “How’d you guess?” Evie reluctantly trailed to his side.
   It was strange to let this boy wander around and see little bits of her life. Guess things about her as he went along, trailing deft fingers about the fireplace. She wondered what was blooming within the pit of his stomach, if anything.
   Mona Fenny's house overwhelmed.
   Photographs, plants, and crafts. Little porcelain figurines. Too many handmade candles. Crochet projects. A full dollhouse on a table in the corner.
   “My grandma passed a lot of craft skills down. She owned this amazingly strange trinket and voodoo shop in New Orleans that my aunts run now after Nana died."
   "Your mom didn't stay for a piece of that?" Billy let his eyes trail over every little thing.
   "Ah, I don't know. She was the baby and married pretty young. Seemed like she wanted something new," Evie peered behind her and whispered. "Never really got along with Nana like her older sisters did."
   Billy hummed a little. Decided not to pry with Mona in the next room. Evie brought him to the corner and flicked a lamp on.
   "Mom’s dollhouse is her pride and joy. Lights up and everything.”
   “Tell me why your mother has a framed photograph of Dolly Parton next to a picture of you two on the fireplace. And the same photo shrunk down in the dollhouse?”
   “Science may tell us the truth one day when the world is ready. And I fear for that day.” She replied in all seriousness and Billy snorted. Laughing.
   A truly enchanting sound Evie decided she liked.
   “And I have to say,” he plucked a photo off a bookshelf with a broad grin, “this one is my favorite.”
   One of Evie on Halloween. Had to be about six. Dressed in the campiest pink daisy costume with a huge toothy smile.
   “Gah,” she cringed and swiped it from his hand, “this house is a museum of embarrassment.”
   “You’re into the museum shit, guess this is like our first-” Billy stopped himself from producing the damning word when Evie turned. Blushing. Oof. He scratched the back of his neck. “So, uh, you got a bedroom in here or do you sleep in the dollhouse?”
   “You won’t find the cat that easily.” She caught him peering around again and led him past the kitchen. “C’mon, not much to the rest of the house. Garage. Spare room.” That used to be her dad’s office space. “Mom’s room. Attic up there and on this end. My cat's room that he lets me stay in too.”
   The door was open so Billy prodded it to peek inside. Evie exhaled and flicked the light on.
   It didn’t feel like a teenage girl’s bedroom. Not covered in decorations and pictures like the rest of the house. No posters cut from magazines covered in pink lipstick kisses.
   A vanity full of disorganized makeup. Desk. Overfilled bookcase of novels and tapes. Crafts and trinkets she collected in labeled tin boxes. Dresser covered in jewelry. Music player. Bed. Closet. Couple of pictures taped by the vanity and headboard. Mostly Evie and Heather laughing and bright. Her beloved acoustic guitar propped in the corner. 
   It felt like it was decorated by one trying to take up as little space as possible. Everything was compacted. Billy eyed the wall by her bed. Realized most of the papers were notes with random lyrics and words patched together.
   “Yeah, I tend to jot every little thought down even when I’m half asleep and hope it makes a song eventually.” She peered aside. It felt too intimate, letting Billy shift about the space.
   "Hey, everybody has a method." Two fingers traced over a note taped up to straighten it. She caught the ring gleaming on his middle finger. “My-”
   “Ah, don’t read them aloud, I may combust.” 
   “Oh?” Billy slunk toward her, licked his lips. A hungry way about it. Mouth watering fangs full of sweet venom. Wonder how they'd feel sinking into her throat. “Because I make you nervous, Angel?”
   “No, it’s just...just…weird.” Evie pressed up into her desk. Billy closed the distance. Got within inches of her. “It’s weird.”
   Repetition didn’t ease the sear of those ocean eyes drowning her too sweetly. She felt her chest fill and flutter all the way down. Flowers unfurled to be plucked and caressed. Billy pushed into the space until she was seated there on the desk. Scrambling further. Unable to climb the wall.
   “You do seem nervous though, Evie.” His tone hushed. Fingers brushed her thighs and palms came to rest there. The bunched fabric of her dress barely separating them. She inhaled his cologne. Smelled peppermint from his breath. Chest heaving.
   Billy knew this wasn’t part of the quest. If that’s what this was, maybe that was a nicer way to put it. Maybe rationalizing it a thousand times would help him get some sleep at night. Just show her a good night, cash in, and go home.
   It still sounded shitty. Wasn't doing Evie any favors. This girl painted too many iridescent colors. They could bleed and Billy wouldn't step away if it pooled too close.
   He liked to watch the blush spread across her freckled cheeks. Rose petals falling into a cool pond. Liked the way her nose scrunched when she smiled and when she was cross with him. 
   Billy didn't want her because she was a conquest. A challenge. Sure, she challenged him, that was part of it. And she also made him smile like he was looking at the rocking ocean waves again. Sand and wind kissing his warm skin. There was a mystery in those molten eyes he wanted to taste for himself. Maybe it was possible to just enjoy a person without strings.
   To let colors bleed and swirl. To just watch it happen without fear or judgement. To not step away from it either. Just sink right in and create those echoing ripples.
   It was too sweet and peculiar, how soft Evangeline Fenny was against the hard edges of his steel frame. So sharp, it warded everyone off.
   But, not Evie, she fit perfectly against him. Fire with fire. It gave them so much in this world that had forgotten them both. Freckles to count. Eyelashes to wish upon. Flesh curves and razor angles to explore.
   Hell, he even enjoyed how shaken she got as he neared and how still she went when his fingers trailed up her legs. 
   Evie watched his muscled chest rise, the saint pendant caught the light. Looked up at his eyes and then his mouth because it couldn’t be helped. Billy Hargrove filled Evie's space and lungs with sugary smoke. He was too many colors in one soul. So, he pushed further because those painted lips were big and full and right fucking there.
   One curious taste, that couldn't hurt.
   Brought his hand up toward her chin and leaned forth when…
   Evie practically shoved Billy back. Scrambled up so the desk gave a rut. Bright red as he stumbled.
   “Sorry.” She shuddered, passing him. Smelling of amber perfume. “Coming, mom.” Billy stared at the back of her hair. Blinked a couple times to pull himself together. To rationalize some.
   Curiosity. A deadly thing and so sweet too.
   It felt like he was dreaming and woke up sitting at the dinner table. Evie clicked a Coke in front of him, flashed a knowing expression that made him smirk before she sat down.
   “Now, I left a bowl in the kitchen to cool. We always bring extra to Miss Abigail, she’s three doors down.” Mona was setting plates about.
   “It looks amazing, Ms. Fenny.” Billy even shifted a dish to help make room for another.
   “Please, Billy, just Mona. Ms. Fenny was my mother and she was a harder woman.” She set a glass of water down and smoothed her dress out, sitting. Billy went for his fork and his hand was snatched. Evie shot him a look as Mona reached out. “I always say grace. Don’t feel pressured to join, sweetheart.” 
   Billy peered at Evie’s warm hand in his and accepted her mother’s. Bowed his head a little so Mona could say her prayer. 
   “Bless us, oh Lord. For this and all we are about to receive, make us truly grateful. And thank you for bringing Billy to our humble table, may he truly feel welcomed in our home. Please guide and protect him. Through Christ, we pray. Amen.”
   “Amen.” Evie offered softer. Lips lifting when Billy peered at their hands again leaving each other. Clearly not expecting such words from a neighbor.
   “You’ll forgive me, Billy, some people say they leave their hearts open. I just let mine fill the room.” Mona settled a napkin in her lap. “May I ask, if your family is religious at all?”
   “Dad’s Lutheran.” Which meant Susan was by default now whatever she believed before. “We don’t go to church or anything.”
   As if Neil Hargrove could drag his son under a steeple without one of them spontaneously combusting.
   “Well, that’s perfectly fine.” Mona cut each of her meatballs into smaller pieces which Evie mirrored. “Evie doesn’t attend with me when I go. Although, the choir sure misses her voice.”
   “Mom...” A teenage whine, near silent as she prodded at noodles.
   “She get all the solos?” Billy encouraged the pink spreading Evie’s cheeks.
   “Oh, every single one. She’s even been asked to come sing the national anthem at minor league baseball games.” Mona prattled and Evie’s head fell back.
   “Mom!” Another drawn out groan. Evie sunk down lower.
   “Oh, Evangeline, let your mother brag about you.” Mona ignored her.
   "Yeah, Evangeline." He chimed in, earning a harder glare.
   “Now, Billy, you’ve been in Hawkins just over two months?” Mona continued. Blue eyes lifted from the plate before he gave a nod. “How are you liking it? I’m sure it’s such a huge change from California. You must miss the beach.”
   “Getting used to the cold.” Billy speared a meatball and didn’t sound convincing.
   “I’ll bet you’ve never seen snow before, your poor sinuses aren’t going to know what to do. Anyone in your family takes ill, just give us a ring.” Such a mom. “It took me a few years to get used to the cold here too. We moved when Evie was just a baby straight up from N’aw Lins.” 
   Billy bit his tongue.
   “What type of music do you write?” Billy asked and there was a beat when Evie realized he was looking at her. Addressing her pointedly. Maybe to make conversation and suck up to her talkative mother. Evie’s back grew taut, lips opening.
   “Evie’s gonna be a folk singer.” Mona had cut in. “Voice of an angel, she’ll make it big. She’s been in competitions, just one look from any talent scout and she’s sold.” Evie sank down again to go back to her food. Billy watched her roll a meatball around her plate like it was the most interesting thing in the room. 
   Mona Fenny struck Billy as a woman who always meant well. Frilly like a lace doily. So well, she steamrolled over you because she knew best. Evie barely got two syllables out before her mother was flicking her hair and boasting. A doll that constantly had the string in its voice box yanked.
   Billy learned a great deal about her.
   That Mona had been arrested twice in her life for marching and protesting. Civil and women’s rights. She joked that she hadn't been arrested for gay rights yet, but looked forward to the inevitable. She was a pageant queen too. Stopped when she found out she was pregnant and couldn’t compete after that. No bitterness there of course. She had a daughter to mold and complete the legacy now.
   Mona insisted on taking the plates away. Grabbing her own, Billy’s, and a side dish. 
   Evie was still rolling that meatball around until Billy plucked up a fork, stabbed it, and swallowed in one bite. She perked with flushed cheeks. Glared again.
   Billy wanted attention.
   “Your mom is friendly.” Statement of the fucking millennium.
   “Just wait til she busts out her old pageant scrapbooks. You'll never see home again.” Evie quickly flashed a smile and picked up her own plate to follow her mother off. Billy stood too, peered around. That cat had to be close. “Give it up.” Arms crossed when she leaned into the doorway working a melting ice cube around her mouth. Swallowed it whole instead of crunching. Water ran in the kitchen behind her.
   “We agreed on an hour of television.” Billy matched her stance, saw her hip cock.
   “Half hour.”
   “Hour.” Billy went in to sit on the couch like he owned it. Legs spread. “Come on in, the water’s fine, Evangeline.” Evie plucked up the remote, sat as far away from him as she could. Turned the TV on to something campy just to make him suffer.
   “Fucking Love Boat. Really? Susan watches this crap.”
   “You said the full hour.” Evie flashed a smug grin. “I think The Golden Girls is on too.”
   “Love Boat is fine.” Billy lifted his hand. Swiped the remote from her to set it on the other side of him. They both sunk in there. Eyes on the screen. Mona left them alone to bring the plate to their neighbor, stayed for conversation.
   Billy fidgeted. Stretching to scoot closer so he could nudge his knee into Evie's. Her face remained at total peace. She pushed back at his leg which drew slow smiles upon them both.
   “What kind of music do you really like, or does your mother always do all the talking?”
   “Doesn’t matter.” Evie felt him peer back over and held herself. A beat.
   “Yeah, your dreams. They don't matter." Came sarcasm. "A girl who wants her name in lights. Don't spend too much time feeling for the switch in darkness, Angel."
   "Why do you want to know?"
   "Just asking. You really want to sit in silence to this cheesefest? Young actresses paired with old ass grandpas playing love sick.” Billy put his arm up over the couch. Missed Evie twitch. Got his hand smacked for tugging her curl like a giddy little boy. 
   “I don’t know,” Evie faced him with a shrug, “somewhere in the rock and pop area. Maybe with a touch of soul. Not the hair metal I’m sure you’re into."
   How beautiful she looked when she hoped.
   "And my name in lights won't ever be enough, I need people to chant it too.”
   Lips curled at Evie.
   “Better than folk music.” Billy decided. Pride welled because she smiled too. Genuinely. Evie fiddled with her necklace. Delicate little music note caught the technicolor glow. Brown eyes turned to see him, she tried to bite the smile down. Failed.
   “So, what’s the deal with this party thing? A dance?”
   “One of many in the city. Bunch of high schools will probably run drunk through the streets with everyone else. No one will get carded because no one cares on New Years. Dancing and whatever. Watch the ball drop, it’s just the feral thing to do that night.”
   “And you could score with any girl, but you’re asking me. It won’t be like a date or anything.” Evie dropped the charm in her fingers to see Billy’s eyes linger.
   “You mentioned that. I know how to get out and have a good time without fucking. I have all sorts of tricks.” He noted the word didn’t make her wince. “Not looking to break your seal.”
   “You’re gross.” Again, no argument on the details of it.
   “You’re too tightly wound.” He paused, whispering. “Maybe not, but you hide it.”
   "Nothing to hide, I'm an open book."
   "A never ending record," Billy pushed into her so their legs pressed flush, "not nervous around me though."
   "Nope." Her lips popped, fingers curling into the hem of her dress when his arm snaked behind the couch. "Not nervous."
   "Not running either." That realization seemed to hit them both.
   "Why would I? I can handle you just fine." She hissed at that because it came out sexual. Billy licked his lips and snickered, shifting to face her head on.
   "Oh, I like the sound of that." He'd murmured, inches from her face. Evie found herself wondering how he managed to weasel his way in this close. Wondered why she was drinking him back in. "Picture this. You and this perfume enjoying a couple free drinks and some fireworks in the city. No strings attached. Not a date. Just those exploding lights and that chilly wind cooling your cheeks down, because you'll be blushing and you won't know it."
   "Uh huh. I guess I can see it." Evie sized him up and crossed her legs to lean back into him. "You and the roar of a Camaro commanding the city to its knees. Glam and hairspray working their magic."
   "I love an audience, Angel." Billy shook his head and froze because her palm came to his knee. Bold move. "But, I don't mind the front seat to see you blush too."
   "What about you?" She whispered with a hum. "What makes King Billy blush? Does all the noise you like to make hide it?" A spark flitted up her eyes. Made his chest heave. "Is that your secret?"
   "Come to the party, I'll tell you all my secrets." Fingers grazed up her arm when soft digits gave a rhythmic tap against his thigh. Billy went for it. "Do this dance with me."
   "You don't play as hard to get as you let on."
   "Not when I want something bad. Better to just play harder." Lips parted to hit that word. Her brows lifted at such an admittance. "You're sizzling up a fuse, aren't you, Evie?" She shook her head with a lazy smile. Eyes finding his again after. Near sultry.
   "You have to light a fuse first, Billy, for it to sizzle." Her hand crept along denim. Felt him go rigid and part his thighs just a little bit wider before she sat back. "And the fire's out anyway. I'll make good on the deal. If you win."
   "I hope you have a dress picked." Billy scoffed, breathless and still intent on her while she looked ahead at the screen.
   “Time is ticking. As if you taking me out will do me any good." Evie rolled her eyes and reclined back into his side. Quite comfortably like she wasn't thinking about it. "Give me cool points so Tommy and Carol leave me alone.”
   “They’re assholes to everyone. It’s not you.” Billy replied dismissively. Curled his finger into her locks behind the sofa.
   “You don’t notice who they target because you’re too busy chasing skirts and fighting others yourself. Also haven't seen the writing about me on the bathroom walls. School hierarchy rules. Open those pretty ocean eyes and see the world for what it is. You're untouched because of your front. Everyone wants to be Billy Hargrove or screw him.”
   Evie looked at him there, blinking.
   "What side of the line are you on?" He bit his lip. "I can guess."
   She plucked his hand from her shoulder and placed it back into his lap. Patted it for good measure.
   “So, you really think my eyes are pretty?” Billy laughed when a square pillow nailed him in the face. "You said it before too! When we were drunk and you still think it now that we're sober. Telling."
   Tension shattered. Evie glittered right back at him, teeth flashing. Still chuckling, he tilted his head back to create the magical sound. Quieted.
   “Fine. I’ll pay attention if it helps you sleep at night.”
   Evie blew air out her lips, let a curl fly up and bounce down. They watched the screen again. Shared a space. Maybe it shouldn't have felt so intimate. 
   “Episode’s almost over. Thanks for playing.” She about sang. Triumphant.
   “I guess you have me, Fenny.” Billy pushed up. “Mind if I take a leak?” He was already pacing off so she said nothing.
   Just watched couples go hand in hand into the sunset.
   There was a flush, the sink running, and then Billy’s huge smile crept back down the hallway. The boy was gone all of three minutes.
   Bourbon in his arms. Purring. Perfectly happy. Evie’s jaw dropped open.
   “Guess who crawled out of the shower to eyeball my junk? Not that I blame him.” Billy quipped, scratching the cat’s chin. Bourbon rubbed back into the touch. Rasped his scratchy meow for more.
   “Traitor...” Evie muttered, coming to her feet. “Damn it.”
   “Oh, yeah. You’re mine now, Evie. Seven o’clock. Wear something short if you like.” Billy’s lips were pressed up. Such an ass.
   "I call foul." Her finger lifted.
   "And I'll be calling on you. New Years Eve. Just an annoying dance. It'll be fun and free." His chin gestured at her. "Just say yes, Evie. Get out of this small town and see some lights for once. You want your name in them so bad, you gotta look at the damn things first. No day but today. Right?"
   "Right," a lengthy sigh, "but, the fire's still out. Bourbon, why? First, mom and now you. He's just hypnotizing you both.” Evie took the cat from Billy, watched his face scrunch.
   “Your cat is really named Bourbon?” He said flatter.
   “I found him when we visited family in New Orleans. Bourbon street.” She let the feline nuzzle into her chest.
   “God, Angel, I hope your lyrics are more creative than that.” Billy lightened, chest shaking as he peered away shaking his pretty head. “Well?”
   She pouted and if that cat wasn't between them, Billy didn't know what he would have done. Another time or place. Another pretty dress. Another shared beat of bleeding together.
   That itched him the rest of the night.
   “I’ll go. Seven. I’ll dress nice. It’s not a date, so don’t try anything and get me home in one piece. I reserve the right to leave you if you act like too much of an ass.” Evie grumbled some about it, defeated.
   But, she wondered about the lights and what it might be like to share them. Suppressed all urges that longed to hope.
   “That much I can do, I might even keep my ass in check. Don’t flake, we have a deal. I’ll be your Mr. Darcy or whatever.” Billy made for the door, plucking up his jacket as she opened it.
   “That’s an impossible standard, but keep dreaming.” Evie sighed out. Watched him turn to beam. Offered a pet to Bourbon. “Least you got his name right.”
   “Quick learner, I get points. New Years Eve. Don’t make me chase you, Evie, because I will.” Billy stepped off the porch lighting a cigarette, idly waved behind him.
   Game. Set. Match.
   “I’m not gonna be nice about it.” She called.
   “So, you’ll be your normal, cheery self with me. Great. Won't ask for anything else, we have a good thing going.” He turned to wink, curling a final smile. Evie stilled, petting her cat before sighing into the cold air. “See you then, Fenny.”
   “Whatever you say, Hargrove.” She shut the door as he climbed his own porch. Looked at her cat.
   “You did this to us, I hope you’re proud.” 
   Bourbon blinked. Another rumbling purr in response.
** ** **
   “The world...” Evie plucked an idle cord. Sang soft to not disturb her mother down the hallway sleeping. Nestled into the wall on her bed next to the window. “May think I’m foolish. They can’t see you like I can...”
   Darkness shrouded save for a small set of twinkling lights around her bed frame. Eyes kept averting to the clock.
   “Oh, but anyone...who...” 
   Another pause to see the clock. Eyes flickered out along the street marked with lamps. Cracking her window to see out. Nothing. Evie settled. Changed the tune to something original and plucked another heart string.
   “Those ocean eyes… Drowning me out. What I wouldn't give to...” Her palm caught the vibrating cord to snuff the sound. A groan as she set the guitar aside. “Shit.”
   That was not happening.  
   A car went down the street at the exact moment the clock struck eleven. Evie grabbed her coat and locked her bedroom door. Checked her hair and makeup before hitching one leg over the window. Felt the naughty thrill pulse into her heart as she snuck out.
   Billy peered to see beyond his own window near the foot of his bed. Unseen in the pitch black space. Thought about catching her. It was always a Saturday night. Evie Fenny crept out like clockwork. Wearing something nice under a jacket she held close. Sometimes with the guitar on her back. Lips painted red. Went down the street and returned as the sun rose. He’d observed it often. Sometimes it happened on school nights. Two to three times a week. Never asked because it didn’t seem important enough before. But, now…
   Billy knew a teen girl didn’t paint her lips red at eleven o’clock on a Saturday for just anyone.
   Evie hurried down the street toward the woods at the end. Got into a shiny car. Disappeared until sunrise.
Chat with me about Evie & Billy and the impending Skirt Safari Dance! Thanks!
TAGGED:@80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​ @orxhidshavana​   @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly​
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offbeatpride61 · 4 years
My Perfect Supernatural Ending
Okay. So, like most of the fandom, I was not satisfied with the series finale. I am not going to get into what Jensen, Misha, and Jared said or what the rest of the cast said. This is purely what I would have liked to have seen. I think I also need to state that COVID has probably made things difficult for the ending and that’s partially why something happened in the ending and other things didn’t (that doesn’t excuse shitty writing though). BUT I am not taking COVID into account with my personal headcanon/rewrite/whatever of the ending I was hoping for. Also, I am not a very active member of the fandom; I like and reblog some posts, talk to friends about it, but that is usually the limit of what I do, but I really wanted to share this because Supernatural has been a big part of my life.
TLDR, here are my two cents on how I would have liked things to have gone. 
So pretty much everything that happens in 15x18 stays the same. Jack blows up in the Empty and returns, everyone besides the boys gets Thanos-snapped, and Cas confesses his love for Dean and gets taken by the Empty to save Dean from Billie. Dean still is in emotional shock before he can say anything back to Cas before he’s gone. The whole gig still happens. 
The next episode, 15x19, pretty much stays the same. Dean, Sam, and Jack meet up, Dean finds the dog, the dog gets dusted, we know the drill. At the same time as this, Cas and Billie are together in the empty, because they got brought in together. Billie still has the scythe and even inside the empty, she is slowly beginning to die and degrade. Cas tries calling out inside the Empty, but nothing happens, they are just greeted with silence. With Billie beginning to crumble away, she laughs and tells Cas that, “this was all part of the plan.” Or something like that. She begins to tell Cas about what she read that was so interesting, but we the audience are taken away before we can hear her speak. 
The rest continues on as shown in the episode, they meet Michale, Dean gets a phone call from Cas, Lucifer shows up, Lucifer dies. The trio along with Michale perform the spell and Michael still pleads for his life, and predictably still ends up dying. The brothers go with their ultimate plan to use Jack and his absorption of power to beat Chuck. Here, however, it’s not enough. Jack is only able to wound Chuck before he is blasted away. The group is heartbroken, this was their big last-ditch effort and it didn’t work. Chuck begins his monologue of douchery about how he had won and there’s nothing left that they can do. The sky begins to change, lightning crackles, clouds darken but at the same time remain a bright white. Chuck, in his narcissistic rant, doesn’t notice. The boys begin taking steps back, thinking this is Chucks doing. When suddenly, Chuck stops, looks up, and is immediately greeted with a blast of power from the sky. He is being smited by heaven. 
Here, Jack is able to shield Sam and Dean with what remaining power he has. The light gives way, Chuck is there and still standing, but not as proudly as before. It’s obvious that blast has done something, though nowhere near enough to mortally wound him. Everyone present is confused, staring in bewilderment at one another. Chuck looks up in disbelief, stating that heaven should be empty of angels. Smoke begins to appear in streaks across the sky; Demons are here. Parallel to the fight against Amara, Demons begin to attack Chuck. They aren’t doing much, taking potshots when they can. Finally, Chuck has had enough and blasts everything away. Sam, Dean, and Jack are blown backward a couple of feet. Both Sam and Chuck ask what is going on. Demons still circle the area, but at a distance. Heaven rumbles above them. 
Chuck demands to know what is going on, what have the Winchesters done this time. The boys are just as confused. Then, at the shore, all four of them see it at the same time. A black mass, no bigger than a car is hovering there. It’s the Empty. Suddenly, more back masses begin to appear all around. After a few seconds of silence, nobody moves. Then the pieces of the Empty begin to reach out (much like how it reached how to take Billie and Cas), but it is not taking anyone or anything. The appendages reaching out slowly begin to take on human forms. Then we see, the Empty is bringing out every Angel and Demon that ever died. The realization begins to hit everyone, this is how Heaven was able to bring together its power and how the Demons could coordinate and attack. Dean begins to look around, then he sees Cas emerge from a portion of the Empty. Castiel looks the same, but now either his tie or trench coat is black, and he is wielding Death’s Scythe. Castiel is now the Angel of Death. 
 Everyone’s fan-favorite Angels and Demons are back. Crowley is there with an entourage of other Demons and Rowena. Actual Meg is back and looking around along with Ruby. Uriel is back and leading a group of Angels. Of course, all of the Archangels are back and are ready to fight. (Here I was thinking that Michael and Gabriel maybe convinced Lucifer that their dad wasn’t going to let them live even if they helped him, especially after Michael got dusted.) Here I won’t get into much detail, mostly because I don’t know how to write an action scene. It really boils down to that Heaven and Hell are working together to stop Chuck. It’s a chaotic battle, Angels and Demons are dying left and right, everyone is doing their best to end Chuck’s tyranny. Sam, Dean, and Jack are doing their best to remain out of the crossfire and not die. Through the chaos, Sam sees Azazel wink at him before he’s lost in the shuffle. 
Castiel reaches his new family’s side. Cas briefly explains what’s going on, that Empty released them because through a combination of Jack’s explosion and Billie handing her power to Castiel, they were able to make quite some noise and wake up everyone in the Empty. This causes even more noise, so the Empty can’t sleep, and expels all that are awake. The fight continues, but cuts to Jack as he begins to absorb power from the conflict. The ending here is much the same, in that Jack is then able to finally absorb all of Chuck’s power because he was weakened by the onslaught of Angels and Demons. A lot of Demons and Angels are dead, but the main cast is still alive. The Winchesters tell Chuck that he is going to live out the rest of his life as a human and die; no one will remember him. Here I would add that a final completion to Castiel’s arc of being a soldier that only follows his father’s command (much like Dean) to a being with free will. Cas would tell Chuck that it was said that “one day Death will reap God” and that it will be Castiel waiting for him. 
At this point I’m not quite sure what to do with the now revived Angels and Demons, like Azazel. I came up with two options. The first one being, Jack does right be the Winchesters and gets rid of Azazel and the like to honor what the Winchesters did in the past and puts Lucifer back into the cage. The second option being Jack lets all the remaining Angels and Demons go free to have their own free will, which I like, but that then brings up the problem of the Winchesters not being able to settle down and they have to continue hunting all the bad that was brought back. Or maybe Lucifer decides not to be a dick and work with his brothers in Heaven. Regardless of which option, Jack brings back all life on Earth that was dusted just like the show. Amara is able to become her own being again, but works with Jack in harmony. Sam is reunited with Eileen and they have a heartfelt reunion. Cas and Dean have their moment and Dean is finally able to say “I love you” back. The group are also reunited with everyone from the Apocalypse World. 
The group would head back to the Bunker, Jack included. Jack would do his speech of being handsfree and finally letting humanity and the world have free will. The group would celebrate and have a nice dinner. Going along with everyone left alive after the final battle (option 2) scenario, the boys begin to wonder what to do next. Do they continue hunting or not? Eventually they would say that they deserve to have a life outside of the one that was preordained for them. They leave the hunting to the next generation, but are willing to help with information and research, they are Men of Letters after all. 
There would be a little bit of a time jump, Sam and Eileen are able to have their white picket fence lives that they deserve. They would have some kids, Sam probably went to Stanford and is actually a lawyer now. He is able to have his happy ending with his brother still in his life. Dean and Cas stay at the Bunker, making it their permanent home. Dean becomes a mechanic for a shop in the area, Cas staying by his side (though invisible to everyone else). Dean adopts Miracle the Dog and Cas occasionally allows the dog to ride shotgun. Cas adopts a cat and starts a vegetable garden (in contrast to his new position as Death). Dean and Cas have their own white picket fence life with the occasional dip into the pool of hunting. Not to mention Cas’ new responsibilities. Jack would visit both households, and the entire group would come together on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. 
Eventually the brothers get old and pass on after living their lives how they wanted. Not sure which brother dies first, maybe Dean, but the brothers are reunited in Heaven. Jack watches over them and Castiel joins them when he is able to (which is most of the time tbh). The brothers are reunited with their mom and dad (they are acting like specially before the death of Mary, basically John isn’t an abuser). Bobby is there too along with all their friends whose lives ended too soon. The final scene of the series ends with a “you, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching hawaiian shirts, obviously.” They can rest and relax, because they earned it.
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Kitties Afoot
At some point, this started a discussion about Murderbot in the present as a cat. It has since become something else entirely, and I don’t regret a thing. So, I guess, stary kitty meets almost-stray human.
There’s more written, but I haven’t edited the rest and I’m not sure I trust Tumblr with anything longer.
I came home to find a giant, scrawny feline curled up on my front porch. The black and gray creature lay on top of the welcome mat with its paws tucked under its shivering body. It looked huge for a cat but not big enough for a mountain lion, and it didn’t look like a kitten. The strange animal was malnourished; as I approached, I could count the poor baby’s ribs with each shuddering breath it took. 
“Shit,” I whispered and checked my phone.
It was well into the evening and getting colder outside with each passing moment. The kitty looked up when I got to my front steps. Bright blue eyes stared at me as the creature scrunched up, making itself as small as possible.
“Hey, it’s all right,” I said as soothingly as I could. “I won’t hurt you. Let me get you inside before the weather turns nasty.”
Not that I thought the cat would understand me, but I was used to talking to animals. Before Tasha had passed away earlier that year, I had always had pets at home. I’d spoken to the family dog as a child and to my ex-boyfriend’s two ferrets. And, of course, Tasha the Princess never shut up. Most days, I still woke up expecting to find her dozing on my head.
I set my backpack on the ground, slipped out of my sweater, and wrapped the warm clothing around the shivering kitty. It tried to claw me through the thick fabric but didn’t get very far, though I caught a good look at its sharp talons. I held it in my arms and did my best to navigate the front door. The cat must’ve weighed twenty pounds, but it was probably all muscle and grump.
Inside, I set it down on a folded blanket on the couch and went looking for a heating pad. September was a little early to be getting out the winter stuff. Still, the kitty wouldn’t stop shivering, and I wanted to warm it up as quickly as possible. 
The furball stayed put and watched me from its new comfortable perch. Its sleek fur was pitch black, the color of raven wings, but its paws were gray, as was its stomach. I couldn’t tell if the cat was male or female, and I wasn’t going to peek between its legs to find out. 
Once I had the heating pad in place, I put a couple of Tasha’s bowls on the coffee table and scooted the table right up to the couch. From here, the kitty had to only shift its weight to reach the water and wet cat food. Everything about the situation was weird, from the cat’s knowing glances to the constant reminders that Tasha was gone. 
I scrolled through my contacts and found the phone number of a family veterinarian. It was too late to call Dr. Hopkins now, but I sent him a quick message and asked for an urgent appointment. If the kitty survived the night, and I had a sneaking suspicion the grumpy monster wasn’t going down without a fight, it would need medical attention. 
The cat shifted restlessly on its pile of blankets, so I turned on the television. Tasha had loved those stupidly endless videos on YouTube where the camera was trained on a tree stump where birds came to feed. This cast couldn’t care less. It didn’t even notice the TV until I turned on a food documentary episode on Netflix.
I went to make myself a snack in the kitchen and noticed the cat half watching me and half paying attention to whatever it saw on the television. Like I said, weird cat.
My home is tiny, a two-story townhome with an unfinished basement that occasionally floods. I’d gotten lucky with the place; I’d been sharing it with a roommate who suddenly had to move cross-country, and she paid for her share of the mortgage for three months. And then I’d found a decent manager job at a local cafe that let me keep the place. 
I hummed while puttering around the kitchen. It was too late for a proper dinner, and I wasn’t hungry anyway. And I couldn’t drink coffee that late in the evening, not if I planned to get any sleep. The kitty drank some water from the closest bowl and then closed its eyes. 
Asleep, it could almost pass for a house cat.
Up close, though, there was no mistaking that it was a wild creature. Its ears followed my motions even while it dozed. I turned up the heater for the night and then sat on the other side of the couch, giving the strange feline plenty of space. To my surprise, it stretched out a bit once I was sitting down like it didn’t mind the company so long as said company kept a respectable distance. 
I don’t remember falling asleep on the couch, but that’s where I woke up the following morning. I sat pressed against one of the couch’s plush arms, legs tucked under me. There was a blanket draped over me that I didn’t remember grabbing. The strange cat lay curled up a few inches from my left foot; I could swear it was purring slightly.
As soon as I moved, uncurling my stiff legs, it got up and jumped off the couch. Standing next to the coffee table, it was apparent just how big it was for a feline. It trotted over to the front door like it owned the place. Standing on its back paws, the cat had no trouble reaching the handle, though it didn’t have the thumbs needed to operate it.
I stood up, followed it, and opened the door for it. “You’re pretty smart for a kitty,” I said as it jumped out onto the front porch. “You gonna be OK, little guy?”
“Meow,” said the cat and vanished into the bushes next to the porch steps. 
“Bye, kitty!”
I went back inside but didn’t close the front door. It seemed stupid in retrospect. What kind of person leaves the door open for anyone to stroll inside? But it was Friday and my one day off, so I made coffee in the kitchen and texted with my mother. And maybe hoped that my feline companion might return. 
My mother lives halfway across the country in a memory care facility. I can’t say I love my mother — that would be a bald faced lie — but we still text occasionally. I know that my stepfather is taking good care of her, and I love him dearly. 
That morning, she was showing off a watercolor painting that she’d created that week. She told me she’d never been to the beach before, and I had to put the phone down for ten minutes before I could answer. Mom and I had vacationed at the beach every year while Dad was still alive. She’d painted a sunset over those turbulent waters. 
Sniffling, I cradled my mug and tried not to let the tears fall. I should’ve known better by then, but it still stung every time. 
I was still struggling to keep my composure when I heard the sound of claws on the linoleum. Tasha had loathed coming into the kitchen because it wasn’t carpeted, and the drama queen just hadn’t liked the feel of it under her little kitty feet.
Giant Cat had no such compunctions. It stood a few feet out of reach, watching me with those soulful eyes until I had to look away. Sniffling, I rubbed at my face and forced myself to smile. 
“Hey there, furball. Back for more food?”
I opened a can of wet food — if I was going to feed this beast, I would need to get more immediately — and poured the contents into a bowl. After setting the bowl on the floor, I stepped away from it and perched on a counter, watching the cat.
I walked over to the bowl, sniffed at it a few times, and then devoured the food like it was starving. When it was done, it licked its lips and, in one mighty leap, jumped onto the counter. Where it sat down and nuzzled the toaster. 
Tasha had never mastered the art of climbing on the furniture. Anything taller than a couch had warranted a loud, obnoxious mew until I came over and picked her up. Not this cat. It seemed perfectly capable of getting up to wherever the fuck it wanted. 
“How about a trip to the vet?” I asked. “Just to make you’re not all scratched up inside.”
“Hiss,” said the cat.
I rolled my eyes and giggled. “Not a fan of vets, huh?”
“Right.” I finished my coffee in three big gulps. “Of course not. Though, to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of doctors, either.” Mom had seen so many doctors after she’d first gotten sick that I loathed the smell of disinfectant now.
Kitty jumped off the counter after sniffing at the coffee maker and my box of tea samples and went exploring. Like it owned the place, it wandered into the laundry room and then up the stairs into my bedroom. I rinsed out my coffee mug and followed it, curious to see what it might do next. 
About half an hour later, the cat decided that it had sniffed at those things it deemed essential and returned to the living room. Hopping onto the couch, it settled on top of the blanket pile and stared between me and the television. 
“Seriously?” I asked, choking back laughter. 
I’d never heard of a cat that liked watching Netflix. Tasha had mostly enjoyed shows with bird noises or where things moved. Sometimes, the princess would randomly attack the TV like she hoped to catch whatever she was looking at. Meanwhile, this cat meowed at me unhappily when I turned on a bird video and didn’t stop until it saw the Netflix logo. Then, it focused on whatever action flick began playing and snuggled further into the warm blankets.
“Seriously,” I muttered again, quietly, and stood there by the banister, shaking my head. 
My weird companion spent the next few hours chilling in front of the TV. Its ears would occasionally perk up when a truck passed by, but mostly it watched the show. Have you ever seen a cat watch television? Because, up until this point, I hadn’t. And I wasn’t sure what to think.
Doing chores proved somewhat tricky when I kept casting furtive glances toward the strange creature. It paid me no heed, but somehow, it seemed to know when I watched it with blatant curiosity. Like, my previous pets had been… pets. This hissy weirdo, meanwhile, was something else entirely.
Eventually, I decided that I needed to get groceries and more cat food, and generally get out of the house for a little while. During a nice, long shower, I convinced myself that I was crazy, and there was nothing weird about the kitty in my living room. Then, I came back downstairs and found the kitty nuzzling the TV remote and decided that I didn’t care.
“Wanna watch something else?” I asked.
The cat looked up at me. “Meow.”
It took me a moment to actually look at the TV and realize that the action movie had ended while I was upstairs. Kitty apparently just wanted something else to start playing. Right. Totally normal right there.
“I need to go out for a while,” I said while scrolling through the Netflix menus. The rest came out before I could think too hard about speaking to a wild animal. “I need to pick up groceries. And cat food. And honestly, I’ve worked twelve-hour shifts for the last week and a half, and I’m ready to see something other than more walls. 
“So, let’s get something nice and long started, OK? So you don’t get bored while I’m out. I’m not too keen on leaving the front door open, but the back door’s not locked — I know, I know, bad habit — and you can probably just reach the handle. It’s the pull-down kind.”
I turned on some kind of drama that promised at least fifteen hours of episodes. “Well, anyway. I’ll be back in a while. Tuna or chicken?”
“Meow meow.”
“Chicken it is.” I was still talking to a cat. Maybe I missed Tasha more than I’d thought. “See you later, kitty.”
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mystical-flute · 4 years
Black Coffee & Pumpkin Pie Chapter 8
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The Golden Trio. The Three Musketeers. There were many nicknames people had for Emma, Lily, and Alex. They had been born one month apart from the other, and had been raised together since diaper hood. They’d gone through everything together - learning how to ride bikes, first crushes, first broken hearts, driver’s ed, and now, they were all going to the same college.
But this time, Emma had kept something to herself. She had yet to tell either of them that she’d been on that date with Neal, because she knew Lily would get that smug, ‘I told you so’ look on her face. Plus, that date had felt different from the dates she’d been on in their little town, and she really wanted to make sure she’d settled in her feelings before blabbing to her friends about it.
She couldn’t stop thinking about how Neal’s smile lit up the room, how the light hit his eyes, how that kiss made her feel like her heart was going to explode from happiness.
And they were planning a second date! Emma felt her head beginning to spin, overwhelmed. She’d spent an hour talking to her mom after she’d gotten home and showered, and thankfully her mom had been open to listening about how she felt and was encouraging her to see where the relationship went.
She wouldn’t be nervous about the whole “meet the parents” thing if it wasn’t for Eudora. She’d grown up knowing Mr. Gold all her life (he wasn’t nearly as intimidating as he seemed), but Eudora was a stranger to her, and despite Neal’s high praise of her, it still had her worried.
Emma was so deep in thought, she didn’t realize her friends were approaching until Lily’s lunch tray dropped down in front of her face, and Emma felt like she jumped a mile.
“Lily! Alex!”
“Geez Emma, any deeper in thought and you were going to land straight in your onion rings!” Alex remarked, setting her tray much more gently onto the table than Lily had. “What’s on your mind?”
“Wait, don’t tell us, it’s Neal, isn’t it?” Lily cut in, a Cheshire Cat-like grin already on her face. “He asked you out, didn’t he?”
Emma rolled her eyes and groaned. “Fine, yeah, it’s Neal. We went out on Friday.”
“It’s Monday and you’re only just telling us this?!” Alex yelped. “Emma! We’re your best friends!”
“Honestly, we were supposed to have a big montage of buying you an outfit for the date!”  Lily agreed. “But how’d it go?”
Emma smiled, coy. “I don’t kiss and tell, girls.”
Alex looked like she was about ready to explode from happiness as she bounced in her chair, while Lily, as expected, looked smug.
“So he’s a good kisser, huh?” Lily asked.
“That’s a yes then,” Alex smirked.
“This is why I didn’t tell you,” Emma grumbled, biting an onion ring before taking a sip of her soda. “But what about either of you? Meet anyone interesting now that we’re nearing the end of our first college semester?”
“Nah. No one’s all that interesting. I mean, they’re fine to talk to… well except the guy that sits next to me in my music theory class falls asleep every day… and drools.”
Emma wrinkled her nose. “Ew. What about you, Lily?”
“Same. I mean, girls are cute which is always good but you know I’ve never been a big fan of dating,” she said with a shrug.
“I still think you should’ve asked out Maggie from your biology lab,” Alex pouted. “You would’ve been so cute together.”
“I’m not the dating type,” Lily countered. “But I have been very well acquainted with Maggie as of late.”
Emma gave Lily a triumphant smirk. “So I’m not the only one keeping secrets then, huh?”
“Um, I already told you all my secrets Emma. You’re the one still being coy about your date with Neal.”
She frowned. “What is there to tell? He let mom take a proper picture for her scrapbook, he took me to Tony’s for dinner and then we took a walk on the beach until it started raining. And then we planned for another date.”
Lily wagged her eyebrows. “Oooh, date number two, huh? When’s that going to be?”
“I don’t know. His mom and sister are coming in for Thanksgiving, so he’s got to figure all that out before we decide,” she said with a small shrug, tossing a napkin on her empty plate. “You know how busy it gets around here during Thanksgiving so I don’t expect it to be before then.”
“Then that gives us time to plan your outfit!” Alex chirped.
Emma groaned and rolled her eyes. “Honestly, this isn’t the first date I’ve ever been on. Why are you two so obsessed with this?”
“Because it’s fun to watch you squirm,” Lily shrugged.
“You two are the worst,” Emma grumbled as her phone buzzed. “Oops, time for me to head to my math final! Guess we’ll have to talk later! Byeeee!”
Emma was out of the cafeteria before Lily or Alex realized what happened, her cheeks still bright pink.
Thanksgiving in Storybrooke was a chaotic time for the small town. The scent of baked goods became even stronger in the air as the bakers frantically produced pies, cookies, breads and cakes for those who didn’t want to bake them themselves.
The town’s decorating committee, headed by Mary-Margaret Nolan, was hard at work transforming the town into something out of a magazine, with banners and an array of decorations on each and every building and light pole in the town.
Belle had mapped out the route for the parade, X’s carefully marking the sidewalks and roads before the sheriff's deputies put the barriers up to block traffic.
The Nolan family was hard at work during their free moments from school or work, harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables for their friends and loved ones.
Neal was used to a hustle and bustle in town, but Storybrooke was something else. The beauty of the fall colors he’d only seen on TV or in movies along with the decorations made it feel like something out of a cheesy Lifetime movie, and Neal didn’t mind. It would be fun to show it off to Mama, Tiana, Mr. La Bouff and Charlotte.
Bangor Airport was only a couple of hours from Storybrooke, but waiting for the plane to come in was agonizing. Neal found himself caught between frantically checking his phone and pacing between the arrival list and the nearby cafe.
Charlotte La Bouff’s voice cut through the crowded airport like a knife, her blonde hair bouncing with each step she took.
He should have figured she’d be leading the charge.
“Hey Lottie - oof!” he grunted as she swept him up in an almost bone-crushing hug. “It’s good to see you again.”
She giggled, pulling away and allowing him to go into the familiar arms of his mother and sister and give Big Daddy a firm handshake.
“Welcome to Maine,” he greeted.
“Oh honey let me look at you,” Eudora said, putting her hands on Neal’s shoulders and looking him up and down. “You’ve been eatin’ right? Getting enough sleep?”
Neal chuckled and hugged her again. “Yes Mama, I promise. Papa and Belle have been making sure of that.”
“How far is it to Storybrooke?” Tiana asked.
“About two hours, so if anyone has to pee I’d do it now. I’d also brace yourself for the temperature difference once we get outside.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, Neal. It was in the 50s in DC when we got our connecting flight.”
Neal scratched the back of his neck, thinking of the flurries he’d driven through to get to the airport. “Right. Yeah, the 50s.”
“You weren’t kiddin’ about the weather,” Eli said, shivering as they loaded Neal’s Jeep with the luggage and retreated into the warmth of the car.
Neal laughed. “Yeah, it’s taking a bit to adjust to. And they’re calling for snow tomorrow too. Not much, but enough to coat the ground.”
“Oh how fun!” Charlotte said, her knees bouncing. “I’ve never seen snow before!”
“Hopefully you’ll enjoy it then,” Neal chuckled, pulling out of the airport and beginning the scenic drive back to Storybrooke.
It took longer than the normal two hours to get back, with Charlotte and Tiana wanting to stop here or there to take pictures of the colors that lit up the trees, but they made it just as the sun went down, casting a dusky glow over Storybrooke as he pulled into the parking lot of Granny’s.
“You want typical diner food, this is the best place to come,” Neal said. “And… Emma’s working tonight.”
“Ooh! So we’ll get to meet your girlfriend?” Tiana teased.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Neal replied, praying none of them noticed his flushed face as he sent a quick text to his father to tell them they’d made it to town safely.
“Not yet,” Charlotte’s sing-songy voice hummed as she pushed the door open, and Neal suddenly remembered just how it was to be surrounded by two sisters prodding into his business.
“Anywhere you like!” he heard Emma call.
They carefully put a couple of tables together, saving three for his father, Belle and Gideon, before Emma appeared.
“Neal, hi! This must be the New Orleans crowd you told me about,” she said, glancing at the others. “My name’s Emma and I’ll be your server today.”
“So you’re the famous Emma we’ve heard so much about. It’s so nice to meet you, honey,” Eudora said with a wide smile.
Emma grinned. “It’s nice to meet you too, Eudora. Neal’s told me so much about you guys.”
“Papa, Belle and Gideon are on their way too Emma,” Neal said. “Do you mind grabbing drinks for them too?”
“Iced tea, Coke and regular tea. I got it, Neal,” Emma chuckled. “I’ll give you guys some time to look over the menu.”
“Oh, she’s good,” Tiana said, her eyes wide as Emma retreated back to the kitchen. “You sure she isn’t interested in the restaurant business, Neal?”
Neal snorted. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure Tiana. She's studying criminal justice and wants to become a detective like her dad. Mama, who did you get to keep an eye on the restaurant while you guys are up here?”
“Ray and Evangeline. Figured another wife-husband duo would be good for the restaurant, and besides, they know how to whip the employees into shape,” she said with a small laugh. “But we decided to only do takeout orders the day before Thanksgiving. I’m hoping that will make things easier for the staff.”
“It’d sure make things easier on me,” Emma grumbled as she reappeared with the tray of drinks. “But Granny’s stubbornly set in her ways.”
“Granny?” Tiana asked.
Emma nodded toward the cash register, where Granny was overseeing a transaction from her wheelchair. “94 years old and still stubborn as the day is long. She’s an old family friend of my mom’s though, so I try not to complain too much around her. Oh! Hi Mr. and Mrs. Gold, Gideon! Do you guys need menus?”
“We know what we want, thank you Miss Nolan,” his father said, taking a seat next to Eudora as Emma set the tea in front of him. “We’ll take our usual orders.”
Emma nodded, departing again when Neal and the others gave their orders.
“How were your flights? Not too much trouble, I hope?” Aiden asked, sipping at his tea.
“Oh, not at all, the only big trouble was trying to navigate Reagan National. We got a little turned around and almost missed boarding,” Eli explained. “But otherwise it was smooth sailing, as they say.”
“Mrs. Gold?” Tiana asked. “What were you plannin’ on cooking for Thanksgiving? Because, I was wondering if I could make sweet potato pie.”
“Oh, we usually do the typical Thanksgiving feast. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, salads. We would never turn you down if you wanted to make something,” Belle replied. “My father will be bringing mashed potatoes and Aiden’s mothers will be bringing vegetables.”
Tiana grinned. “Awesome! My daddy’s sweet potato pie is the best in New Orleans.”
“We can head to the Nolan’s farm tomorrow and see if they have sweet potatoes. I know Emma mentioned they have a lot of produce they still need to get rid of,” Neal said.
“We’ve gotten most of our produce from the Nolans since David took it over,” Aiden said with a soft smile. “David has really brought the farm back from the brink of bankruptcy. It’s like he has a magical touch for farming.”
“Ooh well, I can’t wait to see what sort of produce they have,” TIana said. “I love goin’ to the Farmer’s Market in New Orleans, so it’ll be a real treat to see a farm up close!”
Charlotte’s eyes turned dreamy. “Don’t you remember going to that farm in first grade? The horses were so pretty!”
“Lottie, you dared me to kiss a frog and it jumped on my head and wouldn’t let me go until the farmer managed to get it off. I’ve blocked out most of that field trip,” Tiana replied with a roll of her eyes. “Poppy called me the Frog Princess for a month!”
“You never did read that fairy tale again…” Eudora mused as the table broke out into soft laughter.
As the evening wound down and the group returned to the Gold house, Neal watched as the group splintered off into conversation.
His father, usually quiet and unassuming, sat with Eudora, looking at every photo she presented him - she had made copies of every single photo she had of or with Neal.
Belle, ever charming and worldly, was having an animated conversation with Charlotte and Eli about travel.
Gideon was with Neal and Tiana. Gideon, like their father, was at first quiet and unsure of the guests, but slowly began to come out of his shell, talking with Tiana about why food made the certain reactions it did when it was cooking.
The Gold household was full of laughter and light that night, each person going to bed with a smile on their face, and a small stomach cramp from laughing too hard.
The next day, Neal drove through the light dusting of snow up to Nolan farm with Tiana and Charlotte.
“Oh Neal, this town is just too cute! It’s like somethin’ out of a story! Oh! I know! I should do the top ten cutest small towns for my next blog!” Charlotte squealed.
“Lottie, you haven’t been to any other small towns,” Tiana laughed. “How are you gonna do that?”
Lottie bounced in her seat like a dog on its way to the park. “Then I’ll do the top ten cutest places in Storybrooke!”
“I’m sure Mayor Mills-Hood will be honored to put Storybrooke on the map,” Neal laughed as he pulled up to the farm. “Here we are.”
“Oh, hello Neal!” Mary-Margaret called, carrying a large basket of produce. “You must be here to pick up your dad’s order.”
Neal nodded. “Hi Mrs. Nolan, yeah, that’s right… but my sister was wondering if she could take a look around and see if there’s anything else she wants?”
“Of course. Were you looking for anything specific, Tiana?”
“Sweet potatoes. Mrs. Gold mentioned you have them.”
Mary-Margaret smiled. “We do. Let me take you to the greenhouse and show you.” She set the basket down on the table before leading the trio over to a large greenhouse. “David and Eva built this together to protect some of our plants. There are a lot that we tried to plant for years, but the climate here can be… unpredictable. But now we can with the greenhouse.”
“Mrs. Nolan, do you mind if I take pictures?” Charlotte asked. “Your farm is just so pretty!”
She hummed. “I suppose that’d be okay. Just don’t disturb any of the animals, alright?”
“I won’t, thank you!” Charlotte bounced on her toes before running off.
Mary-Margaret laughed softly, handing Tiana a couple of bags. “She’s sweet.”
“She’s a lot to handle sometimes, but she’s like my sister,” Tiana laughed. “Thank you so much for this Mrs. Nolan.”
“It’s no problem,” Mary-Margaret replied. “Oh, and Emma should be back soon if you wanted to say hi, Neal. She went to get breakfast with Lily and Alex.”
“Oh - okay.” He hoped the flush of his cheeks went unnoticed, or at least, was blamed on the sudden humidity of the greenhouse.
Tiana gave him a smug grin from behind a sweet potato plant and continued harvesting the sweet potatoes.
“Do you and your family have a big Thanksgiving, Mrs. Nolan?”
Mary-Margaret nodded. “Oh yes. It alternates between mine and my step-mother’s home, but we do love to do Thanksgiving in our family. And this year is even more special since Margot is home this year with her girlfriend.”
Neal gave her a weak smile. One day, he’d be comfortable announcing that bit to the town too. But for now it was safer to keep their relationship hidden. “I’m sure it was even more insane when Emma and all of them were kids, huh?”
“You have no idea,” Mary-Margaret laughed, shaking her head in amusement. “I can’t even tell you how many accidents we nearly had with the kids running through the kitchen when one of us was carrying a heavy pot.”
“Okay, I think I’ve got what I need!” Tiana announced, the bags full right to the top of sweet potatoes, green beans, peppers and berries. “If nothing else, some of these’ll make a great snack before we head back to New Orleans!”
“Here, Mrs. Nolan, I have the money for Papa’s order too,” Neal said, handing over the money his father had given him before they’d left.
“Thank you, I’ll be back with your things,” Mrs. Nolan said as the trio left the greenhouse and headed back in the direction of the farmhouse and driveway. “Oh - there are the girls now.”
Neal grinned, waving to Emma, Charlotte in an animated conversation with Lily.
“Lottie, come on! We need to head back to help Mrs. Gold!” Tiana called, adjusting the produce in the back seat as Neal got in the driver’s side.
He noticed the blush on Charlotte’s cheeks the moment he pulled onto the road back to his father’s.
“So how was the farm?” he asked casually.
“Oh… you know, it was nice. The sheep and the dog and the snow everywhere…” Charlotte replied, sounding wistful.
Tiana gave him another smug look as she glanced in the back. “And Emma’s friend? C’mon Charlotte, your cheeks are as pink as your gloves!”
“Okay, fine. Lily was not bad to look at either,” she admitted, looking down. “We gave each other our phone numbers.”
“That’s awesome, Lottie! I’m really happy for you.”
Neal grinned. “Lily’s a cool girl. Glad to see someone caught her eye.”
“Yeah… we’ll see where it goes. Oh Tia… this town really is magical,” Charlotte sighed. “Maybe we’ll find someone for you too!”
“Oh Lottie no, that’s - ”
“I mean it!” Charlotte declared, back to her normal self. “I found a princess, and I’m gonna find you a prince!”
The morning of Thanksgiving was nothing short of chaotic. Belle had everyone up bright and early, getting as much prepped for their meal as they could, before everyone hurried to the heart of the town for the parade.
It was a quaint thing, with the high school’s marching band leading the way as floats created by the other high school clubs were pulled down the road by whatever trucks they could find. Gideon was on one such float, for his science club - it was a giant vinegar and baking soda volcano that spewed out fall-colored liquids. Neal wasn’t sure how they’d managed to pull that off, but he was sure Gideon would be happy to answer.
What got the most buzz in the town though, was the float carefully built to the specifications of the decorating committee - the float pulling Marco in his Santa costume, nine reindeer suspended in the air greeting the cheers of children, while an unhappy-looking August waved to the crowd.
Charlotte was buzzing around taking photos of everything for her blog, happily chatting to anyone that caught her attention.
“You know, it’s almost like she’s at home here,” Eli mused. “I didn’t think I’d ever see her so happy outside of the big city like this.”
“That’s the charm of Storybrooke,” Aiden replied with a chuckle as Regina began her welcome speech from the small stage that had been set up. “It’s like a fairy tale.”
That evening, Neal settled between Tiana and Gideon as the group sat down at the large dining room table for dinner. His grandmothers, Anna and Isobel, sat across from him, serene smiles on their faces while his step-grandfather, Moe, looked a little tense, but relaxed when Eudora or Eli spoke to him.
He hadn’t known his grandparents growing up - all of them had died before his birth. Milah never spoke about them, but Killian would talk to him about his mother, Alice, saying nothing but praises about her.
“My only wish is that you and your cousin could have met her,” he’d said on more than one occasion. “She would have loved both of you.”
“I’d like to propose a toast,” his father said, rising to his feet and holding his wine glass with his free hand. “This past year has been extraordinary, and we are fortunate to be able to celebrate this Thanksgiving with more of us than ever before. Though the circumstances were less than favorable, I believe things happen for a reason, and fate brought us together for a reason. We have our Baelfire back, and new family members to welcome to our heart. This year, I am grateful for that. To our family.”
“To family,” the rest of the table echoed, clinking their glasses together.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - Do you have cats? Tell me about them. No. My sister used to have a cat, but Arlee passed away last April, I think a day or two before my birthday.
2 - Do you have an open fire in your house? Would you like one? Idk what that is, but it doesn’t sound appealing as I live in a tropical country as it is. More heat would just be uncomfortable.
3 - Are you a fan of making things cosy? What kind of things do you do to make your home feel cosy and snug? Cozy is nice, of course, but I wouldn’t always invest in them. I’d want my own place to have scented candles and fluffy pillows and blankets, but those three things are probably enough for me. I don’t really need fairy lights or oil diffusers or whatever.
4 - Do you still buy DVD’s or do you just use Netflix? Netflix. The last time I received a DVD was around...2013 maybe? when my mom gave me a DVD of Gone with the Wind for Christmas. I haven’t sought them out since, since everything is now online anyway.
5 - What kind of games console(s) do you have? What kind of games are your favourite? I grew up around video games but of all the people in my family who enjoys them, I was and am literally the only one who was never any good. I learned to be content with just watching my dad and cousins from the side, haha. Anyway, at home we’re currently using the PS3, PS4, and Switch.
6 - What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
7 - Do you like things to be colour-coordinated or does it not bother you? Not for absolutely everything, but sure. My notes, back when I was still in school, were always color-coordinated. Also, when my parents asked me to reorganize their closets when I was younger, I liked fixing their clothes according to color too.
8 - Are you a big reader? Do you own many books that you’ve not gotten around to reading yet? I used to be, as a kid. Everyone called me bookworm and I embraced that title, haha. Then I got depressed and that never went away and everything got busy in life, and I was just slowly unable to finish books that I kept buying until I stopped reading altogether. I definitely have a number of books that are still unfinished to this day.
9 - Are you a fan of scented candles? What kind of scent(s) do you like? Mmm no, but I can see the appeal. I’d love to try buying one or two one of these days. They’d probably be perfect for Friday evenings after a work week.
10 - Do you believe that black cats are bad luck? No. I don’t believe in symbols like that. It’s also so frustrating hearing that black cats are still among the least-adopted animals in my country, because it only means people continue to believe in that ridiculous mindset.
11 - What’s your favourite breed of dog? Have you ever owned that breed before? Every breed is my favorite, except for, honestly, chihuahuas and pugs.
12 - Do you have laundry that needs to be done right now? No.
13 - Who or what was the last thing you shouted at? My family was playing Pictionary during the blackout yesterday and that was just a lot of constant yelling, lol
14 - Is there anything in your home that needs repairing or replacing? One of our electric fans broke a few months ago and we have a couple of leaks in the ceiling of our dining room which make it inconvenient whenever it rains. One of the lightbulbs in the kitchen is also close to going out, but I think my dad has already bought a replacement bulb for it.
15 - What kind of phone do you have? Do you use it often? iPhone 8. I’ve definitely been using it a lot recently. My depression for the last two or so months has made me reliant on background noise, so I have YouTube Autoplay all day long. I’m starting to see the effects on the battery hahaha, but it’s okay as I plan to get a new phone once I can finally afford a monthly plan.
16 - Who was the last person you spoke to on video chat? I was on video call with Angel and our HR supervisor on our first day last Monday.
17 - When was the last time you took any medication? Is this something you have to do regularly? I think it was a Biogesic for my headache, which is the only kind of pill I ever take anyway. No, I only pop one whenever I feel my temples start to throb, which isn’t too often.
18 - Where do you keep your shoes when you’re not wearing them? We have a storage space under the stairs, where our shoe rack also is. All my shoes are on there as we’re not allowed to bring any shoes upstairs (welcome to Asian homes, hahaha).
19 - Is your room/home generally clean and tidy? How long would you say you spent on housework each day? It’s clean. I don’t move around in here much except to sit at my desk to work and then sleep at the end of the day, so. As for housework, my mom’s a total control freak when it comes to chores, so even though I always want to help she wants things done her way, the steps of which only she knows.
20 - If you could have any snack in the world right now, what would you pick? What about a drink to go with it? I don’t have any particular craving right now, actually...maybe sushi? Deep fried maki sounds great rn. Just water would be fine.
21 - What’s everyone else in your household doing right now? Dad drove out for his work and my mom tagged along. No clue what my siblings are doing downstairs as I haven’t showed myself today so far.
22 - What was the last new item you bought for your home? (something like curtains or furniture, not something unique for you like clothes). Mom bought new plates as she felt like replacing the plate set we’ve had and been using since first moving here in ‘08. She also got a new tornado mop after the old one broke.
23 - Do you have a favourite mug to drink out of? Does your favourite change depending on what you’re going to be drinking? Yeah I used to love my color-changing mug with the wi-fi design, but now I’ve been using my mom’s Starbucks copper mug the most. As for the second question, no it doesn’t work that way for me. I’ll drink anything in my current favorite mug.
24 - What are five things you like to have within arms reach when you’re sat on the computer or settled down to watch TV? Phone, laptop charger, a hairtie, a blanket, and the cleaning cloth for my glasses.
25 - When doing surveys, do you have a certain routine or anything, or do you just sit and do them whenever and whatever? I don’t have a ~routine per se but I do have a few traditions, so to speak:
I prefer a cup of coffee to accompany me while taking them though I don’t always follow this, like now. 
If I’m taking surveys in public, like at a coffee shop, I zoom out my Chrome to around 67% so that no one could see what I’m doing.
I try to check out Bzoink everyday for new survey leads, but sometimes Tumblr will be filled with good surveys (like now - there are so many good ones floating around on here recently??? I’m so not complaining) and I keep track of them by liking those survey posts to take in the future.
I generally avoid bolding surveys, but when I do take one I prefer to actually answer each item, so that it doesn’t end too quickly for me.
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embcrry · 4 years
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ok thisss took wayyy longer than i’d expected . like it’s fucking midnight ? like guys im such a mess omfg . anywaysss * tana mongeau vc “ welcome to my trash bin daught or welcome back to my trash bin daughter ... what ? was ? that ? idfk . if you wanna plot with my overly tired ass give this post a like and i’ll love you down i promise !! also i apologize for how long this intro is going to be in advance !
new york’s very own  𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄 " 𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐀 " 𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 was spotted on broadway street in 𝘓𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘐𝘕 𝘌𝘓𝘖𝘐𝘚𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘛𝘚  . your resemblance to barbara palvin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃  birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being guarded , but also dependable  . i guess being a 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be  𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘶𝘱, 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘯 + 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴  .  &  ( female & she/her  )  +  ( faith , 21 , she/her , est . )
FULL NAME : emilie sierra berry . NICKNAME : emma , em , emma bear ( by her little sister ) . BIRTH DATE : march 1st , 1998 . AGE : 22 . GENDER : female ( cis ) . PRONOUNS : she + her . ORIENTATION :  pansexual ( attractions are equal ) , panromantic ( leans more toward women ) . BIRTH PLACE : brisbane , australia ( see home here ) . the family still owns this house but don’t use it much . HOMETOWN : new york city ( upper west side ) , new york ( see home here ) . her dad + little sister still live here today . CURRENT LOCATION : new york city ( upper east side ) , new york ( see home here ) . moved in one year ago after break up . EDUCATION LEVEL : highschool diploma .   OCCUPATION : olympic swimmer ( emulated after katie ledecky ) , socialite , escort ( no one knows ) . NET WORTH : 32million ( every year up until she’s twenty five she receives a percentage of her trust fund ) . FAMILY NET WORTH : 3.1billion ( father ) , 4.8billion ( mother + step - father ) . PARENTS : adrian berry ( father , 51 , hedge fund manager ) , natasha laffont ( mother , 48 , former super model + philanthropist ) , thomas laffont ( step - father , 50 ,  businessman + art collector ) . SIBLINGS : tatiana berry ( sister , 10 , student + ballet dancer ) , bradley laffont ( step-brother , 24 , new york rangers player ) . PETS : jagger ( ragdoll cat , picture ) , maggie ( pomeranian - husky , picture ) . NATIONALITY : australian - american . ETHNICITY : hungarian . CLOTHING STYLE : expensive yet casual ; alot of black , hoodies , leather is a staple , high end sneakers , boots , colorful suits . JEWELRY : gold ; dangly earring , cartier bracelet , tiffany rings , barbell nipple piercings. DIET : pescitarian , no dairy ( lactose intolerant ) . WORK OUT HABITS : six times a week ( mostly boxing + swimming  ) . PERSONALITY : guarded ; there is nothing emma hates more than talking about her feelings or letting anyone know who she’s feeling , she has trouble trusting people for good reason ( the girls trust issues have trust issues yall ) + dependable ; if you need anything in the world go to emma she will move mountains to get shit down for you , she’s very punctual , and super disciplined probably due to being an olympian + goofy ; she doesn’t take much too seriously tbh , ( similar to joey + phoebe from friends ) she can be a bit of a space cadet and that always ends in her making everyone laugh + stubborn ; one thing is for sure about emma she’s extremely hard headed , loves getting her way , and is incredibly unforgiving . 
𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ( in bullets )
her parents met during college , where they both attended princeton university . natasha , her mom , was in the middle of her modeling career completely blowing up while adrian was already setting the foundation of his investment company . they had a whirlwind romance and were married just a year after adrian graduated from princeton . both coming from old money , emma’s grandparents on both sides are extremely meticulous about the image of their family + so the same mentality was instilled in adrian + natasha .
 emma spent the first nine years of her life in brisbane , australia . her parents had moved out to australia just a couple years before she was born for the sake of making her father’s company an international success . 
with her parents always off doing something , emma was raised by her nanny + butler . when she was six she expressed her desire to get into swimming after watching michael phelps in the 2004 summer olympics . she was in absolute awe by him + wanted to be just like him . so the next day her nanny spoke to her parents and later that day she was enrolled into a local swimming program .
when she was nine her parents broke the news to her that they were moving to new york . at first she wasn’t all too mad about the move , she didn’t have many friends in school , wasn’t a big fan of her teachers , and knew the one thing she loved she could still do in new york . her outlook on the move changed when she found out that her nanny + butler would not be making the move across the equator with them though . how dare her parents steal the only people who’d ever taken care of her away from her ? she thought . she threw an absolute fit in protest ; completely wrecking the home + locking herself away in the bathroom in her room for nearly 20 hours before her nanny talked her into coming out . 
once in new york , emma was miserable . she had tantrums everyday and even stopped swimming for a few months . what inevitably pulled her out of her funk was a trip disneyland paris + her mom bringing her out to buy a whole new wardrobe . yall ever heard of a spoiled brat ?
once she was open to the idea of new york she kind of fell in love with the city , to be honest . she grew close to her new nanny + butler , of course and fell in love with her new swimming coach .
when she was fourteen her parents got a divorce and just six months later her mom was married to a billionaire living in connecticut with a son just two years older than emma . anyone with a brain could put together that her mom had been cheating on her dad , that was except for her dad who’d fallen into denial that his ex - wife would come back . 
[ trigger warning : alcoholism , child abuse , violence ] after months of listening to her father , emma broke , the two got in a huge screaming match about how her mom wasn’t coming back saying things like “this is so pathetic, stop graveling over a women who doesn’t want you” + “she doesn’t want you” + “just move on, she’s never coming back, she’s fucking an art collector in connecticut”. mind you she’s fourteen talking to her dad like this , yikes . he started spiraling after that , drinking heavily , doing coke more than just at events , and when emma copped an attitude he’d hit her . it started with just a rough slap , pushing her into the pool or down the stairs , and then it turned into punching her . it got so bad her coach started noticing during swim practices and inevitably threatened her dad , either he let her move in with him or he’d call the police . so , not wanting a tarnished reputation , her dad sent her off to live with her swim coach .
[ trigger warning : grooming ] life with her swim coach was cool , she got to swim alot more plus he was extremely high profile due to sending swimmers to the olympics as well acting in a few movies so she got to go to alot of events with him all across the world . she enjoyed her time with him more than she’d enjoyed the entirety of her life and then he got her to the 2012 olympics in london + her trust and appreciation for him sky rocketed . in her eyes no one int he world could or did love her more .
coming back from the olympics , her had fully sobered up and was ready to bring emma back home .  her and her coach weren’t completely gun ho for the move but she inevitably moved back home with her father .
[ trigger warning : statutory rape ] just a month after being back home , her coach started being a little too touchy with her . she felt uncomfortable by his advances but figured her was only taking care of her . then he kissed her and she was pretty creeped out so she asked what he was doing , basically the creep told her he was just missing her alot because she wasn’t living with him and reminded her about how he was really the only person who cared about her . she accepted what he said and soon after they started sleeping together regularly . he didn’t even have to tell her not to tell anyone , she innately knew if she ever told anyone he wouldn’t be her coach anymore and emma just wasn’t willing to lose the best coach she’d ever had . this continued for a little over a year until she went to the doctors and her mom went with her , her mom stayed in the room because the check up wasn’t all that invasive + then when her doctor asked her if she was sexually active her mom answered no but emma , not wanting to lie , stayed silent . she inevitably confessed at the appointment that she was sexually active . her mom freaked out and wanted to know who but of course emma didn’t spill that . she inevitably lied and said some guy she went to school with . within a week her mom found out she lied and refused to let emma go anywhere until she confessed who she was sleeping with . knowing her mom wouldn’t let up she told her it was her coach + that it wasn’t a big deal . but emma knew it was . her mom gave her coach an ultimatum he either quit coaching for good or she’d turn him in . she he quit and emma never heard from him again . 
she stopped talking to her more directly after that + stopped going back to connecticut for the weekends like she had been since her parents divorce . she was now sixteen without a swimming coach + completely mad at the world .  she’d had a rough few years , to say the least . she turned to partying , HEAVY , to cope with it all . she slept with anyone who so much as gave her a second look she didn’t care if they were older than her , had a girlfriend / boyfriend , if you were into her you could have her . it took her almost five months before she committed to a swim coach + they really whipped her back into shape . no more partying , emma went from school to practice and then home . it was awfully boring for the new party girl but she had one of the best coaches in the world + they promised to stop coaching her had she not listened to their every word . the only thing she cared more about then letting loose was going to another olympics . 
she attended a private school in manhattan where she completely smashed each and everyone of the school, districts , and state records in swimming . she was never big into her academics but she upheld a b average for the sake of being able to stay on the schools swimming team . if she received anything less than a b she would guilt her dad into giving her school a donation so they’d give her the grade she felt she deserved . 
she graduated from highschool in 2016 and although she was accepted into multiple schools across the nation , with athletic full ride offers from each school  , but she inevitably declined each school because she did want to spend another second behind a desk . knowing her dad would never approve of her not going to college , with his ivy league education ass , she lied to him and said she was attending nyu . 
she went to the 2016 olympics in rio and completely dominated ( 4 gold medals , 1 silver + breaking five world/olympic/american records in the meets ) . 
just months in 2017 her dad started to pick up on her lie about attending college . telling her she needed to enroll immediately or he’d cut her off . calling his bluff she didn’t enroll . she quickly learned that he wasn’t bluffing when he completely cut her off , telling her she had a month to find a place to live and move out .  
thanks to her olympics money + her endorsements with tyr sports + adidas she had enough money to get an apartment but her saving would deplete quick so she knew she needed to do something to make alot of money + quick .
desperate and running out of time emma joined seeking arrangements under an alias as sierra meyers . there were a few success and plenty of total blunders on the site but she got lucky with the first women she met with who offered to get her into escorting . emma didn’t even give it a second thought before she said yes , the only thing she asked is that the clientele not want her to attend highly publicized events with her as she's quickly get caught due to her socialite status   . 
within a year she’d made half of what her entire lifes work had made her , she grew obsessed with escorting and what made it crazy was there were people who would pay her half a million just to have dinner and talk with her . of course , those were the unicorns though because most wanted to sleep with her at the end of the night . 
when she turned twenty one her dad gave in and gave her back her blackcard + even offered to move her back into the house , she took the credit card but decided to continue living outside of his walls . 
she could’ve quit escorting right then and there , but she’d grown an addiction if you will to her work . there was something about the secrecy of it + her ability to make millions so easily that kept her going .
former roommate ; these two moved in together after her dad kicked her out + even though she moved in with someone else months after they signed the lease she payed them for her half of the rent for the rest of the lease , ex ; they dated when she was cut off by her dad + they inevitably moved into together they could of had a rocky or really good relationship by broke up around this time last year , the guy she “ lost “ her virginity to ; he didn’t actually take her virginity , in truth these two could very well have never even slept together but he’s the guy she lied to her about sleeping with to cover up sleeping with her coach he found out about her lie when emma’s mom asked his parents if he was sleeping with emma we can decide where things went from there between these two , suspicious friend ; they’re starting to pick up on her random disappearing + secrecy , maybe they start following her at some point and inevitably confront her about escorting or maybe they think she’s doing something else and accuse her of that ? , first girlfriend , more exes , people she’s slept with , someone who she slept with + they had a significant other , fellow olympians , travel buddy , podcast co-host ; these two came up with an idea recently to start a podcast , they haven't released it just yet but it’d be similar to call her daddy / impulsive !
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
January (Month Survey #1)
Warning: These surveys are long. Take at your own risk.
National Days
Jan 1. National Hangover Day: What’s the worst hangover that you’ve ever had? The one after the last night I ever drank. That night was horrible. I got so sick and it was embarrassing and ugh it just ended up ruining the rest of the night. I still trip out because I honestly don’t recall drinking that much, but I got really drunk. I guess the drinking games made me lose track or something. Thank goodness for my best friend at the time who took care of me. I couldn’t really sleep that night cause I got sick a few times and just felt like shit and the rest of the day I just did absolutely nothing. I didn’t even want to look at alcohol for awhile.
National Bloody Mary Day: Do you believe in the Bloody Mary folklore? No, but I still don’t mess around with that kind of stuff.
Euro Day: Do you have any Euros? No.
National Black Eyed Peas Day: Do you like listening to the Black Eyed Peas? How about eating them? The group was cool, I liked a few of their songs. I’ve never had actual black eyed peas.
Apple Gifting Day: What’s your favorite type of apple – red, yellow, or green? I’m not an apple gal. Well, when it comes to the fruit. I love Apple products haha.
New Year’s Day: How did you celebrate New Year’s? My mom had to work until 11PM and my brother was at a friend’s house and was spending the night, so it was just my dad and I. We got takeout and watched the New Year’s Eve shows, but he ended up falling asleep a couple hours before midnight. My mom got home just in time to watch some of the New Year’s Eve shows before midnight and then we watched the ball drop, so at least I wasn’t alone. My dad slept right through it lol. It was a very chill night.
Jan 2. National Buffet Day: Where’s the best buffet in your area? The only buffet I liked was Mongolian BBQ. You put your noodles, meats, veggies, toppings, and sauces yourself and then they cooked it right in front of you on a big, round, super hot grill, so I felt comfortable consuming it. Other buffets where the food is brought out for everyone to have access to... yeah, no thanks. 
World Introvert Day: Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Oh, I’m an introvert all the way.
Swiss Cheese Day: What meat do you typically eat Swiss cheese with? Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever had Swiss cheese. 
National Cream Puff Day: Do you like cream puffs? Have you ever made them before? Yeah, they’re good. I’ve never made them, I just bought them from the frozen food section at the store lol.
Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day: Have you ever tried to climb a flagpole before? No. I couldn’t do that even if for some reason I wanted to.
National Personal Trainer Awareness Day: Do you have a personal trainer? Nope.
National Science Fiction Day: What’s the last science-fiction novel you’ve read? The Hunger Games series several years ago.
Happy Mew Year For Cats Day: Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why? I’m a dog person, personally. I’ve always had dogs and I just vibe more with them. Mine have all been so loving and sweet and silly and pure.
National Pet Travel Safety Day: Does your pet do well during car rides, or do they hate it? She doesn’t like them. 
Jan 3. National Drinking Straw Day: Do you use drinking straws at home, or only out at restaurants? I use a straw with everything I drink.
Festival of Sleep Day: Do you enjoy sleeping, or do you spend most of your time awake? I love sleeping.
Humiliation Day: When’s the last time you were humiliated? Why? Let’s not get into that.
National Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day: Do you prefer chocolate-covered cherries or chocolate-covered strawberries more? Strawberries. 
National Fruitcake Toss Day: Do you like fruitcake? No. It just doesn’t even look appealing to me.
J.R.R. Tolkien Day: Have you read the Lord of the Rings series? What did you think of it? Nope. I’ve never seen the movies, ether. Just wasn’t of any interest to me.
Jan 4. National Missouri Day: Do you know anyone who comes from Missouri? Well, not from there, but my dad lived there growing up and I have family out there now.
National Spaghetti Day: Is spaghetti one of your favorite Italian dishes? Yessss. Spaghetti and meatballs, specifically. 
National Trivia Day: Do you enjoy playing trivia games? Any in particular? Yeah, those like Trivial Pursuit and Scene It.
World Braille Day: Do you know anyone who can read Braille? No.
World Hypnotism Day: Have you ever felt hypnotized before? Can you describe it? No. 
Jan 5. National Screenwriters Day: Have you ever written a play or some other sort of script before? Nope. I’ve written short stories and fan fiction, though.
National Whipped Cream Day: Have you ever used whipped cream for sexual purposes? Nope.
National Keto Day: Do you or anyone you know follow a ketogenic diet? Not that I know of.
National Bird Day: What’s your favorite type of bird? Hummingbirds are neat.
Jan 6. National Thank God It’s Monday Day: Do you actually prefer Mondays to Fridays? Why or why not? The days are all the same to me now, but back when I was in school I always dreaded Mondays.
The Epiphany (Three Kings Day): Do you celebrate this holiday? No. I had to Google that because I had never heard of it before.
National Bean Day: What’s your favorite type of bean? (ie: baked, lima, green, etc) Refried beans.
National Technology Day: What’s your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop and phone.
National Shortbread Day: Have you ever eaten those Trefoil  Girl Scout shortbread cookies? Yep. I love shortbread cookies.
National Cuddle Up Day: Who’s the best cuddler you know? My doggo. 
Jan 7. National Bobblehead Day: Do you own any bobbleheads? Of who? I have a Chewbacca one.
National Tempura Day: Have you ever tried tempura before? Did you like it? I’ve had chicken and vegetable tempura, which is really good. 
Old Rock Day: Would you be interested in digging for fossils? Only when playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons haha. That’s part of my character’s daily routine.
Jan 8. National Argyle Day: Do you own any clothing with argyle print? Nope.
National Bubble Bath Day: When’s the last time you took a bubble bath? When I was a kid.
Male Watcher’s Day: Do you like to people-watch? It can be interesting. 
National Take the Stairs Day: Do you prefer the stairs or the elevator? I can only take the elevator.
National English Toffee Day: Do you enjoy eating toffee? I’ve had more toffee flavored things than actual toffee, but yeah.
Elvis Presley’s Birthday: What is your favorite Elvis Presley song? Can’t Help Falling in Love.
National Joygerm Day: How do you treat people with kindness? Do you typically have a positive attitude about things? I try to be understanding and openminded, I try to be a good listener, I don’t put people down or belittle others, I try not to be rude or impolite, and I try to help if I can. I don’t have a positive outlook when it comes to myself, but I can for others. We could even have the same issue and I’ll be able to see it differently for them than I do for myself. I’m forgiving when it comes to others and I’ll see the good in them, truly believing it, but I beat myself up all the time. 
National Winter Skin Relief Day: What do you treat your skin/lips with, when they are chapped? Ugh, I have that issue in the summer as well it’s so annoying. Anyway, I just use lotion and chapstick. I don’t use it as often as I should, though, for some reason. It would definitely help. I should also use a face moisturizer. 
Jan 9. National Apricot Day: Do you prefer apricots dried, in fresh fruit form, or the canned version? I don’t like apricots at all.
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: Do you have issues with people of authority? I have an issue with the bad ones who abuse their power.
National Static Electricity Day: When’s the last time your hair succumbed to static electricity? Hmm. I don’t recall. I remember doing that with a balloon when I was a kid, though lol.
National Balloon Ascension Day: Have you ever released balloons purposefully into the air? No, that was so sad whenever it happened. RIP to all the balloons I’ve ever lost. 
Play God Day: What would you do if you were in charge of the entire universe for the day? Noooo way. I will gladly leave that to God.
Jan 10. National Bittersweet Chocolate Day: What’s your favorite type of chocolate? White chocolate.
Save the Eagles Day: What are bald eagles symbolic of? Strength, freedom, bravery.
Peculiar People Day: Who’s the most peculiar person you know? Hmm. I don’t know. I use that word to describe things more often.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day: What do you do in order to save energy? We wait to run the dishwasher and washer and dryer until after a certain time. I think it’s after 7PM.
National Oysters Rockefeller Day: Have you ever had baked oysters before? Did you like them? Nah, I’m good.
National Houseplant Appreciation Day: Do you have any indoor plants? How about outdoor plants? No indoor ones, but my mom has a couple outside.
Jan 11. National Arkansas Day: Have you ever been to Arkansas before? Nope.
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day: Do you know how to use Morse code? No.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Do you know anyone who’s been a victim of human trafficking?   Nooo. I can’t believe that goes on, horrific doesn’t even begin to describe it.
National Milk Day: Do you prefer white, chocolate, or strawberry milk? I liked strawberry milk when I was a kid. I could totally go for a strawberry milkshake, though.
National Girl Hug Boy Day: Have you ever been the one to make the first move? No.
National Hot Toddy Day: Have you ever made yourself a hot toddy before? Nope. I’ve never had one.
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day No question for this?
National Vision Board Day: Do you have a vision board? Have you ever made one before? What would be on it? Nope. I have no idea what I would do for one.
Jan 12. National Pharmacist Day: When’s the last time you visited the pharmacist? Uhhh, it’s been a long time. My mom or brother just pick up my medicine for me.
National Sunday Supper Day: Do you have big Sunday dinners with your family? No. 
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day: Who’s a fabulous man that you know of? lol what an interesting day. Anyway, hmm. I don’t know.
National Marzipan Day: Do you know what marzipan is? Have you ever made it/had it before? I know what it is, but I don’t think I’ve had it. I definitely have never made it.
National Curried Chicken Day: Do you enjoy curry? Have you ever had it before? I’ve only had it once, but I remember liking it. It’s spicy, right? I can’t have spicy food anymore. :/
National Kiss a Ginger Day: Have you ever dated a redhead before? No.
National Youth Day: Do you know of a child who made a huge difference in society?   I’ve heard stories of kids who have done really awesome things for charity and to help their communities, especially during the pandemic. 
National Glazed Doughnut Day: What’s your favorite type of doughnut? Maple or glazed cake donuts.
Jan 13. National Rubber Ducky Day: When’s the last time you used a rubber ducky in the bathtub? When I was a kid.
Stephen Foster Memorial Day: Do you like any songs by Stephen Foster? I had to Google who that was, and the only song I think I know is Swanee River. 
National Peach Melba Day: Have you ever had a Peach Melba before? How was it? Nope. Had to Google that, too.
Korean American Day: Do you know any Koreans immigrants who now live in America? No.
National Gluten-Free Day: Do you know anyone who has to follow a gluten-free diet? Not personally, but a couple people I watch on YouTube have celiac disease. 
National Sticker Day: Did you like stickers as a kid? I loved stickers. Stickers are still awesome. Although, I never know what to do with them now, ha. I can’t commit to putting them anywhere.
National Clean Off Your Desk Day: Do you have a desk in your room? Is it organized? Nope. My desk is my bed, ha. It has my laptop and some other stuff that a desk would likely have. My bed is where I spend most of my time, so.
International Skeptics Day: Are you skeptical of anything? What? Yeah. Like when reading something online, for example. Or certain news stories.
Make Tour Dream Come True Day: Have any of your dreams actually ever come true before? Uhh well, I’ve had dreams about going to Disneyland and I’ve gone. ha.
Jan 14. National Dress Up Your Pet Day: Have you ever dressed up your pet before? In what? Yeah, she has a few sweaters and Halloween costumes.
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day: What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? Deli sandwich with turkey, salami, Monterey Jack cheese, pickles, mayo, mustard, and oil and vinegar spread is my favorite. I’ll have that at home, too, but it always taste best when I get it from somewhere. I like bologna sandwiches as well.
Ratification Day: Do you remember the significance of the Treaty of Paris? Yeah.
International Kite Day: Have you ever flown a kite before? Nope.
National Shop For Travel Day: When’s the last time you went shopping for a vacation? Back in February before our Disneyland trip. I can’t believe we were in lockdown/quarantine about a month later. 
Jan 15. National Booch Day: Do you like the taste of Kombucha? I’ve never tried it and have no interest to. My brother loves it.
National Hat Day: What does your favorite hat look like? It’s rose gold and has a little white Mickey Mouse symbol on it that I got from Disneyland.
National Bagel Day: What kind of bagel do you eat most often? What do you put on it? I haven’t had a bagel in years, but I always just had a regular one with cream cheese. Strawberry cream cheese is really good.
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day: What’s your favorite flavor ice cream? Strawberry.
Museum Selfie Day: When’s the last time you went to a museum? Several years ago.
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day: Have you ever made your own juice or lemonade before? How was it? Lemonade, yeah. It was good.
Jan 16. National Nothing Day: When’s the last time you did absolutely nothing all day? Everyday?
Appreciate a Dragon Day: Are dragons your favorite mythical creature? Nah, I’d go with fairies. 
National Without a Scalpel Day: Has anyone ever used a scalpel on you before? Yes, for surgical procedures.
Get to Know Your Customers Day: Is the customer really always right? Why or why not? Not always, that’s for sure. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories from people I know who work in retail and yikes. People can be so rude. 
National Religious Freedom Day: Are you a religious person? Yes.
National Fig Newtons Day: When’s the last time you ate a Fig Newton? I’m not exactly sure, but I know it’s been yearssss.
International Hot and Spicy Food Day: What’s the spiciest food you eat? I can’t eat spicy food anymore D: I used to be obSESSED, though. I put hot sauce on just about everything and loved spicy chips and ramen and just everything.
Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day: Have you ever been on a diet before? Did it work? I’ve had to be on high protein and high caloric diets before and I’m supposed to be on one now, but gah. My appetite is a mess and I have other issues that affect my eating and yeah. It’s hard. Jan 17. National Bootlegger’s Day: Do you know anyone who makes bootleg DVD’s? No. I don’t really hear much about that anymore like I did back in the day.
National Hot Heads Chili Day: What do you like to eat in your chili? I can’t eat chili anymore, but back in the day I loved it spicy. 
National Hot Buttered Rum Day: Are you a fan of rum, or do you prefer another type of alcohol? I don’t like any alcohol.
Ben Franklin Day: Name at least one of Ben Franklin’s inventions. The lightning rod.
Michelle Obama’s Birthday: Do you miss when her husband was back in office? I don’t like getting into politics. 
Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day: How long do you keep your New Year’s Resolutions for? Do you even make them in the first place? I stopped making those years ago. 
Jan 18. National Winnie the Pooh Day: Who is your favorite character from Winnie the Pooh? Awww I love Winnie the Pooh, he’s my favorite. I really vibe with Eeyore, too. 
National Michigan Day: Do you live in Michigan? Nope.
National Gourmet Coffee Day: What’s your favorite “specialized” coffee drink? The winter drinks at Starbucks.
National Thesaurus Day: When’s the last time you used a thesaurus? Recently for something, I forget why.
National Peking Duck Day: Have you ever eaten duck before? No.
National Use Your Gift Card Day: Where would you like to get a gift card to? Hmm. BoxLunch would be cool.
Jan 19. World Quark Day: Have you ever heard of quark? Nope. I just Googled it, though. Doesn’t sound appealing.
National  Popcorn Day: What’s your favorite seasoning/flavor of popcorn? Good ol’ movie theater popcorn with salt and lots of butter. I also love this garlic parm seasoning I get at the store.
National Disc Jockey Day: Would you rather have a band or a DJ at your wedding. DJ.
World Religion Day: What is your religion? Do you have one? Christian.
National Tin Can Day: What’s the last can that you recycled? My family and I recycle our cans and plastic bottles. The last can I had was a Starbucks Doubleshot coffee energy drink.
Jan 20. National Cheese Lover’s Day: What’s your favorite kind of cheese? I loveee cheese. Various kinds.
Martin Luther King jr. Day: In what ways was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. influential? He was a huge influential leader in the civil rights movement and helped spark major changes. He was a very courageous and intelligent man.
National Buttercrunch Day: Have you ever made butter crunch before? Nope.
National Penguin Day: What’s your favorite thing about penguins? Their little waddle and how they mate for life. They’re so cute.
Jan 21. National Hugging Day: Are you a hugger? Not really. Like, I’m not one to initiate a hug. Hugs from certain people are really nice, though.
National Granola Bar Day: Do you eat granola bars? What’s your favorite flavor? I used to all the time. The Quaker Oats chocolate chip, peanut butter, and s’mores ones were my favorite. Sunbelt oats and honey granola bars are really good, too.
Squirrel Appreciation Day: Squirrels or chipmunks? Chipmunks. Aww, this reminds of Ty because he was squirrel and I was giraffe.
International Sweatpants Day: How many pairs of sweatpants do you own? Only 2. I’m a leggings gal, I have a shitload of leggings. I feel like a cartoon character when they show their closest lol.
National Banana Bread Day: Do you prefer your banana bread with or without walnuts? How about chocolate chips? Without walnuts, hands down. SO good. I’ve never tried it with chocolate chips.
National New England Clam Chowder Day: Do you like New England Clam Chowder soup? No.
Jan 22. Celebration of Life Day: Do you believe that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? I don’t like getting into political and touchy topics like this.
National Blonde Brownie Day: What’s your favorite type of brownie? Fudge brownies. Yum.
Library Shelfie  Day: How often do you visit your public library? I haven’t gone since I was in high school, so it’s been over 10 years.
National Southern Food Day: What’s your favorite Southern food/meal? Biscuits and gravy.
National Sanctity of Human Life Day: Do you believe that all humans have some sort of value? Yes?
National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day: Do you talk to your pets? Of course! All the time.
Hot Sauce Day: How hot do you like your hot sauce? I can only handle a little mild hot sauce now. D: I used to be obsessed with spicy foods and hot sauces back when I could have it.
Jan 23. National Handwriting Day: Do you prefer printing or writing in cursive? Printing. 
World Spay Day: Are all of your pets spayed or neutered? Yes, my doggo is spayed. That was done before we could bring her home from the adoption shelter.
National Pie Day/National Rhubarb Pie Day: What’s your favorite type of pie? Cheesecake. That’s the only kind I like.
Measure Your Feet Day: How big are your feet? I have small feet. I wear a 6 in womens (US). I can wear a 3.5/4 in kid’s, too. That’s the size my Adidas are.
Jan 24. Beer Can Appreciation Day: What’s your favorite type of beer? Ew, none.
National Compliment Day: What’s the last compliment that you’ve received? I don’t even remember, it’s been a long time.
National Peanut Butter Day: What’s your favorite food that involves peanut butter? Reese’s. 
International Day of Education: Why do you feel that education important? There’s a lot of benefits to being educated. It helps you gain knowledge about the world around you, helps you build and form opinions, make better, well-informed decisions on certain things, helps you learn skills that will be beneficial for you... there’s a lot of reasons.
Global Belly Laugh Day: When’s the last time you laughed so hard you cried? It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good laugh like that.
National Eskimo Pie Patent Day: When’s the last time you had an Eskimo Pie? I’ve never had one.
National Lobster Thermidor Day: When’s the last time you ate lobster? I don’t eat lobster. Or any seafood.
Jan 25. National Opposite Day: Have you ever been attracted to someone that was the complete opposite of you? Yes.
Community Manager Appreciation Day: At your workplace, do you have a good manager/boss, or not? Are you your own boss? I don’t have a job.
National Irish Coffee Day: Have you ever had an Irish Coffee before? Nope.
National Seed Swap Day: What’s the last seed you planted? I’ve never planted any seeds.
National Florida Day: Do you know anyone who is from Florida? Not personally, but a few YouTubers I watch are.
Chinese New Year: What is your Chinese animal? (the year of the ___) Snake.
Burns Supper: Favorite poem by Robert Burns? I don’t think I’m familiar with his work.
Jan 26. National Green Juice Day: Do you drink any sort of health drinks? Nope. 
National Peanut Brittle Day: Do you enjoy peanut brittle? Nah, it’s too hard.
National Spouses Day: Do you hope to get married one day? Why or why not? I don’t plan on getting married.
Australia Day: If you were to go to Australia, what would you want to see/do first? I’d probably want to go to Sydney. 
International Customs Day: What do you think of the current level of border security in your area? Uhhh.
World Leprosy Day: Do you know anyone who has leprosy? No.
Jan 27. National Bubble Wrap Day: As an adult, would you still be interested in popping bubble wrap? Um, absolutely! You’re never too old for bubblewrap. 
National Chocolate Cake Day: Do you prefer chocolate cake or another flavor instead? I much prefer white, funfetti, strawberry, or red velevet.
World Breast Pumping Day: If you have a baby, would you breastfeed or formula feed? Why? I’m not having kids.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Do you know of any Holocaust survivors? Eli Wiesel, the author of Night, a book about his horrifying experience during the Holocaust and in Nazi concentration camps, came to talk to my sophomore English class.
Wolfgang Mozart’s Birthday: Do you like to listen to Mozart? I have an appreciation for a lot of piano pieces.
Punch the Clock Day: Do you have to punch in and out at work, or do you have a paper time sheet? I don’t have a job.
Jan 28. National Have Fun at Work Day: What is one fun thing about your work?
National Blueberry Pancake Day: Would you rather have blueberry pancakes or chocolate chip pancakes? Blueberry.
Data Privacy Day: Have one of your websites ever been hacked before? Yes, back in the day.
National Daisy Day: Are daisies your favorite flower? No, but they are pretty.
National Lego Day: Do you follow the building instructions if you have a Lego kit, or do you build your own prototype? I haven’t played with Legos since I was a kid, but I just made my own things for the most part. I do remember attempting to make some of the things they showed on the container the Legos came in.
National Kazoo Day: Have you ever played a kazoo before? Nope.
National Plan For Vacation Day: Where would you like to go on vacation? A lot of places. I wish I could just go on a vacation at all right now. :(
Global Community Engagement Day: How do you play a part in your community? Uhhh. I’m not involved in any community things.
Jan 29. National Corn Chip Day: Fritos or Tostitos? Both are good.
National Puzzle Day: How many pieces was the last jigsaw puzzle that you completed? I have no idea, I haven’t done a puzzle since I was a kid. I’ve actually been wanting to do one recently, though.
Jan 30. National Croissant Day: What do you like to put on your croissant? They’re just good on their own.
National Inane Answering Message Day: Do you leave voicemails, or do you hang up and try again later? If I’m calling my doctor I might leave a voicemail, but usually I’ll just try again later. I hate leaving voicemails, though. If I’m calling my parents, I’ll just call again or send them a text.
Jan 31. Inspire Your Heart With Art Day: What form of art would you be most likely to try your hand at? I like to color, but that’s as artsy as it gets for me.
National Backward Day: Can you walk around backwards without tripping over something? Well, I can wheel backwards.
National Hot Chocolate Day: Do you like hot chocolate? Do you prefer a certain flavor? Yes. I just like the regular kind with marshmallows and whipped cream.
National Big Wig Day: What type of job would you like to have that allows you to be in charge? I wouldn’t want to be in charge.
Eat Brussel Sprouts Day: Do you like Brussel sprouts? Nooo.
Brandy Alexander Day: Do you like to drink brandy? Nope. I don’t drink alcohol.
National Weeks
Folic Acid Awareness Week: Do you know anyone with a congenital disability? Yes.
Universal Letter Writing Week: When’s the last time you hand-wrote a letter to someone? I don’t even remember.
Diet Resolution Week: Have you ever gone on a diet before because of someone’s comments about your weight? Yeah, but it was to try and gain weight because I’m too thin. 
National Silent Record Week: Have you ever listened to a silent record before? No.
National Pizza Week: What do you like to eat on your pizza? White sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, spinach, garlic, crumbled meatballs, and pesto drizzled on top.
Home Office Safety and Security Week: Does your home have a security system? Yes.
Cuckoo Dancing Week: Do you like to dance? Sure. Well, by dance I mean head bobbing and maybe moving my arms and shoulders a bit. Oh, and sad attempts at TikTok dances haha.
World Kiwanis Week: Do you know what the Kiwani’s Club revolves around? No.
National Mocktail Week: What’s your favorite mocktail? When I was a kid I liked virgin strawberry margaritas. This one restaurant my family and I often went to had them for kids and they were so good.
Hunt For Happiness Week: Where do you find your happiness? At the beach watching the waves crash in and out, smelling the ocean air, and feeling that nice, cool breeze. I just get lost in it and it’s really relaxing.
National Healthy Weight Week: Do you feel that you are a healthy weight? Why or why not? No, I’m not. I’m underweight.
International Snowmobile Safety & Awareness Week: Have you ever ridden on a snowmobile before? Nope.
No Name-Calling Week: What’s the worst name you’ve ever been called? Who knows what people have said or thought about me that I’m not aware of, nor do I want to know, but the only things I know of are the things I’ve said and think about myself. I’m my own worst enemy.
International Hoof Care Week: Do you like any animals that have hooves? Giraffes. <3
National Catholic Schools Week: Did you ever go to a Catholic school before? No.
National CRNA Week: Have you ever been put under anesthesia before? How were you when you came out of it? Yeah, several times. I always felt sick, groggy, and really cold afterwards.
Meat Week: What’s your favorite type of meat? Or are you a vegetarian/vegan? Chicken.
National School Choice Week: Would you have preferred to be in a public school, a private school, or to be homeschooled? I was fine with public school.
National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week: Do you know anyone who is a cowboy? Nope.
National Months
National Hot Tea Month: What’s your favorite flavor tea? Chamomile, peppermint, and spearmint.
National Oatmeal Month: What’s your favorite flavor of oatmeal? I like regular oatmeal with condensed milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon. 
National Slow Cooking Month: Do you have a crock-pot? Well, my mom does, but yeah.
National Soup Month: What’s your favorite kind of soup? I’m a ramen gal.
National Baking Month: What’s your favorite thing to bake? If I bake it’s going to be cupcakes or muffins. It’s been awhile since I’ve baked anything, though.
National Fat Free Living Month: Do you eat foods that are fat-free? How about drinks? Not usually.
National Bath Safety Month: Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. I have’t taken a bath since I was a kid.
National Blood Donor Month: Have you ever donated blood? When was the last time? No.
National Hobby Month: Do you have any hobbies? Doing surveys, reading, and coloring. 
National Train Your Dog Month: Is your dog well-trained? Yeah.
Walk Your Pet Month:  How often do you walk your dog, if you have one? I can’t do that, but my dad or brother take her.
National CBD Month: Have you ever used CBD oil? Nope.
National Black Diamond Month: Do you own anything with diamonds – black or regular? No.
National Mentoring Month: Have you ever had a mentor before? No.
National Menudo Month: Have you ever had menudo before? Nope. It doesn’t sound appealing to me.
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ywjaeha · 5 years
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helo budz i’m ayn and this is my cityslicker jaeha! he’s 26, city boi, and brand spankin new to yangwon. currently filling in as a veterinarian until he finds a long-term replacement! :’) he’s a pretty chill dude, just rly shy so like. u know. is he against making friends? not really. would he rather befriend the stray dog that keeps trying to steal his zucchini? yea. ANYWAY ! ! ! more info and wanted connections below the cut and also here!! if you’re interested in plotting ! please like this post and i’ll im u! i also have a discord (heunjeok#6758) if that’d be more convenient zz
TL;DR (but not rly bc i ramble lol)
born and raised in the big city! only kid, grew up pretty well-off. his grandparents moved to yangwon when he was a lil baby and lived the rest of their lives out there until passing. he’s visited yangwon a few times (every week every summer through middle school! and then every now and then for a day—sometimes less haha—high school onward) so he’s not Brand New but it sure feels like it :’)
he’s a...... veterinarian. just like his grandpa! finished his post-vet school internship a few months back and he was abt to sign a contract to work in seoul when his grandparents passed. 
originally he just came to yangwon to help tidy up his grandparents’ affairs but ended up committing to filling in as the veterinarian for a year max until a “more suitable replacement” could be found for his grandpa. 
so now he’s living here. in his grandparents’ old house on mugunghwa (neighbors where u at). hasn’t unpacked completely and probably never will bc at this point (he's only been in yangwon since september!) he’s still pretty set on going back to seoul asap. 
still he kind of ! likes it in yangwon ! even tho he won’t admit it! 
generally he’s a pretty polite, even-tempered dude. comes across as a little cold and stilted @ first bc he’s reallllylyyly really shy and it kind of manifests as stiffness instead lmao. that being said, he’s not too great at pretenses and when he smiles/laughs, he rly means it!!! so !!!!! pls dont give up on him he needs friends lmao 
seems kinda like a pushover but he’s pretty str8forward about things he does/doesn’t want to do. like for example when ppl try 2 flirt with him he’s like Im not interested [and then after a pause] but thank u!
internalizes everything bc he’s a grownass man who never learned how to cope w/ his emotions
probably cried watching old yeller but did u not? u heartless b*tch?
some random facts and tidbits: spends way too much time watching reality television (think trashy shows like love island) but is way 2 ashamed so it’s like a dirty secret and he’ll die if anyone finds out. has terrible vision but he’s wearing contacts these days and they’re so gd THICK sometimes his eyes start watering and it looks like he’s just having a bad day and crying it out. he’s super duper fond of kids and animals. likes 2 garden (he’s maintaining his grandma’s garden atm). uhhhhhHhhH he was engaged to a long-time gf but she broke it off maybe one? almost two years ago and he’s #okcool abt it (but not rly, genuinely he’s very exasperated w/ the idea of romance rn). has the tastes of an old lady (his fave snack is yanggeng). and. 
idk what else man. 
he’s (vague hand gesture) really just trying his best. 
people he met when he was way younger and visited yangwon! chances are he won’t recognize u and u won’t recognize him but maybe once u get to talking some gears will shift and something will click! even if it’s been a longass time since he was last in yangwon, he’s pretty desperate for any semblance of familiarity he can anchor himself to ha ha ha
have a pet? or just a ton of animals? as long as they’re not seriously injured/in need of surgery or specialized attention (in which case he’ll reroute the case to haesan, but dw! he’ll make sure the transition goes smoothly!), he’s ur dude :’) 
he’s watching this show called heart signal (it’s a reality show abt finding love) RELIGIOUSLY and u catch him and he’s humiliated but maybe ur a big fan and now u guys have viewing sessions and it’s honestly embarrassing at first but now he’s just glad he has someone to talk to about it
ur mom/dad is seriously concerned that a single dude like jaeha is living on his lonesome in a house built 4 a FAMILY and keeps sending u to check up on him with banchan in tow. it’s really fucking awkward at first! but maybe a rapport develops somewhere along the way ...! 
u think he wants to be friends with u but in reality he just thinks ur kid/dog/cat/literally anything that isn’t an adult human is cute
catch him tearing up in the middle of a conversation bc of his contacts and ur like holy fuck i just made this newcomer CRY and jump to conclusions before jaeha can explain (haha no it’s just my eyes- wait- why are u apologizi- uh-) and now ur dragging him around and going out of ur way to be nice to him in penance and he’s just standing there awkwardly like I’m Never Wearing Contacts Again 
U step on his only pair of glasses and break it to SMITHEREENS! it’s fine but it’ll take a couple of days to get a replacement so it’s chill.... he’ll just walk around........... Hopelessly lost............. vision obscured......... nbd.... 
doesn’t usually drink bc he’s hella #cleanliving but also hella #lightweight so idk... drunk shenanigans... he’s so embarrassed he trips into a bush the next day trying to avoid eye contact w/ u 
only child!!!!!!!!!! but he’s always wanted siblings so idk? maybe a younger sibling figure :’)
ok im [steam comin out of my ears] running out of ideas but we’re just generally looking for some friends! acquaintances! people who were familiar w/ his grandparents! ppl he might have met before! anyone! Anything! let’s go find a wendigo together!
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Miraculous ladybug for the ask game?
Thanks for playing! There may be more here than for Good Omens, but I’m not THAT deep in this one either, so no promises. xD”
Top 5 favourite characters: Adrien, Alya, Luka, Nino, Kagami
Other characters you like: Juleka and Rose
Least favourite characters: Lila and Chloe!
Otps: Luka/Adrien, Kagami/Marinette, Alya/Nino, Juleka/Rose
Notps: mmmh I don’t really have any, I think?
Favourite friendships: Alya and Marinette, Adrien and Nino
Favourite family:mmmh it’s not like we know a whole lot of families and recently I have been thinking a lot about the fact that Marinette’s parents never question that they can’t get a hold of Marinette and can’t be there to directly protect her when Paris is under attack. Like. She’s a fifteen year old girl, you bet your ass I’ll hunt down my only child and try to be with her during these attacks, or at the very least made damn sure she’s somewhere safe... So... I have started doubting her parents based on that... They’re still a billion times better than Adrien’s fucked up family (even more so now that we met his aunt and cousin :D”), but yeeeah...
Favourite episodes: Desperada, for all three, the Luka content, Luka as a hero and the Adrien angst, also definitely Captain Hardrock because it actually introduces Luka, Silencer, because that Luka/Marinette content was really nice?
Favourite season/book/movie: season 2, probably
Favourite quotes: not really a quote-kinda-gal
Best musical moment: yes, please, give me a musical episode - I mean, come on, they have a BAND!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: When Alya got the Fox Miraculous?? I was sooo looking forward to that
When it really disappointed you: every single time Marinette reverts back to her gross possessive behavior when it’s about Adrien. It’s... so exhausting and it was already exhausting in season 1, but the longer this drags on, it becomes cringey as fuck? It’s due time both Marinette and Chat grow the fuck up and start respecting the other person’s boundaries and start seeing them as people. Fully. Because occasionally, they do - and then they take ten steps back again and I am tired
Saddest moment: it’s not really a sad show...
Most well done character death: no one has died yet
Favourite cast member: it’s a cartoon, so not really actors. And I am so not into tracking or remembering voice actors, so... can’t answer that
Character you wish was still alive: Again, no one has died xD”
One thing you hope really happens: THAT THEY FINALLY FORM AN ACTUAL FUCKING TEAM. Let the other Miraculous holders KEEP THEIR FUCKING MIRACULOUSES. After that disastrous season 3 finale, they GOTTA learn from it! They HAVE to realize how bullshit it is to keep all the Miraculouses in ONE place!!! PLEASE.
Most shocking twist: that Adrien’s mom is being kept in the basement. Like. I always knew Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad and I suspected he wanted to rewrite reality around Adrien’s mom but that he fucking keeps her body in the basement. Why. What. No. Stop it.
When did you start watching/reading?: Ooof 2016
Best animal/creature: Plagg!!
Favourite location: there aren’t really any impressive locations in this show
Trope you wish they would stop using: Love Triangle. Love triangles can be fun. Admittedly, the Love Square had an interesting twist to it with the secret identities. But when they on top of that Love Square then ALSO added “but oh no! Now BOTH Marinette AND Adrien have ADDITIONAL potential love interests”, this has become some knotted-up nonsense that’s giving me a headache...
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: nothing, really? It got the child heroes, it got the Quippy Boy, it got the female lead who can just do abso-fucking-lutely ANYTHING and is perceived as that kind sweet girl by everyone around her and loved and adored by everyone, it did pretty much all the standard tropes in any superhero or magical girl franchise, but none very outstandingly better than other shows
Funniest moments: uuuhm drawing a blank here
Couple you would like to see: at this point, I would like to see Luka/Marinette and Adrien/Kagami become canon, because the dragged-out Not Good behavior displayed in the Love Square have started to become... uncomfortable for me to watch. I was really on board with them being endgame in season one, but post season 3, I think I’d prefer if both parties genuinely moved on with their new love interests
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: really not a voice actor kinda person so... *shrugs*
Favourite outfit: Chat’s
Favourite item: mh, I do think that I like the Fox Miraculous the best, design-wise
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:I do own a Plagg plushy! ^-^
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would be a frequently akumatized human :D” (seriously, that bitch Hawkmoth gets to akumatize everyone over the smallest feelings of upset...)
Most boring plotline: it’s... it’s not like the show has a whole lot of plotlines... unless you really count every single episode’s akumatized person’s plotline... then honestly I think I wouldn’t even remember the most boring ones...?
Most laughably bad moment:I... just... I laughed and screamed at the screen when Hawk Moth got all the Miraculouses, because I have spent over a whole entire season screaming at my screen that it’s irresponsible and dumb to keep them all in one place, instead of leaving them with the individual carriers. Even louder so after the Master got compromised and went into active hiding. Like. It was only a matter of time until Hawk Moth finds you. So that was so incredibly avoidable and the fact that CHLOE ONCE AGAIN shows her greedy needy self-centered side and was the one enabling Hawk Moth was just... really frustrating (can you tell yet that I was not pleased with the season 3 finale? :D”)
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Hasn’t really done a lot of flashbacks yet and I’m not big on the ones we got. Does Cat Blanc count as a flashforward, because it was also an alternate timeline? Though... I wasn’t really a fan of that either... mmmh...
Most layered character: They’re all not overly layered, in my personal opinion?
Most one dimensional character: I mean the majority of the characters. Like, most of Marinette’s classmates have like one personality trait assigned to them and that’s it? There’s not a lot of depth and character development going on with most of them
Scariest moment: really not a scary show xDDD
Grossest moment: thankfully enough also not a gross show :D
Best looking male: Luuuka I love his character design
Best looking female: Juleka!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): None
Favourite cast moment: I don’t follow those things, even less so with voice acting xD”
Favourite transportation: ...they... uh... had a train that went into space...? xD”
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): it’s not really a visually stunning show so I got nothing?
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I mean unanswered questions, a lot, considering the show is still on-going! Most of all, what exactly happened to Adrien’s mom
Best promo: I don’t pay attention to these things ^^°
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I honestly can’t tell. I mean, I have come to love it, definitely, but I don’t really have one defining moment that I can say “this was it!”
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ironwoman18 · 5 years
The Worst Third Date Ever part 14
Chapter 14: New Year
When the December thirty-first arrived. Max was in their bed, wearing his shirt and underwear.
She looked at him and smiled. He looked so cute when he was sleeping and she could not help but fall more for him.
When they went back to DC she will miss waking up next to him every day. She wanted to propose to him the moving in together but it was still to soon.
She was the one who set the 'take things slow' and she already break it. Their first kiss happened because of her after Catherine's kidnapped her dad and sister, their first time making love happened because of her after him been so sweet and gentleman and caring with her family that she could not resist.
This travel happened because of her, so now she realized that her plan was an excuse for not open up to him, but he was so... him that she could not help herself but to open every window, door... everything to him.
But this... moving in was a big step even for her. She ran her hand gentle into his hair, she was careful not to wake him up.
She wanted to wake up like this every day but was not sure if that would be possible with his job.
She remembered talking to Kristy and Kristall at the Christmas party at David's house.
David took his male friends for a friendly round of poker, he and Matt knew Spencer would will but the funny thing will be watching the others getting surprised by that.
At the only people left there were a couple sitting at the living room talking and the two wives of her boyfriend's coworkers.
"So how is it like to be marry a FBI agent?" Max asked to break the ice.
"It's both exciting and terrifying" said Krystall with a smile.
"Same" said Kristy "and I would add that it makes you terribly worry but then when they come back and hug you, it's like the first time" add her "that's why we have five children" they laughed.
"I don't need that much children" said Max laughing "I'm scared, Spencer and I just started dating and I'm already worry when he told me about a case"
"I understand, Matt was part of a different team a couple of years ago. With this team he had to go further than with the BAU. Because they had to go out of the US"
"Wow that must be terrifying"
"It was, but we survived it and I dont think anything would break us. I think after Catherine Adam's face off, you will also survive anything"
"I'm agree. I mean Dave isn't that young anymore but this is his life. He loves this job and this unit and I will support him always"
Max smiled at them, that was what she did, she support him and she will keep doing that "I love Spencer and I want what is best for him. Did David and Matt get hurt?"
"Oh yes honey" said Krystall "David got shot, broke bones, got a little PTSD after Everett Lynch's attack. And I couldn't protect him but I can make sure he recovers from that"
"Same with Matt, he had been shot a lot of times, got hurt, broke bones but like Krystall said, we can't protect them. He is mine and our kids hero"
"Dave told me what he thinks its necessary to keep me informed but not to worry. I know there are more stupid things he does but I kept my mouth shut" Kristy laughed.
"Yeah Matt wrote a book with his adventures but I'm pretty sure he didn't add some details so he won't scare us"
"Spencer still didn't share his work life, not even the light events" she looked at them "I know some things he shared, especially after Cat"
"Don't shut him up to much. He will need you and if he knows he can share something to you, he will. You just have to hug him and ease the pain. Matt and I have a plan if something happens to him. I know its may sounds like to much but I learned that this job is a huge responsibility and they risk their lives for us"
Max nodded and sighs "don't be scared Max, is a cold headed man. I would be more worried about Dave" said Krystall making both women laugh "trust him"
"I do. I did since he helped my nephew when he had a panic attack" she looked at them "it just... I'm so into him that I wouldn't resist if something bad happened"
"You will. That was something I thought myself when Matt told me about what he does for a living" Kristy held her hand "I'm sure when that moment comes you will be ready" Max nodded and smiled at the blonde woman in front of her.
Max wanted to believe her but everytime that thought crossed her mind, her heart skip a beat. Her fingers were into his hair stroking it gently.
After some more minutes she stopped and softly managed to stood up without waking him up.
She headed to the bathroom to take a shower. She was thinking about tonight. Where they will spend the last couple of hours of 2019.
They had a few options one was the Empire State Building where they can enjoy the fireworks, second was Central Park and another was a ferry towards the Statue of Liberty.
She will ask Spencer when he wakes up. When she finished her shower and got dressed.
She put back on his and a fresh underwear. Then Max walked back to the bedroom and Spencer was awake "good morning handsome. Did you sleep well?" She sat next to him.
"Good morning beautiful. Yes it was a great sleep" he smiled and kisses her gently "I will go take a shower, then we can eat and plan what to do tonight"
"Sounds great. I will get out the bread, cheese and butter then you can make coffee"
"Perfect" he smiled and stood up then walked to the bathroom.
Max walked to the kitchen and made some sandwiches for them. Then called her dad.
"Hey dad, how are things going?"
"Great, Michelle planned a barbecue and we will go there tonight. How is New York?"
"Amazing, Spencer has been a gentleman with me. We were in the museum, then eat pasta in the Little Italy, yesterday we were on tour in Manhattan. Today we want to go somewhere to watch the fireworks but we haven't decided yet"
"I'm happy you found such an amazing guy, sweetheart, you were one of my daughters I was more worry about. Since you and Mike broke up you stopped to trust in people but now with Spencer you seem so happy"
"I am dad" she smiled with some tears "my only worry now is... his job. I know he has been doing this for years but it's so dangerous"
"Darling he will be fine, he is smart and knows what to do if things get bad. Also he has something years ago he doesn't... you. He has a girlfriend now and he will want to stay alive for you"
"Thanks dad" she said cleaning her tears and turns to see that Spencer walked in the room "well dad I will call you tomorrow, have a great celebration. Love you"
"Love you too Max" then they hung up then she waits for him to get ready.
Max looked out the window. They had Central Park in front of them, so maybe it could be a nice spot to watch the fireworks without moving to far.
She was so focused that she did not realized Spencer was behind her until he hugged her.
"So what is in this beautiful head?" He asked looking down at her.
She chuckled "well I'm thinking what we will do tonight, sir"
"And what did you think?"
"We can stay in this area of the city, then goes to the park and watch the fireworks then return home. How does it sound?"
"Sounds great, I like that plan" he looked at her as she turned in his arms.
"That's great, and if you have any other idea tell me so we can do something we both want"
"I didn't have ideas. So I like yours" she laughed and wrapped her arms around him.
"Ok then. That's what we will do" she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him softly "let's go to the kitchen and make coffee kind sir"
He laughed and walked to the kitchen. She followed him to toast the sandwiches.
Then they both ate and drank coffee watching an old Christmas movie on TV.
"Spencer" he looked at her "do you want tonight's dinner here or out?"
"Here could be nice. Why?"
"Because I can cook it for us. Something my mom always did for New Year's eve"
"Ok I would like it but do you have all ingredients?"
"I bought them some days ago. I was thinking of doing it some other day but since we both decided to stay here, then I can make it"
"Ok need any help?" She shook her head.
"No I want it to be a surprise" he raises his eyebrow "go read books or check out the parks for good spots"
"Just do it, ok? Trust me"
He just nodded "ok I will go to check the park. If you need something just call me, ok?" She nodded "good" he stood up and walked into de bedroom to put on his shoes.
Meanwhile Max walked to the kitchen to start to cook. She gets out some ingredients and turned on the stove.
She watched as Spencer walked away "see you later honey" she said smiling at him. He just smiled and left the apartment.
Then she started to cook. She was making lasagna. Her mom used to make it every year because it was a family tradition.
Her mom has Italian heritage so they liked to cook that kind of food. Michelle and herself learned dishes from her.
When Spencer arrived she finished the ground meat and the white sauce, now she was cooking the pasta.
"Hey Max, I checked the Central Park. Close to the monument to John Lennon the have chairs to watch the fireworks show. By the way, did you know that his murderer was a huge fan of the band but got mad when Lennon compared the Beatles with Jesus? That must be his trigger" he said fast as he walked in the kitchen.
"Spence I love you but those aren't the kind of facts I like to hear"
"Sorry" he looked down ashamed.
"It's ok" she patted his chest softly "is it free?"
"Yes, so we will need to go early to find seats"
"Ok I'm almost done here and the dish I'm making just need to get in the oven to grill the cheese"
"Ok, do you want me to buy something else?"
"Is there wine?"
"Yes so don't worry. As I said I bought everything. I used my credit card plus my last payment of December to pay it"
"Ok" he smiled at her "you could ask me to pay it"
"No, it was my surprise to you" she smiled and hugged him.
He hugged her back and then she returned to cook.
When the night arrived they both ate and shared some wine. They decided to take down the champagne and two glasses to celebrate the New Year with a it.
They put on their jackets and went down to the park. He led the way to the place the celebration was. There were some free spots so they got one of those. There were tables and seats.
They gave them some hot chocolate and put music on. The night was fun, they met new people. At midnight they all wished a Happy New Year, the couples kiss and the fireworks show started.
After that the rest of their time in New York was relaxed. They visited museums. Spencer threw lot of facts when they visited the American Natural History Museum and the New York Zoo.
They returned to DC on January Third, ready to started a new year.
Hope you liked it. This one was hard to write, don't know why but here it is.
The next one will have a time jump to episode 9 of the show. Maybe some days after episode 8.
I have some plans for it and I hope that work out.
We will read soon. Stay at home and be safe.
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nadjadoll · 5 years
Character Interview
Okay so I was tagged a bunch of times by so many people for this and I was putting it off but I’m finally getting to it so here we go!
Thank you for the tags @noonvraith​ @foofygoldfish @devotchkas @colesphelps @statichvm @honesthearts and @outranks
Buckle up because I’m going to be doing three of these in one post
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name  ➔ ayla edwards
are you single  ➔ i think i’m kind of in that in between stage with a friend of mine...
are you happy  ➔ i try my best to be upbeat as much as I can
are you angry  ➔ funnily enough, i don’t actually remember the last time I was angry!
are your parents still married  ➔ they are, and happily so!
birthplace  ➔ edinburgh scotland
hair color  ➔ strawberry blonde
eye color  ➔ blue
birthday ➔ june 14th 1999
mood ➔ extremely worn out but optimistic!
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ summer, though there isn’t much of one in gotham
morning or afternoon ➔ morning, just as the sun is rising and everything is quiet
are you in love ➔ yes  (◠‿◠✿)
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ absolutely! a lot of things can happen with just one look
who ended your last relationship ➔ i did, it broke my heart but i’ve never been a fan of long-distance relationships
have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ i’m afraid i have
are you afraid of commitments ➔ not at all!
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ a few people actually! one being marv, the others being a very nice couple i saved from a mugger
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ well how would i know if they were secret?
love or lust ➔ love, and all the soft hugs and kisses that go along with it
lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade with lots of sugar
cats or dogs ➔ both! though i do prefer dogs a little more
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in, i don’t have the energy to have a wild night out
day or night ➔ day! there are about 5 days of sunny weather a year in gotham and i love every one of them
been caught sneaking out ➔  i’ve never had to, my hometown was pretty boring and my parents were always lax about me coming and going
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ so many times, there are an incredible amount of stairs in the university and i have fallen on all of them
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ do the dogs i see on the sidewalk count? i swear if my dorm allowed pets i’d have 10 dogs by now
wanted to disappear ➔ after the accident that gave me my powers, i was really embarrassed and scared and didn’t know what to do, i don’t think i left the house for a couple of weeks after that
smile or eyes ➔ smile!
shorter or taller ➔ taller, it’s not hard to find people taller than me, being only 5′3
intelligence or attraction ➔ intelligence
hook up or relationship ➔ relationship
do you and your family get along ➔ yes! i haven’t been able to get back home to see them in a while but i talk to them on the phone at least twice a week
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ ironically, no. despite my powers that let me multiplicate myself, i have great parents and amazing friends and i’m so thankful for that
have you ever ran away from home ➔ i’ve never felt like i wanted to
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ never
do you secretly hate one of your friends - no! i love all of my friends 
do you consider all of your friends good friends - 100% i would do anything for them an di know they would return that feeling
who is your best friend - song! not only is he one of the first people i met when i moved here, he also has powers
who knows everything about you - song again, i feel like i can tell him anything
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name ➔ august seed
are you single ➔ no
are you happy ➔ generally
are you angry ➔ 75% of the time
are your parents still married ➔ well they’re both dead so no
birthplace ➔ a place called new york
hair color ➔ brown
eye color ➔ blue
birthday ➔ april 4th 2013
mood ➔ bored, charley and I haven’t made a good death maze in too long
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ summer, the less clothes i have to wear the better
morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon
are you in love ➔ i guess you could say that
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ no i think it’s all crap
who ended your last relationship ➔ technically it was the vehicle that drove over them
have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ probably
are you afraid of commitments ➔ no never
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ i don’t do hugs
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ i have gotten a few “odd” gifts, mainly things like teeth and fingers so maybe
love or lust ➔ lust
lemonade or iced tea ➔ what are those
cats or dogs ➔ dogs, big ones
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ neither, i like to keep to myself
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out, drinks and drugs and all the fun things in between
day or night ➔ night
been caught sneaking out ➔ i snuck out a few times from the camp my mom and i were living at, never got caught though
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ if i want something, i go get it
wanted to disappear ➔ nope, never
smile or eyes ➔ eyes
shorter or taller ➔ shorter or same height
intelligence or attraction ➔ attraction, can’t do much without that
hook up or relationship ➔ hoop up, i don’t care about feelings. charley is the only exception
do you and your family get along ➔ i’ve never met my dad but from what i’ve heard of him, i feel like i would get along with him more than i ever did with my mom
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ i think some people would say that, not me though. the only thing i think i would change is bring my dad back so i could kick his ass for never being there for my mom and me
have you ever ran away from home ➔ i stuck with my mom until i was about 16, i figured i would have more fun out on my own
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ i’ve been kicked out of a few gangs i used to travel with, until i found the highwaymen
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ it’s no secret i hate most of the other highwaymen
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ i don’t have friends, people say i’m “untrustworthy” and “horrifying”
who is your best friend ➔ closest thing i have to a best friend would be charley though i hate the term best friend
who knows everything about you ➔ no one, and i’d like to keep it that way
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name ➔ scarlett campbell
are you single ➔ no
are you happy ➔ i am now
are you angry ➔ i’m pissed off someone kidnapped my baby but it’s alright, i’m doing everything i can to find him 
are your parents still married ➔ had they somehow survived the bombs, i imagine they would be or maybe not. it was always hard to tell if they really loved each other.
birthplace ➔ i was born right here in the commonwealth
hair color ➔ blonde
eye color ➔ brown
birthday ➔ sometime in september, i never cared much for birthdays
mood ➔ currently apathetic
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ winter, after it snows and just before sunrise
morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon
are you in love ➔ hopelessly so
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ i thought i did when i met nate, now i’m not so sure
who ended your last relationship ➔ i guess the nuclear bomb did. i had plans on leaving nate and taking shaun the day they dropped, they beat me to it.
have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ many, i do regret some of them
are you afraid of commitments ➔ in my younger years i was a wild child and would have said no. these days i’m more hesitant to those kinds of things
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ yes, i was having a bit of a down day the other day and all i wanted to do was hold piper, thankfully she let me
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ haha i’m sure i have, i suppose piper was one of those at some point?
love or lust ➔ a healthy mix of both
lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea, it’s hard to find now of course but it reminds me of the days before the war
cats or dogs ➔ hm neither, i’m not really an animal person
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ many regular friends, it’s good to have lots of people on your side
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in is the way to go for me nowadays
day or night ➔ night, the commonwealth just seems more peaceful at night
been caught sneaking out ➔ many times, i was a bit of a party girl years ago, it drove my parents nuts and they tried everything to keep me in
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ oh a lot, high heels + the stairs in diamond city do not mix
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ yes, once upon a time i thought i wanted nate but he wasn’t who i thought he was
wanted to disappear ➔ towards the end of my marriage that was the plan. but now he’s gone and i don’t regret saying i’m glad about it
smile or eyes ➔ eyes, they say a lot about someone
shorter or taller ➔ either works for me
intelligence or attraction ➔ little bit of both
hook up or relationship ➔ old me would have said hook up but i’m really getting used to having piper around long term
do you and your family get along ➔ i wouldn’t say we necessarily “got along”, my parents and i had our ups and downs, they didn’t quite understand who i wanted to be. but we loved each other in our own ways
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ well let’s see i was married to an asshole, our country got bombed, i was locked in a freezer for 200 years, my son was kidnapped by a secret institution and now i have to figure out how to survive in the wasteland that used to be my home
have you ever ran away from home ➔ that was always a thought it the back of my mind, not because i hated my home but because i wanted to go out and do my own thing, be my own person. i never did but now i wish i had gone through with it
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ there was a time i had gotten into a bit too much trouble and i thought for sure i would be tossed out but no, they let me stay but i had to watch my step for quite a while
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ no
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ that would be a strong way to say it. i do love them but i try to keep a bit of distance
who is your best friend ➔ piper
who knows everything about you ➔ it’s actually nick, he’s a very good listener and god knows i’ve needed to vent to someone
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