#My brain just went ooo blue and purple
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Might do TDOV piece so here's a concept. Idk if I'll go through with it since... time. But these cats are Gummydrop, originally Gummypaws, and Rushreed, originally Rushmarsh
''Text'' is just a placeholder for the actual text. Plus I don't want to put TDOV non-abbreviated not on TDOV and confuse people
Rambling under cut
Gummydrop (Tortoiseshell) was my first ever sona of any kind and one of my first ever WCOCs from all the way back in 2014 when I first started getting into Warrior Cats. Very self-inserty because that's what he was, he was the literally the kit of Brightheart, my favorite character at the time. I decided to revamp him, gave him a Warrior name after 8-9 years, a crumb of a backstory, and made him better reflect how I felt back then knowing what I now know (transed his gender lol), to live up to his self-insert roots
Rushreed (Tabby) is my Government Assigned Warrior Cat. I never made the account Rushmarsh when I rolled for it so I technically don't have one? But in spirit it is. But I feel comfortable changing it since it's easier for me to say with my speech impediment and lisp and it's just cooler. I'm not gonna say that's what I got first roll though. They're nonbinary using They/He pronouns since that's how I identified at the time and that's even how I originally wrote them even though I didn't intend for him to be a self-insert but they totally were. I don't see my time then primarily identifying as nonbinary as like a stepping stone or something in discovery for the most part so I wanted to honor it and keep Rushreed as is
I feel like these two being old self-inserts, I should draw them. These two represented me in times of my life where I was in various stages of being 'out' and even discovery, but even with that -- I was always trans. Putting way too much thought into a mere concept of a dumb kitty drawing but oh well
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brionysea · 5 months
any characters specifically?? there's so many lol
ooo i was mainly thinking abt (what i call) the gang- Lucas, max, dustin, el, Mike, will etc- and possibly Nancy if that’s okay? im sorry if this is too much to ask of you and I hope you have a great day!!!!! :D
colour - green
deepest fears - ??? idk. assuming this is for a vecna fic or something, i guess play around with whatever's happened at this point in the timeline. seeing max die is a huge one, and all the "being violently targeted by insane white boys for daring to Exist While Black" is bound to have taken a toll on him (not that canon's acknowledged any of it, of course)
aesthetic - uh... basketballs. they look good on the aesthetic moodboard for him in my brain right now
colour - orange and/or rainbow. the first part might just be because i'm obsessed with red hair (hello, childhood obsession with the little mermaid and red-haired!paige from charmed), but max wears a LOT of rainbows
deepest fears - becoming like billy (continuing the cycle of violence) and that her friends (and mother) think she deserves the same fate as him (dying horribly and painfully via the upside down and traumatising someone as she does). season 4 was great for her :)
aesthetic - skateboards
colour - ???? my brain is saying blue but i have no idea. maybe someone in the notes knows?
deepest fears - probably a loss of control. he likes to Be Prepared and Have All The Knowledge. having no idea what's going on and being completely unprepared for any bad things that might pop up is the inverse of that
aesthetic - library books
colour - pink
deepest fears - that she's a monster
aesthetic - she doesn't really know who she is yet, so like... idk, some of those bright oufits she wore in season 3?? there were a LOT of hearts scattered around her bedroom in season 4, she seems to really like those <3
colour - blue. including (but not limited to) a blue so deep that it looks black
deepest fears - being unwanted, being rejected for something he can't change about himself. in essence, that he's inherently unlovable
aesthetic - i went for a bike for my aesthetic mike wheeler playlist picture. wheels, wheeler. you get it
colour - yellow
deepest fears - oh god. i don't think about him enough for this. considering his two biggest breakdowns so far have been about losing mike, i guess that? the whole thing about being a freak, keeping parts of himself secret, being treated like this fragile little baby (when if anything being a survivor makes him the opposite). i'm not the right person to ask about will tbh
aesthetic - art, drawing, sketchbooks. dungeons and dragons, nintendo, wizard imagery
colour - purple/pink
deepest fears - maybe just watch her vecna vision sequence again? lol. she's mostly got survivor's guilt and blames herself for not saving barb. she's scared of that happening again, e.g. when she was the first to dive into the lake after steve, because she refuses to do nothing again like when barb got dragged into steve's pool yelling for nancy's help (which fred dying on her watch was an echo of)
aesthetic - my initial, instinctive thought is "girlboss" lol. guns, notebooks (re: investigative journalism). there's a wall of stuff in her room that el looks at in season 1 which might be helpful (i'm thinking of the little photostrip of nancy and barb messing around and laughing like el and max did in season 3)
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
pls can you make a Jason grace x son of Aphrodite!reader fic
ooo a jason grace fic i don't have many of those
Jason stood at the door to the Aphrodite cabin looking slightly panicked.
I blinked the sleep from my eyes. "Jason, do you know what time it is?"
He gestured for me to come through the door. I did so, closing the door quietly behind me.
"Yes, yes, it's about half 4 in the morning." He wrung his hands and shifted from foot to foot. I closed my eyes, cursing my boyfriend for waking me up from my delightful sleep. I exhaled and looked back at him.
"Dearest boyfriend, light of my gay little life, why in all of Hades am I awake at half 4 in the morning?"
Jason blushed and grinned despite his clear nervousness. He began to walk away, explaining as he went. I huffed after him, bare feet brushing against the damp grass. I noticed that Jason was also barefoot and also in his pyjamas.
"Well," he began. "I was going to do something really romantic, I made a beach picnic breakfast thing." Adorable. "And I was going to wake you up at maybe 7am? That's not too early, it's a good breakfast time, right?"
Nodding, I slipped my hand into his, chilly hand smooth against my sleep-warm skin. "7am is much better than half 4."
"Right, so I got a blanket and had a basket yesterday and I asked Piper and Leo to help me and they weren't much help at all so I asked Hazel instead and she helped me bake some... bakery stuff."
I sent a soft smile his way. "Aww, you baked? That's so sweet and you're so gay."
Jason affectionately rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "Shut up, you love me, and I hope you'll still love me after you see... what happened." He cringed at the memory of whatever had happened.
"Babe, what did you get me up for?"
We rounded the corner to actually be on the beach and Jason's panic from earlier became clear. Where there had clearly been a picnic basket and a blanket and possibly some glasses, now smoked a pile of burned... stuff.
"Jason? What happened to your romantic breakfast?"
Jason almost cowered away from the sight. "Um, I don't think I have very good control over myself very early in the morning and I got irritated because the glasses kept tipping over." He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. "And I sort of called down a small lightning strike and sort of... burnt everything to a crisp."
I tried not to laugh, but my ribcage was shuddering with barely contained mirth.
"Don't laugh, you're awful, I didn't know what to do so I came to you for help and you're just laughing at me!" Jason's voice was muffled against me.
I ran my fingers through his blond hair and chuckled. "This is why we don't get up before 8am, babe, remember?" He muttered something about not remembering that rule. "It's alright, hun, I don't mind."
Jason removed his face from my neck and looked at me. "You don't mind? But I ruined everything and then I panicked and now you're standing barefoot on the beach and it's fucking freezing."
Pecking his lips, I smiled softly, letting myself getting lost in his sky blue eyes. "The thought was adorable, and honestly the sunrise is still very romantic." The sea was purple, the sky pink and orange, it was gorgeous. How could I be mad when I was awake to see such beauty? "How about, we clean this up, gather more things for a picnic and have it in the evening instead, hm?"
Jason visibly relaxed and I squeaked as he swung me, bridal style, into his arms.
"See, I knew you'd know what to do." He began walking away from the beach. "I would say you were the brains and I'm the beauty but you pretty much have that covered too."
hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hey! i love your work so much and i had an idea. what about the whole team going to pride? or maybe just the cubs or coops, but i would love to see the whole team supporting and maybe breaking out flags of their own. :)))
Happy Pride, everyone!!! It has been such a wild year, but I hope you all find comfort and joy during this month <3 I'm sending you all love and hugs (or high-fives, if you prefer), as well as positive vibes for the summer. SW credit belongs to @lumosinlove as always!
Credit to @queercanoe for the the rainbow bracelet idea <3
“This is…this is really nice,” Sirius said as they stood in line for popsicles. His face glowed with happiness and Remus squeezed his hand where it laid over his shoulder.
“Better than last year?”
He hummed in thought. “I like being here without the Cup and all the cameras. It’s just us.”
“And half the team,” Remus added.
“True,” Sirius laughed, bending down to kiss his forehead. Some of the glitter Lily had managed to sprinkle over his head and smear on his cheeks fell onto Remus’ shirt, and he brushed it off with a laugh. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. The kids are still arguing.”
Sirius glanced behind them and snorted; on the other end of the block, Leo hitched Logan higher on his back as he held Finn’s baseball cap out of reach. Talker and James had started an impromptu game of volleyball with a stray balloon, and the sight of Regulus playing peekaboo with Harry using his pride flag cape sent a burst of happy butterflies through Remus’ stomach.
“D’you think they’ve even noticed we’re gone?”
“Doubt it.”
They tapped their popsicles together in a toast and meandered back to the group—the afternoon heat toned down some of the manic energy of the morning parade, and Remus was content to just wander hand-in-hand with his fiancé for a while.
Not your fiancé for long, he reminded himself as the ice cooled his mouth. Just five more days, and then you’ll have a ring, too.
He stood on his toes, still a little sore from dancing earlier in the day, and kissed Sirius’ cheek. “What was that for?”
“Nothing. Just ‘cause I love you.”
Sirius let out a slow breath and squeezed him a little tighter around the shoulders, catching a drip of syrupy red before it slid down to his elbow. “This is the perfect day.”
“It is, isn’t it? Ooo, blue raspberry.”
“Can I have a taste?”
“Of c—” Remus was cut off by warm lips against his own, shorting out every braincell in one fell swoop. You sly little shit, he thought, smiling into the kiss as Sirius dipped him back.
They straightened up after a moment and Sirius raised his eyebrows thoughtfully. “Yeah, that’s pretty good.”
“Your lips are purple.”
He licked his own half-melted popsicle before dragging Remus in for one more kiss, though both of them were almost laughing too hard for his plan to work. “There. Now we match.”
“Thanks, babes.”
“Hey!” Finn cupped his hands around his mouth, clearly giving up on retrieving his hat. “Are you done yet? I was promised popsicles!”
Remus flipped him off and pulled Sirius down by the collar of his shirt, suddenly uncaring of the stickiness making its chilly way down his forearm. It was their day to do that, after all; their day to be flamboyantly affectionate to anyone in sight, regardless of contracts and media and expectations. It was a day drenched in popsicle sugar where he could turn his soon-to-be-husband’s lips more purple than the dahlias he loved so much.
“You could’ve just said ‘no’,” Finn remarked as they rejoined the group, both a little flushed.
“As if you’ve kept your hands to yourself,” Remus teased, gesturing to the various smudges in Finn’s face paint.
He hesitated, then shrugged. “Good point.”
“I have them on occasion.” A burst of giggling caught both their attention and softness bloomed in Remus’ chest as Sirius tossed Harry a few inches into the air, making rocket ship noises. Next to him, Leo had set Logan down so he could lift Katie up and tickle her until she shrieked with joy.
“God, they’re cute,” Finn said around a mouthful of syrup-soaked ice. The look in his eyes was unmistakably fond, and Remus knew it was reflected on his own face.
“They are. The boyfriends aren’t bad, either.”
Finn snorted, then spluttered as he nearly spat out his popsicle, sending Remus into peals of laughter. “Stop it!” he complained, though the didn’t sound very upset at all. “I’m gonna get a brain freeze!”
“A brain freeze?” Sirius turned to Harry with exaggerated shock.
“Oh, no!” Harry gasped. Behind them, James stifled his smile in the side of Lily’s neck.
“It’s not lookin’ good, buddy,” Finn said with false gravity. “Popsicles are a dangerous food.”
Harry made grabby hands until Finn settled him on his hip, then took his face between two chubby hands and looked deep into his eyes. “Your lips are blue,” he proclaimed after a long moment.
“Are they?”
“Uh-huh. Tremzy’s got red lips, an’ Knutty’s got red lips, and Mama has pink lips, and Uncle Pads has purple lips.” Harry poked the side of his mouth. “You’ve gotta have purple lips, too.”
Finn raised his eyebrows at Remus over Harry’s shoulder. “Not a chance, Harzy.”
“We’re better kissers anyway,” Leo said with a grin as he sidled up and gave Finn a light peck. “Better, Pocket Pots?”
Harry stuck his tongue between his teeth in a comical imitation of Sirius’ concentration face; Remus shoulders shook as he held back his amusement. “Almonds.”
“Almost,” Sirius corrected gently. “Not almonds. Close, though.”
“Tremzy!” Harry called. Logan looked up from Katie, who was quite happily upside down as he swung her like a clock pendulum. “You’ve gotta make Harzy’s lips purple!”
“Do I?” Logan glanced back down. “Can I set you down, ma princesse?”
“Okay,” he laughed, hauling her over with careful steps. Finn leaned down to kiss him; over his shoulder, Leo and Harry made faces at each other.
“This is perfect,” Sirius murmured, resting his forehead against Remus’ (admittedly sweaty) hair. Remus closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let the stress of wedding planning roll off his back. He could be surrounded by their family in a sea of color for just a little longer—they could be there together.
“I’m proud to be with you,” he said as Regulus clambered onto Leo’s back for ‘a better view’.
It was a cheesy sentiment, but they had never shied away from romcom moments before. He felt Sirius’ soft huff of breath on his temple. “Re…”
I’ll never get tired of the way you say my name. “That’s me.”
The sigh turned to quiet laughter and a kiss. “We are such a cliché.”
“But you love it.”
“Damn right I do.” His lips were sweet and a little sticky, still; Remus wanted to drown in the feeling. “I will always be proud to be with you.”
“Uncle Pads!”
“Yes?” Sirius lifted him out of Finn’s arms with a dramatic groan. “You’re growing up too fast!”
Harry squished his cheeks, then poked the tip of his nose. “Why don’t you wear rainbows?”
Sirius frowned slightly. “I’m wearing rainbows right now.”
“But you only wear them now.”
“You want me to wear rainbows every day?” He cast a look at Remus, who half-shrugged.
“You do look good.”
“Everybody should wear rainbows all the time,” Harry declared. Down the street, a series of party poppers went off, followed by loud cheering from another group.
“Excuse me?” a timid voice asked. Remus startled slightly and turned around; a small group of teenagers was huddled by the massive balloon arch. One young man held his phone up. “Could we—uh, could we get a picture with you guys?”
“Do you want me to take it for you?” Leo offered as Finn took Harry again.
The kid’s eyes went wide, and he nodded enthusiastically. “Sure, thanks!”
“Alright, on three!” Leo squinted in the sunshine as they gathered in a semicircle. “One, two, three, smile!”
“Could we get one with you, too?” one of the girls asked when he lowered the camera.
Sirius took the camera as they shuffled around and swapped positions, crowding close to the rainbow balloons while Harry played with Remus’ colorful suspenders. “Ready? Say cheese!”
“Cheese!” they chorused.
“I got a couple, just in case.” He handed the phone back to the first boy with a smile. “Are you guys having a good time?”
“Yeah, this is amazing,” he answered, a little breathless. “It’s—this is so cool. Thanks again.”
“Pas de problem.”
Remus glanced over just in time to see the girl bump her own rainbow bracelet with Leo’s; both of them were grinning broadly. “Have fun today, okay?” he said, giving the shortest of the group a high five. A jumble of goodbyes answered before they hurried back into the crowd, whispering among themselves while their pins flashed in the sun.
“They were cute,” Sirius said, watching them go with an indecipherable look. “Feels good to know it meant something, y’know?”
“It always does,” Remus agreed, snuggling against his side despite the heat. “I wish—”
Sirius looked down at him when he faltered; Harry yawned so wide his eyes closed. “What?”
“I wish we had this when we were kids.”
Regulus and Leo tumbled out of the rapidly-growing crowd, bickering over who got which part of the cotton candy, while Kasey stood as still as he could so Natalie could finish the small bi flag on his cheek. Sirius’ whole face lit up as he watched them. “It’s even better now.”
Remus watched the second wave of the parade build around them—people of every shape and size were decked out in a whole spectrum of colors, turning the street into a living rainbow in the afternoon sun. He tucked his hand into Sirius’ back pocket and laced their free hands together, listening to his heartbeat under his cheek. “This is the best thing we’ve ever done.”
“Coming to Pride?”
“No.” He held their hands up, and Sirius’ ring caught the light. “This.”
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mageofseven · 4 years
are requests open? how would the brothers (or undateables) react to MC giving them a bouquet of flowers because they want to show their partner they care?
Ooo okay cute! I think I'd add another layer to this and use flower language so each bouquet has a cute meaning~
This will be for just the Brothers, but I will have another post out for the Undateables' version 😊
Gives him a bouquet of red carnations (symbolising love, pride, and admiration) and Peonies (symbolising happy life, happy marriage, good health, and prosperity).
The oldest was in his study, sighing over the stack of paperwork he had been trying to dwindle down all morning.
Their boyfriend has been so busy and stressed lately; the human simply wanted to help ease things for him, but in a new and meaningful way.
At first, the demon didn't didn't even acknowledge when MC stepped in, but when they approached his desk and started rocking on their feet nervously, the man sighed once more and looked up at them.
"I'm sorry, Love. What is it?"
"Okay so...I did a thing..." They mumbled before revealing the bouquet from behind their back.
The Avatar of Pride raised an eyebrow before letting a soft smile spread across his face.
"They are very beautiful. However, I don't recall there being any occasion for them."
"There is though!" MC insisted. "These flowers represent a message for you!"
Lucifer took the human's wrist and guided them around the desk and onto his lap. Arms around them, the demon stared down at the bouquet.
"I see." He kissed their neck. "Well, I'm afraid I am not caught up on my flower language so I'll be relying on your interpretation."
The human blushed and could feel the man's low chuckle from behind them.
"If you truly have a message for me, Love, now is the time to say it."
"I..." MC hid their face in the flowers and mumbled a little. "The red carnations are for love and admiration...I love you so much and I admire how hard you work...but the peonies are for a happy life and good health. I...want you to take better care of yourself."
"I take it you're worried for me?"
"Luce...you didn't come to bed last night and you were in here all day yesterday. Of course, I'm worried--and don't say you can handle this because even so, stress and lack of sleep are not good for you."
The man let out a long sigh before adjusting the human in his arms and rising from his seat.
"If what you need from me is some rest then so be it."
Wouldn't usually give in so easily, but his Love put so much thought into expressing their worry so it would be wrong to simply dismiss them.
Gives him a bouquet of Alstromeria (symbol of wealth, prosperity, and fortune, as well as a flower of friendship) and Sweet Peas (symbolic of departure after having a good time).
It was the night before MC was being sent back to the Human realm. They knocked on his bedroom door and the second brother let them in, eyeing the flowers with a red face.
"W-What are those for??"
"For you." MC smiled. "It's...ya know since I'm leaving tomorrow. It's a thank-you."
Mammon grinned, trying to act confident.
"Well of course you got these for me! You got a lot to thank me for looking out for ya, now dontcha?"
"I really do." MC handed them to the demon. "There's a meaning to my flower choices though. Alstromeria is to wish you luck in money matters and express how much your friendship has meant to me. The sweet peas...to say that I had a lot of fun with you this school year."
The second brother went silent. I mean, what was he supposed to say after hearing that they put so much thought into giving him freaking flowers.
"Just...thank you for everything, Mammon. Really." MC leaned in and kissed his cheek before turning to the door.
The man's brain was short circuiting from the kiss, but still managed to push through the flustered-ness to call out.
"Oil! Wait a second 'ere!"
MC looked over their shoulder, eyebrows raised.
The words died in his mouth. This was his last chance to tell them how he felt...but he wonder if there was any point in it anymore? I mean, they leave tomorrow...
Despite still having the urge to say something, the man lowered his head and waved off the human.
"Eh, forget. Go to bed or something. I have things to do."
And then they left, just as he told them.
Now he's left wondering if he should of spoken up or not he should have.
Gives him a bouquet of Hydrangeas (symbolising heartfelt emotions and used to express gratitude of being understood) and Anemone (which has a positive meaning of anticipation).
It was a couple days before MC had to return to the Human realm.
The two were hanging out like it was any other day though. Levi was immersed in his game, so much so that he didn't notice when MC left the room and came back with the bouquet.
"Levi, pause the game."
"Dude, it's an online match--"
Their boyfriend dropped the controller when he saw the flowers. His face went red as he just ceased to function.
"W-W-What the hell are those?!"
"W-Well duh" He stammered out. "But why are they in my room?"
Because surely, surely they were not for him. I mean, why would the human be giving flowers to a stinky otaku like himself?
"They're for you."
Error. Blue screen. Levi.exe has stopped working. Please reset your Levi and--
"I...look." MC continued. "The hydrangeas represent...well, just how I appreciate the fact that I can be open with you. I feel like you're the only person who truly gets me...not just here in the Devildom, but even compared to those in the Human realm. The anemone...well, it has different meanings, but I'm using it to show that...I can't wait to find my way back to you."
The human was now blushing though not as much as the demon in front of them.
"Basically...I wanna say that I'm glad I'm your Henry and I'll always look forward to finding my way back to you...Levi?"
The man was tearing up.
"Sh-Shut up, Normie...I'm not crying..."
MC laughed and leaned in to kiss their boyfriend.
Yeah...they're happy to be his Henry 💕
Gives him a bouquet of Purple Irises (symbolising eloquence, wisdom, and compliments) and Tulips (signifies a declaration of love and symbolizes perfect love).
Met the fourth brother in the library for their weekly study session.
Satan has been helping MC with some of their harder classes and in turn, the two had been spending a lot more time together
Which made it only too easy for the human to fall for him.
The blonde looked up from the textbook he was skimming through in search of the correct page and raised an eyebrow as he saw MC standing before him, fidgeting in place and head down while hiding something behind their back.
"Is there something you need help with?"
"N-No...I..." The Human bit their lip. "Um...do you know anything about flower language?"
"Floriography? I suppose I know a fair amount." The demon watched them closely. "Do you have any questions based on the language?"
"No, I mean--" MC quickly shoved the bouquet in his face, their own face glowing a bright red. "Please accept these..."
The blonde took the flowers in confusion, staring down at them. Once he identified the flowers in the bouquet, a blush swept across his face, but was quickly replaced by a grin.
"Well now, why don't you tell me what these flowers mean to you?"
"D-Don't you know what they mean already?"
"I'd rather hear it from your lips, Kitten."
The human covered their face when they heard the new nickname.
"Kitten, I cannot accept these if you won't tell me their meaning."
MC lowered their hands.
"I...they..." The human mumbled. "The purple irises are to...well, thank you for your help and show that I really...really admire how knowledgeable you are. And...a-and the tulips..."
"And what about the tulips?"
"Please stop teasing me..."
The blonde chuckled before setting the bouquet on the table next to them and pulling MC close.
"Alright then. My answer is that I feel the same way, Kitten."
The demon goes to fetch a vase for the flowers to sit on the table with them as they study.
Gives him of a bouquet of White Lilies (symbolising modesty and virginity), Aster (symbolising patience), purple lilac (symbolising first love), and Anemone (which mainly has negative symbolism to it, but can also be used to to symbolize anticipation in a positive interpretation).
The Avatar of Lust went to his room to change out of his school uniform and found the human sitting on his bed with the bouquet.
"Aww, Doll!"
The man rush over and squeeze the human in an embrace, carefully of the flowers.
"Oh you're so sweet! Getting me flowers like this!"
MC hid their face in their boyfriend's shoulder.
"Azzy...I have something to say."
"Okay~ what is it?"
MC pulled back and stared down at the flowers.
"I...do you know anything about Floriography?"
"Flower language? Oh, Doll, who do you think you're talking to? Of course~."
"Well...I used that for this bouquet."
"Ooo okay." The man gently took the bouquet from them. "Let's see then~ I see Lilies and Asters. Oh! A couple lilacs-- I love you two, Dolly."
He leaned in and kissed them.
"Oh and--" The smile that had been on his face suddenly fell when he spotted the anemone. "Dolly...is something wrong?"
The human started tugging on their sleeves.
"I'm sorry..."
"Hey...come here."
The demon laid the bouquet on the bed and pulled MC back into his arms. Face buried back into his shoulder, the man stroked his human's hair.
"It's okay. You know you can talk to me, right?"
MC didn't speak at first, just let their boyfriend's gentle comfort calm them for a bit.
"I...I'm sorry." They mumbled again. "I've probably just been overthinking. I just...it wouldn't leave my mind so even though it's hard to say, I knew I needed to talk about it and I thought it'd be easier with the flowers..."
"It's okay, Dolly. Take your time; I'm right here."
The demon kissed the top of the human's head.
"I just...you've been really good about not pushing me into...ya know...that next step. And I really appreciate it and everything because I've never done anything like that before. You're the first person I've ever dated, the first person I've ever fallen in love with...you've been my first date, my first kiss...and I want you to have my next first, but I'm still anxious about it. I feel bad though; I feel like I'm disappointing you since you're the Avatar of Lust and I just--"
"Oh Honey no!" The man didn't mean to interrupt them; he simply couldn't hold his words in anymore. "It's not like that at all. I'm with you for you, not your body. I can wait as long as you need me to."
He pulled away so he could look them in the eyes.
"I'm not going to be disappointed because you're not ready. We can wait as long as you need, okay?"
"Are...are you sure?"
"Of course, Doll. I don't want you to feel pressured into it. When we take that next step, I want it to be just beautiful and memorable for you as it will be for me and not something you feel obligated to do, okay?"
The Avatar of Lust finds a vase for the flowers and sets them on his vanity before cuddling up with the human in bed, keeping them close and murmuring sweet compliments and praises in their ear.
Asmo can wait. As long as he can hold his Dolly close and love them with all of his heart, he could wait a million years for them if that's what they needed.
Gives him a bouquet of Sunflowers (symbolising adoration, dedication, and dedicated love) and Peonies (symbolic of bashfulness, but also a happy life, happy marriage, and prosperity).
MC was too excited to give it to him so they waited outside of House of Lamentation for him to come back from practice.
"Beel! Beely come look!"
The redhead smiled at their Muffin and quickened his steps until he was right next to them.
"Here~." MC proudly presented the bouquet to him.
"It's very pretty. Thank you." Beel took the bouquet before leaning down and kissing the human.
"It's more than a bouquet though! It has symbolic meaning."
The demon raised.
"What's it mean then?"
MC blushed a bit before diverting their gaze from their boyfriend--or rather their fiancé since his proposed recently, hence why they made this bouquet for him.
"It's just...another way of saying I hope we'll always be happy together."
The big guys smiled before picking up his Muffin and kissing their forehead.
"I know we will, Muffin. Always."
Gives him a bouquet of Statices (symbolizes remembrance and sympathy) and Red Roses (symbolising a deep love).
Sleepy boy woke up so confused when he found the flower basically shoved in his face.
"...What the hell am I looking at?"
"No duh, Butthead." He pushed the flowers away, looking up at his Human. "I mean, why do you have them?"
"They're for you."
The man sighed.
"Fine..." He took the bouquet and set it on the other side of the bed before pulling MC down to him so they could lay together.
"Belphie, there's a point to them; they have meaning."
The man's eyes were already closed, ready to go back to sleep.
"Yeah? What?"
Silence. Avatar of Sloth cracked open an eye and saw his Human's expression weighed down with sadness.
"What's wrong?" Both eyes opened, he tightened his hold on them.
"It's...it's my way asking you to let it go."
Now it was the demon's turn to go silent.
Since the Incident™️, Belphie's been extra protective of them, but simultaneously really distant and harsh? It's been a back and forth sort of thing and even when they started dating, the trend stayed.
MC knew that he was just afraid of hurting them again. Sometimes he felt that keeping them close was for the best and others, he felt like pushing them away was. This back and forth was all because of the guilt that he carried.
Nervous, the human continued.
"The roses represent how much I love you and the statices...to show that even though I have not forgotten, I understand why you did it and I'm not upset. I forgave you instantly because I knew the pain you were in. I just...now I need you to forgive yourself, Belphie."
The demon buried his face in their neck.
"I don't want to talk about this."
"Oh...I'm sorry."
Belphie pulled back and gave the human a small kiss.
"Don't apologize for everything." He kissed them again. "You didn't do anything wrong."
It will take a lot more than a bouquet to make their boyfriend's guilt disappear, but the love and care behind it...the demon felt it, even if he didn't say it out loud.
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 11)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 My Master Post
Virgil smiled awkwardly at the cashier when he entered the gas station and went straight to the coffee machine. He went ahead and grabbed the largest size cup for Patton because they were going to be on the road for a while.
He… didn’t quite understand why the man was still going to be driving for Virgil when there was no knife involved, but hopefully it wasn’t a trick.
It was probably a trick.
He should probably tell the cashier he’d been kidnapped.
But then the cashier would definitely call the cops and, knowing his mother, Virgil would definitely be screwed. So, instead, Virgil put the lid on Patton’s now filled coffee cup and found that there was one plain donut with chocolate frosting still in the case. He grabbed that and then searched around the candy aisle for a bit. He finally settled on a pack of Red Vines and grabbed a blue raspberry slushie. If he was going to get axe murdered by some guy that kept a stuffed bear named Barnaby in his car, he was going to do so with a blue tongue.
He handed over the 20-dollar bill to the cashier and then gathered up the snacks and drinks to take them to the car.
He caught Patton with his phone in his hands while he was pumping gas. “Hey, what are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“Just sending a text to my brother so he doesn’t worry too much,” Patton replied quickly. Virgil gave him a suspicious look. When it became clear that Virgil wasn’t going to willingly take a step closer to the car after that, Patton sighed and held out his phone. “You can see,” he said.
Virgil set the drinks and snacks down on the hood of the car and took the phone. The phone indeed was open to just a string of emojis sent to someone called “Lo-Lo” in Patton’s phone. The string of emojis read “🛒🧀🧀🧀💵🚙👶🏻🔪🥺🚙🍔🍟🍦📞🤐📻😭😴😱👣🤳🧸⛽️🗺☕️😎👍 ❤️”
“There is… no way he’d understand that,” Virgil said. “I barely understand it and I lived it.” He paused. “I am not a baby.”
Patton snatched the phone back. “I didn’t say you were.”
“You typed ‘knife baby’ in emoji!” Virgil said.
“Baby with a knife actually,” Patton said unrepentant. He grabbed his coffee and donut off the hood of the car and opened the driver’s door to put the drink in the cup holder and the donut on the seat. Then, he went to finish up pumping the gas.
Virgil frowned, but he did pick up his snack and drink and got into the passenger seat. He’d already thrown his lots in with the possible serial killer anyway.
Patton finished pumping the gas and got back into the car.
“Don’t sit on your…” he sat on his donut.
“Oops!” he said. He sat up and grabbed the donut to take a bite. “Still good,” he declared with a grin.
Virgil rolled his eyes and took a long drag of the slushie.
“Don’t get brain freeze!”
“Whatever da-” He froze, chocking on the word.
Patton looked over at him, his face turning serious suddenly. “Hey kiddo,” the man said softly. He reached over to put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with warm earnest eyes that made Virgil want to believe his words. “I’m going to make sure you’re okay, okay?”
Virgil looked away from his far too knowing eyes. “You don’t even know me, why would you?”
“I like helping people when I can. A couple hours of driving aren’t much to make sure someone else is safe. I spend a lot of my life driving anyway.”
“What do you even do?” Virgil asked.
“I mostly do odd jobs for my brother.”
“That doesn’t sound like a real job,” Virgil said.
He started the car and began to back up as he answered. “Do you know much about real jobs, then?” he asked.
“Well…” Virgil said. “I mean, no, but… still.”
Patton smiled over at him. “Okay, I answered a question about me-” Did he though? Virgil narrowed his eyes at him. “Now you answer a question about you.”
“Why?” Virgil asked suspiciously.
“Well, we have an hour and a half of driving left and neither of us are kidnapped anymore, we might as well get to know each other.”
“…What’s the question?”
“What’s your favorite subject in school?” Patton asked cheerily.
“Really?” Virgil asked. “Is this what we’re doing?” Patton just smiled over at him and Virgil went about tearing open his package of Red Vines. “English,” he said taking a bite of his candy.
“I always liked History myself, but English was fun.”
Virgil hummed. “You have any family other than your brother?” he asked.
“Lo has two sons. They’re twins.”
“Cool,” Virgil replied.
“Favorite color?”
“Purple. So, you don’t have kids then?”
“Not of my own,” Patton replied. “But I helped with the twins when they were younger, and I like to think of all of my coworkers as my kiddos.”
Virgil’s face twisted up. He didn’t know much about adult workplaces, but… “I’m sure they appreciate that,” Virgil scoffed
“I like to think so,” Patton said, seeming to not even register the skepticism in Virgil’s tone. Was the man ever anything but chipper? “Favorite movie?”
“Ratatouille,” he said on instinct and then felt his stomach drop. His favorite movie was Ratatouille because Uncle Emile always insisted on playing it during movie nights. Dad would complain loudly because he knew that Emile and Virgil would spend the rest of the night making jokes about dad having the same name as the rat.
“I don’t want to play this game anymore,” Virgil said, choked.
Patton glanced over at him in surprise. “Okay,” he said softly. Virgil was thankful he didn’t try to push.
They drove for another 10 minutes. Virgil did his best not to think about… everything, but it got increasingly harder. He tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie, his slushie and Red Vines forgotten. Finally, Patton looked back over at him, his eyes concerned. Virgil curled into himself expecting him to try to needle Virgil into talking.
Instead he just smiled sadly at him. “Why don’t we play a different game?”
“I… sure,” Virgil agreed. Might as well. Maybe it would help. “What game?”
“Ooo!” Patton said. “How about ‘I Kill Your Cows’? Lo always threatens to kill me by the end of that game.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah!” Patton said, “Because that means I’m winning.”
Virgil puffed out an amused breath. “Okay. How do you play?” he asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “Basically, when you see a group of cows you can claim them and say ‘I have 10 cows’ or however many there are. Whoever says it first gets the cows. If you see a church or other place people get married, you can say ‘I marry my cows’ and then your cows double. If you see a graveyard, you can say ‘I kill your cows’ and reset the other player back to zero cows. If you see a barn you can say ‘I put however many cows in that barn’ and the cows go in the barn. When they’re in the barn, they can’t be killed, but they can’t be married either. You have to wait to see another barn before you can take them out again.”
“Alright,” Virgil agreed. “Sure. Why not?”
“Great!” Patton said. “There’s a field of them up there. Since you’re new to the game, I’ll let you grab the first few.”
Virgil squinted at the cows in the field. “I have 6 cows,” he said.
“Nice job!” Patton said.
Virgil rolled his eyes. He didn’t know what was impressive about counting a few cows, but he smiled a bit anyway.
They continued to play the cow game for a while. Patton was obviously really good at this game and obviously trying to not be as good at the game as he actually was so Virgil wouldn’t lose by a million cows.
They turned on the radio after a while. Unfortunately, the conspiracy channel had fizzled out by now, so they turned to a local station that played a mix of music.
“Can I take horses?” Virgil asked after about 20 minutes of play.
“Sure,” Patton replied. “Go ahead.”
“Okay, I have 4 horses.”
“Ooo!” Patton said. “That horsey is a palomino! I’ll trade you two cows for that horse.”
Virgil was pretty sure that’s not how it was supposed to work. But… Patton was 18 animals ahead… “20,” Virgil countered.
Patton glanced over at him. “5.”
“11, so I’m winning for once.”
He thought about it for a long moment. “Deal,” he finally said.
“Yes!” Virgil said excitedly. “I’m winning!”
Patton smiled over at him. “I have five cows,” he said.
Virgil’s head shot up to look out the windshield. There were, in fact, five cows in the pasture right in front of them. “Dammit!”
Patton coughed meaningfully.
“You can’t murder me like that and then get mad when I cuss,” Virgil grumbled.
“Aw, cheer up kiddo. At least we haven’t found a graveyard yet.”
“But when we do, you will guiltlessly murder all of my cows,” Virgil said. “Because you are truly evil.”
Patton just laughed at him. Virgil grumpily reached forward to turn up the radio so he could ignore him easier.
The song that was playing faded out as he did so, and the radio jockey came on the air. “Quick traffic update, there’s been an accident on I-26. A semi-truck full of cattle rolled over near exit 52 and eastbound traffic has been stopped. If you’re on I-26, we’d suggest you find an alternative route as it will take a while to get all of the cows rounded up.”
“Well I’m glad we got off the interstate when we did,” said Patton.
“Yeah,” agreed Virgil. “It would suck to be stuck in the middle of that.” He paused and listened to the radio jockey continue to explain that the semi had been carrying at least 150 cows. “Hey, Patton, can I claim cows remotely?”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 12
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Hey - Riku x Reader
Aha, Xeha-non! I tricked you! I wasn’t writing Roxas, I was writing Riku! It’s about time I gave this boy some love. 
               “Hey handsome.” I slide the book from the desk and take its place, grinning down at the boy. A snowy brow arches in response, before those teal orbs peer up at me. “Slackin’ on your homework?”
               “Maybe,” he grumbles. I display the text and he continues scribbling down his answers.
               “Ooo, even I got the homework done. You’re not tellin’ me I’m about to slip ahead on our grades are you?” I tease.
               He doesn’t even bother to look up. “Not even close.”
               I laugh. Of course it’s not. This kid could miss an entire month of school and still manage to beat me in almost every class. Not that I’m dumb or anything, he’s just that smart—now if only I could get him to realize that I’ve been hardcore flirting with him for over a year now.
               Riku and I have been neighbors since we were little. We were never really friends and that was fine by me; we only occasionally passed by each other on our way to school or in the halls. It wasn’t until we turned fourteen and actually had a class together that I lost my mind. He probably just views me as a mild nuisance at this point, but I can’t help myself around him anymore. He doesn’t acknowledge any of it though.
               The end-of-day bell rings and I stand up with a stretch. “Wha’chu think, Riku? Shall we do the project together?”
               “Hm?” Like a needle pricking at my heart, he wasn’t paying attention. “Oh, I mean we can. But it just sounds like you’re trying to keep that gap between us from getting bigger.” Gods, if I could turn that smirk into something sincere, I’d probably die happy.
               “Please. You may have me in maths and science, but you suck at English.”
               “I’m one grade below you. Also, what does telling a story have do with any career?”
               I count on my fingers. “Journalism, news, authors, basic communication skills.”
               “We’re communicating aren’t we?”
               “Barely.” Oh honey, there’s so much more than what we say…
               His eyes roll but we agree to meet tonight at six to work on this story we’re supposed to write. I waste the day away mulling over this nonsense between us. Clearly this boy isn’t going to get the hint; I could probably kiss him and he would just blow it off as an accident. Yet I still can’t tell if it’s because he’s not interested or just strangely oblivious to flirting. Eventually, I admit defeat—I’m going to have to just flat out tell him. I decide it’d be best to do it tonight, when there’s time for us to talk it out; though that does put me at risk for making this project insanely awkward. I suck it up and plan my words out for the end of the night until six rolls around.
               I pull open the door to find my classmate there, staring out at the horizon. “Hey handsome.” There’s still time to drop plenty of hints before the night ends, but he doesn’t respond. “You okay?” There are some gloomy looking clouds in the distance.
               “Uh, yeah,” he replies, shaking it off. “Let’s get this dumb project done.”
               “And here I thought you just enjoyed my company,” I say, letting him in.
               We start to flesh out a basic a plot for this adventure short, all the while he keeps glancing out the window at the approaching storm. I, on the other hand, am starting to feel the nerves gnaw at my gut.
               “Are you sure you’re alright?” I ask, pulling his attention from the window for the umpteenth time since we started.
               Looking away from his distraction, Riku scribbles on his paper. “Yeah.”
               He’s not going to tell me what’s bothering him. Perhaps it’s time to tell him what’s bothering me instead.
               “Hey Riku?” He hums that that he’s listening before meeting my gaze. This could be it: the end of my endeavors, the end of my shenanigans, possibly the end of a friendship. Here goes nothing.
               Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth to start again, but the storm lets us know that it’s here.
               When the lightning flashes, Riku abruptly stands. “I gotta go.”
               “What?” I stand with him but he heads for the door.
               “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” All those worries he’s been holding back all night have finally broken through. He hurriedly shoves his feet into his shoes.
               “But-” The boy rips the door open and takes off down the street, not even in the direction of his home. I stand in the doorway, stunned, confused, and a little heart-broken. “…Be safe.”
               The storm that night was terrible.
A year later…
               This last year or so has been kind of dreary. Since that storm hit, three kids disappeared from our islands. Days were spent searching, but only the ocean could’ve kept them hidden from us for so long. Then we came across a miracle; some weeks after their disappearance, Kairi had been found on the beach of the smaller island. From what I heard, she had been groggy and confused for a while, but remembered nothing of what happened. As for Sora and Riku, we never found them.
               I was upset for a long time but time heals all wounds supposedly. In reality, I’d just learned to think about it less and went about life. There wasn’t anything else I could’ve done. Even if my heart is still hung up on him, it’s not like I can bring him back. So, on the surface, I take my dreary days the same as my normal ones: one step at a time, no matter how hard the next step is.
               Nope. Don’t think about it.
               Clearing my head of memories I don’t have time to dwell on, I brush the hair from my eyes and readjust the bag of groceries in my arms. It’s Friday, school’s out, I’ve just done my shopping for the week, and now it’s time to go home and relax.
               My body freezes before I turn to person I just passed. He’s a tall, young man, his muscular arms bare. The first instinct is to put some space between us, but that mop of white hair is unmistakable; sure it’s longer than it was but it’s his.
               “Riku?” I breathe, afraid to believe it is. Have I finally lost it?
               His aqua eyes are just visible beneath that mess. “It’s been a while,” he tells me.
               That voice; it’s the same and it still makes my heart flutter. The bag in my arm is hastily set aside before I barrel into the boy, arms around his waist as tightly as I can hold. I could melt when he returns the gesture but I’m too busy trying to keep from crying.
               I step back, wiping at my eyes. “Sorry. I just…Everyone thinks you’re dead.”
               He’s taking the fact pretty lightly. “I can imagine so.”
               “What happened?” I murmur.
               “Uh, I can’t exactly explain it,” he answers, dodging my question. Something about him seems softer than before. “The storm took me someplace far away and a lot of stuff happened. But I’m here now.”
               Taking in his words, I want to question him. There was a whole year where I thought he was at the bottom of the ocean; of course I want to know everything. However, above all of that, I’m relieved he’s back.
               I smile. “Well hey, welcome back handsome.”
               Riku’s responding chuckle dies out to something hesitant. “Are you busy tonight?”
               Reaching down, I scoop my groceries back up. “No. Just making dinner and being lazy tonight.”
               “Do you want to hang out?”
               It takes everything I have to not scream ‘Yes!’ at him. “Didn’t you just get back?”
               “Yeah,” he says with a sheepish grin. “But Kairi spent a few long hours nagging me about being so oblivious.”
               His shoulders bounce but I don’t miss that old spark of mischief. “That whole year before I left, you were flirting with me.”
               It’s suddenly a bit too hot for me and my brain threatens to malfunction. Instead, I take my turn to answer sheepishly, “I mean, yeah. But I think you settling in again is probably more important.”
               “It can wait. I’ve got a lot of stupidity to make up for.”
               I may never stop smiling again. “Only two years worth.”
               “Then I’d better get started.” I could just squeal. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”
               “I’ll see you then.”
               I bid the boy goodbye and it takes everything I have not to explode before I’m sure he’s well out of sight. And that’s it; my brain is shot for the rest of the day. I’m not doing homework, none of my chores get done, and dinner is nothing that I had planned. I just lie around, giddy as a teenager should be.
               I force myself not to bolt for the door when I hear a knock; I cannot, however, help the swelling happiness in my chest when I see him waiting for me.
               “Hey handsome,” I greet. That’s an adorable blush trying to spread across his face.
               “Hey. Are you ready?”
               I tilt my head. “We’re going out? Isn’t it kinda late?”
               “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from the monsters.” There’s a bit of the old self-confidence I remember him having.
               “Oh my knight in shining armor.” I follow Riku to the docks and I should’ve known he’d be taking me to the smaller island; it was his favorite place to hang out. But I’ve never been there at night so this will be a new experience for me.
               After he’s tied up the little boat, he offers a hand to me. “Careful.”
               “You’ve become quite the gentleman,” I tease, taking his hand.
               My joking goes right out the window when he pulls me up with absolutely no effort. “I think not wanting my date to hurt themself is just common courtesy.”
               “Fair enough.” I pray he doesn’t catch the mild quaver in the two words. “So what exactly are we doing out here?”
               “Whatever you want; just hanging out,” he says, walking out onto the moonlit beach. With a grunt, he plops down into the soft, white sand. With a bit more grace, I sit beside him.
               The ocean before us is dazzling. The water is calm, gently lapping at the land and reflecting the light from above. An endless sky is filled with millions of twinkling stars painting shades of blue and purple around the shining moon. There are no birds or strangers to interrupt the white-noise of the water; just us. And we’re not exactly quiet. We talk and laugh and joke about all sorts of things. I get vague hints that Riku’s time away had been quite an ordeal but we skirt around those topics. Still, I feel like I’m finally connecting to him; I’m not hiding anything or hinting at hidden feelings. I’m able to fully express myself. And though he may not be as snarky as he had been, I’m still enamored all the same.
               “It’s funny.” Riku says, looking up to the stars. “I wanted nothing more than to get off this island, but when I found out about you, I couldn’t wait to get back.
               Thank goodness it’s dark. “That’s kind of a silly reason to suddenly change your dreams.”
               “Not after the adventure I’ve had.” I don’t get a chance to dwell on the darkness in his words. Instead, my heart jumps into my throat when his hand sits on top of mind with a gentle squeeze. “Besides, I think you’re discounting yourself way too much. You’re worth changing dreams for.”
               What the hell do I say to that?! I sigh. “I know I was flirting with you but that doesn’t mean you have to do this. You don’t owe me anything. If you want, we can just-”
               My words are effectively silenced. It’s not smooth or gentle but Riku jams our lips together. I never would use the word awkward to describe him but this is terribly so. I still don’t hate it.
               I don’t know if it’s my own blush or the heat rolling off him, but the air between us is hot. When he breaks away, there’s that smile—I can die happy now.
               “If you end that sentence with ‘be friends,’ I’m going to throw you in the ocean,” he warns, a note of longing there.
               The astonishment in me takes a dive, succeeded by desire. Pulling myself up by his jacket, I swing a leg over Riku’s. My hands weave into his hair, pushing the locks from his face, revealing those beautiful teal eyes. Without another moment’s hesitation, I take a second kiss.
               First kisses are overrated. They’re awkward and never certain of both people’s feelings. But second kisses; with the confidence, understanding, and trust; those are the moments of passion that melt hearts. I am no exception. My insides are filled with thousands of butterflies but I can’t get enough—I will never get enough. I could live in this moment forever: just the two of us in this beautiful scene with our new-found love. I would’ve been gone only a moment too soon had I died earlier.
               Lips part, gasping for air. My eyes rapidly scan his face, trying to commit this moment to memory. Then the wave of euphoria washes over me and I let out a breathy laugh.
               “Fine. We’re not friends.”
Months Later…
               I trail through the sand, water lapping at my feet, birds cawing overhead, sun raining warmth on this quiet, little, lonely island.
               It’s been several months and it sucks. I got warning this time that he was going, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about his absence. The way he talked about it was like I may never see him again and he wouldn’t even give me any details. It was just ‘I gotta go’ and ‘I don’t know if I’ll come back,’ then he kissed me and disappeared; left me crying on the beach by myself. Even Sora and eventually Kairi disappeared too, but no, I get left behind. I’ve been flipping between anger and depression so much sometimes I just cry while I break things. Maybe it was ridiculous for me to think we’d always be together, maybe it would’ve been easier if he just said he was sick of me, but the fact that we were still so infatuated when he left makes this all the more miserable. I had less than a year to fall head-over-heels in love with him and, boy, did he leave his mark.
               Today’s one of those low days, where I miss him so much it almost hurts. So I’m on the little island, hoping for distractions; I’d even take memories of our little moments here—anything to dull the pain.
               Another round of sorrow creeps up on me and I take a moment to attempt clearing my vision.
               “Hey gorgeous.”
               My heart shudders so forcefully everything goes black and my ears ring. It clears quickly enough that I whirl around. He’s there, gasping like he ran a marathon to get here. I can’t believe it; also, I can’t take it. I take a running leap at Riku who falls on his ass to catch me.
               Sobbing into his shoulder, I manage to get out, “You’re not allowed to leave me again. I swear to the gods that I will tie you down if I have to.”
               Hugging me with his entire body, Riku answers, “I have so much to tell you.”
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angelsandacceptance · 3 years
Genie of the Lamp
Chase and Harley’s plane touches down on the tarmac in Oahu, Hawaii. After everyone leaves the plane the girls head to their hotel with an ocean view. On the plane Harley had started rereading the Harry Potter series for the thousandth time. Chase, rather, had binge watched horror movies while cross-stitching (and has now made up her mind to never admit how many times she stabs herself).
 “This is the nicest place we’ve stayed in a while,” Harley comments when the two enter the hotel room. The room is quaint, but lavish compared to the motels they were used to staying in. This room had high, white walls, a large bathroom, with a jacuzzi tub and shower. Ornate mirrors hang on the walls opposite each bed, with a large flat screen tv in the center.
Chase sighs, running and landing on her back as she jumps onto one of the beds with a laugh. “This place is awesome! Ugh, just what we’ve needed. When’s the last time either of us had an actual vacation?”
“There was that week I decided to visit my family.”
“Yeah, but that was still a while ago. This is also like, real vacation. I mean, look at that view!” Chase points out the large window, spanning most of the far wall, curtains pulled back to display the gorgeous view; they can both see the beach, with the waves lapping at the shore, few people dotting the shoreline as they relax in the sun. Green, lush wildlife grows abundantly all around them. “We don’t see that everyday. Can’t tell you when the last time I was at the beach was.”
“Me either. I can’t wait to be in the ocean again.”
“Same! Let’s change real quick, then we can head down to the water.”
The girls change in their swimsuits, before grabbing towels and running down to the beach. Harley has to chastise Chase, who forgets to put sunscreen on and begins to turn pink within minutes.
After Harley is satisfied with Chase’s cover of sunscreen, which only helps to make her look somehow paler than normal, they race to the water. Chase grabs Harley in a bridal style hold, only to quickly drop her in the surprisingly warm waves. Chase, however, is not thinking clearly when she does this, because Harley’s arms are laced around her neck, dragging her into the water as well. They both surface, spluttering, wiping the water from their eyes. They both shriek and laugh at each other’s reactions as they dive further into the waves, splashing each other. 
The girls head to a food shack on the beach soaking wet, towels loosely tied around their hips, though not bothering to catch the water dripping from their hair. Chase brushes hers back with her fingers, pushing the accidental pink strands from her face (accidental because the die was purple but didn’t stick). Harley simply ignores her own Auburn-red hair, which drips slightly from her bangs. 
A waiter comes by, asking if they are ready to order. Having known what their first meal in Hawaii would be, they both nod excitedly. They each order fish and chips and Chase gets a fruity cocktail. 
“God, I love fish.” Harley says, eating a piece.
Chase, taking a bite of her cod, nods enthusiastically. “This is so amazing. Ugh, the boys are missing out.”
“Yeah, too bad Dean’s afraid of flying. If he wasn’t they might’ve come.”
“I don’t know. Sam did say that he didn’t want to go so far. But yeah, Dean probably could have changed his mind. I mean, c’mon dude I’m scared of heights and everything, but you don’t see that stopping me.”
“True, guess he’s just a scaredy cat.”
Chase laughs. “Don’t let him catch you saying that. It might hurt his feelings.”
“Then he’s a sensitive scaredy cat.”
“Another thing to not let him catch you saying.”
“Let him hear it. I’ve caught him saying worse about me.”
“Yeah, he probably wouldn’t say anything he’d just go in the corner and pout.”
“That would be hilarious.”
Chase nods agreeing, taking another bite of her food.
The girls got back to their hotel room to find a collective amount of 30 missed calls from Dean and texts from Sam saying he tried to stop him. Harley immediately calls him back and he picks up before the first ring. 
“Where the hell were you? I thought the plane went down!” Dean shouts.
“We just went swimming. Chill,” Harley says, trying to calm him down.
“Would it’ve killed you to call... Wait, you went swimming? What are you wearing?”
“Gross!” Chase yells into the phone.
Dean hesitates before defending himself, “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that!”
“You’re Dean, of course you did,” Chase says. 
“Maybe I’ll tell you later,” Harley teases.
Chase turns to Harley with wide eyes, mouthing, ‘Oh, we are so talking about that later.’ before turning back to the phone. “Don’t get any funny ideas there, Deano. I can and will kick your ass.”
Dean and Sam both laugh over the phone, Dean having obviously put the girls on speaker. 
“Ten bucks on Chase,” Sam comments. 
“Hey!” Dean exclaims.
“I’m so not getting involved in this one,” Harley says.
“So no one’s betting on me?”
“Course not, Dean. Why would they?” Chase laughs. The girls can both just imagine the pout on his face. “Look, now you know we aren’t dead, so can we go to enjoy our vacation please?”
“What if I want to talk to you?” Dean asks. 
“You literally could have come with us, but noooo. You’re too much of a scaredy cat to.”
“Hey, you’re afraid of heights, Chase,” Dean says in defense. 
“Yeah, but you don’t see that stopping me. I promise, we will talk to you later, okay?”
“I want nightly and morning updates!”
“Nightly,” Harley says, trying to compromise.
“And pictures,” Sam says. 
“Okay, okay, we promise.” “Good,” Dean says. “I will talk to you two later.”
The girls bid their goodbyes, then hang up, sighing in relief before looking at each other in disbelief. They both burst out laughing, thinking of how Dean is paranoid, but how it is also endearing. 
“Morning and night. I mean really? Once a day is more than enough,” Harley mutters.
“Really though. What does he think’s gonna happen?”
“Who knows what goes on in that brain of his.”
“Well obviously what goes on in that brain of his is ideas of you in a swimsuit.”
“Any girl in a swimsuit more like.”
“I dunno about that. He seems very keen on just you. However, I have to ask. ‘Maybe I’ll tell you later’ probably did not help him think about anything else. What was with that comment?” Chase fake shudders. “It was in front of me and everything.”
“I was just teasing him. It’s not like it meant anything,” Harley says plopping down on her bed.
“Right. It meant nothing. Nothing at all. I bet that is definitely the truth,” Chase says, sarcasm dripping heavily from each word. “Because thinking that you would say that and not mean it in any way would be preposterous. Of course I know you were teasing him! My point is you wouldn’t be teasing him without due cause.”
“I really would be though.”
Chase raises an eyebrow. “Mmmhmmm. Sure. Let me just call bullshit real quick.”
“Okay maybe I wanted him to think of me a little, but that’s it.” Harley says defending herself.
“Yeah,” Chase scoffs. “Just ‘A little’.”
The girls woke up the next morning, well, Chase woke up. Mainly because Harley didn’t know how to be quiet while she’s getting ready.
Sitting up onto her elbows, Chase checks her phone, groaning at the sight of a steady 7:21 staring back at her. She turns to Harley with a frown and creased brows. “You seriously couldn’t have waited nine more minutes for my alarm to go off?”
“Sorry, Scooby wasn’t cutting it for me anymore,” Harley says as South Nashville Blues plays at full volume in the bathroom and she does her makeup.
Chase, meanwhile, flops backwards onto her bed, simultaneously grabbing a pillow and covering her face. “Wake me up in nine minutes.”
“Six minutes now.”
“Wake me up in six minutes then!” Chase exclaims, her voice muffled by the pillow. 
“Fine,” Harley sighs, dragging the word out before asking herself, “Should I even bother doing my hair? It’s just going to get wet. We’ll probably get some photos on land though. Right?”
“I’m curling mine, then I’m not gonna care until after we get back out of the water. After that, I’ll probably just braid it.”
“I can’t stand when my hair’s curly. I think I’m gonna straighten it. Just in case. Hey, did you bring any hairspray? I didn’t pack any.”
“Oh yeah, I did. I wanted to make sure my curls stayed even if it got windy. Why? You don’t need it to straighten your hair.”
“Yeah, but you can use it to waterproof your makeup.”
Chase shoots up in bed. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah. I’ve done it before.”
“Okay, I’ve got to try this! I was just planning on skipping eyeliner, but now I don’t have to.” Chase gets out of bed, silencing her alarm before it could go off, joining Harley in the bathroom. 
Harley fiddles with the radio before giving up and playing something on her phone.
Chase groans, letting up on the gas. “Why is this car so touchy?”  She turns to Harley, gesturing slightly to the speedometer. “This car is so annoying! Jack would never do this to me.”
“It’s because it’s a newer car. That’s why it’s so touchy.”
Chase scoffs. “That doesn’t give it the right.”
“It’s just for a couple of days.”
“The audacity!” Chase exclaims dramatically.
“Calm down, it’s just for a little while.”
Chase sighs, continuing as though Harley hadn’t spoken. “Just like the audacity you have, claiming you don’t like my brother.”
“Hey, we're not in Jack. No talk about me liking Dean.”
Chase rolls her eyes. “Whatever you say.”
“Thank you.”
Sudden realization dawns on Chase. “Wait, you just admitted you liked him!” Chase refrains from screeching-but just barely. 
“I didn’t mean I liked him. I just meant you think I like him.”
“Ugh. Okay, okay, fine whatever. Be in denial. What’s our first scene gonna look like for pictures?”
“We could do a shot like the main poster for H2O.”
“Ooo, yes.”
“And then I brought my waterproof camera.”
“Wait, you did bring it? I forgot my polaroid sadly.”
“Yeah, I remembered thankfully.”
“Okay, cool. Now here we are! Surf  ‘N’ Shack. Think they sell food? I didn’t eat breakfast.”
“I’m sure they sell food.”
The girls smile, looking out at the wake crashing onto the shore. Plenty of beach is in front of them, but there is also rocky cliffs situated to their right. The perfect place to take photos. The girls had their rented silicone mermaid tails and struggled to put them on for longer than they would like to admit.
“That was exhausting.” Harley admits as she finally gets her tail on.
“That was… unpleasant. But the pictures will be well worth it.”
“They better be,” Harley says, flipping herself over so she’s not sitting on her dorsal fin.
Chase struggles to her feet, using the surrounding rocks to help her hop closer to the water. “This is gonna take a while,” she laughs after three hops. 
Harley starts crawling across the sand towards the water dragging her tail behind her. Chase laughs at her, before losing balance and falling over.
“It’s easier this way,” Harley chuckles.
“Well, it looks weird. Oh my God! I just realized. It is going to be so much harder to get this off when it’s wet!”
“I don’t know about that.”
“Well, it’ll definitely be more uncomfortable.”
“It’ll be weird for sure. Like shedding your skin.”
“I never asked, wanted, or imagined that mental image until now. So thank you for that.” 
“You’re welcome. Wait, we should take the H2O photo before we reach the water.”
Chase gasps. “That’s brilliant!”
“I have my moments.”
“You mean moment, because you’re never not brilliant.”
“Aww! Thanks!”
“Well duh.” Chase scoots closer to the water. “Now, let’s get this done with so we can go swimming!”
Harley takes the photo as her arms are longer. Then they continued to crawl till they reach deep enough water to swim.
“I’m beached! I’m a beached whale!” Harley yells as she reaches the shore.
“I’ll save you,” Chase shouts, swimming and then scooting up the shore to Harley. Then, she lays there, tired out. “Shit, now I’m beached.”
The two girls started laughing uncontrollably at their beached state.
“Best vacation ever,” Harley says between laughs.
“I’m just glad that we get to relax and nothing is going wrong.”
“Oh god, did you just jinx it?”
Chase shrugs, peeling her tail back a little at a time. “I doubt it,” she huffs. “Seriously. We are in Hawaii on vacation for Thanksgiving. We deserve a break. I’m sure God, wherever the hell he is, recognizes our efforts, and will grant us some peace.”
“Sure, like he’s been much help before.”
“Well, he will give us peace this week, or he will be punched very, very hard when I meet him.” Chase looks to the sky. “And that’s a promise!”
Harley begins trying to kick out of her monofin before pulling the tail skin down.
Chase shimmies out of hers, kicking her legs slightly, her hands brace on the ground behind her for support. “This is one of the most annoying things I’ve ever had to deal with.” Blowing the hair out of her eyes, she continues, “What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”
“The spa and that hike to the Kaniakapupu ruins.”
“Oh, yes, a spa. That sounds like heaven.”
“It does, doesn’t it. I wanna get some gel nails so I don’t constantly have to redo them.”
“I want a fucking massage.”
“Honestly. I probably need one. Either that or a chiropractor.”
“Same. Or death.”
“You are not allowed to die on me.”
“No promises,” Chase laughs.
“Fine, but you have to come back.”
“That, I will figure out how to do. There’s no way I’m going to die and miss out on the rest of our adventures together. That, and Dean owes me twenty bucks and pie that he still hasn’t paid up for.”
“What bet was it this time?”
“Like, I don’t remember, a month ago or so, Dean told me I couldn’t eat a whole pie in ten minutes. I bet him twenty bucks and another pie. Guess who won?”
“Oh hell yes. Anyway, you wanna get food? I could go for some good Hawaiian bbq right now.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a fun new experience.”
Chase puts the phone on speaker as the dial rings exactly one and a half times before Dean picks up the phone. “Chase! Thank God you called. I was about to get upset that you’d break your promise.”
The girls hear Sam sigh over the phone. “We saw those pictures you sent. You two look like you’re having fun.”
“You look hot.” Dean pauses. “Obviously I’m talking to Harley.”
“Wow, Dean. I feel so much better now,” Chase says sarcastically.
“You look nice too, Chase,” Sam amends. 
“Thanks, boys. We miss you too,” Harley laughs.
“Of course you do,” Dean says, “No one to cuddle with at night.”
Chase rolls her eyes. 
“You flatter yourself,” Harley retorts.
“I do,” Dean responds cheekily. “All the time. But guess what?”
“So do I?” Harley guesses.
“You flatter me too, wait- How’d you know I’d say that?”
“Because you’re predictable?” Chase guesses. 
“I’m not predictable,” Dean says feigning hurt.
“I thought you were gonna say I flatter myself actually,” Harley counters.
“Well, see, I’m not predictable.”
“You kinda are, Dean,” Sam says.
“My own brother, betraying me like this.”
“What am I?” Chase asks. “I’m your sister and you’re not as offended? Rude.”
“You’re rude saying I’m predictable.”
“Well, you’re rude because-”
“Guys, really?” Sam asks, sounding tired.
“What?” Chase demands. “He started it.”
“Well, you guys are weird. I’m gonna go wash the sand out of my hair. So, bye, love you guys,” Harley says before getting up and heading to the bathroom.
“Was that an invitation?” Dean asks, thinking Harley is still near the phone. 
“Ew, gross, goodbye,” Chase says, hanging up the phone, despite her brother’s protests.
Shaking her head, Chase lays down onto the bed, waiting for her turn in the shower.
Today the girls head out to a group tour of the Kaniakapupu Ruins. “When was the last time we went sightseeing?” Harley asks.
“Other than everytime you stare at Dean? Don’t know.”
“I don’t stare at him.”
“Yeah, okay, and I don’t- uh. I don’t. Shit, I totally forgot what I was going to say,” Chase says, turning a light shade of pink. “Anyway, these ruins sure are pretty!”
“Yeah, and so is the land around it. Absolutely stunning.”
“You’re stunning. Quick, go over there and I’ll take your picture!”
Harley goes to stand in front of a fallen archway and Chase takes her picture. “Your turn!” Harley says, stealing the camera.
Chase laughs, shaking her head, but strikes a ridiculous pose nonetheless, a hand on her hip, the other on the back of her head, sticking her tongue out at the camera. “Okay, now we should probably catch up,” Chase says, gesturing to the group a few paces ahead of them. 
The rest of the tour went as normal as possible with Chase and Harley around. At least that’s what the girls thought until they overheard their tour guide talking to someone else about how a girl, Megan Brown, didn’t come back from the tour.
“Excuse me, ma’am, are you saying one of the girls disappeared?” Chase asks, interrupting the tour guide, who seemed to be talking to a head officer of some sort. “Is the tour route going to be closed down then?”
The tour guide shakes his head. “No need. It seems every couple months when we do this tour, a couple people wander off and get lost. There haven’t been any signs of animal attacks or kidnappings.”
“And you haven’t thought to handle the situation more thoroughly?”
“Have you even looked into the disappearances?” Harley asks. 
“Of course,” the officer says. “But it isn’t anything you two need to be concerned about.”
“It seems that it is,” Chase continues. “If this happens so often, you’d think you would have a better handle on things.”
“As long as you two don’t wander off, you will be fine. You two girls run along and don’t get into any trouble.”
Harley and Chase huff, but listen to the instructions. 
As Chase and Harley enter the spa, they’re surrounded by three people each. Harley has one man along with one woman, while Chase is surrounded by two women, each of them in their early thirties at the latest. 
Chase and Harley give each other a thumbs up as they are led to their own spa stations, close enough to hear, talk to, and make weird faces to each other, in hopes of getting one to laugh. 
“I’m Kai,” the man introduces. “And this is Kayla. The two lovely women attending you are Sarah and Halola.” 
“Nice to meet you.”
“So where did you two come from?” Kayla asks. “And what are you here on? Honeymoon perhaps?”
Harley shakes her head with a laugh. “No, actually. Just vacation.”
“We just came for the early holidays. We were just at the Kaniakapupu ruins.”
“Oh! That tour. It’s always so...interesting to hear the stories once visitors come back.”
“How so?” Chase asks.
“Well, you see-”
Kayla is cut off by Halola, who says something rushed in what the girls assume is Hawaiian. Turning back to the girls, Halola smiles. “It is nothing. Just petty gossip surrounding people who aren’t smart. We really shouldn’t talk about it or bother you.”
“You mean the disappearances. Well, a girl went missing on the tour before ours.  Does that really happen often?”
“Sadly, yes,” Kai says, ignoring the rolled eyes of Halola and Sarah. “But really, what happens to them is just a legend told to tourists by us locals to scare you. Really, I wouldn’t think much about it, at least for the time being. Now is your time to relax.”
“What’s the legend say?” Harley asks.
Kai smiles. “Well, legend is, King Kaniakapupu had an affair with another woman who wasn’t his queen. Driven mad with jealousy and rage, Queen Kanua’pele killed both him and his lover. Distraught over how the queen let the kingdom go after his death, he haunts the ruins, seeking revenge on any person who dares intrude in his home.”
Chase and Harley stare at him, slightly unimpressed. 
“Huh. That’s a good story,” Chase says. 
“Yes, yes, a story and nothing more. Not even a good story at that.”
Kai shoots Halola a look. “Ah yes, because I’m sure you prefer the older beliefs.” Halola stiffens slightly. She relaxes within a second, however. 
“I simply don’t believe in ghost stories and you shouldn’t be telling them to visitors that already are aware of the very real disappearances that occur.”
“It’s alright,” Harley says. 
“Yeah, trust me. Not much scares us away,” Chase laughs. 
“Even so,” Halola continues. “At least relax and we can finish this process. Next, you’ll be having your massage and then manicures.”
Chase and Harley grin at each other, pushing the story Kai told them aside for the time being. Next, they were getting massages. 
“So, that was the best thing ever!” Chase exclaims, flopping backwards onto the bed. 
“Agreed! Today was awesome! Except for the whole we might have a hunt thing.”
“Uh, no. No, no, and no. I might have allowed myself to be curious, but this is my vacation, and I will not be working on it!”
“Fine, I’ll just go it alone on this one.”
“Yeah, also not happening. I know you can hold your own and everything, but I would rather not have Dean trying to kill me.”
“He won’t try to kill you.”
Chase raises an eyebrow. “Right. I guess he didn’t give you the same pep talk.”
“Seriously, Dean?”
“Yes, seriously! You leave her alone for a moment, I’ll kill you. And you better not be running off on your own either. You are to go, have fun or whatever, and then come back. NO hunts, NO jobs, NO nothing. Capisce?”
Chase rolls her eyes. “Why would either of us need to go off on our own?”
“Because it’s you and her. Somehow, you guys are gonna do something or you’ll say something and boom. You’re separated and she’s in trouble or you are, and then you’ll fix it.”
“So you think we would fix it though?”
“That won’t keep me from killing you if something goes wrong.”
“Of course, blame me!”
“That’s what I plan on.”
“Fine, fine, okay! I’ll be careful. We won’t go off on our own. We’ll keep you posted.”
“Good. Now go have fun. And call me when you land.”
Chase makes a face at him. “Yes, dad.”
“Wait, he said all that?” Harley asks.
“Yep! So now we know who his favorite is. And it isn’t me, his own flesh and blood,” Chase sighs dramatically. 
“Wow,” Harley says, so low it barely registers.
“I know, right? It’s like he doesn’t trust us!”
“He really said all that?”
“Yeah. He sure is a buzzkill.”
“So we don’t listen to him. I mean we rarely do anyway.” Chase pauses, thinking for a moment. “You’re right about that. But I still say we don’t get involved unless we have to, okay?”
“Just one last look around the ruins?” Chase glares at Harley before sighing loudly. “Fine, I guess. But we go with a guide and group again. If something happens on that trip, then we can investigate.”
“I told you there wasn’t any reason to be here again,” Chase complains, staring down at the EMF reader. 
“Wait, do you smell something?”
“Does bullshit count?”
“No, it smells like metallic-y.”
“Thought you were gonna say sulfur there for a moment. But yeah. Smells like blood,” Chase says, glancing back at the group. She takes a head count, then frowns. “See anyone missing from the group?”
“The chick with the giant sun hat?”
“Yeah, and the tour guide.”
“He didn’t want us looking into the disappearances,” Harley points out.
“Yeah, and now he and another woman are gone. What should we do?”
“We should split up and look for clues.”
“You watch too much Scooby Doo. Honestly, best plan right now is to probably stay with the group and see if the tour guide comes back. What’s his name?”
“Paulo, I think. And yeah you’re right, about both.”
“Of course I am.”
Ten or fifteen minutes later, the girls can’t be sure, Paulo seems to have reappeared from nowhere. He stands with a few others, pointing out carvings in the pillars against the far entrance. However, upon further inspection, the woman who had disappeared along with him is still gone.
“Okay, maybe it’s a good thing we came back,” Chase relents. 
“Told you.”
“Oh, don’t pull that card.”
“I’m pulling that card.”
“Rude,” Chase pouts. 
“Well, I’m not the nicest person in the world.”
“Fair. To be honest, if you were, we probably wouldn’t get along nearly as much as we do. Speaking of doing, what do we do about Pablo over there.”
“Same difference.”
“Find out what he is and gank him,” Harley shrugs.
“Guess that ghost story is just that. A story. Of course, a ghost would have been too easy.”
“I don’t know some are pretty nasty.”
“Yeah, that’s fair. Still, we at least would have known what to do. Now, we don’t have many leads, other than that,” Chase emphasizes ‘that’, nodding her head at Paulo. “We should go back to the hotel and come back here tonight.”
Harley takes up dialling Dean for the night. “Hey, we’re still alive,” she says as soon as he picks up.
“Good,” Dean says dead serious.
“Let a little laughter in your life. Jeez.”
“I’m good thanks.”
“I am a joy to be around.”
“Ladies, ladies, you’re both very pretty. Moving along?” Chase says breaking the two up.
“Duh, have you seen me?” Harley jokes.
“I have and I can’t help but like what I see,” Dean flirts.
“Oh shush, I’m not gonna be one of your one night stands.”
“I never said that.”
“It’s what you were thinking.”
“Sweetheart, you have no idea what I think of you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“More than good.”
“Ackomygodthatissoackkkeee,” Chase squeals in a high pitched tone, almost incoherently. 
“What was that?” Dean asks. 
“That was me puking because you’re disgusting, duh.”
“Yeah, right, okay.”
“I mean it was disgustingly sweet,” Harley says laughing, “I thought you didn’t like chick flick moments.”
“I don’t.”
“Suuuure you don’t. How’s Sam doing? I haven’t heard from him.”
“I’m good, just tired,” The girls could hear Sam say in the background. 
Harley rolls her eyes before saying, “We miss you tons.”
“I miss you guys too,” Sam laughs.
“I miss you moreeee,” Chase over exaggerates. 
“Yeah, probably,” Sam quips. 
“Ouch,” Chase mutters.
“Well I’m gonna let you guys go so Sammy can get some beauty sleep before he kills me,” Dean says.
“He’ll kill you anyway. You’re just that annoying,” Chase says.
“Says you!” Dean fires back. 
“Yeah, says me, the least annoying sibling.”
“You are so not the least annoying,” Dean says.
“You’re both annoying. Shut up!” Sam shouts from wherever he is in the room (his voice sounds muffled, as though buried in a pillow).
“Bye Dean, bye Sam!” Harley calls out.
“Can you believe the gall of that man?” Chase exclaims after the phone call ends. “The nerve?”
“I thought it was hilarious,” Harley says.
“Of course you did. You were still distracted about Dean’s previous comment!”
“Which one?”
“You’re actually asking me that? As if you haven’t been replaying that sentence in your head for the past ten minutes? Please. I’m not that dumb.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, sure you don’t.”
“I don’t!”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say.”
The two hunters stand in front of the ruins, flashlights illuminating the dirt path in front of them as they stare up at the crumbling walls of the old palace. 
“I guess we should sp-”
I swear to God, if you say the words “split up”, I’m going to super glue you to my side.”
“You got a better idea?”
“No,” Chase mutters dejectedly. 
“Then yes, we should split up.”
“Fine, but the moment something happens, call me, okay?”
“Duh. I’m not an idiot.”
“Jury’s out on that one. Let’s go.”
“Oh my god, you’re so rude.”
“You’re the one suggesting we split up so, am I wrong?”
“Yes, you are, because we’ll probably be fine.”
“We’ll see.”
Chase wanders down yet another corridor, softly humming AC/DC under her breath, a habit she has for when she’s nervous. Flashing her light against the walls turns up nothing, though the sight is pretty. 
Suddenly, after about half an hour, something flickers in her peripheral vision. She whirls around quickly, all sound being cut off. Cautiously, she walks over to the doorway she’d seen the movement coming from. 
She pokes the flashlight through the doorway first, before following with her head. She looks left. Nothing. She looks right. Also nothing. 
Chase sighs, placing a hand to her head, squinting her eyes tightly, as though that could make her headache disappear. Turning on her heel, she walks back into the corridor, only to collide into something hard. She stumbles back, before noticing she’d walked into a wall. 
She really shouldn’t walk with her eyes closed. 
She growls under her breath, walking through a high arch, leading into a large open space, equally as dusty as the past few rooms. She checks behind the large pillars, hoping to see some evidence of...anything, really. Just as she’s about to leave into another hallway, she spots a flicker of movement again. Turning her light to the center far wall of the room, she sees a large stage-like stone, atop it what looked like human remains of some kind. 
“Perfect,” Chase mutters, wandering over. “Just perfect.”
Chase grabs her phone, bringing up the name “Harley Quinn”, pressing the number. 
“Yeah? Find something?”
“Yeah. Human remains. You know, body parts, some bones. The usual.”
“Lovely,” Harley mutters. 
“Yeah, anyway, I think there’s something still here because I keep seeing movement. I don’t know, I may just be paranoid. But- oh for fuck’s sake.”
“What’s up?”
Chase whips out her gun, firing a couple shots at the figure looming over her, of course, making little headway in keeping it at bay. 
“You stupid Aladdin character looking ass,” Chase mutters, dropping her phone after the figure makes a swipe at her. The woman, djinn, grins at her, reaching out a hand.
“Chase? Chase!” She hears Harley’s voice shouting from the other side of the phone call, before her vision turns white.
Harley searched the ruins high and low for any sign of Chase before finding her phone on the ground. She pocketed it before surveying the area. She noted the body drained of blood. That and Chase calling the creature an ‘Aladdin character looking ass’ clued her into it being a djinn they were hunting. She headed to the hotel room pocketing a silver knife.
Harley drove to the nearest sheep farm. She picked the locks and found a lamb before calling Sam.
“Hello?” He asked, yawning.
“Hey. Do not put it on speakerphone. Don’t tell Dean it’s me.”
“Dean’s asleep. Why are you calling?”
“Swear none of this leaves this phone call first.”
“I swear. Now, what’s going on?”
“Chase and I were hunting a djinn, but we didn’t know it was a djinn yet so we didn’t have the proper weapons. Basically she got kidnapped by the djinn and now I have to murder a lamb and I’m freakin’ out man.”
“Okay, slow down. Chase got kidnapped?”
“Yeah, please don’t be mad.” “I’m not mad, just worried. Do you need backup?”
“No, I just need to kill this lamb, but like it’s so precious and sweet.”
“Who do you care about more? Chase or the lamb?”
“Chase, but the lamb is really up there.”
“Look, just stab it. You just need the blood. You don’t have to kill it.”
“Right, yeah, I can’t do that.”
“Yes, you can.”
“I still blame myself for all my fish dying after I cleaned their tank when I was in grade school. I still feel guilty about that shit.”
“That’s...okay, um just pretend it’s a werewolf.”
“I have aphantasia, Sam! I literally can’t do that!”
“Okay, then you’re just going to have to do it. Don’t think, just do.”
“Okay?” Harley squeezes her eyes shut blindly bringing the knife down until she hears the bleat of the lamb. She opened her eyes and saw the white of the lambs fluff turn red. The knife was coated in the lamb’s blood. “I did it, oh god, I did it. Fuck, I’m a monster. I mean I’m always a monster, but now I’m even more of a monster.”
“Harley, calm down. You’re not a monster.”
“Yes, I am,” She says, tears building up in her eyes.
Sam sighs, “Just do me a favor and go rescue Chase.”
“Right, yeah, bye. I’ll call you after I rescue her.”
“Alright, bye, Harley.”
Chase laughs, pointing mockingly at one of her best friends. Harley sits close by her side, twirling a knife. Setting the camera up to take another picture, Nathaniel flips off the moon. 
“Shit, this is not going to come out right. We should’ve picked a different night.”
“Hey, you invited me out, not the other way around,” Chase says. 
The horizon is surprisingly easy to make out, considering it’s eleven at night. The full moon illuminates the scenery, a small town in the distance, it’s lights twinkling lazily.
“Can you fix this for me?” Harley asks.
“Sure,” Chase responds, starting to braid Harley’s hair.
“Ah! Got one I actually like,” Nathaniel shouts in victory. 
“Hey, we wanna see!” Harley says.
Nathaniel bends down, showing the two girls a photo of them, sitting next to each other, looking out in the distance. You can’t see much detail, but the two are relaxed and enjoying themselves.
Chase runs through the house, getting chased by an overly loud man. 
“Dean, Dean, stop! It wasn’t me!”
Getting scooped up by her older brother, she dissolves into a fit of laughter, getting tickled in all of the worst places. “Then who was it?” Dean demands playfully.
“Sam, okay, it was Sam!” 
Dean lets go of Chase and turns to slowly look at their youngest brother. “It was you!”
Sam looks at Chase. “Snitch.” He takes off down the stairs and all three can distantly hear Bobby yell, “No running in the house, ya idjits!”
Chase watches on, taking deep breaths, laughing slightly still.
“I did it, I did it!”
“Um, hello?” Harley asks.
“Okay, fine, we did it.”
“Was that so hard?”
Bobby comes up behind the two girls, hugging them both. “I’m so proud of you two.”
“Stop, Bobby, you’re gonna wrinkle the gown.”
“You’ve already graduated, what does it matter now?” Dean asks, taking yet another picture.
“It’s about the pride,” Sam says. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t understand. I may not have graduated from a fancy college like you three, but I am still the coolest one here.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Dean,” Chase says.
“Yeah, obviously, I’m the coolest one,” Harley adds.
“Okay, okay, I relent. Obviously, I am the coolest one here, other than my smartass fiancee.”
Dean wraps Harley up in a hug, while Sam and Chase roll their eyes, mouthing ‘I told you so’ to themselves.
“Okay, okay, I want one last picture of all of us,” Sam says.
Sam asks a random family to take a picture and they oblige. Sam stands at the very back, his arms around Dean and Bobby’s shoulders, while Harley and Chase stand side by side in the very front. Their smiles are wide, and their hearts content. They wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
Harley arrives at the ruins, african dream root in her messenger bag and silver knife in hand. She began searching in the djinn-eral area that Chase disappeared from. She found Chase’s phone before she found her in a cavern by the ruins.
“Chase!” Harley yells as soon as she sees her. She runs up to her friend's limp hanging body, and gently slaps her cheek trying to wake her up. It doesn’t work so instead she gently cuts her friend free and lays her on the cavern floor and takes out her IV. Harley then frees who she assumes is Sunhat Lady. She assumes as she has since lost her hat.
The djinn enters the cave and it takes a moment for Harley to place her heavily tattooed face. “Halola, right?” Harley asks.
“You remembered, I’m surprised.”
“I never forget a pretty face. Too bad I’ll have to kill you.” Harley frowns before lunging at Halola. She dodges and tries to grab Harley’s neck. Harley ducks and drives the silver blade through the djinn’s heart. Halola screams then goes limp.
“Chase! Thank god you’re alive!” Harley yells hugging her for dear life.
Chase moves away slightly, very confused.“Look, I know I said I was stressed about the job interview, but it’s nice to know you have so much faith in me. Could you possibly extract your limbs from me now?”
“No you don’t get it. This isn’t your life. We’re hunters. We were in Hawaii hunting a djinn when you got attacked,” Harley says extracting her limbs from Chase, “All this is fake.”
Chase looks at Harley with an increasing degree of bewilderment on her face as Harley continues to talk. “Uh huh, sure. And you and I haven’t been roommates since college, you’re not engaged to my brother, I’m not about to work for the high end firm I’ve been trying for years to get, and Sam isn’t a bad singer.”
“I’m sorry what?! Me and I’m assuming, Dean are engaged? Wow this is a weird world you’ve created.”
“Dean and I.” Chase gives Harley a blank look. “And no. Sam.”
“Me and Sam?! What the actual fuck!”
“Sam and I. And that was sarcasm, dumbass. How much sleep did you get last night?”
“None. Vampire remember.”
“Okay, so no more mixing alcohol and horror movies for you. Got it.” Chase stands up from her seat. “You should probably get some rest. You’re not acting like yourself.”
“I don’t drink. The whole murderous bloodlust thing doesn’t mix well with alcohol. And I am acting like myself, because I african dream rooted into your brain.”
“Okay, so do I have to go along with what I’m assuming is another improv thing or can I ask- what the hell is african dream root and what is going on?”
“Improv? Okay. Well african dream root lets you go into other people’s dream so you can talk to them-”
“Uh huh, sounds fake but continue,” Chase says, waving a hand.
“And you got touched by a djinn while we were on vacation in Hawaii.” Harley says increasingly impatiently.
“Wait, we went to hawaii?” Chase thinks for a moment. “Djinn. Djinn, djinn, why does that ring a bell? Isn’t that like a genie. Like Aladdin?”
**“You stupid Aladdin character looking ass,” Chase mutters, dropping her phone after the figure makes a swipe at her. The woman, djinn, grins at her, reaching out a hand.
“Chase? Chase!” **
Chase lurches forward, a hand on her head, as though suddenly dizzy.
“Yes! Thank god! Yes!”
“What was that?”
“My best bet? You remembered something from your real life.”
“This is my real life,” Chase says forcefully. “My name is Chase Winchester. I am a graduate from Harvard, I volunteer at the library, and you’re my best friend. I’m twenty-eight. I’m going to be your maid of honor. Bobby and Ellen are practically my parents and my two brothers are Sam and Dean. This is real,” Chase says, as though trying to convince herself more than Harley.
“No, it’s not. Travelling across the country in Jack is real. You relentlessly teasing me about the fact that I might like Dean. You totally crushing on Cas, and us saving the world. That’s real.”
“Who’s Cas?”
“An angel and a friend. He gave us pie.”
**“Harley? Chase? Are you two okay?” Cas asks. 
Chase nods, whilst Harley can barely breathe enough to answer, just putting a thumbs up. “Yeah, we’re fine. Why do you ask?” Chase asks nonchalantly. 
“You were running, screaming, and you’ve got burns on your arm.”
Chase looks down to see that the bleach that had spilled on her earlier had indeed burned her slightly. “Oh this is nothing. Harley got some in her eyes, so I mean. It’s whatever.”
Cas frowns at Chase. He moves one of his hands, both of which were still holding onto Chase’s biceps, and places it over the burns. A second later, they’re gone. 
“Oh, thanks. Anyway, you can let go of me now. I’m sure I’m less inclined to fall at the given moment.”
“Oh, right, yes. Of course, I’m sorry,” Cas stutters, stepping back. **
Chase clutches her head with both hands, her vision blurring and refocusing suddenly, leaving a nauseous feeling in her stomach.
“What the hell is going on?!”
“I think you wanted this life so bad you repressed your actual memories and now they’re coming back. But that's just a theory.”
“What?” Chase asks incredulously. “Tell me, if this isn’t real. What is? You?”
“Well, yeah, like I said I african dream rooted myself. Now I’m in your dream world.”
“Convince me then. Go on. Tell me what you know about me.”
“We met when I was twenty and you were twenty-one. We were chasing an orange eyed demon who went by Hank. We started helping each other on hunts. You won Jack, that’s our car, in a poker game a year later and we finally hit the road together and we haven’t looked back since. I also happen to know you have a folder on your computer that’s just pictures of me and Dean sleeping.”
“Wait, you know about that folder?”
“Yes, I know about that folder and it’s all perfectly innocent.”
“How? I hid it behind a folder of lore on poltergeists, which you never read about-” Chase cuts herself off, frowning. “I don’t know where that came from. I don’t have any folders on my computer like that.”
“You do on your real computer.”
“But-but- Keep telling me stuff.”
“We went to visit Sam at Stanford then went to go fight a sphinx. We hunted the demon that  killed your mum and dad. You found out I’m half vamp when I got kidnapped by some friendly vampires who were trying to prove a point. We have fought so many monsters together and this one is no different. You gotta believe me.”
Chase, confused and slightly dazed by the rush of images flooding her brain, notices Harley beginning to freak out. “Okay, say I believe you. Then what do I do?”
“Well, um, you have to kill yourself,” Harley says looking away, her voice strained.
Chase blinks. She blinks twice. “Come again?”
“You have to kill yourself.”
“Yeah, let me go take a long walk off a short pier. How am I supposed to kill myself? I haven’t shot a gun since I was twelve! I haven’t held a knife outside the kitchen ever. And I see no rope or high ledges because I'm not crazy!”
“Well, that’s how Dean got out.”
“You got something to help me then?” Chase asks jokingly, only for her eyes to widen as she sees Harley pull a silver knife covered in blood out of her jacket. “Okay, what the fuck?”
“I killed a djinn with it, and stabbed a lamb. So it’s not the cleanest blade ever, but it’ll get the job done.”
“You killed- you stabbed a- of course you did. Hand it over.”
Harley hands the knife over.
“Okay, Harley. I’m going to go through this logically. If you’re messing with me, you wouldn’t give me an actual knife. This is fake or you’ll somehow stop me and it’ll be fine. Or, if I’m dreaming, I’ll wake up because your brain can’t process dying so you wake up when you die in dreams.
“Or, or somehow. In some fucked up way, you’re telling the truth. Tell me. What is it worth to go back?”
“For starters you’ll die if you stay in here. And also none of the people here are real. None of this is real. Cas isn’t here. Trust me you wanna wake up.”
Chase pauses for a moment, fear reflecting in her eyes. Screwing her eyes shut, her face scrunched in concentration, she pulls the knife towards her, a stinging sensation rushing through her abdomen before she feels nothing.
Chase opens her eyes to see Harley hovering over her, worry etched onto her features. 
“Man, no need to look so worried. When have I ever turned down the offer to kill myself?” Chase jokes. Harley cracks a smile, shaking her head. “I know, I know, that was awful. Can we get going though? If we don’t call Dean in the next half hour, he’ll freak.”
“It’s kinda almost morning.”
“Wait, already? Shit. I’m still so tired,” Chase says, sitting up. She winces. “And sore.”
“It’s fine we’ll just say we had an early night. Let's get to the hotel and you can rest up.” Harley says as she shoots Sam a text.
“Wait, did you really kill a lamb successfully without freaking out?”
“No. Let’s just leave it at that.”
Chase sighs. “Figures. Let’s head back.”
Harley dialled Dean as Chase slept recuperating from her djinn ordeal. He picked up on the first ring.
“Before you say anything, sorry, we fell asleep early.”
“Bullshit! Y’all never fall asleep early!” Dean yells. Harley has to hold the phone away from her ear.
“Yeah, well we spent all day hiking, walking, and swimming, so we got a bit exhausted. Sorry. Look I just woke up, Chase is still out. What more do you want from me?”
“I want a lot from you, but right now I want an explanation.”
“You want a lot from me? Like what?”
“I want you screaming my name as I fuck you against the motel table.”
“Dean!” Harley yells. “I told you I don’t mess around like that.”
“I know,” Dean sighs defeated.
Chase and Harley sigh heavily, their bags falling off their shoulders as they slump against the wall. 
“Remind me again to choose a later time to fly out from wherever we are. I never want to get to an airport that early again,” Chase complains. 
Harley nods, grabbing her water bottle. “Where are the boys anyway? Weren’t they supposed to be here?”
“Who knows?” Chase rolls her eyes. “Dean probably got distracted by something. Or maybe they got lost. That’s something they would do.”
“The only place Dean gets lost is in New York,” Harley counters.
“Yeah, but Sam?”
“Yeah, but Dean’s probably driving.”
“Oh, I meant in the airport. God knows, they probably didn’t bother looking at the signs.”
“Probably not,” Harley sighs.
Chase sighs, sliding her back down the wall, settling into a comfortable position. “Tell me when they get here.”
“When,” Harley says as the boys round the corner. 
“What?” Chase opens her eyes to see Sam, an annoyed expression gracing his features, and Dean, an uncomfortable one on his. “Of fucking course.”
“Sorry it took so long; we thought we could beeline here, but it’s been a while since we’ve been in an airport,” Sam says, side eyeing Dean. 
Dean immediately just hugs Harley, who had opened her arms slightly, indicating she wanted attention. Sam helps Chase off the floor, before grabbing her bags. 
Harley and Chase share a knowing look, stifling a laugh that screams, ‘knew it’. 
Rolling his eyes, Dean kisses Harley’s forehead, before reaching down and grabbing her luggage.
Walking out of the airport, Dean and Sam pester them with questions about their trip. They, in turn, pester the boys about what they’d been doing in their absence. 
“I’m just happy we’re back,” Harley says, getting into the backseat of the Impala.
Chase nods, “Me too.”
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casseythebee · 5 years
The Sound of Music and the Smell of Roses
Prompt: “Hello little one. We can’t wait to meet you”
Summary: You had been living with the Winchesters, Charlie, and Jack for a long time, and you and Sam had been dating and in love for a while, and you have been planning on how to tell Sam you are pregnant for a week now and today is the day 
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader 
Words: 1.5-ish 
Warning: swears, sickness, pregnancy (if that is a warning?), if there is anything else you can think of don’t hesitate to tell me
A/N: I was thinking and I might make this into a series-ish, but I probably won’t write it in order 
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[(Y/N)’s Point of View]
“Dean I can’t!” You squeal. 
“You have to! Charlie counters. 
Dean and Charlie have always been your go-to buddies for this kind of stuff. Every Wednesday while Cas, Jack, and Sam are out shopping you guys huddle around the fireplace, no matter how hot it is, and just chat. Most of the time gushing over hot people, almost always girls, but a lot of the time just sharing stories and giving advice.
Today you are contemplating of you should really tell your boyfriend Sam the news, you're pregnant. You don’t know how he will react, will he be mad? Happy? Will he be scared he will turn out to be like his father? You have no clue. 
“Jack and I will go to the movies and Dean and Cas will go out to eat,” Charlie says. 
“I told you we don’t mind you guys coming!” 
She shakes her head, “No you two need your alone time. You have been cooped up with the rest of us for too long.” 
“That settles it we will help you get ready, I’ll text Cas and tell him not to say anything to Sam but make sure Jack knows he is going out. Oh, and to stall him for a bit. Plus I don’t know how much longer I can keep this in!” 
You spend the next twenty minutes finding the right outfit and doing your hair. 
“I don’t think purple works!” Dean yells. 
“No, it’s perfect.” Charlie grabs your jewelry box. “The shade is a mix of baby blue and light pink so it is representing the fact that it could be a girl or a boy.” She holds out my grandmothers black rose necklace and hands it to me. 
“Ooo do the black rose gold studs to match!” Dean chirps clapping his hands together. 
You settled on leaving your hair natural just using a bit of hairspray to keep it in place. Charlie went light on makeup just doing mascara, painting your lips coral, and contouring your cheekbones, jawline, boobs, and collarbones. Making you look like you have bigger boobs and sharper edges. A fit and flare lavender dress hugs your torso and flows out around you stopping just above your knees, it leaves your chest and shoulders bare, showing enough that it is modest but not enough that Sam won’t be intrigued and want more. 
“What do you think?” you ask, twirling in a circle while your dress fans out around you. 
“Absolutely beautiful,” Dean admires before walking over and placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
Charlie walks over and grabs both your hands in hers. “Stunning.” 
“Okay now let's set up,” you beam excitedly. 
Now you take the table in the library, where you and Sam confessed your feelings at and had your first round of sex on top of, and dust it with rose petals. Next, you take your finest china and set it on the table. They are white plates decorated with pink flowers on the edge, rose gold stainless steel silverware, and the wine glasses that you and Sam painted ourselves. On a date, you and Sam decided to get a little creative so on your way home from dinner, you bought the glasses and paint supplies and painted pink orchids on them. After that, you light a candle and place it in between the two table settings. 
“What am I even supposed to say?” you ask flopping into a chair. 
“Just tell him,” Dean began, “just don’t dance around it too much, okay?” 
“Yeah you don’t want him getting confused,” Charlie adds. “Okay, now we need to finish setting up before they come home.” 
Dean searches through the bunker trying to find a way to dim the lights while you and Charlie pick out music.
“How about Begin the Beguine?” she asks pulling the record out of the bin. 
“Too much clarinet.” 
She shifts around a bit more before pulling one out. “The Song Is You?” 
I shake my head. 
“Night and Day?” she asks pulling out another record. 
“None of these sound very romantic.” 
She rolls her eyes, “Because you aren’t listening to them. Listen to the next one and I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s called How Deep Is The Ocean?” 
And sure enough, you do. The instruments start flowing through the room, a gorgeous female voice sings like an angel is singing such loving lyrics. 
“How much do I love you? 
I'll tell you no lie 
How deep is the ocean? 
How high is the sky?” 
That is all I needed just those few words and you are hooked. “This is it. This is the one.” 
“Told you,” Charlie mumbles under breath. 
You playfully slap her arm and she goes to shove you. But before she can Dean yells, “Hey! You can’t do that she’s pregnant!” 
You smirk at her. “Aha I’m immune,” you tease. 
Dean screams from the other room and the lights dim. “Cas says he will be here any minute!” He comes sprinting into the room and almost crashes into you. 
“Woah, Woah, Woah! What are you screaming about?” Charlie asks putting her hands on his chest to stop him. 
“Cas!” He is panting slightly. “He is coming! I’m so excited!” 
You look over at him my eyes a little wide, you're nervous again. “Dean,” you whisper. “How do you think he will react?” 
His eyes skim over to you, softening. “Oh, you have no idea! He has wanted the apple pie life all his life, but he never has been able to. But now? He has the girl and now the life. He will be over the moon.” 
“Okay we need to go leave her, Dean let’s go.” Charlie grabs Dean by the arm and starts dragging him towards the door. 
“Wait!” He strides over and envelops you in a hug placing his hand on your head pulling you closer, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you kiddo, good luck.” 
Charlie walks over ruffling your hair slightly and kisses your cheek. “Stay strong.” 
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[Sam’s Point of View]
“Dean, what are you doing out here?” 
“Um… I would like to speak to Cas,” he says, a slight pause in between each word and his voice lifting at the end like a question. 
I give him a quizzical look and grab a few shopping bags from the back and ask Jack to help me bring in the rest. 
The door slams behind me and I walk down the steps stopping at the music. The table is decorated with rose petals and candles, and our nice china. 
All of a sudden the sound of retching is coming from the other room followed by something liquid hitting another liquid. 
“(Y/N), love?” I call out. “Is that you?” 
You whimpers. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Sammy?” you moan. 
I put the bags down, making sure not to disturb the things on the table and run to the bathroom. 
(Y/N) is sprawled out on the bathroom floor. You are leaning over the toilet puking your brains out, your hair fanned out around you. Your purple dress is disheveled. 
You groan again and sit up. “Sam,” you whisper. “You’re not supposed to see me like this. I had it all planned, and you were going to be thrilled and happy for us, b-but… but now-” Your voice cracks and you choke out a sob. Tears are pouring out of your eyes and streaking your makeup. 
“What do you mean? What do you have planned?” I ask you. “The dinner out there?” 
You are crying harder now. You gag and slap a hand over your mouth lean over the toilet. I hold back your hair and you vomit a lot. 
“Why are you sick? Did you eat something?” 
You cough again and sit up wiping your mouth on the back of your hand. “Because Sam…” You sob again. “I’m pregnant.” 
My breath catches in my throat. “Wh… what?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to tell you for a week now, Charlie and Dean helped me plan this all, and just because of fucking morning sickness.” 
“Aw sweetie, let’s get you cleaned up and then we can go eat.” 
You gag again. “I’m so sorry but I don’t know if I can ever eat again.” Another groan escapes you. 
I spend the next few minutes cleaning you up and getting you into comfy clothes, the entire time peppering kisses all over your skin. We get you shimmied into a pair of leggings and one of my flannels, it looks so big and adorable on you. I carry you bridal style onto the couch and set you down gingerly. 
Spreading your legs a little I kneel in between them placing my hands on your hips. I kiss along your stomach and stop nestling my nose. 
“Hello, little one. We can’t wait to meet you.” 
You chuckle and drag me up by my hair placing a small loving kiss on my lips and drag me so we are sitting on the couch with your head in my lap. 
We watch movies all night and eventually fall asleep to the sound of music and the smell of roses.
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briars7 · 5 years
💉Fine Fellow for a Faux Friend #4💉
Hiya! Back again. Figure I should probably add ⚠️trigger warnings⚠️ and whatnot, so here you go. Mentions of death, torture, needles...who knows what all.
Gotta realize, if I’m not gonna take on a lover or one night stand, sure as anything aren’t on the lookout for a friend. Order of importance being what it is. They’re just as likely to be stabby, even if that’s made more difficult by the physical distance. Lack of emotional distance can make you just as blind. So I don’t have “friends”, and never expect to.
Doesn’t mean I won’t have a few favorite people I like to pick on. 😜
So far it’s mainly been this one other assassin, scary lady and by all rights one I should know to leave well enough alone, but never really do. One of these days I’ll break that stoic expression!! Just you wait! She tends to be gone on missions a lot seeing as how she’s one of the best at our jobs, and I was wandering the hallways looking for another muse to meddle with. Ooo! Screams! Thaaaat...is actually something I’ll leave be. Usually. Can’t save ‘em all. This guy’s were tapering off though, and eh. Maybe I’ll take that hallway to my next...undetermined destination.
Heheh! I’m in luck! A vaguely human-ish lump with matted black hair was kicked out of a doorway right in front of me. Tch. That particular door belongs to one of the assassins who likes to “experiment” with interrogative chemicals. Usually with a sadistic bend. Sometimes a subject needs encouragement to get talking, sure. But I don’t like using the drugs. We all have our methods.
Doesn’t mean I won’t carry an antidote around though! Well, it’s a sort of panacea. Basically got a small chance it’ll work the one thing you’ve been dosed with, but it’s better than nothing! I stick it in the general area where I guessed the lump’s shoulder to be...orrrr that’s his backside. Eh, it works. And that’s the end of it. Don’t care what happens to the dude from here. Based on how the assassin treated him, it’s obvious the man isn’t a pet, i.e. personal slave. Neither is he one of the staff, cause I know all of them. Whatever. Grunts like this one don’t last long, but I don’t feel like I’ve wasted perfectly good antidote. I do what I want, and the less of a reason the better. It’ll just be something else that’ll kill the guy later.
“You can thank me later, mate.”
Having done my good deed for the day, I’m off to continue my search for the next pranking victim.
About say a week later I’m interrupted from a catnap. Might not think it difficult to do, but I’m rarely found resting in my bedroom, you see? Annnd...I tend to fall asleep in the oddest of places. Like the belfry that’s hardly ever heard from. Don’t often have a need for ringing the massive bells here. Smaller ones are used to keep the time and trumpets harold important guests. The ones that don’t prefer to remain anonymous.
You wanna know who had the audacity to wake me up? And the intelligence to locate me...but that’s beside the point. It was Grunt! That’s the nickname I’d given him. And a few others in his position. Well well, whaddya know? He’s still alive!! Heheh! Not only that, but he was also the guy who’d gotten between me and a beating a month back. How in the world...? Usually you might have some small chance of surviving in the Citadel as a pet. Grunts like him barely last a week. I’d give him kudos for making it this long, except I’ve got my dagger keenly poised at his liver and ready to cut his winning streak short.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Brought you breakfast.”
The trickle of blood running down his abdomen didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. Grunt held out an orange to me, his eyebrow quirking along with one corner of his mouth. Not fair! I’m supposed to be the one smirking and looking all smug, not blinking the sleep out of my eyes and grimacing. Snatching the fruit out of his palm, a glance out the window confirmed that the sun was setting and it was high time I begin my nightly prowl. Huh.
This...giant of a man...had figured out my schedule, and found one of the places I slept on rotation. No one else had managed to do the latter for sure. Had a habit of switching up sleeping patterns too, but that was redundant when my sleep didn’t last long. Oh yeah. To top it all off, he knew what I liked to eat. Like...what the fruit? Nobody bothers to find out that much about someone else unless they’re trying to kill them. Er, at least in my world. He doesn’t stand much chance in doing so, but that leads me to wonder; what’s this guy’s agenda?
I wipe his blood off on my ragged trousers and use the blade to begin peeling the citrus’s skin instead. He wasn’t the only one who’d done his research. Though I hadn’t been able to wring much from the one who’d dragged him to our hellhole. “Whatcha doin’, bringing me fruit...Derrick.”
The man winced, looking into my eyes with his gone wide. I get it. Nobody’s used his name for a while. Probably since before he got here. Grunts don’t get names. They’re called whatever deplorable term comes to mind at the moment, and expected to respond. I could understand that, in a way. My names were always a step above, but...the actual handle never used.
He gestured while his mouth worked on finding speech, “You're the one who told me to thank you. But it’s a question too. You’re also the first person who’s been nice to me.”
Grinning, I talk around the juicy slice I’m masticating, “This is a complicated piece of fruit! Not hearin’ a question, Derrrrick.”
The words seemed to explode out of him in one big rush. “Why would you do that? I won’t be your pet. Not happening. Let’s get that cleared up first.”
“Bwahaha!” Oops, think I spit out a bit of orange there. That’s where his mind went? Guess I can’t blame him, pretty much the only use most of the denizens round here would find in going out of their way to help him. Sure he’d make a good pet. Tall, built like an ox, not too bad looking—got a mouth on him though and that’d make him less desirable. Whatevssss, man. I don’t take pets. Liability. He didn’t need to know that though...right away.
“You’re missing out! I mean, look at the cool places you’d have to sleep in, the diet you’d enjoy. Wouldn’t be required to do anything toooo dirty...maybe wash the blood out of my clothes from time to time. Beats bein’ everyone’s whipping boy.”
The shifting expressions of growing determination and frustration crossing his face were too much and I ended up cackling before he could come up with a rebuttal. “I’m joshing you! Don’t have to look so uptight about it! Oh man. The look on your face though!! Priceless.” I’m gasping for a breath, maybe a bit more dramatically than necessary, but eventually his exasperated glare eases up a tad and I continue.
“Listen, Derrick. I just wanted to. Only reason I do anything...not required by a mission.” I lean back on my perch. One good shove and I’d be flying out the window though, so as relaxed as I looked, I didn’t take my eyes off of the guy. His jaw was working almost as hard as his brain had to have been, and I wonder again what his story was. How come he hadn’t bent to the rules governing this place that required subservience or been broken in their demand of the same.
You know what? I’m curious. Sort of morbid, but I’d like to see how long his mind will hold out if his body’s given a chance.
Stretching long in the sill, my hand extends to shake his. “Name’s Rapscallion, but you can call me Rap. Ever you need something, holler. Maybe not too loudly, don’t need the entire castle hearing...could get crowded if you catch my drift. You can repay me by promising not to try to kill me too. Deal?”
His icy blue eyes flick from my hand to my face and back again, acting for all the world as though I’d grown a third head and turned purple. Like I’d said, it was be a bit of a leap to think he could take out someone with my level of training and expertise, but come on. The dude’s twice my size. There’s the added detail that I’m constantly paranoid, so...this agreement I’m asking for is more cause of the latter. The muscle bound man turned around with a shrug and started the descent back down the stairs. “You got it, Rap.”
Not quite the reaction I’d been looking for, but I’d take what I could get.
Stopping suddenly, he gives me yet another strange look. “No more needles, got it? Whatever else you want to do, I hate needles.”
And off he goes. You do know what this means though, right? I’ve got a sorta friend of my very own! Far as exchanging names and a nonextermination pact can make it. Don’t care! I’m pretty psyched! Gonna be teasing the patience outta this one.
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likethetailofacomet · 6 years
Cross Space and Time - Intro
Hey friends. I know, I know, I should be working on the next chapter of “Learning to Love Again”. And I am! But this idea came to me and then @ooo-barff-ooo twisted my arm into writing it. (okay, when i say twisted my arm, read as “i was very gently encouraged to write it, so i did.” 
I don’t know want to give anything away while the cat’s still in the bag, so I’m just gonna get right into it. Enjoy! Please let me know if this is something you’re interested in and if so I will tag you in future chapters! 
Jake sat in his usual spot, at his usual bar, drinking his usual fourth beer before ordering his usual fifth. His feet were kicked up on the stool next to him as he casually leaned back in his seat, mindlessly staring at the T.V. behind the bar. The newscaster was droning on about something that happened somewhere, but they could have been reading the news in another language for the amount of attention Jake was paying to it. It was just background noise- it was all just background noise to him anymore. He took a long pull as the bartender wordlessly handed him his next drink, a knowing look on her face. She’d seen lots of men like Jake McKenzie come through here. Triumph, Louisiana, population not enough, was the farthest thing from what it sounded like, and the Triumph Trough was the watering hole for the town’s many lost souls.
Jake sighed as he swapped his empty bottle for the full one and thanked Penney. “This one’s on me, Mack,” she said with a well-practiced smile that she reserved for her loneliest customers. He nodded his appreciation and Penney went back to wiping out the dusty glassware behind the bar. The phone in Jake’s pocket started vibrating and he knew who it was before even looking at the caller I.D. Taking another big swig before answering, and clearing his throat to jog the thickness that always settled there, he greeted his caller, “Hey, Becs, how’s my favorite sister doing?”
“Hey yourself, brat,” she responded. “Mom wants to know if you’re coming for dinner tonight…” she trailed off and waited a beat before continuing. “I, uh…I know it’s that day and all, but…y’know, mom forgets and it’s Thursday and that’s the day we-“
Jake cut her off. “It’s okay, Becs, I’ll be there.” He grimaced, thinking about how he’d have to pull himself together for his mom and Rebecca’s kids, on the anniversary of the worst day of his life. 6 years had felt like mere seconds, like only yesterday he was pleading with her not to leave him. Damn it Princess, don’t you know I’ll cross every inch of space and time until I find you? His own words echoed in his brain all day, all night, while he worked and showered and ate and slept, while he maintained appearances with Mike and Diego and Rebecca. In the back of his head his own words were there, reminding him that he wasn’t any closer to fulfilling that promise to her.
“You will? Oh… Jake…” Rebecca’s voice had softened and Jake could tell she was getting choked up. She could never understand exactly what Jake felt about losing Kara, but she’d tried like hell. She’d been so happy to see her brother again after all those years, but seeing him broken about this girl killed her, so she’d tried her hardest to always be patient and understanding whenever the topic of La Huerta or Kara came up.
“Yeah, Becs, tell mom I’ll be there around 7.” Rebecca said she would and that their mother would be so glad. Jake knew she would be; their mom was the textbook definition of sweet, southern woman. They ended their conversation and Jake resumed his usual slouch. Checking his watch he saw that he had time for one more.
Just as he was about to wave Penney over, something from the television caught his eye. That’s not the right way to explain it- something from the television reached out and grabbed him and forced him to look. It was the light, and the sound. That crackling, energetic, prismatic sound- that pulsating, pink and purple and blue light, swirling and shimmering, pulling him back in time to that portal, to her hands in his, the warmth of them fading as she flickered out of existence. It hit him like a jackhammer to the chest, like a bowling ball to the heart. Kara.
He snapped his attention to the story that they were showing on the news, the ticker below reading: Breaking News- Madman Silas Prescott destroys New York as masked Hero sacrifices self to save city. He watched in complete awe as a woman on the screen shot up into the air carrying a man whose skin was glowing red and pink, whose eyes did not seem human. They flew up into the atmosphere and the colors exploded, the figures vanishing. The camera angle shook as the camera man readjusted his focus to two figures on the ground: a woman in a black jumpsuit, and a man…a man made of bronze. While they both seemed shocked and devastated at what they’d just seen, the bronze man was clearly the one in agony. Jake watched as the man on screen clutched his head and screamed, dropping to his knees while the woman tearfully tried to comfort him. That’s how Jake knew who he had to find.
6 years. 6 years he’d been trying to find a way to fulfill the last words he’d said to the woman who brought him back from the dead. “Hold on, Princess,” he muttered to himself, “Top gun’s coming.” He pulled his phone back out, cash flying from his pocket as he did. He left it on the bar, called a goodbye to Penney, and practically flew out the door as he called Rebecca back. “Becs,” he said, already heading to the airfield. “Something came up. Something about Kara. I’m on my way to New York, I’ll call you when I get there, okay? Tell mom I’m sorry, but,” he choked back his emotions. “But I’ve got to go after my wife and I think I finally know how.”    
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buckybarnesstar · 8 years
Secret Admirer
Note: I’ve been sick so I haven’t been able to get too many requests done. but I really enjoyed writing this! I do hope you like it! feedback is welcome! thanks for the request, sweetie .c
Request: Bucky gets jealous and protective when he finds out that a man has been showering you, his wife, with gifts and presents and letters and confronts that man :-D
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If one thing about Bucky was for certain: he despises another male giving you attention. He spent years and years believing nobody could ever love him, and he’d be damned if he let another man swoop in and steal you away, the one who loves him dearly. Though, countless times you’ve assured Bucky that he’s the only man you have eyes on, and you’d never leave him, he was still protective of you. 
Bucky was startled out of his deep slumber early in the morning, to find the postman holding a bouquet of roses, asking for him to sign for them. His stomach twisted and his eyes squinted at the brightly colored flowers.  
“Are you sure this is the right address? I didn’t order flowers.” Bucky always hand picked your flowers, never bought, except on special occasions. You preferred handpicked, enjoying the special meaning behind them a lot more than a floral shop arrangement. But sometimes Bucky would surprise you. This was not one of those times.
The postman nodded and gave Bucky a friendly smile. “Yep! Y/N Y/L/N still lives here, right?” The postman asks, noticing Bucky’s eyes flitting back and forth across his face. “What’s it to you?” Bucky snaps, angrily taking the vase from the postman’s hand.
The postman’s eyes widen and he stands there, shocked. “Just making sure. The floral shop has no time for mistakes.” He said before turning on his heel and rushing away to finish his route.
Bucky sighed heavily as he looked for a note attached to the roses. He wanted to throw them away, maybe even stomp on them and hunt the asshole down and give him a piece of his mind. But instead, he waited patiently for you to finish showering before he acted on his emotions.
He sat them on the kitchen island in your shared apartment, wracking his brain as to who would send you, his wife, such an intimate gift. It couldn’t have been someone from your family; sadly so, you lost connections after being recruited. The guys on the team knew better to pull a prank like this; trying to woo his woman, they knew he’d stop at nothing to make sure every last flower was shoved so far up-
“Ooo, pretty!” Your voice rang through the kitchen as you skipped over to Bucky. Bucky’s heart sank at the sound of the excitement coming from your pretty mouth he loves to kiss so much. “Bucky, you shouldn’t have!” You smiled brightly, leaning over to him and placing a kiss to his cheek.
He frowned at your reaction, knowing how happy you got anytime he ever got you flowers. “I didn’t.” Bucky mumbled with a frown, his tired eyes falling to your hand on his arm. Your eyebrows creased with confusion. Your eyes scanned the bouquet, searching for a card as you twisted the vase around. Only then did you realize there wasn’t one.
“Well, who would’ve sent me these?” You asked softly, nobody coming to mind. Bucky shrugged and you tapped your fingers against the kitchen island. “I don’t like this.” Bucky grumbled before getting off the seat and pacing the kitchen.
You sighed and almost rolled your eyes at him, but even this confused you. “Well, why don’t I take them to the little old lady down the street later?” You offered with a small smile, wanting to get these away from Bucky before the vase was thrown into the wall. Or worse, into the head of the person that sent them.
Bucky nodded and looked over at you, his heart warming at the sight of your still wet hair and bright eyes. He never understood how someone could look so beautiful without even trying. So no, he was not about to let someone else see you this way.
You walked over to him and pulled him into you, your arms wrapping around his waist. Bucky held you close and he pressed his lips on the top of your head. His metal hand grasped at your shirt, the desperation to keep you in his arms evident in his actions. “I know you’re worrying. Don’t.” You whispered, looking up at Bucky, your chin resting on his torso.
His hand caressed your cheek and you smiled, causing one of his own to form on his lips.
It had been a week since the flower situation. Bucky didn’t dwell on it, but he was still alert when the postman would stop by. Bucky had been gone all morning, meeting up with Steve for the day. You were lounging around at home, working on a painting for your local art class, before you heard the doorbell ring.
You smiled and set down your paintbrush, wiping the paint on your hands onto your smock. You ran to the door and half expected to see Bucky, but knew he wouldn’t be home for a few more hours, and you were met with the postman.
“Hi Charlie!” You said with a smile, taking your letters from his outstretched hand. Charlie then pulled out a box, handing it to you. “What’s this?” You asked, inspecting the small box. “Not sure, sweetie. Sign here.” He said with a smile, offering you his pen and his clipboard. You quickly signed for the box and waved to Charlie before going back inside.
The box felt light and didn’t have any information on it except for your address. Placing the letters in the small mail slot near your door, you examined the box, lifting it to your ear as you gently shook it.
You couldn’t hear anything so you went to the kitchen to carefully open it with a knife. Light blue gift paper stuck out as you lifted the flaps open and you creased your eyebrows. This paper looks familiar.
You pulled it out and gasped, seeing a Tiffany & Co. business card on top of a light blue box with white satin ribbon tied around it, a bow sitting on the lid. You grasped the box and opened it, seeing a bracelet catching the sunlight through the windows, shining brightly in a ray of rainbow colors.
“Who are you?” You whispered. First the roses and now an expensive piece of jewelry? You had no clue who would be sending you things like this. You were sure Bucky was going to freak out after seeing this. Gently placing the bracelet back inside of the box, you left it there so you could finish painting.
A few hours passed, and you had finished your project. The door suddenly opened, heavy boots being taken off made you smile.
Bucky stepped into view and you squealed, running up to him. You always felt so happy when he got home. “Bucky!” You giggled, running straight into his arms. Bucky chuckled and caught you, twirling you around before capturing your lips with his.
You smiled into the kiss as Bucky held you closer. He smelled like shampoo and aftershave from his shower this morning, with a hint of vanilla. Bucky set you down and held your cheeks in his hands, smiling down at you.
“You’ve got paint in your hair.” Bucky said with a laugh, his fingers trying to clean it off. You flapped his hands away and giggled. You suddenly remembered the little box you got earlier and you gasped. “Oh yeah! A box came today.” You said, walking away from Bucky. His demeanor changed immediately, jealousy and anger settling into his chest.
“What is it? Who is it from? Did they leave a note?” He bombarded you with questions as he ganged up on your heels into the kitchen. You grabbed the box and opened it, getting the bracelet out again.
You held it out for Bucky to see and he looked at it, his eyebrows creasing. “Okay, this it getting out of hand already. I’m gonna find this punk and give him a piece of my mind.” Bucky growled, taking the bracelet from you. “This is the last fucking straw!“ He yelled, his loud voice echoing through the hallway before he turned into the living room.
You sighed and looked up at him. “Bucky, it could be harmless.” You explained, trying to catch up to Bucky as he turned away from you, his shoulders visibly tensing. He scoffed and shook his head. “Harmless? Another man is sending you gifts, Y/N!” Bucky exclaimed, turning to you and you got into the room.
Another sigh fell from your lips and you walked over to Bucky, pulling him into your arms. He stood still, his hand gripping tightly onto the bracelet. “I will figure out who this is, and I can’t promise I’ll be nice about it.” Bucky grumbled, his arms moving to wrap around your shoulders.
It’s been two weeks now and you’ve received another bouquet of roses and another piece of expensive jewelry, without a note of who it could be from. Bucky made many attempts at tracking the person down, but you hoped they would stop before he could hurt someone.
Suddenly, you heard the postman at the door. You rushed to the door, beating Bucky to it so he wouldn’t take any of this out on someone innocent. Luckily he was still in the kitchen. You opened the door and smiled at the postman, asking him how his morning has been so far.
“Rather lovely! Here’s your mail!” Charlie said with a chipper voice, his hand holding a few letters out to you. You took them with a smile and said goodbye. Charlie returned your smile before heading back down the walkway, his bag slung over his shoulder.
You shifted through the letters as you walked back inside, kicking the door shut behind you. Most of the letters were simple bills, but a purple colored envelope with your name written in cursive on it caught your attention.
You were nervous to open it, you never really got any letters from anyone personally. You used to when you first became an Avenger, but now, it was rare. Maybe this was one of those times. You only hoped so, so Bucky wouldn’t freak out. But as you opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, your eyes raking down the message, your accusations were wrong.
Bucky walked in with an unreadable expression as he crossed over and behind you, looking down at the letter over your shoulder.
“Dear Y/N, I hope you’ve enjoyed the gifts! I was scared to face you, but I’d like to meet up with you! If it’s okay with you, you can meet me at-” Bucky ripped the letter from your hands as he read the address and he laughed. “Is this idiot serious right now!?” He shouted as he stared down at you. You gave him a small shrug.
Whoever wrote the letter wanted you to meet them at noon at some coffee shop. “Bucky, please, don’t do anything you’ll regret.” You pleaded, looking up at a rather angry man. Bucky’s jaw clenched and he slipped on his baseball cap.
“I don’t know who this is, you are not coming with me. It could be a trap and they could hurt you, they could-” Bucky rushed and you quickly stepped onto your toes and shut him up with a kiss. “I’m going with you. I’ll be okay.” You said with a small smile.
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed heavily. He looked back at you and shook his head gently. “I swear, he’s dead.” Bucky grumbled, grabbing your hand and making his way to the destination.
You took your time looking around the city, the sun shining brightly and a few birds flying around every now and then. Other than all of this, it was a nice day out. As you walked towards the coffee shop, you saw a familiar face standing outside, the man looking down at his watch.
You gasped as you realized who it was. It was your art partner, Riley. Was he the one that was sending you all of those gifts? “No way.” You whispered, catching Bucky’s attention. “Is that him?” Bucky asked as he caught sight of the man and immediately bolted towards him. “Hey! Punk!” Bucky yelled out, his metal hand whirring as he tightened his fist.
Riley’s head snapped towards you and Bucky, his eyes widening just in time for Bucky to lunge at him. Bucky grabbed Riley by his shirt and lifted him off of the ground. “So you’re the guy that’s been sending my wife gifts and love letters!?” Bucky yelled at Riley, moving to shove him against the brick building.
You stood back as you watched, your heart racing fast. “Bucky!” You yelled after him, noticing a few people slowly walk by as they took in the scene. The last thing you wanted was for Bucky to end up on the news channel for lashing out on someone in the public eye, so you knew you had to do something.
Rushing over to Bucky, you grabbed his arm. He was breathing heavily as he dropped Riley to the ground. Riley was pretty shaken up and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. “Bucky, let me talk to him. He’s from my art class.“ You said softly, moving to help Riley up. Bucky scoffed and looked at you bewildered. “Are you serious, Y/N!?” Bucky yelled out.
Riley stood back up and looked between you and Bucky. “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. I didn’t mean any harm. She never mentioned a boyfriend.” Riley explained nervously. You let out a sigh. “I told you about Bucky, remember? He’s my husband.” You said, moving towards Bucky again. He pulled you into his side protectively.
Riley’s eyebrows creased. “I’ve never seen a ring.” He commented. You lifted up your left hand, the diamond shining in the sunlight. A soft ‘oh’ fell from his lips. Bucky pushed you behind him as he walked forward. Riley took a cautious step backward. “Listen, man, it’s only a misunderstanding.” He squeaked, holding his hands up.
Bucky snarled at him and turned back to you, quickly pulling you away without another word. You didn’t dare look back at Riley, no matter how bad you felt. He was really nice and welcomed you into the art class with a warm gesture. But you never thought he’d be your secret admirer.
You never wore your ring to art class after the first day, you almost had it snagged off by your smock. Bucky was silent most of the way home and you weren’t sure what to say. He left your side as soon as you stepped into the door, and went straight to the bedroom.
You followed after him, watching him closely. Bucky didn’t look angry anymore. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes held a sadness you’ve never seen before.
“Are you okay?” You asked quietly as you moved to stand in front of Bucky. His head was hanging low and he shook it, his hair framing his face under his cap. You lifted his chin up with your finger and looked into his eyes. “Talk to me, baby.” You whispered, noticing his blue eyes had grown a light shade of grey.
Bucky sighed and moved his hands to your waist, his thumbs digging into your skin. “It’s just-the thought of someone else feeling how I feel about you-it scares me.” Bucky mumbled, leaning into your hand on his cheek. You smiled gently and took off his cap, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Hey, come on, I’m yours. I’m not going anywhere.” You said, pressing more kisses to his face.
After a few more, Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle. He pulled you onto him and fell onto his back on the mattress as you straddled him. You looked down at Bucky, letting your noses graze one another’s in an eskimo kiss. “You know I love you, James.” You said, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. “Even when you’re jealous.” You added with a sly smirk.
Bucky pulled you closer, his metal hand keeping you in place. “I love you, too. Wait- no, I am not jealous.” He deadpanned, a hint of truth behind his words. You giggled and kissed his lips. You pulled away too soon for his liking and he groaned, rubbing his hands along your lower back. “You are.” You said, kissing his lips again.
“Am not.” Kiss. “Are too.” Kiss. “Am not.” Kiss. “Fuck, can you blame me?” Bucky asked as he rolled on top of you, moving his hands underneath your shirt. You smiled and let out a breathy giggle. “Just kiss me.” You whispered, pulling him down by his collar. “Gladly.” He mumbled against your lips.
Note: yikes, I hope this doesn’t suck! .c
Permanent Tag List: @imgettingmarriedtobuckybarnes, @abloggernamedsecretly, @untrusted-statue, @our-teenwolf-fam, @littlemissacorn, @its-not-a-phase-hux, @dontfuckwithkezolas, @letsrunwithdream, @thyotakukimkim, @widowbite-legit, @learisa, @heidijames28, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @theassetseyeliner, @thatsportyavengerpower, @fantasticallyabnormal, @jenn0755, @this-blog-belongs-to-v, @lostinspace33, @morganosborn101, @mxye, @diving-down-to-wonderland, @miraisnotavailable, @ballerinafairyprincess, @unluckyybuckyy, @earinafae, @betherz5683, @wagatla, @frickin-bats, @fangirl-monarchy, @sparklydestiel, @charlesgrey1875, @potterhead1265, @domcaaa996, @poshspicehaz, @tori1385,  @thelifeofadino,  @bubblyanarocks3, @jaybird6232, @curlyexpat, @chimera4plums, @gallifreyansass, @seeyainanotherlifebrotha, @ria132love @saharzek (if you want to be added or removed, message me! strike through means I couldn’t tag you!)
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yurionparadise-blog · 8 years
About Me Tag
@purplepuggy thank you for tagging me!! I don’t usually do these, but why not it’s 2017 ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE
(continued under break cause this got long yikes)
Name: Elena
Nickname: Mittens, Jolene, Scelena (I have weird af nicknames)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius woo (transforms into a centaur and rides off into the night)
Birthday: Dec 9th
Relationship Status: …single…very, very single (2017 don’t let me down fam)
Pets: A black and white cat named Oreo…7-year-old me was apparently very creative with names 
Height: 5′2″
Favorite Color(s): I don’t really have a favorite color, but I like generally like shades of blue and purple…and black heh
average amount of sleep: HAAHAH on school nights I get like 6 if I’m lucky, and on breaks I pretend like I’m gonna sleep for a lot longer, but it only ends up being like 8 hours
Lucky Number: 1 
last thing I googled: “yuri on ice wiki” 
number of blankets I sleep with: One extra blanket, but if you also count sheets and stuff then 4 (I’m always either really cold or really hot there is no in between)
met a celebrity: The glorious ten seconds when I met Dan and Phil, but I barely remember any of it because my brain went into fangirl mode and my memory temporarily shut down 
favorite fictional character: Oh no don’t make me choose I’ll literally explode
Favorite Book: …thanks to a combination of school and procrastination I don’t read too many books, but I’m always a sucker for some John Green or James Patterson
Favorite Band: yikesyikesyikesyikesyikes I love too many to choose one, so off the top of my head…twenty one pilots, P!atD, Marianas Trench, All Time Low, Daughtry, EXO, Imagine Dragons…I’m gonna stop myself there
song stuck in my head right now: History Maker– Dean Fujioka 
last movie I watched: I watched The Exorcist with my friend a few nights ago, which was exciting to say the least 
last TV show I watched: *sigh* Yuri on Ice…it’s now like my third time watching it fully through I’m trash
last song I listened to: September– Marianas Trench
Dream Trip: JAPAN 
Dream Job: Oh no I’m gonna have an existential crisis cause i literally have no clue…maybe a visual effects artist or a voice actor (basically anything to do with film), and I’m especially interested in writing, but I hardly ever have the motivation or time to do it a lot rn
what I’m wearing right now: I haven’t left the house today so leggings and a green t-shirt…I’m treasuring the last few days before I have to go back to school
time right now: 8:23 pm
what do you post about: technically anime in general…but atm it’s all Yuri On Ice let’s be real
any other blogs?: Funny story, okay *deep breath* so I have my “main” blog (@yuri-on-paradise) that used to be is dedicated to SPN, but then I found YOI so I was like, “oh why don’t I make a sideblog for anime stuff, i probably won’t become more invested in it than SPN”…HHAHA PSYCH yeah YOI took over my life, but I had already started the sideblog and I couldn’t make it my main, so now I have two blogs that have virtually the same name because I changed the name of my main to match this one out of frustration and now I don’t use my main one barely at all anymore…that made zero sense I’m so sorry
NOTE TO SELF…stop making sideblogs ya shiz and just annoy your followers by reblogging 80 different fandoms it’ll be fine
when did your blog peak?: like two days ago lol hello all my new followers, I hope your day is going well <3
do you get ask on a daily basis: nah I haven’t even gotten one yet, but to be fair I just started this blog a month ago so *cries*…but hello again followers who I already said hi to like five seconds ago. If any of you ever need advice/to vent/to talk to someone I’m here!!…literally always…i live on tumblr
why did you choose your url?: All of the good YOI pun usernames were taken so @yurionparadise was born
lemonade or iced tea: lemonade,,??,? maybe?? 
cats or dogs: cats because I have a cat and i love her, but dogs are a very close second
coke or pepsi: *whispers* i have actually never had coke or pepsi in my life oops 
day or night: ooo the night…I love the stars and just the overall mystery of darkness (wow, me, very poetic) 
call or text: texting because I’m generally too socially awkward to have proper conversations with people face to face
makeup or natural: On other people I have absolutely no preference, but I personally wear a fair amount of makeup every time I leave the house….it’s sort of just become a calming routine and I usually listen to music while doing it
light or dark hair: I have naturally lightish brown hair, but rn it’s dyed like a dark burgundy red color 
shorter or taller: I don’t really have a preference because I’m fairly short, so most people are already taller than me
intelligence or attraction: intelligencé
city or country: probably the city because I was born in New York and lived there for most of my life (unfortunately I don’t anymore *sigh*)
Tag 20 followers you want to know better: (I’m only gonna do around 10 because I’m awkward and I don’t want to overwhelm people) @mysteriousangst @destielwaffle @iamnotaweeb @makka-viktuuri @skatiing @theangelstolemygrace @shackledbyackles @kissandcryviktuuri @crazythundergod @justanotherwritingaddict @foutrelamerde 
The tagged followers absolutely do not have to do this, I just wanted to thank you for following me!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope 2017 goes well for everyone!
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summersandsodapop · 8 years
Lost and found
It was a flash. In a flash she had left her support system and got into the car with a bunch of strangers. Every warning siren in her brain was screaming as she she buckled the seatbelt in the passenger seat. She checked her bag for her emergency phone. And the paranoia was setting in as she tried to control her breaths in the least awkward and obvious was possible. She felt a tap on her shoulder, “3 blue sheep” she heard phinn ask. The second thing he had ever said to her. “3 brown sheep” “3 grown sheep” “3 gowned sheep” she responded. She wasn't sure how he also knew the exercise. It was really dumb her old therapist came up with it. It was meant to distract you when you got overwhelmed. Victoria didn't seen much real proof behind it and it was obviously made up on the spot. But the familiar words were comforting she turned around and smiled to him, he gave a small smile, not a true smile. And nodded. Maybe he was just quiet. Couldn't blame him, she couldn't imagine what It would be like to lose a sibling let alone a twin…. She had though. She had lost a twin. She lost him in her mind. She felt a twinge a guilt for letting herself forget them. And this was the least she could do They pulled up on a house, it looked familiar not in the sense that she had been there before ever in her life, but it was across the street from Carmen's house, she found it funny just how close she was to them, and just missed it. But maybe that was there fault. Or maybe it was hard to see the resemblance with black hair… of course phinn had black hair to. And Caroline had brown hair… but still. “Here we are 177 maple drive” Phillip said pulling the car into the driveway. Victoria had always found suburban house strange. They were big mostly. So many rooms just for one family. But as she looked at how big this family was it didn't seem all that strange. These homes were made for big families clearly. The house was white with a soft blue trim, it felt odd, the colors didn't match the family but maybe they didn't care. The whole family loaded out of the car with grace and she was a slow kinda crawl. She was glad she sent her flowers with Samantha, made that easier. They all kicked off their shoes and obviously made a effort to place them in the proper cubby, she understood her family had a shoot cubby to. She followed there lead and James placed a hand on her shoulder with a cheeky grin. “Well Victoria, we weren't going to eat till around 7” Phillip said, not sure what to make of himself. His long lost daughter was back, she had set foot in his house, and yet she was still a total stranger. “It's about 4 now… why don't you kids give her the tour?” “Sure” Carolina said. Victoria felt a stiffness in the house and the family. It was clear how distant they were. It was strange to see coming from a very close family and into a distant one. But clearly they still got along, hopefully “Should we start with… the living room?” James said hand on her back. “Sure” Victoria said as he swept the room with his other hand like it a was a grand palace and not a tv room. It had a big comfy couch and a tc and a nice table with books that her sister called ‘dressed to impressed books’ but she couldn't help but get the feeling that one of them was actually reading it for the joy of reading it. Perhaps they could have that in common. “This is are lovely family room where we get to together and watch disney movies. I will tell you right now phinns favorite movie is not wallie, you would thinks its wallie because the kid loves robots SO MUCH, victoria listen he loves robots. However his favorite disney movie is little mermaid, and no it's not because had had red hair, or so i've been told he had red hair once upon a time, it's because of the fish. Flounder he really relates” “Flounders one of my favorites too” “See phinn look you two have at the very least to things in common” james said seeming to grow in height as he looked at the boy with a grin. the boy weakly smiled back “wow that is the warmest smile i have ever seen from him. Look victoria you're cracking through his cold dark hearts” “F+++ off” victoria help but gasp at the swear word. Samantha never said much more then hell, it was the one thing there father was very strictly against, the swears. “Swear jar” she squeaked “Ooo that's a good idea” caroline said “phinn were getting you a swear jar maybe that will teach you to cut back on the swearing!” phinn turned red and shrunk in on himself “I didn't mean to… call you out” she muttered “Moving on to the kitchen” james said turning her around before much more could be said. “And through the kitchen we find the garage door, dad are we allowed to show her the lab?” “Just don't touch anything if you're not sure what it does” “You might want to tie your hair back” caroline said sitting down on a stool “i never trust what's in there” victoria nodded, her dad also had a lab that she hung around in often, and she just understood lab safety overall. She pulled a hair tie of her wrist (she always had one) and pulled her hair into a skward ponie as james opened the door like a grand ball room. It was a garage. But it had counters with bubbles and a work bench and anything she could dream up in a small garage lab. “It's amazing: she muttered stepping in and phinn perked up a bit “Its technically dads but he lets me use it… i tend to use it more than he does” phinn muttered walking in, “Can i see what youve working on?” “... it's a robot” phinn said finally looking her in the eyes for the first time since they met “James wasn't lying, you do really like a robots” “I do” “I have a plan for some micro bots… maybe we could build them as like a duo” “Yeah! That would be fun” phinn smiled. “I can't wait to see what you've been working on too” “It's… a flying broom… well it's a hovering broom techianly” “Does it work?” “Of course it works!” “That's the flynn in ya” phillip said leaning into the door frame “Please dad if that were true i think i would be smarter” caroline muttered “There's different kinds of smart” victoria said “maybe you're more artistically inclined” “Candi plays 12 different kinds of instruments and has painting in museums” james said “See!” victoria said “that's amazing!’ and caroline smiled “You are wise beyond your years too torie” james whispered “Moving on to the up stairs!” They started with james room, it was simple room and clean too. A desk a twin bed. About the size of victoria's room only he didn't have to share it so it seemed bigger than it probably actually was. He had some pictures all from italy. Victoria had lived there for 2 years and recognized it instantly “Italy” “Yes, that's where i'm from originally” “oh Ho vissuto in Italia per un po 'troppo” “Oh veramente! non c'è da meravigliarsi andiamo d'accordo” “No wonder indeed” victoria smiled “it's a kinship” “You lived in italy?” phinn asked “Yes, my father sometimes goes to other countries for his job. Italy was the most recent and the longest we stayed somewhere. 2 years. Previously it was japan for a year and half.” “That's really cool” james said “you're like a carrier exchange student” “It feels like it sometimes.” “Well we can discuss all about italy in the future because we will be talking about it i have notes. Meanwhile, the tour must continue. If you will fallow me right this way miss to phinns room. Witch i hope is clean for a change” “It is… i cleaned it” the two older sibling of sorts seemed shocked by this. Turning around at him “Oh” caroline said smiling “that's good to hear” “Yeah! I'm impressed” “You don't have to make such a big deal about it. I clean it from time to time” they nodded and james opened the next door across the hall from him. Phinns room was a little bit bigger, it looked like maybe once it was supposed to be shared considering the two windows. Phinns bed was tucked away in the corner and had big tall posts and a couch loft thing on top… the were bunk beds once weren't they. He had a messy desk across from the bed, it had a picture on it but she couldn't see what it was. It was covered in notebooks and textbooks and pens and clue prints. “You've been working hard” “Oh yeah.” he said looking sheepishly at his desk “i forgot to clean that” “It's alright, a messy desk is a busy mind. That's what my dad ses” “Wise words” caroline nodded “but i would say messy mind” “Maybe so” victoria said “messy, busy. At some points they mean the same thing” Next they went to caroline's room. Her room was cream but it had pink and purple everywhere. As the eldest she had the nicest room for sure. A slightly bigger bed, with a fluffy comforter. Posters of different bands. She had a music stand and easel in the corner and a vanity. “It's so pretty” “Thanks you, i'm quite fond of it myself” she smiled and closed the door. “Well that's the tour… i don't know what we should do know” “We could play a game” victoria said! “No better way to bond then a good ol fashioned board game” “No i think that's how you drive families apart” phinn said “Those you survive hardships together are the closest of all” “i agree with tori” james said “No i'm with phinn on this one. However on the other hand mouse traps is my hidden talent so… i'm on team play a game” “Thats cold” phinn said “Not as cold as you” “Wow” james said “that was a low hit” phinn cracked a smile at this but victoria wasn't sure why “Fine, but i get to choose the game” They ended up playing mouse traps. Turns out caroline is studying law.
0 notes
snowdice · 4 years
Goblin Brain Study Session Fic 1 [Day 31]
Because I don’t want to just have walls of text for my Goblin Brain Study Session posts, I’m separating them by days. If you want to read the previous chapters, click the links below. All of chapter 11 and what I have of chapter 12 is under the cut.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today.
The Goblin Brain™ is acting up today. Save me.
Virgil smiled awkwardly at the cashier when he entered the gas station. He went straight to the coffee to get Patton one. He went ahead and got the largest size cup because they were probably going to be a while and started to fill it up at the machine.
He… didn’t quite understand why the man was still going to be driving him when he didn’t have a knife on him, but hopefully it wasn’t a trick. It was probably a trick. He should probably tell the cashier he’d been kidnapped.
But then the cashier would definitely call the cops and knowing his mother Virgil would definitely be screwed.
So, instead, Virgil put the lid on Patton’s coffee and found that there was one plain donut with chocolate frosting still in the case. He grabbed that and then searched around the candy aisle for a bit. He finally settled on a pack of Red Vines and grabbed a blue raspberry slushie. If he was going to get axe murdered by some guy that kept a stuffed bear named Barnaby in his car, he was going to do so with a blue tongue.
He handed over the 20-dollar bill to the cashier and then gathered up the snacks and drinks to take them to the car.
He caught Patton with his phone in his hands while he was pumping gas. “Hey, what are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“Just sending a text to my brother so he doesn’t worry too much,” Patton replied quickly. Virgil gave him a suspicious look. When it became clear that Virgil wasn’t going to willingly take a step closer to the car after that, Patton sighed and held out his phone. “You can see,” he said.
Virgil set the drinks and snacks down on the hood of the car and took the phone. The phone indeed was open to just a string of emojis sent to someone called “Lo-Lo” in Patton’s phone. The string of emojis read (insert emoji string)
“There is… no way he’d understand that,” Virgil said. “I barely understand it and I lived it.” He paused. “I am not a baby.”
Patton snatched the phone back. “I didn’t say you were.”
“You typed ‘knife baby’ in emoji!” Virgil said.
“Baby with a knife actually,” Patton said unrepentant. He grabbed his coffee and donut off the hood of the car and opened the driver’s door to put the drink in the cup holder and the donut on the seat. Then, he went to finish up pumping the gas.
Virgil frowned, but he did pick up his snack and drink and get into the passenger seat. He’d already thrown his lots in with the possible serial killer anyway.
Patton finished pumping the gas and got back into the car. “Don’t sit on your…” he sat on his donut.
“Oops!” he said. He sat up and grabbed the donut to take a bite. “Still good,” he declared with a grin.
Virgil rolled his eyes and took a long drag of the slushie.
“Don’t get brain freeze!”
“Whatever da-” He froze, chocking on the word.
Patton looked over at him, his face turning serious suddenly.
“Hey kiddo,” the man said softly. He reached over to put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with warm earnest eyes. “I’m going to make sure you’re okay, okay?”
Virgil looked away from his far too knowing eyes. “You don’t even know me, why would you?”
“I like helping people when I can. A couple hours of driving aren’t much to make sure someone else is safe. I spend a lot of my life driving anyway.”
“What do you even do?” Virgil asked.
“I mostly do odd jobs for my brother.”
“That doesn’t sound like a real job,” Virgil said.
He started the car and began to back up as he answered. “Do you know much about real jobs, then?” he asked.
“Well…” Virgil said. “I mean, no, but… still.”
Patton smiled over at him. “Okay, I answered a question about me-”
‘Did you though,’ Virgil thought, his eyes narrowed.
“Now you answer a question about you.”
“Why?” Virgil asked suspiciously.
“Well, we have an hour and a half of driving left and neither of us are kidnapped anymore, we might as well get to know each other.”
“What’s the question?”
“What’s your favorite subject in school?” Patton asked cheerily.
“Really?” Virgil asked. “Is this what we’re doing?” Patton just smiled over at him and Virgil went about tearing open his package of Red Vines. “English,” he said taking a bite of his candy.
“I always liked History myself, but English was fun.”
Virgil hummed. “You have any family other than your brother?” he asked.
“Lo has two sons. They’re twins.”
“Cool,” Virgil replied.
“Favorite color?”
“Purple. So, you don’t have kids then?”
“Not of my own,” Patton replied. “But I helped with the twins when they were younger, and I like to think of all of my coworkers as my kiddos.”
Virgil’s face twisted up. He didn’t know much about adult workplaces, but… “I’m sure they appreciate that,” Virgil scoffed
“I like to think so,” Patton said, not even seeming to register the skepticism in Virgil’s tone. Was the man ever anything but chipper? “Favorite movie?”
“Ratatouille,” he said on instinct and then felt his stomach drop. His favorite movie was Ratatouille because Uncle Emile always insisted on playing it during movie nights. Dad would complain loudly because he knew that Emile and Virgil would spend the rest of the night making jokes about dad having the same name as the rat.
“I don’t want to play this game anymore,” Virgil said.
Patton glanced over at him in surprise. “Okay,” he said softly. Virgil was thankful he didn’t try to push.
They drove for another 10 minutes. Virgil did his best not to think about… everything, but it got increasingly harder. He tugged on the sleeved of his hoodie, his slushie and Red Vines forgotten. Finally, Patton looked back over at him, his eyes concerned. Virgil curled into himself expecting him to try to needle Virgil into talking.
Instead he just smiled sadly at him. “Why don’t we play a different game?”
“I… sure,” Virgil agreed. Might as well. Maybe it would help. “What game?”
“Ooo!” Patton said. “How about ‘I Kill Your Cows’? Lo always threatens to kill me by the end of that game.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah!” Patton said, “Because that means I’m winning.”
Virgil puffed out an amused breath. “Okay. How do you play?” he asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “Basically, when you see a group of cows you can claim them and say ‘I have 10 cows’ or however many there are. Whoever says it first gets the cows. If you see a church or other place people get married, you can say ‘I marry my cows’ and then your cows double. If you see a graveyard, you can say ‘I kill your cows’ and reset the other player back to zero cows. If you see a barn you can say ‘I put however many cows in that barn’ and the cows go in the barn. When they’re in the barn, they can’t be killed, but they can’t be married either. You have to wait to see another barn before you can take them out.”
“Alright,” Virgil agreed. “Sure. Why not?”
“Great!” Patton said. “There’s a field of them up there. Since you’re new to the game, I’ll let you grab the first few.”
Virgil squinted at the cows in the field. “I have 6 cows,” he said.
“Nice job!” Patton said.
Virgil rolled his eyes. He didn’t know what was impressive about counting a few cows, but he smiled a bit anyway.
They continued to play the cow game for a while. Patton was obviously really good at this game and obviously trying to not be as good at the game as he actually was so Virgil wouldn’t loose by a million cows.
They turned on the radio after a while. Unfortunately, the conspiracy channel had fizzled out by now so they turned to a local station that played a mix of music.
“Can I take horses?” Virgil asked after about 20 minutes of play.
“Sure,” Patton replied. “Go ahead.”
“Okay, I have 4 horses.”
“Ooo!” Patton said. “That horsey is a palomino! I’ll trade you two cows for that horse.”
Virgil was pretty sure that’s not how it was supposed to work. But… Patton was 18 animals ahead… “20,” Virgil countered.
Patton glanced over at him. “5.”
“11, so I’m winning for once.”
He thought about it for a long moment. “Deal,” he finally said.
“Yes!” Virgil said excitedly. “I’m winning!”
Patton smiled over at him. “I have five cows,” he said.
Virgil’s head shot up to look out the windshield. There were, in fact, five cows in the pasture right in front of them. “Dammit!”
Patton coughed meaningfully.
“You can’t murder me like that and then get mad when I cuss,” Virgil grumbled.
“Aw, cheer up kiddo. At least we haven’t found a graveyard yet.”
“But when we do, you will guiltlessly murder all of my cows,” Virgil said. “Because you are truly evil.”
Patton just laughed at him. Virgil grumpily reached forward to turn up the radio so he could ignore him easier.
The song that was playing faded out as he did so, and the radio jockey came on the air. “Quick traffic update, there’s been an accident on I-26. A semi-truck full of cattle rolled over near exit 52 and eastbound traffic has been stopped. If you’re on I-26, we’d suggest you find an alternative route as it will take a while to get all of the cows rounded up.”
“Well I’m glad we got off the interstate when we did,” said Patton.
“Yeah,” agreed Virgil. “It would suck to be stuck in the middle of that.” He paused and listened to the radio jockey continue to explain that the semi had been carrying at least 150 cows. “Hey, Patton, can I claim cows remotely?”
  Chapter 12
Remus sulked in the back of Roman’s car. It wasn’t fair. His brother and his best friend were both in the front seat and had been mocking him for the past 10 minutes and they wouldn’t even put on an interesting music station. Roman even told him about the time he’d peed on a wasp sting thinking it would work like it did for jellyfish.
“We should play a car game,” Remus suggested.
“Absolutely not,” Roman said immediately.
“Come on Ro, it’s tradition,” Remus said.
“You kill my cows every time!” Roman said. “You could kill Uncle Patton’s cows since he’s always winning, but you always choose to kill my cows!”
“But RooooOOO.”
“Fine,” Remus relented. “No Cow Game.”
“Thank you.”
“I spy with my-”
“No, Remus.”
Remus paused. “I’m thinking of an animal.”
“I’m not playing Remus.”
They sat in silence for about 20 seconds. “There’s a Kentucky drivers license. One point for me.”
Roman chose to just ignore him now.
“Janus you’ll play with me, won’t you?” he asked.
“Remus, I don’t even know what you’re talking about and you’re already annoying me,” was the answer.
“Come on if we’re going to listen to stupid music, we should at least play a game. How about we try to find things outside of the car in alphabetical order. I’ll start. Airport sign! Now you find something starting with the letter ‘b’.”
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snowdice · 4 years
Goblin Brain Study Session Fic 1 [Day 30]
Because I don’t want to just have walls of text for my Goblin Brain Study Session posts, I’m separating them by days. If you want to read the previous chapters, click the links below. What I have done of chapter 11 under the cut.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today.
Let’s finish chapter 11 today! 
Virgil smiled awkwardly at the cashier when he entered the gas station. He went straight to the coffee to get Patton one. He went ahead and got the largest size cup because they were probably going to be a while and started to fill it up at the machine.
He… didn’t quite understand why the man was still going to be driving him when he didn’t have a knife on him, but hopefully it wasn’t a trick. It was probably a trick. He should probably tell the cashier he’d been kidnapped.
But then the cashier would definitely call the cops and knowing his mother Virgil would definitely be screwed.
So, instead, Virgil put the lid on Patton’s coffee and found that there was one plain donut with chocolate frosting still in the case. He grabbed that and then searched around the candy aisle for a bit. He finally settled on a pack of Red Vines and grabbed a blue raspberry slushie. If he was going to get axe murdered by some guy that kept a stuffed bear named Barnaby in his car, he was going to do so with a blue tongue.
He handed over the 20-dollar bill to the cashier and then gathered up the snacks and drinks to take them to the car.
He caught Patton with his phone in his hands while he was pumping gas. “Hey, what are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“Just sending a text to my brother so he doesn’t worry too much,” Patton replied quickly. Virgil gave him a suspicious look. When it became clear that Virgil wasn’t going to willingly take a step closer to the car after that, Patton sighed and held out his phone. “You can see,” he said.
Virgil set the drinks and snacks down on the hood of the car and took the phone. The phone indeed was open to just a string of emojis sent to someone called “Lo-Lo” in Patton’s phone. The string of emojis read (insert emoji string)
“There is… no way he’d understand that,” Virgil said. “I barely understand it and I lived it.” He paused. “I am not a baby.”
Patton snatched the phone back. “I didn’t say you were.”
“You typed ‘knife baby’ in emoji!” Virgil said.
“Baby with a knife actually,” Patton said unrepentant. He grabbed his coffee and donut off the hood of the car and opened the driver’s door to put the drink in the cup holder and the donut on the seat. Then, he went to finish up pumping the gas.
Virgil frowned, but he did pick up his snack and drink and get into the passenger seat. He’d already thrown his lots in with the possible serial killer anyway.
Patton finished pumping the gas and got back into the car. “Don’t sit on your…” he sat on his donut.
“Oops!” he said. He sat up and grabbed the donut to take a bite. “Still good,” he declared with a grin.
Virgil rolled his eyes and took a long drag of the slushie.
“Don’t get brain freeze!”
“Whatever da-” He froze, chocking on the word.
Patton looked over at him, his face turning serious suddenly.
“Hey kiddo,” the man said softly. He reached over to put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with warm earnest eyes. “I’m going to make sure you’re okay, okay?”
Virgil looked away from his far too knowing eyes. “You don’t even know me, why would you?”
“I like helping people when I can. A couple hours of driving aren’t much to make sure someone else is safe. I spend a lot of my life driving anyway.”
“What do you even do?” Virgil asked.
“I mostly do odd jobs for my brother.”
“That doesn’t sound like a real job,” Virgil said.
He started the car and began to back up as he answered. “Do you know much about real jobs, then?” he asked.
“Well…” Virgil said. “I mean, no, but… still.”
Patton smiled over at him. “Okay, I answered a question about me-”
‘Did you though,’ Virgil thought, his eyes narrowed.
“Now you answer a question about you.”
“Why?” Virgil asked suspiciously.
“Well, we have an hour and a half of driving left and neither of us are kidnapped anymore, we might as well get to know each other.”
“What’s the question?”
“What’s your favorite subject in school?” Patton asked cheerily.
“Really?” Virgil asked. “Is this what we’re doing?” Patton just smiled over at him and Virgil went about tearing open his package of Red Vines. “English,” he said taking a bite of his candy.
“I always liked History myself, but English was fun.”
Virgil hummed. “You have any family other than your brother?” he asked.
“Lo has two sons. They’re twins.”
“Cool,” Virgil replied.
“Favorite color?”
“Purple. So, you don’t have kids then?”
“Not of my own,” Patton replied. “But I helped with the twins when they were younger, and I like to think of all of my coworkers as my kiddos.”
Virgil’s face twisted up. He didn’t know much about adult workplaces, but… “I’m sure they appreciate that,” Virgil scoffed
“I like to think so,” Patton said, not even seeming to register the skepticism in Virgil’s tone. Was the man ever anything but chipper? “Favorite movie?”
“Ratatouille,” he said on instinct and then felt his stomach drop. His favorite movie was Ratatouille because Uncle Emile always insisted on playing it during movie nights. Dad would complain loudly because he knew that Emile and Virgil would spend the rest of the night making jokes about dad having the same name as the rat.
“I don’t want to play this game anymore,” Virgil said.
Patton glanced over at him in surprise. “Okay,” he said softly. Virgil was thankful he didn’t try to push.
They drove for another 10 minutes. Virgil did his best not to think about… everything, but it got increasingly harder. He tugged on the sleeved of his hoodie, his slushie and Red Vines forgotten. Finally, Patton looked back over at him, his eyes concerned. Virgil curled into himself expecting him to try to needle Virgil into talking.
Instead he just smiled sadly at him. “Why don’t we play a different game?”
“I… sure,” Virgil agreed. Might as well. Maybe it would help. “What game?”
“Ooo!” Patton said. “How about ‘I Kill Your Cows’? Lo always threatens to kill me by the end of that game.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah!” Patton said, “Because that means I’m winning.”
Virgil puffed out an amused breath. “Okay. How do you play?” he asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “Basically, when you see a group of cows you can claim them and say ‘I have 10 cows’ or however many there are. Whoever says it first gets the cows. If you see a church or other place people get married, you can say ‘I marry my cows’ and then your cows double. If you see a graveyard, you can say ‘I kill your cows’ and reset the other player back to zero cows. If you see a barn you can say ‘I put however many cows in that barn’ and the cows go in the barn. When they’re in the barn, they can’t be killed, but they can’t be married either. You have to wait to see another barn before you can take them out.”
“Alright,” Virgil agreed. “Sure. Why not?”
“Great!” Patton said. “There’s a field of them up there. Since you’re new to the game, I’ll let you grab the first few.”
Virgil squinted at the cows in the field. “I have 6 cows,” he said.
“Nice job!” Patton said.
Virgil rolled his eyes. He didn’t know what was impressive about counting a few cows, but he smiled a bit anyway.
They continued to play the cow game for a while. Patton was obviously really good at this game and obviously trying to not be as good at the game as he actually was so Virgil wouldn’t loose by a million cows.
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