#My Slowianie
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borisbubbles · 9 months ago
Eurovision 2024: #11
11. GREECE Marina Satti - "Zari" 11th place
Decade Ranking: 38/153 [Above Pasha Parfeny, belowGjon's Tears]
The internet is sometimes so strange yo. Fans went ABSOLUTELY FERAL over "Zari" over release, were sacrificing their firstborn sons (metaphorically. most of them -thankfully- won't ever procreate) declaring it a POTENTIAL WINNER, A CLEAR TOP TENNER. Even now, the chants of ZARI WAS ROBBED are still ongoing even if they calmed down a bit since the Final last month.
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Meanwhile, I was sitting on my island thinking "um why do these human skidmarks enjoy that horribe cacaphonous abortion of a song?"
YES, that was the take preshow, and I'm not sorry about it. "Zari" was a lot of shit and most of it was... well... shit. Ethnic instruments that were thrown together with zero regard for harmony, pivoting between "edgy" hiphop and "romantic" downtempo bits at the drop of a pin. The TA TA TA? A throbbing MIGRAINE of a chorus (I guess? I don't get headaches, I only cause them). "Zari" was tailored for Zoomers so again, why is this OLD ASS MILLENNIAL (lol she's three years older than I am) playing up to people half her age... by using TikTok memes? Stick to your generation, nerd. It was like a dozen Greek clichés haphazardly strung together as the ultimate clickbait. Borderline un-fucking-listenable.
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Now, I am FULLY aware that take puts me in mortal peril since the first and only step in Marina Satti fandom is to make it your personality. I've accepted the fact that a gang of Zari Zombies will be standing at my front door all
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but it's MY TRUTH, children and the truth WILL out!. The song was a mess in studio version and that a hill I'll happily die on! Annoying song + obnoxious fanbase => I was SO ready to rank it low and be veeeeery petty and supercilious about it!!! You know, the usual Me Stuff.
But then... we get to the semi and turns out "Zari" t actually works really well and its fans were right all along lmfao oops!!! MORPH!!
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Yeah, "Zari" was just the contemporary and Greek equivalent of "My Slowianie", wasn't it? (you'd better say Yes, because I'll compare them for the rest of this post...x) Esothertic ethic mess that somehow functions as a Stage Piece. Obviously NOT AS GOOD as "My Slowianie" (a social media overlay does NOT compensate for the lack of butter churners - where are the olive press workers, hmm?), but it was a decent enough forllow-up, on the clock ten years after Cleo.
Not a large part in the live being good was Marina herself though. Laryngitis or not, she went HARD.
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This is loads of fun!!! I hear the Satti Stans were disappointed by the stage presentation and that is fuckin' daft. The act was honestly... hot and slay and sold the song. It wasn't without faults (the styling and social media overlays were SOOO tacky lmfaooo), but christ who the fuck cares about a few inaccuracies after Marina took the camera (literally? lol) and ran away with it. Second most charismatic on-stage personality in this year after Ladaniva.
The one-shot camera
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into the choreographies
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into the explosion of colour
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into a diffusion of energy that interacted with the audience-
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heralded the metamorphosis from an obnoxious TikTok degenerate into a very well-executed Eurovision entrant that - despite possessing multiple ideas that shouldn't work on paper - got most of its shit right, in the correct dosage. It was more than enough to drag me on board, and I was a massive fucking sceptic! It worked, period.
At the end of the day, 11th place is actually a perfect result for Marina.
First off, it's where I've ranked her myself. (which was unplanned, since i fold the songs into my excel first before I look at their overall placements)
Secondly, I never thought she would be top 10 (then again, the only people who thought that were the contingent of her fanbase that thought she was the main character of Eurovision 2024 (over... Eden, Joost, Baby Lasagna and Nemo? lol.), and also thought she'd WIN which is a whole nother slice of insanity ham.)
And thirdly, some of the things Marina did were better executed by some of the remaining artists so it makes sense she didn't outrank them, here or on the scoreboard. She wasn't the biggest revelation (Ireland was), nor the most charismatic (Armenia were) nor the best girlbop (Italy, sort of), etc. She was very good at all of those things, but not the top dog.
In sum, "Zari" is just too um... unconventional to win many juries over. It did as well as it could have done, and still got left side thanks to a beefy televote. That's a good result in my book. It's good when my negative first impressions are proven unfounded by a strong and engaging live, and even better when these growers are rewarded with highish spots. Such results can only benefit the battles, which needs all the small victories it can get.
Pity I'm really that keen on dragging Olly Alexander into my top ten, huh?
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(not in order...x)
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six-paths-of-jeanmarco · 1 year ago
Eurovision 2014 vs 2015
Albania: One Night's Anger vs I'm Alive Armenia: Not Alone vs Face the Shadow Australia: Tonight Again Austria: Rise Like a Phoenix vs I Am Yours Azerbaijan: Start a Fire vs Hour of the Wolf Belarus: Cheesecake vs Time Belgium: Mother vs Rhythm Inside Cyprus: One Thing I Should Have Done Czechia: Hope Never Dies Denmark: Cliche Love Song vs The Way You Are Estonia: Amazing vs Goodbye to Yesterday Finland: Something Better vs Aina mun pitää France: Moustache vs N'oubliez pas Georgia: Three Minutes to Earth vs Warrior Germany: Is It Right vs Black Smoke Greece: Rise Up vs One Last Breath Hungary: Running vs Wars for Nothing Iceland: No Prejudice vs Unbroken Ireland: Heartbeat vs Playing with Numbers Israel: Same Heart vs Golden Boy Italy: La mia città vs Grande amore Latvia: Cake to Bake vs Love Injected Lithuania: Attention vs This Time Malta: Coming Home vs Warrior Moldova: Wild Soul vs I Want Your Love Montenegro: Moj svijet vs Adio Netherlands: Calm After the Storm vs Walk Along North Macedonia: To the Sky vs Autumn Leaves Norway: Silent Storm vs A Monster Like Me Poland: My Slowianie - We Are Slavic vs In the Name of Love Portugal: Quero ser tua vs Há um mar que nos separa Romania: Miracle vs De la capăt Russia: Shine vs A Million Voices San Marino: Maybe vs Chain of Lights Serbia: Beauty Never Lies Slovenia: Round and Round vs Here for You Spain: Dancing in the Rain vs Amanecer Sweden: Undo vs Heroes Switzerland: Hunter of Stars vs Time to Shine Ukraine: Tick-Tock United Kingdom: Children of the Universe vs Still in Love with You
2014: 17 vs 2015: 19
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dakkitoya · 8 years ago
Przepraszam, czy tylko ja nie wiem kto to jest Kasia Moś?
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ofscarletchaos · 7 years ago
Eurovision 2018 FINAL RESULTS
Israel - Netta - TOY  
Cyprus - Eleni Foureira - Fuego
Austria - Cesár sampson- Nobody But You
Germany - Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone 
Italy - Ermal Meta e Fabrizio Moro - Non Mi Aveto Fatto Niente
Czech Republic - Mikolas Josef - Lie To Me
Sweden - Benjamin Ingrosso - Dance You Off
Estonia - Elina Nechayeva - La Forza
Denmark - Rasmussen - Higher Ground
Moldova - DoReDoS - My Lucky Day
Albania - Eugent Bushpepa & OVI - Mall
Lithuania - Ieva Zasimauskaitė - When We’re Old
France - Madame Monsieur - Mercy
Bulgaria - EQUINOX - Bones
Norway - Alexander Rybak - That’s How You Write A Song
Ireland - Ryan O’Shaughnessy - Together
Ukraine - MELOVIN - Under the Ladder 
The Netherlands - Waylon - Outlaw In ‘Em
Serbia - Sanja Ilic & Balkanika - Nova Deca
Australia - Jessica Mauboy - We Got Love
Hungary - AWS - Viszlát Nyár
Slovenia - Lea Sirk - Hvala, ne!
Spain - Amaia y Alfred - Tu Cancion
United Kingdom - SuRie - Storm
Finland - Saara Aalto - Monsters
Portugal - Claudia Pascoal - O Jardim
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borisbubbles · 6 years ago
Eurovision  2010s: 25 - 20
25. Francesca Michelin - “No degree of separation” Italy 2016
Man, we’re deep into the endgame and at this point every elimination starts to mentally hurt. 
“Nessun grado di separazione” is a fantastic song. it is a moody, melodic, genuinely touching showcase of palpable social anxiety, brightened up by frivolous jiggles and Animal Crossing-inspired staging. 😍 Its lyrics tackle the subject of “falling in love” with disarming accuracy and poetic justice. When you fall in love with somebody, it really is a question of resistance, of trying to stay level-headed and rational, of trying to not speak from the mind, not the heart, and then flare of emotion lights up from the inside, carving a path in your chest, until
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Hands down my favourite language shift ever. Each time Francesca delivers it, time stands still, as you take in the expanse of the universe, the beauty of love and the profoundness of life. 
Naturalmente, Francesca is also a fantastic performer for me. It really pains me that she was less good in the Grand Final, because her SF performance was genuinely worthy of a top five spot on this ranking. Yet, at the same time, Francesca is clearly upset at herself that she was worse and god my overthinking, underachieving perfectionist-with-a-crippingly-fear-of-not-being-good-enough self can RELATE SO HARD to that. 😭
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*YOU* ARE PRECIOUS, Francesca. Grazie.
Easily the best entry Italy have ever brought at Eurovision...
24. Mahmood - “Soldi” Italy 2019
...until “Soldi”. Alessandro is mah MOOD
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What a delight “Soldi” was. Shame on me though. Between, all the madness of Hatari’s assholery, Serhat’s qualification, ZalaGasper’s interview gold, Bilal’s revamp, Michela & Miki’s staging miracles, Sergey’s struggles to keep his homosexuality under wraps, Duncan’s staging disaster, Jurij’s bedroom eyes and 2019: A Kate Oddyssey, I had completely forgotten about Mahmood.
Which made the rediscovery of “Soldi” all the greater. 😍 THIS 👏 SONG 👏 FUCKING 👏 SLAPS. 👏 even the B-material things such as the snappy camerawork, the arabic middle-eight and rhyming “Ramadan” with “Jackie Chan” are mindblowingly awesome. 
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It hard to pick a favourite aspect though. The backdrop, the beat, the dancing, Mahmood’s vocals and miming all come together in a song that is supereffective in getting the pain across while also simultaneously remaining fun, addictive and highly energetic. Mahmood completely DISMANTLES bad parenting while also clowning the xenophobic pieces of shit that tried to bully him off Eurovision. It’s that combination of genuine emotional pulling, righteous ownage and let’s face it, a fucking amazing song that makes coming back to Mahmood for another listen the easiest decision ever. *CLAP*CLAP*, motherfuckers. 👏
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23. Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!” Slovenia 2018
[2018 Review here] (shared with ZiBBZ)
Best moment of 2018: Lea Sirk becomes the best shock qualifier of ALL TIMES. Honestly, a trash fairy with a trap song that she wrote in under two hours has NO BUSINESS being this good, but it is. 😍
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 Remember the Israeli’s that cheered for Hatari? “Hvale, ne!” is the jury equivalent to that. It’s a song that righteously calls out the FAKENESS of the music industry <3 THAT WAS ALSO LIKED BY THE JURIES <333332456 😍😍😍
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Besides this “Hvala, ne!” is a wild ride taking us to lands of cotton candy braids and trashbag couture with an impeccable, show-stopping choreography, an earworm of a beat and just general kick ass energy. Lea operates on a near-inhuman level of pure CONTENT. Every second she delivers something of value, be it choreography or a snarky note or a hilarious facial expression “Hvala ne!” is riddled with little nuggets like that, which are hard to list in text, so here are a  couple of gifs:
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and yes, of course, the “break”. 😍
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Being able to pull that off not ONCE, but TWICE and STILL making it look fresh and novel <3 “Hvala, ne!” is effortlessly sleek, unapolegetically non-conformist, shamelessly gimmicky and 100% pure awesomeness. Slovenia may be a tiny country geographically but they burst with raw TALENT. Obrigado sim! 
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ps: Slovenia reportedly hating Lea now because she was trashtalking ZalaGasper’s victory over RAIVEN <3  lmfao Lea <3 ANGELS <3
22. Who See - “Igranka” Montenegro 2013
💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃 💃 Na na na na  IGRANKU 💃 💃 Ku ku ku ku IGRANKU 💃 💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃
I should not get ahead of myself, but jesus fuck, what a TRIP. 
So anyway, are Who See dressed like austronauts to signal that “Igranka” isn’t of this fucking planet, or? “Igranka” a fun party song, in which Who See tramp about dressed like Armstrong and Lightyear, flanked by 2013′s ubiquitous dubstep. Good? Sure.🤔 Funny? Certainly. 😁 However, nothing superexciting so far.
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Who See go from a weird heteronormative rap effort that is lowkey fun to an utterly unhinged acid trip the SECOND Nina Zizic is lifted onto the stage by a dumbwaiter and then proceeds to collect every scalp in the gaylaxy. Remember how I said 2013 had EPIC female entrances? This is a top five entrance probably in the history of live performances. SLAIN, DECEASED, EVAPORATED every single time. 
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Europe’s cyborg seraph.
and I mean, you’d think this one-time gimmick would get stale over time, but “Ingranka” actually gets better with every listen. I’m at the point where I can NO LONGER resist the ululating siren call to don a visor and a pair of pvc wings, and make overdramatic shouty entrances everywhere just like Nina the few times I choose to leave my mother’s basement. VODIM TE NA IGRANKU. 
21. Cleo - “My Slowianie”  Poland 2014
CLEO... Donatan?
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Is this Donatan shade for not being there? GOOD! We at BorisBubbles (so basically, I) believe in gender equality and since the wymyn do all of the work here, I’ve decided to not credit him. 🤭
Anyway, let’s just JUMP right in because dammit “My Slowianie” is such a RIDE. It’s entire objective appears to be... to convince everyone that ~Slavic Women~ are better, at everything than non-slavic women and, well, being slavic myself this message speaks to me. Not to mention that Cleo teaches us this paramount interculteral lesson in the most hilariously blunt fashion ever. 
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and dammit Cleo doesn’t underdeliver, doesn’t she? Three minutes of loud in your face SUPERIORITY. 😍 One could argue that “My slowianie” is SOCIALLY REPRESSING WOMEN, like many terfs did but like... get over you -- Sophie Ellis-Bextor, BorisBubbles. I don’t think any of us have the right to tell (other) women what they can or can’t do because of their breasts and oestrogen. These ladies agreed to do this song/act and are completely facetious while doing it. It’s a spoof. Laugh. or don’t laugh, I don’t care, really. Be a humourless non-slavic frump if you must. As far as I am concerned, “My slowianie” is a thing of CHARMING BEAUTY :shakes what his momma gave him:/ :claps his hands to this music:
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and in this update we say goodbye to Italy, Montenegro and Poland. Read my thoughts on them below:
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Italy before their return is one of the biggest snoozefests in Eurovision and now look at that chart. They were near impeccable in this decade and hopefully can win a third time soon (honestly the fact that they came so close to winning four times in this decade and still didn’t is one of the biggest mysteries of 2010s Eurovision imo.)
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Montenegro are the Georgia of the Balkans: they often go for experimental shit, just cuz they can. Unfortunately, their shit often is just that: shit. 
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Poland at Eurovision is a big ball of meh, mostly because they can’t, at all, select songs or entrants that sound good. Cleo and Michal are forever though, so it’s not completely without merit. 
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hkarwowska-blog · 6 years ago
89th International Session of European Youth Parliament in Yerevan, Armenia
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During Bialystok National Session of EYP Poland which I was describing during the beginning of the school year, due to the excellent presence I was chosen to represent Poland on the International Session, which is the most prestigious event and only the best representants of the Member States can go there. Yerevan IS took place between 9 and 16 of March. I was a part of the Committee on Jurisdiction, where we tackled the issue of adoption and marriages within same-sex couples in the EU. We produced a successful resolution, which finally passed the General Assembly. However, what made this session special was the cultural aspect. As there were representations of all EYP Member States, we were supposed to show some of our sense of being Polish. On the second picture, there is our delegation singing and dancing to My Slowianie in front of everyone. We also brought some of the Polish food to the Eurovillage, where we had our stand and we were able to try many dishes from other countries. There were also parties where the playlist was made with songs from all of the Member States and I have heard singing Macarena as a whole song for the first time! We had also workshops from Armenian dancing, cuisine and calligraphy, which was my favourite. We had an opportunity to visit places such as the National Opera or Museum of Armenian History. My favourite was an old, post-Soviet market called Vernissage. It was truly the best time of my life! LEARNING OUTCOMES - Demonstrating engagement with issues of global significance -  Demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively.
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kralisz-blog · 6 years ago
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thefemmedisaster · 8 years ago
Anybody follow me who does not know about My Slowianie bc it's a Part Of Me
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skylerwhitejr · 5 years ago
bo sytuacja zmusza do wyodrębniania siebie. Bo jako etniczne inni niż ludzie zachodu zostaliśmy zrównanii z Zachodem, więc postawiono nas w sytuacji "my albo oni". A to wszystko szuka ujścia w zamykaniu się na świat "bo świat nas nie rozumie". Strasznie nie podoba mi się ta sytuacja, bo to na pewno skończy się jakąś tragedią 😣
racja ;; niestety nie da sie zbyt wiele zrobic w tej kwestii, to spirala ktora sama sie nakreca. zachod wyklucza slowian, slowianie wyrazaja niechec do zachodu, w wyniku czego zachod odczuwa jeszcze wiekszosc niechec wobec slowian i tak dalej, i dalej...
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naomi-stewart · 7 years ago
probably My Slowianie Cleo from 2014 :D
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epikairocom · 8 years ago
YFSF: Έρχεται το 3ο live. Τι θα δούμε;
Μετράμε αντίστροφα για το 3ο live, που έρχεται αυτή την Κυριακή στον ΑΝΤ1.
Το 3ο επεισόδιο του Your Face Sounds Familiar, είναι θεματικό και είναι αφιερωμένο στη Eurovision, ενόψει και του μεγάλου τελικού του 62ου διαγωνισμού του μεγάλου θεσμού, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 13 Μαΐου στο Κίεβο.
Με γιορτινή διάθεση και περισσότερες εκπλήξεις, το show που λατρεύει τους stars όλου του κόσμου, ανανεώνει το ραντεβού του για αυτή την Κυριακή, και φέρνει στις οθόνες μας τη Eurovision, με τους  παίκτες (σε αλφαβητική σειρά) να παρουσιάζονται ως:
Δημήτρης Μακαλιάς: Ελλάδα 2011 (Λουκάς Γιώρκας & Stereo Mike – Watch my Dance)
Άρης Μακρής: Κύπρος 2002 (KΚωνσταντίνος Xριστοφόρου (Οne) – Gimme)
Ησαΐας Ματιάμπα: Πολωνία 2014 (Donotan & Cleo – My Slowianie (We are Slavic)
Κόνυ Μεταξά: Ελλάδα 1993 (Καίτη Γαρμπή – Ελλάδα Χώρα του Φωτός)
Αντώνης Δόμινος: Ελβετία 1988 (Celine Dion – Ne partez pas sans moi)
Σαμπρίνα: Ελλάδα 1980 (Άννα Βίσση – Ωτοστ��π)
Ιρένε Τροστ: Λουξεμβούργο 1972 (Βίκυ Λέανδρος – Apres toi)
Γιάννης Χατζηγεωργίου: Ισπανία 2008 (Rodolfo Chikilicuatre – Baila el chiki-chiki)
Γιάννης Χατζόπουλος: Ελλάδα 1994 (Κώστας Μπίγαλης – Ντιρι Ντιρι)
Παρθένα Χοροζίδου: Ελλάδα 2002 (Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής – S.A.G.A.P.O.)
Πηγή: www.gossip-tv.gr
from epikairo.com http://ift.tt/2qH1f93
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eurorangers-blog · 8 years ago
60 Second Challenge: what are your favourite entries from Poland 🇵🇱 Michal Szpak Color Of Your Life (2016) Monika Kuszyńska In The Name Of Love (2015) Donatan & Cleo My Slowianie - We Are Slavic (2014) Magdalena Tul Jestem (2011) Marcin Mroziński Legenda (2010) #Eurovisionsongcontest #EuroRangers #EuroVisionRangers #esc #eurovision #poland #michalszpak #MonikaKuszyńska #MarcinMroziński (at Poland)
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mystmoon · 10 years ago
Donatan & Cleo with My Słowianie or We Are Slavic for Poland in 2014
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just find this straight hot ok?
I’m probably gonna have my feminism card revoked for this XD
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intergalacticwifi · 10 years ago
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
But whatever you receive from your mother,
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thefemmedisaster · 10 years ago
**sings My Slowianie as an opera number**
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