#i akcent
iguessitme · 2 months
I think when speaking about wirdest video game controlers ,ones for Ameprod TVG-10 need to be included. It was a first-generation home video game console produced in Poland in years 1978-1981 by Elwro and it looked like this :
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I had a chamce to play on it and the controlers are perfect for Pong i must say
heres a shitty video of me playing :
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smaszujlubpasuj · 5 months
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drunk alberto & carlo fun activitiez (mr. clemente please hit him in the face. for me)
^ this has actual reference, some part from capone's biography (sorry it's an auto-translated screenshot bc i'm too lazy to find text ver & translate it)
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also some shit im too lazy to draw but here's a scene: Alberto falls off the bar stool, Carlo gives him his hand but immediately lets go, so Alberto is back on the floor. He asks Luca to bring a knife so he can “stab the bastard”. Luca freezes, before these words he was looking at his suit cut in the shoulder area (Clemente almost missed while throwing the knife)
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Zielarka 👀👀👀
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
we need more fyolai fics set in eastern europe but with actual eastern european surroundings, make these bitches fuck nasty under a trzepak
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sisididis · 1 year
These days I’m humming a lot of Akcent, and today was no different. 
Thanks to Lunie, I discovered a few months ago that ‘Dragoste de închiriat’ has an English version called ‘Kylie.’ It took me some time to warm up to the English version, but now I love them both. 
One thing that never ceases to surprise me though is how tame the Romanian lyrics sound in comparison to the English ones. 
I mean…
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( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
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mountaincryptid · 9 months
już modlę się, żeby ludzie z tvp znowu spierdolili sprawę i nie wysłali fan fave'a na eurowizję 🙏🏻
ta piosenka justyny mnie tak irytuje, a wszyscy się nią tak zachwycają 😭
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nocylipcowa · 2 years
chryste człowiek pierwszy raz w życiu słucha warlikowskiego przez ponad 10 minut and i cant stand him id shoot him on sight kilka minut później i już zapomniałam jakie miało być przesłanie jego wykładu
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thebendsbyradiohead · 6 months
casually reminiscing abt 2010s romanian dance music & muhammad had to drop this truth in the youtube comments
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judas-isariot · 6 months
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simpleisthehardest · 1 year
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Dawid i Alek, Rodzina na Maxa (2022-)
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raixoxs · 1 year
Akcent I forgot about you I’m sorry
Did she ever feel the same tho?? I hope you’re not talking about Kylie??? 😶
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klykcielewe · 6 months
Wywiad z agentem FBI
Patrycja Łuczak, 28.03.2024
Wieści z Kłykciów Lewych mają przyjemność zaprezentować ekskluzywny wywiad z agentem FBI, który przybył do wsi dwa tygodnie temu.
Redakcja: Mieszkańcy zastanawiają się co taka wytworna osoba robi w Kłykciach Lewych. Mógłby Pan uchylić rąbka tajemnicy? Agent: Jako tajnego agenta obowiązuje mnie ścisła tajemnica zawodowa. Dlatego nie mogę zdradzić, nad jaką sprawą pracuję.
R: Czy chodzi o spadające owoce? A: …
R: Dlaczego taki samochód? Czarna Wołga nie kojarzy się w tych stronach zbyt dobrze. A: Chciałem Chevroleta Chevelle z 69, ale w moim wydziale mają tylko ruskie samochody.
R: Jakim sposobem utrzymuje go Pan w takiej czystości? W promieniu 50 kilometrów nie ma żadnej myjni. A: Prawdziwy agent nigdy nie zdradza swoich sekretów.
R: Jakie są Pana ulubione zwierzę i ulubiony owoc? A: Kiwi.
R: Czy agenci FBI nie pracują w parach? A: Nie tam, skąd pochodzę.
R: A skąd pan pochodzi? A: Yyy… z daleka. [po chwili milczenia] W sumie to z Podkarpacia.
R: A ten akcent? A: Oglądałem Top Guna wiele razy.
R: Od czego właściwie skrótem jest FBI? A: Fantastyczny Bananowy Instytut.
R: … A: Zajmujemy się zjawiskami nadprzyrodzonymi dotyczącymi owoców.
R: Ogólnie owoców? A: Tak.
R: To dlaczego w nazwie są tylko banany? A: Żeby skrót się zgadzał. Szefostwo twierdzi, że w ten sposób wzbudzamy większy szacunek.
R: I wywołujecie zamieszanie. A: Hej, ja tu jestem tylko od brudnej roboty.
R: Jasne. Tak czy siak dziękujemy, że zgodził się Pan na wywiad agencie… A: Rambo. R: Agencie Rambo. A: To pseudonim. Naprawdę nazywam się Kurzydło. R: Cudownie. Dziękujemy za wywiad.
W razie dodatkowych pytań, lub użytecznych informacji dla agenta Rambo, czytelnicy proszeni są o kontakt z redakcją Wieści z Kłykciów Lewych, lub z panią Basią, która mu donosi.
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p33rfekcja · 4 months
Wczoraj nic nie wystawiałam, ani nie wchodziłam na tumblera, no było mi tak ch0lerni3 wstyd, przez binge...
Tak czy inaczej - dziś póki co trzymam się dobrze i na chwilę obecną zjadłam 415 kcal, może zjem jeszcze trochę wafli z ogórkiem wieczorem, ale to nic pewnego!!!
Pofarbowałam też wczoraj włosy na brązowy, ale akcent kolorystyczny to chyba nieodłączna część mnie i pod spodem zrobiłam je zielone hshshsh. Miała to być co prawda nagroda za gw4, ale miałam takie załamanie, że musiałam to zrobić
- 🎀✨ im just the girl ✨🎀
Od dwóch dni biorę też 2beSlim, trochę mnie wysypało, ale dostałam też okres, więc może to dlatego, dam wam znać za kilka dni czy cera się poprawiła, póki co polecajka, bo nie odczuwam fizycznie tak głodu, jeśli chodzi o głód psychiczny - jest gorzej.
Wstawiam wam też zdjęcie moich nowych włosów, bo muszę się pochwalić!!! I przy okazji macie zdjęcie jak wygląda moja linia szczęki (fatspo 💀)
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1n0r5xxiaa · 1 year
Denerwuja mnie ludzie. Wszyscy.
Moja kolezanka z klasy ( nazwijmy ja zuzia) chwali sie tym ze tak swietnie umie angielski. Mamy nowego pana od angielskiego ktory polowe lekcji nawija po angielsku a polowe po polsku i to jest super. Ma swiety akcent i dobrze sie go slucha ale teraz nie mowimy o nim. Zuzia szczycila sie tym ze rozumie wszystko co on mowi, a gdy powiedzialam jej ze ja tez rozumiem to byla zdziwiona i zaczela mowic ze “no co ty? Rozumiesz go?”. Druga sytuacja rowniez na angielskim. Pan pytal mnie o jakies zadanie ktore wykonalam poprawnie a ona zaczela mowic “no brawo karolinka, swietnie”. Nie rozumiem. Traktuje mnie jak idiote ktory nic nie umie i nie potrafi. Nienawidze tego. Denerwuje mnie.
Moja przyjaciolka rowniez mnie denerwuje. Ma na imie julka. Zawsze przynosi jakies jedzenie do szkoly ktore we mnie wpycha. Mowie jej ze nie lubie czegos to ona i tak mi kaze zjesc. Gdy juz zjem oczywiscie wiemy ze nie konczy sie na jednym gryzku. Zawsze potem pierdoli dwa po trzy ze po co mowie ze czegos nie lubie jak nigdy nie jadlam. Kochanie jadlam to wczesniej tysiac razy. Nie moge ci powiedziec ze nie zjem bo sie glodze.
Moja mama. Wrocilam ze szkoly z popisana reka bo mi sie nudzilo w szkole. Jakies rysuneczki wszystko. Nuda po prostu. Zaczela mowic ze zachowuje sie jak dziecko. Powiedzialam jej ze nie chce dorastac. Chcialabym byc nadal dzieckiem i nie przejmowac sie niczym. Wysmiala mnie.
Ostatnio chcialam pobawic sie w to ze unika sie czerwonego na podlodze lub jakiegos innego koloru. Rowniez zostalam wysmiana. Czy jest cos zlego w tym ze czasami chcialabym wrocic do tych beztroskich chwil? O co wam chodzi?
A najbardziej denerwuje mnie moja osoba. Nigdy nie potrafie powiedziec ze cos mnie denerwuje lub cos mi nie odpowiada, ale tylko do czasu kiedy nie wybuchne agresja. Moja przyjaciolka smieje sie ze mnie ze nie potafie sie z nia bic tak dla zabawy. Nie chce sie z nia bic bo wiem ze mogloby sie to zle skonczyc jesli by mnie wkurzyla. Byla raz taka sytuacja gdzie mowilam jej zeby mnie nie dotykala po brzuchu. Nadal to robila mimo ze mowilam to tysiac razy. Uderzylam ja bardzo mocno. Za mocno. Miala siniaka.
NIENAWIDZE tego gdy ludzie traktuja mnie jak debila. Bo co? Malo mowie? Mam srednie oceny? Nie potrafie tego opisac. Nie potrafie tez tego zliczyc ile razy ludzie traktowali mnie jak calkowitego debila. Jak idiote. Jak totalne zero.
Czuje sie zerem.
Takie tam rozne tematy z mojej chorej glowy ktorych nawet nie umiem poukladac w calosc.
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noonical · 5 months
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𓍯 ִֶָ VANILLA BABY ...
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↪ jungwon may not fully understand it, but jay is ready to gift him the world wrapped up in a bow.
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺ now playing: that's my name - akcent
pairing: park jongseong x yang jungwon cw: kissing, jealousy, whipped jay and enamoured jungwon, a (possibly) cheesy usage of nicknames like "kitty" I'm sorry 😭 but overall nothing really just two silly guys in love
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"Baby, have we been to Dubai?"
Jungwon looks up from where he was sitting on their shared bed, in the process of folding their freshly washed and dried clothes. He wears a confused expression as he raises a brow at his boyfriend.
"You have, not me though", he says. Something in him tells Jay is not asking that for nothing and he has a inkling where the conversation is going.
Jay smiles and walks up to sit in front of him on one knee and somehow, that move gets Jungwon blushing in the cheeks. "Well, now we're going there together", he announces with sparkling eyes that hold all the love and affection he has for the younger. Jungwon splutters.
"What?! But what about your work? And what about mine?" Jay fondly chuckles at his comically widened eyes and takes Jungwon's hands in his to softly rub them, making the latter drop the clothes he has been folding. "I didn't forget about your work, love. That's why I planned my meetings to be held in Dubai after two weeks, which is when you said you'll have your ten day vacation, isn't that right?" Jungwon simply nodded, still a bit stunned at the revelation.
They've been a couple for a year and have been to two countries already, but it seems like he's still not fully used to spontaneous trips abroad. Falling in love with a man whose social status differed from his by a large scale was not something that Jungwon thought will happen at all. He was still happy, of course, and wouldn't trade his relationship with his dear Jay-hyung for anything, but he still had a hard time accepting being spoiled.
Jay must have noticed his long pause, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Jungwon-ah, if you don't want it, please just tell me so, it's okay. I'll postpone my meetings and we'll be here for your vacation, you just have to say what you want. Your wishes come before anything else", the older stood up to sit next to Jungwon and gently put his arms around the latter's waist.
Jungwon looked at his boyfriend, heart practically aching from how he was being treated - like he meant the whole world and life to this lovely man. He sniffed and wrapped his arms around the older's neck, blinking his eyes repeatedly to not bawl like a child. "Hyung, you're unbelievable...", he murmured. "Of course I'll go with you, I'm sorry if you thought I won't. It's still kind of new for me... but just know that I'll go anywhere as long as it's with you", he turned his head up to kiss Jay on the corner of his mouth, hands softly brushing along the sharp jawline as he admired the most handsome face he has ever seen. Jay grinned, face so full of glee and pure love that Jungwon couldn't resist kissing him again, this time putting his lips on his boyfriend's.
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Jungwon couldn't stop his stunned gasps and "whoa's" as they were on their way to their hotel. Jay decided to book their stay in "Address Sky View", which, of course, intimidated Jungwon with its rate and overall price (even though Jay never let Jungwon pay despite the latter's resistance) at first, but quickly figured it won't be too bad. After all, he loved being pampered by his boyfriend, despite his partial guilt.
"How's Dubai?" Jay whispered lowly, lips brushing Jungwon's reddening ear. The younger was glad the partition was up in the car, otherwise the poor driver would've witnessed their shameless antics. He softly pushed the older on the chest at the bold flirting. "I've always looked at it through the screen but now... I can't believe I'm here, and it's all thanks to you", he smiled gently and pecked his boyfriend on the cheek before putting his head on the sturdy shoulder.
"I can't help but to want the best for you, Wonie, and I want you to know that I do things because I love you, not by obligation or anything else", Jay said and leaned down to kiss the younger on his temple, arm wrapped protectively around the shorter frame. "I know, hyung. I love you too... I don't know how I got so lucky with you", murmured Jungwon, his voice a silky sound surrounded by the gentle whirring of the car.
They safely arrived half an hour later, both drowsy from a late night flight. The couple decided to eat and then sleep since they didn't feel like doing anything aside from resting at the moment. As Jungwon put his head on the fluffy and rumpled pillow, and Jay made sure to properly tuck the younger in bed, he couldn't help but feel like this will last forever. With that thought, he drifted to sleep, dreaming of only the sweetest dreams.
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Their first proper day in Dubai started with Jungwon waking up early and just lying down and admiring his man's divine face (which is an absolutely normal thing between them), then, after Jay had risen from sleep, they headed to get breakfast.
"How's the food, kitty?" Jay asked as he carefully wiped a tiny crumb off the younger's face, which, in turn, caused Jungwon, who was still very shy about PDA, to turn pink in the cheeks. He coughed and smiled, his endearing dimples popping out. "I like it! Very delicious and different from what we have in Korea, but in a good way", he hummed as he put down his spoon to pick up his glass filled with orange juice. Jay nodded and put some heart-shaped waffles from his plate to Jungwon's, murmuring "eat more".
After the breakfast, they thought they'd enjoy swimming in an indoors pool since it was already piping hot outside, and so here they were. Jay was completely topless, clad only in swimming trunks, while Jungwon opted for a full body swimsuit, being a person whose preference lies in non revealing clothes. The younger decided to read a book he brought for a little before diving into the water while his boyfriend jumped into the pool as soon as they arrived there.
As Jungwon sat and squirmed in his lounge chair to find a comfortable position, he was suddenly approached by a tall man. He tore his eyes off his book to look up at the stranger in surprise, and that's when he noticed the man's Asian features.
"Hey, sorry if I'm bothering, but I've heard you and your friend talking in Korean and guessed you two are my fellow countrymen", the man said with a friendly smile, and Jungwon's eyes widened. "Oh?! That's right, we're Korean! Wow, that's so cool, I wouldn't have guessed I would see a fellow Korean here.. Uh, what's your name..?" Jungwon said, filled with enthusiasm at the prospect of meeting people from the same place as him and Jay-hyung.
"My name's Hwang Yeonseok, what about you?"
"Yang Jungwon! Nice to meet you", He smiled, eyes bright and shiny as he shook hands with Yeonseok, the man returning the excitement. Jungwon didn't notice how he started chatting with a newfound acquaintance, completely forgetting about his book, the pool and... his boyfriend.
Speaking of the said "boyfriend", Jay didn't notice them immediately, head and body under the surface for a little while until he came out eventually, eyes squeezed and hands rubbing his own face until his vision became clear again. And that's when he took saw them: his boyfriend with another man, both of them talking to each other so animatedly. Now, Jay is not a jealous and possessive man by nature - his Jungwonnie has many guy friends that he's totally not concerned about because, well, that's just weird to feel territorial over your partner when they do nothing for you to be worried about.
This time, however, something was different. Jay was not an oblivious fool and that's why he immediately took notice of the way the stranger was looking at his Jungwon, approaching the younger with a clear (at least to Jay) intent. And that's also why he swam closer to them, when he heard the man say: "By the way, you have a great body, Jungwon. It's not too buff but not too frail either", with an unknown glint in his eyes, and Jay decided to end whatever that was going on. He cleared his throat and Jungwon's head snapped in his direction, heart eyes immediately taking over his embarrassed and shy ones from the man's compliment.
"Jay hyung! Look, this is Hwang Yeonseok, he's also Korean and came here to rest just like us! And Yeonseok-ssi, this is Jay hyung, he's-"
"I'm his boyfriend", smiled Jay, trying his best to look friendly and not bare his teeth in a grimace as he emerged from the water and walked up right next to Jungwon. The latter must have noticed the tension as he took Jay's hand into his and nodded. "Yes, he's my boyfriend", he said in a breathless tone as Yeonseok opened his mouth in surprise. "O-oh, nice to meet you, Jay-ssi. Well, it looks like I have somewhere to be. It was really nice talking to you, Jungwon, see you later. You too, Jay-ssi", the man had smiled and quickly went away, leaving the two alone. Jungwon couldn't hold his giddy expression as he giggled and hugged the older.
"What's gotten into you, hyung? Ah, were you jealous? Was Jjongssaeng jealous of a complete stranger?" He playfully cooed as Jay rolled his eyes. "Yah! He literally complimented your body, isn't that just weird? You also left me in the water by myself, just to talk with another man!" Jay hissed, very obviously playing along since a smile adorned his face. Jungwon threw his head back and nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck afterwards, squeezing his eyes shut in a complete bliss.
"I was just excited to meet a new friend. You're the only man I'll ever find attractive, so don't worry okay? I love you too much to even think about how others look, hyung", he smiled and tiptoed to kiss his hyung's chiseled jawline. Jay grinned, satisfied with his answer and leaned down to kiss the younger's nose, eyes full of adoration.
"Love you too, Jungwonie, so so much."
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AN: OKAYYY here goes my first ever published work 😭😭😭 jaywon makes me feel so weak, and English is not my first and not even my second language so forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes 😅 hope someone enjoys it, much love 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 OI ALSO: the title is not really related to the chapter at all, it was stuck in my head so yeah 😅
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