#My Alien Roommate
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Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, my friends. No, the video above is NOT my work, but it's very funny and I thought you'd enjoy it. Check out more from this user's page, if you haven't already, they have some wonderfully funny stuff. XD Anyway, may you all and any S/Os you may or may not have enjoy this special day, and I hope plenty of fanfics and fanart pieces involving your favorite crushes and ships are released. ;)
#disney#twisted wonderland#silliness#not my work#pikablaze#video#humor#valentine's day#malleus#malleus draconia#my alien roommate#Youtube
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Rui me encanta tu estilo! ❤️ no te voy a mentir, te conocí por tw hace poco, sobretodo por las publicaciones de Baxter con los rt de Gb patch. Ahora que vi que tenías tumblr, tenía que preguntarte sí o sí, hay otras vn de las que seas fan? Ya de paso no sé si habrás probado la demo de Keyframes? Promete muchísimo como proyecto 🤭 Me alegra demasiado ver a gente de la comunidad hispana metida en estos fandoms! Has sido todo un descubrimiento para mi aksnwks saludos y espero ver más de tus trabajos 🥰
jhdsafj graciAS me alegra una banda💕💕 sí es complicado encontrarse al lado hispano de las vn y definitivamente voy a probar Keyframes cuando encuentre un rato libre! mainly bc ya lo conocía de ojo pero nunca encontré el nombre adjfksa
Anyways! mi género favorito siempre fue la comedia, y eso se nota bastante en mis recomendaciones jahdfa empezado con mi top 3! (con links para los Itch.io!)
Fujiwara BitterSweet!! Romance, comedia y muchos temas oscuros (hay un disclaimer con todos los TW al principio del juego y son fuertes). Tiene 6 personajes romanceables, cada uno con historias más,,, bizarras que el anterior, los momentos en donde no estás por la salud mental de los personajes te estás riendo tho (o capaz yo soy muy fácil de hacer reír).
Toshio me hizo darme cuenta de cosas que no sabía de mí misma tbh, se fundió con mi corazón como si tuviera un espacio predeterminado para él.
Pizzaro Project Deep Dish! Full comedia absurda con tintes de romance y muchos giros de trama, no hay momento donde no te preguntes "¿esto es de verdad?". En una tarde te lo pasás con todos lo finales (principalmente porque los finales se deciden en una opción -justamente- al final). 100% recomendado, si te reís fuerte yo digo que lo juegues a solas.
I Love You!! Romance y -adivina- comedia! Adoro este juego con toda mi alma, like-- mira la página de Itch.io bld
ya puedes ver un patrón verdad?
La protagonista, aunque no tenga mucha personalidad (sin contar las opciones), es fuerte tanto físicamente como de carácter. Y los chicos son encantadores tbh like look at them aren't they adorable? Te recomiendo que uses la guía que te ofrece la página porque es como que medio complicado asegurar los finales sino asdfkasj
Además tiene un cuarto chico secreto para romancear!! deberías probarlo solamente por ese final. 100/10 un maravilloso rato asegurado.
Menciones honoríficas! porque ya abriste la caja de pandora anon :>
My Alien Roommate (demo) Lo que dice el título. Yo le veo mucho potencial!
Saint Spell's Love Guide to the Magical Student's Spellbook (o Saint Spell's para abreviar) Es una colaboración masiva entre varios creadores, el juego acumula 29 personajes romanceables increíblemente encantadores! Yo desbloqueé hasta 21 por que me aburrí nomas akjfds. Es otro juego que te recomiendo hacer con la guía que te ofrece la página, utiliza bastante rng.
Snaggemon, un dating sim de uno de los npc del Team Rocket (y cuando uno piensa que ya jugó de todo,,,). Corto y directo! Recuerdo haberme pasado un buen rato.
Un combo vamos: Blooming Panic, ERROR143, A Date with Death y Assignment Due: Project Blue. Todas siguen la idea de coquetear con un chicos por medio de un chat, todas son graciosas (Project Blue es más adorable que otra cosa sino mal recuerdo) y yo digo que valen la pena el intento :D
Uno viejo! RE:Alistair++. Uno de los primeros otome que jugué creo, me gusta por la nostalgia y el chico de marrón, me rehúso a jugarlo de vuelta porque seguramente envejeció mal akdjfad
Starry Flowers es una buena recomendación si querés leer una historia super adorable de dos chicos enamorados <3. Cuando era chica me encantaba ver gameplays de los rpg de NomnomNami, pero esta vn tiene un lugar especial principalmente porque tiene un absoluto BANGER como canción final tbh. Si no vas a jugarlo mínimo escuchá el ending.
Por último! Long Since The Eschaton difiere bastante de mis gustos normales, pero yo diría que eso es lo que me atrae tanto. Es una historia post apocalíptica y por eso trata varios temas delicados, aun así todos los finales (excepto el malo en donde mueres, oops) terminan con una nota esperanzadora! Tanto la ruta de amistad como la romántica son bastante bonitas. Definitivamente vale la pena :D
#rui thinks loudly#no me digas que tengo que tagear todos#fujiwara bittersweet#starry flowers#long since the eschaton#blooming panic#error143#a date with death#project blue vn#i love you!#(idk if that one will work)#saint spells love guide#my alien roommate#pizzaro project deep dish#snaggemon#re:alistair++#visual novel#rui recomienda
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Someone's getting a glow-up... 👀
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Just realized I forgot to post this!
Fanart of Lucas from the VN "My Alien Roommate" by @WholesomeWraith on twitter and @purpleherringgames on itch.io and Tumblr!
#visual novel#dating sim#otome#otome game#VN#my alien roommate#My Alien Roommate#indie visual novel#amare game#indie otome#mar lucas#mar lucas fanart#mar fanart#My Alien Roommate fanart#indie game#commission#commission art#commissions open#artph#artist on tumblr#purple herring games#WholesomeWraith#itch.io
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Enoch from My Alien Roommate by @purpleherringgames
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First Contact
Written for @inklings-challenge 2024. It feels very first draft-y to me, and didn't quite end up how I initially envisioned it, but here it is.
When the first lights were seen in the sky, some said it was the end of the world. Passages from Revelation and other religious texts were thrown around, talking of stars falling from the sky or the Four Horsemen coming to bring judgment.
Others said, with slightly less drama, that it must be some sort of cosmological phenomenon—perhaps dozens of meteors falling to Earth to usher in the next Ice Age.
Still others, with an air of smugness, said these lights proved they'd been right all along. The extraterrestrials were real after all, and now they'd come in their UFOs to subjugate all of Earth at last. They'd been called crazy when they talked of inexplicable lights and experiences of being beamed into flying saucers and probed, but now the little green men were back, and everyone who'd called them liars would see the truth. Oh yes, they would see.
And then of course there were those who pointed fingers at one country after another, blaming them for sending missiles and unauthorized aircraft across the borders of peaceful nations. Some ran for their bunkers, but those who continued to pay attention to the news quickly learned that the same thing was happening all around the world. None of the world's superpowers were capable of such a feat.
Dr. Shannon Campbell wasn't sure what to think. Ever since reading War of the Worlds in high school, the thought of first contact had fascinated her. If aliens really were out there, what would they be like? Would they be hostile like so many books and movies claimed? Or might there be a way to communicate with them?
And suddenly, it wasn't just an idle imagining or the raving of lunatics. The possibility that they were not alone in the universe started to look more and more likely. And then she got a call, and then a visit from some bigwig at NASA and a General Somebody-or-Other decked out in camouflage, and the next thing she knew, she'd packed a bag and was heading to an undisclosed location in the Midwest.
It turned out everyone was a little bit wrong, and a little bit right at the same time. In the middle of a cornfield, an extraterrestrial spaceship had landed. But it was more of a shiny silver sphere than a flying saucer, and it didn't quite seem to be the end of the world just yet. Not to mention that the beings that emerged were neither little green men, nor were they Tripods or bug people or anything else Dr. Campbell had ever imagined aliens to look like.
The aliens...stepped? Floated? Well, they emerged somehow from the side of their spaceship, which shimmered to let them through but immediately looked the same as it had before. Not like a door or a hatch opening. And the aliens themselves were pale creatures that somewhat resembled octopi, or maybe jellyfish. Their bodies hovered in the air, with long, thin tentacles dangling down to the earth.
But even as the NASA scientists and soldiers surrounding the spaceship looked on, the aliens' forms began to shift. They hunkered down closer to the ground, their many tentacles sticking together and morphing into thicker, smaller limbs. Soon, instead of dozens of tentacles, they only had four, and their bodies compressed into something more like a torso and a head.
They were mimicking the humans, Dr. Campbell suddenly realized. In mere minutes, they had assumed roughly humanoid shapes, with arms and legs and...well, it looked more like two clusters of tiny eyestalks rather than eyes, but they were basically in the right place on their faces. They had no ears or noses that she could see, and their hands looked like they were wearing mittens rather than being divided into ten fingers. And where their mouths should have been was a thin membrane that glowed slightly as it vibrated with the low humming sounds the aliens had been emitting the entire time.
One of the aliens began to glide forward, holding its too-long arms out to the sides. The humming intensified, all of the aliens joining in at different pitches and frequencies, like some kind of interstellar choir. Several soldiers raised their weapons, but Dr. Campbell hastily said, “Please, don't shoot! We should at least try to communicate with them first!”
The general glanced nervously between the slowly advancing alien and Dr. Campbell, then gave her a sort of shrug as if to say, “Suit yourself.” He motioned for his soldiers to lower their weapons, and everyone took a step back.
Dr. Campbell swallowed. Now that she stood facing the alien leader, presumably, she felt like she had during her first undergrad presentation: two inches tall, and faintly sick.
But then...was that just her imagination, or were those words, garbled in mouths without tongues? Words in English?
“Gogojohnnygo. Heusedtocarryhis. Guitarinagunnysack?”
“Wait...is that...'Johnny B. Goode'?”
High-pitched trills exploded from every alien, their mouth-membranes vibrating loudly as their long tentacle arms waved excitedly in the air. At least...she thought it was excitement. For all she knew, maybe they were about to attack.
Some of the surrounding soldiers seemed to think this, as they tensed and looked ready either to bolt or to start firing.
Maybe the alien leader realized this, because his trills descended sharply in pitch and volume, like he was shushing them. The others quieted down as well, until the humming started up again. This time it was a complicated rhythm, interweaving several melodies at once, with an interesting breathy quality to their voices that almost made them sound like musical instruments on an ancient phonograph.
And yet...the longer she listened to them, the more she realized it sounded familiar too. “That's, like...Bach or something, isn't it? They're humming Bach.”
But how on earth would they know Bach? Or 'Johnny B. Goode,' for that matter. The only reason Dr. Campbell knew it was because of Back to the Future. She pressed a couple fingers against her aching temples. Multiple PhDs in linguistics and anthropology hadn't prepared her for this.
While she was pondering, the aliens moved on from their Bach concerto and suddenly started barking like a dog. Then made the clop-clop-clopping sounds of a horse trotting along. Then something that almost sounded like the pattering of rain on a roof. Then, as one, they all emitted the exact same laugh.
A sudden suspicion. Dr. Campbell whipped out her phone and frantically looked something up on Wikipedia. Sure enough, it all clicked into place. With a gasp, Dr. Campbell straightened up and looked at the aliens looming over them. “It's Voyager! They're mimicking the recordings sent with Voyager!”
“What does that mean?” the general snapped, irritation masking his nervousness at not having a handle on what was going on.
Slowly, a smile spread across Dr. Campbell's face. “It means we have a basis for communication.”
By the end of six months, Dr. Campbell had managed it at last. She'd managed to hold an entire conversation with the aliens, and was reasonably certain both sides understood what was being said. It was the greatest achievement of her life...and she was just getting started.
Once it became clear that the aliens weren't going to immediately start shooting laser guns or levitating people into their spaceship and start probing them, the army seemed to relax a little. A temporary camp of trailers and tents had been set up in the cornfield with all the equipment Dr. Campbell needed to do her work, as well as a base of operations for the soldiers who created a perimeter around the cornfield to keep curious civilians from wandering through before they could fully ascertain the aliens' intentions.
It seemed the aliens were also in favor of caution. After that first day, when Dr. Campbell had pulled up a recording of the record that had been placed in Voyager and played it for the aliens, attempting to convey that they were trying to communicate, all the other spaceships that hovered in the air around the world had returned to orbit around Earth. They linked together in a chain, like Earth were wearing a pearl necklace, and just stayed there.
Presumably, communications were carried out between those ships and the one in the cornfield, that attempts were being made to speak with the humans. Maybe now that they were finally able to speak to each other and they could ascertain their intentions, the other ships would land again.
So far, they hadn't discussed anything of particular importance. Just things like names (the leader that Dr. Campbell talked to most often was called something like Brrringgnggniiiiib, but she called him Johnny), whether the aliens could breathe the air (it seemed they could, though they preferred the pressurized atmosphere of their spaceship), and what various objects in view were called. Both parties were curious about the other, but cautious of giving too much away. Just in case.
The aliens' language was highly tonal, like Mandarin but with a whole symphony of timbres and tones, some of which were far too high or low for human vocal cords. The real breakthrough had been when the team of technicians from around the world had cobbled together a soundboard with programmable pitches. Over the months, by working with the world's most skilled computer engineers, they'd been able to create an alien translator, where a human could type in what they wanted to say on a standard computer keyboard, and it would translate to a series of music-like tones that would play on a speaker for the alien. Then when the alien spoke in its language into a microphone, the machine would translate it into English on a little screen.
It was a slow, arduous process, but it worked. It only translated to English for now, but it would be a simple matter to add more human languages to the database, a project the technicians were already hard at work to complete. And though the translator was currently the size of a pipe organ and required a mass of extension cords and portable generators and solar panels just to run for a few minutes a day, Dr. Campbell had no doubt that eventually this machine would be reduced to a pocket-sized translator everyone carried with them. That is, if the aliens were going to stay.
And that was what today was all about.
Dr. Campbell stepped out of her trailer, breathing in the crisp air of the October morning and wrapping cold fingers around her mug of coffee. As always, the shiny dome of the alien ship rose against the sky, the constant backdrop of what her life had become. It looked somewhat foggy towards the bottom—frost, perhaps?
She took another sip of coffee, swirling the bitter liquid around her mouth as she wondered what Johnny would think of the taste. They hadn't yet discussed what the aliens ate—if they ate. They didn't exactly have mouths, after all. Though Birdcall, what she called the shortest of the alien crew, had once picked up a blade of grass and seemed to absorb it through the palm of the hand, before Hellohello had whistled shrilly, apparently admonishing Birdcall, who had immediately 'spit out' the grass, leaving it a little crumpled in the dirt. Like a mother scolding her child for putting something into her mouth that she'd picked up off the ground.
Draining the last of her coffee, Dr. Campbell stretched and set off across the cornfield to the tent where the translator resided. “Time to make history, I guess.”
Just like every day, Dr. Campbell met Johnny in the middle of the cornfield with a trill she personally thought sounded like a ringing telephone. It was a greeting, one of the alien words she was actually able to say herself. She held her arms out to the sides and wiggled them a little—it was like a hand wave. She'd finally stopped feeling stupid when she did it.
Johnny also held out his arms and wiggled them, though his looked much better because his 'arms' were really just tentacles stuck together in an approximation of human arms. “HeeLLLlllooooOOOoo, DoooktoooooRRRR,” he said in his sing-song voice. Johnny was much better at speaking English than she was at speaking his language.
Dr. Campbell thought of Johnny as 'he,' mostly because she'd started calling him Johnny, but she still wasn't sure if the aliens even had genders. The conversation they'd tried to have about that had left everyone more confused than when they'd started.
“Shall we begin?” she asked, gesturing towards the tent with the translator.
Johnny 'nodded,' which for him meant bobbing in a sort of full-body bow that made him look like one of those floppy dancing inflatable things outside of a car dealership. The aliens didn't nod as a way of indicating assent, but Johnny was always trying to mimic Dr. Campbell's mannerisms. It was kind of cute, in a way. If a tall, spindly alien with eyestalks and no mouth could be called cute.
Once she'd situated herself at the console of the translator, Dr. Campbell looked across at Johnny. He knelt or sat (it was hard to tell which when the limbs he folded beneath him had no joints and just sort of glommed into a squishy mass supporting his torso) on the ground a comfortable distance away. She'd offered him a chair several times before, but even once he finally understood what to do with it, he'd assured her that he was just as comfortable without one.
Taking a deep breath, Dr. Campbell put her fingers on the keyboard and looked across at Johnny, meeting his eyes—well, at least a few of his eyestalks, anyway. He liked to keep a 360-degree visual range at all times. Then she typed in the first, and perhaps most important, question:
Why did you come to Earth?
The almost musical sound of computerized tones echoed through the still morning air. Dr. Campbell was suddenly aware of many eyes on the two of them—the general, the two guards who were always stationed at this tent to keep anyone from tampering with the translator, the technicians and scientists standing by. They couldn't understand the aliens' language just from listening to it, but everyone knew this was an important day in history. The day they would finally get some answers.
Johnny's trills and chirps were very familiar to Dr. Campbell by now, and she could almost catch a few words here and there, but he spoke much too fast when they were at the translator. She had to wait for the words to trail across the screen.
“We hear voicings we know people being in the darkness. We must bring light.”
Light? Do you mean knowledge? Dr. Campbell's heart leapt. Maybe they would share the secret to faster-than-light travel.
Johnny bobbed in a half-bow. “Knowings. We asking you a questioning now Doctor.”
Dr. Campbell looked up at Johnny and nodded. A question for a question. Only fair.
Johnny leaned forward a little. It was almost impossible to make out expressions on his mushy alien face, but he seemed eager. “Are you knowing of your origin?”
“Origin?” Dr. Campbell muttered aloud as she read the words on the screen. She frowned up at Johnny for a moment, trying to understand what he was asking. Do you mean my parents? The people who gave birth to me? She didn't even know how the aliens reproduced, or whether Johnny would understand what she was talking about.
Johnny swayed his whole body from side to side, his version of shaking his head, while humming a single note that sounded kind of like a dial tone. Every single one of Johnny's many eyestalks zeroed in on her, catching her in an unblinking alien stare. Johnny's next words came like a song, so mesmerizing it was all she could do to glance down at the screen to see what he was saying.
“Origin is life beginning. Origin is light sun star root. Origin is making planets moons we Doctor Earth. Origin is making good peace life. We are of Origin and when Earth metal rock falling to our planet we are saying we must see. We must know. Does Earth is knowing Origin? Or is only darkness?”
Dr. Campbell's mind whirled. Suddenly, after months of extreme caution and dancing around revealing too much, now she wasn't sure what to do with this influx of information. She had a dozen new questions, and it took her a moment to decide what to ask first.
Is Origin your planet?
Johnny swayed a no again. “Origin is making our planet. Origin is making Earth. Origin is making us. Origin is making you. Origin is making cooOOOoorrnnnnffffIIIiiieeeeEEEEllLLLd,” he added, switching to English for that word, since the aliens apparently didn't have corn on their planet.
Slowly, a suspicion dawned on her. This 'Origin' was something that had made everything in the universe. It almost sounded like...a creation myth. Are you talking about a god?
Johnny's long limbs flipped into the air, and he let out an excited trill as he bobbed up and down. “We are not knowing you are knowing this word Doctor. Please saying this word in your voicings so we may be learning it.”
Dr. Campbell looked up at Johnny's eyes going haywire, at his 'arms' beginning to fray into many tentacles in his excitement. Slowly and clearly, she said, “God.”
Such a short word, but when Johnny repeated it several times in his musical voice, it sounded so beautiful. Like somehow, the little song made from the membrane of his 'mouth' vibrating was part of the very fabric of the universe. The music of the spheres.
After a few minutes of repeating the word God,interspersed with the trills and chitterings of his own language that Dr. Campbell couldn't fully understand because he wasn't speaking into the mic anymore, Johnny made an effort to calm himself down. “TTTtthhhhHHHaaaAAAAaaannnngnggnkk yoooOOOOOoooooouuuuUUUU, DoooktoooooRRRR,” he said carefully in English, before pulling the mic closer so he could speak more fluently in his own tongue. “We are very exciting Doctor because we are seeing now that God is showing to you in Earth also. God is holding universe in hands and we are family with Earth. We are thinking we must fly to Earth to show God leading the way but you are already following.”
“Whoa, whoa, hold up a second,” Dr. Campbell muttered. “I haven't even been to Sunday School since I was five.” But how to explain that to...an extraterrestrial missionary, apparently? Biting her lip, she eventually went with I'm not even sure I believe in God. There are lots of people on Earth who don't. Some people believe in different gods, or none at all.
Johnny hummed for a little after the translator's tones subsided. Not humming in words, just a faint sound of discomfort. Or thoughtfulness. Dr. Campbell wasn't sure. But he grew still, with none of the excited energy of a moment ago.
Finally, Johnny leaned towards the mic again and said, “We are saddening to be hearing this Doctor. But we are also gladdening because this means we are staying in Earth for longer. We are hoping you are letting us stay. We want to be learning more of Earth. We want to be talking more about God with you and other Doctor people.”
Funny. If it had been a Jehovah's Witness or somebody like that on her doorstep, asking if she had time to talk about their Lord and Savior, she would have shut the door in their faces. But this was a literal alien saying that he wanted to have conversations with her about God and who knew what else. So she found herself smiling and typing in response:
I would like that.
#inklingschallenge#team chesterton#genre: intrusive fantasy#theme: instruct#theme: counsel#(i guess???? idk)#story: complete#i thought it was going to end up much sillier than it did#but i got too bogged down in worldbuilding and then it just ended up sounding like arrival which is a very unfunny movie :P#all the same i'm proud of myself for basically going from zero ideas to this in like two weeks#fun fact: the alien greeting is based on how my roommates in college and i used to greet each other XD
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I think my roommate is an alien who has never interacted with a human kitchen before, but he's seen enough daytime TV to piece together some of the basics.
Food goes in the fridge mostly, but also sometimes out on the counter. He's not really sure what or for how long, so I regularly come home to day old pasta and hard boiled eggs just sitting out and attracting bugs.
Cleaning involves putting liquid on things and then taking the liquid away. That second part always seems to trip him up. You know how sometimes there's a hole in your garbage bag and some goo accumulates at the bottom of the can? His method of cleaning that goo is to pour in an inch or two of Fabuloso and then leave it like that. Don't pour it back out, just put a new bag in and let it be someone else's problem (re: mine). That's always a fun surprise, taking out the trash and having a stream of garbage soap drip down my leg.
He uses an oven mitt as a 2-in-1 dishwashing glove/sponge.
The concept of cabinets and drawers apparently confuse and frighten him, so he keeps most of his stuff inside the oven, the microwave, or MY sink-side drying rack; whenever I do my dishes I have to pile my shit on top of his.
He cooks all of his meals between 1 and 4 AM.
I feel like I'm in some weird psychological experiment. "How will he react if I keep paper towels in the sink? Will he say anything if I put potatoes in the freezer? Wax paper burns in the toaster, but what about tin foil? Surely, SURELY, he'll say something to my face if I wrap my bread in tinfoil before I toast it." Is there no line? He's not being actively hostile to me, I feel weird calling him out for any of this behavior...
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Redraw from 2021 of the most annoying bandmates in existence <3
#original character#oc#art#redraw#alien#oc tag#my art#pick#murphy#a boy and his....... roommate dog alien bandmate boyfriend-not boyfriend thing. how romantic (said with my teeth gritting loudly)#shapes under black light#<- forgot their story tag whoops
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Person A: You need to cool your rivalry with Person B, it’s getting homoerotic. Person C: I will not rest until I top him! Person A: … Person D: … Person C: Academically! Top his scores! Get your heads out of the gutter!
#dialogue prompts#dialogue prompt#writerblr#original writing#writing inspiration#story prompt#creative writing#writing ideas#mod poss#rivals#comedy au#lgbtqia#lgbt#classmates au#(I wait patiently for 'My Alien Roommate' to come out...because this is in reference to Felix)#(I've never had an dating sim hit 'academic rival' so well and it was just the demo)#(I literally replay the demo once every 6 months because all 3 love interests hit the ship dynamics I personally love)
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I made these to cope




#round seven truly destroyed me#i think i scared my roommate it made me so sad#i almost cried#i felt empty#hoo that got dark#i’ve listened to the sing over and over again it doesn’t make me sad anymore#the video does though#the violin and guitar part where there’s multiple people singing in the background actually makes me levitate#the singers#COOKED#they’re so good#i will probably try to learn the song on the bass#it will be very bad#cause im still learning#im also putting these on tiktok#fly high man 🫡😔😭😢#alnst till#alien stage round 7#alien stage#alnst round 7#alnst
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glass of espresso martini (with milk) and my final slice of lemon cake from last week (finally). and SWEET HOME ALABAMA (2002) which i have not seen
#i wanted to watch alien but didn’t feel like texting my friend to find out what the hulu password is#and i’ve yet to figure out a good way to stream illegally to the tv…..#it’s my last couple days before my roommate who’s been out of town comes back i gotta take advantage of the couch#chatpost#mildmayfoxe movie marathon
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The hissing to me was sort of attracting ngl
valid i haven't actually heard the hissing yet but i really wanna i might wait until after i finish book 6 to do look up some videos cause i do like me some hissing boys
#mochi asks#vaquita anon#im also going to watch the new alien movie tonight with my roommate#i might think about who would be more likely to die first to the alien#the obvious answer is ace first simple due to his hubris
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Invincible community, I am begging for someone else to engage in the ship of Magmaniac x Tether Tyrant with me. Please I need other people who ship these assholes together too please I am lonely and starvin-
#(I've been thinking about them a lot lately)#(their moments are so far only in the comics for now but I do hope to see more of them in the show in the future)#(two bfs living together with their tentacle alien child(?) roommate(?))#(the comics feed me good but also stomp on my heart and face by having Magmaniac die)#(can't have shit in this house)#my post#invincible#invincible tv show#invincible comic#magmaniac#tether tyrant
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Ever wanted to date an alien? Now you can! My Alien Roommate, an otome/BL sci-fi VN, was 166% funded on Kickstarter! Check out the demo below!
itchio: https://t.co/Ck0ebNn9LR
Steam: https://t.co/i2KLv1OjN1
Discord: https://t.co/qdR2LCnIDe
#VNLink #otome #blgame #datingsim #visualnovel #indiegame
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hoppip abt to commit crimes
#art tag#artist on tumblr#artists on tumblr#my alien roommate#pokemon#hoppip#oddish#fidough#fanart#pokemon fanart#pkmn#puppymochi#pokemon horizons
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