#Museo Nazionale Automobile
travelella · 8 months
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National Automobile Museum/Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile, Turin, Italy
Alexander Schimmeck
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personal-reporter · 11 months
DRIVE DIFFERENT. Dall’Austerity alla mobilità del futuro
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Il sogno generalizzato di possedere un’automobile, un parco circolante che quadruplica negli anni Sessanta, lo sconvolgimento delle città che si riempiono di auto, la viabilità nei centri storici che si congestiona e le piazze artistiche che si trasformano in immensi parcheggi. Poi, nel 1973, il conflitto in Medio Oriente con gli eserciti di Egitto e Siria che attaccano a sorpresa Israele. E il prezzo del petrolio che sale da tre a dodici dollari al barile. E così il 23 novembre del 1973 l’avvio di una fase storica nota come Austerity, sancita dal Decreto Legge 304 del Governo Rumor con nuovi e improvvisi divieti e restrizioni per contenere i consumi di energia: proibito l’uso delle auto la domenica, ridotti i termostati nelle case, l’illuminazione nelle strade e i limiti di velocità; cinema, teatri e attività commerciali costretti ad abbassare le serrande anticipatamente e le pompe di benzina chiuse dalle ore 12 del sabato e per tutta la domenica.A partire da questo 50° anniversario, la mostra “DRIVE DIFFERENT. Dall’Austerity alla mobilità del futuro”, al Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile dal 24 novembre 2023 al 7 aprile 2024, propone una riflessione sulle sfide della mobilità e sulle domande che è necessario porsi perché la ricerca tecnologica, da una parte, e le abitudini individuali, dall’altra, convergano sull’obiettivo comune di salvaguardare il pianeta. Un racconto multimediale, unico nel suo genere, che parte dalla crisi petrolifera degli anni Settanta, ripercorre decenni di politiche sulla mobilità, di ricerca tecnologica sui motori, di progettazione delle nuove aree urbane, di innovazione nel trasporto pubblico e di invenzioni futuristiche, e attraverso scatti, documenti, filmati, modelli, installazioni si interroga sul passato e analizza le sfide della Future Mobility, indissolubilmente legate agli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile. La mostra è l' ennesimo assist alla follia green del veicolo elettrico, per cui viene arrecato un danno ambientale e sociale enorme,  sia nei paesi sviluppati sia in quelli da cui provengono le materie  prime per le batterie. Oltre a costi infrastrutturali incalcolabili e soprattutto la soppressione della libertà individuale.  Basta che i GF stacchi la corrente e saremo tutti bloccati. DRIVE DIFFERENT è ideata e curata per il MAUTO da Giosuè Boetto Cohen, realizzata in collaborazione con Stellantis e Automobile Club Italia (ACI), con il supporto di Eni, Politecnico di Torino, Senseable City Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT), e Quattroruote, e con il patrocinio del Ministero della Cultura, di Regione Piemonte e Città di Torino.Museo nazionale delk'automobile c. Unita d' ltalia 40 tel 011.677666   www.museoauto.com  aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10 alle 19 salvo il lunedì 10/114 Biglietto base 15€ con riduzioni ed opzioni varietà. Articolo di ERRECI Read the full article
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jacopocioni · 11 months
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Erano gli ultimi anni dell’ Ottocento, le prime automobili “sfrecciavano” per le strade traballando tra buche e varie perplessità sul loro futuro. C’era infatti chi credeva nel fortunato avvenire della “carrozza a motore” e chi la riteneva una vera e propria “follia” di breve durata. Sta di fatto che il fascino della velocità andava aumentando di pari passo con il numero crescente di persone che volevano acquistare una macchina “a gaz di petrolio”, moderna, originale, che dava prestigio sociale a chi la possedeva e che ormai sembrava soppiantare l’uso della signorile carrozza a cavalli. Dapprima gli aspiranti acquirenti si rivolsero al mercato straniero o particolarmente a quello francese, ma poi sorsero le prime fabbriche nazionali ed anche Firenze in questo non fu da meno. Siamo alla fine dell’Ottocento quando l’ingegnere Guido Adami , il marchese Carlo Ginori e altri fiorentini nella primavera del 1899 aprirono l’officina La Rondine in via degli Artisti dove si produrranno alcuni prototipi di automobili che furono viste esposte in vie della città.
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Nello stesso anno Guido Ravà e Giuseppe Alberti aprivano la Fabbrica Toscana di Automobili (F.T.A.) con lo stabilimento in via Ponte all’Asse al numero 24 e officina nel viale in Curva (attuale viale Belfiore). La prima vettura prodotta su larga scala con il marchio del giglio fiorentino sarà la “Florentia”, leggera, veloce e con un nuovo sistema di raffreddamento a ventilatore, già installato dal gruppo Mercedes, che permetteva di evitare l’eccessivo surriscaldamento del motore. Con questa vettura nazionale il marchese Lorenzo Ginori, abilissimo pilota, riuscì a superare senza alcuna difficoltà, unico tra tanti partecipanti, il percorso in salita che conduceva a Montenero, in provincia di Livorno.
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Fu un enorme successo per la F.T.A. e il modello Florentia nel 1901 sarà messa nel mercato al prezzo di 5.000 lire. La vettura sembrava avere un buon futuro e per questo i soci decisero di incorporare la Fabbrica Toscana Automobili, che nel frattempo aveva inglobato la stessa officina La Rondine di via degli Artisti, nella Società anonima Florentia. Amministratore unico era il duca Leone Ferdinando Strozzi e il consiglio di amministrazione era composto dal presidente Giovanni Angelo Bastogi e dai consiglieri Neri Martini Bernardi, Giuseppe Alberti e Guido Ravà. Nel giro di un anno il capitale dell’azienda quadruplicò a seguito dell’entrata di altri soci che riuscirono a mettere in minoranza gli stessi fondatori. L’azienda Florentia raggiunse buoni traguardi nelle vendite e i suoi modelli vennero apprezzati per la raffinatezza e l’eleganza nei saloni di Torino, Milano ed anche in quello, allora più prestigioso, di Parigi. Erano vetture facilmente manovrabili, si presentano con una carrozzeria di gran lusso e con “un misterioso e brevettato dispositivo in grado di eliminare i frequenti guasti che si hanno con gli altri sistemi”, e se anche questo si fosse verificato si poteva “sempre ricorrere all’officina del viale in Curva che esegue qualunque tipo di riparazione”.
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Riscossero successo ed uno dei clienti più prestigiosi fu la regina Margherita che acquistò il modello Florentia Laudalette da 10 HP, soprannominata Rondinella, che aveva visto sfilare alle Cascine. La società Florenzia sembrò decollare nel corso degli anni: alla fine del 1904 ottenne a Lione la licenza per costruire a Firenze i motori Rochet & Scheineder, produzione che poi dovette abbandonare nel 1907 a seguito della crisi economica italiana; nel 1905 cominciò a produrre anche imbarcazioni leggere a motore nei cantieri navali di San Bartolomeo a La Spezia. Il 1907 fu l’anno in cui furono prodotte dalla Società ben quattro auto di lusso con motori da quattro e sei cilindri.
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La carrozzata Double Phaeton fu l’ ultimo tipo di automobile messa nel mercato e di cui un esemplare è oggi conservato nel Museo dell’automobile di Torino. Quello stesso anno vide l’ ultima partecipazione della Florentia ad una competizione automobilistica. Nonostante i buoni risultati ottenuti e la qualità delle vetture l’azienda vide anni di declino. Si racconta che Neri Martini Bernardi, leggendario pioniere dell’automobilismo fiorentino e tra i consiglieri della Società Florentia, durante una riunione per decidere cosa fare per risollevare le sorti della fabbrica in modo spiritoso, tipico del suo temperamento, propose di chiamarla “Dolores”. Aveva ragione. Non ci fu nulla da fare. A causa di errati investimenti e strategie gestionali fu posta in liquidazione nel 1910.
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Marta Questa Read the full article
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Preistoria dell’automobile
a cura di Giovanni di Pasquale, Costantino Frontalini
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2022, 104 pagine, 50 illustrazioni, brossura con alette,  17 x 24 cm, ISBN  9788836651399
euro 16,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Mostra MAUTO - Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile, Torino 8 aprile 25 settembre 2022
Questo volume racconta di un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio alla scoperta delle tappe che hanno segnato importanti punti di svolta nella straordinaria storia dei precursori dell’automobile: un cammino che ci porta negli antichi arsenali, nelle botteghe e nelle officine di personaggi che sono stati capaci d’immaginare soluzioni all’avanguardia. La ricerca del movimento autonomo è una sfida che risale alla più remota antichità e affonda le radici nel vastissimo mondo della tecnica. Questa storia prende dunque avvio con la ruota che i Sumeri applicavano ai loro carri già verso la metà del terzo millennio a.C. e si conclude nel 1886, con la prima vera automobile ideata e costruita da Karl Benz. Nel corso di questi quattro millenni hanno visto la luce numerosi progetti accomunati dall’idea di automobilità, dagli automi semoventi di Erone di Alessandria (I secolo d.C.) alle visionarie intuizioni di Giovanni Fontana e Leonardo da Vinci nel Rinascimento, dalla “barca terrestre” costruita in Giappone nel 1732 alla bicicletta con motore a vapore nata negli Stati Uniti nel 1869.
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taytayb1993 · 4 years
Is There A Black Henry Ford?
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So, Hip Hop mogul and entrepreneur, Percy “Master P” Miller has continued to expand his business venture as he announced that he would partnered with former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson, to creating his own line of sport and exotic cars. This company that these men are creating is called Trion Supercars. Since Richard Patterson used to be a engineer for Telsa, and he was the designer of Model S car, the Boeing 777, and the Dodge minivan, and Master P, who expanding his business empire, would recruit Patterson and form a team to create a black owned supercar manufacturing company. Or I would called it African American owned supercar manufacturing company and it would be the very first African American owned car making company in the United States. 
Now, that Master P and former Telsa engineer, Richard Patterson are creating a black owned car manufacturer company, are there other car manufacturing company outside the U.S.? Of course there are and here are the names of automobile making companies that are founded and owned by black Africans. 
Kantanka Motors, founded in Ghana in West Africa by Kwadwo Safo Kantanka in 1994. In 2004, the Ghanaian owned automobile manufacturing group was incorporated as a limited liability company to research into the manufacturing of automotive components and their combination with other parts outsourced from component suppliers to form a complete built unit, according to it’s website: http://www.kantankamotors.com/  In 1998, the first complete built unit (CBU) was manufactured using over 75% of local components, locally manufactured including the engine block. By 2006, the first SUV, the Onantefo, was manufactured. The detail of this automobile maker website also stated that all Kantanka vehicles are 100% manufactureded and assembled in Ghana. 
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          Holy shit, is this car made of armor? 
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Next is the one from Nigeria, a company called Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing. According to it’s history from it’s website, this Nigerian owned automobile manufacturing company was founded in 1978 in a commercial town in the eastern part of Nigeria called Nnewi. This town was a central hub for motorcycle importation, now today, it became a importation hub for foreign used vehicles. In 1987, there was a brand new motorcycle suggesting that it was built by Innocent Chukwuma who founded Innoson Motors. Innocent Chukwuma was passionate for the people and was core business philosophic of bringing down costs and passing the gain to customers, so, he pioneered the first Made-in-Nigeria Motorcycle brand. In 2002, he  he had successfully driven out tokunbo (foreign used) motorcycles out of Nigeria forever. 
Now in the present, Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, or IVM, is manufacturing durable and affordable brand new automobiles for Africans. 
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              Here are the ones that made from Uganda in eastern Africa: Kiira Motors Corporation. This corporation is state-owned as a State Enterprise which was established to Champion Value Addition in the Domestic Automotive Industry for Job Creation and Diversification of the Ugandan Economy as a Key Growth Area in Line with Vision 2040. The Equity Partners are Government of the Republic of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (96%) and Makerere University (4%). More info about Kiira Motors, accordingly, that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is mandated to establish the governance and management structures of KMC and Provide Policy Guidance and Oversight to the Nascent Automotive Industry in Uganda. The Uganda government is concerned that, as it stated in the company website info: https://www.kiiramotors.com/about/, the Market Entry Strategy is Assembly of Vehicles and Technology Transfer with Reputable Automotive Manufacturer(s) and Progressive Enhancement of the Domestic Value added in the automotive industry through exploring Sustainable Multi-Sectoral Backward, Forward and Lateral Linkages with Mineral, Agriculture, Industry, ICT, and Transport Sectors for Local Content Participation. In April 2008, the government of Uganda had approved the Roadmap for the Kiira Vehicle Plant and allocated 100 acres of land at the Jinja Industrial and Business Park as it was funded as capitalization for the Construction of the Kiira Vehicle Plant Start-Up Facilities; Purchase of Start –Up Plant Machinery, Equipment and Tools; and Start-Up Operational Capital. That’s a good government strategy for economic and science and technology purpose, right? 
Kiira Motors Corporation was founded by a team of college students and staff members in 2007, at the Makerere University, part of a international consortium called the Vehicle Design Summit (VDS), a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) initiative with the goal of designing and producing the Vision 200.     
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      Part of the Makerere University VDS Team Poses for a Picture in the Vision 200. 
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The Vision 200 on Display at the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile in Turin, Italy.  
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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the Faculty of Technology Delegation after a Meeting at State House, Entebbe, December. 
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Paul Isaac Musasizi takes H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for an Exhibition Drive in the Kiira EV at its Launch on 24th November 2011. 
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Her Excellency Angelina Wakapabulo, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Kenya.  
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H.E Yoweri K Museveni congratulates KMC CEO Paul Isaac Musasizi at the Kayoola Solar Bus. 
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The CEO of Kiira Motors Corporation receives the Frost & Sullivan Award. 
There are two other companies that are manufacturing automobiles, such as Nord Motion from Nigeria and Mobius Motors from Kenya. 
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I hope you all like what I posted and I don’t know if there’s any more car manufacturers in Africa, but I got enough to share these facts with you all. Yes, I know Mobius Motors was founded by a white guy who name is Joel Jackson, but I could be sure that the SUV was designed by a black person, but who knows? Anyway, I posted and share my thoughts on Master P’s intention on created the African American owned car manufacturing business, in matter of fact, there was probably was a black person who designed and created a car in between mid or late 19th century or the early 20th century. I believe I’ve already researched a African American figure who was a car manufacturer at that time before, I just forgot who it is, but it’s a good thing, though. It’s also good that Hip Hop mogul Master P partnered up with a black automobile engineer to create a company, and if he have heard about some Africans building cars, he would do business with them; it would at least bring some attention because these African made automobiles deserves attention from the world. I’ll be honest with you all, African Americans and any African decent should do business with Africans in the continent, whether they move there to do business or form a connection from one country to the next one or more. There are most African Americans or Africans in the diaspora moved there to establish businesses while there are most Africans who living in the diaspora invested in Africa as they partnered with their own people. I’ll tell you more details about the true facts about Africa next time. 
So, now I hope you like my blog, feel free to like, share, and comment. Blog you all later, followers.   
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lonewolf76ita · 2 years
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MAUTO Museo Nazionale dell'automobile #mauto #museo #museum #torino #piemonte #car #automobile #carmuseum (presso Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile di Torino - MAUTO Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFP7s5qgjB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 years
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Of course, my lovely! Thank you for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
What are your top road trip destinations? 
Hibari prefers to stay in Japan whenever possible, as he’s more of a homebody than a nomad. However, he has grown used to Italy after several trips there and doesn’t mind travelling there quite as much as he does most other places. He also, if he needs to travel, likes to travel somewhere with established history and a good culture that aren’t insanely crowded or complete tourist traps. 
What three tumblr users characters would you take on a a road trip? 
Hibari doesn’t like travelling companions. He prefers animals over people any day. However, that being said, Kusakabe often ends up accompanying him, though they don’t often ‘travel’ together.
What’s the coolest attraction/location you’ve ever seen in your country?
Other than Namimori, Hibari’s favourite place in Japan is probably Yakushima. The island is large and typically not crowded and the forest and nature soothes him, makes him feel relaxed.  
What kind of car would you want if money were no object? 
Honestly, despite the independence he fiercely needs and could get from being able to drive himself, Hibari hates to be behind the wheel of a car. His idea of an ideal car is a motorcyle, a vehicle he much prefers to a traditional car, which always feels slightly claustrophobic to him. When he does have to take a car, he prefers a large car, roomy, and a chauffered one. A private town-car, something like a Rolls Royce Phantom, would be one he’d choose.
What are your top road trip destinations?
Spanner definitely loves Tokyo - though it’s not horribly far from Namimori and he could potentially visit easily, he always saves his trips there for long weekends and makes a big deal out of it. It’s just such a huge cultural and technological hub that he always gets so excited about these trips. 
What three tumblr users characters would you take on a a road trip?
Shoichi is Spanner’s best friend for a reason. They share so many interests and can get along well together so it’s no stretch of the imagination to think that Shoichi would be the first person Spanner invites on a trip with him. He liked travelling with his grandfather as well, when his grandfather was well enough to travel. He would also be likely to invite Giannini because, despite their eternal competition, the two of them would definitely be interested in the same things and he does genuinely like the other man.
What’s the coolest attraction/location you’ve ever seen in your country?
Spanner’s favourite place in all of Italy is most certainly the Museo nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan. Leonardo da Vinci and his inventions have always kind of fascinated and delighted Spanner and the museum, which is the largest science based museum in Italy, has always had something to catch his attention and tickle his fancy.
What kind of car would you want if money were no object? 
While automobiles aren’t usually part of Spanner’s immediate interests, he does appreciate good craftsmanship and advancements. One of the self-driving cars that are being developed would be up his alley and he’d definitely want to tinker around with it and see if he couldn’t improve it at all.
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menlosophy · 6 years
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Today we visited the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile di Torino (Turin National Automobile Museum). More pictures coming soon! 🏎💨📸 . . . #menlosophy #men #man #gentlemen #gentleman #ferrari #italia #italy #torino #turin #f1 #formula1 #car #racecar #race #classiccars #carlifestyle #corsa #lifestyle #sunday #sundayfunday #cars #scuderiaferrari (at Museo dell'automobile di Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvr5OoxBlT9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13k7186mqatvd
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97kosta97 · 7 years
❤️🔝❤️🔝❤️ #photooftheday #photography #photo #instagood #instalike #instadaily #instagram #car #auto #automobile #museum #museo #love #like4like #follow4follow #30likes @k_chironss (presso Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile)
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simocuc-blog · 7 years
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Officina #museo #auto #nazionale #torino #italia #officina #riproduzione #progetti #automobile #motori #righe #tavole #disegno #tecnico #novecento #ig_italy #ig_mood ##ig_museum
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tmnotizie · 6 years
ANCONA – Finissage online e offlline domani 1 marzo al  Museo Archeologico nazionale delle Marche per Terre in Movimento, il progetto di committenza artistica che chiuderà l’esposizione marchigiana domenica 3 marzo, prima di trasferirsi al MAXXI. Ospite speciale sarà Achille Bonito Oliva, uno dei critici d’arte più celebrati della scena internazionale. L’evento infatti sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming dal salone del Museo Archeologico e sarà visibile sui siti dei promotori www.musei.marche.beniculturali.it www.sabapmarche.beniculturali.it
Il finissage della mostra coincide con la presentazione della rivista MAPPE – edita dal Gruppo Gagliardini di Monteroberto e partner del progetto – alla quale il numero in uscita dedica un ampio speciale.
L’iniziativa di presentazione – curata da Cristiana Colli e realizzata in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche, con il Comune di Ancona, la Fondazione MAXXI, il Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche e il Polo Museale delle Marche – sarà condotta  da Nicoletta Frapiccini e si aprirà con i saluti di Vittorio Gagliardini, editore di Mappe, Valeria Mancinelli, Sindaco di Ancona, e di Carlo Birrozzi Soprintendente Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche. Alle 17 visita guidata con gli autori – Olivo Barbieri e Paola De Pietri – e per l’occasione apertura straordinaria della mostra fino alle ore 21.
La conferenza di Achille Bonito Oliva – Terrae Motus#Terre in movimento – in programma alle ore 18, allude a quell’intimità dei nessi, a quelle prossimità che connettono progetti artistici anche lontani nel tempo, ma accomunati dalla necessità di una elaborazione in chiave culturale della metamorfosi di paesaggi e comunità. E rimanda ad un tracciante della sua storia curatoriale che sempre ha cercato la contaminazione tra i linguaggi, i luoghi e le poetiche dentro ogni trasformazione.
A partire dalla relazione con il gallerista napoletano Lucio Amelio sul grande progetto Terrae Motus che nel 1980 – all’indomani del terremoto dell’Irpinia – coinvolse le personalità più importanti della scena artistica contemporanea – da Warhol a Pistoletto a Beuys, da Kounellis a Paladino a Mapplethorpe. Anche l’esperienza marchigiana, a partire dal sisma del 2016, ha cercato di interrogarsi con lo sguardo autoriale di Olivo Barbieri, Paola De Pietri e Petra Noordkamp, sulla metamorfosi del paesaggio, sulle relazioni tra costa ed entroterra, sulle nuove forme di comunità trasformate dalla inaccessibilità di molti luoghi e dalla scomparsa di tanto patrimonio storico-artistico, segno e simbolo dell’appartenenza nei secoli.
Cristiana Colli cell  +39 335 5349386 e-mail  [email protected]
Gagliardini    tel  0731702994  www.gagliardini.it ; www.mappelab.it
Achille Bonito Oliva  è un critico d’arte italiano tra i più celebrati a livello internazionale. Dopo gli studi giuridici si laurea in lettere, e partecipa alla costituzione e alle iniziative del Gruppo 63. Dal 1968 insegna storia dell’arte contemporanea all’università La Sapienza di Roma. Assertore di una funzione attiva del critico a fianco dell’artista, è stato il teorico della Transavanguardia. Ha esplorato snodi della storia dell’arte quali il manierismo, le avanguardie storiche, le neoavanguardie.
Curatore generale della Biennale di Venezia del 1993, ha promosso l’arte contemporanea con centinaia di mostre ed eventi – Contemporanea, 1973; Aperto 80, 1980; Minimalia, 1997, Le Tribù dell’Arte (2000). Tra i saggi: Il territorio magico (1971); L’ideologia del traditore: arte, maniera, manierismo (1976); L’arte fino al 2000 (1991); Le nuove generazioni (2002); Autocritico/automobile (2002); Lezione di boxe. Dieci round sull’arte contemporanea (2004); Dadada: Dada e dadaismi del contemporaneo 1916-2006.  Ricreazioni (2017). E’ curatore dell’Enciclopedia delle arti contemporanee.
E’ Chevalier pour les artes et lettres par la Republique Francaise (1992), Medaglia d’oro per la cultura della Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana (2006), Grand’Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana (2012). Tra i progetti più recenti, la trasmissione televisiva FUORI QUADRO per RAI 3 e il progetto espositivo diffuso “L’albero della cuccagna. I NUTRIMENTI DELL’ARTE”.
Gli occhi di tre grandi autori per raccontare la metamorfosi del paesaggio marchigiano: Olivo Barbieri, Paola De Pietri e Petra Noordkamp sono gli artisti coinvolti nel progetto TERRE IN MOVIMENTO – una committenza promossa dalla Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche che racconta il paesaggio storico, umano e naturale sconvolto dal sisma del 2016: reperti, rovine, nuovi fragili insediamenti, persone.
Il progetto, promosso e prodotto dalla Soprintendenza in partnership con il MAXXI e l’Associazione Demanio Marittimo.Km-278, ha invitato Olivo Barbieri, Paola De Pietri e Petra Noordkamp ad elaborare uno sguardo personale in una fase delicata e per qualche verso “non-transitoria”, con una prospettiva nella quale “le terre in movimento” sono un’idea della transizione e delle trasformazioni morfologiche, economiche, culturali e comunitarie del territorio marchigiano e adriatico.
I 3 artisti hanno passato lunghi periodi nelle comunità del cratere – Visso, Camerino, Arquata e Pescara del Tronto, Pieve Torina, Pievebovigliana, Muccia, Ussita tra gli altri – hanno incontrato e conosciuto persone e luoghi, visitato le zone rosse e sviluppato, ognuno con la propria poetica, progetti molto diversi per media e linguaggio. Il progetto espositivo, partito dalle Marche, verrà presentato al MAXXI in una mostra visitabile dal 10 maggio al 1 settembre 2019; successivamente le opere entreranno a far parte delle collezioni permanenti di fotografia.
L’allestimento di Ancona è il frutto di un processo di selezione che ha coinvolto i 7 gruppi che negli anni hanno realizzato, sempre per concorso, l’allestimento di Demanio Marittimo.Km-278: giovani talenti dell’architettura chiamati a interpretare senso e funzionalità per la riattivazione dello spazio pubblico della chiesa. Il progetto è raccontato in una ricca pubblicazione edita da Quodlibet, con testi di Carlo Birrozzi, Stefano Catucci, Pippo Ciorra, Cristiana Colli, Margherita Guccione, Emanuele Marcotullio.
La mostra alla Chiesa di San Gregorio Illuminatore, già San Bartolomeo è stata possibile grazie alla collaborazione essenziale della Regione Marche, del Comune di Ancona, e di un ampio gruppo di partners: Fondazione Cariverona, ANCI Marche, Carifermo, Carisap, Consulta delle Fondazioni delle Casse di Risparmio marchigiane, Contram, Cosmari, iGuzzini Illuminazione, Gagliardini, Fincantieri Spa e con il fondamentale sostegno del Consorzio di Bonifica delle Marche per i servizi di apertura, guida e sorveglianza.
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viralvideofunda · 7 years
The Top Ten Most Amazing Car Museums in the World The Top Ten Most Amazing Car Museums in the World 10-Shanghai Auto Museum 09-Škoda Auto Museum 08-Saab Car Museum 07-Autoworld 06-National Motor Museum 05-Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile 04-Toyota Automobile Museum japan 03-Petersen Automotive Museum 02-Cité de l'Automobile 01-Mercedes-Benz Museum music source: Artist: Ron Gelinas Track Title: After the Rain (original mix) Link to Track: https://youtu.be/u4xefzThGro Download available at: http://full.sc/2mVNWzG image source: video thumbnails: http://ift.tt/2A7Qrcn cover: http://ift.tt/2AwJ2Ed 10. http://ift.tt/2A8whze http://ift.tt/2Ax65il http://ift.tt/2A7QrJp 09. http://ift.tt/2AyCgxx http://ift.tt/2A7Qsgr http://ift.tt/2AyCh4z 08. http://ift.tt/2A5UTbP http://ift.tt/2AyTMC3 http://ift.tt/2A7Qtkv 07. http://ift.tt/2AyCi8D http://ift.tt/2A9sJN2 http://ift.tt/2AyggD6 06. http://ift.tt/2A6UtSv http://ift.tt/2AyCiFF http://ift.tt/2A8uhqw 05. http://ift.tt/2Ayx1xZ http://ift.tt/2A7QuF5 http://ift.tt/2AyCjcH 04. http://ift.tt/2A7Qvc7 http://ift.tt/2AyCjJJ http://ift.tt/2A9aO8Y 03. http://ift.tt/2AxO5nE http://ift.tt/2A8NmZO http://ift.tt/2AyrbNi 02. http://ift.tt/2A6Q1mC http://ift.tt/2AyCkNN http://ift.tt/2A7Qwgb 01. http://ift.tt/2AxGe9L http://ift.tt/2A8tkhQ
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lonewolf76ita · 2 years
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MAUTO Museo Nazionale dell'automobile #mauto #museo #museum #torino #piemonte #car #automobile #carmuseum (presso Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile di Torino - MAUTO Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCpwHKKGMA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Regulation Of Attraction And The Bizarre And Wacky World Of Metaphysics By John Peace
The land of the Greeks has a historical past that prolonged for greater than 5000 years. The bargaining is as widespread in Athens as in some other a part of the world. Being an archipelago nation with loads of beaches inside its territory, it is extremely probably that you'll have to use the ferries to explore it more. Every of the favored nations in this continent, every year, has a substantial inhabitants of vacationers visiting because of their culinary attraction. The coast of Greece brings 1000's of visitors every year. But, in the course of this chaos you'll find peaceable places such as the Acropolis, even though it is filled with tourists. That is additionally identified for its Sea Garden Park or Morska Gradina where you can find a variety of vegetation and flowers. The opportunities to discover historic Greek tradition are limitless and a stay in Greece as a travel nurse will yield ample time to get to know this excellent nation and its pleasant folks. As a consequence, an individual from another country all in favour of shopping for property in Greece will need to get hold of what is known as a "pink slip" for wire transfers of money from abroad. • A Schengen visa might in all probability be another good choice, as it contains a lot of the European nations and you would enter those countries on a single stamp visa, besides the U.Okay. and some other nations, which aren't yet on that visa. Amongst his different motivational talking engagements, seminars and private teaching of athletes each well-known and just getting began, Hoddle is currently coaching 2012 Olympic candidate Jenny Brogdon, the former College of Oregon star high jumper who was the Pac-10 runner-up. Festivals like Pentecost Monday, Nafplio Competition, Ancient Olympia Worldwide Pageant, Assumption, Ohi Day, Miaoulia Festival, Nafplio Pageant, Athens International Movie Festival, Second Day of Christmas, Epiphany, Apokreo, Clean Monday, Greek Independence Day and more are the largest celebrations that you can get pleasure from within the Greek capital. However as quickly as plainly the idea for these gadgets fade out, chances are high you are going to transfer to the opposite sorts of presents, present certificates as such. It was as a result of, ladies were prohibited to point out any elements of their skin or show their body shape. Oregano, regardless of of its reputation in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean international locations, was nearly unknown within the US till after the World War II when troopers introduced dwelling the "pizza taste". The European countries are merely adjusting sooner because they've been shoveling the goodies into the general public trough for longer, and with more shovels. Flame seedless grape, the second most popular seedless grape, compared to Thompson's seedless, deep pink in coloration, spherical with a pleasant crunch and a sweet-tart style steadiness. Head to Paradise Beach Bar, located proper on the beach between the palm bushes. Symi city is where virtually all the lodging is discovered, since in its heyday within the nineteenth century, when Symi grew wealthy on the proceeds of shipbuilding and sponge-diving, the Symiots constructed their imposing three-storey homes nearly exclusively within the town. When we talk about Holiday packages to Greece, you get a very good opportunity of visiting all vacationer points of interest. Luxurious motels have even come up with the novelty plan of creating non-public infinity pools hooked up to the room with beautiful view of the sea and the seaside space. Estimate vary as to how many people truly communicate the Greek language and is anywhere from 15 to 21 million people. In Delphi museum, visitors can see many historical statues. The thought of getting the picture as your idea in giving your presents gives them at the identical time a singular treasure, and it would not dent your pocketbooks as properly. The town of Marsala, inhabitants roughly eighty thousand, was the most important Carthaginian base in Sicily throughout its wars towards Greece and Rome. You might or might not be aware of the decline in artwork training in the last 70 years. Though not as well known they provide a lot to travelers seeking to join with locals while learning the tradition of Greece and avoiding areas overcrowded with vacationer. In addition, to Albania and Kosovo, Albanian can also be spoke in Italy, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey, and by immigrant communities in lots of nations all through Europe, as well as in communities in Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. Only a few thousand years ago, rainforests covered about 12% of the worlds land surface, round 15.5 million km2, (6 million sq miles). Later I used that reality in "The Bourne Determine." When certainly one of my characters wished to get away, he joined the boat folks in the Caribbean. Because of the harsh economic local weather in past years many emigrated from their Greek homeland all around the world to countries as numerous as Australia, South Africa, Argentina, North America and many others. It is all the time really useful journey to Greece not as tourist; it is higher to decorate alike local people not like foreigners. Greek civilization developed on a rocky, mountainous peninsula that juts onto the Mediterranean Sea from southeastern Europe, and on the Islands in the close by sea. You possibly can take ferry boat rides to nearby islands reminiscent of Tilos and Symi. And while it appears to contradict Einstein's particular relativity, which says nothing can travel quicker than mild, it's extra doubtless that entanglement challenges our ideas of what distance and time actually mean. Finally, for the snowboarding lovers, keep in mind that mainly in Spain and Italy you'll have the chance of nice skiing alternatives, Cruise lovers will get their greatest in Greece touring across the islands, or just taking a Mediterranean cruise that can discover the three countries and even Turkey in the identical bundle. We began up a dialog which got underway with the usual assortment of who, what and the place points. Greece has a surface space of more than 130 thousand square kilometers with the Greek Islands being a couple of quarter of this area. Economists have been warning us about this disaster for years, and their warnings have gone largely unheeded. Even people with infected cystic acne ought to strive thyme oil for 1-2 weeks, 2 instances a day. It has no beaches, but does have lovable rocky coves where tourists get pleasure from snorkeling. Except you might be planning to go and discover the outskirts, attempt to keep away from cabs and rental automobiles as the visitors of the town will eat lots of your time sitting like a duck within the taxi. Additional east in Plaka, the Monument of Lysikrates was built by an 'angel' who funded the play that gained prime prize in 334 BC. It later passed into the hands of Capuchin friars who hosted Lord Byron; one other Lord, Elgin needed to take the monument to London but was thwarted this time by the friars. Certainly, to make the most of an overused time period - when it comes to real estate, Greece is hot. As soon as one is immersed in a Scorching Tub and as you begin to enjoy the warm spa water, it causes two very beneficial physiological occasions to take place in your physique. This place may be, to a sure extent, used for an academic journey together with your kids at the toes of nature at its greatest. In the future we went to the Athinas Avenue food market, which was fairly an expertise. It has good roads on the northern side and many archaeological sites to go to and enjoy. These are simply few of the popular the explanation why individuals journey. No matter season you choose, there are greater than sufficient sights to supply a great European holiday. cheap hotels gloucester A pair of denims, just a few t-shirts, a superb looking comfortable carrying shoe and one other pair of comfy footwear must be taken in the bag for snug movement. In Belguim there is, of course, the well-known Spa the place where the very phrase "Spa" comes from then in England you may have Bath so aptly named. We will start with arguably the most surprising one, the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia (The National Museum of Higher Greece), a vital archeological museum. Bushes can live to an age of roughly 60 years and develop to about 60 feet tall at maturity. In these exhausting occasions of global meltdown and inflation, spending capacity of individuals has witnessed a pointy nostril-dive. Consider historic Rome, Greece, Modern day China, America. Since taking snapshots are part on the celebration of each event, you may make use of it. You may have these snapshots digitally imaged and print them afterwards. Bloomingdales is renowned for its all-day Sunday parties held often all year long. Now what's the one thing that these Scorching Spring Spas from the past do not have - it is of course an electric Air Blower (in spite of everything in days of previous electrical energy had not been discovered) which is usually fitted on many modern day spas. It was reconstructed nicely over one hundred years ago by individuals who didn't know what they had been doing. The white walnut tree is the most cold hardy of all walnut trees, rising vigorously in zones three-9. There are a number of exceptional panels of the Parthenon frieze that Lord Elgin forgot, and the air pollution-scarred Caryatids. The individuals of every plain and island formed an independent neighborhood known as a metropolis-state. There are numerous good Greek journey guides accessible to detail the quite a few sites to visit. While volley ball and tanning are standard by day, sundowners and impromptu seaside events are on from early evening to properly previous midnight. Close to the primary sq. is the medieval Santa Maria della Isola church and monastery, remodeled in Gothic type and touched up a bit after an earthquake slightly over one hundred years ago. An olive tree replaces the unique in the western court of the temple. Before you visit to any vacation spot, you will need to at all times perceive the transport system of your respective place and regardless whether or not town is from Asia, Europe, Americas or every other part of the world, transport have its limitations and you must respect the gravity of their frequency and availability. Located on a high mountain that is round one hundred fifty meters in height, the Acropolis, or the excessive City, is positioned in the heart of the Greek capital. There are several necessary steps that should be taken to organize, however probably the most vital issues to do to prepare for the coming despair is to begin storing food. You possibly can actually witness some of the most historic sites in your entire world and get a feel for what the powerful Historical Greece was like. It seems that, these hidden positions, has saved them natural and delightful, as a result of the bus with tourist can hardly reach these spots.
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arthisour-blog · 8 years
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The Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile, founded by Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia, is an automobile museum in Turin, northern Italy. The museum has a collection of almost 200 cars among eighty automobile brands representing eight countries (Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, United States of America, Poland). The museum is situated in a building dating from 1960, and it has three floors. After restructuring in 2011 the museum is open again, and its exhibition area has been expanded from 11,000 square metres (120,000 sq ft) to 19,000 square metres (200,000 sq ft). The museum also has its own library, documentation centre, bookshop and auditorium.
The Automobile Museum was set up in 1932 based on the idea of two pioneers of Italian motoring,Cesare Goria Gatti and Roberto Biscaretti di Ruffia (the first President of the Turin Automobile Club and one of the founders of the Fiat company), and is one of the oldest Automobile Museums in the world.
It was Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia(Roberto’s son), a Turin aristocrat born in 1879, who attached his name permanently to the National Automobile Museum, since he was the one who conceived it, gathered together the initial collection, strove to bring it into being and worked his whole life to give it decent headquarters. Carlo Biscaretti was also its first President and on his death in September 1959, the Board of Directors passed a resolution to name the Museum after him; it was then formally opened on 3 November 1960. This is the only National Museum of this kind in Italy, housed in the premises designed by the architect Amedeo Albertini, on the left bank of the Po river and a short distance from the Lingotto; it is one of the few buildings specially constructed to house a museum collection, and is also a rare example of modern architecture. The Museum has one of the rarest and most interesting collections of its kind, with almost 200 original cars dating from the mid-19th century to the present day, and over eighty different makes of vehicle, from Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Spain, Poland and the United States. In 2002 the Museum directors started to think about works to renew the structure and contents. Forty years had passed, and the Museum had by now become dated and obsolete, so that change was needed to make it more appealing.
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The work of the examining board for the international competition to renew the Museum was concluded in summer 2005. Around fifty world-level architecture studios took part, and the winner was the group composed of the architect Cino Zucchi, the Recchi Engineering Srl company and the Proger SpA firm. The winning design (which complied with the requirements as advertised, using a coherent approach that could reorganise the existing building and create new spaces to relate to the city), included the relationship between the quick visual perception from Corso Unità d’Italia and the defining of a more enclosed pedestrian area at the point where it joins Via Richelmy.
In common with many contemporary European examples, the strictly display functions will be supplemented by a set of complementary activities to make the Automobile Museum come alive at all times of day and evening, and become an element to lead the way in the urban renewal of the city’s southern quadrant. Zucchi’s design will be enhanced with the displays by the Franco-Swiss set-designer Francois Confino.
The experience acquired by Francois Confino in other, similar projects (he designed the interior fittings for the Turin Cinema Museum), played a useful role in devising a brand-new concept that will place the Turin Museum at the cutting-edge in the field of the art of exhibiting motor cars. The guiding principle will be “the car observed as a creation of genius and of the human imagination”, to make people aware of, and appreciate the immense pool of talent, creativity, craftsmanship and entrepreneurial abilities that exist in Turin and in Piedmont.
In the new Museum, we will tell the story of the motor car, its transformation from a means of transport to an object of worship, from its origins right up to the contemporary evolution of creative thought. Through the evolution of the car, we will narrate the epoch-making times that society has experienced.
Museo Nazionale Dell’Automobile Torino, Italy was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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cityxplora-blog · 8 years
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Turin Automobile Museum + Bus Tour | Search - http://bit.ly/TurinAuto - 🔍 to book. "From early Alfa Romeo to the Fiat 500, see the history of Italy's automotive industry unfold before your eyes at the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile di Torino. Admission tickets booked online include a 24-hr pass for the City Sightseeing Turin bus tour". --- #Fiat500 #MotorMuseum #CarMuseum #Automotive #Automotivegramm #Turin #Torino #Piedmont #Italy #IloveItaly #Italy🇮🇹 #Italya #ItalyILoveYou #Italygram #Italytour #Italy2017 #ItalyBound #ItalyLove #ItalyLovers #Sightseeing #Instatravel #Travel #Reise #Voyager #Viajar #旅行 #TravelTips #WorldTravel #WorldTraveler (at Turin, Italy)
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