#Muse; Bradamante
anime-bxuty · 6 months
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"Gonna be honest, not sure about this outfit;Still kinda like it," Bradamante looked over herself. Despite being embarrassed about how her outfit didn't cover, Bradamante liked the look
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animebxuty · 1 year
Astolfo is always thinking of Bradamante nude. He just hides it.
"Its because of my ass isn't it?" Bradamante stared at him, and sighed at her fellow paladin. She didn't hate what she learned, but she wasn't happy. "What am I going to do with you, Stolfo?"
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lemusegallery · 9 months
Ultimate Muse List
P.S.A.: This post is not meant to be reblogged nor even replied. For this showcases the new changes for my blog as far as muses go and so on. This is applied to here and the @lesinfullgallery (Sinblog) only. For references, bold is both blogs, italic is exclusive to my sinblog and normal only for this blog.
Primary Muses:
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Seto Kaiba
Yugi Muto
Aki Izayoi
Jack Atlas
Judai Yuki
Asuka Tenjoin
Ishizu Ishtar
Mokuba Kaiba
Kaiser Ryo Marufuji
Star Wars: Darth Vader
Anakin Skywalker
Ahsoka Tano
Shaak Ti
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Sidious
Darth Tyranus
General Grievous
Asajj Ventress
Bo-Katan Kryze
Darth Talon
Aayla Secura
Luke Skywalker
Dragon Ball: Artificial Human #18
Son Gohan
Fate: Saber!Artoria Pendragon
Ruler!Artoria Pendragon
Shirou Emiya
Senji Muramasa
Gilgamesh (Archer and Caster)
Scathach (Lancer)
Rin Tohsaka
DC Comics: Batman
Wonder Woman
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Poison Ivy
Cassandra Cain
MARVEL Comics: Thor
The Hulk
Dr. Doom
Avatar TLA/LOK: Azula
Code Geass: Lelouch Vi Britannia
Cornellia Li Britannia
Naruto: Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Sarada Uchiha
Tsunade Senju
Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart
Akame Ga Kiru: Akame
BNHA: Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Momo Yaoyorozu
Eijiro Kirishima
Other Characters: The Rowdyruff Boys
Medaka Kurokami
Satsuki Kiryuin
Erza Scarlet
Yoruichi Shihouin
Secondary Muses: Fate: Rider!Achilles
Caster!Xuanzang Sanzang
Assassin!Cursed Arm Hassan
Assassin!King Hassan
Rider!Saint Martha
Tine Chelc
Assassin of Red!Semiramis
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kaito Tenjo
Tyranno Kenzan
Rio Kashimiro
Star Wars: Darth Maul
Jaina Solo Fel
Lord Starkiller
Barriss Offee
Asajj Ventress
General Grievous
Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Galen Marek
Avatar TLA: Suki
Ty Lee
Asami Sato
Toph Bei Fong
Dragon Ball: Nappa
Mr. Popo (TFS)
Android 17
Android 16
Code Geass:
Nunnally Vi Britannia
Big Barda
Cyborg Superman
Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Final Fantasy:
Lightning Farron
Emperor Mateus
Kefka Palazzo
Other Male Characters:
Syaoran Li (CLAMP Multiverse)
Omniman (Invincible)
Mark (Invincible)
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Kill La Kill:
Ira Gamagori
Uzu Sanageyama
Hoka Inumuta
Nonon Jakuzure
Naruto: Tenten (Naruto)
Mei Terumi (Naruto)
RWBY: Pyrrha Nikos
Ruby Rose
Sienna Khan
Winter Schnee
Kingdom Hearts: Xion (KH)
Larxene (KH)
Disney: Jasmine (Aladdin)
Esmeralda (HOND)
Mulan (Mulan)
Pocahontas (Pocahontas)
Exclusive Muses to my sinblog: Chel
Mai Shiranui
Samus Aran
Rias Gremory
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thequeenofknights · 2 years
Thinking of adding Bradamante and her perfect ass to the muse list.
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plumcblanche-blog · 5 years
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tags, part one.
« main. » cette bradamante fera de son mieux pour répondre à vos attentes! « modern. » avez-vous perdu quelque chose qui doit être trouvé? « inbox. » o lumière, converge! « gallery. » j'ai mis un manteau! « musing. » la chevalerie est quelque chose de trempé avec diligence! « aesthetic. » c'est une bague précieuse offerte par une certaine princesse. « crack. » bradamante exécutera la justice! « headcanon. » un paladin ne tombera pas! il n'y a qu'une victoire pour eux! « dash commentary. » à la place du grand roi charlemagne, je vais te punir!
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
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Commentary on reddit :
To summarize, Marfisa is basically what you’d get if you combined Penthesilea and Achilles. She starts out as a whirling, if lucid, maelstrom of destruction until she becomes something else; an inverse of Roland being a mostly perfect knight before he abandons chivalry in his explosive grief.
Instead of being taken in by an overprotective wizard, Marfisa was briefly raised by a lioness, adopted soon after, kidnapped and made a slave by a Persian king at age 7, killed her master when she was older, violently took over his kingdom, and then violently conquered several more kingdoms by the time she was 18.
Some writers, even some today, would take her as is. #YAASQUEEN (literally) Knight. Put her up against some strawmen/caricatures and wait for a movie deal. But way back in the 1500s, Ariosto took this character, who was little more than a thug in Orlando Innamorato, and gave her an arc that took her beyond murder and self-fulfillment.
A harder life created a much harder person than Ruggiero, but it also instilled in her a much more mercenary outlook. Tiring of her overlord duties and hearing of the immense war between Charlemagne and the Saracen Kingdoms, Marfisa pilfered the coffers of her subjects and abandoned her empire to challenge the greatest knights either side had to offer.
As a queen with nigh-limitless funds and muscle that allowed her to battle Roland to a standstill, she is a shockingly unencumbered figure in a tale where almost everyone answers to someone, but that freedom becomes a kind of cage as well.
She changes sides constantly, sometimes fighting for the Saracens and sometimes fighting against them. Her one-track mind for combat causes her to gormlessly attack heroic knights and accidentally help slavery ring kingpins. She is also quite vindictive, attacking anyone for slights that range from actual to accidental to simply perceived.
There is hope for her though. During an adventure with Astolfo (who she was on good terms with after allying with him briefly in Innamorato), she, he, and three of his fellow Paladins wind up in Laiazzo, an Amazonian colony 10,000-strong which enslaves shipwrecked men to act as their pet champions and breeding stock (1 man “works” for 10 women). Newcomers can either try and fight their way out or they can slay 10 “servants” in single combat bloodsports, fornicate with a 100 citizens, and earn the privilege of serving the Amazons.
Marfisa (who the Amazons believe to be male because of her armor and mask) is nominated by her companions to do all the fighting. Some take this as a nigh-feminist occurrence where Astolfo and his friends acknowledge a woman (and one not of their ranks no less) as their better in battle. Others believe this is Marfisa having her bloodlust being taken advantage of by the Paladins ala Tom Sawyer so they can do the much more enjoyable 100 women thing as she takes all the hits.
Marfisa kills all but one of the Amazon slave knights and in respect of her skills, he offers to let the group stay the night at his place before they resume their duel the next day.
They learn that in spite of his strength, the knight is barely out of his teens and is terribly depressed with what his masters have made him do. If he wins, he kills a great warrior and remains a slave. If Marfisa wins, then she and the others will become slaves. The Amazons win either way.
This similarity to her own backstory causes Marfisa to feel genuine empathy with someone she had moments ago tried to murder. It might be the first time she’s ever felt it. She muses that if she were to reveal her gender, the Amazons would likely accept her as one of their own or let her go free, but she won’t tolerate such naked vileness, even if it would benefit her.
The next day, she, her new ally, and the Paladins fight to free themselves and the other captive knights despite how outmatched they clearly are. When the fight goes south, Astolfo sounds his dread horn that is cursed to make all who hear it flee in fright (Agartha, baby). He neglects to tell his companions that it affects everyone who isn’t him, and EVERYONE on the island flees so suddenly and swiftly that by the time Astolfo is done blowing (his horn), he discovers he’s been completely abandoned.
Take a look at this illustration (NSFW) by Gustave Doré detailing the escape. That shadowed figure in the background on the hill? That's Astolfo. And that smirking sentinel leading the slaughter? Take a guess.
But the story isn’t done with Marfisa yet. She falls in love with Ruggiero. She gets beaten by Bradamante, her shallow vindictiveness no match for the true wrath of a woman scorned. She sees Ruggiero getting between her and Bradamante in spite of being much weaker than either of them in hopes of stopping the two from killing each other. She witnesses Atlante’s shade, the wizard having entombed himself Merlin style and seemingly disowned Ruggiero for ingratitude at his attempts to raise and protect him, return from beyond to reveal the truth of how she’s Ruggiero’s twin sister to stop the three-way death match.
Throughout this odyssey, this bellicose beauty beholds how courageous a lesser warrior can be, how much and how deeply a man and woman can love each other in spite of distance and difficulty, how a father’s love can be so strong that it can forgive the insults a son sends its way, how painful failure is, and how having a brother feels.
These higher emotions and more complex relationships help her see that there’s more to life than battle. They also inspire her to mature as an individual.
When she, Ruggiero, and Bradamante come across a licentious lord who abuses the women in his domain, they don’t simply overthrow him but reform his society. Rather than let the women completely take over as the Amazons showed her that tyranny is unisex, she demands egalitarianism. Equality. And warns she’ll kill them all if they stray from that path. Hey, baby steps.
Decent extrapolation but it kind of makes me feel like it was written from Cliffsnotes instead of directly reading Furioso.
Within the book it's just said that Marfisa was insistent on fighting the champions on the island of women warriors. It was required that the same person perform both tasks and is supposed to be humorous because Marfisa just heard, "Fight ten strong guys, I am so there" and literally zoned out on the other half. The text also states that the entire group is fortunate they decided to break out, since Marfisa would obviously fail the second trial.
Marfisa, again, was a major fight nut which is the reason that conflicts rose between her and other Saracens. Such as when she had her sword stolen by Brunello and threw off her armor while chasing him, she started a fight by grabbing her arms without saying a word when a contest of martial valor was going on over them - and she is so in love with combat that instead of explaining anything she just started fighting. Or how it was Mandricard who challenged her since she was convinced into one of the few times she wore women's clothes with some friends so he assumed she was a lady and one of her beauty, Mandricard wanted to offer to Rodomont in order to get his romantic rival out of the way. Marfisa merely said that Mandricard had to defeat her personally. Well, in short, it's that the Saracen camp was filled with in-fighting. Shit, when she and Mandricard were about to have their duel, both Ruggiero and Rodomont broke in and EVERYONE wanted to duel EVERYONE over something.
Also it's never mentioned of her falling in love with Ruggiero. Just that the two had a strong bond that the Saracens misconstrued as being romantic love. She only goes out to fight Bradamant because her obviously established love of combat and also that the woman was screaming her name in bloody murder. It's literally when Marfisa is going to confront Bradamant that it mentions the phoenix she wears on her helmet has the meaning that she wants to remain invincible and single for her entire life (as an aside, she killed her slaver and his family and his kingdom out of vengeance when he tried to take her chastity).
As an aside, Ruggiero is on the same level as Marfisa, definitely not "much weaker." There's a reason the Saracens sought him specifically out as an ally despite his being locked away in a tower. When he and Marfisa fight side-by-side the text clearly treats them as equals, and they also view each other as worthy equals.
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years
follow-up to the previous question: top 10 productions of 2020 that were of new-to-you operas? (also, is that drawing of Kate Lindsey as the Muse/Nicklausse?)
it’s actually Claire Powell from the 1982 one but basically the same outfit/hair so close enough :3 glad it’s recognizable 
hmm let’s see
is it cheating to put the Pelly Cendrillon on the list again?
Aside from that:
Idomeneo Met 2017 -this one was the first one I saw so it’ll have a special place in my heart. It’s certainly one of the most heartbreaking stagings of this opera. Plus that cast?? I mean?? Alice Coote and Nadine Sierra and Matthew Polenzani and Elza van den Heever?? Not to mention total luxury casting of Eric Owens as Neptune (and he’s on hosting duty and he’s a riot). The ONE thing I don’t like is they don’t let the divas kiss. Aside from that it’s great in almost every way. The costumes are so extra but I dig it. Salzburg 2006 -this one was hot and cold for me for a bit, primarily because of the way they staged the ballet at the end (which I wrote a really long thing about) but I came to appreciate that. I love most of the cast, especially Siurina (she’s impossibly adorable and I want to see her in everything) and Harteros. Also it’s really, really gay. La clemenza di Tito Met 2012 -I feel like I’m kind of an outlier when I saw this one’s my favorite. I just love it so much though. I adore the cast and it’s so ridiculously gay I can’t get over it. Paris 2003 -This one is also very very gay with a great cast. I don’t vibe 100% with the production itself, but it’s not distracting or anything. Also wish the ending included more hugging. This is definitely a production that leaves the ending kinda ambiguous. Benvenuto Cellini Amsterdam 2017 -I really can’t describe how excellently this production captures the spirit and aesthetic of this opera. To me it’s kinda like this production is to Cellini as Sher is to Hoffmann. And once again we just get a top-notch cast (Fieramosca is DEFINITELY one of my favorite roles for Laurent Naouri, if not my favorite) and there’s so much ridiculous stage business in the background of the tavern and Carnival scenes, plus the set and costumes seem perfect for the places and characters this opera introduces. The only thing I don’t like is Ascanio having a moustache, but I can excuse it just once because a) it’s Losier and she is perfection no matter what, and b) everything else is just so wonderful. Les Huguenots Sydney 1990 -Again partially because it was my first; also because it’s just a really classic production. Now that I’ve seen and heard more of it, I can miss some of the pieces they exclude, but my priorities include Urbain keeping both arias and we get that here so. Geneva 2020 -Again for the cast, because there are SO many amazing names on the bill. The production concept is a bit odd and I don’t think it works 100% all the time, but I can forgive most of it because of how amazing the cast is (I’d go into more detail here but that’s just turn into a monologue of me fangirling over the various performers so...yeah. We’ll leave it at that.) Alcina Stuttgart 1999 -Now, there are several things about this production I do not like. I won’t get into that too much, but I’ll say the cast is amazing and it’s one of the gayest frickin things I’ve ever witnessed. Plus it’s Alice Coote so, yeah. Aside from some really weird parts and obnoxious cuts--which, let’s face it, the opera’s already messed-up enough as it is--I could watch Alice Coote singing Handel for hours and she is a very adorable Rugierro, plus the Bradamante/Morgana gayness is unbelievable. Granted, I haven’t seen another production of this in its entirety yet, mostly because they’re all really...strange. But I think the fact that I finished this one and not any of the others says something? Eugene Onegin Met 2007 -This one wasn’t on my other list of operatic discoveries, and granted I have seen exactly ONE production of this opera, but I don’t feel I can exclude this production from a list twice in a row. For one thing, the cast. I could be like “yeah that’s it, the cast” but also the production is just GORGEOUS?? Especially in the first act with all those leaves. Special thanks to @tatyana-dreaming for increasing my appreciation of those leaves with some very awesome gifs 😉 Un ballo in Maschera Met 2012 -I’m kicking myself now because Ballo didn’t make the original list! It is DEFINTIELY one of my favorite operatic discoveries of 2020 and I can’t believe I didn’t think to add it to the other post. I’ve only seen 2 of these in full but this one’s my favorite mostly for the cast and the strange (but strangely fitting) film noir aesthetic. Plus, Kathleen Kim can have my whole heart, and her Oscar is just impossibly cute and amazing. The whole Kitchen Knife of Doom™ will forever live in infamy, and again, I’m not the biggest fan of facial hair for trouser roles, but the amazingness of the cast makes up for it.
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theraikouhotel · 5 years
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I’m just gonna do some FGO commentary cause I think it’s gonna be a silent night for me and my muses tonight. The best I can do is for Arturia Lancer and Raikou, I don’t have the Ruler version nor Shikibu. 
Raikou does need an NP upgrade, that 300% damage at NP1 is just making her a but more obsolete by the minute, where she is outshined by Arjuna Alter and Xiang Yu. She’s just barely hanging on because of her 3rd skill niche, which I am grateful for. Her crit absorb and crit dmg does wonders too, but still I kinda don’t like her being out done, since she’s a servant that’s stuck with me for ages and I even had looked her up. I do need to do more research though lol
Arturia Lancer needs the NP upgrade too. And I think a change to her Charisma skill, because she’s been reduced to just someone who has an np charge for farming and that’s kind of it. The mana burst does good too, but still I worry for her because of the fact that there are literally better ones like Ereshkigal and Bradamante to Leonidas, who has a role to play. 
Basically, give my waifus more better pressing skills because I don’t like them being obsolete and it hurts my heart that they’re not the best they can be. 
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✍ + Bradamante? (FGO)
[ Send me a ✍ + a muse for me to try and write them! Open! ]
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“Ah..I can’t seem to find it….where is it, where is it…” The lancer rushed around a dimly lit room full of various shelves. “If there’s anything I can do, it’s finding things, but, but…” It seemed she couldn’t find whatever she was looking for! 
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The voice of Merlin resonated within her mind…“Yoo-hoo! Bradamante-chan! It’s Merlin, talking to you in your miiiind~! The Chaos Claws are on the bottom shelf, you see? Make sure you’re nice and slow when you go to get them, these shelves are quite rickety, afuhuhu…”
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“M..Master Merlin! R..right! Of course! T..thank you, Master Merlin!” She glanced down, seeing the Chaos Claws instantly with Merlin’s Guidance. Very carefully, she bent down to pick up a couple, making sure to take things slow, just in case.
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“Yes, yes, that’s right Bradamante-chan~! You put on a most excellent show, you know? Most spectacular…” 
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“M-Master Merlin, W..what do you mean by ‘an excellent show’ ? Where are you looking? Huh? Huh? Master Merlin!!” 
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“I’m referring to how well you find things, of course, Bradamante-chan. Your searching skills are most exquisite…Indeed, even though you needed my guidance this time, I have no doubt in your abilities. You grow stronger every day, Dear Bradamante-chan…Keep up the good work, Merlin out-!” Click. How does telepathy work?!
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“..O..oh! I see, of course, of course! Mhm, right! Im Bradamante, one of the paladins of Charlemagne…of course my skills make a wonderful show..Ehehe, thank you for your praise Master Merlin. This Bradamante won’t give up on making you proud!” She carried the Chaos Claws out of the closet, taking care not to drop them. “Da-Vinci, this Bradamante has what you need!” 
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anime-bxuty · 6 months
@cynthiaandsamus -continued
"Special training snack? I think she mentioned something about going to go find you for that. It made me curious to what she meant by special training. If you want I can help you find her. I like to know more about this special training snack," Okita blushed at Astolfo saying good in her outfit.
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Bradamante hadn't been far from either servant. She had been looking around for Astolfo. While it was pure chance she walked back in the hall to see both. "Stolfo! There you are. I've been looking for you,"
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fatebeastbirthorder · 5 years
I am curious, which of your muses would be up for interacting with mine?
God I need to re-alphabetize... 
Gudako - Master, so just casual slice-of-life things I guess
Alter Gudako - Also master, but more direct things like teaching her to ride or wrestle and all sorts of things
Astraea - Wrestling Goddesses
Bradamante - Canon relationship exists between them but I have no idea just what it is and I should look into it
Ereshkigal - Catching up after Babylon
Enkidu - “I heard you met my corpse”
Gorgon - They appear to be a ship...
Gudao - Same as Gudako
Hakuno - Possible Extra/Extella verse as they go around in the Moon Cell
Ishtar - Post-Babylon catching up
Luvia - A master and her servant absolutely wrestling EVERYONE and everything in a Holy Grail War
Male!Merlin - Babylon reuinion party that probably ends with him getting knocked out of commission 
Mashu - Daily Chaldea Shenanigans 
Olga - “How is Guda(k)o treating you?”
Proto!Merlin - Trying to fix her Male version’s bad impression made on her
Rin - Fifth Holy Grail AU with Quetz instead of Archerand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Sakura - FHGW with Quetz instead of Medusaand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Tiamat/Alter Ego Tiamat - Guess who’s back!
Medusa Lily - Babylon talks again
Kid Mana - An absolute dork for magical things so just her being a cute kid and calling her “Nee-Sama” or a similar big sister name
Wodime - “Why is a Divine Servant with Guda(k)o?”
Fou - Complaints about Merlin probably
Gudako - Master, daily shenanigans of Chaldea 
Alter Gudako - Contractor, lessons on swordsmanship or simply carrying herself with dignity
Brynhildr - He’s on her Beloved list so
ChiChi-ue - The king returns and the king is confused
Gray - Talks about Saber to try and figure out just why her face is bringing her so much misfortune 
Gudao - Master but a guy
Hakuno - Extra/Extella AU again
Male!Merlin - Merlin messing around and offering him a rocket fist
Mashu - “What was Galahad like?” and similar daily things 
Olga - “How’s Guda(k)o treating you” and beyond
Proto!Merlin - Merlin except softer and a girl
Rin - FHGW AU and or Chaldea Shenanigans
Sakura - FHGW AU (also Does Bedivere is Rider?)and or Chaldea Shenanigans
Fate!Shirou - Talks about Saber cause Shirou love her
Titoria - The king is back! Probably
Saber Lily - The king is back but too young to have actually probably met Bedivere yet originally so she’s trying to learn about him
Kid Mana - Still a dork for the magical
Fou - More complaints about Merlin
Gudako - Still a Master unless Rule Braker suddenly comes out
Alter Gudako - Masterful Mastery and spell learning
Aoko - “Let’s blow shit up together!” and similar statements
Gudao - Master but a guy
Hakuno - Extra/Extella AU again
Male!Merlin - “Ha ha, I’m the Grand Caster”
Olga - “How’s Guda(k)o doing for you” and probably questions about improving her own magecraft
Proto!Merlin - “I’m sorry my male version is so rude”
Rin - Fifth Holy Grail War in general reallyand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Sakura - See above
Fate!Shirou - They only really met for five minutes in the route so he tries to get to know her
UBW!Shirou - Vengeance for the Fifth Holy Grail War probably
HF!Shirou - They didn’t meet until she was dead so he’s also curious 
Meltryllis - Dolls
Medea Lily - Younger and Older meet
Saber Lily - Little Idol/Model
Illya - Meet the one behind the Install Card
Kid Mana - Dorky Magic Questions 
Miyu - Same as Illya
Chloe - Same as Miyu and Illya but also questioning about magic in general to try and figure herself out better
Nursery - Doll making and talks
OG!Illya - Fifth Holy Grail War generally 
Gudako - Masterbater with Hugs and Kisses
Alter Gudako - Again a master, assassination training if she’d do it without getting pushed 
Female!Gilgamesh - Probably has an Anti-Poison Noble Phantasm to solve Serenity’s issue
Gorgon - Poison Immunity really
Gudao - Still a master but in this case probably cuter
Hakuno - Extra/Extella AU even if they probably can’t touch
Male!Merlin - Spellworking around the poison 
Mashu - Should also be immune to the Poison so gal pals
Olga - “How Is Guda(k)o treating you”
Proto!Merlin - Same as Merlin but probably with more flowers
Rin - FHGW AU and or Chaldea Shenanigans
Sakura - FHGW AU, eventually galpals probablyand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Tiamat/Alter Ego Tiamat - Poison don’t work against Primal Mom!
Void - As if you can poison her...
Medea Lily - Can solve and or cure the poison problem so good friends 
Kid Mana - Still a dorky dork
Miyu - Meet the person behind the card (Illya has Hundred Face Hassan so only Miyu here)
Gudako - Master talks
Alter Gudako - More Master and various questions to see what she can teach her if anything
Gudao - Still master
Hakuno - Another Extra/Extella AU!
Mashu - She’s really friendly with most of the servants
Rin - FHGW AUand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Sakura - FHGW AUand or Chaldea Shenanigans
Tiamat/Alter Ego Tiamat - Guess who’s back!
Kid Mana - Dorky dork dorking about magical people
Ereshkigal - A bit sorry for keeping the girl in the underworld for so long
Gorgon - Laughing in her face over Babylon
Male!Merlin - “Oh right you were in Babylon, weren’t you?”
Proto!Merlin - “I’m sorry my male self is rude”
Fou - More reunions
Medusa Lily - Reunion and catching up
Ishtar - “You were in Babylon?”
Enkidu - “My corpse kicked your ass”
Gudako - Mastey Mastering Maestring 
Alter Gudako - Master interactions and just being with him to see if he ends up writing her story 
BB - “Hello Bitch”
Extra!Rin - They didn’t really talk much in CCC together 
Female!Gilgamesh - They’ve already talked even 
Gray - “Can you tell me who or what I am?”
Gudao - Master but a guy
Hakuno - Moon Things
Jinako - More Moon Things and probably her getting scolded 
Kazuradrop - Not even sorry for ordering his death by the hands of JK
Kiara - “Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara Ara“
Kingprotea - Headpats for the small guy
Male!Merlin - “I heard you talking shit and you thought I wouldn’t hear it”
Mashu - Just her being helpful and trying not to offer to lift him up to high places given his height 
Meltryllis - “I’m Back, Bitch”
Nero - Many Moony Moons
Passionlip - Just don’t scold her too hard
Rin - FHGW AU and or Chaldea Shenanigans 
Sakura - “How much bad can a person do before they are beyond salvation?”
HF!Shirou - “Am I still myself or Archer?”
Miyu!Shirou - Same as Above
Tamamo Cat - She’s just sending him kids meals
Tamamo Bitch - Mandatory appearance of Tamamos 
Casko - Complaining to him about him 
Void - “Analyze me, if you can”
Kid Mana - Still a little dork for magic? You bet
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priismata-a · 6 years
💛 Such a good smol worthy of Grand Caster one day
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.[ACCEPTING]
💛: Loves them platonically.
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“Hmm, maybe I should invite Bradamante-san over on our training sessions! She’s been really dying to meet you, Merlin-san~”
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thequeenofknights · 2 years
#1. Fuck around and find out.
#2. I don't own any art.
#3. Don't reblog memes from me.
#4. Mordred is a child. She's not for ERP.
Artoria (Saber/Swimsuit Archer)
Artoria (Saber/Santa Rider/Swimsuit Rider)
Artoria (Lancer/Swimsuit Ruler)
Artoria (Lancer Alter)
Mordred Lily (unofficial Assassin)
Morgan le Fay (Berserker)
Bradamante (Lancer)
Sesshouin Kiara (Alter Ego/Moon Cancer)
Fairy Knight Lancelot / Melusine (Lancer)
Fairy Knight Gawain / Barghest (Saber)
Fairy Knight Tristan / Baobhan Sith (Archer)
Gareth (Lancer)
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Bimbo what, Bradamante?
Send ‘bimbo what?’ to turn my muse into a sex obsessed bimbo for however long the asker specifies.
Bradamante just tilted her head She wasn’t exactly the brightest tool in the shed so her intelligence was kept the same 
She did however become more lustful yet open about it, wetness seeping out from her crotch with not even an attempt to conceal it as her mouth seemed to have warmed up as well, a small amount of steam coming out of it in turn with her slowly increasing panting as she considered her own new desires and on who she could unleash them
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memories-of-chaldea · 6 years
New Muse!
I have added yet another muse. May I present: Bradamante!
The noble knight of Renaissance era epic poetry is now here in Chaldea! Feel free to interact with her!
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anime-bxuty · 6 months
"I would tap that!" Pretender for Bradamante~
I would tap that-accepting
"I'm not getting a reputation because of Astolfo am I?" Bradamante wasn't sure about that, but didn't know what else to react. "I dunno how I feel about that. We can talk about it, I guess,"
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