#Bradamante: Converging Lance of Light
✍ + Bradamante? (FGO)
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“Ah..I can’t seem to find it….where is it, where is it…” The lancer rushed around a dimly lit room full of various shelves. “If there’s anything I can do, it’s finding things, but, but…” It seemed she couldn’t find whatever she was looking for! 
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The voice of Merlin resonated within her mind…“Yoo-hoo! Bradamante-chan! It’s Merlin, talking to you in your miiiind~! The Chaos Claws are on the bottom shelf, you see? Make sure you’re nice and slow when you go to get them, these shelves are quite rickety, afuhuhu…”
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“M..Master Merlin! R..right! Of course! T..thank you, Master Merlin!” She glanced down, seeing the Chaos Claws instantly with Merlin’s Guidance. Very carefully, she bent down to pick up a couple, making sure to take things slow, just in case.
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“Yes, yes, that’s right Bradamante-chan~! You put on a most excellent show, you know? Most spectacular…” 
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“M-Master Merlin, W..what do you mean by ‘an excellent show’ ? Where are you looking? Huh? Huh? Master Merlin!!” 
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“I’m referring to how well you find things, of course, Bradamante-chan. Your searching skills are most exquisite…Indeed, even though you needed my guidance this time, I have no doubt in your abilities. You grow stronger every day, Dear Bradamante-chan…Keep up the good work, Merlin out-!” Click. How does telepathy work?!
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“..O..oh! I see, of course, of course! Mhm, right! Im Bradamante, one of the paladins of Charlemagne…of course my skills make a wonderful show..Ehehe, thank you for your praise Master Merlin. This Bradamante won’t give up on making you proud!” She carried the Chaos Claws out of the closet, taking care not to drop them. “Da-Vinci, this Bradamante has what you need!” 
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