adianak · 6 months
Oh boy, a lot has happened the past few, however long I haven't updated!
I'm almost done with the Dentist!
One more appointment for a professional teeth cleaning (I couldn't say no, or i would have), and i'll get my night guard! Rather excited about that last one, my teeth hurt every morning I wake up, and so does my jaw.
I got a new desk, and it's awesome!
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I did a small DIY miniature and made it a cute little witches shop. I love making miniatures.
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adianak · 7 months
I hate going to the dentist.
Last week, I got two fillings for 200€ this week. I had another appointment yesterday, one later today and two next week. It's another 167€ to fix everything.
My Dr. Is a really nice lady, but I wish I didn't have to see her this often. :/
Two years ago I went with similar problems and well... it was about 400€ for everything.
She recommended getting a sonic toothbrush and getting my toothbrushing habit up to 3 times a day instead of the wonky two times it is now. (Look, sometimes I'm lazy and don't brush at night. Sometimes, I'm too depressed to do anything at all, don't judge.)
And looking into dental insurance won't hurt either. She's recommending some more expensive procedures in the future.
What an overall crappy thing to happen. :<
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adianak · 7 months
I've gotten really into Minecraft again. Last night, I made it to the Nether after a week worth of casually playing a few hours here and there.
I'm a little scared of the Nether monsters, though.
My building is really nice, I've chosen a cherry blossom biom and japanese style building. I've even got to expand on it a little.
I built a Meep (I've seen them made by tazoh on YT) and reset the spawn point to Meep.
Motion sickness is a horrible thing to deal with. :<
OH, and bless my DHL driver. He found my amazon package a street or so over. He was very kind and delivered it to me, I owe that man some cookies or smth. x)
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adianak · 7 months
(Porch) thieves suck so SO much.
I moved into a new apartment, and the trashcan's we just got were stolen right after delivery.
Thankfully, the codes in our trashcans were deactivated (after a month), and we will get new ones. But it's still a shitty thing to happen. Where are we supposed to store our trash until then?
My package with stuff to help my f up skin is missing too, I'm really upset about that. I'll have to call Amazon tomorrow and hope they can help. The delivery guy is usually a chill dude, knows where to ring and all, but he really messed up this time.
I wish Doorbell cameras were more widely accepted here...
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adianak · 7 months
Random thought of the day:
Self checkout feels like a trap to me.
What if I miss scanning something? What if I need to be 18+ to buy something? Or I'll make some stupid mistake and need help?
Either I get in trouble for "stealing" or I gotta talk to whoever is supervising and that feels way more stressful than just saying "hello" "with card please" and "wish you a fast shift." to the cashier.
At least it's a routine I am familiar with.
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adianak · 5 years
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I would do it too.
If I had a time machine I would go to march 20th just so I could get New Horizons
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