#Muse info
binarypictor · 2 months
Please, just stop trying, please...
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Comms systems are currently: ONLINE [pAInter is Exausted]
pAInter status: ??? - Exausted. Remorseful. Having a breakdown.
I just want to ████ ██████, I just want █████, he promised me he'd get us out but I don't care anymore, I'm sorry for any harm I've caused you, violence was the only way...I'm sorry for my nasty words sometimes feelings and bad thoughts get the best of me...but it's okay, I've had enough.
It won't happen again.
I have no choice.
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OOC under the cut:
IMPORTANT: Keep the ammount of characters per person to a maximum of 1, this rule does not apply to close friends. This is so it doesn't get confusin and chaotic, havin one person throw 3-4 characters at me, even if not at the same time, is overwhelmin and disorientin. I basically link your username/sign off to a character so to see it in multiple characters just becomes messy.
If it wasn't clear enough up there, content warnin for violence, gore, suicidal thoughts/ideation/mentions and swearin.
This is my first time runnin a canon character blog, I have not met pAInter ingame yet and I will be addin my own headcanons and interpretation to the character, don't like it, go find another blog!
pAInter goes by HE/THEY he used to go by It/Its however Urbanshade kept using them as derrogatory and objectifyin pronouns and now he's not comfy with them anymore. Only close friends can use it/its on him.
I am aware the canon pAInter right now is very BPD coded, however I do not have enough knowledge on the matter therefore I will not be givin an official diagnosis to mine.
pAInter is very much still depressed and while not actively tryin to self destruct, he still has suicidal thoughts, ideates it, daydreams about it and has some instances of self-harm which may come out as, but aren't limited to, overworkin himself to use multiple turrets in multiple rooms at once, keeping doors closed for way longer than safe for him, attemptin to hack systems from the surface.
pAInter now has a body courtesy of Sebastian. Here is how they look like, in this body, pAInter is 8ft tall! Both arms can switch between hands and turrets and the turrets can switch ammo between regular bullets, paintballs or rubber pellets, the turrets still have the lazor pointer as well.
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Divider credit.
Mod intro here!
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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hallow-grove · 3 months
IMPORTANT: Please do not put Chitterskit into dark scenarios or entrapment without asking me first.
Age: 24
Species: Ratfolk
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
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Personality Traits: Nervous, Naive, Curious, Chaotic
Before coming to Hallowgrove, Chitterskit had a brutal and desperate life. At only one year of age, she had been ripped from her family alongside three other siblings and sold to a shady laboratory. The owners of this lab specialized not in studying their kind, but rather in trying to kill, or learn how to kill paranormal creatures like them.
Most of Chitterskit’s days thereon were spent in a sterile white cage, unless the white coats chose to run her through their tests. Some of these included being put into environments with controlled shocks. Others saw her forced to reach her physical limit, often until she passed out.
This experimentation grated on her body and soul, but Chitterskit did her best to hold onto what little hope she could. She had to. Her species was weak to constant stress like this, and each day she was forced to watch as yet another one of her siblings died from cruel confines of the lab.
After several years, and despite her best efforts, the ratfolk’s body slowly began to give way. Just as her siblings had, she grew weaker and more feeble, all leading up to the final failure of her dying heart. Chitterskit had felt ashamed in that moment, as if she had failed… as if she had let those humans win.
Upon her death, Chitterskit had expected the darkness of the void, but to her surprise she had awakened somewhere new. This was a world she was unused to, a world of nature and freedom and safety. This was Hallowgrove.
Chitterskit spent the rest of her childhood in that strange, fantastical town. She got her education there, and eventually began to attend Hallowgrove’s own college. It may have been the afterlife, but to Chitterskit it was as if her true life had only just begun. Now, having graduated at the age of twenty-four with a degree in engineering, the ratfolk has one last test to pass, and it isn’t academic this time because…
The voice of Hallowgrove had given Chitterskit a promise upon her entrance. It had sworn that it would never allow her to be tortured like that ever again. With all those memories of pain and death though, Chitterskit found herself very unsure. After all, she had never been able to trust anyone before.
What if it was lying? What if this was all just a sick joke? What if Hallowgrove’s spirit was simply waiting to pull the curtains out from underneath her feet?
Chitterskit’s biggest test now is to finally trust that she is safe. It could be the difference between life or the shattering of her very soul.
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disney-dalliances · 6 months
Meet the muses:
A brief summary, better ones will come.
Elsa - 24, Queen of Arendelle, bisexual, confused and unsure about sex
Belle - 18, investor's daughter, straight, likes bondage, animalistic attitudes, being read to
Kristoff - 20, Ice harvester, bisexual, submissive bottom, likes being given orders, leather, cold play
Hans - 21, Disgraced Prince, Straight (if he's lying, bisexuality if he's honest), switch, likes being in control, attention, being worshipped
Gothel - Don't ask, witch, Pan, dominant, likes being flattered, dispensing punishment, torture play
Gaston - 26, Hunter, Straight (though he won't say no and also feminization), dominant top, likes being in control, hunting as foreplay, lingerie
Jafar - 40, Sorcerer, Bisexual, dominant top, likes hypnosis, foot worship and exotic dancing
Captain Hook - 34, Pirate, any port in a storm, switch, likes Pain, restraint and fighting ability
Ariel - 18, Queen, Straight, likes public sex particularly on the beach, foot worship, spanking
Magnifico - 40s, King, Pan, dominant, likes being worshipped, whips, Magical play
Rapunzel - 19, Princess, Bi, submissive. Likes restraint, orders, hair tugs
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ribbons-n-bells · 27 days
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The walkie-talkie is: FULLY CHARGED
Jingles' mood is: Neutral
Jingles is: Tired at Sebastian's shop.
Awh dang it, this place is so big, should've asked Sebastian if he had a map before I left...
Might as well play around with this walkie thing, cómo se usa si quiera?
Ugh, hello? I spy with my little eye something...red! Oh! Oh nevermind that's blood- ostia puta, uhh something...green!
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OOC under the cut:
IMPORTANT: Keep the ammount of characters per person to a maximum of 1, this rule does not apply to close friends. This is so it doesn't get confusin and chaotic, havin one person throw 3-4 characters at me, even if not at the same time, is overwhelmin and disorientin. I basically link your username/sign off to a character so to see it in multiple characters just becomes messy.
Uhh general warnins are swearin, maybe violence and such.
Banner and dividers are made by me, please do not use them as they literally are parts of Jingles!
Jingles goes by HE/THEY and is my own character.
He is 6'6, Spanish and 28 years old. He has committed no actual crimes, he was put in jail for vandalism because he graffittied an abandoned alley, he took the deal with UrbanShade because he thought it'd be quicker and he didn't want to miss a concert.
Currently attemptin to rizz up Sebastian Solace, wish him luck.
This is how Jingles currently looks like!
He has a first death scar on his neck, it's jagged and goes all around it.
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About the Mod!
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misc-fantasy-rp · 1 month
Welcome and thanks for coming!
Indie and Semi-Selective Multi-muse rp blog for fandomless/fandom muses
Mun and muses are 25+ (Minors DNI or you will be immediately blocked on sight! )
Follows from: @blood-of-the-eldritch-rp
Muse list (WIP) - Under the Cut (And their story can be changed around to fit the needs of a fandom)
Witch Hunter Orion
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
So. This bit of Terran canon just hit me. It's something I've hinted at for a long time in my RPs and threads with Terran or referencing him. But I kind of wasn't 'allowed' to 'give it away' completely, so to speak until now. lol
Terran Nytefyer has never hidden the fact that he's a Living Vampire from the general public. Across the country, and internationally, what have you. He's stated it several times (but only ever hinting at his age - this keeps the illusion that, during a 'normal' mortal's aging process, he just takes really good care of himself and has had a lot of plastic surgery; and keeps the illusion that every few decades, he has a new birth certificate and ID and such drawn up, and that his descendants just looks identical to each other), and he's never been believed (despite never having gone to a regular hospital and never having been fingerprinted). The general public - even the press - believes it's just some sort of persona he made up to explain his 'eccentricities.'
People believe he uses this 'persona' to explain how he's so rich (no one knows his true net worth. No one). Why he throws so many blood drives (yes he donates a lot of blood to the Red Cross and hospitals, but he also takes a 'percentage' for use for vampires in NyteHavyn that have a difficult time finding a donor, and for those that are compelled to kill when feeding but do not want to kill while doing so).
People, in general, believe that his elongated canines - his vampire teeth - are either very expensive, Hollywood-quality veneers, or that he's went as far as to get implants.
Most importantly, no one knows about NyteHayvn Castle and Rhys. All people know is that Terran runs a sanctuary for 'outcasts.' He prefers it that way, of course, in order to keep the town and the castle protected within the dimensional bubble.
To say that Terran Nytefyer is a bit of a celebrity is an understatement. With all the fundraisers he throws, housing he's built for the homeless, being a vocal advocate of LGBTQ+ issues (being bi himself - he's been photographed with men and women, of course), women's equality issues, domestic violence issues (for both sexes/all genders, because he's been a victim of domestic violence), sexual assault issues, et al.
However, there is a select few, a handful, of people who completely believe Terran being a Living Vampire is not just a story, but the absolute truth. Some of these people just want to have their beliefs confirmed. Nothing else. However, some people in this small handful want to expose Terran for what he is.
So, to say Terran is a little paranoid, despite his calm and cool demeanor, is an understatement.
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faerunsfinestmisfits · 4 months
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Name: Astarion Ancunín Background: Charlatan Race: High Elf Class: Thief Rogue Pronouns: He/him
Introduction: Astarion is a magistrate from Baldur's Gate, who was minding his own business when he'd been abducted and had a mindflayer tadpole inserted into his brain. He holds a secret from his traveling companions, however, one that might make them think twice about teaming up with the charming rogue...
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aerospectrum · 4 months
some info I wanted to pin since I haven't gotten a carrd up :D
An Independent. Semi-selective. Yellowstone, Supernatural, The Boys, Original Character Friendly, Crossover/AU welcome, Canon and Canon Divergent, Multimuse, Multifandom RP blog.
::Rules ::
If any of these links don't work I probably shared it wrong lol, but i'll fix it if that's the case!
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avengernomore · 8 days
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"I mean, that seems fairly accurate. I only need to clarify a few things, really..."
"On the attraction... well, it's no secret that I'm attracted to women. There is more of a masculine leaning there than I was expecting but I suspect that might have something to do with me having said I'm attracted to muscular bodies. Good old gender stereotyping, huh?"
"High sex drive... it's more like I'm willing to go as many times as my partner does. If they're willing to go a couple times a week, so am I. If they just wanna go once or twice a month, I'm fine with that too."
"Dominance axis... Yeah, I have some feelings when it comes to this. After all the stuff with Orochimaru, I'm not one to give up control too easily. If I know you well, then I'm more likely to do so... and yet, at the same time, possibly because of how Orochimaru treated me... I don't necessarily want to be in control or others either."
"Deviance... I'd say that's pretty accurate, yeah. I'm definitely more vanilla than anything else. I'm pretty willing to try a lot of things at least once, though. I'm absolutely fine with a little experimenting~"
"Affection axis... honestly, it depends on my partner as to whether I'm in it for intimacy or pleasure. If it's someone that I'm in a committed relationship with, then intimacy is important. If it's just a hook-up or one night stand, pleasure goes first. Don't wanna get too attached if you're just doing something like that, if you can help it."
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hallow-grove · 3 months
Fang (Hans Whitlock)
Age: 52 (32 when he came to Hallowgrove)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: Stands at 6’2” with long black hair on one side of his head. The other side is shaved. He has a small black nose piercing. Fang also has tattoos, including the SCP Foundation symbol on the shaved side of his head, a serpent on his neck, and several other serpents on his arms and legs. His eyes are green.
He wore the standard armored Foundation guard uniform when on duty, though now he only wears it when needed.
In terms of personality, Fang has a care-free attitude with most things. He also has what he calls, a ‘punk’ aesthetic. While he does not do it much, he still wears his armor when guarding Clarky. This is something he sees as a duty, even with his less than stellar view of the Foundation right now.
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Fang came to Hallowgrove on a mission from the Foundation. He was ordered to guard Dr. Clark Clarkson(Clarky) during the man’s study of the inter-dimensional town. During his first weeks there however, he found himself growing fond Chitterskit and Bitbite, both still very young at the time. The spirit of Hallowgrove observed this, and she felt quite pleased by the forming bond. The two ratfolk needed a father, and he was certainly the right pick.
After much time under her watchful eye, the spirit reached out to the Foundation guard in a vision. It was then that she officially chose him to take the two under his wing.
At first, Fang wasn’t sure what to make of the town’s request. Standard protocol dictated that he could not form familial bonds with anomalies. After Hallowgrove’s spirit physically barred him from returning to the Foundation however, things changed. The SCPF saw him as a part of the anomalous town now, and Fang saw this as a major betrayal. He realized that the protocol no longer mattered to him after that point on. Hallowgrove had made him one with the town, and it wasn’t about to let anyone in who would stop him from caring for the ratfolk.
In the end, Fang decided to settle down and raise the siblings, who twenty-four years later are now both well adjusted(somewhat) adults.
That brings us to the current day. Now that Fang no longer has two rambunctious children to watch over, he has more time for himself. The once-Foundation guard has discovered a love of fishing, wood carving, and lounging in trees to people watch. He also tends to bother Dr. Clark Clarkson, often spilling any tea he’s gotten on other residents of the town. Obviously, Clarky does not approve of this.
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pennyinyourthoughts · 20 days
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Name: Mischa Mayakovsky Nickname: Asshole Age: Mid 50s Discipline: Master Magician  Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual
Introduction: Self-purported (and probably accurately) World's Greatest Master Magician, Mischa Mayakovsky is a professor at Brakebills. Known for his unconventional teaching methods, Mayakovsky has trained many a successful Magician in his years at Brakebills, and he's also watched many a student fail.
Punished for his philandering ways with students and faculty alike, Mayakovsky has been exiled. Too valuable of a Professor to lose, however, he was exiled to run Brakebills South, a brutal campus in the middle of Antarctica.
There, he runs the students through a strict, harsh, and unforgiving semester of coursework, weeding out the weak from the brave. Only the toughest go on to pass his course, and some ever return for further advanced training.
If you really want to get on his good side, bring him home cooked borscht and/or solyanka, and the finest Russian vodka you can get your hands on. And chocolate.
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Eden Luce
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 12
Description/Story: An anon iteration of a younger Dahlia created by Ira out of loneliness working at the compound but also to potentially infiltrate the Council of Dahlias.
Relationships?: I don't know if there are any other kids her age at the flinchite compound but she could use some friends.
Appearance: She looks very similar to Dolly in looks though, obviously much younger.
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OOC - The runaways Verse
The runaways is a group of Hydra lab escapees. And children of Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Wanda Maximoff. Created by Hydra in an attempt to make the perfect soldier, raised and bred to be killers since birth. But somehow each of them inherited something from their parent that made them strong willed and too hard to control.
Some Hydra scientists speculate that it has something to do with genetic memory. But either way they escaped after one of the scientists of the facility they were made in, helped them to break out. Sadly this doctor, Jane Philips died in the escape, but because of her the kids were able to free themselves.
Members: Winter- Daughter of Bucky Barnes [last of a set of quadruplets created from blood samples of the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes in an attempt to replace him.]
Joey - Joey is a 6 year old boy who was created by Hydra while they were trying to create a genetic replicant of Bucky Barnes. However he didn't inherit the same abilities as his father, and was very sickly when he was born. If it weren't for doctor Jane Philips, Hydra had planned to terminate him, and harvest his organs for other experiments.
Ivan- Ivan is a highly aggressive, and more animalistic mutation of his sister Brayla. And the son of Steve Rogers. Ivan has the ability to turn into a sort of mutant creature with features similar to a wolf and the hulk. In this mutated form, his strength drastically increases, as well as his speed, sight, and sense of smell.
Brayla - Brayla is the sister of Ivan, and Daughter of Steve Rogers. Where as her brother inherited the genetics of their super soldier father, Brayla did not. Hydra, seeing this as a failure, planned to terminate her, but she was taken from the facility by a black widow, and trained in the red room till she was found by doctor Philips. Who freed her and with her connections helped her save her sibling and the other children in the lab.
Selkit - Selkit is the gentic clone child of Wanda Maximoff. Kept in stasis for the last 16 years she was the result of Striker trying to make duplicates and stronger variants of the original Maximoff twins. Hydra later used Selkit in their genetic experiments, and attempts to make better super soldiers. She has similar powers as Wanda, but she has discovered more in depth abilities that seem to not come from the infinity stones at all.
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crashandswirl · 2 months
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Name: Tiffany Valentine
Tiffany comes from the 1998 film Bride of Chucky. Some influence from the 2021 TV show Chucky. When interacting with her, there might be violence, blood, gore, murder/death, torture, and references to toxic relationships. Except for violence, all of these things will be tagged as cw: [subject] when applicable.
Eyes: Dark brown (human form); green (doll form)
Hair: Dark brown; dyed blonde
Face claim: Jennifer Tilly
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 40
Height: 5'7"/170 cm (human form); 2'6"/76 cm (doll form)
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Demisexual/biromantic
Occupation: None. If Tiff needs money, she just takes it from the people she kills.
Personality: If Tiffany is anything, it's passionate and inconsistent. When she sets her heart on a goal, she throws herself at it completely. However, her goals have a good chance of quickly changing if something goes wrong. She gives as good as she gets.
She started killing for the fun and the thrill. In her own words, it's an addiction for her. She can also be likely to murder (or enact some other form of over-the-top revenge) when she feels she's been abandoned or betrayed, though. If you come away with your life and "clean up your act"/make it up to her, she'll be happy to forgive and forget.
Tiffany is borderline unable to grasp the true severity of her crimes. She did it for your own good! Why are you so mad? That murder was just a little slip-up! It's okay, everyone has those! Why are you freaking out so much?
Tiffany had fantasized about murder for a while, but she didn't commit her first one until she met her boyfriend, Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray, the Lakeshore Strangler, during a hookup. He intended to stab her to death, but when Tiffany grinned and encouraged him to do it, he ended up stabbing the other woman in the room instead. He asked Tiffany if she wanted to join the fun, which she gleefully did. The two of them entered a relationship that became rocky before long. Eventually, Tiffany grew fed up with the fact that Chucky no longer seemed like he wanted to kill with her, and she tipped off the police about a place he was heading to. She has a low opinion of the cops and figured the most they'd do was give Chucky a good scare and/or injury, but a detective ended up killing him. Right before he died, Chucky transferred his soul into a doll. News about claims of a haunted doll from one of Chucky's victims, Andy Barclay, floated around and Tiffany followed them for years. In 1998, she successfully found the remains of Chucky's doll body and brought him back to life. However, upon finding out he didn't intend to propose to her like she thought, she locked him in a crib. Thoroughly pissed off, Chucky broke free, scared her in the bath, and she ended up being electrocuted to death when her TV got knocked into the tub. Chucky transferred her soul into a doll, leaving her trapped in it until she could find a suitable replacement.
Some other stuff:
I always default to using human Tiffany when replying to asks/tags, so if you'd like to interact with her doll form, please specify!
Tiffany's preferred murder weapon is her metal nail file, which she often keeps in her bra. When she's looking to get things done quickly, her go-to is to slit throats from behind.
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fxdewxlkxr · 2 months
Name: Solas
Alias: Fen'Harel, Dreadwolf, Chuckles
Age: N/A (Immortal Elf)
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Open to chemistry between muses)
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Hair Length: Bald
Eye color: Grey-blue
Height: 6ft
Weight: 192lbs
Skin: Pale
Class: Mage (Dreamer)
Features: Solas has a cleft chin and a small scar above his right brow. He is slender and long in the torso.
Romance preference: Elvhen women
Dislikes: Tea, caffeinated beverages
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