#Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部
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edithsotoart · 9 months ago
A chart of thinks of the ADA Members about Murasaki
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abwwia · 6 months ago
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Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部, 'Lady Murasaki'; c. 973 – c. 1014 or 1025) was a Japanese novelist, poet and lady-in-waiting at the Imperial court in the Heian period. She is best known as the author of The Tale of Genji, widely considered to be one of the world's first novels, written in Japanese between about 1000 and 1012. Murasaki Shikibu is a descriptive name; her personal name is unknown, but she may have been Fujiwara no Kaoruko (藤原香子), who was mentioned in a 1007 court diary as an imperial lady-in-waiting. | Depiction of Murasaki Shikibu by Tosa Mitsuoki| all by Wikipedia
Art by Women - Women in Arts
#MurasakiShikibu #紫式部 #LadyMurasaki #Japanesenovelist #poet #womenpoets #womenwriters Murasaki Shikibu (
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beforedawnwitch · 2 years ago
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konjaku · 3 months ago
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秋の田村草[Akinotamurasō] Salvia japonica
Although its name means Tamurasō(Serratula coronata) that blooms in autumn, actually it begins to bloom in summer. And since it usually finishes blooming in late autumn, this one in the photo is a quite late bloomer. Tomorrow will be December. Like this, late blooming in the flowering period is called 咲き遅れ[Sakiokure] or 遅咲き[Osozaki].
咲き遅れ has the nuance of being left behind, on the other hand, 遅咲き has little nuance to it and is also used to mean someone who takes a long time to succeed.
おくれても 咲くべき花は 咲きにけり 身をかぎりとも 思ひけるかな
[Okuretemo saku beki hana wa saki ni keri mi wo kagiri tomo omoi keru kana] Just as a flower that should bloom will always bloom, even if it is late in its flowering period, so when the time comes, the hope will be fulfilled. And yet, I had given up on my prospects. (He was appointed the governor of Echizen Province at this time) By 藤原 為時[Fujiwara-no Tametoki](The father of 紫式部[Murasaki shikibu]) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujiwara_no_Tametoki
By the way, 牧野 富太郎[Makino Tomitarō], called the father in the world of botany of Japan, was awarded his Doctor of Science degree at the age of 65. https://www.makino.or.jp/
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umeshu21135 · 1 year ago
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At long last we meet,
but without a moment to recognize,
was that you,
you have hidden behind the clouds,
like the midnight moon !
poem by murasaki shikibu (紫式部)
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year ago
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Comic ZERO-SUM[コミック ゼロサム]
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Koutei Heika no Senzoku Shishohime[皇帝陛下の専属司書姫]
Okaa-sama no Iutoori![お母様の言うとおり!]
Ouji-sama ni Dekiai Sarete Komattemasu[王子様に溺愛されて困ってます]
Sono Akuyaku Reijou wa Kouryakuhon wo Tazusaete iru[その悪役令嬢は攻略本を携えている]
Kuuki ga "yomeru" shinnyuushain to buaisou na senpai[空気が「読める」新入社員と無愛想な先輩]
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Ayakashi Kazoku no Youko Reijou, Onmyouji to Seiryaku Kekkon suru[あやかし華族の妖狐令嬢、陰陽師と政略結婚する]
Tensei Oujo wa Ai yori Ryouchi ga Hoshii no de Seiryaku Kekkon wo Kibou shimasu![転生王女は愛より領地が欲しいので政略結婚を希望します!]
Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi CECILl wa Taishougai no Hazu deshita[落ちこぼれ白魔導士セシルは対象外のはずでした]
The disliked wife wants to divorce a hero general![嫌われ妻は、英雄将軍と離婚したい! ]
Binbou Danshaku Reijou no Ryouchi Kaikaku [貧乏男爵令嬢の領地改革]
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The court lady of the emperor is hoped for as his bride[皇帝つき女官は花嫁として望まれ中]
Kami Sakka Murasaki Shikibu no Arienai Hibi [神作家・紫式部のありえない日々]
Let's go on the evil runway.[悪の華道を行きましょう]
Kaseimadoushi no Isekaiseikatsu[家政魔導士の異世界生活]
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Watashi no Oshi ga Kyou mo Saikou ni Toutoi node, Zenryoku de Shiawase ni suru![私の推しが今日も最高に尊いので、全力で幸せにする!]
Kamikatari ni Sayonara wo[神騙りにさよならを]
Teito Ayakashi Yashiki no Keiyaku Hanayome[帝都あやかし屋敷の契約花嫁]
Hime-sama, Muri Desu![姫様、無理です!]
Suterare Danshaku Reijou wa Kurokishi-sama no Oki ni Iri[捨てられ男爵令嬢は黒騎士様のお気に入り]
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Imouto ni Konyakusha wo Toraretara, Juuna Ouji ni Kyuukon saremashita[妹に婚約者を取られたら、獣な王子に求婚されました]
Takabisha Koujo wa Damattenai[高飛車皇女は黙ってない]
Dekasegi Reijou no Konyaku Soudou Jiki Koushaku-sama wa Fianse ni Aisaretakute Hisshidesu.[出稼ぎ令嬢の婚約騒動 次期公爵様は婚約者に愛されたくて必死です。]
Ouhi-sama ga Otoko da to Kidzuita Watashi ga, Zenryoku de Inpei Kousakusasete Itadakimasu![王妃様が男だと気づいた私が、全力で隠蔽工作させていただきます!]
Okitsune-sama no Irui Konintan[お狐様の異類婚姻譚]
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Koukyuu no Chouki wa Shichisai no Uranaishi[後宮の寵姫は七彩の占師]
Futsutsuka na Akujo dewa Gozaimasu ga[ふつつかな悪女ではございますが ]
I'm a cruel saint woman but i want to help my beloved husband. (However I am disliked by him)[悪虐聖女ですが、愛する旦那さまのお役に立ちたいです。(とはいえ、嫌われているのですが)]
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes lead to Doom![乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…]
Princess of the Bibliophile[虫かぶり姫]
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Ryukishi no Okiniiri[竜騎士のお気に入り]
Soku Taijou Shitai Wakiyaku na no ni, Netotte Shimatta Ouji-sama ga Nigashite Kuremasen[即退場したい脇役なのに、寝取ってしまった王子様が逃がしてくれません]
Kokuryuu Heika no Seiryaku Hanayome - Majo desu ga, Tasuketa Ryuu ni Yomeiri Saserare sou desu[黒竜陛下の政略花嫁 魔女ですが、助けた竜に嫁入りさせられそうです]
Douse Suterareru no nara, Saigo ni Suki ni Sasete Itadakimasu[どうせ捨てられるのなら、最後に好きにさせていただきます]
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Ochikobore Majo to Koi wo Shiranai Tensai Majutsushi[落ちこぼれ魔女と恋を知らない天才魔術師]
Paradox Live Stage Battle “COMIC”
Jamasha no Youdesuga, Ouji no Chuushoku wa Watashi ga Tsukuru Youdesu[邪魔者のようですが、王子の昼食は私が作るようです]
Sannengo Rikon suru Hazu ga, Naze ka Dekiaisaretemasu[三年後離婚するはずが、なぜか溺愛されてます]
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Konyakusha ni Sobahi to shite Riyousareru Kurai Nara Majutsushi-sama no Houshou to narimasu[婚約者に側妃として利用されるくらいなら魔術師様の褒賞となります]
Please find this Love[どうかこの恋を見つけて]
MARIELLE CLARAC Engagement[マリエル・クララックの婚約]
YANKII Manga ni Tensei shitara Naze ka Souchou ni Ezukesareteimasu.[ヤンキー漫画に転生したら、何故か総長に餌付けされてます。]
Hikikomori Reijou wa Hanashi no wakaru Seijuuban[引きこもり令嬢は話のわかる聖獣番]
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Job-Changing! Pritender Lady ⇀ Lovely Dr.[まがいもの令嬢から愛され薬師になりました]
Akuyaku no Goreisoku no Dounika shitai Nichijou[悪役のご令息のどうにかしたい日常]
Yobai wo Ketsui Shita Reijou desuga Machigaete RiIVAL Koushaku Otouto no BED ni Mogurikonde Shimaimashita[夜這いを決意した令嬢ですが間違えてライバル侯爵弟のベッドにもぐりこんでしまいました]
Mid Boss Lady wants to enjoy second life[中ボス令嬢は、退場後の人生を謳歌する(予定)。]
Koukyuuhi wa Ryuujin no Ikenie Hanayome Goshinsenzan Monogatari[後宮妃は龍神の生贄花嫁 五神山物語]
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IKEMEN oneko wa Haruta ni Kawaretai [イケメンおねこは晴田に飼われたい]
And they lived happily ever after[嵌められましたが、幸せになりました 傷物令嬢と陽だまりの魔導師]
Juujin Kishi no Kyuuai Jijou[獣人騎士の求愛事情]
Kogitsune, Warawara Inarishin no Makanai Meshi Itadakimasutsu![こぎつね、わらわら 稲荷神のまかない飯 いただきますっ!]
LUCE and White Contract[ルーチェと白の契約]
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Kare ni Irai shite wa ikemasen[彼に依頼してはいけません]
AYAKA Muzzle Flash Back!![あやか Muzzle Flash Back!!]
White of a wedding ceremony[花燭の白]
Tensei Shitara Akuyaku Reijou datta no de Hiki NEET ni narimasu[転生したら悪役令嬢だったので引きニートになります]
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Higeki no Genkyou to naru Saikyou Gedou LASTBOSS Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu. To the Savior[悲劇の元凶となる最強外道ラスボス女王は民の為に尽くします。 To The Savior]
Outaishi-hi ni nante naritakunai!! Konyakusha-hen[王太子妃になんてなりたくない!! 婚約者編]
It's always darkest before the dawn[何時何分地球が何回まわったら]
Akuyaku Reijou to Kichiku Kishi[悪役令嬢と鬼畜騎士]
ROYAL TAILOR ―Oukyuu no Saihoushi―[ロイヤルテーラー ―王宮の裁縫師―]
Kokou no Bocchi Reijou wa Hatsukoi Ouji ni Furaretai[孤高のぼっち令嬢は初恋王子にふられたい]
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Kage no Eiyuu no Chiyugakari[影の英雄の治癒係]
Oni no Tsumadoi[鬼の妻問い]
KO-SERUTERU no Ryuujutsushi ~Kotatsu Boukenki~[コーセルテルの竜術士~子竜冒険記~]
Kami KUZU ☆ IDOL[神クズ☆アイドル]
She is addicted to him and vice versa[姫君は若き将軍に溺れる]
Kiniro no CORDA STARLIGHT ORCHESTRA[金色のコルダ スターライトオーケストラ]
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Kotonakare Reijou no Oishii Keiyaku Jijou ~Konyaku Haki wo Saretara, Outaishidenka to Gohan-ya wo Suru koto ni Narimashita!?~[事なかれ令嬢のおいしい契約事情 ~婚約破棄をされたら、王太子殿下とごはん屋をすることになりました!?~]
Fiance of Wizard[魔法使いの婚約者 ~Eternally Yours~]
Three days of the countess who found out she is a decoy[一目惚れと言われたのに実は囮だと知った伯爵令嬢の三日間]
A Love story in Virtual Reailty[VRおじさんの初恋]
Juujin-taichou no (Kari) Konyaku Jijou[獣人隊長の(仮)婚約事情]
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aimikistudio · 1 year ago
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This is the keyvisual for the #291purpleheart project I designed. The theme of the project is "Murasaki shikibu" so I used purple as the main color. I tried to include many plants and ingredients from our nature in Echizen-city that are important to make those Purpleheart products such as Washi paper and special Sake or desserts that are made of the purple flower called Murasakishikibu(Japanese beautyberry). Echizen's city bird is stork, and city flower is chrysanthemum. So I included that too. Actually some products such as tea and lunch menues and desserts..they are using chrysanthemus.
#echizen #fukui #murasakishikibu
#aimiki #branding #textiledesign #japanesedesign
#越前市 #福井県
#紫式部 #光る君へ
#地方創生 #ブランディング #テキスタイルデザイン
Textile design by
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trend-q · 1 year ago
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光る君へ 大河ドラマ
2023年12月24日 NHKの大河ドラマ「光る君へ」は、2024年1月7日から放送予定の作品で、平安時代中期を舞台に、後世「世界最古の女性文学」と呼ばれる『源氏物語』を生んだ紫式部の生涯を描いています。 主演は吉高由里子さんで、脚本は大石静氏が手がけています[3]。このドラマは紫式部の物語を中心に、平安貴族のきらびやかな世界を描いており、注目を集めています[4]。 December 24, 2023 NHK's taiga drama "Hikaru Kimi e" is scheduled to be broadcast from January 7, 2024. It is set in the middle of the Heian period and is about Murasaki Shikibu, the author of "The Tale of Genji," which was later called "the world's oldest women's literature." It depicts the life of Starring Yuriko Yoshitaka, the screenplay was written by Shizuka Oishi.[3] This drama focuses on the story of Murasaki Shikibu and depicts the glittering world of the Heian nobility, and is attracting attention.[4] Citations: [1] https://www.nhk.jp/p/hikarukimie/ts/1YM111N6KW/blog/bl/ppzGkv7kAZ/ [2] https://www.nhk-book.co.jp/detail/000069233952023.html [3] https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%89%E3%82%8B%E5%90%9B%E3%81%B8 [4] https://www.nhk.jp/p/hikarukimie/ts/1YM111N6KW/ [5] https://youtube.com/watch?v=q2Yi-EVZR18
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nguoinhaque · 1 year ago
9 Bài Waka Của Murasaki Shikibu (むらさきしきぶ; 紫式部, Tử Thức Bộ)
Pháp Hoan | 法歡 tuyển dịch
Người hãy viết đến tôi
như loài chim ngỗng xám
chẳng bao giờ nghỉ ngơi
ngày và đêm vỗ cánh
vẽ lên trên bầu trời.
Người yêu của tôi ơi
phải chăng người sẽ tới
để kiếm tìm tên tôi
ngay cả trên nấm mộ
sau khi tôi lìa đời?
Chim đỗ quyên kia ơi
nhà nào ngươi sẽ tới
thăm viếng tối hôm nay?
khi tim ta mòn mỏi
đợi chờ ngươi chốn này.
Trăng về chốn xa xôi
mang theo lời nguyện ước
nhưng còn đám mây trôi
sao tôi không nhớ được
để nhắn tin đến người?
Xa rồi thế gian ôi
kẻ nào sẽ lần giở
kỷ vật này của tôi
ký ức người xưa ấy
mãi mãi không lìa đời?
Chỉ mới gặp nhau thôi
nhưng rồi trong thoáng chốc
người biến khỏi đời tôi
như trăng kia vừa mọc
đã khuất giữa mây trời.
Trái tim này từ lâu
chẳng còn gì nữa cả
ngoài trừ nỗi buồn đau
và trên tay áo đã
ướt đẫm muôn giọt sầu.
Bên dậu thưa, cuối ngày
tan dần muôn tiếng dế…
quả là buồn lắm thay
khi mùa thu không thể
nán lại thêm chốn này.
Nhớ mong người đêm nay
ngước nhìn vầng trăng tỏ
trên biển cả đằng tây
và chẳng còn gì nữa
ngoài nước mắt đong đầy.
* Pháp Hoan dịch tiếng Anh. Nguyên tác thơ của nữ nhà thơ, nhà văn người Nhật Murasaki Shikibu (むらさきしきぶ; 紫式部, Tử Thức Bộ; 978—1019?)
* Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部, Tử Thức Bộ; 978—1019?). Nữ nhà văn, nhà thơ người Nhật sống vào thời kỳ Haien (平安時代, Bình An thời đại), tác giả của cuốn tiểu thuyết theo nghĩa hiện đại đầu tiên của nhân loại, Truyện kể Genji.
* Đọc những tác phẩm khác của bà tại đây: https://phaphoan.ca/category/waka-haiku-kanshi/murasaki-shikibu-紫式部-tu-thuc-bo/
* Ủng hộ dịch/tác giả: https://phaphoan.ca/contact/
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janamonji · 2 years ago
'Unrivaled': A Giddy Look at Literary Geniuses in the Heian Court
If you’ve studied Japanese history or literature, the names Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部) and Sei Shōnagon (清少納言) will be familiar and Michinaga will suggest dangerous court intrigue. Rosie Narasaki’s 90-minute intermission less play, “Unrivaled” wraps up the lore of these literary legends into an easily understood and giddily funny story about friends, frenemies and king-making. The narrator for all…
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crazyfox-archives · 2 years ago
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A pamphlet from the Tokugawa Art Museum (徳川美術館) in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, featuring a scene from “The Tale of Genji” (源氏物語) by Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部) as depicted in the illustrated handscroll “Genji Monogatari Emaki” (源氏物語絵巻) produced around 1120-1140
Acquired at the museum November 27, 1994
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edithsotoart · 10 months ago
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Murasaki chibi
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kyotodreamtrips · 3 years ago
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Autumn colours at the Ishiyama-dera during the Autumn Season of 2017 in Ōtsu, Japan.
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konjaku · 3 months ago
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実葛[Sanekazura] Kadsura japonica
実[Sane] : Pit of a fruit; core; truth
葛[Kazura] : Vine, creeping plant
Native to Japan, it grows in forests and woodlands. It produces cream-colored flowers in summer and red berries in early winter. It looks tasty at a glance, but while it is not poisonous, it is not tasty. The vine does not tangle much with other things. It has been mentioned in many poetry and stories since ancient times. One of the aliases is 美男葛[Binankazura](Vine of handsome men).
名にし負はば 逢坂山の さねかづら 人にしられで くるよしもがな
[Na ni shiowaba ōsakayama no sanekazura hito ni shirarede kuru yoshi mogana] If that is what it is called, I wish there was a way I could tug you by that vine to meet you without others knowing. (In this, 逢坂山の実葛 is also read as meaning 逢う坂山の小寝葛[Ou sakayama no sa-ne-kazura], or "a vine that rests for short time in the mountain of being able to meet the person one loves") No. 25 in 百人一首[Hyakunin Isshu] by 三条右大臣[Sanjō-no udaijin](藤原 定方[Fujiwara-no Sadakata], a great-grandfather of 紫式部[Murasaki shikibu]) https://maps.app.goo.gl/idbiYb6iv9MB1sAB9
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snugglecakes · 2 years ago
Utakoi - Murasaki Shikibu
"Master Counsellor Kinto poked his head in.
'Excuse me,' he said. 'Would our little Murasaki be in attendance by any chance?'
'I cannot see the likes of Genji here, so how could she be present?' I replied"
- Diary of Murasaki Shikibu
Murasaki Shikibu’s real name was never known, “Shikibu” likely refers to her father’s post (who served in the Ministry of Ceremonial Affairs) (Source). The name “Murasaki” on the other hand, refers to one of the characters in the Tale of Genji, whom Genji had become enamoured with (and he subsequently groomed her into becoming his ideal lover).
In Murasaki Shikibu’s diary, Fujiwara no Kinto (a poet) had once referred to her as “Little Murasaki” and perhaps that’s how the name “Murasaki Shikibu” stuck in the Heian imperial court and became what we now know her as. Utakoi had made a comedic skit out of this little detail in episode 11.
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year ago
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Kami Sakka Murasaki Shikibu no Arienai Hibi[神作家・紫式部のありえない日々]
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