#Multifamily Mindset Reviews
At Last, The Secret To Invest In Multi-Family Properties Is Revealed
The fact that more people are buying properties and renting them out means that the real estate sector is unquestionably seeing rapid expansion. Globalization, population growth, and a host of other factors are responsible for the booming real estate market. There are many opportunities to invest in the market, but it is up to you whether you want to use the investment to hold the property for appreciation or to rent it out. Although Multifamily Real Estate Investing is one of them, rental homes have long been favored. We'll notify you of some tips that will help you generate a good return on investment in this article.
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Secrets to earning millions by investing in multifamily properties
There are numerous options to invest in real estate but Multifamily investment is transforming the financial status of many people. This is totally worthwhile and a secret behind people becoming millionaires by investing in multifamily properties.
Consistent income
Sometimes you suffer loss when investing in other areas such as stock or for holding the property. But after investing in the multifamily property you will receive income every month with consistency. There is a very very rare chance of loss. A regular income makes you financially strong and keeps you stable everywhere.
Time efficient and have a growing path
As we discussed its reliable revenue, you should be aware that buying them also saves you time and keeps you hassle-free. For real estate investors looking to create a sizable rental portfolio, multi-family properties are also ideal. It is much better to purchase all of your properties in one location rather than buying them separately in other locations, as this will save you a tonne of time and money.
Ultimately A less expensive option
A single apartment is typically less expensive to purchase than multiple apartments or housing. However, since you will receive larger returns and it will be more expensive if you purchase two properties in different locations, believe me, multifamily buildings are discovered to be less expensive indirectly. However, because they are selling them all at once, the majority of businesses offer this property type at substantially lower prices.
But how you can earn high returns in Multifamily investment
Take a glimpse at a few easy steps….
Begin the investment with a few units
Although it could look like there are 20–30 apartments or perhaps more when considering multifamily homes, that is not the case. Most reputable multifamily mindset firms let beginners invest in a small number of units so that they may start small and learn from it before moving on. The best recommendation is, to begin with, a small multifamily building, like a duplex or quadruplex. Starting with a modest multifamily building can make things a lot simpler for you from the off.
Finance your properties by considering each cost
Whether you want to pay for these properties with a loan or funds already in your account, keep in mind that there will be additional expenses both during and after the purchase. For multifamily housing loans, a 20% down payment of the purchase price is typically required, plus there will unavoidably be costs for maintenance and property management. Taxes, loan fees, insurance, ongoing expenses, loan interest, as well as many other costs, will be incurred both during and after the multifamily property acquisition.
Work with professionals
It's possible that you feel rushed as you try to comprehend and control each aspect of this. Therefore, it is best to link forces with any professional real estate expert who has vast experience in overseeing multifamily properties. A qualified property manager may assist you in generating additional rental income by ensuring that all daily operations are carried out efficiently and effectively. You can also use a service where a company finds a renter for you, collects rent, and takes care of maintaining your property.
To summarize multifamily investment is quite beneficial for high stable growth in the real estate market with stable income. For earning this stability you need to invest your money in a good location and with a small number of units.
Multifamily Mindset is a leading name in the market that has been changing the way people think through awareness of multifamily real estate. Our well-qualified and experienced experts are just like helping hands for people who have been looking the ways to invest their hard-earned money. Apart from this, you can learn more about the Multifamily Mindset Reviews through our articles and blogs which will enhance your knowledge.
If you want to join us then also let us know we will assist you at each step since our company is especially known for Multifamily Real Estate Investing and helping investors to better allocation of financial resources.
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notebooknebula · 4 years
Jay Conner - Real Estate Investing Successes
Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority, talks about recent successful real estate deals.
#RealEstate #Foreclosures #PrivateMoney Come visit and try our four week FREE trial membership!
Well, hello there! And welcome to another episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner. I’m Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority. And also the host of the show. And if you’re brand new to the show or never tuned in before, here we talk about all things, real estate investing. We talk about single family houses. We talk about commercial deals, lands, self storage, multifamily, you name it. But the majority of the time we do talk about single family houses and how to never miss out on a deal for not having funding. You see, I became known as The Private Money Authority back in 2009 because when my wife Carol Joy and I started investing in single family houses here in Eastern North Carolina, back in 2003, the first six years, we relied on local banks and mortgage companies.
And then I had a rude awakening in January of 2009. And that’s when I got cut off from the local banks with no notice like the rest of the world did when we had the global financial crisis going on. So I knew I had to find a better way and a more efficient way to get my deals funded. So that’s when I learned about private money. I was able to raise over $2 million in private funding from the time I started attracting the private money. So we know in the real world out there, even though there are many creative ways to buy houses and properties, at the end of the day, most of the deals are done and concluded by having all the cash ready to go.
So on today’s episode, I want to share with you four ways to get more offers accepted. Four ways. To get more offers accepted. But before I do, I have a free offer for you and you can’t be free. You see, just recently I launched my new membership site, which is called The Private Money Academy, and this is a monthly month to month membership. And we now have over 100 members that are showing up twice a month to have zoom coaching with yours truly, myself. And I’m going to give you in just a second, a way for you to have access, to enjoy the membership for a free four week trial, just to give it a trial run and see how you like it. The reason you want to take advantage of this is, first of all, I just mentioned. We have at least two live zoom conference calls a month where I’m coaching all the Academy members revealing my secrets to how we actually run this business in less than 10 hours per week. Netting over seven figures per year.
On each of the zoom conference calls for the Academy members. I have one of the members in what we call the Hot Seat Section. And in the Hot Seat Session, what we do is analyze their business, find out where they are, what their struggles and challenges are and how to overcome those. And then we put a plan together for the members to take their business to the next level. We also have a private closed Facebook group for all The Private Money Academy members to be a member of. And then I also have four different areas of training in the membership site, video training that we update every month. So if you would like to check it out absolutely for free, then after this show, get right on over to www.JayConner.com/Trial That’s JayConner.com/Trial Come on in to the membership and come join the fun and come learn a lot about real estate investing.
In addition to that, before I dive into today’s topic. I really appreciate it if you would subscribe so you don’t miss out on any future episodes of our show. And if you are tuning in on iTunes, we would love for you to not only subscribe, but rate and review and give us five stars. If you think we’re worth it. We’re on Google play and many other platforms. No matter where you’re tuning in from, we’re glad you’re here.
So let’s go ahead and jump into today’s show, which I’ve titled, Four Ways To Get More Offers Accepted. But before I go over those four ways, I want to, first of all, give you two underpinning principles that always helps you get more offers accepted regardless of the structure or the way that you have done so. Or that you’re going to structure a particular deal.
First of all, the way I do this business and the way I’ve done this business since day one is having a mindset of always creating win-win scenarios. It’s gotta be a win for everybody. And the way for you to create win-win scenarios is for you to have a servant’s heart. You see, if you have the mindset of I’m going to just come in there, you know, whether you’re looking to do a wholesale deal or you’re looking to, you know, make an all, you know, all cash offer and you’re just going to offer, offer, offer. You know, sometimes, it’s the price is not the, is not the main objective or the main motivating factor that seller has. You know, my students hear me talk all the time about when we are doing deals. There’s so many different people that win. We want to create a scenario to where the seller is going to win and they win by us solving their problem. We wouldn’t be in this business unless we had the opportunity to actually solve problems.
So we want a win for the seller. We also, if you’re going to use private money, we want for the private money lender to win by paying them a high rate of return safely and securely. When we go to sell that home, particularly if we sell that home on rent to own, then we’re creating a win scenario for that buyer because the buyer didn’t have any other way to buy a home until we came along and we have a program to where they can actually have a pathway on to home ownership. The American dream. And then we win as well because we are able to bring these solutions and these different structures together. Now, I just, I want you to really think about this win-win scenario. You see, sellers, whether you are meeting them in person or you are talking with them in person the very first time. The seller knows and can tell what your outlook is.
Are you there in that conversation just to make a deal? Or are you there to really fix their problem? You see, here’s what I’ve discovered. When my focus is on the other person and I’m really tuning into what they need and what their problem is that they’re wanting to have taken care of. And I’m really focusing on them. I don’t have to worry about me because you know, it’s like Zig Ziglar said, if you take care of enough, other people, helping them get what they want, you don’t have to worry about getting what you want in the overall scheme of things. You know, over the years we have purchased and invested in a lot of homes that were in foreclosure and I’m not talking bank and properties in this conversation. I’m talking about helping people that are in foreclosure, but their house or home has not yet gone to sale.
You see, here’s another example of creating Win-Win. When we have someone respond to our marketing and someone has received one of my letters, that’s in foreclosure. And they respond to us. One of the very first things that we ask is, do you want to keep your property? Do you want to keep your house? And if the answer is yes, then we’ve got us a checklist of 10 different ways that they can keep their house. And if any of those ways work, there’s nothing in it for us directly out of that deal. Of course, one of the first ways we talk about is have you talked with your mortgage lender about a deferment program to where payments that are in arrears can be put on the end of the note, and then you just start making payments currently right now.
So we go over these different ways. Unfortunately, most of the time they cause a financial distress and other reasons. The person is not able to bring their payments current or start even making payments on a timely basis. But at least they know we have these ways to offer. And if we can help them get what they want and that is keeping their home, then we do it. So that’s my first principle I want to share with you. Whenever you are beginning conversation with a seller, take on the framework and the hat of making sure that it’s going to be a win for them first. And then you’re not going to have to worry about yourself.
The second principle that I want to share with you before we get into the different ways of structuring these deals is I want you to right up front, tell the people, tell the seller what to expect in the course of you helping them out and possibly purchasing their house. For example, just this morning at 8:00AM I got a call last night from a individual that knew what we do here in the area of investing in single family houses. And they called me up and left a message last night. So I called them back at eight o’clock this morning, and we began the conversation. And here’s one of the first questions that I ask after we build a little bit of rapport. I ask the seller, I’ll say, well, tell me what your situation is. Tell me what your situation is, or just tell me about the situation.
Now, let me tell you what is so critical about you understanding and using that scripting of saying to the seller. Well, tell me about the situation. You see, when you say to someone, tell me about the situation, they could first start talking about the property and the condition of the property. The situation that the property is in. Or they could start telling you about the situation that they are personally in.
You see, when a seller contacts us and it’s an off market property, meaning it’s not listed in the multiple listing service. Then they have got a problem. Either the property has got a problem or they personally, or their family has a problem, or both. The property itself could be in distress. The people themselves could be in financial or personal distress, or both. The reason, one of the first questions I ask after building some rapport with the person. My question to them is, tell me about the situation. Tell me the situation. If they talk about the property, then I know that is one of their top motivating factors. And that is the property. They’re wanting relief of that property in some kind of way. Maybe they’re having carrying cost. Of course, they’re having carrying cost. If they still own it. Perhaps they need debt relief. Maybe the monthly financial burden of mortgage payments are just weighing them down. And you know, they just can’t stand it anymore.
I was visiting with a seller about a month ago, and that’s what it was. She had already moved into another home and still had the mortgage monthly payment, financial burden of the existing home. So when I said to her, well, tell me about the situation. First thing she started talking about were the monthly payments. So again, that’s one of the first questions you want to ask because when they answer that question, tell me about the situation. Then that’s going to tell you exactly what you need to hone in on as far as what the focus on, on solving their problem. So when I say tell them what to expect. This morning, as I was saying at 8:00 AM, when I was talking to this particular seller and we built a little rapport and you know, one of the first things they want to know is, well, how does your process work?
So after I had asked the question, tell me the situation. Well, let me tell you what her answer to the situation was. This is a house that’s located in Mill Creek, North Carolina. The situation when I asked that question, tell me about the situation. The answer was, well, there are six of us heirs to this house. It sits on the water. It’s got a nice water view, but there’s still some damage from hurricane Florence, which was a couple of years ago. And this person went on to tell me that they are the executor of this particular property and this person and the other five heirs had decided that they just want to liquidate the property and not put any more money in it. They don’t want to carry any more insurance on it. They didn’t want to pay any more taxes. And they told me without me even asking anything else beyond, tell me about the situation they said, we just want to get the mortgage paid off and not have the burden of this property anymore.
As a matter of fact, this person was actually responding to one of my probate letters that I had mailed out months ago, that my team had mailed out months ago. So I said, well, let me tell you how the process works. And so here’s how the process works. I said, first of all, I’m going to introduce to you. As soon as we finish this call, I’m going to do a group text introduction to Kim. Kim is our acquisitionist. And she’s been with us now for about 14 years. And Kim, what she does is she gets all the initial information on the property that you have. And then I ask, is it okay for me to send a group text to Kim and to you and get you two connected? So we can go in and get some initial information about the property. And the executor says, sure, that’d be fine.
I said, so after I introduce you all, Kim is going to call you, get some initial information about the property, and then we’ll do our research. We’ll find out what the after repaired value is on the property from our realtor. And then at that point, we will decide if it makes sense for us to schedule an appointment for my team to come meet you and whoever of your designee at the property and we’ll walk around and we will estimate repairs. And then from the time we estimate repairs, we’ll go from there and see if we can put together, listen closely. Put together a win-win scenario for everybody.
Now, again, that’s telling people and telling sellers what to expect. Now, there’s another very, very important part to telling people what to expect, because you see when you’re first having this very first conversation with a potential seller, there’s this skepticism that’s automatically built in. They don’t know what to expect. They don’t know how the process works. They don’t know if this is going to work out. So I want to tell you right here, and right now, how to immediately defuse any kind of stress or pressure that’s in the midst of this conversation, because I can tell you there’s already some type of pressure or distress from the seller standpoint, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place.
So here’s how you defuse the pressure. Take it off yourself if you’re brand new. And what I’m getting ready to say to you will immediately give comfort and peace and destress your seller if they are feeling stress. And here’s exactly what you say. You say, you know, I just want to let you know up front as part of our process and we’ve done many of these deals. You know, sometimes it works out for us to buy the property or in some way help you sell it. And sometimes it doesn’t work out for us to buy the property. And I just want you to know in either case that’s okay. Even if it doesn’t work out for us to buy the property or to negotiate or, you know, put a deal together. I don’t want to use the word negotiation with the seller because I’d already sets up like an inherent feeling of conflict. I want them to be at comfort and at peace. So I was like, even though, even if we can’t work out something together at the very least, I may be able to refer you to someone that can help you out of the situation.
You see that? I keep looping back to the word situation. So you see that’s part of explaining the process. Is telling them right up front, it’s okay if It doesn’t work out for us to actually work on this directly, but because my main cause and purpose and objective here is to help you with your situation. Well it works out for me to get something out of the deal or not is okay with me. My main purpose is in helping you out. Now let me give you another sub point about how this, how helping people out works out. And that is, you, God gave us two ears and one mouth, right? And the only way, not the only way, but the best way this is going to work out is if you become a listener like nobody else. I mean, when you increase your skill and talent of really listening, for example, back to the question, tell me about your situation. Now, when you say, tell me, when you asked him about your situation, you got to put on your listening cap and the taking copious notes, because the more they tell you about the situation, I can tell you what they are talking about. It’s what’s most important to them.
Now, as I mentioned a couple of minutes ago, a lot of the times, it’s not always about the price. Let me give you an example. Not too long ago, I was talking with a seller about, I was actually talking with the daughter of the mother that lived in the house. This was in a small home, over in Newport. And I was talking with the daughter and I said to the daughter, tell me about the situation. And here’s what the answer was to that question. You know, the first answer was there were six heirs on this home in Mill Creek. They didn’t want to do any more to the house. It needed repairs. The six heirs don’t want to mess with it.
When I’m talking to the daughter on this home, over in Newport, here’s the answer to the question and I’ve got my ears wide open. I said, tell me about the situation. The daughter says, well, my mother has been living in this home for years. In fact, it’s been living in this home for decades and she’s come to a point in her life to where she needs to move out because she needs to move to an assisted living area or an assisted living home. And she doesn’t know where she wants to go, but we know we need to sell the house in order to provide income and revenue to pay for the assisted living. I said, after she answered the question, tell me about the, she didn’t say anything about the property. It wasn’t the property. It wasn’t the upkeep. The problem to tell me about the situation was the mother needed to move on and did not know where they were going to go. And they needed money to start making that decision.
Since I had my listening ears on. Here was the way I structured the deal. I said, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll pay you all cash. Using private money. I didn’t tell them private money cause they wouldn’t know what I’m talking about. I said, I’ll pay you all cash for the property and I will let your mother live in her home for a another 90 days, three months, rent free. For you and the family to have plenty of time to find a place in assisted living area. And you can go ahead and get, you know, I’ll give you a partial cash upfront as a down payment before we, or earnest money before we actually close on the deal. So you all can all start. You can go in and start making arrangements on the move.
Guess what I discovered from that offer because I had my listening ears wide open. I learned after we closed, the daughter told me after we closed, she said, Jay, I just want you to know that I had another investor offer me more money than you did, but I want you to know the reason we took your offer was because you understood what my mother needed. My mother needed some cash now to go ahead and start finding the assisted living home to move into. And because you were able to work with us and give us some money up front and then close out a completely 90 days down the road, then we took your offer. Even though it was a lesser amount.
Now, let me tell you how I structured that deal. Okay? So I structured that deal with seller financing. So I told you up front in the beginning of this episode, that I was going to teach you four different ways to get more offers accepted. So this was a combination of seller financing and private money cash. Alright. So this is seller financing.
So number one way, I call it Seller Financing with Principle Only Payments or Seller Financing with Equity Payments. So this strategy can be implemented in many different ways. Seller financing with principle only payments or equity payments. That means the same thing. What that typically means is when the seller is selling a house that’s free and clear of any mortgages, have any notes or liens attached to it. Then I offer to make them payments that will go 100% towards purchase price until I cash it out.
Well, let me tell you what I did in this case. So you say, Jay, how can you give them money up front and you’d be protected? What if I take the money and run? Well, they can’t take the money and run. What we did is we went ahead and closed on the property at the agreed upon price. But all I did was a 90 day note. You see, they needed cash. In this case, $10,000. They needed cash $10,000 down to go ahead and start finding the assisted living area, moving and et cetera. So I had my real estate attorney draw up a note and a mortgage. And so I gave $10,000 down at that point of the down payment at my real estate attorneys closing office. Title was went ahead and was transferred to me.
So I own the house. I own the house. You never give a seller any money. Of course, all the money goes through the trust account, right? They get the money at closing. Alright. So now we have a note in place. And so I’m going to pay it off in 90 days. But as part of the agreement in this negotiation process, I’m not going to pay it off until the mother has moved out of a house. So you see, that’s how I structured that deal, making it a win-win scenario and giving the mother and the daughter exactly what was needed. So that’s number one, seller financing with equity payments, principle only payments, or in that particular case, a down payment that 100% of that went to purchase price. And then the balance was paid in 90 days. Now, where did that money come from? Private money, of course. But it was a combination of seller financing, a 90 day note, transfer the title and ownership at the time of closing and then paying it off with private money at the end of 90 days.
The second way that I want to teach you today on structuring deals is what’s called, Seller Financing with Interest Only Payments. Seller Financing with Interest Only Payments. This is also called Seller Financing by Your Seller Being a Private Lender. This is making the seller of the property, your private lender. Well, how in the world does that work? This strategy works when you’re dealing in higher end, higher priced properties, where the seller is very, very intent on getting their price. Okay. So I have a friend who recently negotiated a deal and the price of the property retail was $800,000. Well, the seller wanted full retail.
Well, they knew they could negotiate this deal, but they could only, they didn’t have private money lined up for $800,000 price. So they negotiated with the seller to sell to them with just interest only payments for 12 months. And for the, during that 12 months, that gives them. So it’s, you know, interest only payments can typically be less than principle and interest payments. By doing interest only payments that gave the real estate investor, my friend, plenty of time to locate a rent to own buyer on this very high end property over on the beach, it’s a resort property. And they can negotiate the deal. So that’s two ways to use seller financing, seller financing with principal only payments, seller financing with interest only payments.
There’s actually another seller financing strategy. I’ll go and share with you right now. I’m not going to have it displayed at right now, but that is, Seller Financing with NO Payments Until Cash Out. Seller Financing with NO Payments Until Cash Out. So when you have a seller, particularly on a free and clear property and they don’t need the cash flow, then you can, Oh, my podcast producer is brilliant. He’s already got it up there. Seller financing with ZERO payments. So you can negotiate the deal to where you buy it with nothing down and no payments until you find a buyer. And when you find the buyer, you use the buyer’s money to then cash out your seller, and then you retain of course the profit over and beyond the price that you all had negotiated.
So that’s two ways. Actually three ways. So now what is the next way? And y’all have heard me talk about this a lot. And that is Buying with a Subject to the Existing Note. Buying Subject to the Existing Note. So simply that is when someone will, they’re wanting retail value or they’re giving it to you at a discount. They’re willing to sell you their house, leaving the mortgage in their name, and they’re going to sell it to you, transfer the deed and you are agreeing to make the payments until you find a cash out buyer. Who’s willing to do that? A motivated seller who is interested solely in debt relief. You see the person I just told you about a few moments ago that I met about a month ago. They, that was their main motivation. When I said, tell me about the situation. And the situation was they needed a debt relief. So this strategy even works when a seller wants full retail price, where you can buy a house at full retail price, subject to the existing note, if and only if, the underlying monthly mortgage payments are less than what you can bring in per month with, you know, a rent to own monthly payment. So subject to.
And then the fourth way, of course, is Paying Cash with PRIVATE MONEY. Using Private Money. And I can tell you that this in the real world out there is the way for you to ensure, to never missing out on a deal because you didn’t have the funding. Most sellers, even though we’re talking about these different creative ways are going to require all the money. Now, if you’re wondering about how in the world, you can get private money, regardless of your credit score or verification of income, whether you’re a seasoned real estate investor or you’re brand new, that’s another reason for you to get involved and take advantage of the four free weeks that I’ve offered you. Of The Private Money Academy. So if you want private money for your deals, then be sure and get in the four week trial at www.JayConner.com/Trial.
Well, those are the four ways before I let you go on today’s show. I want to give you a strong negotiating tip and strategy on how to negotiate when it really is all about price with the seller. And that is I have got a formula. And for all of you that are in the Private Money Academy that I just offered with the trial. I have a formula that I share with all the Academy members that shows a formula to the seller as to how on average, they get only about 78% of their asking price when that is listed in the multiple listing service. So if you’ve got a seller that is just, you know, dead set on the price, then use this formula and showing them.
Here’s what I do. First of all. Well, here’s the price they want. If you put your house, if the seller puts their house in the multiple listing service at that price, first of all, national average, 6% is gonna come off of that. We’re already down to 94% of the asking price because 6% is going to go to the realtor community and commissions. Well doing business with a real estate investor, there are no realtor commissions. In addition to that, when you sell it in the multiple listing service, there’s always going to be, I say, always 99% of the time, there’s going to be a home inspection by the buyers home inspection company. And of course, what is the home inspectors job? The home inspectors job is to, is to point out every nuance of inefficiencies. And of course, anything that is not working that is intended. Well, I can guarantee you after the home, after you’re under contract to sell the house, when the seller’s under contract to sell the house and the home inspector comes along, do you think there’s going to be now more negotiation asked by the buyer of a house? Absolutely!
I rehab houses all the time. Carol Joy and I have rehabbed over 400 of them here in Eastern North Carolina. And after the home inspection, the buyer always wants more to come off of the price. In addition to that, how long is it going to take to sell the property with carrying costs? So while the property is on the market, then there’s carrying costs still going on. Mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, unexpected maintenance. In fact, I was talking to another seller this morning that it is his mother-in-law, his 91 year old mother-in-law that is wanting to sell the property. When I asked the question, what is the situation? The answer was the 91 year old mother-in-law and the family don’t want to spend money anymore to upkeep the property. And it’s just too much. And so just two weeks ago, and this may have been the cockroach that showed up for the most recent motivating factor of the seller.
When I’m talking to the son in law, he says to me, the hot water heater just went out two weeks ago. And now we and my siblings have had to replace the hot water heater. We’re done. We’re just tired of upkeeping this property, keeping the upkeep on this property and we’re ready for it to go. So again, the formula that I use on showing a seller as to what the real cost of selling a house, when in the multiple listing service versus selling to a real estate investor, many times can make the difference on whether you buy the house or not.
Well, there you have it. Not only the four ways. I think I did maybe five ways. That you can get more offers accepted. Remember the underlying principles that I went over with you as well. And that is, always creating win-win scenarios, telling people what to expect and making sure that you always have their interest first at heart. Because again, when you take care of them, you don’t have to worry about yourself. Take me up on my offer. Four weeks free trial in the membership. Jay Conner’s Private Money Academy at www.JayConner.com/Trial.
Thank you so much for joining in on the episode. If you found it valuable, be sure to subscribe, rate, and review, and I look forward to seeing you on the next episode. I’m Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority. Wishing you all the best. And here’s to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. We’ll see you on the next show.
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From survey to land planning, civil engineering and comprehensive architectural design, our team brings a multidisciplinary mindset to every project.
We enjoy daily interaction and coordination among our internal teams, which allows us to build relationships and understand project approaches across disciplines.n n”Positivity,” “community” and “collaboration” are a few of the most commonly used words to describe Galloway in our employee surveys, and we think those words truly describe the attributes of our team.
We continually strive to provide an exceptional environment that fosters our purpose of “enriching people’s passions.” We are honored to be repeatedly recognized by our employees through numerous awards that include Top Workplace USA 2021; Denver Post Top Workplace 2018, 2019, 2020; and Denver Business Journal Best Place to Work 2019, 2020.n nWe offer flexible work hours, a friendly and family-focused work environment, exciting projects, excellent compensation including cash bonuses, education assistance, and a complete package of benefits.
We also believe in giving back to our community through numerous outreach events and volunteer activities.n n Learn more about Galloway http //GallowayUS.com/about-us/n n About The Positionn n We are currently seeking a Civil Project Engineer to add to our team in Fresno, CA.
Never been to Fresno?
Look no further than this great write up 15 Reasons to Live in Fresno.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a skilled and passionate self-starter to work directly with local and national land development projects.
The candidate will work in a highly collaborative interdisciplinary office environment as an experienced engineer.n n Responsibilitiesn Functions as a technical specialist, staff advisor, and consultant; uses independent judgment to formulate and develop advanced civil engineering concepts for a given land/site development or public works-related project or program function.
Conducts constructability reviews or assists in the design/planning/review of other civil engineering projects assigned to others.
Prepares improvement plans, specifications, supporting documents, and permit applications for commercial developments, residential, multifamily developments, and public works projects.
Prepares calculations such as storm drain, wastewater, water system, earthwork quantities, transportation, cost estimates, and other supporting documentation for public and private projects.
Coordinates technical and administrative activities for a project with other disciplines and departments within Galloway.
n n Requirementsn n Educationn Bachelor of Engineering from a four-year, board-approved engineering curriculum.
or ability to obtain within 6 months to 1 year n n Experiencen Four to seven years of civil engineering experiencen n Qualificationsn Strong working knowledge of AutoCAD and Civil3D Possesses working knowledge of approval and permitting processes for civil land development projects.
Understands and uses engineering principles, codes, and standards in civil design, including site layout, grading, erosion control, storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer, and roadway.
Understands calculations and programs used in design of civil systems and reports, including drainage, water, sanitary sewer, and roadway systems.
Possesses working knowledge of disciplines involved in development process, and integrates and coordinates civil engineering work into required approvals.
Demonstrates technical writing skills needed for civil reports and letters.
Understands client goals, and uses effective communication and leadership skills to manage project schedules and budgets.
Communicates in a timely and effective manner within team and with clients, various agencies, and other disciplines working on project.
Demonstrates effective leadership skills in directing and completing assigned work; is able to coordinate efforts on multiple projects.
Works independently with little supervision; exercises independent judgment in completion of work, including directing engineering activities to complete project.
n n Benefitsn Health Insurance (Two plans to choose from) Dental Insurance Vision Insurance Short and Long-Term Disability Life Insurance Health Savings Account Health Reimbursement Account Flex Spending Account 401(K) Plan Tuition Assistance Flex Work Schedule Wellness Program Cash Bonuses Paid Volunteer Hours
The post Civil Project Engineer first appeared on Fresno Jobs Hiring.
from Fresno Jobs Hiring https://ift.tt/3srFLgL via IFTTT
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yarusiholdings · 4 years
809. Women Inspiring Women with Mandy McAllister
Mandy McAllister is a multifamily real estate investor, mindset ninja, eternal learner, coach, and connector. She followed volleyball to Mercer University in Georgia where she was awarded Top Graduate in Marketing.  Soon after, she moved to Chicago to do a Masters in Economics and began work at the Board of Trade. Her professional career transitioned to Medical Device Sales where she was a perennial top performer. After many years of “chasing commission” she has made it her mission to secure financial freedom for her family and others through syndications and coaching individuals to realize their personal potential.
Her real estate expertise includes repositioning underperforming assets to increase cash flow and value. Her portfolio is currently comprised of 205 doors, primarily B- class workforce housing.  Mandy has found success in college towns with student housing as well as urban centers. Her passion is to help others define their path to financial freedom especially women through her platform, Aspiring Women Achieving More. She is most proud to be mama to her hilarious 4-year-old son Duncan who, coincidentally, wants to be a real estate investor when he grows up.
Thank you so much for listening! WE ARE SO GRATEFUL!!!!
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meraenthusiast · 5 years
7 Steps – How To Become Financially Independent
How To Become Financially Independent (FI)
Recently while listening to a podcast, I was reminded about something I’d heard of several years ago when I first started practicing, Parkinson’s Law.
It was developed by English writer Cyril Northcote Parkinson and states that, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
For instance, if you’ve got a project due in three months, then more than likely it’ll be completed in three months. If it needs to get finished in a week, then it will get done in a week.
So true.
But when we apply this law to money, it says that it doesn’t matter how much money we make, we tend to spend the entire amount…and then some.
The more we make, the more we spend. AKA “lifestyle creep“.
In a nutshell, our expenses rise with our earnings.
If we get a bonus, a raise or our income rises, most of us go out and buy a nicer vehicle, take a luxury vacation or buy the doctor house.
This is why it’s so HARD to continue to live like a resident when our training is completed.
No matter how much we make, there never seems to be enough.
For doctors and other professionals searching for how to become financially independent, they must first realize that financial independence comes from violating Parkinson’s Law.
It’s the main reason why we fall into the traps of debt and worry about money.
So in order to get you on the right track to stop trading your time for money, I’ve laid out seven steps to help you become financially free.
I can assure you that you’ve probably heard them all before but it’s always good to review the important things in life.
7 Steps – How To Become Financially Independent
1) Spend less than you make
This is the most important step to becoming financially free and is the opposite of Parkinson’s Law. It’s NOT what you make, it’s what you spend that determines whether or not you’ll build great wealth.
In the classic financial book, The Richest Man In Babylon, one of the wealth lessons taught was this principle, “live below your means“.
Have you ever read The Millionaire Next Door or Everyday Millionaires?
Both books have exhaustively studied the “average” millionaire and guess what the common denominator among them are?
You guessed it, they all spent less than they made even though the majority never had a six-figure income during their working careers.
Whenever you shift your mindset and place a higher emphasis on keeping and investing money instead of spending on frivolous stuff, you’re on your way to FI.
2) Pay yourself first
David Bach’s most recent book “The Latte Factor” is about a millennial, Zoey Daniels, working in New York City living paycheck to paycheck yet making a nice income. She befriends Henry, a barista, who mentors her about her finances.
He teaches her that the single most important key financially she can do is pay herself first. When people start investing, many times they focus on the wrong things.
Until you save up at least $100,000 or more, don’t worry about the interest rate you’re getting. Instead, focus on the savings rate and piling up as much cash as you can.
As Grant Cardone teaches, “keep stacking the cash until it’s big enough to deploy.”
What does it matter if you’re making 10% a year on $10,000? $1000 in interest isn’t too exciting.
But when you’re making 10% on $100,000 which amounts to $10,000, then things start to pick up.
Henry recommended that Zoey save one hour a day of her income into a “pay yourself first” account and to become financially selfish. And by doing this, she can have financial security for the rest of her life.
Think about that. His recommendation is such a simple, yet profound process that hopefully will wake up those of us that aren’t focused on saving on a regular basis.
Why would you work 90,000+ hours of your life and not keep the first hour a day of your income?
It’s a different way to think about money that I challenge you to commit to.
When you pay yourself first, you’re putting yourself first.
3) Eliminate debt
One of my favorite personal finance books is Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover. My wife and I used his Baby Steps when I completed training.
I have no doubt that we wouldn’t be in the financial position we’re in today if it hadn’t been for this book.
Dave’s take on debt is straight-forward:
If you have it, get rid of it.
If you don’t have it, don’t get into it.
Most docs I know (including myself) have had some type of debt during their lifetime. Unfortunately it’s a way of life but we can and should do something about it.
If you want to know how to become financially independent, then get rid of your consumer debt as soon as possible.
Do you have a car payment?
Here’s an example from the book at what having one is costing you:
It seems that most people have a car payment their entire lives.
Average is $495 over 64 months
If instead of keeping the car payment, you invested the $495/month from age 25 to 65 in a mutual fund averaging 12%, you have:
$5,881,799.14 at age 65
I get that finding a fund that pays an average of 12% is next to impossible.
But if you invest in an average index fund that earns half of that, then you could be throwing almost $3 million down the drain to have the pleasure of driving around your whole life in a new car.
In today’s world of “instant gratification,” we want what we want yesterday. I get it. I’ve had car fever before but had to put it off until I saved enough to pay cash for it.
Dave believes you should never leverage debt for wealth.
4) Marry the right spouse
Whenever people discuss how to become financially independent, they miss out on a very important part of life….marrying the right spouse.
It doesn’t matter how much money you make, how disciplined or successful you are, if your spouse isn’t on board with working the financial plan together, you’re going to struggle.
If you’re trying to save and invest for the future whereas your spouse is spending like the government, it’s going to be near impossible for you to achieve financial independence.
5) Build streams of passive income
I’ve talked a lot about passive income in the past with these articles:
Passive vs Active Income – Which Is Best?
4 Reasons To Create Passive Income With Syndications
How To Create Passive Income With Real Estate Notes
3 Ways To Make Money With Passive Real Estate Investing
Most wealthy people have several streams of passive income. Average people only have one source of income, earned or active income.
Whenever I speak to new members of our Passive Investors Circle, one of the first questions I’ll ask is whether or not they have any sources of passive income.
For the majority that don’t, I suggest that their initial goal is creating that first stream.
Most of my calls are with doctors or other busy professionals. It’s for this reason that I suggest that they invest in multifamily syndications as their first flow of passive income.
The secret is to take this new stream of income and reinvest it so that it snowballs until you achieve FI.
6) Be a giver
One of the common denominators of those with a net worth of over $10 million is that they were givers….BEFORE they were rich.
John Templeton, billionaire and philanthropist said it best, “The secret to life is being a go-giver, not a go-getter.”
It was said that he was tithing over 50% of his income even before he was rich.
Nothing satisfies and brings me joy like giving to others. This is also such an important trait to teach our kids as well.
Even if you feel that you can’t give money at this stage of your life, you can always give back something that you can never get back….your time.
Proverbs 11:25 – “A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
7) Avoid the “get rich quick”
Too many people these days are looking for a shortcut to everything. I’ll admit, I occasionally find myself searching online for shortcuts/cheat codes while playing old Nintendo games from back in the day.
Sorry, I still but I STILL love playing Mario, Zelda and Castlevania!
The reason why many investors fail to achieve their goals is due to lack of patience.
They’re trying to find the quickest, next best thing which ends up having them sell out of their assets too soon.
One of the secrets to building wealth is buying quality investments and holding them.
Many people believe you need tons of money to one day become wealthy, but it’s simply not true.
When you combine consistent, small amounts of money with time and the power of compound interest, you’d be amazed of how your life can change.
The Story Of Pablo And Bruno
  Here’s a video with a simplistic view of how one can achieve financial independence. It’s the story of Pablo and Bruno from Burke Hedges’s book, “The Parable Of The Pipeline.”
It shows the difference between an employee mindset vs an entrepreneur mindset.
I don’t want to say much more and spoil it but I have one question to ask after you watch it:
Are you Bruno or Pablo?
Mindset Shift
There you have it. The seven steps on how to become financially independent.
As I previously stated, none of these steps are anything that you haven’t heard before but too few of us will commit to making a mindset shift to start the ball rolling.
Are you ready to REALLY learn how to become financially independent?
Consider joining our Passive Investors Circle today.
The post 7 Steps – How To Become Financially Independent appeared first on Debt Free Dr..
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csrgood · 5 years
Wells Fargo and Enterprise Community Partners Launch the Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge
 Wells Fargo and Enterprise Community Partners today opened the application process for the Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge, a nationwide search for the most innovative, scalable and viable ideas to increase housing affordability solutions. The competition, which is expected to draw hundreds of applications from around the U.S., will award six grants of more than $2 million each, in addition to providing two-years of technical assistance from Enterprise to help turn the grantees’ concepts into reality.
“Transformative change in communities happens when the best ideas are paired with the right mix of resources and technical know-how, and the Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge allows us to do that six times over,” said Enterprise Senior Vice President of National Initiatives Melinda Pollack. “This incredible commitment from Wells Fargo will elevate and scale promising new ideas that will create real change for the millions of families who lack access to quality affordable homes nationwide.” 
Winning proposals will detail scalable solutions that specifically address one of the challenge’s three focus areas:
Housing construction
Housing financing
Resident services and support
Responses to the first-round request for proposals are due Feb. 19, 2020. Enterprise will facilitate a review process to select up to 40 finalists for the second-round request for proposals. Fifteen finalists will be invited to the Challenge’s third and final round including participating in a pitch competition.  The final six grant recipients will be named this summer.
The Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge is part of Wells Fargo’s $1 billion commitment to support housing affordability solutions across the U.S. by 2025.
"Together with Enterprise Community Partners, we will engage with creative innovators who have know-how, technical skill, imagination — and with catalytic investment — can transform housing affordability ideas into real action on the ground,” said Eileen Fitzgerald, head of housing affordability philanthropy with the Wells Fargo Foundation. “With the Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge, we are bringing forward our financial resources combined with our business expertise to inspire vitally needed scalable and effective housing affordability solutions.”
The challenge is open to applicants in all 50 states, as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Proposals may cover single-family or multifamily housing, can assist homeowners or renters and can focus on any sector of the community, including children, youth, families and seniors.
For more information and to read the request for proposals, visit the Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge website.
About Wells Fargo
Founded in 1852 and headquartered in San Francisco, Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) provides banking, investment and mortgage products and services, as well as consumer and commercial finance, through 7,400 locations, more than 13,000 ATMs, and the internet (wellsfargo.com). With approximately 260,000 team members, Wells Fargo serves one in three households in the United States. With its corporate philanthropy, Wells Fargo aims to pave a path to stability and financial success for underserved communities by applying a problem-solving mindset to housing affordability, small business growth, and financial health, among other local community needs. In 2018, Wells Fargo donated $444 million to nearly 11,000 nonprofits. For 10 consecutive years, Wells Fargo has held the honor of No. 1 in workplace giving by United Way Worldwide. Wells Fargo team members also actively support communities by donating more than 2 million hours of volunteer time in the last year. News, insights and more information on the company’s overall corporate responsibility are available at Wells Fargo Stories and www.wellsfargo.com/impact.
About Enterprise Community Partners
Enterprise is a proven and powerful nonprofit that improves communities and people’s lives by making well-designed homes affordable and connected to opportunity. As a social enterprise, we bring together the nationwide know-how, policy leadership, partners, donors and investors to multiply the impact of local affordable housing development. Over more than 35 years, Enterprise has created 585,000 homes, invested more than $43 billion and touched millions of lives. 
CONTACT Chris Hammond
+1 (415) 222-4106
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43400-Wells-Fargo-and-Enterprise-Community-Partners-Launch-the-Housing-Affordability-Breakthrough-Challenge?tracking_source=rss
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berkeleyjobsite · 5 years
Senior project manager
Who We Are Resources for Community Development (RCD) is a leading regional nonprofit developer and owner of affordable housing.
RCD’s mission is to create and preserve affordable housing for people with the fewest options, to build community and enrich lives.
RCD fosters strong, inclusive neighborhoods through strategies that address the health, economic development, education, and housing needs of residents across the community.
Since RCD was established in 1984, we have developed or preserved over 65 communities that provide affordable, high-quality, and service-enriched affordable rental housing to over 2,300 low-income households throughout the Bay Area.
Through a robust pipeline, RCD is actively growing, with close to 1,000 new units of affordable housing in development or under construction.
RCD strives for excellence, and we are seeking an outstanding candidate to join our team.
The Role The Senior Project Manager, under the direction and supervision of RCD’s Director of Real Estate Development, will have primary responsibility for a full range of real estate activities relating to the development of affordable multifamily housing.
In this position, you will lead complex real estate developments through multiple phases, from entitlements and community engagement work through construction closings, construction management and lease up and transitioning into full operations.
Successful candidates will be experienced and creative developers as well as industry change agents.
RCD prides itself in being an industry leader in taking on complicated projects with positive impacts in the communities where we work, while advancing intellectual and technological innovation in affordable housing development.
We are looking for someone that is entrepreneurial, collaborative, and highly skilled in the field.
The position will not only offer opportunity to develop impactful projects in our communities, but also to contribute to the organizational growth and direction for RCD’s future.
Essential Responsibilities Project Financing Responsible for researching and securing funding sources to support feasibility, pre-development, construction and permanent loan phases of development.
Research and identify viable funding sources to support project development and completion Oversee preparation and submittal of complete funding applications, including organizing and assembling reports, attachments, graphics, budgets, narratives, letters, certifications, and other documentation, as needed Assign and oversee tasks assigned to support staff, as appropriate Lead in negotiations with lenders, investors, and grantors while incorporating reviews and approvals from multiple departments within the organization Represent RCD and its development work at public meetings and hearings Manage RFPs, selection and negotiations related to lender and equity investments Entitlements Responsible for securing entitlements for new projects in the RCD pipeline.
Research zoning and entitlement requirements and procedures Oversee submission and approval of zoning applications and other required city approvals Initiate and lead in community outreach and engagement work, including making presentations to community groups, commissions, design review boards, city councils, board committees, etc.
Project Management Responsible for procuring, contracting, and managing a variety of development related vendors, consultants, and contractors.
Oversee identification, selection and contract negotiations with development related vendors, consultants and contractors Manage design development process, using continuous input from asset management, property management and resident services departments Coordinate and oversee the work of the development team to maintain budget, quality and schedule Monitor construction work, assure high quality work and meet project schedules Budget Management Responsible for developing and maintaining multiple budgets and financial pro forma throughout the development process.
Conduct feasibility analysis of new and existing properties Develop and manage project budgets, cash flow projections and schedules from project inception through construction completion, including the implementation of cost containment strategies and value engineering processes throughout the life of the project Organizational Responsibilities Manage transition of completed projects from development to operation, including: Oversee scheduling and coordination of marketing and lease up of properties Ensure successful close out of funding and investor requirements Manage complete packaging and transfer of project documents, agreements, and terms to asset management and resident services teams Assist with management and resolution of construction warranty claims during first year of project occupancy Participate in industry advocacy and marketing efforts for the organization, including: Participate in workshops and speaking engagements Participate in advocacy efforts for the industry, as appropriate Assist Director of Real Estate Development in leading the overall direction of the real estate development department and its staff, including: Provide support in overseeing and leading junior staff within the department Provide support in strategic planning efforts within the department and the organization as a whole Participate in industry meetings and activities, as appropriate Qualified applicants should have at least five years of progressive experience in affordable housing, finance, and/or real estate.
The position requires a strong knowledge of affordable housing real estate development, affordable housing funding programs, real estate finance, and construction.
The applicant should have demonstrated experience and/or abilities in the following areas: Strong organizational skills and an ability to juggle, prioritize and delegate in a fast-paced environment Demonstrated relationship building experience, and an ability to work collaboratively with the diversity of affordable housing and real estate development stakeholders Excellent negotiation skills and experience Advanced experience in preparation and analysis of pro forma financial spreadsheets, cash flow projections, and other relevant financial and physical analyses of real estate Clear and effective verbal and written communications Ability to work with minimal supervision An entrepreneurial mindset and an interest in exploring new product types and partnerships Bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, urban studies, architecture or related field, or equivalent combination of education and/or experience, required MBA, master’s degree in city planning or related field, preferred Work Environment Majority of time spent in a professional office environment.
Travel Requirements The responsibilities of this position will require occasional travel to off-site locations around the San Francisco Bay Area.
Physical Requirements While performing the duties of the job, the employee is regularly required to sit, speak and hear.
Requires frequent use of a keyboard, computer monitor and phone.
Must be able to communicate clearly, both verbally and in writing.
Must be able to lift up to twenty (20) pounds occasionally.
Reasonable accommodation may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job.
Contact Us: RCD Development, [email protected].
Category: , Keywords: Project Manager
from Berkeley Job Site https://ift.tt/38JsOFA via IFTTT
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TGWI #011 - Taking Action
In this episode we cover what it means to take action. We discuss why people don’t take action, techniques for moving past the fear keeping people from doing so, the importance of goals, mindset, how we are taking action and more!
Referenced in the show
TGWI Episode 5 - Review of Rod Khleif’s Multifamily Bootcamp and Networking Tips
TGWI Episode 6 – Let’s talk “Abundance!”
Rod’s podcast https://rodkhleif.com/lifetime-cashflow-podcast/
Tyler’s podcast https://www.cashflowguys.com/podcast/
Dave Ramsey https://www.daveramsey.com/
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dwek
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Connect with Kevin Galang at https://www.secondhandsuccess.com/contact/
Connect with Adam Ulery at https://ibuycoastal.com/contact-us
Check out this episode!
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glenmenlow · 6 years
How Manufacturer And Private-Label Brands Differ
I am often asked, what are the pros and cons of having your own brand, versus supplying the product for someone else’s brand. As in anything, there are two sides of the coin, but deciding which way to go should never be a coin toss. More often than not, it is not an either/or proposition … it is both.
The world of branding can be divided in roughly two ways: brands that are owned and marketed by the companies who actually produce the products or services, and brands that are owned and marketed by companies who sell these products or services. Because brands are fundamental to how products or services are marketed and sold, understanding the distinctions, implications, advantages and disadvantages for these two branding approaches becomes critical to business strategy—whether you are a manufacturer, a distributor, or a retailer.
Brands that are owned and marketed by producers are commonly referred to as “national brands” or “manufacturer brands.” Owners of these brands cultivate their targeted customer base primarily by means of advertising directly to them. When these brands are marketed correctly, customers will seek them out, thereby forcing their consideration and stocking by the appropriate distribution channels. Manufacturer brands serve the interest of the manufacturer first, and benefit the retailer who carries them, second.
Brands that are owned and marketed by sellers are referred to by various names, such as “private-label,” “store brands,” “proprietary brands,” “owned-brand” and others. Provided the sales volume is sufficient, a private-label strategy can provide the retailer with several advantages unavailable to them by carrying national or manufacturer brands only. In fact, the vast majority of chain retailers, regardless of the category, carry some mix of national brands versus private-label brands (some carry private-label brands exclusively). As you’d expect, private-label brands serve the interest of retailers first, and benefits the manufacturer who produces them, second.
In both cases of manufacturer brands and private-label brands, paid-media (advertising) has been considered the traditional means of generating awareness and demand, but that model is changing rapidly. Traditional advertising media (TV, Print, Radio) now shares that role with so-called non-traditional ad media (digital), as well as influencer and relationship building “owned” social media platforms. So regardless of the brand, be it manufacturer or private-label, it is not enough to be unique and add value versus the competitor. It must also be marketed effectively to succeed.
Any examination of these two variations of brand strategy would be remiss without acknowledging the evolving positive attitude and growing acceptance of private-label brands. Gone are the days when consumers strictly associated private-label brands as something akin to cheap, generic and low quality. For example, in England and Germany (according to the Private Label Manufacturers Association) private-label brands account for almost half of all products sold. Here in the U.S., more ceiling fans are sold under Home Depot’s Hampton Bay label than under the category legend Hunter. Private-label brands can even eclipse the strength of the retailer, as in the case of Kenmore, Craftsman (now sold at Lowe’s) and Die Hard brands brought to us by SEARS.
The changing consumer demographic appears to fuel the benefits of private-label branding, as well. Looking at the shift from Baby Boomers and Gen-X’s to Millennials, Harvard Business Review observed with regard to the “Millennial mindset” that 77% don’t want to buy the brands their parents did and 88% think private-label products are just as good. Let me add an important note here: This is true as long as the private-label brand (and its retail owner) aligns with the Millennial customer’s value system, especially when it comes to issues like sustainability, manufacturing transparency, and social responsibility. The next generation of consumer is just as brand-oriented as the previous, but how it is communicated and identified is the key.
Manufacturer Brand Advantages
Since the manufacturer is building its own brand and customer base, it does so in hopes of leveraging its customer demand into shelf space (or nowadays Amazon orders). As the saying goes, when it comes to market share, nothing succeeds like success. So the cultivated customer loyalty for its brand, stimulated by marketing and cemented by trial and repeat purchase, translates into power and control of  the producers own destiny.
Depending on the product category, the level of advertising support, and the relative popularity of the manufacturer’s brand, the retailer/e-retailer can reap greater credibility, prestige, variety, customer traffic and loyalty as advantages (“I shop there because they carry my favorite brands.”) by stocking and promoting the manufacturer brand themselves.
Private-Label Advantages
The manufacturer gains volume that it might otherwise lack. To operate at peak efficiency, manufacturers need to fill capacity. While margins may be slimmer, supplying product to a dedicated seller eliminates a lot of the headaches and expense that come with self-branding. Such private-labeling relationships may paradoxically spur the development and growth of the manufacturer’s own brand by providing much-needed critical mass of manufacturing capacity and capital.
The retailer, on the other hand, gains exclusivity. This over-arching advantage covers a multitude of competitive concerns. Private-labels are difficult if not impossible to comparison shop, they can be carefully prescribed to meet the retailer’s customer’s unique needs, they can be strategically placed in a brand category architecture to maximize the retailer’s profitability (whether as an entry price-point, or now and more common a super premium, or somewhere in between), and they promote the retailer as a shopping destination by creating their own customer brand loyalty. Other advantages include: differentiation for the retailer in the marketplace, more freedom and flexibility in pricing, greater control over product attributes and quality, the ability to fill gaps not filled by national brands, as well as keeping national brands competitively priced.
The Challenges For Each
Many B2b categories were once unsophisticated when it came to branding, especially when compared to packaged goods or categories like electronics. Not anymore. As these marketplaces became more fragmented and the lines between b2b and b2c continue to blur, the response by manufacturers has been an accelerated course in brand architecture.
As a result, today’s manufacturer must deliver brand strategies for multiple channels to compete and survive in the marketplace. This not only increases the opportunities for sales that keep plants competitive, it also ensures against a devastating loss of business in any one area. For example, a manufacturer may have its own brand sold through specialty retail and produce an OEM product line sold under another label (which may or may not be a direct competitor). It may also produce private label product lines for distributors, buying groups and large retailers, and produce commercial or multifamily brands sold through brokers, contractors or direct to national accounts, and developers, etc. Within each of these channels may also come multiple sub-brands and product variations, each targeted for a specific purpose that the manufacturer must orchestrate daily. In every case, to be successful each brand must have product specifications and design portfolios that are unique, well-defined, compelling and fill a gap in the marketplace.
The lesson is that it doesn’t matter to the consumer what the brand strategy happens to be … as long as it’s a good one.
Manufacturer Brand Checklist:
For The Manufacturer
Independence Control own destiny Building own brand Higher margins
For The Retailer
Credibility, prestige Customer loyalty Variety
Private-Label Checklist:
For The Manufacturer
Volume Less support and expense
For The Retailer
Exclusivity Customized to local needs More control, profitability Can’t be comparison-shopped Keeps manufacturer brands competitive
The Blake Project Can Help: Please email us for more about our private label strategy workshops.
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
FREE Publications And Resources For Marketers
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How Realtors Make a Huge Amount in Real Estate (Secret Tips)
When you wish to get into real estate but do not wish to invest in multifamily real estate properties, then becoming a realtor is a reliable way of earning good returns. When you successfully handle the job, it will help you reach Tyler Deveraux's net worth. But you need to understand how to make money in real estate. After all, it requires a lot of skills and expertise, especially as a real estate agent. You can consider staying up to date with the multifamily podcasts and blogs to understand the industry better and take the right measures on time. Now check out the tips which will help you succeed.
1.     Learn the Art of Communication
Communication as a realtor is quite essential to convince the clients to make the purchase. When it comes to selling a property, people usually are emotional about it, whether it is their home or business. As they put their trust in you, you need to be good to them and communicate better so that you do not feel sad about it. Good multifamily investing property sales will turn out to be quite fruitful for your career.
2.     Go for Partnerships
To succeed as a realtor, you must understand you cannot do everything alone. You will require support for it. Thus, you must form connections with bankers who can provide loans to those willing to make the purchase. Also, you need to have contacts with other agents in the industry to build a good relationship. When you join forces in the multifamily investment market, you can present yourself as a leader.
3.     Have a Good Online Presence
The online world is quite powerful. As a realtor, you need to be online for better connections and visibility. You must stay consistent with the postings and the online sites. Having a well-built website which will provide information about your work is important. Make sure it looks professional. When you have completed a multifamily investing course, you will understand the right ways of making a strong presence everywhere. But for the online world, you will need to understand SEO to improve connectivity.
4.     Maintain Relationships
Even when the client has decided to go for multifamily real estate investing, it is essential to keep in touch with them. Remember sending out gift cards during the holidays will be a great strategy. Simply sending a hello is more than enough. After all, you never know when they might require your services again or recommend you to friends and family.
5.     Host Open Houses
Although the world is now governed by technology, people still choose to visit the site before they decide on an investment. This is especially true when it comes to multifamily homes. So as a real estate agent, it is essential that you get fresh ways of making contact by hosting open houses. You will be able to connect with more investors in the industry. This will help you build a reach and ensure you succeed.
Make a Good Start
If you have been wondering how to invest in multifamily real estate, then starting as a realtor will be the best. Checking out the multifamily blogs will help you understand the industry better. The information there will help you know about multifamily real estate and also the ways to succeed as an agent. In fact, you can even read the Multifamily Mindset reviews to understand how it has been helpful for people to make a major change in their life.
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markjsousa · 6 years
How Manufacturer And Private-Label Brands Differ
I am often asked, what are the pros and cons of having your own brand, versus supplying the product for someone else’s brand. As in anything, there are two sides of the coin, but deciding which way to go should never be a coin toss. More often than not, it is not an either/or proposition … it is both.
The world of branding can be divided in roughly two ways: brands that are owned and marketed by the companies who actually produce the products or services, and brands that are owned and marketed by companies who sell these products or services. Because brands are fundamental to how products or services are marketed and sold, understanding the distinctions, implications, advantages and disadvantages for these two branding approaches becomes critical to business strategy—whether you are a manufacturer, a distributor, or a retailer.
Brands that are owned and marketed by producers are commonly referred to as “national brands” or “manufacturer brands.” Owners of these brands cultivate their targeted customer base primarily by means of advertising directly to them. When these brands are marketed correctly, customers will seek them out, thereby forcing their consideration and stocking by the appropriate distribution channels. Manufacturer brands serve the interest of the manufacturer first, and benefit the retailer who carries them, second.
Brands that are owned and marketed by sellers are referred to by various names, such as “private-label,” “store brands,” “proprietary brands,” “owned-brand” and others. Provided the sales volume is sufficient, a private-label strategy can provide the retailer with several advantages unavailable to them by carrying national or manufacturer brands only. In fact, the vast majority of chain retailers, regardless of the category, carry some mix of national brands versus private-label brands (some carry private-label brands exclusively). As you’d expect, private-label brands serve the interest of retailers first, and benefits the manufacturer who produces them, second.
In both cases of manufacturer brands and private-label brands, paid-media (advertising) has been considered the traditional means of generating awareness and demand, but that model is changing rapidly. Traditional advertising media (TV, Print, Radio) now shares that role with so-called non-traditional ad media (digital), as well as influencer and relationship building “owned” social media platforms. So regardless of the brand, be it manufacturer or private-label, it is not enough to be unique and add value versus the competitor. It must also be marketed effectively to succeed.
Any examination of these two variations of brand strategy would be remiss without acknowledging the evolving positive attitude and growing acceptance of private-label brands. Gone are the days when consumers strictly associated private-label brands as something akin to cheap, generic and low quality. For example, in England and Germany (according to the Private Label Manufacturers Association) private-label brands account for almost half of all products sold. Here in the U.S., more ceiling fans are sold under Home Depot’s Hampton Bay label than under the category legend Hunter. Private-label brands can even eclipse the strength of the retailer, as in the case of Kenmore, Craftsman (now sold at Lowe’s) and Die Hard brands brought to us by SEARS.
The changing consumer demographic appears to fuel the benefits of private-label branding, as well. Looking at the shift from Baby Boomers and Gen-X’s to Millennials, Harvard Business Review observed with regard to the “Millennial mindset” that 77% don’t want to buy the brands their parents did and 88% think private-label products are just as good. Let me add an important note here: This is true as long as the private-label brand (and its retail owner) aligns with the Millennial customer’s value system, especially when it comes to issues like sustainability, manufacturing transparency, and social responsibility. The next generation of consumer is just as brand-oriented as the previous, but how it is communicated and identified is the key.
Manufacturer Brand Advantages
Since the manufacturer is building its own brand and customer base, it does so in hopes of leveraging its customer demand into shelf space (or nowadays Amazon orders). As the saying goes, when it comes to market share, nothing succeeds like success. So the cultivated customer loyalty for its brand, stimulated by marketing and cemented by trial and repeat purchase, translates into power and control of  the producers own destiny.
Depending on the product category, the level of advertising support, and the relative popularity of the manufacturer’s brand, the retailer/e-retailer can reap greater credibility, prestige, variety, customer traffic and loyalty as advantages (“I shop there because they carry my favorite brands.”) by stocking and promoting the manufacturer brand themselves.
Private-Label Advantages
The manufacturer gains volume that it might otherwise lack. To operate at peak efficiency, manufacturers need to fill capacity. While margins may be slimmer, supplying product to a dedicated seller eliminates a lot of the headaches and expense that come with self-branding. Such private-labeling relationships may paradoxically spur the development and growth of the manufacturer’s own brand by providing much-needed critical mass of manufacturing capacity and capital.
The retailer, on the other hand, gains exclusivity. This over-arching advantage covers a multitude of competitive concerns. Private-labels are difficult if not impossible to comparison shop, they can be carefully prescribed to meet the retailer’s customer’s unique needs, they can be strategically placed in a brand category architecture to maximize the retailer’s profitability (whether as an entry price-point, or now and more common a super premium, or somewhere in between), and they promote the retailer as a shopping destination by creating their own customer brand loyalty. Other advantages include: differentiation for the retailer in the marketplace, more freedom and flexibility in pricing, greater control over product attributes and quality, the ability to fill gaps not filled by national brands, as well as keeping national brands competitively priced.
The Challenges For Each
Many B2b categories were once unsophisticated when it came to branding, especially when compared to packaged goods or categories like electronics. Not anymore. As these marketplaces became more fragmented and the lines between b2b and b2c continue to blur, the response by manufacturers has been an accelerated course in brand architecture.
As a result, today’s manufacturer must deliver brand strategies for multiple channels to compete and survive in the marketplace. This not only increases the opportunities for sales that keep plants competitive, it also ensures against a devastating loss of business in any one area. For example, a manufacturer may have its own brand sold through specialty retail and produce an OEM product line sold under another label (which may or may not be a direct competitor). It may also produce private label product lines for distributors, buying groups and large retailers, and produce commercial or multifamily brands sold through brokers, contractors or direct to national accounts, and developers, etc. Within each of these channels may also come multiple sub-brands and product variations, each targeted for a specific purpose that the manufacturer must orchestrate daily. In every case, to be successful each brand must have product specifications and design portfolios that are unique, well-defined, compelling and fill a gap in the marketplace.
The lesson is that it doesn’t matter to the consumer what the brand strategy happens to be … as long as it’s a good one.
Manufacturer Brand Checklist:
For The Manufacturer
Independence Control own destiny Building own brand Higher margins
For The Retailer
Credibility, prestige Customer loyalty Variety
Private-Label Checklist:
For The Manufacturer
Volume Less support and expense
For The Retailer
Exclusivity Customized to local needs More control, profitability Can’t be comparison-shopped Keeps manufacturer brands competitive
The Blake Project Can Help: Please email us for more about our private label strategy workshops.
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
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yarusiholdings · 4 years
775. Ask Her How She Knows with Julie Holly
Over the past twenty years, Julie fused her passions and backgrounds in real estate and education to help others achieve their dreams Her upbeat nature, love of learning, teaching, and connecting others lend themselves well to her role as Three Keys Investments VP of Investor Relations. Julie’s podcast, Ask Me How I Know: Multifamily Investor Stories of Struggle to Success provides weekly value to listeners both personally, through Monday Mindsets and professionally through a candid interview with industry leaders.
Connect with Julie at [email protected], on Facebook (happyjuliewaltonholly) or LinkedIn (Julie Holly).
Thank you so much for listening! WE ARE SO GRATEFUL!!!!
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topinforma · 7 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2pvUNFI
May 05, 2017
First Quarter 2017 Earnings Media Call Remarks Adapted from Comments Delivered by Timothy J. Mayopoulos, President and CEO, Fannie Mae Washington, DC
Good morning everyone. Thanks for joining us on this call as we discuss our first quarter 2017 financial results.
Our business this past quarter reflects two ongoing trends for Fannie Mae. First, the mortgage market and our business continue to perform solidly. Second, our stronger business model, our customer-centric strategy, and our focus on innovation are delivering real value to customers, to the mortgage market, to homeowners and renters, and to taxpayers.
This morning, I will provide a high-level overview of our quarterly financial results. Then, I will share some examples of the ways we are advancing our business strategy in 2017.
Business Results
First, let’s review the quarter. In this quarter, interest rates had less of an impact on our results than they did in the fourth quarter of 2016. And we continued to see ongoing improvement in our credit performance.
We reported net income of $2.8 billion and comprehensive income of $2.8 billion. This compares with net income of $5 billion and comprehensive income of $4.9 billion for the fourth quarter of 2016. The main driver of the difference in net income between the last two quarters was a significantly smaller increase in long-term interest rates in the first quarter as compared to the fourth quarter.
Large increases in longer-term interest rates in the fourth quarter resulted in substantial fair value gains on the company’s risk management derivatives for the quarter, as well as credit-related expenses that partially offset those gains. By contrast, interest rates increased only slightly in the first quarter of 2017, and therefore did not have a substantial impact on these items.
Detailed information regarding the drivers of our results is in our press release and quarterly report on Form 10Q, which we filed today.
As you know, we do not control a number of factors that drive our financial results, including long-term interest rates. As I have said on past calls, these factors can cause volatility in our financial results, and they may have a positive or negative effect in any given quarter or year. The difference in our results from the fourth quarter to the first quarter this year reflect this dynamic.
These variables aside, our guaranty business remained strong in the first quarter. Our guaranty business is the main driver of our revenues, accounting for more than 75 percent of our net interest income in the first quarter. We expect that percentage to continue to grow.
Our acquisition volume in the first quarter of 2017 was down from the last quarter of 2016. This was expected and it’s important to note that this current quarter’s volume was higher than we saw in first quarter of 2016. So some of what we are seeing is seasonal variation in the market. Decreased refinance volumes due to interest rate increases also played a role.
All in all, however, our credit book is stable, and it actually grew slightly from where it ended 2016.
Lastly, the credit metrics in our Single-Family business continued to improve. Our Single-Family serious delinquency rate has decreased for 28 consecutive quarters and was 1.12 percent as of the end of March.
Our first quarter demonstrates strong earnings in a quarter where we did not see significant volatility, and this is a reflection of our stable and strong book of business. We remained the largest provider of secondary mortgage market liquidity in the first quarter, providing approximately $136 billion in mortgage financing that helped families buy, refinance,or rent a home.
We expect to pay another $2.8 billion in dividends to the Treasury in June, which will bring our total dividend payments to Treasury and the taxpayers to $162.7 billion since 2008.
While we expect to remain profitable on an annual basis for the foreseeable future, we could experience a net worth deficit in a future quarter. As we have discussed before, this is due to our limited and declining capital reserves and the potential for significant volatility in our financial results due to factors that we do not control, such as interest rates and home prices.
In addition, as we describe in our filing, future legislative or regulatory changes also could result in a net worth deficit in a future period. For instance, the Administration has proposed a significant reduction in the corporate tax rate. If Congress enacts such a reduction, it would negatively affect the value of our deferred tax assets and, we expect, result in a significant net loss and net worth deficit for the quarter in which the legislation is enacted. Such a deficit would require us to draw additional funds from Treasury.
Our capital reserve now stands at $600 million. Under the terms of the senior preferred stock purchase agreement with Treasury, our capital will go to zero in 2018.
Strategic Progress
Against this backdrop, our focus has not changed. That focus remains fixed on our strategy and our role to provide a continuous, reliable source of liquidity for housing finance. Our strategy is built around our customers, making it easier for them to do business with us and helping them solve some of their most important business challenges.
Before I open it up to questions, I want briefly to highlight a few areas of progress and innovation where Fannie Mae is delivering for our customers.
First, we continue to see a very positive response from customers on our Day 1 Certainty initiative. Day 1 Certainty helps our customers verify borrower assets, income, and employment on the front end of the loan process. Day 1 Certainty tools also enable lenders to have more certainty on home appraisals.
It is still early, but already more than 1,000 customers have activated one or more of the Day 1 Certainty data validation services. Uptake of the tools has increased steadily and we expect it to continue to grow as we continue to make them better and more accessible. Feedback from customers has been positive, with lenders reporting significant reductions in closing times and fewer burdens on borrowers.
Fully implementing all of the Day 1 Certainty tools will take time. But we are pleased with the progress so far, and we believe that Day 1 Certainty is an important step on the path towards a digital mortgage process.
We are also bringing an innovation mindset to our Multifamily business. Fannie Mae’s Multifamily business continues to lead the market in Green Financing, which helps multifamily owners preserve and upgrade affordable rental properties. We provided $3.6 billion in Green Financing in 2016. This fills a significant need in the marketplace, as property owners look to upgrade older properties and make them more energy and water efficient. We were recognized for this innovative program last month when we received the Energy Star Partner of the Year award for the third year in a row.
A third example of how we are innovating to deliver greater value to the market is our recent expansion of solutions to help borrowers burdened by student debt. This is an illustration of our willingness to be creative across our business in introducing new options for borrowers that are flexible, safe, and affordable.
Student debt levels are up 70 percent in the last decade. Forty-four million Americans have some amount of student debt, and recent graduates are leaving school with an average of $34,000 in debt. Many borrowers say their student debt is a hurdle when financing a home.
With mortgage rates still near-record lows, we have developed a new way to convert student debt into lower-cost mortgage debt. We enhanced this product last month to provide more tools for lenders to serve new and first-time homebuyers and help people pay down student debt.
These are just three examples of how we are creating new ways to make business easier and more efficient for our customers, and helping our customers better serve their customers: the millions of Americans who are looking for a better mortgage process and housing options that are affordable and sustainable.
We look forward to taking more strides on this journey throughout the course of 2017 and beyond.
With that, let me reiterate that our business fundamentals are strong, and our business strategy is delivering results for our customers and the housing finance market. I appreciate your time this morning, and I am happy to open it up for your questions.
Thank you for your questions and have a good day.
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Buying An Apartment Building Beginners Guide
Buying an apartment building beginners guide. No doubt, buying a multifamily property is a great idea to begin building wealth and cashflow for years to come. But if you want to make a success of your venture, there are a few things to bear in mind.
First, unless you want to be stuck managing an apartment property yourself for not much money, or worse, that is costing you money, you must identify a property that has “upside”. Upside is a term that basically means potential for increase in value.
Apartment buildings are income property, the amount of income they produce determine their value. So when a property has vacant units, below market rents, and deferred maintenance that may be causing good tenants to not want to live there, the property has “upside”, or potential to increase the income, and therefore the value of the property.
Image Credit: Bigger Pockets
In his moving account, Michael Blank describes how saw the potential upside in his first deal:
How I Bought a 12-Unit Apartment Building with No Money Down (And How it Nearly Bankrupted Me…)
The seller was a widow who was slowly selling her deceased husband’s assets, including this building. She was motivated, but not super-motivated. My sense was that the purchase price would be at fair market value based on the financials on the building, but that this might be a value-play opportunity. I felt that if the rents could be increased from $500 per unit to $750, we could add significant value over time.
The “value play” mentioned is the presence of the elements, like below market rents, vacancies, that give you the ability to increase income when you correct them. It is important to buy properties with value plays as it gives you the ability to have a low cost basis, and strong cashflow 12-18 months after buying, putting you (and the property) in a strong financial position.
Second, you want to be under no illusions; buying income property is an exercise in mathematics. Yes, your character will be tested, and you’ll need oversized portions of faith to see your project through, but unless you have a keen grasp of the numbers of the property, you won’t get very far.
Whether the property is pretty or ugly, the value of the property, and your ability to influence it comes from the numbers the property generates and how you make them go up or down, respectively. An apartment building is a business, so you have to judge it, and tend to the issues affecting it by the numbers it produces.
As Jay Jenkins writes in his article for The Motley Fool, the P&L and Rent Roll are key to understanding this:
Image Credit: Cincy Project
Buying an Apartment Complex Is Easier Than You Think
... when evaluating an apartment building, you will want to review both the property's profit & loss (P&L) statement and a document called a "rent roll."
The P&L is obvious -- just like you'd want to review a rental home's historical income and expenses, you also need to see the apartment building's profits over time as well. Don't just accept the P&L given to you by the seller as 100% accurate. Review it with a critical eye and make sure that the profits haven't been inflated to make the investment look more attractive than it really is.
The rent roll may be a new concept for beginning apartment investors. The rent roll is a list of all the current tenants with a summary of the terms of their lease. You'll see that Unit A is a two bedroom leased for $1,500 per month to John Doe. You'll see that Unit B is a studio apartment leased to Jane Doe for $800 per month, and so on for every unit in the complex.
As a beginner to apartment investing you may be thinking more about how you are going to get financed, or find a good broker, property inspector, real estate attorney to help you. Without a doubt, those things are important. Hell, they’re part of the process.
But whether your first foray into multifamily investing is a cash-flowing success, or a demoralizing failure depends on these two mindsets, and adopting them before going out and buying a property.
Buying an apartment building is an exciting time for beginners. They are the first steps on your path to building potentially great wealth. Make sure you take the right steps. Buy property with value plays and legitimate upside, and keep a keen eye on the numbers ... always.
Article Source Here: Buying An Apartment Building Beginners Guide
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Investing in Multifamily Real Estate
Investing in Multifamily Real Estate is the best option for new Real State investors. It is also a better investment for investors who wish to take an active role in growing their capital, rather than passively putting their money into a fund managed by someone else. One of the beautiful things about real estate investing is that there is more than one strategy that can be successfully used. If You want to Invest in Multifamily Real Estate Contact The Multi-family Mindset, we provide full information regarding Multifamily Investment.
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Multifamily Investing Course
Multifamily investing is one of the best ways to scale a real estate business. it allows you to accomplish more with less than investing in a multifamily property. For what it’s worth, buying a four-unit multifamily property to rent out is the same thing as buying four single-family homes. If you want to learn how to invest in multifamily, then join our Multifamily Investing Course.
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