#Multi-Sport Goal Units
School Playground Equipment UK @Premierplaysolutions.co.uk
Premier Play Solutions Provide Outdoor School Playground Equipment in The UK. We supply and install School Playground Equipment, children outdoor play, recreational and sporting equipment and apparatus, surfaces and markings to schools, local authorities and community and private organisations across the UK.
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crystalelemental · 6 days
Bad news, gamers. Well, bad in that it is embarrassing for me. I downloaded Masters.
This was about a week ago. To be clear, I have spent nothing, I haven't even logged on every day. I came back because...I wanted that free Lillie. Admittedly part of playing Ultra Sun was that this alt put me strongly in a Lillie mood, due to the visual similarities to her 2021 Anni alt (one of my favorites they ever did), and with constant talk about it...I finally folded. Let this serve as a lesson: behavior can't change by thinking about not doing it, you need a replacement.
As figure as part of this horrific (and temporary) mistake, I may as well talk about being back. In part because...admittedly I do kinda miss writing about it. Like, I enjoyed the teambuilding and the viability speculation stuff. It was fun for me and I liked the feeling of doing something that contributes mildly. So consider this indulging that itch.
The Units Before I get into this, please understand I had 150+ gems when I left. I had a lot to work with and promise I have spent nothing.
Free Lillie is pretty fun. I actually like her a lot, but this is partially just who she's running with. She's incredibly good with Arc Steven. Spoilers about pulls I guess. I actually do like her kit a lot, I think she does really well for a free pair. Grid sucks, but at least that's justifiable here unlike with her 2021 alt. Lunala had no excuse.
I pulled Arc Cynthia and Arc Steven, but not Arc Lance. Steven is disgustingly overpowered, this is divine. Frankly, it's what he deserves. Eyeing Lance's kit, he also seems absolutely disgusting sick broken. Hyper Beam + Giga Impact at two gauges with -6 Def/Sp Def on hit is just absurd, frankly. The man needs to chill. But, I have little actual need of him, so...yeah. Cynthia is insanely good too, I really like her, but I am specifically pissed about no MPR because they set Dust Kicker as a 5/5 skill. I see what you're doing and I'm not falling for it, game.
I did pick up SS Nemona while she was up, but admittedly I'm unimpressed overall. To be clear, I did not do this for her Extreme Battle. I managed to win with SS Mina, Katherine, and NY Lisia. Katherine has Evasion debuffs which let Lisia hit with consistency, and Mina's able to keep the team tanking long enough for Lisia to complete her goal. No, I pulled Nemona because Steven and Cynthia showed up in three multis total between them and I got a bit greedy. Turns out the game lies and rates are better for paying customers who come back after being gone. They really want me back.
So then Nemona showed in two multis, and sitting at like 138k+ gems I went "Maybe I will try for Rika." And Rika showed in three (with bonus BT Leon). So like. They really want me back. Rika seems alright. I'm not super impressed by her kit overall, though. Ultimate Battles all have Piercing Gaze so the accuracy does nothing, and...I mean not to be a spoil sport, but Arc Cynthia has Ground Zone covered forever for me, so that's not a huge selling point either. Especially since Rika opts for mixed offense boosting, she doesn't really mesh well with some of the Ground pairs I'd want her to.
I did use the select scouts. I picked up Bellelba, Iono, and Poppy. I haven't gotten to use much of Iono and Poppy (I debated whether I'd get them, decided to today), but I have used Bellelba. She's alright. Defensive pair with Crit Shield + Reflect/Light Screen is neat. I think her kit is okay but not exceptional. That said, she did perform admirably in a way I'll get to later.
Full disclosure: I also pulled a bit on the Mix banner. I got Leaf, who is okay. I got Summer Gardenia who is not impressive. And I got Larry, who is Normal type and does not seem that impressive either. I have little to say about any of them, except that Leaf validates my stance on Mix Red when he came out: Great when the condition is there forever, horrible the instant it turns off. Oh, and the Mix banner also shit Rachel and Tina onto me, so great, thanks.
The BP stuff is fine. Lusamine seems messy, I didn't really check Rose or uh. The other one. I did check Cheryl, she doesn't seem great, go figure. Morgan seems pretty solid, but MC Raikou feels pretty mid.
Game Modes There have been some changes since I've been gone, huh?
High Score is still a thing but they're doing two types at once now? Very odd choice, considering. I just went for minimum score for completion, I did not feel like trying.
Damage Challenge sucks, and I hate it. It's basically time trials but stupider. Yes I say this because I'm bad at it. I do not for the life of me understand how to maximize damage for a timed event, and can't break like 400k with any type I've seen. It does help that I don't care about any of the rewards. I used the tickets I did get to pick up Nemona. She's not good, but she is free.
Battle Rally is the real fun. I kinda like this mode, it reminds me vaguely of Battle Castle, the best Battle facility. You get points that you spend on power-ups, and any that aren't used can be spent on items like cake coin vouchers. My best score was like 9800, but that involved a lucky set and having exactly the right finisher.
The positives of the mode are that it relies a bit on planning and strategy. You pick a team, and if you swap out team members, anyone swapped out is done for the run. There are ten matches in a row and it ends on an Ultimate Battle, with the Hard difficulty stage 10 being a 1:1 recreation with the 500k HP pools and everything. Saving your Master Fairs and heaviest hitters for this phase is a good call, but also at Stage 10 unlocks an item for 500 points that is just insanely broken and makes you borderline invincible, and it is worth using that and good multipliers compared to Easy. The point difference is severe.
The negative is that restrictions on this mode are out of control. When you start the challenge, you are given a Theme Skill that must be in your party to get 5x stats. Failure to do this means facing repeated Extreme Battles and high-end Champion Stadium stages and basically not being able to win. Because you also only gain points based on having the right role types. Each stage selects three rolls that give multipliers. If you have both roles on a single pair because of the cake roles, you get 2x points instead of 1.5x, and having that second role also means you gain something more often because you check two boxes. Which means this is a heavily pay to win mode, because the best way to get cakes is getting 5/5 PokeFairs and pulling the paid-only banners for Master Fairs. The upside is that despite showing up a bit late and not having many secondary roles, I'm able to get all 20 cake coin vouchers this month. So it's not that difficult? But also I have a lot of tools, so slight bias.
This isn't really a mode, but apparently they made generic events point-based and not voucher-based, so you can't just use vouchers to pick up the tools you want and dip? I kinda don't like that. It's functionally immaterial, but it feels a little snotty, since I have no interest in theme gear and they keep making me take it.
Ultimate Battles I missed a lot of these, eh? They're all done now. And I only had to compromise my morals for one of them.
Argenta's Glistening Crystals Argenta's was annoying because I wasn't paying attention and it's hard to catch what's happening when. Turns out she removes the Rebuff at half HP. Once I picked that up, Adaman blew her apart with SS Lyra and SS Acerola. Very little resistance once the singular serious gimmick was understood.
Palmer's Rumbling Might And this is where Bellelba gets her gold star. Palmer is a fucking asshole, and my Fighting roster is terrible. This guy sets up easy enough, but then you get Sync into Normal Zone into AoE Max Move into +3 PMUN spamming bullshit, all while basically having sure-crit. Bellelba absolutely stops his DPS in its tracks, all you need is someone strong enough to manage him. Someone like Arc Cynthia, who blew him into powder while Halloween Roxanne debuffed him to high hell. Get used to hearing about H!Roxanne by the way.
Lucy's Entangling Venom Easiest one by far. She's only a problem if you get Poisoned. Antitoxin shuts her down entirely. Arc Cynthia and H!Roxanne sweep. I think I brought Anabel to be cheeky.
Leon's Unbeatable Blaze Leon gets the Huge Dick Award for being my pick as the hardest fight. Unlike the others, this dude feels decisively impossible without a very specific pair. Unfortunately, that pair is SST Red. I made a valiant effort to get by with SS Hau, but the requirement for both terrain and paralysis means SST Red is the only viable option. Classic Elesa isn't worth the investment, and thus has no contribution in damage to support Hau. It had to be SST Red. Who eats shit if completely uninvested. Long story short, my SST Red is 15/20 now. I am not happy about it, but I had over 3000 5* scout tickets so I recouped that cost easy enough. I also EX'd Hau and gave him lv 150. I'm not really happy about that either, but I needed Leon dead and nothing else was getting the job done (Note: this was pre-Iono). I used Arc Steven as the support, and he is absolutely fantastic. Top tier support, no questions asked. Love this man.
Nita's Blessed Land Second by the slimmest margin. I actually thought she'd be impossible over a Red alt too, but unlike SST Red, I was in a better place and refused to pull NC Red on principle. Ice could not come close to getting the job done. Related: fuck them giving SS Silver Sprint instead of Strike. No, I had to get Ridiculous. And by that, I mean I found someone else's clear of the fight using Arc Steven, Arc Cynthia, and H!Roxanne. A player after my own heart. Their grid setup involved using extra energy, a concept I forgot existed until this moment, and got to learn is gated behind move level, which is disgusting. Anyway, 64 energy on each gets the job done, and despite the use of 4/5 Arc Steven for offense debuffing per hit, this is not necessary. I was actually kinda surprised how easy it was so long as Steven lands like three flinches the whole fight. Arc suits are, in fact, nutty.
Noland's Plucky Punches I think this is my favorite one, because this feels the most like a puzzle boss. Yes, it relies on having exactly the right pairs, and that function is unfortunately Fly. But if you know his cycle you can counteract it entirely with that two-turn dodge move and Wide Guard Lana. In my case, I did not have NC Cheren as the good Fly user. Instead, I had Strike Role Renegade Cynthia. Lana to block the +10 PMUN Earthquake, Shadow Force against Fissure, Arc Steven as the supreme tank to keep everyone alive. This took a few tries to perfectly understand his gimmicks, but once we had it this was really simple. Only fault is RNG on Lana is required.
Giovanni's Destructive Power Weenie Hut Jr Award goes to Kanto's favorite failman. He chose to be Dark Weak in the era of Akari, SC Zinnia, and NC Calem. He gets absolutely obliterated. I think I did this attempt 2.
Evelyn's High-Subsonic Speed Evelyn was pretty tough! I don't have SS Gladion, and at the time, didn't have SS Nemona either, so my Fairy options were limited. It also turns out they were not up to the task. Seriously, none of them could do it, it was sad. But! Fluid Fortification meant there was an easy solution, in the form of NC Leaf. Unfortunately, NC Leaf was unable to succeed on her own, as Latios would gain Sp Atk too quickly for her debuffs to keep up. Enter Bede, who is able to debuff Sp Atk very rapidly, and even sets Sun with his Max Move for her. Seriously, can we talk about how good Bede is? Absolutely underrated gem, this boy. Anyway, Arc Steven gaming remains relevant. The man cannot be stopped.
What Now? Unfortunately, I now sit upon a game with nothing left to do. I have conquered every challenge it offered in a cumulative total of a couple hours. That's all the persistent content that's been made available from six months away. And it's a sad reminder of the gacha model in general.
These games start out fun and filled with stuff to do, but eventually you will catch up. And when you do, you turn the game on expecting a full experience, only for it to prematurely grind to a halt. Faced with nothing else to do at the moment, you start to really push for something that will keep it going, and there's really nothing to offer but time or money. And it does not return the investment on either.
Don't misunderstand, coming back was fun for a bit, but I'm already looking at the game like...I'm bored. Given the usual structure, datamine should be in like a week and I legitimately don't know if I'll care enough in a few days to stay for it. It's already drying up.
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moondust-bard · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thank you to @tananaphone for the tag!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of? My government name never felt it belonged to me, so I chose a new one. I named myself after the moon and after one of my favorite characters.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, I think. I was very frustrated. I only ever cry when I’m mad.
3. Do you have kids?
I’m a single mother of four… cats. No human offspring.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it a normal amount of time, I think? My mom brings it out in me. She likes to ask ridiculous questions at inopportune times.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If we’re meeting in person, I notice the way a voice sounds first. If it’s an online meeting, I notice the way someone talks— the words they use, the way they form sentences differently from other people, the regional or cultural slang they prefer.
6. What’s your eye color?
Somewhere between blue and purple, according to my family and friends. Like a frosty periwinkle, I guess? I can’t really see my own eyes
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither! I love a hopeful ending the characters had to fight to achieve.
8. Any special talents?
I can text with my nose
9. Where were you born?
The south of the United States
10. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy herbalism, sketching, chalk pastels, reading tarot, baking, stage acting, writing, making digital art for my writing projects, reading, revamping thrifted items, various crafts, befriending feral cats— anything that lets my brain relax and engages my creative side is a yes from me
11. Have you any pets?
I have four indoor cats: Emily, my eldest and fluffiest, will be eighteen in March; Madrigal, my cinnamon sugar princess, will be four in June; her littermate, the rascal prince, Galileo, will also be four in June; and Puck, the naughty baby, will be a year in March. I could talk about my monster children all day.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
ABSOLUTELY NONE 😂 could you imagine? I’d be awful in every sport that exists or has existed ever
13. How tall are you?
5’4, but everyone who has met me says I look taller
14. Favorite subject in school?
I was a theatre kid. If we’re talking the basics, English was my jam
15. Dream job?
I’d love to be a lot of things. The goal is to be one of those multi-talented, dynamic creatives. I’d love to write for the stage, tv, sell my books, and have a hand in directing my written work.
I am tagging
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Women's hockey blew itself up last night.
The PHF has been bought out by the owners of the PWHPA. For better or worse, there will only be one pro women's hockey league in North America this upcoming season.
As a women's hockey fan and as a prospective sports agent, I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter. This post is unrebloggable because I don't want it spreading beyond my bubble. You can absolutely ask me follow-up questions over DM or through my ask box, though.
The PHF, formerly known as the NWHL, began operations in 2015. At the time, it was one of two major North American women's hockey leagues, the other being the CWHL. At the time, the NWHL was a big deal as the first league to actually pay its players a stipend, but it was not a livable wage. the CWHL collapsed overnight in 2019.
In response to this, over 200 pro women's hockey players formed the PWHPA, which is a players' association, not a league. The PWHPA's goal was ultimately to have a league that could commit to providing living wages for pro women's players. When their relationship with the PHF fractured, they decided to create a new league from the bottom up. This was slow-going.
Enter yesterday's news.
Late last night, the owners of the PWHPA announced that they had purchased the PHF. Beginning in January 2024, there will be one league with six teams (3 in Canada and 3 in the United States). Each team will have 23 players. PWHPA players will take priority in tryouts.
Most of the controversy over this acquisition is overblown, or shows a lack of understanding over how pro sports work.
"This is a hostile takeover by the PWHPA!" The PHF had been financially insolvent for its entire tenure and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Its options were overnight dissolution like the CWHL or acquisition by another company.
"Two leagues are better for the sport." This is not true. The CWHL and NWHL routinely cannibalized one another when they were both in operation. Player leaders in both leagues have *always* had one unified North American league as their end goal.
"Hilary Knight and Marie-Philip Poulin are evil masterminds who wanted to devour this other league." PWHPA players were informed of the acquisition at the same time as everyone else. The only people who had a say in this happening were the owners of the respective organizations.
"Oh, so these Olympians get to swoop in and take all the credit at the end, not the people who built up the league?" Most of the senior leadership in the PWHPA were former CWHL or NWHL players who had horrible experiences in those leagues and had no intentions of being burned again.
"Oh, so PHF contracts all get voided but PWHPA ones don't?" Correct. This is how a union works. Your enemy is the ownership that promised six-figure, multi-year deals and couldn't deliver. Not the women who protected themselves.
"What have Knight/Nurse/etc. actually done to grow the game?" More than the PHF. I only know a handful of PHF players, most of whom are UW alumni and thus I know through mutual friends. Both Knight and Nurse have been commentators for ESPN, TNT, and other national sports stations. PWHPA members are at the NHL All-Star Game. Sarah Nurse was on the cover of a video game. Every league needs star talent. The PHF has never had that. (This is, of course, the part where I clarify that even the worst PHF athletes are probably better than your median NHL player.)
"Oh, so the Olympians automatically get a better deal in this?" Yes. This is how every sport works. Aaron Judge and Bryce Harper make more than Travis Jankowski and Brandon Marsh. When leagues and agents negotiate salaries, they care about stats, hardware, and name recognition. A 3-time Olympic gold medalist carries a lot more weight.
Wow, the PHF really screwed its players over. Shortly before the acquisition, many players signed six-figure contracts for multiple years. They just left their families and bought houses near teams that no longer exist.
Contraction of the league. From a financial standpoint, there's no way this new league would be able to operate with a dozen teams. However, between the PHF and PWHPA, there are now 250-ish athletes fighting for 138 spots. This also doesn't take into consideration trainers, coaches, grounds crew, medical staff, and every other non-player who keeps the ship afloat.
So, about the WNBA... It's well-known that, because people don't care about women's sports, the WNBA is kept afloat by its tight financial relationship with the NBA. This isn't as much of an option in women's hockey, because the NHL sucks with money. Like, "the Arizona Coyotes got kicked out of their arena for not paying rent" sucks-with-money. There's not a clear-cut answer for how a WoHo league might become solvent when the respective male league is such a shitshow.
The PWHPA is shady too. In addition to having a noted transphobe on their board (not that the PHF is great with trans athletes -- see Digit Murphy), there's some concern about the association marketing itself as an official labor union when, per the Department of Labor, that's not actually true.
Most of the ire currently being directed at PWHPA athletes should be levied at the PHF ownership that let things get as bad as they did. The athletes that protected themselves with collective bargaining and who have gold medals to back up their skills are inherently in a better position than those who signed at-will contracts fresh out of college.
Ultimately, I do think that this move was a good one for women's hockey. Having one league helps when acquiring corporate sponsorships and other financial aid, but the NHL's incompetence is a continued problem here. On a human level, the people I feel worst for are the athletes who thought they had a guaranteed contract and are now being pushed out of the league.
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Prime Hydration Sports Drink
Another day, another internet craze that people over the age of 21 would find difficult to comprehend. This time, young people all across the world are crazed over a brand-new beverage in vividly colored bottles. And anyone who hasn’t heard of Prime Hydration Sports Drink may be wondering what it is if it’s an energy drink, and—perhaps most importantly—whether it’s healthy.
There have been numerous reports of the drink selling out in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries. People are also purchasing multiple bottles of Prime at once to resell for exorbitant prices online.
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Some internet videos show customers paying as much as 80 for just four bottles. A quick search on eBay reveals that the drink is also available for an unbelievable 15 per 500ml bottle. There is no added sugar, and the drinks, like many sugar-free soft drinks, are sweetened with aspartame.
Prime Hydration resembles existing products like Gatorade and Glaceau’s Vitamin Water, with the exception of the absence of added sugar and the inclusion of “10% coconut water.” But its influencer roots are one factor that sets it apart from those other brands.
Prime Energy Drinks
Prime energy drinks are a type of beverage that are designed to provide a quick boost of energy and improve mental focus. They typically contain caffeine, B vitamins, and other ingredients that are believed to have energizing effects. They are often marketed towards athletes and people with active lifestyles, but are also consumed by people who need a pick-me-up during the day or want to stay alert during long work or study sessions. It’s important to note that the excessive consumption of energy drinks can have negative health effects, so it’s important to consume them in moderation.
When Did The Prime Hydration Drink Come Out?
Prime Hydration was launched by It was released on January 4, 2022, by rapper and boxer KSI and YouTube video producer Logan Paul, and both creators used their platforms and sizable social media followings to promote it.
According to a joint statement posted on the Prime Hydration website by KSI and Paul, “Our goal was to create a superb hydration drink that can fuel any lifestyle.
“Over the past year, we’ve put in countless hours to develop the product from the ground up, secure agreements with the biggest retailers in the world, and built a multi-hundred-person team to get our products on the shelves,” the company claims.
Due to the beverage’s social media influence, appealing packaging, and variety of seven flavors—including blue raspberry, ice pop, and something called “meta moon”—it has generated a lot of curiosity. As the official sponsor of Timmy Hill’s #with 13 vehicles in NASCAR, it has also gained promotional traction. In July of this year, the Premier League team from London, Arsenal Football Club, also declared a collaborative marketing partnership with the company.
What’s In It For You 
Despite the Prime Hydration Sports Drink’s popularity, experts claim it doesn’t have any advantages over conventional food and water. Anisha Mahajan, a registered dietitian and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Guelph, warns that the beverage even runs the risk of replacing meals that actually provide nutritional value when consumed in amounts greater than moderate.
In a telephone interview with CTVNews Canada on Monday, Mahajan said, “If we were consuming a lot of things with artificial sweeteners, there may be a risk that we’re loading up on those and are skipping the healthy, nutritious meals.”
Therefore, I would prefer that the youngsters consume those meals first since otherwise artificial sweeteners would replace these beneficial nutrients.
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According to Mahajan, there is little information available regarding the long-term health effects of aspartame use. As a result, she advised that the use of artificially sweetened beverages like Prime Hydration should always be moderate.
“Children’s overuse of artificial sweeteners has no long-term consequences.” Do these things, for example, result in cancer? Or how does it impact the microbiome in the gut? “She spoke. But it’s acceptable if someone only drinks this occasionally.
The beverages indeed include significant amounts of vitamins C, B12, B3, A, and E, but according to Jean-Philippe Chaput, vitamin content has a drawback. Chaput is a senior scientist in the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and a professor in the pediatrics department at the University of Ottawa.
He emphasized the fact that vitamins C and B12 are water-soluble, which means that any amount ingested in excess of the body’s daily needs is eliminated through urination. In other words, getting 100 percent of your necessary daily intake of vitamin C from a pair of clementines is just as helpful as getting 200 percent of it from a bottle of Prime.
He claimed that since vitamins A and E are fat soluble, the body is able to store them for use at a later time. Any vitamin or mineral that is fat-soluble runs the danger of becoming toxic when stored in high quantities in the body, taxing the liver. For instance, a person would need to choose between eating carrots and drinking a bottle of Prime in order to avoid receiving too much vitamin A.
“You can only get as much vitamin A from one (bottle). Consequently, you shouldn’t eat anything else since you’re maxed out, “Chaput stated on Wednesday during a phone conversation with CTVNews.ca.
If you consume three or four bottles of that, you will consume too much vitamin A and D. Like Mahajan, Chaput suggests drinking the beverage sparingly or, to avoid sticker shock, choosing a tried-and-true substitute. He claimed that water is the best beverage and that it costs nothing.
Is Prime Hydration Effective for Yourself?
The second important question you’ll undoubtedly have is whether Prime Hydration Sports Drink is genuinely healthy to consume. Depending on the flavor, Prime Hydration bottles include 20–25 calories. The components of the drink with the flavor “Lemon Lime,” for instance, are as follows:
Age restrictions have also been a topic of discussion. Is the minimum age to purchase Prime Hydration 16? A few months ago, the drink’s maker, KSI, confirmed on Twitter that you do not have to be 16 or older to purchase it.
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Although Prime Hydration is low in calories and doesn’t include anything particularly unhealthy, you should be aware that it does contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. The majority of people should hydrate with water when exercising, according to experts, but sports drinks like Prime Hydration can be a good substitute.
We’ll leave the specific health recommendations for Prime Hydration to the experts. Therefore, if you have concerns regarding the drink, make sure to conduct an extensive investigation.
Is Prime Hydration A Caffeinated Beverage?
The makers of the beverage, KSI and Logan Paul, each have enormous online fan bases. And many of their supporters are impressionable young people. This explains why there is such intense interest in the beverage.
The question of whether Prime Hydration Sports Drink is an energy drink and if children should take it is one that many parents will have. Energy drinks are not what Prime Hydration is. There is no caffeine in it. This sports beverage is comparable to Gatorade and Powerade. Sports beverages are made to support and feed physical activity and recovery. It’s debatable, though, whether Prime Hydration truly qualifies as a sports nutrition beverage.
All Prime Drink Flavors:
Meta Moon
Ice Pop
Blue Raspberry
Tropical Punch
Lemon Lime
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Everything You Should Know About The prime Hydration Drink
A new hydration sports drink is called Prime Hydration. The unlikely team of Logan Paul and KSI invented it and is bringing it to you. The creation of this beverage took six months. The beverage that kept Logan Paul going during his boxing training for his fight with Floyd Mayweather, according to Logan Paul.
They mentioned Pepsi, Coke, Gatorade, and Powerade in their Instagram live video when they said they were competing with the top drinks in the industry. 10% coconut water, BCAAs, and electrolytes are used to make the beverage. Five flavors—grape, orange, lemon-lime, blueberry, and tropical punch—will be offered.
On each of their individual social media accounts, the drink’s launch was formally published. To give us the impression that they were reuniting, they even included a lengthy statement in the Instagram description. Here is the announcement Instagram post.
Why Do Other Drinks Differ From Prime Hydration?
More than just a drink to hydrate yourself, Prime Hydration. It is a drink that replenishes electrolytes and revives muscles. Both flavor and goodness are present. It is advertised as a hydration drink rather than an energy drink.
The beverage is free of gluten, sugar, and caffeine. But the flavor is unaffected. The beverage actually has a fantastic flavor. Thus, it’s a chilled drink rather than a typical beverage.
Article Source : https://primehydrationsportsdrink.com/
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mysticalpeacenut · 2 days
Exploring the Power of MAGNA™ Technology
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The field of biomedical studies is constantly evolving, driven by the need to recognize the complicated interactions at the molecular level that affect fitness and disorder. One of the most transformative gear in recent years is MAGNA™ Technology, an innovative platform developed by Depixus. This progressive generation is converting how scientists have a look at biomolecular interactions, specifically in terms of RNA-targeting, imparting unparalleled insights that pave the way for next-technology treatments. In this weblog, we’ll dive into the colossal capability of MAGNA™ Technology and explore the way it’s reshaping RNA-focused drug discovery and biomolecular research.
What is MAGNA™ Technology?
At its centre, MAGNA™ Technology allows the special exploration of Magna Biomolecular Interactions-the interactions between proteins, RNA, and other key molecules inside cells. These interactions are vital for cell features and, while disrupted, regularly lead to disorder. Understanding these complex relationships is vital for growing new therapeutics, specifically those targeting unique RNA molecules, which are emerging as key gamers in contemporary drug discovery.
Depixus Magna™ gives the clinical network an effective tool to seize, analyse, and visualise these biomolecular interactions in real time. By offering an excessive-decision, multi-dimensional view of ways biomolecules behave within their local environments, MAGNA™ units the degree for breakthroughs in RNA-concentrated on and other molecular interventions.
The Role of RNA Targeting Technology
The focus on RNA in drug discovery has been growing dramatically in recent years, and for true purpose. RNA performs an important function in gene expression, carrying the genetic instructions from DNA to synthesise proteins. Misregulation or mutation in RNA can result in numerous illnesses, inclusive of cancer and genetic problems.
RNA Targeting Technology is a promising technique that allows researchers to without delay target RNA molecules, in place of the proteins they encode. By intervening on the RNA stage, scientists can prevent the manufacturing of dangerous proteins, thereby addressing the root purpose of certain illnesses. This targeted technique opens up new avenues for treating conditions that have been formerly considered "undruggable."
Here’s where Depixus Magna™ becomes a sport changer. The advanced technology provided by using MAGNA™ lets in for the perfect mapping and look at RNA interactions, assisting researchers perceive how specific RNA molecules interact with proteins or other goals. This insight is important for the development of medication which can modulate or disrupt those interactions, leading to novel therapies for sicknesses starting from neurodegenerative disorders to most cancers.
Magna Biomolecular Interactions Unlocking the Mysteries of Cellular Communication
Magna Biomolecular Interactions are the interactions between diverse biomolecules, which include RNA, DNA, and proteins, that govern the fundamental tactics of lifestyles. These interactions are not best critical for preserving ordinary cell functions but also play key roles inside the onset and progression of illnesses.
Using MAGNA™ Technology, researchers can investigate these interactions in approaches that were previously unimaginable. The ability to have a look at molecular interactions with such depth permits scientists to identify new drug objectives and apprehend how existing drugs have interaction with their objectives at a molecular stage.
For example, in RNA Targeted Drug Discovery, know-how how small molecules or therapeutic dealers have interaction with RNA is important for growing pills that could correctly inhibit or beautify RNA functions. MAGNA™ makes it possible to visualise those interactions, offering insights which could accelerate the discovery of RNA-centred treatment options.
The Impact of MAGNA™ on RNA Targeted Drug Discovery
RNA-centred treatment options have gained excellent momentum, leading to current advances in technology and the developing recognition of RNA’s role in various illnesses. MAGNA™ Technology is poised to accelerate this progress by providing the tools important for deeper exploration of RNA interactions.
In the context of RNA Targeted Drug Discovery, MAGNA™ enables researchers to:
Identify new RNA goals: With its high-resolution evaluation talents, MAGNA™ allows scientists to discover previously unknown RNA molecules or interactions that would serve as drug goals.
Characterise drug-RNA interactions: Understanding how capacity pills bind to or have an effect on RNA is critical for optimising drug applicants. MAGNA™ provides the specified interaction profiles wished for this step.
Optimise RNA-concentrated on pills: By reading how RNA-targeted capsules have an effect on their supposed targets, researchers can refine those treatment options to improve efficacy and reduce side consequences.
The future of drug discovery lies in our potential to target RNA correctly, and Depixus Magna™ Technology is mainly the manner in making this imaginative and prescient a fact.
A Bright Future for Biomolecular Research and Therapeutics
The integration of MAGNA™ Technology into biomolecular research and RNA-centred drug discovery is using a wave of innovation. By allowing scientists to examine Magna Biomolecular Interactions with unparalleled elements, MAGNA™ isn't always best expanding our know-how of how cells speak but also offering new opportunities for developing life-saving treatments.
As the medical network continues to include RNA-targeted cures, the insights provided with the aid of Depixus Magna™ Technology may be instrumental in shaping the future of medicine. Whether it’s through figuring out new drug objectives or optimising present treatments, MAGNA™ is pushing the limits of what’s viable in molecular biology and drug discovery.
MAGNA™ Technology from Depixus is revolutionising the manner we approach RNA-focused drug discovery and biomolecular interactions. With its present day platform for reading RNA interactions and developing focused treatment options, Depixus Magna™ is poised to lead the following generation of innovation in biomedical studies.
To analyse extra approximately how MAGNA™ Technology can rework your studies or drug discovery efforts, Contact us today.
Reposted Blog Post URL: https://petrickzag.weebly.com/blog/exploring-the-power-of-magnatm-technology
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sportpeskenyateam · 22 days
Kenyatta University graduate wins big: Bags Kshs 10 million in SportPesa’s Goal Rush game
Derrick Mukeku Kasyoka from Machakos is SportPesa's latest multi-millionaire after winning Kshs 10 million in the free-to-play Goal Rush game.
SportPesa, Kenya's leading online gaming platform, crowned Derrick Mukeku Kasyoka as the second winner of the Kshs 10 million Goal Rush jackpot, making his life-changing win official during a special ceremony on Thursday. Derrick, a 38-year-old Kenyatta University graduate with a degree in Education, correctly predicted the outcome of three matches in the thrilling Goal Rush game, which is free to play for all active SportPesa users.
Derrick’s victory comes just months after the first-ever Goal Rush winner, Stephen Visendi, hit the jackpot in May 2024. In this engaging game, participants predict which team will score first and the exact minute the first goal will be scored, and then share their predictions on social media. Derrick, thanks to his sharp mathematics skills, nailed his predictions with remarkable accuracy, winning the grand prize in only his third attempt.
“I'm overjoyed today. I've been a loyal SportPesa player since 2018, and though I’ve seen many people win, I never imagined I would be one of them. This is a turning point for me, and I hope to use this fortune wisely, investing in property and securing my family’s future,” said Derrick during the prize-giving ceremony, where he was presented with a dummy cheque by SportPesa Kenya ambassadors, Biggie and Sammyro.
Derrick revealed how his love for football, especially his favorite club Manchester United, and his strong mathematics background helped him make the winning predictions. “As I was going about my errands, Goal Rush popped up after placing a multibet. Something clicked in my mind, and I made my predictions based on the sequence of 13—goals in the 13th, 26th, and 39th minutes. My instincts were spot on,” he added.
Derrick now plans to invest wisely, focusing on property and ensuring his family's financial stability. He also encourages other SportPesa players to approach betting responsibly: "SportPesa’s Goal Rush is an amazing game, but always remember to bet responsibly. Luck plays a big role, but anyone can win."
What is Goal Rush?
Goal Rush is a free-to-play game on SportPesa that gives players the chance to win up to Ksh 10 million daily. To participate, players predict the first team to score and the minute the first goal will be scored across three pre-selected matches. Players must then share their predictions on social media for their entry to be valid.
How to play Goal Rush?
Predict which team will score first and at what minute.
Share your prediction on Facebook, WhatsApp, or X (formerly Twitter).
Stand a chance to win Kshs 10 million if all three predictions are correct.
Players also have the opportunity to win daily bonuses, with Kshs 10,000 awarded to the closest prediction and Kshs 1,000 given to the next 50 closest predictions.
Join the Goal Rush! If you're a SportPesa player, you can participate in Goal Rush every day for free. Simply make your predictions, share them on social media, and you could be the next big winner, just like Derrick!
Play Goal Rush today and experience the excitement of winning millions with zero stake!
Additionally, SportPesa's ‘Tujiamini’ initiative continues to empower Kenya’s sports and talent scene. With up to Ksh 30 million in funding, this campaign supports individual athletes, teams, and various talents across the country. Learn more and apply through www.tujiamini.co.ke.
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] Within the ever-evolving world of World of Warcraft, staying forward of the competitors and having fun with the sport to its fullest generally is a daunting activity. Whether or not you’re striving to overcome the most recent raid, stage up your character effectively, or just improve your in-game expertise, the best boosting service could make all of the distinction. As new expansions and updates are launched, so too are modern increase providers designed to satisfy the wants of gamers at each stage. However with so many choices obtainable, how are you aware which service to decide on?  This text will information you thru the most recent updates in WoW boosting providers, highlighting one of the best choices to contemplate proper now, making certain you take advantage of out of your WoW adventures. Dive in to find how one can acquire the sting and elevate your gameplay with the proper increase service. Latest WoW Boosting Service Choices With the discharge of the most recent Season of Discovery replace, World of Warcraft has launched a wealth of latest content material, offering gamers with contemporary challenges and alternatives. That will help you navigate these new options and maximize your in-game potential, a wide range of boosting providers have emerged, tailor-made particularly to the Season of Discovery. Listed below are the highest new boosting service choices it's best to think about: Dungeon Runs The Season of Discovery replace has revamped a lot of WoW’s dungeons, providing new mechanics, more durable enemies, and extra rewarding loot. Notable amongst these are revamped variations of traditional dungeons similar to Scholomance, Stratholme, and Dire Maul. Every of those dungeons has been reimagined with new challenges and enhanced enemy encounters. Scholomance: This darkish, necromancer-infested dungeon has been upgraded with extra advanced puzzles and highly effective undead foes. Finishing Scholomance can yield distinctive rewards similar to up to date gear units and uncommon crafting supplies. Stratholme: This once-great metropolis now teems with undead and is among the most difficult dungeons within the replace. The dungeon runs can assist you navigate town’s twin wings – the undead aspect and the stay aspect – making certain you defeat bosses like Baron Rivendare and gather precious loot. Dire Maul: Break up into three wings (East, West, and North), Dire Maul presents a multi-faceted problem with a mixture of ogres, demons, and ghostly highborne elves. Dungeon runs will help you in clearing all wings effectively, acquiring highly effective gear and consumables. Skilled boosting providers for these dungeons will information you thru every encounter, making certain all bosses are defeated, goals are met, and the absolute best loot is secured. This service is ideal for gamers seeking to shortly gear up their characters and expertise the brand new dungeon content material with out the effort of repeated failed makes an attempt. Raid Completions Raiding stays some of the thrilling and rewarding points of WoW, and the Season of Discovery replace has launched new raid content material that guarantees epic battles and precious rewards. Essentially the most important addition is the Molten Core raid, revamped with new mechanics and encounters. Molten Core: This iconic raid now options up to date boss mechanics and enhanced problem. Notable bosses like Ragnaros the Firelord have new skills that require exact coordination and technique. Finishing this raid can yield legendary objects similar to Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, and highly effective set items important for high-level play. Onyxia’s Lair: The traditional dragon raid has additionally been up to date, providing new challenges as you battle Onyxia in her lair. This raid now consists of extra intricate phases and more durable minions, requiring a well-coordinated group to overcome. Raid completion boosting providers can assist you deal with these formidable challenges.
By teaming up with professional gamers, you may guarantee a easy and profitable raid expertise. These providers usually embody choices for full raid clears, particular boss kills, and even achievement searching. Whether or not you’re seeking to get your fingers on uncommon raid drops or just need to expertise the brand new raid content material with out the stress, a raid completion increase is a wonderful selection. Allied Races Providers The Season of Discovery has additionally expanded the roster of playable races, introducing new allied races with distinctive skills and lore. One of the crucial thrilling additions is the Earthen race, historic beings crafted from stone and imbued with the facility of the Titans. Earthen: Originating from deep inside Azeroth, the Earthen are a sturdy and resilient race, with a wealthy lore tied to the Titans and the traditional historical past of the world. They provide distinctive racial skills similar to elevated mining effectivity and enhanced resistance to bodily injury, making them a precious addition to any participant’s roster. Unlocking the Earthen allied race entails finishing intricate multi-phase duties and attaining particular in-game milestones, which will be time-consuming. Allied races boosting providers streamline this course of, permitting you to unlock and begin enjoying as these thrilling new races shortly. Skilled boosters will deal with the questlines and necessities in your behalf, making certain you acquire entry to the allied races at once. This service is right for gamers desperate to discover the brand new racial choices and add extra selection to their WoW expertise. By leveraging these latest WoW boosting providers, you may totally immerse your self within the newest Season of Discovery replace, overcoming challenges and reaping rewards with ease. Whether or not you’re seeking to dominate dungeons, conquer raids, or unlock new races, these providers present the help that you must improve your gameplay and luxuriate in every thing the most recent replace has to supply. How one can Order Your Greatest WoW Carry Service with Boosthive — an Instruction Ordering a WoW boosting service from Boosthive is designed to be a simple and user-friendly course of. Right here’s a step-by-step information that will help you navigate the ordering course of and get one of the best out of your carry service: Step 1: Choose Your Desired Service When you’re on the Boosthive web site, navigate to the part for World of Warcraft providers. Right here, you’ll discover a wide range of choices, together with dungeon runs, raid completions, and allied races providers particular to the most recent Season of Discovery replace. Dungeon Runs: Select from common dungeons like Scholomance, Stratholme, or Dire Maul. Choose the particular dungeon run service that matches your wants. Raid Completions: Go for providers associated to the brand new Molten Core or Onyxia’s Lair raids. Determine whether or not you desire a full raid clear, particular boss kills, or achievement runs. Allied Races Providers: Should you’re seeking to unlock the brand new Earthen race, choose the allied races service to expedite the questline and necessities. Different Choices: In case your purpose is to improve your character in different methods, you may select from mythic increase choices, leveling, gearing, and lots of different PvP and PvE actions. Contact with a help group, in order that they’ll show you how to discover probably the most appropriate one. Step 2: Customise Your Order Boosthive affords customization choices to tailor the service to your particular necessities. Relying on the service, you may be capable of select: Issue Degree: For dungeon and raid runs, choose the problem stage (regular, heroic, or mythic) that fits your wants. Extra Choices: Add on additional options similar to self-play or account sharing, loot preferences, or particular achievements you need to unlock.
Schedule: Select a time that works greatest for you. Boosthive affords versatile scheduling to accommodate your availability. Step 3: Overview and Affirm Your Order After customizing your order, assessment all the main points to make sure every thing is appropriate. Verify the service chosen, customization choices, and whole value. In case you have any low cost codes or particular affords, apply them at this stage. Step 4: Proceed to Checkout When you’ve reviewed your order, proceed to the checkout web page. Boosthive helps numerous cost strategies, together with credit score/debit playing cards and PayPal, making certain a safe and handy cost course of. Full the cost to finalize your order. Step 5: Communication and Execution After inserting your order, you'll obtain a affirmation e mail with particulars about your buy. Boosthive’s buyer help group will contact you to substantiate the service and schedule. Throughout the course of, you may talk with the boosters by way of the Boosthive platform to remain up to date on the progress. Step 6: Take pleasure in Your Boosted Expertise As soon as every thing is about, the skilled Boosthive group will perform the service. Whether or not it’s finishing a difficult dungeon, conquering a troublesome raid, or unlocking a brand new allied race, you may sit again and benefit from the outcomes. By following these steps, you may effectively order and luxuriate in top-notch World of Warcraft boosting providers from Boosthive, enhancing your gaming expertise and attaining your in-game targets with ease. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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sportsvillage · 3 months
Purchase Multi Functional Workout Machine in Qatar | Sports Village
Looking to purchase a multi functional workout machine in Qatar? Sports Village offers a diverse selection of high-quality fitness equipment designed to enhance your home or commercial gym. Explore our range of multi functional machines that combine various exercise options in one compact unit, ideal for maximizing space and workout efficiency. Whether you're targeting strength training, cardio, or full-body workouts, our machines cater to every fitness need. Enjoy the convenience of shopping online with secure payment options and reliable delivery services across Qatar. Trust Sports Village for top-notch customer service and competitive prices on premium fitness solutions. Start transforming your fitness journey today with our multi functional workout machines tailored to meet your fitness goals.
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homocidemania · 3 months
20-Minute Jazz Cycling - Ride to the Rhythm
In a cycling class that is indoors music sets the tone and may inspire you to work harder when you are working out. While any type of music can be used in a class, instructors often pick songs that go with particular exercises and tempos to provide the best workout experience. Research has shown that loud music increases the duration of exercises that are submaximal and slow jazz or classical music helps reduce perceived exertion. Positive Attitude With their energetic upbeat beats, a lot of jazz songs are great for intense workouts. Instructors usually choose songs with a beat to inspire their students. It's important to pay attention to the speed of the music and to keep your pedals in sync to the beat. You'll build endurance and be able to make yourself more intense during the workout. Kaleigh Cohen Kaleigh Cohen, an instructor at the Mad Dogg Athletics instructor and NASM-certified trainer, leads this YouTube class for those who are new to the sport. Kaleigh guides you through jogs as well as sprints. Additionally, she provides helpful tips for technique. She also likes music that is upbeat that isn't often heard, adding to the enjoyment of your ride. Singer Cecile McLorin Salvant has tapped into the tradition of the great jazz vocalists Bessie Smith, Betty Carter, and Sarah Vaughan. Her voice is distinctive due to its expressiveness, its rich lower register and vast range. She'll be appearing at SFJAZZ between the 6-9th of June with her group Sons of Kemet which includes multi-faceted musician Shabaka Hutchings. Energized If you're one who likes to pedal to the beat, you'll want to pick up the pace to a playlist of high-energy jazz. Mark-Anthony Sanchez, a kinesiologist from Beaverton in Oregon cautions against doing too much of it. Exerting too much force can cause your cycling to be disrupted, resulting in a jerky motion that may result in injuries. In a laboratory-based in-vivo study, healthy males performed a self-determined work-rate while listening to a music program that was the same length but different tempos: The program was played at a normal pace, then it was increased by 10% and after that, it was reduced by 10 percent. The faster music increased the distance covered/unit time and power, while the slow music increased heart rate, perceived exertion, as well as thermal comfort. Clarinets, saxes, and trumpets can all boost your energy levels, however vocalists are the most energetic. SFJAZZ fave Cecile McLorin Salvant is a part of a lineage that includes Bessie Smith and Sarah Vaughan, but her voice has its own unique charisma. The singer will be appearing at SFJAZZ from SEP 6-9 with her band Ogresse. Relaxed Music can have a significant impact on your workout. Instructors curate playlists based on their knowledge and experience of which songs complement certain exercises, aligning the tempo to your goals for exercise. Cecile McLorin's voice sounds rich and evocative, recalling the classic jazz singers of the past like Bessie and Betty Carter. But she's a distinct artist who's developed her own distinct vision over the time of a decade. In a study conducted in the lab cyclists cycled at their own work rate while listening to music with different speed. The speed of the program was increased, as were the distance covered, unit time, power and pedal cadence; slowing it did the opposite. In other words, matching the pace of your workout to the beat will help you work harder. Smooth If you're just beginning to learn about the bike the beginner-friendly cycling routine on YouTube could be the perfect fit for you. NASM-certified personal trainer and Mad Dogg Athletics cycling instructor Kaleigh Cohen leads you through jogs, climbs and sprints with various intensities, offering techniques for form and encouraging you to pay attention to your body (not just push through the discomfort). The studio-filmed class is also packed with high-quality footage which makes it simple to follow along.
If you're looking to test your endurance and jam out to the '80s' dance music this hour-long cycling workout is for you. Personal trainer ACE-certified Lars Meesters takes you through sprints and climbs that will increase your endurance, as well as helping to keep in sync to the beat of your beat. This workout uses a high-quality video that focuses on proper cycling form and choreography. You'll certainly sweat on, but you'll also feel relaxed after the session ends. Go to the video
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theultimatefan · 5 months
NLL Welcomes Tampa General Hospital as the First NLL UnBOXed Lacrosse Community Presenting Partner
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A few months after launching its innovative continent-wide grassroots initiative, NLL UnBOXed™, the National Lacrosse League today announced its first local market, multi-year presenting partnership as Tampa General Hospital (TGH) will join the League to bring the NLL’s fast-paced lacrosse game play to more young boys and girls throughout the Tampa Bay area.
The “Tampa Bay Snowbirds™ presented by Tampa General Hospital” will begin the initial phase of NLL UnBOXed activations this year, with the League providing Snowbirds and TGH-branded lacrosse equipment to participating Tampa Bay-area elementary and middle schools for use in physical education classes for all students.
“A primary goal for NLL UnBOXed always centered on partnering with influential local leaders and community-driven companies to help us introduce and foster a new love of NLL-style, fast-paced lacrosse to young boys and girls across North America,” said Kurt Hunzeker, NLL Executive Vice President, Commercial Operations. “We are thrilled to begin this exciting journey with our friends at Tampa General Hospital and bring the Tampa Bay Snowbirds to life in Bay Area schools starting this fall.”
While the first wave of Tampa Bay-area schools who registered to bring NLL UnBOXed to their students will be announced in the coming weeks, any elementary and middle school administrators, athletic directors, and/or physical education teachers can request to become an inaugural participating school by registering at NLL.com/UnBOXed.
"Tampa General Hospital is committed to promoting health and wellness in our community to prevent illness and chronic health conditions," said Kim Christine, administrator of community health and wellness at Tampa General Hospital. "This partnership not only helps us connect youth to the growing game of lacrosse, it allows us to invest in creating a healthier Tampa Bay."
Tampa Bay joined seven other North American markets in the League’s inaugural class of “NLL UnBOXed Lacrosse Communities” unveiled in November 2023. To illustrate its commitment to growing box lacrosse participation and skill development across Canada and the United States, the NLL created community-relevant team names and bold brand identities for each of the nine markets: Baltimore Ghost Crabs™, Charlotte Cobras™, Minnesota Lake Dragons™, Montréal Castors™, Seattle Shipwrecks™, St. Louis Howlers™, Tampa Bay Snowbirds™ presented by Tampa General Hospital, and Utah Spikes™.
NLL UnBOXed will drive the expansion of the League’s current multi-national activation footprint to include approximately 60 North American communities by the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles when sixes lacrosse, similar to the NLL’s 6-on-6 box lacrosse game play style, returns as a medal sport for the first time since 1908.
Officially licensed NLL UnBOXed merchandise, including a wide selection of Snowbirds’ apparel and collectibles, will debut later this year with exclusive reveals all summer via the League’s social media channels.
The 2023-24 NLL regular season wraps up this week before the 2024 NLL Playoffs begin on Friday, April 26.
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bolakita · 7 months
Unlocking the Excitement: Exploring Football Betting
Football, or soccer as it's known in some parts of the world, is not just a sport; it's a global phenomenon that unites millions of fans, transcending boundaries of geography, culture, and language. Beyond the thrill of watching the beautiful game unfold on the pitch, football has also become a significant arena for betting, where enthusiasts engage in the excitement of predicting outcomes and placing wagers on their favorite teams and players. In this article, we delve into the world of football betting, examining its allure, intricacies, and the factors that make it such a captivating aspect of the sport bolakita.
The Allure of Football Betting
Football betting is more than just a pastime; it's a multi-billion-dollar industry that attracts a diverse array of participants, from casual fans to seasoned gamblers. The allure of football betting lies in its ability to amplify the excitement of the game, turning every match into a potential windfall or heartbreak. Whether it's placing a bet on the outcome of a local derby or predicting the next goal scorer in a high-stakes championship match, the thrill of uncertainty keeps enthusiasts on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the final whistle.
Moreover, football betting offers a unique opportunity for fans to showcase their knowledge of the game and test their predictive skills against odds-makers and fellow punters. With a multitude of betting options available, ranging from simple win-draw-win bets to more complex propositions such as Asian handicaps and over/under goals, there's something for everyone in the world of football betting.
Understanding the Odds
At the heart of football betting are the odds, which serve as a reflection of the likelihood of a particular outcome occurring in a match. Whether expressed in fractional, decimal, or American formats, odds provide valuable insights into the perceived probabilities assigned to different outcomes by bookmakers.
For instance, if a team is offered odds of 2.00 to win a match, it means that the bookmaker believes there's a 50% chance of that outcome materializing. Understanding how odds work is crucial for punters looking to make informed decisions and maximize their chances of success in football betting.
Factors Influencing Football Betting
Several factors can influence the outcome of a football match and, consequently, the dynamics of football betting. These factors range from team form and player injuries to weather conditions and managerial tactics, each playing a significant role in shaping the course of a game.
Moreover, external variables such as fan support, home advantage, and referee decisions can also impact the outcome of a match, adding an element of unpredictability to football betting. Successful punters are adept at analyzing these factors and leveraging their insights to gain a competitive edge in the betting market.
Responsible Betting Practices
While football betting can be an exhilarating pursuit, it's essential to approach it with caution and responsibility. Like any form of gambling, football betting carries inherent risks, and it's crucial to set realistic limits on the amount of money and time invested in betting activities.
Practicing responsible betting entails maintaining a balanced perspective, avoiding impulsive decisions, and refraining from chasing losses. By exercising self-discipline and adhering to sound bankroll management principles, punters can enjoy the excitement of football betting while mitigating the potential pitfalls associated with excessive gambling.
The Future of Football Betting
As technology continues to evolve, the landscape of football betting is undergoing a paradigm shift, with online platforms and mobile applications revolutionizing the way enthusiasts engage with betting markets. The rise of live betting, virtual reality experiences, and algorithm-driven prediction models are reshaping the dynamics of football betting, offering punters new avenues for immersive and interactive wagering experiences.
Furthermore, the legalization of sports betting in various jurisdictions around the world is expected to fuel further growth in the industry, providing regulators with an opportunity to implement robust consumer protections and promote responsible gambling practices.
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interplay-sports · 7 months
Top 5 Sports Video Analysis Software Companies in the UK
In the dynamic world of sports, gaining a competitive edge requires a blend of talent, dedication, and cutting-edge technology. Sports video analysis software has emerged as a crucial tool for athletes, coaches, and teams, providing invaluable insights and enhancing performance across a wide range of sports disciplines. In the United Kingdom, several companies have distinguished themselves as leaders in this field, offering innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of athletes and coaches. Here are the top 5 sports video analysis software companies in the UK:
1. Interplay Sports UK
Interplay Sports is the top leading Sports Video Analysis Software company in UK. It's like having a super-smart coach in your pocket! Their flagship product, Sports code, offers a comprehensive suite of tools for capturing, analyzing, and visualizing performance data.  Athletes and coaches love it because it's easy to use and super reliable. With Interplay Sports, you can watch your game videos, slow them down, and see exactly where you can improve. It's got all the tools you need to become a better player or team. That's why everyone from beginners to pros trusts Interplay Sports to help them reach their goals. If you're serious about getting better at your sport, Interplay Sports is the way to go!
Website:  www.interplay-sports.com
Mob: +47 45222120
Address: Skoglundveien 112, 1553 Son, Norway, UK
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2. Analysis Pro Ltd.
Based in the UK, Analysis Pro Ltd. is a Popular provider of sports video analysis software solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of athletes, coaches, and sports organizations. With features such as frame-by-frame playback, annotation tools, and statistical analysis, Sports code empowers users to gain valuable insights and optimize performance across a variety of sports.
3. Dartfish UK
Dartfish UK is a subsidiary of Dartfish, a global leader in sports video analysis software. With a strong presence in the UK market, Dartfish UK offers a range of cutting-edge solutions for sports performance analysis, coaching, and training. Their software platforms leverage advanced motion analysis algorithms and interactive visualizations to provide athletes and coaches with actionable insights into technique, biomechanics, and tactical strategy.
4. Nacsport UK
Nacsport UK specializes in providing sports video analysis software solutions that are intuitive, flexible, and powerful. Their flagship product, Nacsport, is trusted by athletes, coaches, and sports organizations across the UK to capture, analyze, and share video footage with precision and efficiency. With features such as customizable tagging systems, real-time analysis tools, and integration with external data sources, Nacsport UK helps users unlock their full potential and achieve success in their respective sports.
5. Longo Match UK
LongoMatch UK offers innovative sports video analysis software solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of coaches, analysts, and athletes. Their flagship product, LongoMatch, provides users with the tools they need to capture, analyze, and annotate video footage with ease. With features such as multi-camera support, timeline-based editing, and collaborative sharing capabilities, LongoMatch UK enables users to streamline their workflow and maximize their impact on performance.
Conclusion: Empowering Athletes and Coaches with Cutting-Edge Technology
In conclusion, the top 5 sports video analysis software companies in the UK are at the forefront of innovation, providing athletes, coaches, and sports organizations with the tools they need to succeed in today's competitive sporting landscape. By harnessing the power of advanced technology, these companies are empowering users to unlock their full potential, optimize performance, and achieve their goals. As technology continues to evolve, the future of sports video analysis software in the UK looks brighter than ever, promising new opportunities for growth, success, and achievement across the sporting spectrum.
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fitjourneydaily · 8 months
Trail Running: Unleashing the Thrill of Off-Road Adventures
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Introduction Trail running is an exhilarating sport that combines the love for nature, endurance, and adventure. It takes running beyond the confines of traditional tracks, leading enthusiasts on rugged and natural terrains. With its increasing popularity, more and more people are embracing the challenges and rewards of trail running. In this article, we will explore the essence of trail running, its benefits, and the best endurance tracks for off-road adventures. 1. What is Trail Running? Trail running is a form of running that takes place on natural paths, typically in forests, mountains, or rural areas. Unlike traditional road running, trail running embraces the unpredictability of nature, allowing runners to navigate through rocky terrain, steep inclines, and uneven surfaces. It offers a unique experience that connects individuals with the great outdoors, along with the pleasure of exploration and discovery. 2. Benefits of Trail Running 2.1 Physical Fitness Trail running provides an excellent workout for both the body and mind. Running on natural terrains engages a wider range of muscles as runners adapt to the unpredictable surfaces. It enhances cardiovascular endurance, builds leg strength, and improves overall balance and stability. Additionally, the uneven terrain stimulates core muscles, enhancing their strength and stability. 2.2 Mental Well-being The tranquility of nature and the serenity of running through beautiful landscapes have a profound impact on mental well-being. Trail running allows individuals to disconnect from the daily stressors of life and immerse themselves in the present moment. The connection with nature has been shown to reduce anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall mental clarity. 3. Endurance Tracks for Trail Running 3.1 Appalachian Trail, USA Spanning over 2,100 miles across the eastern United States, the Appalachian Trail offers a diverse and challenging trail running experience. With its rugged and varied terrain, runners can choose from a wide range of distances and difficulties. From the rolling hills of New Hampshire to the majestic Smoky Mountains, the Appalachian Trail provides an unforgettable journey for trail running enthusiasts. 3.2 Great Ocean Walk, Australia Located along the stunning coastline of Victoria, Australia, the Great Ocean Walk is a trail runner's dream. With its breathtaking ocean views, lush rainforests, and towering cliffs, this track offers a perfect balance between beauty and challenges. The 91-kilometer trail provides an opportunity to explore Australia's diverse flora and fauna while pushing yourself to your limits. 3.3 Mont Blanc Circuit, France, Italy, and Switzerland For the true trail running enthusiasts, the Mont Blanc Circuit offers an unforgettable endurance adventure. Spanning approximately 170 kilometers, this multi-day trail encircles the iconic Mont Blanc massif, passing through picturesque alpine villages and breathtaking mountainous landscapes. The route offers a combination of technical sections, high-altitude ascents, and awe-inspiring vistas, making it a bucket-list destination for trail runners worldwide. 4. Tags for WordPress - Trail Running - Off-Road Adventures - Endurance Tracks - Natural Terrain Elevate your fitness game with Puravive's Advanced Fitness Tracker. This state-of-the-art device is designed to monitor your workouts, track your progress, and keep you motivated on your fitness journey. Stay ahead in your fitness goals with Puravive. Visit the Puravive Advanced Fitness Tracker Product Page. Read the full article
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bolakita27 · 9 months
Kicking Off Success: The Dynamics of Football Betting and Strategies for Winning
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Football, the world's most beloved sport, has transcended beyond the boundaries of stadiums and television screens into the realm of betting, adding an extra layer of excitement for fans. The allure of predicting match outcomes, goal scorers, and various other variables has turned football betting into a global phenomenon. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the dynamics of football betting, examining its rise, the strategies employed by successful punters, and the evolving landscape of this ever-growing industry bolakita.group.
The Evolution of Football Betting
Football betting has a rich history, tracing its roots back to the early days of the sport. Initially, informal betting among friends and spectators was the norm, but with time, organized betting markets began to emerge. The advent of online betting platforms revolutionized the industry, providing punters with unprecedented access and convenience. Today, football betting is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with millions of enthusiasts placing bets on matches ranging from local leagues to international tournaments.
Understanding the Odds
At the heart of football betting are the odds, which represent the probability of a particular outcome occurring. Bookmakers use a complex algorithm to determine these odds, considering factors such as team performance, player statistics, injuries, and historical data. Understanding how odds work is crucial for punters aiming to make informed decisions.
The three main types of odds are fractional, decimal, and moneyline. While fractional odds are prevalent in the UK, decimal odds are more common in continental Europe. Moneyline odds, on the other hand, are popular in the United States. Regardless of the format, the odds reflect the potential payout for a winning bet, with higher odds indicating a higher potential return.
Strategies for Successful Football Betting
Research and Analysis: Successful football betting begins with thorough research and analysis. Punters should gather information on team form, player injuries, head-to-head records, and other relevant statistics. Utilizing reputable sources and staying updated on the latest news can give bettors a significant edge.
Bankroll Management: A key aspect of successful betting is effective bankroll management. Punters should set a budget for their bets and avoid chasing losses. Staking a reasonable percentage of the total bankroll on each bet ensures longevity in the game and minimizes the impact of losing streaks.
Specializing in Markets: Rather than spreading bets across various markets, successful punters often specialize in specific markets. This could include focusing on goal totals, Asian handicaps, or in-play betting. Specialization allows for a deeper understanding of the nuances within a particular market.
Value Betting: Identifying value bets is central to profitable football betting. Value exists when the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than the bettor's estimation of the true probability of the outcome. Punters who consistently find value bets stand a better chance of long-term success.
In-Play Betting: In-play or live betting has gained popularity for its dynamic nature. Monitoring a match as it unfolds provides opportunities to capitalize on shifting dynamics and capitalize on favorable odds. However, quick decision-making and a solid understanding of the game are essential in this fast-paced environment.
Avoiding Emotional Betting: Emotions can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decisions. Successful punters detach themselves emotionally from the teams or players involved, relying on data and analysis rather than personal bias.
The Changing Landscape of Football Betting
The landscape of football betting continues to evolve, influenced by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting consumer preferences. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has allowed bookmakers to refine their odds and offer more personalized betting experiences. Additionally, the legalization of sports betting in various regions has brought the industry into mainstream acceptance, leading to increased competition and innovation.
The rise of cryptocurrency has also made its mark on football betting, with some platforms accepting digital currencies for transactions. Blockchain technology, known for its transparency and security, has the potential to revolutionize the way bets are recorded and settled, ensuring a fair and tamper-proof system.
Football betting, with its roots deeply embedded in the passion and excitement of the sport, has transformed into a sophisticated and dynamic industry. Successful punters navigate this intricate landscape with a combination of research, strategic thinking, and disciplined execution. As technology continues to shape the future of football betting, enthusiasts can expect new innovations and opportunities to emerge, providing an even more immersive and engaging experience for those who choose to participate in the thrilling world where the beautiful game meets the thrill of chance.
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mitchbeck · 10 months
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