#Multi Payer
eaglesnick · 15 days
“When the rich rob the poor its called business. When the poor fight back its called violence” - Mark Twain
Although I think winter fuel payments to pensioners should be means tested , I also believe the super wealthy in Britain should be made to  pay a little extra towards the “black hole" in the economy.
Reeves and Starmer’s argument for cutting winter fuel payments to all but the poorest pensioners is not that wealthier pensioners don’t need  tax-payer handouts, but they have to make this cut to help fill the £22bn deficit in public finances left by the previous Tory government.
If they believe what they say then there are other ways to raise the necessary taxes without penalising the poorest within our communities.
The Times Rich List informs us that the 50 wealthiest people in Britain are ALL multi billionaires. The combined wealth of these 50 people is estimated to be between £500 -£700 billion depending on whose figures you use.
Talking of the gross economic inequalities in the UK Sharon Graham of the Unite Union said:
What Unite propose is that rather than “pick pocket” 10 million pensioners of £300, Starmer and Reeves should introduce a Wealth Tax. If the government were to introduce a 1% tax on the 1% of wealthiest families in Britain, this would raise £25bn, more than enough to fill the so-called “black hole".
According to Unite this tax would affect:
“The top 1%, broadly those people with £4 million clear and no mortgages. Anything over that would be taxed at 1%. So if you had £6 million and no mortgage, just clear assets and money, then it would be 1% on your extra £2 million” (Sharon Graham, Mirror, 09/09/24)
I do not know how accurate Unites figures are but the wealthiest 1% of UK households are extremely rich indeed.
Approximately 685,500 households make up the richest 1% of British families.
"In the UK, the analysis found, the richest 1 per cent of people are now wealthier than 70 per cent of the population combined. The richest 685,500 people in Britain are worth a total of £2.8 trillion ($3.4 trillion), compared with 48 million people in the UK whose combined wealth totals £2.4 trillion.” (The National: 16/01/23)
 (Just in case you don’t know, a trillion is 1,000,000,000,000)
Clearly this group can afford to pay higher taxes. According to the Financial Times, (07/01/22)  the richest 1% of UK households had wealth that was 230 times higher than for the least wealthy.
Starmer and Reeves could levy a wealth tax on the richest 1% of UK families but will they? Taking money from the poor is by far the easiest option. With wealth comes influence and power and these families are not shy to in wielding that power and influence to protect their interests.
Before the election Labour said they had no plans for a wealth tax.
“Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society should Labour win the next general election." BBC News: 27/08/23)
Despite the “unexpected shock" of finding a £22 billion black hole in the economy Labour insists it still has no intension of introducing a tax on wealth.
“Labour has no plans to adopt Unites wealth tax plan, says cabinet minister” (LBC: 25/09/24)
Economic politics as usual then!
Seriously, what is the point of a Labour government if it does not at least try to introduce policies that ensure a fairer distribution of wealth? Only the morally bankrupt would prefer to “pick pocket” the poor rather than tax the rich.
 Where is Robin Hood when you need him?
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The lux cottage couple of SAN YSIDRO RANCH
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When the Frogmore Cottage renovation project was announced to the British tax payers, Meghan used her personal "mouthpieces" to express displeasure with the choice. She found this cottage beneath her expectations for a royal standard of living. She publicly compared Frogmore Cottage to the homes of William and Catherine, and took to twatter to express her disdain for the free "staff" accommodations.
We already knew she detested Nottingham Cottage before Megflix because she lived in a rented house in the Cotswolds. A detail they conveniently forgot to mention in the mockumentary.
While her public disdain for rent-free housing is ON BRAND for Meghan, it is no coincidence that she moved to CA and deliberately chose a luxury COTTAGE as the faux Hollywood set of their reality tv show.
Meghan & Harry's Santa Barbara Cottages & Gardens represents another sign that she has always obsessed with setting up her rival faux ROYAL court. The BRF security team is obliged to flag these seemingly unrelated decisions as more evidence of Meghan's disordered bunny boiler personality which I have termed PCDD¹.
I still believe Meghan was crazy enough to name ARCHie and their ARCHewell BRAND after the word monARCHy. I also believe she named her tig blog after William & Harry's lost dog TIGger and their beloved lost nanny TIGgy. She used the word TIG to wickedly trigger Harry's boyhood traumas rooted in losses. In this case, a dog and a 2nd mother figure. Harry was a Marked man (now a Markled man) long before they met in Istanbul, Turkey.
Their decision to burn unearned wealth to cosplay in lux COTTAGES only feeds Meghan's Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder (PCDD¹) and her deluded fantasy that she is destined to become QUEEN of the world.
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To keep up their lux cottage couple lifestyle, from 2020-2022 Meghan Markle potentially burned through a min of $56,000-$84,000 per WEEK to stage zoom calls and create a fake lifestyle of luxury for a megflix mockumentary.
That is at minimum $1,000,000 (million) per year on luxury hotel fees all the while suing & shaming the British tax payers for SECURITY. This is CRIMINAL.
The money Meghan & Harry burned on a weekly basis (during a pandemic) is the amount of money average Americans hope to gross in 1 year. The average family in some of the poorest countries in the world could transform their entire village with what these (2) two spent in 1 week to stage zoom calls. No wonder Meghan was in debt when she married Harry. She's the fraudess who went into debt to create her HUMANITARIAN brand to "bag a Prince.²"
It doesn't add up: they own a 16 bathroom mansion and yet the director of megflix quit the job because Meghan & Harry weren't willing to film their REALITY TV show out of their home. They will write off the expense of these lux cottages. With the publication of SpareUs, they released photos and articles all about the cottages and the property. No doubt Meghan negotiated a reduced rate to act as brand ambassadors.
But why the deception?
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We learned that Charles cut Harry a check for a few million dollars, and yet ungrateful Harry went before the entire world with his lying wife and lying NOprah to shame his father for cutting him off financially. According to Harry it was only the millions from his mother (his very own patron saint who communicates with him from her grave) that made it possible for them to avoid homelessness.
NOprah had the audacity to publicly shame the British people for wasteful spending in honor of their Queen's Platinum Jubilee. This hypocrisy from the woman who televised the moment she gifted a room full of MULTI-MILLIONAIRES with an extravagant pair of diamond earrings. Her media mogul mentee, Tyler Perry, purchased 2 Rolls Royce vehicles: 1 for a billionairess, NOprah & 1 for a millionaire, Gail.
This cottage couple cried to NOprah because their royal baby didn't have SECURITY. Bethenny Frankle was even contacted by A list celebrities and told to take down her criticism of Meghan because they couldn't AFFORD to pay their SECURITY bills.
Free people should do whatever they desire to do with their own money; however in this instance, it is Meghan's pretense, her hypocrisy, and her penchant for deception that voted her the 2022 #1 celebrity that people are most sick of and of course Harry took the 2nd place spot.
Harry's law suit against his grandmother's government has already cost the British tax payer $300,000. This selfish, greedy California cottage couple has the audacity to demand that the UK tax payer cover their annual $3,000,000 SECURITY bill. You couldn't make it up.
This comes as no surprise to us bc we observed her celebrity NO work ethic at a mere 72 engagements.
If you pay UK taxes or live in a Commonwealth Country, please write to the MPs and to your Prime Minister. Sussex titles need to be stripped, thereby relieving the cottage couple (and their invisibles) of their ties to the UK and any need for tax payer funded SECURITY.
Admittedly, Meghan cares nothing for the sacrifices that were made by the British people (dead or alive). She feels entitled to other people's money. Unfortunately Harry, like his wife, lacks a pure desire for servant leadership.
William and Harry's mother, who actually worked hard for a living (even as a house keeper), would be appalled at Harry's sense of entitlement. Sadly, Harry has managed to embody the egomania his mother feared might result from an uber privileged upbringing.
In selecting Meghan, it is evident to the world that Harry has again tragically lost the mother he knew for the first 13 years of his life.
In 2019, Tatum O'Neal was asked about Meghan's infamous bad behavior at Wimbledon, and she seemed genuinely disappointed. "This is not Diana...I don't know what this is..." More evidence that Harry was told by numerous people who actually knew his mother that this wife lacks his mother's virtues, and yet he prefers to believe & parrot her lies.
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On Megflix, Meghan expressed that she's frustrated because after all this time (and Money on PR) people still don't have "a good sense" of who she is. For her to make such an outrageous statement only confirmed that South Park got it right, Harry's wife is "stupid."
Meghan dear, which one of your multiple personalities carried out those 72 engagements? Were we watching your clone? Did the British press tamper with the footage? Go back and watch yourself, preferably with a REAL medical professional. And while you're at it, print out the transcripts of those horrid podcasts. Everyone can see the real you except for you and your dumb now husband, H.
Harry had the audacity to say that unlike his British family members, he and Meghan never worried about how they might perform in front of the press because they are AUTHENTIC.
The fact that Harry believes Meghan is his mother incarnate is enough to warrant a wellness check visit on the invisibles by a qualified social worker. Obviously Dorito's CA license isn't worth the paper it was printed on.
The words of Harry's friend(s) about her rented apartment being Soho House "touched" certainly ring true today. I still don't understand the full meaning of those words, but even Dumb Harry wrote that she lived out of Soho House hotels where they stored her luggage.
"Soho House Touched" Living Accommodations
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If you watch the home videos of Meghan, it affirms what her Uncle Mike said about his brother Thomas: he created "a prima donna." Sadly the entire world has been impacted by Thomas' creation. Meghan, the faux humanitarian, has shown the world the level of destruction an ungrateful adult child is capable of inflicting on her own families, and on all the families she never had.
So many elaborate schemes executed to feed the world an illusion of two innocent lovers who escaped their awful life inside the gilded cage of royalty, only to act out a modern day tragedy on a global stage.
Carry on duke & duchess. Carry on
¹PCDD Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder Last year I read a comment that summed up the root of Meghan's psychosis with a simple link to this photo:
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²Gina Nelthorpe Cowne Quote
They negotiated a price cut from Mr. Warner. Too bad he also allowed them to redecorate w/Meghan's tacky home furnishings.
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ioletia · 3 months
You know what I hate about capitalism more than anything? That corporations can just steal. Steal from you, steal from me, steal from everyone and get away with it.
Recently I had an interaction with a District Manager that left me going, "Well, fuck this job, I'm finding a new one." And I did, but not before also being physically assaulted by a coworker. Fun. I resigned immediately, wrote up a fancy letter detailing the assault, the harassment, and the literal legality of paying me my due compensation. What happened?
Well, HR tried to contact me to get more information, to which I declined. I no longer worked for the company and so their investigation into any of this was really none of my damn business at that point. They refused to talk about my compensation at all to the point of saying, "At that time, we’ll proceed with next steps of accepting your resignation." We were at a standstill. I refused to comply with their investigation, and they refused to talk about my final pay.
TO WIT, we, and most other Americans, live in an at will state, meaning that employment can be terminated for any reason at any time barring contract or protected status. The company might have some internal policy regarding resignation notices, but you are under no obligation to respect them. The moment you resign a clock begins ticking. Depending on what state you live in, the company in question has a set amount of time to pay you your fair compensation. There's a list here, although it's always best to check your state's labor department website for more accurate information.
In my state they had until the next payday to pay me. Today is that day. And they didn't. I even contacted them yesterday when I saw the balance pre-deposited into my bank account was incorrect. I literally pointed out the exact state statute detailing what wages consist of, how long they had to pay me, and that they had by the end of today to pay the correct amount or they were in violation of the law. And they didn't even bother responding, or paying me. Almost $400 of vacation and PTO I'm owed. They just stole it.
So, I had to spend two hours today gathering up all of this information, putting it into a easy to read summation of events, and send that off to the labor department to investigate. And what sort of punishment will the company receive once the labor department decides they were in the wrong... Nothing. Nothing. Corporations can just get away with this shit. This is why wage theft is the most common and well practiced type of theft out there.
It took me nearly two hours of gathering all the documentation up to support my claim. It's going to take I don't know how many more hours for the labor department to investigate. All for what amounts to pocket change for a multi-billion dollar international company known as Sherwin Williams.
These corporation cost America money. Period. They steal money from their workers and then force tax payers to subsidize the labor departments to fight those wages out of these greedy corporations' hands. Corporations are parasites that need to be heavily controlled. I mean, what else would you call something that literally exists off the back of someone else if not a parasite?
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equipe · 2 years
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kp777 · 4 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
May 5, 2024
"There is much the Biden administration can and must do to address the national embarrassment that is for-profit healthcare in the U.S.," said Public Citizen's healthcare policy advocate.
The consumer advocacy group Public Citizen on Wednesday called on the U.S. Justice Department, Federal Trade Commission, and Department of Health and Human Services to do more to crack down on corporate profiteering that is further degrading the nation's healthcare system and driving up costs for patients.
In a letter to the three agencies, Public Citizen cited the growing encroachment of private equity firms and insurance company mergers as just two of many trends that the Biden administration must tackle as part of a broader effort to transform the nation's fragmented for-profit healthcare system.
"We need a rational approach to healthcare that would make patients' wellbeing the focus instead of profit," said Public Citizen, which supports transitioning to a single-payer healthcare system. "Cracking down on the worst actors is an important step as would be improving oversight of mergers as well as oversight of corporate actions."
The letter came in response to the three federal agencies' request for public comment on "consolidation in healthcare markets." In their request, the agencies expressed support for "robust competition in healthcare markets" and voiced concern that corporate mergers "may generate profits for those firms at the expense of patients' health, workers' safety, and affordable healthcare for patients and taxpayers."
Public Citizen echoed that concern in its letter, noting that "consolidation of actors in various parts of the healthcare system as well as increasing vertical integration, including insurers buying up provider groups, threatens to further increase corporate profits at the expense of patients."
"Whether it's private equity, insurance companies, or Big Pharma, Americans deserve to have healthcare that puts patients first."
The group also pointed to Medicare Advantage as "one of the ripest sources for profit for insurers," noting that the privately run plans "delay and deny necessary care to seniors," "limit access to care," and overbill the federal government by making patients appear sicker than they are.
"All of these practices require the creation of significant oversight mechanisms by relevant agencies, which struggle to keep up with the innovations in grift that Medicare Advantage plans undertake year after year," Public Citizen's letter states.
Eagan Kemp, Public Citizen's healthcare policy advocate, said in a statement Wednesday that "private equity is swallowing up U.S. health care whole and putting the squeeze on patients" with the "sole aim" of raking in "outrageous profits."
"Whether it's private equity, insurance companies, or Big Pharma, Americans deserve to have healthcare that puts patients first," Kemp said. "The U.S. consistently lags behind other wealthy countries when it comes to the quality of our profit-based healthcare system. More consolidation will only make things worse."
"There is much the Biden administration can and must do to address the national embarrassment that is for-profit healthcare in the U.S.," he added, "and we appreciate this multi-agency effort to expose the problems associated with greed in healthcare."
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
“So much for being multi millionaires, they haven't even paid back a third of what they owe the tax payers. Can you imagine a regular citizen being afforded that kind of grace???”
And subletting, even to Eugenie, apparently wasn’t allowed by their lease, if I remember rightly.
That too.
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Young People's Discourse on Bloodthirst
Young People's Discourse on Bloodthirst by LupusPyxisRoss, Timetravel2hogwarts
The last thing Kaiji remembers was a bright purple flash and he end up in the future?! Heroes are the norm here!? Ew! Nedzu is a principal?! Ew! He has to be a TEACHER and teach HEROICS?! Ew! Yoichi's meta ability has been passed on and now there is a 9th and 8th?! DISGUSTI- No wait, that one's fine by his standards. After getting hit by a quirk and ending up in the future, Kaiji is disgusted by what the world has turned into, killing violent.... villains is an unwritten no no and honestly? Fuck the public opinion, their opinions are gonna be the fall of Japan! If a particularly violent criminal can't be killed as a last option and instead, the public decides to sacrifice fifty heroes JUST to subdue a villain and then throw the villain away into a high-security prison and waste all their tax payer money on keeping the villains alive instead of spending the money on more productive shit like public hospitals. Then Kaiji will just have to train students to kill villains 'under the radar.' He'll teach them by having them try to kill him! Or severely injure him at the very least... they will do so with 20 million yen and their ability to pass onto 2A on the line....
Words: 8003, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku, Monoma Neito, Second One For All User, Nedzu, Todoroki Shouto, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Third One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User, Second One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User, Second One For All User/Third One For All User, Second One For All User/Third One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: 2nd is Blond, bad financial decisions, There are consequences in Life, Aizawa gets to go on a vacation, by force, don't worry he's getting sun in one of those islands that has more cats than people, Comedy, based on assassionation classroom, but there are literally no spoilers for assassination classroom, Angst, 2nd misses hid family, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44991352
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MARDI 18 OCTOBRE 2022 (Billet 1 / 3)
A tout seigneur, tout honneur - en l’occurrence ici une « seigneuresse », commençons donc l’édition de notre Blog de ce matin par un petit article publié dans un grand magazine au sujet de celle qui vient de remporter le Prix Nobel de Littérature.
Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est qu’au contraire de tous les hagiographes et/ou thuriféraires multi-présents dans tous les médias depuis l'annonce de son Prix, c’est que ce journaliste ne la caresse pas dans le sens du poil !
Lisez plutôt…
[…] Le 6 octobre 2022, Annie Ernaux reçoit le prix Nobel de Littérature. […] Wikipédia résume ainsi l’intitulé de cette récompense selon son fondateur, le Suédois Alfred Nobel (en 1901) : « Le prix Nobel de Littérature récompense annuellement un écrivain ayant rendu de grands services à l’humanité grâce à une œuvre littéraire. » Oups ! Annie Ernaux a rendu de grands services à l’humanité : elle parle d’elle depuis 1974 ! C’est long. On appelle cela « l’autofiction ». Son dernier livre, « Le Jeune Homme », fait 27 pages. C’est peu.
Il ne faut surtout pas la critiquer, c’est « mâle ». Elle n’a pas un style plat, elle refuse de « faire beau ». Son œuvre est nulle, qu’importe, le public l’adore. Elle a dénazifié Gallimard : opération spéciale contre l’éditeur et écrivain Richard Millet, qui avait publié « Les Bienveillantes », prix Goncourt 2006, viré après les coups de boutoir de notre humaniste (la délation sous couvert de pétitions fonctionne encore). Elle n’aime pas Israël, mais, selon ses thuriféraires, le rappeler équivaut à atteindre le « point Godwin », habituellement réservé à Adolph Hitler, c’est amusant. Elle est féministe mais défend le voile. Elle soutient l’indigéniste Houria Bouteldja, qui le lui rend bien. 730 000 euros de dotation pour son Nobel : de quoi se payer une belle thalasso au Hamas ou à Téhéran, où tout le monde est pour la liberté des femmes.
(Source : « Nicolas Ungemuth - journaliste – critique littéraire »)
No comment, il a tout dit.
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colinwilson11 · 12 days
The Rise Of Oncology Precision Medicine In Cancer Treatment
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Next-generation sequencing technologies and other precision diagnostics have enabled major advancements in understanding the molecular drivers of cancer. By analyzing a tumor's genetic profile, these tests can identify genetic mutations and biomarkers that influence how the cancer grows and responds to different therapies. This molecular information helps guide treatment decisions and enables a more personalized approach tailored to each patient's unique cancer. Major pharmaceutical companies and diagnostic labs have invested heavily in developing these oncology precision technologies to power the next wave of cancer drug development.
Powerful Combinations Of Targeted Therapies
Precision medicine is also driving the development of new targeted therapies that block specific mutations, and combinations of these drugs to attack cancers from multiple angles. For example, treatments that simultaneously inhibit the EGFR and MEK pathways have shown promise for certain lung and colorectal cancers. Combining immunotherapy drugs like PD-1 inhibitors with targeted therapies is another emerging strategy, as it can help overcome resistance. Pharmaceutical leaders are conducting large Oncology Precision Medicine clinical trials exploring optimal biomarker-defined combinations. If successful, these tailored multi-drug regimens have the potential to greatly expand the number of patients who benefit from existing targeted therapies.
Improving Clinical Trial Design And Recruitment
Using biomarkers to stratify patients in clinical trials based on their tumor's molecular characteristics enables more efficient evaluation of new drugs. It ensures patients receive a therapy specifically targeting the aberrations in their cancer, increasing the chances of a positive result. Biomarker-driven trials also require fewer participants to demonstrate effectiveness compared to unselected patient populations. Precision screening tools help pharmaceutical sponsors quickly recruit appropriate biomarker-defined patients. This clinical trial model has fueled exponential growth in companion diagnostics to broadly support biomarker-guided trials across different cancer types.
Fueling A Paradigm Shift In Drug Development
Personalized medicine is transforming the entire pharmaceutical business model from a one-size-fits-all approach to developing drugs targeted for specific patient subsets. Companies are moving beyond blockbuster drugs to focus on biomarker-driven products with orphan drug status. Diagnostic companies have become critical collaborative partners to power this new oncology precision ecosystem through companion diagnostics. Biopharma leaders are shifting their pipelines toward biomarker-driven combination therapies and immunotherapies tailored for personalized treatment approaches. This new precision-focused R&D paradigm is considered key to improving clinical success rates and addressing the unmet needs of patients with hard-to-treat cancers.
Expanding Access To Precision Testing
 Widespread adoption of oncology precision hinges on ensuring broad patient access to molecular diagnostic testing. However, insurance reimbursement hurdles currently limit the number of patients whose tumors can undergo comprehensive genomic profiling. Diagnostic leaders are engaging with payers to establish predictable payment models and coverage policies that facilitate testing for all appropriate cancer patients. Public and private initiatives also aim to expand access in underserved communities. As sequencing costs decline and precision medicine becomes standard of care, achieving equitable patient access to biomarker testing will be crucial for realizing the full benefits of this transformative approach across diverse populations.
Paving The Way For Future Progress
Oncology precision rapid advancement over the past decade has demonstrated the power of a targeted, biomarker-driven approach. As technologies continue improving, more subtle genomic changes influencing cancer progression and response will be detectable to inform even more personalized treatments. Large real-world data initiatives will provide insights into optimal sequencing and combinations of precision therapies. Advancing genomic technologies like liquid biopsies may one day enable ongoing monitoring of cancer evolution and early detection of recurrence or acquired resistance. Sustained progress in precision medicine ultimately holds promise to significantly extend survival durations and quality of life for many more cancer patients in the years ahead. 
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.ukwebwire.com/oncology-precision-medicine-a-targeted-approach-to-cancer-treatment/
Author Bio:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the  research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163 )
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent  Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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eaglesnick · 1 year
Scandal After Scandal: Will They Never End?
Boris Johnson was so beset by scandal that his own party turned on him and threw him out of office. We all know about the Partygate affair but there were also questions raised regarding his personal monetary arrangements.  From charges of corruption concerning him asking a Tory donor to supply funds to refurbish his Downing Street residence, to his appointment of the BBC Chairman and an alleged £800,000 loan, Johnson was the epitome of the self-serving Tory.
Johnson has gone but the scandals have continued to rumble on. We had the unedifying debacle of multi-millionaire Nadhim Zahawi being forced to resign after he was  found  guilty of serious breaches of the ministerial code  by covering up issues to do with his attempts to minimise his tax bill.
Sunak’s own wife also avoided UK tax payments by claiming non-dom status. After being asked to “come clean” on his wife’s tax affairs and after much embarrassment the Sunak’s decided she should pay tax in this country.
It is not only those Tories at the top of government who are self-serving. Conservative MP’s have been calculated to have received an additional £15.2 million on top of their MP salaries, personal fortune hunting seemingly more important than giving their constituents 100% of their time. 
“Since the end of 2019, millions of pounds of outside earnings have been made by a small group of largely Tory MPs."  (Skynews: 08/01/23)
When Sunak, after much delay, made public his own tax affairs we discovered that for the year 2021/22 he made £172,415 unearned income from dividends and £1.6 million from capital gains. In total, the PM paid an average tax rate of 22% over a three-year period.
For you and I, the basic rate of tax on income between £12,571 and £50,270 is 20%.  Between £50,271 and £125,140, it is 40 %, going up to 45% for earned income over £125,140.
For Mr Sunak to have only paid 22% on his millions is therefore quite a smack in face for ordinary tax-payers, and one only made possible because the Tories have arranged the tax system to benefit  themselves and their rich friends.
“Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy leader, said: “[The tax returns] reveal a tax system designed by successive Tory governments in which the prime minister pays a far lower tax rate than working people who face the highest tax burden in 70 years
“… the fact that Sunak paid less than a quarter of his gains in tax highlighted the problems with taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than income…The low tax rate is because we have much lighter taxes on wealth than work”   (Guardian: 22/03/23)
So, if you work for a living, expect to pay proportionately more in tax than those who live on unearned income.
Way back in July 2022, Rishi Sunak was so disgusted with the immoral behaviour of Boris  Johnson that he resigned his post as Chancellor. This is what he said at the time:
“... the public rightly expect government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously. I recognise this may be my last ministerial job, but I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning.”
But if a week is a long time in politics, then 9 months is an eternity. As we have seen, Sunak himself has become as equally embroiled in monetary scandal as his predecessor and now he is under investigation by the Parliamentary Standards Committee. 
“Rishi Sunak investigation: Government blocked Freedom of Information request into childcare firm.
Mr Sunak is currently being investigated by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner over his failure to be more transparent about his wife’s shares in childcare agency Koru Kids when quizzed on the subject by MPs.
It comes after i revealed last month that Akshata Murty, the Prime Minister’s wife, holds shares in the firm, which stands to directly benefit from reforms to the childcare system announced in last month’s Budget.” (inews: 19/04/23)
Time and time again we see top Tories under investigation by the Parliamentary Standards Commission. Time and time again we see how self-serving and unprincipled our leaders really are. Mr Sunak it seems, is no different to his predecessors and the sooner he goes the better.
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rcmhcs · 21 days
Custom Medical Billing Solutions for Healthcare Providers
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In today's rapidly changing healthcare environment, it is not enough to simply provide first-rate medical service. Any healthcare organization thrives and grows depending on financial management whether is it issue of medical billing. Outsourcing this function to custom tailored medical billing services company has become more than a trend among healthcare practices; it is seen as their solution. Their services also go beyond mere basic billing, they practicing specific custom solutions according to every practice.
What Are Customized Medical Billing Services?
What are custom medical billing services? Custom medical billing, unlike traditional one-size-fits-all services, is tailored to the specific needs of each practice (whether it be a small clinic or large hospital with several departments and multi-special existence on paper).
0 Shares Share on Facebook This isn't just your basic billing services (you know, coding, verification of insurance- yada-yada), but conclusion denial management that is 100% domestic for you patient processing claims and collecting *building funds (*the two most important things in RCM) all fully HIPPA compliant.
Customized Medical Billing Services – Advantages
1. Boosted Income and Efficacy
The most biggest benefit custom medical billing services bring is they are able to boost up the pay. Specialized medical billing companies can pin-point specific problems with a practice's full revenue cycle. For example, is the biggest issues recurring claim denials? These payers can also help providers improve their revenue cycle and get paid faster by fixing these problems, in addition to making the billing process more efficient.
Billers that provide personalized service understand the ins and outs of your practice, as well as how each internal team member you have works with a specific insurance network which results in more error-proof claim billing. This results in more efficient providers and less time dealing with administrative hassles instead of patient care.
2. Specialized Expertise
Medical billing and coding is a specialized, complex field that requires detailed knowledge of payer requirements, coding regulations and health care laws. They deliver the highest level of custom tailored billing and they hire certified coders, billing specialists who keep up with ever changing healthcare billing rules such as ICD-10 coding together with CPT codes.
They also are highly proficient in managing the complexities of various specialties — cardiology, oncology or orthopedics and mental health. Partnering with a team that comprehends the unique billing requirements of your specialty assists in minimizing claim rejections, generating compliance and optimizing reimbursements.
3. Better cashflow & financial health
The lifeblood of a healthcare organization is cash flow. By ensuring better claim submission, reducing delays and managing collections more effectively, customized resources can attract a stable flow of money for healthcare providers.
In addition to medical billing services, a number of companies also provide comprehensive reporting and analytics which help the providers understand how their revenue cycle is performing. When it comes to guiding better business decisions using data (which in healthcare is key – the margins are lean), providers can start by observing trends relating to types of payment delays, denials and where they see other issues.
4. Administrative burden lessened
Between coverage verifications ensuring that your healthcare providers will be reimbursed for their work, and waiting to see if insurance companies are going pay a fair share of the costs associated with those services, processes fulfilling administrative duties involved in medical billing can put significant strains on the staffs at healthcare practices. When practices outsource billing to a custom service provider, the administrative side of things will become easier. This frees healthcare providers and their staff to concentrate on patient care rather than waste countless hours dealing with insurance companies, coding or billing matters.
5. Scalability: You may increase or decrease the number of your containers Flexibility : Getting a customized environment for an application
Flexible Services – Custom medical billing services that grow with your practice. Regardless of whether you are a fledgling clinic or an experienced hospital, this service is geared to fit your dynamic needs; Not only will the service be capable of growing in scope with your practice or morphing to reflect changes you've made, so too can their billing strategies and operations adapt as required by a larger patient population and higher claim volume.
The other benefit of custom billing services is the flexibility. What is better for different providers are either hiring the full-service revenue cycle management or some support in certain billing areas like coding and denial assistance. This flexibility enables practices to receive the specific assistance they require, rather than be forced to pay for services that are not required.
6.Compliance and Security
Obviously for any provider, complying with healthcare regulations is the most important thing. These customized services ensure that all billing processes adhere to federal and state regulations, such as HIPAA guidelines. They apply robust security protocols to safeguard the confidential patient records.
They help providers save on legal issues, audits and penalties by staying compliant and secure. This peace of mind is crucial for healthcare providers who are dedicated to high-quality care.
Z Here, we uncover the different ways you can make sure to handpick a fitting custom-tailored medical billing service.
Because not all medical billing companies provide the same service, fellow practitioners need to ensure choose one that fit their practice. So let's go through some of the things you should look out for when choosing a custom-tailored billing service:
Experience and Knowledge: Make sure the company has experience in your specialty to understand nuances of billing unique to your practice.
Technology and Integration: You should try to find a billing provider that utilizes the latest technology, while also integrating fully with your practice management system and EHR.
Transparency and Communication – Look for a company that gives you clear communication, fair pricing & monthly updates on your billing health.
Extensive Services — If you need everything from insurance verification to collections and reporting, choose a vendor that does it all.
With the vast competition in health care, personalized medical billing services are what brings providers an opportunity to outperform. The delivery of individualized solutions by these offered services streamlines the revenue cycle considerably, which in turn reduce administrative burdens and enhance financial performance. When it comes to healthcare providers looking for ways to make their practices run more smoothly and boost revenue, a bespoke medical billing service can be the key enabling them focus on what they do best – providing superior patient care.
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sahraeyll · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Medical Billing with ABS Technology
**Title: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Medical Billing‍ with ⁣ABS​ Technology**
Medical​ billing can⁤ be a complex ​and time-consuming process for healthcare providers.‍ Fortunately, advances in technology⁣ have made it easier‌ to streamline this crucial aspect of running ⁢a medical ‌practice. One such technology that​ has⁣ revolutionized medical billing is Automated ⁤Billing Systems​ (ABS). In this ⁢ultimate guide, we⁢ will explore how ABS technology can help ⁤healthcare providers optimize their billing processes, improve efficiency, and‌ ultimately enhance revenue.
**What is ABS Technology?**
ABS technology is a sophisticated system that automates the medical billing‌ process, from verifying patient insurance coverage⁤ to generating and submitting‍ claims to payers. This technology eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and speeds up ⁤the billing​ cycle.⁢ ABS ​systems are designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and⁣ customizable to meet ​the specific ⁣needs​ of healthcare providers.
**Benefits of Using⁣ ABS ⁤Technology:**
– Increased Efficiency: ‍ABS technology automates⁣ repetitive tasks, freeing up staff to focus on more‍ critical aspects of‍ their work. – Reduced Errors: ⁣By minimizing ‍manual data entry,‌ ABS technology decreases the likelihood of billing errors, resulting in fewer‍ claim ⁣denials and rejections. – Faster Payments: Streamlining the billing process⁣ with ABS technology accelerates the submission and processing ‍of claims, leading to quicker reimbursement. – Improved Revenue: By optimizing the billing ⁢cycle and⁣ reducing claim denials, healthcare providers can maximize their revenue and cash flow.
**How⁣ to Implement ABS Technology ‌in Your​ Medical Practice:**
1. Research and Compare ABS Systems: Start by⁤ researching different ABS systems available in the market and comparing their ‌features, pricing, and⁣ customer reviews. 2. Evaluate⁢ Your Practice’s Needs: ‌Consider your practice’s⁤ specific requirements, such as the volume ‌of claims, number of providers, and integration‌ capabilities ​with existing systems. 3.‌ Training and Implementation: Provide ⁤comprehensive training to your staff on how to use ‌the ABS system⁤ effectively. ‌Work closely with the system provider‍ during the implementation phase to ensure a smooth transition. 4.‍ Monitor ⁤Performance​ and Conduct ⁤Regular Audits: Keep‍ track ‌of ​key performance metrics, such as claim ‍acceptance‍ rate and revenue cycle efficiency, ⁣and conduct periodic audits to identify⁣ areas⁣ for ‌improvement.
**Case Study: ABC Medical‍ Center**
ABC Medical Center, a multi-specialty practice, implemented an ABS ⁤system ⁢to streamline their billing ⁢process. ‌Within six‌ months of adopting the technology, they ⁤saw a 20% increase in⁢ claim acceptance rates and a 15% reduction in ⁢claim denials. The staff reported significant time savings, allowing them‍ to focus on providing quality patient care.
**Firsthand‍ Experience: Dr. ‍Smith’s Testimonial**
“I was skeptical about implementing ABS technology in my practice, but it has​ truly transformed our billing operations.‌ We have seen a noticeable improvement in‌ our revenue cycle, and the staff is more ‌efficient and productive. I highly recommend ABS technology to any ​healthcare provider looking to streamline⁣ their billing process.”
Streamlining medical billing with ABS technology is essential for healthcare providers ⁣looking to ⁤optimize their‌ revenue cycle management. By automating repetitive‍ tasks, reducing errors,​ and accelerating claim processing, ABS technology can significantly improve efficiency and profitability. With proper research, ⁣implementation, and training, healthcare practices can leverage ABS technology to enhance their billing​ processes and ⁤focus on delivering quality⁤ patient‌ care.
ABS technology is a game-changer for medical billing, and​ healthcare providers should consider implementing this innovative solution to streamline their operations and maximize revenue.
Remember,‍ proper implementation and ongoing monitoring are key to success when integrating ABS technology into your medical practice. ‍With the right strategy and commitment, healthcare providers ‍can reap⁤ the benefits of a ⁤more ‍efficient and effective billing‌ process.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
So much for being multi millionaires, they haven't even paid back a third of what they owe the tax payers. Can you imagine a regular citizen being afforded that kind of grace???
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xtruss · 2 months
‘War Criminal United States’ Missile Plan In ‘Puppet, War Criminal & Genocidal Germany’ Dangerous Subservience
— Sevim Dagdelen | July 21, 2024
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Illustration:Liu Rui/Global Times
On the sidelines of the recent NATO summit in Washington, the Biden administration announced that beginning in 2026, the US is to position new weapons in Germany capable of hitting targets within 2,700 kilometers.
While still in Washington, the German chancellor agreed to this future deployment in a joint statement. Yet no prior discussion about these new US rockets and cruise missiles was held in the Bundestag or in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, nor was there any debate on the topic in the wider German public sphere.
This development ought to be highly controversial, especially as the missile systems in question are equipped to reach targets deep inside Russia - the linear distance between Berlin and Moscow is a mere 1,600 kilometers. Russia has declared its intention to respond accordingly.
The US' purported deterrent in fact poses a massive threat to the security of Germany's population. The US treats our country as if it is nothing but an aircraft carrier. The subservience with which the federal government accepts and waves through decisions by the US is actually frightening. When he was sworn into office, the chancellor committed himself to protecting the German people from harm. But by allowing the US to place its missiles in Germany, his willingness to uphold this obligation has been thrown into doubt.
The planned long-range missile deployment is just one example of a series of decisions the US has made in an attempt to push Germany onto the frontline of its conflict with Russia. Other examples include the US putting pressure on Berlin to ship its Leopard tanks to Ukraine, which factored in a predictable, and brutal, Russian reaction. In the meantime, the NATO mission in Ukraine has established its headquarters in the German city of Wiesbaden, near the banking centre of Frankfurt am Main. Stationing long-range missiles in Germany under US command - the attendant infrastructure will likely be partly financed by German tax payers - only inflames the situation further.
The aim is clear, to bring Germany closer to a direct military confrontation with Russia, or at least to force Berlin to spend a greater share of its resources on the proxy war with Moscow. Washington appears to have calculated that if Germany keeps Russia busy in Europe, the bulk of its own military capacity can be shifted over to its efforts to contain China in East Asia and the Indo Pacific.
It must be stressed that the current decision to station US missiles in Germany was only made possible by the US' unilateral withdrawal from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) under US President Trump in 2019 (the US alleged that Russia had breached the terms of the treaty).
Since 1987, the INF had barred the manufacture and deployment of all ground-launched intermediate-range missiles capable of hitting targets in a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.
The question must be raised: Is the current US deployment of missiles in Germany one component of a long-planned strategy of escalation, responsible for both Washington's withdrawal from the INF and NATO's eastward expansion? This interpretation would be consistent with the fact that the US had evidently already begun developing new intermediate-range missiles prior to the termination of the INF. As early as 2017, an initial Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) was established in Wiesbaden, allegedly for test purposes only. The 2021 reactivation of the 56th US Artillery Command may also be considered a preparatory step toward escalation. During the Cold War, this Command was responsible for US Pershing missiles; now it will oversee the new US long-range deployments.
The US' plans today are not identical to its previous Cold War strategy. However, the shorter warning period entailed by new hypersonic missiles, for example, means that contemporary US deployments are distinct from the intermediate-range missiles stationed in Germany in the earlier era. Not surprising, Russia perceives the new weapons systems as a significant threat - "a knife to the throat". The speed of the new hypersonic missiles in particular creates a far more dangerous situation than what prevailed during the Cold War, including potentially greater risk of irreversible consequences due to false alarms. As such, US long-range missile deployments increase the risk of nuclear war enormously, amid a new nuclear arms race that is already underway.
The central problem facing all NATO allies - those formal members of the alliance and those included through bilateral agreements - is this: As with the dependent kingdoms on the eastern border of the Roman Empire two millennia ago, allies must forfeit their sovereignty and subordinate their foreign policy to the security interests of the hegemon. All the while, an illusion is to be maintained that their sovereign interests are indeed served by such an arrangement with the US, if only as a collateral benefit. But this wishful thinking is increasingly difficult to sustain.
Instead of cultivating diplomacy, the US' NATO allies have followed Washington's example, and attempted to dictate to other countries what is and what is not permissible. Given the rapid economic rise of the BRICS states, such a neocolonial approach, however, appears to be doomed.
In Germany, the focus must now turn to mobilising society against the stationing of US missiles within its borders. Since this decision calls into question the very security of the German population, a referendum must be held urgently to determine whether the polity accepts it. Even more pressing is finding an answer to the general question of how peace and democratic sovereignty may be defended in today's Germany, given the US' evident willingness to put its own allies at such grave risk.
— The Author, Sevim Dagdelen, is Foreign Policy Spokesperson for the "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" (BSW) grouping in the German Bundestag, and is the BSW grouping coordinator on the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
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wellnessweb · 2 months
Technological Advancements Driving Growth in Microservices Adoption
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The Microservices in Healthcare Market Size was valued at USD 344 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 1601.69 million by 2031 and grow at a CAGR of 21.2% over the forecast period 2024-2031.In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, the adoption of microservices architecture is revolutionizing patient care and operational efficiency.
By breaking down complex healthcare systems into modular, independently deployable services, microservices offer agility and scalability crucial for managing diverse medical data and services. This approach facilitates seamless integration of electronic health records (EHR), patient management systems, and telehealth platforms, enhancing care coordination across providers and improving patient outcomes. Moreover, microservices empower healthcare organizations to swiftly innovate and adapt to evolving regulatory requirements and patient needs, fostering a more responsive and personalized healthcare ecosystem. As the industry continues to embrace digital transformation, microservices emerge as a cornerstone, ushering in a new era of interconnected, efficient, and patient-centric healthcare delivery.
Get Sample Copy Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/2145
Market Scope & Overview
The most recent Microservices in Healthcare Market  research report goes into great detail about the industry's scope, global demand, marketability, profitability, and potential. The research report thoroughly investigates the industry and gives information on a variety of issues, including market drivers, constraints, opportunities, and threats. The market study looks into the growth potential at the global, regional, and industry levels.
The report also investigates the consequences of the epidemic and offers recommendations for reducing market volatility. The research report provides a comprehensive view on the industry's competitive status in numerous sectors and markets around the world. In addition, the Microservices in Healthcare Market  research provides a dashboard analysis of significant firms, showing their efficient marketing tactics, market presence, and most recent successes in both historical and present scenarios.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Component
Consulting Services
Integration Services
By Delivery Model
On-premise Models
Cloud-based Models
Private Cloud
Public Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
By End-user
Healthcare Providers
Healthcare Payers
Lifesciences Industry
Research Organizations
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
A thorough risk analysis and business propositions for the target market were established over time. This study report also contrasts market dynamics prior to and following COVID-19. The Microservices in Healthcare Market  research investigated the sector's impact on the COVID-19 epidemic in depth.
Regional Outlook
To begin, extensive multi-level research was carried out to collect qualitative and quantitative market data from internal and external sources. In addition, the strategy calls for the development of regional market overviews and predictions for each category. During the Microservices in Healthcare Market  research, the total market size was established using both primary and secondary data.
Competitive Analysis
Genuine data can help stakeholders make better investment decisions. The report also includes the most recent data on recent partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions, as well as significant competitors' plans to assist Microservices in Healthcare Market industry players in making better decisions.
Key Questions Answered in the Microservices in Healthcare Market  Report
What are the target market's potential, threats, and future prospects?
What impact will the COVID-19 pandemic have on your target market?
Which market factors have dominated in recent years?
The research report explores the Microservices in Healthcare Market  in order to create a thorough picture of the industry and to help organizations better appreciate the possibilities offered by distinct regional regions.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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parasparivaar · 3 months
Health Treatment For Poor People
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust
Health Infrastructure of our country is not up to the mark. The government of our country is doing so much improvement in the health sector and government hospitals are improving day by day. But due to more population, resources provided by our government are not enough. Poor people are still facing the problem in getting treatment for them or for their family when required because government hospitals do not have proper resources for everyone. Even they could not go to the private hospitals as they can’t afford their treatment.
To overcome this situation, Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust came into action. By the grace of Maa Durga and our Guruji, we have Arranged the Health Treatment for so many poor people because we strongly believe that “Health is one of the Biggest Gift anyone can give”.
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust's family is inviting you to make your contribution towards this noble cause because if we join our hands for this vision, we can give gift health to more and more people and the become the reason of their broad smile which will help us to make this world healthy and prosperous.
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Our Health Care Programs
Since 2012, the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust has worked in healthcare, offering high-quality, low-cost primary medical care to India's low-income and disadvantaged communities. Their mission is to provide healthcare to the lowest and most needy areas. The Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust maintains four centers in India, three of which are in remote rural areas. Their objective is to continue improving the health and lifestyles of the impoverished, who face social and economic constraints.
This is a grassroots initiative that offers healthcare and nutrition services to women and children in India's most impoverished neighborhoods. Their program encourage preventative health, balanced nutrition, and child development practices in marginalized populations. To that aim, they have implemented a comprehensive strategy for embracing, educating, and empowering women and children in their community.
Why We Start Free health Care Programs
The Indian Constitution gives us healthcare, among other rights and privileges. The Indian Constitution requires the government to ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. Governments are required to provide free and high-quality primary and basic healthcare and facilities to their citizens.
To get a better understanding, let's dig deeper into India's healthcare system.
Healthcare System in India
India has a multi-payer universal health care system funded by a combination of public and private health insurance funds, as well as public hospitals that are almost entirely funded by taxes. The Indian healthcare system has three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
At the primary level, there are Sub-Centres and Primary Health Centres (PHCs). Secondary healthcare facilities include Community Health Centres (CHCs) and smaller Sub-District Hospitals.
How are we doing Healthwise?
We can observe that India has had constant economic growth, which has benefited the country's overall health and poverty indices, such as increased life expectancy and fewer deaths from starvation-both infectious and noncommunicable.
However, we continue to face significant challenges such as cleaner facilities and a lack of safe and pure drinking water in all locations. 
Diseases caused by waterborne organisms increase mortality, particularly among children. Malnutrition is still prevalent, particularly among the poorest members of society. HIV/AIDS infections are a major source of medical concern. India has the world's highest number of HIV/AIDS cases. 
It is fair to say that India's Healthcare System For Handicapped People has evolved unevenly over the previous 25 years. While crucial health indicators like infant mortality rate (IMR) and maternal mortality ratio (MMR) have dramatically declined, healthcare expenditures have increased as a direct result of lower public health investment. 
Our Key Of Success
The 'Health Cannot Wait' Program of the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust aims to provide low-cost healthcare, preventive medication, emergency preparedness, and support to low-income people in both urban and rural India.
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