#Much love -Slime/Silas
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ihearnocomplaints · 1 year ago
Y'all already know what time it is
Thaaaaaaaaat's Right! It's fanart for @strawbubbysugar's au time! Another piece for bethroned hehe
This time it's coloured! I didn't have the energy to do actual line art though, sigh
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I loved making this so much, actually
reference and extras under the cut <3
Reference photo
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Pry/ncess and Moon
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Because I was sad to have to erase and cover things up. SO!! Yeah!!! This is probably the most fanart of a DCA au that I've ever drawn.
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ihearnocomplaints · 2 years ago
Oh oh ty for the tag!! I uh. Im too anxious to tag any of my moots so- hfjfjf but I’ll answer!!
Are you named after anyone?
Deadname? No. My mom, at 17, was just like “yeah i like this name”. For my chosen names, yes and no. I chose Silas because i like it. But Slime comes from my boy charlie Slimecicle.
Last time I cried?
No idea. I don’t cry that much. I always feel like crying tho.
Do I have kids?
Do I use sarcasm a lot?
I dunno? Kinda I guess. I don’t understand sarcasm that much tbh fjfjfjf
The first thing I notice about people?
I don’t know, I don’t meet a lot new people. I think I tend to focus on people’s mannerisms though. Like if I see someone out in the wild I’ll likely take in how they walk or move their hands.
Eye colour?
Scary Movies or Happy endings?
Does it have to be either or? I dunno. I like both!
Special talents?
Does being able to meow and purr like a cat count? I don’t think I have many “talents” other than that lmao.
Where was I born?
A hospital.
Drawing, Simping for the DCA (though, that might as well be my profession at this point fjfjfj), and gaming
I have a cat that my parents tell me is mine. (She is mine i love her.) Other than that we have another cat, a dog, and a bearded dragon.
I like tennis but i have 0 stamina and no ability to do physical activity.
How tall am I?
Favourite subject in school?
It was always always art.
Dream job?
I don’t know. I don’t have many aspirations in life. At least nothing that’s attainable. If I could, I’d love to just spend my life daydreaming about the DCA and making art. Realistically? I don’t know what I want to do. Nothing seems appealing to me. Not even the art-centred jobs lmao.
15 questions, 15 mutuals.
Tagged by @trentcrimminallybeautiful thank you gert my beloved <3
Are you named after anyone? - Yes, but I don't really feel a connection to my birth name much, so I'd rather talk about my online chosen names! For the name Fallon, I just picked it because I liked the vibes honestly and also after an oc I made when I was really little. And as for the beloved name bestowed unto me, Milk. I made a typo introducing myself ("Gallon") and it stuck 😔<3
When was the last time you cried? - hm, probably a couple weeks ago? I cry when I get hungry lmao
Do you have kids? - This bear flowerpot thingy is my beloved son:
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But as for human children, no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?- unsure if absurd threats of eating furniture in response to Cool Art/Fic count as sarcasm, but if so, yes
What's the first you notice about people? - if they have a Funky Outfit on I'll probably notice that first (and then get too intimidated to talk to them because they're CoolTM)
What's your eye colour? - brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - happy ending sorry I'm a coward
Any special talents? - I play violin, and I'm particularly adept at making typos
Where were you born? - hospital
What are your hobbies? - writing, reading, rug-hooking, cooking/baking, going on walks in nature
Have you got any pets? - yes, this is my beloved fool of a dog Clyde:
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What sports do you play/have you played? - none on a team, but I like playing tennis and roller skating
How tall are you? - 5'5" I think?
Favourite subject in school? - used to be English lit, but I'm a sociology/gender studies major now. but I also love Italian despite not being very good at it!
Dream job? - currently looking to go into academia! (scary!) but if I could have any job in the world, it might have to do with marine bio/conservation, or cooking, or writing, or an archivist of some sort, or a forensic entomologist, or someone who Sorts things all day, or-
Tagging (no pressure of course!) : @shiningsagittarius @never-wake-up @personinthepalace @xkurtwagner @hangrybluewhale @ae-jurumi @middle-class-trash @deeskip @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @papermillll @amysterywrappedinanenigma @nobody33333333 @sophieswundergarten @itsgoghtime @kneeslapworthy @oflightningandstars @rebecca-mbs-fan @phtalogreenpoison @crow-in-springtime @heyitsthatonesmolgay @lemondropletters
ok listen I know it said 15 but I got carried away-
that being said I definitely am forgetting people - if you see this, this is your open invitation to join (and I do mean that!)
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years ago
Greetings 🤗 can I have some CHAOS with the RK siblings please, maybe Richard is an unwilling victim or he can join in the chaos.
//I love this
Ultimately speaking, this was all Connor’s fault. He had been the one to suggest that Nines enrich his environment, and eating slime had not been the way to go, so he resorted to sabotaging Detective Reed’s coffee. It had more or less spiralled from there. Connor had seen how successful he had been with his torture of Gavin, so he had decided to see how much he could alter the Lieutenant’s coffee before he noticed. Silas caught on, and tried doing it to Allen. Nines for the life of him couldn’t figure out how that had turned into filling the Captain’s office with polystyrene packing peanuts. He knew it had originally been Silas’s idea, and he and Connor had meant to stop him. Instead they had been roped in and were now dumping bag after bag of packing peanuts into the office space. Pranks, as he understood them, were a sort of human bonding ritual and went over best if no one got hurt. This, he assumed was one of those. It was inconvenient, but harmless over all. Between the three of them it took about four hours to fill the office. Nines for one was impressed that they had finished it. When they had first started it seemed like it would have taken them all night. Now all they had to do was get rid of the evidence, wipe the camera feed, and wait. Silas had to go back to the swat compound, but both Connor and Nines promised to record the Captain’s reaction in the morning.
Nines’s favorite things about it was watching Captain Fowler get buried in packing peanuts as soon as he opened his office door, and the fact that his first instinct was to blame Gavin. It seemed like before now he was the expert on office pranks. Nines sent his recorded video to Silas and went about his case work for the day until they were called into the Captain’s now empty office at the end of the day. “Do either of you know who did this.” He gestured to the office space, “The camera feed was cleared so I’m thinking an android was involved.” Connor went on red for a moment, “You’re off the mark by about three. It was Silas’s idea. Well, Allen’s actually. Rookie tradition he said.” Nines was expecting the Captain to be annoyed, instead he just laughed, “In that case I have a job for you two.”
(Prompt from this list) @rinoalionhart ​
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 years ago
About Last Night (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Mpreg AU)
"Did you like the Carmichael's old house?" Mandy asked, picking up a steak, peppers, and potato kabob.
Pausing his chewing, Steve asked, "Which one was that?"
"The white one with the basement suite," Bucky said, wiping his mouth.
"Oh," Steve nodded, "I didn't like it. It was too big."
Mandy nodded, typing something on her phone. "What about the –"
"Guys, no business talk at the table, please," Winnie suggested, setting down a bowl of macaroni salad.
Steve's stomach roiled and Bucky moved the bowl to the other side of the outdoor dining table. Putting some more veggies on his plate, Steve wondered if Squirt would keep the habit after he evacuated his womb. He hoped he would. It'd make it easier on Steve, if he did.
"We should open presents," Harper excitedly suggested.
Leaning over, Bucky kissed her cheek while George agreed with the eight year old, "Sounds like a marvelous idea."
Butterflies took up room in his gut while Squirt squirmed in his womb. Sure, the pair probably could've waited to give each other Father's Day gifts until Squirt was there in their arms. But Steve had a plan. And he hoped that this time, it went better than the gender reveal cake roll did.
"You already opened gifts," Camila reminded her younger cousin.
"So?" Harper looked over at Becca and Dum Dum's middle daughter, "I didn't open Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky's."
"She's got ya there, Mil," Silas good-naturedly mocked, and Violet laughed at her sister.
Standing from his seat at the table, Bucky grabbed their gift bags. Handing George the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bag, Silas a pink bag, and Dum Dum an orange bag, Bucky walked back to his seat. As he handed Harper the shiny purple bag, he sat down in between her and Steve. Sliding the green bag over to Steve, the omega graciously accepted it.
Since Bucky had handed out the presents that they brought, the other family members went to get the ones they brought. For a moment, Steve sat there, wondering if he should wait to open his fit. Even though he preferred not being the center of attention.
Glancing over at Bucky, Steve found that Harper had torn through her gift and was playing with her, Frozen II pre-made slime. She wasn't the only one though as George had opened his photo frame covered in metal nuts with the saying, "we're nuts about you," and containing a picture of Bucky and his sisters inside. So, Steve pulled tissue paper out of the bag. Lots of tissue paper. So much tissue paper that he gave Bucky an annoyed look. The brunet simply grinned at him. Steve noticed that he wasn't opening the gift that he gave him and he paused.
Only, Bucky encouraged him to continue, so he did. Finding a green ceramic mug, Steve's brows furrowed when he came face-to-face with the blank side. Turning it around though, Steve found a picture of a dinosaur with, papasaurus, beneath the image.
Steve leaned over to kiss Bucky, "Thank you."
"Of course," Bucky smiled.
When Bucky made no move to open his gift, Steve's eyes started to well with tears as his hormones got the better of him, "Aren't you going to open yours?"
Swooping in, Bucky kissed Steve's cheek, reassuring, "Just wanted to see your face, first."
Steve sniffled and picked up another piece of broccoli. Chewing on it, Steve's heart raced as Bucky started pulling glittery purple tissue paper out of the plain, brown paper gift bag. Lifting the frame from the bag, Steve carefully watched Bucky's expression as he looked over the twenty weeks sonogram and silently read:
This Father's Day
I'm all snuggled up in papa's tummy.
But next year
I'll be cuddled up in your arms.
Lots of love from your Squirt.
With tears filling his eyes, Bucky leaned over to kiss Steve. A sweet chaste kiss before he hugged Steve and sniffled, "Thank you, honey. I love it."
"I'm glad," Steve smiled, kissing his cheek. I love you.
As Bucky marked Squirt, he quietly suggested, "Zachary?"
Pulling back, Steve scrunched his face at Bucky, earning a soft chuckle from the alpha. As he reached for more food, he noticed Winnie holding a large box out to him, he asked, "Is that for me?"
"Yes, sir," Winnie confirmed, handing him the box. Passing it to Bucky, Winnie stopped him, "It's for both of you –" then corrected "– well, for Squirt."
Bucky grinned, "I think I know what this is."
"Oh, is that right?" Winnie challenged with a large smile and a wink.
Lifting the lid, Steve looked into the box and found a green blanket. Pulling out the blanket, Steve opened it up to find that it was a quilt. But not just any quilt, some of the squares were made from old clothing with cute animals embroidered on them and, "I Love Daddy."
"Bucky's old baby clothes have finally been put to use," Mandy teased.
"Wasn't sure they ever would be," Becca joked.
Steve sniffled, fighting back tears as he laughed at his could-be in-laws roasting his baby's father before telling Winnie, "Thank you."
"Of course, sweetie," Winnie assured, giving his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"It's a tradition for us," George explained. "We saved baby clothes from all our kids and when they had kids, we made them into a quilt."
"It's beautiful," Steve sniffled. As the tears flowed down his face, he excused himself, "I'll be right back. Thank you."
Heading for the half-bath, Steve emptied his bladder and cleaned himself up. Typical to the kind of alpha Bucky was, it didn't take long for him to knock on the door to check on Steve. Steve pulled him in, just wanting to hug him. Feel him close. Well, as close as he could with Squirt between them.
Then, because of all the love he was feeling and how he couldn't take all this waiting for Bucky to say it first, he stood on his tiptoes and whispered, "I love you."
Pulling back, Bucky studied Steve for a moment before asking, "You do?"
"Yeah," Steve good-humoredly scoffed, shoving Bucky's shoulder as he teased, "Now, ya gonna say you love me too or what?"
Affectionately grinning, Bucky asked, "How long have you known?"
"Technically, the night we looked at pictures. I heard you say it when you thought I was asleep," Bucky blushed, and Steve adored him, this affectionate man in front of him. Adding, "But if I think about it, I'd say, 'I always knew.'"
Gleefully, Bucky chuckled and shook his head. Ducking down, he kissed Steve's neck before reaching his ear and whispering, "I love you too."
With their foreheads pressed together, Steve stroked Bucky's neck and said, "Happy Father's Day."
Bucky took his flesh hand off Squirt to caress Steve's face and repeated, "Happy Father's Day, doll."
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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myhusbandsasemni · 4 years ago
The Hospital - Underground Hero
The snip before this
CW: Hospital, heart issues
Waking up wasn’t usually a fun experience, but this time it felt glorious to wake up. Silas woke laying down, for starters. He hadn’t laid down in over three weeks. There was nothing stabbing into his back or wrists, he was safe. He recognized the sounds of the hospital machines, a sound all heroes were intimately familiar with. His always fizzled occasionally as his powers tended to send static down the lines every few minutes. The only thing that was causing him a bit of nervousness was the tightness in his chest. He could tell something was still wrong there.
He cracked his eye open to see who was sitting next to his bed, though he assumed from the snore that it was Sam. Sure enough, the director of heroes was propped in a chair, mouth wide as he snored. His back was going to kill him for the next several days.
“Sam?” Silas managed groggily. Sam jerked awake with a snort that made Silas smile a little.
“Silas! You’re awake,” Sam exclaimed, repositioning his glasses on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“Weird. I’m sore. And… I think something’s wrong with my heart?”
Sam sighed. “There is. You’re heart’s giving up. And pacers won’t work with your electricity power. I think…. You might not be able to do hero work anymore.”
“But…. Foxfire said I needed to help her….. Wait!” Silas craned his neck, trying to find the blue blob. “Where is she? Don’t tell me she wasn’t real.”
Silas winced at a pain in his chest and Sam shushed him. “Calm down. She? What ‘she’?”
“Foxfire,” Silas gasped. “The blue slime thing that was with me. Please, was she real?”
Sam hesitated. “Silas…. She was.”
Silas heaved a sigh of relief, his heart monitor slowing down. “Sam, I need to see her.”
“Silas, we don’t know what she is yet. She could be an enemy intelligence gatherer or something,” the director said with a shrug.
Silas turned his head with a glare. “Sam, so help me, you’re going to bring her to me right now or I’m going to get up and go find her.”
“You’re tired and-”
“Don’t tell me I’m delirious. Bring Foxfire to me now before you make me get out of bed to go look for her.”
Sam sighed and Silas laid back on the bed. He took slow breaths as Sam left the room. The hero hoped his friend would come back quickly. He didn’t say it out loud but he could tell he didn’t have much time before his heart needed a guide. And since technology wouldn’t work, he needed Foxfire who had proved she could help.
Sam came back with a box covered in a cloth. He pulled the cloth off to reveal the sealed glass cage with Foxfire in it. She had been quivering in the corner, but as soon as she noticed Silas, she pressed herself to the glass, trying to reach him.
“Silas…” Sam said, watching her push at the glass and crawl around like some sort of one celled microbe brought to a much much larger size.
“Let her out,” Silas said, trying not to gasp. Sam noticed his heart monitor start to go wonky. “Silas!”
“Let her out!” Silas repeated, trying to slow down his breathing.
Sam flipped the top off and Foxfire flung herself  through the air before pushing the blankets down and glueing herself to his chest. She started glowing at intervals, like a heartbeat. It only took a moment for Silas’s heart to start following her lead.
He took a slow breath and he could hear her humming again. Sam apparently heard it too because he took a nervous step back.
“Foxfire,” Silas whispered.
The little slime seemed to perk up to see him better.
‘They kept me in a cage,�� she said into his mind. ‘They looked at me. I was scared.’
“I’m sorry,” Silas said to her. “I’ll keep you safe.” He put his hand on top of her and laid his head back, his eyes slowly sliding closed. The two of them slipped into sleep without acknowledging Sam. The director shook his head, pushing the thought of how bad this probably was going to end up being, and covered them both in the blanket before leaving to go find some coffee.
When Silas was strong enough, the doctor had the hero stand up, do some moving around, and checked his heart. Silas’s muscles had atrophied in captivity but he knew how to build them back up safely. He needed training with Firefox anyways. Speaking of whom, the blob was squished in a hospital cup, pretending to be a blue smoothie while the doctor looked Silas over. Neither of them wanted anyone except Sam to know they were planning on working together.
The doctor sighed and let Silas sit back down on the bed, panting a little.
“Silas, I’m going to have to put you in recovery for a week or two. I don’t want to release you until I think your heart is strong enough. As you know, due to your power, a pacer won’t work, so you’ll have to follow a specific diet, exercise program, and you’re going to have to retire. If you go out trying to be a hero, your heart will give out and you will die.”
Silas bowed his head, acting more upset than he was. He was going to miss being Silas the hero, out in public, not having to worry about hiding his ability, but he was still going to be a hero. Foxfire would be his pacer and they would continue their hero work.
“I kind of knew I’d have to retire,” he sighed. He allowed a quiver to enter his voice as he said, “And anyways, I can still consult and retirement pay for heroes is good.”
The doctor nodded. “I leave you to it, then. You’ll be moved to physical therapy tomorrow. Have a good day.”
Silas nodded, looking into the distance.
When the doctor closed the door, Silas reached to pour Foxfire out of the cup and into his hand. “Text Sam and let him know I need him here, please,” he told her, letting her slip under his shirt to help his heart again.
She purred and there was a bloop noise to indicate she sent the text.
Silas cuddled her and laid back on the bed. It wasn’t too long before Sam made it to the room. He frowned slightly when he saw Foxfire, but turned his attention to his best friend. “What did you need?”
“I need to retire,” Silas said with a smile. “And then come back as a new hero.”
“Silas, your heart is going to give out if you go back to hero work, secret or not.”
“I’ll be fine,” the hero insisted. “Foxfire can regulate my heart and we’ll be fine.”
“No,” Sam said firmly. “You don’t know if you can trust that thing.”
Silas stood up, anger flashing in his grey eyes. “I can trust her! I know it.”
Sam shook his head a little. “If you’re sure, I’ll believe you.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Silas stood up. He pulled Sam’s hand up and slid Foxfire onto the director’s hand. She turned her attention to Sam and purred reassuringly. She vibrated the air around her so they could both hear her as she said, “It’s alright, Sam. I want to protect him. I want to protect all that I can.”
She was open and honest. Sam could feel it with a surety.
“I understand,” he said softly, letting Foxfire pool back into Silas’s hands. She rolled up his arm and plastered herself to his chest under his shirt.
“We’re going to stay and recover for a couple of weeks,” Silas explained. “But once we’re strong enough, we’re going back out.
Sam nodded seriously. “You know what you’re doing, right?”
“Yes. I’m doing what I promised I would. Hopefully, I’ll be able to function as a more competent hero in my new persona. I promise, though, I won’t overdo it.”
Sam nodded. “Any ideas for your costume, then?”
Silas grinned and Foxfire burbled cheerful. Oh, they had ideas. 
Underground Hero Taglist: @doubi-ixi @my-dump-of-whump @thethistlegirl @writeblrfantasy @kactus-loves-writing
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jovishark · 5 years ago
1 for Silas please ✨
1. Holiday Headcanon (Silas)
holidays are a little different in the year 6065, but the year is still based off the 12-month gregorian calendar. the Crown recognizes the end of year celebration (a big holiday that spans the entire last week of the year) but thats the only one. everything else is personal.
silas is an alien, a Caelcottan (sail-cotton) from the planet Caelton (sail-tun). theyre closer related to amphibians and are born from eggs laid in warm swamps. all of them have tentacles of different colors, and your family is represented by the caelcottans who hatch from the same swamp as you. when explorers discovered that their tentacles and the slime they excrete were capable of doing different things (delineated by coloring- silas' purple is Incredibly rare, and pinks are even rarer. most caelcottans are green, blue, or yellow) they started hunting them for sport. so a lot of their planet is deserted and lots of their culture has been lost.
with that in mind, caelcottans dont have much of a community mindset. traditionally, they dont marry or mate for life, and its more normal for them to procreate once a year. the only real holidays are environmentally based, and celebrate the sustainability of the swamps, or mourn the ones that have dried up.
silas is a Weird guy for his species (very sexually active, loving, and sentimental) so he tends to celebrate any holiday he hears about. birthdays, especially. kind of a way to make up for his lack of celebrations growing up, but also because he likes making other people feel special. hallows eve, the end of years, valentines day, the cutting of the ribbons, and especially the crown week. this man Loves holidays like he loves his friends. if theres an excuse to celebrate, hes already got a cake in the oven.
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loveyourself-25 · 5 years ago
11/07/2019 (Independence Day of Me)
Why am I calling it an Independence day? Just because it was my first time to go out alone. Usually I don’t go out alone because first of all it is sooo boring. Coz I am person who seems always wanted to talk. But if I am not in the mood, I am way different. So yeaahh, going back to my story hahahaha. I am going to tell you my experiences being alone this day.
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So, I saw these toys. Because I wanna buy our baby (my niece) a toy. I was just doing window shopping. Hahahaha coz I don’t have a money yet to buy Christmas gifts. “Wala pang 13th month pay ih” Tegel nemen 😄 may balak pa po ba kayong ibigay??? Anyways, yeahhh so I am planning to buy just one of this. But I am going to look again coz maybe there are other good ones and new ones.
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Christmas is near guyssssss 🎄😂🥰✨sabi ko sa mama ko pamasko pero sabi niya saken matanda na daw ako para bigyan ng pamasko hahahaha 😂😂 I still accepts gifts or anything kahit na matanda na ko. Enebe yeeen!! 😂 beke nemen may gusto magbigay saken dyan? Hahaha
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I also went to Tom’s World. Coz I cannot thinl of anything to do. Hahahaha I am really soooo lost. Coz it is not my things being alone. So, eahc coin cost 5 pesos. So I bought 4 pcs. How much does my coins cost??? Hulaan niyo hahahaha nagpatest pa ako dito ah 😂 So I tried the claw machine thingyy and tried to get a stuff toy but.... as always hulaan niyo nakakuha ba ako or hindi?? Syempre waa hahahja lagi naman ganun ih. Daya talaga ng claw machine na to. Kahit saan ako magpunta wala akong nakukuha. Ilang beses naren ako nagtatry wala paren. Hayy nako. Feeling ko sa mga nagastos ko sa coins makakabili na ko mg stuff toys na meron dito 🤦‍♀️ nakita ko rin pala tong napakalaking teddy bear na to na nasa claw machine. Di ko alam kung pano kunin kasi ayoko ko ng magtangka pa. Sa maliit nga di ako makakuha ih. Eto pa kaya??? Wala lang cute lang niya. Never pa kasi may nagbigay saken niyan eh. Or kahit na anything na galing sa special someone. Ano kaya feeling nun?? Bigyan niyo naman ako hahaha
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So after playing, I went to food court to buy some foods. Coz I was sooo hungry exploring this new world.
Waffle (Belgian Chocolate) my faveeee ❤️ I love chocolates if you are not going to ask hehehe. Anyways it's 25 php dati 18 php lang yan ih. Bilis magmahal ah. Buti pa sila nagmamahal. Sana ikaw rin. Ayyyiiiieeeeut 🥰
Fruitas (Mango Flavor) Large size dapat medium lang eh. Kaso wala daw napamahal pa tuloy ako. Pati ito ba naman?? Hahahahaha (79 php)
Nakatambay pala ako neto sa harap ng ice skating rink. Dun ako pumwesto kasi... magaayskating kami ng friend ko (carol mae) maybe next week. So tinitingnan ko kung pano ang kalakaran sa kanila. Hahahahah di kasi kami marurunong ih. First time. Post ko dito next time experience namin dun hehehehe
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I also bought slime for our baby.. mura ih. Eto kinaya ni mommy (69 php) hahahaha I am sooo poor.
So yun overall experience. Okay naman siya. Medj naninibago lang kasi bago ih. Hahahaha i think mas okay sya kapag may pera ka. Para lahat ng gusto mong gawin may magagawa ka.
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With bloodied claws the moth creature shoves something into the slime yordle's hands; a deer heart that has a chunk missing. Someone must've gotten hungry. "Happy day of hearts."
Silas took the heart carefully in his gooey paws. Drops of blood soaking into his purple slime as he held it close. “Happy valentines day...uh...whoever you are. You look good. Who and what are you?”
//Super late on my part but I loved it so much that I didn’t want to let it go
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radiant-flutterbun · 8 years ago
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The Wedding
Previously: Tanzanite and Tiberius, The Proposal
(Note: Jedi was introduced in a rp)
Amaranthine couldn’t sit still. She had too much nervous energy. She still couldn’t believe it. It was finally her wedding day! She wanted so badly to run down the aisle right now and kiss her wonderful Izzy.
She tugged at her white dress and took deep breaths. She didn’t have much longer to wait. She wiped away some Shade slime from her mouth with a handkerchief she’d learn to carry around. She frowned.
Suddenly she felt dirty. She was Shade touched. Who wanted to marry someone who coughed up the Shade on a daily basis, let alone kiss someone like that? Even her pearl was forever black.
“Amaranthine, are you ready?” It was her father, an imperial named Royal.
She tried to hide her tears, but Royal had a keen eye.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
She tried to put a smile on her face “N-nothing!”
It wasn’t a very convincing argument.
She sighed “Ok… it’s just. I’m worried my Shade infection will ruin the wedding. What if I start coughing in the middle of it?”
“Ammy it’s ok. I could hold your handkerchief if it does happen ok?”
“But I don’t want to be the center of attention if it happens…”
“Then… I’ll be the center of attention. I’ll hide you.”
“You will?”
“Yes Amaranthine.”
“Oh, thank you Daddy!” She hugged her father and he wiped away her tears.
She peeked her head out the window. She was waiting in the clan lobby as the guests seated outside. She spotted her mother, Regalia a pearlcatcher who looked a lot like herself. She also saw her nephews Silas, Tiberius, and the youngest, Saxon. She saw her brother Rancar and a few other family members.
Other faces in the crowd included several guardians who were sworn to protect many members of her family. Tanzanite, the protector of Amaranthine’s soon to be husband sat awkwardly in her seat next to her father, Valerian. She didn’t seem to like being separated from her Charge so soon after finding him.
Amaranthine’s two beautiful sons were dressed up for the occasion. Sith was the older son and a pearlcatcher. He was dressed in a haunted flame cloak and other haunted flame accessories. His younger brother Jedi was an imperial like their father. He was draped in gold and pink silks with a pastel lace headpiece.
Most of Clan Ton Theon were seated as well, quietly awaiting for the ceremony to begin.
Sith moved down the aisle first. He carried the rings and he stood tall and proud next to his father. His brother followed next. He tossed flowers down the aisle with a huge grin on his face.
Royal turned to Amaranthine “It’s our turn. Are you alright?”
Amaranthine nodded “Yes! I’m ready!”
Soul, a light blue nocturne began to play an uplifting tune on his lute.
Royal entwined his tail with Amaranthine’s and they exited the tower together. They walked down the aisle side by side. Royal walked slow to stay at the same pace as his daughter.
Amaranthine could see her handsome Isra up ahead, waiting for her. He was dressed much like Sith, in a Haunted Flame cloak. She wanted to run up to him as quick as she could, but she forced herself to take a deep breath and continue to walk calmly down the aisle.
Sunlight, a small silver and yellow pearlcatcher volunteered to be the pastor. She was timid, but she had a connection to the Lightweaver that no one else did.
When Amaranthine walked to the end of the aisle and stood across from Isra, Sunlight took a deep breath, and cleared her throat.
“I-I bring you here today to unite the love of two noble dragons under the brilliant light of our holy Lightweaver,” She took another deep breath to keep herself from shaking “Groom Isra, Demigod of Silence and son of Ciar, God of the Night and Aiman, Goddess of the Moon, do you take Amaranthine to be your wife? Do you promise to be devoted to her, love and respect her and keep her safe as long as you two are alive?”
Isra stared into Amaranthine’s eyes “I do.”
“And bride Amaranthine, Lady of the Radiance and daughter of Prince Royal Lightradiance and Lady Regalia Shadowgrace, do you take Isra to be your husband? Do you promise to be devoted to him, love and respect him and keep him safe as long as you two are alive?”
Amaranthine felt tears welling in her eyes “I do!”
“You may now exchange the rings, a symbol of your vows,” Sunlight said.
Sith held of the box containing the rings and Isra took one and so did Amaranthine. Isra put Amaranthine’s ring on her, and she did the same for him.
“By the Lightweaver’s radiance I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Sunlight said “You may now kiss the bride.”
Isra lowered his head and his lips met Amaranthine’s. She gave him a quick hug and started to cry.
“I’m fine! I’m fine! I’m just so happy! We’re married Izzy! We’re actually married!”
She looked into the crowd at her family and friends smiling. She felt warm happiness spread about her like the rays of the sun.
She was home and she was loved and she had the best husband in the world.
She wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with Isra.
Honorable mentions:
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Sith and Jedi belong to @clan-stjerneklart
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spheretale · 5 years ago
SphereTale The End!
VOID Main Character
Angelina/Sila Important Character
Cromoros Violet Creature
XYZ Black Creature
N E X U S Simulation Machine
MIKERROR/Void walks to his school. Destroying the place with Spheres made out of his slime-like mass. He destroys it decompose it, wrecking it or make more of the Void-Mass by duplicating it with another mass. "This place is Useless. Boring. No one will miss this Junk!" Screams. Fear. Pain. Death. All of this in one place. Void is melting more. Now He doesn't have a stable form. "I will stay humanoid I guess. Feels perfect!" Out of the ground Tentacles appeared and destroyed the whole Park where the school was. "I have a idea. Why destroying this if I could destroy Earth?" The tentacles went to north,east,south and west. Mike flew high to space only to see his work. "Now it's done. Now I can delete it." He teleportet to the school again. Now it's a ruin no one will ever recognize again. A graveyard full of corpses. Full of Blood and full of Black substance devouring everything near it. "W-WHAT ARE YOU?" Void turned around and saw Angelina full of tears and Blood on her. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Void grew a tentacle out of it's back and squashed her. "Stop screaming! And why you ask? I don't know Sila. Why should I do such things?" "Oh Mike. Look at you! Now you know what we meant don't you?" Mike turned around again seeing Cromoros and XYZ sitting there. Grining and clapping. "Now you understand it. The Power you have is wonderful. You can do everything. You can create and Destroy everything you want. DO WHAT YOU W A N T!" "Yes. Yes I do. I had nothing to loose anything after all. I lost everything I had a while ago. Why E V E N C A R E?" Mike answered Smiling. "M-MIKE? NO! you aren't-" "Yes honey~ It's me. Mike. What's the Matter F R I E N D? You seem scared? Or in Pain. O H right! How silly I am. I'm squashing you. This should hurt alot." She began to Puke blood on Voids tentacle. "Ew!"`Void let go of her. She lies down. She couldn't move. But strangely. She started to glow up. Pure white. Then Void heard a Voice that shocked him. "Mike. Why are you doing this?...Do you even remember me. Remember US? Why did you forget us? Destroying the Place with your best memories?" "S-S-Sila? Y-You...That's why she's like you... she is you." "Mike. I said I will never leave you and you said you never leave me. Why did you do this then? We had such a beatiful time together." Void starred at Angelina. Sila? He didn't knew how to name her. "VOID! Stop listening to her. Do you know? She's a Traveller just like YOU! She could've survived against us but she just left YOU! SHE LIED TO Y O U ! Do you wanna end this all now? For a liar that will do whatever she wants. That's right MIKE! She did it to see how you would react." "Mike. Do you trust them... or me..? I love you Mike. Whatever you do I'll be proud of what you will do. But this isn't right and you know it. Don't be like your past lives. Carry on with the life you have! RESET This before it's to late." Void sat down. The Tentacles pressed more against earth. From the inner planet to the crust. The Earth was shaking. The worst earthquake ever recorded. "Come on pal. Give me a hug like in the old times and let's forget all of this." Mike reaches to Sila. "NO! Void. Listen. She wants to trick you..!" "Shut up! I need this!" And as soon they began to hug he noticed her hand. Deep inside he noticed that this will kill him. "Sila...I never thought I couldn't even trust you...I'M SORRY!" His Hand became a speer and his fingers became tentacles. He hold her Soul with his fingers and stabbed her. Silents. It's raining. "I did it to protect you...Everyone...I'm sorry...Mi-"Void let Sila go. She fell down. "Void! Now end this. Then We'll show you how you can esc-" "I don't need you anymore. You were tools for me." Void took his soul. It was cut in 3 parts. The one was his soul. The 2th cromoros and the 3th belongs XYZ. "Do you wanna know what I'll do with that junk now? After all... I D O N T N E E D I T A N Y M O R E !" "Mike. You damn sicko-" Mike shot his own Soul with a VOID Blaster. So strong that it made a Hole through the Earth. Void didn't die but so he became more Insane. The Creatures didn't die either. "Now we are F R E E ! Y O U F O O L-" "Enjoy your freedom b e f o r e I t a k e i t a g a i n." With a long and creepy smile he made his thinger to a tentacle again and took one of the Giant Tentacles that's crushing earth. He pulled it and then The Planet Disintegrated. It was crushed completly. Everywhere plates of the Earth flew around. It was over. "Good job Void-" He summond a Blaster as big as Earth and shoot. "See ya." Void left to the Universe. The Planet was no more. Void left the timeline. The Universe. Up to the doodle Sphere. "So this is the doodle sphere...My powers...I'm so tired. This cost me to much energy. I need to rest." Void then noticed a door. A door out of nowhere. "Maybe It's what I Think-" And as he entered it he landed in this giant space again. The machine is now only a crystal-like Sphere. (_HELLO_WORLD!_) /"T R A V E L L E R !" Void smiled. "What are you?" he asked. "I'M THE _N E X U S_" "What are you doing here? Are you god or something?" "Everything you know. Is a Simulation. Everything you will see. Is a Simulation and you could name me "GOD" But my Dataname is _N E X U S_" "What is this Place?" "This is THE N E X U S COMMAND OFFICE! From here I control E V E R Y T H I N G!" "Can I rest here?" " Y E S " Void don't know why but he hates the N E X U S but it seems that it don't control much. It's just...Simulating? After a few hours VOID went back to the doodle Sphere...
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ihearnocomplaints · 1 year ago
what are some of your headcanons for the dca? (and any other members of the pizzaplex)
also!! who is your favorite animatronic outside of security breach?
byebye now hehe
Okay. Uh.
DCA Headcanons uuuuuhhh (i don’t make many headcanons or like theories that often. I typically just listen to other people and go “yeah that sounds like them”)
Separate, sentient AI for Sun and Moon who can communicate in their head if they wanna
Both have the virus in different ways
Soft Moon soft moon soft moon-
definitely neglected by management and parts and service
Can exit the daycare and explore the pizzaplex, but sun just doesnt like to
Sun is anxiety incarnate (JUST LIKE ME!!!) and has a short temper and also very little patience
Moon is choatic evil, he likes to have fun and be silly (the giggly bitch) has all the patience in the world
They were originally supposed to move their eyes and likely their mouth, though i’m 50/50 on the mouth.
Obviously has a music box. Moon and Sun could use it before it was broken, but it was mostly used by Moon to calm the kiddos for naptime.
Uh. I’d say more but I honestly have no idea what headcanons really are i’m just kinda describing my brain version of them. (i suppose maybe that is what a headcanon is? I dunno. Again, I’m anxiety incarnate.)
DJMM headcanons (bc he’s my second favourite hehe!!)
Makes his own music (though, is this canon? I cant remember)
can’t leave the arcade (sad!!!!! cries!!)
Father of an unknown amount of mini music men.
I don’t really think him and the dca would be friends, as some people do. I do think him and frebby are friends.
uses a special kind of sign language (Bc the bitch has three fingers and a thumb, with six hands-) and noises to communicate.
I don’t make many headcanons for anyone else. Because my hyperfixation is on the DCA and literally nothing else.
as for the other question?
I need to admit something……….
I don’t know jack all about the other games. I’ve never played or watched anything with them. I think I watched EddieVR play Sister Location and that’s the extent of my FNAF knowledge outside of Security breach. So if I had to choose one from there I’d say baby just because I like her voice. Maybe Ballora because she slays.
I’ve literally only been in the FNAF fandom since Security Breach came out.
I HOPE THIS IS GOOD :DDDD I love getting asks hehe
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