#Mrs Beeton
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from Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management by Isabella Beeton (orig. published 1861; above from the 1888 edition)
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
Another Helping Of Mince Pie
Continuing the #history of #mincepies and explaining why mincemeat is called #mincemeat and where does #fish come into the story?
Cooks and bakers in the 17th century were keen to explore the potential of the mince pie, becoming ever more adventurous with their recipes. Thomas Dawson delighted his readers in The Good Housewife’s Jewel (1598) with a recipe for a spiced pie using the humbles or innards of a deer, while others used one or more of tongue, lamb’s stones otherwise known as testicles, udder, and tripe. Instead of…
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rmelster · 8 days
I cannot help but imagine book 2 / short stories adult Lawrance going around the market with a big ass Mrs. Beeton cook book attached with a tiny chain to his belt because he has never bought his own food and now he has too and has literally no idea of it.
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actaecon · 1 year
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
Hey! Thanks for all the work you do for us!
Thought this might interest you. This cooking channel on YouTube has tried to make some of the recipes from Mrs. Beeton's Cookery and Household Management!
In some ways, I can kind of see why Gabriel picked it up....
Oh thank you! :) The only fun fact I remember about the book is this: :D
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bindingwhore · 4 months
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Another of my Nanna's books; Mrs. Beeton's is a Victorian recipe book my Nanna used throughout her life. It's possible that her mother or grandmother had a copy; I never asked. Her copy was printed in the 1960s, and my mom and uncle grew up with it. I have not inherited this book; my uncle asked that I rebind it for him.
The book has an interesting history; first published as a segment in Isabella Beeton's husband Samuel Beeton's publication, it wasn't published as a book until 1861. It was an instant best-seller.
Mrs Beeton died in 1865, and a year later the copyright was sold to publishers Ward, Lock, and Tyler after Samuel Beeton fell into debt. The book has been revised steadily into the modern day.
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Caravaggio's Rome is My Rome the book I've been writing for the past 20 years
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When I first moved to Italy in 2003 I began researching, writing, taking photographs, collecting recipes, stories, experiences; I began gathering together the material that would become The Book, My Book
The book, my book began its life as "Under a Fig Tree in Rome", my love letter to the five years I lived on the streets, named after my first home, a fig tree on the Tiber Island.
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In first-person narrative I told the tales that weaved together those five years. A way of apologising, forgiving, celebrating, remembering those faces & places. An exorcism of ghosts of sorts as most of the characters i wrote about are dead now. My book is a memorial. A glorification of the inglorious. But it was no Kerouac. I printed and bound "Fig Tree" and placed it in my bookcase.
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My obsession with Rome remained a roaring fire in my heart after i left the city in the summer of 2007. By 2009 I enrolled in the history of art program at Birkbeck, University of London, graduating with a Masters degree in 2017, the majority of my credits being Roman/ Renaissance modules. I had learnt a great deal which made me aware that I knew absolutely nothing.
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In 2016 I began writing about Rome again, but from a different angle. My boyfriend had a rickshaw which he used to transport tourists around the city. I realised the rione of Rome I had lived in & written about in The Book, My Book was also the backdrop of Michael Merisi da Caravaggio's twelve years in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century.
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I began to draw different lines on the same map, joining dots, making connections. I wrote another book, based on a series of walks in which you saw the paintings of Caravaggio as well as where he lived, where he drank, where he worked overlayed with where I lived, where I drank, where (and what) I wrote. Caravaggio's Rome is My Rome.
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The lockdowns of 2020-21 changed everything for Francesco & I. No tourists, no work. Required by law to stay at home, 25 km east of Piazza Navona, I began to explore my patch the city, Giardinetti, just off exit 18 of the Grande Raccordo Anullare, the ring road around Rome. My geography had changed. & then our circumstances changed too.
In December 2022 Francesco had a car accident that left him semi-paralysed. From the moment he was discharged from hospital in February of this year I became a cook, cleaner & carer. My Rome work became a Mrs Beaton-like grimoire of recipes, household management tips, hedgewitchery and notes on a nightmare commute - with a wheelchair - across the city relying on (extremely unreliable) public transport.
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My role changed, so my Rome changed and the book, my book gets re-written, again. More like a Cy Twombley painting than ever - scribble, scribble, scribble, WORD IN CAPITAL LETTERS, whitened, sanded back, text comes through the titanium white.
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pargery · 23 days
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the-goblin-queen · 5 months
It is well known that some persons like cheese in a state of decay, and even 'alive'. There is no accounting for tastes, and it may be hard to show why mould, which is vegetation, should not be eaten as well as salad, or maggots as well as eels. But, generally speaking, decomposing bodies are not wholesome eating, and the line must be drawn somewhere.
-- Page 95, Isabella Beeton, "The Campaign for Domestic Happiness"
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profamer · 10 months
Ingredients.—Slices of brown bread-and-butter, thin slices of cheese. Mode.—Cut from a nice fat Cheshire, or any good rich cheese, some slices about ½ inch thick, and place them between some slices of brown bread-and-butter, like sandwiches. Place them on a plate in the oven, and, when the bread is toasted, serve on a napkin very hot and very quickly. Time.—10 minutes in a brisk oven. Average…
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sebastianbenbenek · 1 year
Brytyjska kultura herbaty
Na jednej z herbacianych grupa padło pytanie, jak to jest z kulturą picia herbaty u brytoli. Padła odpowiedź, że chyba nigdy nie mieli zbyt rozwiniętej. Otóż istniała i to nie gorsza, niż w Chinach czy Japonii. Przed państwem, herbata po brytyjsku z domieszką ignorancji po polsku. Continue reading Untitled
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frimleyblogger · 11 months
Gentleman’s Relish
The delights of #GentlemansRelish #anchovies #umami #foodhistory
Sometimes simplicity is best. Take hot, buttered toast. The joy that it can bring was wonderfully encapsulated in Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows (1908), where a plate “piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb” sent Toad into ecstasy, evoking images “of warm…
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rmelster · 9 days
Isabella Mary Beeton, née Mayson, will never not be dear to me. She was intelligent, hardworking, gentle and warm to others in need; she had four children and buried most in infancy; her husband’s hubris ruined their lives more than once, and it is suspected that her difficult childbirth story and many miscarriages were due to him having syphilis. She worked almost without any benefit, and we all know her for her Mrs. Beeton’s cookery book that is used till this day. She was writing her cookery dictionary when she started labour of her fourth and surviving child, and died within two days of childbed fever, yet to turn twenty nine. She was a great human being and should be known past the nameless surname engraved in the cook books.
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almostoutofmilk · 2 years
just found out that a song i like may or may not be about brexit. lol. lmao even
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cryoverkiltmilk · 8 months
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petermorwood · 6 months
Words change meaning - another example.
@tartapplesauce reblogged my (long) post about Dublin coddle, which mentioned a weird version called "New World Coddle" using chorizo and squash.
TBH, my Mind Palate suggests it would taste quite good, but it's so far from traditional or even well-tweaked-traditional coddle that it's not coddle any more, and should have a different name entirely, possibly in Latin American Spanish.
Also TBH I've already amended the recipe thrice in my head, (1) chipotle powder not smoked paprika; (2) finish with a scatter of toasted pine-nuts; (3) restore the chickpeas mentioned in the Method to the Ingredients where they'd been forgotten.
I've already admitted to breaking the Dublin coddle rules by browning things, so all bets are off. :->
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(BTW, this wasn't ours; @dduane's spine and hip have been rather a trial this past couple of days, so we just took things easy and let the Ibuprofen do its thing.)
Re. coffee mornings, what about various tea-breads, fruit sodas, barm brack etc.? Those could be made either trad or tweaked-trad, and though I'm not sure how they could be made "dainty" like petits-fours and so on, I bet it could be done.
As for the changed-meaning word (getting there eventually) it's "notions" and @tartapplesauce added this link.
"To have notions" in Ireland is to think highly of yourself, often without justification - though if the justification is, er, justified, "begrudgery" will often follow. I've encountered "begrudgery" before, but this version of "notions" is a new one.
I have, however, experienced the Northern Ireland - or maybe just my family - version, which is "don't put yourself forward". This is a bad notion to have when thinking about author profile and book publicity and as DD can confirm, it took me far too long to shake it off.
On the flip-side, having notions can mean thinking outside the box, being imaginative, boldly going where no-one has gone before...
Um, got a bit carried away there... Right to the NYT bestseller list, in fact. Twice. ;->
Neither of those are MY usual meaning.
Whenever I use "I have a notion", either said or written in a post, it's either "I have a thought" with the thinking-intensity dialled down a few notches, or "I have a vague memory of", otherwise known as IIRC or AFAIK.
And the other OTHER meaning of "notions", the one I first thought of (maybe with notions of food already in mind) was this:
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That book was published in 1890, and the title, translated from Victorian English, is something like "Tips and Tricks" or, in more modern English, "Household Hacks".
There's nothing derogatory about it.
DD and I have both posted about Mrs de Salis in the past; all her books are what's usually referred to as "slim volumes". Here are six of them alongside Mrs Beeton's doorstopper:
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I inherited a copy of "Savouries a la Mode" from Mum, who inherited it from Granny, and we've made several things from it, all of which worked - though far and away the best so far are the Parmesan Biscuits, which are...
Well, "more-ish" is a good start, though it doesn't hint at the underlying desire to get in there with both hands...
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All of Mrs de Salis's books are Public Domain, and while we intend eventually to have a full collection of the Slim Volumes, they're also available as PDFs here.
I have a notion that anyone reading this Tumblr will like them... ;->
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