#Mr. Nurse
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tempest-toss · 2 years ago
Tempest Little Mister blurbs #3 (21-30)
Mr. Hunt The first of the new generation, Mr. Hunt was made for an action-packed beginning. Love of cryptids exploded when he was made, and so he was designed to help track down and hunt these creatures of urban legend, from bigfoot to the chupacabra to Mothman. He has recently suffered an attack that has left him unable to use an eye and has filled him with a massive mistrust towards people, especially if they were patches with a red white and black circular pattern.
Ms. Lake Ms. Lake is one of the more tragic Little Misters. Originally, she was made for edutainment. She had nice blue clothes, and her long hair swooped around and formed a small pond to house smaller aquatic specimens. Unfortunately while in service she stumbled upon a murderous couple dumping a body. Even though she didn’t know this, the couple lured her to the water edge and proceeded to drown and attack her, leaving her body seemingly permanently disfigured. *
Mr. Shadow  There exists a sign that is periodically found around the Factory floor. “Feeling a bit drained? Don’t forget to check for lurkers in your shadow!” This was made to remind workers of Mr. Shadow. Mr. Shadow is one of the few Little Misters to have an almost/complete lack of human features, and that is because he is 2D. Mr. Shadow is his namesake, and can travel from shadow to shadow. Can’t find him but still feel fine? Maybe keep an ear out for his low, sinister laughter.
Little Mr. Bone When Three left Little Mr. Halloween was feeling very lonely, for there was no one that could celebrate the spooky season with him. Enter Little Mr. Bone, A small skeleton that likes to play and receive lots of sweets! He is oddly well-versed in first aid, and will always be up for a fun game. Just don’t play hide and seek in a haunted house attraction, since he can dim his golden hues to blend in with the props.
Little Ms. Ghost  Scared of spectres? Phobia of phantoms? Little Ms. Ghost is right for you if you wish to get over that fear of yours. Despite her small appearance and her translucent nature, she was created as a personal guardian, and she will do whatever it takes to make sure you are protected by everything that may go bump in the night. Just make sure you never extinguish her lantern.
Mx. Clockwork  According to rumors, a human worked the clocktower of the old factory and got crushed. Since they were such a key worker, Dr. Wondertainment made them into Mx. Clockwork. Dr. Wondertainment has gone on record to deny this, and does not tolerate the spreading of this rumor. Mx. Clockwork bears a unique design, with a human “shell” that houses a wide assortment of gears inside that are constantly turning. It appears they are the inspiration of the Troupe of Shadow’s sideshow member “Gears”
Mx. Helium Lighter than air, the floaty Mx. Helium is always up for a good time. Usually not seen without their three large heart balloons or a weight strapped to their waist, you should normally find Mx. Helium hanging around the factory’s hangar space or Party Practice Room. They’re the most ditzy out of the Little Misters, and is often found stuck to the ceiling for misplacing their weights. Considering how much they bump into the ceiling, it’s amazing how their pristine white clothing is not dirtied up.
Mr. Silent  Sometimes one needs some time to vent to others about all their troubles in the world, and Mr. Silent would love to help you. Plain dressed, friendly body language and the inability to speak in any regard. Rumors of the workers say that his permanent silence is to hide a sonic scream that can absolutely shatter walls. This has by no means been proven, but it does seem like an interesting thing to think about, no?
Ms. Mouse Did you know that fleas are actually what spread the plague, and they rode on the rats? Well, not a lot of people know this, and blame the scampering squeakers. Not only that, but mice are viewed as vermin anyway, so how must this problem be solved? How about a person that has mouse ears? Ms. Mouse will be here to save the day! With a quick song you’ll see the mice follow after her like the Pied Piper. There’s totally nothing else about her…right?
10. Mr. Nurse War is constantly happening. People suffer from the outside world, and people take their anger or selfishness out on the Little Misters. Mr. Nurse was made to help both. With tired eyes and an equally tired expression, Mr. Nurse is often bustling around, tending to wounds on battlefields, civil unrest, and various other tragedies. He has endured much more than the average person or Little Mister. Scratch his messy grey hair, he needs some relax time.
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purple-plum-petals · 3 months ago
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I have no clue if anyone has done this yet, but here's my take on the various Homicipher characters and how they would react to you saying you want a baby (via meme format). Enjoy lmao. (˵•̀ᴗ - ˵ )
Also... I may or may not be working on a little headcanon list ranking each of the main seven based on how they would be as fathers so, if that's something up your alley, it might be coming out in the next week 👀👀 (if I don't get hit upside the head with the no motivation stick, that is haha... Finals are killing me).
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noxequusart · 2 months ago
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The discussion, nurse Chapel
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peanutheadedshenanigans · 20 days ago
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humans and humanizations ^_^
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scarletellafever · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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knizuu · 3 months ago
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Day 18: Panel/Page Redraw💜💠EEE I LOVE THIS SCENE🥺💞
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launa-moe-art · 4 months ago
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was gonna make a big doodle collection for this game here but i gotta wait for my new computer charger to show up x0 have these in the meantime!
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checkertrains · 3 months ago
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Bro a menace to every ghosts that’s within a 10meter vicinity 🙏💦
Template by shellaxoxo_ on TikTok!
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reggiejworkshop · 7 months ago
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"An Unlikely Ally"
Wakko: " Oh, we thought you guys didn't know how, Plotz. "
Whether it's incessant cooperate meddling, poor business choices from certain CEO's, unfair treatment to workers, to various shows and movies being removed or prevented from being seen by the general public, certain situations like this will spark a call to action, and a demand for change.
Such actions can draw a crowd of both people in and outside the industry, and sometimes people you would least expect.
With the Animation Guild negotiations underway, I thought this would be a neat idea to do! I normally don't do socio-political stuff like this that often, so don't expect this to be a regular feature, but as someone who appreciates cartoons and the work that goes into them, I felt compelled to make this exception!
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dharr5 · 9 months ago
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Doing more Adventure Time Human/Normal World AU design stuff! Here's Bonnie, Neddy, Peppermint Butler, the Gumball Guardians, and various other citizens of the Candy Kingdom.
In this world all the citizens of the Candy Kingdom are either residents or staff living and working in the historic Bubblegum Estate, where various rooms are rented out by the last remaining heirs of the Bubblegum fortune, Bonnibelle and Edmund (Neddy) Boebel-Gunning.
I think they all turned out very cute! :)
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anxiousrappitus · 3 months ago
It's so sad to hear that homicipher is going to have one last update and be dropped because of ungrateful and pestering fans.
We really can't have shit without a fan base harassing the devs
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lilyevansirl · 18 days ago
just got diagnosed with a chronic illness but coping by comparing myself to remus lupin
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danoiseisdelicious · 2 months ago
how do i remove him from my au
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evilstrawberry · 2 months ago
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Accurate or Nah?
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faewrenbird · 2 months ago
Homicipher Theory
I haven’t finished the game, so this is a developing theory as I play. I’ve unlocked some endings. The “happy” ending, the Mr Gap endings, the observation experiment, and Mr Hood’s route. So, this is just my flow of thought
The Ghost Apartments
What are they? What is this place, technically?
We wake up in a world that’s a labyrinth of concrete halls, dilapidated rooms, and rubble. We find rooms with couches, tables, beds���standard apartment stuff. But we also find rooms with hospital beds and operating tables. Occasionally, we also find ourselves strangely in what look to be subway tunnels. It’s established that we’re somewhere in Tokyo, but in some lower ward or spirit ward of it. Earthquakes change the layout of the maze nearly constantly. We find both modern and old technology. A TV, various telephones from different stages of technology as far back as rotary phones.
It would be easy to say that it’s all just random spooky environments but that’s obviously not the case because there are clear themes.
I suspect that the Ghost Apartments are on haunted grounds, meaning it’s not the building itself that’s haunted but the property that it’s on.
Ms Nurse wears a long white nursing gown and cap reminiscent of early 1900’s Japanese nurse uniforms. We can be confident of the time period because Japanese nurses wore blue gowns prior to British influence around the 1920’s.
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It seems obvious to me that there was once a hospital on these grounds, sometime in the 1900’s. This is likely the time period that Ms Nurse and Mr Silvair are from.
The late 1920’s is when Japan began to build its subway infrastructure. I believe that a subway must have been built on the haunted grounds (keeping in mind that haunted grounds don’t necessarily follow the zones/boundaries assigned to locations after they become haunted. Meaning that the boundaries of the haunted area might extend past where the hospital was built, such as a nearby road, or in this case, a nearby subway system).
Due to the constant presence of earthquakes in the ghost apartments, I think it’s safe to say that an earthquake befell the haunted grounds at some point, which I believe collapsed the subway system running near it.
Obviously the setting is fictitious, so this isn’t necessarily going to have real world parallels, but I did google and discover the Dakai Subway collapse of 1995, which was caused by an earthquake. This wasn’t in Tokyo, but could have been inspiration for the history of the apartments.
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So, let’s assume an earthquake caused both the collapse of the subway and the previously built hospital on the haunted grounds sometime in the 90’s. Personally, I think it fits, as we have some modernly dressed ghosts who I believe died in the subway.
Ms Blue-Clad, for example. I don’t think she died during the collapse, but suspect that she tripped and landed on the subway tracks, which is why she’s missing her shoe when we find her.
ALRIGHT SO. Earthquake happens, collapses subway and hospital. In place of the hospital, an apartment complex is built. The complex still stands but is abandoned from what we can tell. Maybe construction was never finished on it due to the hauntings. I’m inclined to believe it was completed however and that some of the ghosts were residents of the apartment complex, such as Mr Gap, the Bride, maybe more.
Maybe hauntings and murders were abnormally commonplace in the apartments, so its value dropped significantly and it didn’t survive a turbulent economy and shut down. Maybe something else happened, a fire or flood (I just haven’t seen evidence of that yet myself).
I think this timeline gives us a snapshot of the haunted territory and can give hints to the characters, who they are/were, and how they died.
Am I overthinking and spending an unnecessary amount of time theorycrafting over a silly little horror visual novel game? Yes, next question.
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flipjack · 4 months ago
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Betty Gilpin doing press for "American Primeval"
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