#Mr mistoffelees fluff
themostimportantnight · 4 months
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A "vibe swap" between Misto and Tugger *exploding head emoji*
Mistoffelees is now very picky and tricky; he knows he's magically talented and wears the title of Original Conjuring Cat *another exploding head emoji* with pride (GAY PRIDE, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!). He loves putting on a show and annoying the older toms by playing tricks on them. He's a very noisy presence within the junkyard, and has probably had a number of shoes thrown at him.
Rum Tum Tugger is now more reserved and prefers to spend most of his time off on his own (he already spends a lot of time in the actual show off on his own, so this works out just fine). He has a tendency to assume that people are talking about him, and often ends up mildly embarrassed to discover that they were not. He very much enjoys watching Misto get up to his magical shenanigans, and is always there to cheer him on. He takes great care in his appearance, and flaunts it upon being given enough encouragement. Munkustrap is so proud of him!!!! He's excellent on the bagpipes and knows just when to play them!!!
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flame-x · 2 years
The One Where Victoria Is In Denial
Summary: Angst and fluff. Lots of pining. Mungotoria aplenty. They drive Rumpleteazer crackers.
Warnings: discussion of past abuse (emotional and physical) and manipulation, discussion of betrayal, injury (not too detailed),
Apologies in advance to the Plato lovers.
“You’re staring at him again,” Rumpleteazer said.
“I am not,” Victoria replied, “Simply gazed over in a direction and he was there.”
“Then why was The Look on your face again?”
“What look?” Victoria looked at her childhood friend in puzzlement. 
“You get a certain expression on your face when you see him,” Rumple informed her from her place next to her on their favourite perch, an old couch about 6 tail lengths above the ground. The sun was shining and it was an unusually warm spring day. All around the Junkyard cats were basking in the heat. “You look at him and it’s like you’re staring at the moon.”
“I do not. And so what if I did?”
Rumple looked at her paws and shuffled them awkwardly. Victoria fell into a contemplative quiet.
She could remember the first time she saw Mungojerrie. He and Rumple had been standing in the middle of the Junkyard with their ears flat and their tails between their legs. Victoria had been awoken from her peaceful dozing by the commotion that had arisen after Alonzo and Admetus brought them to the home of the tribe. She still remembered how he wasn’t afraid to stand tall and protectively by his sister’s side. 
But she’d always found him irrationally annoying. Oh, she found him charming sometimes —there was no doubt about that— like when he helped her down a step, or when he danced, or when he assumed a protective stance over Rumple, but other times he was just downright annoying. It was absurd. Mungo never did anything to explicitly annoy her, he was just dumb and cute and good and it annoyed her to no end. 
But after the disaster that had been her relationship with Plato, Victoria was scared. She was scared to give her heart to somecat else. 
But… she did know he would make a wonderful father someday. He was kind, mischievous, patient, careful, protective— stop that! She huffed in irritation. Everlasting cat, she was starting to sound like Tugger talking about Misto! 
A giggle from Rumple brought her out of her thoughts abruptly. Victoria glared at her once she realised what the calico queenkitten was laughing at. “I am not staring at your brother.”
“You’ve got The Look on your face again, though.”
“Maybe I was thinking about the moon,” Victoria sniffed with great dignity.
“Or maybe you were thinking about my oh-so-dreamy brother,” Rumple muttered, not unkindly. The two queenkittens fell silent once more and Victoria focused on the scene below her.
Mungojerrie was chatting animatedly with Rum Tum Tugger about something. His paws were gesturing wildly (Which was something he did a lot. Not that she’d noticed, of course) and he was grinning. Victoria's chest tightened as she took in the way his green eyes sparkled with enthusiasm in the sunlight. By the Heaviside Layer… 
Victoria let out a sigh and glanced at her best friend. Did Rumple really have to bring that up right now? She’d been hoping to nap, but now she knew she wouldn’t be able to until she’d set her head somewhat straight. Everlasting cat.
Rumpleteazer was right. Victoria does love the moon. (As a kitten she had once sworn to follow wherever it went, which led to one worried half to death Munkustrap and an annoyed and worried Alonzo finding her nearly halfway across London on one foggy Wednesday dawn, but that was a story for another day). She loved the way it made her coat shine, the way she knew it made her eyes sparkle and her heart feel light. The moon made her feel beautiful, enchanting, and invigorated.
She’d thought Plato had made her feel the same way the moon did —entranced— but he’d mislead her. He had made her feel like the dirt under his paws. He’d been manipulative and controlling and she knew that he’d damaged her ability to be able to trust any cat with her heart ever again. 
Victoria wanted to be able to trust Mungo with her heart, her vulnerabilities. Everlasting cat, he was different to Plato, and she knew this. He’s a good cat. But the painful truth was that Victoria was too frightened of her heart being broken again. 
Then again… she was tired of being afraid, of always looking over her shoulder for Plato, of denying her heart what it wanted. I should listen to my heart, she realised.
Victoria let out another sigh, a happier one. 
“So you’ve finally admitted it to yourself, then?” Rumpleteazer asked quietly. Victoria looked at her wearily.
“If I say no, will you just leave it be?” 
“Fine,” the white cat sighed. “Yes, everlasting cat, yes, I have feelings for your brother. Confusing, overwhelming feelings that are much, much too soon.”
Rumpleteazer flicked her tail, not without an element of satisfaction. “That’s all I wanted to hear. Though I didn’t mean to upset you.” 
Victoria, who was well used to her friend’s odd ways, just let out another sigh.
Rumpleteazer flicked her tail again. Phase One of her simple, simple plan was complete— get Victoria to admit her feelings for Mungo to herself. Time for Phase Two, Double Whammy: Get her dumb brother to realise his feelings for her best friend while simultaneously making the white cat jealous. 
She glanced over at her companion, who was sound asleep. Perfect. Maybe even purrfect. The calico queenkitten cackled quietly to herself as she stood up before quietly stepping over her sleeping friend and making her way quickly and carefully down the rubbish heap their perch was on. 
She reached the bottom and immediately began her search for her latest partner in crime. “Cettie?” Rumple hissed. “Etcetera!” 
Munkustrap glanced up sleepily from where he was dozing on his favourite car boot with Alonzo and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “You’d better not be getting up to mischief, Rumple. It’s far too warm today to be dealing with your shenanigans.”
The queenkitten gave her best angelic smile. “Trust me, o wise leader, you’ll thank me for this specific piece of mischief,” She replied before scampering off. (Munk put his head in his paws despairingly, eliciting a sympathetic pat from a sleepy Alonzo.)
Rumple eventually located Etcetera visiting in the nursery. “Feeling nostalgic?” She teased. 
Etcetera stuck out her tongue. “What do you want, anyway?”
Rumple grinned. “Operation: Mungotoria is underway. Phase One is complete.”
The other queenkitten’s jaw dropped. “By the Heaviside Layer! Vic actually admitted it then?” 
The calico nodded. “Witnessed it myself. Phase Two is a-go.”
A wide grin spread across Etcetera’s face. 
Now, Victoria didn’t consider herself to be a stupid cat, but she could not for the life of her figure out what was going on. 
She did know she didn’t like it, though.
The queenkitten found herself tracking every little movement Etcetera made— every giggle, every time her lips turned up at the corner, every time she batted her eyelashes— at Mungojerrie. 
Victoria was utterly confused. Cettie, who’d never shown even the smallest hint of interest in Mungojerrie— Everlasting cat, she’d called him an idiot many times (but was it affectionate? Victoria was questioning all their interactions now)— Cettie was flirting with Mungojerrie.
And the white cat did not like it one bit. But she decided to play it cool. Pretend you don’t even notice, she told herself, act totally unbothered. 
She thought she was doing a pretty good job of seeming unbothered, but Mistoffelees had always been able to see through her. He stretched out beside her on the tire she was currently lying moodily on and followed her gaze to where Etcetera was still flirting with Mungojerrie.
“A few cats other than myself can tell you’re jealous,” Misto told her quietly. Victoria looked at him.
“Am I at least doing a good job of not looking like it?” She asked him grouchily, not trying to deny it. Her adopted brother would call her out on the lie before she could finish the sentence.
Misto tilted his head thoughtfully, keeping his gaze trained on the cats on the other side of the Junkyard. “A cat who knew you well could tell.”
Victoria sighed and looked back towards Mungojerrie and Etcetera again, “Great, that means Rumpleteazer can tell.”
Misto chuckled. “So can Munkustrap and Alonzo,” he informed her, looking over to his left. Victoria craned her neck around him and caught sight of the two toms watching them. Victoria groaned. 
“Is Munk worried?” The grey tabby was overprotective on a good day. Since her disastrous relationship with Plato, he was worse than ever and while she knew he only wanted her to be safe and happy, she wasn’t a kitten anymore— nor was she fragile enough for Plato to break her.
“I think Mungo is too far away to tell though,” Misto said with mock disappointment, shaking his head — but she didn’t miss that he ignored the question. She swatted at his ears, causing him to duck away laughing. 
He looked back towards Etcetera, who was currently giggling and swatting a playful paw at Mungojerrie and his brows furrowed with concern. “He seems rather uncomfortable.”
Victoria looked at Mungo in surprise. “Really?” The calico tom was too far away for her to tell, but Misto could sense emotions, she knew. 
“Yeah. Maybe we should—” Misto broke off as Electra appeared on the other side of the Junkyard. The queenkitten chatted to Mungo and Etcetera for a few moments before dragging the latter off, leaving Mungo behind. He shrugged and wandered off in the other direction. Misto and Victoria followed him with their eyes until he disappeared around a corner. 
“Well how about that,” Misto said after a few beats of silence, looking at her. Victoria said nothing, her eyes lingering on the spot where Mungo had disappeared. Misto shook his head and sighed at her. 
“I think you should give him a chance, Vic. He’s a good cat.” Unlike Plato was left unsaid. The white cat remained silent. 
“I’ll set Munk on you,” Misto joked, but still the queenkitten didn’t respond. Misto sighed again and dropped a swift kiss on her head before standing up.
“I wasn’t kidding, I am going to send Munkustrap over here,” he attempted one last time. Victoria just lowered her head onto her paws, still staring, seemingly lost in thought— but Misto knew better. She was trying not to cry. She listened to him leave, and if she strained her ears, she could catch a few words of a muffled conversation between him, Munkustrap and Alonzo. “Vic… Mungojerrie… fine… jealous… Plato again? …good cat, Munk… heart… protect her… I know… frightened…”
Victoria tuned them out. She continued gazing at the spot she’d last seen Mungo. Now she’d admitted her feelings to herself, she found herself constantly aware of his presence, and missing him when he wasn’t around. She was constantly keeping an eye and an ear out for him, content just to be in his vicinity and listen to his voice.  It was almost eerie how she was able to pick out his breathing and his footsteps from other cats. Her favourite part of acknowledging her feelings though— well, parts— were his laugh (it was her favourite sound) and how when their eyes met, her heart fluttered and her stomach leapt. 
Plato had never made her feel like that. Sure, her heart beat faster, and her tail tingled— but it wasn’t how Mungojerrie made her feel. It was… different. It paled in comparison to how she felt around Mungojerrie.
“Oh, Victoria,” Munkustrap’s gentle voice cut through her thoughts, startling her. She was half sitting up, lips pulled back in a snarl and claws out before she realised who it was. The grey tabby pulled back in alarm, paws up in surrender.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, Dove,” he told her. The use of the old nickname helped to relax her. Munk had begun calling her that when she first arrived as a kitten, and the nickname had stuck. When she eventually asked him why, he told her it was because she reminded him of a dove —sweet, pure, innocent— and of course, because of her white coat.
Her fur flattened and she settled back down. Munk lay down beside her, pressing against her side comfortingly.
“It's been a long time since you called me that,” Victoria said in wonder. Munkustrap smiled at her, and Victoria felt herself relax even more. Her father had always been able to bring her a sense of peace and safety unmatched by any other. 
“Well, to be perfectly honest, it just popped out,” he chuckled. Victoria chuckled along with him, but soon she found her eyes wandering to the spot where she’d last seen Mungo again. Munk, of course, noticed.
“Oh, Victoria,” he said again, nuzzling her head. She leaned into his touch. They so rarely spent time together anymore, when had that happened? 
“Help me sort my thoughts out, Dad,” she whispered. He’d always been so good at that. When she was very young and her head felt like it was exploding, when she was crying and banging her head on the wall or into her pillow and Demeter couldn’t get her to calm down, they’d wait until Munkustrap came home and he’d sit down cross-legged in front and talk her through her thoughts. If there were problems, they’d come up with solutions for them together. If there were worries, ones she considered silly or not, he’d reassure her they weren’t silly and discuss them seriously with her. She’d grown out of it as she got older— there was now no banging her head on walls— but sometimes her head was still a mess. Usually she could figure it out on her own, but this time…
“Always, Dove,” he replied quietly. He shifted their position slightly so he could look at her face more clearly. “Where do you want to start?”
Victoria avoided looking him in the eye as she pondered the question, instead choosing to keep staring at that everlasting-damned spot. 
“I don’t know… ask me a question?” she responded unsurely. 
“Alright then. How did Plato make you feel?” 
Victoria winced. “Did you really have to start there?”
“I have always been a direct and straight to the point cat.” 
“That’s a lie and you know it.” She snorted.
Munk smiled. “Perhaps.”
She sighed. “How did Plato make me feel? Mostly entranced, I suppose. Excited. They were new, different feelings.” 
Munk nodded and prompted, “And how does Mungojerrie make you feel?”
Victoria let out another sigh, but this time it was a dreamy one. “Different. So, so different. Mungo makes me feel alive in a way only dancing under the Jellicle moon does. I— I can’t even begin to describe it. How I felt around Plato pales in comparison. I think— I think that was only attraction. Or mostly attraction, anyway. He was charming.”
“Too charming. It’s not your fault you fell for his tricks, Victoria. We all did. None of us suspected he was working with Macavity all along.” Munk broached the subject tentatively. None of them had really spoken about it. 
“But I should have,” Victoria whispered, “I should have. Everlasting, I was living with him.”
“He controlled you, Dove, it wasn’t your fault.”
Victoria felt the tears build up behind her eyes again. “How do you know? Maybe it was. It could have been. Maybe I’m working for Macavity.”
Munk turned her chin to force her to look him in the eye. “Dove, I trust you. I know you. You’d rather die than work for Macavity. I believe in you. What Plato did, any of it, it wasn’t your fault. I promise, and you know I’d never lie to you, Dove.”
“I’m so sorry, Dad!” Victoria whispered, tears leaking down her cheeks. “I’m so, so sorry!” Munk rubbed her back.
“It wasn’t your fault,” he repeated over and over, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have noticed. We all should have noticed that something was wrong, that we didn’t see you as often, and that when we did, you were acting differently. I’m sorry.”
Eventually Victoria pulled back and wiped her eyes. “By the Heaviside Layer, I had not expected to be talking about that when I woke up this morning,” She let out a shaky chuckle. Munk chuckled as well, drying his own eyes. The two sat in silence for a time, contemplating the situation. 
“Do you think it’s too soon for me to—” Victoria broke off, trying to find the words, “—take a chance on Mungo?”
Munk thought about the question. “I think the right time to ‘take a chance’ on Mungojerrie, as you put it, is whenever you’re ready.”
Victoria considered his answer, finding her eyes wandering to that spot again as she did so. “I’m scared, Dad,” she said finally. Munkustrap said nothing, a silent encouragement to keep going. 
“I’m frightened. I’m afraid my heart will be broken again. He’s different from Plato, I know. But he could break it in a different way.”
Munk mulled this over for a few moments before answering, “Or, he could love you with all his heart.” 
Victoria let out a despondent sigh. “I don’t even know if he feels the same way, Dad.”
“Do you love him?” 
Victoria hesitated. “I think so.”
“Then I think you should give him a chance. He’s a good cat,” Munkustrap said quietly.
“That's what everyone seems to be telling me,” Victoria murmured. 
“Well maybe ‘everyone’ is right,” he teased.
“Oh, shush.” 
Mungojerrie would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little relieved when Electra dragged Etcetera off. He didn’t have anything against the queenkitten, but by the Heaviside Layer, what in the name of the everlasting cat just happened? 
Shrugging, he made his way around the corner and wandered idly towards his crate. Queens are so odd. The thought turned his mind towards the young queen constantly on his mind since… well, a long time by now. 
Victoria. Etcetera was… a character, for sure, but she didn’t hold a candle to Victoria. Victoria, who was as gentle as she was graceful. Kind, beautiful (inside and out, might he add), Victoria, who didn’t deserve what that bastard Plato had done to her. 
Mungo’s head snapped up suddenly as he caught the scent of his sister. Rumple slinked around a rubbish heap towards him and he waved his tail in greeting. 
“Flirting with Etcetera, I see?” She said smoothly, falling into step beside him.
“Not even a ‘Hello, how are you?’ then?” Mungo huffed. Rumple smirked. 
“Hello, how are you? Flirting with Etcetera, I see?” 
Mungo rolled his eyes. “Is that what it was? I just thought she was being weird.” Rumple closed her eyes in frustration, but as even Mungo knew, walking with your eyes shut is never a good idea. 
“Ouch!” The queenkitten hissed, stubbing her toe on a stray rock. 
“You okay?” Mungo was a few paces ahead of her, looking back. She looked up from where she was examining her foot gingerly. 
“I’ll be fine.” They continued walking in companionable silence, but Mungojerrie could feel impatience radiating off her. He stopped again and stared at her.
“Just spit it out, Teaz.”
The young queen bit her lip, but then just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “You’re so oblivious, Mungo!” She exclaimed, arms flung out.
Mungo blinked at her. “Come again?”
Rumple exploded. “You’re oblivious! Couldn’t you tell Etcetera was flirting with you? Didn’t you realise that Vic was jealous out of her mind? Do you even know she’s head over tail for you? Isn't it obvious to you that you feel the same way? Even the rats and mice can tell!”
Mungo blinked again, in surprise. “What- you think Victoria feels the same way? About me?”
Rumple’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Wait, you've realised how you feel about Vic?”
Mungo chuckled and put his arm around Rumple’s shoulders and pulled her forward. “I’ve known how I feel about Victoria for a long time now, Teaz. I never said anything because, well, she never noticed me. She saw me as her best friend’s brother. In fact, I didn’t think she liked me very much. But then Plato happened and well… you know.”
Rumple snorted, ducking out from under his arm. “Vic’s been in denial the entire time. She stares at you, you know.”
“I thought she was thinking about her third name,” he said, head tilted in bafflement. 
Rumple sighed and shook her head. “No, my poor, sweet, oblivious brother. She was just plain staring, Jer.”
“Yeah.” They continued walking in silence, until Rumple (predictably) broke it. 
“I think you should tell her.”
“Absolutely not!”
“But why?!” Mungo could tell his sister’s patience was wearing thin.
“Many reasons. Surely it’s too soon for her after Plato, right?”
Rumple stopped and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Mungo, Mungo, Mungo. First of all, you do not get to make that decision for her. Maybe she’s ready, maybe she’s not. Second of all, don’t let your fears get in the way of something you truly want. Finally, believe me when I say that cat is head over tail for you.”
He was silent for a moment, considering. But I’m scared I’m not good enough for her. 
“Of course you’re good enough for her, you doofus!” Rumple exclaimed, and he realised he’d said that part out loud.
“But I’m not, Teaz,” He said, pained. “I worked for Macavity. Do you really think she needs me as a living reminder of what she suffered through with Plato?”
“So did I! Do you think she holds it against me?” Mungo opened his mouth to reply, but Rumple didn’t let him.
“No! No she doesn’t. So what would make it different for you?” So many things. I’m not good enough for her, she could reject me, I’d be scared to lose her, I don’t want to ruin the friendship we do have— 
Again, Rumple didn’t let him answer. “Please Mungo. Say you’ll tell her, please. For both of your sakes.” It was so rare he heard Rumpleteazer beg for anything, he almost immediately agreed. They stopped outside his den and leaned against it.
“I love her, you know,” he told her quietly, “I have for a long time. Since before Plato.” He leaned his head against the old oven and shut his eyes. “She’s so elegant and beautiful. When she smiles, I smile too. She’s quiet and shy, and she doesn’t laugh that often, but you can tell when she’s amused by the way her eyes sparkle and the left one crinkles as the corner of her lips turn up.” He chuckled, knowing Rumple was probably making a face of disgust at his sappiness. 3, 2, 1…
“Gross. All everlasting, you’re a pair of romantic saps. Practically perfect for each other.” There it is.
“Charming.” He said, opening his eyes and turning to look at her. As predicted, she looked unimpressed. 
“What have you got to lose in telling Vic you love her?”
“I could lose her.”
“But… are you sure?” Mungo asked quietly, nervously. Rumple’s eyes softened.
“Yes, Jer, I’m sure. I pawmise you.” She grinned at his subsequent groan. 
“Is now really the time for puns, Teaz?”
“It’s always the time for fur puns.”
He bit his lip. “Cats would talk. Cats do talk about us. I don’t want to bring Vic into that. The last thing I would want for her is the whispers, the mistrust.”
Rumple smiled sadly at him. “You forget she already went through that when Plato’s betrayal was exposed. The whispers, the looks, the mistrust, everything. She’s tougher than she looks, you know.”
“Knowing that they would talk about her like that makes me sick,” Mungo murmured, “She’s never been anything but loyal.”
“I know, I know,” She said, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. “But cats talk. We all love a bit of gossip now and then.” 
Mungo chuckled. “That we do.” Maybe Rumple’s right. 
A few days later, Victoria’s tail was twitching nervously. The brief warmth of the last few days had dissipated, bringing the usual April rain. The Junkyard was mostly empty, but when she did see a cat, they were usually dashing from one place to another with their paws covering their heads, sheltering themselves from the seemingly neverending downpour. 
But apparently not Mungojerrie. Her tail twitched nervously again. No, he was hurrying towards her secluded little spot, nestled nicely into a junkpile so she was protected from the rain. Ever since Rumple had forced her to admit her feelings to herself, she’d been awkward in the tom’s presence. But why is he coming over to me now? He’s hardly coming to confront me about that right now. Shouldn’t he be sheltering somewhere like everycat else?
She watched him approach until he was in earshot. “What brings you out in this weather?” 
Mungo ducked into her nook and shook himself off hastily. Victoria huffed as some of the drops landed on her coat. “There isn’t really enough room in here for two, Mungo.” 
The calico tom looked her in the eye for the first time since he’d arrived. He looked uncharacteristically serious, she noted. She also noticed he didn’t sit down, and in fact seemed worried. “It’s Alonzo,” he said gravely, “He’s been injured. Munkustrap sent me to fetch you.” The next moment they were both out in the rain, rushing across the Junkyard. 
“What happened?” Victoria yelled to him over the sound of the steadily worsening downpour. 
“Macavity! Admetus and I were with him!” They skidded to a stop outside Alonzo’s crate. Victoria turned to Mungo and started checking him over frantically.
He gently caught her paws where they were patting down his chest desperately. “I’m fine, Vic. Alonzo and Admetus were the injured ones, not me.”
“Thank the Everlasting cat,” she exhaled. He looked surprised, but he pushed her towards the entrance to Alonzo’s crate gently.
“Go on, they need your help.” Victoria hesitated, looking into his eyes briefly before turning away and ducking through the entrance, leaving Mungo outside. 
“Is he stable?” She demanded, going straight into healer mode. Munkustrap looked up with relief in his eyes. He and Cassandra were sitting by Alonzo, who was unconscious in his nest of blankets.
“Yeah, he’ll be alright. Jenny patched him up. He’ll be ok.” Victoria sighed, the tension and fear lifting from her shoulders. Then she noticed the number of cats in the small space. 
“All Everlasting, how is he supposed to get any rest with all of you in here? Where’s Jenny and how come she didn’t shoo you all out?”
“She went to go get cleaned up. Admetus went with her. Few scratches, nothing serious,” Munk answered.
“Right, Cassandra and Munkustrap can stay, but the rest of you– out!” Tugger, Demeter, Sillabub, Jemima and Misto all filed out, the last sticking his tongue out at her teasingly. She turned her attention back to Munkustrap. “Do we know what exactly happened?” 
Munk nodded and turned back to look at Alonzo. “Mungo and Admetus told us. They split up on patrol —understandable, it’s utterly miserable out— and Macavity’s henchcats attacked Alonzo. Admetus was closest, he got to Alonzo before they could kill him. Vic…” Munkustrap looked her in the eye. “He said Plato was there.”
Victoria felt her stomach drop. She swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded at Munk to continue. The grey tom exchanged a look with Cassandra. “Mungo arrived after Admetus and Alonzo fought off the hench cats and helped Admetus carry Alonzo back.”
Victoria sat down beside Cassandra. “I’m going to kill him,” she whispered. If he’d killed Alonzo… she shuddered.
“Normally I look down on murder, but this time I’ll turn a blind eye,” Cassandra muttered. “He deserves it, and not just because of what he did to Alonzo.” She looked at Victoria sympathetically. 
Munk opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted by a groan from a stirring Alonzo. The black and white tom opened his eyes and fixed them blearily on his best friend. “My ribs feel like they’re about to… I don’t know, burst out of my chest or something.”
“That would be because you’ve got a bone deep wound there, ‘Lonz,” Munk informed him drily. The other tom groaned. 
“Plato, that asshole,” he grumbled. “He knew I’d go straight for him because of what he did to Vic.” Munkustrap cleared his throat and Victoria leaned forward so she was in Alonzo’s line of vision.
“Next time I’d prefer if you didn’t almost get yourself killed on my behalf, ‘Zo.” 
The tom cracked a sheepish smile at her. “Hey, Tori. Patched me up, did you?” 
The white cat sniffed at him. “No, Jenny did. Mungo couldn’t find me fast enough, but Demeter found Jenny.”
“You’re lucky we could find either of them,” Cassandra said, leaning forward. “If it wasn’t for Jenny, you’d be a goner.” Alonzo seemed to smile even brighter when he saw his mate. 
“Don’t worry about me, Cass. I’m tougher than I look.”
Cassandra rolled her eyes. “Not hard at the moment.” He pouted up at her. Victoria exchanged a look with Munkustrap. If Alonzo was able to flirt with his mate, he was definitely feeling much better than he looked. Then again, Alonzo probably flirted in his sleep. 
Munkustrap sighed. “Seriously Alonzo, you’ll need to work on keeping a clear head in future scuffles with Plato.” Victoria shifted uncomfortably. “What good are you to me —to the tribe— if you get yourself killed because you’re angry at him? You’re usually more careful than this!”
Alonzo frowned. “I know, but it’s just… the three of them attacked me anyway, so…” Munkustrap raised an eyebrow and Alonzo sighed. “Yes, I know that’s no excuse, no need to scold me. My temper got the better of me this time.” The two toms stared each other down before Alonzo eventually yielded. 
“Next time I’ll wait until Mungo and Admetus reach me before trying to rip his pelt off,” Alonzo grumbled, “It’s not worth the scolding I get from you, you mother-hen.” 
The white cat stood up and stretched, deciding that Alonzo was stable enough to no longer need the constant presence of a healer. “One cat should watch over him at all times, to make sure he doesn’t get feverish. If he does, come and get myself and Jenny immediately. That means an infection’s set in and no one’s going to get any sleep. I’ll sleep next door, Munk, is that okay?” The tabby tom nodded and she ducked out of Alonzo and Cassandra’s crate out back out into the rain. To her immense surprise, she found Mungojerrie waiting for her outside. 
“Mungo, what are you doing out here? You’ll catch a cold!” She ushered him into Munk’s den next door. The tom scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“I was waiting for you.” Victoria felt her cheeks burn under her fur, and she busied herself by sitting down and beginning to dry her fur. “Is Alonzo alright?” he continued, sitting down opposite her and beginning to dry his own fur.
She sighed. “The next few hours will be crucial. An infection is almost inevitable. It’ll be a miracle if he manages not to get one, considering how serious that wound is. Since it’s so deep Jenny may not have been able to clean it all thoroughly, and with the timeframe— well, we’ll just have to wait and see.” 
“We just have to wait and see,” Mungo repeated in a murmur. They dried themselves in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Victoria was still wondering why Mungo had been waiting for her. Could he feel the same way? She wondered, then instantly felt guilty. Alonzo nearly died today— because of your ex mate!— and you’re here fussing over a tom, she scolded herself. 
Abruptly, she realised Mungo was just standing there awkwardly, having finished drying himself. Victoria laughed nervously and finished drying her foot.
“Sorry, I got lost in thought.”
“So… where are Demeter, Jemima and Sillabub?” Mungojerrie asked, trying to start a conversation to fill the awkward silence. 
“Oh, they probably went to stay with Bomba, Electra and Etcetera for the night, their den is bigger. I wouldn’t be surprised if Demeter wanted to get Jemima as far away from Alonzo as possible. They’re close, and Jemima is probably very upset. Electra and Etcetera will cheer her up in no time.” Victoria yawned and made her way over to Munkustrap and Demeter’s nest and sat, curling up comfortably. She eyed Mungo hovering awkwardly by the door, and made a sudden decision. She reached out a paw and patted the space next to her. 
“There’s plenty of room, if you don’t want to go back out in the rain. Besides, aren’t you tired?” she whispered shyly. The calico tom swallowed audibly and made his way over. He carefully, hesitantly lowered himself, as if he was afraid she’d suddenly change her mind and tell him to leave. She snuggled up next to him as soon as he got comfortable. He stiffened and she giggled. 
“Much better don’t you think?” She looked up at him happily. He closed his eyes and rested his head on hers. She’d never quite realised just how much bigger than her he actually was. 
“You’re going to kill me, Vic,” he whispered after a little while, eyes still closed. She looked at him in confusion and opened her mouth to respond but he shushed her.
“No, don’t. I’ve spent a few days trying to figure out how to say this the perfect way. But I think what makes it perfect is when you say it, if that makes sense. The moment makes it.” Victoria held her breath. 
“Since we came in here I’ve been trying to work up the courage to tell you, and fussing over the words I’d picked out in my head. But… everlasting cat Victoria, I’m sleepy, comfortable and relaxed. I don’t have the energy to be nervous or to overthink it anymore. Vic… I love you. I have for— for a long time, now. And everlasting cat, Teazer can and probably will tell you about my doubts and insecurities about not being good enough for you. She’ll have a great laugh while doing so, too.” He opened his eyes and looked down at her. His green eyes were brimming with love and adoration and nervousness. 
“I can’t find the words to express how happy it makes me to hear that,” Victoria said softly, brushing her nose against his, “but I’m going to try. Right now, I feel safer and happier than I ever have in my life. I love you so, so much. I denied that for a long time— drove Rumple crazy. But I was just so scared, after Plato. I was scared you’d break my heart, but now I know you won’t. And I’ve never felt happier.”
Mungo rested his head on hers once more. “We owe Teaz a care package,” He chuckled. The chuckle reverberated through Victoria, reminding her how close they were. It was the best feeling. She grinned and joined him in his laughter— her favourite sound in the world. 
“Yeah, we do.” She purred. They enjoyed the moment for a bit, purring happily, until Mungojerrie sighed heavily. 
“I should warn you, you’ll lose the favour of some cats if you were to ever become my mate,” He said, lifting his head. She shivered at the cold from the sudden loss of contact. “They’ll talk, you know. Some of the older ones. And they’ll be even worse after this attack. They’ll question how I came away unscathed while Alonzo nearly died.”
Victoria’s eyes flashed angrily. “If any of them so much as imply you’re working for Macavity I’ll skin them.”
Mungo chuckled lowly. “It’ll happen. And they’ll talk about you, too,” he paused awkwardly, one ear twitching.
“Just spit it out.” 
He sighed. “They’ll talk about how both of the mates you’ve had work for Macavity, or have in the past.” 
“I don’t care. I love you, and I’m on your side. You left Macavity a long time ago. Besides, I can talk to Munkustrap about dealing with cats who imply you —or me, or Rumple— work for Macavity. There are some perks to having your mate’s father be the head protector of the tribe,” She teased him. Truly, she knew it was a serious problem. But right now, she didn’t think anything could bring down her mood. She brushed her nose against his again. “Stop worrying and let’s get some sleep, okay?”
Mungo chuckled again. “I can’t help it, I have someone besides Rumpleteazer to worry about now.” Victoria stopped up short. While she had a large support network of cats who loved her and she was close to, Mungojerrie had only really ever had Rumpleteazer. Sure, there were cats he was friendly with, such as Tugger, but he was only close to Rumple. 
“Yes, you have me now. And I’m not going anywhere. Ever.” 
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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toweroftickles · 1 year
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Magical Wake-Up Call (Cats 2019 Fluff)
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Cats, it must be said, are a lazy breed. This is common knowledge. But Victoria was not normally one to lie around in bureau drawers or on windowsills, sunbathing, licking her wrists, doing nothing. Well, except on her birthday.
Her & Misto’s human family had set up a simple oval cat bed, woolly in texture and faded olive green, in the corner of the drawing room and beneath the broad, white-framed window. Midday sun poured in and covered Victoria in a warm puddle of light, and you could see the dust in the air floating carelessly by the edge of her fuzz. A bundled-up peach-colored blanket served as a crude pillow for her while she curled into a comfy little ball, knees at her chest, purring contentedly.
Wow…she looks beautiful. Mr. Mistoffelees’ heart swelled. For the past half hour, a small beige-ish couch across from Victoria had been his resting place, and he was unmoving from a vulture squat.
He didn’t want to disturb her, not for anything, but he was getting antsy and impatient. It was Victoria’s first birthday with the Jellicles, and Misto was determined to make her feel like part of the tribe. With the help of Munkustrap - as he lacked organizational skill himself - he’d successfully encouraged everyone to do something special for her. Bustopher Jones gathered together a whole Jellicle Feast from his usual back-alley haunts. (Or rather, he’d enlisted others to do it for him and snacked on it during the journey over.) Jennyanydots knew how much Victoria loved her cockroaches and had worked out a last-minute mini-routine with them. The calico twins really went all-out, setting up a basket and pulley from an upstairs window to ferry the two above the streets and right to the Egyptian. Hopefully it would be romantic…that was the idea. But the longer Victoria slept, the more everyone else had to wait.
Maybe he could get her attention with something. Misto didn’t yet have any real, proper control over his conjuring tricks…his wand, his cards, and his dice were the only things he could produce with any consistency. But reaching into his hat or coat always seemed to give him exactly what he needed at any given moment. What would be in there today…a paper clip? No, that won’t help. A can of peaches…a flower…a rubber duck…
From inside his sleeve he finally pulled a huge, fluffy brown peacock feather, the kind of quill that some pretentious upper crust debutante would write letters with (or a toy that a cat would play with, were it on the end of a stick). It was the size of his torso and dressed in joyfully squiggly barbs.
He paused. A few glances, back and forth, between his arm and Victoria, and a lightbulb switched on in his head. Misto held his new toy out as he would his magic wand, grinning like a Cheshire, and silently tiptoed up to his mate. Oh, perfect…this'll be fun. 
The feather slowly stroked up and down the arch of Victoria’s foot, several times…it took a second, but the sleepy white kitten shivered. Her toes clenched up. There it was…a big smile.
“MmmmMMM-Hmhm,” a high-pitched giggle slipped out through her nose. Victoria snapped her arms and legs in like a beartrap around her makeshift pillow and struggled to keep her lips glued together. Her thin fingers clasped tightly at her sides, instinctively trying to shield her from further tickle attacks. Though she made efforts to hide her face, Misto still caught a glimpse of that pretty smile peeking out at him.
Now it was a little game for the both of them: for Victoria, to see how long she could pretend to keep sleeping. For Mr. Mistoffelees, how quickly he could make her laugh. And neither was intent on losing.
“Heh-Heh…come on; I know how ticklish you are,” Misto whispered to her, unable to hide his smirk. He had to hold Victoria’s ankles still as her feet tried to flex and squirm away from his giant feather. It tickled back and forth until her cheeks turned pink.
The soft bristles slowly traced across her pale soles…up her leg…on the back of her knee…her thigh…along her waist…toward her neck...every little brush made Victoria's shoulders tremble. She was a squirmy girl. Her tail danced happily in broad swipes like a metronome…tick, tick, tick….she wasn’t fooling anyone.
"Hmhm-Hm! *gasp* Hih-Hng...Nnnnnn," she whined. She was biting her lip, doing a pretty good job bottling her giggles, while the feather kissed her cheek and shyly slid up to her sensitive ears.
Hm…this wasn’t working. Time for drastic measures. Cracking his knuckles, Mistoffelees turned the quill around and scribbled its sharp tip, as if he were writing, in one of the little canyons in between his girlfriend’s ribs.
Aha! Got her! The white cat squealed quite suddenly and covered her face with both hands. Her flushed-pinkish ears sloped back in dreadful embarrassment.
“Heek! Ok ok ok, I can't t-hake any more…I pr-ha-homise to get up, please dohon’t,” she begged him, snickering helplessly. Her laugh had a wilting, musical sugariness that lured Misto in closer.
“Come on, sleepyhead...” Now that he’d won the game, there was no need to be shy. Misto wanted to look like some big, scary monster pouncing on Victoria from behind (just to be playful), though he was hilariously bad at seeming threatening…he couldn’t even manage a decent growl…and following a half-hearted hop, he awkwardly tumbled forward on top of her, snuggling her in his arms.
All ten of his fingers combat-crawled through the fields of snowy fuzz that coated Victoria’s quivery torso, up her belly and ribs, affectionately scratching her soft skin all over until he was tickling in both of her armpits. She wriggled desperately underneath him. Her insides warmed up like she’d just gulped down a mug of hot cocoa.
"Heh...I wonder who's having more fun here; you or me," the magical cat playfully taunted his mate. That just made her laugh even more.
“Heehee! Hih-Hih Hn…Haha, Ha-Ha!” Victoria giggled and giggled but didn’t want to stop, lost in the shower of nibbling kisses that peppered her neck. Her big grin was half from ticklish laughter and half from the sheer fun of tussling and wrestling with her boy. Pulled by her thin wrists, she was turned over on her back, breathless, trembling, and smiling sweetly up at Misto. Their fingers intertwined, palms pushing against each other, with Victoria unable to shove him away. At last she spoke, still a little giddy. “What’s going on?”
Suddenly, from behind her ear, as if he were retrieving a magic disappearing coin, Mr. Mistoffelees produced an elongated metal earring and gently attached it to her. It was sort of similar to the one she'd worn during her mischievous outing with the calicos – a tall shell shape of pearly pink-white texture, dotted with little veins of gold. She reached up and touched the jewelry when she realized it was dangling from her ear. It was a little big for her, but she always felt so beautiful wearing them - like a princess, she sometimes said. She was not vain, but it was a bit of a weakness for her.
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“Heh…ha-happy birthday,” Misto told her, blushing. She smiled right back at him.
“Aw…mmm, thank you so much…but…why did you have to tickle me awake just to tell me that?” She didn't want to be annoyed or upset with him, really; she loved how affectionate Misto was. But part of her couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that her nap was cut short.
“Oh, well, I…um…I-I had a lot planned. Everyone’s waiting for you.” Victoria’s ears perked up. “It was kind of a big deal…I thought we could do some really…fun things today.”
Slowly, Victoria propped herself up on her wrists, and before Mistoffelees could react, zipped forward and pecked him on the end of his nose.
Time stood still, freezing Misto in surprise. His tail curled into a candy cane and his nose turned red, and this delighted Victoria as she stretched out, yawned softly, and stood from her cot. She moved with surprising buoyancy; by the time Misto snapped out of his blip of a trance, Victoria was already across the room by the door and admiring her birthday present in a copper wall mirror. She turned the earring over in her fingers again and again, practically radiating from the inside. There was a twinkle of light all about her, not just from the noon summer sun streaking through her fur.
“Come on!” she called her boyfriend excitedly.
Well…I certainly wouldn’t want to keep her waiting. Not needing any further encouragement, the gleeful Mr. Mistoffelees bounced up and dashed over to her, and soon the two were gone.
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It was only in the trailer and not the finished film, but I always loved this shot of Victoria playing in pillow feathers. Not for tickle reasons; it's just cute. ^^
So apparently this is my niche now. This is the life I've chosen. I got this request (and finished it) a really long time ago, but I never uploaded it because I didn't want anyone to think I'm weirder than they already do. XD Don't worry, "normal" stuff is back on the menu soon.
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a-writing-otter · 11 months
Zu’zu wrinkles his nose in an effort to make the itch at the end of it go away without smearing the paint. He’d spent a solid hour putting together these theatrics and like hell was a stray tickle of his skin going to ruin it.
“A cat?” A voice comes derisively from his elbow. Zu’zu looks up and over and rolls his eyes at Y’shtola who is hiding a barely amused expression while she carefully sips at a glass of water from Zu’zu’s kitchen.
“Yes, a cat. And not just any cat—“
“Yeah, yeah, from that horrible cat musical you made all of us watch. I didn’t think you’d actually dress up as one of them.”
Zu’zu spins in place, using his hands to fluff the fur of his collar as his fake tail swishes behind him.
“You’re just put out that I look fantastic. Besides, what are you supposed to be?”
Y’shtola is in a long black dress of skirts upon skirts of different lengths and layers. It all comes to an off-the-shoulder spread covered in white fur with a clasp about the neck. The feathers from her ears and the staff in her hand are very mystical and he gets the words half-formed before Y’shtola cuts across him.
“I’m a sorcerer.”
“Yes. Yes, sorcerer. And you call me dramatic.”
“I don’t have cat ears.” She reaches a hand up to pluck at one of them before Zu’zu frowns and takes a great step away from her, batting her hands away.
“Don’t fuck with them, I spent a solid fifteen minutes getting them into place.”
Y’shtola doesn’t bother to hide her laughter this time.
“Did you rope G’raha into this?”
And no sooner does she ask than the man himself comes slinking down the stairs. If the tail could move, Zu’zu would have no doubt it would be between his legs.
“And what are you wearing?” Y’shtola asks, somehow more baffled by G’raha’s display.
“It’s a cat,” G’raha hopes to defend, scrunching his nose to likely fight off a similar itch.
“And not just any cat,” Zu’zu cuts across, darting to G’raha’s side to spread his hands in front of them, wiggling his fingers as he spreads them apart.
“The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees.”
“A magic cat?”
“The one, the only!” Zu’zu links their arms together and beams down at G’raha who seems to warm slightly at Zu’zu’s enthusiasm.
“He insisted that they’re boyfriends—“
“They are!”
“—and yet watching the whole show, I failed to see it.”
“It’s subtext,” Zu’zu dismisses. “Sure Rum Tum Tugger is a cad and a flirt, but he always comes home to Mistoffelees.”
“Should I worry about you running around like an unfixed tom cat?” G’raha teases, putting a hand over Zu’zu’s.
“As if I’d have eyes for anyone else.”
“Well,” Y’shtola begins, pulling them out of their moment before it gets too sappy sweet, “you two are certainly going to be over-dressed.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Zu’zu releases G’raha so he can fuss with his makeup in the hall mirror once more. “You don’t even know what Urianger is going as and what he dragged Thancred into.”
“Urianger convinced Thancred to dress up?” Y’shtola can hardly believe the words she says. “I thought only Rhyne could do that.”
Zu’zu shrugs.
“He seemed pretty content to go along with Urianger’s schemes and god knows that he’s more into Halloween than anyone would believe.”
“Almost gives you a run for your money,” G’raha notes, pulling slightly on Zu’zu’s tail and earning a hiss as he swats his hand away too.
“No one performs Halloween like I perform Halloween.” He gestures to himself and turns yet again like either Y’shtola or G’raha could miss what he’s wearing.
“See, you’re so certain, but you’ve never spent a Halloween with Krile.”
Zu’zu pauses for a second and raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
“What do you mean?”
G’raha lets out a wistful sigh, arms across his chest as he leans into the wall.
“She used to go all out for Halloween when we were in college together. The whole student floor would be covered in spiders and cobwebs and skeletons. She instituted a yearly trick-or-treat for the building, convinced the other floors to get into competitions to decorate doors and halls, not to mention the first Halloween party she threw when she had her own apartment…”
Zu’zu knew that there was a lot to expect from Krile, they were going to her Halloween party after all, but he’d expected low lights and some kitschy decor, but the way G’raha goes on…
“What is she going as? A witch?”
G’raha shakes his head. “Likely something complicated and only she understands from a book she’s read. She went as a necromancer from a series she read last year—black wig, bone corset, bone rosary, the whole macabre experience.”
Zu’zu’s frown deepens and he folds his arms across his chest.
“You should have said something! I would have picked something better!”
“Better than musical theatre cats?” Y’shtola asks only to be ignored.
“Zu’zu,” G’raha coos, coming close with his hands on top of Zu’zu’s and a cajoling smile. “She’s over the top, but this is the kind of thing people will recognize and fawn over. No one knows what it is. Everyone know Cats, even if only because you’re the one who showed it to them. They’re going to love us.”
And Zu’zu huffs, the spectacle made even more amusing by the way his tail swishes in the whole kitty getup.
“You’re saying that to placate me.”
“Is it working?” G’raha asks as he reaches up, holding the back of Zu’zu’s neck as he pulls slightly at the few hairs that are escaping the wig cap.
Zu’zu’s lips crack into a smile and he rolls his eyes even as he leans into G’raha’s touch.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.” Zu’zu’s heart skips a beat when he’s treated to the full force of G’raha’s smile, barely resisting the urge to lean in and kiss him (the makeup at least had to last until they got to the party).
“Are you two finished?” Y’shtola looks up from her phone.
Zu’zu huffs and goes for his keys and wallet on the hook before turning off the lights to the hall.
“You’re just anxious to go and see if Zero is there.”
“Perchance I’d like to see our friends and not listen to you two moon over one another the whole night,” Y’shtola shoots back, completely ignoring Zu’zu’s bait.
“It’s the risk you run coming to the apartment and catching a ride with us.”
Zu’zu grins and even G’raha shrugs as he steps out into the cool night air and to Zu’zu’s beat up four-door.
“Duly noted,” Y’shtola remarks as Zu’zu locks the door. “Next time I’ll just walk.”
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
2022 Fanfiction So Far:
Apparently when I get into a fanfiction writing mood, it tends to all pile up at the other end of the year, so thought I’d do a masterpost of sorts of all the fanfics I’ve written this year so far (as of October 5/6)! I’m gonna pin this and add to it when I remember. Pretty much all from Cats the Musical so far, unless otherwise noted. Putting the list under a “read more” as something tells me this is gonna get pretty long (must be muses making up for being so absent all year.)
First Snow - a very smol Mistoffelees experiences his first snow as a kitten. Zurich production, mute Mistoffelees inspired by Lindsay Chambers’ interpretation in aforementioned production from the early nineties. Rating: G.
In Profound Meditation of His Name - Once again, hi Zurich Misto. Features Tugger and Misto as kittens, with the former wondering if the always-silent Misto has a second name. Rating: G.
The Mute and the Maine - Tuggoffelees, inspired by Lindsay Chambers’ mute Mistoffelees from the early ‘90s Zurich production of Cats. Rating: T, with trigger warning for implied suicide ideation.
Of Bushy Tails and Quiet Mischief - As with previous, inspired by the Zurich production of Cats with Lindsay Chambers’ Mistoffelees. Tuggoffelees, with some Plato/Tugger/Misto that can be read as either shippy or platonic. Rating: G. Not my personal fave but it deserves a spot just as much as the others.
“Pretending to be a celeb” prompt - Modern day, anthropomorphic cats, with Tugger pretending to be a celeb while laid up in hospital. Misto does not fall for it at all. Mix of Zurich and 1998 Mistos (not mute--so leans more towards Jacob Brent’s Misto than to Zurich). Trigger Warning for Hospital Setting (but nothing serious.) Rating: G.
“Sharks in the water? Awesome!” prompt - Cryptid Mistoffelees (for once, not Zurich!) and Tugger, the latter discovering the former can feel how warm/cold a rock is for him. Rating: G.
Vibrancy of Magic and Hope - A “prequel” of sorts to “The Mute and the Maine”, set right before and very early into “Magical Mr Mistoffelees”. Zurich production, with mute Mistoffelees. Trigger warning for implied suicide ideation. Rating: T.
“Would you please just kiss me?” prompt - Tuggoffelees, set in Zurich-inspired mute!Mistoffelees universe. Rating: T, for mildly suggestive content.
Flufftober 2022
From this list of fluff prompts for October 2022.
Day 1: “Wearing Each Other’s Clothes” - Beauty and the Beast - Belle and Adam try on each other’s ballroom clothes because they can and want to. Rating: G.
Day 2 [alternate used: “Falling Asleep Together”] - Cats the musical - Jemima and Mistoffelees (Lindsay Chambers’ mute Misto from 1991/92) fall asleep looking at the stars. Ficlet, friendship fic. Rating: G.
Day 3 [alternate used: “Kiss Up Against A Wall”] - Cats the musical - Zurich!Misto as always - Tuggoffelees - A bit of catnip ends up with a kiss against a wall. Rating: T.
Day 4: “Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies” - Cats the Musical - Tugger challenges Mistoffelees to a spinning contest, knowing full well he won’t win. Rating: G.
Day 6 [alternate used: “Winning a teddy for the other”] - Beauty and the Beast - Belle and Adam are at a carnival when the latter spots a stall where he can try to win a teddy for his beloved. Rating: G.
Day 7: Movie Marathon - Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Tugger wants to cheer Misto up with a movie marathon at the weekend. Rating: G.
Day 8: Shooting Star - Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Mistoffelees texts Tugger at 1 am asking if he is also watching the meteor shower tonight.
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Phone lockscreens ft. the Asia 2020 Tour Cast - pt. 1/3
(Click and download for full quality)
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9 for mistoxtugger for rasing the kids
Who does the thing with picking up and swinging the kid around?
oh it's both of them. 100% both of them. When Hestia's a kitten, she's almost always being held by one of her dads, and that means she's also almost always being swung around.
however, Mistoffelees and Tugger do it differently:
Tugger just picks her up and whirls around, making her dizzy and giggle and scream with laughter, and they end up collapsing on the bed with Hestia sitting on her dad's chest giggling madly while Tugger stares at the ceiling and laughs.
Mistoffelees does it a bit more gently, as if he's dancing with her. Sometimes he'll do it fast, like Tugger, but a lot of the time he'll do it slower, with Hestia's head on his shoulder, and humming something softly under his breath. He usually does it at night when his little kitten can't sleep, and Tugger sometimes joins them, and they have a little family dance time.
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cryptidvoidwritings · 3 years
*kicks (a wholly un-kinky, sfw/sft, bit of silliness) into the void*
Day 16: Pet Names - 1100 words
The thing is, everybody has a pet name.
Some are obvious: Bombs, Cass, Queenie, and Lightning Bug. Jenny will not tolerate anything else... except when she allows ‘Dottie’ (to this day Quaxo doesn’t know how Tugger managed that). He still refers to Macavity as ‘Macca’ sometimes, he’s never called Munkustrap anything but ‘Straps’ as far as Quaxo knows, and he calls Jemima ‘dove’.
Some are more clever: Numinous and Arcane, Imp and Puck, Sir Pouncington Cival III and Et Tu (and really, when had Tugger ever read Shakespeare?), Cadence (Demeter’s reaction when he’d first call her that was admittedly very funny), and Miss Misc. He has even referenced Quaxo’s uncle as Uncle Brummell, though he has the good sense not to say it to Bustopher’s face.
Some were initially calculated to annoy and eventually became fond, like Slinky (which Alonzo still will not cop to liking) or Jelly Roll (Jellylorum swats every time he uses it but she somehow always misses, even when he’s right next to her). Every so often he uses Augustus instead of Gus just to see Gus Jr roll his eyes and hide a smile. Plato has been ‘Socrates’ for as long as Quaxo can remember, and George remains ‘Curious George’.
So yeah, everybody has a pet name. Everyone but him.
He can’t even blame it on being new to the junkyard, since both Alonzo and Victoria have had names bestowed on them
“Don’t push your luck. He’s just going to wind up calling you ‘socks’ or something,” Alonzo yawns.
“What if it means he doesn’t actually like me?”
“I really don’t think that’s a problem,” Cassandra says dryly.
“Have you asked him?”
Quaxo draws back in horror. “But then he’d know. I’d never hear the end of it.”
“But I might,” Alonzo grumbles.
Cassandra nips his ear. “Be nice.”
“Ow.” Alonzo pulls his most pathetic ‘hurt’ face. When Cassandra remains unmoved, he pouts and rolls onto his back. “Seriously, Quax, just ask him about it. But if he starts calling you ‘duck’ or ‘quack’, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“You realize that not having your name mangled makes you special among the tribe?” Cassandra asks.
Quaxo frowns. “Special?”
“There isn’t a cat who gets away with their name unscathed. Except you.” She punctuates this with a whip of her tail across his back.
“Do not tell me he respects my little brother more than his own father,” Alonzo groans.
“He has a name for Old Deuteronomy?” Quaxo whispers, eyes wide.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that he has been overheard to refer to his father as High Top, Esq, providing Old Deuteronomy is not available to hear him,” Cassandra says sagely.
Quaxo can’t help but smile; that sounds exactly like something he’d expect from Tugger. It also means that even Tugger’s father has a special name and Quaxo is definitely the only cat who doesn’t. He curls his tail around his paws and sinks down into its meager cover.
“Oh, now see what you’ve done? You’ve made him sad.”
Cassandra kicks Alonzo and licks Quaxo’s cheek. “Love, it really doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. Just talk to him if it bothers you so much.”
Quaxo sighs. Apparently, he has no choice.
One never knows when the Rum Tum Tugger can be found in the junkyard. He comes and goes (nobody knows exactly where to) as he pleases. There is no rhyme or reason to his visits but Quaxo has always had a sense for them. He just knows that Tugger will visit, so he sits out that evening, watching the sun disappear behind the human dwellings near the junkyard from the roof of the rusting car. He keeps one eye on the main gate because the Rum Tum Tugger can certainly creep when he wants to.
The Rum Tum Tugger isn’t creeping tonight. His paws land heavily on the ground as he walks through the main clearing. His path is roughly aiming for his den. Quaxo stands to draw Tugger’s attention. He arches his back in a stretch and jumps from the car roof to the boot.
“Out late, eh, Quaxo?”
“Just watching the sunset.”
“Sure you weren’t waiting for me?” Tugger chuckles. He joins Quaxo on the boot, wrapping his tail around his paws.
Quaxo sighs. Now or never. “I wanted to ask you something.”
Tugger lifts a surprised eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Why do you give everybody pet names?”
Tugger’s head cocks to the side and he hums. Quaxo waits to be made fun of but for a long while, there are only the sounds of London between them.
“Seemed a thing to do,” Tugger says at last.
“It annoyed all the right cats for a while.” Tugger shrugs. “But then they all got used to it. I was going to stop because it was boring not to get a reaction, but the first time I didn’t call Straps Straps after months of him swearing he’d have me sent to the pound, he gave me the biggest sad cow eyes.”
Quaxo’s lips twitched up. “And what about those who liked it from the start?”
“Them, it’s just cute. Have you seen how Pouncival puffs up? Or how Etcetera giggles? Seems mean to stop.” Tugger frowns. “Why ask? Did someone ask you to ask me to stop?”
“Would you?”
Tugger stretches out his back legs and resettles. “Depends on who.”
“What if someone wanted one?”
Quaxo forces himself not to cringe away from the dawning understanding. Tugger’s eyes twinkle. He lowers himself into a loaf, bringing his head down to Quaxo’s height, pressing their foreheads together. Quaxo keeps hold of his gaze in spite of Tugger’s knowing smile.
“This is because you don’t have one, hm?”
There is suddenly a spot of dirt on Quaxo’s paw that absolutely must be attended to. He grooms it fastidiously. Tugger chuckles. Quaxo figures he might as well clean his ears while he’s working on his paw. He turns slightly away so he can really work the back of them. Tugger’s paw lands on his shoulders and pulls him in. He’s purring like a chainsaw as he takes over grooming Quaxo’s ears.
“See… the thing is,” he says between long, rough licks, “I’m not entirely sure you’re ready for one.”
“What does that mean?” Quaxo grumbles.
“Dunno yet. There’s just... more to you.”
Quaxo cannot decide if he should be flattered or not. Tugger starts to groom his head fur backward and Quaxo wiggles away. He swats half-heartedly. Tugger catches his paw and kisses it.
“Show me?”
Quaxo smiles and calls on his magic
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mystery-vixen · 3 years
Because we don’t have enough of these~
Mistocavity fluff fic ❤️
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rainbowratsstuff · 5 years
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 5 years
I had this Idea this morning (while trying to get knots out of my own stubborn hair) and thought it would be really cute! Hope you enjoy!!
Summary- Clawdenia’s mane is finally coming in and still being fairly young she has no idea how to take proper care of it so her fathers, and a close firend, lend a paw.
Bad Mane Day
It was a normal late spring day in London, the sky was filled with lazy gray clouds, the birds were singing, humans were going about their lives, and the cats of the junkyard were gathered together doing as they do. It was around early afternoon when Clawdenia, a young maine coon queen with sandy colored spotted fur and bright green eyes, joined the others. One look at the young queen and anyone could tell she was in a sour mood, from her hunched posture to her flattened ears the young queen radiated frustration, and it wasn’t very hard to see why.
Much like her father Clawdenia had a mane, it wasn’t as big or full as her father’s yet but it was enough for the inexperienced queen to struggle with taming it on her own. As a result the small collar of thick fur was currently wild and tangled leading to Clawdenia dragging herself from the den in search of her fathers.
Finally she found Tugger sitting on a tire with Calypso helping the other queen with her singing. Calypso, like her twin sister, had the same type of fur but somehow she lucked out on her mane being small and relatively easy to manage, neither of their fathers expected Calypso’s mane to get much fuller than it currently was at half a year old.
Tugger looked over at his other daughter and after taking in the state of her mane gave a sympathetic smile.
“Come here kit, I’ll give you a hand.”
Clawdenia gave a small smile going to her father’s other side and laying down. Tugger examined his daughter’s mane, chuckling a little seeing the spots she’d tried to fix herself and remembering learning for himself how hard it could be.
“You tried to get the tangled out?”
Clawdenia nodded giving a shy smile.
“It made it worse.”
Tugger gave her a playful smirk.
“I’ll say it did kit. Okay, hold still.”
Clawdenia settled in letting him start working out the knots and tangles. Tugger had barely begun and Clawdenia was already hating it, she loved her father and all but he had never been the most gentle when it came to grooming, that was a job their papa too great pride and care in. Finally after an unintentionally rough tug at a tangle Clawdenia whined and shook her father off.
“Daddy you’re being too rough!”
Tugger looked worried for a moment before shaking it off with a small smile, he had to remember Clawdenia was still young, her mane while stubborn was still thinner than his own and didn’t need the firm hand his did.
“Sorry kit. You know your papa has experience taming manes with a gentler touch than this old cat, I saw him heading off to visit your aunt and brother.”
Clawdenia gave a relived smile seeing her father wasn’t upset she’d said he’d been too rough in grooming before she briefly pressed their foreheads together with a soft purr before heading off to find her papa. Just as her father had said she found her papa just leaving Bomba’s den smiling and promising to be back soon. Clawdenia went to the tuxedo tom and purred rubbing against him earning a chuckle before he placed his tail under her chin making her look at him.
“Finally decided to leave the den Denia?”
The female maine coon nodded giving a shy smile.
“I was trying to fix my mane, it didn’t go well.”
Misto smiled fondly looking over his daughter’s mane, he could see not only her handy work but also Tugger’s.
“I can see that, your dad tried to help didn’t he?”
Clawdenia nodded.
“Yeah but he was being too rough.”
Misto nodded, licking his daughter’s head.
“He’s not used to being gentle, his mane is thicker than yours and needs a less than gentle touch. Come on, I'll give you some help.”
Clawdenia smiled thankfully and followed her papa back to their den. It took almost an hour but by the end of it Misto had groomed out all the tangles and dirt leaving the collar of fur looking perfect. Clawdenia beamed at her papa nuzzling his cheek.
“Thank you papa!”
Misto chuckled, licking her head.
“Of course kit. Now shall we join everyone else?”
The young queen nodded and followed her papa back to the gathering space. As they made their way to Tugger and Calypso Clawdenia heard someone calling her name making her pause and smile seeing Heidi, Rumpleteazer’s adopted kitten, walking over. The young queen stopped and once Heidi was close enough, gave the other queen a charming smile.
“Hey Heid.”
The other queen gave a bashful smile and giggle before clearing her throat, making Clawdenia raise a brow at her but wait.
“Umm w-well Denia I was..um...I was wondering if you’d l-like to go on a w-walk with me.”
Slowly the maine coon’s smile returned and she swished her fluffy tail moving to the smaller queen’s side earning a sheepish smile and a faint blush.
“Sure, I think a walk sounds nice.”
Heidi’s smile widened as she watched Clawdenia look at her fathers, getting a nod of approval from both, before the pair headed off on their walk. It was around sunset when the two young queens reached the south most wall of the junkyard, the stars were just starting to twinkle to life in the darkening sky while the setting sun looked like it was setting the horizon on fire. The pair sat watching the sky for a long moment before Heidi took a deep breath and faced the maine coon queen flicking her tail nervously.
“Denia, I w-wanted to ask you s-something.”
Clawdenia gave her most charming smile, she felt a small swell of pride seeing the other queen blush a bit before the white and orange queen shook her head and closed her eyes.
“Would you go to the ball with me?!”
Clawdenia blinked a bit surprised by the sudden question before she smiled softly curling her tail under the other queen’s chin making Heidi open her eyes and meet the soft green orbs looking at her.
“It would be my pleasure Heidi.”
Heidi’s eyes brimmed with tears before she gave a watery laugh launching herself at the other queen earning a laugh as they tumbled to the ground giggling and purring. After a moment Clawdenia looked down at her mane and pouted seeing it was messed up.
“Not again.”
Heidi looked confused before following the other queen’s eyes and gave a soft smile.
“Your mane. Here sit up.”
Clawdenia raised a brow but did as she was told before her eyes widened as Heidi began softly grooming the messed up collar of fur easily clearing it of dirt and tangles without much pulling. Once it was done Heidi smiled proudly and Clawdenia gave her a completely charmed smile leaning down and licking her cheek softly.
“Thank you darling.”
Clawdenia couldn’t help but chuckle as Heidi’s eyes practically bugged out of her head and her face went bright red, she looked ready to faint making the maine coon queen chuckle and pull her close.
“Hey no passing out, we still have to go back to the others.”
Heidi took a moment before she relaxed and smiled with a nodd. With that the pair made their way back to the gathering area with bright smiles and twined tails.
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toweroftickles · 3 years
Mistoria - Tickle Torture
(Cats 2019 Fic)
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THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS; I’M SORRY ❤️❤️ I literally have to write shipping fics for them you don't understand
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Victoria was excited, but equally nervous.
Her bare feet slapped against the cobblestone road, still cool from a recent drizzle. She’d never gone running off to explore the Egyptian Theater with Mr. Mistoffelees alone before…the two of them often found it difficult to sneak away from the rest of their tribe.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“I…I found a way into the attic, under the part of the roof that’s still standing. None of the other Jellicles even know the Egyptian has one,” Misto explained, trying to keep it cool. “Come on!”
Victoria felt a sense of elation and giggled at nothing, guided by the gentle clasp of fingers around her wrist.
The abandoned attic had long since fallen into disrepair. Shattered ceiling boards painted a dazzling puddle of white over the dust and furniture. Two former chairs, collapsed to splinters. One cabinet, an overturned lamp. A few worn books. A mattress, large enough for two human people, strewn with rain-stained sheets and a pillow…undoubtedly left over when the owners cleaned house.
Misto and Victoria were acting like lovesick puppies and could barely contain themselves…as soon as they reached the roof beams they clasped their hands to one another’s faces and passionately kissed, over and over again. Neither one of them, not even with their evolved senses, picked up the pair of shadows that followed behind them.
Victoria laid flat on her back on the old mattress, and Misto snuggled up against her, draping his right arm across her stomach. Her heart was pounding loud enough for a cat’s ears to pick up.
B-bmp. B-bmp.
Misto’s fingers grasped at nothing, tenderly, through the fur on her torso, until his knuckles glided over her midriff.
Victoria exhaled sharply through her nose and bit her lower lip in an excited smile as she lightly bucked against the mattress.
“Hn-Hn! Hee! No no, pl-hease don’t; I’m very ticklish,” she giggled.
Mr. Mistoffelees barely held in a laugh of his own.
“Just from that?” he asked, obviously delighted, continuing to rub her belly. “I didn’t know you were that bad.”
“Nnnn, it tihickles!” she squeaked. Her boyfriend could see all of her teeth when she flashed that dazzling grin. He nuzzled against her neck and purred at her. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so loved. If he’d wanted to keep cuddling her and caressing her sensitive tummy like that for another hour, she honestly might not have minded.
Then it all shattered.
“Oy! What’s goin’ on here?” a rough Cockney brogue called out from the rafters.
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The feline couple froze in abject horror at the realization that they weren’t alone. Their eyes shot up to the ceiling, and there, among the broken boards, was Mungojerrie, that scheming calico, dangling diagonally like an acrobatic belfry hunchback.
Victoria had to cover her mouth to keep from shrieking. She immediately retreated into as small a ball as her flexible body could form, desperately reaching out for any piece of fabric that could hide her. Misto, meanwhile, had his jaw hanging open but wasn't free to do much else. A deep red color stood out as it grew in a cloud above his nose. Even if he could've poofed them away easily, his wand had been left behind.
"Oh...h-hi, Mungo...we, um...I..."
“Looks to us like you two were foolin’ around up here in our secret lair,” another voice sounded. The two lovebirds whipped their heads around again and saw Rumpleteazer peeking out from behind the broken cabinet. Both of them. Victoria’s embarrassment was overwhelming.
“H-How many secret lairs do the two of you have anyway?!” Misto demanded, hoping to shield his anxiety.
“More than 5…” Mungojerrie began, touching down on the dusty floor.
“…less than 90,” finished his partner, following suit.
Well, that wasn’t helpful.
"So...you running off from the rest of us for a little fun, eh?" Jerrie pressed, again.
"N-no! No, we...mmm...." Victoria wasn't embarrassed by her and Misto's relationship...everyone knew...but frankly, the fewer details those annoying imps were privy to, the better.
“No, we’re just…" Misto interrupted her. "...um...having a tickle fight?”
He wasn’t sure what reaction he’d get, but the notorious pranksters seemed surprisingly excited by the idea. They laughed to themselves with the usual glint in their eyes. With one elegant leap and dive they somersaulted over to Victoria’s wrists and pulled them back, totally trapping her and exposing her torso.
“Oh, she’s ticklish, is she?” scoffed Teazer.
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“Go on then; let’s have some fun with her,” Mungojerrie offered with a smirk.
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The white cat gasped. Misto wasn’t normally one to embarrass or mess with the other Jellicles, least of all her, but the mood in the room teetered back and forth between anxiousness and intoxicating mischief, and he succumbed to the latter. Smiling excitedly, he grabbed at his girlfriend’s stomach.
“Hn-HEE! Hihih-Hih…Ah-Hn! Hmhm-Hmhm!” Victoria giggled through closed lips and scissor-kicked in Misto’s embrace, squirming as his fingertips spread far apart and slowly stroked down her belly. Her whole upper body trembled from the ticklish laughter bubbling up inside her, and she couldn’t wiggle away. It was actually kind of fun, she thought…at first.
“Aw, how precious,” Rumpleteazer taunted, tussling Victoria’s hair. “Hmm, that cute little tummy needs a raspberry.”
“Mmmf, Hmhm! *gasp* Haha-Hih! Oh n-ho, please d-hon’t, I can’t, Hmhm-Hm Hm!” Victoria snickered sweetly as her cheeks began to go pink. Her ears wiggled and her insides suddenly felt very warm. It was kind of weird, but deep down, the white cat secretly loved getting raspberries. But she was far too ticklish for them even at the best of times, and far too embarrassed for one right now.
Misto’s fingers continued to gently scratch the soft areas just above her hipbones, like the arms of an octopus, curling and uncurling, and it made her shudder. Smiling as warmly as he could, a gesture of reassurance meant to help her relax, her boyfriend knelt down to her soft, fuzzy belly and blew hard.
“HAAA-Heehee-Hihih! *gasp* MMHM, Hm-Hm Hm-Hm! *squeak* No, no, don’t!” Victoria scrambled to shield her fiercely-blushing face. Her ears drooped back in submission. Eventually Misto managed to pry her arms apart (the better to expose her pretty smile, he told her…words intended to come out smooth, but which kinda tripped and mangled themselves on their way out of his mouth) and pinned them to the bed. Relaxing, Victoria slooowwwwly took deep breaths. A single tear rested on her eyelash, which prompted a collective chuckle from her friends. The calicos were in their usual mischievous mood.
“Ha…you barely have to touch her,” Mungojerrie snarked.
“Wonder if she giggles like that when she and her magical boy-toy are…."
Misto’s face suddenly ran through every shade of the rainbow at once.
“Th-that’s none of your business!!!” he interjected, slightly louder than he meant to. Victoria was even more horrified, busy trying to bury her head in the discarded sheets.
“What? So you’re not gonna give us a little…gossip?” Teazer smirked and raised her eyebrow at Victoria as she circled the couple. “We all already know what you two get up to when you’re alone…”
Misto looked like he wanted to kill himself 9 times. The white kitten shook her head, but couldn’t bring herself to look either calico in the eye…until she felt Rumpleteazer’s fingers slowly tap-tap-tapping on the glass up the side of her left foot. She twitched.
“Hmmmm…iszat so…then I guess we’ll just have toooo…
….tickle it out of you!” the calico girl laughed and without warning seized Victoria’s ankle, and began to mercilessly scratch all over her bare white sole.
“Hmhm! Ah! Ah-Ha! Hn-Hn Heh! Ah Haha-Ha, Ha-Ha Ha!” Victoria couldn’t stop laughing. Her foot wiggled and flailed around like a ferret in a sack, but she couldn’t get free. “Hihih-Hee! Heehee-Ha! Heh-Heh Hm-Hm! Pleahease, Ha-Hih! I c-han’t have my feet touhuhouched!”
“Oh right, you ballerinas are all really sensitive down there,” Teazer mocked.
No sooner had she spoken than Victoria felt another pair of hands traveling up her arms (which were once again being held flat to the old mattress by Misto). Mungojerrie’s hands.
“NNNN, Hnhn! No no no no,” she giggled helplessly. With a sharp poke Mungo’s nimble digits burrowed themselves into the hollows of Victoria’s armpits, and she could no longer control herself.
“Ah-Ha-Ha, Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! *gasp* Hih! Hng-Heehee!” Every time Victoria made an effort to pull her body in one direction, Mungojerrie simply prodded the other. Meanwhile, Rumpleteazer was still tickling her foot, holding it still and scratching right underneath her wiggling toes. A small part of Victoria was almost enjoying it…all the affection, the nuzzling, the touching…the fingertips strumming up and down her body…but it was just too much.
“Hng! M-Misto, hehelp!”
“Heh-Heh! You want help? Ok, I’ll help.” Looking down at her, her boyfriend laughed and released his hold on her biceps, and her arms naturally retreated into her bosom (which only managed to trap Mungo’s squeezing fingers in her armpits). But instead of prying the other mischievous hands away, Misto joined in their fun, grabbing and probing all the most sensitive spots on Victoria’s sides and poking her quivery belly button. His long, black tail wrapped around her right leg and danced along her inner thigh. This mean playfulness was so unlike him…
“AHH Hih-Hih Hng! Ah-Heh Heh! *gasp* Ha-Ha!” Victoria laughed desperately. Even though her arms were no longer restrained, she felt far too weak to push the others away.
The white cat’s giggles had almost turned to desperate hiccups as her whole body trembled. Her already-demure voice was withering, becoming softer and softer. Tears dripped gently down her blushing cheeks.
“Pl-hease, I can’t; it t-hickles really ba-ha-had!”
“Heh! Come on, we’ve gotta let her go,” Misto wanted to keep touching her, but not if it made her miserable.
“Gah, you’re no fun,” scoffed Teazer.
“Not til she’s told us the truth!” Jerrie let out a mischievous cackle.
“Erm…please, you two?”
“……ugh, fine.”
Suddenly Teazer’s hands froze in place, and Victoria’s foot dropped down through the air to the soft mattress. Mungo’s fingers slid out from under her body (they’d begun prodding around the back of the white cat’s ribs), and Victoria’s limp wrist fell back against the bed, undisturbed, in sync with her weary sighs.
Breathe in…breathe out.
It felt like all the tension just deflated out of her torso one gasp at a time, causing a hot shiver down her neck and across her shoulders.
“Are you ok?” came Misto’s laughing voice.
“Mmm…oh my god, I feel so warm…”
Victoria opened her eyes, and arranged above like the points of a triangle were her friends’ heads, all staring down at her.
"Well now we know how to mess with this pretty little one," Teazer laughed smugly.
“Are…are you worn out?”
“Hnhn! Nnnnnnn…Please...just give me a hug,” Victoria pretended to pout, with full-on puppy-dog eyes.
Feeling encouraged, Misto laid down next to her once again. He rubbed his head against her neck and nuzzled her shoulder…her fur felt so soft. She sighed, embracing him, her long legs pulling against the sheet on which they laid. It was nice, until four more arms suddenly wrapped around the both of them.
“No, not you!” Victoria giggled and playfully swatted at the calicos. They released their bear hug and stood up from the mattress.
“Hmph! Well, fine; if that’s the way you feel about it,” huffed Rumpleteazer.
“We know when we’re not wanted,” followed Jerrie with faux-bitterness dripping from his voice. The two disappeared just as fast as they had popped in, without another word…
...but not before brushing Misto’s foot with their tails and making him practically jump out of his skin. (A brief moment, but it made his girlfriend happy.)
As soon as they were out of sight Victoria pulled Misto down to her by his bow tie, both of them gleefully reenergized, and they promptly curled up together again. Mr. Mistoffelees put his hand around Victoria's shoulder and held her close.
“Really…are you ok?” asked the black cat. He seemed genuinely a bit concerned that he’d let the calicos take things too far.
“Of course,” Victoria reassured him. “I’m just a little tired. My face hurts from smiling!”
“I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean to get carried away,” Misto stammered. His voice started out calm but became increasingly wavy as he talked. The shy magician was getting a bit flustered.
“Really, it’s ok…I don’t mind.”
“It’s just that, well, you’ve seemed down lately, and I…I like…”
Victoria’s ears perked up. Misto was playing with his hat.
“…I love seeing your smile.”
Of all the things that had happened in the last few minutes, surprisingly, this is what caused Victoria to blush the most. She turned her head, all sweet ear-to-ear grins, until he touched her chin and pulled her gaze back to his.
The two gently kissed one more time, before finally resting in a splash of moonlight.
That was enough excitement for one night.
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I think part of the reason I feel compelled to write fics about these two (Victoria especially) is because Francesca Hayward is such a sweetheart in real life and she has this little giggle that’s so adorable it makes my heart hurt ❤️ seriously
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Anyway, my sincerest apologies to all of you and may the lord have mercy on me.
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dartier · 4 years
Happy Polyamory Day!!
I posted my first 00qad wee ficlet, and then a second. Have some 00qad fluff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25479742/chapters/61844488#workskin and https://archiveofourown.org/works/25479742/chapte
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On hair and uneven distribution of work
Oh look, I finally started writing again! Anyway...
Fandom: Cats the musical Rating: T Pairing: Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger Summary: A calm, domestic scene, Mister Mistoffelees battling Tugger's unruly mane and some unexpected relationship revelations.
The junkyard was quiet on that day, most of the Jellicle cats hid from the windy Autumn afternoon in their dens and tried to catch enough sleep to be ready for the night. The said quiet was disturbed only by an occasional snore and - more importantly - a quiet argument coming from the den shared by two very different cats, Rum Tum Tugger and Mister Mistoffelees. Their constant bickering kept giving the younger kittens hope that the ever-so-desirable Tugger would eventually tire of the magician's cold demeanor and become available again, but the older cats just scoffed and shook their heads in amusement. There was nothing healthier for Tugger's ego than the quiet and stern treatment so natural for the younger black cat.
The scene in the den looked something like this: Tugger on his back, all paws spread as if he wanted to take all the space available and even more, purring happily. Mister Mistoffelees appeared to be choked by Tugger's mane and partially lost in it. Only the repetitive movements of his head and occasional "Move your head to the right" or "Oh for everlasting cat's sake, I just did this bit!" revealed what he was struggling with - he was desperately trying (and failing) to groom his mate. Given the difference between their furs, Mistoffelees's being sleek, smooth and elegant, Tugger's wild, fluffy, unruly and pretty much everywhere, the struggle was to be expected. Still, Mistoffelees wasn't a cat keen on passing a chance to complain. 
"Really now?!" he growled when he dove back into Tugger's mane and found a spot full of dust. Licking vigorously on the offending hair for a few moments, he emerged to gasp for air. 
His partner burst out laughing and immediately gave an apologetic look when the tuxedo cat frowned. "Misto, not that I don't appreciate how enthusiastic you are, but I believe most of the dust migrated to your face." And unfortunately, that was true. The pure white of Mistoffelees's nose and forehead had become muddy grey. Before the magician cat could explode with embarrassment and frustration, Tugger sat up and, gently holding the frowning face in his paws, gave several careful licks with his long, rough tongue. Within a few seconds, Mister Mistoffelees was clean again. "All better," the older cat winked and proceeded to lie back down. 
"Not that I mind helping you," grumbled Misto when Rum Tum Tugger sprawled on his back and made the mane on his throat accessible with a smug smirk, "but this isn't really an even distribution of work, is it? Look at how much hair you have!" If there was an appreciative tone in his complaint, he definitely did not mean it. 
And unfortunately, count on Rum Tum Tugger to detect every tiny hint of praise coming his way. "You love it," he purred. 
Another frown, although this time a less sincere one. "Do I?" 
"Oh, you definitely do, Misto. In the winter especially. Or when it's chilly during autumn, then I just can't get you out of my hair, literally. Despite what I say on every possible occasion, there is one cat who I spend most of my free time cuddling with. Or more precisely, warming him up, because I love him too much to fall victim to his beautiful, shiny and mysterious, but so insufficiently warm coat. You wouldn't happen to know who that is, mhm?" 
Mister Mistoffelees, as non-talkative about his affection towards the older tom as ever, looked sideways and pretended to plan his next approach to tackle the next mountain of hair. "Your assistance in this matter is...appreciated. But it only takes you a few licks to get me clean, whereas for me..." he gave the dusty mane a look full of dignified apprehension, "...my tongue is simply not big enough for that. And my jaw is starting to ache. I've been at it for at least an hour now. Why don't you ask some of your rabid fans to help? They would gladly offer their tongues and...well...everything else to make you happy." 
He made the remark as a half-joke and did not expect Tugger to take him seriously. However, the suspicious silence from the Maine Coon made him stop his ministrations completely and pay full attention to his mate. "Tugger?" 
"Um..." the older cat chuckled sheepishly, "there may be an issue...or two...or more with that suggestion. For instance, I'm pretty sure if I let some of them near my hair, they would collect the shed bits as souvenirs. Which is...creepy. It could also make you jealous and give the kittens some wrong ideas about the state of our relationship," he winked at the tuxedo cat, but the stern and impenetrable look soon convinced him he wasn't getting out of this topic with a simple misdirection. He sighed and sat up to meet Mistoffelees's gaze. "And...there's also the thing that I don't let anyone near my fur. Ever." 
The magician narrowed his eyes, confused. "You don't? But you've always let me." 
Tugger's loop-sided smirk was now almost apologetic. "Well, yeah. You. But no one else." 
"But...this was long ago before  we even got together!" Misto blurted out without thinking. "Even when you were growing up and I was just a small kitten, I remember chewing on your hair and cud- I mean, hiding in it when it got cold!" The Maine Coon sighed and scratched his head in a way that conveyed a strong I-so-regret-ever-opening-this-topic feeling. "What can I say? I'm a curious cat." 
Before he could leave, change the topic or act on any of those tens of escape ideas that were swirling in his head, Mistoffelees took several incredibly quiet steps forward. If Tugger wasn't so distraught, he would be amazed at his partner's sneakiness. Without a shred of remorse, the black and white cat stepped on Rum Tum Tugger's tail, not enough to hurt, but to show that leaving wasn't an option. "You're not getting out of this so easily, Tugger. Why let only me?" he asked in a low voice. 
And Tugger knew - but hadn't he always known, from the very first moment the tiny monochromatic kitten looked at him with those deep, round eyes? - that he could not lie to this cat. For other Jellicles, he could spin fantastical tales, spice up the truth a little bit or play coy. But when it came to Misto, he just couldn't bring himself to do it, couldn't imagine breaking that unspoken trust the magician of the tribe had graced him with. "At the beginning?" he chuckled and relaxed a bit. "I just couldn't bring myself to shake you off. You seemed so enamored with my mane, and you were so tiny...let's just say that it would feel like taking your favorite toy from you. And you looked so innocent and gentle back then..." He did not finish the sentence, but immensely enjoyed the way his teasing tone flustered the normally level-headed cat. 
Mistoffelees moved in even closer, possibly to hide his embarrassment in Tugger's rich mane. "It has been a long time since I was a kitten," he mentioned matter-of-factually. 
The older tom grinned and nuzzled his partner's head. "That it has. But afterwards...well. Let's just say that with a mane this thick, it isn't...it isn't always pleasant when someone tries to clean it. It tugs a lot. Hurts. So I always took care of it myself. But during that first winter, when you curled up next to me and started mindlessly licking it..." he trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence. Through the rich layers of his mane, Mistoffelees's voice reached him. It had gone gentle and quiet, and not only due to being muffled by the layer between them. "It didn't hurt?" 
"No. It never did." Tugger moved even closer, pulling Misto into an embrace and, as a side effect, freed his tail. "It never hurts even the smallest bit from you. Perhaps it's how delicate your tongue is. Perhaps you're more careful or precise. Or maybe you were meant for me from the start," he chuckled and, when his partner's paw dug into his ribs in a playful attempt at punishing his cheekiness, pretended to wheeze in pain. "Anyway, I don't know why and I don't care. I just know you're the only one allowed near my hair, now and forever. And if you ever decide to leave, then I'll just have to die alone, old, dirty and tangled." He gave a theatrical sigh, disentangled himself from Misto and looked him in the eye, with perhaps more emotion than he meant to show. "And you wouldn't let that happen to my fur, would you?" 
Mister Mistoffelees, taken aback by the unexpected turn in their conversation, snickered. "Careful, a bit more praise and I could get the idea that you chose me as your mate for my grooming skills." 
Tugger grinned back. "What can I say? It's a huge selling point. Especially if it comes with a mysterious, talented, elegant and overall incredibly lovable tuxedo-colored package. But, if it makes you feel any better, I never had any inappropriate ideas when you were helping me with the fur thing. I mean...perhaps some, but only after we got together. Your tongue happens to give me way too many ideas. Speaking of which-!" 
But the curious cat was not allowed to finish that thought. Mistoffelees suddenly pounced and, perhaps with some help of his magic, got Tugger on his back again. Doing his best not to show how the affectionate gaze of the older cat affected him, Misto sighed and gave Tugger a stern look. "I swear, Tugger, one day I'll make you act on these ideas before I start cleaning you! So much wasted work!" 
Rolling them over, Rum Tum Tugger kissed the pretended annoyance from his face. "Don't ask twice."
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
Akward Tention
The Rum Tum Tugger x Mr Mistoffelees Fanfiction No One Asked For
Fandom: Cats (the musical)
Ship: Rum Tum Tugger x Mr Mistoffelees
Genre: It's Cats, idk what you else you'd expect from a musical with an orgy scene
Part: 1 (you thought there was just one? a whole trash series is coming losers)
The Rum Tum Tugger was a curious cat. If there was anything the least bit interesting laying about, the flamboyant maine coon would always be the first to know - and the first to loose interest as well.
So when the news of some sort of magician-cat taking everyone by storm reached him, it was not in the least bit surprising that his intrest was piqued.
"And you said his name was Mistoffelees?"
Bombalurina's eyes twinkled as she excitedly told him about the mysterious cat, hugging his arm tightly against her slim body.
"He goes by Mr Mistoffelees actually! He's quite impressive: everyone who's met him is completely astounded, I tell you!" she gushed.
Mr Mistoffelees. The more he heard about the curious cat, the more intrigued Rum became. It certainly had been a while since something worthwhile caught his eye...
A satisfied smirk slipped onto his lips, thoughtfully swishing the last sip of wine in his cup around as he thought about this new plaything that could cure his recent boredom.
"Well I look forward to meeting him~" he grinned.
A very loud, obnoxious purring pulled him out of his thoughts - coming from a very clingy Bombalurina. Rolling his eyes, he shook her off his arm like one does with a pesky caterpillar or moth, and promptly readjusted his rhinestone-encrusted belt.
She was good for killing time, just awfully boring, he thought.
"Oh! There he is now, Tum" she said pointing behind him.
As the Rum Tum Tugger turned around, his eyes were immediately drawn to sleek black fur that seemed to glisten in the sun. Small, perky ears were perched on the top of his head, his tail sweeping mischievously from side to side.
He was in the middle of showing a trick to one of the cats, his ivory face lighting up as if someone had switched on christmas lights in his eyes. A blotch of white painted his chest and the inside of his hands - drawing even more attention to the way his fingers moved and flitted with the lightest of touches - indescribably electric and, well, almost magical.
Rum started - utterly enamored by this small, black cat who hadn't even noticed him watching. Sparks fizzed from his paws, and his mouth curled into a smile full of whimsy and bubbly laughter.
For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger was completely and utterly dumbfounded.
He didn't have a clue of what to say. Nor why he inexplicably, suddenly felt like a flustered teenager - flushed all the way to the tips of his ears.
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