#Motor Vehicle Collisions
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BLOC-NOTES: Dimanche," Le Petit Journal. July 9, 1933. Page 2. ---- Le début du mois de juillet et les fêtes de la Confédération ont été marqués par de nombreux accidents. On signale plusieurs noyades de Montréalais (six en 48 heures), et deux accidents mortels d'automobiles. Une jeune fille de 21 ans, domiciliée à St-Sulpice, a été écrasée, et un citoyen d'Outremont s'est tué en auto sur la route de Ste-Agathe.
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veresiine · 11 months
Work retail, they said. It will cure your social anxiety, they said.
It's been five years. Not only has my social anxiety NOT improved, but I have all kinds of new anxieties! I get nightmares about rotisserie chicken availability! Even if I'm at other stores and off the clock, I freeze in fear when the music turns off and the paging system turns on! I flinch at the ringtone of the store phone! I can feel fear curdling in my stomach if the phone rings when there are no cars in the parking lot because that means it's almost certainly a customer complaint! The word 'coupon' fills me with dread in any context now!
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Portland-Car-Accidents-Infographic by James Loren Via Flickr: Car Accident Lawyers | Nationwide | Goldberg & Loren goldbergloren.com/personal-injury/car-accidents/ Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash, it's crucial to have the right legal support to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you deserve. Goldberg & Loren, a team of experienced car accident attorneys with a nationwide presence, is here to help. Our extensive experience in personal injury cases allows us to guide you through the complex legal process, seeking maximum compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. In this infographic, we present essential information about car accidents and how we can assist you: What to do after an accident: Key steps to take to protect your rights and secure necessary evidence. Common injuries: Learn about the most frequent types of injuries in car accidents and their implications. How can we help? Discover how our attorneys can advocate for you and fight for the justice you deserve. Don't let a car accident ruin your life. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation. At Goldberg & Loren, we are committed to providing you with the legal support you need to overcome this difficult situation and obtain the compensation you are entitled to.
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
貓 (Mandarin Chinese) māo [mɑʊ̯˥˥] a cat.
bingle (English, Baseball or Upside-Down Dialect) [ˈbɪŋgəl] In Baseball Dialect, a base hit. In Upside-Down Dialect (Australian English), a minor collision, especially between motor vehicles.
Bingle Propaganda
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kaijuno · 3 months
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Remember Tesla Cybertruck's oversized windshield wiper? The one that appears too large to exist, at least not without malfunctioning in some way? Well, it turns out that it is.
"On affected vehicles, the front windshield wiper motor controller may stop functioning due to electrical overstress to the gate driver component," the recall report says. "A non-functioning windshield wiper may reduce visibility in certain operating conditions, which may increase the risk of a collision."
This is not the Cybertruck's first recall rodeo. The company recalled all of the Cybertrucks it sold in April 2024 due to accelerator pad issues. Unlike many of Tesla's other recalls, which were easily solved with a software update, these Cybertruck recalls required a visit to a service center. All in all, Tesla has issued four Cybertruck recalls since the car went on sale in November of 2023
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offender42085 · 3 months
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Post 1281
Jeffrey Eggeling, Nebraska inmate 210295, born 1982, incarceration intake September 2019 at age 37, scheduled for release January 2045
Motor Vehicle Homicide, DUI with Serious Bodily Injury
In September 2019, Jeffrey Eggeling, the man who killed actress Sarah Hyland‘s teenage cousin -- Trevor Canaday -- in a drunk driving accident was sentenced to prison.
Eggeling, 37, was sentenced to 43 to 53 years in prison for vehicular homicide and drunken driving. The maximum sentence the judge could have imposed was the 53-year term. The ruling comes more than eight months after Trevor Canaday’s death.
Commonly, most Nebraska prison sentences are cut in half, meaning Eggeling must serve a minimum of 21.5 years before he is eligible for parole; absent parole, he will serve 26.5 years.
Eggeling pleaded no contest earlier to motor vehicle homicide, driving under the influence and causing serious bodily injury. The driver ran through a red light at an intersection and caused a collision.
Court records indicaite the driver had a blood alcohol concentration of .103. (The legal limit for driving under the influence is .08.) According to the police report, the officers could smell “the odor of alcoholic beverage” on Eggeling, who also had “slurred speech” at the time.
The police also stated that the collision caused Trevor to be ejected from the vehicle. He later died after being transported to a local hospital. The driver, who was driving a 2011 Ford Escape 69 mph in a 45 mph zone, had “a glass pipe, keys and a small bottle of alcohol” in his vehicle.
In the past, Eggeling had been convicted three times for driving while intoxicated and for operating a boat while drunk.
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
For many electric vehicles, there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents, forcing insurance companies to write off cars with few miles - leading to higher premiums and undercutting gains from going electric.
And now those battery packs are piling up in scrapyards in some countries, a previously unreported and expensive gap in what was supposed to be a "circular economy."
"We're buying electric cars for sustainability reasons," said Matthew Avery, research director at automotive risk intelligence company Thatcham Research. "But an EV isn't very sustainable if you've got to throw the battery away after a minor collision."
Battery packs can cost tens of thousands of dollars and represent up to 50% of an EV's price tag, often making it uneconomical to replace them.
While some automakers like Ford Motor Co (F.N) and General Motors Co (GM.N) said they have made battery packs easier to repair, Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) has taken the opposite tack with its Texas-built Model Y, whose new structural battery pack has been described by experts as having "zero repairability."
Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"MOTORIST, TRAM DRIVER HURT IN COLLISION," Toronto Star. June 8, 1942. Page 27. -- A street car motorman and an auto driver were taken to hospital today after the street car and auto were in collision on Bloor St. viaduct. Allan Luck, Pharmacy Ave., was driver of the auto. The motorman was Andrew Jackson, Rhodes Ave. Both car and tram today after the street car and auto were smashed.
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centaurianthropology · 6 months
As a forensic pathologist you get really good really fast at building emotional fortresses. Not just emotional walls, but battlements and guard towers to keep yourself apart from the work you do. I cannot tell you how many people in how many different pieces I've seen, how many murders, how many motor vehicle collisions, how many decomposed folks or partly eaten folks or folks in all sorts of states. And I am, almost always, fine with that. I very rarely feel much about the cases I work beyond professional interest, and the need to get things right and correct. And that's good. It keeps my reports clean and factual, which is what is needed of me.
But every now and then I get a case that slams through all those battlements. That is so profoundly bad that it hits home.
Anyway, I am moderately fucked in the head right now, and will be doing self-care for the rest of the evening. Apologies for the venting.
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Sir Vival, the two-piece safety Hudson
Sir Vival, Walter Jerome's Hudson-based concept for the ultimate safety car, last moved under its own power sometime around when he showed the car at the New York World's Fair in 1964 or 1965. Since then, it's been split apart, reassembled, shuffled all over eastern Massachusetts, and remained hidden more or less in plain sight, but nobody's made an attempt to get it running again. That'll change now that longtime owner Ed Moore of Bellingham Auto Sales has sold Sir Vival to Jeff Lane of the Lane Motor Museum.
"It'll be the perfect fit," Lane said. "I've been pestering him about it for a while."
Moore, as we reported in November, has decided to close the doors at Bellingham, which he considers the last active Hudson dealership in the world, and has been either selling off his inventory of cars and parts or transferring portions of his lifelong collection to his house nearby.
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In 1958, Worcester-based Walter Jerome decided it was about time somebody built a car designed primarily for safety and not for looks or speed. Rapidly increasing numbers of highway deaths - especially in the postwar period - led many to call for greater automotive safety as early as 1947, but the response from Detroit was tepid at best throughout the Fifties. Ford made a few gestures at improving automotive safety, including funding a study on safety cars at Cornell, but it largely fell to independents and individuals to build cars with safety features designed into the vehicle.
Jerome decided to start with a step-down Hudson - which he bought from Bellingham - and split it into two sections "to anticipate the possibility of collision from any angle." Similar to Bela Barenyi's idea for the crumple zone, Jerome intended the front section, mounted via a hinge to the rear section, to absorb a collision rather than deflect one, noting that the rigidity of typical cars was what led to injuries and deaths in collisions. To each of the two sections, Jerome added steel bumpers that acted, in his words, like a second frame, and rubber bumpers around the steel designed to redirect all but direct collisions. Yes, he built a full-size bumper car.
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He didn't stop there. The driver controlled the car from a turret-mounted central driver's seat surrounded by a "full circle" windshield for greater visibility. (According to Jerome's literature, the windshield itself rotated past stationary windshield wipers as part of Jerome's quest for maximum driver visibility.) The exterior is fitted with high-visibility marker and signal lamps; the parallelogram doors are designed not to pop open in a crash; and the interior features seat belts, padding, and even a rollbar.
"It is all too obvious that Detroit has no plans to come up with anything really new," Jerome wrote. "Their 1964 cars are already on the drawing boards and spring from the same rigid frames. I hold that human life is important, far more important than Detroit's worry about the cost of retooling to produce an automobile which will save human lives. Adoption of the flexible Sir Vival design would make rigid vehicles obsolete and create a new market, almost immediately, for 65 million vehicles."
Moore and his family assisted Jerome over the years with Sir Vival, including one episode Moore recalls in which he went to Worcester to retrieve the vehicle from the fourth floor of a warehouse, where Jerome had stored it in two pieces, so it could be reassembled and transported to Jerome's house on Cape Cod. After Jerome's death in the early 1970s, the Moores took possession of Sir Vival and brought it back to Bellingham. While Moore had hoped Sir Vival would have gone to Eldon Hostetler's Hudson museum, it turned out fortuitous that he didn't donate it to Hostetler, given that the museum was closed and liquidated in 2018. Sir Vival has thus primarily sat in its pride of place in Bellingham Auto Sales's garage ever since.
"It needs gone right through," Moore said. "It's not really something I want to take home and just let it sit there. Jeff, he's the guy who'd really appreciate it. He'll build it and do it right."
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Lane said he's only seen Sir Vival once in person, when he spent an entire day up at Bellingham Auto Parts four or five years ago. "I recall it as not terrible, but also not in great condition," he said. "It's not like it's been outside for 40 years, rusting away." While he won't have a more definitive plan about what to do with Sir Vival until he picks it up later this month, he said he wants to go through it mechanically without restoring the entire car, if possible.
"I'd say the closest it comes to any other vehicle in the (Lane Motor Museum's) collection is the Dymaxion," Lane said. "It's a really interesting story but it's really been pretty much hidden away from the general public."
Moore, for his part, said he'll continue selling Hudsons from his home garage even after the Bellingham Auto Sales property becomes a warehouse. "I still have my new and used car licenses," he said. "I know I can't keep them all, but I've tried."
UPDATE (6.January 2023): The Lane has started restoration on Sir Vival, according to a Facebook post from the museum. "Sir Vival has been separated into two pieces, and the automotive archaeology begins!"
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doomedyuri1999 · 6 days
A traffic collision, also known as a motor vehicle collision, or car crash, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other moving or stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building.
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mylonelybraincell · 12 days
Glossary for Medical Terms
Master Post
This is a Glossary for my main post. This is meant to help explain terms I might use there.
Anemia: A condition where the human body does not produce enough RBCs. (ie. Your body has room for 10 RBC but only makes 5)
Erythrocyte: Red Blood Cell; uses hemoglobin to move gases through the body
Hemoglobin: The part of red blood cells that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
Hemorrhage: A fancy word for bleeding
Hypovolemia: literally "Low Volume" This usually means the person does not have enough Whole Blood in their body. Otherwise known as "Bleeding Out"
Leukocyte: White Blood Cell; fights infections in the body
Medical Directors: Doctors that decide what medications and procedures medical and first responders can provide. 
Mechanism of Injury: An action that could lead to a person being hurt. This can include "Stabbing", "Motor Vehicle Collision", "Assault", and anything else that can result in an injury. Just because a mechanism happens, does not mean there is an injury.
Plasma: The liquid part of blood used to transport blood cells, waste, anti-bodies, hormones, Platelets, and proteins through the body
Policy/Procedure/Protocol: The big 3 P's that keep people in medical and first response from getting in trouble. They are written documents by Corporate officers, supervisors, and medical directors to keep everything operating safely
Thrombocytes: Platelets; parts of cells within the blood that cause clotting
Sickle Cell Anemia: A condition where the body produces incorrectly shaped RBCs. These cells are unable to perform their jobs but still follow the life cycle of RBC. This is a genetic condition. (ie. Your body has room for 10 RBC but 5 aren't shaped correctly. You still have 10, but only 5 work.)
Signs/Symptoms: There is a difference, but the general rule is "what is this person showing/telling me is wrong". A "sign" is what can be observed (like bleeding wounds or Sam being unsteady on his feet). A "symptom" is what Sam says is wrong ("I feel dizzy" or "I'm in pain").
Shunting: The process by which blood is re-routed to main/vital organs instead of extremities/limbs to conserve temperature and oxygen. Occurs most notably during hypothermia and hypovolemia.
Syncope: Fainting or temporary loss of consciousness
Whole Blood: Every part of the blood; About 55% plasma + 44% RBC + 1% WBC 
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bloodiedfields · 9 months
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*     ◟    :    〔   logan lerman  ,      cis male    +   he/him    〕      EASTON JAMES,      some say you’re a  THIRTY ONE YEAR OLD  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  DAUNTLESS  and  VOLATILE,  one can’t help but think of  GET HAPPY  by   MATT MAESON  when you walk by.    are you still a  STREET RACER  for  THE WHITE WRAITHS,     even with your reputation as the FALLEN?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and    HAPPINESS SHATTERED AFTER TRAGEDY STRIKES, THE FAINT SMELL OF GASOLINE AND BLOOD LINGERING IN THE MORNING AND CALLOUSED AND SHAKY HANDS THAT ONCE KNEW HOW TO STITCH A WOUND PERFECTLY,    although we can’t help but think of THE DRIVER ( DRIVE ), JON SNOW ( GAME OF THRONES ) AND BRUCE WAYNE ( THE BATMAN )  whenever we see you down these rainy streets. 
NAME: Easton Nathaniel James
AGE: Thirty-One
HEIGHT: 5'10"
DATE OF BIRTH: May 2nd, 1992
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Medical Degree from NYU
OCCUPATION: Street Racer for the White Wraiths
FACE CLAIM: Logan Lerman
Easton hoped he would move through this life without incident, without anything that would shake up his whole world, but nobody gets what they really want.
Easton’s world was mundane, ordinary even. The son of two Polish immigrants with a younger brother never screamed unique for him. He was just one of many in school as a child. His parents did the best they could, but they would often work long hours. Thankfully, he had his younger brother Ezra in his life to make the days less ordinary. Despite the pressure he felt from the outside, Ezra always seemed to take his stress away effortlessly. While Easton felt lost in the universe, Ezra always seemed sure of himself, something that Easton could never figure out how to do.
The two brother's couldn't have been more different, Easton went towards the route of pleasing his parents and making a better life for all of them. Making sure that he studied so that he could get into the best school to lead him into the best medical school became his only goal while Ezra chose to do whatever his heart desired without worrying about the consequences. However, it never came between the two of them.
Easton continued his studies while Ezra continued to get in trouble with the law, mostly from street racing. It had worried Easton, but also intrigued him and watched his brother from the sidelines. Even with choices that he thought were less than perfect, he'd still support his brother. Eventually, Easton would get into medical school at NYU and then start his residency there after graduation. He had plans of becoming a trauma surgeon, but life would intervene sooner rather than later.
A few weeks before his residency graduation Easton was on a twelve hour shift, exhausted when an emergency case came in through the hospital's door: a motor vehicle collision. A bad feeling settled in his stomach as he saw one of the victims on the table. His brother. Despite the battle that Easton fought, there was no way he was able to help and it tore the world around him apart. It didn't matter though, Ezra didn't make it.
Sinking into a great depression, Easton didn't graduate alongside his peers. Despite having all the skills to become a great surgeon, it never happened. No longer did he desire to save those in the world when his best friend is no longer around. He learned the details of his brother's death: a car accident. Ezra's passion had finally caught up to him. In the end, his brother's car was given to Ezra and with the time he had he repaired it, just to get a small piece of his brother back.
With the car, he ended up falling into the world that Ezra himself had immersed himself in. It started out as just as an observation, a nightly routine watching the other drivers at The Burnout until he decided to participate for himself. Easton felt the rush that his brother always talked about. With the same determination that got him through med school, he rose in the ranks as a street racer until he caught the attention of the White Wraiths. Easton felt that he had nothing to lose, so now he's working as a getaway driver for their organization earning his keep without thinking about what brought him there.
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
among (English) [əˈmʌŋ] in the midst of.
bingle (English, Baseball or Upside-Down Dialect) [ˈbɪŋgəl] In Baseball Dialect, a base hit. In Upside-Down Dialect (Australian English), a minor collision, especially between motor vehicles.
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leanstooneside · 2 months
Being rendered helpless (PANOPTICON)
• Rita Ora's thumb (Encounter for aftercare following multiple organ transplant)
• Florence Welch's thumb (Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail)
• Winona Ryder's thumb (Secondary lacrimal gland atrophy)
• Lucy Hale's thumb (Failure in dosage during unspecified surgical and medical care)
• Conan O'Brien's thumb (Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with otitis media)
• Tyra Banks's thumb (Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of other and unspecified parts of mouth)
• AnnaSophia Robb's thumb (Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at forearm level)
• Minka Kelly's thumb (Acute tonsillitis, unspecified)
• Djimon Hounsou's thumb (Cyst and mucocele of nose and nasal sinus)
• Forest Whitaker's thumb (Meningococcal myocarditis)
• Jimmy Buffett's thumb (Other disorders of continuity of bone, right radius)
• Kate Bosworth's thumb (Other hyperparathyroidism)
• Kristen Bell's thumb (Solitary bone cyst, left ulna and radius)
• Matt Bomer's thumb (Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm)
• Prince Harry's thumb (Laceration without foreign body of back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity)
• Avril Lavigne's thumb (Calcification and ossification of muscle)
• Demi Lovato's thumb (Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of unspecified femur)
• Carmen Electra's thumb (Salter Harris Type III physeal fracture of upper end of humerus, left arm)
• Mary-Louise Parker's thumb (Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with intermittent claudication, left leg)
• Vince Vaughn's thumb (Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, assault)
• Sean Lennon's thumb (Unspecified open wound of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity)
• Tate Donovan's thumb (Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina of abdomen and other regions)
• Jennifer Aniston's thumb (Alcohol abuse with intoxication)
• Zachary Quinto's thumb (Mooren's corneal ulcer, unspecified eye)
• Tracy Morgan's thumb (Preterm labor without delivery, unspecified trimester)
• Jenna Elfman's thumb (Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified)
• Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting's thumb (Perforated corneal ulcer, unspecified eye)
• DJ AM's thumb (Kaschin-Beck disease, left knee)
• Gordon Ramsay's thumb (Unspecified injury of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at forearm level)
• Elle Fanning's thumb (Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of unspecified upper limb, including shoulder)
• Scott Speedman's thumb (Encounter for routine postpartum follow-up)
• Curtis Stone's thumb (Swimmer's ear, left ear)
• Uma Thurman's thumb (Altered mental status, unspecified)
• Khloe Kardashian's thumb (Retinal hemorrhage, left eye)
• Maria Menounos's thumb (Passenger in three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object in nontraffic accident)
• Miranda Kerr's thumb (Other combined immunodeficiencies)
• Brooklyn Decker's thumb (Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with intermittent claudication, left leg)
• Ellie Goulding's thumb (Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, thigh)
• Bethenny Frankel's thumb (Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, left humerus)
• Judi Dench's thumb (Resistance to unspecified beta lactam antibiotics)
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. - A Florida man armed with guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition has been arrested following a wild, high-speed police chase that led to multiple crashes in Rhode Island last week, according to police.
Joshua Pavao, 43, whose last known address is in Kissimmee, is facing multiple charges including 106 counts for possessing a large-capacity feeding device – a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip or similar device that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition – eluding law enforcement and discharging firearm from a motor vehicle. 
The incident began at around 2:20 p.m. on Dec. 1 after the East Providence Police Department received a call reporting shots fired at a home in what appeared to be a "targeted attack," officials said in a news release. The bullet struck a car window at the home. 
Police dispatch released a description of the suspect's vehicle, a black Nissan Armada with an unknown Florida registration plate, and a search began.
Minutes later, the vehicle was spotted by a detective, who attempted to make a traffic stop, but the driver, later identified as Pavao, refused and kept driving, prompting a high-speed chase.
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During the chase, Pavao's vehicle reportedly struck multiple other cars, which resulted in minor injuries. Following the collision, numerous loaded long-gun magazines were thrown from the suspect's vehicle and found scattered at the crash site.
Hundreds of rounds of long gun ammunition were also strewn throughout the area, police said.
Pavao abandoned his vehicle after it became inoperable following the multiple crashes and ran from officers but was ultimately caught near a restaurant and taken into custody.
Inside his vehicle, officers found thousands of rounds of ammunition in three duffle bags and many loose rounds throughout the interior of the vehicle.
No firearms were found inside the vehicle, at the large crash scene or on the suspect. However, a short time later, a resident contacted police after finding a backpack nearby, where officers found three loaded handguns and a pellet-style rifle. A bullet-proof vest was also found in the backpack.
"This investigation remains very active as we try to understand the motive and intentions of the suspect," Police Chief Christopher Francesconi said in a statement. "We have been working with other law enforcement agencies to further the investigation. " ____________________
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