#Moses Liberty’s kids
call-me-casual · 2 months
(Also posted to the LK community)
Okay who’s interested in hearing about the school au I thought up in the shower
Keep in mind that all following information is based on my experience in British education, I have no clue how American schools run different
First we have the kids - James and Henri are both kids from the foster system, James has been adopted by Moses, whilst Henri is still technically a foster (ik ik not Franklin but maybe they’re neighbours). Henri is definitely the class clown whilst James is ambitious, but not too sure how to achieve his academic goals. Sarah is an exchange student from the UK living with Franklin, who is either a relative in this au or a family friend like in canon. She and James initially don’t get along but over time through the newspaper club and sharing most classes they grow closer. Sarah is an A+ student and she tutors James and Henri after school.
Most historical figures are teachers or general staff, except for named foot-soldiers like Joseph Plum Martin or other young historical figures like Sybil Ludington, who would be fellow students
Franklin - the kids’ (or at least James and Sarah’s) tutor (I think Americans call it home room?). He teaches science, and it’s his love of teaching that’s kept him from retiring (though he probably should have years ago). He runs the school newspaper (which James and Sarah are both a part of)
Moses - I can see him as a member of the site team or subject technician of some kind (basically helps to prepare stuff like experiments and maintain the school, but more responsibilities than a janitor). He’s also doing an online university course to get his teaching degree (he’d most likely go into either engineering/dt). The adopted Father for James and foster parent to Henri. Has known Franklin for years and the two are next door neighbours
Lafayette - French. Obviously. He’s a younger teacher popular with the students. His class is the only one Henri doesn’t goof around in, and the two are very close (spoilers: he may end up adopting him). Constantly asking the finance department to let him take a class trip to France. If anyone acts up enough to make him mad the class all turns on that one person (based on my mother’s experience (coincidentally she was also a languages teacher lol)). Often gossips and speaks with Hamilton in French.
Adams - idk if they teach law or politics in American high schools but if not then he’s probably an English teacher. His students live in terror or presenting essays or debates because no one can beat the man. You either love him or hate him, there’s no in between with his classes. Probably head of the department
Hamilton - probably either English or history (though maths is also a contender because he was treasury secretary). Also a younger teacher popular with the students. Has almost gotten into a fight with other teachers. And students. Definitely runs the debate club. Expects assignments in a week before the deadline. Is one of the leaders in staff room gossip.
Washington - I know most people make him the head teacher but I’m not a huge fan of that. He’ll probably end up as the head eventually for this au, but for most of it I imagine him is a department head. I can see him teaching either history, maths or geography (he was a surveyor after all, I could see him being a really good geography teacher). He’s that teacher that looks intimidating but is actually very nice. Believes way more in practical than theory and WILL drag his class outside in any and all weather to do a study. He also looks after any of the animals the school owns. Sometimes brings his dog to class. Is DEFINITELY involved in staff room gossip
Abigail Adams - I can see her as either the school nurse or some sort of creative arts teacher
Phillis Wheatley - definitely either an English teacher (damn we got a lot of those) and if not then some sort of creative arts teacher who also runs a poetry club. If anyone acts up in her class the other students ensure the body is never found.
Please suggest what subjects and the sort other historical figures would teach or any other ideas you have relating to this! ^^ Idk if I’ll draw anything based on this but it’s fun to brainstorm!
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
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soft headcanon.
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salmonthecat · 5 months
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lulu-cat-princess · 1 year
I like to remind you that these two
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Were alive at the same time as these lot
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Therefore these kids probably spend time with Isaac and Nigel. They possibly saw Isaac shooting Nigel.
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sleepybamboo · 8 days
Liberty’s Kids Characters Headcanons
James: Makes feather crowns(like flower crowns but with feathers instead)/necklaces
Sarah: Is thinking about cutting her hair
Henri: Has brought multiple wild animals back to the printshop with him, even though he is scolded for it each time by Dr. Franklin and Moses(he snuck a raccoon back to the printshop once, I don’t know how???)
Moses: Writes poetry when he can
Dr. Franklin: Once put a sign up on the printshop window that says: “We can fight at this location, so act wisely”
John Adams: Has used candles to try to set John Dickinson’s coat on fire.
George Washington: Has a wolf puppy as an emotional support animal(His name is Juno). He cuddles with the pup before leaving his tent.
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sarahhillips · 11 months
Libertys Kids newscasters au where James and Sarah are amateur field reporters with hopes of becoming anchors for a news show in Philadelphia. Ben Franklin is one of the anchors on the show who is going into retirement so James and Sarah are naturally competing for his spot.
Henri is the lovable mic guy who’s always snacking in the news van and Moses is the camera man that looks out for James and Sarahs safety.
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discocandles · 1 year
Sarah Phillips will fiddle/fidget when she's deep in thought, and if she's thinking about certain people, she'll fidget with certain things in particular.
Most obviously, she'll fiddle with her necklace when she's thinking about James. Flipping it around the chain when she is worried about him, like if he's not back home when he said he'd be. If Sarah is twisting it back and forth between her fingers, she's annoyed because of something he did. If she's gently rubbing the pendant with her thumb in middle finger, she misses him. When Sarah was in England, her mother saw her messing with her locket like that most when her daughter was by herself.
When Sarah taps her feet in a little rhythm, she wishes Henri was there. She can imagine how he would react, and how he'd lighten the mood, make everyone laugh a bit. Or she's hungry, which hunger is something she's grown to relate to Henri, as he's almost always hungry.
If Sarah is thinking of her mother, she'll often twirl the hair around her face, especially when she wishes her mother were there to make sense of the situation or to just sweep her hair from her face and put it where it belongs. Or Sarah will spin her quill between her fingers, trying to commit whatever is going on around her to memory as her mother would love to hear it.
When thinking of Moses, Sarah will mess with her skirt. She'll wrap a bit of the fabric around her finger when she misses him, or wishes he was there to talk her down and help things make sense. If she's bunching her skirt in her fists, something is reminding her of Moses and Cato, and how Moses looked at his brother with so much heartbreak in his eyes. How he'd stay calm in the face of atrocities when he has every right to be enraged, how he doesn't want her to be enraged on his behalf("It won't change anything they do, Sarah.")
She could be thinking about anything or anyone if she's messing with her ponytail or the end of her braid(Sarah had to have braided her hair a lot. I know dic animation never changed character models unless they had to, but still). Sometimes it's her dad, cousin Tom, Abigail Adams, Udney, Arnold before his betrayal, Dr. Franklin, Molly from the women's camp. It could be anyone she grew close to in the war, honestly.
Very few people know that Sarah's thinking about certain people based on what she's messing with. The person who'd know most of them would be Henri, as he's the person that she spends most time with in the liberty's kids timeline. He mostly picks up on the big ones, like when Sarah misses her mom, or how she memorized the rhythm he played when getting the sheep to New York, which if Sarah wasn't one of the best people he had met before, she is now. The day he picked up on Sarah messing with her necklace = Sarah is thinking about James was rough. For her(I should just write that as a story). Sarah had to promise she would make Henri his favorite dinner for a week if he didn't tell James.
Speaking of whom, James would probably notice the different tells if the sight of his crush best friend and colleague staring softly into the distance while tenderly fiddling with the necklace he helped make for her that he'd never seen her part with since didn't make his brain shut down for a solid minute. At least.
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meerawrites · 7 months
I rewatched half of liberty’s kids on the plane ride home, I blame… @tricornonthecob, @musicboxmemories, @sarahhillips & @tallmadgeandtea. 😤
Also the way the best characters in the entire show are Moses and Sarah in that order and.. and James Hiller is my type (sadly), and Tallmadge cameo!
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a-new-oasis · 9 months
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At the Abram Residence "Hey Liberty, make sure to give your father my thanks for letting me join your practice today."
"Oh, thank you so much for coming! Having a real violinist here is such a relief. No offense to the twins, but there are times I feel like I've played the same section a hundred times just to get it right."
"Yeah, being in a family band has its challenges, for sure. Dinah's not playing anything, so it's mostly been me and mom. Thankfully, she's pretty sharp. Julie's been all tied up lately, though, dealing with Melody and [Reed] Victor."
"Well, when we're married, maybe Julie can play at the wedding! I'm really into the harp, but my mom isn't keen on buying another instrument. We've already dropped 10,000 on our current set, and a harp is at least another 2000. Dad's already figuring out what Cheerful plays, so who knows how much more that'll cost."
"Guess what? I'll get you a harp. A wedding present, perhaps. It's such a divine instrument, you know? King David played it, and I'd love our home to be filled with godly music. When you're my wife, of course."
"Really? That would be so sweet, it sounds amazing! I'm so, so, so grateful my parents found Him when I was little. I can't imagine meeting someone as kind as you if I were messing around like secularists. Did you know athiest kids our age are drinking, drugs and partying?"
"That's terrible, Libby! I wish it were easier to share the message of 1 Corinthians with atheists. Unfortunately, it seems like speaking up nowadays gets us told off by all those Jews, Muslims and homos."
"Yeah, it's true. Last week, Amos and I were out, and we got called names by some devil-worshippers. We were just saying our government should support the Watcher-intended family - husband at work, wife at home, happy children. No Adam and Steve nonsense."
"I'll pray for them, really. I hope they find their way back, like the sheep to the shepherd. Maybe they were Catholics? Did you know that Catholics support those fags? Watcher be praised, my mom found true faith. I get to meet wonderful, Bible-loving ladies like you. Maybe even have them as my wife, eternally."
"You're so gentlemanly Moses."
Anyways, before I forget, I'm gonna go see your dad before I join your family for dinner. Nothing to worry about. Tell your mom I heard her casserole is heavenly."
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palaceofmuses · 1 month
Updated Muse List
DC Comics: Alfred Pennyworth (primary, mixed media)
The Mentalist: Patrick Jane (primary), Angela Ruskin-Jane, Lorelei Martins, Red John (secondary)
Criminal Minds: Jennifer Jareau, Tara Lewis (secondary)
Ghost Whisperer: Melinda Gordon (secondary)
Scream Franchise: Tatum Riley (secondary)
Team Starkid/Hatchetfield: Stephanie Lauter, Hannah Foster, Gerald Monroe (test, secondary)
Turn: Washington's Spies: Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Dinah Woodhull, Hannah Tallmadge (tertiary)
Liberty's Kids: Moses (tertiary)
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heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
Okay, if we're talking about animated characters we crushed on, I have two. The first was Yami from Yugioh (mostly because of his deep voice) and...well, this one is a bit embarrassing...George Washington from that old Liberty's Kids cartoon. (In my defense, I was like nine, okay lol?)
ok i wasn't allowed to watch yugioh as a kid for a host of unrelated reasons so i just looked up a clip of his voice and .
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so yeahhhh i. i do absolutely Get It 😂😂 also apparently he voiced sky in winx club.?? so uh 😳 @ dan green call meeee
AHH LIBERTY'S KIDS.!!! damnn that show was SO good too,, you with your crush on gw 🤝 me with my crush on moses
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worldofwardcraft · 3 months
Louisiana teaches the wrong lesson.
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June 24, 2024
Last week, Louisiana's Republican governor Jeff Landry (pictured above eagerly violating the US Constitution) signed into law a series of bills affecting education in the Pelican State. Getting the most attention from the media was the one mandating the display of the Old Testament's Ten Commandments in all public classrooms — from kindergartens to state-funded universities.
The legislation requires a poster-sized (11"x14") display of the Judaic Decalogue in "large, easily readable font" along with a four-paragraph "context statement" describing how the Law of Moses was "a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries." Schools have until the start of 2025 to comply.
Opponents of this act point out that it disregards the plain language of the 1st Amendment (“Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion”). As well as decades of Supreme Court precedent. So it's little wonder that four civil rights organizations (The American Civil Liberties Union, its Louisiana chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation) have already filed lawsuits.
These will eventually wend their way to the US Supreme Court. But given it's current makeup, there's a good chance the high court will find some way to ignore the Constitution and allow Louisiana's culture war atrocity to stand. After all, in a 2022 speech Justice Samuel Alito complained,
The problem that looms is not just indifference to religion, it’s not just ignorance about religion, there’s also growing hostility to religion, or at least the traditional religious beliefs that are contrary to the new moral code that is ascendant in some sectors.
But equally alarming is the rest of the legislation Landry signed. It's what he calls his "Dream Big Education Plan." Said Landry at last Wednesday's press conference, "What we do know is that our children are failing again and again in comparison to other states around us." He's right. Louisiana consistently ranks at or near the bottom in education.
Landry's "dream" package includes establishing a so-called Gator Scholarship Fund that would pay for private (read: religious) school tuitions, eliminating vaccination requirements (polio, measles and mumps say thanks), weakening teacher standards and requiring school personnel to use pronouns assigned to students at birth rather than their preferred pronouns. It also gives power over school curricula to a new state board that can determine what and how teachers are allowed to teach.
Of course, all these provisions won't do a thing to improve Louisiana's schools. But at least the kids will learn not to commit adultery or covet their neighbor's house.
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tricornonthecob · 5 months
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"Moses!! This isn't what you think!"
"...What do I think this is?"
Teenager does teenager things: practicing confessions of love and kissing with an inanimate object. Moses walks in at the best time to confirm he is not paid enough.
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salmonthecat · 4 months
Liberty's kids animal crossing au ideas
James hiller-human-jock
Henri Lefebvre-human-lazy
Sarah Phillips-human-sisterly
Benjamin Franklin-raccoon-lazy
George Washington-eagle-cranky
Benedict Arnold-cat-cranky
Ethan Allen-bear-jock
Marquis de Lafayette-chicken-smug
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rosie-love98 · 9 months
Crossover Idea With "The Mysterious Cities Of Gold":
I've known of this series for years though I've sadly only seen parts of it while most of my info came from reviews and on Wikipedia. From this, I can't help but see a crossover potential with the show, "Liberty's Kids" (a show about three kids witnessing events from the American Revolution). While "Liberty's Kids" is more grounded in reality, there are some similarites from having catchy theme-songs to educating kids about history.
However, to have "Cities Of Gold" and "Liberty's Kids" share the same universe would be pretty...off-putting, It's not just because of thhe different art styles but the fact that "Liberty's Kids" was more grounded in reality (despite the fictional characters NEVER aging despite the decade(s) long events). So bringing in time-travel would be a stretch...
Though my idea is to have the character, Moses, (a strong-willed former slave who bought his freedom and is friends/gaurdian of James, Sarah and Henri), get together with the descendant of Esteban/Zia and Tao/Myeena. As a nod to "Cities Of Gold", the descendant would wear one of the sun medallions that's a familyl heirloom.
Another canidate would be the Dreamworks film, "Road To El Dorado". This and "Cities Of Gold" are closer in time (1519 and 1532 respectively), have similar premises and allow themselves to get fantastical. And I can't but see Chel and Miguel wanting to adopt/spoil Zia, Esteban and Tao while Tulio constantly objecting. Though I'm not sure how Cortez would differ in his two incarnations.
All that being said, what are your thoughts?
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sleepybamboo · 2 months
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This is how much I like each character!
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