#Mortgage Lender Salt Lake City
reasoningdaily · 9 months
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The Navajo Nation has received a $55 million grant to help Navajo homeowners with mortgage payments and home repairs.
Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said as many as 901 homeowners should qualify for the funds.
The money comes from the American Rescue Plan Act, which provides nearly $10 billion to support homeowners throughout the country who face financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program is open to Navajo homeowners of all income levels within the Four Corner states who live on both tribal lands and in urban areas.
The funds must be used within three years.
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PHOENIX — Urban Navajos who own homes off the Navajo Nation will soon receive some unexpected help they’ll want but didn’t need to ask for.
On Sept. 11, Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren told 250 Phoenix metro area Navajo homeowners that the Nation received a $55 million federal grant to provide financial assistance to Navajo homeowners under various Homeowner Assistance Fund programs.
This includes mortgage payments and home repair assistance.
As many as 901 Navajo homeowners should qualify for the money for their homes, he said.
“Make sure we tell everybody,” Nygren told an overflow crowd in the shade outside the historic Phoenix Indian School Visitor Center, one of the remaining buildings from the 100-year-old Indian boarding school.
They were outside because a capacity crowd was already indoors awaiting the same announcement, and Nygren wanted to address those in the 105-degree F heat first.
The Homeowner Assistance Fund was authorized through the American Rescue Plan Act to provide $9.9 billion nationwide to support homeowners who face financial hardships associated with COVID-19, the Nygren said yesterday.
The funds were distributed to states, U.S. territories, and tribes. The Navajo Nation was awarded $55,420,097.
Most federally funded programs are restricted to low- and very-low-income households.
This program allows higher-income Navajo homeowners to receive financial relief from the economic effects of COVID-19, as well.
“Tell your relatives,” Nygren said. “Say the $55 million that came from our government was specifically for Navajo people who are homeowners.”
To launch the process, Nygren signed an agreement with Native Community Capital. The group is a Native-led and operated non-profit corporation that was selected as the sub-recipient to administer the Homeowner Assistance Fund Project activities on behalf of the Navajo Nation.
Native Community Capital is certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as a Native Community Development Financial Institution and is a licensed mortgage lender in Arizona and New Mexico.
The program is designed for both higher-income and medium-income homeowners, Native Community Capital CFO Todd Francis said.
As an example, a family of four in Maricopa County in Arizona earning as much as $132,450 a year may be eligible for the tax-free, non-repayable funds to pay their mortgage or repair their homes, he said.
The program will benefit Navajo relatives and their families who reside in both rural remote locations and those in the urban areas of Phoenix, Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, surrounding smaller cities and towns, and wherever Navajo homeowners live off-reservation, said NCC CEO Dave Castillo.
A significant lack of investment in tribal communities compared to non-Indian communities has resulted in a critical absence of homeownership on tribal lands, particularly for higher-income Native households, he said.
As a result, Navajos with higher incomes tend to purchase or build homes off the Navajo Nation where they can qualify for loans and mortgages to build equity and wealth.
The Center for Indian Country Development reports that 78% of Native people live outside of tribal trust land in counties surrounding their homelands. It is these families the HAF Project will seek to support, Castillo said.
Nygren said the Navajo HAF Project will provide financial assistance to 901 eligible Navajo homeowners to use for qualified expenses in five activities for the next 36 months.
The program will provide financial assistance to eligible Navajo homeowners in the four-state region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado.
Each eligible applicant could receive a maximum amount of $125,000 of combined assistance under various programs.
These include:
Monthly mortgage payment assistance to a maximum assistance level of $72,000 per participant. This is for Navajo homeowners who are delinquent in mortgage payments or at risk of foreclosure due to a loss of household income.
Mortgage reinstatement assistance would give a maximum assistance of $50,000 per participant to those who are in active forbearance, delinquency default status, or are at risk of losing a home.
Mortgage principal reduction assistance that would assist up to $100,000 for those who find the fair market value of their home is now less than the price they paid for it and now may result in a loss when it is sold.
Home repair assistance that would give $100,000 to those who need significant home repairs.
Clear title assistance of up to $30,000 for grant assistance to receive a clear title of their primary residence.
In his 2022 presidential campaign, Nygren committed to helping urban Navajos who have said for years that they felt underserved by the tribal government. He said this grant addresses that.
He said one of his administration’s next goals is to buy or construct a building owned by the Navajo Nation in the metro area to serve urban Navajo Phoenicians.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we used the entire $55 million this year?” Nygren asked. “I know you committed to live here and to take care of your family. I see a lot of familiar faces and I understand this is where your jobs are. We want you to have access to resources.”
Castillo urged applicants to be sure their applications were complete and submitted early.
“One thing we want to emphasize is to be ready when the information is being requested on the checklist,” he said. “Make sure you have your documents prepared and you get it to our licensed professionals that will be working with you. If you do not, the application will expire in 30 days.”
He said the program has just three years to deploy the $55 million.
“It seems like we could do that quickly but we can only do it quickly if you help us, if you’re ready, and if you submit the information that’s necessary.”
Debbie Nez-Manuel, executive director of the Navajo Nation Division of Human Resources, said visits to other urban areas will be planned, scheduled, and announced by Native Community Capital.
The funds must be used within three years.
So does any of this money go to the Black Indians Tribes? @militantinremission
maybe y'all should start asking for your cut right now cause they got it
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my-state-mls · 1 year
What Will Happen When The Debt Ceiling Is Breached?
Should there is a chance that the United States breaches the debt ceiling, it will affect the market for housing like a natural catastrophe. When a significant natural disaster, like snowstorms or hurricanes, the areas directly affected by it experience the most drastic decline in home sales and purchasing.
In October, for instance, 2022, the number of houses that took an offer fell by more than 50% over the course of a year across the three Florida metropolitan areas directly affected by Hurricane Ian, nearly doubling the nationwide decline. But, these markets generally improved by the start of next year. If the U.S. hits the debt limit and there isn't a compromise to be reached in Congress to lift the nation's borrowing cap, it will affect the housing market. Buyers and sellers of homes will temporarily withdraw from the market amid the chaos; however, they will return when the dust is settled.
Locations Harmed Most By Debt Ceiling Crisis
The United States may breach the debt ceiling between June and July. If it does, the U.S. may miss payments to federal employees or contractors, vendors, employees, and Social Security recipients to ensure it does not default on its obligations. The extent and duration of the economic crisis will depend on the time it will take Congress to increase the ceiling and is dependent on the bipartisan collaboration of both parties.
The impact on the economy will be the most significant, with many federal employees, contractors, vendors, and military personnel, like Washington, D.C. and Virginia Beach, VA. Only a person with income will likely want to avoid committing to a large financial obligation, such as purchasing a home.
Regions with the greatest proportion of people over 65 are likely to experience the greatest disturbances from missing social security checks, like Florida and Maine. Retirement-age people who depend upon social security benefits may be hesitant to make purchases on their own, causing detrimental to the economy in these regions. A slowdown in the economy might slow the pace of home buying overall.
However, cities like Salt Lake City and Minneapolis will be less in the way because of their younger populations and very few federal workers.
Mortgage rate volatility
The wider housing market may still be impacted by mortgage interest rate changes. The fear of the U.S. failing to pay its debts would increase rates. This is because the possibility of default could make the risk of default for all U.S. investments riskier, such as mortgages. The increased risk of a recession could lower mortgage rates. In fact, the White House has declared that a default on the debt would lead to millions of jobs being lost, as well as a decrease in the economic growth rate. If this happens, interest rates could fall as the Fed must lower low-interest rates to stimulate economic expansion. The last time it was shattered was in August 2011, mortgage rates fell.
Things home buyers should be aware of
If you plan on purchasing a property this year, you could find the best deal on a mortgage rate if the debt ceiling gets breached. Follow the news and inquire with your lender to supply up-to-date information about any changes to the rate they provide. The mortgage rate may rise instead of falling. For the most benefit, both worlds ensure that you are locked in on the interest rate you are paying now by using the option of floating down. This option lets you profit from mortgage rates falling.
Even if you can obtain an affordable rate, you could find buyers have stopped buying in the face of economic uncertainty. A lack of inventory could be more severe given that the number of new listings is at a loss of nearly 20 percent compared to last year's. Insufficient supply can lead to a greater amount of houses being put that are available. To be ready, be pre-approved for a mortgage and create alerts for properties you like using real estate applications such as Redfin. This way, you can make an offer fast before somebody else beats you to the post.
What should home buyers know about
Amid all the uncertainties about how a breach of the debt ceiling will impact the economy and mortgage rates, I anticipate lots of potential buyers to put their homes on the market. If rates drop, those willing to enter the market might have multiple offers from potential buyers looking to profit from the lower rates. But, if rates move upwards, sellers could find it difficult to find a buyer.
Prices and sales at the home
Overall I expect many potential buyers to be put off by this uncertainty. Sellers will only get one shot to showcase their property; buyers will be more flexible with their proposals. So, a breach of the debt limit will restrict the supply of homes more than it will increase demand and could negatively affect the amount of sales greater than the level of home costs. Once the debt ceiling has been lifted, the housing market is expected to return to normal, or at minimum, it will be normal by 2023.
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localbizpro · 1 year
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Understanding the Consequences of Unpaid Tax Debt In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the repercussions and potential outcomes that arise when individuals find themselves unable to pay their tax debt. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of these consequences to make informed decisions and navigate through the complexities of tax debt responsibly.
The Importance of Addressing Tax Debt Tax debt can be an overwhelming burden, and failing to address it promptly can lead to a variety of financial and legal repercussions. It is essential to take the necessary steps to resolve your tax debt to avoid worsening the situation.
1. Accrued Interest and Penalties One of the primary consequences of unpaid tax debt is the accumulation of interest and penalties. The longer the debt remains unpaid, the more substantial these additional charges become. Over time, the amount owed can significantly increase, further straining your financial situation.
2. IRS Collection Efforts The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has various tools at its disposal to collect unpaid tax debt. These can include levying your wages, seizing assets, or placing a lien on your property. These collection efforts can have a significant impact on your financial stability and future plans.
3. Credit Score and Financial Reputation Unresolved tax debt can negatively affect your credit score and overall financial reputation. The IRS may file a tax lien against you, which will be visible to potential lenders and creditors. This can make it challenging to secure loans, mortgages, or favorable interest rates in the future.
4. Legal Consequences In severe cases of unpaid tax debt, the IRS may pursue legal action, such as filing a lawsuit or seeking criminal charges. While these situations are relatively rare, it is essential to address your tax debt promptly to prevent any legal complications that could arise.
Strategies for Addressing Tax Debt Now that we understand the potential consequences of unpaid tax debt, let's explore some effective strategies to help you navigate this challenging situation.
1. Communicate with the IRS Open and honest communication with the IRS is crucial when dealing with tax debt. Reach out to them as soon as possible to discuss your situation and explore possible solutions. The IRS offers various payment options and may be willing to work out a suitable arrangement based on your financial circumstances.
2. Installment Agreements An installment agreement allows you to make monthly payments over time to settle your tax debt. This option can provide you with the flexibility needed to manage your financial obligations while gradually resolving your debt.
3. Offer in Compromise Under certain circumstances, you may be eligible for an offer in compromise, which allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed. This option requires a thorough examination of your financial situation and a compelling argument for why the IRS should accept a reduced payment.
4. Seek Professional Assistance Navigating the complexities of tax debt can be challenging without professional guidance. Consider consulting with a qualified tax professional who can help you understand your options, negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, and develop a personalized strategy to resolve your tax debt.
Taking Control of Your Tax Debt While facing tax debt can be daunting, taking proactive steps to address the issue is crucial. By understanding the potential consequences and exploring available strategies, you can regain control of your financial situation and work towards a resolution.
Remember, each case of tax debt is unique, and it is essential to seek professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Take action today to alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated with unpaid tax debt.
Phone: (888) 888-3649 [email protected] Address: 2350 E ARBOR LN SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84117 Website: Taxaccountantsaltlakecity.com
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justjennarealtor · 1 year
Buying a Home in Salt Lake City? 5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Option
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Are you looking for homes for sale near Salt Lake city? Then you're set to discover one of the best cities in America to live in. As Utah's capital, Salt Lake City offers affordable housing, low crime rates, excellent job opportunities, and plenty of outdoor recreational activities. Before you start the home search process, it's essential to take some time to plan and strategize. Here are five tips to help you find the perfect home in Salt Lake City.
Work With a Top-Notch Real Estate Agent:
Finding a reputable real estate agent should be your top priority. Realtors with excellent market knowledge about Salt Lake City can identify neighborhoods that meet your needs and budget. A good realtor will have excellent negotiation skills when making an offer, finding the best mortgage rates, and helping you navigate the legal process of closing a home. So, be sure to research and hire an experienced and licensed real estate agent to work with you through the buying process.
Determine Your Priorities:
What do you want in homes for sale near Salt lake city? List your must-haves, size, location, number of rooms, and amenities. Prioritizing your list of necessities can help you and your real estate agent narrow your search and find your dream home that ticks most, if not all, of your boxes.
Visit Your Top Picks, and Attend Open Houses:
Once you have identified your ideal neighborhoods, it is essential to visit each one and take the time to explore each home that meets your needs. Visiting each district can give you a feel for the community, its ambiance, safety, and how welcoming it is. Additionally, you'll be able to speak with the neighbors and learn about the school district and local amenities. You can also attend open houses in the area to see more options and make comparisons, focus on the pros and cons of each home, and get an idea of what the houses in these neighborhoods are worth.
Budget and Financing:
Purchasing homes for sale near salt lake city is a significant investment, so you must consider your budget and financing. Knowing your budget can help save you valuable time in your search for homes, increasing your chances of finding a house that suits your financial plan. Before looking at homes for sale in Salt Lake City, clearly understand how much you'd like to spend. Also, consider your financing options, including how much mortgage you'll need, your loan rates, and the down payment. Speak with a mortgage lender and get pre-approved, which shows sellers that you're a serious buyer.
Inspection and Appraisal:
Ensure you have each home you're considering inspected to know any hidden damage that might affect the value of a property. The appraisal will help you identify the market value of homes in the neighborhood and prevent you from overpaying for a property. Additionally, an inspection will reveal any repairs required, giving you an idea of the potential costs once you own the house.
Invest in Tech and Environmentally-Friendly Homes:
Today, tech and environmentally-friendly homes for sale near salt lake city are a great investment. Making sure your home is energy efficient and installing the latest smart technology can help you save on monthly bills while adding value to your property. Converting to solar energy, investing in energy-efficient HVAC systems, and upgrading insulation are some ways to make your home better for the environment.
Make an Offer:
Once you have found the perfect home, it's time to make an offer. Your real estate agent can help with this process by advising on how much to offer and negotiating for the best deal. After both parties agree, you'll be ready to finalize all legal paperwork and close the deal.
Close the Deal:
The last step in buying a home is closing the deal. Once all the paperwork has been signed, you'll be ready to move into your new home. Throughout this process, working with an experienced real estate agent and specialists like a mortgage lender who can guide you through every step and ensure the process goes smoothly is essential. Buying homes for sale near salt lake city doesn't have to be stressful if you take your time and plan carefully. You can find the perfect home for you and your family with patience and proper guidance.
Purchasing homes for sale near Salt Lake City can be an exciting experience if you follow our five tips. From hiring a reputable real estate agent to determining your priorities and budget, it's crucial to research and plan before starting your search. Taking your time to find the right home for you will benefit you in years to come. So, take the time to find homes for sale near Salt Lake city that meet your lifestyle, budget, and other preferences.
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Bankruptcy Attorney Salt Lake City
Bankruptcy Attorney Salt Lake City
You’ll need to attend a hearing or two when you file for bankruptcy. For instance, in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the court will appoint a trustee to conduct a hearing that all filers must attend the 341 meeting of creditors. If you file for Chapter 13, you or your attorney will also have to appear at a confirmation hearing. Depending on your case, you might be required to go to more hearings.
Bankruptcy Court and Trustee Responsibilities
In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, the bankruptcy trustee sells your nonexempt property, assets that you can’t protect with a bankruptcy exemption and distributes the proceeds to creditors.
In Chapter 13, the trustee doesn’t sell your nonexempt assets. Instead, you pay the value of nonexempt assets through your repayment plan. The trustee will review your plan, however, to make sure it’s feasible and that it treats all creditors fairly. If the court confirms (approves) the plan, the trustee will disperse the monthly payments to creditors.
Bankruptcy Court and the 341 Meeting of Creditors
In both bankruptcy chapters, the trustee appointed to your case will review your paperwork and supporting documentation, such as pay stubs and tax returns. The trustee is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your petition and presiding over the meeting of creditors. When you file your case, the court will notify you and your creditors of the time and location of the 341 hearing. While the hearing might be held at the bankruptcy court, the trustee won’t hold it in a courtroom. Instead, the trustee will oversee the hearing in a conference room.
At the meeting of creditors, the trustee will verify your identity and ask you questions under oath about the contents of your bankruptcy papers. Creditors will have a chance to ask questions about your financial affairs, as well, but rarely attend the meeting. If you don’t appear, the trustee will move to dismiss your bankruptcy (more below), and you won’t receive a discharge, the order that wipes out qualifying debt.
Bankruptcy Court and the Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearing
If you file for Chapter 13, you or your attorney will have to appear at the repayment plan confirmation hearing. Before the hearing, you’ll send your proposed repayment plan to the Chapter 13 trustee and creditors. Each will have an opportunity to file a written objection. If you resolve the issue raised, the trustee or creditor will likely withdraw the objection. If not, you’ll have the opportunity to respond in writing and to advocate your position to the judge at the hearing. Unlike the 341 meeting of creditors, the judge will hold the confirmation hearing in a courtroom. The judge will consider any objections and oral argument at the confirmation hearing. If the repayment plan is approved, you’ll move forward with Chapter 13. If it isn’t, the judge will give you time to remedy the problem in all likelihood. If you’re unable to present a confirmable plan after a few tries, the judge will dismiss your case.
Additional Bankruptcy Court Hearings
Here are other hearings that occur in both Chapter 7 and 13 with some degree of frequency. If you have a car loan or mortgage, and you want to keep the house, car, or other collateral, you must make the monthly payments during bankruptcy. If you don’t, your lender can file a motion for relief from the automatic stay and ask for court permission to foreclose or repossess your property.
For instance, it isn’t uncommon for a debtor to file for Chapter 7 or 13 to stop a foreclosure or repossession. A lender who stands to lose money as a result of the automatic stay can file a motion asking the court to lift the automatic stay. You’ll have the right to oppose the motion and ask the court to hold a hearing. If the Chapter 7 trustee requires the property for the bankruptcy case, the trustee will oppose the motion, as well. At the hearing which will be held in a courtroom in front of a bankruptcy judge, the Chapter 7 trustee will explain that creditors will benefit from the liquidation of the property. The lender holding a lien will be paid in full once the property gets sold, thereby saving the lender the time and effort of foreclosure or repossession. If a Chapter 7 trustee doesn’t intend to sell the property, to defeat the motion, you’ll need to show that: • enough equity exists to protect the lender from financial harm—often referred to as an “equity cushion,” or • you can afford the monthly payments and to catch up on any missed payments. If you’re in Chapter 13, you’ll have to make adequate protection payments before your plan is confirmed. You also must make your monthly payment, and be able to catch up on arrearages through your Chapter 13 plan. Otherwise, you won’t survive the motion.
Chapter 7 Reaffirmation Hearing in Bankruptcy Court
If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and have a secured debt such as a car loan, you may need to reaffirm that debt if you want to keep the car. When you reaffirm a debt, you sign a new contract with the lender that makes you personally liable on the obligation despite your bankruptcy discharge. If your monthly budget shows that you can’t afford to make the monthly payments, a presumption of undue hardship arises. You’ll be required to attend a reaffirmation hearing in a courtroom in front of the judge. At the hearing, you’ll have to explain why you need the car (or any other asset you are trying to keep) and how you can afford it. The judge will decide whether to approve the reaffirmation after hearing your explanation and reviewing your finances.
Trustee’s Motion to Dismiss Hearing
The motion to dismiss arises in several situations. For instance, if you fail to make your Chapter 13 plan payments, the trustee will file a motion to dismiss your case. If you don’t file a document or a certificate of completion for a required bankruptcy course, or if you don’t show up for the 341 hearing, the trustee will likely request a dismissal.
Adversary Proceedings in Bankruptcy Court
An adversary proceeding isn’t a hearing. It’s a lawsuit filed in your bankruptcy case that a judge will conduct in a bankruptcy courtroom. If you incur debts shortly before filing for bankruptcy, hide assets, lie on your bankruptcy papers, commit fraud, or otherwise abuse the bankruptcy system, the trustee or your creditors can file a complaint and start an adversary proceeding in your case. Once the plaintiff files a complaint, you will have a certain amount of time to answer or oppose it. The court will set a discovery schedule to allow each side to collect evidence. Each party will present the case at trial.
The most common types of adversary proceedings include: • actions by the trustee to recover fraudulent or preferential transfers • complaints by creditors to have their debts declared nondischargeable because of fraud • objections to your entire discharge filed by the trustee or creditors as a result of bankruptcy fraud, and • complaints to strip junior liens from a house (only certain bankruptcy jurisdictions require an adversary proceeding to strip junior liens–others require a motion).
Proof of Claim in Bankruptcy
A proof of claim is the paperwork that a creditor must file before getting paid in a bankruptcy case. Under the bankruptcy payment system, some debts—like income tax and domestic support obligations have “priority” status and are paid before other claims. The proof of claim tells the bankruptcy trustee about the type of claim, as well as how much a creditor is owed, so the trustee can determine the amount to pay the creditor if anything.
Who Must File a Proof of Claim
All creditors who wish to be paid out of bankruptcy funds must file a proof of claim. Of course, if funds aren’t available for distribution—such as in a Chapter 7 “no-asset” case—a creditor won’t be told to file a proof of claim. That status will change if the trustee finds undisclosed assets during the review period. Then the trustee will instruct creditors to file a proof of claim.
Secured Creditors and Liens
Like all creditors, a secured creditor; such as a mortgage or vehicle lender must file a claim in order to receive money through the bankruptcy estate (with a few exceptions). However, even if the secured creditor doesn’t file a proof of claim, the creditor won’t lose its lien. When a lien is in place, the debtor can keep the property securing the debt only if the debtor remains current on the loan. If the debtor doesn’t pay as agreed, the creditor will be able to take back the property, sell it at auction, and use the funds to pay down the loan.
As a practical matter, if a secured lender doesn’t file a proof of claim in a Chapter 12 or 13 case (and won’t receive monthly plan payments), a debtor who wants to keep the property securing the claim (such as a house or car) has a couple of options.
• Pay outside of the plan. The debtor can make the payments directly to the creditor (instead of through the plan). However, if the debtor arranged to make the payment directly, it likely won’t be possible. Most of the debtor’s funds go into the plan leaving nothing left for a hefty payment. • File a proof of claim for the creditor. The debtor can file a proof of claim on behalf of the creditor. Doing so will allow the trustee to use bankruptcy plan payments to maintain the secured payment. When Must a Proof of Claim Be Filed in Chapter 7, 12, and 13 Bankruptcy Cases?
The deadline for filing a proof of claim for non-governmental creditors in a Chapter 7, 12, or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case is 70 days after the petition filing date. The first notice sent to creditors includes the deadline for filing proofs of claim. This notice informs creditors that a petition has been filed and indicates the date set for the meeting of creditors. This notice also sets the last date on which they can file objections to the discharge. Although the court doesn’t usually permit extensions once the deadline has passed, the court has the power to extend the filing time if a creditor shows extenuating circumstances.
What Must the Creditor Include in a Proof of Claim?
Here’s what the creditor must include in its proof of claim;
Formal Proof of Claim
A proof of claim must conform substantially with the official bankruptcy form, Proof of Claim (Form 410). You can download all of the official bankruptcy forms, including Form 410 from the U.S. Courts Bankruptcy Forms page.
The information a creditor will need to include is as follows: • the debtor’s name and the bankruptcy case number • the creditor’s information, including a mailing address • the amount owed as of the petition date • the basis for the claim (such as goods or services purchased, a loan or credit card balance, a personal injury or wrongful death award), and • the type of claim (secured or unsecured).
The creditor should attach supporting documentation, such as the contract, as evidence of the claim. Official attachment forms are available. Also, the creditor or an authorized representative must sign the proof of claim.
Informal Proof of Claim
Some courts will accept an informal proof of claim from a creditor if it meets five requirements: 1. the proof is in writing 2. the writing includes a demand against the bankruptcy estate 3. the writing demonstrates the intent to hold the estate liable 4. the writing is filed with the bankruptcy court, and 5. allowing the claim would be fair under the circumstances of the case.
Although a bankruptcy judge will consider these requirements, the decision about whether an informal proof of claim will be allowed is ultimately within the discretion of the bankruptcy judge.
Objecting to a Proof of Claim
The court usually accepts the proof of claim and its stated amount unless the debtor, trustee, or another interested party objects. Some of the most common reasons that someone might object to a claim include: • the amount is incorrect • the claim includes improper interest or other penalty charges • the claim indicates that it is a priority or secured claim when it is not • the creditor filed the claim for the purpose of harassing the debtor, or • the creditor did not attach supporting documentation.
What Should I Expect from a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Bankruptcy, like most legal matters, is a process and the safest route is to have an attorney guide you through the process if you want to succeed. A good bankruptcy attorney will give you peace of mind if they provide at least these four things: 1. An initial consultation – usually free! – to get an overview of your case 2. Advice on options available, including what type of bankruptcy to file 3. Completed paperwork necessary for filing bankruptcy 4. Representation when the case goes to court.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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justinyoder · 1 year
The Importance of Realtors
Agents in real estate play an important role in the economy. Their success depends on the volume of transactions they are able to complete and the number of commissions they can earn on those sales.
Aside from their extensive experience in the industry, they can also help buyers and sellers navigate through the complexities involved with buying or selling a house.
They can negotiate the best deals for clients, including closing costs and home warranty premiums. They can also access a variety of services such as title companies, home inspectors, mortgage lenders, and mortgage lenders.
Realtors in Salt Lake City Utah provide market information and neighborhood background that is difficult to find on your own. They can even help you with local crime rates or commercial development.
Their job is to provide real estate support for clients. They must be available to answer questions and address concerns at all times. It is possible to reduce stress by scheduling check-ins or proactive communication.
Agents can often work long hours in order to generate new business and to establish a clientele that is vital to their financial future. This is done by building a network and generating new leads through referrals.
Although these tasks may seem exhausting, they are essential to an agent's success and happiness. A good agent will always put your interests first and give you the best possible service.
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hakesbrother · 2 years
How Much Does It Value To Construct A House In El Paso?
In 2019, single-family home sales accounted for less than 76% of complete gross sales, down from 78% in 2019. At the same time, the share of condos, townhomes, and multi-family homes have all increased. Supply-chain disruptions because of the pandemic slowed down home constructing, contributing to the limited supply of single-family homes. Meanwhile, in Dallas, the cost to build leans more towards the high-end vary new homes el paso tx estimated total construction price for El Paso, averaging at $374,461, starting at $92,880 and going as high as $1,750,000. Single-family homes within the space average at three,717 square toes, with one to two flooring. Interested buyers are making provides above the itemizing value, largely for greater homes that value extra.
Between 1950 and 1960, the number of households within the Birmingham, Alabama, area increased on common by 2,825, in accordance with HUD. The population continued to grow at a slightly slower pace, 1.5% versus 1.8%, till 1960 when there were 196,300 households in the space. On common, four,925 new homes had been accredited each year in the course of the decade between 1950 and 1960, as measured by constructing permits. In El Paso, TX, newly built single-family homes made up half of all homes for sale in the Q3 – the highest share among the many eighty major metros with enough information that Redfin analyzed. Here are the cities the place individuals are shopping for essentially the most single-family homes.
Resident should qualify for a mortgage from a third-party lender or pay the acquisition worth in money to exercise the best to purchase a home. Home Partners just isn't a mortgage company, does not provide financing for a resident to buy a house, and cannot assure that a resident will have the flexibility to get hold of a mortgage loan. ©2022 Home Partners Holdings LLC. All rights reserved. HOME PARTNERS, HOME PARTNERS OF AMERICA, CHOICE LEASE, the Home Partners of America emblem new homes el paso tx and A NEW PATH TO HOMEOWNERSHIP are Reg. El Paso billionaire Paul Foster and a Dallas real property development firm plan to break ground this summer on an enormous residential community in Northeast El Paso, they introduced Tuesday. Builders in El Paso may also have to face elevated costs and restricted provide of supplies that seem to be spanning across the nation.
As of 2012, that included about 271,000 of the city’s 1.13 million homes. The Sparrows Point steel mill, formerly Bethlehem Steel, employed 30,000 staff through the Nineteen Fifties, though it later closed because of excessive prices and different new homes el paso tx problems. The population around Salt Lake City grew by about 12,seven hundred individuals a year within the decade between 1950 and 1960. The number of homes increased by three,750 a yr over the last decade.
The median income in 2021 hovers around the similar proportion of median home prices. This stunning three beds three.00 baths house is situated at 911 Karah St New Braunfels, TX and listed at $330,000 with 1600 sqft of living space. That’s up from 25% in the Q and 18% within the Q3 2020. Some parts of the country have a greater supply of single-family homes than others. Either via a standard listing or by working with an all-cash investor, HomeLight and its agents will suggest various promoting options so you can obtain your objectives. Discover homes on the market Find a spot you'll love to live.Get the most effective home mortgage Get your pre-approval in simply 5 minutes.Learn about homebuying Everything you have to learn about shopping for a house.
After 70 years, that’s something we're very pleased with. In their Best of 2012 record, The City Magazine had Tropicana earning the honor of Best Homebuilder. Led by three generations of the Bowling family, it has been our privilege to build over 10,000 homes in this metropolis. Situated inside the well-liked Mission Ridge master-planned neighborhood, Peyton Estates is located near Horizon City.
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ogdenloans · 2 years
Mortgage Lenders Salt Lake City Utah
Mortgage Lenders Salt Lake City Utah offer the best rates and terms for first time home buyers and those looking to refinance. They are a full service mortgage company that offers competitive rates, competitive fees, and one of the most reliable and trusted brands in the industry. If you are in the market for a new home or if you are looking to refinance your current mortgage, then it is time to call one of the experts at Mortgage Lenders Salt Lake City Utah.
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robusmortgage-blog · 5 years
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RōBUS Mortgage
RōBUS Mortgage is a direct lender and full service brokerage. We can handle all types of residential loans: conventional, VA, FHA, and just about any loan that may be turned down by a bank or a bigger lender if it doesn’t meet their guidelines.
Address: 5295 S Commerce Dr, Ste 205, Salt Lake City, UT 84107, USA Phone: 801-590-4499 Website: https://www.robusmortgage.com
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shortsalesutah-blog · 4 years
Utah Short Sales
2121 S McClelland St, Ste 201, Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Utah short sales just take place when there is an absolute warranty that the cash value of your house can not increase in the future. In order to avoid the risk of a complete loss, the financial institution typically accepts the decreased amount of short sale. Utah short sale is complicated but, can help sellers who owe more than home is worth. A short sale occurs when a property is sold for less than the total debt owed on the property. Utah short sale must be approved by the lenders and borrowers requesting a short sale must prove a hardship such as a mortgage payment increase, job loss, divorce, excessive debt, forced or unplanned relocation. Our experienced Utah short sale realtor is knowledgeable of the entire landscape of foreclosure avoidance options. Foreclosure situations tend to be extremely time-sensitive. If your home is upside down and you haven’t done a short sale, your time is running out. The sooner you start, the more options are available. Call for a free consultation today. Banks will offer a number of solutions for borrowers who want to avoid foreclosure.
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Amrerican Loans is Leading Mortgage Lenders in Utah. That provide Loans in Salt Lake City, Utah for a new home, build it from scratch, or to refinance an existing mortgage.
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Tired of the noisy upstairs neighbors and unresponsive landlord, you’ve decided to leave your apartment for a house. Before you can make a serious offer on a home, you have to get your home loan in order. That requires shopping around for a mortgage company in Salt Lake. To help you find the right company for your home loan, consider these tips:
1. Prepare your credit score.
More or less, your credit score tells potential lenders how high a risk there is in loaning you money. Consequently, a lower credit score means mortgage companies will be less likely to work with you. Before you do anything, take time to improve your credit score. As a result, you’ll find more mortgage companies to work with.
2. Consult your real estate agent
Real estate agents are in a unique position in which they can see which home loan experts deliver and which fall short. When buying a home, locking in a home loan on time is crucial to your offer being accepted. An experienced real estate agent should be able to tell you which mortgage lenders in Salt Lake are most likely to close their deals on time.
3.  Look for professionals that hold themselves accountable
Borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars is quite daunting. When you find yourself in that position, you do not want any detail to be overlooked. The best lenders take personal responsibility for your loan. That accountability is recognized by prompt and direct communication, the timely arrangement of documentation, and a plan for anticipated or unforeseen complications.
4. Ask Mortgage Companies in Salt Lake about their loan programs
When buying a home, there are more options available to you than a traditional mortgage. The Federal Housing Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Department of Agriculture all offer unique home loans. Additional types of loans include jumbo, reverse, new construction, and private money financing. The ideal mortgage company not only offers all these types of home loans but will work with you to identify and arrange the best one for your situation.
With things as significant as buying a home, fear and anxiety about the unknown keep people from acting. Don’t be so overwhelmed by finding the right lender that you let your dream of owning a home fall apart. Take time to review these and other tips, and finding the right company will be a breeze. Before you know it, you will be in your own home.
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mrtgagtrs-blog · 5 years
If you are currently a member of the military or used to be one and are looking to buy a home around Salt Lake City; you should check into the benefits of VA home loans. Also, if you need to refinance an existing VA loan, contact Mortgage Trees. This excellent law firm is ready to support you and help you get the house of your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for your first home, a new home, or refinancing an old one in Salt Lake City. When it comes to VA loan, it’s important to remember that it is only available for former or current members of the military. Mortgage brokers at this company will aid you in saving time and money. These expert brokers deal with all types of mortgages, families, and financial situations while assisting people in getting the resources they need to get their dream house. VA loans can be available to a surviving spouse. If you want to know more about this company and what their knowledgeable brokers can help you with, don’t hesitate to visit their website at https://www.mortgagetrees.com. You can also call them at 1-888-546-3243. Their lenders and brokers will help you through every step of the process.
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Bankruptcy Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Bankruptcy Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated, emotional process. It takes more work and time than most people realize, but it can also be the right solution for significant debt issues. Consult with a bankruptcy attorney or educate yourself on your options, you may find that filing for bankruptcy could help you out of a difficult financial bind.
Most filers find that bankruptcy eases stress by stopping: • Collections agency calls or harassment • Debt lawsuits from creditors • Wage garnishment (creditors taking money from your paycheck) • Foreclosure (unless the property has already sold) • Repossession of some property (in Chapter 13) Bankruptcy will also: • Get rid of many debts (in Chapter 7) • Protect some property from being sold (depending on exemptions in your state) • Put an end to growing debt and give you a fresh start to turn things around The decision to file for bankruptcy is a serious one. There are several considerations worth examining closely before getting started: • The impact on your future ability to access credit, lenders, or low interest rates • The impact on your credit report • Whether you could lose assets (if you file for Chapter 7) • The differences in the time and expense associated with each form of bankruptcy • Whether you are eligible for certain forms of bankruptcy • Whether you can retain specific valuable assets from repossessions (many states have exemptions) Considering other impacts can be critical in deciding whether to file for bankruptcy or which form is a better option. Some bankruptcies may: • Fail to discharge credit card debts • Impact your pension plans or other assets • Create financial issues for co-signers • Stop foreclosure • Feel like a significant invasion of your personal privacy with the bankruptcy court and working with your bankruptcy trustee. Any of these concerns may impact the desirability of the relief provided. However, none of these reasons are worse than staying in overwhelming debt or making your financial situation worse. Sometimes, you simply need debt help and cannot get there alone. Bankruptcy will give you a fresh start, and you can work towards the financial situation you want.
What Happens After a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Those who pursue a Chapter 7 bankruptcy should be aware of some potential problems or concerns. Many forms of debt cannot be discharged under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, including: • Government-funded student loans • Some forms of tax debt • Federal tax liens • Child support • Alimony or spousal support • Debts for personal injury or death arising from a motor vehicle accident • Fines and penalties for violating the law • Certain tax-advantaged retirement plans • Cooperative housing fees
Potential applicants for Chapter 7 bankruptcy should be aware that even private student loans are rarely discharged without a special showing of undue hardship. This can be hard to prove but can happen if you become permanently disabled and cannot work.
Solving Bankruptcy Problems
Following a bankruptcy, you may need to correct any inaccurate reports from former creditors. To do this, you will need to engage in a process with the credit bureau. This can entail contacting former creditors for verification of the satisfaction of debts. Even when these issues are resolved, those who have completed a bankruptcy can still expect to: • Pay higher credit rates • Have higher down payments • Need to produce a co-signer when attempting to secure new credit
These complications are not the end of the world. They may require using a mortgage broker when seeking to purchase a house.
Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The bankruptcy statistics in America are alarming. The past few decades have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people who are unable to pay off their debts, and Congress has recently addressed the issue with legislation that makes it harder to qualify for this status.
Following is a list of the most common causes of bankruptcy in Utah today.
1. Medical Expenses Rare or serious diseases or injuries can easily result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills—bills that can quickly wipe out savings and retirement accounts, college education funds, and home equity. Once these have been exhausted, bankruptcy may be the only shelter left, regardless of whether the patient or his or her family was able to apply health coverage to a portion of the bill or not.
2. Job Loss Whether due to layoff, termination or resignation, the loss of income from a job can be equally devastating. Some are lucky enough to receive severance packages, but many find pink slips on their desks or lockers with little or no prior notice. Not having an emergency fund to draw from only worsens this situation, and using credit cards to pay bills can be disastrous. The loss of insurance coverage can also drain the job seeker’s already limited resources. Those who are unable to find similar gainful employment for an extended period of time may not be able to recover from the lack of income in time to keep the creditors at bay.
3. Poor or Excess Use of Credit Some people simply can’t control their spending. Credit card bills, installment debt, car, and other loan payments can eventually spiral out of control until finally; the borrower is unable to make even the minimum payment on each type of debt. Having an emergency fund, medical insurance, and keeping your debt-to-credit ratio low are all ways to protect yourself from a future declaration of bankruptcy. If the borrower cannot access funds from friends or family or otherwise obtain a debt-consolidation loan, then bankruptcy is usually the inevitable alternative. Statistics indicate that most debt-consolidation plans fail for various reasons, and usually only delay filing of bankruptcy for most participants. Although home-equity loans can be a good remedy for unsecured debt in some cases, once it is exhausted, irresponsible borrowers can face foreclosure on their homes if they are unable to make this payment as well.
4. Divorce or Separation Marital dissolutions create a tremendous financial strain on both partners in several ways. First come the legal fees, which can be astronomical in some cases, followed by a division of marital assets, decree of child support, and/or alimony, and finally the ongoing cost of keeping up two separate households after the split. The legal costs alone are enough to force some to file, while wage garnishments to cover back child support or alimony can strip others of the ability to pay the rest of their bills.7 Spouses who fail to pay the support dictated in the agreement often leave the other completely destitute.
5. Unexpected Expenses Loss of property due to theft or casualty, such as earthquakes, floods or tornadoes for which the owner is not insured can force some into bankruptcy. Many homeowners are likely unaware that they must take out separate coverage to be covered from certain events such as earthquakes. Those who do not have coverage for this type of peril can face the loss of not only their homes but most or all of their possessions as well. Not only must they then pay to replace these items, but they must also find immediate food and shelter in the meantime. While uncommon, those who lose their wardrobes in such a catastrophe may not be able to dress appropriately for their work, which could cost them their jobs. You won’t necessarily lose your home in Chapter 7 bankruptcy especially if you don’t have much home equity and your mortgage is current. Whether you can keep your home after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will depend on the following factors: • whether your mortgage is current • if you’ll be able to continue making the payments after bankruptcy • how much equity you can protect with a homestead exemption, and • the amount of equity in your home.
If you’re behind on your payment, in foreclosure, or have more equity than you can protect, you’ll have a better chance of keeping your home in Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filers faced with those circumstances should learn more about choosing between Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 when keeping a home.
Your Home and the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee
Chapters 7 and 13 work very differently, so it’s important to understand what to expect—especially if you want to keep valuable property in Chapter 7. After filing for Chapter 7, your property will go into a bankruptcy estate held by the Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee appointed to your case. However, you don’t lose everything because you can remove (exempt) property reasonably necessary to maintain a home and employment. The trustee will sell any remaining assets and distribute the sales proceeds to your creditors.
Here’s the tricky part—if you make a mistake, it’s unlikely that the bankruptcy judge will allow you to dismiss the case, and you could lose the house. So you must follow the rules carefully.
Are Your House Payments Current?
You’ll likely lose your home if you’re behind on the mortgage payment when you file for Chapter 7. Although the automatic stay will temporarily stop a foreclosure, the best thing you can hope for is delaying the process for a few months.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t provide a way for you to catch up on the overdue payments. This presents a problem because a mortgage is a secured debt, and you can’t wipe out the lien in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The lender can foreclose after the automatic stay lifts, and you’ll lose the house. The lender will either ask the court to lift the automatic stay to allow foreclosure proceedings to continue (which the court will likely grant if the trustee doesn’t plan to sell the home) or wait until the bankruptcy ends, proceed with foreclosure, and then sell the house at auction.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help. If you’re behind and want to keep your home, the better option is to file a Chapter 13 case. Unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it has a provision that allows you to catch up on mortgage arrearages over the course of a three- to five-year repayment plan. Also, if you have more equity than you can protect with a homestead exemption (more below), you can pay your creditors the value of the nonexempt equity in the plan, as well.
Can You Continue Making House Payments After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
It’s also important to be sure you can afford to continue paying the mortgage payment after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Losing the house after your case might put you in a worse financial position. Why? If the lender couldn’t sell the home for the amount you owe, you’d be stuck with a deficiency balance depending on the laws of the state you live in. You’d have to wait eight years to file a second Chapter 7 bankruptcy, leaving the lender plenty of time to collect a deficiency balance using collection methods such as garnishing your wages or levying on a bank account.
How Much Equity Is in Your Home?
If your mortgage payment is up-to-date, your next step will be determining how much equity exists. You’ll start by valuing your home. Then you’ll subtract any outstanding mortgage balance from the home value. The equity would be the amount you’d have in your pocket if you were to sell the house. If you don’t have any equity, you’re in good shape; trustees don’t sell houses without equity. Otherwise, you’ll need to be able to protect your equity with a bankruptcy exemption to avoid losing the home in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Can You Protect Your Home Equity With Bankruptcy Exemptions?
State exemption statutes list the property its residents can protect in bankruptcy. Some states allow residents to choose between either the state exemption list or the federal bankruptcy exemption scheme. Either way, almost all states allow residents to protect some home equity with a homestead exemption. You might be able to exempt even more with a wildcard exemption. If your exemptions adequately cover your equity, the trustee won’t sell your home in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, if your exemptions protect only a portion of it, the trustee will sell the house, pay off the mortgage, give you the amount you’re entitled to exempt, and use the remainder of the sales proceeds to pay creditors. Keep in mind that the trustee will take into account the costs to sell the home. If, after deducting sales costs, the amount remaining isn’t enough to make a meaningful payment to creditors, the trustee will abandon the property (and you’ll get to keep it).
Indicators of When to File Bankruptcy
While there is no minimum debt to file bankruptcy, the amount of debt is certainly a vital thing to consider when filing. However, there are other indicators or factors that dictate on when you should file for bankruptcy and these include: • Your ability to repay your debts outside of bankruptcy • Your creditors’ willingness to work with you • Your ability to discharge the types of debts that you have • Other circumstances of your individual case
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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If You're in the real estate market in Salt Lake City intending to purchase a home, you might be aware that Home Mortgages Ogden UT can be overwhelming. You'll be interested in learning what could be done in order to ensure a timely and smooth closing. Here Are a Few Tips to help you with simplifying the procedure of a mortgage in such a way Which You Can shut it punctually:
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Assess Whether the Home Mortgages Salt Lake City UT you receive is real?
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Do you Have the idea of applying for fresh credits when searching for Salt Lake City Home Loans?
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Mortgage Trees: mortgage brokers Salt Lake
Here at Mortgage Trees, we’re all about competition. That’s why we have some of the most competitive interest rates for loans and closing expenses in the state. This competition culminates in our lenders and brokers, experienced men and women that are committed to making your dreams a reality. Functioning as an Equal Housing Opportunity, we locally operate out of Salt Lake City and are here for all your mortgage needs. Our brokers are trained professionals who have extensive experience. We have done business with new homeowners, low-income families, members of the military, and commercial institutions. Our brokers and lenders at Mortgage Trees are your best option for time efficiency and low-cost results you’ll love. We conduct conventional, FHA, commercial, HARP, and VA loans; we also offer USDA and construction lending, as well as reverse mortgages. Our brokers and lenders are more than happy to help you decide which option best suits your needs. Once you make your loan decision, our qualified team is here to guide you through every step of the process and guarantee you the greatest success in your new home. To get in touch with our Salt Lake City office and learn more, visit us at https://www.mortgagetrees.com/.
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