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reasoningdaily · 1 year ago
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The Navajo Nation has received a $55 million grant to help Navajo homeowners with mortgage payments and home repairs.
Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said as many as 901 homeowners should qualify for the funds.
The money comes from the American Rescue Plan Act, which provides nearly $10 billion to support homeowners throughout the country who face financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program is open to Navajo homeowners of all income levels within the Four Corner states who live on both tribal lands and in urban areas.
The funds must be used within three years.
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PHOENIX — Urban Navajos who own homes off the Navajo Nation will soon receive some unexpected help they’ll want but didn’t need to ask for.
On Sept. 11, Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren told 250 Phoenix metro area Navajo homeowners that the Nation received a $55 million federal grant to provide financial assistance to Navajo homeowners under various Homeowner Assistance Fund programs.
This includes mortgage payments and home repair assistance.
As many as 901 Navajo homeowners should qualify for the money for their homes, he said.
“Make sure we tell everybody,” Nygren told an overflow crowd in the shade outside the historic Phoenix Indian School Visitor Center, one of the remaining buildings from the 100-year-old Indian boarding school.
They were outside because a capacity crowd was already indoors awaiting the same announcement, and Nygren wanted to address those in the 105-degree F heat first.
The Homeowner Assistance Fund was authorized through the American Rescue Plan Act to provide $9.9 billion nationwide to support homeowners who face financial hardships associated with COVID-19, the Nygren said yesterday.
The funds were distributed to states, U.S. territories, and tribes. The Navajo Nation was awarded $55,420,097.
Most federally funded programs are restricted to low- and very-low-income households.
This program allows higher-income Navajo homeowners to receive financial relief from the economic effects of COVID-19, as well.
“Tell your relatives,” Nygren said. “Say the $55 million that came from our government was specifically for Navajo people who are homeowners.”
To launch the process, Nygren signed an agreement with Native Community Capital. The group is a Native-led and operated non-profit corporation that was selected as the sub-recipient to administer the Homeowner Assistance Fund Project activities on behalf of the Navajo Nation.
Native Community Capital is certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as a Native Community Development Financial Institution and is a licensed mortgage lender in Arizona and New Mexico.
The program is designed for both higher-income and medium-income homeowners, Native Community Capital CFO Todd Francis said.
As an example, a family of four in Maricopa County in Arizona earning as much as $132,450 a year may be eligible for the tax-free, non-repayable funds to pay their mortgage or repair their homes, he said.
The program will benefit Navajo relatives and their families who reside in both rural remote locations and those in the urban areas of Phoenix, Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, surrounding smaller cities and towns, and wherever Navajo homeowners live off-reservation, said NCC CEO Dave Castillo.
A significant lack of investment in tribal communities compared to non-Indian communities has resulted in a critical absence of homeownership on tribal lands, particularly for higher-income Native households, he said.
As a result, Navajos with higher incomes tend to purchase or build homes off the Navajo Nation where they can qualify for loans and mortgages to build equity and wealth.
The Center for Indian Country Development reports that 78% of Native people live outside of tribal trust land in counties surrounding their homelands. It is these families the HAF Project will seek to support, Castillo said.
Nygren said the Navajo HAF Project will provide financial assistance to 901 eligible Navajo homeowners to use for qualified expenses in five activities for the next 36 months.
The program will provide financial assistance to eligible Navajo homeowners in the four-state region of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado.
Each eligible applicant could receive a maximum amount of $125,000 of combined assistance under various programs.
These include:
Monthly mortgage payment assistance to a maximum assistance level of $72,000 per participant. This is for Navajo homeowners who are delinquent in mortgage payments or at risk of foreclosure due to a loss of household income.
Mortgage reinstatement assistance would give a maximum assistance of $50,000 per participant to those who are in active forbearance, delinquency default status, or are at risk of losing a home.
Mortgage principal reduction assistance that would assist up to $100,000 for those who find the fair market value of their home is now less than the price they paid for it and now may result in a loss when it is sold.
Home repair assistance that would give $100,000 to those who need significant home repairs.
Clear title assistance of up to $30,000 for grant assistance to receive a clear title of their primary residence.
In his 2022 presidential campaign, Nygren committed to helping urban Navajos who have said for years that they felt underserved by the tribal government. He said this grant addresses that.
He said one of his administration’s next goals is to buy or construct a building owned by the Navajo Nation in the metro area to serve urban Navajo Phoenicians.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we used the entire $55 million this year?” Nygren asked. “I know you committed to live here and to take care of your family. I see a lot of familiar faces and I understand this is where your jobs are. We want you to have access to resources.”
Castillo urged applicants to be sure their applications were complete and submitted early.
“One thing we want to emphasize is to be ready when the information is being requested on the checklist,” he said. “Make sure you have your documents prepared and you get it to our licensed professionals that will be working with you. If you do not, the application will expire in 30 days.”
He said the program has just three years to deploy the $55 million.
“It seems like we could do that quickly but we can only do it quickly if you help us, if you’re ready, and if you submit the information that’s necessary.”
Debbie Nez-Manuel, executive director of the Navajo Nation Division of Human Resources, said visits to other urban areas will be planned, scheduled, and announced by Native Community Capital.
The funds must be used within three years.
So does any of this money go to the Black Indians Tribes? @militantinremission
maybe y'all should start asking for your cut right now cause they got it
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ausetkmt · 1 year ago
I'm sending this out as a special dedication to my teacher brother @militantinremission
You are a wonder and many of us are grateful for all the work you put in each and every day. Please continue to teach us all about the glory of us
Much love much respect and much support, Because you are the one
Curtis Mayfield - (Live) We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
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readlistenandseethewatcher · 7 months ago
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You make me stop and think and fact check I like that Thank you Shoutout to Militantinremission🍅🦁
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militantinremission · 8 months ago
HipHop is going 2 The Olympics This Year, so there has been A LOT of buzz going on lately; particularly on the topic of WHO gets Credit 4 Creating 'The Culture'. I'm as disappointed, as I am baffled by the narratives coming from MC Shan & KRS- One regarding the role of Puerto Ricans in the 'Creation' of HipHop. BOTH sound Ignorant & Opportunistic. Meanwhile, Mantronix REVOLUTIONIZED The Sound w/ the 'Roland 808' Drum, & Tito of 'The Fearless 4' was a straight up Beast of an Emcee, but both have been largely silent on the subject. This speaks Volumes.
I give Credit & Thanks 2 Lord Jamar 4 standing '10 Toes Down' on the Subject. I tried 2 B cool on the Topic, but Prof. Griff's Interview on @BlackMagik363 got Me going. In this interview, Griff flip- flopped on WHO Owns the HipHop Origin Story, but he kept trying 2 link it w/ 'Out of Afrika Theory'. I love My Brother, but I gotta call a Spade a Spade. I found his perspective borderline disingenuous; He touts his Father being a Blackfoot Indian, but tries 2 tie Black American Culture 2 Afrika. As We delineate, it's pretty clear that there R stark cultural differences between Aboriginal Americans & Afrikans.
Brother Rob posed excellent questions & I commend him 4 his professionalism. His Thesis on the matter was: If Afrika is The (Original) Source, why is The World emulating Black American Culture & not Afrikan Culture? Griff had 2 acknowledge this Fact, but kept resorting back 2 'Out of Afrika Theory'. THIS motivated Me 2 Repost the above Essay.
-The True Pioneers STILL walk among Us.
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renegadeurbanmediasource · 2 years ago
@militantinremission as per our earlier convo about genetic memory! When u know you're not as innocent as u think! The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion! It's that damn simple, they know what it is!
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luvrumcake2 · 11 months ago
Feb 25
Yes. Black Jockeys DOMINATED Horse Racing, until Irish Jockeys chased them out of the Sport. Same thing w/ Bike Racing... Do We need 2 go into Baseball, Hockey, Football, & Basketball? -Just Sayin'
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Alonzo Clayton
Source: African Archives
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nodynasty4us · 1 year ago
From @militantinremission in the replies:
Hogan would B a Sane choice 4 people seeking an Adult in the WH. Personally, I have 2 SEE his 'Black Agenda' & HEAR his thoughts about Lineage Based Reparations... Not sure if he'll actually run though.
Since this was posted, Hogan has endorsed Nikki Haley.
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nodynasty4us · 2 years ago
In the notes, @militantinremission makes a good point:
Nikki Haley WILL need the Black Vote 2 win. Her problem is twofold: 1. Kamala's two faced behavior towards Blackfolk will indirectly affect Haley. 2. Nikki Haley's disconnect w/ the Black American Collective. Like Bernie Sanders, she lives in a Post Racial Society that most Black Americans can't see. -Just My 2 Cents
From the opinion piece by former lieutenant governor Geoff Duncan (R - Georgia):
Here’s a prediction: If the 2024 general election is between Nikki Haley and Joe Biden, America will have its first woman president. It won’t be a Democrat focused on the glass ceiling, but a conservative daughter of immigrants from South Carolina who dismissed identity politics in her kickoff speech.
Of course, that is a tall order for an untested candidate polling at 1 percent…
First, she has foreign policy chops….
Second, the state Haley was elected twice to govern and the broader southeast region is flourishing….
Third, as a former governor, Haley can fall back on her executive experience….
Any Republican not named Trump would likely start as the … frontrunner versus Biden. Many contemporaries of the 50-year-old Haley will be calling for generational change against the 80-year-old Biden. Haley could well be the alternative candidate, but so could any of the others preparing to make the plunge.
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ausetkmt · 1 year ago
@militantinremission I am sending this song out to you. Because we all need to Reach, But you are the master teacher. And I am grateful that I am here to Learn.
Please keep teaching My beloved Brother, Because we have so much to learn
Curtis Mayfield - (Live) We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
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ausetkmt · 1 year ago
I am sending this out to my brother in new york, @militantinremission
Keep teaching my most beloved Brother because we still learnin
Curtis Mayfield - (Live) We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
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