#Morris dancing
baddywronglegs · 5 months
Around the world today, the penumbra of the rising of the first sun of May is lined with onlookers and wellwishers, eyes on the eastern horizon to catch the first glimpse of a new season.
Because in our hearts, this is how summer returns to the northern hemisphere; this sun a baton passed in the annual relay as the south prepares for what winter may bring.
Among our number, where the hilltops flatten enough for people to trust their feet in the gloom, for over a century now morris dancers have set out in the fading dark to dance in the dawn, for the same reason we do anything: because it's what we do. That's all tradition is, after all.
And every year, alongside the bells, a passage from Terry Pratchett's Hogfather rings in my mind.
"The sun would have risen just the same, yes?"
"Oh, come on. You can't expect me to believe that. It's an astronomical fact."
"Really? Then what would have happened, pray?"
And so, every year, follow the sound of bells and sticks, the chorus of voices singing Hal And Tow, and you'll find a bunch of knackered weirdos in the middle of nowhere in daft hats and a chill breeze, but proud of what they've done.
After all, we just made the sun rise.
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incendavery · 5 months
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lookin good
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loreofthelandblog · 1 year
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nedison · 5 months
A Joyous May to ye from me and the West Somerset Morris Men! 🍻
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fallbabylon · 5 months
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Making Mischief exhibition at London College of Fashion- Stratford, UK
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lavendersafe · 4 months
Morris dancing is sexy pass it on
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mildlybizarrecorvid · 2 months
Folks, I've got a new life goal.
Go to Chippenham and see the Stick and Bucket Dance performed.
They've got annual competition, started by a group of fans and in the first goabout judged by Terry Pratchett himself (he had a trophy custom made for the event!).
I've got to go before the dance is performed for the last time, before that ripple fades
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scavengedluxury · 3 months
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Morris dancers, Bampton, 1933. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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pointless-letters · 8 months
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“It’s Morris Dancing, not Doris Dancing!”
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twofoursixohjuan · 1 month
im late but for the sketch prompts: aspen chilling (or as close as she can get)? unless you're aspened out in which case it'd be cool to see tippet and her bell pads!
Aspen sketch turned out more complex than planned (oops) so that's coming but here's a speedy Tippet to tide you over!
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The good thing about making an OC who does the same sport as you is having a never-ending stream of reference photos to choose from. Here she is dancing British Grenadiers.
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brunhielda · 2 months
Terry Pratchett Discworld fans-
I introduce to you a madrigal written in 1608 about doing a Morris Dance about the May Pole.
The lyrics are:
Ha haha hahahahahaha
Ha haha ha
This world doth pass
I mean to spend my shoe-sole to dance about the May Pole. I will be blithe and brisk.
Leap and skip, hop and trip, turn about in the rout, until very weary weary joints can scarce dance.
(Repeat- because madrigals do that)
Tee teehee teeheeteeheeteehee
Teehee teehee oh sweet delight.
O Morris were half undone, wert not for Dan of Compton.
Oh well, said jigging Alice.
Pretty Jill, stand you still. Dapper Jack swings you back.
How now, fie fie fiefiefiefie, fie, you all dance.
(Repeat again, because why not)
I mean- I SEE the Pratchett scene- it practically writes itself.
“And why was my name not in the song?”
“Cause you’re the one that almost completely muddled the whole thing up BERT.”
“She didn’t add her name either.”
“Yeah, but that makes sense, doesn’t it? Isn’t classy to write yourself in a song.”
“What in the Rim makes you think that song is supposed to be classy? It’s the stupidest song I’ve ever heard.”
“No one asked you.”
“Who says fie?”
“Jack for one.”
“She DID mention herself, she said “I”- that’s her, ain’t it?”
“Yeah but she didn’t mention herself by NAME. It’s not the same thing at all.”
“She was claiming she ruined her shoes on purpose- which she did not. I remember the cursing-
“No one asked you Bert.”
“She weren’t half right about the joints though.”
“Hey- why does Dan get all the credit? I helped too.”
“No one asked you either Jack”
“Hey- what does jigging mean here?” Asks Alice.
(Everyone looks at eachother nervously. The girl does in fact, jigg, quite a bit, and it is lovely to look at, but not something anyone should be talking about in polite society. The songstress earns a glare but they bail her out anyways on account of Alice’s feelings)
“Yeah. Energetic.”
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incendavery · 6 months
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1 like = 1 condolences
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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Hemlock Morris Dancers process just before dawn, May 1st, Katherine’s Hill, Ampthill, before joining their friends, Golden Hare Morris in a joint celebration of the rising of the mist behind which the sun shone.
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mywingsareonwheels · 6 months
sup you said you like folk music and discworld
have you ever tried/watched morris dancing
I've never tried doing it (and alas folk dancing is not really doable for me these days for disability reasons, but I have done various other kinds in the past)!
But I've certainly watched it. I grew up in south-east England and have played in folk bands; it was kind of compulsory. ;-) I rather love it tbh!
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Have you ever just had a moment like this
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be3lynn · 5 months
Preformed in my first May Day as a Morris dancer! It was absolutely lovely! It's amazing how doing something like dancing can make so many people smile and enjoy themselves. My favorite part was actually when I was not dancing; watching the audience and seeing the big smiles; the people copying the dancing; the people walking past who are drawn in to the crowd; the excitement from people of all ages. It's also fun to explain the traditions and why we do them to people. It also helps that the group I was dancing with are all wonderful people! I am excited for next year! Happy May Day everyone!
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