#Morning People
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aromanticduck · 1 year
If you're in between, just go for whatever's closest.
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rw-repurposed · 8 months
The new comic made me wonder. Who is a morning person and who is a night owl?
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Morning people and Night owls!
And then there's Wind.
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goodgrammaritan · 16 days
Villains were never morning people. They had to stay sharp for midnight plotting.
Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan
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abuddyforeveryseason · 4 months
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Early Riser is one of my favorite novels.
It's about a person working as a Winter Consul, an office responsible to keeping the peace during the winter months, while most of the general population is hibernating. Also, humans hibernate, that's part of the story.
Although there are other people awake during winter, like essential workers, bounty hunters, crazies and criminals, there's still a sense of camraderie between them and the Winter Consuls. So, in that sense, it's the perfect book for night people.
Because, really, all night people kind of get along, even if they're enemies. Cause we're all living in the morning people's world, aren't we? That's one of the things the novel talks about - there are no heroes during winter, only survivors.
So I know that, in spite of what 10,000 Maniacs said, the night doesn't belong to lovers, and in fact it's quite dangerous... but, still, there's a kinship there. I might not be the type of guy who goes out much at night, but, even if I was and I happened to be murdered out there, I'd be thinking "Yeah, man, it's okay, I get it. I don't like waking up early either."
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batxmasisrjuice · 2 years
High energy morning people getting all up in your space
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Then this flirt
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beedok · 5 months
Said it before and I will say it again: morning people are only supported by capitalism in the morning. As soon as we want to be in bed by 10pm (or, worse, 9pm) we're no longer considered to be giving proper effort and are considered losers.
Because sleeping people do not produce or consume, and capitalism can't have that.
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Sleep is for the weak
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I wake up in the morning, make fun of people who hate mornings and watch them suffer.
(Their suffering is better on Mondays ;)
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studdyadict · 6 months
Embracing the Dawn: Understanding Morning People and Embracing the Morning Routine!
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To introduce this topic and on the realm of human behavior, the distinction between morning people and night owls has long been recognized. While morning people seem to effortlessly rise with the sun, others find themselves more aligned with the nocturnal rhythms of night owls. This essay delves into the concept of morning people, explores why some individuals struggle with early mornings, examines the phenomenon of identifying as night owls, and provides practical strategies for transitioning into a morning person.
Understanding Morning People!
Morning people, often characterized by their ability to wake up early feeling refreshed and energized, tend to thrive in the early hours of the day. They exhibit peak productivity and alertness during the morning, making them adept at tackling tasks and seizing opportunities. Morning people often find fulfillment in establishing a structured morning routine, which sets a positive tone for the rest of their day.
Why Aren't We All Morning People?
The inclination towards being a morning person or a night owl is influenced by a combination of genetic predispositions, biological rhythms, and environmental factors. While some individuals naturally gravitate towards early mornings, others struggle due to biological factors such as delayed sleep phase syndrome, which causes a misalignment between one's internal clock and conventional societal schedules. Additionally, lifestyle habits, such as irregular sleep patterns, excessive screen time before bedtime, and high-stress levels, can disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, contributing to difficulty in waking up early.
The Night Owl Phenomenon!
Many individuals identify themselves as night owls due to a preference for nighttime activities or productivity peaks during late hours. The allure of the night, characterized by quietude and solitude, often fosters a sense of creativity and focus for night owls. However, the societal glorification of burning the midnight oil and the prevalence of evening social engagements can reinforce the perception of being a night owl, even for those who might thrive in the early morning hours if given the opportunity.
Becoming a Morning Person ?
Transitioning into a morning person requires a deliberate effort to establish healthy sleep habits and cultivate a morning routine that promotes vitality and productivity. Here are some strategies to facilitate this transition:
1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Set a regular bedtime and wake-up time to regulate your body's internal clock and ensure adequate restorative sleep.
2. Create a Calming Bedtime Routine: Wind down before bedtime with relaxing activities such as reading, meditation, or gentle stretching to signal to your body that it's time to prepare for sleep.
3. Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Create a sleep-conducive environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, and investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows.
4. Gradually Adjust Your Wake-Up Time: Gradually advance your wake-up time by setting your alarm clock to wake you up 15-30 minutes earlier each day until you reach your desired wake-up time.
5. Prioritize Morning Rituals: Design a morning routine that aligns with your goals and values, incorporating activities such as exercise, mindfulness, journaling, or enjoying a nutritious breakfast to set a positive tone for the day ahead.
6. Stay Consistent and Patient: Consistency is key to forming new habits, so stick to your morning routine even on weekends or during vacations. Be patient with yourself as you adjust to your new sleep-wake schedule, and don't be discouraged by setbacks along the way.
To conclude this essay , while the distinction between morning people and night owls is rooted in individual differences and biological predispositions, it is possible to cultivate habits that promote early rising and embrace the morning with enthusiasm. By understanding the factors that influence our sleep patterns and implementing practical strategies to enhance our mornings, we can unlock the potential for greater productivity, well-being, and fulfillment in our daily lives. Embracing the dawn opens the door to a world of possibilities, where each morning holds the promise of new beginnings and opportunities for growth.
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matt-w-blogging · 6 days
Why is it that it's totally acceptable to say "oh sorry, I'm not a morning person" but when I say "oh sorry, I'm not a night person" it's all "aww okay" and "goodnight!" and "we'll miss you!" and "sleep well <3"
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sapphuric-acid · 4 months
It's so weird to mostly be friends with folks who work late shifts bc I get a whole bunch of blog interaction in the late morning and my first instinct is "why the hell are you all on Tumblr right now" bc my assumption is that if people aren't at their day jobs then they're at their night jobs, which means they should all either be at work or sleeping right now
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iwanttobepersephone · 4 months
Dont...dont tell me you are a.... a... oh god, O Can't say it! *big dramatic swoon*...a morning person???
I can be, if the suns out. Really idc what time it technically is, as long as it's sunny, I'm up and moving! Which sucks because school starts before it's good and sunny out. So I spend the first 2 hours of school trying not to fall asleep, which makes me grumpy... feel bad for my friends lol
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batxmasisrjuice · 2 years
Today Show clip
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aromanticduck · 2 years
I'll admit I'm not a morning person, but in the summer I can see the appeal. The golden hour just after sunrise, the birds singing, the cool fresh air before the day starts to heat up... If I could fall asleep before midnight I'd probably join you. However... Being a morning person in the winter seems totally alien to me. It's dark, it's cold, it's miserable, and you're telling me you still want to get out of bed? Soft, warm bed? Even if you wake up not tired at all, that's hard for me to understand.
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dingus0401 · 2 months
being friends with morning people is wild cause i’ll be watching tv at 5 am and a get a good morning text. like ain’t no way u just woke up😭
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