#Morning Musume 20
acousticolateral · 2 years
モーニング娘。'20 (Morning Musume.'20) - LOVEペディア (LOVE Pedia) vocals / instrumental
モーニング娘。'20 - 人間関係 No way way (Ningen Kankei No way way) vocals
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cheltranslations · 1 year
Maeda Kokoro-chan!/Limited Goods @Nonaka Miki (23.09.27)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Which would you rather eat right now
A peach?An apple?
A peach
Was the majority!
I'd rather eat a peach too!
My family、is currently having a peach obsession 💗
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
Maeda Kokoro-chan 💙
My café hopping buddy 🥺
At the Hello! Project
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Well done on your Thailand performance 💙
Hello Dream。
Continuing on from last week、
Backstage footage is included
From our 9/10 Yoyogi National Stadium
First Gymnasium
Hello! Project
It's available on catch up on TVer、
So please be sure to watch it 🌠
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
If you had a time machine where would you go
The past?
The future?
Please also tell me your reason!
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
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Hello! Project 25th Anniversary Commemoration
Fan Club Limited Goods
「Acrylic Stand Key Holder」
Can be ordered until tomorrow 9/28(Thu) at 23:59 💕
Those of you who are Fan Club members
Please check them out ❤️
See ya 🐾
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『A Photo with No Particular Meaning♡♪*゚』 Makino Maria (23.09.24)
Morning Musume。'23 Best Selection Album
『Morning Musume。Best Selection~The 25th Anniversary~』
Release Commemoration<Cheki・Sign・Talk Event>
2023.9.24🎵 Belle Salle Shinjuku Grand
Thank you very much 💕💕💕
I love varied events 🦄
I hope we can meet again 🐰🎀
Today's Maria🐰
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A photo🐨💙 with no particular meaning
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Take a look at MariaSta 🐰Makino Maria's Instagram okay 💗
🍀Makino Maria🍀
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Hana Daidaiyama
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Name: Hana Daidaiyama
Gender: Female
Class: 2-1
Club: Bullies
Persona: Phone Addict
Overall: +20
Liked: +50
Respected: -30
Feared: +20
Crush: Riku Soma
Strength: Weak
Hana is definitely the "chatty chatbox" friend. If anyone says "where's such-and-such", Hana will be the first to say where they are, what they're doing, why they're doing it, and why her breakfast sucked that morning. She's incredibly loud and loves talking about herself, if not just in general. This is likely a cold contrast to her in middle school.
Before high school, Hana tried to be talkative and likable, but for a reason no one ever bothered telling her, they never liked hearing her. It could have been that she talked too much, it could have been that nothing she talked about was of interest to them, or it could have been some personal reason. Even her friends had to tell her to chill out sometimes and drink some water.
Eventually, in an attempt to take a new approach to being heard, she somehow became "friends" with Musume and Kashiko, who were popular in their own right. This heightened people's willingness to listen to her long talks, although she abandoned her friends and previous personality in order to reach that level.
Thanks to Hana's drastic change in personality and values, Riku grew himself less and less attracted to her until he couldn't bring himself to continue dating her. As stated above, this (along with the newfound absence of her previously supportive friends) caused her inferiority complex to skyrocket, although Riku himself is unaware of this thanks to her hiding it nowadays.
While we're on the topic or Riku, some (if not all) of those reading might be confused as to why Riku would bother dating Hana. The reason being that he wouldn't date Hana as she is now, but liked who she was before. While talkative, she was still soft-spoken and listened to her friends as much as they listened to her. She proceeded to make poor decisions, which led to her old friends cutting ties and Riku breaking up with her. And this, of course, caused Hana's loathing towards Kokona. (Which gave her a third "enemy" in the gyaru group. 😔)
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yume-kara-samete · 6 months
Robo Kiss - Sato Masaki, Kudo Haruka
Morning Musume Kessei 20 Shuunen Kinen Event ~21 Nenme mo Ganbatte Ikimasshoi!~
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magicmorningmeteora · 8 months
Happy Anniversary, Hello! Project
The 25th anniversary has come and gone and we have now entered the 26th year.
For the sake of convenience, most of the historical choices will be referred to using the terminology for Morning Musume's eras as listed on the Hello! Project Wikia.
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haropro-confessions · 5 months
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I get preferring morning musume golden era over current one, but some of these OG fans are so annoying. you are obsessing over something that’s been gone for 20 years & act salty because it’s changed and isn’t as popular as it once used to be. what a shock. there’s no need to constantly speak on it and certainly no need to hate on the current members. they are not to blame for all the current issues.
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petitelepus · 1 year
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Summary: Your brother's wedding is over and life continues in Rengoku household. Senjuro surprises you with an unexpected request.
Warnings: None
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
After your brother's wedding and Kyojuro's proposal life went back to normal… Or as normal it could be with you and your fiance sharing loving looks and couple kisses here and there every second you could. You were enjoying breakfast with the fox brothers when suddenly…!
"I want to go to school," Senjuro said and you and Kyojuro blinked. You put your morning coffee cup down and looked at the younger Rengoku brother. "School?"
"Yes." He nodded, much to your confusion, "Wait, hold on!" You shook your head, puzzled, "Why do you want to suddenly go to school?"
"Other kids of my age go there. Why shouldn't I?" He sounded genuine and you couldn't understand it. Didn't he have anything he would want right now? Kyojuro smiled as he looked at his younger brother, "Is there a reason you would like to go to school, other than the fact that kids go there also?"
"We all know I won't be the next head of the Rengoku household." Senjuro looked a little sad, but determined, "But this way I can have more chances and open doors in life, other than serving our house."
Hearing his you kinda understood his reasoning… But you were still unsure.
"Are you sure you want this?" You asked, "School can be hard when…"
You wanted to say when someone is different, but you didn't want to be rude. You were just worried since you were different also, but Senjuro has fox's tail and ears! You feared that he would become the main target for bullying.
"I understand it can be hard," The young Kitsune nodded, "But I would also like to have more friends. I love hanging around with you guys, but I think I need friends of my age."
In a way, he was way more mature and definitely way more courageous than you ever were. You admired and feared it. Finally, you sighed.
"Alright," You nodded as you grabbed your phone from the table and opened the contacts list, "I'll contact Mister Smith and ask him to prepare everything. I think he will happily help us with possible paperwork."
"Thank you!" Senjuro cheered happily and his older brother smiled, but then you realized something you hadn't thought of before.
"Wait, how old are you guys?" You asked and Kyojuro smiled brightly, "I'm 20 in human years!"
Senjuro nodded, "And I'm 14."
"Human years?" You blinked, "I, uh, okay? But, you're not a boy anymore!" You gasped, "You're a young man already!"
"Ha ha, thank you," Senjuro smiled, "I'm not that old yet though."
"You are way more mature than I was the same age as you are." You confessed before choosing Mister Smith's number and you excused yourself from the breakfast table so you could talk to him in peace.
While you were talking on the phone, Kyojuro turned to look at his younger brother, "I'm proud of you Senjuro! I'm happy to see that you have dreams you want to pursue!"
"Thank you, big brother." The young fox nodded a little shyly, "I'm nervous, but also very excited for a chance to study and get new friends."
Kyojuro smiled. While he and his brother were royalties, that didn't mean that they had many friends. Many other extraspecies or demihumans served their house, but the fox brothers grew up with very few friends, due to many fearing their temperamental and traditional father.
Seeing that Senjuro wanted to grow independent and gain friends of his own was a huge step and made Kyojuro so happy and proud of his younger brother.
A minute or two passed before you finally joined the fox brothers at the breakfast table. You took a seat and nodded, "Okay, I talked with Mister Smith and he said you can start school in a few days."
"Really?" Senjuro's pretty eyes widened and he smiled happily. You smiled also since his smile was contagious and you had more great news.
"Yes, and what is best, the school also has many other demihumans attending it so you shouldn't feel lonely there!" You said and both brothers smiled in joy as they looked at each other.
"Did you hear that big brother? I won't be alone there!" Senjuro asked and Kyojuro nodded with a huge smile on his face, "Hm! I'm extremely happy!"
"We should go shopping you some school supplies like your own backpack, books, notebooks, pencils, and such." You said as you counted the items with your fingers.
"That sounds like fun!" Senjuro nodded, "When can we go?"
You glanced at Kyojuro who nodded, "No time better than present!"
Hearing this, you nodded, "Yeah, we can go now since all the school supplies should be on sale right now."
"I'll go get dressed!" Senjuro said happily, but you stopped him with a small laugh, "Hold on, at least finish your breakfast first!"
"Ah, I'm sorry!" He quickly sat back down and you watched how he quickly consumed the rest of his toast and tea before getting up from the table and rushing to his own room upstairs to get dressed. You smiled as you watched him go, but your fiance could see the uncertainty in your pretty eyes.
"Does it trouble you that Senjuro wants to go to school?" He asked and you dropped your smile as you turned to address your fiance.
"A little…" You admitted and he nodded with a small smile, "Why?"
"I was… I was bullied when I was young like he is…" You admitted as you looked sadly down at your lukewarm coffee, "I just… I care about Senjuro and I'm afraid that he gets bullied just because he is different… Does that make any sense?"
"Don't be scared, my bride," Kyojuro said as he gently reached for your hand and gently squeezed it, "Senjuro is stronger than he may appear. His kindness is his strength."
"I know…" You nodded, "But kindness can be both strength and weakness…"
Your mind was quickly filled with different and scary scenarios that could happen to Senjuro while he would be in a school where you couldn't protect or watch after him…! Your fears must have been obvious because your fiance noticed them.
"I know you are scared." Kyojuro squeezed your hand reassuringly, "But getting hurt is part of growing up. We want to keep Senjuro safe, but he has to do this himself."
"I guess you're right…" You nodded, finally giving him a small smile, "And I hate it."
Your fiance was all smiles as the two of you finished your breakfast, cleaned, and went to get dressed so you could take Senjuro out to shop for school supplies. You had gotten a list of the books he would need from Mister Smith and the local mall's bookstore had everything you needed from books to pencil cases and the pencils themself.
You were looking at the backpacks when you took notice that both Kyojuro's and Senjuro's hair had gotten pretty long.
"Boys, your hair?" You blinked and they turned to look at you in confusion, "Yes?"
"It's gotten long." You noted and the foxes looked at each other before nodding, "I guess you're right!" and "It is pretty long."
"Would you like to get it cut or…?" You asked and they looked at you, "Would you like us to cut it?"
"Honestly?" You smiled a little, "I think they suit you guys. Maybe you could tie it up so they won't get in the way?"
"If my bride likes it then so do I!" Kyojuro exclaimed happily and Senjuro smiled, "Me too, I would also like to keep it."
"Then it's settled. No haircut for you guys." You grinned, "But let's get you something to eat since it's almost lunchtime."
"Hm! Sounds good!" Kyojuro nodded excitedly and you and Senjuro smiled at the older fox's appetite. Thanks to the younger Kitsune's magic, he muted his older brother's shouts of TASTY so you wouldn't disturb other diners.
While you were eating, you couldn't help but notice that it was the exact same burger place you had gone to the day you met the Rengoku brothers. It brought back memories that made you smile as you watched your finance shout TASTY after each bite of his burgers.
Once you had eaten you grabbed all the stuff you had and made your way back home and… Things went normally until the morning it was time for Senjuro to go to school came.
On your way to the younger fox's new school, you and the brothers talked together about school and what to expect. Until now, the two of them had been homeschooled so they had no clue what a normal school would be like.
"So there are art classes and home economics?" Senjuro asked and you nodded as you explained to him how easy some classes were, to you at least, and what classes were hard, again to you at least.
You took notice of many different demihumans going in the same direction as you were going in also so you were probably in the right place. Soon you saw the huge building and you stopped by the school gates and admired the building. It looked modern so that was a bonus.
The kids of different kinds passed you and you realized that it was time for you to let Senjuro go and explore a new part of his life.
"Okay, we are here." You nodded as you looked at Senjuro who looked at everything with such awe. "So many other kids…!"
"It's not too late to say that you want to be homeschoo-! Wait! Isn't that-?" You blinked as you saw the super cute fox keychain you had gotten from the Zoo hanging on Senjuro's backpack.
The young fox glanced at what you were looking at and smiled, "Ah, yes, I wanted to put it somewhere I can see it all the time and remind me of how fun I've had on our trip to the zoo during Summer."
Senjuro was honestly too cute and pure for this world but he was willing and ready to face it! He was far more braver than you ever were. You smiled as you went ahead and hugged him, "Have a great day at school and stay safe!"
The young fox nodded as he hugged you back, "I will!"
"Get tons of friends!"
"I'll try!"
"And don't break any ladies' hearts!"
"I won't!"
When you were done hugging him, Kyojuro stepped forward and patted the top of his little brother's head, minding his fox ears, "Remember to have fun!"
"I will!" Senjuro repeated before turning and entering the school grounds. You and Kyojuro watched him go until he made it to the building and then-!
"I've decided it!" Kyojuro suddenly exclaimed and you yelped, flinching a little before blinking in confusion as you turned to look at him, "What?"
"I'm going to get myself a job!" He nodded with his chest up proudly.
"W- what!?" You stuttered in shock, "W- why?"
"Back at your brother's wedding, I promised your father that I would do all I can to support and keep you safe!" Kyojuro smiled, "That includes me getting a job!"
"Kyojuro, you don't need to get a job to impress me!" You cried out, but he shook his head, determined, "No, I made a promise to your father and I am a man of my word!"
"My dad-!"
"Cares about you, his only daughter! So do I!" He looked at you and smiled, "My beloved Hime, if I break my word to your father then I'm not worthy of you!"
"You are worthy!" You exclaimed, "More than you think! It's me who isn't worthy of you!"
"I disagree-!"
"Me too-!"
The two of you paused, realizing that you were nearly shouting at each other at the school's entrance gates. Not wanting to make a scene, you both took a deep breath as you stepped aside to talk.
"I'm sorry," You apologized, "If you want to get a job then you can, but I don't want you to feel like you are forced to get one."
"My beloved, I don't mind working at all! Even more, I like doing it if it's for my cute bride's sake!" Kyojuro said, but you shook your head, "But you've done so much already!"
"But I could do more!" He exclaimed and you sighed, getting tired of this little dispute of yours, "Alright, alright… Just… Promise me that you ask me first before you accept any job offers?"
"Do not fret my dearest bride!" Kyojuro smiled as he gently grasped your hand and kissed your knuckles, "I know Mister Smith can most likely help me to find a job that suits me!"
"Just…" You murmured as you pulled your hand back, "Can it wait for a day or two?"
"Why?" The Kitsune asked, slightly confused by your request.
"You know…?" You blushed as you averted your gaze, too embarrassed to look your fiance into his gorgeous eyes, "Full moon is coming in a few days…?"
Hearing this, Kyojuro's fox ears shot up and his smile tightened, "Hm?"
"I was thinking… Maybe we-! I mean, if I could try something new with you?" You asked as you looked at him from under your eyelashes, "Something to make you feel good also?"
As Kyojuro registered your words, it was like something snapped in him. Suddenly he just hugged you and you yelped as you were being embraced, "K- Kyojuro?"
"I'm just so happy how sweet and kind my beloved bride is!" He pulled back enough to smile at you, "Then please, I will take up that offer of yours!"
"P- please wait a few days so I can prepare my heart!" You yelped as you got flustered and Kyojuro laughed, "I'll always wait for you, no matter what!"
Your blush just got worse as you heard him talk that way, so sweetly and kindly. Your mind wandered into what you had in your mind for the night of the full moon and you smiled in a mixture of nervousness and excitement.
"What are you thinking about?" Your smile didn't go past your fiance and you covered your smile with your hand, "Just the full moon…"
"Something naughty?" He asked, hitting the point head-on and making your blush grow darker as you nodded, "Yeah…"
"I can barely wait to see what my Hime has planned!" He said happily and you grunted, "C'mon, let's head home… We look like a couple of weirdos out here."
"But I'm your weirdo as much as you are mine!" Kyojuro laughed and you gently and a little playfully smacked his arm, "C'mon you damn fox!"
The two of you left the school area but as you walked your hands sought out each other and you held hands on your way home, occasionally and sweetly squeezing the other one's hand, assuring you were there for each other.
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hall0ween-twn · 2 years
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LITTLE MISS STRANGE lyrics prompts
choose between corey, eddie or steve for a prompt with angst, fluff or smut. one lyric at a time please.
a/n: i'm not good at angst or fluff but i really wanted to use this as a practice. also, i just love this au and the story i've gotten to create with clemkruckinnie so much!! these songs are from my playlists and thought that fit the au a lot.
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1 “your face on my ceiling, i fantasize.” 🎵 prisoner, miley cyrus feat. dua lipa
2 “i need somebody with a human touch.” 🎵 stop, spice girls
3 “but i made up my mind, i'm keeping my baby.” 🎵 papa don’t preach, madonna
4 “i'm the reason why you can't get to sleep.” 🎵 tangled up in me, skye sweetnam
5 “why do you only promise underneath the stars?” 🎵 in the dark, ava max
6 “i wish i’d never seen your face.” 🎵 change, pale waves
7 “if you really did care about me, it wouldn’t take another man to make you understand that you want me.” 🎵 same ol’ same ol’, pyt 
8 “the only thing i’m guilty of is giving you too much love.” 🎵 this is me, dream
9 “it's as if you know me better than i ever knew myself.” 🎵 pieces of me, ashlee simpson
10 “is there someone else? is there a place for me?” 🎵 summer night town (english version), coconuts musume
11 “but then i understand, the friend i’m dreaming of is far away.” 🎵 show me how, men i trust
12 “darling, if you only knew, all the things that flow through my mind.” 🎵 fantasy, mariah carey
13 “i'm more than willing to rot in hell with you.” 🎵 eternally yours, motionless in white
14 “does your mother know that you’re out?” 🎵 does your mother know, abba
15 “they’re bringing up my history but you weren’t even listening.” 🎵 lavender haze, taylor swift
16 “i fell in love with that person i see everyday.” 🎵 romantic ukare mode, miki fujimoto
17 “you take my hand, and you say you've changed.” 🎵 too little too late, jojo
18 “it’s useless crying over how i was too late to be honest with you.” 🎵 bitansan, juice=juice
19 “you're not the one i'm supposed to love.” 🎵 tell my mama, christina grimmie
20 “we were right 'til we weren't.” 🎵 flowers, miley cyrus
21 “i thought it was a one-sided love, but was i wrong?” 🎵 crazy about you, minimoni
22 “no one else has made me fall as hard as what i have for you.” 🎵 no one else, reachback
23 “baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.” 🎵 right where you want me, jesse mccartney
24 “and i only need a little time to satisfy this craving that i'm feeling inside.” 🎵 scary, britney spears
25 “i want to treasure my smile for the person i love.” 🎵 i wish, morning musume
26 “i hate the way you still know everything about me.” 🎵 unforgettable, the best week ever
27 “i can't contain my joy 'cause i finally found the boy i've been missing.” 🎵 i can hear the bells, hairspray
28 “guess mine is not the first heart broken.” 🎵 hopelessly devoted to you, grease
29 “shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!” 🎵 dead girl walking, heathers
30 “possible she wants you too.” 🎵 kiss the girl, the little mermaid
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sasorisroom · 1 year
World's most insane harowota has something to say
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Beware: this is extremely delulu, extremely insane, extremely lesbian, and you shouldn't really take it seriously.
Do you believe in destiny? Little signs? Things that are meant to be? If you watch the 5th Gen debut MV, Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Bigband~ you'll clearly see that Yossy (butchest butch from back in the days) was the main character and that Makocchan was her love interest.
Then, when you look at Hello! Morning episodes and other shows from the time Makocchan was in the group, you see that lesbian ass longing for Yossy.
I can't possibly watch every single episode featuring them because the torrent archive is so big my computer can't, well, compute it, but I will present you some clips. There are a couple videos on YouTube of other yoshimako appreciators like me that would also prove some points. You can search for yourself if you type
よしまこ or 吉澤ひとみ×小川麻琴集 or something like that. How do I make the text smaller.
Ok I got it. Before that, a kissy kiss:
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So, here: https://youtu.be/Tl_dY0ZEL7c?list=PLmlM3gny637_gZQg450gOIjpL2hhy4QHJ&t=307
Makocchan is basically saying she likes Yoshizawa (actually, she's calling her Hitomi which is A BIG ASS DEAL since Yossy is her senpai and MM takes it very seriously!!), but Yossy is all the time rejecting her and saying their compability is low (15%). But the other girls are like "these two are dating, right?"
https://youtu.be/Uh5hWBdgHIk?list=PLmlM3gny637_gZQg450gOIjpL2hhy4QHJ&t=43: Makocchan complains about some of the girls (including Yossy) calling her "kimoi" (in the lines of disgusting). And Yossy says "well, I do believe she is, but I also am."
Also, this: https://youtu.be/1iLRmIlXa0U?t=1486 please take your own conclusions. Basically the other girls are all the time saying they act like a couple and that they go out together a lot. Yossy promises to take Makocchan to the beach. ~
And THIS? https://youtu.be/Nds_q5IEnQg?t=714. SORRY, but...
Also, I can't find this clip subbed on YouTube, so let's use Twitter a little. Makocchan talked so easily about their relationship, just as if they were a real couple. Jealousy and fights included! https://x.com/boaiover/status/1495152833821388805?s=20
And for anyone who says it's one-sided:
Yossy being the clingy one: https://youtu.be/NteOkT8Wrsw?t=111
Going a little more bittersweet, though, when Yossy did THAT, Makoto's words seemed very... personal... like, of course, other members got really affected, like Nono and Gomaki, and others expressed their anger, like Yuuko and Kei... but Makoto's message feels different, maybe because I'm crazy.
Ogawa tweeted:
I am shocked, it’s painful, sad and it’s really hard to understand and I am very angry.
First, those who were hurt in the accident, I am very glad they are doing well.
In my heart, I feel the clock has stopped, but even so, the world continues on and I have to work hard today in order to keep myself moving.
Source: https://neotokyo2099.com/2018/09/08/former-morning-musume-member-ogawa-makoto-tweets-a-message-to-yoshizawa-hitomi-and-the-victims-from-the-accident/
I'll watch more clips later and maybe I'll have more content so I can add to this post or whatever. But you can search it yourself too, if you feel like that. I'm not obligating you or anything. I'm not your father and YoshiMako isn't christianity. Although, humanity would be happier if it was for what we prayed instead. #joking #dontcomeforme
Let's be real: the world is probably ending on fire anyways. Life is about working for people you hate and recieving little money as a reward. We don't even know what happens after we die. So am I too clinically insane for saying that Makoto and Hitomi were a butch4butch couple?
Well, you can't deny that there was a little bit of love, at least from Makocchan's side (who is certainly a lesbian, sorry for everyone who cannot swallow the truth).
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wiiildrose-mixtapes · 9 months
Mixtape: Neon Heart Vol.1
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I swear, my intention when making this mixtape wasn't making either one with 41 songs or that lasts 3 hours… I was pre-selecting what I would like to use and when I looked at these songs together I just thought "huh they seem to go well together…" There's no reason for this to be a mixtape with female artists only besides that even when I tried looking at official compilations 90% of the artists were female or had a female vocalist… Yeah I don't understand it either. 01. Crystal Kay - LOVE or GAME 02. Perfume - Koi wa Zenkeishisei 03. Riho Sayashi - Baby Me 04. hipS Ship - Mitsumeteitai 05. m-flo♥Koda Kumi - simple & lovely 06. Erika Umeda - All for u! 07. AYUSE KOZUE - eyes to eyes 08. La❀Hana no Tami - Shiny 09. Aira Mitsuki - Fantasy Candy 10. citron* - Mafuyu no Sunlight 11. Ayami Mutou - Daydreamin' 12. LinQ - Sakura Kajitsu 13. Sayumi Michishige - Saisei ~Watashi wa Koko ni Iru wa~ 14. Kurumi Chronicle - Seventeen 15. SHANADOO - Next Life 16. MiChi - Saturday Night 17. JASMINE - L.I.P.S 18. Ayaka Ikio - Mess Up My Body 19. BoA - LAZER 20. r.o.r/s - Candy Lie 21. MAX - Are You Ready? 22. Saori@destiny - Lost 23. mini - Baby baBy 24. Nana Kitade - Nasty Radio 25. Yui - Primal 26. Meisa Kuroki - Just as I am 27. KOTOKO - I Pray to Stop My Cry 28. Airi Suzuki - Be Your Love 29. Berryz Koubou - Love together! 30. You Kikkawa - Hira Hira Hoshi 31. Mai Nakahara & Ai Shimizu - Venus Panic 32. Up Up Girls - Cherry to Milk 33. Tommy february6 - FAIRY DUST 34. capsule - Love or Lies 35. ravex - Golden LUV (feat. Maki Gotou) 36. TRF - lights and anymore 37. Maeken♂Trance Project - Koi no Maiahi~Chihuahua~Banzai 38. Morning Musume. '16 - Mukidashi de Mukiatte 39. Sweet Vacation - Sexy Girl 40. Shouko Nakagawa - Brilliant Dream -shoko☆planet Mix- 41. Shion Miyawaki - You're Butterfly (MAKAI original mix)
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acousticolateral · 2 years
モーニング娘。'20 (Morning Musume.'20) - LOVEペディア (LOVE Pedia) vocals
モーニング娘。'20 - 人間関係 No way way (Ningen Kankei No way way) vocals / instrumental
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cheltranslations · 2 years
Hina Matsuri @Nonaka Miki (23.03.03)
Chel here 🗽
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Make me super happy
Yesterday's 2 choices
When you put on socks
Do you start with your right foot?
Your left foot?
I start with my right foot
Was possibly the slight majority
But generally it was about 50-50!
It seemed unrelated
To your dominant hand!
By the way I start with my right foot!Same for putting on shoes!
It's Hina Matsuri!
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Hina Matsuri is a very Spring-like event
And spring has a pastel image
So I wore a pastel dress
On Hina Matsuri、all that's in my head is
Mini Moni。Mini Moni。Hina Matsuri!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Today's 2 choices
Have you eaten any Spring-like foods
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much!
Please come by again tomorrow
I've lost my Apple pencil、、
Help me find it…。
See ya 🐾
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『#Disney store magazine out now♡ #DisneyStore♪*゚』 Makino Maria (23.07.17)
💕Disney store magazine💕
【How to Enjoy the Summer.
A list of items to help you enjoy summer even more】
Out now🌈🌈🌈
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Model:Makino Maria (Morning Musume。'23)
I had a picnic photoshoot、with a Woody cup🐰
There was also a pitcher jug with a picture of Bo on it nearby・・・
So I moved Woody and Bo closer together💕💕
When I told the staff-sans、
They said 「Maria-chan、thank you for thinking of that❣️」💖💖💖
I hope I made Woody and Bo happy too 🌈
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To infinity and beyond!🚀
To be continued
A digital magazine、
That can only be enjoyed on DisneyStore.jp 💖
Definitely take a look okay 💕💕💕
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Take a look at MariaSta 🐰Makino Maria's Instagram okay ❤️
🍀Makino Maria🍀
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hotarutranslations · 8 months
Spring Concert Tour Dates!
🌎Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
Everyone! The spring tour has been decided! Yeah!
I'm happy
Thank you very much😌🫶🏻
3/16 (Sat) Tokyo 3/17 (Sun) Tokyo 3/23 (Sat) Osaka 3/24 (Sun) Osaka 4/6 (Sat) Aichi 4/7 (Sun) Aichi 4/13 (Sat) Hokkaido 4/20 (Sat) Miyagi 4/28 (Sun) Nagano 4/29 (Mon, Holiday) Niigata 5/4 (Sat, Holiday) Fukuoka 5/6 (Mon, Holiday) Ehime 5/12 (Sun) Okayama 5/18 (Sat) Gunma 5/19 (Sun) Tochigi
16 days, 31 performances🌏💫
With the tour title, Are you curious? with this title, right
Its just, "more"
For myself I'm still at the stage like, what is it!? If I get an explanation and take some time with it, I'll properly let you know soon~~🫶🏻
For the opening days, there are 4 performances over the weekend, It feels like a schedule we didn't have in the autumn so, Its really been a while, For the members, I think the hardest one is here-- lol
For the Miyagi performance, there is only 1 performance in Tohoku but…… .🥺🥺
I'd be happy if you could visit us!
We're also having a performance in Nagano, Akane-chin's hometown after its been a while!
There will also be Kanto performances at the end, in Gunma and Tochigi!
With Fukumura Mizuki-san having graduated, I think this spring tour, will be the time of the most changes
Everyone definitely,
Please watch over us!!!
I'll do my best!!!
Ah~~ But I'm looking forward to it~~
I can't wait! Already!
I hope that I'll be able to meet, with everyone!
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It'd be nice to perform in Fests in May as well……
Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special
January 19th~January 31st📺✨️
It seems you'll be able to enjoy the stream again! For those who can't wait for the blu-ray, by all means!
Birthday Stream Event Is Here
January 19th~January 25th📺✨️ Don't miss it,,
Birthday goods are also here
~Deadline to buy is January 30th🩵 Please take a look--
Tokyo Sports note Series✍️
#138 Mentally Strong Birthday Girl
Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura🫶🏻
Up To Boy They're delivering unreleased shots
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
see you ayumin <3
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gettatranslations · 9 months
Happy Happy Christmas!!!!Yumigeta Ako (23.12.18)
Good evening🌛
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
I enjoyed reading about all of your jobs and careers〜!!!
All jobs have their challenges and special skills… I respect you all so much……
So people spend about 20〜50 years studying to perfect their career right。
But if you want to try lots of different career paths in your life you can't spend 20 years on each one…?
I want to be a police officer、and an architect、and a Starbucks barista、plus an idol but I've already achieved that!、and a florist、and an astronaut、and an interior designer、and a wedding planner、and a bank teller… plus I want to try being a Panda Nanny due to Yamazaki-san's influence…
If I spend 30 years on each one…?
30×9 is 270 years…????
That's obviously impossible…
But in the future I might actually want to go down a completely different career path insteadー
That's interesting tooー!!!!
Today I'll talk about my costume for our Christmas Event in a couple of days time‼️
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It's super Christmassyー!!!!!
And my beretー!!!!
During the shoot、our makeup artist-san said
「Give it a try〜」 as she gave me this beret to wear…✨
When I was about 2 years old、I had a red beret which I really loved、and I wore it all through winter although obviously I've since gotten rid of it!
So it was my first time wearing a beret in quite a while!
I'm so glad I got to wear one〜✨💕
Plus my costume is a style I've never worn before
A checkered mini dress!!!
It's super cute〜💕💕💕
This shoot was super fun🎶
The set and the members costumes were all so cute and Christmassy🎶
Look forward to seeing our costumes in person during the event‼️
Ahー I'm so excited!!!!
You can see more details about our goods
Through this link💁‍♀️
Personally、winter is my favourite season…
(2nd is summer🌞🌴🌺✨ But I actually like them about the same♡)
One reason I love winter
Is Christmas‼️
And it's my first Christmas
Being able to sing and dance with you all('ω' )三( 'ω')ワクワク
I've always loved Christmas、but I bet I'll love it even more this year〜
But that's great〜!!!!
At least I think so!!!!!!
I expect
That it'll feel like spending Christmas with friends (*^^*)
I'm so excited‼️‼️‼️‼️
Today we had rehearsals for our Christmas Event🎅🎄
No matter how much we rehearsed I was grinning the whole time!
It's going to be such a fun event!!!!
I just hope I don't get ill now…!
It was super cold today😭
I'm going to stay warm by drinking some corn soup……!!!!
And And!
Christmas presents for the member-sans🎁
I actually haven't bought anything yet…
I have time before voice training tomorrow so I plan to go shopping then!
What should I buyー I'm so excitedー
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
I've sudden become obsessed with chocolate!!!!
Three days ago I ate Takenoko no Sato🍫
Two days ago I ate Choco Balls and a Chocolate Crepe Ice Cream🍫
Yesterday I ate Black Thunder Ice Cream🍫
Today I ate a chocolate bar🍫
I wonder why…🤔💭
I really don't know what happened
But I have a sudden chocolate obsession……
Today I bought some crunchy chocolate to eat✌️
There's a café selling chocolate drinks near to where I'm going present shopping tomorrow、so I think I might go〜( ´‎ࠔ`* )♪
So because I'm obsessed with chocolate
I'm going to tell you all about my recommended chocolate product‼️
【Ghana Ripple】‼️
It's chocolate shaped like a pretzel🥨🍫
It's regular chocolate inside、but it feels so bougie with it's thinness and it's flavour!It's just super delicious‼️
Plus this chocolate…
Each packet has、23 pieces……‼️
Like Morning Musume。'23?
So、I felt like it was meant to be that I ended up eating it as a part of Morning😋
Everyone please give it a try tooー!!!
You Getted 「A chocolate recommendation、from Ako」✨
Speaking of chocolate、I really love Mister Donut's Pon・De・Ring that's covered with strawberry chocolate‼️
I always order it…!
I've loved it since I was a kid!
I haven't eaten Mister Donut for a while、so I wanna eat it again〜
…Maybe I'll go tomorrow?
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Today I listened to anisongs on my way to rehearsals!
When I listen to anisongs、I feel like I'm in the opening scenes for an anime、and I've become a character myself!
It's strange?Like huh!!
It can't just be me right!!!!!
So I love anisongs‼️
Today I listened to
Osawa Sho-san's 「Butter-Fly」‼️
And I listened to several PreCure songs too!
Everyone please give them a listen too〜‼️
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦭🦭🐊
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