#Mori Yana
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arcobaleno-22g · 9 months ago
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The Shaman's mother is sorting apples. Red ones go into jam, green ones go into pie, yellow sour ones are also suitable for pie. The Shaman's mother loves apples for their simplicity and for the fact that they were created just for her palm. She even knows who it is.
Mori Yana
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amenemisa · 2 years ago
First of all, let me say that it should be read from right to left ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
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  Mori Ougai had retreated to his room for a few days because of the messes made by a few troubled kids at his school, trying to fix the mistakes those kids had made. He was too busy at work, but there was nothing he could do. He hadn't slept or eaten for several days. Now, just as he was about to complete the final parts of his report, he heard a knock at his door. "Come in," he said in a tired voice. The person on the other side of the door was history professor Fukuzawa Yukichi. He was one of those who noticed that the Headmaster had been locked in his room for a long time, and was beginning to worry about him. So he was thinking of taking him out of his room and inviting him to fresh air.
  Even though Mori Ougai knew his door was open, he didn't bother to raise his head and wished the person who entered would say whatever he wanted to say and leave. He prayed himself to that no further problems had arisen. There was a moment of silence, Fukuzawa was staring at Mori with his head stuck in the doorway. 'He looks pale.' he thought. When was the last time he had seen him this bad? After considering it for a while, he sighed calmly and decided to speak. "Are you busy Headmaster?" Fukuzawa asked in a monotone voice. As soon as Mori heard his voice, he revived and looked up at him. "I didn't expect to see you at this time, Fukuzawa Dono." he said in amazement. Then he took off his mask so that the eye bags, which were signs of his fatigue, could be seen more easily, and he leaned back in his chair. Mori tilted his head to the right and smiled, "Glad to see you here, I needed a break." he muttered quietly.
  Fukuzawa didn't enter the room, he leaned against the door frame and folded his arms.  There was a brief silence between them, giving him time for Fukuzawa to review him.  Fukuzawa knew he could take a break after hearing his voice, and now it seemed like Mori had taken away all his motivation to work.  Realizing that this was the case, Fukuzawa considered leaving him alone and giving him space to rest. "Seems like you're tired and busy. I can come another-" Before Fukuzawa could even finish his sentence, an objection from Mori interrupted him. "No! You're not going anywhere," Mori quickly protested, raising both hands in the air. Then he put his hands on the table and got support from them to lift himself up. "So!" he began, "while i find you at this time..." and muttered quietly.
  Fukuzawa was genuinely interested in the lessons and did not visit Mori often, it was extremely difficult for Mori to find him.  But now his opportunity had come his feet. He jumped up cheerfully and, with one hand in the air, began to list the things he wanted to do with him today. "We can have our lunch together first. And then we can take a little walk outside, I miss that- and maybe..." He started speaking slowly at the beginning and sped up towards the end as he counted his requests.
  Fukuzawa couldn't help curling his lips up at this sight. 'Revived so fast.'  he thought through it. Leaning tight against the doorframe, he waited for Mori to finish talking and watched him calmly. He had understood long ago what this heart-warming thing was, they both knew it, but was there any need to verbalize it? It had been a beautiful, relaxing and peaceful day for them.
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No one ever told me there was a game called Twisted Wonderland - AND AGAIN, NO ONE TOLD ME THAT THE DRAWINGS OF THE GAME ARE BY YANA TOBOSO! AND NOBODY DID NOT SAY THAT THE TWO CHARACTERS' VOICE ACTORS ARE THE VOICE ACTORS OF MY TWO FAVORITE CHARACTERS. Oh... ok i'm allright... whoa... So i said! Why not dress Fukuzawa and Mori like them and draw them? I can do this, right??
I must thank you again @madamlilac :')
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spiritofsilverwater · 1 year ago
[Romaji] Pokespe Diamond and Pearl Go! Go! Jet Coaster ダイヤとパールでGO!..×2ジェットコースター
Video link: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40601739
Both: Kirakira Pure Pure yes! Futari no dream!! Dia: Nee Paaru~! Sekkaku utau ndakara, mou paatto kirakkira na uta ni shiyou~! Pearl: Oo!! Demo douse nara sa, yukkuri na uta ja taikutsu daro? Daakaaraa…. Supiido aappu! Uwaa~! Paaru~, sugoi ne~! Sasu ga Kuikingu da ne~! Pearl: Iya, nande sou naru nda yo! Maa ii ya, iku zo! Pearl: Saa Go! Go! Hayaku tsuite koi yo! (Dia: Shunshun kirari! Wandaahoo) Dia: Yana koto datte egao ni kaete (Pearl: Zettai! Akiramenna yo!) Dia: Nonbiri okashi wo tsukutte. Tanoshimeba tsutawaru kamo Pearl: Areare? Utagattenai? Yume wa negaeba Both: Kanau yo! 3, 2, 1, 0! Both: Kirakira shita Dia: Deai no ryokou de Pearl: Ano yama no choujou mezasou!! Both: Sutaadamu made Kakeashi de ikou!! Te wo totte Pearl: Itsudatte shootaimu Dia: Warau kado ni wa onigiri Pearl: Issho ni susumou Shining days Both: Saikou e Here we Go!! Dia: Gohan wo ippai oobaritai (Pearl: Tokkun kaishi da "iku zo!") Pearl: Sekai ga mirakurukurukururu (Dia: Nantomo arimasheen) Pearl: Massugu mezase akogare owarai no chouten toru zo Dia: Wakatta oira neta tsukuru yo Pearl: Ee!? Dia: Osenbei keeki uun, oishii~!! Pearl: Iya, kuitai dake daro!! Both: Nishi e yousoro Pearl: Demo higashi datta… tohoho Dia: Daijoubu! Nonbiri ikou! Both: SOS dashitara Fuwaraido ga kitaa! Arigatou Dia: Ohiru gohan ni shiyou~ (Pearl: Iya shitakunai kedo…) Dia: Issho ni waraou My dear friends Mirai e Both: Let's fly away!! Pearl: Daiya… nani katte ni kasha kaete nda yo! Dia: Aa… dame da yo Paaru, rekoodingu nandakara, shabeccha maiku ni haicchau yo? Pearl: Omae ni iwaretakuneeeeee! Both: 3, 2, 1, 0! Otoko dattara Pearl: Teppen wo mezase Dia: Sou da yo ne, yakusoku shita mon ne Both: Kiseki datte Tsukami toru mono sa!! Saa mou ikkai Kirakira shita Dia: Deai no ryokou ga Pearl: Owatte mo kizuna wa kienai! Both: Sutaadamu made Sukoshi zutsu ikou!! Te wo totte Pearl: Dotabata na tabi demo Dia: Warau kado ni wa mori no youkan~ Pearl: Uchuu ni todoroke Brilliant song Both: Sora e Here we Go!!
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
Manisa'da kırmızı yol uygulaması sonlandırıldı
Manisa'da kırmızı yol uygulaması sonlandırıldı
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Manisa Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin katılımcı yönetim anlayışı ile yaptığı uygulamalar vatandaşlardan olumlu yanıt alıyor. Büyükşehir’in internet sitesinde yapılan anket sonucu,katılımcıların yüzde 86’sının kaldırılması yönündeki oyuyla Kırmızı Yol uygulaması sona erdi.
MANİSA (İGFA) – Manisa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, kenti katılımcı yönetim anlayışı ile yönetmeye devam ediyor.
Her yapılacak uygulamada halkın fikrini almaya özen gösteren Manisa Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Mimar Ferdi Zeyrek, Kırmızı Yol uygulamasının geleceğine de vatandaşların karar vermesi için anket çalışması başlatmıştı. Yapılan anket sonucunda vatandaşların yüzde 86’sı uygulamanın sona ermesi yönünde oy kullanmış ve uygulama sona ermişti.
Manisa Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin anketinin sonuçlanmasıyla birlikte UKOME (Ulaşım Koordinasyon Merkezi) yaptığı genel kurul sonrasında alınan kararla Kırmızı Yol uygulaması sonlandırıldı.
Kırmızı Yol, 2019 yılı Ocak ayında faaliyete geçmiş ve 5 yıl boyunca sadece toplu taşıma araçları tarafından kullanılmıştı. Uygulamanın sona ermesiyle birlikte Kırmızı Yol olarak bilinen tercihli yol, yeşil renge boyanarak 27 Ocak Pazartesi gününden itibaren araç trafiğine açılacak.
Manisa Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Ferdi Zeyrek, uygulamanın sona ermesiyle birlikte çalışmalara başlanıldığını belirterek, “Benimsediğimiz katılımcı yönetim anlayışı ile kararı vatandaşlarımıza sorduk. Onlar da kararını verdi. Kullanılan oylarda yüzde 86’lık bölüm, uygulamanın kaldırılmasından yana oldu. Vatandaşlarımızın verdiği karara saygı duyuyoruz. UKOME’de yapılan genel kurulda, uygulamanın kaldırılması yönünde karar alındı. Bu yöndeki çalışmalarımız da başlamış oldu. Kırmızı Yol olarak bilinen ve sadece toplu ulaşım araçlarının kullandığı yol, yeşil renge boyanarak 27 Ocak gününden itibaren araç trafiğine açılıyor” dedi.
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Yeni uygulama ile İbrahim Gökçen Bulvarı, İzmir Caddesi ve 8 Eylül Caddesi üzerinde, servis araçları ve yük taşıması yapan araçlar hariç olmak üzere çift yönlü olarak toplu taşıma araçlarına ve sivil araç trafiğine açılacak. 8 Eylül Caddesi, Ulupark, İbrahim Gökçen Bulvarı, İzmir Caddesi ve Moris Şinasi Kavşağı arasında toplu taşıma araçları ve sivil araçlar için tek şerit geliş olarak düzenlendi. Yol üzerine trafiğin akış yönünü gösteren oklar çizilerek yönler de belirtilecek. Vatandaşlar, trafikte okların belirttiği yöne uygun olarak hareket ederek trafikte seyredecek. Toplu taşıma araçları da bu yolu kullanmaya devam edecek.
Ayrıca, 3 bin 700 metrelik güzergah üzerindeki durak sayısı 13’ten 10��a düşürülerek ulaşımın hızlandırılması da amaçlandı. Toplu taşıma araçlarının trafiği tıkamaması için özel cepler yapıldı. Bu sayede araçlar, yolcu indirme-bindirme işlemlerini ceplere yanaşarak gerçekleştirecek.
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ruggiezz · 2 years ago
SÍ SON, alguien tiene que contactarse con Yana Toboso y decirle que haga canon a Octavinelle y Ruggie latinos. Por cierto, si eres el anon que pidió los hc de besos en la mejilla ¡ya voy a empezar a escribirlo!
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moribirb · 6 years ago
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Old doodle of my fav boy that I found on my drive and that I drew ages ago XD
(do not repost/edit! do not discuss Grell’s pronouns/gender!)
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seekers-who-are-lovers · 3 years ago
Sebastian Michaelis’ Lament: Nina Hopkins and Victorian women’s hair
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“Chapter 107: At Night, The Butler, Compelling” is another favourite chapter. It fully describes Sebastian’s pettiness when it comes to Nina Hopkins snubbing him, one of the few people who doesn’t like him, not impressed by him, doesn’t admire him. It must be the demon’s one of the many pet peeves. He values her professionalism and her sense of style but her negative treatment of him sends him to question himself : “why manifest to be a virile, young, and a beautiful man if I cannot charm everyone?” It doesn’t amuse him. It agitates him. Anyway, Nina also treats the male servants of the Phantomhive Household the same: Bard, really pissed, and Finnian, clueless. Except for Tanaka.
In the manga, Nina as a tailor admits that she loves to dress up pubescent boys. But I don’t think it has to do with her sexual preference. She adores Mey-rin’s androgynousness the first time they’ve met. True. Her declarations though have become the subject of discussion among the puritanical accounts on Twitter. Just because Yana Toboso designed her character so the “mangaka must be pedophile.” It is this ambiguity that makes reading it difficult for others.
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(Chapter 17: At Midnight, The Butler, Brand New)
Anyway, difference of opinion irritates S. Nina is avant-garde and very open to changes. While S is not. For a demon, his sense of style is very conservative and clings to etiquette and protocol. That’s why his rebuke of Bard’s sexism is truly remarkable. Demons probably find it amusing what holds the people back in order to feed their bigotry and in turn their hypocrisy.
Which is why S views the hair an impeccable requirement in the Victorian society. He was so heartbroken after he saw Sieglinde Sullivan’s short hair. The demon’s reaction is one to be framed!
Hair was a very important body part during the Victorian era among women of the middle and upper classes. It was a sign of their femininity and a focus of sexual interest. No wonder, poor women, who were deprived of clean toilets and struggled with poor hygiene, were forced to sell their hair, which they normally hid with bonnets or hats.
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There was a strict societal code to follow how to style their long hair. Cutting the hair was simply unthinkable. Coiffed hair was a sign of coming into age. Victorian women never wore their hair loose, but for pictorial purposes only, and when there was intimacy involved.
They did occasionally trim split ends, or even singe them, but long hair was viewed as being ultra-feminine and desirable.
In order to celebrate the extreme long Victorian hair, people catapulted it into art. One of them is incorporating the strands of hair into ornate mourning lockets, a memento mori of a deceased loved one. (Morbid Anatomy, for one, offers courses how to design intricate Victorian mourning hair lockets.)
Empress Sisi of Austria, for example, had an elaborate regimen to groom her hair. Apart from exercising to death and starving herself.
Sisi looked on her daily sessions of hairdressing as a “sacred ritual.” She used the morning hours that Fanny (Franziska Feifalik) was combing and styling her hair for reading, writing letters, and for studying Greek and Hungarian with her tutors. But daily hairstyling was only one component of Sisi’s haircare regime. Every three weeks, her hair had to be washed and dried. This was a time consuming process in itself.
Every three weeks it was washed with raw eggs and brandy, a procedure which took an entire day, including drying. After washing her hair, the Empress would don a long, waterproof silk dressing gown and walk up and down until her hair dried. ( x )
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Her vanity, like “to be beautiful is to suffer”, caused her to have a headache, but saved her life for a few minutes, due to tight lacing of her corset.
Also calling in sick when one is cross with the employer is the oldest trick in the book. When Sisi’s personal hairstylist, who earned as high as a university professor, didn’t show up for work because of the monarch’s capriciousness, the empress admitted that she needed her: “After several such days of hairdressing, I am quite worn down. She knows that and waits for capitulation. I am a slave to my hair.”
A predicament Sisi shared with the other women during her time, but in Yana Toboso’s universe one of her characters has been spared.
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aiimihana · 4 years ago
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Artist:  yana mori
From: Danbooru
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like-dudnik-in-1989 · 4 years ago
Olympic Team Predictions
So I will do some team predictions about the most contested selections from time to time until Tokyo to see how the outlook changes during these two months and a half
I have not been following WAG lately so these might be a little bit LOL, but mixing team deficits, current situation and historical records I will try to guess the most pausible options imo
Last two or one gymnasts, depending of the country, are the non-team gymnasts
in italics the spots in the moment of posting I had more doubts about
13rd May
Simone Biles 
Sunisa Lee 
Jordan Chiles
Grace Mccallum
Jade Carey (lock)
Kara Eaker
Angelina Melnikova
Viktoria Listunova
Vladislava Urazova
Elena Gerasimova (ideally this spot is Vorona’s, and Akhaimova is also fighting for it  if comes back to her late 2019 shape, but currently, even though she messed up Euros QF - tbh it was her senior debut, it was expected - Gera owns it as this team needs someone more realiable on beam, and she’s literally the only Russian that can be included in that category)
Anastasiia Ilyankova (we will have to wait and see Agaf)
Yana Vorona (if Gera doesn’t make the 4-persons-team, this spot is hers)
Ou Yushan 
Li Shijia
Tang Xijing
Lu Yufei
Liu Tingting
Fan Yilin (lock)
Giorgia Villa
Martina Maggio
Vanessa Ferrari
Alice D’Amato
Lara Mori
Jessica Gadirova
Becky Downie
Alice Kinsella
Jennifer Gadirova
Mai Murakami
Hitomi Hatakeda
Aiko Sugihara
Asuka Teramoto 
Urara Ashikawa (lock)
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arcobaleno-22g · 9 months ago
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There was a noise in the house of the Shaman's Mother. Every time she hears it from different corners: from the kitchen, from the basement, in the hallway. The Shaman's mother opens all the windows in the house in turn, and the forest slowly fills the rooms. The noise is drowned in silence, like honey.
Mori Yana
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 4 years ago
Üç nesil içinde en kötü senesi'nin Dazai olduğunu söyleyebilir miyiz? Mafyadaki davranışlarını göz ardı etsek bile hali hazırda Akutagawa'ya karşı telkin edici bir şeyi yok ve Akutagawa'nın güçlenmesi bir yana, saplantılı ve öfkeli olmasının sebebi de o. Diğerine karşı bir şey diyemem, iyi bir akıl hocası oldu ama şu sıralar dolaşan gönderiler var. Chuuya Dazai'den daha iyi bir öğretmen olmaz mıydı Akutagawa için?
Mori'nin Dazai'ye ne yaptığını bilmiyoruz bu yüzden kesin bir şey söyleyebileceğimizi düşünmüyorum. Dazai'nin iyi bir sensei olmadığı doğru bunu hem Akutagawa hem Atsushi için söylüyorum ancak Mori'nin yöntemleri çok daha zalimce olduğunu manganın Kelebekleri Düşlemek bölümlerinde Yosano'ya olan tavırlarından görmüştük. Mori'nin Chuuya'ya biraz daha sakin davrandığı doğru ancak Dazai çocukluğundan beri Mori'nin yanındaydı ve az çok Mori'nin özelliklerini kaptığını düşünüyorum. Akutagawa'ya bu şekilde davranması da Mori'nin onu etkilemesi yüzünden olabilir çünkü Mori olaylara tamamen mantık açısından yaklaşıp insan duygularını göz ardı ediyordu, Dazai de aynı şekilde insanları kontrol edebileceği piyonlar olarak görüyor. Bu yüzden Akutagawa'yı kendisine bağlayıp sonuna kadar kullanabileceği bir piyon haline getirdi, yöntemleri farklı olsa da aynı şeyi Atsushi'ye yaptı.
Kişiden kişiye aktarılan bir döngü var. Mori için Natsume'den önce bir sensei varsa aynı şeyi Mori de yaşamış olabilir. Bu yüzden Mori'nin mi Dazai'nin mi daha kötü olduğu tartışılır.
Chuuya konusuna gelirsek, Chuuya Akutagawa'nın mafyaya katıldığı zamanlarda daha toy olduğunu düşünüyorum. Lider olmayı öğrenmeye ve yeteneğini kontrol etmeye yani kendine yer edinmeye çalışıyordu. Bu yüzden sensei olarak kendisinin uygun olduğunu düşünmüyorum ama her türlü Dazai'den daha iyi olurdu. Tabi, o ormanda Dazai yerine kendisi olsaydı çünkü bir bakıma Akutagawa Dazai'yi ilk gördüğünde ona bağlandı.
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wholesomeyuri · 6 years ago
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✧・゚: *✧ Relaxing ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Maki Nishikino ♥ Nico Yazawa
♢ Anime ♢ : Love Live! School idol project - (AL, A-P, KIT, MAL)
☆ Source ☆ : pixiv
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by Yana Mori 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 check out r/wholesomeyuri for more wholesome yuri goodness ~ 。.。:+♡*♥ + *゚ 。. The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, please SUPPORT THEM and DON’T remove the credits .。*゚+
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chromecutie · 5 years ago
Not A Ghost - prequel fluff 1
This isn't part of the main story, but I wanted to do something extra special today! This bit is from early in their relationship, maybe a few months of dating.
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen @emberbent . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
“My room, later tonight?” Rhonda hung with her arms around Piotr’s neck, her toes braced against his legs as if he would ever just drop her. Her hair, freshly dyed purple a few weeks ago, had faded to a bluish lavender.
Ilyana made a fake gagging sound, but her brother and his girlfriend hardly spared her a glance. 
Piotr, all blue eyes and smiles with dimples that could make Rhonda weak in the knees, replied, “Of course, sladkaya.” He pecked her on the lips and set her on her feet -- gently, so she wouldn’t stumble when he let go. He winced at Rhonda’s feet, “That toe doesn’t look good. You should tape it.”
She rolled her eyes, “I just had it taped for six hours! I’m letting it breathe a minute before I tape it again.” The outside toe on one foot was swollen with blue and purple bruising, broken from misjudging a jump.
“Whatever you say, sladkaya,” he kissed her cheek. “I will see you after class tonight!” He picked up his heavy case full of oil paints and headed down the hall. Rhonda watched until he turned a corner, when she turned back and realized Ilyana had been watching her watch Piotr.
“Heh, sorry,” Rhonda’s shoulders jerked upward as Ilyana rolled her eyes.
As the girls headed to the student lounge, Rhonda asked, “Hey, what does that mean? Sladkaya? Your brother calls me that a lot.”
Ilyana drew a wicked grin and slipped an arm around her friend’s shoulders. “I don’t know if I should tell you. You might not like it.”
“Aw come on, Yana,” Rhonda whined, “Please?”
Ilyana’s face grew serious as she stopped and turned toward Rhonda. “Sladkaya. The literal translation means ‘helpless woman.’ He wouldn’t want me telling you, but there it is.”
Rhonda tilted her head and smirked. “Nahhh, I don’t believe you. He never says it with a nasty tone or anything.”
“Oh?” Ilyana’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you fluent in Russian? No? Then maybe you should trust a native Russian speaker.”
Did he really think she was helpless? Flustered, Rhonda stammered through a few false starts before finally saying, “Okay, fine. Is there something I can call him when he calls me sladkaya?”
“There we go,” Ilyana whispered conspiratorially. Her eyes narrowed, smirking. “He will hate it if you call him ‘dorogoy.’ It means ‘ugly jackass.’” She could hardly say it with a straight face, and started giggling when she was done.
“Oooh!” Rhonda started laughing too, “That’ll be perfect. Thanks.” Ilyana made her practice, and after a few tries, she could do a solid imitation of the Rasputin siblings’ accent. 
Rhonda had an arrangement with her roommate -- as most students above a certain age did in the Xavier Institute. The signal wasn’t quite as obvious or stereotypical as a sock or scrunchie on the door knob, but it was always clear when one student wanted the room alone for a few hours and the other had to study in the library or lounge. Piotr knocked softly at his girlfriend’s door, and she let him in with bright giggling and sparking cheeks. 
They sat on her bed - Piotr taking up most of it with his long legs. He flipped through a few pages of his sketchbook, “I started thumbnailing for my next painting. Look,” he showed her a spread that was full of little gesture drawings. 
As Rhonda scanned the shapes, she recognized the poses. “Is this my audition dance for Julliard?”
“It is,” he glanced away from her. “I am still upset for you that you didn’t get in, but I know art when I see it, sladkaya.”
“Aww! And hey!” she shoved his shoulder with her full weight, but he hardly budged. “You can’t call me that anymore. I’m onto you.”
“[What?]” he asked in Russian. 
“And I got one for you too - dorogoy. Suck on that one.” She leaned back and crossed her arms, smirking with satisfaction. 
Piotr scrunched his eyes, then cringed and sighed. “Rhonda…”
Her confidence faltered, then dropped like a rock. “Yana got me again, didn’t she?”
“You have got to stop asking her to translate things for you,” he tussled her faded purple hair. “What is it you think you just called me?”
Rhonda tried to fight the smile that pulled her lips, “No way, it’s so stupid.”
“Sladkaya,” he prompted.
“Okay, so she told me that means ‘helpless woman,’--” Piotr gasped -- “So she said an appropriate comeback was, ‘ugly jackass,’ but um…” Rhonda started laughing in earnest. “What do they actually mean?”
Piotr’s shoulders heaved and shook as he laughed so hard no sound came out. He wheezed until he got his laughter under control and replied, “Dorogoy is like ‘darling,’ And sladkaya,” he leaned closer to her. Hooked one knuckle under her chin. Tilted her head up just a little bit. With their lips only inches apart, he said, “That one is like ‘sweetheart.’” Their lips met, slow, but hungry. His tongue slipped inside her mouth just enough to taste her, before pulling away again.
“Oh…” Rhonda had a sleepy, dazed look in her eyes.
Her boyfriend closed his sketchbook and tucked it away before pulling her onto his lap. He leaned against her headboard and gave her a warm squeeze. “Now, I have to ask, why did you believe I would call you helpless?”
Rhonda groaned, nestling into his arms, “I thought you were messing with me. Like Ilyana does.”
“But when have I ever?” Piotr scoffed indignantly. “When have I ever messed with you about what a Russian word means?”
“You…” Rhonda scrambled to find even one instance and sighed dramatically when she couldn’t, “...have never.”
He chuckled, “Why do you still ask my sister to translate if you know she will play a trick on you?”
“Well,” she hesitated, then huffed. She shifted so she could straddle his legs and face him. “Because I want to learn Russian, but I didn’t want you to think I just want to learn the flirty words. How many girls have used that cheesy line on you?” She imitated a few voices of Piotr’s previous dates, “Will you tell me I’m pretty in Russian? What’s Russian for ‘I love you’? How do you say ‘penis’ in Russian?” They both laughed, then Rhonda sobered, “I want, like...if I ever meet your parents, I wanna be able to talk to them.”
Piotr was quiet, stunned, and partly because her straddling him like this was new and it was alluring almost to the point of being distracting from what she was saying. Almost.
Rhonda winced when he didn’t answer right away, “Is that ridiculous? I’m thinking too far ahead, um, I'm sorry.” She started to slide off him, either to sit beside him again or to run to the farthest end of the house, but he caught her and locked eyes with her a minute.
Her eyes were dark and sweet and guileless, and Piotr was surprised and touched that she was thinking of meeting his family. “I have something for you,” he said suddenly. He reached for his bag and pulled out a small, rectangular package, wrapped in plain white paper that had scuffs and marks from being in his bag who knows how long. Piotr hesitated, “I wasn’t sure how to give this to you, or if you would even want it, but...here,” he held it out for her. 
With trembling papers, Rhonda tore the paper back and found it was a book with the onion domes of the Kremlin emblazoned on the cover. “Beginner’s Russian,” she read the title and looked up at him. She beamed so hard her eyes scrunched up, “Thank you...dororgoy.” Her accent on the word was so close to his own.
For a second, Piotr had to remind himself how to breathe. “It has a CD for conversation exercises, but...you can just talk to me.” He gave a lopsided grin, showing his dimples again.
She started thumbing through the pages. “Why’d you wait so long to give me this? Why’d you think I wouldn’t want it?”
Piotr hemmed and hawed a bit before giving a real answer, “You didn’t say much about wanting to learn Russian, and I didn’t want you to think I expect you to do it.”
“Babe,” she leveled her warm gaze on him, “I remember when you first came here and you could barely speak enough English to get by. Of course I’ll learn Russian for you.” Rhonda braced one hand on her boyfriend’s chest as she reached to rest the book on her nightstand. “This is perfect, honey, thank you so much.” 
She leaned into him, caressing his face and kissing him as his hands found their way from her thighs, up her hips, to her waist. She ground her hips against him and it wasn’t long before he was hard. He mumbled something in Russian into her neck, and when she asked him about it he simply said, “You’ll learn it someday.”
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moribirb · 6 years ago
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Happy International Women’s Day!!
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arrancxr · 6 years ago
not to make u feel mean to the rest of them or anything but who's your favorite oc >:)
Oh boy... Well, considering that I have 13 stories so far, I think I’ll pick a couple favs from each one >3> I do have an overall fav, but this will be more interesting!
Anryuu Epic
Arassia, Minus, Roxanne, Lillianne 
Execution Program
Eliza (all time fav), Yuriko
Infinite 9
Byrony, Belladonna
Memento Mori
Herman Story (untitled)
Here There be Monsters
Amity, Fireweed, 
Higanbana Club
Vanishing Line
Kei, Ciel
Four Years
Theobold, Kiel, Felix
Asteria Garden
Robin Story (untitled)
Girls of Virtue
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hitsugikuro-blog · 7 years ago
So now that we know that Undertaker really is the one who brought R!Ciel back from the dead and has confirmed his (probably unhealthy) attachment to the Phantomhives, whatever reasoning that might be, it made me think of a real-life phenomenon that I heard about a few years ago.   I have to wonder if Yana is also aware of it and drawing a bit of inspiration from it.
Basically, it officially started around the 1940′s but could have been happening earlier, but some doll makers called ‘reborners’ began to cater specifically to parents who had lost children due to tragedy and still do today.  They replicate newborns and infants with very carefully crafted material to make them look as life-like as possible.  Some people collect them as hobbies, but some people also have them commissioned for upwards of thousands of dollars as a sort of mememto mori of their own child.  These can assist with coping with death, but some people also take things a bit too far and there have been cases of parents emotionally bonding so deeply with the doll that they continue to treat it as if it were their real child.  Psychologists have actually begun to study it and caution against buying a ‘reborn doll’ in certain situations.  It’s a very tragic and heart-breaking phenomenon.
But it also fits as a good parallel for Undertaker, I think, who is quite literally turning his dead loved ones into ‘dolls’ because he’s unable to cope with their loss.  These are just my ‘shower thoughts’ of the day.
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