#More Melitta
heartofcourage · 15 days
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If all you can do is crawl, start crawling. 👈🖱
— Rumi
Wenn Sie nur kriechen können, fangen Sie an zu kriechen. 👈🖱
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— Die Regen Königin
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Weltraum Staub - Space Dust
>>Neon Rot sag uns wo du bist, denn da müssen wir hin, beeil dich, na los!<< >>Ich bin hier mit dir, aber eigentlich bin ich in einem Gasthof & wo ist dein Zwilling?<<
Neon Blau:>>Ich bin nicht mehr hier, aber eigentlich bin ich überall. Nicht wahr Schutzengel, Ellen?<<
Ellen:>>Mit nur einen einzigen Flügel.<<
>>Neon red tell us where you are, because that's where we have to go, hurry up, come on!<< >>I'm with you, but actually I'm in an inn & where is your twin?<<
Neon Blue:>>I'm not here anymore, but actually I'm everywhere. Isn't that a guardian angel, Ellen?<<
Neon Blue:>>I'm not here anymore, but actually I'm everywhere. Isn't that a guardian angel, Ellen?<<
Ellen:>>With only a single wing.<<
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raynepigeon · 9 months
Hetalia i greveholm part 2!!!
I have been drawing for 4 hours straight. It was worth it.
I translated the ones with text into English, please enjoy!!
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"Tjejtjusare" is SVT's polite way of calling someone a man whore :3(translates as 'girl charmer' but is used in children's media as a way to call someone a playboy or man whore(moth thought it was really funny and that's why I drew it.)).
Thank you @mothsocket, for helping make this AU and agreeing to watch the show with me, as well as being good company while drawing.
Thank you @shrimpspit21 for helping me with some translations and making sure my grammar and spelling was correct.
We could not really figure out who should be Melitta, Canada and America make a good duo and it would be weird to have it be Canada and Sealand or America and Sealand.
Australlia and New Zealand where the only options that would make some sense, I picked Australlia because he seamed more fun to draw.
Scotland got the role of Grandma, changing it from a grandma to a uncle Feels like it's not too big a diffrence.
Scotland was chosen because Wales and northern Ireland look too kind.
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noosphe-re · 4 months
Melittology (from Greek μέλιττα, melitta, "bee"; and -λογία -logia) is a branch of entomology concerning the scientific study of bees. It may also be called apiology or apicology. Melittology covers the species found in the clade Anthophila within the superfamily Apoidea, comprising more than 20,000 species, including bumblebees and honey bees.
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
☕️ spring awakening
flawless musical in its raw state but my god is it hard to actually get right. some people were just not put into this world to direct productions of spring awakening and i think it should be more socially acceptable to admit that. as i just said the existing text is already perfect. you do not need to add anything. don't throw in a random ensemble who do nothing but clog up the stage and the story, don't add in random and tonally incongruous scene change music, almeida spring awakening i love you so very much but that spoken word interlude in totally fucked did not need to be there... on the other hand i think the reason deaf west spring awakening was so ingenious and effective was because michael arden did something completely new and fresh with it but didn't change the fucking text and everything he did add or tweak (apart from melitta. i'm sorry girlie but who are you!!!) was in a way that was directly informed by and in conversation with the original play (for example: deciding which characters would be deaf, the actor/voice duality reflecting the existing duality between scene world and song world, even the rigidity of the school system and the tiny details therein, down to moritz getting his latin recitation wrong, being turned into a commentary on oralism in deaf education) instead of just adding things seemingly for the sake of Doing A New Fresh Spring Awakening, which is what a lot of directors seem to do
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
Should I watch spartacus? I've tried a few times but always lapse after a few eps bc the characters didn't really connect for me
listen, I don't usually rec spartacus to people, because it's - quite frankly - not for everyone. the language is crass, there's a ton of toxic masculinity, a whole bunch of graphic violence of (most) kinds, and it's got this super stylised environment building to it that can be hard for people to get used to
that being said I've seen it three times now and it makes me very emotional each time. so, if you're thinking of giving it another whirl, here's what I will say:
it definitely does take a little bit to get into the characters beyond the hur-dur big muscle men who all hate each other and make comments about who has the biggest dick (and like, this never totally goes away, but it's filtered through a different lens as the story goes along and the characters do start caring for one another) and here's more tits and undulating oiled women (I must stress though that everyone is oiled up and naked in this show, it's equality), but once you get into the meat of the story, I'd say rouuughly halfway-ish through s1, they really really start growing on you, like fungus. fungi -- especially crixus and agron (whom you may not have reached depending on where you stopped), I'd say for me especially crixus, who is always annoying to me for a fair bit in s1 and then you realise what sort of a character he is and where his arc is going and you're like ohhh ok. ok ok, got it, and there's a scene in the... second last episode of s1 I think where he is sobbing and unable to hold the woman he loves (naevia) as she's dragged away from him and they swear to see one another again... well, let's just say it made me feel things
the political drama of the show is *chefs kiss* it just builds and builds and builds across the whole show, with the second season being a prequel that adds context (it was made out of necessity -- the main actor was very sick, but it also adds to the story, both in terms of backstory and a new important character)
speaking of story -- some of my favourite pacing of all time! it sets up some premises and it continuously moves towards fulfilling those narrative arcs, it is a Very Satisfying Show Pacing-wise
some gay people in this show do die, because a lot of people on this show die (some very sad stuff happens to... well, everyone), but also this is a "the main gays are immortal" show, in which a beautiful m/m couple just fuckn. Cannot Die (they survive some stuff lemme tell you) and it was the first show I really saw that sentiment in
there are some very cool women in this show -- I think there should have been even more and it definitely is male-skewed, but the women on this show have their own really neat arcs and skill-sets, and it manages to not do the misstep of "the only women worth anything are the ones who aren't traditionally feminine/can fight and the rest are lesser," (with characters like diona, sybil, seppia and many minor characters mattering to the plot) while also giving us some gorgeous fighty-anger ladies (naevia, saxa), pragmatic leadership women (mira, laeta, gaia), a whole bunch who fit into difficult-to-categorise spaces (kore, aurelia, melitta) and ofc evil and scheme-y (lucretia, ilythia). I think for the most part the show is also very good at navigating ideas around power and womanhood, with characters like lucretia being both oppressor (owns slaves, can order crixus to have sex with her, is callus towards their humanity), while also at times suffering from lack of power, because she is only as worthwhile as who she is married to (same goes for ilythia and other roman women, and there's an interesting arc in s4 about how easily citizenship/personhood can be entirely stripped from you)
there's a very beautiful ethos beneath it all -- yes beneath all the hyper-violence and graphic sex and horrible dehumanisation (this is a show in which many of the main characters are slaves after all) it's got a strong core about protecting those who cannot protect themselves and it mourns the deaths of innocents (pietros, diona, aurelia, kore, etc)/isn't just about the Fighter Types, it's about fighting to overthrow systems even when it seems hopeless in order to build a better future, about loyalty, about community, about building cross-cultural bridges, about beautiful oiled up peo- wait hold on...
I think -- vs some other shows that I could mention - GoT - that's what's so strong about it. it has an arc, it has a point to it, and it like. wants to give its characters purpose, narratively
there's a couple of missteps, and I think part of that is the time the show was written in, but considering it's 2010 + its main actor died after s1 unfortunately it's miles ahead of many of its peers and most shows that came out in the 2010s that I'd argue tried to catch some of its rizz. flair. pizzazz
I think the right state of mind to go into it with is:
obvs ask yourself first if the sheer amount of sex and violence onscreen is a dealbreaker. you can also ask me what kind of violence if you want to prepare, because for me it was the not-knowing that was stressful the first time around, the next times I could step away during a few scenes that were too much for me, but on the whole was okay
we good on sex and violence? ok then, next step is: the language is gonna be super idiosyncratic. a mix of giving old (?) grammar (the word "the" no longer exists for the most part), kiwi accents (this was filmed in aotearoa/new zealand), names you're not used to hearing, and swearing in every sentence. let that seep into your bones, it becomes very fun after awhile (or it did for me)
give yourself a little shake and then go: "this is a Very Cool Show. not as a negative, it genuinely is Very Cool. other shows wish they were this Cool. it'll take half a second to immerse myself in just how Cool everything is, but once I'm used to it, it'll be awe-striking music, amazing stunt/fight-work in nearly every episode, beautiful -- and I mean beautiful -- character relationship arcs, and a vibe that's giving Mythological the whole way through," my friend it is unreal how Cool this show is, the pay-offs for its various setups make me punch the air when I get to them, every time, and by the final season you're screaming for the Roman Empire to fall beneath the heels of these beautiful oily people, while a majestic choir soars in the background
believe that the final episode of this show is gonna be so worth it -- not because it was a slog to get there, but because we're all so used to being let down in the final hour, but the ending of spartacus? chef's kiss. made me cry the last two times, which is why I'm putting it off this time.
in conclusion: this is not a show for everyone. it's definitely giving sexy boobs angry men at times. it is also a show with a quite similar set of ideas to things like black sails and sense8, which is what is so good about it. it's about how people matter and deserve humanity and it's very cathartic for me in this current day and age to watch these characters navigate the ideas of what a "revolution" looks like. it's a tragedy though, although there's joy along the way, and this is one of those stories where it was worth the trying no matter the cost
it's like. a good story. so many sexy bosom shots though (I mean, this may be the opposite of a deal-breaker now I write it out). but you've gotta gaze through the bosoms to see the plot. or something. yeah that makes sense
I've got a more detailed draft post of all my pros and cons of the show that I'll put out as well -- that was is full of spoilers that may be somewhat incomprehensible if one hasn't watched the show, but hey. it's out there
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semperintrepida · 9 months
A chapter in which Kyra makes plans to be seen and heard.
The day the oaks on the hillsides begin to turn gold, the foreman overseeing construction declares that the villa's new roof could withstand a deluge from Poseidon himself. Though the walls inside have yet to be covered with plaster, I direct my household to move in. None of us will have to spend the rainy season in a tent.
I place my bedroll in a set of chambers overlooking the new courtyard, while Melitta and the rest of the staff spread their pallets and blankets throughout the villa's empty rooms. Situated around a central atrium are a handful of guest chambers, a receiving room and study, a library—once the carpenters build shelves in what used to be the andron—and a kitchen, dining hall, and pantry. And each one of those rooms will need to be furnished, outfitted according to its need, and decorated with wall hangings, vases, statues... More of my coin poured into the hands of merchants and artisans around the island.
Melitta is quick to crack jokes about the kyria who sleeps on the floor of her own house. But there's wisdom hidden in her jibes. For the sake of appearances, I hire a bedmaker first.
Several days later, my chambers smell of freshly sawn oak and I flop onto a mattress worthy of a palace, sighing with pleasure as I stretch across a vast, comfortable softness that's mine, all mine. Once I'm done furnishing this house, it'll rival any in the Silver Islands—
"My bed was bigger."
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quillweaves · 3 months
Some of my Veilguard characters planned so far!
Melitta, Shadow Dragons, dwarf, rogue, duelist, romancing Neve
“Everyone be fucking polite! Neve is here! … Good evening Ms Gallus, you’re looking beautiful tonight”
Flora, Mourn Watch, human, mage, death caller, romancing Lucanis
Exceedingly competent at her magical studies, completely out of her depth with… the rest of the world
Sybilla, Grey Warden, human, warrior, champion, romancing Emmrich
‘Duty, I’m going to die soon, more duty, wait why am I getting butterflies wait NO-’
Issaare, Antivan Crows, qunari, rogue, saboteur, romancing Bellara
‘Babe please stop making me infodump about my traps and devices, I’m trying to keep up my intimidating presence’
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heartofcourage · 2 years
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Heart of Courage
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— Die Regen Königin
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They met in college; Bernard and Melitta. Despite learning different crafts, science and arts, the couple hit it off after being hooked up by Melitta’s late friend, Rachel.
Their relationship didn’t start smoothly. Melitta came from a traditional and conservative family up in Newcrest who prayed that she’d only get into a relationship once she finished college. Hence, having been introduced to a boy for the first time was new territory for the Murphys. Bernard was met with smiles and giggles but behind the closed door after dinner, Melitta was sat down and received the scolding of her life. For years and years, Melitta was a very obedient little girl with whom her mother relied on for support in every aspect of their lives. Melitta being associated with a man meant a whole new object for her attention… and affection. Her mother feared this, and that fear evolved to a convoluted anger mixed with disappointment and control.
Fortunately for Melitta, Britechester dorms offered a taste of freedom and rebellion. Sure, she still wore the ruffled skirts and buttoned-up blouses but slowly she waded into the lake of possibilities. Bernard wasn’t a bad man, either way. He was as goal oriented as Melitta was. He studied hard, earned his professors’ recognition and took an oath to be a steward of nature. He studied Biology that aligned with his passion for marine life. He was a man of passion, intellect and perseverance, so he didn’t lead Melitta too astray from the life she used to live. But with him, Melitta learned the flavor of romance, the feeling of grass on her back, the colors of the night sky that lay flat underneath the narratives of stars. She learned how spend a few more dollars for a strawberry gelato she deserved after finishing a quiz. She realized that she could sneak past her bedtime and make out by the garden with the man of her dreams. Bernard changed Melitta for several things, but Melitta acknowledged that some things needed to be free to see a whole new world beyond her fingertips.
Slowly, Melitta’s parents warmed up to Bernard. As they saw more of the man, they saw more of Melitta’s smiles and laughter as if she was a ten-year old again. They would invite him to Thanksgiving, to Winterfest, even on Christmas. Bernard proved to be a loving partner without even trying. He just did what his heart pushed him to and eventually, Melitta’s family saw through their own disappointment; that even they were changed to some degree. Melitta felt accomplished. Sitting through the Christmas dinner with her mother talking to Bernard as if they were old friends brought her joy that culminated into a bright and wide smile on her lips. Bernard, in his dark and lustrous hair, blended with their family as if he was a Murphy as well, which he became a few years later.
Melitta and Bernard’s wedding was one of the biggest weddings Newcrest had ever witnessed. Her mother’s influence, as one of the prominent awardees of the queen’s recognition invited a lot of guests that celebrated their marriage. This huge success followed them through married life as Bernard became a more active and successful marine conservationist who takes care of the pristine waters of Sulani. He was noted to be a “Dolphins’ Prince Charming” as his dedication to marine life earned him even the trust of dolphins who inhabited the Sulani beaches. Melitta, on the other hand, loved watching her husband dominate the waves by the shore. With Bernard’s stature, Melitta lived comfortably in their own mansion at Evergreen Harbor, making her own strides to rejuvenate the neighborhood to be a bustling haven for makers and artists.
There are stories of romance that love itself tells the narrative. It is as if the universe knew a single red thread distinctly and decided to pull this to the center, allowing two people to meet and realize their destiny at the palm of their hands, holding together as they walked through time. Because of love, Melitta didn’t know what possibilities could bring her and neither did she fully trust herself with her decisions. Despite being riddled with guilt, she knew one thing for sure: that she has faith in Bernard and that was all it took for her to leap through the uncertainty and let her man pull her out of the comfort zone she has always known. Because of love, she is now looking at the horizon, watching the sunset illuminate her prince who swims back at her with the dolphins, as he always does.
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tovarishfungus · 6 months
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More Photos! This is how I make my coffee. With a jar I got at a flea market for 50ct and a porcelain Melitta filter from my grandma.
Shot with my Чайка (seagull) half frame camera from the USSR, made during the 1960s. For this I used some kodak film I exposed to heat (in a water tight box in my dishwasher) a bunch of time, which gave it overall warmer colours. Also the light in this moment was just gorgeous.
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sohannabarberaesque · 11 months
'Tis obvious
You can just imagine your favourite Hanna-Barbera Funtastic types not being the sort to prefer pod-based coffee brewers like K-Cup or Nespresso as opposed to "pour-over" types like Chemex or Melitta. It's all about, more or less, "keeping it simple" and reducing needless and unnecessary waste (as in brew pods which are unlikely to be accepted for recycling).
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
obvs big big fan of the upcoming nasir/agron on this show, but it does feel like there's not enough stuff on especially the women and their development throughout -- naevia and mira in particular (the latter whom I'd fully forgotten until this watch-through, because i don't tend to see her on my dash, and she's such an important character?), but also aurelia and saxa. I'm sure there's more to remember on this rewatch (beyond single season characters like sura and melitta). this is also just a thing for me to pay attention to, there's a lot of narrative in this show i'd just straight-up forgotten
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calicostorms · 1 year
Melitta codex prompt 4 👀please
4: a letter from your oc to their love interest
Codex: A Bloodstained Letter
[A letter written in a sharp, blocky script and dated 18th of Firstfall. There are several noticeable spots of dried blood near the bottom.]
You'll be pleased to hear I'm using the healing potions you snuck into my bag again before this journey. My cuts are all wrapped and I'm drinking the tea blend you want me to try for the blood loss. It tastes like shit. Tell Eljin I'm bringing back a special treat from this mission, courtesy of a local hunter here.
Unfortunately, the darkspawn here mean my magic is more limited than usual— they don't exactly have blood for me to use against them or anything. It sucks. Rion is worried about getting infected; for once I agree with him. I'm taking precautions and whatever just in case.
I miss having you beside me, in bed or otherwise. Your scolding has become comforting and Eljin has taken a fondness for me that intimidates people. When I return I look forward to kicking your ass in the sparring ring and [several words here are scribbled out, as if the writer was embarrassed] I'll come back safe, if a bit waterlogged and dirty.
Mellita Trevelyan
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